PL 07/22/1970 - 31073� PI,ANNING COI�IISSION MEETING � JULY 22, 1970 PAGE 1 The meeting was called to order by Chaismea Erickson at 8:05 P.M. ROLL CALL: Membere PreseaC: Minish, Erickson, Schmedeke, flarrie Member Abaent: Fitzpatrick Others Present: Darrel Clark, Eagiaeering Assistaat APPROVE PLANNING COMISSSION ARINUTES• JiJLY 8, 1970 �OTIDN by Minish, seaonded by Harris, that t�ie Planning Cpm�sB�qp l�e�tes of July 8, 1970 be approved. Upon a vo3ce vote, a.I1 voting aye, the �eptipn C�rried unan.imousl y . RECEIVE -PLATS & SUBDIVISIONS-STREETS ...8 UTILITIES 3UBCOPfl�II�1".t'�E...�E�.t �.g � l�OTION by Schmedeke, seCOnded by Minish, that the Planning.�is$�[On reC93p�1 the mtnute$ of tbe Plats ii S�bd3vis3on�-S�reets & Uti�i��es Swbcoa�ittee meet.�rtg ^: of July 8, 1970. Upon a voice vote, a11 yoting aye, the ,wot.ion carried ur�ar�iaao�Ty4 r"1 RECEIVE BUILDING $TANDARDS-DESIGN CODITRUL. SUBtiOI�IT'PEE MIATIITES: .JULY 9 1 0 MOTION by Narris, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Plaiuiing �gsion rece�.V6 the minutes of the Btulding Standards-Design Control Subcorr�itfiee �eeting af JuZy 9, Z970. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried w:animously. RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: JULY 14 1970 M17TION by �linish, seconded by Xarris, that the Planning Coa�missiv� receive the minutes of the Board Appeals �eeting of Ju1y 14, 1970. Upon a voice vote, $1�; vvting aye, the motion carried unanimousZy. I. 2. CF : Lote 30 and 31, Auditor e Subdivision No. ... v....�.� u _�: For an automobile parking lot and recreation area to be located on the N� of Lot� 30 �d 31, e$cept the North 125 feet, of�Auditor'e Sub- divieioa �►129. The Engineeriag Aaeistaat euggested that, because these two requeste iavolve the same piece of grouad and developmeat, and �t�at the plat ia contiagent upoa the 3pecial IIae Permit, theq could be conaidered at the same time. Planuia� Commi$sicn Meetiag -.Julv 22, 19.70 _ . Pa�e 2 The Public flearing Noticea for the Pro�osed Preliminary Plat, P.S. 1i70-02, ^ by George N. Neleon for Lote 30 and 31, Auditor�s Subdivision #129. aad the Special Use Permit Request, SP �i70-06, by 6�orge N. Neleon, for an auto�bile parking lot and r�creation area to be located on the N'� of Lots 3U and 31, except the North b25 feet of Auditor�e Subd�viaion �i129 were read by Chairman Ericic�on. Mr. Nelaoa, Sr., Mr. Nelson, Jr., Mr. William Merlia and Mr. Ottq Schmid of Urbaa P18aniag & Desiga, Inc. were present. � Mr. Nelaca, Sr. reviewed the requeet by eayiag their iatentions s�ere to build apartm�at�. Originally they took eteps tio rezone the whole site.becaues there. had been some objections to build apartment buildings on property zan�d �esiden- tial. Naw theq decid�d to restrict them�elvee to buildin� on Che ].aad $aued �oz apart�¢eats, use the rest o� the land for parking and subdivide the si�c lote o� Onond�ga Str�et. The lote oa Onondaga wi11 be 80`x125° except the Westerly lot wi�i.�h w�Lll b� 115'x125' to allow for a 30 fov�t e�e�eat oa the Westerly �dge for iuture road. �. Otto Schmi.d e�lained that the- pzo�ect hae the aate� lapout ae pxeseut�d la�t r�tater� with ti�e exception the apartment bufldings wi11 be oa propasty ` �oa�d It 3, �d ttaey ar� asking ior a Special �'s�a Permit fvx paz�pg. aAd recreatioa�l area. �he ��t� would.