PL 06/06/1973 - 7461, _ _ _._. ; �.�..� �, ._ . ._.. '_ ,.. . � � . .�., " : ;� ... ^ �... PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ... , JUNE 6, 1973 ' � 8:00 P.M. OFFICE � .�r � � � . . � � � . . � . � . . . J � � � � � � � . � . � . . . . � . . . .^ . � . . ... . � � � . . . . . . .. .. . . � . . . . 1� . . . � . . . . . . . . � . . � �� . . � . . ' .. : . . . � . � . � � . . . . #� � . . . . . � . . . . . . . . � . . � � . . � . �. . . . . . Y! . � . . � . . . . . . . . � . . � � � � . . . : . . . f� � . . . � . � � . - . . � � . �. .. . . � � . . � . . � . . � � � ^ .., .., � ... .. .. .�. � .� �, .., .. , _-_A G E N D A PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 6, 1973 8:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: PAGES ROLL CALL: APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: MAY 23, 1973 1- 12� RECEIVE PLATS & SUBDIVISION-STREETS & UTILITIES SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES: MAY 23, 1973 13 - 16 RECEIVE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESTGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES: MAY ?..4, 1973 1? - 25 RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: MAY 29, 1973 26 - 35 l. CONTINUED: REQUEST E'OR A LOT SPLIT: L.S. #73-05, BERNARD JULKOWSKI: Split off part 36 - 3� of Lot 6 and 7, Auditor°s Subdivision No. 153, to develop land either multiple or commercial. 2. LOT SPLIT REQUEST, L.S. #73-07, DAVID S. MYCKA: 40 - 42 Split off the Westerly 10 feet of Lot 32, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 77, to be purchased by Cowner of Lot 31. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGc REZONING RFQUEST, ZOA #73-06, 43 - 50 MICHAEL W. SELEDIC JR.: Rezone from R-1 (single family dwelling areas) to R-3 (general multiple - family dwellings) Lots 3-10, 1�-20, B1ock 20, and Lots 3-7, 19-24, Block 19, All in Fridley Park Addi�ion, to allow cor�struction of�a 69 unit apartment complex. 4. VACATION REQUEST: SAV #73-09, MICHAEL SELEDIC, 51 - 53 JR.: Vacate 6lst Way between East River Road 45 - 50 and Burlington Northern Railroad, Vacate alley l� between Lots 4-i0, 14-20, Block 20, Vacate 61� �y-,,,,� Way N.E. between Lots 4-7. 19-23, Block 20, 1�,`- Vacate alley between Lots 3-7, 20-23, Block 19, U All in Fridley Park Addition, to allow construction , of a 69 unit apartmen� b�a.ilding. �. ... � . . A G E N D A (Pa e 2) ' PLANNiNG COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 6, 1973 ... ... PAGES -. __,5.__,FINAL PLAN APPROVAL: WALL CORPORATION: The 54 - IO2 area generally located on 5th Street and 7th .... Street from Mississippi Street to 63rd Avenue. 6. VACATION REQUEST: SAV #73-10, ROGER CHRISTENSON:103 - 106 Vacate 30 foot road easement on Lot 1, and the " North 25 feet of Lot 2, Block 6, Rice Creek Plaza ,(� South Addition, to use for a parking lot for a �Y proposed school bus garage. .... `7. REVIEW REQUIREMENT FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR 107 - 108 SECOND AUXILLIARY BUILDING: ... , 8. PLANNING COMMISSION TRAINING SESSION: SET DATE: �7� � � � � � � , . . . . . . . � . . . . . _ � J � . . ^ . - . � � � . .. ^ � . � � . � . . . .� . � � . . . . � . � � - . . . . � . ^ ^ � �. . � � � . . . . . _ . � . . ^ . . � . . . � . . � . . � � . . • . � ' . ^ . . � . . � � � � � �� � � . . � � � . . � . . , . � .. � CITY OF FRIDLEY ,,, PLANNING COI�IISSION MEETING MAY 23, 1973 PAGE 1 " CALL TO ORDER: ^ Chairman Fitzpatrick called the meeting to order at 8:10 P.M. ROLL CALL: ,� . •� Members Present: Fitzpatrick, Lindblad, Blair, Drigans Membexs Absent: Harris � � Othexs Present: Darrel Clark, Community Development Administrator � " AF�'RQV� PLANNING COhA4ISSI0N MINUTES: MAY 9. 1973 MOTION by Lindblad, seconded by Blair, that the Pl,anning Commission .. approve the minutes of the May 9, 1973 meeting as written. Upon a voice vote, a11 vating aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE PLATS $ SUBDIVISIONS-STREETS�F, UTILITIES SUBCOM�fITTEE MINUTES: ^" MAY 9, 1973 1►#QTION by BZair, seconded by Drigans, tha� the Planning Commission ^ receive the Plats � Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee minutes of �lay 9, 1973. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � .. RECBIVE PARKS $ RECREATION COi�lISSION MINUTES: MARCH 26, 1973 Motion by Drigans, seconded by Lindblad, that the Planning Co�nission " rece.ive the Parks & Recreation Commission minutes of March 26,,1973. Upon a vaice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carr�ed unanimously. RECBIVE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCONA4ITT8E MINUTES: MAY 10, 1973 MOTION by Lindblad, seconded by B1air, that the Planning Commission ^ receive the Building Standards-Design Control Subcomnittee minutes of May 10, 1973. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEAI.$ MINUTES: MAY 15, 1973 ^ MOTION by Drigan, eeconded by 81air, that the Planning Conanission reae�tve the Board of Appeals minutes of May 1S, 1973. Upon a voice vote, .., at�� voting $ye, the motion carried unanimously. 1, CONTINUED: VACATION REQUEST: SAV #73-08, DENNIS A, RANSTROM: Vacate 2Q faot utility and drainage easement line etween Lots i0 and 11, Block 1, ^ Rice Cxeek School Addition, to allow constxuction of a home on two loxs. Same as 67Q0 Arthur Street N,E. — Mr, p�nnis Rar�strom a�d Mrs. P�� �lj.�� were present. �� ^ Planning �ommission Meeting - May 23, 1973 Page 2 ^ Mr. Clark said this item was continued until we had a recomnendation ' from the Parks & Recreation Director and the Parks & Recreation Commission. .. Chairman Fitzpatrick said we do have a memo from the Parks & Recreation Director and the Chairman of the Parks & Recreation Comanission is present. - Mr. Blair said the Comanission concurred with the Director in that we have .. no need for any park property from these lots. Mr. Arigans asked if the City has any easements that follow the Creek. Mr. Clark said no. Mr. Drigans said he didn't understand point five in the � memorandum from the Park Department. This was a suggestion that the lots be left as they are. Mr. Clark said that meant to leave them in private owner- ship. ^ Mr. Clark said this was also continued until this item had been before -- the Board of Appeals. Mr. Clark said the variance was approved subject to the vacation being approved. The Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities �" Subcom�nittee approved this request subject to a 6 foot drainage and utility easement being granted on the South side of Lot 11. .. Chairman Fitzpatrick said there was a gully on the property. Mr. Clark said th�re was no public right of way draining into this gully, and this � ' was to be taken care of by the:petitiorier-at the time he was ready to start �. con$truction on the home. _ MOTION by Drigana, seconded by Blair, that the Planning Coa�nission . recorrgnend to Council approvaZ of the vacation request, SAV #73-08, by Dennis " Rans�rom, to vacate the 20 foot utility and drainage easement l�ne between Lots 10 and 11, Block 1, Rice�Creek School Addition, to a11ow construction of a�ome on two 1ots, subject to a six foot drainage and utility easement .. be�ng granted on the South side of Lot 11. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimousiy. 2. CONTINUED: REQUEST FOR A LOT SP�IT� L.S. #73-05, BERNARD JULKOWSKI; �" Split off part of Lot 6 and 7, Auditor's Subdivision No. 153, to develop land either multiple or commercial. -� Mr, Bernard Julkowski was present. Chairman Fitzpatrick said this item had been continued at the Subcommi.ttes ,� level ao the adjacent property owners could be notified of this request, M�. Clark said he had heard tonight that one of the owners is in the hoapital, so no ane from the apartment canplex had appeared this evening to " giye an� apinion on this property. Qne of the new owners has contacted the City recently asking to have the -• 'no parkinq' siqns removed on 52nd Avenue. Mr, Jack Getzel, pistrict Supervisor gor Robert Hall, and Mr. J. K1ava, ^ Maaaqer oi the Fridley �obert Hall were at the Subca�anittee meeting and said they had np objection to this 1ot aplit. . � .. Planning Comnission Meeting - May 23, 1973 Page 3 � Mr. Clark continued that the City's concern is that if this land is _ under different use, this is going to create u►ore of a parking problem for the apartment complex than they are having now. .. Mr. Clark said the 64 unit apartment canpleac was built in 1964 and at that time they met all the existing codes. We required 95,000 square feet ^ to build this many units. They had 118,000 square feet. Ou� present requirement; would require 160,000 square feet for this many units. We did require 1� - parking stalls per unit. Naw we require 1� parking stalls per unit plus � stall for any unit with more than one bedroom. They would have to provide " 20 more stalla now bhan they did then. Mr. Clark presented a plot plan with the parcel shown that Mr. Julkowski .. wants to split off, and the existing apartment building complex. Mr. Clark said the 64 units face 52nd Avenue N.E. The blue parking spaces on the plot - plan are existing parking stalls. The red parking spaces are a plan worked .. out by administration for the owner of the apartment building a few years aga. �hese parking spaces have never been put in. At the present time, _ there 1s some parking on Mr. Julkowski's parcel by people in the apartment complex. � Mr. Julkowski said he has owned this parcel for nine years. It has been split by the County, but the City will not honor that split for special .. asaessment or allow him to obtain a building permit. Chairman Fitzpatrick asked how this can be split by the County, when it's not sglit by the City. Mr. Clark said the County cannot refuse to �" r�co�d a properly executed deed on abstract property. Mr. Fitzpatrick asked Mr. Julkowski if he had negotiated with the � owners of the apartment complex about purchasing this property. Mr. Julkowski said he had, and they have shawn an interest, but they aren't in any huacry " to buy the property because they know I can't do anything with it. If I ,,,� get the lot split, I may still seii the property to the apartment owr�ers. I don't intend to ask anything but a fair price fox this parcel, either way. Mr. Drigans asked Mr. Julkowski what he could use this garc�l for when "' iW s zoned commercial. Nr. Clark said Mr. Julkowski did take out a building per�ait in 1964 for 16 units to be built on this site, but they were n�ever built. He can stiil construct an apartment on this site, but the present .. requirement�a would only allow an eight or ten unit apar6a�et�t. If he wants to build an apartment, he would have to rezone the property. � ' M�. Lindblad asked if the present ownex"s of the apartment complex bought � _ thie parcel from Mr. Julkowski could,they construct apartments an it. Mr. Clark said all they could use it for was parking because it waul,d be treate$ as one parcel of land and they do not meet the squ�re footage require- ^ . ments for tha-' units they already have, or the parking requirements, according ta our preaea� codes. „� Mr* Fitzpatrick asked Mr. Julkowski if he has requd�ted a 1ot split Pr� t�he-City on this parcel before. Mr. Julkowski said he has talked about it, ^ ^ .. Planning Commission Meeting - May 23, 1973 Page 4 ^ but every time he brought it in, he was told to wait and see if the apartment ___ • complex woula buy the property. Mr. Clark said the reason for this was because if the 1ot split was approved and the property went into different � ownership and a different use, the parking problems for the apartments would only be a bigger problem. � Mr, Meissner said there was a tax forfeit lot, Lot 11, Block 1, Marion Hills Addition, that was adjacent to this property. Mr. Julkowski said --- that property used to be part of the property he owned when he built the apartment complex and there was a driveway to the apartment complex on this ^ lot. Evidently, subsequent buyers of the prop�rty weren't aware that this was in addition to the parcel the apartment building was located on and let � this lot go tax forfeit. Mr. Meissner said it was felt at the Subc�ittee .. meeting that this lot could offer about six additional parking spaces. Mr. Clark said if this lot was used for parking, as it'was in an R-1 district -- they would have to get a Special Use Permit and some variances of the setback � requirements. � __ Mr. Fitzpatrick asked Mr. Julkowski if he got this lot split could he sell part of what was split off to the apartsnent owners for additional parking. ^ Mr. Julkowski said he could, and this would give him many different options on this parcel. ,� . � Mr, Drigans said he was concerned about the overall problem of parking � for the apartment complex and felt Mr. Julkowski should seriously negotiate --- with the apartment owners to sell them this property. ^ MOTION by Drigans, seconded by Blair, that the Planning Cotranission continue __ the request for a lot spZit, L.S. #73-05, by Bernard Julkowski, to split off part of Lots 6 and 7, Auditor's Subdivision No. 153, to develop land either -� commercial or multiple, until June 6, 1973, to a11ow serious negotiations between Mt. Julkowski and the apartment owners on the purchase of this par�el, - and maybe the lot split will not be necessary. Upon a voice vote, a1Z vo�3ng ,� aye, the motion carried unanimously. 3. LAND USE DTSCUSSION: ROGER CHRISTENSON: Proposal to construct a school ^ garage on Lot 1, and the North 25 feet of Lot 2, Block 6, Rice Creek Plaza South Addition, subject to all easements of record. ,� Mr, Roqer Ghristenson and Mr. Carl Newquist, his attorney, were �resent. --- Chairman Fitzpatrick said �his proposal has been before the Board of �.., Appeals and vras reco�aended to the Planning Com�aission by that Board. Mr, Drigana said this proposal was before the Board of Appeals on May 15, 1973, at which time there were two petitions pre�ented requesting that we -� deny the variances. These requests v�ere bX the adjoining neighbor� in the area who objected to a bus garage qoing into the proposed site. The petitioner -- � ' was asking for a five foot side yard variarice and a 5� foot parking varianae. ^ Chairman Fitzpatrick said the Board of Appeals ie seeking the o,pinion o� � the Planning Gcmanission af the use of the land as a bua garage. This uee ie . ge�nitted �.r� a M-�. d1�t;�,�t, whi�h is what the property in question is zoned, ... ^ � � � � � � � � Planning Commission Meeting - May 23, 1973 Page 5 Mr. Drigans said the Board of Appeals was not only concerned about the -�-property being used as a bus storage area abutting a residential area, but of any other industrial use going into this area. Mr. Drigans listed some --- ---------of-the things that were permitted uses in this zoning, such as building ma.terial yards, creameries, dairies, etc., ice plants, locker plants, cold storage, cleaning and dyeing plants and laundries, railroad lines and spurs, passenger and freight depots, all these things could be across the street from a residential area. In this particular area, I believe the homes are valued in excess of $35,000. Mr. Drigans said he would like to refer to the zoning ordinance, Section 45.01, in which it states that this zoning ordinance has been adopted for the purpose of dividing the City into zones, or districts, restricting and regulating therein, the location, erection, construction, re-construction, alteration, and use of buildings, structures, and land, for industrial, commercial, residential, recreational, and other specified uses; regulating the intensity of the use of the land and to regulate and determine the area of open spaces surrounding such buildings in order to prevent the over- crowding of land and to assure adequate light and air, to protect waterways and natural resources. Mr. Drigans continued, this particular piece of property adjoins part of � Rice Creek, and my major concern and the concern of the Board of Appeals was the use of this piece of property for a bus storage area. The buses will be -- repaired and maintained in this proposed building and the refuse from this „� will go into a catch basin, and I'm not convinced that this catch basin is going to do the job, and we could get undesirable chemicals into Rice Creek - and Locke Lake. .. � � Chairman Fitzpatrick said the point you are trying to make is that although the zoning is proper for the use the petitioner wishes, it is contrary to the intent of our zoning ordinances. Mr. Drigans said he knew that Mr. Christenson has been a member of the business community for a long time and a long time resident of Fridley, and he, Mr. Drigans, personally knew of many insta.nces where Mr. Christenson has donated buses to Civic organizations free of charge, so he is a good part of this Community. However, I do feel that this industry would be better located in another area of Fridley, a far better suited area. I would like to see something worked out so that the City could buy this property from Mr. Christen-- . son for a fair compensation, so that the bus garage, which he needs, can be located in another part of the City. .. _ Chairman Fitzpatrick repeated that this had been referred to the Planning Commission by a subcommittee asking us to make a recommendation on a land use .. problem. We probably won't be prepared to make that statement this evening. -- Mr. Darrel Clark said that he had questioned Mr. on this and he said that if any of the residents of ^ of the Planning Commission would submit any question _ writing, he would give them a written answer. � Herrick, the City Attorney, : the area or any members they have on this, in , � Planning Commission Meeting - May 23, 1973 Page 6 ^ - Mr. Fitzpatrick said the use requested is permitted in the present zoning. .., Mr. Clark said the petitioner has requested having all the parking in the --..- --.-xear of the building because he wants to save the trees on the front of the lot to help provide screening of the building from the street. As far as traffic is concerned, there is a proposed service drive between the property ^ and the railroad tracks. Council could order this road in any time they felt � it was necessary. They are in the proper zoning area for the proposed use and the proposal is well within the requirements of the present zoning ordinance. Mr. Meissner, a member of the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee said he would review for the Planning Commission, briefly, the .. action taken by them tonight. He said they were asked to approve the vacation of a 30 foot road easement on Lot l and the North 25 feet of Lot 2, Block 6, Rice Creek Plaza South Addition, which they did approve, retaining the utility easement and retaining a storm sewer easement running North and South to the ^ East of the building, and an easement for a walkway to the Creek. �Mr. Carl Newquist, an attorney, said he was speaking in behalf of Mr. ^ Christenson. He said Mr. Christenson and his family has provided bus service �' for the schools for 35 years. Because of a change of ownership of the property he now uses, it has �de it necessary to relocate the storage of buses. Mr. .. Christenson has owned the property where he wants to build the bus storage building for many years. It has been zoned M-1 for 15 years. Mr. Newquist said that by saving the trees in front of the building and on the land next ... to the Creek and Locke Park, they will be providing screening. � Mr. Clark explained the.underpass plan, using the scale model of the project. This plan would connect the proposed service drive to 2nd Street ^ Northeast with access to Mississippi Street. Mr. Drigans asked how wide this street would be. Mr. Clark said it would be 50 feet. Mr. Clark said it would depend upon the timing of the development between ^ Main Street and the tracks, as to when the service road would be built. The City Council has the power to order it in any time that they wish. ^ Mr. Bud Hamilton, 181 Rice Creek Terrace, said that he would like to summarize some of the points that were made by our attorney at the Board of Appeals meeting on May 15th. We presented a petition protesting this .� proposal that was signed by 73 people, all residents of the neighborhood affected. There were 21 neighbors at that meeting and 20 neighbors are here . tonight. Mr. Simon, our attorney, said this proposal would devaluate the homes in the area, it would present a grave danger to the safety of our ^ children with eighty buses a day traveling a residential street. The children _ cross the street to get to the park, and there are no sidewalks in the area. The other five blocks in Rice Creek Plaza South Addition were platted in 1958. ^ There were very strict covenants, which apply for 20 years, in regard to square footage, architectural control, and the quality and size of the buildings. All these things were designed to insure a nice residential area. The area .,� in question is right across the street. .. .. .. Planning Commission Meeting - May 23, 1973 Page 7 �" Mr. Hamilton continued that the point was also made that in the zoning ordinance, paragraph 45.131, in discussing the use� in M-1 zoning, that the uses will not be dangerous or otherwise detrimental to persons residing or working � in the vacinity thereof, or to the public welfare, and will not impair the -�- ---�-use, enjoyment or value of any property. Also in paragraph 45.132, uses excluded; any other use which is objectionable by reason of noise, dust, .� dirt, noxious gases, odor, vibration, etc., or because of subjection of life, health and property to hazard. I submit that the proposal is in violation of these ordinances. � It also states on the 1973 Fridley calender, with a picture of Rice Creek on the cover, that Fridley offers canoers a chance to explore Rice Creek and its mystic beauty. Rice Creek flows through the heart of Fridlzy, � and often times makes you believe you're off in some forgotten place. Also reported in the Sun newspaper of August, 1968, which describ�d .. Rice Creek as a jewel within our reach. Also in this article it stated that more land should be preserved for public use. Also, the Metropolitan Council said the City should conserve the land ^ that would serve as a buffer to the Creek. This proposal would create heavy noise and pollution to the Creek. ^ Mr. Hamilton quoted the following from the proposed comprehensi.ve plan. On page six under Environmental Controls, it states that a recently formed Environmental Commission will further provide additional citizen inpu� to ..� insure better environmental quality for the people of Fridley. The involve- � ment of the citizenry in this area of environmental control has been, a.nd will continue to be, a significant force in curbing visual pollution. � Also on page 6, under Cities Exemplary Role, it says that in addition to its regulatory functions, the City has taken an exemplary role in the control of visual pollution and concern for aesthetics. .., . On page 7, under Rice Creek Watershed Preservation, it states that controls have been established to encourage conscientious development along all City .. waterways, including lakes and creeks. On page 8, continuing protection is needed if natural lands are to be preserved for future generatibns. Under Planning Implications; in our ~ expanding urban environment, it is 3mperative that we preserve much of our natural ecology in order to develop as comfortable a living environment as is feasibly possible. The citizenry must become aware of the importance of the ^ City's natural resources and how they can be incorporated into the overall environment. .. On page 9, under Land Use; a forecast of future land use is an essential step in the planning process. Before it can be determined what is needed for future development, it is necessary to consider (1) how existing land is used, ^ (2) what land is vacant, (3) what affect existing land use patterns will have on the vacant land, and (4) measure projections for the type and quanity of land required for future population needs. ^ .. .. 'Planning Commission Meeting - May 23, 1973 Page 8 �.. Mr. Hamilton continued quoting from the Comprehensive Plan. On page 14, a table is given that compares Fridley to other first ring suburbs. It shows that the average for heavy industrial use �.� 6.7$ and Fridley has 22.10. " The average residential land is 41.5� and Fridley has 34�. Fridley has over -- �-- ---- three times the average in industrial land. Of this industrial land, what is zoned M-1 is 58.6$ vacant and M-2 is 46.2� vacant. Mr. Hamilton.continued to •. quqte from page 14 where it says with the highest percentage of industrial land use in the Metropolitan Area, Fridley has sufficient industry to support its projected population. Therefore, any future industrial development should ^ be considered for the nature of its work force and its impact upon the Commun- ity. On page 20, it says the reputation of a community is shaped by the quality "~ and condition of its residential areas. On page 25, under Community Facilities; the overall appearance �f a �• city is one of its most valuable assets. It is therefore important to preserve the city's natural beauty as much as possible. This has been, and should continue to be, one of the major considerations in planning community ,� facilities. On page 33, where it talks about land development, it states that with limited residential properties . left and sizeable industrial properties � still to develop, this future development would tend to provide more jobs than necessary to support the employment needs in the.community. This situation is not necessarily healthy ar3d can create problems"similar to the � core cities. On page 47, under General Objectives; insofar as it is possible and .� prac'tical, all future development should reflect the major proposals of the Guide Plan. Points Mr. Hamilton stressed were (4) Promote and encourage quality business and industrial development in the City, and to cooperate r with new and existing business and industry, where sueh business and industry � contributes to the high social, economic and aesthetic level of the community. (6) Preserve much of our natural ecology in order to develop as comfortable a living environment as is feasibly possible. .. On page 50, under the heading of Comprehensive Plan, the development of the Comprehensive Plan is determined to a large degree by the needs and .. desires of the City's inhabitants'. These needs and desires can be ascertained by a study of their characteristics and their own vocal expressions, but these needs and desires alter with changing characteristics, so it is necessary � to evaluate trends and changes to establish future controls for our environ- mental needs. On page 53, under the heading Industrial, it will be necessary to re- ^ evaluate tYle amount of vacant land which is presently zoned industrial and possibly consider some other uses that would provide a more stable balance ot land uses within the community. Also, any future industrial development .., should be thoroughly considered for the nature of its work force and its impa.ct upon the community. .. � „� Planning Conanission Meeting - May 23, 1973 Page 9� Finally, on page 60, Mr. Hamilton continued, where it talks about ^ �-Study Area 4, and this paragraph is specifically for the area we are talking about tonight, it says it would not be desirable to extend industrial - facilities further into the residential areas along the railroad South of � Rice Creek. This area should retain its residential character to fit into -----� the surrounding residential neighborhood. Medium density housing would serve as a transition for the existing railroad and industry and would preserve ,� public use of Rice Creek. Mr. Hamilton said in summary that a petition signed by 73 residents was presented at the Board of Appeals meeting protesting this proposal, to protect � the children's safety, because of intolerable noise, visual pollution and depreciation of homes in the area. Also the comprehensive plan speciiically recommends that this area should retain its residential character and says "� it would not be desirable to extend industrial facilities South of Rice Creek. Mr. Hamilton appealed to the Planning Commission to give serious .