PL 05/05/1971 - 31100� PLANNING COP4IISSIO�i MELTING 1�lY Sa �971 PAG'� 1 The meeting was called to order b� Clxairmaaa Eric,l�.son at �:OS P.Mo 80LL CALL: Members Present: Members Absent: Othere Present: Minish, Zeglen ,Fitzpatrick, Sciffiedeke, Erickson None Darrel Clark, Engineering A��istaabt, Peter flerlofaky, Planning Assietant APPROVE PLANNING CO1rIlriISSION MINUTES: AJP�IL 219 19�1 MOTIQIV by Zeglen� seconded by Sc1�d�le�B �� � Pl�r�r.ng Co�ssion �I�sa- utes of Apsi1 21, 1971 be �pproveai. ilpon s vai�e vo��a ��1 rrot�ng ayeo th� mot3on aarried unanimously. R�CEIVE BIIILDIN3G STANDARDS-DESIGN C�TT80L SII�COI�IIT�E MINII�ES a AP�tIL 22. 1971 MOTI�IV by Zeglen. sec�oasded b� Sc1��d��sea �t �ie Pl��ng C��s�on receive the m:inutes of the Building Standards-Design Cont�°o1 �u�icomraittee �ceeting of Aps�'i1 22, 1971. Upon a voice vote, all voting sye, the atotion carried n vn$rs.imously . BECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUl'ES: APRIL 27, 1971 1�07'ION by lyinash, seaonded by Zeglen, t1x�t tlae Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals meeting of Apri1 27, 1971. Upon s voice vote, all voting aye, the motaon carried unanimously. 0�&R OF AGENDA: Chairmaa Erickson esplaiaed that Ite�s 1 and 2(Amexiean Oil CamTsany by John P. Youagdale, requests for rez�ia= and apecial use pegmit) will not be heard this eveniag but cane back oa tbe A„�e�d� for ��e ffieeting of May 19fl 197i. He eaid he had requeated the delay beca�e the Pl�ing Commis��on i� etill studqiag Item �7 (Policy 8egarding Future Development of Gas Stations). • The three ttems added to the Ageada thia ete�ia� by the Couacil at their me�ting of May 3rd were giv�n the order of Tt� 5, 6 and 7. 2. VACAT�S� �UEST: SAO �71-02, J�'S1'�R �SES, IDiC. , LEOa1ARB JUSTER, PRES�DENT: Vacate alley► in B1. 3 a�d Hickorg► Str�et between Bloc�s 3 aad , away Addition. The petitioner was not preeent. �..� Darrel Clark e��plaiaed that the petitioser a�ad Blocic� 3 aad 4, and ae loag as he felt Sickory Street and the alley were not neceee�ry, it did not � pre�ent a problem to va�ite. Sewer ie along the railsoad track� and in 78th ��.and water is in Beech $treet. Ttie prope�°tq to the North ie uaplatted so Planniag Commias, oa Meeting - May 5, 1971 Page 2 � that the vacation would not affect that area. There are no utility problems. He felt th�re should be a tura around on 78th Avenue near the railroad tracks as 78th Avenue probably would aever be vacated. 1�. Sch�edeke did not aee anq reason to deny the zequest being that the owner is askia� for it and there are no problems in connection with utilities. The Engineering Aseietant felt a cul de sac should be provlded with a 60 foot radiue ae that is the required size for en ind�astrial �rea. Fifty foot radius is standard in residential areas. AlOTION by Fitzpatri ck, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Co�mission reco�nmend approval to the Council of the vacation r�quest. SAV #71-02, Ju��e� Enterprice,s� Inc.� Leonard Juster, President, to vacate the alley in �Iock 3 and Nickory Street between Blocks 3 and 4, Onaway Addition, � prorrasir� be ma,de for a 60 foo� cu1 de sac at the West end of 78th Street. Upon a vo�ce vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carrierl us�nimously. 2. OONFIRM PUBLIC SEARING DATE FOR SPECIAL USE PEIdMIT, SP �71-04, THOI�IA.S ANNETT: 5949 Fourth Street - to build ��econd gara�e per Section 45.051, 2A. MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Plann3ng Co�mission confirm the public hearing date of May 19, 1971 for the Special Use Pera►it ^ request, SP 1I71-04, by Thomas Annett to construct a second garage at 5949 Fourth Street Northeast under Section 45.051, 2A of the City C�le. Upon a voace vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried uaaanimously. 3. REQUEST TO APPROVE CONCEPT OF PRELIMIb1ARY PLAN FOR TOWNHOUSE DEVEIAPMENT, ImGER LARSON: North 813 feet of the Ea�Lr three quartera of the NF.'� of the N � � of Sectioa 13.