PL 03/22/1972 - 30346,� �� PL�TNING CO1rIlr1ISSI0N MEETING MARCfl 22, 1972 PAGE 1 Tha meeting was called to order by Chairman Erickson at 8:05 P.M. ROLL CALL: Membe.r� Present: Zeglea, Erickson, Members Abseat: Minish Others Present: Peter Serlofsky, Fitzpatrick, Schmedeke Planning Asaistaat APPROVE PLANNING CO1�Il�fISSION MINUTES: MARCH 8, 1972 The following correctioa by Chairman Erickson was made: Page 4, Item 1 in the center of the page should r�ad: "Whether or not the Citq could impoae any restrictions on the use of the property so that they would not be forced to grant a perm3t for an additiona.I coimnercial use if the lot split were granted." MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Plann.ing Commi.ss3on minutes of March 8, 1972 be approved as corrected above. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unani�usly. RECEIVE PARRS AND RECREATiON COI�IISSION MINUTES: FEBRUARY 28, 1972 MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the PZanning Commission receive the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting of February 28, 1972. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion car.ried unania�usZy. RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS.MINUTES: MARCfl 14. 1972 � MOTION by Zeglen, seconded bg Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Co�ission receive the miautes of the Board of Ap�als meeting of March 14, 1972. U�n a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanitt�ously 1. CONTINUED: LOT SPLIT REQUEST, L.S..�i71-08, BY CLIFFORD TflOEs The East 125 feet o� Lot 18, Block 2, Central piew Manor. The owaer wishes.to split off his residence, appronimately 70'u100' and sell balance of lot to service etation leasee. Mr. Clifford Thoe was present. The letter f� � the Citq Attorney dated March 22� 1972 in aaewe�r to a requ�st coacerafa� thie lot eplit was read bq Peter aerlofsky. Meati.on wae n made of an Agreeme�� used in Holiday Village North which show�d how �n a�ree- � ment could be writteu. The aseeasments agaiaet the property were $2,512.99. Mr. Thoe wae informed that the aeeessmeats could aot be split unl�se these waa a lot s$lit. Planning Commisaion Meetin�- March 22, 1972 Page 2 �� The Chairman explained that the Citq Attortiey felt, in his opinioa, that - certain agreements cau be entered into eo that if the property was sold, it muat be sold with the adjacent property. 8e suggested anoCher alternative was to sell the entire property with the provisioa that Mr. Thoe live in the home. Chairman Erickson asked about the term� of the sale. Mr. Thoe said the lesaee has a five year lease w�ith the option to renew, aad he has a amall mortgage. Mr. Thoe asked if he could keep the request open. Chairman Erickaon esid the item could be coatiaued for 9p days, aad then if he did not come back within 90 days, the Com�ission could act to deay c�x drop the requeat. MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the PZanning Com�iss.ion table for 90 days the Lot SpZit Request, L.S. /i7Z-08, by Clifford �'hae �o�' the East 125 feet of Lot 18, B1ock 2, Central v3ew Manor splittirig oiP the residence, approximately 70'x100`, and if Mr. Thoe has not been heard f�rom within that length of time, t.he Planning Commission wi11 d.ispose of the 1ot split request as they see fit. Upon a voice vote, all votia�g a�e, t'he motion carried unani�aously. 2. TA% FORFEIT PRiOPERTY IN FRIDLEY: DISCUSSION WITH MIKE 0 BANNON�, COUNTY /�"'; COI�IlKISSIONER. Mr. 0'Bannon and the Planaing Co�aieeion discuesed the tax �ox�ei� 1�t� from a list and mapa prepared by Mr. 0'Bannon, This wae au latosmaxiva di�� cussion requiring no actioa. 3. COI�RCIAL ZONING BEVIEW MATERIAL: C-1 and C-2, G-1S �ad C-2S. F�op��e� Ordinance Amending &ectioa 45.103 Relatiag to the Lot A�e� a�d T.vt Wi.d�h Requiremeats for C-1, C-1S, C-2 aud C-2S. - Mx. Herlofsky explaiaed that aa ameadwaent Co the Zaniag UsdiA�u�� ��q��x�ed ! � a public heariag before the Plaaning Co�t[qis�ioA and the Coutac�l. ie ��v�3.d b� possible to set the date �or the 19th of Apri�. aAd because� �ew ps�aple l�ok �x the public notices, the sugge�tion wa� made to ge� tbe aamQUU��neaX �a t�� front page of the Sua. � MOTION by Schmedeke, secortded by ,Z�g1en, that the plaruiing Co��,��o7il ��t the public hearing date of Apr�.i 19, �978 gor the amendl�en� to ��c�.tclt� ��,�03 �relating to the lot area and 1ot w.idth �equire�erats �or C-$, C-19, C��� ��?,S cl�anging �Ghe lvt area from 25,000 squ�r� �eet to 2Q.00Q .�qua�� �e�t, �d change t,he Zcr� width fsom �00 feet to 16� #ee�. Uporn a po.tca V�to,. �l� t,*�t,�n� aye, the �tion carried t�animously. ' �i. YNFORMAL REVIEW OF ,RE�� NIb1G REQUEST� ZOA 1172-03. SY WALL CO�. s ih� ���� �a1� c�f th� Eas� S$1t of �he SottthWest Quaictsz �f 9��ti�A 14' �xG��G g��t ple��ted ae Upland la� Additioa aa8 �1pland 2ad Addition and eacc�A� A$�� '� sold �ta Ds• Trezoa�' to be rezoaed �roat �� ta a-3 fo� xowa�t�ta�e� �ad - a}�artmeAte. Plannin� Commiasion Meeting - March 22, 1972 Pa�e 3 ^ Mr. Fred Wall and Mr. Dennis Madden of the Wa11 Corporatioa and Mr, Dick � Schwartz, the architect, were present. �, , �' � ,� � No action. 5.. CONTINUED: PROPOSED.COI�REHENSIVE MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN: ADJOURI�IMENT • � The secretary left the meeti.n�g at 9:00 P.M. . '� There being no further bueiness, Chai�Cmaa Ericksoa adjaurned th� 8laartlAg Commiseion meeting at 12:00 P.M. 0 Reepectfully submitted Sazel 0'Brian Recording Secretarq , I