PL 04/19/1972 - 30348!'�1 P'°� � � CITY OF FBIDLEY � .;-.; ; _ - - ',.+�PI�i1�NiNG COI�IISSION 1�ETINC APRIL 19, 1972 �p� 1 � . "- The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 8:05 P.M. - R�LL CE�LT, : '�.,:� Members Presoat: Membere Abaent: Otbere Present: Miaish. Zeglen, Erickaon, I�itzpatrick, Schm�deke BToae Darrel Clark, Engineering Aseistant,.Peter J. He��pl�k�►, Admi.aiatrative Assistant � APP�PE P�ANNING CO1�S,SION MmiOTES: APaIL 5, 1972 _. IUOTIO�T by Schmedeke, seconded by F3t�patr3c&, that the P1aru��� QQ�tas!3Q� minutes of April 5, 197�.be approved. Upon a vo�ce note, a.t� vot�t�g �y�, t�he mottan carr3ed unenimously. RTrCSIVE BUILDING STA�IDA�DS-DESIGN CONTI�L SIIBQO1rII�IITTEE MINDTE3:, AP�'�T� 6;�972 ��i"'� � ei4i�euei nei i 1�TION. by 2eglen, se�aonded by Fitapatrick, t,hat the Plarua�tng �"�rr�i�s�p� rece3ve �th@ m3nutes of t6e Building Standasds-D�esign Control mee��l�g e� April 6, 1972. _ apon a voice vote. all notirig aye, the m�f:ion csrx3ed unetn�mat�sl�. R�CEIVE-BOARD OF APPBlILS.�TES: APRIL 11. 1972 1�Ji0T'ID1V by Zeglen, second�d by Schmsdelce, that the P2anning Comniss�toA a�eoe3ve the m,iautes of the Baard of Appea.is meet3ng of Apr31 11, 197�. Upon a V�.�c�e vote, all vo�ting aye, the motion carr3ed uilanimc�sly. 1. AYY�OVAL OP PB�IINARY TOT�OIISE : PI.d1�1 808 ffiJBERT L. 1�C GBECAB; T�� North 824.7 �fe�t of-tha �Vsst Quarter of ti�e Northeast Qnartex of tha •Ncrthea�t Quarter, Section 13. The petitioner. Mr..Robert McGregor wae preeent. Mr. Zeglen add that tbe Buildiag Staadards-Design Coutrol Subaot��Cee did not lay out eny epecial conditione, but the Subcom�ittee was cot�ee�ed by the eetbacka. Darrel Clark offered tt�e followiag eaplanation: The commoa �oad �a �he Roger La�caon c.ompl�c wao gram 69th Av�ue. The McGregor co�lea wi.11 ��ve C�iA intesna�. circular roade. There are 40 uaite, eome with four bed�oc�, �'E�tea�e having two os tbree bedroom optional. Ttiere will be an on site reteatioa poad with an outfa�.l to tb� e�i.�t#�s�� storm aewer. The plaae ars to c,�rculate the water with a submeraib�e ptua�. There wiil be one garage atall to each uait and one carport am� a ds�.v�-� �ay 15' to 30' malcing a total of 3 per unit. Planning Commiasion Meeting - April 19, i9�a , , p�gs a, � There was eame diacuasion earlier about the path on the dedicated pax'k laad, ..but with the ter�ain as it is, it would be difficult to cut a path a� top ai � the hill. Thep would Lave to go dcwa to tbe creet snd crose over, pe�cha�� crossing over further dowa stream. Mr. Ciark coatinu4d that the storm sewes on the Eaat side af t.t�� p�ap�zky ia the undergro�utd type. It goee from 69th Avenue to Aice Cree1�. '���� �i7.� be berms goiag along 69tb Avenue. A split rail fence will be �net�tl��d ��11o�X dietence dowa the West line, a3.3. the wag acrosa t6e front and aa.l �e w��+ d�n ths East aide. One ti�ing nat sbawn oa the plans ia that tb,e� w�,�l b� a utflity bni.lding close to the pondse It will also serve as a warat#.s� 1�ot�ts�. Referrtag to the f}.00s plaas. Mr. Clark asid each ua�t bas I400 �qt��e+ f8at of Iiving arsa. T6e structurea ase tbe condaminium type. The det�ei�y fs 6.4 per acre. TLere ie about i3O�. �quare feet per tmft. The �o�A� �.