� Chairman Erickaon re�alled that this property was rezoned R-3 about two or three years ago. At that time an apartment could be built for every 2,5Q0 square feet. Tawnhouses require 3,000 aquare feet. Ordinance No. 443 was adopted on December 15, 1969 but the publication was to be held up until certain agreemente were signed. These agreements referred to the Southera most part of the property which was to be deeded to the City except 1B0 feet which could b� used as density. Darrel Clark said he uaderstood the probate court would be able to release the portion to the City prior to settlisg of the entire estate. He did not believe the petitioner was the fee owner yet. In diacueaing the rough drawing of the tawnhouse development planaed for thia area, the firat impresaion wae the area wae full of buildings and parking lots. Chairman Erickeon said the town�ou�e section of the ordinance is a n� one. It wae not studied by the Plaaning Co�mission, but waa added after the Co�is- n sion finished their study. The ordinance permits townhousee in Fridley. If a pr�liminary plan is up for approval, the l�adscaping, etc. has to be showa. � This plaa doea not show it. He felt the Commisaion would be witlxin their rights to ackna�wledge the fact that the tawnhouee concept is all right in this area, but did not approve thie one becauae the infornaatioA �u�'n�.sh�d was not adequate. Plaaniag Commiesion Meetiag: May 5, 1971 Page 3 � He would prefer to see the garagee combined with the structures so that one can aee more green epace. Peter flerlofsl�y added that either rentai or awner tcwshouses arce allowed in R�3. Im R-1, the owaer has to be the occupant. MOTION by Scl�medeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Plarining Co�nission table i:he request by Roger Larson to approve the. aoncept of the preliminary plan for a townhouse develop�ent on the North 813 feet of ikhe E�st Three Quarters of the Nl�of the NE'� of S�ction 13, until the petitioner appears. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried »nani�pu„a.rj�, 4. REQUEST TO COA1S1'RUCT TOWNHOUSE DEVE%OP1�NT BY NEW CONCEPTS RESEARCH COBP. ON LOTS 3AND 4, BLOC� 2, HAYES RIVER LOTS: Mr. Elmer floffineyer from New Concepts Yte�e�rch Corporation wae present. Chairman Erickson reported the action of the Subco�nittee wae to approve the concept and asked if all the requirements of the ordinance had been met. Mr. Hoffineyer ezplained what information he h�d readq and said he had ordered a topo� of the area but hadn't seen it yet. The lots are fairlq flat and alope dowa to the ziver. The development will be 56 towahouse units, nine of which will be along Auna Avenue, the balance will be in blocka of nine and ^ five. There will be a ewimming pool in the middle and green area throughout. There will be a two car tuck under garage in the basement, and the laundry and workroom will also be there. There will be a split entry, livia� roa�, deck looking over the back towards the river and diaing area. The second floor will have a half bath aad two bedroa�ms. The units will be staggered to get as much light and shadow as posaible. Materials will be brick with wood infill. Under the present program, they will be rental with the possibility of conversion and then they would convert to a cnndominium. They meet the require�ents of the land coverage, ia fact, they were a few units under. Darrel Clark volunteered that there is sewer and water in Aana Street, but if it will be deep elqp�gh fo.r tt�e apartments next to the river, theq would not know until Mr. Hoffineyer presented his topog. I�fr. Hoffman said that there would be no parkiag lot. They felt C�t a two car garage and room on the apron for e�wo more, would be adequate. The atreet is a aosrmal residential street and gaes through the center of the coacept. Thia etreet could be uaed for esceas parking. Theq plan to use Linden aaid Suaburst Locu�t treea for the area. Aarrel Clark told Mr. Hoffineyer that if the land dsopped 12 feet fram the front to the back, he would have a probleffi with the sewer. MOTION by Minish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Coamission appxove the concept of the Townhouse Development on Lots 3 and 4, Block 2, gaye� River Lots by New Concepts Resesrch Corporation with the understanding that this does not cenat3tute approval of the preliminary plans, and that the procedure must be followed as contained in the Ordinance 45.14 Towtrhouse D�evelop- ment. Upon a voice vote, alI voting age, the �otion carried »�n�aaasly. Mr. iioffineyer said he will get the working drawings done and the