PL 09/09/1970 - 7360-,�\ • �� .. .. _ _ _A G'E.N.D A _ PLANNiNG COI+�IISSION MEETING SEPTFMBER 9, 1970 -_ 8:00 P.M. CALL TO O1�DER: _ : _ PAGES . ROLL CALL: __- _ : _- _ - _ _ - _ APPROVE PLANNiNG COMMISSION MIi�UTES: AUG�JST 19, 1970 1-7 RECEIVE BOA� b�'- A�.'PEALS MINUTES t' AUGUST _25, 197� $-14 RECEIVE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES: AUGUST 24, 1970 15-17 1. PUBLIC �IEARING• SPECIAL USE PEI2MZT .�tEQUEST: NOR�H AIR HOME � �` ASSOC., SP #70-1�3r To improve parking lot on South 150 feet "�. of Lot 18, Brookview Addition, ger Section 45.Q71 (3F) City; _ Code. . : _ 18-26 2. PLANTING BOULEVARD t40 FOOT� IN MQORE LAKE HIGHLANDS 4TH " _ _ _., _ ADDITTON: (Still in Subcoiarnittee� • - 3:� POSSIBLE REQiJEST F0R REZONING FROM R-1 T0 R-2 FOR TWO FAMTLY - - HOMES PER vETTER DATED :9/3/7D FRDM R.- C. ERNST_: Area a.s vacant �.and bounded by Mississippi Street, Stinson Blad., . Rice Creek Road and Arthur Street. : 27-Z8 - Mr. Ernst will present his plans this evening for - - _ comments . _ L�^-�Y`- �` �` . . . �� ��� - �� _ _ _ _. � . , �,�.-�, : -- - _ . �✓-�� ,�/ . . .. r � .. . , . .. : . .. __ . . . . � G , ��711[ . . . . . . . . . . ' . . _ .. .. � . .. � . �J S�I b "� _ _ _ �1 , � ,� � PLANNING CO1rAiISSION MEETING AUGUST 19, 1970 i AuE I T�ie meeting was called to or8er at 8:05 P.M. by Chairman Ericksan. ROLL CALL• �iembers Present: Member Absent: Others Present: Minieh, Fitzpatrick, Erickson, Harris Schmedeke Darrel Clark, Engineeriag Assistant APPROVE PLANNING CO1rIl�iISSION MINUTES : AUGUST 5, 1970 1►X�TION by Minish, seconded by Narris, that the Planning Commission Minut�� oF August 5, 1970 be approved. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carxied unanimously. RE IVE �t�tLDING ST -DE$IC�i CONT�L $ TT�E . ES; _ AUGUST 6 197�I MOTION by Xarris, seconded by Minish, that�the Planning Cammi�sion receiy� the m�nutes of the Building Standards-Design Contral Subcommittee meetirrg o�' August 6, 1970. Upon a voice vote, aZ1 voting aye, the motion carried tananim�usl y . RECEIVE_BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: AUGUST 11, 1970 I�iOTIC3N by Minish, seconded by Fitzpatric�, that the Planninq Corrtmission receive the m.inutes of the Board of Appeals meeting of August 11, 197p. Upon a vAi�e vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. �ECEIVE PARKS AND RECREATION COI�II�iISSION MINUTES: JULY 27. 1970 MOTION by Minish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Comm.iss.zpn recei ve the minutes of t1�e Parks and Recreation Coaanission meeting of Ju1y 27, 197p. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously, aA�R OF. AG�NDA: z. �ha3r�an, Erickson ��,#.s�ed �he :;�a -�eerld p�Qeeed as w�c�tten. �.S. �7 Section � RELIMINARY PLAT INN portion of the of 2. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: REZONIAiG RE�UEST: ZOA #70-Q5, BY VIEWt�ON � INC.: For that portion of the E'� of the SF'ry of Section 2k to be rezoned from R-1 to R-3 (general multiple family dwellings) ar R-3A (apartrnents only). Plannin�,Commission Meeting - August 19, 1970 PaSe 2 The public hearing notices for the propoaed preliminar.y plat, Inasbruck � North, P.S. �70-03, and the rezoning request, ZOA �70-05 6y Viewcon, Inc. were read by Chairman Erickson. Mr. R. D. Blohm, 1605 Berne Road, asked if the members of the Planning Commi.ssion had seen some of the buildings Viewcon had constructed. The Chairman informed the public that at the last meeting there was an invitation extended to the Planning Coao�ission, Council and the public to view their project at Z�,�in Lakes. Mr. Harris said that Mr. Schmedeke, Darrel Clark, Mr. Breider and he had a conducted tour through the project. Mr. Miniah and Chairman Erickson had also viewed them. One of the differences between a townhouse and towuhouse- apartment is that each apartment is a one floor unit from front to back. The townhouse-apartment consists of two six unit buildings connected. Mr. C. E. Van Eeckhout (Chuek) of Viewcon, Inc. said they intend to build the same plan in Fridley with slight modifications to accp�odate single family concept. For example, they would put petitions between the garages and make them larger, with a hallway so that the garages can be locked from Ghe inside and outside. There are some interior layout changes to be made, but Che baeiC coneept is the same. There will be a larger dining and kitchen area. Mrs. Doyle Mullin, 1233 Hathaway Lane wanted to know if it were oat pf order to ask for a quick explanation of the plan as it pertaina to �raffia, density and zoning inasmuch as this was her first meeting. Chairman Eri�ksoa reviewed the Viewcon layout. � Mr. William Dietz, 1280 Hathaway Lane: His question was in conjunction with a traffic study of Hathaway Lane and possible extension to Matterhara Arive. According to hie uaderstanding of the proposed plans, there would be about 2,500 cars, and if they follo�wed the aormal course of the traffic p�ktetn, they would be using Hathaway Lane to get out to Highway #65. He de�i�it�ly felt that the condition of the street was not conducive to thia ext�a �xaffip. Mr. C. M. Engebretson, 5375 Matterhorn Arive: He aaked about the �.and that was to be donated for a park by the petitioner. The total acreage was 12 acres and Mr. Fitzpatrick (Chairman of Parks & Recreation) said there Was about the same amount of tax forfeit land adjacent to this property which the City contemplated purchasing. Mrs. Mullin was opposed to using the land for anything except R-l. The traffic between the time of 4:30 and 5:00 on Old Central Avenue and �tighway �6`� is extremely heavy now. She felt the proposed project would add to the t�C�ft�iG problem. She thought this was a poor plan. � There was then a discussion�of the intersection of Matterho�n Arive �nd Hathaway Lane. There would be no problem with the water on Matterhorn Ariv� because the watermain was in and the ground was at grade, but where Mattexhora intersects Hathaway, there is a steep grade -- about 10 foot differential �d l0y grade going to Central Avenue which would make it difficult to drive wi.th winter ice. Mr. Van Eeckhout said there are certain advantages to closing �iathaway �..,, Lane as far as Viewcon is concerned. If the final plat is approved, as pxesentsd this evening, with Hathaway Lane tying up to Mattexhorn Drive, aa adjustm¢nt PlanninR Co�mmiasioa MeetinR - AuAuat 19, 1970 Pa„�ee 3 could be made later on to close the street by a vacation request. Darrel Clark said that if the street were closed, which would sutoIDatically disconnect it ^ from Matterhorn Drive, Hathaway Lane would have to be removed from the State Aid system. If New Brighton would cooperate, and have the proposed xqad which intersects with Silver Lake Road designated as State Aid, Fridley could consider designating its portion State Aid also. If Hatha`raq Lane were cloaed, a turn around would have to be considered. A citizen said that when they purchased their property, they checked th� whole area and found it was zoned