PL 10/24/1968 - 7270_ ' � _� : . PLANNING CO1�iSSION MEETING OCTOBER 24, 1968 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL• PAGES APPRaVE PLANNING CO1�IlrIISSION MINUTBS: OCTOBER 10,'1968 1-7 •RECEIVE BOAitD OF APPEALS MINUTES: OCTOBER 16, 1968 � g-9 ORDER OF AGENDA• �, _ . � PUBLIC HEARING fCO�TTINUED): APPROVE PRELA�lINARY PLANS FOR PD AREA AS REQUESTED BY MR. IHJMPHY : � RSVISION TO SIGN AND BILLBOARD ORDINANCE: Please bring your work copy. PROPOSED ZUNING QRDINANCE REVIEW: � Please bxing your work copy. C�zc..e,�a�t." � � Wr`� `i . � / ' . � ' - � �,1� . � � � �� ,�.� _ �-�� � � 0 10-15 n � P%A�I11I11G CQ!lLSSION 1�ETING � OCTOBBR 10, 1968 � PAGE 1 �� The meetiag Was called to order at 7:30 P.IrI. by Chais�oan 8rickaon. Members Preseat: Myhra, Jensen, Brickeon, Bitapatzick Membei Abseat: Mittelstadt Othera Preaeat: 8ngineeriag Assistant Darrel Clark Chairmaa Ericksoa explained that one of the new mewbera had pxaviou� aosittmeats and could not be pzeseat. �S _ C�laS3IE�t MNUT&S ; SEPT@��t 12 , 1968 • Aeferring to Item 1, Public Hearing of the Prelimiaary Plat, P.S. #68•Q5, Great Northera Iadustrial Park, Mr. Myhra stat�d that the Council �inut�s of Septeober 16, 1968 ladicated that Mr. Shav, repreaeating tha Grsat Nosthssn �silaay Coapaay, auggeated to the Couacil that the PlatB � Subdivi�riop�- Str�ets 6 Utilities Subcoaimittee had expressed the opinion tiut ti�ey did uot tbiak protective covenanta as reg�<. ;iag the Great Northera Iadust�cial P�tzk Were necessary.or i'portant and the Rlaauiag Co�issiaa viah to go ou nco�d as atati�g this is �t the case and that th�y feel very strongly theas pro- tective covez►aata ase needed and deeirable. The other �eobers of ti�e Co�iaeioa coacurted. l�lDTTOAT by Myhra, seconded by Jensen, that the Plaauing Co�iaoiaa apgrwa tha mi�utes of September 12, 1968. Upon a voice vote, sll voting aye� tbe aot�on carried unanimouely. �S�VE B011tD �' APPBAIS iIINUTES : SBPT�BR 18, 1968 : MOTION by Jens�, secoaded by Myhra, that the Planning Co�ieaion recaive th� miautes of the aoard of Appeale meeting o£ September 18, 1968. Upom a voic� vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unaa3moualy. �,VB �QARD OB APl'EAi.S ,iII�NTBS : OCTOBER 2, 1968 : 1�7,ZOri by Jene�nn, seconded by Myhra, that the Plumiag Co■■�i��ion rec�iva the minutee of the Board of Appeala meetiag of October 2, 1968. Upaa a voic� vote, ail voting aye, the motion cerried uaaaim�usly. �8IV8 BUI�.DII�iG STAHD�Ait�6-DBSIGN CaldT�tOL l�N[TTBS : SEPT��it 25, 1968 : iDTiON by Idqhaca, seconded by Je�sen, that the Planning Coa�oi�sioq rective tha minutea of tt►e Building 3taadarda-Design Control minutes af Sep�a�her 2S, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motian carried unaaisoa�ly. �Y$ $OILDII�TG STA2IA11it1;�-DBSIGN COfiTT�tOL I�IINU1'83: OCTOBBR 9, 1968: � I�OTION by Myhra, aecanded bq JeaBen, that the Ylaiming Co�iasion s�csive the sinutea of �he �ildia,g Staudarda-Desiga Control miasut�� of Octob�= 9, 1968. Dpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carrisd unaniaou�ly� <� 2 P1a:miaa Commieaion Meet3s�t - October 10, 1968 p�� � � � PABiCS � R�CRBATIO�I CQlQSSION MINUT&S • SEPT�gg 23, 1968: I�DTI0t�1 by Jensen, aeconded by 1�►hra, thst the Planaing Co�eoiesion racsive th� miautes of the P�rlc� � Secreation Co�ission minutea.of Sept�mbar 23, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all voti�g aye, the motion carried unu�imoualy. M�'1ZON bq I�y►hra, seconded by Jeaaen, that the Plaaniag Comir�iop r�c�ivs the miautea o# the Plate 6 Subdivisions-Strestr � Utilities 3ubcaa�itt�e 'ast- ing of October 3, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the �otion carriad unaai�ously. � OF A�G�iD�A: 1. Ct►airman 8xicksoa stated tha meeting would proceed as listed. Coatiaued uatil aext mseting. to Octob�r 24, 2• �IC D�STII�iG: VAGATION 31T1DY OF 7",. AV�TS (PROJECT ST. 1969-3) : Ms. Clifford J. Thoe, 847 109th Lane, Coan Rspida: 1�c. Thoe is tha � oMner of the servic� station on the aorthwest coraer of 73rd Avanu� aad C�atral Av�aue. fle said he could see the object to vacate 73� Av�aue in order to run the stseet through on 73rd Avenue. He has a house on that property cloae to t�ere the intersaction vould be, aad thers are lasge fuel ' taAk� uadesground �ich would be under the rig6t of way. The house face� on Central Avenue and the tanks are in front of it. His problem �►ould ba dsdicating 33 feat at the south ead of the property. Darrel Clark r�nria� the problem by sayiag that if the atrest Wers vacat�d, all the right of vay Would be hald by the City for utilitie�. If they vacate 73� /�vemie, perhapa ths prop�rty o��nera iraild dedicate 33 feet ia the south bouadary of their property for the extension of 73rd Avaaue• lbare are �vm� properties t6at Mould not have public accasa if tha atrast ver.a vacatsd. The public Mas iaformed that, if 73� Aveaus aere vacated, tha propert� aaneri could not build a permsnent structure aver the vacated laad, but could use it for pl�tlnnga or park�ag. The saniag in thi� araa is as follari: Block 1, Lot• 1 to l0 as� C-2S; Lota 11 to 18, -- M-1: Block 2, Lota 1 to 16 are M-1, Lota 17 to 18, C�1. •� Mr. Cari Sorauon, 4615 Uaiversity Avawe li.E.: H�e �aid m iaiprav�d atrsst oa th� aouth •id� of his proparty Mould bs m advaatag�. . Ii 73� � M►eaus wr� vacat�d, he voaderad if a road could b� put an th� noslh sids of Dlock 1. 3 � Com�ission Meeting - October 10. 