rest of the in£oxmation aeeded. He did not believe the requeat ahould go to Council ax thie time. Plaaainn� Commiseion Meeting - Mav 5, 1911 Page 4 � The request for approval of the concepE wae to be returned to the Building St$adarda-Aesign Control Subcommittee. Mr. Ze81en said he w�ld aek the Sub- �ittee ta hold a epecial meeting in order to get the informatioa to the Pl�n- nis� Commiseion by May 19th. 5. REQUEST P'OR SPECIAL . USE PE�IIT, SR �71�07s IU�IE I3ApG�T : For e�iag Y pools on Bob s Produce Ranch property. C-28 zoaiag - Code 45.101, B-�T. Bob Schroer and Andie Haugen were present. Bob Schroer euplained thi� request was for the sale of above the grouad ewimmin� pools and a cabana type of buildiag which could be used for a dreesing room or shelter. The cabana on display would be reealeable. The area would have five pools and the cabana, and is a tri�agular piece of property located �t the Northeast corner of the loopback oa Univereity Avenue. To the North of this property would be the nest request, the Reareation Equipment Sales, Inc. Thie are� ha� been leveled off, and will be used for exceea parking. The*e� wi�° also be par�ie�' �ade ava�].able� inslde th�-�cesta� �'- �es area. The ca�ping trailese will be feaced with a Westerci etocka�s type of fence across the front aud back 30 feet. I�. Schroer �aid the pools are fenced in �nd cars do not entes the pool area. �"1, Mr. Schroer said the Company haadling the recreatioaal equipment is from _ Rosevilleo Mr. Schmedeke said that a compaay aelliag uaed rentals oz used auto trailers has to have saaitarq facilitles with a pesmanent building. Thia is what every de�ler hae to do. If the Citq allaws one pereon to dieregard this atipulatioa, he ka� of one half dozen otlzer suto agencies that would like to come in under such a temporarq basis. Mr.. Schmedeke then read from the State of Minneeota Dealers Guide. Mr. Schroes s�id he waa not selling recrea- tional equipment, but he w�s representiag the co�any and he wae certain they were aware of those problems. The discuae�on returned to the request for the ewi�ing pools. Mr. Schroer said the cabana �d alm�t all the poole would he remoyed in the fall. He etated .the Green Giant people have the contract for the swimming poola aud ti�e cantract stated the area was to be cleaned up by 0 ctobes 31et. Mr. Schsoer was asked if there would be boo� work done in the cabana. He said the sales probably would be written up there, but the final sales trans- action would be in the main building through the central check out. (�airman Ericl�son eaid the baeic queetion io vb�ther or aot t2�e sales of swim�ing poole re�uire a special use perait. ��ter 8erloi�ky referr� to Section 45.101, B-� '°--- eportiag equipment aad like eatespriees having its merchandise in the apen and not uader the cover of a diepla� salesroa�m." aaad eaid tbat wea �rhy the� felt a special uee permit was needed. Mr. Schmedeke eaid he had no objecti� to the pool center providing the � btailding was not used for an office. .,�- ^ Rlanning Comoniasion Meetiag - May 5, 1971 Page 5 Mr. And�.e Haugen said that on October 31st, Green Giant will decfde ff ehe project ie to be continued. If the deciaion is not in €avor of being coatisued, all the equip�nt will be removed; otherwise moet of the pools would be removed and the cabana could be placed oa joist-lilcg ekide to ��re it if it were not �oldo Gh�irm� Erickeon said that as loag ae this is a temporary status, he did not see anq particular objection having the cabana for a sales office a� loag as the stipulatiaa is that it has to be taken out by a specified time. Mr. Saugen said he had a one year lease with option for renewal. Ttiia is aa experiment by Green Giant and if it goea through, permanent buildings may be built. � The pool center wonld have a chain fence. Mr. Schroer ssid that this reque�t is on a temporary basis. ' MO'CION by 1�wtsh, seconded by Zeglen, that the Pl�nning Co�nission reco�end to Council approval of a Specjal Use Perarit for the seasonel busiaess and euperiment by Green Giant to se11 swimming pools and cabanas, use of the cabsna for a sales office until October 31, 197I and removal of the caban� in October. Also, with the stipulation that the proper waiver of the public hearing be obtained. Upon a voice vote, Erickson, Mi�ssh, Zeglen, Fitzpatricar vottng aye, Schmedeke voting nay, the rr�otion carried. � The atorage of pools would ise through May 1, 1972. 6. REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #71-06, RECREATION EQUIPMENT SALES, INC.: Esat 200 feet of South 60 feet, Lot 7, East Ranch Estates 2nd Addi- tion. Zoned C-2S, vacant property, camping trailer sales and rentals. Codea Section 45.101, B, 3N. Mr. Schroer represented the petitionera who, he said, were Harold Jasper and Glen Mischke. Chairman Erickeon recalled that this same requeet �ac made about a qear ago for Lota 1 and 5, Block 1, Herwal 2nd Addition, and because of neighborhood opposition, was turned dowa. Mr. Scl�medeke said that he had voted for the sequest becauae Mr. Mischke was going to build a structuree Mr. Schroer said theq plan to u�e a�,amping trailer for a ealea office. fle aslced if the camping trailer sanitary facilities are satisfactory to the City. Peter Herlofskq said that he had checked with the office of the Sanitarian, but Mr. McPhee wae out of town foz a week. He felt a rest room was neceseary. Chaira�an Ericicson eaid he felt the Ca�mmiseion �hould study this request tor a cauple of weeks. He was not certain he would like to see that tppe of opera- � tion in the area and felt a check should be completed for rest roa�s. � MOTI0111 by Fitzpatrick that the P1ann3ng Comc�ission continue the item of the Special Use Permit, SP �71-06, Recreation Equip�ent Sa1e�, Inc., until 1�lay 19, 197,1. Planni�g Commi�saion Mee.tin� - May 5, 1971 Page 6 � Mr. S�hroer asked if the Planning Commission would act on his request now and not continue it. Inasmuch as there was no second, Mr. Fitzpatrick withdrew his motion. MOTION by Minish, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Co�ission felt they did not have enough information to make a reco�endation for approval of the Special Use Pezmit request, SP #71-06, Recreation Equipment Sa1es, Inc. for the Easterly 200 feet of the South 60 feet of Lot 7, East Ranch Est��es 2nd Addition, and since the petitioner asked for a decision, the Co�ission recom- mends den.ial. Upon a voice vote, Minish, Erickson, Fitzpatri ck, Schmedeke voting aye, Zeglen voting nay, the motion carried. 7. REQTJEST FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP $71-05, SHELTER HOMES CORP.: Permit for six months trial basis, Model Home Center -- garage to be sales office. C-2S zonin�. Code: Section 45.101, B, 3N. Target property. Mr. Steve 0'Brien explained that Shelter Homes Corporation is a subaidiary of Shelter Corporation of America, Inc. With him this evening was William Silver of the firm of Gingold, Pink Architecture and Gerald Bond of Shelter Homes. �ie said that aeveral of the mea working with Shelter Homes were for- merly with Pemtam, end they have brought fresh and unusual ideas for this n type of home. , The hc�►e is to be constructed on Target property. The area of the home is 1,230 square feet, and it ia a three bedroom L shaped rambler. It would be put on a post and beam foundation, and is a temporary structure. All rooms and the second half bath would be finiahed except the master bedroom. The reason for the unfinished room is to identify the various walls, the various stepa of construction that the house could be left in. There is a triple garage. The house might be considered as an office if you can call taking daiwn cash payments o�fice procedure, but the final closing would be at the main office at 78th Street and Cedar Avenue. The location at Target would be easy to find because of the highways. They could not eatimate the volume of people their dieplay would attract, but they could live with a figure of 300 a week. Their home will be attractively done and will be landscaped. They have found that the phenomenon of a model home at a high traffic area is an effective way to advertise. The land they would be s�lling to would be located in Zimmerman, Forest Lake, Elk River, Maple Plain and Chisago City. Mr. 0'$rien continued that if conditions are favorable, Shelter Homes would like the arrangemeat with Target on a permanent basis. Chairman Erickson said a apecial use permit requires a public hearing. This ite� caane in todaq with another request. Technically, the Planning Com- misaion can't act until there has been a public hearing or unlesa the adjacent � property owners waive the public hearing. Mr. 0'Brien said that they would appreciate a decision by the %irat of Juae or at least by the fifteenth of June. Planaing Cammiseion Mresting - May 5, 1971 Page 7 �e.