PL 06/07/1972 - 31115�'"� CITY OF FRIDLEY PI,,i�1�1N�NG C91`�"�SSI�N MEETING JUNE 7, 1.97� CL�,I,L TQ OR�PER: The meet�.r►g was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Cl�a��� F�����°�! RAI.� I,; Members Present: Schmedeke, Fitzpatrick� Erickaoa�, �e�ler�� �.t� st� M�mbers Absent: None • Q�hers ���sent; Darrel Clark, Engineerimg �ss�stat�t ���� � pgqV� PLANNING CQI�LCSSION MINUTES s 1r1AY 17 1972 MOTI0�1 by 5chmedeke, seconded by Mi es�ote,aall�voting aye,��h�m�tp ��az�.���d c�#' May 19, 1972 be approved. Upon a voic ulnar�imousl y . �OTION by Zeglen, seconded by Schmedeke, that the ��ann.i.n9 Comm�SS�Q� �'��e.�ve t,he �p.inutes of the Bnilding 5tanear�ds�D�nsc9n?ried�r�urJ��us1y.�� �a� 1�� ��92� �1$�� � y��cs vqte, all voting aye, - ------,._ ...,�,..,,...TT�� ,rrrNrrrFS : MAY 23, 1A7� VE BUILDING 5'lA�vy�,- MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Schmedeke, that the P1ann.z-�t�' �4�23$?$9�a���� �� �e minutes of the Building Standards-Design Control meeting o� 1�ay � � voice vote, all votinq aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: MAY 23 1972 MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Pl�nning �oAR�s��,A� �'����V� �� �j,�t�tes qf the Board of Appeals meeting of May 23, 1972. Upon a vqietQ V���� �+�� �pg�,�y aye, the motion carried unanimously. It�CEI� PARKS & RECREATION COI�ISSION MINUTES: MARCfl 29 1972 MpTION by Fitzpatr3ck, seconded by Zeglen, that the P.lan�.ng �A������ �'�����'� �e �,����� pf the Parks &�tecreation Commission mee�in� o� A�arcii �9. 197�, �I�#� � vpice vote, all voting aye. the motion carried unanir�ousl�.. G�Zy� ��g & gECREATIQld CO'MMIISSION MINUTES:_ APRIL 24, 19%� ��'�ON BY Fitzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that the Pla�in� Gor�s���� �'����v'� �}i� �n.inutes g� the Parks & �tecreation Commission meeti�9 Q� �A�x�� �g' ����� ��`� � Vg��� vq'�e, a11 voting aye, the motion carr�.ed ur�animousl�. � I �+� � * ' � � � � I ` i � REZQNING RE U�s�r �v�s u, ` " — ---- _ STATE) t Rezone from, R-1 to R-3 �4�' t�W���g� �� ��'���'m����' ��lb��i F-������ Sloaedr Sanning Commi.ssion Meetint� - June 7, 1972 p�� � �'re$eat �q� �he hearin� were Fred Wall, pennis 1�add�t�� g�.�'���d Q, 9�q�����e � N�i7. W�bb��, �,Q�.a Shoquest. Ct;ai�n �x��k��n �.nfox�med ghe audience th�� th� �ub��� 1�����a� ��� 6��a� ��a�sd, 1't3e C�mmission had been asked for information oi� �he lo����.g� p� t�e ���� ��we� �� ����asments. - �.'he Engineering Assistant discussed the map $howit�g ��� ��e� �� ����� �t� ��ie ��prnl sewer p�ojects priated in different colorv. �� ��.��e� a��� Wa� a���a���d �44 p�� 1Q0 s4uare feet but not for laterals. The ar�a �� �h� �as� w�� �������d �1•pQ pe� �QQ �q�,re feet, 54� for the maia an� k6� �o� �he ���e�a1F ��+ ��aAw�d �$�� a�eas �o the South tha� drain into the Riedel pro�exty �r►d '�av� t�c�t b�+�A ��5����p� �� ��1. ��. Schmedeke said that this answers his questioa abput i.:l��i pi��p�st$,�� t��� h+�s� r�o maaholes but were adjacent to the Riede�. prope��y, Mx'. Glark explained further that the firat 300 �eet c�� Sth S�s��C dx��E�� 9�t�tb, ���, �� fith aud 7th Streets basically run North aad eventual�y in�� t�t� R91�de1 p�epexty. 1°Ir. Schmedeke asked the Wa11 people if they had, a� �y ti�e, �qtq�id$�Q� ga� h��h ii�e �,uast�a�cl of two apartments. Mr. Richard Schwart� a�swered �hey d�� G�pa- ��.d�x �t hi�h rise building asd maintain a little more ope� �pace axound �,�, bt�t ��ia� was as far as they had gone. It'would have spm� adv�tages a�� at �h� �a�Q ���ie� a��ered some disadvantages. They felt they did not want to do �t at t�i� �ime. ' � _ Mr. Fred Wall said that if the City felt they rea�iy wan�ed � hi�h �i�� �ip�tgt- �i�t�t� th�y w9u1d be in favor. '1'[ieir experieace has been �ha� �.m t1�e b���,t�A�.a�, ,'kktexe is a fair amount of support towards a high rise fo� the eldsxly, '�ut �hi� � h�� a wa� o� 1��reaki,ng down when the problem comes up o� ,�us� whr� �s �pns�.�1���d !���1��1y and what are the controls. Mr. Zeglen said he read with some interest about higY� �cise 1�e�Ag bui�g �,x� Edit�a. Any number of people, including some that though� th�.s would b� ��9�d �kt�,t�� for the City, did not want to go in gover�ment funds. Mx. Schwa�tz said that if there was interest in �'�e �oapuua��y� �i�� �j,�� ���g �9��d �o to five or eight storie�. One of the disadvantages �.s �h� �i��.c� ��� �iQe �equirements. Mr. Wali added if there were �reat ob�ect�.ons �9� build�-E�g '���1i ���� �.� ��id�,ey, i� then becomes a political thia� ta get �hl�+�t��h. ��1���,a� �o� t�l� ��,�1��'�.y ��t� dvwn the traf�ic, one car fox everq �ou� ttni�s, �g q�g��iat� �.s l�o�w �o be sure the apartmeat would be for just the elderly. l�k. Minisla said he crould not see the bene�it o� �eplacing tws� ��p�y bu�ld��$� W�.tb ��ive or six stosq building. I��c. Wa�i s�i� that the thiaking now was the towahQUSes wou�.d be bu�,�g �i��� �d ��ere would be enough time later to submit an ��texnate ��.att. Ck�airman Exickson eaid that the onlq way a community woul.d have tA �g��gg�, /"'� �� �ypQ of �t�ing would b� a reco�endation to approve �he $xpj��t, . P�annin� �omm3,ssion Meetin� ° June 7, 1972 �'a�t� 3 __.