196$ ,_,�,_���� ��a 3 n Darrel Clark explained that.Couacil ukad if it would b� t�aaibla to trade property. Because of the building of tbs Own plmt and fuCur� ind�a�- trial expaasian, 73sd Avenue was desigast�d to bs a Stat� Aid road and it Mu neceasary for scceea to HigMray #65. If 73� i,a vacatsd� balf of ths right of �ay vould go to the ovaera on ths north �ide of t6� sts�at iad dt� other half to ths aMaers oa the •outy� Cbairoan Bricicsoa stated thi• Wu a fairly sisable psoblr and catld bs seat daNm to the Subco■�pittee for furthes atud�r and call th� prbli� baak. Aa attaopt should bs made to get more of the paople to th� r�tit�. l�ir. Jensea, cb�aisatn of the Plata b Subdiviaiona-StsNta 6 OtilitiM Subcaoittee, said tha public meeting would probably be ia th� �iddls of �lavaesber. ZDTION by l�fira, aaconded by Jmr�u, that tha Plaaain,� Ca�ia�ia� ��ad do+1a to the Plats 6�. Subdivisioa�-$tr�ta b Utilitits Subco�ittss tt�� �attsr of the vacatian •tudy of 73� Avenue (St. 1969-3) with ths ia�tsuction� tbat tba Subco�ittee, in their deliberatioa, �eet vith the ouosrs of tha psopsst�. Opon a vcica vote, all voting aqe, the sctioa carrisd �maal,t�oaai�. It waa explaiaad to the property o�nss� ps�a�at tiitt this stnd� Mould ga to the Subcos�ittee aad in about a aonth or �onth md a hall, tlihr coald expect to haas by mail for the infos�al discuaaion. Tha dsciaioss, if tha Subca�ittee �akss oae, aill co�s back to ths P1a�ains Ca�i�sioa and � th�u to the Cautcil. n 3. �D LO? 3PLIT �QO$ST: L.S. #68-13.,��: Lot 30, Erook- via+r Additioa. Darrrnl Clark s�id he Was advissd by the Citp At�osaa� to s�od tb� requsat back to Ms. Batley asking bia to gat hia vife'• si,�oatuta b��ors the Plaonia�g Co�iaaioa caa continw th� requut. �is Mu dooa, bat w havs not h�ard froa trim. �I� vY J��. •��� bp 1�yhra, to Eable tbs Lot Split R�rqwst, L.S. #68-13, Orvills ltatley, of Lot 30. Brookvi�r AdditicQ. Opon a ooic� vote, all voting ays, ths motian carriad �iaously. 4. L�'� SPLIT �QUES'�: L.S. #68-16. �T iiII.Sat; Lot 4, Block 1, Wilswt Addition. 3plit iato dro SO 9" lota. � Cbaira�a Erickaon said it app�ared th� Board of App�al� and Couacil iw conaurred irith the �cequ�st. The Pl.am�ing Co�i�rioa, about a��at a�o, had reco�ndsd r�saning thi4 lot to �-3 vith no waiv�r of d�s land as^�a. �. 8obart Nil�on said they wanted to build a fourpl�ac, but tbs lot �r�a • onl� large eaough for a trigl�c. She added t6�qc� i� a tir factos b�aua� thay Mmt to build bafore !.t ge�r too cold oth�rrias tl�r �ht aot b� �1� to •�11 if too lata ia the saasan. in t6i� as�a It wa� notad Wat the lot •isu ara �ia� in �ridi� aod tlts iwsu is Colu�bia g�i�ht� ara an 40 foot lota. Sor oi tbs aallss lob i� I'ridlq n are ca■ibiu�d to �alc�s a standard lot. �lannir� Commisaion Meeting - October 10� 1968 _ � The Commiseion ielt the eize o� the lot after the aplit rras not psrtiaularly out of line for thie area. Mr. Fitzpstriok noted that building a eingle family reaidenae (R-1) in an 8-3 zone would be going up, not dowri. De�;rrel Clark eaid this request for a variance was eex�t by Couaail to the Board of Appeale to eee if they would grant a variance befor� the request for a lot split wae made eo that it wauld not be �ecesaary to pa�r the ].ot eplit fee of �15.00 if the varianae would aot be �4nted. The Chsirm�n said there was no objection on the eise of the lote� even though they are below the minimum atandarda, bnt uad�r t6� inconeietancy of the rezoning, it eeemed to him granting �► �raziaDO� and wa►ivir�g the rezoning on ths,t lot, would be in line. MOTION by Jensen� aeconded by Myhra, that the Planuing CoaQi�sion reaommend to Council denial of the Lot Split requeat (L.S. �68-16) Robext Wilson, Lot 1, Block 4, Wileon Addition. Before the vots �+sre taken, there wae f�rther�diecussion. Mr. Mtryra eaid the Commiesion felt it wa,e probably lack of under- etanding of procedure, to eome extent, to�voice spproval of a lot aplit before the Subcoaomittee and Planning Commiseion had atudied the request.� The Plannix�g CommieBion thought they did the right thing when they rezoned for a triplex, and orderly proceduree are eet up to msks ar�y neaeesary ahanges. In thie inetance they felt that orderly procedurea n ehould have been followed and Council could have over-ruled it. They were conourring with the Planning Commieeion recom�mendation of rezoning to R-3. They underetand the Wileone have to try to work with whst tiuy have and that aingle family reeidences would be better. The time taotor involved� if it were a young pereon who had the time to wait, the� wcntld . coneider it differently. Although he eeconded the motion� he atill had the feeliz�g to appxove the split contingent upon the fact thst it ehould be rezoned back to the original zoning of R-1. � Mr. Fitzpstriak eaid he knew the house and area. Ho I�ew th�t they do not want a houae that hae been burned out re-conditior�ed and. didu�t see that wae very feaeible. The suggeetion was that Mr. Wileon could take out one building perait right away axld then petition for the land to be re$oned back to R-1. • Referring to the above motion, a voice vote wae talc�n� all voting m►r. The motion failed. MOTION by Myhra, aeconded by Fitzpstrick, that the Planning Commi��ion r�aommexid to the Council aptxoval of Lot Split L.S. �68-16� Robs�t Wil�om of Lot 4, Block 1, Wileon A�t�ition eubject to the condition th�t a building permit be �anted for pnly one houeo uatil the p�oportT is r�oned to R-1. IIpoa a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion csrfiied ut�aYlimously. � n n n Planniag Com�►iesion Meeting - October 10, 1968 �� g — � - 5• LAT SPLIT RDQIIEST: L.S. #68-15, YILAS M. NAGII,: Lot 4, Block 1, Nage1'e Woodlanda. 6. VACATION RF7QUEST: SAV #68-06, V.M. NAGEL• Lote 1 thru 4, Bloak 1� Nag�el's Woodlands. Drainage and utility eaeement between above lote aad oouth line of Outlot #1. (970 Osborne Road) 7• The Engineerix�g Aeeiatant ezplained that Mr. Nagel �vas seking for a vacation of the eaeements ae given on the plat becauae they are not in use now. The utilitiea would then be put along the line between Lota 4 e,nd 5• He then preaented a letter from the Telephorie Company atating they had no objeotiona to the vacation. MOTION hy Myhra, eeaonded by Jenaen, that the Planniz�g Com�ieeion receive the letter from the Northweatern Bell Telephone Company relative to concurrence of vacatixrg easement in requeet, SAY �68-06, by V.M. Nag�el. IIpon s voice vote, all votirig� aye, the motiQn carried ur�animouely. Mr. IPagel co�nted that, ineofar ae the eaeem�nte are conce�xted, thie goes be►ck to 1962. At that time they did not pay too much attention about putting utilitiee on the bottom of Lote 1 and 2. He rrae aeking the City to move the aewer eaeement dow.n to the bottom'of Lot 4 eo they would hsve more ep�ae between Oeborne Road and the sewer so, if they did want to put in a buildix�g, it would not be over the sewer line. He had never recorded the easement eo that thiP could be an even excYiaag�e. The s�er liae ia in and the easement ie no� of record. MOTI01! by Jenee�, eeconded by l�yhra, that the Planaiag Coaimisaion recommend approval to the Counci? of the vacation requeat. SlV �68-06. Y.M. Nag+el of the drsinage and utility eaeemQnt between Lote 1 thru 4, Block 1, and the eouth line of Outlot #1, Nag+el's Woodlaads. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motic� carried unanimoualy. MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Jeneen, that the Planning Commiaeion coacur with the Plate de Subdivieione-Street da IItilitiee Subaommit�tee sa�d reaom�end approval of the Lot Sp�it requeet, #68-15, of Lot 4� Bloak 1, l�egel�e Woodlande eplitting off 216 feet from the West and that the Psaterly portiaz� of Lot 4 and Lot 1 muet be msintained under single ownerehip. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimouely. a'he Aorth 464 feet a#' Lot , 9uditor' e Subdi For the benefit of the new member on the Planning Co�iseion, a brief review wae given by Mr. Jenaen. Origi.nally� Lot 5 wae much larger, but it had bee�n eplit with Mr. Marzen purchasing the larg+er p�rt. There is vacant land sbuttixlg Mia property, and, �nssmuch ae the Planriing Co�ieaion doee not favor relatively narro� lots� it �rae felt that if it were �eaeible, Mr. Me�rxen ehould aaquire enough land to briag the lota to a minimum lot eize, wh�ch, in the loag run, would be to hie benefit. The �treet dedication in the center of Lot � xae given at the time of the originsl eplit. The Aorth part of the Lot b, rrhich, ia a narrow lat, ie vacant a�d ie �uc forPeit, but the ta�ces are e�corbitant and Mr. Marxsn 5 �� Planriing Com�isaion Meetin�_October 10, 1968 Page 6 , � doee rtot �eel he can purchase it. The south part of the lot has a houee � oa it. Mr. Jensen said that Lot 4 may be plat�ed in the future and there ie the paeaibility of worki.ng with the owner to aaqui�e a porti.on of�the 1and. Mr. Jenaen asked if Mr. Marxen would try to aubmit a revised drawing for the public hearing on November 14, 1968 at 7;30 P.M. MOTION by Jensen, seconded.by Myhra, that the Public Hearitsg on P.S. #68-06, MARXEN TF�R.ACE, THOMAS E. MARXIId, the No�th 464 feet of Lot 5, A.S. #108 be aet for November 14, 1968 at 7:30 P.M. IIpon a voice vote, a17. voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 8. REZOI�ING R IIFST: ZOA 68-12 ROB�iT A. SCHROII3: Easterly 452 feet o� Parcel 000� Section 2: A 1 of Parcel 3150 E. 3 Acres) and Ee,$terly 200 feet of Parcel 3150, Section 11 (Osborne Road dc Hwy. #47). Reaone from M-2 to C-2S . MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Jensez�, that the Planning�Commission aet the Publa.c Hearixig date on ZOA #68-12, Robert A. Schroer of the Eaeterly 452 feet of Parcel 6000, Section 2: al� of Parcel 3150 (East 3 Acres) and Ee►sterly 200 feet of Parcel 3150, Section 11 to November 14, 1968 at 8:00 o'clock P.M. to be rezoned from M-2 to C-2S. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion caxri.ed unanimouely. �� 9• I�'1"1'� ��"I URBAN PLANNING AND DESIGN . INC .: JOHN S. YOSS : � MOTION by Myhra, aeaonded by Jensen, to receive the letter from Urban Planning and Design, Incorporated, John S. Voss, President, to Homer Ankrum, City Manager in coxLnection with a proposed schedule of pert time planning co.nsultant. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unsaimouely. , It wae noted Mr. Voss would prepare the agenda for the Planning Eommiesion and attend the Planning Commiseion meeting�s and at least one Council meeting a month. Mr. Myhra commented that not �aw� the gentleman, it is hard to make a decieion. However, there are many times the Planning Commisaion wished they had.the servicea of a planner. Mr. Fitzpatrick added that the Parka have talked about thie kind of planner. He wondered if his time would be taken up with epecific duties for other committees. Mr. Jense.n said he was sure the general proposal of Mr. Yoas may be deairable, but he did not think it particularly fit the Planning Commission needs. Having a potentia� planner available and making a � reeommendation on every move, would in his opinion, tend to malce a rubber etamp of the Commisaion and he felt that would be bad. However, he recognized the need fo� a planner oxr specific items. There are ma,ny pro�ecte if Fxid7.ey which do need this kind of assistance. With that in n mind, perhaps it would be proper for.the Coc�iseion to ask John Vose to attend a meeting in the near future and diecues some of thie with hita, �►nd , then the Planning Commission could make a decieion. — — — — - — --- ` �].snt�ing Commieeion Meeti.ng - Oatober 10, 1968 p�; 7 � � � Mr. Fi.tzpatrick eaid when the problem of lookix�g for outeide help came up in the Pe►xk Depextment, Ed Braddock wae hired. Mr. Jensen eaid tY�at the help Mr. Braddock providea ie eomewhat more compreheneive than what the Flanning Commieeion would be able to expect f�o�n the pZanner. Chairman Erickeon wondered if euch a pereon would be available on a contract or on call. Mr. Fitzpatrick eaid it seema to become a me��ter of the Plann,ing Commiseion's underetanding of what Mr. Voee had done. It wae decided to check if the budget allows a fairly aizable amount for a plaxaner For thia type of planning and sek Mr. Voas to come in, in Novea�ber . 10. PROPOSID ZOI�TING ORDINANCE: The Commiseion decided to read the Propoeed Zoning Ordi�anoe privately until the f1re� meeting in Movember when a meeting will be eet up to discus� it together. 