� B-2. Ha could have a den�ity.of 5,000 aqnare feet per uait. TF�ese was �cn� diseueaion at aa earlies maetfng about 8-2 beiag rental or o�ner ocaupi�d� B-1 ie the on].y zoniag that requiree owaer occupancq. 1�. McGregor oaid that he preferred not to put curb on the it►�eact►a!, streota. The etrut� will dsain out to tbe Ncxth/South road le.�dim� �a �b� ' park. Grosa areas will go dawa to the ponda. If there ia not enougb ��te� ia the poade, they tirill get e mster from the City and uae the Citq wat�� !a fill the ponds. Tlte dept� of the goads will be tvo ar three feet with +� gaatle slope. Mr. Clark added thet the battom of the pond aould b� aov���c� by po�.y$thylene viLh gravsl or saad.c�ehian. Mr. McGregor said this woulc� b� ,�==, spelled oat ia the apecificatioas aa 6" saad covet. Mr. Clark aeid that Mr. MzGregor w�ta ta etart the model ua�ta �pA approval �y the Couacil of the prelimiaary tawnhonae plan. A4r. Bi�tspatricic askad ��at the path ia the park lend would be a�os�i�6� �o. Ms. Clark said that the City hae oa� parcel yet to �ick up. i�r. I�IeGregor aaid that he wauld aot .waat to put a waik patb ot� t�sa� ��op� by baving to � tn and ezcanate.and thea having ta maiataia it aad be ��ep��- -`.. eible far it. The eroaion problem would be oas of great�m�gni�ude. Mr. Fitzpatsick said tbere was aa agrasment for a path eiad �f �e�c �'��1t WA�► acc�mplisbed� the City would have the title. Mr. Ci�srk asi� 1t wae better, fram a eafety standpoint� to i►av�a C�s path at the bortam of the siopa. Ialrr. Fitzpatrick said tha pask l,and problem ia different than �b� �t��9a I.arson property. Se agse�d that thia ia a varq narrow piece aua �p� �oQ �9ab�� a atrip. It wae even closer to the caoq�lea buildinge than sthat hs tbou�h� �� woald ba. Mr. Sci�dslce f�lt t1�at if o� towa�w� �iss put ia co�c�eta �ut�b� � � t�e other oaes tfia� co�e in ahovld Lave ta. also. , ,� � j . � -..- — -- ��.� �'. C1ark aeid that be wa,s u�b,�, to dete; L�re°n was.8oiag to put in coacrete curba on h; Citq Eagittger returae from his vacatioa, he wi� has indicated concrete curbs. Mr. Schmedeke asked Mr. McGrBgor i� ht The aaswer was that,t8eq vas'Ys Frababl � it would enh�� t� b�Yd� a if F�"Ta or where the wood begi.a�. g �e ou�er coa Chairman Brickeoa.astc�d Plr. McGregor did aot ags�e.t�e bric� would iag the e].epa�� � he eaid tt� dr drawing .on �age 7 of .the working p� �eferrec you could r h gad it to get the �epth of tg• All t bermed up• It is a.comple�elg flat � g�r�p� czeate the effect of a rolliag terraln.� of gro of the fouadatioa vazies. T�e e' oa tLe back. 1�at they �� �� � not waat th said theY did aot SaLead to }�y8 �� �� �b � � T� �o�iaqioa a�lce,d 1�w t6e cer�ent blocka 8tucco. Air. 1KcGregor �d .:;;at the maia b1�c3L c�t �cans� of tbe S antr � the blociss wi� ��y• He w� g i wate=proof �aint. �� see �� S�hmedeke s�sid 1� felt the 1 thet eyerg�.aeaa tvere ta � P ans �rere Planted. Mt'. McGregQr �� �t the ia�ide +�f the p��y�,�� �� road r�ir�t 138 ��ere wtl3 be a]�t o�e li t Sbt in.th °� ��� Pole s�ould taks ��rr� t• Where Abont every 30 feet th�rs wil� � a li�ea. �, an unbreskable plastic bowi. � The will h� � li ht �ch court wi11 l� f�� � � poles. Oae of the �iggeet < �8o�le Wt�o wa�t ta eleep. 