PL 04/22/1970 - 30173� �1 � PLANNING C01�4ISSION. MEETING APRII. 22, 1970 7:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Erickson. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Erickson, Harris, Schmedeke, Fitzpatrick,Minish Members Absent: Noae APPROVE PLANNING COPIlKISSION MINUTES: APRIL 8, 1970 Harris called attention to the last paragraph on Page 2, lst sentence which read "--- one showing the house facin� 52ad Avenue" and should be "---one ahowing the structure faciag 52nd Avenue". M�Lnish men�ioned� that it was his understanding the following statement should be included in the minutes and the rest of the Commissiori concurred: Chaixman Erickson requested that.the �ity Attorney be asked to review the new Zoning Ordinance in respect to the Board of Appeals and Planning Commission and give has opinion as to the procedure of the Board of Appeals with regard to variances, specifically as to public hearings and pubZic notices as quickly as possiBle. (The City Attorney was contacted by the Engineering Assis�ant.) MOTION by Mini�h, seaonded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Couunission Minutes of Apri1 8, 1970 be approved with the above two corrections. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. PLATS � SUBDIVISTONS-STREETS b i]TILITIES SUBCOMMITTEE MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Xarris, that the Planning Commission receive the P1ats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilit3es Subcommittee Minutes of April 8, .I970. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unani- movslg. RECEIVE BOARD OB APPEALS I�IINUTES: APRIL 15, 19%0 MOTION by Mini�h, secoAded by Fitzpatr3ck, that the Planning Commission receive the Board of Appesls Minutes of Apri1 15, 1970. Upon a voice vote, all voting age, the motion carried nnanimously. INFORMAL REPORT: Chairman Erickeon etated that he had aeut a letter to the Citq Maaager regarding the function of the Board of Appeale, but he had not Yeceived �n opinion as yet. The request involved bringin� a certain kind of problem directlq to the Council for them to act upon without �oing to the Board of Appeals. Another problem was that the public hearinge did not seem to be spelled out in the City Ordinance, but there may be something in the State laws that require a public hearing. Thes'e is no definite information now. Se would like the Plannin,�Commission MeetinR - Apr�l 22. 1970 Pa�e 2 w • w � function of the Board of Appeals clarified, whether or not it is an over-riding body, subject to appeal to the Council, oX as it seema uader our present ordin- aace, just a recommnending body. � He is concerned about the width and area of co�ercial property in the new ordinance which requires al], C properties be treated alike. He also asked the City Attorney to cl�ify whether or not there ahould be a grandfather clause in the new ordinance relating to properties that were previously adequate in aize but are no longer. 1. REZONING RE TJEST: ZOA �'70-04, CPL. JAMES L. ROBINSON BY G. D. GIANCOLA, ATTORNEY, FOR LOTS 1 THRU 6, AND LOT 9, AND NORTH 68 FEET OF LOT 20. CENTRAL AVENUE ADDITION. Rezone Lote 1 thru 4 and Lot 9 from C-1 to C-2 (general business areas) and Lots 5 and 6 and North 68 feet of Lot 20 from 1�1 to C-2. Confirm Public Searing date of May 6, 1970. The Chairman brought out the fact that under M-1, with a Special Use Permit, you can put up a gasoline service atation and he wondered about rezoning if it still could be dope with a Special Use Permit. It was noted that a request would be coming through to split Lot 20, Central Avenue Addition re�onig�e the North 68 fe�t. �e question came up whether or not the South Half, in M-1 zoning, would be left an unbuildable lot. The Engineering Department was asked to report at the next meeting the ^ ownership of the lots to the West and East of Lot 20. MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Harris, that the Planning Corrunission confirm the Public ilearing date of Mag 6, 1970 at 8:00 P.M. for the rezoning request, ZOA #70-04, Cp1. Sames L. Robinson by G. D. Giancola, Attorney, for Lots 1 thru 6 and Lot 9, and North 68 feet of Lot 20, Central Avenue Addition to be rezoned from C-1 and M-I to C-2 (general business areas). Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Coma�iission decided that the Lot Split should be heard after the rezoning. 