___ . M�A �aiah sa�� tha� siaCe the publie �ea��u$ me����$e h� tq�% ���g16 �'� � ��'^.y ��y�t cas�z �mvplving a dQVeiope� o£ apartmeAt bt���.di�g� Q�1 p�'�P��ty ��i��� �p�' � ' t��,a��l� fam�l.�► dwellin�s where eingle family dweliir�gs �p��� �c�t b� ��1��t�i��'��� � �����aomiGa� basis. In tha't �ituatior� substanti$1 co�����tc�ior� �o��� W���� $��Y� ���� iAVOlv�d tA make the land buildable. �'he court �u�.�d th�� be���1�� ��i� �t�1e^� �p�d�,�g propes�y had beeaa developed as aingle family dw�l��i��� �� g��,���,� ��}�� , �}�� p�opexty was zoned sin�le family, the develo�er cou�d Ao� #��v� Xh� P��p��'ty ���e���d• �he �si.mil,a�ity to the Riedel prpperty �Q qu�.t� st��k�.�g, �i1 �3�� �����+�A� �h� W��� A�vpasal does not do ,justice ta th� surrc�tuidin� �ar�c1 �wcle��, �� ��t�rad tkaa F�+O�o��� �QG �� be a�ceptable. If towatiouses cou7ld be c��np�t�.b�.Q with e�s�eut�dl�� ����, 1�� �id not feel he would b� adverse to seeing al�. t�1���t��s ��s�� �p ���3 �� ��� r�ei�'hbors would �eact to hi$h-rise and �i�ri�e. �� �� ����r���� by��,������ ���� s�e�.�ted and mid-ri�e for the elderly were conatructed, k�Q w�ul� fi$md �.t A�� t�'�,����iqnabl� �roviding the surrounding property owae�a w��e �n �'�v4�. �°k►� Ch�i�tan said if Mr. Minish were correct in his asawaptigt�� �hi� W��3�� ���u�.se �gthex public hearing. �r. �'�t�patrick said he did not follow I�Ir. Mi.a�sh's a��tuae�at$ �ha� ��d�9��,se Wg�id b�s m�re compatible with the surrounding area. �Ir. Minish said this would $ive a greater ampunt of opea s��ee. �� wc�u�d ������p�llly like to see the reaction of the pepple who l�.v� thex�. '�'h�s �.� � �,���� �ua� pf ppen land, pretty much surrounded by develaped l�d, �'Ir. ��.ark pointed out that even if the land were re�oned �o �,��� th�+ �et�.t�.Qt�e� W��dbd 'b� �'equired to apply foY a Special Use �ermit fp; 1�pm�s �t�� th� �ld���,y. �� � �g�� '��e following fxom the City Code �ertaiaiag to � 1 D:�.,yP,��CCse F��� �3a 5��� ���� 4�.Q�1� 3.--F: "�iospitala, clinics, nursin� homes, convalescen� hot��� �c�e �c�� �'he elderly": R-3 and R-3A, 450i1, 3-G oa Pa�e 28s "HAa������, �1���.��, �,����.t�g homes, convalesc�nt homes, homes for the elderly". Chairman Erickson said he did not thiak an apartment with �ldezl.y people �,� ��y t���fe�'ent than apartments with young people. �. �clnmec�eke said he felt a little different about th$.s �equ�st. �� ��lt �'t� �����ipm�ira have a nice project. The a�artments axe setb$�k i� �n ��t�� gp h�.�� �1���. Iig reminded the Commiseionera that �.n �956 this l�a�l W�$ �ox��d ���1C� 63�,� �id Cquld easily have been a conglomerate develo�ment Q� �c�t�t����.��, ���.1R� tkd+� ���A�'ds w�re loet, he did not kaow who decided this was 1��*1. '7'���� a�e #�q�� �41�g� An 63�r� Avenue whose side yard� would face Che pro j�c�. �� ���t��1�E �� �p�,�sion would have to commend the Wall Corp. for coming up w�t1� a p�et�y ���� �g���ed p�,�u. �'hey are not to blame for the storm sewer. W� tac� 'kn�rw that �c� F�`�'A � w��'e �ot assessed aad their water runs into the �tiedsl pxc►g��ty• �s�� p��p�+� �� i��v��' have to pay. In his opiniofl it is a good project, and �i� $hou�k�� �i� WA��.� b� it� �avor of the �rezoaing. $�r, �,��l�x� �aai.d his aentiments were the same. Ba�ie�lly �t�e apa�tm�a��a b�i�� ��t ��� b���C �f 5th Stree� where there is no res�dent�.al amd �s�w'�h�t���� ��g�d Lli� 'p�i��A4�t��', w�l], hide this development and will be a mi�� dev���Pt�e��� ���i�A� �i��► ���1. �e w�s in� £avor of the apartments. n �', �n�i�h �ommented th�t the Trezqpa prQpeirty o�a �h� No��1�w��� �q��g g� ���is��p��, �ans� 5Gh Streets is zoned �t-1. Mr. �i�zpatxick tg��.d �he� Cct��.��s�6�E� ha� �t� �t��e d2����.cu�ty tr�ing to rezoae with two se�arate ownet't�. Planning Commission Meeting - June 7, 1972 p�g� !� T- ��.�.�-,�.� �, 1�10TION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the P1cu'irJinq Cpmt�iSS.ipn ��cq�. � � mer�d to Council approval of the Rezoning Rec�uest, �p� #72-Q,�� bt� �� Wa.�.1 �A;,�.���+ ��i0X3 ta .�ezor�e from R-1 (single farpily dwelZings) to R-3 (ge�le�'�1 A1u���I�,�e f�.i$� dw�llings) fpr townhouses and apartments on the East Xa1f of �11� ��,�� #,t��� �� $�� a��t1�w��� pu�,��r pf Section .�4, eXCePt that ,par� platted as t���ar�� .��� �d���.��� . �J3ti Up1,�nd 2nd Addition and except that part sold to Trezvr�� w,�� �he ��.��+g��t�� fi�� �e dex�ity per urait no� to exceed th� derasity a� slaqwra oa� �� �1� A���e�d ,��t�id.�?�� «�. �ated June 7, 1972, and that th� petitioner wou$� ,�y� �g �g��� �p� �v��d'1��t f�om �he present outfall location to the existing �to�t ��W��' �� ���tt A�'av�, and subject to the boundary survey to show th�t the �ctt��,� ��� is t�e �� �� �� proposal. Upon a voice vote, Sahmedeke, Erickson, Zeg1��, �',��;�,�p,��,�.