PL 06/23/1971 - 7393� ,e"� � � PLANNING COr1MISSION MEETING CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: A G E N D A JUNE 23, 1971 APPROVE PLANNING COi�f�SISSION MINU'TES: JtJNE 9, 1971 RECEIVE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGIQ CONTROL SUBCON�.^1ITTEE i�1INUTES : JUNE 10, 1971 RECEIVE BUILDING STA�DARbS-DESIG:V CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES: JUNE 17� 1971 RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: JUNE 15, 1971 RECEIVE PLATS & SUBDIVISIONS-STREETS & UTILITIES SUBCOI�MiITTEE MINUTES: JUNE 16, 1971 (Minutes available at meeting) l. CONTINUED: REQUEST FOR A SPECIA.L USE PERMIT, SP ��71-03, AMERICAN OIL COMPANY BY JOHDI P. YOUNGDALE: To construct on the Northeast corner of University Avenue and Osborne �Road a service station in a C-2 District per City Code Section 45.101, 3E. Public hearing closed 4/7/71. 2. CONTINUED: REZONING REQUEST, ZOA ��71-03, AMERICAN OIL COMPANY, BY JOHN P. YOIJI�?GDALE: To rezone that part of the NE� of the NW1� of Section 11 lying East of c�nterline of University Avenue and North of the centerZine of Osborne Road as said roads are now laid out and constructed (1960) from R-3 to C-2. (Northeast corner af University and Osborne Road). Public hearing closed 4/7/71. 3. PUBLIC HEARING: PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. ��71-02, - BRIARDALE, RICHARD NtII,LER HO�S : Lots 1, ? and 3, Block 3, and Outlots Nos. 1 and 2, Cochran's Addition 4. VACATION REQUEST, SAV ��71-03, RICHARD rtILLER HOMES, INC.: Vacate McKinley Street South of South line of Rice Creek Road and a b foot utility and c�rainage easerient described as S� th 6 feet of Block 3, Cochran'� tldditi.on. �z.1�.... _ c�fC . ,- c �� _ � _���,��/ , • _ .� �� � > ?- - 8:00 P.M. PAGES 1-8 9-14 15-16 17-20 21-23 23-24 25-30 29-31 �� . , ..� i � PLANNING COIrII�LLSSION MEETING JUNE 9, 1971 PAGE 1 The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Chairsan Erickson. ROLL CALL" Members Preaent: Minish, Zeglen, Erickson, Fitzpatrick, Schmedeke. Members Abaent: None Others Present: Darrel Clark, Engineering Assistant ORDEB OF, AGENDA: Chairman auggested the following revision of the Agenda: Item �13 to be moved up to Item �1 With �1, #2 and #4 following in that order. APPROVE PLANNING COM�tISSION MLNUTES: MAY 19, 1971 �IDTIdY by Zeglen, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Cammission minutes of May 19, 1971 be approved. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion ctarried unsnimously. RECEIVE PLATS & SUBDIVISIONS-STREETS b UTILITIES SUBCOA4IITTEE MINUTES: MAY 19� 1971 ^ , MQTION by Sci�deke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the minutes of the P1ata � Subdivisions-Streets � Utilities S�ubcarnmittee meeting of May 19, 1971 be received. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting sye, the motion carried unan.imously. RECEIVE PLATS & SUBDIVISIONS-STREETS & UTILITIES SUBC�lQ.TTSE MINUTES: JUNE 2, 1971 1U�TION by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planninq Commission receive the minutes of the Plats & 5ubdivisions-Streets � Utilita.es Subcomau.ttee n�eting of June 2, 1971. Upon a voice vote, a11 votinq aye, the motion carried unan3movsly. xBCBIVE PARKS & RECBBiTION.COI�LSSIOH �TUTES: wPAIL 26, 1971 l�ApTION by Fitsputrick, seconded by Scbwedeke, t1�at th�e Planning Commisaion receivR the �.inutes of . th� Puks � Recreatiaa Cemmissian s�eeting of April 26, 197I. Upon a v��ce vote, a11 voting aye, the motia» aarrisd unaniaausly. �ECEIVE BUILDIDiG ST�TDARDB-DESICN CONT�. MI8UTS5: MAY 20, 1971 1�dnTIGN by �eglan, s�aonded by FitapatricJr, that the Planning Comiaission reaeive the minutes of the Butlding Standu8s-Dssigr: Cantrol msetfng of May �0, 1971. Upon a voice v�ots, ell vnttng aye, the aatian carried unanimously. ItECEIVB BQAitD OF APYEALS MI1QZTi'ES : MAY 25. 1971 MbTION by 9ltinish, aeconded by �sg1�a. that the Planrung Cammissiaa r�ceiva ^ the minute�s ot` the Board. of Appeala aseting of 1�ay 25, 1971, . El,pQn a v�oice vote, i+ll vottng aye, the �eetiot� cirried unaniaausly. Plannin Commission Meetin - June 9 1971 Pa e 2 � 1. CONT�N�p� POLICX REGARDING FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF GAS STATIONS: The Chaixman explained the pu'rpose of the changes in the ordinance relating to Sgecia]. Use Pertnits is ta enable the Planning Commi.ssion and City to stxeng�hen the requirements for a Special Use Permit and give the City Cauncil some contro� over issuing a permit for whatever use is requested. It would give Council some general grounds to refuse such a permit if they considered the use of the request detrimental to the health, welfare, safety, etc. of the people. Mr. Mi.nish, referring to 45.191, suggested the following change: "---- the proximity of a similar use" deleting "whether or not a similar use is already in exiatence and located on the same premises or on other lands itnmediately close by". He continued to also add after "--- or on any adjoining roads, the total number of similar uses within the City". MOTION by Minzsh, seconded by Schmedeke, that tl�e Planning Corrunission recom- me.nd to the Council amendingSection 45.19 of the Ordinance to read as draf�ed by P�ter Herlofsky with the changes as indicated in 45.191 replacing "whether ox �ot a si�milar use is already zn existerace and loaated on the same premises or on Qther lands immediately close by" with "the proximity of a similar usa" and add3ng after "or on any adjoining road" the following "the total number . of gimz,1ar uses w.ithin the City". Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the �O�OI'1 carried unanimously. ^ . g,e�exzing to Section 45.101, Permitted Uses with Special Use Pexvtit ir� C�2 and C-2S ��stricts: Automobile Service Stations: The f�rs� sentence should read — ae followa: "I� a Special Use Permit is granted, the followi.ng minimum condi- tions should be met in order Co protect the pub�ic health, safety and generai welfare' . : ��� Ccu�is�sbo�n�aac�id�dts�tablet with�minorralterations, to�be�us d��ox a deletio� shoul reasonable variety-o� permitted uses". - Mr. Ridgeway said that the Minnesota Petroleum Council had received a copy �of Section k5.101, Uses Permitted and it was very acceptable to thea►. I�TI'ON by Fitzpatrick. seconded by 1Ninish. that the P.�anning Comm.issian recommend to Council the approval of the additions to the Zdn3ng Code Sect.�on 45.101, 3E amended as follows: Under Autamobile Service Stations, the first 8entence shou�ld read "If a Special Use Permit is granted, the following mi.nimum , Conditions should be met in order to rotect the ubl�c heslth, safet and gerl�ral we�fare", and in ztem 10, delete "and suitable, with minor alterati,on�� tp be ased for a reasonable variety of peXmitted uses". Upon a vQ�ce vote, m�� Yp#��q aye, t.he mqtion carxied unanimously. 2. �pU$LIC HEARING: REZONTNG RE UEST ZOA �71-04 BRYANT INVESTMENT CO., WILLIAM BARBUSH: Area bounded on Nar�h by 83rd Avenue, on the South bY 81st Avenua, on the Weat by Main Street extended and 60Q feet� West p� � �` University Avenue to be rezoned from M-2 to C-2 (general busine�s areaa). PlanninA Cammission Meeting - June 9, 1971 Pat�e 3 MOTION by Schmedeke, seccunded by F�tz,patrick, that the reading o� i:h� Fub,lic ^ Nearing lVotice be wa.i-ved for the rezoning request, ZOA #7�-04, 8ryant Inves�mel�t Company. Upon a vaice vo�ke, all vot�ng aye, the motion carried unax�,i.mously. Mr. William Barbueh was present. Referring to a land survey dated Aecetnber 19, 1969, Reg. No. G427, Mr. Barbush pointed out Parcels A, B and C. Iie was re- queating rezoning on the front 600 feet of Parcels � and C from M-2 to C-2. The request did nat include Parcel A where the golf range is. He said he had an inquiry from a ccnnpetitive auto dealer. Thi� was just in the talking stage. He felt the land would be more saleable if it were zoned before aelling so that a buyer would know what he could build there. He sa�d the front half o£ the land wauld be C-2 and the half to the West industrial. Mr. Eri.ckson asked Mr. Barbush if they had had-aay other proposala for Che p�'operty at this time. Mr. Barbuah said they had nothfag other than the possibil,ity of buildimg some industri.al ozi the industrial propezty. Mr. Barbush aai.d he ewned the property for many years and w�s unable to ��t a buye� for induatrial. zaaing, but had some eucceso in selling uad�r �c�amercial. He felt th�y should z�zome and thea sell. In view of the fact that �her� wauld be a bi.g camr�ercial devel.op�nt going up in the North, it wouid be more practi° cal, frc�a Fzidleq's point o� view, to have the aau� icind of devel,opment aloa� University Avenue $ind lar to what you see around Brookdale. This would be Fridley�� opgartuu�ty �o develcp along with i�. He had talked with Rogex ,Toa�ee, but h�s � plaae ar� inde�inite. � Ghalrman Erickson, reminded Mr.. $arbunh that, even if he got Ch� rezaniag, he would still have to ge� another special use permit to �ell to another suta- mobile a�ency. I�r. 3chmedeke referred to the rezouin$ of thr property being develqpe$ by Vlking, Inc. and the rezoning request by Mr. Barbueh, saying he did not object to'the r�zoning 1n that area along the main service road. It had slways been his opin�on that T.H. �47 was the Maia Highway through Fridley. His questiqp NAS how to get water and sewer in Without the lesa valuable property to the Weat b�axing the brunt of the bill and �ith a gossib7.e loas of land in back taxee. Re hoped this Cv�ias�o�n would ask for th� sewer and �ster to So do�ra T,H. ��►7 because he felt i� W�e the propertq most able to pay. He felt that G--2 probablq t�oald be the zpning that Would go along the b�igtu+ay. Ae aoti.ced �hexe were kwp laopbaake on the� proposed map. He wondered i� the loopbhcks would b� pexmauenC or juat temporary. �Ir. Fit�p�ick �eUced about the atatua of the-progoaed otreets. Darrel Clark amewered t�at the etreet layout has been adopted. The loopbacks ar� un� settled. The Ci�y hae deditations for Main Street, 81at �nd 83rd Avenues, $3rd aad 8b.