2. PARKS AND OPEN SPACE: POLICIES, SYSTEM PLAN, PROGRAM: Metropolitan Park Reserve Board - ltaia Cities Area. Attention was called tQ Page 6, "Compatibilitq with Urban Development" in the Metropolitan Development Guide referYing to Wetlands, recharging of water supply and urban�developmeat of low lands. The Chairman felt the Planning Com- mission and Council should be interested in what this might do to the develop- ment of our co�unitq. Oa April 29, 1970 at 8:00 P.M. the Anoka County League of Muaicipalities will meet in the Anoka Cit�► Ha11. The Engineering Assistant was to be asked if he could attend. Also, the Conom�issioa referred the Metropolitan Development . Guide, Parks and Open Space, to the Parks � Recreation Co�issioa. Fitzpat�ick, Chairman of Parks & Recreation, said it wo�ld be brou�ht before the Commiss�om �'�'1 on Monday, April 27, 1970. Plannin� Co�i.ssion Meetin� - At�ril 22, 1970 Pafae 3 � i����s ��1 3. DISCUSSION TO CHANGE MEETING NIGHT OF BOARD OF APPEALS: Minish euplained the psesent meeting night is on alternate weeks of the Planning Commission. 'I'he problem now is conflict of nights. The Board of Appeals decided to m�eet on Tueadays, instead of Wedneaday, and there ia no conflict with other meetings for that evening. The Chairman said that as far as the �mbers of the Planning Commission are concerned, whatever night that was chosen would be agreeable, but theq should set a time which would give adequate time to get the action to the Council. Tuesday would also give the secretary of the Board of Appeals an additional day to prepare the minutes. 4. DISCUSSION OF FUTURE STUDIES FOR PLANNIIdG COrIl�4ISSI0N: The Commission agreed to study the last remaining large tracta of undeveloped land before they became problems of the Planning Coa�mission so that they would be prepared with some sort of outline or direction to follow. 1. The property from 79th Avenue to 83rd Avenue (about 40 acres), North of Johnson Truck Farm. The study would consider draining, zoning, overall general idea of what could be or ahould be done; consider surveying in the area to-see if draining i.� feasible; make sure the soil is adequate for the purpose for rahich it is zoned; consider developing the land for multiples if industrial ,,� is not feasible; consider the types of buildings, such as a 2� story apartment ' building, if there would be a problem of water. There is the possibility that by the time the propertq is drained and ready for building,the investors might feel too much money went into the land to put an industrial building on it. The Commission was to think.about it for the next couple of weeka. � 2. Another area which might be studied (Peck's Woods) is the area awned by Acres, Inc. and is that part of the SF}� of Section 24 North of �694 between Matterhorn Drive and Fridleq-New Brighton Bouadary. 3. Rice Creek Road and Miesissippi Street East of Old Central and area North of Rice Creek between Old Central Ave. and Stinson Blvd. 4. Pete Brook's Trailer Park. 5. 73'� Avenue • a� Centra]. Avenue. Harris stated the new Unifo�n Buildiag Code would be coming out this fall. This is a national building officials' otganization. The State would also put out a n�w Code. The Comm�ission felt the Building • Standarda-Deaig�- .�c�ntrbl Sub- committee should look at them and make recom�nendations to the Planning Commia$ion who, in tum, will pass tt�em on to the Council. Because of the influx of new and different types of bui3lding materi8ls on the market, it wae felt there �vae a lot of room for etudying and checking. r � � � Planniug Commission Meetia�r=Apr31 22, 1970 Pa�e 4 ���`'`� Traffic Problem: Oae method would be to try to prevent generating a construction that would increase the traffic; the other to attempt to get service roads to move traffic away from hazardoue places. Schemdeke explained the atudq the Plats & Subdi�isions-Streets b Utilities Subcomm4ittee was making for the infersection'of Interstate �694 and University Avenue, which,would be presented to the Planning Commission. Another area, 37th aad Marshall, was discussed and the need af a semaphore for this intersection. i 6. GARBAGE COLLECTION: The problem, pertainin� to pollution, is whether or not the City should get some type of garbage caliection syatem in the community rather than the system ntow where several firaos collect in the sa� area. 7. SUGGESTIONS FOR SIMPLIFifING THE NAMES OF THE PLATS 6 SUBDIVISIONS-STREETS & UTILITIES SUBCOI�lIT'I'EE AND THE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOM- MITTEE: - The Subcomn►ittees were to be asked to suggest an appropriate and simplified name for the respective Subco�mnittees. � ADJOURNMENT : There being no further busineas, Chairman Erickson adjourned the Planning Commission Meeting of April 22, 1970 at 9:45 P.M. Reapectfully aubmitted C�G��,.�w�- flaze 0'Brian Recording Secretary !-1