� consideration to this proposal, and follow the guidelines of the comprehensive plan and rezone this land for residential use. .•, Chairman Fitzpatrick said one point that should be made is that the comprehensive plan Mr. Hamilton quoted from so effectively, is the statement of the Planning Commission and has not been adopted as yet by the City. ^ Mr. Hamilton said he had been at the last City Council meeting with an alternate proposal for this area and would like to read his statement at this time. .. The letter was to the attention of the Chairman of the Fridley Planning Commission on the subject of Fridley's comprehensive development plan. .. The letter stated that the Planning Commission and the City Planning Department are to be complimented on the thorough plan they have developed for Fridley's remaining land. The adoption of the proposed guidelines can ^ make Fridley even more beautiful than it is today. I have an alternate suggestion for the use of a portion of the land�covered in Study Area 4. I would imagine that Jay Park (adjacent to the area in question, and running .. between Main and 2nd Street) would be more desirable as residential land than the area along the tracks. If so, it might make sense to zone Jay Park as residential and create a larger park in the area from Designware to Rice Creek. In addition, the dedicated roadway where it crosses the entrance � of Rice Creek into Locke Lake would form a natural line between this park and Plaza Park, North of Rice Creek. This area where Rice Creek widens out and enters Locke Lake is an extremely beautiful section of Fridley. It aboui�ds ^ in wildlife including mallards, herons, muskrats, and wide variety of other birds. The best place to view the area is from the dedicated roadway mentioned above. As you know, Rice Creek is used extensively by canoeists and many ... of them use this area to bring their canoes ashore. In accordance with one of the Plan's objectives stated throughbut the document of preserving the City's natural beauty for future generations, I submit that this area should ... be developed as a park so the public may enjoy it. An important part of my proposal is that the use of the dedicated roadway be restricted to pedestrian .. � �.. Planning Commission Meeting - May 23, 1973 , Page 10 ^ and bicycle traffic only. As you may be aware, there is a current problem of motorcycles on this road causing intolerable noise pollution and tearing .. up of the hill on either side of the roadway. If my total proposal is not _ - _ _ __ _ feasible, I believe the important part is that some land South of Rice Creek be preserved for public use by the creation of a park, and that it be linked to the dedicated roadway which should be closed to vehicular traffic. .. . Mr. James Makie, 200 Rice Creek Terrace N.E., said this area in question is zoned industrial. Mr. Christenson can build a garage on this property and ,. as he has owned this land for some time he probably feels he is entitled to build on it. But any kind of light industry will present a danger to this area. It is a sheltered area. Rice Creek is cZosed off at University and .. the end of Main Street. Second Street is a dead end. We really have spciled our children. They feel they own the street. They use the street as a play- ground because we have had no traffic flow. It would take deaths and another generation of children before they learn to stay off the street. We also ^ want to preserve the natural beauty bordering the Creek. Mr. Lawrence Anderson, 220 Rice Creek Blvd., said that bus and taxi .. storage yards were allowed in M-1, but there would be storage of gasoline and repair work done on the buses and he thought this could be a threat to the preservation of the Creek. � Mr. Dwayne Dzubay, 220 Rice Creek Terrace N.E., said that when the underpass plan goes through it is going to leave one entrance and exit for the entire area and the school buses would add to the congestion. .�, ' Mrs. Lois Parsons, 171 Rice Creek Terrace, said it is difficult to get,out of her driveway now with the existing traffice. Also, there has �-. been discussion of trees screening this building from Main Street, but tl:ere is a lot of the year when the leaves are off the trees and there would be no screening. � Mr. Pau1 Plummber, 10-66� Way N.E., said he thought there was inadequate buffering for noise from Designware now. "" Mr. Blair said there was concern at the Parks & Recreation Commission meeting about a commercial building being located on the Creek. Because the property was correctly zoned for this proposal, we couldn't voice any objection, � but we were concerned about the traffic congestion with a park half a block away when the children have to cross the street to get to the park. As far � as Mr. Hamilton's proposal is concerned, it would have to be worked out as to ,� how Mr. Christenson would be compensated for his land if this property was made into a park. Another concern is whether a dedicated park can be changed into a residential area. � Chairman Fitzpatrick said there can be great difficulties in making any changes in a dedicated park. � Mrs. Fiamilton asked when the underpass would be going in. Mr. Clark said this was a County controlled project and she could contact the County Engineer. He said he thought it would be at Teast three years. .� .�, ^ Planning Coinmission Meeting - May 23, 1973 ' Page 1'1 Mr. Drigans said he would like to state that he felt Mr. Hamilton quoted ,. very succinctly from the comprehensive plan that is under consideration right now by'the City Council. I would submit to you that if some of these remarks or statements are of any value to the City of Fridley, that this guideline be .. very seriously considered. The plan hasn't even been approved and here we _ _ _ _ _-_ -_._ are already faced with problems concerning the plan. The Planning Commission has spent well over a year developing this plan, the administration has spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars developing the plan. This plan has been ^ submitted to the Metropolitan Council. The first instance that we have that involves the plan, we have a problem. I think the City Council should take some type of action and if this plan has any value, either this area should .r be completely deleted from the plan, or followed, as well as any of the other study areas. Mr. Hamilton has quoted time and time again, about ecology and the �oncern of the City in environment, and here in one area where we have a .., beautiful piece of land on Rice Creek,, we propose to turn it into a piece of industrial property. This is a good case where land was zoned many, r::an.y years ago, and should be looked at again now. ^ Chairman Fitzpatrick said the comprehensive plan developed from problems that came up before in other areas like this in recent years. .. Mr. Fitzpatrick said we were asked to study the land use involved in this proposal for a bus storage garage, and this we have done. .. Mr. Clark said the City Council should have the opportunity to comment_on . this befbre any decision is made by the Plar.ning Commission. This proposal meets all the requirements codewise, but disagrees with the guidelines of the Comprehensive Plan. This is in one of the Study Areas and what was brought "' up here toniqht will involve the purchasing or selling of park property. .Mr. Drigans said he would like some type of direction from the City .. Council in this Study Area 4, particularly be�ore we qo any futher in granting variances or considering the vacation request, on whether they approve of the comprehensive plan, because we have a conflic� between what ,� the property is zoned for and what we have recommended in the comprehensive plan. The Comprehensive Plan has not been approved. It is still having �Public Hearings. This portion shoul�i be approved or given a recommendation by the City Council before the Planning Commission and the Board of Appeals ""' go further with their functions. MOTION by Drigans, seconded by B1air, that the City Council discuss � � Study Area 4 of the Comprehensive P1an at their next meeting in reference to these requests for variances and vacation before it is referred back to the . Subcommittee's and Planning Commission. Upon a vqice vote, aI1 voting aye, the ^ motion carried unanimously. 4. REVIEW R.II�UIREMENP FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR SECOND AUXILLIARY BUILDING "� Chairman Fitzpatrick said this was put on the agenda partly at the request of Mr. Harris. Mr. Harris has specifically asked us to continue this discussion until our next meeting. ... MOTION by Blair, seconded by Lindblad, that the Planning Co:nmission continue the review of the requirement for a Special Use Permit for second auxilliary ,,,� building, until June 6, Z973. Upon a vvice vate, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimousl.y. �, .. .. ^ +r .r � .. � ... �. .. ^ ... .. .. .� ... .v ` 'Planning Commission Meeting - May 23, 1973 Page 12 5. ADDITIONAL DISCUSSION Mr. Drigans said at the special meeting of May 2, 1973 between the members - - of the old and new Planning Commission, there was reference made to a Park Plan, Sewer and Sanitary Sewer Plan and a Transportation Plan. Are these documents in existance. Mr. Clark said the Park Plan is in the rough draft stage and has not been reviewed by the Park Commission. The sewer plan has already been approved by the Metro Counci. As to the transportation plan, we wiil need guidelines from the Metropolitan Council, because this will involve a mu�h larger area than Fridley. Mr. Drigans said as the Planning Commission is charged with lonc�-range planninq, I would like to see some of these plans for our review. Chairman Fitzpatrick adjourned the meeting at 10:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, L.t!s�'�� i�7'`C�2�� Dorothy Ev son, Secretary d .. __ • .. 4 � �lJ • CITY OF FRIDLEY PLATS $ SUBDIVISIONS- � STREETS $ UTILITIES SUBCOIWNITTEE MEETING MAY 23, 1973 PAGE 1 .. CALL TO ORDER: � Acting Ch�irman Meissner called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. ROLL CALL: � Members Present: Meissner, French, Forster, Christensen . Members Absent: Harris Others Present: Darrel Clark, Community Development Administrator � .. , APPROVE PLATS F� SUBDIVISIONS-STREETS �, UTILITIES SUBCOhIlNITTEE MINUTES: - MAY 23, 1973 � MOT'ION by French, seconded by Christensen, that the Plats & Sub- ___ divisions-Streets � Utilities Subcouanittee minutes of May 23, 1973 be approved as written. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion -� carried unanimously. " 1. CONTINUED: REQUEST FOR A LOT SPLIT: L.S. #73-05, BERNARD JULKOWSKI: .� Split off part of Lot 6 and 7, Auditor's Subdivision No. 153, to develop land either multiple or commercial. Mr. Bernard Julkowski was present. Also�present were Mr. Jack Getzel, "' District Supervisor for Robert Hall, and Mr. J. Klava, Manager of Robert __ Ha11 in Fridley. . -� Mr. Meissner said this item had been continued to allow time to notify the adjacent property owners of the proposed lot split. � .. Mx. Darrel Clark said the apartment complex that adjoins this property has changed ownership several times. The present owner is having a parking -- problem and has xequested the City to remove the 'no parking' signs on 52nd � Avenue N.E. so there will be room for visitor parking. •. _. .• Mr. Clark said this parcel has been split off by the County for real estate taxes, but the City doesn't honor the lot split and will not split -� assessments or issue a building permit until the City Council approves the lot split. � , .� Mr. Julko�tski said that when he built the apartment complex nine years ago, it did meet all the codes. He said one of the owners is in �he hospital - and he had just visited him there tonight. He said there is an interest in buying this parcel, but tt�ere haven't been any s�rious negotiations. He said "� he has held on to this praperty for nine years and has been unable to do any thing with it, and he didn't want to hold onto it for another nine years while �he� apart�sen� owners decide �f tiyq,� r��.�,1 purchase it for additional parking. � - � , � .. Plats � Subs.=Str. $ Util. Subcommittee Meeting- May•23, 1973 Page 2 m -- . Mr. Clark said Mr. Julkowski was correct when he said the apartment ^ complex aet all the codes at the time it was built in 1964. If the apartment _ owners are having problems providing parking, they will soon be having a .. prabiem renting their units. __ Mr. Neissner asked how wide 52nd Avenue was. Mr. Clark said he thought it was 30 feet. Mr. Meissner wondered if parking could be allowed on one side .. of the street during certain hours. INr. Clark said that according to the City Code, off-street parking should be provided. ^ Mr. Clark said we have been discouraging this lot split because we have �elt additional parking areas are needed for the apartment complex. Mr. Julkowski said that in 1964 he had a permit " units on this parcel, but due to financing, he didn't _ with the different requirements, he could only built parcel. ' to construct 16 more construct them. Now 8 to 10 units on this � � Mr. Neissnex asked Mr. Julkowski if he had any plans for this parcel. �- Mr. ,Tulkowski said he couldn't make any plans until he had the lot split. .. He said he could sell the land to the apartment complex. -- Mr, Clark said if Mr Julkowski did utilize this parcel and put a fence around it, the apartment complex would have even a bigger problem, because they ^ do park s��me cars, on occasion, on this parcel now, � Mr. JulkoWSki said he has had property for nine years he hasn't been -. able to use. He said it shouldn�t have to be his considexation that the apaxtment complex has parking problems. � Mr. Clark said the parcel Mr. Julkowski wants to split off was 27,240 square feet so it is large enough to be built upon in commercial zoning. , Mr. Christensen asked who owned the property West oi this parcel. Mr. ^ Julkowski said it belongqd to Robert Hall. Mr. Getzel and Mr. Klava said they _ had no objection to this lot split. T'hey said if Mr. Julkowski should need additional land to construct somethir�g on this parcel, he prabably.could —• � purchase some from Robert Hall. Mr. Clark said Robert Hall would have to ke�ep enough property so they met the zoning requirements. • Mx. Clark said if Mr. Julkowski should want to build apartments on this ^ parcel, ho would have to rezone to R-3. The apartment complex should be -- zezoned to R-3 at the sa�ae time because they are now a 1ega1 non-conformiag use, .. Mr. Meissner said nothing could be built on this parcel until the lot split is sp�roved, . -• NOTIGM by French, seconded by Christensen, that the Plats � 9ubdzvistons- Strests ! Dtilites Subcarmittee recorrm�nd to the Planning Comm�ss.�on approval -- of the zeguest for a lot sp1�t, L.S. �Y7.�-05, by eernard Jvlkowski, to split ,., o�f pitrt of Lot b and 7, Aad3tor's Subd�vision No. 15.i, to develop the land e.i�her cow��rci�l o� mt�,It�p1e. Upon a vo�ce vote, all voting aye, the mation -- ca�ried w�w�imously. .., � �� ^ , Plats & Subs.-Str. & Util. Subcommittee Meeting - May�23, 1973 Page 3 "' 2. VACATION REQUEST: SAV #73-10, ROGER CHRISTENSON: Vacate 30 foot road _ easement on Lot 1 and the North 25 feet of Lot 2, Block 6, Rice Creek Plaza South Addition, to use for a parkinq lot for a proposed school bus .. garage, Mr. Roger Christenson and his attorney, Mr. Carl Newquist, were present. .. , Mr. Newquist said Mr. Christenson is the present owner of the Fridley __ Bus Service, He provides bus service for the Elementary, Junior High and Senior High Schools. His family has provided this service for 35 years. ^ They are presently located next to City Hall but because this property is chanqing ownership, he has to look for other quarters. The property he wants to relocate on is zoned M-1. The proposed building will be large enough to .. .' park all the buses inside. The entrance is located on the lot so some large trees can be preserved in the front of the building to provide screening. - This property borders Locke Lake and we will be able to make use of the existing t�ees to screen the building from the natural area along the Lake, There is � °� !t 3Q foot North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District easement along the West end __ of the property, plus the thirty foot road easement. The combination of the two easements will give us 60 feet on the West side of the building. .. �- Mr, Meissner asked if the only access to the property was Main Street ,� at the Kice Creel� Terrace intersection. --- Mr, Newquist said the driveway would be adjacent ta the South property .. line, I� would be at the Main Street & Rice Cr�ek intersection. __ M�r. Christensen asked if there was any possibility of the service road being•put in on the Burlington right of way. ^ . � Mr. Clark said as the area develops, he would think that the service driv� wc�uld be put in. Mr. �'rench said this property is at the end of the proposed service driwe, �o when it is put in, they would still have access to it. '� Mx•, Clark said the City owns the land on the North side of the Creek, __ There are no plans to build a bridge across this Creek. -• ' Mx�. ChristPnsen said it looks like the property line of Lot 1 goes xic�ht up to Rice Creek, Mr, Glark said the North lot line of this praperty is the • -- Creek, � Mr, Ghristensen asked if Mr, Christenson owned the North 25 feet af Lot 2. -- Mr, Newquiat said he has a purchase agreement on this property. .Mr. Meissner smid we can antiaipate a lot split if th�s proposal goes throuqh. �. , __ Mr. Meissner asked who aw�ned the property to the South of this property, Mr. Claxk said Desi.qnware o�ms lots 2 through 7. � Mx'. Clark �aid that before a building permit wa$ issued the City would -- w�� �o �ee a pla� ,�or a W��kway along the Creek. There is a storm sewer ^ betwee�n the proposed buildi,ng and Ma�.n St;ee�, that runs North and South. We should have an easement granted for this storm �ew��. .. � - Plats & Subs.-Streets & Util. Subcommittee Meeting - May 23, 1973 Page 4 .. ' . , , _ Mr. Meissner asked if the proposed building met all the setback require- mente. Mr. Clark said there were pending variances. One was for a$ide yard .. variance for 25 f�et instead of 30 feet and a five foot variance for parkinq. -- � ` Mr. Christensen asked if they could park on the Sanitary Sewer easement. Mr. Clark said it was allowed to have parking on an easement. Minnegasco has � . an easement on the proposed street rignt of way which would have to be retained, __ but they can park on this easement also. � ^ ,, Mr. Newquist asked if they could formal�y apply for a lot split at this ' time. Mr. Clark said the reason for obtaining the 25 feet of Lot 2 was so that the buildinq could be located as far away from the Creek as possible. � Mr. Meissner asked the petitioner if he was willing to consider an easement -- ' for the walkway. Mr. Christenson said this would be no problem at all. .. • Mr. Christenson said there was a lot of brush along�the Creek but he was __ sure a walkway could be put in. Mr. Newquist said they intended to retain all the growth in this area to help screen the building from the Creek. .. Mr. Meissner said as this is the most Northerly lot on the road easement ~ there would be no problems created by vacating this,easement. � MOTION by French, seconded by Forster, that the Plats & Snbdivisions- -- Streets & Utilities Subcommittee recommend to the Planning Commission approval ^ of vacation request, SAV �73-10, by Roger Christenson, to vacate the 30 foot road easement on�Lot 1, and the North 25 feet of Lot 2, Block 6, Rice Creek — Plaza South Addition, to use for a parking 1ot for a proposed school bus garage, and approval of the Lot Sp1it for the North 25 feet of Lot 2, with "' the stipvlations that the City retain the existing storm sewer easement, retain the utility easement on the road easement, and the administration and the � petitioner agree to an easement for a walkway along the Creek. � Mr. Christensen asked that it be added to the motion that an a11 -out . — effort be made to use the service drive, when it is put in, as an entrance �, aad exit, instead of llain Street. Upon a vofce vote, Neissner, French, and Forster voting aye, Christensen, nay. The motion carried. � Acting Chairn�an Meissner adjourned the meeting at 8:05 P.M. i -- Respectfully submitted, 0 ., -- �� � � . / ^ Oorothy Ev oa, Secretary � .. A .._,_.._._�. . . _ � � . � BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 24, 1973 1;� — The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lindblad at 8:06 p.m. � " MEMBERS PRESENT: Cariolano, Treuenfels, Tonco, Lindblad, Simoneau ------- MEMBERS ABSENT: None ' ! OTHERS PRESENT: Howard Mattson, Engineering Aide. �... .. MOTION by Treuenfels, seconded by Simonea� to approve the minutes of the May 10, 1973 meeting as written. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 1. Consideration of a request to ap�r�ve the remo3elin oq f the ^ resturant for purnose of serving foad, cocktails� �s:1d be�?'� — "y-"Iocated on Auditor SLbdivision �153, Lot 2, Farcel b0; the 5ame bein� 52�7 Central Avenue :v.E., Fridley, :�iinnesota. " (Request by Howard-..johnson - Greund Round - �iJO ��orth Snel?in�v, � Avenue, Rosevill�, Minnesota 55113). � Mr. Jerry Snyder was present'for the request. Mr. Snyder started out by saying Ground Round is a subsidiary of "'" Noward Johnson Restaurants. The plan calls for a complete new facial and _ landscaping program. He said they will apply for a liquor license and will serve a fast foods menu. Mr. Snyder thought this new look would be a def- -� inite improvement over the present building. - The ,Board was quite pleased with the new design, and no problems with ,� the building exterior could be seen. ^ Mr. Lindblad asked if the parking stalls conformed with the City codes, and if enough were provided. Mr. Mattson said even with the new landscaping design he and Mr..Boar3man had put in, which would eliminate a couple of stalls, there is more than the minimum stalls provided. — Mr. Lindblad wanted to kn�w if they had blacktop curbing. rir. Snyder ,� said yes, the blacktop was reviewed approximately two years,ago and every- ---- thing was fine at that time. The Board said they would have to recommend — that the blacktop curbing be changed to poured concrete curbing. " Mr. Lindblad sai�d the Baard would prefer to see a 10 foot radius on _ the East entrance. The North side entrance was wide enough. . � Mr. D9attson said he thought a landsc3pe plan which would give a peri:r�eter effect around the building and parking area would make the site stand out — more. The green area wou2d be at least five feet in width. He pointed out that ,� curbing would be needed between the S�uth and West parking stalls and green area, The South line abuts the miniature golf course and would definitely have a five — foot green area between the �r�perty line and par.king area. The West sidc abuts the embankment along Central Ave., therefore, no curb:.ng is needed along the West "� and South boundries. Concrete curbing wouid be used betwe�n the parking stalls ., � � , �• BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL"SUBCO1�Il�tITTEE MEETING OF MAY 24, 1973— Page Two and green area on the North side. This green area abuts the service road leading — into the shopping center. Mr. Mattson said to finish off the perimeter effect, he put an island in the rear of the lot (East side). This island would be ^ completely bo�red by concrete curbing and have some type of landscaping inside _ the island. Parking stalls were provided between the island and the building. Mr. Mattson recommended a variety of trees be planted (to stop the spread of — disease to all trees) and the areas making up the perimeter be sodded. — Mr. Snyder did not like the idea of putting sod on the East perimeter, ^ as this will not only get Ground Rounds traffic, but also the traffic going into the shopping center. He said he would prefer a very low maintenance material, — such as crushed white rock. � Mr. Snyder also said he wanted low maintenance shrubs around the building � and possibly replace some of the shrubs with a rock motif. � Mr. Lindblad recommended that Mr. Snyder get in touch with a local nursery and work out some type of landscaping for the perimeter; sod or low maintenance material, types of trees and location of the �ees; and landscaping around the .. building be decided on. — Mr. Lindblad said any decisions on the sign would have to be taken up with ... City Hall, and get a sign permit there. _ Mr. Snyder said he realized this. ^ Mr. Mattson said that the area underneath the sign would have ta have some type of landscaping plan. .. Mr. Lindblad asked if any berming would be needed on the front. — Mr. Mattson said no, due to the high elevation already present. ^ Mr. Lindblad said the durnpsters, heating and cooling apparatuses or other _ equipment located to the rear of the building would have to be screened. ^ Mr. Snyder was unaware of this but said it would be no problem. The Board deci�ed on a 6 foot wood fence which would be treated to match .. the new e�terior of the building. . — Mr. Snyder was concerned that the delivery trucks would not be able to get through the East entrance and maneuver around. r4r. Mattson said there was ^ 23 feet, which would give them plenty of room. Mr. Tonco asked where the service door was. .. _ Mr. Snyder said it is located about in the middle of the East side (enclosed in the screening fence). : Mr. Tonco suggested that they take out two parking stalls on the East side — perimeter, the truck could line up and back in. Mr. D4attson said this would be no ... problem so long as a gate was provided to keep this area entirely screened. � ... � , � � BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 24, 1973— Page Three Mr. Snyder seemed to agree on this suggestion. " Mr. Boardman said after the meeting that the parking lot entrance on the East side towards the South end could be eliminated if Mr. Tonco's suggestion is used. ^ Mr. Snyder asked if there would be some type of fire code restriction on — " the screening gate or fence being so close to the emergency exits. ... Mr. Tonco recommended he talk to the Fire Marshall on this subject. Mr. Lindblad asked what type of lighting will be provided. A4r. Snyder said � amber post lights wi11 be used as a decorative light. Mr. Lindblad suggested� secruity lights be placed on the back and sides of the building. � MOTION by Tonco, seconded b� Simoneau to recommend approval to Council �f the request to remodel the structure known as Howard Johnson Restaurant� to Ground — Round with the following stipulations: 1. Definiie landscape plan be brought in for Council approval. 