+st Avenuee have crosaovers and 79th has no crossover, There is a pra7.im�ia- ,�try repor� of Water. and Se�er for the whole area prepaxed bq Comstock & Davi,s. The hearing wi�,�, be �.n the near future. These axe preliminaxy p�ane only. Mx. aarbush aA4ed tha�t �tatez 1s in 83rd Apenue and the East side o� UalveTS3t'�. MDTIUA► b� �'i�z�atrick, areconded by schn�edeke, that the P.�e�nra.xn� Camni.s�satan cont�tnue ttae rezor�i�ng xequeat. Z� N71-04, by 8re�eu�t �T�nvestraent Cc�m,pany and X� pu� or� �Ia� Aye�nda agai� on .7u1y 7, 1971. vpon a Vo,��� ���r a1.I vot�tng aye, the mation car�ied uriuii��„s1�. Planning Co�mmission Meeting - June 9, 1971 Page k 3. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP �71-08, SKELLY OIL C0. REPRESENT�D BY C. W. ROLLMAN: A service station to be constructed on Lot 1, � Block 7., Pearson's Addition, per Sectf.on 45.101, 3E, Fridley City Code. Mx. R. C. Lundberg introduced himself. He is the Research Ag�nt of Skelly Oil Co. Mr. C. W. Rollman, Jx, ia the Construction �ngineer and Mr. D. C. Webber is of Skelly Qil. The Commission studied plans and pictures of the tppe of service station Skelly constructs. Dazrel Clark said that Lincoln Street goes to the South line of this site, Th� City wil�. maintaia �t, but the posaibility of the City suaw plaws g�tting out be�ore the apartment's equipment ia 50-50. The apartment co�nplsx will e�snd Lincoln street into their own area. Virginia T. Jacobsen, 231 79th Way: She said she �,s the vwnex o� a seven uait apartment building. She was,against the rezaniag because the automobiles are noisy and stink. East Ri.ver Road ia pretty busy and has a�ot Q£ noise. The new 8partment complex has a large parking area directly across from h�r umiGR and adding a service atation with all that noise, ete. would depr�ciate her property and tnake it less attractive to renters. There are other service station� near enou�h. We have an idea, she said, that the future will be thinking abouC good c�e�an public txansportation, which wi17, put a lot of these filliag stat�.ons out af business. � � Larry J. Mi.11er, 7889 Pirwood Way: His property is directly West of the prvposed servlce atation. If the statioa is opeaed ia the eveni,ng, the light would shiae in his bedroom. There is a Staadard 0i1 atation on East River Road, a Skell' �tati�on about ane mile and a half a�iry, and a Gulf Station daw�c� the road. He felt there were eaough stations. A service etation would decrease the va�.ue of his home and the whole block. This Week a m� came around with a pe�i- tion in favor of the service station. He came about 2:00 o'clock in the �fternpon and saw the houaewivea. The men were not given a chance. Mr. John Caldwell, Skelly Oil Company: He said he was the man who took the petition around. There were two people who sigaed the petition, an�d after giving it tnore thought, wiehed to have their nsmes deleted. Tt►e petition has 5S names in, favor of the coastruction of a service station, bq Skelly. There Were six renters in Mrs. Jacobson's apartment who aigned the petitiou. About 50X of the sigaers were renters. M�'l70N by Fitspat�'icJt, seconded .by Zeglen, tl�tt tbe Planning Commission re- Cei ve the Pe ti t.t on No. �16-1971 presen ted �y Jotin Ca2d►M+e11 Of Ske,i,� y Oi 1 Co . approv�ng the grantir� of a Special Dae Pez�it to the Ske11y Oi� Company for the constructian of a eervice stat�on on the Southe�tst cornez of Tsaat River Road and 79th Way. Upo� A voice vnte, all votiny aye, the mottan aa�arisd ur�animously. XOTION by Nlnish, sectinded by Fitzpatrick, �o recei ve the communication f�'am the lsN ofiice of Richard Fudali, subject beiag the reqnest by Ske11y Oi1 Ca. #'or a Speaaia�l Use Pez�►it, SP N71-Oa, and objecting to the use of the corner af 79th and Eas� R�ver Rosd as e servic� atation. Dpon a voice v�te, a11 v��ing dya� .^ the na ti on carri �d unan.� naus 1 y. P - June 9. 1971 Mr. Caldwell introduced a building permit iseued by the � 1962 to the Au►ericaa, Oil Company, and the notation "Renewal - wzSittea in the upper lef t hand corner. ' � city of F�ridiey in 11/].2/63" waa A1 Falkenstein, 8931 York Drive: He said that he has awned this property for about two years. He said the lettex frem Richa�cd Fudali disturbed hiun, Mr. Fitzpatrick asked if Mr. Falkeneteia had discussed any ather uae of this property other than a ga� station. Mr. Falkenstein said he had talked to PpQ and other euperettea last fall sud both said there was not enough population to suppozt.a atore. Mr. Minish said, wlth the location of the Metro 540 and Skelly Station within a mile or so, he could see,..that, �ecu�t�ai� ��t �wu�- � 8vo���'�' locatioa as to reseaxch, but fras a ca�n3.Ly standpoint, caanpetition does �ot affect the citizens. Mr. Scximedeke said he believed that the City Fathers and the Engineerin� Department axe atten� ting to h$ve some of the traffia �low uae University Avenue. Pepp�.e have been aaying for some time that Eaet River R�oad 3a a traf�ic hazard and heavily traveled. He would like to see Esat River Road a resid�nt�al type of street. Probably a service station ahould not be put there, but Sk.ally 011 cov►,Ld coneider one on U�livereitq Avenue a� 79th. Eventually 79th Avenus coald be a crossover and the traffic could be .iuoaeled to Uni�arsitp Avenue �aking it a d�sirsble location for a service atatian. He coatinued t�at furtYer South oa Bast River Road there are proble�s with traffic. Another filling.ataiion now coald create more problema. Lot 1, B1ock 1� pearsaa'a Addition does not fit in aquare �hera Me would lilce the ingreas aad egreas to.be locat�cl c� Eaet River Road aad he fslt thia would ereate a problq. Daxrel Clark xacalled that in 1962 Mr. Peareoa platted aix lots along 79th Aveaue and in 1963 rezoned the� from C-2S and M-1 to � 3(gener�l ffiultiple family dwel2ings). The corner lot remained C-2S. There ie nothing in the platting discueaion of the Five Sands that indicatea there were specific pl�as for cot- mercial. 1IIOTION by Zeglen � sec�anded by l�l�ntsh, thst . the Planning Camtissian cloee the pqblic Seariag for s Sp+aial Use Permit, SP A�7I-08, S1te1Ig Oil Caapeny, repaCe- sented by C. N. Rollmein ia�r a$erv�ce statie�n to be oonstr�tsd vn I.ot 1. B1oak 1, p��trao�n' � l� t Addi ti or� p�r Secti on 45.101, 38, Fri dl ey CS ty Code. Upan a vni ce v�ote, a11 v�ttng aye, the motian cwrried unani�ously. Mr. ZeQlea said that �idley ie developiag apastment complexea to the 8as� s►d da�cpit�g m apartaent aoa�plsx to the �iorth, but the sssa hare ie nl*o�t 100X rdidsntial propQrt� au� �e could aot �ay t.bat this statiaa �ould i�prova th� ��etsral area. za viea oi �hs ancce�8 or -vasucceie tiut ot•iwr statioe►s had in tht� azea, he vould �ak�e the follarit� eotioa. ;MDTIqN Dy Z�1e�n, a.ecanded by ytnta�. that the P3anafag Coawdasio� reco�aend to Cout�cil d�afal o�f tbe Speciatl Use Permit, SP 1i71-08, by Skelly Oi1 Gbmperty to ^ CQT�R�2'NCt d�lTti�G! S��+OA QA LOt 1♦ B20Ck 1r Psat�c�'s lat �CiQ�L�Qli d8 �Z' � Sect�an 45.102, .?B, l�ridley City Code. tlpan e voice vote, a11 votfng aye, a�atpt �ri aricksan abats�r�g, the motfaua cArried. Planning Commis�ion Meeting - June 9, 1971 Page 6 --_.�_.... Mr. Minish added that the Planning Co�mmiasion has spent several meetings dis- � cusaing the general policy of gas stations. When it was laid out how many ata- tions Fridley had, it became apparent, because of the number of stations the City has now, and requests wi11 be coming in the future, the new ordinance considers various factors, such as location, desirability, etc. He did not think this type of development appropriate for this area. Mr. Schmedeke said he a�sed:-.. He said to keep opeaing stations with young men operating them and not being able to keep the station going tu�less they had eidelines, such as a mechanic with very little.schooling, was not fair to the operator or the City. Mr. Zeglen added that he was not against any particular gas station, nor again$t aay particular construction. This is getting to be a densely populated area and another gas station is not suitable for it. This land could be used in other ways. 4. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO APPRIDVE THE PRELIMINARY PLAN OF PHASE I OF A TOWNHOUSE DEVEIAPMENT BX VIEWCON, INC.: That portion of the E'� of the SE� of Section 24 lying North of Interstate �694. Present from Viewcon, Inc. were Charle8 Vaa Eeckhput, Darrel Farr, and David Phillips. Mr. Van Eeckhout said they have selected five lots for the si.ngle family homes. They are located near the Matterhorn bridge. There will be five differ- ^ ent styles aacl whatever deeign sells the best, will be used the most. Theq havQ FHA feasibilitq approval, but FHA �rill not let them start to build until the model homes are finiehed aad the plat i.a finalised. Mr. Farr said the major street will go ouL to Silver Lake Road. This gcea through New Brighton but they have not accepted �he.road as yet. Hvwever they will accepz the road sooner or later, Viewcou has a permit £rom Ramsey County to conatruct the road. They will bnild a road to the East up to ths Ramsey Cotmty limits and thea dedicate it to Fridleq. A te�aporary road Will be built until the uti.lities are insta,lled and then it will he surfaced. Chalrman Erickson aslced whose specificatio�na trill they fo11aW when buildiag the roads. Mr. Farr said it would be susfaced.to l�ridley specifications. IC vould have to be torn up for additional utilities in three or four years. �'heq t�i�.l build a substantial road, but not necesserily fully completed. The ra$d going through New Brighton will be a private road in the interim until it ia accepted bq New Brlghton. Mr. Van Eeckhout said the City was good enough not to pia them dawn as to density �n th� multiple arQa.because they recogpised a lot of thinge could hs�pen in the multiple araa. At