11. MHYSO FRCNI CITiC MANAGIIi: RE T.H. #47 SIItYICE �tIVE AT 57TS: The E�gineering Aasietant said that if thie happens, Holiday rill put a road eaiat of the apartmente to line up with the present Third Street. Thie will be deeded back to the original ownera who will then deed it to Holiday. n MOTION by Jeneen, secanded by Myhra, that the Planning Commiesion �receive the Memo �rom the City Man�ag+er dated October 9� �9� relative to T.H. #47 Service Ro�►d at 57th Avenue. IIppn a voice vote, a].l voting sye, the motion carried unanimouely. ADJOURBH�N'P : I�TION by Myhra, eeconded by Fitzpstrick, that the meeting be adjourned at 10:05 P.M. Reepectfully eubmitted, r � ��✓�' gsz� o � �tYnx Recording Secretary n . S THE MINtITES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS ME�I'ING OF OCTOBEft 16 1 68 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Mittelstadt. � MEMBERS PRESENT: MII�IBERS .ABSENT c t}THE�iS PRESENT: n Don Mittelstadt-Chairman, Bob Minish Mike 0'Bannon, Bob Ahonen Clarence Belisle-Building Inspector ;� The minutes of the October 2, 1968 Board of Appeals.meeting, were approvecl by those members pre5ent, even though they did not constitute. a quorum. Two important points were brou$ht out by the Chairma.n, Mittelstadt: 1. That Council should immediately appoint a"fifth" Board of Appeals member. 2. That it is a City Ordinance and Board of Appeals ground rule, that the City Manager attend all Board of Appeals meetings and act as Board Secretary. 1.. A RDQIIEST FOR VARIANCE OF SECTION 45•26, RIDUCTION OF FRQNT YARD SETBACK FROM 35 FE�T T0-25 FEET TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF A DWELLING 3 FEET IN DEPTH AND MAiNTAIN A 25 FOOT REAR YARD ON LOT 1, BLOGK 3, IDGEWATEft GARDEN'S, ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA THE SAME BEING 66 � ASHTON AVENUE N.E. FRIDLEY MINNESOTA. R UEST BY LARS G. ANDERSON,_ 4024 JEFFII�SON STREET N.E.. COLiTN�IA HFTCHTS_ NtTNnrF�mm� NOTE: Because there is no quorum, and no resolution ca,n be passed, it nevertheless rema.ins that members present can offer stated opinions for future Council action. Mr. Lars G. Anderson was present to present his proposal. It is the opinion of the Board members present that the variance be granted as: � 2. A 1. There was no one present in opposition to the variance. 2. � Ther�e is no existirig structure immediately to the South of this property. 3. The.v�riance meets alZ other physical requirements;i.e., does not �resent traffic ha,zaxd, does not obstruct view of other dwelli.ngs, . � - -._.. _ .. - etc. _ - R A SPECIAL IISE PERMIT AS PER SECTION 45.19 2d FOR THE CONSTRTTCTT�N OF A NURSING HOME IN AN R-1 2 ANOKA COIINTY MINNESOTA THE REQUEST BY MEDICARE DEVELOPN. NG ON PART OF.O EING 7574 LYRIC LANE, FRIDLEY, . , 64o xArr� Towgt, MINNEAPOLIS ION, Mr. Joseph Gitis, representing Medicare Development Co., was present to offer to the Board, the plans for the hursing Home, special use permit (See the October 2, 1968 Board of Appeals agenda a.nd minutes.) It is the opinion of the Board that the special use permit be granted to Medicare Development Co. for these reasons; 1. The plans shown to the Board members, after their review, seem very adequate and certainly coneistent to good building standaxds. � The plans are available for Counail review (two sets of plans). � BOARD OF APPEALS - OCTOBER 16, 1968 PAGE 2 2. Joseph Gitis was asked to have a plot plan available at the next Council meeting to offer a clear understanding of paxking lot facilities, the location of the proposed building on the lot, . driveways,�outdoor lighting, etc. 3. If a lot split is neceasary, application wiil have to be made, and soon, by Medicare Development Co.. 4. The nuraixig home concept fits very well into the hospital, clinic, nursing home type center. 5. The special use permit previously granted had expired and construction had not started. 6. The unit will be a free enterprise agency pa,ying full share of taxes• � j. A.RDQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45•362, REDUCTION OF FRONT YARU SETBACK FROM 100 FEET TO 60 FEET TO PERMIT GONSTRIICTION OF A GARAGE FOR THE PORPOSE OF STORAGE OF MAINTENANCE VEHICLES IN AN M-1 DISTRICT ON LOTS 1 AND 4, BLOCK 1, NAGEL'S WOODLANDS ADDITIOIV ANOKA COUNTY MINNESOTA THE SAME BEING 80 OSBORNE ROAD FRIpLEY, MINNESOTA. REQIIEST BY J& W BUILDING ACCOIINT, 8411 CENTF�?. DRIVE N.E., . MTI1TWTi�AU(1T.TC MTTTIAL�C/�R1A � . . . �� n Mr. Wallace Anderson, J& W Building Account Representative was present to present the proposal to the Boaxd. . Mr. Vilas M. Nagel was also present. � The opinion of the Board members was to grant the vaxiance to permit construction of a garage , for the following reasons; 1. All other buildings in the 900 block of Osborne Road are 60 feet from �he street except Woodcrest School, which is 40 feet from the street. Therefore, the building site is consistent with other structures. 2. There was no one present to offer opposition. 3. The building will be an improvement in�the immediate area. 4. The proposed atructure offers no obstruction to traffic on Osborne Road. Trucks, autos, etc. leaving the premises have full view of Osborne Roa.d traffic in either direction. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, DON MITTELSTADT Acting Secre.tary � , . . �-' n a 6 ��� -0FFICIAL NOTICE . CITY OF FR�DLEY PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE. PLANNING CONIMISSION _ : �.� . TO WHOM`IT MAY CONCERN - WH�REAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Fri,dley, Anoka County, Minnesota,.has received a request for - a.pp �va1 of a Preliminary Developmen.t Plan�'ox that area now . zoned, Planned Development District (PD) and legally described as follows: � Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,:5, and 6, All.in Block A Riverview Heights, together with the vacated street and that portion of the ri.ght of way of the Minneapolis, Anoka and Cuyuna Range Railroad Company that lies between-the North line of Lot 4 and the South Line of Lot 1 extended, West. Lots 1 thru 6, Black 1, Lots lthru 1� Block 2, Bourdeaux's Spring Brook Addition. Lots 1 thru 17, Block 1, Spring Brook Park 2nd Addition. Lots 32 thru 35, Block 10, Spring Brook Park Addition, . All lying in Section 3 t30, R24 City of Fridley,County of Anoka, State of Minnesota. NOW THEREFOI�E, Notice is hereby given that on �Che 25th day of July, 1968, at 8:00 P.M. the Planning Commis�sion will meet in the City fiall in said City and will at said time and place hear all parti�s interested in the development o£ said property and will receive testimony and evidence from the petitioners and all other interested�parties relative to the groposed Preliminary I�evelopment,Plan. Dated �his 27 day of June, 1968, by 0rder of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley. . � Publish: Ju.ly 10, 1968 July 17, 1968 ROBERT J . EiUGHES Chairman Planning Commission _ �� � rl�?