PL 05/09/1968 - 31007�''�'1 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MAY 9, 1968 PAGE 1 ROLL CALL: The Meeting was called to order by Chairman Hughes at 7:35 P.M. MENlBERS PRESENT: Myhra, Jensen, Hughes, Ylinen, Erickson OTHER.S PRESENT: Darrel Clark, En.�ineering Assistant APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: APRIL 25, 1968 On Page 3, sixth par , aph, Mr. Erickson called attention to an error in the wording of the motion which should read "Upon a voice vote, Member Erickson abstainin „ the motion carried." Chairman Hughes asked that the last sentence on Page 2 be omitted as it was irrelevant. On Page 5, the paragraph before the motion, at the request of Mr Erickson, should read, "Mr. Erickson said it seemed to him that rezoning of this propert,y and the question of this type of complex would be an asset to the communit.y and uTe should be able to eliminate once and fo-r all the proble� ^ of the North parcel i.n question." - MOTION by Jen.sen, seconded by Myhra, tha� the Pla.nning Commissio.n approve the m�nutes of April 25, 1968 subject to the abo�e cor�ections. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unatiimously. RECEIVE PLATS & SUBDIVISIONS-STREETS & UTILITIES SUBCOMMITTEE MIN[TTES: MAY 3, 1968: . Chairman Je.nsen requested -the following corrections be made and incorporated in the mi.nutes: On Page 1 the size of the tract is quoted by Mr. Siverts as seven_acres. The last two para�raphs on Pa�e 1, where the letter "D" is used describing a Parcel, this is i.n erro� and the le-tter "B" should be inserted. The MOTION on Pa es 1 and 2 should be corrected as. follows: "MOTION by Nagel�, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Plats & Sub- divisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee recommend a�proval of Lot Split, .L.S. #68-08, as described in map referred to at the Subcommittee meetin of Ma,y 3, 1968, subject to the dedication of the remainin part of Lot F for street purposes a.nd also sub'ect to combini.n� Lots B and C into one lot labelled C. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion�carried unanimously " � MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Ylinen, that trie Planning Commission . receive the minutes of the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee meeting of May 3, 1968 as corrected above.. Upon a voice vote, all voting a,ye, the.motion c�.rried unani�ou:ly. Planning Commission Meetin� - May 9, 1968 Pa e 2 ACCEPT MINUTES OF COMMITTEE ON ORDINANCE RFV�EGT: APRIL 25, 1968: � ! i MOTION by Frickson, seconded by Jet�sen, that the Planni.ng Commission accept the minutes of the Committee on Ordinance Review of April 25, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the uiotion carried unanimously. ORDEft. OF AGENDA : It was noted that tlie person who would represent Item 1 had not arrived, so that the Commission revexsed the order, taking Item 2 first. 1. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. #68-08, ING T. SIVERTS.� JR.: Part of I,ot 1, Revised Auditor's Subdivision #10. Mr. Siverts was present, and he passed revised drawings to the members of the Commission. In describin� the easement which the State of Minnesota has in order to reach the dam site, Mr. Siverts said that you start at County Road H at the 66 foot s�;rip (Parcel F� and follow it due South on the same line to the dam site. As it stands, the City would not be able to use the easement if the State should give it upe Mr. �rickson asked Mr. Siverts if he had any objections to giving the City an easement over the same right of way that the State has. Mr. Sivexts thought it would be up �to the State and, as far as he kriew, th,ey hadn.'t been to the dam site for seven years. �' Mr. Siverts explained that the reason for Parcel F being where it is is ; because it is the only access for the parcel of land to the East of it. He thought i;hat would take care of the access to the Creek dam, and the Fontaine land to the South. The Chairman asked Mr. Siverts if he would �e willing to give the City access over the easement for the period of its duration. l�. Siverts answered "Yes." Mr. Je.nsen commented that in the matter of streets and utilities easement, they cannot be included in a Registered Land Survey, but it can bc �dedica-ted by written document. He wo.ndered if there should be some consideration getting power in and providing for utilities. Mx. Siverts said that Parcel E would be the only