R-1. They pre�umed it would stay thls way. He had not heard of anyone who approved this plan and he thqught the Planning Comwission would go along with the resideats of the axea. Mr. Blohm did not feel this type of area development would beAe�it the City of Fridley. As this is the largest tract left in Fridley to be dev�loped� he felt serious caasideration should be given before a decision ia reached. He wondered if the petitioner would be permitted to come in some time in the future and request the R-1 area to be rezoned to multiples. Mr. Van Eeckhout answered that perhaps such a thing could be, but they had no plans to do so. Mr. Engebretson asked which area would be developed first. �.'he ansWe�' was they would probably start with the single family dwellinge. Mr. M;Lniah wondered if it �rould not depend upan the selling of the lots whether or not they start with single houses. He asked F1ha� �}►p� /"'1 of financing was available for this type of a project as he wou7.d have gxe�t conCern if the project could not be finished. Mr. Vaa Eeckhout said they have three fiaancial sources they a�'e coa8ultiA��*�+ an insurance co�auy, investment company and trust fund. He did not believs the�e was the possibility of not finishing the project. He aaid th� cost Q�' siagle family homes are going beyond the re�ch of most af the peopl�. The�e �� a change in the hovsing narket in the direction of the tvwahouse-apart�enta. They would begin ttie project late this fall or earlq spring and cem�le�e �.a tk�ree to five year�. When a sale has been made, the buyer can finance inde� peAdeatly or use Viewcon facilities. Their method of building would be, Ppx e�ca�le, to canstruct 100 units, and after selling 75 of theta, they Wpuld build the next 100. Mr, Van Ee+ckhout addad they would petition for abouk one ha1£ o# the SC�reets, Matterhorn Drive and the East/West road, upon approval of the petiticme. He did not think it would make sense to build all the roads at ouGe. A diecussion followed regarding posaible unbuildable 1ote. The aasess��etits for atreets, sewer and water would amount to quite a bit ove� thQ vulue of some 1ate, If the City had to talce over these lots, the special aaseasmen�s would then be boxne by the City. Mr. Van Eeckhout said a possible eoluti.o� wou�.d b�e to designate a certain number of lota that would be consi.d�red um- b►,tildable and exempt aay assessments £or this reason and spread the assesant�A�q ot►er �he buildable lots. Then if the lots did revert to the City, the only lt�� , would be tht real estate tax. Hawever, it was felt this �rocedure woul�i he►v�t /'1 to be studied by the City Attorney. plsnuin� Commis�ion Meetin& - August 19, 1970 __ Yage 4 MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commzssian ^ close the public hearings for the proposed Preliminary Plat, Innsbruck North, P.S. #70-03, by Viewcon, Inc., for that portion of the E''� of the 5''� of Sect,ion 24, AND the rezoning request, ZOA #70-05, by Viewcon, Inc. for that poztion of the E� of the SE'� of Section 24 to be rezoned from R-1 to R-3 (general multiple dael3ings) or R-3A (apartments only). Upon a voice vote, aZ1 voting aye, ��?E motion carried unanimously. The storm sewer problem was discusaed. Outfalls wnuld be use�l fox �th� stosm water in the form of retention basins or sumps. There would be no s�am? on a sin�le fami.ly dwelling lot. The larges� r�teniion �ump f� a�. Ou�ln� I� which is going to be a private park for tt�e �esidents. The maintenance of tk��.� area is yet to to worked out. In answer to the question af problems with �h�s type of system, Darrel Clark said that this will be the first one in F'ridley, but he had talked with the New Brighton engineers who told him they have qui�e a few like this in New Brighton and they have had no bad experience with them. Mr; Va� Eeckhout stated the information he had received fram his engi�eer� in regard to the lake in 0utlot B was quite inter�sting. The level. of the �.ake �.s 30 feet above some of the a�°ea� �n th� proposed pa�k 1and, it is pexched ix�� �� organic basin wfthout any c1ay. ,As the wa�ter raises and enla�ges �he lak.e, it wi11 infiltrate dawn and the water will dissipate. The orgsnic silts we�e deposited through natural processes. A majority of the little knolls in the whole area are mostly gravel.. Mr. Fitzpatrick, referring to the persons living South of ��`694 who ai��ac�ed to the buildings being too close to the highway, asked what were you planning ^ to do there? Mr. Van Eeckhout said they are leaving 50 feet of uninter�pted natursl area. The proposed plans for sewer and water were again rev�ewed. As far as water for the area was concezaed, there did not seem to be say p��si� bility of sinkiag a new well with a 1'� million gallon reaervoir in thie ar�a. At this point the Chairman made the follawing su�ary: He did not have any particular objection to the proposal; however, if th� Planning Co�aaissiott decided to recoa�end approval, he would suggest the following stipu].atipt�at 1) 2) 3j 4) Any au�rtments constructed alon� #694 should_be held back_ enou from the freeway right of wa�► for a natural sereen. 5) That the City should be �iven permission bv the petitionex the East line of the prnperty to Silver Latce xoaa. Hathaway Lane should not �o throu�h. district to eacem�t from assessment. �i) That the vetitioner dedicate the land shown as °'Park" on the proposed plat. Chairman Erickson suggested th.oughx sTiould be given to high riss apartments. Mr. �itzpatrick did not feel he could make the motion because he had t�oC �� �een to the receut meetings, but h.e was well enou�ia. informed to vote a� he k�ad Studied the minufies. Mr. Minish felt �e was not, at th:Ls �oint, strongly in f�vor of the projec�� P1 �ing Co�m�isoion Meetin� - August 19, 1970 Page S He felt there should be some way to preaerve the terrain. He referred to the � density in the 'l�in Lakes concept but said the ratiq is much more colnfortable in the Innsbruck North area. He did not feel he could endorae this proppsal. Mr. Harria said he kaew that developing the area in queatioci in the eame maaner as the Innsbruck area to the South would be econamically dif£icult, but it eeems the trend is away from single family dNellings aad this dis�uzbe him. It would be difficult to get someone to come in and put money in aing�e family dwellinga fox the whale area. Also, he felt there was no way in which you could dsvelop this land in single family dwellings vithout campletely chaagiAg the .. landecape and disturbing it to a point where you would not recognize it. H� checked the Viewcon �in Lakes project. He felt the interlor o£ the buildi�g� was very we1� dons. The concept was not the common, ordinary run of the mill typs o� apartments. Thexe is a very nice large recreation type_of bullding fox the use of the residents. The density in the Innsbruck North prpject ia nea�ly � of what it 3s in the Ttain Lakes. Mr. Fitzpatrick felt the proposal deserved to be looked at by the Coun�il, sad shouid not be held up any longer. Mx. Van Eeckhout aaid they had worked hard to save as many trees as they could. The townhouse-apartments would be the same as attached 8ingle family xesidences with 200 feet or more of green area between the bui�dings. The single fami.l.y residences will have 15 to 20 feet between them. They were certain a lot more treea in the East Half o.f the area can be saved than the We�t where the single family homes would be. � Mr. Harris said he realized that you cannot develop this ground and �ak� everybody happy. Mr. Van Eeckhout was asked what was the density he had accepted iA Q�he�r citiea for the high rise apartments. The typical figures used Were 40-SO un1�e per acre. High rise apartments occupy only a small percentage of the la�d; they axe mare costly to construct; the return is not as good�as that p� a tpwtl- house or townhouse-apartment. The original owneY does not am the high �i.