��� V���33g aye, Minish voting nay, the �tion carried. l�i�C, $,Cht�dgke di �l not think he would xeca�end a�et�ce fpr �he� p@�d �� i� 1�1g'ht be ttr►s�tghtl.y and the fact that Rice Creek ie �ot �ea��d. . 2• GONTINUED: REZOIVYNG REQUE5T, ZOA �i72-05, EINER "TED9' DORSTAp; Lpt ��„ �vised Auditor'� Subdiviaion #77 eucept part to Gree�wood, Paxcel �5640. To rezone from R-1 to R-3 (general multiple family dwellings) fo� ap��tme+�bt �omples. , • $ubli� Hearing Closed. i�fx'� a�d Mrs. Einer posstad were present. �--\ �Q�'lOdV by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the �14�b13G ���3'a�ng �€ t�'i� dR��o��g Request, ZOA 1172-05, by Einer "Ted" Derstad be reop�np�. U,pq� � vp�,�� Y�te, aI1 voting aye, the �tion carried unanimottisZy. 1�Ir. porstad explained that they wished to change the rezoni,ag r�q�es� ,�� �Qa;�C under the R-1 and R-2. They were naw asking for double l�nngalpw+� a1Qt�$ F�� �tiver Road with a six foot privacy fence aloag Eest River Road. '��1�re w�1�'�� � ���+��� i� €ront of the double buugalowa. The J.ots tp the Sou�� w�2,1 l��v� ��G����� �m '�aim�d$� Way. �'Tlzere wil� be two lots exiting on Talmadge T�ane oa the W�s��. '$h� p�'�}����y �A�' �k�e double bungalows would be 150 feet deep alpng Eas� �iive� I�p��. G`���,rman $rickson a�ked how essential. it would be f�om th� Ci�y�Q �taaidp�i.m� �p� Oslaorne Road to cross East River Road. �.r. Clark answered that if a median was instal�ed or� E,��, gi���. ����� i� �Q��� �� the �sits. He did not believe there would be an o�enin� an i��1� Way A�' T��dge Way, but the logical one would be Oeborne Itoad. �� ��v�, ����� qygg k�� S�, �'aul Waterworks Easement would be too cpstly. A att�dp �aa beea mac�e �� tk��; �i�� o� ��t River Road, but it is indefinite whe�i the study will b� put $a�gq �gl��t• Tla� people present were asked what they thought of the pxoposa�. L}.�t�� � �plau��i�;�oa of the routes the people would talce to get onto Eas� Ri,ve� �t,p�d� �1��� t���eed tq th� double bungalo�s on East River Road and the �es� pf ��e l�ad b�i�aa� p�.at�ed. The zoning will remain the sam�. , �'�1 �l�nti�..ag Com�i„ssion NZeet3n� m June 7, 197� ��!� � � �� ��e� � m..� � .00 �;,� - dypTIQN R�y Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatricic, that th� Plaauaail7� !�����p� � � �ik� t%� .�vllc�w.�ng commitment: i'he Commission wi1Z be ags��ab1� ta �'������ ��a Pxp�ez"�y along East River Road, being 150 feet in dept,ii, to RT� with th� ��1��3�� �� g�i� �p,�Q�e3'�y remaining R-Z, and that the petitionex pTat the �p�'ope�r��. �����°z�t�� �� �� t1'ie F1a�� & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subco�i�t��. il�i3 � v��� v�t�f ��� V��ng a�e, the motaon carried unania�usl�. M,�. Claxk said it might be poeaible to aet a public hearin$ fox t�t� e���d ����Ag �.t� "Jt�Xy• Chairman Erickson suggested to Mr. Dorstad tla�t he t��k� �6� �he� ���l�e, an� vx� the East end of 75th Way and the other on the �as� eAd g� T�].�t�r�d$� W�ty �a�d t�ll �hem there is a possibility the street might be �losed t� ��� �1Y�� R��d. �, �QNTINUED: REZONING REQUEST: ZOA �i72-06. BY WESTERI�? STORE9' Tv p����t�� PS9� ��71 (�.��al bu�inese areas) to C-2 (general buainess �r�as) �,o� d�� ,"��,AC� Ss C�uuae�c� Park. �. GONTINU�D: CONSIDER A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP 1�72-02, BY WESTERN S�.'ORE�t To contia�ae a serv�ce statioa and permit the addition of sa�es and d��p�ay o� ���d�b �xd 7.awn supplies per Code Section 45.101, Sectioa B, 3�-�, t�o be located on Lot 1, Blvck l, Commerce Park. F�tb�.c �earing open. � �'i�. L. J. Haug was present. �AC a p��vious meetiag a request was made to list tk►e via3.atiaAS a�SS�..�asC �hi+� p�Apex�. Mac.•Clark reported that he did not make a co�parieqa, aa� ao�12.y h� d�d ��at $e� �.�volved with violatioas ae it is haadled by th� Suildimg ��p��ki�m �F�7g��nent. �ie believed that most of these violations have been� �ar��q��d, 't1zQ v�..s�l�tiopa are probably not out of the ordinary. Thexe i.s probably abou� �lie �am� �yp� q� �t��� going on in most of the service stations. �he �miuiatu�'e ��rd��a k�as b��A S�maV�d. At the last meeting the petitioner asked for per�n�.stsion �� �4ttkit►t�� g�� �n9,ature gardea to June 15th aad this would be the only y�ax he w�t��d t►av� ��• !►JATION by Fitzpataick, seconded bg Minish, that the �lanninc� Co���#c��1 �1p�� �a� ,�ublic Hearing for �iae Rezoning Request, ZOA #72-p6, �c� Western ,St��e� �el ���p�� from C-� (local business areas) to C-2 (general busiaess a.�ea�) �Q�' �►fi �r �1g� �, Cpmm�rce Park. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, tha �notip� ��#,�a�ed ��u�39• �1�'�'QN b� Fitzpatrick, seconded by M3nish, that the P.�a�n:ing GA�S���� ��10�� #.J�e �'{a,b�Zic Hearing for the 5pecial Use Permit, SP #72-02, by Wes�e�t� ,������ t.p �Q��,�z�u� a se.�vice station and permit the addit3on of sales and di���a� �� ga�'Cieii �78d .1awn supplies per Code Section 45.101, Section B, 3-E, to be ip����� g� �+� ,; � �$,1p�k 1, Co��rce Park. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the mo��c�r1 ���'z'�i�c� t�ta�taa.�ms�t,tsl� • ' �10�'ZON by M3n.f sh, seconded bg � Zeglen, that the Planning Co��sa�q� ���v.��V� �3� . Raaon.�n,q Reguest. ZOA N72-04, by Western Stores, to rezone fxom �al (.���� bi��a.�����s n ���,��) gp ��� (��neral business aress) %ot 2, B1pck .�, Cpmmerce Park. �1y�1� a y��g� v4'�e, a.11 Yoting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ,,, P18nni.t�g Commi�sion Meetin� � June 7A 1�78 �a�� � M9+i�9N by Minish, seconded by Zegle�ao �.hat the �.����.i-riy �9A97����C�� �p�P� �,. � that �art of tlie request %r a�eaial Use �e,rm�:t, S� #�Z�p�, ,�� W�st���tn �S1�q���� i t� �x�t��u� �he �ervaLae st��ion, but not to $nc�ude ths sa.�es ��c� d�+�,p��y �+!' ���'d��3 �nd �awa� sup�lies, �er Code Section 45.101, 3ec�ipr� ]�, .���' �� �� .�� �l��k 1, Cvuunexce Park. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting c�ye, �j� mot��� �o�,�,�.��� t,t��diAlpusl y. �d�. Mi.n�.sk� stated he was pleased to see the �arden diap�.�y �ak�u �c�wa, $� I��� ��,w�p� beez� �oncerned with the manner the station has been ppsr$��.A�� �tt�� r�� W�t�t ��w ���soa��eX, he �oped they will conform to ��e Code of �he c��y. �—�-- - ,�. �i$LEAs VACATION REQUEST, SAV #72-04. BURLINGTON NORTHERN, ING.s Tp vaca�q �,) �i�.s� �►venue b�tween Lot 6, Block 2 and �t/W line of �ai�,�oad. �� Al�.�y $.� �lo�k 4. 3) Unnamed Street between Blocks 3 and 4, 4) �Ta��m�d ������ be�ween Blocks 4�nd 5, Berlin Addition. �tpl�ext fl. Brokopp, Supervisor of Title and Closing, o� �he Bu��.�im��g���To�t�h�� It��. was present. Mr. Schmede�e st�ted that normally vacations are brought befc��re h�s Stt'bcom�►it�e�i� IA tl°��-s5 C�e �� laappens most of these streets have never been used Q?� oF�s►�ds but �h�y �1�aw c�n the plat aad are uuder one owaership. It was �elt the p�t��atp�i �qu�d b� ���i$i�ered at the Planning Cpmmission level. , Mx'. Cla�k said it is also a ffiatter of cleaning up so�e olc� pl�ttit��. /"'1 1KOTION by Fitapatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the .p,�a�n.i�� Cp�i.ss�q� Lr��'JA�nd tc� Council approval of the Vacation Request, SAV #7��(I�. �iy �Gi�'.��x���p�d N��'�i�.�n, �'nc. to vacate 1) 41st Avenue between �he East .���� qF �',pt 6, BZp�lc � aa�CT t.I�e R/W line of the railroad. 2) Alley in Block 4. 3) Unnamed S�re�� ���W�'�1� �.Tock 3 cznd 4. 4) � Unnamed si:reet between Blocks 4 and 5, 8�.�.��� ,��c��ti��, �S d����'.�bed on Pages 44 and 45 of the Planning Commission Age�da 4�E �tatl� 9, ����s �l�n a voice vote, all vot.ing aye, the m�tion carried unanimous$y. �. �'U$LIC HEARING: RE UEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT SP �72�03 To pe�mit the sale of Art Paintings on a sea$onal basis $px pe� C�i�y Code 45.101, B, 3-E-1. 1�%. Vern Johason was present. MOT�ON by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that fihe 1P3anning �Q�is�,iv�e h►�,�y� �ae xeading of the Public Nearing Notice for the Spec�iaj U�e �e.��� x�t3��t� ,'�F N7�=03, by Vern Johnson. Upon a voice vote, a11 votan� at�e, the m�otioa ce�,��',�ed t��tROUSZ y . Irls�. Johnaoa presented a picture of the way the display wot�ld be �a� up. �� �� �+e�3mg oi1 paintinge on velvet b8cking. The trailer is 13 fee� lga� �bd wp��,d be paxked on the 3outheast corner of the serv�,ce statioa pxope��cty. '�he9�� ��� p$,��uxQS oa� three �ides of the trailer. �"�. , M�. Sct�medeke said that he had seen a aimilar dis�lay �.n �T�w ���.g��c�t�, �� w�il€� �hey are attractive drawiags, they are kind o� a t�a�fi� k��za�d, 81.aumiug Commi,.saion M�et�ng -,7une 7 8 197� �„�, Pa� : 7,� ..._--•�------� 1'ig. F�tzp�trick was not certain tFaey would uo� dis�,�ca6t tk�� p�Clp�.� �'� ��'A�Y'+�� ,✓�� �veuue. rix. Johason said he had displays in Rictl�field and �loomiagtAA. 'T�t�y FP��Id b� sk�own only on a seasoaa�, basis. �Ir. Schmedeke said if the Commtission allowed this type A� �e�,�#.��. tl��y W�u$d h�v� x�qu�sts for other type$ of display oa many cornexs. �s this wk�t w� w�xt.t? Mx. �Iiniish said outdoor displays are by petmit. His �ee�-ing wa�s �h��s� �1�AUlc� b� �C+���xol��d and discouraged. This is �ust one mose exa�l� o� outdoe�� ��.�pl�t�►s. 1�. Claxk s�id the oaly difference between these pi�turss at�d �-��rd�� display � �.� Gh� City caa� enforce hours and time, number of days and they ar� �aob1�. Mr. Schmedeke countered that the Planning Co�ssio� have t�i�d �� elimliA�t� t���.e of autos on these Iats and if thie display were per�nitted,. a�e�u+��� �o�t1d b� t�de to aell ears. M�'. Fitzpatrick added that in terms of setting a precedent, he would obj�e�, b�3� �x� terms of this operation, did not ob j ect. Mr. Schmedeke said he felt this was a business that probably aould �et�t ep��� in a large store. If the Commisaion allows to display the pictu�es, we w�,ll t�ave requests for potatoes and fruit. He wouldn't object if I`�'. Joha�on would s3e11 his drawings in one of the larger stores. '� 1'�C. Min�ah would like to aee a direction eliminating the l�ardware s�q�e �x�ay Q� lawa mowers and similar outdoor displays. Chairman Erickson said that he was less concerned about hav�.n� � 4anT�d�° ��f ��rpe of business in some of the areas, but did not look w�.th f�tvQ� �� ���s �,g�a��ion at all. MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Minish, that the Plan��� �o�.t.