2. Blacktop curbing be replaced with 6" x 18" poured concrete curbing. " Concrete curbing be used to enclose.the East side perimeter island and � to separate the parking areas and green areas on the North, West, and South sides. Concrete curbing will also be used along both driveways. ... . 3. A 10 foot radius be used on the East side parking lot entrance. ^ 4. A 6 foot screening fence treated to match the building be placed around the dumpsters, etc., and a gate be provided. � UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. — 2. Consideration of a request to a�nrove the addit�on for t�.e .. purpose oi a warehouse to t;�e presen� structure located o*� Auditor Subdivision rs9, Lot 6, Parcel 950; th° same oeing _ 98-43rd Avenue N.L.. ,�ridlev, �iinnesota. tR�gt�est hv A�-�e Metal Spin_Zing, 98-43rd Ave:.ue N.�. , Fridley, �linri 5542i j .. - — Mr. Tom Johnston was present for the request. � Mr. Johnston said they will be e�epanding approximately 10,000 square feet. _ The building will be made of concrete block and will match the existing structure. Painting on the building will be done within a years time from completion. The ►� parking lot will expand 20 feet to the West and the slope between the parking lot and property line will be sodded. Mr. Johnston said this area for parking was — moved so that the semis could enter and maneuver more easily. .., Mr. Lindblad asked if there �.�ere enough parking �talls. Mr. Johnston said yes. He had gone over the parking facilities with the City " Staff, and for the square footage in the building, they would Yieed 27 stalls, _ Acme provided 32 stalls. , .. �� A � .� BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBEOMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 24, 1973-Page Four " Mr. Johnston said there is a possibility of expanding their business by _ 50% next year. They would expand to the Northwest an additinnal 10-15,000 square feet. For this reason he would like to hold off on putting poured concrete -� curbing along the West parking lot and driveway. He explained he had discussed this idea with the staff inembers at City Hall, and they agreed on a five year — waiting period. At the end of five years, the parking lot would be reviewed and ,^ the de�ision will be made for completion at this time. Mr. Qureshi, at the Staff ineeting, said he would like to see poured concrete curbing placed around — all areas at this time. "' The Board agreed on the five year plan. Precast curbing will be used until poured concrete curbing is put in. The — driveway entrance that is being used no�r, meets the standards set by the City.. — Mrs. Treuenfels asked about the noise level, Mr. Johnston replied under ,,, normal working conditions the noise level is at 85 decibels, the Federal Standards allows 90 decibels. Mrs. Treuenfels asked if the noise would increase with the — addition and disturb the nearby home owners. 1�4r. Johnston said they would be � expanding towards the railroad tracks and would not be affecting the residential area. Mr. Lindblad asked how the refuse is stored. .. Mr. Johnston said-all refuse is stored inside of the building. The only -- exception is a dumpster for steel shavings. This is stored underneath the load- ,� ing dock and is completely out of sight. � Mr. Mattson said he and Mr. Boardman had been up looking at the site, and did not even notice this dumpster. � Mr. Tonco asked about security. Mr. A4attson and Mr. Boardman approved the lights as shown on the plans. ... As far as landscaping, the slope to the West of the parking lot will be — sodded, and further planting is planned for the front of the building. Nir. Mattson ,_ and the Board members who had seen the site, all agreed it was very nicely landscaped and kept up. � The drainage problem is being worked out with the Engineering Department. M�TION by Tonco, seconded by Treuenfels to .recommend approval of the.addition ' on to: the present structure to Council with the following stipulations: .. 1. A five year period be allowed for further expansion, at which time, - : ��" pour�d conc'rete curbing (6" x 18") will be usEd to replace the precast ,� curbing and put poured concrete curbing in place where the City deems necessary. .. � 2. Drainage problem be worked out with the Engineering Department. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. �„� `� �� � t � BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 24,1973-Page Five � 3. Consideration of a requPst to annTove the addition f.or the — purpose of additior.al storage ar�a to the pres�nt structu�e, „� 2ocated on Tract #2, Part of Lot 1, Block 2, 5ylvan Hills __ __- ___. Plat 5, Pa�cei �; the sa:neteir,g 6410 Universi�zr �venue N.E., — Fridley, ��innesota. (�i_equest by A�tler Coz-,r?oxat�_o;� 2954 s - ,. North Rice Street, St. Paul, Alinnesota 55113, ;or hurQer ^ King Corporation.j _ Mr. Warren Hanson represented the Antler Corporation (local contractor) '� for the Burger King Corporation. Mr. Hanson explained there would be an addition of a storm enclosure for — the front entrance. The doors would be double wide, and the enclosure will . ---measure approximately 18 feet long and 62 feet wide. He said the rear addition — will be used for additional storage and willbe approximately 20Z feet long by ,� -4-feet wide. Mr. Hanson said there will be an increase in parking stalls and the enter/exit in the middle of the North side parking lot will be eliminated. — The back of the present parking lot will be extended back towards the alley -to allow for more room for parking. An enter/exit, turning to the South only, �' �vill be provided to use the alley. Mr. Tonco asked if there would be an overall change in appearance. ... Mr. Hanson said yes. The concrete sidewalk will be extended, new land- — scaping and a new building appearance will be the major changes. The building ,�, will have a mansard roof of red oedar �hakes. The front will be glass and brick veneer._ The side walls and back wall will be mainly brick veneer. The — building is having all new brick placed over the old brick. The two additions .. will be covered with the same new brick, thus making the building uniform. Mr. Tonco noted there was a ladder on the exterior rear side of the roof. � He was very concerned over the fact that someone could get on top of the building •• and get injured or cause damage. � Mr. Hanson said the ladder was at least ten feet off of the ground, in ^ accordance with the new Building Codes. He did suggest however, that they put a full mansard roof, and have an interior ladder. This would give a smoother — looking roof line and keep people off the r.00f. " -T'he Board, all expressing Mr. Tonco's fear of someone getting of the roof, decided this was the best solution. � Mr. Lindblad asked what type of signs there would be on the outside of the building. . ,� Mr. Hanson said there would be one above the storm enclosure entrance and the same sign in the walkway as there is now. The Board said he wni�ld have to — get a sign permit at City Hallfor the sign on the building. � Mr. Tonco asked if they would be repairing the enclosure for the dumpsters, etc. located in the Northwest corner. ^ .. � " . BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 24, 1973-Page Six Mr. Hanson said yes. He would like to use either a six foot vertical — redwood or rough cedar plywood around the entire area and have a matching gate. " Mr. Tonco asked why the fence was broken. Mr. Hanson said he did not know. .. Mr. Tonco suggested perhaps the cars were parking to close and hitting the — • fence. He said a chain fence with wood slats would solve the problem. "� Mr. Hanson felt a wood fence would look better. He suggested using wheel _ stops along the edge of the blacktop between the stalls and the enclosure. He said he would like to place the wheel stops also along the stalls and green area. ^ During the winter, salt and ice from the cars falls off on to the grass and kills - it, wheel stops would solve the fence and grass problem. Mr. Hanson wanted to — know if he could use just blacktopping with wheel stops and not have curbing. Mr. Tonco said the B�ard has to recommend 6" x 18" poured concrete curbing — along the edge of the blacktop, but if he wanted to use wheel stops in front of .. -the curbing, this would be fine. _ The parking area will be completely blacktopped and poured concrete curbing will be used around all area between parking stalls and gxass area, the wood ^' enclosure, and the entrances. A ten foot radius was provided a� all entrances and exits. .. Mr. Mattson asked about the landscaping plan. — Mr. Hanson said this is usually left up to the local manager, but he must comply with local city regulations and follow the recommendations of the nursery he contracts. Mr. Mattson did recommend a few ideas the City would like to see on the new " landscaping. On the curbed areas in the front and along the center of the walk- way, planting of some type should be provided. Also additional planting along — the South boundry was recommended. In order to protect the apartment dwellers to .. the rear of the property, A1r. Mattson thought the blacktopping should be torn up and the slope be sodded and trees planted. Mr. Tonco said for easier visability at the driveway, these trees should be � of a high branching type. .. Mr. Hanson said there should be no problem. Mr. Lindblad asked about security lighting. , .. Mr. Hanson said lights on the outside of the present structure will be used, these are on only during business hours. � Mr. Tonco asked if some type of light was on after hours. Mr. Hanson said yes. � .. � e� �' k � BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 24, 1973-Page Seven MOTION by Cariolano, seconded by Simoneau to recommend to Council the — approval of the additions and overali chang of the site with the following ,_ stipnlations: � 1. Repair refuse enclosure, either redwood or rough cedar plywood, and provide a gate. 2. Place poured concrete curbing, 6" x 18", around the entire parking lot. and driveways. 3. The exterior ladder found on the rear roof will b� place internally. �, 4. Final landscaping plan be brought in for Council approval. UPON A VOICE VO'�E, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 4. Consideration of a reauest to build a r.ecv struc�ure fcr the — purpose of a �zore �o bP :ocated ;,� Lot 19 , �'_ock �' , S�rin� Valle� Addition; tre ��:�,e beinQ 131� Rice Creek Re�.d rridle� Minnesota. (�.ec,�.:�st t�•.• R.C.- :c��ora�icn, t Paul ''_nn. ___ Mr. Dick Err�st, �34' Johnsen S*reet V.E. ,�'innea*�olis _ hliiln. is the re�resenta�ive for R.i:.�.Corporationl. Ti.is st�re zs " kncwn as a '-'_1 Stcre. Mr. Dick Ernst was present for the request. .. Mr. Ernst explained that this was one of the largest convenient food stores in the country. The design would be a mansard roof, the front a combination of •. glass and brick and the sides and back would also be brick. The front of the building will face Old Central with one exit off _ Old Central and two off -- Rice Creek Road. Frort parking (13 stalls) was provided on the plans. The store �, is 50 feet by 40 feet and enough stallsfor the 2,000 square footage was shown. Mr. Tonco asked how the future expansion would be attached. Mr. Ernst said they will break off the brick and add on to the rear of the 7-eleven Store. He " also said hopefully the expansion will be built the same time as the 7-eleven Store _ is going up. •• Mr. Lindblad pointed out that even though the plans brought in show an __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ expansion of 100 feet by 36 feet, at this meeting the Building Standards-Design — Control Subcommittee was only acting on the 7-eleven Store and Mr. Ernst will have �„ to return to the Subcommittee for action on the expansion. All decisions made tonight pertain only to the 7-eleven Store Mr. Mattson looked up the setbacks for the 7-eleven Store and said they �' meet the City requirements. Mr. Tonco asked about the refuse situation. Mr. Ernst replied that an area in the extreme Southeast corner was set up He said a five foot redwood fence would be constructed for screening. � Mr. Lindblad pointed out that since there was a good 200 feet between the r, ^ � 4 � BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTR4L SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 24, 1973-Page Eight � refuse area and the 7-eleven Store, that the refuse be taken all the way to the refuse area and not placed temporarily by the back service door. ^ The parking lot will be blacktapped and a ten foot radius was provided at all entrances. r4r. Tonco suggested that since there will be a future expansion - going on the building and parking area, that the poureda�ncrete curbing be held off for one year (June of 1974) to allow for the expansion. At this time poured �" concrete curbing will be placed wherever deemed necessary, regardless if the expansion went through or not. -� The rest of the Board felt this was a fair suggestion. - Mr. Mattson brought up the fact that all new commercial buildings facing ,� a public right-of-way must have a three foot berm area. He said the City would like to see a combination screeing (screening of cars parking in the lot) and� - landscaping plan for the building site. High-branching trees located at the � driveway entrances was recommended. A final landscaping plan was recommended before going to Council. � Mr. Mattson inquired about the drainage problem. He said this axea must be brought up to grade and measurestaken to solve the problem. ,� Mr. Ernst said there was a 5 foot drainage easement, and if the lot was graded to drain to the North, the drainage would flow into the creek leading — into Moore Lake. �" The Board recommended a final drainage plan be worked on and brought __ in � for Council approval. ^ Mr. Lindblad asked about the security lights. Mr. Ernst said the parking lot was lit by lighting strip under the mansard ,., roof. He said a couple of fixtures to get light out to the side and back would be installed. Mr. Tonco suggested that he place two lights on the 7-eleven Store and � more on the addition. This would lioht up the areas to the side and back and _ help the police during their rounds. Mr. Ernst felt this was a good idea. -� The Board recommended a final security plan be deveYped for the lights before appearing before the Council. ... MOTION by Treuenfels, seconded by Simoneau to recommend to Council the approval of the construction of a new building with the following stipulations: .. 1. This permit is only for the 7-eleven Store. 2. Poured concrete curbing be suspended for one year to allow for completion of the expansion, at th� end of one year it will be put in � regardless if the expansion went through or not. .. 3. Drainage plan be worked out and braught in for Council a�proval. 4. Security Iighting be worked out and bvought in for Council approval. � .. .. �, .. ... � � � .. ^ � .. .. .. .. � � ^ , , �� BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 24, 1973-Page Nine 5. Landscaping plan be worked out and brought in for Council approval. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � The"re being no further business, Chairman Lindblad adjourned the meeting at 9:46 p�.m. Respectfully submitted, Paula R. Long, Secretary 0 0 � � � .� THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS SUBCOI�IITTEE MEETING OF MAY 29, 1973 �`� The meeting was called to order by Chairman Drigans at 7:35 P.M. ^ 1�IB8&S PRESffidT: Dxigana, Crowder, Harju, Wahlberg � • r�ERS ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: Darrel Clark - Comaunity Development Adm. and Howard Mattaon - Engineering Aide MOTION by Wahlberg, eeconded by Crawder, to approve the minutes of the April 24, 1973 meeting as written. Upon $ voice v�te, there being no nays, the motion .. carried unanimoualy. , .� � .. � � � • :��, � � � ' :. � . 1 ;� � � ��} � ; � � � MOTION by Wahlberg, seconded by Crawder, to waive reading the public hearing notice. Upon a voice vote� there being no t�ys, the motion carried. . Kr. Charles Peugh, repreaenting Signcsafter's, Was present to present the request. .., Mr. Clark aeked what •ize the eign is that is now existing. Mr. Paugh said they didn't msasure it but the awner s�tid it �aaa 6 feet by 40 feet. He atated they want to replace this sign vith �t 4 foot by 40 foot interior -- illuminated sign. The exieting sign is a flat sign With gooseneck lighting. The proposed sign will have the samn copy as the exiating sign but it will be amaller in size., • � l�ir. Crawder asked if the axisting aign had a variance. Mr. Clark ans`rered no, aa.that eign was built previous to the exief�.ng codes. � I�r. Crowder asked why they Nanted the change and Mr. Paugh stated the existing aign is about 10 years b�hind the time ae you juat don't aee gooseneck lighting .. ynp�aore . . Chatraian Dxigatne asked if it Naan't neceasary for structural plana to be submitted � for eigne. � ' Mr. Clark answered not on this type of sign. A�e eaid the City doea require plaaa for billboards. Mrs. Wahlberg asked what the houre will ba for tbe �ign to be lit. ,.. Mr. Peugh said he wan't au�e but he asaumed it would be tumsd off around 10:00 P.M. MO'TION by Czawder� seconded bq Wahiberg, to close the public hearing. Upon a ^. voice vote, tbers baing no naye� the motion carried unanimously, Mr. Cro�der etatad he felt the City waa the ona that waa gaining on thi� requeat as the current •ign i� lar=ar and it io lighted strangely. He atid he cauld eee ^ no problam Mith tha variatce but ha would of course like to see tha sigm gat da�a t0 �F •�L1iTlt �pet. �_, .-� �� The Minutea of the Board of Appeals Subcoirnnittee Meetint� of Mav 29, 1973 Page 2 '� Mrs. Wahlberg etated the owner does have a problem in that they have to compete with the mouch larger Country Glub Market sign next door. � MOTION by Wahlberg, aeconded by Crawder, to recommend to the City Council approval of the request. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unan i.mous ly . � � 2. A REQUEST FOR � VARIANCE OF SECTION 45 053. 4B, 5A, FRIDLEY CITX CODE TO REDKJCE T ., .. 7sJ �� 1�40TION by Wahlberg, seconded by Crowder, to wafve reading the public hearing notice. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carr�ed unanimously. ^ Mr. Clyde DeBolt was present to present his request. Mr. DeBolt stated hie house ie built on the corner lot of Main Street and 59th Avenue. The lot ia only 43.25 �eet wide so he eaid he does not have much area to work with. He said the main x��ea of the house is 20 feet by 20 feet and it has a 12 foot by 12 foot addition ^ ��at was moved in and attached to the house. Thie addition was jogged out taward 59th Avenue by 1.9 feet. He said he plans to remove the 1.9 foot jog and construct . an addition that will be equal to the size of the existing house. He said the .. addition will have a full basement and the area will be used as a kitchen and family room. He said the present jog is only 8.4 feet from the•line and he will be removing that ao he will be increasing his side qard to 10.5 feet. � Mr. Crowder asked if he knew he was in R-3 Zonirtg and Mr. DeBolt answered he did not. Mr. Crowder then explained that R-3 Zoning is for general multiple dwellings and an apartment can�lex could be constructed in the geaeral area. Mr. Crowder ^ continued that since it �ounde like Mr. DeBolt was going to sink quite a bit of money into this project that he ahould know he might not get the value back out of the home that he is �utting into it. ' .. . Mr. DeBolt stated that there are multiple dwellings in the area and he doesn't mind. He said he would just like to have a decent house to live in and he uuaved into thie house 4 years ago.' He added he has talked to the neighbors and they have '� no objectioma at all. I�. Crawder asked how far the adjacent house is from the conmon property line and -- ho� far the addition will be from the curb on 59th Avenue. Mr.��Clark answered there Will b� approximately 25 feet to the curb and Mr. DeBolt ,^ answered the� adjaceat houee ie roughly 10 feet from the property line. MpTION 'by Crowder, aecoaded by Wahlberg, to close the public hearing. Upon a voice vote� there being no nay�, the motion carried unanimously. .. Mra. Wahlbarg stated she felt that Mr. DnBolt ahould be entitled to improve hie property. She said since there ia a 15 foot boulevard, there should be no problem .. 3�n appxwing the vari.ance. . Mr, Grvwsier stated the atxucture he is replaci.ng is closer to 59th Ave�ue than ,� wh�t� he platr�a ta build, He aaid since the lot is only 43 feet wide, he doee not hava a lot oE �room to change hia plane around. .. . � .. �� The Minutea of the Board of Appeals SubcoBnnittee Meeting of May 29, 1973 Page 3 ^ MOTION by Crowder, seconded by Wahlberg, to reco�nnend to the City Council, appraval of the variance request. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried „� unanimously. Mr. Harju arrived at 7:50 P.M. ^ 3. A R�QUEST FOR A VA.RIANCE OF SECTION 45.053, C, FRIDLEY CITY COD RE UIRED MINII�JM RF.AR FRQrI 2 5 FEET TO 14 FEET TO ALLOW THE I7WEI.LING ON LOT 30 AND 1 3 OF LOT 29, BLOCK 1, INNSBRUCK 5TH AD ., SILVER I.AKE ROAD. NEW BRIGHTON MpTION by C.zawder, seconded by Harju, to waive reading the public hearing notice. � Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. William Dietz, 1280 Hathaway, owner of the proposed house, wae present to ^ � present the request. Mr. Dietz presented a survey of the property and a house plan to the Board for their review. ,,.,, I�r. Dietz explained the position of the house on the lot as being 46 feet from Winde�ere Circle and 35 feet from Windemere Drive wt�ich results in the one corner of the back of the house being only 14 feet from the rear lot line. � Mr. Crowder said if the whole structure was shifted R-number of feet, it would fit on the lot without variances. � � Mr. Dietz said it would fit by shifting the house but symetrically he wants the house to be in balance with the lot and with the area in general. He said the house was drawn up for the lot and with the amount of mosey ii►volved he wants it ,� to look nice. Mr. Dietz said there will be 26 feet to the east property line and then another 60 to 70 feet to the neighbors house. The lot adjacent to the rea.r yard variance " is vacant. Mr. Harju atated he dida't think it was a hardship when they have a house that .. they can change to f it the lot but they don�t want to, Mr. Clark stated Mr. Bogucki from Rodney Billman, Inc., mentioned to him that by turning the house, the master bedroom would be toward Winde�ere Drive which he � didn't think the awners would like. Mra. Wahlberg said she had heard the people to the east were planning to add onto ^ their house and she wondered if this would create any problems. Mr, Clark said the houae to the east is approximately 100 feet away so there aould .. be no pxoblems with them adding on, and there are two lota to the north of this lot that are vacant and owned by Rodney Billman. He said even if a house was built on the next lat to the north, and had a 35 foot setback, the back of that house would �. only li�ae up with the front edge of thia houee. � .. �Ir�. Wahlberg asked when they Wanted to etart the construction and Mr. Dietz anawered that they wanted to start as soon as they get approval of the variance. The aerial photo of the area taaa sho�m to the Board. . ., �9 ,.. The Minutes of tita Board of Appeals Subcamnittee Meetinpt of May 29, 1973 Patte 4 Chaisv�an Drigana asked haw many variances Mr. Billman has requested in thia area. `" Mr. Clark answered he has not requeated very many variancea whaa you conaider the number of homes he has built in thia area. Most of the variances that have been asked for are on front yard aetbacks because of the teirain. To set the homes at � the r�quired setback in aome areas would require quite a bit of fill. He added the lots in this area are larger than erdinary and perhapa as the haaeo being constructed become larger we will be receiving more variancea for side� yard aetbacks, � 1�TION by Cra�der, seconded,by Wahlberg, to close the public heazing. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. " Mr. CraWdar atated they have deaigned a houae for the lot that will maximize the use of tke lot and the variaace ie only needed on one carner of the houae. The neighbors ara quite a Ways away and there are vacant lots adjacrnt to thia property ., that are awned by the eame builder which makas the s+aquest more palatable. Mr. Crawder said it seeme lika the lot lines are being looked at after the houae is �3esigned and it wpuld be nice if it was the other way asound. ^ fi�Ir. Harju stated he felt thie wae not a very �erious variaace. Ae said it seems to him that a builder should start with a lot sise and then build a house to fit the lot but it aeema that thie is werlooked. He said a nice home could be built ^ on thio lot without any variancs8. Chairmsn Drigans ptated it seems there are no objections to this variance by the .. neighbors aad if there had been any objectione it Would have weighed more heavily against the variance. He added that if he was building thia home, he would not want the bedroo�as faciag the road either. " Mre. Wahlberg atated the vuiance to 14 feat would still allaw considerable footage ta the next house and the Board's main concern ia in not creating a fire hazard aad this variance would aot be creatin$ one. .. I�TION by iiarju, secanded bq Croadez, to reco�end to the City Council, approval - of tha variaace for the folloaing reaaone; 1, 1ha hardehip seems to be the fiouse ,� plan and the particular shapa of the lot. 2, Tschriically, it is a rara lot vari.ance aad tha diataace fsoa ths adjacent structures will be con�idarable. A vote upan �tha motioa, Wahlberg abataining, the mction ca�ried. "' 4. � � . � .. � ',� CITY �0[JNCTL HAS APPR�ISD A VARIANCB OF 3ECTION 45.143, 18# FRIA.EY CITY CODE�, F�QI 9� OOQ SQUARE FEET P� UNIT TO S j�94. 7 SQUARE F'EET Pffit UNTT. . �8QpE8T BY TiII� iiALL CO�ATIOl�1. 