3 .ne oa the plaas if Roger internal atreets. �en �e kaow what �,as said. Diewcon besemeat cemeaf wa11 we�e. e feet. ge theti askad iF as would �ave ba�ck uP to P�'poae Of ��t8 8x8V�t�0I�s �At�auce the bttf a.d�.�t1$� e ��aad- to wae taken from $ ��,�e��,��� Eep did wae to co,�pg �g �A :tive, Th� foua�dq�iga t�i�l b� md aad thep were ��►��� t� �e vil2 vaz�► a�, ��� ����� �flmpleu to laa� �,�k� b�����1� aks ia the rao�' l���s, �� two blocks $l�c��$ * !re to be �iaisi�e� �t�oa�qg h� '�iSbt zu�t ���A a ��a��s 8 to eaud floa� �r p��� aad �e wa� �BP��, �o �=s wou].d be iu�ta�,�ed s� Cb� Yard� �rtth +� +s7,�c�r�.c �,y�a �o naite are c�,t,� t�����e�� un#ts are kQ f�� �p���e recommead a atee�, pal� t�tt� �e �n electsic ey�� �� po�� jections to th� ��,���� �c�� . C�sism,aa Esi.cic�oa ae&� if these �d � � ��: *y��• ge �ea sai� the h �� +�erae assa<�at�oA. �►e °me c�,aers association � �� ���� Ch� Tba di,ecuasion r.eatered arouad tiie contour . 890 coato�r ltae wae impractical ��� �a'ic p trail would be aad .imposeible It 8� ����,d t�e wo�d b� �tt�onstruct °ted at the battoa rather t��aud at h�R t�� ��Ct�s �asser ta �� toA= Rt mea� of the b �°o i�.ause ero of eetbach st en�ili�s into the 89t1 coatour, }�e � on. �ta far a� �h� e�,���,�c�,� ta SQ to the �eA tbe publfc end privat � arder ta g�vp a�,y k�ad 880 cos�tour. PrOPertY, #�ey wo��,d h�Y� � �t �''a� e�geeted to use an alteraate and e ��ae. Dasrel Clask s�ecailed that seve�ral y� tbe $SQ l�e sl� C�� w� �1 the Sontiier�.Y bD f�et �or 88a the Y � bo�at Fark. Ti�a $80..c �;���� W�� fo� �'Y� ti�e 890 coatour 3� about 100 geeouton lie�r 85 �ee� fra� th�, �puti� Plaanin� Co�iasioa Meetin� - April 19, 1972 Page 4 n C6aismaa Erickaoa eaid if the contour.waa changed to 880 aad follo�t it all - the way across, it.would tie ia better with tbe property to the East aud give Mr. McGregor aome type of a setback. Mr. McGregos said he did not thiuk thep wou�d do aay gradiag, but becausa there is a lot of jimk ia the area, theq would have to cleaa up. Chairman Erickaoa ssf� f�he Co�is�ioa ahould require that eng terrain bstween 88t? and 89a be landscaped aad �odded. Mr. McGsegor eaid that he dtdn'� want to disturb aay wild life. Rather thaa coasider ft. h�e a�ay put vashed gravel aad plantings there. The building on the Soutt� prcpasty line was moved because �bere wae aot enough land�far the greea area aad garages. There wae no other way tbey could go. He thought tha� pr�bably he was at the point that he should know af aay � �:.oi:;� �gX�e�ent:� coa�trucSiu�n of the aature trail together t�it� •' the specificat3ons af the Cit� for it. Darrel Clark said that this was aot offiaial, but the Parka Director has staCsd he �as conaidering wood ct►ip trails £or the aatuss areae. It ie aot a plece wi►8re you want bieycles, but a foot path. The chipa will pack im witb traf f ic. Mr. 1Kinish aaid that becaua� tbe nature tr�i�s won�t be develoged �ax so� Lime, t�aw caa ve enforce tbe abligation aad coastructiob of a natu�e trai�. � The euggested width of the