�S��a2 �.Tv�� �� $ublic Xearing of the request for a Special Use Perm.it, sP �17��0.�, by Ve�� �ip�so�i t,o permit the sale of Art Paintings on a seasonal basis (Spri�3g �h�'gt��h k'�11% on the Esst 351 feet of Lot 12 and East 351 feet o� the Soutl� �0 #'e�t� 6��' �',ot 11, Auditor's Subdivision #Z55 except part taken for .hig�hway a.rit� ��'�'� ,pu�'� j���,�, Upo� a voice vote, a11 votirag aye, the motion carried unan.�mpt�s,��. �TION by Minish, 3econded by Schmedeke, that the Planniztg CA��S�q�d �'��AA��9�dd �T�al to the Council of the Special Use Permit, SP #72-03, by Ver� �io�hrts�l� t� permit the sale of Art Pain tings on a seasonal basis (Spring thrpu�� �'�$Z) 0�3 t�l� E�st 351 feet of Lot 12 and East 351 feet of the Soath 20 feet �$ I•ot 11, �$t��.�tA�'�� ,^a�hd.ivision #155 except that part taken for highway and street pu��ose�. (�,p�i� � yo��� vc�te� aI1 voting age, the motion carried unanimously, Ai�, Clark stated that Mr. Johnson came into the of��ce o£ his owc� aC���� �o �@� �,� �Q we�re required to have a permit. He did not ,�ust se� Stp his �ispl�y �Ad W�$g ts� be told he had to. ,^ Planning Co�i.ssion Meetin� - June 7, 1972 Pa�e $ 7. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT. SP �'72-04, BY MRS. ROBERT !''+1 NESS: To permit the construction of a two family dwelling in an R-1 Distric� ` on Lots 7 and 8, Block 1, Hillcrest Addition per City Code, Section G5.p51, 3-P. MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Comm3ssion waive the reading of the Public Hearing No tice for the request of a Special Use Permit, SP #72-04, by Mrs. Robert Ness to permit the construction of a twq iamily dwelling in an R-1 District on Lots 7 and 8, BZock 1, Hillcrest �lddition. Upon � voice vote, all voting aye, the rr� tion carried unanimously. Mrs. Robert Nesa was present and explained th�t they would like to build a two family house. • Mr. Clark stated that the plans �resented this evening showed thexe wou�.d be a two stall garage 24'x22'. The garage would have to be changed from two to thsee etalls to meet the code. Probably one car could be parked in front of the garage door since it was in the rear yard. There will be a split foyer entrance. Mrs. Neas said they would be willing to build according to Code. The plans she presented had been used for another house and they could be adjusted to meet the Code. It was determined that the area was predominantly single family hantes. Mr. and Mrs. Sprungman (7255 East River Road) and Mr. and Mrs. WalBetaar Anderson (7271 East River Road) being the property owners to the North obj�ated to the double bungalow. Mrs. Ness aaid the people on the South had ao a=gumepts � against the duplex. Mr. James Sprungman preseated a petition objecting to the coastruetion of � two family dwelling in� an R-1 District and ahowed a photograph of the p�opexty juet North of these lots with a rented home on it also owned by M�rs. Ness. 1►�TION by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the P1a�ing Co�ission receive Petition �I10-1972 objecting to the request for a Special Use �erm:it, SP 1172-04, to permit construation of a two family dwelling in an R-� Disttict located on Lots 7 and 8, Block 1, Hillcrest Addition. Upon a voice vote, a11 vvfiing aye, the aeotion carried unanimously. Mra: Neas said the ho�e did not beloag to her until April of this yeax. She had sold the property and had to take it back. . Mra. Sprungmaa read the letter ahe had written to Mrs. Neat� desc�ibir�g �h� unsightly conditioa of the home and lot and sent her pictures. Nothiag was accompliahed. Zlrs. Ness said she would rent after the two family hou�e was bt�il.t. Shs �old the other houee in December of 1970. She rented it before and thea sold �t. �ioW it is rented and the tenants are buying. It is a small home. It ie not px�operty � you can rent for a large aamount of money. They did have the lota fo� sale, bu� did not feel the price was right. /� Mr. Zeglen asked how she would take care of the houae as �.ot#$ e�� �h� lived �' in Wiaconsin. Mrs. Ness anawered that with the freeways aracl �he ehl9�dt�A ge���,ng older, she can leave them. P1��nu�ng Commission 1Keeting - June 7, 1972 PBge � Mr. Sprungman objected to the Special Use Peru�it because the area Was �re- O': dominantly one family dwellings, nor did he feel the ob�ection was unre$sartt�ble. ; , ;� Mrs. Ness said the property is not really in the best reside�tial &ectioA -° �ailroad tracka in the b�ck, a four lane highway in the front and oa the North coumnercial. The depth of the lote is 300 feet. Mr. Sprungman countered that houses near his home were assesaed �,� $25,000. MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by 5cha�edeke, that the Planning Com�ission close the Public Hearing of the request for a Special Use Permit, SP i%92-04, by 1Nrs. Robert Ness to permit the construction of a two fam.ily dwelling in an R-1 District. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unarlimously. Mr. Erickson asked how far away Mrs. Nesa lived. She anawered 14A milea. AlOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that in view of the fact t1i$t the Cor�ission have had quite a few requests for the same kind o� construction down the street a ways, and that the area consists of single fam.ily dwellings, the • Plar�ning Coa¢nission recoaunends denial of the request for a Special Use Permit, SP I172-04, by Mrs. Robert Ness to permit the construction of a two family dwelling in an R-1 District on Lots 7 and 8, Block 1, Xillcrest Addit3pn pe�' City Code Sect3on 45.051, 3-D. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the atot�ion ca�zied urtan.imously. The Cou�ission took a five minute recess. 8. PUBLIC HEARING: REZONING REQUEST, ZOA �72-07, BY JOHN GABRELCIR: Tp rezoae from C-1 (local business) to C-2 (general businesa) for a Used Car Lot on part of Lot 50, Block J, Riverview fleights and part of Lot 13, Revised Auditor's Subdivision �103. 9. PUBLIC HFARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP �72-05, BY JOAN GABRELCIR: To permit a Used Car Lot, per City Code 45.101, �, 3-$� to be located:on part bf Lot 50, Block J, Aiverview Heights aad part o� I�ot 13, �viaed Auditor's Subdiviaion �`103. . Mr. John Gabrelcik was preseat. l41�OTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Cppmt�ssion wa�.ve the resding of the Public Hesring Notice for the Rezoning Request� ZOA N72-07, by John GabreZcik to rezone from C-1 to C-2, for a Used Caa� iA� on pa�'t of Lot 50, BZock J, Riverview ileights and part of Lot 13, Revised Audi�o�''� 9ub- division #103. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the a�otion carried unan.tmously., MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Cqir�issiora wa3ve the reading of the Public Hearing Notice for the reqpest for a S ec3a1 Use Permit, SP 1►72-05, by John Gabrelcik. Upon a voice vote, all voting a�� the mot3on carried'unanimously. 1�. Gabrelcik said this is the former Standard Oil Station sit�. He e�cpeated /"�, to improve it. He would have shrube ia the front, clean it up and � it look decent. The building itself is twelve qears old. It would hav� two oX thxee stalls. He does body work. He would carry about 30 or 40 caTS. '1'hers i.� 247 �`ee� of frontage on East River Road. There would be overhead lot lightiag. �� wot�l� close abpt�t 9s00 P.M, ai}d be closed on Sunda�►. 0� ��turday the place �Wou�d G�.os� $lanning Gommission Meeting - June 7, 1972 � e 10 ��i�....� � a� 6:00 A.M. There would not be much noise around the weekende. , i Caxl Lee, 544 Fairmont: He said that he was sort of in favor of the request. $� lived 3 houses from it. The site is run down aad is used for a xac� tzgck. The aoiss is there sometimes all night long. This would be atz impxovemeAt. Ralph Swanson, 511 Ely: He lived exactly behind the store. The backya�cd would be �ore or less his concern. Generally speaking he was against a Used Car Lot with all the lights. It would be an eqesore in the neighboxhood. Robert Johneoa, 471 Ely Street: He has lived there for eight years. Mt�st o$ the time this site has been run dowa. It seems like ao one can tnake it th��e. Some are there five months. He would like to see it opened as a gas sEatiaA, but did not like to aee a lot of cara around there. Renneth P. Peterson, 500 Dov�r St.: His concern is the �olice have bsea up there many times for the store and laundromat. A lot af kids hang around up t�exe. At all hours of the night you hear brakes squealiag, motorcyCj.es reviAg. His feeling was a car lot would contribute more to the noiae. The police �aa�t seem to do much �bout it. The reason the station lost their business was becauae they let the kids han� around it. They destroy everything. He did not think a Used Car Lot would help them at all. He was against it. Araold Eaglund, 470 Ely: fle objected. Mr. Gabrelcik said he thought he would be able to keep th� kide out. $� � would lock the doors every night. Se has a Used Car Lot now at 581 Highway 8, New Brighton. New Bri�hton lost a lot of traffic when the freewaq waa built. fle ia not being kicked out. Mr. Schmedeke said he has known the petitioner for some time. He informed Mr. Gabrelcik he goea by the same rules as he has since he wae appointed to th� Planning Co�nission. He dislikes having someoae come in on C-1 pxope�ty and a�k for a change in the zoaing when the City still has C-2 zonit�g available, It �eeme tbat when one service station is closed, another one springs up. He also hoped that there would be some way to get less