8030 CEDAR A�1EN[TB, 1�QNNFAPOLIS, 1�NNESOTA. � �� ' The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Subco�nittee Meeting of May 29, 1973 Page 5 � M=. Rudolph Dante, of Wall Corporation, was present to present the request. He �brought with him sketchea of the original layout that was approved by the City Council, ,�, the revieed sketch that they had presented and asked to reviae again, and the sketch of the now proposed layout. Mr. Dente explained the background of their proposals. He said the plan that was "' approved by the Council contained 108 apartment units in 3 buildings and 63 tawnhouse units. He said after the approval, the Mayor had requested that they make a revaluation of the site as the Council would feel better if Wall Corporation would .. eliminate the apartment buildings. He said they t�hen came back with the second plan that had 175 townhouse units only. He said rather than the original pond area they : changed it into 3 ponds with connecting creeks. � Mr. Dante said they had presented this second plan for re�iew at a meeting they had _ in City Hall with Mr. Qureehi and Mr. Boardman. He said at this meeting they asked Wall Corporation to again tay to reduce the unita to 155. He said they came up with ^ this latest plan showing 155 units, with the same 3 ponde with a creek in between �nd holding out a small area of the property for a possible library. He said this ��aa eubmitted to the City and the City Council felt that this was a pleasantly and .. �a�11 done plan and thought we had done what they requeated. He said the Council felt �i�e aurrounding property awners ahould see this plan and be able to voice their opinions and that is why we are before this Eoard with the variance. � Chairman Drigans asked when this plan was brought to the City and Mr. I?ante answered _ 3 or 4 weeks ago. � Chairman Drigans said he had a letter that he would like to read for the benefit of the psople in the audience. Thie letter was written by the Wall Corporation to the " City Council and dated before the final plan was drawn up. Chairman Drigans read ,� the letter which stated in part that the original project as approved ia not viable for either the Wa•ll Corporation or any other developera in the forseeable future becauae of high lumber costa and current mortgage financing. The letter stated the Wall Corporation would like to modify the site plan, the to�mhouse plans, to convezt ^ to "for sale" unite after an initial rental period, and to develope townhouses on the multiple zoned acreage. .. Mr. pante stated their intention in the change ia to look at a lesser overall density than appzwed. He said if they try to keep the total to 63 townhousea in the area, -- they would be cramming them into one part of the site. He said he didn't think people would buy a townhouse if they were all cramoued together. ... • � � ^ .. .. Chuira�n Dri$ane said in easence you wanted a 38',L reduction in density and now What you are doing ia saying we couldn't live with 38�, we want a 53% reduction. Mr, D�tnte stated they are changing the�;density in one area but reducing the w�ra11 denaity. Mr. Hxrju aaked i� he t+ao correct in thinking the agreement betWeen the Wall Corporation e�rfd ths Citp �vas for lil units and this propoael id for 155 unite which �as draWn up w i th ir� the laa t month or s o. • Chetirmetn D�cigans ane�ared yeo, tha 171 unite consisted of 108 apastmant unita and 69 to�wnhouse� in two •epar�te aoning dietricta. Thio plan is for 15S townhause unit+� in t�wo nepmacate �oning districta . .. � The Minutes oE the Board of A eals Subcoamittee Meetin of 29 1973 P e 6 .. . Mr. Dante explained the agreement atated they were to build the townhouses first and - then start the aparta�nts. He said the finance companiea, when buildings are to be oold, will lend money on only 8 to 10 models and when they are aold, will then lend money on 8-10 more and eo on. He said by the time they came to the period of _ conatruction for the apartment buildings they would be even further dawn the stream ' with higher construction coete. He said they would like to have an initial rental '� period on this proposal and have the entire.project funded and have the total conatructian period shorter. ,., • Mre. Wahlberg asked how long would the period be between renting and buying the tawnhousea. Mr. Dante answered they have a verbal approval of 3 years and fiot to exceed 5 yeare " but they could possibly be selling before that time. He said it was not stipulated _ that they all had to be enld by a specified time. � .. Chaixman Drigana stated there wae a great concern over the etarting date when the �greewent was signed with the City back in August of 1972. He asked why the project j�asn't started back then. l�ir. Dante answered there wae soil problems on the site and by the time those tests were through it wae close to the end of the conatruction season and then the plan was reviaed in the Spring. .. _ Chairman Drigans $aid he Would like to read a part of the July 24, 1972 Council minutne to the Board membere which concerne the Wall Corporation rezoning diacussion; .. "Councilman Breider said that hie greatest fea,r in this type of a rezoning for a large parcel of land ie that a developer comes before the Council, presents his - concept, the land ie rezoned, in this case it would be to R-3, Then the developer comee back before the Council vith a change in plans and telle the Council that hia � plane juat were not economically feasible for some reason." Chaira�an Drigana continued reading from the same minutea; "M�yor Liebl asked Mr. W�tll -� if h� ia atill Willing to live up to what he has promiaed, including the apartment house for tha aenior citizen�, the internal traffic pattern, and the promise to -- cooperate with the Library Board. iie did not want them to co� back in three monthe ^ end tell the Council that their original plana were just not economically feasible. Mr. Wall eaid yee, he would put it in wiiting." Chairau�,n prigans atated that the City has townhouae projecta in the City where the " buildings are to cloae and it looke like military barracka with doora every 20 feet, Mr. D�ante replied that he felt that was an unfair statemant. Ha said he hae been in .., thi� buwit�eea for 20 year� and he hae built 12 units to an acre and the�► have not looked like a harracks. Hs e�tid in their proposal they hava 59 per cent of open - area and that £a not nilitary 1'ike. Hn eaid theis buildings are alao �taggerad euxd not in � row. ., . Mr. Csowder stated on the origi�al plan� tha traffic Mas to be distributed toaard 5th Street oppoeeed to 7th Stre�st $s there arn a lot awre people on 7th Street. He ^ a�ked ha� the propoeed project traffic is to be routed. � �.. Mr. Danta �n4wered that 17 unita will exi� onto Miasiaeippi Strent, 14 units W i11 sxiC onta 63rd Avenue, 66 unito ncit onto 7th Strent and 58 units exit onto 5th Street. .. - The Minutes of the �oard of Appeals Subcomnittee MeetinR of Mav 29, 1973 Pa�e F '� Mr. Crawder stated he felt the original plan gave more of an imprassion of open area. ___, He said it seema more attention was given to the plan than to the aurrounding area. He esid the ponding area is beautiful once you are inaide the project but it isn't •• aeem by the adjacent property owners. . - Mr. Dsnte aafd on the original plan it might aeem like more open space looking from ^ 7th Street but you are alsa looking into an apartment building. He said the revised plan has remaved that apartment but you can still aee the ponding area. He said it __ all depends on what the psople want to look at, thie revised plan or 108 apartment units and 63 tawnhouaea. .. Mr. Clark explained the rezoning request was to rezone the entire property to R-3 � zoaing which would allow the revieed plan as submitted but the City Council, between .. , the l.t and 2nd readings, made�the etipulation that part of ths land rem�ain R-1 to ratain a hold aver the property in case the developer failed to build. That would -- prevent a future developer from constructing apartment buildings on the entire area. �• Mayor Liebl, who wae in the audience, said that when the Council received the letter ,. ��am the Wa11 Corporation, he had the same thought that if the City had to give in � little then the Wall Corposation would have to give in a lit�le. He said the area -� �.s residentially orientated and he would like to see a logical aspect for the project. He said he would like to see the watnr moving and also lil�e to see a recreational - building because he felt it is necessary. He said the Wall Corporation can go ahead ,., and build the original plan but he felt this was a better plan. Mr. Liebl said he haa baea in about 14 different conmunities where they have taWnhouees in the $35,000 - bracket and he could not see whaxe the tawnhouse and apartment complex would sell. " Mr. Liebl said he waa speaking only for himself. iie aaid maybe 155 units is still to _ naich but ha doe� have the approval to build the apartmente. fle said he felt we �ould be creating mure of a problem with the townhouae and apartmente because he didn't feel -. thay would be able to aell the units. He said the revised propoeal is giving the City somnthing more in that the unite will be owned and the property will be developed all at once. .. ?!r. Liebl aaid the City could hold the Wall Corporation to the agreement and make them __ build aa promised but he falt the City would be sorry. He said he did not thiak Wtu�t was appraved is good and that thia revised plan that ia cut dawn ia better. He said ^ we have a clean co�inity and if the unite are ownar oceupied we will have no problam�. Mr, Detate stated thery Would be reeponsible for th� total tsaintenance of the project,� ,^ inc�,uding ponde, exterior of buildings, grounds, etc. Ae said they Would be able to contrel tha o�vners better than having tha amera try to control each other. ^ �n I3rigane �aid the Oounaii approv�ed 63 units in the R-1 area With 5,594.7 �qu�tre feet per unit and thi� is a 38 percent reduction from the Code requiremant�, __ The Council apprwad 108 aparti�nt units in the R-3 area but nar thep p4nt no apArtmanta buC in�taad Nsnt 72 tamhouse units and the land Nu previously zoned ^ R-1, fle said not�r thay are asking for another reduction of sqtiare footege in the R•1 sras to �t,246,5 aquare feet. Ha aaked if the Board didn�t think the same dasu�it� in R-3 as in A-1 is a' problaa�. ' � Mr. Liebl sdid ae have to loolc at the total project. He said Cha applicant doee - hava his building permit�. He said he told tha Wall Carporation ha didn't like the original plan �u thare i� na markat for to�nhousea next to apurtmanta and that they ^ �hould cut dam on tha tatai den�ity. �Ia said ha fait the City could live With the r�viaad plan that Mould bm a�mer occupied aithin a cartain amount of tima. He said ha falt ths iiall Corpos�t�on Mas givin� more to the Citp than before a� he is trying .� eo �prnad tbe Cvmsbousaa out aver the antire area. Mr. Liebl said if the Board � �� -- The Minute� of the Board af Anpeals Subcommittee Meetin� of Mav 29, 1973 PaAe 8 �' decidea the Wall Corporation haa to live with the original plan then that will be 'their xecommendation to the Council. •• Mr�. �lahlberg atated it is not a question of thie plan or that plan but the best workable plan. She 8aid the density of theae buildings is eimilar to the density -- of the other townhouae areae in the City and she said she found those areas objectionable. She said her feeling was to ei.ther stick with the original plan or find something more pleasing. Mr. Harju asked if they had coneidered reducing the number of units and building them ^ better to raiae the selling bracket. Mr. Dante answexed they cannot aell a tawnhous� c�n the $35,000 bracket as it is juet .� not a viable product. He said they have to be priced alo�g with the surrounding homea and a higher market value is just not economical in this asea. Hs said they -- will need to rent on an intgrim period until they can sell them. � Mr. Harju a�ked about the recreation building being onYy 875 square feet. He asked __ «a�at would ba pravided in this �mall area. It was noted the recreation building �� tha oxiginal plan wae wer 2,000 equaxe feet. .. �r. Dante answered the recreation building will have a party room, kitchen area - and saun;. He said the recreation building does not need to be very large because ^ in s tawnhou�e complex it i� really not used that much. He aaid vith an apartment complex, you could hsva an olympic size st�i�ning pool and still not have enough room, -- but he eaid you catn look at a�ey tawnhouse complex and see how little the recreation facilitia� are used. .. Mra. Wahlb4rg stated that Mr. Dante has said the to�nhouse reaident� are tnore familie� vstaus singles and she asked if h� had any �tatistics on this. ... . Mr. Dants aaid ha did not have any atatiatics with him but he said h� Mould be safe -- in saying 3.8 people per taMnhouse unit. He added that in a 2 bedroom apartment ypu c.�n have 4 paople living together and in a three bedroom you usually have 6 people, ^ He said in the apartment, most of ths paople each have a car and ue going and comin$ _ at different tim� making for a greater traffic situation. ^ Mr. Crowder ask�ed if sinc� the Council did apprwa 5,594 squase fest per unit if thay trould con�ider having a11 the units idantical and lawering the tota]. nu�er to lOQ unit�. ^ Mr. Danta replied that 155 units vould bs the only Way thry could do it by being — abla to ty�e pu=chasing paNar plus tha fact of holding paWer and no c,e�sh EloM for a psriod of 3 yaar� when thay Will ba going through thsir comrersion and thn costt � Nill bs going up all the time. i�s said the�y will be abla to pick up becsusa they __ Mill ba bui.lding the entir� eom@leac at one time. � Mr. CroWdsfi said that the W�11 Corporation felt iSS unit� Mas tha bare minimuu► but , h� f�lt the total �hould be ssduced to 100 unies with e selling prica of parhap� -- $40�000 to �S0�000 psr unit. , � Mr, Geo�rg� Maia�nnr, 373 Mi�si�aippi Straet� atated ha thought ti� s^evised plan Ma� —� va�r attractiva but h� Nantad to maka a feW co�nant�. He •aid on the soil condition,�, th� Wall Corporation had asaurr�d thsm tha tests had been mada and everything waa " ok�y �nd na� they axe talking about having to spand $6U,000 on malc�ing tha sita build�bls. Hs •aid th� ponding area has bean changed and ha w�ndasad ho�► they sould Awve tha dirC arau�d tp ar��it�va �his. Hs asksd about tha stipulationa that wexe in •• tha �gr�epast►C �ith the City asking if theY W�axe all null and void. r. �� - The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Subcomnittee Meeting of Mav 29, 1973 PaAe 9 .. Mr. Meisaner eaid as far as the value of the homes in the area, several homes along __ 7th Street Were put up for sale and sol�i recently for $10,000 more than what the townhousea eold for eo the value of the townhouses will be $10,000 less than the -- surrounding homes. Mr. Dante steted you can look at the �asessor's files and find the value of tho�se ... homas. The pxice that they are aold at inv�lves a number of things. - Mr. M�issner said the original ponding area was to cool storm water and prevent the �neceasity of a atorm se�wer and if a storcn sewer was later needed Mr. Wall had said "' he would pay his share of it. He asked if this will still be the same as before, and __ Mr. Dante anewered that it would be. - Mr. Meissner said that he ie in favor of a project which reaults in it being owner occupied. He said he would rather see this plan built than have apartments. He -- said he also ehares the concern about the recreation building because as it is now it is just a token building and not for real use. He said it might be better to ^ �liminate it. • ��. Frank Fruzyna, 6371 Washington Street, said he was concerned about where the " �:�affic is to be directed. He said the driveways on this �lan don't agree with the original plan. .. Mra. Wahlberg stated there are a few stipulations in the agreement that it seems are not going to be adhered to. She asked what the legal �tandpoint ia on that, -- She ai'so stated that the drainage was a key iasue of everybody and asked if there ... wae any drainage deviation. __ Mr. Dante said no, they are aware of what th�y must do on the drainage and that thay are stili responsible. Ha stated initially the� a�ked to have a meeting with � Mr, Herrick to see if thi� plan would be putting the Wall Corporation or the City in jeepardy becauae of the agreement and Mr. Herrick indicated that it could be -- done as the Council ia empo�vared to change the agresment if both sides agxee. He eaid the Council and the City Attorney liked the plan and their request was to give ^ it to the Board of Appeale ao thn people in the area could see what wae proposed. Mr. Clark etated the City would not want a d�viation on the dzainage and the '� deviation for the traffic would have to be gone over. Mr. Meisaner aaid he didn't kno� if it wa8 feaaible or not but they might consider - changing the number of unita in a building ao they wouldn't all have the same dansity. MOTI4N by Crawder, seconded by Harju, to close the public hearing. Upon a voice � voLa� the�re bei.ng no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Chaixtnatn Drigana eaid he would like the Board to hear a frw sectiona that are in ^ the Gomp�ehenaive Plan that is pending appraval before the City Couneil. He eaid tha Planning Coumieeion hss appxoved the Compsehensive Plan and i� concerned with th� qu�tlit.y and building in tha area. Ha read aections of the Coa�raheneive Pl+tn .. covaring th� population growth, how ing, and goal8 and objectives. - Mr. Haacju auid he wae rathei diaappointad Whan a development can�not hsva a price bsackat af war $32,000 beeauae it Mould be economicaliq unfeaaibia in tbia uea. �" H�e tai.d pareonally, being in thn homa miatrket, that sounds lo�r. Hs aaid a highar prica might be harder to •eli but dollar for dollar you could get a zeturn. Ae • sai.d ha �oy,ghx it reasonable to look at �he ��roQ��cty a� one paucal. Ae said ha -• thcrught hq� cauld liva with thiq� denaity as the� house+� alon� 7ti► 3treet will have a bsrm. ' . °' .. 3�" I — The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meetin� of Mav 29, 1973 Pat�e 10 ^ Mr. Czowdez stated he could go along with the density but they were the ones to — rezone to R-3 to reduce the aquare footage and they are now using that to lower the density in R-1. He thought they should live with R-1 zoning throughout the ^" �ahole area. Mro. Wahlberg stated the Wsll Corporation has treated the area as two separate �- zonings so ehe thought the Board should treat it as two also. She said she did agree with the townhouses versus apartments but she would have a hard time — reducing the density. She said somewhere they should be able to come up with a .. number of units that is more palatable. - . Cliais�nan Drigans stated he wondered how these units would look in 9- 10 years. ^ Mx. Dante said there is always,an association that runs things and there are laws governing it by the �ney lendere. He said the association can maintain the , complex for less money than the individual owners. .. � discussion followed about the Reidel- City of Fridley lawsuit. �fr. Crawder stated based on the fact that this should be considered as one parcel �" �nd that the area as proposed should be only townhouses, he made the following motion; -• MUTION by Crowder, seconded by Harju, to recommend to the City Council approval to allaw tha density of the entire property (R-3 and R-1 Zoning) to be no greater — than 4,246.5 square feet per unit and that the entire property (i-3 and R-1 Zoning) „� contain no more than 140 units. A vote upon the motion, there being no nays, the u�tion carried unanimously. Mr. Harju added the recomaendation that the traffic pattern be strictly revie�aed, " recreational areas be reviewed, and to try to raise the base selling price. .. ADJOURPII�NT : The �eeting was adjourned by Chairman Drigans at 11:30 P.M. ^ Respectfully submitted, ^ U riaa� xT — Sec�eta - ., ., �, .. .. 0 .., F� #5-68 . l,OT SPLIT APPLICATION CITY OF FRIDLEY .- � � .,..� ��� �a�� � o � � � � ,� .d K�. 3 � �w�00� �a�to � m o •�+ � +� m a�''d �° '--� a°°i � � � � � �'�'�, R� U 00 m o � •r+ � �,m� � � �z � ., �. � .. ^ ;� ,� �/ to APPLICANT : �Jf `'.Y"1 �:'r� � � fi J � l L (- l�"' � I � — ADURESS : ( � �:,`i " �'.:�1 �' /��K ��� � Cc.`�U/-�(?. ! �I rl E1..� � � � Street City Zip Code - L �t �. �4— C`41r;�� TELEPHONE # �r : t - ,,.�� , � � Home Buainees PROPII3TY OWNEft( S ) � �%'iN.�✓ licant's Name �.��' Lot Split 3 " . Date Filed: Fee:� Receipt S � Council Action: Da.�e_ RFI�IARKS : ADDRESS(ES) Street City Zip Code Street City Zip Code T��orr� #( s ) Home Business Pro rt Location on Street �.. � f� or bcact Street Addreas (IF ANY) /� ���� `� ��iT'�-�-' ���� � Legal Deacription of�Property: ' . j� �,� G . �'�, � (,�el�.r �G�ht.��l.1- � Tota of • sq. ft. 3sent Zoning Claseification The undereigned hereby declaxea that all the facts and repreeentations stated in this application are true and .;� correct. % f ,:.� � �,, � �� � DATE: ' r ��.�' �. r� -} � / � SIGNATIIRFL �.� i ? l C✓'_.'s.'-"` - i,�LLl�- � `'-� . � i BII,OW FOR CITY IISE ON7�Y (SeE� r�veree eide foit additioz�si inotructione) �.. ^ PLATS & SIIBS: Date of Consideration - Remarke: PI�ANNTNG CONINIISSION: Date of Conaideration - Remarke: '� CITY COIINCIL: Date oi' Cc�neideration - Remarke: ,. .. � �,,,�j,,;;,�� ._ .- --_.- � --.-------10�0--�r��/7.VL,!v1C�_ " . � r: y. _._ _--- . -�- ---�.`;�-� �:_� � _ , ,. *� � ` .� L.S. ��73-05 Bernard Julkowski �� �I� �� ��� � Split of part of Lot 6 and 7 � c,IfF : : �r r,�. � ��' , ' � �� b : Auditor `s Sub . 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I�t.�t, 3i„nf:. �uid � ". ilouth I.inr ef I��t 7� cist.t:nce of 17i) feet; thenr_e ;;ort : ar:d . , � pt�rr3.tle�. witr, s�i.d �J��L 1.::�� �t dist�:xnee c?f 1�?� f'eGt; t;riei;c:: i inC$t: llilt� �F1X'^.!_1.� � iY�j.4�i `3?1_C� t�Cl7i::1 �.lI1C? Or l�Ot. �� [i (�l:i �ifTlCf'. �f l.ld r_u�';.,' tx�.�^c:. ;Jcr:.:l �,s.!3 pr�;-.�.1.1.e:1 wiL�� tk�c: �aest. J.fue o!' � �, $ said �eci;i:o� to t�ie ':��i �� ]-:;t�^ of i,at 6; Liienc�. t•le.�t ��.loti�� said Iicr*h li.ncs vo �t� �.ntc.°�ectic�n with �i'oresaici lire wiiich : is �s'l 1'�et E;r�st af �}ie �lt.st .1i►�� �f :;GCt1G2i 2� ; th�:r,c� Sot,' i� � � tc ti�e i c3ir�t of bc�j 7 nnit:t�. �ub,'ect ta n.:Ll c�{3 ;t^:erit� of :.,, .record . . . , � � . : _ .. � :' - - � � _ � f . : - � � ' �` � . � � . . . � . . .. . . . . . - i � . . . . � . . � � . . . . . . . � q . . . . � . -.��.. , . � ' . . ' . . , . . ... . _. .� � . � . " . � . .. . . . ' . .. � . . . � � � . . . . . . � �� . . j. .. . . . � �� . ' .. � . � . , � 7 �� .� .. � .. 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Street City /Zip Code ���Hoz� � 7 � G- -l.l-- "� � � Aom� .Bueineee �oP�R'T'Y owx�� S) /� ;� 1; n S.�� YC k./j ADDiR�si. 4' ) 7� 7C;' �- D e �i, City �� Applicant's Name Lat Split -� I Da�e Filed: Fe�:=i�. `�keceipt ��� Council Action:lle,te RFMARI�S s Zip Code Street City Zip Code TELE�HONE; �'� S ) � ��;_�L , � Home �usinese Pxoperty Loc�tion on Street o� Exact Street Addxe�e ( IF ANY) 7/ iC l!�, � � �.l..vc �- � cr , Le�l' �eacriptipn Qf �xope ye . � ��> i���Lt�,.3��`' ,�.� .�. � � '� �ea�on fo� I�ot Split: �Z p�rty�_ _ sq . ft . t Zoning Claseif�.c�ti Th� underei,gne�. hereby declare� �tiat sll the �'acts euzd xepr�ae�tat�.ona stated in thia application a,�e true auid corract. AATE s ,5� � .3 ! - ? � SIG1�A2'tTFtE /, � ��;c. � � � �,h._ «_ ... , ,� . BII,OW FOR CITY USE Qi�.�b (Se� ��are� •�� �o� additional �rwtructions) -:_,:�.. -- - - - .:m,� . ^ PI+ATS & SUBS; Dat� o� CAn�eide�ation -� --V�=-.,�,-�-3 � Rea►�,rke • � : ^ �rzxG cor�rss�ox: z�t� �r cG�l�i���gt�on � �� �3 � ' Rem�rk� : .,�._.._�.�_.__ ...�.._,._..�...�, � r- Ci'I'�' CC�UNGIL: ��►te o� �on�i,�er�tion - ' R��k�a - : __ _ _ _ : .S .�, , � �. � � . - � . L.S.#73-07 David Mycka -� � Split off Westerly lOfeet ---------------___ .�,,, _. of Lot 32, Aud. Sub. #77 - ;i -+an�c ,. ! � .' c,�� _ � . _ _ � ---- � , � � ..., __ _ _. ... . � � . i .... j E i � ... i �i ; ,.. _ _ I . � � .,., � � � �c-� �,� .., ��y r; �,�; '' � �: i .., � • -� ; ' ... � I � I c, ;__ � �... �•� � � i . > � � ^ �� � ? i �; i I . ' �� ... _ _ -- � " / � _. �` �L � , __- - . _ .l �---... ,___._ �- f_---- . r., `-7 _ _ __ .r; ^ : �' ;1___��f ►���J��� /5' st' � 56 a��r/� D Q�/:� �- ,� ` , -; K , � � . f i N � ^ w � ....... � _.... ...... r � 'v ......... 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OFFICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNTNG COMMTSSZON T� WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Not�.ce is hereby given that there w�.11 be a Public Hearing o� the Planning Commissian of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 643]. Universi�y Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, June 6, 1973 in the Counail Chamber at 8:�0 P.M. for the purpose o�: Gonsideration of a rezoning requ�st,, ZOA #73-46r by Michael W, Seledic, Jx., to rezone from R-1 (single family dwelling areas) to R-3 (general multiple family ' dwellings) Lots 3 through 10, 14 through 2Q, Hlqck 2Q, and Lots 3 through 7, 19 through 24, Block �9, Fridley Park, all lying in the South Half of Section 15, T-3p, R-24, City of Fridley, County ot Anoka, Minnesota. Genera�ly located between 61st Way N.E. and 62nd Way N.E., between East River Road and Burlington Northern right of way. P,nyone desiring to be heard with reference to �khe above matter may be heard at this time. j �ubla�sh: May, 23� 1973 May 30; 1973 EDWARD J. FITZPATRICK CHAIRMAN PLANNING COMMISSION � • � � : {` ' _ . .� ... . �,:� ... . CITY OF FRIDLEY TYi'6 0'F R$QUEST " � MiNNESOTA � R �Ri��oning , pLAM�iING AND ZONINC FORM - al t14e F+���� ���� � � � �� � d� -_ �� V�si���e � C � .. ^ .�: � ` �API'L�rwAN�' 8 $�G�'iATtJRE� i:. •-�-� �._�€_ :�C� . _. < �_�-� � �.- ARPr°v4� 4� ��� - � F�.t�inary P��� ��r4•a�3„���Z i ^�s�; w � �-� ���- �t ���� �;i �v, 4�. ,.. ` -�---- � ( �iS,' �`r� ��- --------Appxoval Q� X�•��4� --- TAt�ephone� it�uaber �7 Pist � ^ PRQ��l1'Y OWNER`S SICNATl3RE �. �f1f i'�j �.J� c.t'��!� -----��-•...$treeCs o� �i.�^�;"=<+,.t,. V�catioa� 1►dd�as� ��2 t �cc �r=n,�L.9�e�� �'� %.c?G��4 �.„,�cS �11in,�,v �t�!�Y ^ _..�...__. - i - - : TA1eFhdq� Numher '7.�'Se �.�� .., � ���R�� ��atiaa of Prop�rty East river roUd, be�wnen 61st. & 62nd. Wa,y � ,� ■��iw.■w�;cp ^ ��A$�� QC�C�iptio,� of . 8roperty ��'ts oi 3ioc�c 1� &. 2�� �`�-i�Iey °ar?�. .��'Y� 4 _'" /�% � � � �-d _ . � �......., , . � .�. �.- ��„-..,.,� - .� 3- � y �z 3 - ,�� � �: ��spat Zoaing Claesification R � , . - ��t�,4Ging Use of the Property Uni�provsd -----,�,-�-,. � ^ Px0po0�d Zoning +�laaaificatioa, Special Uae, Variance os other req�est R3 � �A��:�b� b�cief lg the Type af �3se aad the Imprvvement Propo�ed Anartment cc*� Iex �• .� _ ,�e�r��$e Of Praperty 3•�J+ Ac�s ^" H�� �he �eseat ,pQplicant Previc+saly Sou�hC +to -e�eaona� Plat. abtain a�,at Spl�.t� Obt1tl,n a V�ar�ance oz Special Ume Permit �o� the Sub jcct Sice or Part q� fC2 t� �„�� ... . iihen= - � ;.. f� � .� -�,� �� W�� ` ,�"" ... . tthx� Ke�+e Reque�ted � �e� Encloaed $ � � f �_ . a ��C� ��.�.ed D�c� af }Dearang,,,,,_..� �... . . . . . a+' . . . . � . . . . � . . . . � . . . . . . � a�;: ° � � � � . . . � . . � �# .� , . . R - �� . ' �5 :� ^ �t�NNING � ZONZNG FORM � � ��.,w TA�� . 1�' S _ Nu�o�bsr � � 7.3 � D � . . �,,,. � ��r � _ � . ... � Z� �odesii�ed underatand� that: (a) A list of all residents and o�n�rs o�` ��o- -" perty withi� 300 feec a�uat ��ttect�ed �� this applicetion. ^ (b) This epplication mqst be ai��d by eIL -- owners oi tha property, o� aa exp�anation ' �iven why thi� is not th@ casc. �" . (c) Reaponsibility for any defect �q the QFOr __ eeedings resutting from the.fail�re to ��q� � the namea and addre�aes of �li �cea�¢ea�� -■ �nd propert� owr�eYO of propesty W�t��q �QQ __ feet of the prop�rty in quest�on, k��o��� t to the undersi�ned. . ... . Rl��d�q�� an$ O�raers of �roperty vithia 304� feet:� _ PERSOi3S IIDDRESS �.. , � - • ... . ' �: -- �.�.-w�� o e�+.i . .�.�..�...� .�--�� ....r... �..--- � • � s }�"�•� � � . . .�r.�� . � � . - . � , . � � . . . � . . . . . �. � . __ �#kltcb o# ptoposed property and atructure must be drawn on the back p� �h�,• �11� 0r attach�d, showing the folloaing; �1.� Yorth Direction ^ 2. Loutioa of Proposed Structure o� �,p�� _ 3. Dimensions of prope�[y� ProPqsesj • •tructure, and front �nd �ide �et+�ba�ir�1, •• 4. Screet Names _S. Locstion bnd uae of adjacent ext����� -- � buildings (within 300 feet), Tii* uadera�g�ed hereby declares that al! the facts end represe�tationi �t,tatsd �p "' tbi� �pplicatian a.e t=ue and correct. — �i� r► � ` � '} � �� �� � � 3 sIG'iynn�lRE��� ;..�.��i z,�. � .