thia time they havQ roughlq two thirdm typ�.cal toMa�- houees aad oeic� third tppical apartments. The coucern was expressed with the site of single famil� homea. They will start aodal homes beEore the utilitiea s�s i� aAd by the time the,regular homes are ready, the utilities wi,ll be ia. Suburban $n�ineeri.ag is �rorking undez the dirsction of the City for the utili.tiee. � Thia vss �chednled for late in May so the wort achedule is set back. They will go ahead and go through Couacll and a public.bea=ing aad get utilities completed about Septe�er and October. The towahouaes are built for sale, but if they are not aold, would reat. Tbe electricity xill be uader�CpuAd. Rlaaniag Co�issic�n Meeting - June 4, 1971 Page 7 Regarding street patterns, Darrel Clark said they were shown on the pl�t. � Thexe was a question regarding Hathaway Lane, but �hat street will be closed.. The onlq requirement for Regie Lane was that the street ahawn in the plat would be offset some 150 feet. Mr. Van Eeckhout said the recreational building was moved. FHA suggested a different location be used for the 200 units and this will come under Phase I�. In answer to the question of the atatus of Matterhorn Drive to Gardena Avenue, Darrel Clark_stated that no achedule was set. Council cannot schedule it for thia year, except for grading, as it ia a State Aid Road and there are no State Aid moniea av�ailable naw. He continued that being the zecreational facilitq has been taken out of Phase I, should the Planning Co�ission approve allawing Viewcon to build and sell Without the recreational facility. Mr. Van Eeckhaut said the FHA fxawned on the proposed recreational building because each unit will be paying and suggested that it is left out altogether. There are a lot of recreational facilities they could consider -- building an outdoor pool a3ad _vet�g- ths outlats --for s�a]^1- parks . Mt. V� Eeckhout said th�y were not developing landscape plans until it w$s decided what tr�es would have to be taken. Ii there were any aubatantial chaagea, they would come back. He felt if there were ciianges, it would be in a later segm�nt of the project. FH?, needs local approval. Theq established in thais � owa minds that the grades will work. Mz, Pitzpatrick said he uuderstands that the plans need not be submitted to this Comoaission unless there is a substaatial change ia coacept. MUTIQN by Fitzpatz�ick, seconded by Schmedek.e, that the P1a,naing CoJmnission rec�aanend to Counci.l tlie appmva.I of the Preliminary Pl�n, Phase I, of the townhouse development by Vieacon, and further recoas�end tiiat Vie�rcan, Inc. be given a building per�i.t to canstruct eight arodel tp�►nhouse units and subject to the conditions placed at the time of the rezaning which would �Lnclude the single family dwellings and the street access through to Silve� Lake Road. Upon a voice vote, aZ1 ve.�ing aye, the motion carried unanimous�Ty• Mr. Van Eeckhout said they would like to uae a trailer house ss an offlce for the sale of single family homea uatil the model� are built, Theq prob�bly Would like to sell tcx�rahouses out of the sales office. The trailer would be parked at the end of the Matterhora bridge by - tha Ihcee�tay. He was told thi� requeat would go to Co�cil. The trsiler house tiould be used a►a a temporaty offica and c�structian activity. ' Dazrel Clark asked Mr. Vsn Eeckhout how he sald unita itithouC a plat. M�c. Vaa Eeckhout Said they �►onld sell them ofi tha preliminary plat. The plat would be outlate. The second plat will show verq close the site plan and where it ehat+s a house, it will aho�rr a lot. The puschase agree�ment Mil7. nat be re- corded wtil the fauadation is in. fle said he Would check thia further. ^ Darrel Clark said if there is no record of_the twmhouse plat until ths Plaaaing Commission Meeting - June 9, 1971 Pa�e 8 — — last units aad foundation is built, the new awner cannot file the deed until the � plat is recorded. Mr. Van Eeckhout said that at the time the for.ty uaits are sold and built, they hope to sell the rest. ADJOURNMENT : Chairman Erickson adjourned the meeting.at 11:00 P.M. Respectfully euhmitted flazel 0'Brian Recording �ecretary � � � BUILDING STANDARDS-DSSIGN CONTROL MEETING OF JUNE 10, 1971 ^ The meeting was called �o order by Chairman Zeglen at 8:00 P.M. 1�1�BRS PRBSBNT: Zeglea, Lindblad, White, Tonco ME1rIDBRS ABSBNT: Gnerre OTHERS PRESBNT: Hank Muhich - Chief Building Inspector MOTION by White to approve the minutes of the May 20, 1971 meeting as writtea. Seconded by Lindblad. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 1. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT PRQTECT I OF AN APARTMLNT COMPLEX LOCATED ON THP�T PORTIOl� OF THB EAST '� OF 1'HE SOUTFIEAST '� OF SECTION 24 LYING NOBTH OF INTS&STATE #694, FBIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY VIEWCON, INC.. 5901 OS3E0 BOP�D. BSOOI�.YN CBNTSR. MINI�SOTA. ) Mr. Charles Vaa Beckbout and Mr. Rick Merrill were present to present the request. Mr. Van Beckhout stated that they will build the apartment complex in two parts. The first building will be 240 units. It will have 4 wings all leadiag to a central core area. They will have underground garages along with outside parking. /'� Mr. Toaco arrived at 8:08 P.M. The Board asked Mr. Van Eeckhout why they had changed the design of their apartments. He said that with the square buildiag they had run into some problems. For one thing the center court Was a fire hazard because there was no way to get to it. Also, there was no central area in the other design. Mr. Van Beckhout stated that the central area of the building �till hold the recreatioaal facilities. There will be a swimming pool, party rooms, exercise roams, saunas, etc, in this area. He also said that thero will be a trash ahoot in this area which vill drop the trash into an enclosed compactor. The trash will be hauled away everyday and there.will •be no outside trash containers. The Board asked Wheth�r it would be posaible to put in more than one of theae campactors as it was rather a long walk for the tanants who lived at the enda of the wings. The Board suggested that they look into the poasibility of getting more than one. Mr. Van Eeckhout said that they would certainly check into it. He eaid that coat would be the deciding factor but that they Would try to work it in. Because of the wooded area, Mr. Van Beckhout stated that they would like Co have a rustic deaign on the outaide of the building. They plan on � using natura� tonea in rough cedar conatruction. They will use some brick for decoratian. There will be storage �acilities oa the outside � Building Standarda-Design Control Meeting of June 10, 1971 Page 2 � vn the balconies so that the balconies won't be cluttered with things. He said that the apartment buildings will carry out the same design as the townhouses. The Board stated that normally there is a requirement of 50� brick oa all apartment buildings. However, they felt that in this instance they waild waive this requirement so that the design of the entire project could be carried throughout. It was also stated that a landscape plan would have to be submitted before the final grading of the land for the apartment and prior to the issuance of a permit oa the second building. Also, that the drainage would be worked out with the Engineering Department. 1ri0TI0N by Lindblad to recommend approval of a building permit subject to the notations marked in red on the plans including the following stipulations: 1, That the 50� brick requirement be waived, ao that the apartment buildings will keep Wtth the design of the proposed townhouses for tht9 same project� --�. � � 2. That a landscape plan be submitted before the final grading of the land for the apartment and prior to the issuance of a permit on the second building. This plan will also show the curbiag and n the parking spaces marked. 3. A minimum 10' radius will be required on all entries and exits. 4. That all drainage be worked out with the Engineering Department. 5. That there be poured concrete curbing around all blacktop areas. Seconded by LThite. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 2. CONSIDBRATION OF A BBQUEST TO SRBCT A BAST 8IVS8 �OAD. FRIDLEY BY EARL M. DUFFY Mr. Duffy was present to preaeat the reque8t. Mr. Duffy stated that the canopy will be 80' x 28'. It will cover 16 atalls. There �+ill be two rows of florescent lights underneath t%e canopy. The canopy will have a flat roof. The Board aaked Mr. Duffy if he would have any type of dividers to separate the two rows of cars. Mr. Duffy said ti�at they had not planaed on it because the epeakera are on the posts so the cars autamatically line up with these. .^� The Board found in going through the plans that there were two different � � ,•; _ _�.. Building Standards-Design Control Meeting of June 10, 1971 Page 3 types of canopies shown. They asked Mr. Duffy to state which one he planned to use. Mr. Duffy stated that they would be using Drawing #0845. Mr. Duffy was also informed that the contractor must be licensed. Also, that everything shown on his plot plan must be completed aloag with the construction of the canopy. MOTION by Tonco to recommend approval to construct a canopy as shown o� Drawing �0845 and including the.following stipulation: 1. That everythiag shown on the origiaal plot plan be completed along with the construction of the canopy. Seconded by White. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 3. CONSIDERA.TION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT AN APARTMENT BUILDING LOCATED ON LOTS 1-6, BLOCK 1, CARLSON'S SUHIlrIIT MANOR ANNEX ZND ADDITION, THE SAME BEING 5149 THIRD STRBET N.E., FRIDLEY, MIPNESOTA. (REQUEST BY BRIGHTON INVESTI�NT COI�ANY, 1202 PIKE LAKE DRIVE, NEW BRIGHTON, MINNESOTA.) Mr. Lloyd Brandt and Mr. Drew Scherer were present to present the request. Mr Muhich told the Board that this plan was approved before in 1967 but that it must be brought before the Board again because of the taany changes in the code since then. Mr. Brandt stated that the building will be all face brick with a mansard roof. There will be single stall garages and they are deleting the mansard roof from the garage plan. Mr. Tonco suggested deleting the garage plans from the discussion because of the many changes in them and suggested that they draw up new plans and submit them at a later date. The rest of the Board coucurred with this suggestion. A scale model of the building showed the building with two entrances on the front projecting from the building. This wae designed so they could have a double door security system. It was atated that the building setback is 35' from the front. With the entrances projecting from the building, they would not meet this require- ment. They were told that they would either have to change their design or go to the Board of Appeals for a variance. Mr. Brandt etated that they did aot want to wait the additional time to go for a variance. He said that perhaps they could make the entrances fluah with the building in order to meet the setback requirement. The Board stated that perhaps it would be better if they Would bring in a new aet of plaus ahoxing all the changes and briaging them up to the � present codes. They eaid that they would hold a special meeting on June 17 if they could get the plans redrawn and submitted to the Building Inapectioa Department by Wednesday, June 16. They told them that some �:� Building Standards-Des�n Control Meeting of June 10, 1971 Page !+ � of the things that would have to be shown would be poured concrete curb around all blacktop areas and a minimum 10' radius an all entries and exits. All parking spaces must also be marked. Mr. Brandt and Mr. Scherer stated that they felt they could get the plans redrawn and resubmitted by that time. MOTION by Tonco to table the request until June 17 or until the plans could be redrawn and resubmitted. Seconded by White. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. White left the meeting at 9:50 P.M. 4. CONSIDERATION OF A RBQUBST TO CONSTRUCT A 3 STALL GARpiG$ FOR A FOUR- LOCATED ON�LOTS 1 APD�2, BLOCK 7, HYDE PARR, THE SAI� BEII�GG_6060 - 2 STREET N.B , FRIDLBY, MI1�INESOTA. (RBQUSST BY R. J. BAtJMAN, 6061 - 2N STREET N. E., FRIDI.SY, IrIINNESOTA .) Mr. Bauman was present to present the request. Mr. Bauman stated that at the present time there wasn't any landscapiag ^ around the buildiag. There is no blacktop area for parking either so he would like to put in a 3 stall garage to eliminate some of the parking problems. Also shown were 5 blacktop parking spaces. Mr. Bauman said that originally he had planaed to put in just the garage but after submitting his plan to the Building Inepeotion Department, he was told of the land- scaping requirements, parking requirements, etc. He said that in order to defray the coat of the improvements that wa�uld be required if he added the garagea, he would like to add another unit to the property. He stat�d that, otherwise, it would not be financially feasible for him to make these improvements to the property. He said he w�anta to make these improvements but with the small amouat of rent he would get for the garages, it just wouldn t be poesible. Mr. Muhich stated that the property did aot meet the square footage requirement for another unit to be added. The Board stated that they could not give Mr. Bauman a reco�endation for approval oa placing another unit on the property becauae it did not meet the requirements. However, they said they could act on the original. plan as first eubmitted to the Board. MOTION by Tonco to approve the general concept of Che plaas sdbm�tted. Seconded by Liadblad. Upoa a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried uaanimously. � ��� Building Standards-Desiga Control Meeting of June 10, 1971 Page 5 � 5. CONSIDERATION OF A RBQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A FOOD STORE LOCATED ON LOT 51 BLOCK 1, MAPLE MANOR ADDITION, THE SAME BEING 620 OSBORNE ROAD, FRIDLE' MINNESOTA. (REQUSST BY P.D.Q. FOOD STORE, 8900 PENN AVENUE SOUTIi, MINN1 MINNESOTA 55431.) Mr. Chuck West was present to present the request. Mr. West stated that their lot was 305` and at this time they will be building on about half of it. They will be putting in a P.D.Q. Food Store along with 2 rental units. Three sides of the building will be brick and the back wall will be break-off block which will be painted. The building wi11 have a mansard roof with asbestos shingles. There will be fire stops between each of the units. The Board asked Mr. West if they had any plans for security lighting. He said that thny would have two spot lights in the back of the building over the two back doors and then the lighting froan the front of the building will light up ,the entire front area. Also the store will be open 24 hours and all deliveries will be made at the front of the store. Mr. Muhich stated that the Engineering Department had mentioned that they would like to see some outside lightiag to compliment the landscaping. Mr. West said the lighting he had mentioned was the standard lighting foX all P.D.Q. Stores and that the front lighting on the building did light n up the entire area. He said he could see no point in adding any lights ip the landscaping area. The Board told Mr. West that he would have to have poured concrete curbing axound all blacktop areas and also a minimum 10' radius on all entries and exits. These changes were made on the plans. They also told him that signs were not a part of this permit. They also said that they would like to have something to keep the cars from parking in the area not to be used at this time. They also wanted some type of security fencing along the back side of the building. The Board asked Mr. West what plans they had for trash removal. Mr. West said that they are going to be putting in a pollution free gas inciuerator. The Board asked if the rental uaits would use the incinerator also and what would happen if they just threw their trash out the back door and didn't carry it to the incinerator. Mr. West stated that P.D.Q. was responsible for the maintenance of the enCir� building and problems like these were handled in the leases. The Soard stated that should a problem arise with the outside atorage of refuse, screening would be required. Mi0TI0N by Tonco to recosmend approval of a building permit subject to �he � changes marked on the plans including the following stipulations; �w �� BuildinA Standards-DesiSn Control Meeting of June 10, 1971 Page 6 1. That there be poured concrete curbing around all blacktop areas � and also a minimum 10' radius on a11 entries and exits. 2. That there be some type of barrier to keep the cars from parking in the area aot to be used at this time. 3. That should a problem arise with the outside storage of refuse, screeaing would be required. Seconded by Liadblad. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. AD.TOURNMENT • The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Zeglen at 11:05 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ("� � CAROL CHUDER Secretary 0 �� ' \ • � BUILDING STANDARDS-DBSIGN CONTROL 1�ETING OF JUNB 17, 1971 The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Toaco at 8:00 P.M. �BRS PRESBNT: Lindblad, White, Tonco I��ERS ABSENT: Zeglen, Gnerre OTHERS PRESENr: Hank Muhich - Chief Building Inspector MOTION by White to dispense with the approval of the minutes of the last meeting until the next regular meeting. Seconded by Lindblad. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 1. CONSIDERATIOI�i OF A REQUBST TO CONSTRUCT AN APARTI�NT BUILDING LOCATED ON LOTS 1-6, BLOCR 1, CARLSON'' S SUMZIT MAN08 APIldER 2ND ADDITION, TI� SA1� BEING 5149 THIRD ST. N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNBSOTA. (xEQUE� DRIVE, NEW BRIGHTON, MINNSSOTA.) COI�APY, 1202 PIKE LAKE Mr. Lloyd Brandt and Mr. Drew Scherer were present to present the request. Mr. Muhich told the Board that the building has a double frontage. The front of the building will face Third Street and the back of the garages will be on University Avenue. � A. I Mr. Brandt stated that they had changed the garage plans somewhat. They will be ^ leaving 15' betweea the two garage buildings for a refuse area. They will enclose the front and back with a 6' redwood fence. There will be a gate in the front section. There are going to be 2S single stall garages with a fire wall between every fourth garage. Mr. Brandt stated that they would have to add enclosed storage space in s�e of the garages to meet the requirement of 40 aquare feet of storage for each unit. They are going to add 5' on the north end of the north building so they caa add 4 additional storage uaita that vill have 20 square feet each. On the south building, they will add approaimately 10' to the south end so they can add 8 addi- tional storage units with 20 square feet each. They ni.11 eliminate three parking spaces oppoaite the ead of the garage to give them the roam to add on. The entire garage will be rough cedar, Mr. Brandt eaid they had chat�ged the front entrance to project 1 foot from the buildiag instead of the 4' s6oan before. They are going to have a doubla door security syatem in the front and the back door Mill be keyed the esme as the frout doora. He also stated that every place oa tbe plane that sha+ed lath and pla$ter ahould ba changed to sheetrock. The Board said that the building fbulfl still have to ba aetback 35' from the streeC iacluding the 1' projectiono. Mr . Muhich iaiormed t,jMS tt�at tluy, a�t required to have a liceased general contractor to build tha apartme�t a� alao a performance boad on all exterior Work. � Mr. Brandt said that �e Was a�rare of both �equirementa. Hn aaid that the exgerior of tbe buildi,ag would be face brick with a�naard roof. He also eaid that the aideMalks by each of the drive�rsys Would b� elimiaated. It was alao mentioned that the drainage would have to be Worked out �rith the Bnginseriag Depafit�eat. - ��' .. f,.