foot trail was 2� feet to 3 feet. Mr. I�cGi'sgo� �satd there were some ald trees abont 8 inches is� diamster that will have �o be rem�ved, fle cou].d use a chipgas� for tham. 1lnother suggestion vas t.fia� a r.a�h deposit could go into the Park P°u�d for a aature traii. Mr. McGrsgor said he did not tbi,ai�c the trail would coat m�re than $SOD -- sbaut $1.50 a foot. Chairman Erickeon osid he woutd recomQOen�d acceptance of the amouut o$ s�on�y for t6e nattis�e tsail or �hatever gurpoae the park decided providiap� ths �a�k Co�tsaion maicee tt� decieioa. � + • T&,� mqLt.er of cc►nczet� curba came np agaia at thia point. Mr. �IcGregos agreed to put ia csaarete curbs if it wae th� policy of the Etty �o �cequ��e� �t ' f�or a1� compleges. • ' 1�i3'T�1 1� lriais�, seca�nded bY Zeglen, that #.he P2anatng Cc�utss�on �eca�u►- me�d a�p�rava3 #o �he Connc33 flf t�ie Prel3minsry Toarahouse Plan for Rober� � 1�cGregor of the Bosth 8�d.7 feet of the Wsst Q+�art.�r of t.tie Aarthea�t Quarter of t1:e Portheaat Quarter af Sect3on 13 w3th the folla�tng suagestio�ts: � Coucrets cnrb3ng to be ae�d �n the comple�rl t�at ti� contour l�ne at 890 as � spec3f.�ed iu tbe re$oning be changed frc� 890 to 880 me+saderirxlt sartd flaitt firutah on a21 �sposed blocka� ti�at t1�e plans s�mitted to Counci�i shor� t-1�e+ � l3ght�ngJ cash contr3bntion to Park Fund �e made in lie� oi constrt�ctaton o�' n �vai�Cway. and the sum of 5500 be accepterd if �he p�rk Co�+i��3o� consaiders .i� � wauld be ressonab2e� aad pezxaission to ster� ca�nstruction of ther Narth a�t�fiet' � , of 8 units u�n Co�c31 approval of ti� Preliminary �Iar�. iTp�n a vp.�Ce VA�e� a11 vating aye. the mot3oA carr3ed uaaniaeous3�. Plannin�t Commiasion RleetinA - Aprfl 19, 1972 Page 5 :..2. � ENVIRON�•NTAL QII�LITY .COI�SSION IN�, OF FBIDI�EY: � Chairman Ericksoa esplained that the Planaiag Commissioa �ae $aked to p,ive their opinion of the aew Co�iesioa by the Coimc�l before the 24t� of tbis moath. Councilmaa Mittelatadt esplaiaed to him that this �pmm�,e�ion wo�1d b� an advisosy body to the Pleaaing Co�iseioa and Gouuci�,. W� shou�d $i.v� thought to the chairman of thie new Commieeioa gettiag on tbe 81a�i�g Cap�ais- . sion. Mr. Winston Jacobeva, 121 79th Wa� N.E.: fle explaiaed that �e wa� �h� Chairman of the Citizene Gronp t6at drew up the ordiaance. It w� dome ��e early part of tiiia winter aad thea bsought to Doa Mittel�tadt as � px�ap��a�.. Tbere ia the possibility the commuaitise �1sat and Souti� are also adoptit�� thie type of ordinance. A group of citizeas, thirte�n ia number, iaiti$].1y gAt togethsr, �ing far atudy copiea of the ordiaances of Minaetot�ka, I�iac� �•akes� Edina, Cryatal and Brooklpa Ctater,. �aade a few miaor chaages ia the o�cdlASt�c� , .and officially greseated it to the Couacil. Three people ou� of eactt, w�bxd were picked. The ordiaance does malce a provieion for college aad t�i�� sai�oa� persons to gerve. �. Jacobsoa . eaid ha co�mes in coatact with many cl���c°p4e� of otber co�unities. Ee worke ia ths Federal Office at �ort Sae�,1i��, &� people fram Bos� Snelliag are chair�en. �a February a metropolitan grau� �ap formed made up of ciisirmen of tha