�:..�;, _ .._. ^ � _ (AYP'LICANT) _ � . � . '� � .., . . _ • w s * * r►S�t * * � �ApProved D�aied Dy tM 3oaid o� tp�e��s " Sdb�ct.to t e Folloving Conditions; , at� -- APP�oYtd Deaie �, by the Planaia� Commisaion on .• �ub,�Rat tp tbe $oliawin� Conditioaa: �te .- �►p1�4vcd Denied • by the Couac i 1 ea - „�.._ _.._.._ .,,__ ^, �qb j�ct to tl�e g�lZowing Coc�ditions: � ' dAt� . �� �P� 2''C �� , �- MAILING LYST - PLANIQING COMMiSSION ''�y 7-3'� �� ,.. ....., .. �' COSEL COR�'. �o��YL . RESIDENTIAL • • APARTMENTS • LIGHT COMMERCIAL • REMODELING ; � ZOA #73-06 MICHAEL W. SELEDIC JR. • ` �3421 DOWNERS DRIVE N.E. SAV ��73-09 MiCHAEL W. SELEDIC, Jr. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 55418 part of Block 19,20, Fridley Park Builder —Pho�e: 781-3086 Rezone from R-1 to R-3 .. Residents and Owners of Pro�erty within 300 feet. ; � Kenneth M. & Betty Jane Elven 20 622 Way Bernat r4. Jensen 30 62� Way . � Raymond & 3ernice i:umE:�on 1�4 62?r k'ay .. Joseph A. I�.iller 60 62-� Way John L. & P.ose M�rg Klingman 70 62�- Way •• Julie �. Pangburn 80 62� Way - Gary & LaVonne Lc�st�d 6175 �ast River °cad � Abdon J. & Dart�y �. Jerkovich 49 62 Way .. �ul �. &�tnaa xo sr�alep 39 6z �ray _- John R. r'isher 35 �2 Way ^ ' Great Ncrthern Railway Co. 119Q Great Northern Bldg ... Dale �dlund �0 62r.d. '�i�q _ Roger D. Welt;er — Richard D. & biary J. Brown - Richard F. & Rase M. 8oj ^ Minneapolis Belt Line Co. ' Indeper,dent School Dis�rict # 14 .-, � _ Minneano].is Gas Co; -• Chester �: Iris Wrutrel - Allen Baum�artr�r � John D. « i�ary C. �Iiei �on .., Fred D. � �art�ars� fiaz�vey '� 6 i 05 L. Rive r Rd . 6103 E. R.ive r Rd . b5 01� Way 1190 Great :'crt�xzrn 31dg. 6400 W. Moore I�ke Dri ve . 733 '�'arquette Ave. '!!�3 ?.iver �dge '�Iay N: . 1L�� River Edge i�'r�y �.�e 1�5 River �dge Way P+ �: a 1Q�S ?�.ver E�� �+ay Tr'.�a. _.._ _._.__ . _. _ _ � � _ ^ _ - + � I. . . . . .. . � , . ._....A . . . . � . � � � � V yI� • . _ MAILING LIST i'AGE 2 , �,� � ' . . _ " 4`7 _ �t`� +� . ^ z0A #73-06 .,� _ COSEL �ORP. SA� ���3�-09 �tt , Parts of B�.ock 19 20 � �1 � ^ Fridley Par�, Rezone from R-1, RESIDENTIAL • � PARTMENTS • LIGHT COMMERCIAL • REMODELINGto R- � ,3421 DOWNERS DRIVE N.E. . _-MINNEAPOUS, MINN. 55418 Phone: 781-3086 �... � Alden & N,aris Robertson William & Norma Zscierke �- Arthur E. & La Vonne Tabery � -- Ernest W. iIutchins ... Paul G. & F�oberta Tumms .. Toivo A. & Carolyn A. Makid _ Robert %i.nd�erg �- David �C Lavila Paulson Walter & Rose T. Iskierka ��.. Carlson La[�ine Inc. ... Michael W. Seledic, Jr. ,... ,-- ... r�- � r-- � . � MICHAEL W. SELEDIC, Jr. Builder 104 River �dge Way N.E. 100 River Ed�e Way N. E. 1�2 piver r�d�e Way N.E . 1 gg ?tiver Ed pe Way N. E. 1 t44 Rive r Ld ge Way 1�: .;. 109 River Edge �'sy N.�. 105 �iv�er Edge W4y ;'..E, 101 �iver Edge Way N.La 6170 Starlite Blvd. N.�e 2E31 Aldrich Ave. �o. 3421 Downers Drive N.E. Minneapolis 55418 '� y - ..-t s}.c? � .,i ; � � �°�' ' � t, i� !�. > _�; j � y `� ; . ....�i►: t�. �� . . . . . � J 4�' ,,..,�'" 28 -;A �,�o�a({�, .,'\ �'i \� ' 4iTH `� zoA #��-06 Michaei W. Se 'ic, Jr. ,,, - 1 ''��� • � �%rr���'� - _ Rezane from R-1 to R-3 L �D, 14- �. � . �C . � ,� >s\ .,� • ,�.: Z3 .w w�ta ,_ J,- � is �, y, �,� � ^. � I 20, Block 20 and Lots 3-7,` 1-24, :Block ,�, �,� . �,s� ,,�, .} � i,� �,�i io�' e, � � 19, Fridley Park Additiot� t� construct p, _, � ' " ` � � � ^ r,,� , �' `� '�i' _ I I I I an apartment compl ex > ;� ��`�• �• ��„' � � \ � Iw Af d�� �i �,,,�,,. �' �� ;: ►3� 12�,11 � .' �� , . .� - _ - , � � '� �3�c � = � • � .. � ' • ?s `' . � ,¢.; � � � , 1'¢ r �',;�� � � ;6 � . � aly- i�'� � � 9 , ',Zj �h�,Z7 ' � ... ' � � � � . /d /! 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Vacat iacu, ��_0(1'!t T �t=a�C t�ocation of p�rap�sty_ East river road. ?�etwepn bls�. & 62nd. 4,,�,���„��,� �lA��l De�rfsiption af Px�operty Parts of ?�Iock ��?_?Q Fridley�,��;,�„�,,,,,_. ���„�,,,,' ! • � / l! s� �2�,hJ �'�'/'.� �� , `<:�-ca�.�� •3�, ... . b•a� l �'u' G.?�'i -� � - %U -- /S- � a l�.-G :� v ��-[.l ��-+-� . _ . l% i�c#; !o �'/i w �� '�1.-�' 19 - � 3 �C...a i y � .�r �- 7 13L.-�. �r a _ U c�.c+z� cr.tt,� �.,�«,,,. �::�.. , - o � � `t ^� p��s�nt �oni.ng GI"aae�i�cation R 1 `� -'d , � �x���ing Us� ot the Ptopetty Ur.imnroved ��� , ,.. , pxqpo��d �oaln� Cla��tficatioa� Sp�cial Usa, Varience ar othe� request �� .. ��cs�be br;Le�ly tht ljrpt of Ua� aod the Impsovcm�nt propoeed Apartrent ecm��ax s - �_... .�...�..�—..r�. �eslts�� ot Pcope�cy �.4k �cres il�� the �s���pt Applicaot Previauily Soughc to Re�on�� I?l�t. Obtain a�,ot Sp�it, ^ Obt�ia �t Variaac� os 8p�cial U�e Permit on ch� Sub,�eet Sice or Paae of Ttt,�� . Wh�nt ^ � ifia� {��� Rsqv�l►tsd � Fe� Encioozd $ �.si,.t- � �a� _.- ---�--�-� ast4 xL��d � D�t• or 1is$r1�nR—.-- , .. ,..� . . . ,: • tUNNING ANIf ZONINC �'ORM .., a�.: ,,�r ��3 - o � _ ,�__ � "� ` P/lCE 2 - . �, �� , �� ��-: _ . ^ TM µa�ssaigned u�de=atanda th�tt (a� A iiat oi ali res.idents a�d aaners of pxo- pesty within 300 feet �►uet bt atteched to thio applicaClo�. — (b� Thie epp2ication must be aignad by all ' owners of tht propexty� or an explanatioA �ivec► why thi� ia not the caae. ,� � (e� Responsibility for any defect in the pro• . teedinga sesulting from the failure to liat � the �dmea snd addresaes of all�reeidents �nd prapert� owr�ero of property Within 300 "' ieet of the property in que�tion� beloa�s to the undcrsi�ned, Retideats and Owaers of �rcpaYty vixhla 30� feet:' . -� i'BRSOtiS ADDRESS .., . . ^ .._..�..�_.... _ � � � �,C ��'�C Lt�' � /J , � .., . ,.. • � � � .: nn ' � ., A�ketch o�` propoaed p�roperty aad atructure a�u't be dre�m on tha back of thia l+�ta o� attach�d� shawin$ the iallowings 1. �orth Directioa . 2. Loutiaa of Proposed StructuYe oa lot. 3, Di,me�sions of propesty� p�ogosed �tru�tur�. and fro�t �nd side aet•��cica. _ . : 4. S�reet ��a�es S. Locstion �nd uae of edjacent ex�.sting - � bt�ildings (within 300 feet) . Tbit vada�t�tg�ed hareby declares that all the facts and represeatatiana �t�ted �A �bi� ��plieation •re ttua and eorrect. " i r�, � ; �, c�, � pA'!$ �`;:� ,� R _.-- `� � � SIG'tsATtJttE��1• �.�-_ <� � � (APPLICANT� • . . * , • � , r. . .. � • � 14 tR t * �1 • # ��av�d n.Qtea �, c�� ao��a o� a��ais �v��i jt�R .tQ Lht Pollotiein� Coeeditiona: �a�� �pp�r:�ved _ Dee��ed by the Yt+►pqiag Camaaisslon on Si�b�,�act c� the �llowi�g� Ces�dition�; d��� +�'���v�s3 �xaied b� Ct�e �uaacil o� �u'� j�sct to tha Fallcsving Coc�d�t�oa�a; _ •_ �1xt'$ ��� � ��� � � . � . � �/ .. � _ . . . I . . . . . ... . F . /� � �� ��/Q .. ♦� �` � �� ` \ ,�+ �• �. -� j- . • . . . . .. .. y�,}� . '' . �/�'1 � Z � \ ` V. . 1 ���fr�' P��1-,1. .. �� . 2� ' `�'����` \ " � 4,,TH ��� SAV #73-09, Michael W. Seledic, Jr. � � •��� � ,y��� '� � - "'"r" Vacate 61st Way betw.een East River Road � ^ ; 23 T r,�E:=S 9'� ; � -�" '� � �' ��i_ � � , I � j � � :� Burl ington Northern property. Vacate � s - ,, • `.�,� ,-.�,, N1 � i� �,r� io'��I/ �'�lley between L. 4-10, 14-20, Bl. 20. ] r` ` �� s , � E � �� f,,� � �� �.� �► + + I Vacate 61� Way between Lots 19-23, B1.19 -j � � ` ^- . •��J'� �.�� �`• �%�;\��:z \ �r °f � � � _ , � and 3-7, B1. 20. Vacate alley between � `� � �.�� ��i �� �,� :`ah� h. � ` is ; : ( I Lots 3-7,20-23, Block 19. All in t� t= Y, '., `� �,� / �,j-;,`;�. K��,r� � �'Zi'��_:._Fridley Park addition, to allow con- r � � > �- �t� yt�� +. , ��Y- ;•3�� , '.. � ��to�( ^ � ,� � struction of an apartment complex. ` , � �s �Q � . ���. .. � * „ �.,.... 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II _—_ Y' _ w' _ - i r•zozs'f �. � � . .! � -� . f � , . . �,so W -- --=� f �..— ` ---- ,�-- --i �--� — ` - - . .. _ ; -- . . . . - ♦. .. . ♦� . +.._ , � • . �-. ,. � . . .. Z% � � � �. , � ,/1-- - p ._:' . .. ., . � .. j� , i ' , � r 7 �/� , � � . "�.._ . --. _- ../' �', ♦ `� i �' / . i:�' .�„L ��2, _ ` -- - `_. � �V � - . ' 4 • � • � 1 �. ^ _ 5+� Planning Commission Meeting - March 22, 1972 Page 2 The Chairman explained that the City Attorney felt, in his opinion, that certain agreements can be entered into so that if the property was sold, it must be sold with the adjacent property. He suggested another alternative was to sell the entire property with the provision that Mr. Thoe live in the home. -- Chairman Erickson asked about the terms of the sale. Mr. Thoe said the ,� lessee has a five year lease with the option to renew, and he has a small mortgage. Mr. Thoe asked if he could keep the request open. ... . Chairman Erickson said the item could be continued for 9p days, and then if he did not come back within 90 days, the Commission could act to deay ar -. drop the request. -- 1M�TION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission table for 90 days, the Lot Sp1it Request, L.S. #71-08, by Clifford Thos Por ^ the East 125 feet of Lot 18, Block 2, Central View Manor splittinq off the -- residence, approximately 70`xI00', and if Mr. Thoe has not been heard fxom within that length of time, the Planning Commission wi11 dispose of the "' 1ot split request as they see fit. Upon a voice vote, alI votir�g aye, �he motion carried unanimously. .. -�-r 2. TAX FORFEIT PROPERTY IN FRIDLEY: DISCUSSION WITH MIKE O�BANNON i_COUNTY '.,, d.- COMMI S S IONER. ,^ Mr. 0'Bannon and the Planning Cammission discussed �he tax fox�eit ].ate . from a list and maps prepared by Mr. 0'Bannon. This was aa informative di�- -- cussion requiring no action. " 3. COA4fERCIAL ZONING REVIEW MATERIAL: C-1 and C-2, C-1S and C-2S. Pxc►pased Ordinance Amendiug Section 45.103 Relating to the Lot Area and I�ot Width Requirements for C-1, C-1S, C-2 and C-2S. ^ .. .. , -- __ � ., -� Mr. Herlofsky explained that an amendmeut to the Zoning Ordinance r�quiXed a public hearing before the Planning Com�aission and the Council. It waul.d b+� possible to set the date for the 19th of April and because few pepp�e loak at the public notices, the suggestion was made to get the announcemen,t on ths front page of the Sun. � MOTION by 5chmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the plat�n�ng Comm39��on s�t the public hearing date of Apri1 19, 1972 for the amendment to Sect�on 4S��Q3 reZating to the lot area and lot width requirements for C-.I, C-1S, C-a, C-2S changing the 1ot area from 25,000 square feet to 20,000 squ�Te Peet, �Ad change the lot width from 200 feet to 160 �eet. Upori � voice vote,.A11 vot.ing aye, the motion carried unanimously. � . 4. INFdRMAL REVIEW OF RE20NING REQUEST, ZOA �72-03, BY WALL CORF.; The �8I9t Half of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter pf Section 14, except part platted as Upland lat Addition and Upland Znd Addi.tion and excepC paxt sold to Dr. Trezone, to be rezane�d from It 1 to R-3 fo� Cownhous�s and apartmenta. , , , 1 ... . � � : 5� _ � . __ . , ^ t Plannin� Commission Meeting - March 22, 1972 _ PaSe 3 -'{ . , � - Mr. Fred Wall and Mr. Dennis Madden of the Wall Corporation and Mr, Dick ^ Schwartz, the architect, were present. __ ___ ___ No action. _ _ _ __------------ _ .—_—.�.___ .._--------- _-- . _ _ _------------ ___ _ . __.___ � 5. CONTINUED: PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN: - _-- ... ADJOURNMENT: �.. � The secretary left the meeting at 9:00 P.M. ' There being no further business, Chairman Erickson adjourned the P1aan1A$ Comanission meeting at 12:00 P.M. ... � ^ Respectfully submitted - Haze1 0'Brian �... Recording Secretary � : .� ;, .:,. ' - ' _ __ . �: : ... .., � � � ... �,m ., . ,.. �.� _ : ^ , ` � a-. .... t �[� ��7 , ^` Planning Commission Meeting March 22, 1972 _ Page 3 �; , . . Mr. Fred Wall and Mr. Dennis Madden of the Wall Corporation and Mr, Dick ^ Schwartz, the architect, were present. ____ _ -_ _ __ ___ ,._ __ .. , __ _ ---_ _,.. _ __ ____________ _�,._._.�,�..._.._....�___.__ , __�, �__�a -actian. - �.. 5. CONTINUED: PROPOSED COI�REHEDISIVE MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN: ... ADJOURDIl�'IENT : ^ � The secretary left the meeting at 9:00 P.M. � ' ' There being no further business, Chairmaa Erickson adjourned the Plannit�$ Commission meeting at 12:00 P.M. ..., � „ Respectfully submitted � Hazel 0'Brian ^ Recording Secretary ... ' --� � :� .� : .. .,. ... � �... ... .. ^ 4 ;� • . ... , - �� �� 4 ( � ' . ^. 1 , � .. � .. Planning Commission MeetinS - May 3, 1972 59 Page 2 1�TION by Sciunedeke, secbnded by Zeglen, that the Planning Comm.ission recommend to Council approval to construct the Z�pata Restaurant on Lots 9, 16 and 17, Block 13, Xyde Park Addition plus the vacated 59th Street subject to the recamnendations made by the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee and that a row of evergreens be planted cus t%e Sast side of the redwood ience. Upon a v�o3ce vote, aI1 voting aye, the aation carried unani�ously- ____._______._ ___u_._ �_ _. _ ____._..____.. __ ___ Chairman Erickson said the Planning Commission had reco�endecl Co Council that they reduce the area.requirement from 25,QOO to 20,000 square £eet�aad Z0� fzont footage to 160 front footage. Thia xequest meets the 160 feet and the minimum 20,000 square foot zequirement. T'he Ordinance has not passed a� this poiat. The petitioner has asked permisaion to build a restaurant at� the pz'operty. i�le are mereiy requeating Council to grant this request. 2• r 0 PUSLIC SI�EAtB . [NG REQtJEST: ZOA #72-03, THE WI�I.L C4RP. BY DENN . To rezone from R-1 to R-3 for Twnhouaee �nd ^ � 1�TI�B by Schmedeke, seconded b� F3tz�atrick, that the P1ann.tng Comm,ission � �aive the reading of the Pr�bli� �learing Noti�s for the Rezoning Request, ZOA j �?a-D3o The Wa31 Corporatioa� by Denr�is l�/adden (Ri�d� Estatej to reu3ne fz�prR "^ 1 R-1 to it-3 for Toarnhouses and Apartir+ents. Upon a voice v�te, all yating t�ye. � the antion carried vnanim�usly. �,--�, r Mr, Nei2 Weber: Architect for the Wall Corp., said the last propos�l was for ��w� ,' £ou� T�rge mgartm�nt buildings which was denied. They have a new brea�down with tt�e S3 toi,�uhomse units and i05 apartmenta which gives a total of 16$ dwellin� iu ,.. � �mi�ae 1°i�ey �is� ta put � three story and t�o storp apartmeat stxt�cturea pA the � i�te�za edg� of the site. Along the North aad �ast sides they have.put their � t�hfluses. 3'he parking lot ia ia th� lov area so that it is not viaible �rom i resi�ential areas, You atep down to a different level landscape. -Oa�-o� the � '� .� '$4g r�quir�hts ia'ther=pond�ng area. Ttiey have been tflld by the City that Chey i aeed 12 acre feet of ponding area to take care of the rua off. The�e are two ' story townhousea, but not appreciably larger than the residences acxoas tk�e ^ + etraet. The three etory apartment building is the furthESt away from tbe .! s�iatiug zesidencee. They have tried to show a Iot of green space aad between � the units t3�ere ig greea space. The materials for the apartments would prabably .. be rough sawn cedar. The apartments are one or tr�o bedrooms', 55 oae bed�oota i aaa 50 two bedroom apartmeAta. There are two and three bedxoom towuhouse t�tiits � �rt.th 1,i50 square feet for the two bedroom and 1,250 square feet fox the three � bedroom. The townhouses each have a garage. The zaning requizements fa� parking ^" � are 1� parki�ag stails per unit and an addition of ose:half stall for each add�- tianal bedroom over one per unit. 3'here axe 183 parking spaces for apartments ; and for tawnhousea 78 on eite open parking and 63 garages. ..., r ., / � �� .. Mr. Weber said the setback would be 35 feet aad berms are to be propoaed. Mr. �lali said he hoped this new plaa would be the answer for the use og this land. He felt they had come a 2ong way from the othex plan by havi�g Gwo story apartment buildings aad the townhouae�. TEiis plan elitninates the �eed �ox aa additioual atorm sewer charge. They were open for further suggestions. The deasity is a good 20X Iess thaa the previous plan. It dropped f�om i8 to 12 units per acre. • � ... � " , � ... �.. � : : ' 6� Planning Commiasion Meeting - May 3, 1972 ,^ Pa, ge�,3 T A. F. Miller, 525 Bennatt Drive: He said theq paid f4r a�toxm sewer aad drainage and he couldn't aae that pondiag aa a aolution to this stot'� aewer. The neighbors have all paid their storm eewer a��esament�. The City xaada a deal whereby they rua all the water out of the Commons Park into this ground, Se did not feel this should be ailowed or that it wauld be fair fox �hem ta have the drainage poad as ft wouZd be ctagnant �rater and Would gek pre�ty deep during a fla�h flood. There is a storm aewer in the area which ruA� up hill iastead of dawuhill, but does not include the ponding srea. �'be petit3�anex should have tp put in a stora sewer. Jamea H. Laagenfeld, 79 63� Way: He asked if it Wasn't up to the aT�a�ixa- ,� tioa and Company to take care of their owa drainage rather than the �axpayers take the burden. He felt the petitioner should take care of their share o� the storm sewer charge. He was not too much against the project itself. "' Mr. Wall said that'it seems nobody wants a pond there. The wate�t aeemS to appear through the ground. The Riedels also paid for the storm sewer. �� a storm sewer is put into the r�hole site, the assessments will be sp1�t to th� -- benefitiag awners, but the Wall Corp. would be only paying their shar�, I Mr. Miller said that 15 or 16 qear$ ago Fifth Street Was inc�.uded iti.the ^ sesessmeat for that etorm aever. Ae felt the minutes would show Ch�C the Riedel property was not aesessed because the etorm sewer did not go in thexe, �ach contractor that developed in thia area had to furnish the storm sewe� Pux� Che • house he built. . ... ` _� .. �� Robert McPheraon, 500 Bennett Drive: fle wished to diecuse the Lr$��iC problem. fie said that cars will be going out on Missiasippi Street, an� wc��ic�ered if this would create a big traffic problem. In the rush hours, he said kl��j► caanot get on the street naw. The traffic ie getting so heavy on Mississi�pi ae�v� he was suYe they were going to have probleme there, This 3s �&Choo�. ��ea sad the biggest r ace track fn Fridley. We should attempt to allevi�te eye� bit of traffic we can from that street for the protection of our childx�en. It is a big problem. He referred to the eetback of 35 feet eaying "are w� goi.t�g to have an asphalt �ungle acrose the etreet from us"? Mr. Wall is absa�.ute�y wroag to say we would like the property left the waq it is. We would like Xo have tha propertq developed to something lik� the conditions were when ws aatne out here. ... William A. Hitchinge, 6270 6th St.: There are two blocics af 7�e�i.denti�al there. Seventh Street would be covered with townhouses, but we�,.alaAg 6�rd ^ Avenue, West o€ 7th Street, would be looking into the three story apartmeAt buildiugs and they would 3tioot right dowa in hie backyard. The traff�e pxob�em ie terrific and thie will add to it. Anqthing else he could say about the rezc3aing �o�uld be against it. He kaev Mr. Wall had tried, but he st�ll ��ys ^ it is not the place for multiplea. ... . ��� .. The question was asked what the benefits were the project �ould bsiA$ to 'the City of �ridley. . i�ir. �lall aaswered that the taxes that would be generated wau�d be aub�tantial, Se cpuld assume the Citq of Fridley could uee new residential houses. Th�re will be multiple family dr�►ellings but atill they are somebody'� ho�ae. W� th�nk the City needs ne� houses. 1�aie type of desiga vould p�obably p�'odu�e� ��W children. Obviouslq, they $re not going to ban childreao Ae�woald �esutas �here are less c#�ildren per acre thst would uae a achool. Very few att'eet� g4 lnto that develppment eo street cost and maintenance are lesa. Weat oE �he d�Yelop� ... ., � -; .. � � -+- .� ; Commission MeetinQ - 3. 1972 .•� 4� ment,is co�ercial. He would aesume the people living iA the Cowahauses a�nd apartments would be about the same kind of people that live in Fridley now. •' The townhouses would be in the price b�cacket of $28,000 to $40,000. The Cawn- • houses are for sale per unit just like a house. A one bedroom unit in the _�_,_ _ _ _ apartments would rent for $160 and the two bedroom for $200. From a market sta�id- point, they would not want to build anything that no one would want to buy ox _ _ _ ._. _ _.__ ___. _ __ _ _.__ rent. __ _.... _--- -__ _ .____.. _ .__ __._ ^ Mrs. Joeeph Tapsak, S10 Mississippi: She stated she objects to the whole � plan. The only way a child has to get to the Fridley Commons Park is by 7th Street and because of the traffic there naw, she will not let hex ch�ld ga by .. I himself to the park. This project would add to the danger. i Mr. Wall eaid that basically this is not real expensive land. T� the �.and � were given to him, he would not put single family residential o� this prape�tty. ^ ; Nor are the single family homes being built today the same kind o� housing as are already built. He admitted the traffic is a problem, but anything gp�n� in there would generate traffic. .... ; Leif Henricksen, 495 Mississippi: Before he came to Fridley he liy�d in an apartmant and the owner lived there, too. It was kept up nice, but now that the .. apartment he occupied is rented,�.i� looks like a d�p. He would hate ta see that happen to a nice piece of ground. He etill would like to see Riedel get �is �oney out of the property. He thought there could be 55 lots on this prq�erty which could be sold for eingle family ho�s and the Riedels still get $ gpod �'" ', 3� "chunk o f go ld" . .. .. .. � � � ... � � , .. � ``f . � .. t .. ' William L. Simcns, 6281 5th Street: He said he was against the xeza�ipg as it affects the whole com:nunity around it. Virgil Mullins, 6331 7th Street: The last time this rezo�ing w�$ �rs��ght up, the�City was asked to make a study of it. Was it done? Chairman Erickson answered that the area �,ra� being present�.y studied under the Comprehensive Plaa, a study for the City. No concluaio�s haye bee� �e�ched yet. Donald L. Larson, 6310 Jefferson: This project would pxac�ically ds�ubl� the deasity of single family zoning. He objected. Lloyd Bennethum, 369 66th Avenue: He ask.ed the rate or perce�tag� a�` occupancy of apartmenta in Fridley at the present time. If these apart�neAts are built, presuming this rezoning goea through, are they going to hav� �ena�,Gs? Would this establiah.an injurious precedent in Fridley? #ie �as p�rti�u���7.y interested in the four lots on the comer of University Aveaue ar�d 64th �►ve�ue. �f a precedent was established naw, how caa we say "no" to other$ wl�Q w�t3� to �cezone� George Meisener, 373 Mississippi: Re�arding.occupancyR Che pc��p����► �.n , Mimaeapolis of apartmente is less than 70X right aow. He wau�d l�ke to ��y the Wall Corp. has made an atte�pt to meet eome of the objectioas We had tk�� la�� time. Traffic ia still the same concern. It seems to be underet�tec� as�c� � everqone on the Planning Commiesion knows it. He ha.d asked about haVin$ a�top ].ight on 5th Stxeet and M3esi�sippi because he hae seeu several �acideA�� �h�re, . .. .. .. �- ^ �. .. .�. .. �. ... _ ji .. �. � ... .. .. ., ., ( � .� . � 1 i t' � � � 6� PlanninA Commi`ssion Meeting - May 3, 1972 Page•5 He-was told it wae not a feasible situation. He oppoaed the rezoning geaerally, particularly the apartments. The attempt to include apartments is repugnant. If it were all townhouses, he was not sure that was the answer. He thought the problema with setbacke aad laadscape were minimal, but ponding and sewer we�e difficult. If Mr. Wall would like 'to make a statement that he would guarantoa there would be no storm sewer assesament later to the City, if he would take the riak of that problem coming up at a later date, it would help. Mr. Wall eaid it was hie honest opinion, assuming thie developateut would be approved, that because of the neighbora, we have a ponding area, l�e woul.d take up hie share of the assessmenta. If they put a pond in there, we h$ve tp tak� ' care of it and it has to look good. The people were afraid the pond would overflow during a heavy rai.a. Mr. Meissner asked for a ahow of hands of the people interested in the rezoning and then of thoae who were opposed to the rezoning. It appaared to be unaaimous. James Liston, 6360 Washington St.: He asked who would maiatain the townhouse: Mr. Wall answered the Asaociation. Then he aeked about the depth OP the go�d, Mr, Weber eaid only a small portion would be maiatained continually. T'he�e ��,11 be a gradual run off so that the poad will only fill up dur�ng � storpt. Mr. Clark said there is an overflow pipe, and will conaect intp tk�e ex�.sting line of 7th Street and Bennett Drive. Chairman Erickson said the pp�d is iatended to be a retention pond. Mr. Liaton eaid that every time there is a heavy rain, in fxon� Af hia garage they have a fountain six feet high out of the ground. There �s a bxeak in the pipe and he picked up the tab for it. Mrs. Robert McPherson said that when there is a real bad stot'ID,, w�te� :.omes down from Mieaissippi on 7th Street aad also comes down Beanett pxive, Th�► water backe up and lifta up the manhole covers. Mr. Clark esid the City had had hearings on etorm sewer s�stems. Somebady has to come up with $250,000 to build a new one. Mrs. McPheraon asked whq the Riedel propertq was not purchas�d �ox ����k. Mr. Fitzpatric$ eaid it was becauae vhen the Park Department put up � bo�d ��BU�, only 1,000 voted and 600 were againat the issue. This ie the main Teasot� ths City does not have enough money for parka.and the closeness of the exis�i�$ Commons Park. � Mr. McPherson suggeated buildiag housing for the elderly. It is aa idsaj, loc$tion, close to shopping and bus. Mu. Wall eaid he thought it was a good idea and they would b� �1�1i�$ to include oae or something different. When they look at a piece of g�touad, it �a as real estate developers. Fortunately theq have been righ� more kh�i wi'ong q� they would not be here toaight. Theq felt thie area was ideal €or ap�xtmei��"� aad to�wahouaes. Theq felt this would improve the area. . I .. .. �. �; 63 Plannin8 Commission Meeting - May 5, 1972 Fage 6 I - One person felt the pbnd would be an attractive nuisance. ^ Mr. Schmedeke aeked if the Riedel property was assessed for the Mias�.saippi __ _____ _.____Street im�rovement? Mr. Clark said he thought it was assessed for curb and gutter oaly being Misaisaippi Street is a State Aid road. 7th Street was assessed as '- a normal street. Mr. Schmedeke asked him to see if the Riedel people paid their � share of the etorm sewer and sanitary sewer. If properly assessed, they would . : have every right to use ronds•�the same as qou and I. ,... .. .. ... . - .. Hr.: -i�eiseiur �_ aeketi for an explanatioa of the dif ference between R-3 and R-3A zoning. . Chairman Erickaon rep3�ied that R-3A would be strictly multiple unita and R-3 allowa apartments and multiple dwellings. He the� read from the Ord�.nance. Jamea A. Thayer, 377 66th Ave.: He asked if Mr. Wall ever had experience with ponding -- how it will functioa uader rain conditione? What would happen if that pond were full up -- where would it flow? Baeically, the overflow from that pond would remain on that site was the aaswer. Mr. McPhereon wondered if there would be any pollutioa in conneetion with the pond. MbTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Mir�ish, that the Planning Comniss�on close _,� the Public Nearing of the Rezoning Request, ZOA #72-03, by the Wa11 Corpoxat�orl '�� � to rezone from R-1 to R-3 for Townhouses and Apartsnents on the Riede� pz�opez�ty. ��' � .` i Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. .. ., ^ .. .. .. .. �- � �, �.