�e bu�lding. Viewcon had t�lked with a large number of people fron► the �djac�at i�rea before presenting their plans to the City. As a result o£ these taeetiA�e, they have compromised their plan and they do not feel they have the tiine tp fight s high riae battle. MOTION by Min.ish, secanded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Comaut�ssion refer without recomnendat�on -to Council the proposed preliminaty platr �'�b�CqCk Narth, P.S. #?0-03, by Vieacon,. Inc. of that portion of the E� af ti�e S'� o�P Se4t�uT� 24 and the rezonirx,� reqvest, ZOA #70-45, by Viewcon, Tnc. Por t��t �o,��caa� o� th�a 8�i o�f the SE� of Section 24 to be rezoned from R-�1 to �t-3 (�ene,ra� �.��tF.1e Pami1� +dwell�ngs) or R-3A (apartments only) but with the�rovision ti�at th� st3pulatians previously made by the Chais�rnan, as listed belaw, be co�naRide,,t��ed if Couneil should approve the pxoposals. Upon a vpice vote, Mini$h and F.�t�°� pat�'�ck vot�ng aye, Narris and Erickson voting nay, the 1►pTION FATLED. 1) Matterhorn Dx'ive be im�roved to Gardena. 2) •Land a�►au�d be either dedicated to the Citq of Fridley cr aacepted by Ghe � Village of New Brighton far the improvement of a street fram the �ast �.l.na� of the property to Silver Lalce Road. 3� Hathaway Lane should aot go through. � /'�, � Planning Co�mmissioa Meeting AuAust 19, 1970 PaSe 6 .�.�...�..�- 4) 5) Aay apartmeata constructed along #694 should be held back far enough from the freeway right of way for a natural screen. That the City should be given permission by the petitioner to desigaate the number of possible unbuildable lots in the R-1 district to exeuqpt f sessment rom as • b) That the petitioner dedicate the land shawn as "Park" on the proposed plat.. The Chairman instructed that the minutes ahaw,the members of the Planning Commission could not agree, Mr. Van Eecichout asked that if this meant the property was not being pt�aperly developed, they would like to knvw what the Planning Copmission would coa�ider should be done. They would be very sensitive to any direction, £ox obviou�ly thexe are eonae ob jectioas and some thit►gs that ths Commis�ion did t�o� fee]. should be done. They would like to kno�w what they are and they would work with the Commission. Mx► Miniah said the statement had been made it is not feasible ta dsvelop the property A l. Why. if the property is zoned R-1, is it not developed that way? He fe�t there has been no facts given to justify the statemen�. When the Commission is faced with a decision to change zoning from R-1 for prope�ty oi this size, a good reason should be given £or deviating fram that. It may bs tha� im R-1 you can save only 20X of the trees and in your proposal for �own- hattee-�partaaeats you can save 40X, but there were no figures to prov+e iC. I� was diff�.cult for him to make a recomamendation that this proposed plan ie tk�e beet one. . t�iatxcnaa �rickson .told Mr. Van Eeckhout that both the Co�aission and the public are vexy appreciative of the work they put into this request. He had it�dieated he felt high rise in that area would be acceptable, at l�ast to h�m, Al1 the Co�ssion can do is pass their "thank qou" and the Council wi].1 ma�ke their decision. Mr. Fi.tzpatrick added the property owner has the right to ulti�aately dev�lpp. h3s pzoperty profitablq, but he did not have any solution. The other progQ�a�. that had been tnade generated insurmountable pxoblems of traffic. 7�'his is a, p�eoblem �or the City in general. The right of the property o�wner and Che '��.�ht o� th� surxounding residenta not to be saddled with a problem aeea►s to be wh��� the ��.tuation slts -- without recommendation. M�c. Harria said, in his opinion, it was not the Vie�con plaa or tha way it �aaa done. I� probably goea further back. When every one in that area boughC their haaaee �.t was zoaed A-1. They bought property with the idea thi.s Mas goit�$ to b�a a11 residential. Perhaps this situation is not one of the Planning Cou��- taiss�on taaking. 1MpTION by Minish, seconded by Harris, that the Planning Coamtission recC�mR��d Coun�il hold a hearinq on these two requests at their meeting of Septembez' 14, 1974 even though the Planning Commission was unable to mak� a recorrgnendatipl�. �1po�n a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion aarried tananimously. 3. 3FECIAL USE YERMIT REQUEST• NORTH AIR iiOME ASSOCIATION, SP �70�-10; Tp i1aA�^ p�ove pa�king lot on South 150 feet of Lot 18, arookview Add�tion, SacC�.Pr� 45.071 (3F) City Code. P1� ,� C�ommission Meetin,p�,- Autxust 19, 1970 PaQe 7 1ypTIQ�V by Minish, �eaonded by Harris, t,riat the Planning Commission set tha /"\ �ublic heaxing date oi Septembe� 9, 1970 for the Special Use Pexmit Re�u��t. Naxth Aix tiame Association, SP #70-10, to improve the parking 1ot an the S�au�l� 1S0 feet o.£ Lot 18, Brookview Additian, Section 45.071 (3F) City Code. Upan s voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. G. PLANTING BOULEVARD 40 P'OOT IN IrDORE LAKE HIC,HI.ANDS 4TH ADDITION. (Still in Subcammittee No action necessary. 5. NOTICE OF HEARING: PLANNING AND ZONING COI�4IIISSION, CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS: ��t��mber 1, 1974, $:00 P.I�f., Field House, 530 Mill Street N,B. �te: ,A��dit�p� the CiCy Zoniag Ordinance Regarding Automobile Display and Salesraoms. MOTION by Minish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Plannir,9 Ccx►xnisston �ece3ve the Notice of Hearzng from the City of CoZumbia Heights amending the City zvning prdinance regarding automobile display and salesrooms artd requeat th� �r�ir�eering D�epartment notify a11 residents of the City Qf Fr3dley liying wii:h.�tn 300 fset, Upon a voi�e vote, a11 voting aye, the motio+n aarried unan�mously. AA70URNMENT ; ^ �The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 P.M. by Chairmau Erickaom, Respectfully, u�d ��. Haz 0'Brian Recording Secretary � _. � �9B MINtTTE3 OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF AUGUST 25, 1970 .. � �he m�eting was called to order by Chairman Minish at 7.30 P.M. D�BRS PRESENT: Minish, Ahonen, Drigans, 0'Bannon, Sondheimex pTHERS PRBSENT: A1 Bagstad-Building Official 1rpTI0N by Ahonen Co apprave the minutes of the August 11, 1970 meetin$ as written. Seconded by Sondheimer. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the taotion carxied unanimously. Chairman Minish reported to the Board the action taken by the Counci.l on the� August 11, 1970 Board of Appeals items. 1. A RBQUES,� FOR A VARIANCE OF SEC�ION 45.073. 1B. SUBPARAGRAPH 2, TO REDUCE TH$ M�r. Jahnaon was preaent to present hie request. Mx�. Johnsom sCated he has been trying to eedl this land for about 2 years. iie ^ naw has a prospective buyer for this lot, Mr. Allan Mattson, but the aale depvnd; on whet�he+x a 4 plex can be conetructed on the lot. Mr. Mattson d�ee c�m othsac 4 ple�cs ian the imaediate axea. Mz. Johnson continued that this lot is naw encloa�d by three roada for which he had to dedicate land. Because af theee dedicatiane, the land area is naw not sufficient to meet the present Code require�enC for land area for a 4 plex. Iie stated he had paid for eewe� and water, paving and storm sewer and he paqs around $800.00 in aasessm�t►ts an thiq lot and he �ust can't afford to maintain this lot any longer as he is xetired and awcts a home that he has to maintain. r'1 Mr. Drigans asked if he had talked to any of the surrounding proper�y awner�. �ir. Johneon eaid tbat he had aad two of them, Mr. Fragale and Mr, Segaex, had told h�.m they would appeaz in his behalf at thie meeting but apparantly h�d not been able to attend. Mac. Matteon stated that thia lot is bigger than hia other lots that houae 4 pJ.e�e and he has had no problems with them. Mx. Q'Batmon asked if there wae eufficient room for parking. Mr.•Matteon ansWered that there was•and he added that eince he aFme the adjacent 4 plexe if there is aay problem with the parking he wae suze he could work it out. J ?.'he Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meetint� of August 25, 1970 Pa�e 2 . ._ ... � �.,, -. /"� Mx. Mattson said the lot is not very good for anything but a multiple dwelliag as the lot i's sur�ounded bq multiples. IGr. Drigane asked how eoon the construction would start if the variaace wae approved. Mr. Mattaon answered about January of 1971. 1�TION by 0'Bannon to close the public hearing. Sacoaded by Drigans. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the xnoti�ott aarxied unanimously. MOTION by Ahonen to reco�end to the City Council approval of this requeet for the follawing reasons: 1. The lot is in keeping with the surrounding area as the lot ia adjoimitt� thxee other lots of emaller area that have 4 plexe on them. 2. A multiple is the only logical development of the land. 3. The reduction of land area of this lot was caused by the dedica�ion fox atxeets. 4. �Tbere were no objectione from any surrouading property awuers. r"\ , Seconded by 0'Bannon. Upon a voice vote, there being ao nays, the motioa casxied uaaaimausiy. , 2. Mr. & Mxs. Wilson a�ere present to present the request. M�r. iiileon stated the variaace asked for was actually more than what would be A�aea�axy. The aeasuremeat of 6.5 feet was only a guees and after aeeaeu�i'�g ths f�uce, we would need only a 1 foot 4 inch variance. T�e height oi Che feace ie 4 feet and the retaining wall under the fence would b� the height o� 2 et+�tstdAx'd cement blocka ox �b inches. Pic�u�ces of the exiating fence and lot were shawn to the Board. Mr. Wi1soA, said �here ie a bank along the South eide of the lot which causes wa�ex to waeh oat the area along the preaent fence. He feels the wash�.ng ovt wi11 be stopped by putting up the 16 inch retaining wall, and will emab].e tha�t ko �od Che area aloag the fence where they were not able to get grase �o graw becaua� of Che coastaut erosion. He stated further the retainiag wall wi.11 xutt � the e��ixe leagth of the South lot line to allow the fence, that will. b�, p1�,Fed on Cop, �o be af unifoxm height. �,he Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of AuAust 25, 1970 Page � ^ Mxs. William Zaier, 6550 Central Avenue, adjacent property vwner, stated ahe waa nat opposed to the fence as long as it does not disturb the natuxal drai.n�ge► ox air circulation. She did want to know if the Wilsons had ta get a eurvey of theiz lot before they put in the retaining wa11. 1�. �agstad said a survey was not required. Mr. Wilso� added ths original stakes were found and they will taake sur� Ch� �xiCix� x��aining wall and fence are on their property. Mt. Tha�nas Moore, 6580 Central Avenue, adjacent property awner, stated he hae cor�st7c�tc�ed a xetaining wa11 between his property and Mr. Wilson's propexty attd it has warked very well. The retaining wall does not detract £xom the property and it has served both of them equally well. Mr. Drigans asked how steep the bank was at its highest point. Mrs. Qilson answered that she was told by someone in City Hall that the highe�t pQi.n� was 7 feet. M�OTTON by Sondhei�r to Close the public hearing. Seco�aded by Ahonen. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the awtion Cax�'�8d ut�aniuious ly . � MATTON by 0'Bannon to recomn�id to the City Council appraval of the �'�quest Co �ncrease the fence height from 4 feet to 5 feet 4 inches for the fo].lawing re�aeona : 3. � 1. There is a hardship due to the terrain of the land and the retainin$ wall ia ta prevent the land from eroding and ruining his lawn. 2. Ttxere wexe no objections from surrounding property awners. S�cpnded fzom Sondheimer. Upon a voice vote, there"being �o nays, the uwtivm carxied uaanimously. M�. Myx9� Qst].und wae preeent to present the request. A photo nf the lat and a ek�tGh Af the lot shawing the existing house and propoaed additian were ahp�m to t�e► �oaxd. !��J e biiuutes of the Board of Appeals Meetin� o� Au�ust 25, 1970 Paae 4 ^ M�r. Oetlund explained he ia adjacent to the back side of the R�ce Creek School yard and situated on the dead end of 66th Avenue which has ao cul de s�c. �� M�c. Bagstad stated the reason for the variance is the average fxant yard setback bat�ae�u the hou�e an the West and the eveatuality of a miaimal I�eCbdak ou ths lot to �he �ast (now owned by the School) is 47..21 and the varlaace Avw prealud�� ar�y queetion of legality in the future. Mr. Ostlund stated he wauld be adding 10 feet onto the front of the present $ax'age, 8 fe�t o�nto the Bast side of the house aad gsrage, and $ fe�t onta tht� back of the garage ta expand the single car garage into a double gaxage aAd add a family xoom. The house will have a T-shape after the addiCions are added. A plan vf the house was shown to the Board. Thexe is a 2.75 foot wide etrip of land betweeA Mr. Oslund's property at�d th� School pxoperty that is awned by the State of Minneeota and is leg$11y de�eosibed as ZQt 21, Aevie�d Auditor's Subdivision No. 10. Mt. 0�lund said he had talked to his neighbors but they had no objeatioae to tbe s�q,uea t� . Irp7�'ION by Dxigaae ta cloae the public hearing. Reccmded by �hpnen. Upon a voice vote, there beiag no nays, the mati.oA aar���+d ut►amimous ly . ^ 1�QTTON by prigaus to recommend to the City Council approval of the xequeot• fox the follawing �ceaaons : 4. � 1, Mr. Ostlund's home is virtually the last an 66th Avernie and ia adjacent to 8chool property so there should be no other hoomes built next to him thaC tha sddi�ione would i.nterfere with. 2. Thera wexe no objections from any of the surrvunding property vwnera. 