traffic on East Rive� ltoad, but this request may generate more. Mr. Schmedeke said he informed M�'. Gab�elcik ab�ut the Ueea pesmitted in C-1 and that there were many �re Uses in C-2. Mr. Miaish said he did not have a car lot in Fridley, but he was noz deeirgus 'of seeing more. Mr. Zeglen said he has seen occupants come and go for many yeare at th3s sit�. fle did aot think a car lot would do anything for that corner. He t►ad � relativ� who lived on the corner and he used to tell him about it. It is a wicked Go�n�r. I�TION by Schmedeke, seconded by Fi tzpatrick, th8t tl]@ �1d17A.i't7g CpA�S�,�OA CZp<3� the PubZic Hearing of the Rezoning Request, 20A #72-07, by John Gabrelcik to �'e�oAe from C-1 to C-2 for a Used Car Lot on part of Lot 50, Blpck J, Riverview Re,��hfi.a9 and part of Lot 13, Revised Auditor's Subdivision #103. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. �^ JuOTION bg Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Plcznnin$ Cp�issip� clpse the Public Hearing of the zequest for a S�ecisl Use Permit, SP #�B-OSr by Johtr G�bt's�,cik to permit $ Used Car Lot. Upor� ��to,�c� �ote, aI1 voting ay�, th� �otivn carried unanimously. �lannitlg Commission Meeting - June 7, 1972 $a�� 11 Mr. Fitzpatrick felt this Use was not compatible with the $uxreuadi�t� ��a. ,� As �ong as th�.s Use is not allowed in C-1 and is allowed in C-2� he �a1G that r' , inaemuch as the City had plenty of C-2 land still available, he cauld not appx+pv�. �Ir. Minish did not feel this Use was appropriate. lrjr. �eglen agreed with the commenta and did not believe Chi� w�s � pla�a� ��� the Used Car Lot. Would generate a lot more kids hanging axound. �here ie �oia$ to be a 1a� of n�oise in there, a lot more noise than a gasoline �t�tion would geaerate. MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Comm.issiord �ecom- mQnd to Council deniaZ of the Rezorung Request, ZOA #72-07, b� Johr� Gab�elCilc to �'ezone from C-1 to C-2 for a Used Car Lot on part of Lot 50, 81ock ,7, 14,�pea�V�ew lieights and part of Lot 13, Revised Auditor's Subdivision �1103 for tihe z'eASO1�s st.sted abpve. Upon a voice vote, Minish, Zeglen, Fit�patr.�ck� �r�C,k,9oA VOt.ing aye, Schmedeke abstaining, the motion carried. Inasmuch as the deaial of the rezoaiag would preclude puttiag iA a Used Cax Loto the Co�iasion did not act upon the Special Use Permi�t 10. G�i MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Flanrling Co�n,issipn waive the reading of the Ordinance Amending Section 45.103 Relating to the Lot �lrea and � Lot Width Requirements for C-1, C-1S, C-2, C-2S. Up�n a voice vote, a11 votiAg age, the mot3on carried unanimously. MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Corrmiission close t�'je Public Hearing of an Ordinance .�r�ending Section 45.103 Relating to the Lot Are� and Lot Width Requirements for C-1, C-1S, C-2, C-2S. Upon a voiCe vpte, a1� vot.ir�� aye, the mvtion carried unani�usly. MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the PZanning Cca�iSsiG+� reco�snd ta Council approval of an Ordinance Amending Section QS.1Q3 Re1���ng �o the T.ot Area and Lot Width Requirements for C-Z, C-1S, C-2, C-2S• Uppn a vqice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 1�.. BUILDING PERMIT: A-1 MOTOR SPORTS BY MS. VICKI SRIFF: Lots 13 �ad lk, �1ock 2, Com�erce Park, for Snowmobile and Sales Service. The people present repre�enting the request were Ms. Vicki Skiff, W. "A�d'� S�aag, �tay Wormebecker, Gordon Jensen and Robert A. Guzy. MOTIOIV by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that the Buildin� pexmzt b�,�-.1 Mofioz' Sports by Ms. Vicki Skiff, concerning Lots 13 and �4, Blpcjc 2, CPAtmez'Ce Pat�'1c, �ox Snowmobi 1 e and Sal es Servi ce be removed from the tabl e. U,porJ a yq.z ge yp ��s, a.Zl voting aye, the motion Carried unanirr�ously. i��1 m Planning Commi�s,ion Meeting - Juae 7s 1972 Pa�e 12 _..,.._..._ Chairma.n Erickson removed himself from the Commission. ��_ Gordon Jensen, Attorney, introduced himself as representing t�� A�� Mot4� Sporta in the purchase of the property. This was a company that wpuld de�1 with aervice and salea for anowmobiles and boats during the summer tim�i. i'he d�ptk► of the property is 265 feet with 200 feet of frontage. There woulsl be �deqt�te pasking area to the South with room for expansion to the Weat. 1rI�. Jensen continued that the reason they felt this is aaa ideal ar�a 1s tha� fixst you have traffic con�rol on Osborne Road and 73sd Aveaue to get Qa�tg th� service dr�ve. There is industrial property to the West, so with this type Q� ope�a�ion the people that would be using the roada would be �k►e people briaging snowmobiles in for ser�rice. After 4:00 o'clock people wou�d be com�a$ in �ad usiag the plac�. To etart with, they would be open from 9:00 a.a�, to 9tOQ p.m. aad posaibly open later in the morning. The owner of the lamd to the South o� this prop�xty has no ob�ection whatsoever. His land is vacant at