� .. Mr. Schmedeke said that he has lived ia this area for some time. Ae kx�owe the Riedel property quite well. He has no coanection with the preseni develope�. Reviewiag the historq, the Riedei property was rented ta a farmer who ke�t his cattle on it. Children akated there in the wiater. �he plan presen�ed th�.s evening by the Wall Corp. is the first one he has seen and he though� thi& Was a sensible plan. Mx. Schmedeke continued that he'd like to zead a short excerpt ixom the Regular Council Meeting of May 18, 1970 an Page 6, about the centeT o� th� �ixsC paragraph referring to a statement by Norman Riedel: "He said that he cpuld no� find anq zoning map for prior to 1956, but'he understood that at pne time �he Aiedel property wae zoned commercial". Mr. Schmedeke said this has Gau�ed �. hardship to other people, includiag himself, who knew theq were also �ot�ed com- mercial before 1956 and auddenly their records were lost. If the �eco�Cc�s had not been lost, you would ha�fe a co�ercial area today. The develope� said he was willing to contribute an extra amount tawards the stor�t sewer. In Mis opiaion, a holding pond will solve the situation. A storm sewer had beet� pu� in. The Citq sho�sld check and see who has p�aid for one. In all p�'Ababi�ity, the City may have made an error. In fact.they have done it going dpwq pniv�i'sity. This was his humble opinion. Mr. Schmedeke said he wae going to jump around a bit. When the YiewGOA peopl� came in� we had a traffic problem and everq time a neW developer co�nes �.r�� We �have � traffic problem. We canaot tell a developer he caunot oWY1 p�4�erCy. fihe waterahed dietrict ie another thing�that confueea him or what st��e��3 they entail. fle did not eee a etorm eewer catch tasin in either �th ax 6�h St��ee�s. .-. . .. � - . < � •� planaina Commission Meeting - May 3, 1972 �8$e �! I _ �-� The water must have baea running into the Riedel property. 7,'he �Cest oi` the wa�e� ^ i� running North into three culvert� on 63rd Avenue. ps far ag thinking about _ this propertq being a park, he did not feel this should be cons�dered as a paxk - because the Fridley Com�ona Park is close. Children have grow� up in hi�s are$ ^ Without a playgrouad of ony kind. As far sa children falling into a pool, he ----------- did not think Rice Creek was fenced. The �mall children should be watched care� fully. Until all these quee�tions are answered, he can't give an answer. If a �, home f or the elderly were pe�t up, he did not know if they could be sure it would be for the eldesly, but lcst� ba��o�e. .. .. ^. � .. .. - . -�� �. 1Nl�TION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Conanission continue the Rezoning Request, 20A #7?-03, by the Wall Corporation to rezone from R-1 to R-3 for Townhouses and Apartaaents on the Riedel property:until the June 7, 1972 meeting. Upon a voice v�vte, a11 voting aye, the mot�on carried unan.itrausly. Mr. Minish said the traffic concerns him, particularlp �xiting on Miasieaippi Street. He would lil�e the petitioner to do some studies and �ee if it would be poseible to have an entrance only on Miesissippi Street. The sudience was informed that the aezt meeting would be on June 7th and no noticea would be sent out. ._---` 3. PUBLIC HEARING: B,EZONING REQUEST,.ZOA �72-04, LEIt� INVESTl�]T, INC., t�Y JOHN R. DOYLE. I'RESIDENT: Lots 12 through 1�, West 5 fe�t of Lot 18, Block 16, Fridle y Park. Rezone from R-1 to CB 1(general offiCe and limited bu�ineas)�for Real B�otaCe.Office. - IMDTZON by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, thst the Planning Colanission waive the reading of the Publfc Hearing Notice for the Rezoning Request, ZGtA '^ M??-04, Leigh Investment, Inc. by John R. Doyle, President. Vpon $ voice Yote, a11 voting aye, the m�tton carried unaniaausly. .. ., — .. � �`"`. '� �.._.� � Chairman Erickaon, at the request of Mr. Doyle, read the zoning xestr�ationa on the CR-1 Ordinance. Mr. Doyle explained his plans uaing drawings to illustrate the changes in the home. fle said this ie a modest home. They would like to go into the house and uee this dwelling as a real eatate office for the purpose of conducting a business. The reason for asking a rezoniag was due to the fa�t that at this point and time, he did not intend to live in the house. but upder CR-]. he �ould do so. Be intenda to uae the house for coaductiag of real eatate business. He intends to remodel the structure, give it nore of an up-to-date appearance� look vell, blend well With the surrounding neighborhood, complemen� the housea in the area. The house will have a chalet appearance, emall foqer amd front roo�i together. They would not be adding more apace to the houae. They will extend for a porch aad eatry oa the front of the building itoelf. A$ far ae the t�ay it fita oa the land itoelf, they were making vety little chan$e to the exiating propertq. The driveWay to the garage will have a tura arouad. �'here are xrees to tha eide and fQnce �rith provisions for ahrubs. Treea to Ct�e back and froat. 'fie antrance to the parkins lot will be onto 63rd Way, West og the house. IC� M�11 not paes by anqone's drive`ray. � . _ ^ REGULAR COUNCIL MEE�ING OF MAY 15, 1972 . PAGE 14 " it being done so the people can compare the costs. There is also a provision for holding back 10� payment so there will be a fund set aside in case there a.�e any_damages incurred.by the contractor. He said he had checked out Mr. 65 I ____ _ .- Germundsen and Brooklyn Center was pleased with the quality of his service. He said his recommendation__is__to award the contract to Mr. Germundsen for 1972 ---__--- __ with the option to carry the contract into future years if both parties agree. ^' 1�i0TION by Councilman Breider to award the contract for Weed Abatement to Mr. Brian Germundsen for the year 1972, with the option to continue the contract on into future years if both parties agree. Seconded by Counc�lman Mittelstadt. ^ Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor .Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. .. � .., � � .. � .. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 3, 1972: I. PROPOSED ZAPATA RESTAURANT AT 5905 UNZVERSITY AVENUE N.E.: Lot 9, Block 3, Bennett-Palmer Addition, Lot 16 & 17, Block 13, Hyde Park Addition, plus vacated 59th Avenue. The City Engineer said this restaurant would be north of Mr. Steak and this request was sent to the Planning Commission because they did not meet the area require- ments at present, but they would meet the requirements as proposed, which would be to change the 25,00 square feet area requirement to 20,000 square feet, and the front foot requirement of 200 feet to 160 feet. Since the ordinance is still in the planning stage, the applicant will need a waiver of the Code requirements. He said they will be covering 95� of their area with blacktop, concrete and building, and•there will be very little green area. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to approve the constnaction of a Zapata Restaurant subject to the stipulations imposed by the Building Standards - Design Control and grant a waiver of the present Code requirements of 25,000 square feet area, to 20,000 square feet, and front footage requirement of 200 feet to 160 feet. This waiver is based on the premise the Planning Commission will be forwarding on a recommendation that the Council adopt the amendment based on the above figures. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � 2. REZONING REQUEST: ZOA #72-03, THE WALL CORP., BY DENNIS MADDEN (RIEDEL ^ ESTATE): To rezone from R-1 to R-3 for townhouses and apaz�tments. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to table this item until the Planning Commission "� is ready to forward their reco�endation on to the Council. Seconded by Co.uicil- man Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion earried unanimously. �... 3. REZONING REQUEST, ZOA #72-04, LEIGH INVESTMENT,INC., BY JOHN R. DOYLE, PRESIDENT: Lots 12 through 17, West 5 feet of Lot 18, Block 16,.Fridley Park. Rezone from R-1 to CR-1 (general office and limited business) for � real estate office. / �, The City Engineer reported that the Planning Commission recommended denial of �`t---� the rezoning request and unless the petitioner requests a public hearing before � the Council, the action would be to concur. Mr. John Doyle said he would like to request a public hearing before the Council. .., ... . _ -� ,..; : � �. ... �. ... � Yi� o�i,a ion T4�et�ag May 17 9 19�� �� Pass 3A 2. KISCELI.Ab1a'AUS INPOP,�I. DISCUSSION: . p/J,I, �gp. ggZObTi� �EQUgST, RIEDEL P�IDPEBTY; ldr. Schasdsk� said he Would lite a map of tbe atorm •e�er district in thio area ahaving the asouat of propert� aifected; hov mucb each of the owaera have paid; vha� was �iadel charged and if bs bad_paid. _---- ------__ __,.._ ___ _ _ - _ . Mr. Clark aaid h� cauld tall xhat routa and how mv►ch it asa asseseed ia rela- tion to all the laad arouad it, This ia bacau�e th4 Msy tha •tora sa�rer asseas- �snt was set up. Theq chsrge the diatsict and wh�tever it coata to tske c.azs af the district. The otor� sewer will hold the five year frequency xain. �tow aad then we get a SO year rain or a 100 year flood. WESTF.t�t STORES: I4s. ldinish aaid he atroagly urged that thQ Weatexu 011 bo t4gQad. �he Ca�sraq aaa �11 avass at the public hsaring at the last �eetia� that they were in violatioa of tt�s axistin� ordinance by having their siniature sardea on the gre� erea.s...8�'stroaffily:urge��the Citq �dmiaiatratioq to im►eati- �ats that facility �d if .be doas eell in �riol�tion, th$t ttu tag be ie�iaed aad sea it doae prior to tiu ��ting of Juae 7th. Ylne aetitude �xhibited by �s�ern 011 ie they da not p�r�ieui�rly c.�re about lollaviag our ordiaaace. Mr. Clark said F�r. Heug had stated he was going to 'ove the siaiature ;ardea up to tt�e building. Mr. Minish thou�kht that if the Planniag Ce�leBion �araated to curb this tppe ,� � of.bu�ineas, it might take phuea, such a� a•eries of letters that this i� the ` .' last aeaaon. .. VI&iDTG C�V�Oi.�T: I4r. Sch�adai�s �akad if Vikiag �: a Oa�d C�r Licmnse. " Hi• uaderetanding of tbs reaeoa for-Lhe #se �a police prat�ction. fls asted ior a check to be ude to sea if othsr citisa havs a asw car lice�e. Aleo j�ak ysrds. .. • I�ETING: ,� ,• . Thm Plaanin� Ca�i�aion decided to aeet at 7:30 pxior.to tht ts�ulsr �tiags. 0 3. P�A�Y P1.�Pt ����AL. PBISE I-.(�cn�i.ni�) �Y` VI��1, INC. : Condo- minium portion of �e+:ral. �ltipla unit caa�Yaz on part of Outlot 8� Ia�bruci� I�ortb Addition bsia� tht 1500 �loch. - Mr. Dave Phillips ezplained that th��s vere nev pl,ans, the otiier pluu baing •. di�carded. Theq took off tha baaement aad relocated the.f�rnace. T'haxe Ku the posiibility of picting up �o�a additioail paz'icing. Be had Deen out relocatiag pastitta along atrests s� gsragaa areu. �ft�s tha traas htve beea pin pointad, �, ths�r ts��t be able to picic up same mor� �aricing stalla �sd aave tb• trees• 'Y'h� danterliae of th� rosd lars bQ�a ataksd. 2�ost oi the supple�eatsl ylatmins is av�s=rtms. The� ase n0ia� S�� herireen planting and bringing i� in. ^ ., `-� -1 � • . .M;. Schmedeke falt tha plan looted fia$ and vss auch �attQr that► the laat on� �rith more parkin� �nd no dead ead otreets. �t. Phi111p• sai! D� tloald apPraciata t�a llaanin� Cvsiaiision �pp�tcoval oi tb� ptaliainary plan !os l4sa�e I thi�a srhain� ior Couacil sctioa on Juae 5th aad tDs� vwld be bact to th� Planaing Commis�tion oa Juaa 2Lt. Thay �11 follo�r tha . - � . ., , 6 ( .. , � � CITY OF FRIDLEY • . s`� �� PI•ANN�NG COI�IISSION MEETING JUNE 7, 1972 �i1G$ i "' '�, � . _ _ _._____ - _ �.-__.. _.____ ._____ ��.______--.�-----__------ . - . _ ._ _-- ---CALL TO-ORDER: . ` ... — ---- ____ ___ _ _ -- ----- -- The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Cha�xin�A �ricksot�, •.• gAL� L ; . Members Present: Schmedeke, Fitzpatrick, Erickson, Zeg�.en, �tiish .. Members Absent: None OChexs P�esent: Darrel Clark, Engineering Assistant .. �PPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: MAY 17, 1972 J70TION by Schmedeke,.seconded by Minish, that the Planning Com�ss�or� m.znut�s of May 17, 1972 be approved. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the taotio�i carried " . ' unarumously. RECEIVE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMtTTE__E MINUTES: MAY 18, 1972 ...-,-- ^ plOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planninq Cornmission �eceive the minutes of the Building Standards-Design Control meeting of May 18, 197�. Upa� .. ' � Vo�c� vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � RECEIVE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOIeL*ffTTEE MI:�IIJTES : MAY 23, 1972 `� "__ ____,_____._.___1r1i0TION by Zeglen, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Building Standards-Design Control meeting of May 23, 197�, �por� � voice•YOte, a11 votinq aye, the rm tion carried u.�animously. � .. RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: MAY 23�_ 1972 1MDTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Co�r¢nissio� �e�eiYe t�e_ Fti7�t�tes of the Board of Appeals meetinq of May 23, 1972. Upon a voice Yote, ��1 votin9 aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES: MARCH 27, 1972 MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that the PZanning Commissiqn �e�eiye ^ �e mi�utes of the Parks & Recreation Commission meeting o� March 27, 1972. Upor� ca voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � ., RECEIVE PARKS & RECREATION COi�ff SSION MINUTES: APRIL 24, 1972 � ^ �,'� j ,� �. � --.� ... �►1QTION BY Fitzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Corrmtissiqn receiye tj=e �invtes of the Parks & Recreation Conmussion meeting of Apri1 ��#, 1� ��' U�A � ypj.�e vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. �- l. CONTINLrED• REZONIhG REQUEST, ZOA ��72-03, THE WAL�. CO?�POR�TIO� LY DEN:vIS� I��.DDET' �RIEDEL ESTATE : Rezone from R-1 to R-3 for townhouses and apart�Er►ts, Ppb�iC �=�a�ing closed. .... ' ..r � �� i, ._� ., l - -...------- ... � � . .., � _._ V � ^ � .. � °,� � � ..._;� - ... � .. � � _ � i � � � i ' Sanning Commission Meetin� - June 7, 1972 �� PaR� 2 I �w � i wo�iw.w .���w�. Present for the hearing were Fred Wall, Deanis l�adden, Richard 0. 9chW��tz� Nei7. �febber, I.ola Shoquest. __ Ghaj.�w�n Er�Ckson informed the audience that the publiC he�ring ha� b�er� clos�d, ��Tlae� �ommission had been asked for information oA the locatioi� o� the �tqTCp sewex and . �ssessments. - _: The Engineering Assistant discussed the map showing the a�ea ar�s� are�� W��}� the stprm sewer projects printed in different colors. Th� Ri�del arQa wa3 ass��ssd 3�� per 100 square feet but not for laterals. The atea to the East was ��se��es� ----�1.Q4 per �.00 square feet, 54� for the main and 46C £ox the �.ateral. �9 �howed ��e areas �o the South that drain into the Riedel property �nd have nat bee� asse�sed at al.l. 'Mr. Schmedeke said that this answers his question about the properti�s th�t had no manholes but were adjacent to the Riedel proper�y. . Mr. Clark explained further that the first 300 feet of 5th Stsee� c�ra�ns Sputh. �l� of_6tt� and 7th_Streets_basically run North and eventually into �he Rietlel p�operty. -- . Mr. Schmedeke asked the Wall people if they had, at any t�me, �o�s�de�ed Qn� h�g� ��se inste�d of two apartments. Mr. Richard Schwart� answered they did con- eider a high rise building and maintain a little more open space arcund it, bu� thaE was as far as they had gone. It would have some advantages ant� at �k�e ��ne t�me of�ered some disadvantages. They felt t�►ey did not want to do it at th�s �im�.- _, _ _. . - -- _ _ � _- Mr. Fred Wall_said that if the City felt they really wanted a�igh ���e �p��t- t9�i�t �:. they would be in favor. Tiieir experience has been that in thP beginni.t�g, ,�here is,a fair amount of support towards a high rise for the alderly, but tlz�s � ha� a way of breaking down when the problem comes up of just who is cons�de�ed �lderly and_what are the controls. -• -- ....�� ---_.___. _ _ __ _ �... ____- _ _ Mr. Zeglen said he read with some interest about high rise being bui�.t i� Edina.-- Any_number of people, including some that thought this would be a gqqa th�A�.�or the City, did not want to go in government funds. . Mr. Schwartz said that if there was interest in the co�unity, tha high r�se �q�Xd go to five or eight stories. One of the disadvantages is the rigid ��.gh �i8e �equirements. Mr. Wall added if there were great objections tq kui:��i�ng ��gn ��q �� Fridley, it then becomes a political thing to get thrpugh, I�ous�r�g �or tii� �gl�dexly_ cuts down the traffic, one car for.� every four units. The que�tiqn is hqw Co be sure the apartment would be for just the elderly. �'Ir. Minish said he cc>uld not see the benefit of replacing two st��y bu�.ldinga wlth � five or six story building. . c� _ M�'._ Wa�l said that the thinking now was th� townhouses wou�.d be buiit t`ir9L ��-there would be enough time later to submit an alternate plan. � ^ �; � �� r. �r„� , .,,, - - - Chairman Erickson said that the only way a community would have to cont�o� �ype of �hing would be a recoumiendation to approve the pxaject, . . .- � . � .. � . ��,� \ .., — � — .� . ... � .., t. ^ � � —� ..._ ... � ... � .... � — � � ^ .. �' `� 1 �. �; ^ . 6� �'ll PlanninS Commission Meetin� - June 7, 1972 P�e 3 I � ... . , MZ. Minish said that since the public heariag mee�it�p„ he tovk a lQqk �t � Gourt case i.nvplving a developer of apartment buildiags p� p;ppexty �CRed �aT "�i1A$le family dwellings where single family dwe111ngs cqµld riot be �4n�Ci'13¢��d pA aA �C4nomical basis. In tha't situation substantial construction cosG� would hav� b��t� involved to make the land buildable. The court ru�ed that becau�e thA sux�* _ZQu�d�ng property had been developed as single family dwellinga iA re�iaA�� ttl�!C t�1is property was zoned single family, the developer could Ao� }�ave z}�� pxop��ty r��at�ed. The �imilarity to the Riedel property is qu�.te stTik��g. �i� h�s Q��AiAi�, th� Wa11 proposal does not do justice to the suxrounding land owtie�cs. H4 �qut�d the p�pPpga� �ioG tq be acceptable. If townhouses could be compat�ble with suX;punding ����, he did not feel he would be adverse to seeing all townhouSes, �t1d to �ee �#Qw th� neighbors would react to high-rise and mid-rise. If Che apar�ment bt��ldir�g,s �1�1�£ deleted and mid-rise for the elderly were constructed, he wQu1d f�.nd iG Aa� p'��eCtionable providing the surrounding property owners wex'e in fa�vo�. The Chairman said if Mr. Minish were correct in his assumption� th�.s WP��d r�Quire aa9��►er public hearing. Mr. �itz�atrick said he did not follow Mr. Minish's azgumeats tha� ��a�d�gise W9k1d be mqre compatible with the surrounding area. Mr. Minish said this would give a greater amount of open space. He wou�d 8����ip�lly like to see the reaction of the people who live there. This �� a j.gx�e amount of open land, pretty much surrounded by deve�oped lar�c�t Mr. Clark pointed out that even if the land were rezoned to R^3, th� petitiane� W4�ld b� �equired to apply for a Special Use Permit for homes for the e�de��y. �ie Ze�d �he foilowing from the City Code pertaining to R-1 Distxicts; Page ��, S�4- t�ig� �►5.4�1, 3-F: "Aospitals, clinics, nursing homes, convalescant homes, k�ones �or the elderly": R-3 and R-3A, 45071, 3-G on Page 28: "Hospita}s, c�i�:ice, ��x�ing homes, convalescent homes, homes for the elderly". ��- Chairman Erickson said he did not think an apartment with elderly peo�le �.s agy ttifferent than apartments with young people. Mr. Schmedeke said he felt a little different about this request. K� �e�G �he p���,G�oners have a nice project. The apartments are setback in an attempt �.o hiS�� them. He reminded the Commissioners that in 1956 this land was zcned �p�mer� Gj,�� and could easily have been a conglemerate development of coffinercial. Beir�g ��g ���p�ds were lost, he did not know who decided this was g�l. '�i�ere are fop� �p�t�es on 63rd Avenue whose side yards would face the project. He thought the GQ�un�ssion would have to commend the Wall Corp. for coming up witt� a pret�y �g�� d�$��rted plan. They are not to blame for the storm sewer. We now know that soy-;e �gQp�e were not assessed and their water runs into the Riedel prope��y. Some p�¢�j.� p1a� never have to pay. In his opiniotl it is a good project, and �� �hough� he WOUId be it� f avor of the rezoning. Mr. ���le� said his sentiments were the same. Basically the apartments being �p t�� back of Sth Street where there is no residential and tow�houses ��purtd �he p�x�.tpeter, will hide this development and will be a nice deve],p�me�� ;aci;,g Gi��► }j��1. He was in favor of the apartments. • j'��'. Minish commented that the Trezona property on the Northw��� cqzizEx pf M��SisslpPi and Sth Streets is zoned R-1. Mr. Fitzpatrick said th� C���ssiv� ha� �'u� �RtO di��iculty trying to rezone with tiwo separate. owners. . � , '-' �..r Ylannin Commission Meetin + " " � 0 • - June 7 1972 � (�, Pa s 4 ,.�-' d10TION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Plannin �Co mend to Council approval of the Rezoning Request, ZDA �J7?-q,3, by th� wa1��Cp�cq �r � �.iOA to z�ezone from R-1 (single family dwellings) to R-3 � � __ __. . _ f9eneral mt�1 �i 1e dw�llings) for townhouses and apartments on the �ast Na1f of the �'��� ya�� Q�r �e � $PNthwest � Dudrter of Section 14 except that part platted as Uplana 1�� �dd�fi�p� ---� --etnd Upland 2nd Addition and except that p�art sold to Trezona, with the s�.�,���a��Q� ths3 t the densi ty per uni t not to exceed the densi ty as s�iown on the �1art r1��ked Exhibit A, dated June 7, 197?, and that the 4ror3n�ct f,rom the present outfall location t�he existin��s ohav� tp agFe� �Q arive, ana subject to the bovndary survey to show that the ac a�eW�x a� �enn�tt a� the proposal. v a�'�a i� �he saTtte pon a voice vote, Schmedeke, Erickson, Zeglen, F�t�,���,��j� vpt.iAg aye, Minish voting nay, the motion carried. . �r � �� �.. >� ,'. / Ir`�� � Mr. $�hmedeke did not think he would recom�end a fence for Ghe pond �s �t �i$h� be unsightly and the fact that Rice Creek is not �enced. �• ODNTINTJ�D: REZONING RE UEST ZOA �72-05 EZNER "TED" DORSTAD: Lot 39, Revised Auditor's Subdi.vision ��77 except part to Greeriwood, Parcel, l�,5640. To rezone from R-1 to R-3 (general multiple family d*�ellin s fo a complex. g ) � pa�tmeAz Publi� Hearing Closed. Mr. and Mrs. Einer porstad were present. l70TION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the PubZi� H�a�ing of �i�, RQ�o�ng Request, ZOA 1#72-05, by Einer "Ted" Lbrstad be reo ned. U VOte� aI1 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously, � �� � �Q��e , Mr.�borstad explained that they wished to change the rezoning request a^r Work under the R-1 and R-2. They were now asking for double bungalows along FaSt ltiver Road with a six foot privacy fence along East River Road. T�ere wi�]� � a 8�i'��t in front of the d o u b l e b u n g a l o w s. T h e lo ts to � he South wi � Ori Talmadge Way. There will be two lots exiting on Talmadge Lane on theeWes��a���n ProB�rty �Qr the double bungalows would be 150 feet deep along East Rivez �oacj. �� Chairman Erickson asked how essential it would be from the City�s gta�d oint �9� Osborne Road to cross East River Road. � Ftr• Clark answered that if a median was installed on l�t the exits. He did not believe there would be an opening o ViSth4Way ox wQ��� T��,madge Way, but the logical one would be Osborne Road. To have a�o�d qvg� th� S�. Pau1 Watenaorks Easement would be too castl 4�t� on East River Road, but it is indefinite whenAtheustudyswillnbeade og �h� ef�eCC• Put �n�q The people present were asked what they thought of the �Xplanation of the routea the people would take to get onto East�River Roaci� �� a$�eed to the double bungalows on East River Road and the rest of he t�eY plat�ed. The zoning will remain the same. � �and b�in$, , G � � , � : ,� REGULAR COiJjdCIL MEETING OF JUNE 19, 1972 : � PAGE 7 � . � The Gity Engineer reported that the Planning Commission recottanended denXal, _ _ _-- , however the applicant has the right to request a public hearing before the Council if desired and she is making that request. `�1 MOTION by Councilman Mittelstaflt to set the public hearing for July 17, 1972 to consider the request for a special use perm.it for Mrs. Robert Ness. Seconded , by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the tnotion car�ied unanimously. _,� ; � . RECENING THE MINj7TES OF THE PLANIVING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 7, 1972: REZONING REQUEST ZOA #72-03, THE WALL CORPORATION BY DENNIS MADDEN (RIEDEL ESTATE). Rezone from R 1 to R-3 for townhouses and apartments. The City Engineer reported that the Planning Commission recommended appxoval. Mayor �iebl said he would like to look at th� plans, and the City Engineer braught them fonvard to the Council table. He said along 7th Street and Mississippi Street, they have provided townhouses as a buffer with the apar�, ments on the 5th Street side facing City Hall. The apartments would be 2� stories high and are situated on the lower elevations. Mayor Liebl asked hqw many units would be facing 7th Street and Mississippi and the City Eng�.ne�z' xeplied 63� with 105 apartments along 5th Street. MO'�'ION by Councilman Mittelstadt to set the public hearing for July 17, 19%2 �p hear the rezoning request by the Wall Corporation. Seconded by Counci.lman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motip� cax'�ie� unanimously. �'he City Engineer reported the second item (rezoning request ZOA #72-p5 by Einer porstad} is still pending before the Planning Commission. REZONING REQUEST ZOA #72-06, BY WESTERN STORES• To rezone from C�1 (local business areas) to C-2 (general business areas) Lot 1, B1qG� 1� Commerce Park. SPECIAL USE PERMIT SP #72�02 BY WESTERN STORES: To continue a sery�,ge' station and permit the addition of sales and display of garden and 1aw� �upplies per Code Section 45.101, Section B, 3-E, to be located q� �,q� 1, ��.ock 1, Commerce Park. �, , ��ION by Councilman Breider to set the public hearing for the Western Store� ;. �'eque�ts �'qr July 17, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a X47.C6� VPte, �11 ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � _--� . _.__ ,, YACATION REOUEST SAV #72-0�, BURLINGTON NORTF�RN, INC To vacate �.) �lst Avenus between Lot 6, Block 2 and �/W.line of railroad,2) Al�ex in �lock 4. �3j Unnamed street between Blocks 3& 4. 4) Unnamed ���gt �etween Blocks 4 & 5. r'K?�IQ�T by Councilman Mittelstadt to set the public hearinq date for Ju1y 17, ��72 �or the vacations requested by Burlington Northern, Inc. Seconded j�y CQwncil� Breider. qpon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared #�,g Aq��,At? c�x'r�,�d unanimously, �. . . E' , . � � �� J�- . :�' , THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING ��SEETING UF JULY 17, 1972 `` : i • + The Special Public Heariny .