3. Mr. Ostlund has presented adequate plans for the additi.ons. Secpnded by Soadheimer. Upoa a voice vote, there being na nays, t�e a�ot�.ou ca�ried uaa�niaaously. Mr. Roger Ompvedt, xepreaentiag 3ussel Companq, was preseat to preaent t.i�e xaquest. M�c. Qa�vadt explaiaed the requeet should read fraa 5 fe�et �0 4.2 �RaC i�a�tsad ai 4�eet Z iuches, The Minu�ee of the Board of Aapeals Meeting of August 25, 1970 �ags 3 /'\ A auxvey and pictura of the lot were ahown to the Board. �� r"� Mx. Qmpvedt stated the variance is only on the front (Southea+�t) corner of the garage. The back of the garage is 5.3 feet from the line. Tt►exes Will be 15 feet betwe�n stxuctuxes. I�?Tlp�i by p'Bannoa to close the public hearing. Seaatadsd by Drigans . Upon a voice vote, there be ing �no nays, the awCion caxried unaniu�ously. MQ'f�ON by Ahonen �o recomm�nd to the City Council approval of the variance f�otn 5 feet �o �+.2 feet for the following reasons: 1. The actual variance is only 9� inches an the foxward portion of ti�e structuxe. 2. It i�s in keeping wi.th the neighborhood. 3, Thexe were no objections from the surrounding property awnera. �econded by Arigans. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the m�otiou aaxxied unaniawusly. �ix, Fauil Novak, �epseseating N.C.R. Corporation, presented the raque�t. Mx�� Novak s�ated'he has been working with the property oRaner, Mx. Harald F�nuelcA� .a�nd had alsa talked with the City Engineex and the Fire Chiefs ta mak,� 8u�� that the bu;tld3.ng will canply with all the City Codes. He said wha� thay �R� to do is �o build soa�ething unique which will have a greatex amouAt oi �resA ax�a. �hey hope to give the tenanta a vie�w and a prestige sy�nbol� a�d to A1�4 g�,ve th� Ci.ty a pxestige eymbol. , Chaiun�ara Mi.ni.sh xead a letter from the Fire Prevention Chief whi�h etated "�iig,M Riae" buildings do not appreciably add to the probletas of the 1�i.7r� Depart�nent. -- Use of caabuetibles is very severily restric�ed,--A�lditiat�tl, �iz� �ighti.ag atppliancea are necessary ao the.additioaal height of t;hs eCtuoCu�B ip ui xelatively small significance." The City Council has appraved the p�daxirig of additi.onal. �ire fighting equipment. Ch�tizv�n Miaish etated there had been soa� questions on whether our Fi�ro jtepa�rtm�ent h,ad the equipment with which to handle a fire in any of the appex �to=�e� pf this building, and he felt this letter answered thaae �ae�st�c►t�e. Mac. Novmk atated this building will have fire fightit►g equipmeu� oa e�ch ,r, �looz so the Fire Aepartmeat would fight aay upper storq fixes froa►'the ���id� of the buildi.ng. S'� � � e tee of the Boaxd of eals Meeti of Au ust 25 1970 e ^ Mx. Albert Hoffineyer, architect, atated this building is a Zjrpa I buildiaag whiGh h�� the longest life apan of any building ae the structur�l �x�n�wosk ��e conatructed of etee]. or iron with masonzy. Mx. Nwak shawed the 8oard two very preliminary drawiags; ona of ti�� typia+�l Eloor plan and ons of the �ite plan. 7.'he buildin,g wiil coxu is� oi �.Ok uniC• a�ade up of Sb two bedraom apartments, 40 ane bedroom apaxtme�nts aaid 8 thr�a be�dxoom aparttpente. The apaxtments will rent from approximately $20Q Co �40Q� tha lawer xeata being for the bottom apartmenta. 1ri�c, ]hcigane � aeked when construction would begin if the building were app�cove�d. �. Hoffiaeyex answered in the spring of 1971 and ready fox occupancy appsoxim+�tsl�r 18 mot►zha latex � M�. Novak add�d they drnn't think a high riee is condusive to a large aua►bss o� ahlldre� ao Xhere should not be any problema with the achaole. Mx':.Cliffoxd Bakko, apartm�nt owner, stated his main concern wa�a the traftic patterns as there is a pxobaem in this area at the present time a�d t►� wetttte to u�ake� �ure som�thi.ng is going to be done to correct it, Mr, Novak etated he had been discuseing this with the City Eagineer �tud w4a`' iafoxmad that'the construction to correct thie problem wi,ll hopeEull� be �c�apleted by the middle of 1972. ° � Mr. 0'Bar�non aeked if there were any xeports an how this type of buiidi=t� wc�1d hold up during a tornado. M�r. Hoffineyes related a s�tuation that happeaed ia one of the� Southexa at�ettae whexs th�xe had been a tornado and this type of buildimg was almo�t to�a11�� v�adamagsd and al]. other buildinga in the same area fell. MD7�'ION by Soadheiu�er to clase the public hearing. 6ecouded by Ahonea, U�on a voice vote, there being no nays, the mation aarxiad a�nanimously. MQxION by Drigans ko recon�nend to the City Council appraval of tha xequea� iax Che fvllowiag reasona: 1. The fire protection is sound. 2. Tk�e txaffic situativn will be 8olved at the eame time ar soonex thazi the bu3.ldit�g completion date. . 3. Wh�en the ardit►amce gaverning apartment heights wae adopted, ha di.d�n't �hi�nlc the City coasidered that a�►thing higher than 6 stori�ss Wvuid aye� be bui.lt im.Fxidley. � �� The Mi,nutes of the Board'of Appeale Meeting of AuRust 25� 1970 PaAS 7 /'� 4. �.'he� building is a Tj�pe I building which is constructed wi�tt Ch� hi.gi�e�lt standards. 5. It bleads i.ato the area as there are apartments on eurrounditsg prppe�tieo. 6. Tt is something apecial for our comaeunity. Se�conded by Ahonea. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the tnotion caacs�ied unanimous ly . ADJQtTRNMENT : The m�eeting was adjourned by Chairman Miniah at 9:10 P.M. Respeatfully submitted, � � MARY HT Secx�C�ary � /'� � ^ /'1 �� MINU'T�S OF PAR�S �ND RF.L7t�ATION COMIISSION MEETING, AUGtlST 24, 1970. ... .,�.-. , ��. Meetin� �t�i.called to oxdex at 7;30 �.m. by Chairman Fitzpatrick. MEMSERS PRESENT: Fitzpatrick, Blair, Novitsky, Olson. MEMBERS ABSENT: Ash. . OTHERS PRESENT: Beverly Krall, 194 69th Avenue N.E., 786-3037. Delores Csmeron, 247 69th Place N.E., 786-2333. � Liz Kahnk, 209 Rice Creek Blvd., 784-2108. Coxrine Moore, 200 Rice Creek Blvd., 786-1695. Barbara Weinstein, 5217 Matterhorn Drive, 788-6533, L.N1.V. Patricia Commers, 3112 36th Avenue N.�., 781-0095, Ballet. . Hcuaer Ankrum, City Manager. Marvin Brunaell, Finance Directox. Everett McCarthy, Police Chief. Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation. Ralph Volkman, Park Foreman. Curtis Dahlberg, Paxk Planner. POLICE PROTECTION FOR PARKS AND PARKING PROBLEMS. Everett McCarthy, Chief of Police for the City of Fridley, was present, as requested by the Commission, to discuss same of the problems in the parks. Solutio�s to the vandalism problems were gene�ally discussed. The Comission made certain reco�mendations to the Chief to help assist the Parks and Recreati0n pepartment in cutting down the number of incidents, especially in Locke Park stn�d at Maore Lake Beach and Park. The Chief recommended, in respect to I.ocke Psrk, that the Pa�k Department statipn a man within the Park until midniQht, to help keep watch and perhaps prevant vandalism which might have otherwise occurred. The Chief stated that it is extremely difficult to give night watch protection to a park that has na easy access for the squad cars. The other situation that the Chief and Coapnission discussed was the parkiag groblew at Moore Lake Beach and Park, during the strfmaing season. The ChieP statect that the "Resident ONLY" signs are not enforceable and that the only real solution is to install "�Io Parking Anytime" signs along the presently posted areas. 'Fhe Commission thanked the Chief for attending their meeting and advi�it� tham on these problems. . GIRL'S B�ALLET CLASSES. Patricia Commers was present to further discuss a Ballet prograo for �irls in Fridley. It was decided that since the girls really don't have any organized activity in the fall and winter, that possibly ballet would be a Mell received activity. The classes could be held, if possible, within the Fridley Elementary Schools aftex school is adjourned for the day. The classes Would be cosposed of 2q to 25 Qirls fox each 40 to 45 minutes. Classes wouid run for 10 vraeks and a char�e to cover instruction, would be asked. G�neral discussion of the pl'6posed activitr followed, and the Commission thanked Pat for attandiAg the neetiag. f�urther recaatendations w�re schoduled for later in the meeting. NEIGHB(3RHOOD PARK PETITION. Four (4) residents �rom the Rice Creek Boulev*rr3 � �l�bot�� in Pridl� :. preseatad to the Coamaission for cansideration, a petition calling far t�e stop�in� of work on the proposed construction of apparatus in the area �hic6 is beiu� bWilt in the Park on Rice Creek ��i�,��yard. Patitio�w�� �;q!sl��e�d their objectiens LO .. _ 4 . Minutes of the ReQular Meeting, August 2A, 1970. page 2 Neighborhood Park Petition (con't.): � the apparatus being located a�ong the trees and rec,p��nded that the.�ra� be iastalled farther north. �eneral discussion betwetm the Co�a�ission �eaibers, the Director, and the Petitioners followed. T?►e Director and the Petitioners set a date and a time to meet and discuss the proposed changes on the site. Th.e Commission will be advised as to the outcome of this meeting. �'1 � PURCHASE OF LAND. The Commission reviewed a letter form the Assessor about a parcel of land north of Jay Park that has been on the records and administrative list for over three years. The question was asked: "Do we need it now?" Blair st�ted the need for an area in Jay Park for picnicing and he felt that the additioA of this single lot would serve the purpose. ON by S�.ct.i�c 1971 BUDGET. Nov.i.t.aku, n .to -th.e C.i. .00. .the Homex Ankrwn, City Manager, and Marvin Brunsell, Finance Director, were present as rec�uested by tha Commission, for the purpose of reviewing the 1971 Budget, as prepaxed by the Parks and Recreation Department. A general discussion of Other Expenses, Capital Outlay, and Land Requixements, followed, Detailed items wei'e presentad and additions and deletions were made by agreement o£ the entire group. 16 MOTION by Blaih., Seeoaded by O,C4on, xo adop.t �he 191J Budge,t a.a nev�,ewed and nev�f,4ed, �Wi a.to�a.e o� $�i2, 000.00 �on bo.t�. Pcvcka and Rech.ea.ti.on. The Mo.t.i.vn c,a��.e.d, CLINTC FOR PARKS MAINTF.NANCE. The Camnission received a letter from Mr. Ralph Volkman, Park Foreman, requesting perAaission to attend a seminar clinic on park maintenance and tree cara. The Ser�inar would be heid in Chicago on September 14, 15, and 16, 1970. Mx, 8ro�m also x�rote a letter of recommendation to send Mr. Volkman �to this Seminar. M4TTON by O.Ceon, Seconded by Nov.i,tak.y, �tv gnan.t p¢�uni,as.i.an �to Ra.�.ph Vo�Ckman, �o a.t.t¢nd fihe S¢Mixan -i.rt C' o on Sepxe+abeh l4, 15, S 16, 1970, on beha.Cb a� ,the C�.ty o� �nid�ey and xhe� a.rcd Re.e�eeazi.on Uepan,iment. The Mo.t,i,on ca�c.ed, �(�t1ISITION FO�R 1971 PERTAINING T'0 ' 71 BUDGET. Mr. Olson reco�ended a change in priorities for• Land Purchase irom•the 1971 Bud�et request. T4e Comsission discussed all areas of interest in respect to a cut back in land request. MOi10N by OLeon, Seeond0d by BCa.i�c, fi� change xh.e p�t.i.4�.i,ty �,i.ex.i.ng �i.n .Lhe 1911 &�dg ¢,t ne.quee.t �an a.ddi.ti�ona� Land xo s Pn.i.on.izy 4.to 3 and P�t,i.an,i,#y S.ta 4, e,Gimi.nafi,i.ng �nom :the �.i.nanc�d e r�e.ti.on 8�u:on.c.ty 3 and 6. The Ma�i.on e.cwt.led. . CO1WiSSION REQUBSTS BUDGET MEETING WITH CITY COUNCIL. aN bu OLdon Nov.i;�td an add�.t.i.onaC 1�0 Minutes o� £ the Re�ular Meeting, August 24, 1970. Page 3 BALLET CI.IISSES. MOTION 6y O.Ldan, Seconde.d by B�ain, xha.t Ba.�.e,t C.eadbea be ob�ened at �wo � Fn,i.d.eey E.�emen�axy Schoo.P�, 6y xh.e Pcvcka and Rec�cea.ti.on Uepa�finent, zh.i.s Fcu.l., a.t a na.te o� $3.25 pe�c .i.nd.i.v.i,dua.P. �on a pe�c.i.od o� l0 week,�. The Mo,ti.an c�.i.ed. � SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT POLICY. Re: City Council Minutes of August 17, 1970. The Commission disCussed the reference made to overtime pay dur�ing the tournamen�t, made by Councilman Brieder. The Commission recommended that the administration draft a policy in respect to tournaments and the use of City Employees. MOTION b O.ea o n Seco nded b No u.i,t,b �o a uee x.tha.t xh.e admi.n.i.a fii�a t a an e ua e o ee� cv�nam v an 4 e e�+1 eh Me . e o n c,dai�.c. . ADJOURNMENT. MOTION .to ad1awcn ,the mee,ti,ng a.t 11:08 p.m. Tho next regular meeting will be held on Monday, September 28, at 7:30 p}m. in tAe conference room at Civic Center. PB:cs � 0 0 � OFFICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING C0114SISSION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the Planning Connnission of the City of Fridley will meet in the Council Chamber of the City Hall at 8:00 P.M. on Wednesday, September 9, 1970, to consider the following matter: � A request for a Special Use Permit (SP �70-10) for North�Air Home Associatioa (Gerald E. Herron, preaident) for an sutomobile pasking lot to be located on the South 150 feet of Lot 18, Brook- view Addition as per Section 45.071, 3R, Fridley Cit�de, in an R-3 District. Generally located at 6831�••Highway :�65. -aad 68th P lace . Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter may be heard at this meeting. . OLIVER R. ERICKSON CCHAIRMAN PLANNING CO1rII�iISSION Publlsh: August 26, 1970 �,,, Septe�mber 2, 1970 �8 --- __ _ -. c - __�: . l � , Q � � `. ` � \ � CITY OF FRIDLEY MINNESOTA P'I.ANNING AND ZONINC FORM ��r SP �70-1U TYP'E O�F REQUEST Rszoniag �Special Use F'�rmit - Yariance � TUg� , c�� ��� L--`t-/�►.-t_,__ Lot Spl it s AtTLICANT S SIGNA �1-�h� Addreas 5������ �/.' � /►�sProval of Pre- liminary Plat Telephone Number _S�c� - �� / � . Approval of Fiaal - _ _ _ _ --- '�'3r��-�� L2'r ` _/��r-.-c�- �-=-�'�• Fla t PROPBRTY (yWNER' S SIGNAZ'tIRE '���,��� ..�. ���,�`-i.t- /^..!�°� � Streeta or All�-.._ . . Addseso � �..i / �����r�-�:i #� S� Vaca.tiocu 17-- Ttlephone Nwaber %,�G -- /�f 1 � Other scr�et ��artop of Preparty G�S / /� � -�'Y-c �"Gs- �'�% l�' �.