� Building Standards-Design Control Meeting of June 17, 1971 Pa�e 2 � M�OTION by White to recarimend approval of a building permit subject to all notations marked in red on the plans and the following stipulations; 1. That the front setback is 35'. 2. That all draiaage be worked out with the Sngineeriag Department. 3. That new plaas be submitted showing all the storage units. 4. Have poured concrete curbing around all blacktop areas and a minimtim► LO' radius on all entries. Seconded by Lindblad. Upon a voice vote, all votiag aye, the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT • The meeting was adjourned by Acting Chairman Tonco at 9:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, (= .(,Z/I,n-( ,��U;e'�a:eh� CAROL CHUDBK Secretary n � � ��7 � THL MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEAI,S MEETING OF JUNE 15. 1971 � The meeting was called to order by Chairman Minish at 7:36 P.M. MF�ffiERS PRESENT: Minish, Drigana, Sondheimer, Harju 1�IBERS ABSENT: Wall OTi�RS PRESENT: Clarence Belisle-Building Inapector I�TION by Sondheimer to approve the minutea of the M,ay 25, 1971 meeting as written. Seconded by Harju. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. Chairn�an Minish stated to the Board the action taken by the Council on the May 25, 1971 Board items. 1. A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.053, 4B, SUBPARAGRAPH 5. FRIDLEY CITY Mr. Larry Vogt was preaent to present the requeat. Mr. Vogt presented a sketch of the lot ehowing �he existing house, garage and driveway locatione. Mr. Vogt explained he wants to build a 16 foot by 22 foot garage, 2 feet from the side lot line, 4 feet from the rear lot line and 8 feet ^ behind the house. The houee hae a walk out basement in the rear ae the back yard is 4 feet lo�er than the front yard. There will be 10 rows of blocks under the garage With 4 of these being under ground �or frost protection. He is using the bloc1cs under the garage instead of using fill oo the driveway Will drain to�ard the atreet inetead of draining taward the lot behind him as it naw does. There will also be a block retaining wall on either eide of the driveway. Mr. Vogt added there is an old garage on the back of hie lot which he intends to tear down a� he doea not uae it as a garage and which hs conaider� a hazard. Mr. Harju aekad why the garage coul�n't be moved further aWay from the lot line and more behind the house? Mr. Vogt anawered he Would lika to have a atrsight driveaay 8o he would not have to turn to get into tha garage. There are ataps, 42 inchea wide, that come off the house toward the driveway Which he might hit in tha wintertime if he had a turn in hia drive. Mr. Vogt stated he hae a dual driveway with hia neighbor and his neighbor is planning on building the aame type of garage and in approximatelq the same location. If both garages wera built there would be 4 feet batween foundationa and 2 feet batWeen overhanga. Mr. Dr�gana stated tha Board is w nceraad about having the two garagee that clo�e and aeked tha applicant if there was anq Way that ha could look at this situation again ko co� up with another placement of the garage to try to stay within the ^ Code. �.� The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meetinst of June 15 1971 Pa�e 2 ^ Mr. Belisle stated there is a utility ease�nt running behind the lot and if Mr. Vogt would contact the utility company they might permit him to build within 3 feet of the lot line ao he could move his garage farther back which would give him more turning area to place hie garage further behind his house and away from the side lot line. 2. � � 1�TION by Harju to close the public heari�g. Seconded by Sondheimer. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. 1NDTION by Harju to table this request indefinitely to allow the applicant time to go over his plans again to try and come up with a plan that �vould come closer to the Code requirements. Seconded by Sondheimer. Upon a vo3c e vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Verlan Edwards was preaent to preaent the requeat. Mr. Edwarde presented a copy of the plat shawing the location of the houaes on the lots and also a drawing of the dwelling with the propoeed addition added. Mr. Ec�wards atated he wants to push the existing garage wal: out 6 feet which would give him a 20 foot wide garage. The existing house is not parallel with the lot line eo the variance ia only needed on the front of the addition which will be 4.22 feet from the line. The back of the addition will be 5.0 feet fraa the l.ine. The houee on the adjoining lot is 14 feet from the line ao there will be an excess of 15 fest between structurea. The addition will have the same roof lines se the house and will be flush with the housa. M�TION by Dfptgane to clo�e the public hearing. Seconded by Sondheimer. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanim�usly. 1�TIOTT by Drigano to recoamend approval of tha requeatt#��.,�hs Council for tha following zeasona: 1. The awner wanta to imprave his property by changing from a 1 car to a 2 car garage. 2. The hardship is tha lot line is not symetrical to tha conat�uction of the dWnlling and therefora a varisnce is nacsseary. Seconded by Harju. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unaaimously. � The Minutes of the Board of Aupeals Meeting of June 1S, 1971 Pa�e 3 ^ 3. A Mr. Howard Beaver and Mr. Bob Nemer were present to present the request. They stated the proposed aign ia the new logo that all the Leib's storee have changed or are changing to. The new uald for this sign has cost them a lot of money to have made and they would like to uee it on this store. The new sign is 11 feet 4 inches wide and 6 feet 9 inches high. It hae a 4 foot 6 inch unit it it. The name "Leib's" is the only copy on the sign. The letters will be black with a white background and a black strip around the outside. It has an epoxy rock finish on the white background. It will be a single face sign, illuminated from the back with 11-62 inch high output flugc,eeeent �ob�a. This is the standard tube used in this area because of the cold weather. The Board aeked if the other stores in the ahoppi�g center had been info=med about this sign. Mr. Nenoeer answered the manager of the Leib's store had conferred with the managers of the other stores and all were in agreement with the sign. ^ He added they have changed all their boxes and bags to carry this smae logo so all their advertising will tie in together. Mr. Harju asked if the frmne for the sign is necessary as thie is what takes the eign over the square footage require�ent. Mr. Beaver answered that when a company spends a lot of money to get ita name up they want a eign that aesthically looks good but that doesn't really look like just a eign. He addnd this aign will be centered over the door and will be mounted on the brick wall but will not extend aver tha wall more than 1 inch. This 1 inch would be to prevent ice build up. Mr. Sondheimer aeked if the exiating sign "Stora for Women" would be removed? Mr. Nemer said that it would be removed. IrDTION ij Sondheimer to close the public heariag. Saconded by Harju. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the mction carried unanimously. M��ION by Harju to reco�end to the Council apprwal of the request for the �ollowing reasons: 1. �ecauae of tha hardahip that Would ba caused bq not using tha etandard sign iib�ch would be of econamic value to them. � . , 2. The variance tequasted ia only 6 equare �eet more tha� ths existiag eign. r� F'; A The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meetin� of June 15, 1971 Page 4 � The Board does want to stipulate the sign be placed as low as possible but still maintain the 4 inches from the canopy. 4. Seconded by Drigans. Upon a voice vote, there being no naye, the motion carried unanimoualy. Mr. Ray 1Velson and l�r. Pauerman of Bond Buildexs were pxesent to present the request. Mr. Pauerman stated they a re asking for a 1.1 foot variance eo the awner can have an attached double garage. The garage will be 21.5 feet by 24 feet. Thia is the smallest in width that they can build the garage, and still be able to get out of the cars, becauae of the stoop which extends out approximately k2 inchee and which is 3 riaexs high. To build the garage back farther would mean using a lot of fill becauae of the steep slope to the back yard. He added there will still be 15 feet between structures if the variance was granted. Mr. Nelson said the neighbor to the West, Mr. Barta, hae written a letter of "No Objection" to the variance. This letter wae aubmitted with the application ^ for the variance and wae in the file. Mr. Nelson added Mr. Barta was granted a variance on April 30, 1969 to build the identicsl garage. ADTION by Drigans to cloee the public hearing. Seconded by Harju. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried una,nimously. MOTION by Sondheimer to recomnend to the Council approval of the request for the follawing reaeons: 1. There exiats a hardahip because of the sloping grade toward the North and WeSt in the back yard. 2. Because of the exiating stoop arsangement on the house. 3. The neighbor to the West re¢eived a aimilar variance on April 30, 1969. Secoaded by Harju. Upon a voice vote, there being no nay�, the motion carried. ADJOURI�Il�NT : The maeting was adjournad at 8:50 P.M. by Chairman Minish Re.pectfiilly eubmitted, n c� MARY Hx Secratary � � CITY OF FRIDLEY MINNESOTA PIANNING AND ZONING FORM pu�ber SP ��71�3 • , The American Oil Company �� / � �- /) � APPLICANT' S SIGNATU�tE /%, / /�'� , ,; J . '< / f ; John P. Youngdale �' Addreas 4640 W. 77th St., Suite 328, Minneapolis, Minn. 55435 Telephone N�aber 927-4266 ^ PROPERTY GJ'iv'ER'S SI�NATUItE The American Oil Company PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS LUCATED AT: AddreOe 910 South Michigan Ave., Chicago, I1linois REGIONAL OFFICE, 114 East Armour Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. Telephone Number 816-561-4140 0 TYPE OF REQUEST � __.