-teEting of the Fridley City Council was conver�ed dt 7:30 P.r1. , July 17, 1972. - --- - _ _ _ _ _ _ -- _---- - - ._ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ __ __ _ __ . _ _ . _ _ _ __ _ -- PLEDGE OF ALY,EGIANCE: Mayor Liebl led the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL : . MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBEKS Ai3SENT : ADOPTION O�' AGEND�: Breider, Liebl, Utter, Mittelstadt None • Mayor Liebl said there were two items to add to the Agenda: Ur.der Old Business, A Resolution Authorizing �he Sale of Certain Surplus Property, and under New Business, Receiving the Minutes of the Building Standards - Design Control Subcommittee Meeting of July 13, 1972. �, MOTION by Councilma�� Mittelstadt to adopt the Agenda as amended. Seconded by Council.ntan Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, rlayor Liebl declared tne motion carried unanimously. , PUBLIC HEARING ON A REZONING REQUEST BY THE WALL CORFORATION, BY D£1JNIS MA.D�EN 2AA #72-03 Tt� REZ023E FRONl R-1 T3 R-3 THE AREA GE?sERALLY I1pCATED ON 5TH STFEET TO 7TH STREET 'r'RQM 2dISSISSIPPI S�FcEET TQ 63FtD AVEi�;'[?E N,g, ; Mayor Liebl read the public hearing notice aloud an� the City. Engineer showed th� 1, location of the request on the overhead projector. Mayor Liebl asked the wall Corporation if they would like to make their presentatio:� before the comments ; are heard from the audience. i �� �/,�� Mr: Richard Schwartz, Architect for the Wall Corporation, showed a plot plan � on the easel and pointed out the location c= the townhouses along 7th Street � i� and the apartments which would be along Sth S�reet. There are 63 townhouses ; on the east and north sides and i05 m�ltiple units in t�ao buildings on t.�:e west , side of the site. Access for the townhouse portion is from three entrances o�f 7th Street, with their own vehicular traffic pattern within their project fot their interr.al flow of traffic. :he access for the multiple portion of ` the project is from the 5th Street side, one at the south end, one at 64th Avenue and or,e at the entranc� to City Hall parking lot. The densit __�,.._„f o r the � �i multiple portion is l�, and for the townhouse area, b�.�?. The townhouses wi11 be 2 � 3 bedroom homzs and will be owner occupied. There is a play area ir�cluded in the plan for the townhouse portion of the project. There are !' garking spaces for 318 cars, same of that being garaaes. At the south end of ,�,�' the site there is a ponding area provided for the sto� water that would flc�a Onto the site. This would be a permarient pond and would have a cock base, The Fond itself is based on a five year flood frequca�y, wit:i a fift- y year frequer�cx pzuvidea for. He then showed the 50 ��ear �requency line and said that W�ulq robably be �rass. , � I � � � v. `, . s � _ �SPECIAL PUBLIC HF.ARING MEETI:IG OF JULY 17, 1�:.• �� � ?AGE 1 --� � �f � . `� M�'. Schwartz continued t:; �noka County Lii�ra �. •oox'rler of this parcel of l:3nd, and if the �' is interested in the noxthwest ,;1�� y purcha ,e tt.at to build a new � � �y, they have been discussing with the Wall Corporation the possib�litv . of acquiring a small additional portion of land to add to the parcel already for Shce. The maltiple and townhouse areas will be buffered F:ith a 4- 5 foot i,er�n - with landscaping and tree plantinys. They plan a heavy berm along the southern ` j�oundary, and as much as , �ort:�ern end will be retainediblHeosaidethelsitegneedsrsomeefillingninnthee ntlddle portion. He then showed an image sketch of what it is anticipated the buildings would look like. He said the materials used would be wood, brick and d small amount of stucco added to the townhouses to give them life and to • int�ividualize the units. . c Mr. Fred Wall said they have worked through the Planning Commission meetings, �d �ow they are in hopes their plans will be accepted by the community, He said •� he was vezy proud of the work Mr. Schwartz has done for him, and said he believes him to be an excellent architect. The town'riouses would be in the $_30,00�� � $35,000 bracket, and the apartments would range fron $1�0 to $250 a month for xent. � ---- ; _ , . , Mayor Liebl said he was pleased with this presentation. The last time the Wall Corporation appeared before the Cou.�cil, their plans were for a complete dpartment complex. The people living on the east side of 7th Street did not • Want that type of development. What he has seen tonight, he said would be °> acceptable to the Chair because tne developer did recognize the wishes of the .>� people in the,abutting area. He thought the way the traffic patterns were worked out to provide for the internal traffic within the townhouse project would greatly diminish the traffic � of this site there is already commePcoaleaidnCity Ha11.�t.MayortLieblsaskede in , regard to Building #1 if it would be appropriate to build the building to � provide for the needs of senior citizens. Mr. Schwartz said � � lnclude some com-nunity facilities, and some special constru yes,__they wi11 accommodate the senior citizens and the handica ction features to ' --------- ---- - PPed. , , _____ � -. --_ ___ �Mayor Liebl asked how many units there would be in Building #1. Mr. Schwartz xepli.ed 40 to S0 units. t-tayor Liebl asked what ' �� ---- - �` is their everall investmen�-; ---_._ i including the land. Mr. Y7aa1 replied about 3� million dollars. Mayor Liebl asked if the Wall Corporation would be willing to assume their full share of their assessments and Mr. Wall replied y�:s. � Gouncilman Mittelstadt asked what type of liyhting the• ` Said the � Plan•• Mr. Schwartz �,__ y prefer to light the development from poles 8- 10 feet hi gh and ' dimed toward the ground. This gives a better spr�ad of light for security � purposes. They hope to develop a path system through the development which would be lighted, in addition to the parking iots, Councilman Mittelstadt asked if they would be aimed in such a way they �:o�ld not interfere with the neig�orhood. Mr. Schwartz said he did not beiieve �hey would interfere, ' they would be ai_med_toward the round.---There would also bP the front door - — -- _ g - - --- -- - — --- - krghts�on the townhouses. " f, _ ._`. -- � Counci.lman MittelstadL asked if they met the densit and \ �♦ Y parkin re� I �or an R-3 district. :he City Engineer re lied g ,uizements 7�n dddition, if one buildin : F yes, the d�nsity is low enough, g s conf.ined to *he eld�riy and handic�pped, ttl�ze WQU}d be some parking in reserve. Councilr.:an Mitte.lstact sai.d he felt should be a st �- + h-- op light a.. „he corner of �. t eze 7tti Str��t and t,�ssissippi. The Ci±y I �nqineer explained this is not controlled by ttie ^ity, there has to be certai� � CXiteria met before a signal is considered, aau this corner will not m�et tha� � criteria. `• J , f ' � � � SPECIAL P:BLIG HEAI2ING MEETING OF JULY 17, 1972 �_� . � ; `74 PAG� 3 , ', ��yo� Liebl said that once this project is developed, it would be mandatory 'to put in some signalization. Seventh Street is a State Aid Street, and tj� '.��: .,._ ___�geople feel that at certain times of the da y, it is practically impossib�e A . to ipa)te � left turn to tne west� It is the duty of the City Council and is ____.._.___,t�eCessary to guarantee the safety of the people living in this project and �hqse living there already. He asked if they have agreed they would coo er wi'th the Library Board if they wish �o make a small p��e L � W��I Coz purchase of land from tl�� �poration. He said a new library would be a contribution to the City of Fridley. Mr, Fred Wall said �es,__they too, would like to have the ---___ _- -- bzaxy Zocated there. Mayor Liebl said it seemed it would enhance their ' Prs��erty also, especially with the elderly and handica #l. Fje said that since this site is in the heart of theeCiteople in Buildir}c� recommend this project as being a benefit to Fridle y� he would � of the project is single family residences and 1/3 is mult plea tMrt Wall s�j.d he has always felt this was an ideaZ location. The density__has_been greatl�r z-------------- -- - - _ _-- � . . �'e uced, it_is actually a residential subdivisic>n. Mayor Liebl said that � When they do the landscaping on 63rd, he would like to see a good screening �ob With a lot of trees. Mr. Wall said that should be a ood o tunit to develo a buffer there�is lents� g PPor- y p '_ P � of lann to work with. --- - - , _ __ _ ___ _ _ .._ _. �1Kayoz Liebl asked how the tax picture would look with t investme t. Mr, � his 3 million dolla� ----��..- � Lee Hoffman Wall Corporation, replied that in 1969 the Ci�� of Fridley and School District #I4 did a land use and tax survey; of course � taaces have - a gone up since then. The survey indicated the amount of taxes frqm ; � this type of development would be $8,354 per acre. Of this tn - � . . . _ _ � _ _ � �Fhool _wou ��; ` pt�Iize 68.1� with .25 students -- - - - _�,4�__ - _ P�r-uni.t,_as compared to 1.87 from a single �dm�ly unit: -The "survey showed a$5000 per acre tax_advantage-to=�the Schoo�--._____ � Dis�zict when_�compared _to_�s�,xigle_fam; j�Y r�sidences.__- Cot�cilman'Breider asked how much of a reduction in density this plan is ov�� }c.� t�e last plan they submitted. Mx. Schwartz said the re � bu�.�,di�gs o� 60 units each for a total of 24 � dwelling_units., this Planf �as_four --- 16$ dwellin - g units. ---- Counci.�man Breider asked for a description of how they plari on maintainin J?ond. Mr. Schwartz went to the e a s e l a n d s a i d t h e r e were tw 9�he �eryels, one for the five yeax frequency and one for the fift� different They do not have exact figures on what the capacity is from a normal heavyC��. rcz3.n, but they want to be able to have enough capacity to ha.�dle a fairly heaV�►�rainfall. This pond •�ill be lined with stone, and the water will go �rom there, north to a fountain in the courtyard. The water would be movi�c� and �ld be kept fresh by the �;ovement and the bubbling in the fountain. TherQ would also be an overflcw pipe to the line in Bennett Drive. He showed th� `� . 50 ear fre y Y quenc line on the plot plan and said this area is actually depressed. This area would 1-�ld the wat�r long enouqh until the stor.n sewor could take it into Rice Creek. This would be green a.r.ea, and could be a m�nage- � A�►ent problem. After the greens are temporarily flooded, the debris stc, wpul� have to be cleaned up. The pond itself would be 2� 3� ( bOttom, and would not be fenced. g �ee� �eep with a slppinq ,� tk�en moving it back down, it is takinp aping �e Water up to the fountain, ~~�a�'nenity. Mayor Liebl said he has seen this�done indsome�ofgthe newer dev et►ts and it is ve ni �lo � , x'y ce. He asked if there would be ar,Y utility lines overp head. Mr. Schwartz replied no, there would be all undergrounct facili.ties. �._ . . �, � SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARI�ntG MEETING OF JULY 17, 19i4 PAGE 5 . .�� � ; . , ,. ` , � "'�� it just is not practical to expect that it will stay the way it is now, forever. There have been many plans tried for the development of that land. -- _ �Seventh Street is a State Aid street, and he realized a lot of people use it, � but if there is a speeding problem,he urged that the people call so the _ _._------ __ _ - � pa�roiling can be increased: When East River Road and Main Street were patrolled heavily, a lot of our Fridley people got caught and some lost their L license. . . � Mr. Ekstrand said that with the addition of this many more people, the traffic would have to get worse. He asked Councilman Utter how he felt about this proposal. Councilman Utter said that as far as rezoning for apartment buildings goes, he would be against it. In this particular case, there are some other considerations. There is a lawsuit against the City of Fridley con- cerning this parcel of land. TYie developers.have agreed to put in townhouses, which he feels would be the best thing. He said he is not in favor of apa-rt- ments, but they have also agreed to develop one of the buildings for senior citizens. This would be an ideal location for this; Holly, Red Owl, City Hall and the proposed library are all very near. He said he has ��oted against apartment buildings, but he felt_ this townhouse concrpt would really be a good thing for Fridley. � Mayor Liebl said this is the third time this has been before the Cotuicil. The � first plan was for 400 units. He said he was opposed to the large amount of '1'e� units witY, three bedrooms. This plan has a large number of one bedroom units, - so it should �ot be a burden on the school district. � Mr. Ekstrand said he thought�it sh.ould be a single dwelling area, because it sits:in the middle of a single dwelling area. He said he has lived in apart- usents, in a duplex, and now he has bought his home, which had R-1 zoning across the street. The City Attorney commenteci that townhouses are allowed in any re�idential zoning, with the density differing depending on which category Y.hey are in and whether they are owner occupied or not. Mayor Liebl said the main reason this land has not been developed as single family �residences a long time ago is because of the cost of the storm sewer assessnaent. There would have to be a$9,000 to $10,000 assessment on a residential lot and that does not make building a residential subdivision with single family homes feasible. He thought after the project was done, the people living on 7ti-1 Street would be pleased with it and will find that t�.eir property would not be d�valued. Councilman Utter added that if it were to be built up with single family homes, this would mean that the stonm sewer system the people have been fighting would have to be put in right away and the peop.le that have not yet been assessed would receive an assessment. He po�nted out that the apartments are actually a block away from the people on 7th Street. Mr. Ekstrand said that he wanted the Council to know that the people in this area do not want this project, and if they were to r; aroun3 and ask them, they would not re;.�ive a}�es vote. He asked, if all �he people do nnt want it, would the Council turn it down? Mayor Liebl said tnat the Council r.►ust make a judgmenc, taking all the factors into consideration. Th.is proposal is much different than the ones the residents have seen previously. Councilman Mittelstadt pointed out that there has been seme confusi�n as to the ; zoning on this land in the years before Fridley beca�e a City. The R-3 zoning being proposed would not be as objectionable as som.e commercial zoning might be. �— � . c � � .► -� 4 SPECIAL PUBLIC HEAI�ING MEETING OF JULY ;7, 1972 _ `76 PAGE 6 ' � r '�^ • Mr. Arvil F. Miller, 525 Bennett Drive .1.E., said that he moved to Fridley in '1957 and then this property was zoned R-1. He said he objected to this project and that he wanted single family homes in this area. As to the senior citizen "�. building, he said as this is not subsidized, the majority of elderly people --_� __.__could not afford it. _ _ J � .., � Y � � �(� Mr. Walter Peterson asked if there would be a townriouse association, and if T they would be responsible for taking care of the property. `bir. Wall said yes, � generally this is taken care of by the people owning the houses.'� This would be �riva�e-Iy-owned property. He said the Wall Co�ration is in the manage- — ----- -- _ - `"��t-bnsines�-s��lTezJrou� inay �equest_ them to _take_over_ the management, but most associations prefer to take care o-f their awn operations themselves. -=Eouncilman Utter asked Mr. Peterson how he felt about the �ownhouses. Mr. Peterson replied he is now tzying to mov,e out of the area. The City Attorney again�told the residents that these townhouses could be built whether the land � was rezoned or not. Mayor Liebl pointed out rhe towr.house project on the w�y to Apache on the east side of Silver Lake Road, and asked if Mr. Peterson did not feel they looked nice. Mr. Peterson said iie iiac3 nothing against townhouses, but he was opposed td the apartments. He added as an afterth�ugh�, that he agreed with Mayor Liebl - Fridley has a fine Polic� Department. Mr. Donald Miller, 6271 5th Street N.E., said that most of the traffic p'roblem would be on 5th Street rather than 7th Street. This is where the exits are for the apartment houses and these people would have to go past his house to get to University Avenue. He asked if 5th Street was put through, would he be assessed? The City Engineer said if the road is improved and he has already been assessed, he would not be assessed aga.sn. Mr. Don tdiller said that a stop light was mentioned for 7th Street, but wh�t about the intersection of 5tY� Street and Mississippi? Shouldn't something be done there? Mayor Liebl said that Mississippi is a County Road ar,d is not under the jurisdic'tion of Fridley. He said he felt a semaphore at 7th Street and Mississippi would be needed, but not at�both locations. Mr. Miller said that he did not think the storm sewer from Bennett Drive to Rice Creek was big e�ough to hartdle the n�eds of the residents that had. paid :�or it, plus this new develo�xnen't. The City Engii�eer explained that this area wbuld be used as a holding area, tne rain water would sit in the gond and would be let out slowly so that it could a11 Y,e accor,unodated. Councilman Utter said that he has looked these plans over and, although he knew the people were not happy about it, this property has to be devela�ed in sflme ' way and he thought this was probably the best use for the land, and that town- " houses would be the answer. � � � � MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to close the publ3c hearing. Seconded by , Councilman Breider. Tlpon a voice vote, all ayes, r:ayoz Liebl decl.ared the � motion carried nnanimously and the hearing closed at 8:55 P.M. { ' r,. � _. � �� l ,' , i PUBLIC I-i°ARING ON A REZOIvZNG REQ(IEST BY H*ESTF.R'V STORES, L.J. NDUG ZOA #`72—fl6 �O REZONE FRUt•I C-1 TO C-2 ^1Fir1T aFtF.A GEi?ERisi.LY LGC�a'i'i>D AT 7bi0 Uc1IV:::itSIiY AV.�.'i+�7E tiE: Mayor Liebl read the public hearing natice �l.aud and the City F;►gineer. showed the location on the overh�ad projector, and explained *_her4. is an ex:isting Weatern Stati�n at this locntion and they r;��u?� like to rezone so they wiil fall within the proper zoning category. Ti;ey are naw,operating under a nor.- conforming use. The second r.e�uest is for a garden a.ncl lawn display center. i c ;... . ' .. � 0 R�GU7rAA GOUNCII. ME:ETING OF JULY 24 � i972 ...� ' _ . BAG� 4 _. � �aYQ7" �.l' ebl asked the Cit En ��e�u a Y gineer if it would be possible to�hel wi pi t least of the lo3s and trees in the creek? The City Engineer ��Q r�plied t�at the City cvuld do a certain amount of the work either b — ��'4�S�nj Cl�y personnel. The Acting City t�ianager said he would lookyint���aG� _ _ _ __-- . �� n!aY �� Chat some of the Park personnel could be used. Q�'�� � �'� �p�? $chroer suggested the National Guard does have a rou dVdilat?�e to do some work free of charge. The Cit En zneer saidatesQuhe �� s�1SQ c4Atacted the Army Reserve unit in New Briqnt n and they indicate tte�� � �� be W��ling to help Fridley. d i y ti�'S, Martin said thank you to the Council for coning out and looking at tne�.r F�p�7�em �nd g�vic;g them t�-.e tine tonight at the Council Meeting. � .., � r, � � OF.DINANCE �517 - AD7 O.RDINAIVCE ANi�NDING SE T AR:�;�► AidD Li;T WIDTg 1 ,,_, .� �, CT�ON -^-5.1Q3, RELATING TO Tii��,' I,pT �i LIF:F'".r.2�P� FUR C-1, C-1S, C_� . — . C-iS: ---------_ M�T�ON by Councilman Mittelstadt to adopt Ordinuace t;517 on second xeading, Waiye the reading and publish. Seconded by Cour•ci).n�n Breider. Upon � Xe21 Call. YQ�e, t.ittelstadt, Breider, Liebl and Uti=er voting aye, Mayor Liebl �ie�I�e� t�� �notion carried unanimously. FIRST REr;DING OF A REZONING QRDIp�E;NCE FOR TH� TQ RE2,OTiE FROM R-1 Tn R-3 Ti_i:T � WALL C�F�I'ORATInN, ZOA �r72.-03, r5. TREET k'RUM t4ISSISSIPPI Z'G 63i2i7pAL'EJ�Gi:.1;E:I�:LLY LG�.A�i'r::� �r*d :'t'?; �TRI;ET TO 7`!':i E. !'1a�o� �,iebl said that the Council has looked at a rezoning'for this parcel 3 fi 9 t�.mes, In looking over this proposal very carefull- he sai ��C4Aunen�l a�option ot the projec:t. They have laid out thY� � hP WPU�a �A�er�all� to eliminate problems on 7th Street and t.�,ey have provide�Pattex�s $Q�-u��.o� tQ ti�e storni water prohlem. CQUr�Ci�man Breider saici he n�ticed Mrs. Barb Hughes in the audience q.�d �Sked h��' hQW close the Library Board is to settling on t'tie site on the cozner Q� ��} $tx'�et and Mississippi? Mrs. Hughes said that the rec�•cimenaaiion has bee�} m�d� �Q th� County Board that this is tiie preferred site and they haye also OQ�y�Xed the indication that Wall Corp. will be willing to add a small Q� �heir land to the site. Councilma:� Breider s�id that if there Portzor� �h,��� }r} the boundary lines of the land + is a smal�. ...hen the legal descziptior. ir� the Q�'�1nan;Ge would have to be changed. Mrs. Hugnes said that they F�ould prefer to bu�ld or} that corner, and her expectation is a favorable action by the �q�xc�, �otuicxlmar2 Breider said that tlis greatest fear iii thi.s t� �s�x�@ �ar�el of land is tha�. a develo er cor,es b��� �Pe of a rezoni.nq #q� � S74AG� � the land i.s rezon� F � e the Co;uicil, przser�ts his �► d, in this case i t wou�ci ��•e to R-3 . 'I'hen the 4�eY��.4Pex �omes �;ack b"f01'G the Counci? with a chan�;a in plans an3 tells the CQUi1S:i� �hat «is plans just w�re ZlOt ECO�sj,pi�„�� • F�,r k....�._�.,�s_ible for sor;e reasory, �� t�le� �as 4he land rezoned to R-3 azd h3s tn� r; �* g:. � to build arart�;7enL-s anc� ��� Cquricil could not stop him, even though that was not �•rnat was nropose� Q�'}c��r,d�ly� i�is suggestion would be tnat if th� Council were to consider the ���Qi'�T�� �rc�:.r�tnce for u-3 zoning, then ii at was aU rocJe t�ta'� �he 4our.cil retain the option ta 'remove t:.iiat g a`'t f� rst re�3dlrig, t�a� coyers the townhouses, Lhe�eby ma;:ing t.iiem rem�ir.lI'cr1l�f�r�ttheesecGnd �'�y�ir}g� BetweEn the first al�d seconci readin��, Uiere could be more spec�f.iC %� ' i i 0 � ,... . , . , � � i- ��I�AR COVNCIL MEE'�'ING OF .I(7LY 24, 1972 � � '�.. ; � "` ._ � � � — r t"� ��J - �� PAG� 5 ' F��?�i�n$ $one and the agreement could be drawn up between the a �� Glty fOx the mutual protection of the City and the neighborhoodCa�� �d ���/// . �__,%`�t �'xed Wc��.� said that he could understand the Council's � =---- _ . . �ancerA and "— -- he has h�s�x'd suci� sent3ments voiced in other communities als�. He said if tnis �AP�'Qach xs �referable to the City and an agreement can be reached whereb �#���,r 8��� Ca?l st��l be implemented, that is all they are asking. He said he Wou1d a���_�4_�Yo�,d an� delays and that even a week or two is ve � ���?� s�sk�d t�r� Wall if he is still willing to live up to hatrhelca�.� -aygx �n�ludinq �he apartment house for the seniur citizens, the internalatraf�ic$e�� �����zA� c'�d t�e promise to cooperate with the Library Board. He di not �h�nn1 to.come back in three months and tell the Council that their d W�� �'��n� W��'e ' origiz�al �ust not econonically feasible. rir. Wall_ saici_ e$ ��4 �� - -- , -�---��...�.... � Y , he �apuld ,. �-A Wz��i�q, ��ey would like to have the Library locate ori ti-ie cornex� tpQ, - _- �e �??�_����' d�d not have speczfic plans as yet, but the _ _ --- - - _ ��iuildings_ where they are situated on tfie -sketc�i. Heysaid rightnnoW�th��� _ __ ._ _ �� s� gA9d market for tocanhouses, and they would like £o build them firs� &s��.4� �3}�y are willing, to agree to restrictions based on their concept. � �� __ __.----- ---------_ __ ---. _ _�_ _ _ _ _ _ __. ____ __ _ . _ _ _ _ 4!?nCilnan �Iittelstadt asked if Buildings #1 and �2 will be retained b� the '�''� W�II Cor�oration. k1r. Wall replied that they syndicate them, then the Wal�, 60z'�aol'atlon becomes general partners. Councilman 'riittelstadt said that was 4AQ Q� h�.s concerns. There are buildings owned in the City by an indiy�dua� �����' �ai1 � company, so that person does not have ar.y financial }�.eJ ���� tha� � tir�es out of 10, the buildiny and grounds are allowed ��� �� �� �QU9hG if the buildings�are maintained by a syndicated �� �� �o�� wQtil� receive better upkeep. __ P�tnershi�, ��E�, ' � Mayor %ieb� asked if the townhouse portion was removed from the ord2n � � x+��onxnq �o R-3, would this still be acceptable? Mr. Wall said if �t d.id �-«g� �h��e theix project as conceived,it would not matter, it would on�y be a ��'�er�p� �p�, Z�' the ordinance was read the first tirn? tor�ight,that Woul ��Y� th�m twq weeks to work out the specifics of their proposa�, an c n�� � " u�d�rstan�ling on the agreement. _ d 4 �G SQ� t} q ��$ �����?9 Ci�y Manager asked the City Attorney if the suggestion that was • Ws�� lec�al; to pass th e ordinance for rezoning on th� whole arcel on he maa� �'€�4j���� with the Council retainin the P � ����� Qr �.� �h�xe were an g aPtion ta delete the tow�nhou�e poz�..�q�, y probler�s with this. The City Attorney said it cqµ�.c� �q �p�� • �!� W�+�'� �royiding the record clearly shows that the Council res�rved th� �'��n� to Withdraw the townhouse portion for the'second readin $z�idez Said t�at then in the �r,eantime, the stipulations could.b.=.��orkedmout � �?QtWee y P � r1 �he �it and the develo er. Mr. F7a11 said that the exaGt line betweer� �h� tQta�ho�se portion and the apartments is not known at-this ti�e ._ - -- - --- ��V� �Y�e - -- p • qeneral aonce t iaid out.-- - t�ha� or}1� ` I�'j �reif Henriksen, 495 Mississi eo le have been sold dawn theldraine� Five�years Gotalbuilding wasth�97.eq� �� � � '��j �� �lu���x� �ow it is called a townhouse, but it is the same thzr.c � r �,. ���a�� 3- I.e aa�d „�i� time tc, be considering such a plan l�ecause at least 1; 3 of t,�a �Y���.� ��£@���d are o� vacation and cannot come and speak against it. t•iayox �,�e�,� saic� �ha� there have been public hearings before the Plannin � � p�sQ th� CQt�t�c�.l. He said h�, as a responsible :3ayor, Zo;,keci at.'thislpro�� �4?�1 ���� j�a� been compr.omised from 400 units do;m to what it is � . I��.l � an� ��� �- 0 c : � , �: _ � ___ �. � ..., � '� ._ � � '�U�.GD�NCTL MEETING OF JULY 24, 1972 s . . pAG� S �flught ��}dt �'lE people could live with it and it s}iould be ac �$�d he told people when he campaigned, he would not allow apartments�alo�� St��et s"u14� h� is not. This amounts to a ve ng ?th _ �q�e that wh�en it was completed the neighbors wiil bet2al compromise and he was �� �4�'3��1 does not act favora.i�ly on this, the other alte nativt� H4 said i.� �x��n��y�. e is ve�'1' • M�'� Jerome Klees, 502 66th Avenue N.E.,•asked what was the other alterna�.�Ve �hat was So expensive. He said he has not been followinq thi.s pro os ���%����'• Mayor l,iebl explained again that if this is not rezoned,P �1 �oQ ��Y� �4 bQ d yer� expensive stOrm sewer � r� Would S�9P��'tY 9wners, The cost of the storm sewerndoes not �akenitlfeasib�e tp� d�Ye�.p� t�e Riedel property into single family residential lots. WQI��c� have about $15,000 in assessment costs before Each �ot �'. Klees said that for his lot Ypu co�ald start buildi.nq, � n�W StX�e� ��e assessment cost was about $6,0�0 S c;nd sewer and he could not see how each lot in the Riedel p�rp�Wa���� ��ztY �Qu�d cost $9,000 more. He said he also wa.nted to �ooint out that As��� �'x�d.�ey�s taxes have not been exceptionally reasonable. Fridle wasn ��� $��Q?�� hiqhest, next to Forest Lake. In St. �' ��� :�� �3��n ��es in Fridley has not �� �thony the lots are very ex�ensiVe. ��X��S �J� �his point? He said he �e�,,, �y mass exodus, so why the sud4�e� �1�� �� �lked the neighborhood and bought�nuyhowe nMayorLiebl�saidethateMr�ere, Kj�ee$ s}}o�t�cj haye come to the meetings before the Planning Commission. Their A���G �e���ngs have been opened and closed ar:d the Council public hear' �?��� QP�nec� arid is now closed, so this has alread been discussed ve 1ng has �'�� ��t�t �nc�ineer cor,imented that he has not worked out the �specific os�s��xt �iPW�Y�r� �,�� area does have additional soil " ��Y��Q�mer�t much higner than nornial. This ispwhylthe landnhashnot been� S��Y��4pesi before now. There is also the additional �� ��Yox mentioned. Mr. Klees asked how many sites�woul bela ailat���n��T e ���� ��193��ee� replied 53 lots if the land was developed xesidential� � �OWi�i.