PL 06/20/1968 - 30135� FLAIVNING �QMMZSSION ME�TTNG (INFORM,AL DzSCL1SSIAIV) aUNE ZO � 1948 The inform�l d�scuss�o�n of the rev��w �ha.n$e �a� Pl�nn�d A�ve�apn►�nt, ZOA #66-16 by Caanea, Znc. conv�ned at 9;Q0 �,M. i�n �he C�nfex�nc� Room wi,th the ��1lowing �nember� present, Hu�hes, Er�,ckso�, Jensen, Myhra, Ylinen and E�gineerin� Assis�a�.� G��.�k. The following list is far consi.d�ratipn by th� requesi.ors : 1.. Need ac�urate drawing showing River Raad wi.d�h and a�xoposal fpr the approp�iate sidewalk and turn lane dedications. G�idelin�s: Want sufficzent spacQ £o� left a�d righ� turn �,a�ri�s (wi�h stackin� space) for commercial area. ' � Want �u�ficient space for s�ow stoxage ar�d sid�w�7,k th� £ul�. �ez�g�h of the tract (commercial and xesider�t�.al) . Z. Nesd accura�e drawin�s of the plan �or the �n�ti�r� tx�et (commercial'and residential). 3. Need request for rezoning of areas not now in �.D, �xea. 4. Need a revision of the p1az� fox stxset accoss at Sou�thea�t corner to p�vovide more stacking space. S. Need building design fox the commercial build�.ng to show compatatbiiity with new apartment building, . 6. Extexior appearance seems to.lacI� �y�,n,g �,�to the sit�. Need ta reconsider ovexall app�arance. /"1