vaxious Co�i.eaions. I�fr. Fitzpatrick said that there seems to be a possibility o€ ati �v�s�.ap • bet�reea the new Coamnisaion and the axieting Parke Commias�oa, Mz. Jacobsan said that their feeling wae that this wae etrict�.y �i �dvi�sosy r� .' �capacity and could malce rscommeadationa. Ttie citizeaa could co�te GQ tb�p ta suggest an area for atudy, and they would bring it to the Platu�in� Co�sa�or� aad Council. Mr. Jacobaon coatinu�d that.an axample of Lhe areae discvased ie "b� ��� �m" type. A atndy could be done as to . aettiag up the feasibil.�,ty �a�' �h� id$a -- can it be done. Ti�ey conld get imrolvsd in clean� �a tbe ��.��►w Ctt�+ BicES Craek Wa#.erehed. eome aspecta of the burai,ag ardiaaace mak�:pg �,� ��.�ht��C. T�esa sre t�e primary ones. Chai.rman Ericksoa aeked if the Coa�ission ftit it wanted to get �a�� t�� davelopment of land in the City and park land. Mr. Jacobeo�n �atd tb�7 ���� tLe Commissioa poasibly ahould hsve same iafosmstion ae a reco�tad���.�&� . type of thiag. They would lika a recommandetion from the karka & Itea�c������ Co�mmisaion, the Plann�ng Ca�iesion from the em�i.ronmantal aepect xat�l�+l� ���t �hs recreational. Mr. Minish asked what vas the reason t��e C�iasioa was t�e� ups wh+�� purpoee fs accomgliahe� �y that ae oppoaed to workiag witltin t�ie F���,t�� Cot� miseiom. Chaisman Ericksoa an�wared it was a possible recommead�t�$ bpdy �o ��.�be� t.he Planniag Co�ieeion or Co�mcil. Mr. Miaiah said thi� i� related very.dirsctly to pl�ia� �ttac��eAs � - specifically anviraamental fuaction, � Mr. Schmadeke said it could be that. the Commi�aiQa cotcld '��'�� �c�,�@ thiag to the Planntng Cam�fasioa th�t they hsd not t.�ov�hG Q� t�e�e��y��. Plannint� Co�i.saion 1►ieetinA - April 19 m 1972 ���� p�1 �� I e �Bes�o �A,11 RAlIIR�lWRR�111I � RI Tt►s Planaing Con�iseion felt strongly. tha� �exe �,s � p�G� �p� �'�,� ��+pe � of commvieeion a� they are in a positioa to get more peop�.e �.nvqA�v�d i'� � Fi�p- ject and in tbat way "might have s better ear to the growad". �'hoy ��p��,���d the posaibility of having a Plaaning Commiseion membe�c a� tbei� �aaBG��g�, Ghairman Erickaon said it looked to him aa if they w+ex� gi,v�.s�g a�a offlcial.atatus to a type af activity which is actually operating �a�i�e Q� an official body. The question ie raised if the Plaaning Comanlasi0m �h�►�1d b�.es�anded to add saother member or twa. He contiaued that thia is ���1�► an advieorq co�t,ttae aiace it doe8 aot hav� anq pow�er. It seetaed tg �� the Enviro�eatal Quality Co�iasioa might have some good in-put iAtQ ��s co�nmity aad have a good purpoee and �auld agree to the aetting up p� at�� a Co�d,seion for a year on a trial baaie with the posaibility of �.ncp�por�ting it into the Plaaning: Cammissioa as a Subco�ittee sometime iato th� �t��vu��. Mr. Miaieh said i�e would like to aee the Co�iaeioa crestsd init�a�.�.� vithin tha P3�anaing Commi.ssion. fle� believed the Commiasioa would t�ece�ive sa�ee valuable i.�put from the P+�aaaing Coansi.�aion. : AlIDT;OA by r�tzpetr�ck. secor�ed by SN�edeke. tl�tt t,be P.Tanning C4a�is_ sion recoamead to Connc3l a Coma�ission oP th3s �pe (Bmntro�oer+tal Qu�t?