ttie p��s�it time. Mr. Jensen said that thie type of operatioa is not predomiaaatly � s$1�s operatioa, the use is service. The owners plan to have six employees, 4 ia �he sQrvi�e department, 1 handling parts and the other managiag the p�.aee aaad haAdXing �se�les. Three different lines of snowmobiles would be carried. D�tx'iag the sulm�ea' iu oxder to keep this many e�ployees on, they would go into anAth�� type o� service. They would be workiag on outboard and inboard motors. The repaira will be doae insidee They can teat the new snowmobiles on the Dynomete�c. The xe�som they feel they need this particular aoaiag for this operation (CR 2) is be�ause there 3s ao laad available in Fridley for this type of operation. a� che�ked other similar Uses as far as retail sales of boats, but not lo9kimg �t the sales � aspect. This particular piece of land is vacant now and except fOr tk�i$ px'oposal, would remain vacant. If the Use would be considered favorabiy� they would ��an t�o build immediatelya As far as aay danger to the general public, thexe 3.s ap .re�identiai property ia the �rea. Mr. Jensen continued to'the Sou�h is vacaiit property, tq tti�e North bu�ines� offices, behind strictly induatrial. They feel it meets the inzeation of the !CR 2 zoniag. With snowmobile repairing, people bring in the snowmobile and ].�ave �.t fot t�p or three days. There would be traffic coatrol as far as th� hau�s oi beiAg open. They are talking about a service type of operation. �he p�dia�p,ce ��qui.��� 25X for �, display room. Referrin� to a map showing the proposed building, l�d�e, Jensen pointed out th� are� sh�wwn as the show room was obvious�y mo�Ce th� �S$ o�' the ax'ea, but �t will aleo be used �a a reception area. To show three lines a� enowmobiles and to display boats in the summer takea up a lot of the apace. Even whst appears to be about 40� of the buildfng for displaq, because �f the bulk of the items, it is necessary. Mr. Robert A. Guay apoke from the audience saying he was the owuer o� t�►� p�opertq. Mr. Zeglea asked if they could say they would be selliag oaly boats �nd snow-� mob�.�es. He has seen where minibikes aad motor bikes were also added late�. �e asBVlmed t�is was not the intent. Mr. Jensen said he felt the bikea would probably be �cepaixed, but th� ma�t� n �a�es line was snowmobiles and boata. PlanninR Co�ission Meetin� - June 7� 1972 Page 13 — ,_,__.._,.. Mr. Guzy, in answer to Mr. Schmedeke's question, said he bou�ht the property ,� whea it was zaned CR-2. � rir. Schmedeke then asked if the City Code has no specific zoning for snow- AlObiles was Mr. Guzy asking that it be put under CR-2? Mr. Guzy answeXed that these people feel this property is an excellent location for their developmeAt as far as the developing of this type of property. They want two lots. They axe comiag in with a business with one particular use, that of snowmobiles $ad boats. Mr. Jensen added that he felt this would be a permissible use. Mr. Guzy said the general tenure of the ordinance is being met by �hese people having a limited use to facilitate a low traffic generation. Mr. M3nish asked how the Cou�ission could know that this business will be low traffic oY t1i�h t�af�iG? You �e going ia�to sales and the intent is to sell the product. Ms. Skiff said the money is not in sales. The money is in seYViGe. �Ir. Stang stated expansion is planned for spring for the ahowroom. Mr. Schmedeke said he would be hard pressed to say there is a bo�t $nd snow- mobile sale and that it is not a sales operation. That is only a servi�ce typ� operation and they do mechanical work. He still felt that this is a aales type uperation and ahould be in a C-2 center. • Mr. Guzy cowatered that there is no residential area. Thie busines$ �eae�ates low traffic. The only thing he could saq was they are askiag for mare than 25% ,--.,, sales area. Mr. Minish said he finda it hard to be convinced this business wquld be loW traffic. Mr. Schmedeke said his son purchased a snowmobile and seems to be hauling, �t some place and getting it fixed all che time. The dr:���r� of enowmobilee �- they lpDVe. Mx. Guzy said this would be the best place to move. MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the follawing opinion �be g�iven to �ouna3l: Because of traffic poten tial and soaee degree of the unaerta�nty ga� th� sales, this particular Use proposed does not come within the CR-2 ;toning, T�ie petitione� should com�e in under Rezoning or Special Use Permi.t, and fartla�� �eco�e- mQnd to Council that this may require both Rezoning and Special Use Permit. Ugpn a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. �2. $TUDY OF FORTY FOOT LOTS IN FRIDLEY: Tabled. 13. SCHEDULE MEETINGS IN JULY: The Co�isaion decided not to change tbei� s��du��a ADJOZJRNMENT : 1'here beiag no further business, Chairman Erickson adjourned the m��ti�� �t 11a45 P.M. �� s ectf ly�u�ttsci . -��� .�-�-�... flaze Q' Brian - Reco�ding 9�+cr��alc�►