�e more attractive if t�ey w�re allowed �o `dev`��t� ths `a=�s bet�een tt� �o�res on fla�r►daga Street aad t� +��rtm�ats for garldog aad `rracr'�Ci'o� �or �the apartments. . ,' i�r. Wi11��► Merliu added that, as ea a].tes�aatiwe to �he p1at, they w�ld `_ ^ 11ke i��e Plsnaing Gommiasioa to consider the poae�bility of-� etr�et throvgh tMe �:1.ddle of the block so that tla�y can do eomething with the inusr portioa o�;t� bloeka They believe there ie a part�cular hardehip beeauae of the inn+��'parz oi' ��e bl�c:k. These are long lot�, and they Wo�xld lilce some way to develop the �iddle ax�a; ti�erefore, they were aakiag for a Special Vse Permit or Vari�nce. 8�c�u�e a Variaace �� Special U�e Permit.is heard by different committ�es, it . was decid�d�to begin with the Special Use Permit. Chairm�a,..Ericksoa eaid they had sbout .19,Q00 square feet-aAd Chey cau].d � to the Board ��� Appeale for a uariance on � tiie .area requirem�eate . Mr..George Hanson. 1476 Onondaga Street: fle said the propoaed plat t�ll. �gide the petitioner the same deneity as if they had rezoned. t) The aeighbo�e �felt the requeet should be deaied because of schooling. The children ia thia. area right naw are being buesed to Blaine School. 2) Leoking on the n�ap, the asea ai�. arovand the S� of Lote 30 and 31 are zoaed R-3. We don`t believe th� Comaiaeion, beaauee someane wants to speculate oa R-1 propertq, ehould f�el it ahould be granted. At the Covnoil n�eeting they had a petition�agaiast the rezoning of 60 sigaatures, everqone in the aresa, eucept two pe0ple. They d�t�t object to the apartmeat buiiding on 73rd.Avenue but. ae far ea re��oaiag A-3,; property to 3ncr�ase the denaity for the apartmente by making a parkiug attid reczeatipaal.�rea, they do ob�ect. Laet qear the Plaaaing Commise�oa A.�.'d �h� rezaain� requeet but Ceuacil turned it dewn for the people. .Thi� qsar the eata�. Ae thought the Covacil took iato conaideration the waata of the workiag people ia thie aaea. Whea every person i� that wbole area doee not want an aparlmeAt ehere, �here will be no benefit from it. fle would like to see the Commieeion i"� deny it. . n Planaing Com�atssion Meetin�July 22, 1970 page 3 � , Mr. flanson wae iaformed that the Couacil did aot deny the last request -- the petitioaer withdrew the requeet. Also that the Spring Lake Park School District was atudying the posaibf lity of a new school o� Osborne Road aad Lake- eide Road. Nick Barsett, 7450 Lakeside: When he applied ior a new home, he waa told he Was going into one of the fineat districts in Fridley. He was bora sad rais+ad ia Chicago so he knows what it ia to have tenements and apartmeata. 