�:)1l�t' i e�►� y'.. Y{i /tl/ ;Vf74'�;J/ 10�� l • e� ! 5� �¢�! ` t'1 .2 ;; i 1 9 �l ,z `i � _ . i I� ,;.:. + ' 3r. QD T/ �f .� ' �,��x. �..� � � r � • ?' • ri � ei� i r P� � t. 1. � �� �it�,tu..tt�1'� J , �.. .. . . , .. . = i .. .'. •• � f %�f. I'. �• . . .. . « . ,, j ,.. . '• 'r! :,� •�ct.�.t A/ w i �B ill9i J' �I7 7 7/ lo ,y 7: 6�' f S� � f w / 0 t o t 4! t . �, � ` ',. �r o�lr •�.�.. 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'k`A a. .'J. � .. �w� �� •� i..�� ,4•. � ^�,." ,� �i �1� �•s .�.� RU �. .- Right-of-way o£ Mpl: t � � �'� AIK�10N � �� 3 �`t �� : � '� � � Anoka � Cuyuna1RangE "�. • y .,N.; , ,�," »+ - ,r„r .-," �y'4"'"" ��� r•�+ R . ;�'�":� Railroad SE /4 0� -���:� `� =} ' i���' ' ` •, �s . � � .�:_ ...�:.. � .�' �� NW1/4 af Section 3, . _� �, � u� ''� � � ; . ; ��� lying West of Lo 1 .^�. ,� N ,r�: �. i,l. � `�� `�:f` , t� f,� r•` to Lot 4, f� Lot 1, 1 � _�. � � � � � r . � ' _ .. �, � a•.�$ � .� :,_�,: _..w : �.., ;, .! Block Z, Bourdeaux - ` * .:ri, .� r. �"s'"°.r" . i. d � . _:,r�.,, � �� � .. S rin Brook Park -��s �,� . * . � ". , _, � �r,d` .'�w�.. ... � • � • ,.�.. P g sO � � ��IP - A +'� .•. ; , ,Y ^ .Q,. � �,.; Addition. (440 Hugo) �.�,t y H � ��' �.�+ +:�,; � � .�• �s ..�; r�i.� �.�.:� #68-10A - LOtS 32- '.l��•M�. ��' � �; k. :��� � ��� a ';� ,..;C�RC�.� ����' v 3 E �..�' ,. � k �� . E. ,#i 5, Block 10, Spring .y�.K... r� :, � � + •, '� ;�' �� � ""..`' �. � �' �": ' � ' Brook Park (Ruth St .�. ��,� � . ' fb"-"�' . . ' ' ; � _ � � r t, _ :. �_ �. s . ..�� � i `. ' �� . `: : �.'! p _ .�„ �r+ t•'. . , . .n, ,� � !t . s ��. � .��` � � . Y• ' � ' • - �1� , � .. ? � . �"� " � m a . K ti /D y�� •e , __ . i' f�e r �h . ,/3 � 3� r' �� �� � � " ` " " � , y . t , � _ �,�. : � �C . 3¢ � . .� t B ' �Z ---��dit� .._ _� � �; ; � 33 - W ' � • , • . � �� �`� � � • .., , �; �' .�'/,2 � � �.� /S � �_`_ 3Z; , _ �a,{ � 1 3 4 S � � s 9 /o n /2 /3 /9 /� /G I� /O /9 1 � 2/ ,tl? � �� • � � . • � � : '� : �.. �o�> ..,..:� -�- : � ,. ;-�`�� --..._ �,. � , - - � ! ' �,. � R � �. 5.1' t�� �'�� //Jr/ ,� .�� e� r • �'•: • � �� � ' .�}� � •r � «T7r-J N7� � '' � e ° 7� . � ' ' . r �• • ` k � �' • a� I __ � ��b. ...` i.��� . V GI..I � _ ' . ' .•v� . } i• • i �1�i11 /B /7 /% /S /4 /�'' ww_y w .������%0 �,�� � �I L,�G�Yi•.�u��; � , 1� � •��:. r �0 r• i . .L'��� .�. �^�����y .e)�. `�f�.. 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I I• /I' . � A�, •�' L��_ // 1 3 �1 /6 G t�/.f 0/ t A i .. . �'� � ��b 3 , . ��� . 1 °' ' � /O • •. !0 � . 10 . • \ • . V � � ' - � V� � , �Y���� � " '� � �` ' " - �� }� � . R � � � � �� � � � t ` � M ` ` �, , . . . . . � ? . : ��CB ,�� G� "�j ��'� ��� ,• 3 • 3 Z/ 0 9 B 7�?s e� zi U r� . _ �- � �.•rt� � � .� � � < ,. ; ' ��•--- � � . i: e Ir' ,• J. . � • \';.'�' �'� 4 4 . � j� io '` r � nr �r • t +4 �' . �' �.Zf � � � �� � • 'I"19 '— \��..► � � � .L�.tG: r �� S1 rn ii /� /� �s . r ' ..,. J8 . � `' , . - - - D -- - - . .. I .,�. ,I . .1. _ .. ��� TH8 MINUTBhS OF THE SPECIAL PUBLIC H�RII�G COiJ1t�CIL lrIBET?.�iG OF' �i OCTOBER 14, 1968 Mayor Kirkham called the Special Public Hearing Council M�ee�inq to order at 8:00 P.M., October 14, 1968. PLSDGS OF ALL�GIANCE:� Mayor Kirkham reque�tod the audience to stand and join the Council in sayinq the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: 1�t61�8RS PRESENT : MBI�iRS ABSENT: 'i��• �, • �� Kirkham, Liebl, Sarris {Arrived None Satauelson, Sheridan, at 9:10 P.M.) Mayor Kirkham said thit Item �#6: Appointment to Board of Appeals, was to be laid over u�til the next regular meeting. He aaid that � there were two additions to the Agenda t�ihich were: Item #9: Co�aunication from Jan►es Hensley, Public Health Sarii- tarian: Resignation It�n �lOs County Court Space Rental n �I�OTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt the Aqenda as ametid�d, Se- conded by Councilman 8amuel$on. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham dec�lared the motion carrfed. X BUBLIC iiBAR G ON REZON NG �UgST (Zp�A #68 10 & ZQA #68 10A) GE 2�S FROiI R-1 TO P D. (l�Qt. DiJM�TiY1 Mayor Kirl�am read the public Hearing Notice to the audience, ar�d asked tho City Enqineer to give � short explanation of the Plati- ning Commiss.ion's reco�amet�dations. The City 8ngineer eaid that the planninq Comanission has held a� Publ ic Hearinq on th• reqtte�t for rezoning these 2 a�eas from R-1 to Planned Developa�t. He explained that the Pla�uiing Con�nission felt that this r�queet should be approved arid inclur�3d under the pD District so the Couneil could control the use of these parcels also. Ut�der the prea�nt soning the d�veloper could use the land for parking as he wiah�d, without the co�trol of the Council. He ahowed th� areaa in question on the screen for the information of the audiance. He remindad the Council that they had receiv�d a peti- tion againat this andta�ll rezoninq tn thss ara�a prevtously. = � O JE� « , �.. SPECIAL PUBLIC H`��3�1G MEETING OF THE COUNCI�,, OCTO�ER 14a "}��°-:� ,�AGB 2 � Mayor Kirkham called for objections from the audience. Wyman Smith was present representing the people in the area of the Planned Development District, and said that a group of neiqbboacs had gotten together with him last Friday. He said that it is his understanding that this request is in addition to the original PD. He said that in this area there are all single fa�aily resi- dences and when the people bau ght there, the land was zoned for R-l. He said that they were very m�ch concerned about the effect of thie PD due to the increase of traffic, noise and many•more children. He said that the Supreme Court has delved into th is problem of multiple dwellings next to single family residences, and there has been some concern with health and