� � _ Legal Description of Property 4��A� / " ' ��/ � �� � f � � --l✓� s_ /� .�..Y����Y,t,�l��"� . � .� . . present Zoning Claseification . Existiag U,� of th� Property�j��-Nm� Proposed Zoaing Cla�sification, Special Use, Variance or other reque�t :���� �� Se�; 4�.0� t �� �� . � . _ - -- -- Deacribe briefly the 1�rpe of Use and the Improvem�nt Propoe�d ���C"r'�-r' -� /% .n / , d _1�.- � �cr�age oi Property ��'' � /g> �ias the Pr�s�nt Applicant Pr�viously 8ought to Reson�, Plat, Obtaia a Lot Split� Obtaia a Variaace or Sp�cial Use Permit on tbe Subj�ct Site or Part of ItZ Y� � i�ea? What Wa• 8equeated � Fee Encloaed $��, 0� � U (�ct G� 2��: __� ^Dat� Fil�d � Date of Hearing` r �+ �; _ _ � -r '°.YLANNIN� ANT) ZONYNG FORM PACE 2 � A �� ` Number �P ��70-10 • ' The wadet�igned understands that; �si Aertytwithin1300Sfeettmustdbewatt�chedpCo i"� F this application. . (b) This application mdst be aigned by eIl owners of tha property, or an explanatioa _ �iven why this is not the case. � � (c) Respansibil�ty for any defect in the pro•� � eeedings resnl.tfn� from the failure to lfst the names $nd a�dresses of all reQidents and propert� oo�r�ecs of property within 300 � feet of the prop�rfiy in questlon, belongs . to the undersi�ned. Residents and Owaers ,of �roperty within 30� feet:� : - , - i'ERSOtd5 -_ . - ADDRESS - See attached sheet �— a A sketch of proposed property and structure must be dra�m on the back of this forot or attached, showing the iollotaing: 2: �cat�oQr�ft�oposed Structure oa lot. - 3. Dimensions of property, proposed structur�. and front and side set-bactcs. 4. Street Names � S. Location �nd use of adjacent existing : � buildin�s (within 300 feet). : _The undersigned hereby declares that all the factg and representations atate� ia - ' this application are true and correct. � /�, ,�� �> �a/ /.-n �� ,� !-L' /�i'!�- . `- 7 p �• TURE ✓��.�-�<�� �'��'h 4-. l�c.._. �' - : DATE ���' , /� / 1 SIG'vA „�,,, (APPLICANT) • � . . . . . ,,, . * * ,k ,k ,k ,k yt * * �1PProved Denied �-�e-3�ca�d�#-�Ppea�s . ,r,�, - Subject.to the Followin� Conditions: •date � Approved Denied �_�_ by the Flannin� Commission on Subject to the E�ollowing Conditions: ' date '�Approved Denied _ " by [he Council oa Subject to the Following Conditions: ' date •. Form PC 100 , � Mailing List - August 21,_1970: " _ �+�- % $pe �ial Use Permit CSP �k70-10). I' North Air Home Associatio� _ 42a� W c1/lnn,aJ�l . : /"�810 Channel Road r'.ridley Carl J. Swanson 6663 Lucia Lane _ - Fridley � Richard W. Gottwaldt 6700 Channel Road � Fridley William A. Dingmann � _ 6676 Channel Road - __ - _-- _ __ Fridley _ _ _ - James J. Collins 6854 Channel Road Fridley - Miles A. Chadwick 6846 Channel Road Fridley � Carl H. Nestor 6830 Channel Road �ridley — • . Allen W. Hoyt � 6816 Channel Road Fridley Suburban Engineering • 6875 Highway ��65 : Fridley • Sunliner Motel � , , � 6881 Highway ��65 Fridley . ' � � North Air Aome Association - 6831 University Avenue N.E. Fridley . � _ . _ � _.._a . . �__-__� — -- �.�..� . ._ . ` _ _ �� . . _ : . : � � _ ' : - � . : .,, . . . .. . .. _ N . o �7� � . . . r .. . �.. , : .. �.: - - . , ,: . , : , , . _ - �s l � ''�? . _ _ r �. ,� , , , � � ' �� . . . _ � . ,,. _- ,_- __ � 1 ' � _. _ , ` . . , ns _ _ _ �._:: , : _ - . _ •___----�---- r - ' __ . . . : _. � - . _ ! ' . - Z � i � � -n- - -- � _ _ _ 3�' �� _ _ . � -�S` _ -��t'� : . _. :. .: __._. . , , � . . _ . . � _ ,,. . _..� . _ . : : � . . _ � . _ _ ___ _ � _ " SP ��70-10 North Air Home Assoc. (Gerald E. Herron) - To improve parking lot on South �. 150 Ft. of Lot 18, Brookview Addition- _ � ,.. , . . Y � ` ; - _ � __ _ . . _ . .,_._. •.♦ ---_._.- ' .. . i . r. __ _ .,. l�` . ' ' . . . . r . . � .. C � �. . .. /'�a'R.i' � ' . . .. . . � .: . • . � � � �-� � -1 ; North Air Home Assoc. �� • ' . � �. � SP �'7D 4 � �. ' : . -`�� -� � --�— . . - • •----�`-� Gerald E . flerr_on - : .. � : - . �. . , ._ . . _ ,_ , — ::. ' ' � • �o improve parking lot on Sout . . - . . ., _ . - , �• . ' ft of . 18, Brookview A d� � '.. �: `. . 15�,. . : Lot . _.. ,.. ._ . .�-. .. � . . .-.� . .. - .. . . . � . . . � - .• . '. . J . . . . . ' . . . - � . . . . � . •:. . . . : . � - - .' .� . . :. . .. � � -" . ' . . . . . .. .. . . • . /� .. . : : . � , . . . . _ _. . ' . . . . . _. . � ` .. . . . . . �� ♦ . • / \ . ' : . � I , , _ � N ! 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I ..B � � �`' �- .;d :, � . � »� :; 6 3 _ s� �- . /� . 1� � � �i \I •• . / � ~ I . �) � •11_ s 17 • � • t REGULAR COIINCZL MEETING OF AUGUST 18, 1969 : PAGE 6' �� . property, he had thought he eventually would be able to build on it. Mr. ^ Dircz said that Columbia Heights had lots of that size in the area, and he � thought land would get scarcer and Y►e would be able to build. Councilman Liebl asked if anyone had objected to this plan. Mr. Dircz replied that the neighbors did not object and presented the Council with the petition the Planning Commission had received. PETITION #37-1969 IN FAVOR OF L.S. #69-20, FRANK DIRCZ /'1 -� s � . MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive Petition #37-1969 of adjoining property owners granting approval to build a suitable home. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the , d . motion carrie . -- . Councilman Liebl asked Mr• Dircz what size home he would build. Mr. Dircz replied, giving the approximate measurements of the house he had in mind. Mayor Kirkham said that to be fair to Mr. Dircz he thought this should be brought back at the next regular Council Meeting with a full Council as he did not feel he could vote for it and it would fail. He said the Gity has mi.nimum requirements set up and a lot of only 45 feet would be a rarity in the middle of the block, let alone a corner lot. Mr. Dircz asked how the City would maintain the lot if he was forced to let it go. Mayor Kirkham said that was another problem, and did not bear on the lot split, MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to table the consideration of the Lot Split . Request L.S. #69-20 to the Regular Council Meeting of September 2, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham dec-lared the motion carried. 7. LOT SPLIT RE UEST: L.S. #69-10, NORTH AIR HOME ASSOCIATZON, J.R. PLEMEL: South 150 feet of Lot 18, Brookview Addition subject to road easement over south 50 feet. � The City Engineer said that the Planning Commission had recanmended approval _ of the lot split request, He pointed it out on the map, and commented that .. this area has a drainage problem and the only way it can be drained is by-going- to the Creek someway. He pointed out that this lot split will aggrevate the ' water problem because :�hey plan to extend their parking lot. The Council dis- cussed the drainage problem in this area. The Acting City Attorney said that he was sure the Knights of Columbus would go along with any solution the Council can find to resolve the "lake" on 68th Avenue and Lucia Lane. Councilman Samuelson asked if it would be wise to hold another Public Hearing for storm sewer. The City Engineer said that he �hougHt it was advisable, but storm sewers are not popular. Councilman Lieb1 said he thought it was important to, solve the drainage problem first. The City Manager said that this area is the source of many complaints because of water. Cot�ncilman Samuelson suggested a Public Hearing be held in �ctober to give the Administration more time for - engineezing studies. The City Engineer said that they were ready now as this �has been brought to the Council before. 