8e 1iv�d in Sautheast Minneapolia for ten or fifteen yeara. At firet it was one v� th� beat plaGes you could live ia all of Minneapolis. If you take a trip down thet�� naw, pou will see what happens with al1 your apartments and everythiAg. That wae why he moved away from there -- undesirable characters and living canditioae. Wkat he had seen so far thia evening, he would hate to see come to paas. Robert P�ragard, 7430 Lakeaide: If the petitioner could build th� houses firet oa Ctnondag� az�d sell them before the apartments were built, maybe the �eople would be given more considezatioa, aa theq might not like the ap$�t�ettte. TP th� apartmeats were bui1� first, he didn't think the houaes wauld s�11. Chaixman Ericksoa exp�.ain�d the proposed plat would be "L" shaped' it wout�d be rhe :�hole pieae without any buildimga. The Special Uae Pe�t was go� pa�ek��g aad�recr��t�en�. purposes. Mr. Harxis woadered if th� Speclal U�e �es�o�.t were g�anta�d, wo�d Mx. Neleon have to get a vaxisace. The aaswer wae he_wauld 1P be wanted tv build more uaits thaa the land �oned R-3 permits. '�� Mr, George Hanaon: If the �ridleq Code does not allow more thatt 40 unite �or the au►ount of land Mr. Nelson plans ta use, then there would be mo�e �haa ample parking space aad there would be no need to get a Special Use_Pe�tnit �'ar, parkiago Mr. Idelaon said the zoning ordinaace provides, �ith the density as it �ss amp]�e room for p arkiag two cars per uni�. MOT.TON J�y Harr3s. . seconded by M3nish, t1�at the Planning Cou�u'.ssion c,lo9� : t � the public hearing of the proppsed Prelim.inary P1at,.P.S. #70-02, by George N. � Nelsvn fox Lots 30 and 3.I, Auditor's Subdivision #.i29. Upon a voice vote, �t1.I voting ays, the mot�on carried unanimously. i Mr. Earxis questioned if �here cauld be the possibility of access vato Onouda�a Street from the parking area. The Eagineering Assistant said that ou8 way of preventing thie would be to.put the recYeation area aext to the 3Q $oot easement and � allo�w traffic from On.oadaga to the parking lot. The Westexly ��.5 foo� corner lot, evea with the dedicatioa of 30 feet will present ao probl�ta. Ct�airaian -Erickson.. asked the copiea of the preliminary sketch used th�.s; eveaing be numbered and dated. 1�l7TZON by Schmedeke, seconded bg M3nish, that the PZanning Commission tecom- mend approval to the Counc3�T of the pxoposed Preliminary Plat, P.S. #70-02, by Geo�'ge N. NeZson of Lots 30 anpl 31, Aud3tor`s Subdivision No. 129 subject to �he � ��cessa.�y 30 foot easement for a road on the West side of the plat� subjeat to ang -o�die,� nt:i�� easement,s�,��thet _•the plat fn�It�esy a11 ��ix lots on Onpndaga Street and the ptlaer 1a�ge parcel to remain in one. Upon a voice vote, al1 votin� sy�, the motion carried unan,imously. �lanning Commiasi.on MeetinA - Julv 22, 1970 Pa�te 4 �--� Mr. Minish asked if $he Planning Commi.saion should reco�tend approval of the Special Uee Permit, and if the Couacil were to approve the Plat and the Speclal Uae Permit, would that mean the petitioner could use the land for onlq a parking lot? Darrel Clark answered "yes"; however, if they wish to build mare uaits than the R-3 land wi11 allo�w, they would need a variance. Mr. Harris asked if there would be acreening a1on� the new North ].iae. Mr. Merlia answered that they do want to have screening. They do not kAa� what kiAd yet, as sotne people like a fence and some don't. . MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded,by Minish, that the Planning Cammission close the 8ublic hearing for s Special Use Permit, SP #70-08, by Gevrg� N. Nelson �'or an automobile parking lot anci recreation area to be located on the Nortl� A$Yt` oP Lots 30 and 31, except the North 125�feet of Auditor's Subdiv�ts�on No. I29. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimottsly. G'uaircn�u �xicZcaon concluded th�t the request is about the eaaae �s that pre- ��a��ed in Che pae�, exc�pC th�r� are no buildin�s on the North piece. Ths Com- mi�s�.on has spent somethfn� over a year �tudyiag this problean� has app�oved it twice, feelin$ that the area is somewhat of s problem because of the l�agth o! �k�e 1o�e oa Onondaga and ehis is probably a reasonab].e use. He wpuld like to �ee that the recreatio� area be �eoved to the West,and the parkiag to th� �ast to $ive greates protection to eh� residential area and t�rict acoese to.-0noaadaga. Mo�roN by n�n�sh, secor�aea by sctur�aexe, that the planning �o,�,ts�ionr.reica�n- �,,, rne�acT approval to the Councjl of the Special Use Permit, SP N70�0�9, by GeoZ�gQ N. � 1Velson for an automobile parking lot and recreatio��l area ta b� lpcat�d on thv iV� of �Lots 30 and 31, exaept the North 125 feet of Auditor's Stibdivis3on No. 129 wa(�h tl�e conditions that the petitioner reverse the location of the zecreatio�l �z�ea w3�h the parking area, e�ect screening between the residential lots and �he seereatzon and parking area, and that there be no access to Onondaga Stree�. llpon a voice vote� a11 voting aye, the motion carr3ed ur�animouslc�. M.�. Minish added that the reason for the approval is that the proposed - t�t�&e o�' the pmperty, with a Special vse Permit, a11a►►s greater flexibil�ty oz� the South portion, thus making.better use of the property. 3o PtJBLIC HEARING: PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. #70-03. INNSBRUCK NORTE BX 9IEWCAN, INC.: That portion of the F3� of the S� of Sectioa 24. 4. PUBLIC HEARINGs REZONI*TG REQUE3T: ZOA #70-05, BY VILWOON, INC�t �'ox thst portion of the E'� of the SF3� of Section 24 to be rezoned frrna R-1 t� �.�-3 (general multiple familq dwellinge) or R-3A (apartments only). The Public flearing Notices for the Proposed Preliminary Plat, P.S. �70--A3� Ianebruak North aad the Rezoning Requeat, ZOA �70-05, for that por�ion of �he E�g of the SF}� of Section 24 to be rezoned froffi R-1 to R-3 or R-3A, by Vi�wcon, Inc. we�e sead bq Chaix�maa Erickaon. The petitiaas were repsesented by Charles 9an Eeckhout ead Darrel Fasr. �� The Engiaeeriag Aseistant explained the petitionex hae put Ehe R�1 1ots; ia the West�rly portion of the proposed plat totalling eix bloc•ke; aad th� < . Easteslq portioa into twq large outlote (C 6 D) for multiple dw�l].1nge wi'�b �lvt � being $ sto�m sewer holdiag basin ae %��� �� Park for the reeidents. . c� � -� � z az i�7 � � . 1`l�►e P�.�ta �r Subdi�eions-St�eeta & Utilit�ee SubcomaaLttee e$amined ti►e propaeed plae previvusiy this eveaing and reconmmanded approval. Outlots C and D may be replatted later. 1�. Farr explained that the initial ps�cept was whether or not they could build a residential development economicallq feasible and sti11 ma�.atain the character of the site. The plan that eventually evolved is ecaacm�i.cally fea�ible 8ad they believe maintains �he natural ameaity and character of the site. Their thitaking was aa fo�lows: 1) The affect on adjacent reside�tial p�opexty. 