the security of the people living i.n residential ar�as. He said that they are also concerned.about property devaluation, and there is also the question of roads, sanitary sewer systems, and the prcablem of whether they are adequate to take care of a much more densely populated area. He said that"this has come about since these people bought their homes and they feel that this rezoning does, in effect, take away their property without compensation. Mr. Gary Pearson, 281 Ely Street, said that he has gon e over th is � beforo. There were notices sent out, but he did not receive one, although he did receive a copy of the Planning Con�aission.Minutes. He said that he thought that this constitutes spot zoninq, and that it would seem to him that when a City starts developing, there must be some sort of planning to allow for residential areas, business areas, industrial areas, etc. He said that when he bought his haae the land was R-1. He s� d that he feels that the Planning Com�nission and Council are derelict in their � duty in not preventing this spot zoning, as it is detrimental. He said that it would se�m tY�at a bu5iness area would be a better place for an apartment house, rather than an R-1 district. He said that the people in this neighborhood did not need any addi- tional shopping facilities as there is already a grocery store close by, and shopping centers and medical facilities within 3 miles of this area. He said that he understood that it was Councilman Samuelso�'s opinion that the tax revenue to the City would be much greater than if it remained as an R-1 district, haaever, this is not im�pr�rtant tc i:he people immediately involved. He said that as Councilman Samuelson is a builder, perhape he has a personal interest in this. �ie said tiiat he undsrstood that the first co�cept was for townhouses, but since financing could not be procured, the apartment coiaplex was devised. Mr. Peareon said that he had heard from Mr. Dumphy, that the developer could put � a parking lot on this land anyhow without the rezoni.riq. He SPI9CIAL COUNCIL 1KE8TING OF OCTOBffit 14, 1966 p�g 3 n poin�ed out tia�t th�e i.� �a�����y ��a ���a���;���� ��a �� �2n� railroad tracks east of the area, �aad �s,� £�lt ��� �.� ��� �,� permitt�l, it would be a ghet�o ar�a in 20 yeas�, aa�d th�t i� ��d not seeia intelligent planning to put in a a�u,l�iple dwelli�g ar�a within 300' of an R-1 District. ltayor Kirkham said that this Council is not pushing thie, but �rhen any good zoning ordinance is written, it �st c6n�afn prov�,s�o� for anY land awner to,attempt to rezone his la�nd, if he so des�reeo He explainad that thi�-is simply a public H�atir�g and the Council wil,l not be passiaag judqement at this time. Councilman Samuelson �aid that he has had no contact with 1�. DumphY, and the inferqnce that he could gafn a contract ia out of order and he requested that further inferences such aa tbis pleaae be discontinued. Mr. Jerry Potts, 8066 Ruth Street, said that he objected to t hia chaAqe of plans which would allaw p.D. and the shoppinq c�nt�r. He aaid th�t this would increase the children in an area �eYe th�ro is already a laCk of adequate parks and playqrownds. 8e pointed out that in busine8s areas it seems t1�at t2zere i�r al�rays n the probl�m of paper blawiag about. Hs also pointed out t2ie prablam of the traffic conqeetion as this would add parhspe 100 - 200 more cars, and there is already a pro�lem of qattirg onto saet River Road. He said that he must abject becauae ho feels that not awch consideration has been qiven to tha adjacetit property a�vners. He aaid that he must alao object as wh� he bouqht his property, it was R-1 in the area, and thare waa no zoninq niap showing anythinq but R-1. He fe�t that prop�rty values would decrease with �nythinq but R-l. Mr. William Forster, 298 aly Stroet, said ti�at he liv�s on the carnar of $ly a�d Ruth Street, He said that it was bro�ght up at tha planain�q Coumi$s ion �1�eet inq the fact . that the psice of a peraon� prop�rty after ��-�artment co�plex qoe� isi caMS dcwn 5% - 109G. He asked w+ho wi�1 make up the differenc� th� individusls will los• on their proparty. He asked Councilmtn Saaa�ol��, �y� since ha is their Couucilman, he ie not more concernad, Council- � nan Samouelson anawered ti�at he did not f�el that he l�ad to �ay eith�r yea or no, until a�ter the public Hea,tiAq. Nr. Fotst�r asked haw much will it cost to put in se�ar for the apsrtment houee. Msyor Kirkham answered that anything requested by tiie . apas'tm�t compl� anc7 beuefitting thaat, would b� _asseos�d to thra. n Ha �aid tiut wh.nev�r,asaoa�nt� are made, th�y a�� q�,y ��� bet�fittin9 PrapertY• Mr. Fotet�c a►�kked abc�t oiq�al li�ta. aad haw mueh th�y vrould coet « Th� City E�ngin�� attiaaE�c1 abQUt � � .; V�E� . ,, . SPECIAL PUBLI� a=:�SNG MEETING OF OCTOBER 14, 1968 p,A��' � � $34,000. Mr. Forster asked who would pay for them. Councilman Liebl answered that since East River Road is a County Road, � could be pn id by the Cau nty and � by the City. T'he City 8�qineer addec]'that as to the question about the sewer, of course there would be more sewage with an apartm�nt canplex, however, � the line would not have to be redesigned as it is an 8" line now arul adequate for any local areas. Councilman Liebl said that t3ze whole project is assessed the same, as there would ba more sewaqe goinq through the pipes from the apartinent house, they would have to p�,y nwre. He pointed out to the audience that the major portion of the rezoning has already gone through, and this hearinq is only on 2 small areas and these are the areas which we should be talkinq about. The City Sngineer added that the Ordinance was passed March 24, 1967 and 15 days after publication, it b�cauae law. Mr. Forster �aid that the people on the balcony of the apartment would be able to look right dawn on his house. The City Engineer said that there will be another Public Hearing for the purpose of app�rovin�g the final plans, and that would be the time to discuss this problem. Mr. Forster said that he wished to state � that he is not for the rezonir�g