�G� Comaiesion) be appo3ated by the Couucil as a Citizer�s CoB�3ttee �i�1t�Fti.q��9 wi thout an ordinsnce until eruch time as 3 t cau3d b8 dete�mirteci tQ be �,�Ub�o�t- mittee of th� P1�119 C�88�0A1 �hat �n the future �e would cc�ns�d�s organiz3ng �uch a corrm�3ttee under ar� Ord3n�nce with the Chairtne�n o� t�t Conmittee a member of ths Plennirlg Commis�ton. Upon a vo3ce vot�, al� votia� � aye. the mot3on carr3ed unanimously. 3. . Mr. Clark eaplaiaed that the �obile homes are 14'x70'. Mr. Sot�dmeye� aeked.if he could be heard in May es tbe earlier part of the ���' iq t.�t� beet ti�e for thi,s buainesa. If 2ater. tbe timiag ia not so go�d. IG �e nou too late �o have the publication for the firet meeting in May. �e Co�ie�ion f41t they were com�ittsd� to ti►e C�mprehenaive P1adu _�os the May 17th a�eeting. Th,ere ie aot too much ao=k left aad they ��lt t��y ehould coatinue �oricing on it. 4. COlrt'INUED: P�FOSED �REHF.AiSIVE l+lUP1ICIPAL DBVELOPI�IT PLAN i The aew outliaee �ere handed out and thoy would be diacussad oA May l7, 1972. . ' S. LOOPBACRS: Mr. Clark said titat thie study vaa initiated bq the �+�te �: � Subdi�$t�i.�a� � Streete & Utilitiea SubcomtnitLee: The reco�eadation to the Flanni�$ C�- missiaa wae tisat access to tisese ial�d lote be completely see��'�.4ted. Planaing Commission Meeting - April 19,�1972 pa�e � ^ If not feasible, the accese to be restricted to 150 feet f.rom the corner ar I, two thirde of the lot width whichever would be less. Some of the comments �ere�that if this was goiag to be a drive-in type busine�s, it wov�.d require �.a.Spe�ial Use Permit and the Planaiag Commiseion and Counail waulci hava aa :�ap�ortunity to atudy the access. The present ordinance requires only a 75 foot setback which leavee stacking room for probablp 7 or 10 cars. This is not enough wheA �.t is 75 feet from the iatersection. If qou have a large volume of tsaf#�c Waiti�� for a stop light, the care would block off the first entran,ce. fle continu� tD�at Mie�issippi Street at IIaiversity Avenue is pxobr�bly the highest East/West txavelled atreet in the City today. The p�res�t �.�te�- section was created a loag time ago• • Mr. Schm�edeke said he waated to thaak Dazrel for'hia com�en�a. �e etudy also etazted in the Ylanniag Coai.aeioa. Seventy.-five feet �s the aotr�a� dietaace from the maia thorougbfar8 aad if you are comiag off t�e �i� thoronghfare and mekis►g a right turn goiag 30 miles an hour, you are om to� of �he tnrning car pretty fast. fle thought it would be better i� i� ��'�' ' 150 feet to the f irat accesa. On fligi�ay �65 and 73rd �iveaue the�e �.$ a new Cham�lin Station. He was glad to report tbe evergreeasthey �t�e�t�i�8 for laadacaping are not artificial. Ee did not thiak t�ey would �teed t�� firet driveway-from the main thoroughfare. fle thought i� t�e C�.ty WQu�.d recammead using the upper drive and go out on tbe loop and back �� Cl��+ �i�l�^� way, we would aot hiader them a bit. All the bueinesaee �hou�.d �tae tl�e+ �.00p• ,r-� fle thought th�ae wer8 reaeoae enough for iasisting on acceas b��.ag �t��t��� back from the main thoroughfare. Mr. Schmedeke continued that regardlees of the type of busimes�� t.h� planniag Commission would not have to alla� accees on the main tbo�t�u�1���ce. The Whtte �aight Car Waeh is a good examp�� of no acre$s on �be p�ait� T.