2) How th�ey �quld have proper iagress and egrees eo a� not to cs�ate a burd��oit� traPfi.c pxoblem. 3) Other` conaideration wa� whether it cauld bs properly ��• _-' vie�d bp utilities. �) Economics. Could they actually achi.eve �naugh c���tp to make i� a p�o#itable veatu�e. � � , Mr, Farcr continued thaC having held two meetings with taost of the people prese�t tkals eveaing, they nad conaidered thei.r queatioas and desire�. Ba�ically, the l�ud use breakdown i� as follaws: 60 seres of siA�1e family hames with �two lo�� to �h� �cre; 852 uaite of townhou�e �ppe ap$xtments with a der�s�t� of 11 ut�ite �o the acr�, makiag an ave�eage density of 7.3 units pe� ac��: Tt1e -.. North�rly ptece, which proj�c�s from the �roposed plat aud wi�l be dedi�aC�d- �o� park putposes, contafne about 10 to 12 acrea. '1'he� felt the�► h�v� dpa� ' wttat th�s p�vple, in �eAeral, de�i�eo He seferred to the map v� th� W���e��y �40, � s�s�� whi�h �hcrWed what they p�opoa�d to do with �he �1ug1e f��y re��d�nc�ai`� Th� lo���.��e wi11 b� over �nia�um �1ze. Th�e 276 �.ts te th� E�t w�11 b� =� �,.� s�.��.�r ta those iu �Br�oklyx� Cea�er. �he units are a11 sin�1� �p�xtmg+at uAit� � facic�$ one di.rection. The. buildiags ase 2� �0 3 stori�� becau�� �f �i�� �,rad�e. They have also purchas�d the land to the East to Silver I,ake Rpad fos a u�a��� access in that direction. , . The Chairman asked about the t� forfeit lots adjacent�to the.property ths patitioner iatends to dosate �or park, and Darrel Clark said the.City hea receA�ly, by� Itesolut�ion, asked tha� �he County w3,thhold from their tau forfeit sale.sev�eral o! the lots, about 10 acres, so that there would be a common bauadarq bet�B�A the two aitea. ,. f �eorge 0. N�stad, 5365 Matterhorn Arive: Mr. Alustad said he wa� a acop�cs88�R�* tative of the Innabruck Ha�te Owuera' Aasociation, and��he Board had t�e1d a��e�� 1Ag Tueeday night. He was directed to sa� they were ia support of the pla�ae-�e preseu�ed by Viewcon, Inc. 8e�cman J. Bergman, 5503 Regia Trail: He said, as pointed out by Viewcoa, they had met with them on two occasions. Viewcon had been coneiderate of th� wiehea of the people. Regarding �ezoning, Viewcon had certainly provi.ded �n_ adequate buffer for the neighbors oa the West -- no objectione at all. If tb,ia- specific plan were to be approved and actually follvwed, he would have ao obj�a� tiona. He woadered if there were aome way to coatrol the coastruatiou so Chat� 'the actuaJ. aaastxuction of a eingle f�amily dwelli.ng would be required, and i£ �he R-1 did not get built, they could not come in with �ownhoiases. . Chairm�n Erickson said the answer to that�ts it is difficult to tell a P.., developer how he ia going to develop, but if tbe plat were aecepted aAd r�ao�ded' it t�ould be difficult to change the R-1. This way it aerves to protec� the �C3.Cy � Che land will be platted. VirgiAi� Walberg, 5659 Regis Trai1: She had heard the statement tr�ds th�G C�thovaes caa be built in R l. S1�e+ wae iatotm�d that ik ia pe�eei��.�� 6�t . Planniaa Commi.ssi.s�a Meetin� � Julv 22�1970 _' Patte 6 ''"i "�h��e ars many etipulatione to follaw and that the deaasity �ould have to be • the aame as R-1. Roger D. Blohm: He wanted to kn� haw far back the buildings ase goiag to be from Hwy, �694. I4r. Farr said the reaidential ie on the kTeet and the apart- ments are proposed to be fairly close to the rigi►t of waq, about 30 feet from th� right o� way and will be three story buildinge. 