nor the coanplex. Mayor Kirkham explained again that the major portion of the land has already been zone�d to P.D. and it is law. Mr. Potts said that he ob- � jected to any chaage in the 2 areas in question and he objects to the whole P.D. District. Mayor Kirkhaia pointed out that the 2 areas in question ate the areas shavn on the map with diagonal hash marks, and this is the only portion that can bQ considered. Mrs. Stan Moritko, 228 $ly Street, said that she felt that the community must stand fixm on th.is small rezoning to protect their interesta. She said that these are their hon►es where they live. _ Mr. William Young, 6121 Ruth Circle, said that he realized that the major postion o£ the land has already been zoned to P.D. He said ; that he raceived;a letter at the time of the rez.onin�g with the name of 9ci3ros�ier on the Hearing Notice. He said that he went to tha Pl�ing Cc>mnission Public Hearing and it was his under- standirig fr� M�. Schroeder that what was being considered were taiwri houses, with: just a s�►all apar.tment complex. He said that he felt ti;�t t�e anc' his neighbors were confirmed in this belief by the fasct th�t �. Schroeder aws�ed and 1 ivecl in an expens ive � h wae in the a�ea . Councilsan sheridan aaid tiiat the Planning Commtssion recommended approv�l a�d $uqgested-�hat the Cowncil r+equsst Mr. Dumphy supply ri proof of pu��8e of the.1°and in question. He asked 1�. Dua�hy if he has don� thi�: -Nr. i3t�m{�My �sid that ha has the papers with h�n. � � 3p$CIAL PUBLIC H�I�3� MSETING OF OCTOBER 14, 1968 PA�� 5 Ha said that the awner of the section on Huqo Street had been killec7, so he had to e�eal with the .estate, but that thia ha� b�ea aettl�d. In the otheY section, Lote 32 and 33 had be�n lying dormant, and he had txouble locatinq the owner. Howevsz, ho found the a�mer in Sun Valley, California and has since pu�cchswd: this property. CouACilmin Samuelson asked Mr. Du�apiiy to qiva a brief d�tcrtpti�► of his proposed iand use for these areas. llt. Dumphy said ti�at th� south area �►ili be us�d as parki.nq space atyd to provid� a buffer area to the residents, and the north area will give acc�ss to Hugo Street and will be us� to provide additional parkiag area. Mr. Ralph•Officer, 315 Hugo Street, said that he had followed. this from its inception. Z'he first Planninq Co�amisaion lLiinutes indicated that Mr. Schroeder was the petitioner. Up until the ti.ms of the actual r�oning, Schroeder waa on all thm records. He understsnds that 3� . Dum�t3y d id have t itle to th� pro�p�cty . 8� said that the Plantiing Cwamission has recommended approval of theee 2 areas for resonir�g as Mr. Duwphy coulci put in a bla�ck- topped parkinq lot ariyhaw. He said that he did not fsel that th� Planninq Caamission and Council . ere aware that Mr. Duaiph�► also owns rno�re land in this area and wor�dered what would prevent !�. Dum�phy fran adding on more and �a� e land into the B.D. District in a snaw balling efiect, such as next year, maybe submitting another request of this same nature to be aaaea to the District. He felt that there should be aome kind of curta�lirig of the aAwunt w'hich could go into this Diatrict. He said that Whan this waa originally d'iscussed, the iclea was toMm hous�s, but when financiug cauld not ise obtained, it was casually dropped and the aparta�t complex formulated. Mr. Pearson said that he felt that the oriqinal plan with town houses and Ely Street ending in a cul-de-sac would have b�en a nice addition, it wo�tld look like residential property. �Tvw, he would like to see it as an R-1 Diatrict. Councilman Liebl said that he has not seen the plans. They car before the Council a}3out a year and a half ago, but s3nca then there were some chanqes made, and he £elt that he would have to see ths plans in order to make a n�ature and com�etent judq�t. Councilm�u� Sheridan aaid that the wholo program waa brou�t in in 1966. Z"hs proposal nvw is something very different than what � th� oriqinal proposai was. With aay poasibl� chanq�a in this proposal, th• people atill took in qood faith that it would �till bs towa houaes which thay w�ace� willirng to accept. He said tbat b� could feei w'hat the people are n�r goinq throwgh, and ur�til sueis tim� ae he can see the plan$ he would be unable to snak+� a judqa�t. �� ` ! .i . O�,E2 Sp$CIAL PUBLIC HEARING rI�ETING OF OCTOBER 14, 1968 �?��� 6 � Councilman Samuelson pointed out that ii the applicat�.on had been made under R-3 zoning, .the Cuuncil could not hav� st�pp�i �ia�a but under Pl�ned Development the Council still has control and the right to review the plans, thereby providing protection of the people's �interests. Mr. Young said that he felt that it should revert back to R-1, as the plan was sold on the basis of being tawn houses, then later changed over to apartment houses, therefore, the whole rezoning should revert back to what it was origir�ally. Mayor Kirkham said that tY�e ordinances are set up so that any home owner can apply for a zoning chanye, and the Council cannot arb itrarily charige back. Mr. Curtis Walberq, 2G5 Ely Street said that they live about 200' from this complex and he yelt that Councilman Sheridan sua�aed up what they felt nicely . A,neiaber o� the audience asked Council- man Sa�auelson if he would like to live across the street =rom a cottq�lex such as this. Councilman Samuelson said that he mic�ht not like it, but that he would not object, arrd he would question any fina;ncial loss that the people have been talking about having to take. Mrs. Moritko asked Councilman Samuelson how much ad- vantage, tax�wise would tt�::re be in the apartmant complex over R-1. Councilman Samuelson answered about 3 times as nwch per acre. D�lr. Potts asked what about the schools, as there would be more ch�,l�en. Mayor Kirkham said tnat there are less children of schoal age in apartment houses than in residential areas. When questioned on this, he said that these were not his statistict,but had come from the schools. Mrs. Jack i�aklich said that she was concerr�ed about the schools. She said that the buses are overcrawded