1 � MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to set up a Public Hearing for the construct on /'�_ of storm sewer services to the 68th Avenue and Chaa�nel Road area and that the Lot Split Request L.S. #69-10 be tabled until the Public Hearing is completed. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor � Kirkham declared the motion carried. _. � � ` REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 15, 1969 ��...�r�T.,�vamTnts c1F FIRST READING OF ORAII3ANCE ON VACATION (LE � A ,-.. __._.__ � � - - PAGE 14 O. LEMKE) SAV Councilman Sheridan commented that it seemed senseless to him to vacate,the street and not the alley. The City Engineer said that the vaaation is only _ ior the south � of the street. There would still b� access into the alley, but to his knowledge it is not being used. He said that if this is passed on first reading, then before the second reading is given, there shouid be the easements required, and the access to the property set�led. Councilman Sheridan said that he did not think that it should be vacated at this time and the proper action_would be to deny the request. - - _ -- -= - - -- q- _ Leo O. MOTIOI3 by Councilman Liebl to deny the Vacation Re uest SAV #69-06 by _ I,emke to vacate the south half of 47th Avenue between 3rd Stre�t and Liniversity Avenue. Seconded by-Councilman Sheridan. Upon.a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. CONSIDERATIOI�I 9F STORM SEWER IMPROVEMEN2' �'k03EC2 FOR I�UCIA LANE - 68TH AVEPIiIE - _- _ _ __ - -, - _ ___ AREA: . _ -- - MOTION by Councilman Liebl to delete this storm se��rer district from the 197� program. 5econded by Councilman Harris. Upan a voice vote, all voting aye� - Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. �PPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT RE IIEST (L.S. #69^19) NOR^1H AIR HOME ASS(�CIATiGN, JAMES �' itI,EMEL: S. 150 Feet of Lot 18, Brookview Addn. subject to road easernent over S. 50 Feet. _ . ' MOTION by Councilman Liebl to grant the Lot Split Request by�Narth Air Home Association subject to the easement necessary. Seconded by.Councilntan Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkh� aeclared the motic+n carried, •. �►PPROVAL OF CHANGE IN� EXTERIOR FINISA OF RIVERSEDGE Wr'1'1 APFiRTtZ�NTS: (James Nelson) - . - _ • � Mr. James: Nelson _said `that_ the only change is �hat they wot�lr� ;like. t�. use rough sawn cedar on the exterior rather than stucco� He_then._came forward and pxesented the Council with th� plans and. said that he hopes to have the b�ai����9s _ complete by next June. Counci1man.Harr�.s,asked if he still met the require- ments regarding the brick. The City Engineer said yes, and that he would re- - commend approval sub�ect to obtaining easements and drainage plans, . MO'TION by Councilman Harris ta apprave the change in exterior for the Rivers- , edqe Way apartments and approve the permit subject to the City getting t�he easements and drainagP plans. Seconded by Couneilmar► Lieb1. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion cArried. - APPFtOVAL QF PLOT PLAN AND OTI�ER ITEMS FOR COUN'i'RY KITCHEN RESTAURANT AN1� : CONSIDERATION OF SIGN PERMIT REQUEST: " - �The City Engineer sai.d that the interior;plans have already been presented to : . ' the Council. and there is no change with those. He said that his suggestion was to move the buildinq 18' north, and then vacate the roadway. This would � � and fenced area. There 'is a sidewalk ' -provide about 7 between__the curbing -- ' running along the south property line. There will be 6' p rov:ided between-the - sidewalk and the cars. They have agreed on these pointe. They have also . . - ' . . .. Y . . _ _. . . _, _ �:. . ... . . . , . .. yp; . . � � �. .. _ . .. . 7:..:.�.6V 1 �� .. ..: ��_- ". _L. . ... ._: . .. ♦ . �R . . ,yQK� ` . � . . � . . . . . . . . . i ... ' �� F .. Z �: f� f_!� i L.S. ��69-19 - North Air Home Assoc. �''�:, ` . �'"" " � S. 150 Ft. of L. 18, Brookview Add ,� '_`� /o l,%8/ � - .� , o ,, sub j. to road ease. over S. 50 f. �'� ,� (',;' ':- .: . �� �f�! '� _ � - . _. ., , _ � . , � , • � .t v . ^ ,: 1 �lt� � � � D . i � ;1 � , : 3 �_ r 4.,t1. �„ - -- .. � � ,�,. y � ,. ss!�� � �_ , _ ------_ � ___ � .,� ,� .. ' ` �`�G�. `° , � ,�� k�, "" ° gg� °' �.� � � r ° ' �"` . � � ., 8�° � (� l 1 �� .`r : . �.{��R�, _' „ ;,-` �; `�`���� `'o: `�° '° " q ? �_ .. ���:: '(� . 1 - R,:3'••ri! .�i��:j1!'Va I . J" t �d,nf� \�� f a'�f,'• • — ' _ ___-- -4 • }�.' ��� ����4 1�' .. „ ,. : �44 . « •� e �a,a:..._.�..�. -.� � g 1 � t�'� � i ..�.,�.., � � `' � �: ` /Q�/ � . .O�Y �•f \ VF . ' � ���. .� 1 � �b (� ��' � ►1 V � • T� :� �! I J`. �Y � .� � °t M b'. ' . : 4 �' � .. 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E. � _.. � Fridle� _:��nn�,�Q_�a _- — ---- - — _ _ - _ - � 1�G'ar T�;Y'. �'i�82 �{ � ' T_n accardarc� t•�� tY� o�z� r�cer.� phnne con.v�rsation, I hereby requ�st an orportu- n_itJ �� p.,Ucen't a pr�l�M�naxy rec,l�.est for � zone ctian��� t� the City ?la:�n�n� �iC)t?;:R1Sfi?.GTl �.ci�"�?t,°ri�'J�2' `��Yi. The subject arpa is the vacan+., 1a�id bounc��� by '?� ssiss�?�pi S�`�.reet, utinscn /1 _ -r R1_�Tc�., Ric!: Cresk Roael and r�rt�:t�r Stre� �. TYie reque:;t change is to �-'.2 to a11cY,a t��.ro f.amily homes. Z'han?: ;�ou fcr ;�cur assistance in this ma�t�,er. . `�'t'-}'� ��=�; � �, � �,: �� '1�'� � � F?. C. �rnst . lp�� �'�bCrne :�O•�c? Fridle�T� ��`i1r1TlF'.SO+,,a 5��32 �� . � 0 ti � �._ : - _ _ ; — " �.i7 . R. C. 'ERNST - � - . , - vngSIBLE REQiTEST FOR REZ4NING _ " ' . . � . . Td R-2 FOR TWO FAMILY H �r1i� � �� �� P R �TTER D TED SEPT 3 1970 Jr � _ —����'���I:�t'�--S�'. - - _---- -- ---- ' - - ^ �� -- � �; , � i15 .Ii » I � .. � , � _ - . . � - �.1/ I � j�4 . �y � /�%'`� ��{��' � . 1 `` , i � �oro t; t �;seo) � _ � �. 1 .. _ ��� � ! � . � 3 , , � ° � . � ' � 4 ��0� o /f�rp� `, �' �,�40) r�� ` �� `_ i . t � r i /1 . �. ' 6 . f � / _._... l .. ' ' 'irr � . . � . . : . � � � . r� �-of�. � ,� C���> � a, _ - --_ - . . � ' �, � � ag� .-" . . . : t z a .- t �. � ° . � � - � � ,. . ; . , . � . _ _. . _. . _____ U (zS� . ' —� ' � ; .,,� � � . . ,,,. �3 _ ,�,"� ��18� I�1 �� ,'• � j �� ' .`i . , � sv zs oo ,zs • - _----- � �y is . : �9a - 26� _ . _ y� �—�-_ S,j /�s - � j �s /z� , /s� )�O�D , `�..�, _ _ � -_ i�{So �'�S �!� Y ' " . - . - . . � I 7� '�e Q t , . , . , � .I �a0� �jry,��l��z�} _�' -. � . � � -I� -'- �� � ..± t EYz irY,✓z.�� � �� a � m� '� ,� � •"+ o `, /. 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