8owever, approval by the Couacil_does not necessar�ly mean that this plaa will b� adopted. Mr. 8lohaa �aid hie uaderetanding was that there would be approadmately 8�0- uuite. He did nat feel that Silver Lake Road, �;n conjunction wiCh Matt�rhot�a Bridge aad the ov�rpass o� �lbg4, would b� able to handle the traffic froin thi� �rea without.a clov�rle$f�• Silver Lake Aaad ie dangerous juet �s it i�. When 1� 1ool�,a f=om=his property across the highway, he is mainly coaceraed with the apar�aeats b�ing sc� close tv �694. As far ae he was conce�ed' he thought ths . City of Fridl�y and the Highw�y Departa�nt should give it eame study b�for� th� �xaff�c becom�s � pxoblem. Ane tlt�.a$ the Chair�n�tn wanted to clarifp . was thae it does uot appeax a Bpeei�7. '�1se lPermi� �s ueec�ed for towahouaes aa b�fore the towahouae applicatioA i� g�e�sent�d� th� �eqw�s� goee to.Au�ldiag Standasda-De�i$A Coa�tr�1 Sub�cm�.t�,gq �d thkoua..to:the.Couuc.�1. If they approve it, the aPPl3cat�.on goes bac'k to r�e: � P�anaiu� .�va�ni�aioA to b� ch�ctced aad the �iaa1 plan $oes b�for� C�iin�il� ._ _ �, � , � 1Kr. ��z�aaa �ergman ask�d for a coafirmaeioA aY � comment. xf Ct�� reqrt�t ^ fo� a p�ee�.i�uiaary plat fs app�oved, that plat �aould hav� a negativa effect va� any' futu9rs t�nhoase sequest? Chairman �rickeoa eaid h� believed �.e would 3a` ��p mind� of the P1�ain� Cotaa�ssion or CouACil, being ehat the plat is pr�sea�ted �e a aiagl� �ami�.y developntent. It wauld be di�ficult ta geC a�awahouse p�ojeg� approved. .imaee A. Polzak, 1527 Trollhagen Drive: Mr. Polzalc ideatified h�e],� as �'eei.c�eat of the�Inn�sbruck Ho�ne Owaer� Aaeociatioa. He ref�;rred Co tt� px��,y�� �ttetap�e for developing the land. Tb,e people Tiad presumed tbat tfi� la�t�d. would e Cay • uader R l; iwwever, -it was iacoaceivab le that tilis large beau�if ul trac� of land cauld remain much langer as it is. It wae felt the otb.er plans wer� aegative, but tbie plan does represea't a con�ietant develvpmear of tbe �rea �tbat is sati�facto�y to � tt�oae oti the Board. It gives a buffer zoae; �iavea th�. p�o�l� on the �Iest ten lots of buffer zone; tract pattern -- they dou�x' expect tb�" kir�d,. og problems rheq have aeen in other plans. He kno,rs that "evil lurk$ ia t1a.8 it�arts of all men" but the Board did.not have aay reason to �uspect tit� F��. p►eople aud have beea pl�ased with their quality of siac�ritg. �Iiey are asking � i€or a plat which would establiah the area to t�►e Weat ae eiagle family. �,�,y �avox the rezoning change and the plat and will aupport tiiem. flermaa Bergman: fle would like to suggest the Planning Commissfon recvmntend �pprpva� of the rezoning and the prelimi�aarq plat with aae addit�onal co�mt� Ia the coaversatious with Viewcon, theq have discusaed the exteneioa of i�eg� Trsil. iato the development are$ to ].:Lne up with their Southerly throu�i� e���G. They are cot1ceraed with the amouat of kraffic through their reei.d�tial �a�a. He was auggesting that Regie trail go througb but not line up witb