naw. She said that two yea�CS ago their children had to be bused across the river to qo to school, now thei r new school is completed, and she did not want to see it becocae ovarcrawded. She also pointed out that in this da� arzd aqe nearly everyone has two cars, which would make nare conqestion. b�. hlyman Smith said that probably the hang-up is adjusting a P.D. District into an R-1 District comfortably. He said that these people felt that they could live with a tawn house type of develop- n10nt, but, were not appraisetl o� the change in plans which would n affect the density of the area considerably. He said that he aqroed with the Mayor in that an ordinance must atlav any land owner the right ta apply for a zoning change, and aleo appreciated . � SpBCIAI, pLTgZIC HEARING MSETING OF OCTOBER 14, 1968 PAGS 7 �_ . the faat that with P.D. there is_ a•great degree of fl�cibility. Z'hta i.f what is conce�ni.ng: these people. 2'hey sit back in their homes,,- thinki.ng that there w!ill be a ta�m hous� typ� of develog- ment, then upori finding out that it is to be apartmenta the�y are understandably upset, and confused as to what can and cuz not go into a P.D. District. He said that thesa peoplo have a qood com�nit� a�cea there and these peopls are £earful that the com- plex will char�qe t��a ;character of their neighborhood. He said that he would agree �ith Councilman Sa�auelson that an apauctaNant com�lex would increaae the tax base, but it seem�ci to hia that there is alre�dy eno�gh R-2 and R-3 areas to be developed, and vety little R-1 left� � Mr. Du�phy said that the original plan shvwed town hous�s, then it was found that thi� would be inadvisable, so this �r plan was devised. which went through the narmal chann�ls ar�d approved by Council. He said that the people have been talkinq a�bout the whole area being R-1.< but this is not the case as all oi Fair- mont Circle was zoned C-1-S.. trlhen he tried to qet finat�cinq, he found that it could not be done as the town houses would face the backs of the shopping areas. This is why the plaaas ware chanqod. Mr. Dum�phy went to tbe map arul pointed out a portion o� Bourdeaux � Sprinq Broak Addit ion that would be land-lock�d, a�c7 this ia why the additional reque�st tonight, to gain acc�ss to Huqo Stse�t. Ha said that h� thinks this is a good plan and utilisns ti�e land better than under the.form�er zoning before the Planned D�vslop- n�ent want. through. He said that part of �e l�ttxl will bo k�pt r�atural and that the�e are provisions for buffars for lchs p�ople. Mr. Forster asked Mr.�Samuf" :on if he had been up into this area to look it over. Cot�cilmsn Samau�lson �aid that he h�td bNn up thare many tiawe, anc� had be�n throu�h the ares since ti�e streets, curbs and gu�ters ha�e been put in. Mr. Stanlagr M�oritko, Mr. Jerry Potts and Kermit Teiq�n said that - they had not received notices. 1�layor Kirkha� said if t1�ry lived within 300' , thoy sl�c�uld have rac�i,ved them, uriless th�ry werlt to a con►txact for deed l��lder. Mr. Stanley M�oritko ask�ci v�hen this � will be� brought back. - l�ayor Kirkham told hi� that it wauld be back at the asxt N�se�inq. M4TI�t by Councilman Sanwelson to close the public H�cing on the Reqoning Raquost ZQA #68-10 & ZOA #68-10A to chanqe 2 areas fran R-1 to �lanned Devela�a�nt by Kr. Dunqahy bo cloaed. S�con�ied by Counci].a�an Lie�l. Upon a voice vote, all vating ay�, Nayo�r n Kirkhaua d�cl��ci the , mot ion car�l�ci . ; SP$CIAL PUBLIC HEAR7NG MEETING OF OC1!OBER ]a, � 1968 t P�.%;�; � �' - � ; � • � � _ � �. � � ;� � �a � � � - � Y��'� .s� ' �i_._�. � , �'� ' • ' � 1'i ,i� : :a. COilD1CIIJ@1N IiARRIS ARRN�D AT 9:10 P.�L. lrl�ayor K�rkham read the Public Heari.ng Notice to the aud3�ence, and asked the City B�ngineer r'or a brief run-do�m. 7."he City Bnqineer said that as the Council is aware, this is directly in front of the area recently re�oned to R-3, in Bab's Produce area. 2'hey ate dedicati:ng 13' on the easterly portion of their property. The developers of the apartment complex have submitted plans to the Building Standards - Design Control Subcommittee for their developm�ent in this area. He said that he would suygest holding up the 2nd reading of the ordinance, if the Council wiehes to approvs it, uritil iinal plans are approved for the area being developed. He said that there will be six lanes of trsffic on Sast Riv�r Road a�d that the City would be giving up 24• road eas�ent, and the developers of the complex are d.eding back 13' for street right of way . Couneil�an Liebl said that Jladge Jahnson is int�reated in who will be paying for this street down by his house. lrir. Jim Gibbs e�cplained to Judqe JohnBOn that what ia baing discusaed is the vacation of an ea�ement but it does not go into the Judge's property. As the plans ara nvw, they would not affect the nidqs'e proporty. �'h-e City $ngineer said that this is just a re-adjuet- ment of �ast River Road right of way and would not�change the trafiic pattern in the Judge's area. Cout�cilma� Samuelavn asked what th� status of the int�rsoction is with ths County now. Th� City �ginear said that they want the City to get the right of way and the City warits thena to. 'I'his is the problem, to acquire the neceesary right of way. T'his would be an. step tvward the total .:.ntersection plan. Councilman Liebl asked about the Gertzar: proparty, Councilzaan Samouelson point�d out that Murphy oil Company backed out on their cometitt- ment to Mr. Gert�en. Cauncilman Liebl said that tl�e Council was always willinc,� to cooperate with 1rlr. Gertsen and Murphy Oil Co. 1'he City 8ngineer said that this is the way we wauld like to hava the plan, and this was the infarmation provided to Mr. Gertzen and the 1�urphy 011 Company representativea. MOTIC3N by Councilman Lisbl to close the Public Hsaui ng on th• Vacation Request (SAV #�68-05) 24' Siatvice Driva Ea�unt, Wost and_Parallel to East River Road R�quested by 1Kr. Lindberg. 3econded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voic. vote, all votinq aye., Mayor Kirkham declareci the nwtion carried unariimously. � � � ^ �