lot that may be open for consideration as far as possibl2 sewer. When a request would come in for a building permit on Lot E, they might ask to have it without City sewer. Mr. Siverts said the power lines come in on Lot E from Ce.ntral Avenue to the East. The Gas Company services through a new underground li.ne from Central Avenue. The telephone lines are underground. MOTION by Erickson, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Commission concur with the recommendation of the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities recommending approval of Lot.Split, L.S. �68-08, being part of Lot 1, Revised Auditor's Subci.ivision �10, Tng T. Siverts, Jx., as deseribed c�n the Re�istered �``; Lancl Survey dated May 9, 1968, subject to a receipt by the Cit.y fro� the ' petitioner of an easer��ent over the East 66 feet of Lot "C" desio ated on the Reg�stered Land Surve,y of May 9, 1�68. Updn a voice vote, all votin� a,ye, the motion carried unanimously. � , Planning Commission Meeting - May 9, 1968 Page 3 �� Mr. Siverts said that Darrel Clark had been extremely helpful in the � development of the land and I want to take this opportunity to thank him personally fox spending this extra �ime o.n his part, and th�n:� him for his work in this split. It is much appreciated. There were two changes suggested to Mr. Siverts for the Registered Land Survey: State Highway No. 65 should be removed from the West line of Central Avenue. County Road "H" should be changed to 69th Avenue N.E. 2. FUBLIC FIE�IRING: PRELIMINARY PLAT, PeS. �68-02,•PEARSON"S SECOND A.�DITION, S.G. PEARSON CO., INC., REPRESENTED BY LEONARD SAMUELSON: North of 77th Way and East of East River Road, a part of S�ctio.n 3. Chairman Hughes read the Notice of Public Hearing. Mx. James Pearson, president of S. G. Pearson Co., Inc. was present and explainecZ their request was for a hearin.g to enable them to plat for industrial and commercial.- There would be no land use changes, no modifications of ariy type. Mr. John Dunphy, 155 Stonybrook Way: Is there any possibility the developer would co.nsider a border landscaping which�would reduce the impact of the commercial property on the houses on the other side of the road; and would baffle noises comi.ng from this area. � Mr. Ex•ickson explai.r�ed the Building Standar.ds-Design. Control Commi.ttee require an extensive amount of latldscaping for any type of commercial or in.dustrial. Ed Thayer, 132 Stonybrook Way: My concern is they might put a service station on pa�t of Lot 2. Nlx. Pearso.n answered that he did not believe a service station would be interested in Lot �. There is a building under construction on Lot 1. Lot 2 would be limited to pexmitted uses by the zoning ordinance. � Ed Jonak, 133 N.E. Craigway: The area on the S,E. corner of 77th Way and East River Road across from 77th Way -- there is a poteritial corner for a service s-tation and I have received a notice of some hearing on it. The �ngineering Assistant said that lot was zoned multiple and it could be by Special Use Permit hearing which is a separate hearir� by a differe.nt committee.. MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Erickson, that the Planning Commission close the public hearing of the proposed preliminary plat, P.S. #68-02, Pearson's Second Addition, S. G. Pearson Co., Inc., being North of 77th Way and East of East River Road. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motio.n carried unanimously. Mr. E�rickson said that i.n light of what the Building Board has suggested in the divi.sion of property as far as the lot lines are concerned and the fact that.the Subcommittee has recommended approval subject to changes, he would make � the following motion: . . � 3• � � Platzning Commission Meeting - Ma.y 9, 1968 Pa�me 4 MOTION by Erickson, seconded by Ylinen, that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the preliuiinary plat P.S. #68-02, Peaxson's Second Additio.n�, S. G. Pear�on Co., Inc. represented by Jim Pearson, being North of 77th Way and East of East River RUad subject to easements shown on the North line of Outlot A, 20 feet in width and 10 foot easement along the West and South line of Outlot A. Also,.the widening of the easement alo.r_g the North line of Lot 2 so that it includes the culvert unde� East River Road, and limit access on th.e River Road as shown o.n the plat. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. NL'r. Pearson said he wished to compliment the City on the nice building --it is very beautiful. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L,S. #68-10, THOMAS Ea MA.RXEN; feet of Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision #108. South 138 feet of North 306 Chairman Jensen reviewed the discussion of the Plats & Subdivisions- Stxeets & Utilities Subcommittee. The lot split was previously granted to the ori.gi.r_al owner and he did provide a East�West street right of way through the center of the property, and then was allowed to split it in.to two parts. The petitioner has purchased the North half, the line between the n.ew road and Onondaga and the North Half (N2� of the South part and he is now requesting splitting these divisions again to six separate parcels. It was the feeling of the Subcommittee that a lot split of this sort would not be in keeping with the intent of the Ordinance and.that a plat would be recommended. The second portion of the discussion was relative to the dimensions of the lots i.ndicated by the petitioner and this subject has previously been discussed a couple of years back and denied on the basis of substandard lot width ancl this is the basic reaso.n for trie motion by the Subcommittee to deny this request. The En.gineering Assistant said the South Quar_ter (S4� has reen split off and the street is dedicated. Right now the dedication is f'zom Lots 5 and 6. The Commz.ssion felt these should be standard lots as long as thexe is the possibility of doing so. � Mr. Jensen said he believed the �ngineering D�partment could help Mr. Marxen. MOTION by'EricYso.n, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Commission. concur with the recommendation of the Subcommittee for the lot split request, L.S. #68-10, Thomas E. Max•xen of trie South 138 feet of the North 306 feet of Lot 5, Auditor's Subclivision #108 and recommend denial. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. M'r. Jense.n explained the method of division Mr. Marxen wishes is not in keeping with the Ordinance providing for lot splits, and that he would have to replo't ttiis. land . � Planning Commission Meeting - Ma 9� �968 Page 5 �,� 4. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. �f68-09, ROBERT DEG.ARDNIl3.: Lots 22 through 25, Block 7, Spring Brook Park Addition. The En.gineering Assistant explained that the Subcommittee wanted Lot 26 combined with Lots 22 to 25, and Lots 26 and 27 are both tax forfeit. He had talked with Mr. DeGard.ner who said if at all possible, he would purchase Lot 26. . Mr. Jensen stated Eldon Schmedeke had brought attention to I�ot 26 in an effort to elimina�l;e it from being an isolated lot of which there would be no maintenance if so isolated. - MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Commission table Lot Split #68-09, Robert DeGard.ner of Lots 22 through 25, Block 7, Spring Brook Park Addition, until the petitioner_ can attend a meeting and explain his desire. 5. PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLA.T : P. S.�#68-03 , SOUTF�IANLP7'ON SECOND ADDITION, JULIAN JOHNSON: Ou�;lot 2, Worrel's Additio.n. MOTION by Myhra, aeconded. by Erickson, that the Planning Commission set the Public Hearing date of June 13, 1968 at 8:00 P.M. for the proposed preliminaxy plat, P.S. #68-03, Southharnpton Second Addition, Julian Johnson: Outlot 2, Worrel's Addition. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion � carried unanimously. 6. PROPOSED PRELII�IINARY PLAT: P.Se #68-04, BARTH ADDITION, NIERWIN BARTH: Lots 16 arid 17, Block�2, Spring Lake Park Lakeside. MOTION by Myhra, secondecl by Erickson, that the Planning Commissio.n set a public hearing date of June 13, 1968 at 8:30 P.M, for the proposed preliminary plat, P.S. #68-04, Barth Addi�;ion, Merwin Barth, of Lots 16 and 17, Block 2, Spring Lake Park Lakeside. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � � � ' I I 7111 MOTION by Myhra, seconded�by Erickson, that the Planning Commission Meeting oi May 9, 1968 be adjourned at 10:17 P.M. Upon a voice �ote, all votin.g aye, the motion ca:��ried unanimously. Respectfully subm'_ �: f,ed, r , �- .. . ��:_ �� , C - " .-L-� .. HAZEL 0'BRIAN • � Recording Secret�: 0 ,i z a �^w`=4 �/ � / �' �:.. � ��4 n - 5'�-� ��- - �a � � � � � V %%/ � � /[ d. %1 %l /�it �O �"�'� 7'���1 cS S� � 7'% � �- v � � , e ��--- _ . ..--- -- i ___ __ ._ ._ ,,n I ,�,.a rn n'n 4 _Il (1 0 � �,,�..� �, !O 0 l,7 % ~f -� 3-=��� � /,! L _� I � ��` � I # �� i. ;,