tl�eis ��oug1�, � �tr�et. Perhape the through street could be xouted more to the Sot�tI� tbau t1� pxopoeed plat now ehpwe -- about 15Q or 200 feet to liae up with FIillwis►d Ro�d. He thought that should provide a better all arouad egress pattera fo�r emerge�ucy �vehie�ea get�ia� ia and etill maintain a moderate traffic problam in the re�iA � dential area. P��IIA�i� CC111��88�0II M2eC1A�^ ,J1Y1X 22 e 19%0 PBR� % . e � , �..._�. H�thaway Lan� 3.s a State Aid Aoad, aad h$s a very st��p �rade oa 1t. Matt�r� !""�'��., b�ota Dri.vs ie a7.ao a Stat� Aid Road aad it wi11 have to bs e$t��de�d North �o Qardena. The ori,ginai al�gnment wae to curve to th� Eaat. The Grac� ai�h Scbool a$ked that it be located one lot depth West of their West boundary. There 1� a watermain located in the pxesent aligament which fs Eaet o� the new allgameat a�d probably would have to be relocated at the Northera part of thie plat. It would bs a p�toblem for the propoaed thro�xgh street to line up with Mattexhorn Drive at a poiat which would not interaect Re$is Tra11 as that would be on Stats prop�rty. Mr, Ber�a wondered if tk�e through street could not lin� up with �illwiad, p�z- , haae they could offeet to tl�e South aad dead ead R�$i.e Trail, but wi�h th� o���et� R�gis T�°ai3 Gould• go througl� sad then dead end at Matterhora. Chai� E�1-clt�tot� �aid he �eal�z�d 1t woul,d be des�rable for the�a to have that acc�se� • i.awel� M�llua�t, 5517 �Regie Traili Wondered 1f the s�wera w�r� lag$e � e�t�tgh . t� handle the propo�ed deae3.ty, and if �he watei�llaea were big �nora�M. �� �a'�re1 Clarla �aid, regarding w$ter, there would be �ao prabl�a. Ttie�� ie a- 14 �.aeh watermain runraing down Matterhora Drive at the presea� time. Faa etor� eewex, Viewcau propases vaing poading axeas oa ehe site for ou�falla, Saatt�ry sewer i.� Ch� r�al problem and �ost expeasive, but there ase three poseib�.li�i�e- .--- to aansidex: p�rt �r� New �ri�h�on aad part �aa Fsidley, all �Ln New JB�i�hC.pu _�d thirdiy, hcald �he sewa�e �:r� rea�rvo��rs aad diachar$� �t �t o$� p�alc hou�a e T��- .. �a�itaee�t'�u� �s�ai�teut .��td he had taltced _ to Mr, QueatiA Waod� pi3,l+�g� �A$itupa�.:�� N� ��i.�i►ta� who .�diai��ed thrat the�► a�ce � littl� bi� e1o� ora �he�� ��1�t� o�►ar- al� �e�w�,� d�ai�a. Tt�e� wov►�.d be wil�.img ta accept �t►e sewa�e �� �h�g► hsd ti►e '� �ap�e��q. ��aaus� wF �1�� t�rrair�, lift etat�� wauld prolasbly �av� �o b� ���. ,�--� �.n coaju�a��ion.w�.��i any oi .t�� other methods. Fouzi Rehani, 1545 Berne ito�d: Iie would 1ike. �Q kaaw t�hsth�s� Mr. Po�z�,s : �spotce fos the members of the Board of Iansbruck �Iome Owuess Associatloxa, o� :�E= thexe was an actual poll of the members. These are eiu people ot� th� �Rardr , �iiis position wa� the sam� as Mr. B1ohm's. He lives directly South o€ �(94.��. � ia coxace�a�d about the views . Mr. 8�o�m asked why �tae:request ;was �or apartmen� zoning4 A�. Vr�n_E��kkt��t�t,�. answex�ed that it was ar� apartment building, not a tawnhouse, and they ar� �all�d. a,tc�hou�e type of apartments. The uaits rua all the way .t�om the froAt t�:.. the back. The liviag room�:and diniag rooma face a common gxeen a�ea, Mr.