�o � 8eferring to advertieing, the main puzpa�s ie to get the people into the bou,e and one that they can afford. There �rill be uo electric eign u�ed for advertising, but they will uee a aubtle identification. They fi�e �out 50X of the people come ,to the diaplay becaase ti�cy a$e in t.he �e�. 1�TION by 1�aish, �ecaraded by F°itzpa���'�laat t� Pl�riing Co�miasion r�omrnend to Council appz°�oval of tlie S�ci�11 f7se P��mit, S� 1Y?1-05, ,�i�lter goae� Corp . for a s3 x man t1�s tri al be�i� of a 1�TeI �c�e Cen ter on Targ�t P�P�'ty �vbject to tlie praper waiver of th� �blic laeazing. subject to ttae Eeslth DepBrtment rs3ving the cbnnectiaa ta City urater an�I �ewer for ��3s montha duration of the t��Paz°� spe���l use �t. Yf ttie petitione� wisda�s to extend the pet�t t beyond this szY mar�tla� period', he w313 l�we to caa�e back to �he Planning Coasnissaon �nd he �►i11 have to c+an�t to City sewer ar�d Water if the extension i� to be granted. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting sye, the motton carried unanimously. 3. REOPE�T�D: �Qt1E�T TO APr�Vi+. OON�T _OF ��*rrz.rMru�r� p� POa TOi�OAS� DEVEI,OPMENT, RDGBR LA1t80N: North 813 feet of East 3 4 of DT� of 1� of Section 13. 1�'1'1G�1 b� Fitzp�atrick, second�d by Sa�deke, that the Planning Co�.ission reoper� the request to approve the concept of a prelim.inary plan for a Tawnhouse Developm�nt by Rog�r Larson. Upon a voice vote. all vottng aye, the motion carried unan3mously. � Chairmsn Erick�son asked Mr. Larson to get a copy of the Tcwnhou�e Ordinaace which spells out the requirements for a hearing on the app�coval of a tvwnhouse concept,, Ae explained that the Commissioa felt there was not esough green apace. If the garages could be attached, it would help solve that problem. Mr. Fitz- patrick esid that the proposed plan gave the i�reasion there was too much building aad blacktop. The elevatione were not ready snd the plans should be dzawn to ehow maaimum epace so the layout is not crc�wded. I�r. Larson esid that he would comply �rith all the requirements and that he had plent3► of tiaee to do so. ADR70N by Zeglen• seoonded by Fitzpatrick, that the request to approve the a�ncept of a preliminary plan for a townbvuse develop�ent by Roger Larson of the North 813 feet of the East 3/4 of NE'� of NNF� , Section 13, be returned to the Building Standards-Dsesign Control Subcommittee. Upon a voice vote, all ' voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 8. OONTINTJED: POLICY REGARDING FUTURE DE�IELOP1�iT OF GAS STATIONS : Peter flerlofaky said that he met with the l�iinnesota Petroleum Council last week �nd the material he submitted to tbe Plaaning Cammiseion is a reault of that meeting. Se continued that the zoning �qt�ae�. for �_ e►�etions -�� in Fridley is G-2, C-2S and that veYq littla of this is left. The suggestions submitted are minimum requirements aimilar i�S character to ti�e conditions noted in our siga ordinance for billboarde. �. The Chairman felt the Pla�ning Ca�ieeion ehould look theee recommenda- tion's�over more carefully aad wonld put thia firet on the ageada at the next Commiseion meetit�g�. �lannin8 Commi.saioa Meetin8 - May 5, 1971 Page 8 � 9. DISCUSSION OF COMPREHErTSIVE PLANS F�OR THE CITY: Table until further notice. ADJOURNI�NT : There being no further buaineas, Chairman Erickson adjourned the meeting at 12:05 A.M. Respectfully submit,ted Iiazel 0' Brian Recording Secretarq /^'\ ��, � . _.,_._ a L—" �� �!7 ?TZ i � �' � C� � � �`� �8 77 77 I �� �; � l� � % �� 1 -�7 l 7z �� � ��-- �'�� i � � ,�"����s� _ _��_�-��Q_ _ __ _ _ ___���� . �--� - � � " 10�9 � � Th ��-- -� � � , ,�'�c � f' , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . / _ � � � t�ti�.�,-v-�-� ��� °�; , �'' . i� d �� ._ . .. l ._ .. `9 . +. . -- .. ;ii� ��� e � � � �l ' � � � ��fic� ��.��� ° >/`��n�� � A ' , . r ��.�� _ i — .. . _ . . . � • � _ _. . . . � � . . ... . . . .��� . . .. _. ^ - _ _ . `5�0 ��- ��- �- i� _ . _ .. . 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