��rou�� fare sad $�ill �e a succes�£nl station. �Ir. Clark said if the Champlin Statioa were to change the� A�ce��, �ba p� locaxions would have to be altered. Mr. Schmedeke said if the�e waa accees on tiie service driv�a, �at Nite �t►e way he would like to sae them go. Chairman Erickson oa�d there �� b� �� particular reason for wantiag the pumpe in tbe fYOnt of the sta��.o�. �� d�.d not see any objectioa to it. !4l�TION by Schmedeke, seconded by M3aish, that the P1ruuUing Co����C�� recommends to Counc3l that a11 future constraction in the loop o� � lAC�,�.�016 access be cor�.sidered only from the loopback or S@Z'V�C@ aZ'3V@? bow�Ve�', �� eccess onto the main street is coneidered, it siionld be restric��d ��a �I d3stance of 150 feet or two thirds of the lot width fzoap the ��o�' .i�at�S� sect3on, whichever �s t.i�e sm�ller. vpon a voice vote, at11 votalt�g �ye, �h� motiora carried unan3mously. The Co�iss3on sa3d tiut the intention of the motion �uld b� �o CQ+�s3de;° no a�cess at a1Z on the msin tlioroughfere. The ordi�a�ce �sboulc� j� ca3��lgE�uT �` to pes7nit no access. P1a�ninS Co�isaion Meetiag - Apr11 19, 1972 Page 8 �. 6. CERTAIN BSQUESTS BEFORE THE BOABD OF APPEAI�S: Chairmaa Erickson eaid the Board of Appeals hae graated a number of � waivere for aideyard variaacea for as emall ae 1 foot aad 4 feet. ae had . •. been wonderiag for a long time whethsr th�re isn't aomething wrong wi.tb � thia procedure. These are granted oa a hardship basie. Ia maay cases, whe�e a hos,►se witb a.5 foot aetback on the garage side aad 10 feet on thg other, the man wantB to convert to a famiiy room and put a double garage in the back. He woadered 1f the Subco�uittee ehould not diecuss thie probl�• New Brighton does per�i.t five feot sideyard oa either aide of the house,. The C6airman queetioned that the aideyard requirements were necesaaxy• Ee felt that the admiaietration should be able to_grant a variaace up Go 6" whatever ie reaeonabls. Siz inch�e is an error that ie eaey to make. Mr.:�.�nish lelt the Subc��ttee+ should work with the Fire Depa�tneeat. fle is coacerned with Lhe living area in tha garage. Fifteea feet'ie not very far awsy. fle did aot kao� ha� much protectioa they are accomplishing bq a� one hour fire wail. Chairman Erickeon felt that if the Ftr� Departm�ent feels et�oag�y� they elubuld co�e up with some evidence. The Engin,eering Department aas aeked to iavestigate otber cammu�,i.��.es and see what they require. � ,� 7. Sit� ORDiNANCE a l�r. gcbmedeke eaid he felt the Sign Ordinance wae too rigid. SaA►e�t�e tbat works with aigns thougist the ordinance was too reatrict�ve. A� Jannary 1,. 1973 a 1�. o£ ai�a�: baa►a- ta.-cams dawa if they are aot� ��o Code. T'he Chai�cmaa asksd that tias pereon Mr. Schmedeke was referripg �o ��AU�d put his ca�ent ia wciting. . . Mr. Miaieb felt thers ie � abnadanze of si�s. ADJOU�Il�iT : Tbore being no further bueineoa, Cbair�aa Ericksoa adjourned tl�� meeting at 11e45 P.M. Rsa �ectf lg e mitt� � � 0 �rian Recording Searetary �