___Resoniag �Special Uoe Permit Variance Lot Splits Approval of Pre- liminary Ylat Approval of Final Plat .,,_,�Streett or All.et-.._ Vacationa Other �� a� . �.._ Street Locatioa of Property Northeast corner, University Avenue and Osborne Road Fridley, Minnesota Legal Deocription of Property SEE ATTACHED present Zoning Claesiffcetion R-3 .. � Exiating Us� of the Propezty_ Vacant, unimproved _-----.__-_ Propoaed Zosin� Claaeification, Special Use, Varignce or other requeat C-2 Desc=ibe briefly the 1�rpe of Uas and the Improvera�nt Proposed Automobile Service Station Acrea�Q of Property annroximat2lv 1.0 acres �ias tiu Pr�sene Appiieant P��viou8iy vought ta Rez�ne, i°1�C, O�tain a Lot Sp11t, Obtaia a Varianc� or Sp�ci�l �J�e Ferznit on the 3ubj�ct Sit� or Part of It?�_ Presented to Board of Appeal W@�en? December 1967 What wa� Requested Special use permit to construct a Fee E��looed $2 `' service station �' 1� S� 7.77 ,..�Date Filed �ate o� F��ering f ,- � �� n c�to r�ci�e � � ANOKA COUNTY 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE June 2, 1971 N 0 T I C E �� �� �v i a 560-3450 � � FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55421 CONTINUED HEARING: SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP �%71-03 ^ REZONING REQUEST, ZOA ��71-03 AMERICAN OIL COMPANY, REPRESENTED BY JOHN P. YOUNGDALE FOR SERVICE STATION AT NORTHEAST CORNER OF UNIVERSITY & OSBORNE RD. M;' Due to a conflict in schedules, the Planning Commission will continue the deliberation of the requests of the American Oil Company on Wednesday, June 23, 1971. The meeting is scheduled to start at 8:G'0 P.M. OLIVER R. ERICKSON CFI?AIRMAN PLANNING COMMISSION �----- --- ,,,, �.. � � .� 1 ' .� � ✓'' � ��. , � ;5���� �,� � �. � ?viD,�;.�;:. � �;!;�� ' �; `-� .::Q'���' . I � :� `' ;;� y ` - � � p. ,; � � �� �\ R� ' _ _i'�� j � > � 1 ` � c , � ^i � '��a �'�°��\ I.�,/J .' , � �a7o�} 3i > � `-, .I '� \ ' -�.?�i:"IS"� _ --ia%O� .' __ _ -�} . `F.r6G��k .�, 1 1 �ifJ��iY'` fsl'�ot� �a1e��A 1 � _ _ l�.j � . . L_ j ' .," �rN,' i C .._ . 7. �� i ;N=Lu,f 3z b je � f �, � J. � �;c:�.--- �i� •' I ���;�''e' -:�••..,,._ ' ,1} e� � ,i� ' " - - ._.-i'i k.... r �'... °. . <'�• ni'� _.�..:��► � . �� .rY,.'a'� , ».�f ' � M . _. _.., 2eS- i ° e . • t � i �- ' x c ` °,/ _� ' _ �£o- - ' rn � �� � --- �� ' pa �� � ' c L�AO If �� ^ e h R.1� di S� I ' C+G _ �if.—. tt > , s � 1` ' l . � _�f__� :� -- , I y � � � n �y , /� - ---- �''�,.�.:o ,fe�_!_ � '�zS t1 3 ►� � _ ...f,.,,---.��/__ ?:_/,� ` `T'_ '��. 'r T �Y� �/�,r L�l.} / i� r . . f �„ _1 _ _ 1 I 1 S �� ,`� `? 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"r.� 1 � _ " 1 ` 1 `� � , i � �_ub ,e ° .e 4 w� ,. , � ° a� ° : P� � �%� _,e;� a't �. ,.� .� . `' ' `` � 5y �='`'" : � - ' �` ti •+ ;," \ •'-. 15 •. a. 5 ; i . , a a `, `. \ ; \ 'M ' x . ` � � � :1-� .1� _._��:i •� b �> I•� > h `� 1 �''"+ j� +�,-�� ���� .t �" > � � �1 i � � e . � 6s �1l: - _ i � . � l .�,a _, '(. j � %'� qq ,i,., , . �: •r ic! :i, �`�� �. ii _ .'�v /.: � "�� �,, ) ^�� , ,i /iJ �r �� . � ' "` �� �th.: --_ ro, �' ���/,; _ � l �: , ! . . _, , . . . . , , . . .. � • � . • �-•, . `. . .. .�.. __..�. _ . ` _ Q . �. . .. . - '_ � ..- - r �. __._, ._ � --- �-' ' ' .....--_.. ..._'_. - -- • f ^ . CITY OF FRIDLEY MINNESOTA _ PLANNING AND ZONZNC FORM �� �� TYPE OF REQUEST � XX Rezoniag � Special Use pestinit iTtammber ��i � `G'�.. Vsrisnce APPLICANT'S SIGNATU�tE Tfie American. Oil Gompany ��t Split• John P. Youngdale Addreas 4640 W. 77th St., Suite 328, Minneapolis� Minn. Approvtl of Pze- 55435 liminary Plat Telephone Ntmnber 927-4266 Approval of Final Plat PROPERTY C/WNER'S SIGNATURE The Ameri.can Oil Company PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS LOCATED AT: Streets or All.e�-.._ Addree• 910 South Michigan Ave., Chicago_Z Illirois VBCatioas REGIONAL OFFICE, 114 East Armour Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. Telephone Number 81�i-561-4140 Other PLEASE SEND NOTICE TO REGIONAL OFFICE AND APPLICANT ONLY Street Locatioa of Property__Northeast corner, University Avenue and Osborne Road Fridley, Minnesota Legal D�acription of Property All that part of the N.E. � of N.W. � of Section 11, Township 30, Range 24, that lies east of the center line of Universit.y Avenue and � - north of the_center line of Osborne Road; as said roads are now laid out and constructed � (1960) present Zoning Clameific�tion R-3 �,. � Existing U�: of t�z Property Vacant, unzmproved _ Propoaed Zoaing Claasific�tioa, Special Uae, Variance or ather request C-2 Deacxibe briefly the 1j►pe of U�� �nd the Imprvve�nt Pr�poe�d Automobile Service Station Acrta�e o� Property 1.8 acres ��a thQ �ras�nt A�pli.caat Pr�viou�iy 3�u�ht to Ra���n�. �lat� O�tt�in • Lot Spiit, 8btaiR a Variance or Sp�ci�l Uee Fer�it on tb� 3ubj�ct Site or P�zt of Yt? Ye�, Presented to Board of Appeal�e�n? December 1967 S��,00 �'�r� � �� Whtt Waa aequested_ Special use permit to construct Pee Enclooed $ Yes, ame��� �� a service station Datf�Filed Unknown Date o� h�gring Denied by Boar� of Appeais � on December 20, 1967 A Mr. R. C. Ernst has a contract pending with us to purchase a portion of the above described land adjoini.ng our proposed service station for the purpose af constructing a convenience center. See land use plan attached. . �... _.. � OFFICIAL NOTIGE CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING CO1�ff�iISSION TO W�iOM IT MAX CONCERN : Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Heari�,g of the Planning Coffinission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on June 23, 1971 in the Council Chamber at 8:00 P.M. for the purpose of: Conaideration of a Proposed Preliminary Plat, P.S. 4�71-02, Briardale, by Richard Miller Homes, being a replat of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 3, and i"� Outlot #1 and Outlot �I2, Cochran's Addition, all. lying in the South Half of Section 13, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Generally located South of Rice Creek Road between Stinson Boulevard and Benjamin Street extended. Anyone desiring to be heard with refetence to the above matter may be heard at this time. Publish: June 2, 1971 June 9, 1971 .� OLIVER R. ERICKSON GHAIRMAN PLANNING CO1rIl�iISSION � �- r�p �:i f � -� ;_.. .. ��/,�� � . � %'`.r.� �•;,. � � i P.S, ��71-02, Briardale Richard Miller Homes . Mailed 6/4/71 1. Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Cochran /f� , � 6§�-'�---Ce�a. o��t; ��� w`_ v1`_. 2 . 4�-,�-,.� � � - �-�..-�, S6 3 !�v 2. Mr. & Mrs. S. E..Templin 6184 Stinson Boulevard 3. Wallace Marcus 1672 Stinson Boulevard 4. Jens Jenson 6156 Stinson Boulevard 5. Takko Van Vuuren 6136 Stinson Boulevard 6. John Yuhas 6130 Stinson Boulevard ?, Bjarne Lee 6116 Stinson Boulevard 8. Mr. & Mrs. T. K. Gonsior � • 1601 Rice Creek Road N,E, 9. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Dalberg 6070 Stinson Boulevard M� 10. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Wargo 1621 Rice Creek Road � �%. 11. Richard"N. Miller 1700 Silver Lake Road New Brighton, Mn. 55112 12. Briarwood Homes 4119 Central Avenue N,E, 13. James P. Van Eerden 6050. Stinson 14. Mr. & Mrs. Bert Birkin 6060 Stinson 15. David R. Hubers 1616 - 21st Avenue NoWo 55112 �` 16. Max M. Neuschwender .,-� � 1301 - 132nd Lane NoEa Anoka, Minnesota 55303 17. Ward C. Stienstra 6035 McKinley Street NaE, ' • _ "�_....� • _ �►y � f ^ - 18. Michael E. Grassini 1627 Rice Creek Road 19. Edward T. Walski 1631 Rice Creek Road 20. Mr. & Mrs. LaMoine Follingstad 1626 Rice Creek Road 21. Marie Marshall c/o Horstad Construction Co. 2525 Harding NoE, 22. Levi F. Phillips 1632 Rice Creek Road 23. Alvin & Richard N. Carlson 2912 Crest View Drive St. Anthony 24. Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Theilman 1540 Rice Creek Road � 25. Andrew P. Gawel Contractors Inc. � 2407 Washington Avenue N,E. t� � 26. Frank D. Zrust 1561.Ferndale NoE, ti 27. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Zander 6001 Benjamin Street � � 28. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Korin 6051 Benjamin Street 29. Village of New Brighton 803 - 5th Avenue NoW, � P,Se �k71-02, Briardale Fage 2 � , . � � . CITY OR FRIDLEY MINNESOTA PLANNING AND ZONING FORM Nuwber P•S. 4�71-02 BRIARDALE . �, AYPLICANT'3 SIGNA Addrese /?Oc� . :S'/ / 2% Telephone Number �� 3 � - %`�6� � _._ - PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE %` Address / 7v v .��-� ���'�zf �-�C , Telephone Number � 3 3- 7�%G,`( , Street Locatioa of Property -{- �� TYPE OF REQUEST Rezoning Special Use Pcranit Variance Lot Splits X Approval of Pre- liminary Plat X Approval of Final Plat Streets or Alley��—.._. VacaLions Other Legal Description of Property ,!�� /; Z¢ 3 �L� 3 G"� . � /'\ � �-J� G- � � G�C�;�X�. ' � present Zoning Classffication ��.. Existing Use of the Property ('�y-���'" , : ��,i � Proposed Zoning Cleasification, Special Use, Variance or other requeet Describe briefly the Type of Use aad the Improvement Proposed . Acreage of Property 1 �- � � �Ias the Preaent Applicant Previoualy Sought to Rezone, Plat� Obtain a Lot Split, Obtain a Variance or Special. Use Permit on tbe Subject Site or Part of It? � When? :r� s'What was Requeated Fee Enclosed $�� Receipt ��56446 °�• Date Filed Date of Hearing � • • -�.�..w:.. � � : _ _ � �.,.� � � � • e�L � �, � � � ,, : �, _ _ - C7 _ � 7UV� � q � . - �,. � �-_ � /� � <�o�¢ � m ` � � .`� . ' t" :........._ r � � � BGL 9r . h� � ` . � � �� ._� i . . �' � �' _ _'.. . V ....... � i ♦ _� + � � . . ' Lt. .. ......... � � _ �, 1 � � • ` � _ ... 1 i ' /78�� � A ' � � ' (9S�• � � �6ZCi (d'oo) ._....... � s�--�—C'— i/�a000ie /. �' � � A^c�e.r.: � iY,i</�as/cr''j . ii /3 'Y�3 � � � � /YiY/v /!1 6a��;� ; Sa//y� r::i�� �YFJl'/�; {-- 1 � `' � �� :. � �:y/ �� _ . ' _` �.. 