�$j;Qiva said �hat becauae the towahpuae apartments w111 be built so cloe� xo �he A�.gh��y and directly facin$ his property, and the traffic probl.em they will c�eat�, 8Ad if not aolved when this petitioa comes up before the Counc3l fox a h��z1���,b,e wil� preseat h�s objectioas to the Council. Mr. Vaa Ee.ckhout s�id he believed the projeat might be finished ia F�'�ul three to five yeare. If Chey $et a�proval from the Couacil, �hey wou�,d im�di�t�ly being in the plat on the W�sterly part of the concept. They iatend Go dev�lgp t�e R 1 aad the �owahouse;apartmenta simultaneously as much as poseib�.e. Mr. ��rris stated his concera waa that if thi� should be� a Pive y�ar p�o���t� there would necessarily be a large amaunt of duet, moving of d�.�rt �nd �saer�3,, CC�IQCTL1Ct�0A ia the slugle family. area. •Over thie�leagth of tima, he �ould �e�� aeive aoa�e problems with the neighbore. Mr. Van �eckhout aaswex�d they-iatend ;� to co�ne ia on the proposed permanent road from Silve� I,alce Road. Planain„g Commise ,1o�,Mee,tia,�- July 22, 1970 Pa�e 8 1�dOZ'ION by tlarri�. secpnde� by Mi�n.isJ�, that the PZanruCng Coma+is�ion oontinu� ��, fi.o tha �ugust �, .�97p ra,��tatng considerat.�vn of the Proposed Pre.��Lm{nary F,iat, P.B. 1074�03, by Viewcon, Tnc. oi the E� of th� S� of Section ?4, and the� Re�o+z- ing ��guest, ZOA �70-05, by Viewcon, Inc. to xezona the E'� of the S�1 ot° Sevtion �?a to rezane irom R-7 to R-3. Upon a vo.�ce vote, a�l voting 8ye, th� �tiqr� oarried unanimaus�ly. �, 5. PLANTING BOULEVARD �40 g00T) IN MOORL LA� HIGHLANDS 4TH ADDI�'IONs Aa explaiaed by Darrel Claxk, thi.s ie the only plantiag strip im �heti t�ty at C'he pzeseat tisne. This piece of groperty ie 1aw, aad there is a culvert om �l�e� Moo�e Lake Ar�ve for drainage. There might be a probXem witi► dxai.A�g� ig the la�d were filled. Ttiey.. fe1�" �boux the onlq "tree .th�t wi11 ��o�+T in t�►�at: �type 'o� S,aad' is th�+ w�.11ow: Th� suggestioa w�s, mads� to �ither plaat o�r �b�adot� �hs aCrip9 �he F�.aaning Cc�ssion decid�d to study thls item mor�. I�o a�tian. Al)JOURNP�TT s Chaiz�nan �rr�ckeon adjouraed the Planatag Conmi.esiou mee�:tz►g a� 10s40 �.M. 18spect-/f� 11p submitted ���i��C..��w�-ti.�.. az 7. 0' Sriaa Recording Secretary ., . fi � �, :.��.. � � �c,�E.�r � t�r�' ���� �� s S� d� 7`7 i' J� ; � � � �1�. � �-�- f.� �� � � i' � ' , - .. � � ��- � - � _ _ . ,� � - - --- ----. .--- -- - - -_:___.- ��-_ _� .-_ -. ����� � , . , ': y _.-- _ - --------------- – __L_6. � �- — �� ___ �` a -- � � . __- --- � ?'�'- "���� � -- f -- - . � �, � 1 �'� � �� � --- � .�, .�� ��� r: � - � �� =�� � �Z , � - �� � ` �'I �. 3 � y j � .y t � ` _� �rf � � s�a-� , � � � ��-- . : d ,� d �� t/ ��--� Ci '�, � � "'' '�_=;-.�rp�� z', `_ �..t_: -. � � ,r---�--� . � Ct'.. -� �C�,�S,t�x,t-6? ,� -e..�''� �o�� -�?� .i�_��� / /2 �,� � � ,� :� � ---- ---�`y ��-,�� 7��j--�� ,l�l�<<_ � " ���"�. � t ( r '' y -- v� -� _ �=' � � �,. � - .�_ . � , �` ,,, 7�-�"� ���,,���� l n.. z,.� �,,.� � ; I ��� ;,,. a,--� " 3 � S . ��; .e- �� .�� � � � • Z � 3�� ���� � �� �� � � - -- ' ��-!�� ' --- � Q �.S" 3 � 5_` � �'� , � 3 0 1�'r�S o�C/ - 2 _ h ��� � �' o � , � .� ��–_ � _ ,_.__ � � ,. �� ¢ ,�,�� �,��,�.L.- `: .�1-�� �� . _ � _ ,-- - � �� i � �— . ... w,. :, r � I. �.� �� . .. . _� ...�.� _ _. . . � _ . . _ -- _ _ -_ " � ��