4; �-�: {• � \_%�,.. ` � ' � �s2� ' �s�> . �t J . � rJ K. �' `, TPd�t t' `O� �"� ,---ss .... /tV//a �%'1 it/i//a �� �v � ' ` Ganaioi GcASiOr O � !B62' � ^ �. ` a�� � Fc�'aie d . � . 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S' . ��71�02 BY�ZSidSle - THE SOUSH �E-tWIF CF TNE �. � SAV 4�71-03: VaCation of KNOWN AS l0T S�PVDROR'S Sl,c. �IcKinley St. & Util.& Drain ge Replat L. 1,2,3, B1. 3 � EI�NTEiN`71{S(6to0.8)FEE'TSOEITfi�t� 3ase. So. 6� of B1. 3 & Outlots ��1 &��2� CoChran 5 T1JE'WEST UNEOf}AiDL0T7;T�;_ OEnoTn iRCN �MONUivtENT FouND —+- Add. Richard Miller Homes, 11i.��1ECT10N TO iNE DOINT OF ¢E!- . . . • OLP,CFD --0— ' H0.VE <AVSfD TME SAME TO 8`-�� XALF: �' • 100� ON iHE ANNEXED RAT AND SUE. - n::""+'r':r.;� r.; ..... ...;... . J:+ tN WITNESS WNEREOF SA�D � ��-iG::i: i i..:71 .....1(�i.'S�L•1 v. .��[ . .i.'� •'x" . � ��: J� � �? . ;_(,: j{j , qND IN WITNESS WHERECP � �EN7�R4NE 0.10E CR K F04C . � � � �y""_" � """� � - -"—. "'" 055.06 ti BB -39' ""321.53"" - "--=,r -'_"""327.53-"' _' _"' _ . . ' �� K�.DR�,°s• '� ,�� 9 � 66A6 � ,! 6 � •; !O 11,� . ,'�� �'�3 cs.w 80.sa �,� �,� � � . .: i � ' - ;�� w, �� � ;i� j � - o;� �Li � � . � �' � N � 2 3 ° x �� °; ' . . 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I HEREBY CFRTIFY THAT I- CORRE(.TLY Sy�WN ON TNE �%` OUTSIOE BOUNOARY UNeS P?° � WG NE0.EBY �ERI�FY T1�T iNE UT` vev cF_ �"� _ _ ,, l- • -� . . - e�_�. . CITY OF FRIDLEY MINNESOTA YLANNING AND ZONING FORM Number SAV 4��1-03 0 APPLICANT'S SIGNATUIeE ��haXd Miller Homes Address 1700 Silver Lake Road - New Brighton 55112 Telephone Number 633 - 7464 TYPE OF REQUEST Rezoning Speci�l Use Permit Variance Lot Splita Approval of Pre- liminary Ylat Approval of Final Plat PROPERTY O�INER'S SIGNATURE g _.__.r� Streets or All.ey�--._. pddxese Same as above Vacati.oata Telephone Number Other Street Location of Property Rice Creek Road, Stinson Boulevard & Beniamin Legal Description of Property McKinlev Street South of the South_line of Rice Creek Road: Vacation � � � Vacat` ion of a 6 foot utility and drainage easement described as the So. 6 ft. of Block 3, Cochran's Add. present Zoning Claesification R-1 h� � �• Existing Uae of the Property Vacant .� Proposed Zoning Cla�sification, Special Use, Variance or other request Deacribe briefly the Type of Use and the Improvement Proposed Acreage of P'rop�rty � _� tiaa the Preseat ApplicanC Previously Sought to Re�one, P1at��Obtafn a Lot Split, Obtaia a Variance or Special Use Permit on the Subject Site or Part of 2t?„___,__, When? - a> What waa Requeated Fee Enclosed $02� �' +,_ �, � � � Yy'_ Date Filed __ Date of Hearing _________� ^ . PLATS & SUBDIVISIONS- STREETS & UTILITIES SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING JUNE 16, 1971 PAGE 1 The meeting was called to order at 8:18 P.M. by Chairman Schmedeke. ROLL CALL: . Members Present: Meissner, Schmedeke, Pierce, Engdahl, Crowder Members Absent: None Others Present: Darrel Clark, Engineering Assistant 1. CONTINUED: PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. ��71-02, BRIARDALE, BY RICHARD MILLER HOMES, INC.: Replat of Lots 1, 2 and 3 and Outlot 4�1 and Outlot ��2, Cochran's Addition. � 2. CONTINUED• VACATION REQUEST, SAV ��71-03, RICHARD MILLER HOMES, INC.: Vacation of McKinley Street South of South line of Rice Creek Road and a 6 foot utility and drainage easement described as South 6 feet of Block 3, Cochran's Addition. The following people, who were present, were interested in Items 4�'1 and �2: Alvin Carlson, Richard Carlson, William Jensen of Suburbar� Engineering, Inc., Richard Miller of Richard Miller Homes, Inc. and Robert Keishaw, Council- � man. Four members of the Sub committee met at 7:00 P.M. on the site of the pre- liminary plat together witt� Richard Miller, William Jensen, Alvin and Richard Carlson. They'returned to City Ha1T at 8:15 P.M. Mr. Jensen said that, as far as he was concerned, he thought they made a very broad presentation to the Subcomanittee at the last meeting. Now he felt they aIl had a better understanding of what the property looks like than pre- viously. Mr. Richard Carlson of Park Construction Company spoke on behalf of his father who owns the property to the West. His opinion is they were definitely for the development of this property. In accepting this proposal, they felt that a storm sewer wnuld be necessary. He noticed there were some changes from the original street layout, but thought this could be worked out. How- ever, there was another progerty owner involved, the Theilmanns, wh� should be consulted to see if they are agreeable to the proposed street layout. He asked Mr. Jensen if the land could be raised as it was lower than their property. Mr. Jensen answered that there were some earth computations made some time last year for Lenny Cochran relative to the grade Lenny had in a pre- viously prepared plan and that plan was lower in elevation, generally from the center, than the proposed p_lan now. Basically the plan Lenny was working ^ on was not particularly desirable for residential development being somewhat . impractical. In many cases he had undesirable lots. Mr. Miller is attempting Plats & Subs.-Str. & Util. Subcom. Mtg. - June 16, 1971 Page 2 to sell high quality homes and high quality lots. He did not have a direct ^ answer to that question. . Mr. Carlson said they had natural drainage on their property now. He said their property is prepared, having removed the excess material and completed grading as presented to Council. This plan would require them to lower their property in order to meet the Miller grades. He assumed the City would give permission to remove excess, dirt under those circumstances. Darrel Clark said if Council accepted the grade of this plat, they would have to accept his grade. Mr. Jensen explained that the lowering they were talking abaut is a leveling of the hill on Mr. Mi11er's property and the plateau on Mr. Carlson's property. Mr. Miller said he would be happy to go in and do the grading for Mr. Carlson. Referring to the hill on the proposed plat, Mr. Jensen said there is a ridge in the back and the intention is to grade it down and retain the material. The area to be served with a storm sewer would be large, perhaps between 250 and 300 acres. Mr. Carlson's piece is 8 acres, and looking at it in this way, the assessments for individual parcels.are really small in relation to the whole. Darrel Clark said that for a permanent storm sewer, Council has ordered an estimate of what it will cost the storm sewer on the whole area. The figure __� ' is $8.00 per hundred square feet. The assessment will be put in escrow. The six substandard lots are Lots 4 and 5, Block 1, Lots 4 and 5, Block 2, Lot 23, Block 3..:(corner lots) and an internal lot, Lot 9, Block 2. Chr. Schmedeke asked why a new plat would come up with substandard lots. Mr. Miller said it has been in their experience that being you have the opportunity to bring a driveway in from either of two streets, it gives an opportunity to build a more imaginative type of house and architecturally better. In their opinion, it was not necessary to have a corner lot larger than 75 feet. Da.rrel Clark said the minimum size lot is 75 feet with an additional 5 feet for a corner lot. The interior Lot 9 has a 73 foot frontage, but meets the area requirements. On a cul de sac you go back 35 feet which should make a 75 foot buildable frontage. Mr. Meissner said he figured Mr. Miller would have to eliminate five lots in the plat if he were to bring the substandard lots up to C�de. Chr. Schmedeke said it surprised him that the grading was not done before the petitioner came before a committee. This makes it hard for the Subcommittee. . Mr. Jensen explained this would be a rather difficult thing to ask a land ^ owner to do if he has no idea what the City's intentions are. The first step ' is what is happening here. The grading does not happen until a plat is being planned. a Plats & Subs.-Str. & Util. Subcom. Mt�. - June 16, 1971 Pa�E 3 Chairman Schmedeke asked for more information regarding the storm sewer. � • Mr. Jensen said the nature of this drainage area is very large and complex. A study is being done by the City Staff and Consulting Engineers. They did not presume to draw a proposal relative to the storm sewer, but acknowledge there � has to be a storm sewer. They are not trying to give directions to the City. Chairman Schmedeke said t�e would like to see the storm sewer go down the South side of Rice Creek Road. Darrel Clark said there is a pipe there and it was put in by the County and paid for by the County. The County went as far as their design dictated to service Rice Creek Road to keep the drainage free from collecting on Central Avenue and w ashing out the road. The Commission agreed that a storm sewer for this area would have to come sooner or later. Councilman Kelshaw said, that with the area being developed, it is becoming apparent more and more that a storm sewer is�a must, and it must be a perr�anent one. Chairman Schmedeke said that was the thing he has been preaching -- not to do temporary work and then when the permanent project is put in, to have to make an additional assessment. He felt all the people who would be included in the storm sewer area should be contacted again as prices are still going up. He felt that the street dedications should be given now by the adjoining property awners of the proposed plat. Darrel Clark said that he thought that was right, but you have to agree on a plan before you try to get dedications. r� �' Mr. Meissner asked Mr. Miller if the Subcommittee would object to the corner lot sizes, would he be willing to replat to get the larger corner lots � at the expense of losing some lots. 4� Mr. Miller said he did not feel it would be practical. The lots in question on the pr.oposed plat do meet the square footage requirements. They have a plan for a house that does not require a variance. Chairman Schmedeke said some of the problems he would like to have solved were small corner lots, temporary storm sewer, draining out on somebody's property, drainage into ponds, inform petitioner of desired grade, all parties involved in the storm sewer project should be contacted by mail, and ask them to submit their answers by mail. Mr. Richard Carlson said they were not against the storm sewer because they would be benefited. In order for them ta develop the 8 acres, there wi11 have to be a storm sewer eventually. The property is available for development now. It has been graded to provide surface drainage. Darrel Clark told the Subcommittee they could probably give direction with their thoughts on the problem, but the problems cannot be solved at this level. Regarding the Miller property, if it is graded to drain as proposed, it will be necessary to go West on Rice Creek Road to a deeper sanitary sewer manhole. ,^ � Mr. Carlson said he thought if they lowered their property, they could have . the lateral continue down to the streets West and then go out through Chies property. They would not be adding to the depth, � �lats & SubS.-Str. & Util. Subcom. Mt�. - June 16, 1971 Pa�e 4 Mr. Meissner said he felt the purpose of the Subcommittee was one of fact finding, and the�real action is taken at the Planning Commission and City Council level, therefore he made the following motion: MOTION by Meissner, seconded by Pierce, that the Plats & Subdivisions- Streets & Utilities Subcommittee send the proposed p1at, P.S. #71-02, BriardaZe, by Mi1Zer Homes, Inc., being a replat of Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 3 and Outlots #1 and #2, Cochran's Addition to the Planning Comraission without recommendation pointing out to the Planning Commission the problems of street qrades, street dedica tions, storm and sanitary sewer are present as discussed in the Subcom- mittee minutes and point out that five lots and one interior lot do not meet the platting ordinance requirements. Upon a voice vote, Meissner and Schmedeke voting aye, Pierce, Crowder and Engdahl votinq nay, the MOTION FAILED. Mr. Crowder said the Subcommittee was there to serve a purpose. They have seen the site of the proposed plat. If they feel more facts would be beneficial, that is what they should ask for. If they felt the facts are adequate, the members should base the decisior on that. He would go along with Mr. Meissner but he would request that he reword the motion so that it either spells out -- -what we approve or disapprove. Mr. Meissner said is more or less a fact like to clear up and a scheduled. that his reasoning was it seemed to him their committee finding one. There are a number of problems he would public hearing before the Planning Co�nission is already ^ Mr. Pierce said that Mr. Crowder's testimony made him change his mind. He did not have any objections as far as the lot sizes go. He recognizes a11 the other problems, but , basically, the lot sizes are O.K. if the problems can be solved. �. i MOTION by Crowder, seconded by Engdahl, that the PZats � Subdivisions- Streets & Utilities Subcommittee recommend approval of the preliminary p1at, P.S. #71-02 and Vacation #71-03, by Miller Homes involvinq Lots I, 2 and 3, and Outlot #.I and"Outlot #2, Cochran's Addition, based on satisfactory solu- tions to the following problems: Proposed grading in the Preliminary Plat raises unsolved questions regardir_g storm sewer, sanitary sewer, street dedications and possible condemnations of adjoining land; also pointing out five corner Iots do not meet the minimum standards and one interior lot, Loi 9, Block 2, does not meet the ordinance standards but are acceptable as they stand on the proposed p2at, Briardale, drawn ,�ubL�rban Engineering, Inc., May 1971. Upon a voice vote, Crowder, Engdahl and v ting aye, Schmedeke voting Nay, and i�ezse absiaining, the m,otion carried: ��if��-._, 3. LOT SPLIT REQiT�ST: L.S. ��71-�$, BY CLIFFORD J. TIiOE: East 125 feet of Lot 18, Block 2, Central View Manor. Mr. Thoe explained Lot 18 has 175 footage on Old Central Avenue and is 125 feet deep on 73rd Avenue and 732 Avenue. The residence is on the Southwest corner of the lot, and has a double garage. He wants to split off the resi- dential. area which is 70'x103' leaving �.he rest of the lot for the service station. The filling station would have 17� feet along Central Avenue and 125 feet on 731Z Avenue. He left 55 feet on ;3rd Avenue adjacent to the residential area for the station to give him enough parking. If the residential lot would not come up to the City requirements, he would take the parking area froiu the station and bring it up to almost 9,000 square feet. The garage is Plats & Subs.-Str. & Util. Subcom. Mtg. - June 16, 1971 Pa�e S at the Northeast corner of the lot adjacent to the filling station property and � he drives into the garage from across the filling station property. His house � faces Central Avenue. The neighbor to the West has a fence about two feet into his lot. � � Mr. Clark said the property is zoned C-1, and being C-1 under the present ordinance, the lot does not meet th� present code. The house has been there for 22 years. Mr. Thoe said the fellow who is leasing the station now, wants to buy the • land and would like to buy the house, but can't swing both. Mr. Crowder stated he felt uneasy about taking a commercial lot already too small to meet present requirements and splitting off part of it for a R-1 use. He felt that one day the entire parcel would be one commercial site. He asked what the description would be like. Darrel Clark said it would be the South 103 feet and West 70 feet of the East 125 feet of Lot 18, Block 2, Central View Manor for the residential lot. Mr. Meissner wondered if the garage could be moved and then split the lot. Se felt the request was somewhat questionable as to the feasibility of this split. Mr. Thoe said the station is 40'x60' and the station agent is going to put in another pump. He has room to build out to the back. Mr. Schmedeke said that if the property owner figures this is what he is going to do, he did not want to deny him this privilege. But Mr. Thoe should have a way into the double garage. Mr. Clark said it might be difficult to get a mortgage on the house. With the house in C-� property, it is a non-conforming use. Mr. Crowder said he could not see, basically, creating two lots which are substandard. The_use of this lot should be singular. Because of the zoning, it would not meet commercial requirements. It was mentioned he would go to the Board of Appeals for a variance. The petitioner has to prove why he has to have the variance. The property to the North is light industrial, to the East is commercial and light industrial South of 73rd Avenue, the lot to the West is commercial and further West light indus- trial and to the South it is commercial and light industrial. Mr. Crowder said he still did not think he was convinced it ��ould be a good idea because, by splitting the lot, you would be creating too many problems. He was not certain that the entire lot might be worth a lot more than two par- cels. Because it is zoned commercial and creating a residential lot, he did not believe it was in the best interests of the City of Fridley. He asked if Mr. Thoe could look a little harder to get a buyer for the entire lot. Mr. Thoe said he had � to talk to someone else, selling to someone eZse, lot were split, the taxes only one buyer. He was the lessee. There is no chance as he has a five year lease and option. As far as it was out of the question. He was told that if the on the two parcels would be more than on one. �.__ Rlats & Subs.-Str, & Uti1. Suhcom. Mtg. - June 16, 1971 Page 6_ Chairman Scfimedeke said he had mentioned it at the Planning Commission level ^ � of which he is a member and is looking out for the benefit of the City, but when a problem like this comes up, the property owner comes first, then the neighbor, and then the City. The City will be here long after we are gone, but these people will not and the neighbors will not. You should look at the property through the eyes of the present owner. Mr. Crowder said he was more interested in the long range aspects of the corner. We are looking at it for today. Because of the City, we should be looking at it that way. Chairman Schmedeke said that the Subcommittee is not asked to change the zoning. Eventually the property could be sold in a complete package regardless of the lot split. Darrel Clark said Mr. Thoe would have to get an easement for sewer and water across the filling statiori property, as the house is served from there now. Mr. Crowder said he would like a motion to continue the lot split and request the petitioner to go back and consider moving the lot line closer to the pumps, some thinking as to easement for sewer and water, some idea how to get the driveway easement from the station out to 73z Avenue exit, to go back and put these thoughts on another piece of paper and come back. Mr. Thoe said he could change those lines now. He could put in anything � else they might request. � � MOTION by Crowder, seconded by Meissner, that the P1ats & Subdivisions- Streets & Utilities Subcommittee continue the Iot split request, L.S. #71-08 by CIi fford J. Thoe, for the East 125 feet of Lot 18, 81ock 2, Central View Manor, until such time as the petitioner comes back with a drawing indicating some of the things the 5ubcommittee talked about such as easements relafive to water and sewer, placement of driveway, exact location where 1ot line would be. Upon a voice vote, all�voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 4. LOOPBACKS: Continued until the next meeting. ADJOURNMENT : MOTION by Pierce, secondec�'�by Engdahl, that the 5ubcommittee meeting be adjourned at 10:a5 P.M. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Res ectfully submitted ����e�` d��.?�.� Haz 0'Brian Recording Secretary