�marl Utter explained to Mr. Klees that the stor.n sewer district woul ��t��t� �xom 6�st to Rice Creek and is actuall d s�� p�ople yer� much against the storm sewer }�ein1tdevelored,d1NOW��t* ��e�.� GQ�'po�a��.on is willing to come in ar, y p ��he Wall ��9m► s�Wer system which will not hav?a��eleffect�onithe ��� put �n their oy,,� ��'�a$ th�at �ave been so adamant against the storm sewer beinp1installedad��G��t �K.��e$ Sa�d that it is still a fact that the s�orm sewer system will notTbeM�� .t��taj..�e.d� but it may be needed sometime in the future, so he�would rathe� pay ��s c3s$essment and have the property remain R-1 than tc let the land be rezone �9 R',�� t}�en possibly find that the storm sewer will be needed five years £Xqmd �aW an� be assessed. Then he would ead up with both R-3, which he is cpposed �Cj�Q, and s�n assessment. Mayor•Liebl said that that �ay be rhe opinio:� a�':.Zr, ee$� however, there are ma.ny p�ople in this stor:;� aewer district t a Yex'Y �troi�gly objected and they would not willin 1 �� have H� s�4ided t 9 Y P�-�� up their ass�ssmer�t, �1�� it was brought out at the Planninq Comu-nission meetings tha� a �Q� �� ��}e people thought they had been assesse3 when €�ct they had not. MMx� ��m Thayer, 377 66th Avenue N.E., said that at che Plannang Commission e����g #�e �ad raised the question of just �ahat was the ratio oP suc��ss }ai; �?Q�?�� ��?�' control of stozm water and the answer was ratner ne ative so � �5}�e�l w9ulc�'t the storm sewer still hav� `� � he had to be put in, �r�3 the answer was �'�� I P�flb�l�•' This means that if the rezoning is approved, ther� maybA ir� � � . %9 � : 0 c � R�CiVI+AR CO�I;VCIL MEETING UF JULY 2�, I972 � 4 S� ` . PAG� 7 .��Ye��eaXs the storm sewer will go in and he will be assessed. If }}e �.s gqin9 �Q b� assassed anyh�w, he �.�ould ra�_her pay that amou,:t of money and iiave i�. go _�QY�a�d d park. Mayor Li :bl pointed out there was a h:�n3 issue a few Xedxs �$4� �nd th� majority 4id not feei this way a!�d it w�5 voted down. • _ . ._._ _ -- _ _ _ _...-----------.__ . __ __._�____.__ __ _ _ . _ _ ' M]C. Gazy (�lartin, 6141 6th Street N.E. , said that he has not kept up witi� this p�'Q�SdI� bu� he is concerned. This parcel of land is a natural drainage �nd w��,c�li�e axe�, and he realize3 some 5200,000 is a lot ot money for the Citx � t0 ps�� fpr a park. His concern was the realibility of the ponding area, �ryd h� th4uqkit i� would be a gamt.le, and that these sys± c:r.�s do not work as �he�+ �r� Su�pQset� to. He said h� lived in Columbia Heights at one time an$ � j�e�.ped carry furnituze out of the basem�nt when the h�lding pond where Zay�e�� �� �QW ��ooded. That pond was considerably bigger than this one is going �p pe. Th�y Were assured at the time that the gond would work. He suggested{ Wh�► �Qt �eyelo� the land all around the edges and leave the center as a park, ` sin�e #.� is a natural drainage area. There could be hemes along 7th Stree�, �d� �� goqd �and, and in the center low land there could be the pond with some dN�ks �ri the park. . � l�x'� Mart�r� continued, as to tYie talk about the building for the senior �it�.zer,s �i1� �h� hc�dicapped, the rent has been mentioned at $2U0+, so it seemed µ�rea�istic to think that senior citizens living on social security and/o� P��►$�ons could afford that kind of rent. Mr. Thayer agreed with the suggestior� �p �ut buildings around the edges on the higher ground and incorporate a�ark �931leWhe�� in the ce:�ter. If the pond does not Urove effective, there wou�.d �t�j.� #�e a storm sewer assessment, and it would have to be more costl� five j��c�x� ��o�t �ow. . ` j�x, �Ke�iriksen charged that the Council does not even seem in}erested �r3 wha� #�e peopl� are saying to them, that they are acting irresponsibly, and t�;�t wh�n �h� ��tY m�es mistakes, it is the citizen that pays. ` . j�(QT�Q�1 by Councilman Breider to approve the ordinance for the'rezoning rec�uest ��'o;q R-►l �o R-3 by the Wall Corporation on first reading, with the stipulaticr� � t.�at t}�e Coun�il retains the option to remove that portion of the land desig- j���e�j as �ownhouses on the preliminary sketch at the second reading, trhereby �ontinuing it as R-1 property. The Administration is directed to �eet W�th tY�e developer and draw up an a��reerent to cover all the Frctecti��s foz � �he �esidents and tr.e City for Council consi3eration before the seco�c� reading �.s q�,ven, Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. �,' � - � ,; .� . : �qur;�iimar� Breider said tha� he would like to explain his reasons for mak}ng �his mption. He said at the last hearing for.the Wall Corporation before t�?i$ new plan was devised, he took the words spoken by tr�e residents heayil�+, aqre@�1 `a�th them, and voted against the proposal. Also of so:ne �oncern is the 1�w�Uj.t against the City relating to the stor*n wat�r prablem. The applicants n�ve alt�red their proposal by greatly reducing the density and puttir.g �pwnY�ouses across the street on 7th. The ger.tlemen who spcice �bout buying Ghe ];and fOx a park presented some interesting thoughts, however, he pointed out that � questionnaire was sent out asking the peogle their interest in a �t�nicipal swimming pool and the res�nse was quite negative. Another item tQ �� considered, is that other suburban communities have been sued by deyelopers �Q� being malicious and capricious, and they have won. IIl this case, he f�l� �{is�� S��ce the Wa11 Corporation has met the couQnitments that were ta�ked abou� �j�� �a�t �ime he tried to rezone the property, t�hat if the Council tuzned l�ir� dqWr�� MI'•Wall could sue Fridley and a court would fir� the Council guilty of ke�ng �a2i�ious. " c 0 _ �_ _ REGUI.AR COUNCIL MEET2NG OF AUGUST 7, 1972 PAGE 3 �� Mr. Joseph Anderson, 6570 Fridley Street N.E. - Trailer Pezmit: Mr. Anderson explained that he and his wife have travelled for many years in their � trailer doing missionary work. They have a home at this address and now they would . like to move into their home and not travel any more. They would like to park the trailer on the lot and live in it only until they complete the redecorating of their house, probably during September sometime. After that they would liVe . in the house and store the trailer on their lot. He said they have already paid the $5 fee for storing the trailer. The City Engineer explained that Mr. & Mrs. Anderson came into City Hall Friday ` too late to be put on the Agenda. A couple af years ago there was some trouble with parking trailers in residential areas, so the requirement now is to get the signatures of the adjoining neighbors stating they have no cbjection. He did not � think Mr. Anderson has obtained that signature yet. He suggested if the Council wished, the permit could be approved contingent Lpon getting the neighbor's signature. M�TION by Councilman Breider to approve the issuance of the permit for Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Anderson to park their trailer at 6570 Fridley Street rI.E., while they complete redecorating their house, which is to be in September, con�inqent upon getting the signature of the adjoining property owners stating they have no • objection. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor -, Liebl decl�}red the motion carried unanimously. � � . � � � . `� � � The City Engineer said he would call their neighb�r that complained tomorrow A.M., and if they will withdraw their objection, the permit could be issued tomorrow. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT WITH WALL CORPORATION REGARDING RIEDEL PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT: AND ' CONSIDERATION OF SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE FOR REZONING BY THE WALL_CORPORAT� BY DENNIS MADDEN 7�OA #72�3� TO REZONE FROM R-1 TO R-3 THE AREA GENERALLY LOCATED ON 5TH STREET TO 7TH STREET FROM MISSISSIPPI TO 63RD AVENUE: Mr. Wall said that he did not recieve a copy of the agreement until Friday, and although the agreement covers those things they have discussed and he is in agreement with them, there are some things that have never been discussed that perhaps should be before the agreement is finalized. . MOTION by Councilman Breider that, inasmuch as Mr. Wall has not had a full opportunity to review the agreement, the City Engineer & City Attorney be directed to meet with Mr. Wall and the Riedels to finalize the agreement, and that the second reading of the ordinance is not to be considered until the agreemeni_ is completed. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl asked the City Rttorney if the agreement could be ready for next Monda� {�ic��}�j �'}}e City j���prney replied that he believed that wauld be enough time. G � � S� � THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 21, 1972 �--- --The Regular Council Meeting of the Fridley City Council was convened at 7:38 PM, August 21, 1972. � PLED6E OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Liebl led the'Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. � � INVOCATION: � Councilman Mittelstadt offered the Invocation. ' � V ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Liebl, Utter, Mittelstadt and Breider MEMBERS ABSENT: None ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mayor Liebl said that under the second item on the Agenda, the adoption of the �-� assessment� oll for 1972 service connections, that Auditor's Subdivision #89, Part of Lot �1, Parcel 300 in the amount of $3,804.80 is to be deducted making the total for the assessment roll $20,289.31. � � � �� � �i . •� � MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to adopt the Agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a �oice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. VISITORS: Mrs. Earl Kellar, 570 57th Avenue N.E. Mrs. Kellar said that about a month ago she had submitted a complaint about a neighbor that was repairing cars and trucks, painting and welding. She wondered what the ordinance was and what protection a citizen had against this type of annoyance. Mayor Liebl told Mrs. Kellar that the Public Safety Director had looked into her complaint, researched the ordinances and wr'itten a report. He asked that Mrs. Kellar be given a copy of the findings in the report. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT WITH WALL CORPURATION REGARDING RIEDEL PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT: AND CONSIDERATION OF SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE FOR REZONING BY THE; FIALL CORPORATION ZOA #72-03 TO REZONE FROM R-1 TO R-3 THE AREA GENERALLY LOCATED ON 5TH STREET • TO 7TH STREET FRGM MISSISSIPPI STREET TO 63RD AVENUE: (Tabled August 7, 1972) :ha City Engineer said that a copy of the proposed agreement has been submitted to the Wall �orporation and the City Manager has been meeting with re�re�entatives of the Wall Corporation. He said that legal counsel for botn the owners of the land and ttie developers were in the audience. � � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 21, 1972 � �- . ���, ' PAGE 2 . _ _ -� , The Cour,cil noted that there were a few changes t� be made on Page #lE of the agreement which have already been discus�ed with Mr. Wall. Councilman Mittel- stadt said that the second reading of the ordinance should not be given until -- after, the_agreement is signed by .both parties. _ . _ ____ ,_.___ __ _ ___._.--_ _ � � Mr. Douglas Peterson, representing the Riedel estate, said that the Riedels will agree to dismiss the lawsuit against the City continge�it upon settling this � agreement and passing the ordinance and that the motion for dismissal would not be filed until this matter is closed. The Acting City Attorney said that Mr. � Peterson had just talked to him in the hall, and he had agreed that the lawsuit could be dropped upon the closing, however on second thought, he felt that it � should be conditioned upon the rezoning of the land, rather than the closing. . If something should happen, and the proposal fall through, the property would be � rezoned, but they could still sue the City. �� � . � � r Councilman Breider said that there was a small disagreement in the number of apartments allowed. The Council has specified 105 and Mr. Wall is asking for 108. He asked how much over the allowed density the R-3 area is. The City Engineer said that by approving this agreement, the Council is actually granting a variance both for the R-3 portion and the R-1 district, with a little over 8 units per acre in the R-1 townhouse area. Mr. Wall added that the difference between the 105 units and 108 is very minimal as far as ground coverage is concerned, and the main consideration should be the parking, but in this case, there is more than ample parking. Councilman Mittelstadt asked what is the area of the apartment•units. Mr. Wall said that he did not have the exact figures with him, but he would estimate the efficiencies would be about 500 square feet, the one bedroom about 700 square feet and the two bedroom about 900 - 1000 square feet. The City Attorney reported that after some calculating, 107 is the number of units that would be allowed under the or�dinance for R-3 zoning, so Mr. Wall's request for 108 is only one over the allowable number. MOTION by Councilr�an Breider to authorize the Mayor and City N,anager signing the agreement, after the following changes are made: Tn Section 4. Twont�ouse:., Item "A" should be "Individually sell all tcwnhouses." deletirig "and have *_hem owner occupied." Item "B" should be "Have base selling prices of from $26,000 to $32,000 at 1972 prices ---". This changes $25,000 to $26,000 which was a typographical error. In Section 5. Apartments, Item "A" should read "-.--R-3 contain a maximum of 108 apartments. ---" This changes 105 to 108. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl dec�.ared �he motion carried unar.imously. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to table this item until later in the Me�ting tonight to allow time to make the pencilled changes to the original agreF•tner.t, get the signatures of the Wall Corporation and the Riedel's and bring it back fully signed for the Council to see before consideration of the rezoning ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � t � � , � � � � � � .• � r. � ` ` �. I � W REGULAR CflUI'1CiL MEETIN�G OF AUGUST 21, l�ai2 •� � PAGE 9 . � unbiased opinior.. Any fig_,res quoted colld not be considered as firm and , final offers. Anyone wishing to seE� thr appraisal is welcome to come �n and look at it. The City Manaber continued tF:at it seemed to be more a matter of opposition to the.sidewalk rather t},an d disagreement over the amount of the compensation. Mayor Liebl asked if it was not customary to have two appraisals. The Acting City Attorney said yes in a condemnation the:�e are two. In matters such as these, sometimes the City hires one and the property owners another. In this case an independent fee appraiser was hired that had no interest in either side of the matter. Mayor Liebl said that this all comes down to soending so much money to possibly save the life of one child, and he for one, felt that it must be done. He said it was his duty and obligation to do what he felt was right even though it r.�ay step on someones' toes a little. He said he was very grateful to those people on the north section of the sidewalk that were willing to give the right of way needed,to the City of Fridley. This is not something that would be assessed, hut whicri ev�ry tax payer in the City would pay for. If a child gets killed walking on East River Road it will be u direct Counci� responsibility. He asked how much it would cost to put in both the north and south sections, not counti.ng any condemnation. Th�: c::ity Eng�ne:�r said that $4,000 was budgetted, this does not count acquisition costs, but covers construction and some fencing. Mayor Liebl asked :f the construction of the sidewalk cost $8,000, would that be a waste of money2 The City Enginaer said that was a Council decision. During the first discussions when a roadway was propcsed, the people did not want �hat, but wanted a walkway, now they don't want a walkway either. In discussions with the School Board rhe Council has repeatedly approved this proposal and there have been some comm?tments to the school, and 'ne felt Fridley owed the school some sort of an answer._ Uuring the hearings many people were in favor of the walk- :aay . . Cour.cilr.�an Mitteistadt called for th� question on the motion oz the �loor. iHE VOTE UFON TH� MOTIGN, being a roll call vote, Utter, Mittelstadt and j Breider voting aye, Liebl voting nay, ��iayor Liebl declared the motior, carried. OP,DINANCE #519 - n� OR.DINA:JCE FOR REZONIidG BY "iHL' WALL CORiORATION �JA 1�r7�-03 TO REZONE FROM R-1 TO ri.-3 THE AREA GEtiERALLY L�CATED ON 5TH STREET TG 7TH STRE�T F'ROM MISSISSIPPI T� 63R.D AVENUE: A ' The Acting Ci ty att �rney reported that the origir,�,l ugreemen � has been ci,anged as stated earlier ir. the meetir.g, the Wa�l Corporation and the Ri.edels have �igned it, and it is r'�:•ady to come back before ti�e Counci7_, ther�fore, he saiu :;� recommended ador�tir.b the Ordinance for rezcning on second reading. His oni•� other suggestic,n is that the document be typed again later so that it will aFYear as a neat legal document rather than a rough scratc!; copy. MOTION by Ccuncii�an Mi�telstadt to remov� this item from the ta[.le. SzcorldE:�� b;� Councilman Hre�cler. Upon a voice vote,aii ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the moticn carriec ur.-�nimo���.y. The �cting Cit,� �;torr3�y sa;d that in his discussions with the 'r1a11 �.orpor�.tion, Mz�. 6da1i ment.i_o�eri tt;at he Woul3 need some' fi11 �nd tha' the �'ity �r.ginf> -.� h<3s said t};are w�u_id F�roi,ably ��e scme available. Tris wou.ld be �ill avai'at�_� re- :�U�.tl?��, fl^Ofi tt'iE T'�iliT'03� GUTiStT'llCLZG(1. Th° +r'.1t�7 t�T:;lIl!?@T' dQ�iPC� tllci� i�' ii.'� told f�r. W.311 t�,at t��� cc�ild get ��rne of the fill, pr•oviding that am; �:��at .�� !i � � ,L',- f 0 : :' , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AliGUST 21, 1972 PAGE 10 taken out from his property first, black dirt is put on top to prevent the sand from blowing, and that they understand that th� fill would be put on their land, and any further work is the Wall Corporation's responsibility. MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Ordinance #519 on second reading, waive the reading and order p�.�blication, the Ordinance to appear as it is on Page #1N of the Council Agenda. The motion was seconded and upon a roll call vote, Liebl, Utter, Mittelstadt and Breider voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #105-1972 - AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF CERTAIN SURPLUS PROPERTY: (Fire „ Truck) • MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to adopt Resolution #105-1972. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion � carried unanimously. ' ACCEPTANCE OF RESIGNATION: MRS. DIf�NA BGNINE FROM FRIDCc�Y HUMAN RELATIONS • COMMITTEE: MOTION by Counciiman Mittelstadt to receive the resignaticn of Mrs. Diana � ' Bonine from the Fridley Human Relations Committee and req,iest a Certif�cate or Appreciation be prepared. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all , ayes, Mayor Liehl declared the motion carried unanimously. '� Mayor Liebl reported that James Langenfeld had called him and asked that some appointments be made to the Committee. He asked that thE Councilmen consider names to submit for appointment. RECEIVING REPORT ON PROPOSAL FOR VIDEO TRAINING SYSTEM FOR ANOKA COUNTY LAjd ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS: ` � t�lOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the report from the Assistant City �. Manager/Public Safety Director dated August 17, 19?2 and concur in his recom- mendation that the equipment not be purchased by the City of Fridley at tfiis time. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. "� Councilman Breider said that he had asked Mr. Hill to investigate going into this video tape training program, although Fridley already has a vidFo tape system in which trainir.g film could �e made. He said as the Coun'y comes up ` with difrerent ideas, he will bring them back Uefore the Council. Ther� al��: other municipalities he felt could make gccd use of this proposal, aad woui� have a need for that type of equipment. 85 ' � NOTIFICAT'ION THAT GERALD R. DAVIS, CITY MANAGER, PLANS TO ATTEND THE ANi+UAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERdATIONAL CITY MAiJAGF'�9ENT ASSO�,�IATION SEPTEBER i7 - 21 IN MINNEAPOLIS AND INVITATION TO THE MAYOF. AND C�TY COUNCI� TO ATTEND THF. IC"A - CONFERENCE: ' MOTIOid by Councilmar, t;ittelstadt to receive the r.otification and appro�.� rhe ,� attendance ct- the City Manager at thP ICMA Conference. �econded by Ccuncilm-�r. BrAider. Upon a•.�oice vote, all aye>, Maycr Liebl declared the moticr. carr:�-�� unanimously. '�, _ 3� �1 � REGULAR COUNC:LL "•�'ETI�iG OF llECBMBLh 4, 1972 J, , `�. . COMMLTNICATIONS : PAGE 17 PETERSON AND KALINA: REQUESTING SPLITTING OF P�OPERTY FOR TAX AND ASSESS- L� MENT PURPOSES • ��, �,� � ';� ��� Mr. Douglas Peterson addressed the Council and explained that he was representing ;� � the estate of Emmy Riedel. He said the northwest partion of their property was j��- sold to Dr. Richard J. Trezone in 19h5 and thc: Wall Corporation has recently � bought the rest of the properCy. Tht�y are requesting that the property sold t� ; Dr. Trezone be split_for tax and assessment purposes Yrom the real pruperCy � purchased by the Wa11 Corporatiun. The City Atturney said he would rtcommecid that when the Wall Corporation plats their land they plat it includin� the Trezone pruperty and indicate this as an outlot, This would help in that it '� would not be necessary to have a long legal description and the property would then be split in lots and blocks. Mr. Peters��n said t�e would be meeting k�ith representatives of the Wall CorPoratiun in [he next week or so and he could con- , vey this to them at that time. The City Engineer said he telt the City should receive some kind of letter back agreeing to [his. He said the legal deseription has a question on it, so this land shi�uld be platted. Mr. Peterson said he couid try to get something back to the Cou►icil by their next nieeting. He said they � hoped to close ttie entire estate in ,�anuary. The City Attorney stated that the Council could approve the split contingent on receiving a letter from the Wall . Corporati.on and Dr. Tre�on�, and if Mr. Peterson fi.nds out anything different, � and not get the letters, he can bring this item back to the City Council at the ' -,:, _;�� next meeting. . MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the special assessment split subject to receiving a letter from the Wall Corporation and Dr. Trezona indicating they will plat the entire piece af property. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a � voice vote, a�ll ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried. MRS. LINDSTROM AND MRS, SONNENBERG: GRATITUDE FOR ACTION TAI� N QN T1�IR PETITION: � MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt Co receive the communication dated November 25, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor i.iebl _ declared the motion carried. FRIDLEY JAYCEEES; PERMISSION TO USE CLASSROOM AND WAIVE FEB - UNDERPRIVILEGED ` CHILDREN; � MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the request for use of the Ci.vic Center C�assroom on December 16, 1972 and waive the fee. Seconded by Councilman '- Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried. ANOKA HENNEPIN SCHOOL DISTRICT 4k11: REQUEST FOR NOMINEE FOR A CITIZENS ,. ADVISORY COMMITTEE: � rlayor L�eb� said that thi,s district ia north of 79th Aveaue and suggested the ; person appointed should be someone from this neighborhood. He requested that ��-�-' the Thi�d Ward Gouncilman contact someone to serve and submit the name to the School $oard as soon as possible as they request the name of the nominee by Dec��:�:aer 8, 1972. Councilman Mittelstadt agreed that he could submit a name to � the Uistrict �f611 School Boar�. � �� .. � �. ,• Building-Standards-Design Control Subc�u�n=:?�e.e M2e��n� ob December 7, 1972 � Page 2 2. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A 108 UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX AND A 59 UNIT TOWNHOUSE COMPI,EX TO BE LOCATED ON PARChZS 4800 A.ND 52�0 SECT: �� 14,(FORMER REIDEL PROPERTY) GENERALLY LQCATED BETWEEN 5TH STREET N E AND 7TH STREET N,E„ ON THE �OLsTH SIDE OF MISSISSI�'PI ST:ZEET IN FRIDI,EY, MIDTI3ESOTA. ,�REQUEST BY THE WALL CORPORATION, 8030 CEDAR AVENUE SOUTH, BL�O'�fINGTON, MINNESO' 55420•) — , Mr. Richard Schwarz, architect for the Wall Corporation, was present to present the request. � Mr. Schwara prese►�ted the site plan. He said there woin't be access to Che deveopment from 6 3rd Avenue or Mississippi Street. There will be,a ponding area for storm sewer water below the street level. The [rees to be planted on the site will include Hackberry,•Lin�e�i, Sugar Maple, Red Twig Dogwood, Russian Olive and•Flowering Crab. The trees will be from 2- - 2� inches in diameter. Around the apartment buildings there will be Juniper and Bazberry to cXeate private spaces between the units. ' 0 . _ ,a f� �uilding �1 on the Squthwest corner of the site is the sma�:.-��G �paztment • building. zt is the rype of building with two entries and two Staixways. There wi11 be 4-units on each floor. This is basically a 12-unit buildi,ng whe�'e we have combined two buildings to make � 24-un�t. We have cx�eated a little s�mi-pxi.va�e area for patios with shade trees. Townhouse A will be th,e basic unit. It will have many options. The exterior ' wi11 have stucco end walls and stucco on the lower�l�vel. The bal�n�e of �he building will have cedar panels with 2x8 or 2xj.0 trim around the windows and.the perimeter of the building. , , 0 – 0 Townhouse � which is located on the Northeast corner off M�ssissippi Street �will have tuck under $arages be�suse o� the gxade. Mr. Tonco asked if any of the garages would be under someone else's unit. Mr. Schw�rz $aid the garages would be under its own unit. Ali. roo�a will be composition shi�gle. , •�hexe wi�l be bexms from 4 to b feet high from the s�dewalk elevations ori this part of the &ite. The.exterior o# Townhouse B will have $tucco end � w�tils interrupt�d by projecti.ng triangu�ar bays a�d �he inner walls will � be sCucco on the basement 1eve1 with the balance o� the wa�.l be�n$ ced�x' �s �siding . _ � 0 �he apaztment building Flan shows the entrances to be a�ew steps above ' grade. You will ei,thex walk up a few steps or down a few sCeps. Th� �ntxances on Che courtyard sid� are all at grad�� These wi�,l be sec�lxity buildings. At the end o� each apartment build�ng Ghexe wi,1�. b� 2-bedxoom units. The center seCtion o� each building wil� be I,-bedz4ou� apartments� On the first floor there will be 2-efficiency ap4rzments in the cen�er of the building uadex the l-bedroom apartments. There will b� one laundzy room in each section of the building. Mx. Wi�ite asked about Ghe disposal of trash. Mz. Schwarz �aid thexe would b(� a dumpsCer bu11t 1a�o the outside of the garage sCruGture. The apartmenC bu�ldings will have stuccp paneled w��ls at the end of the high zise sectfon . , • Building Standards-Design Control Subco2�;�:ten �eerin�.�a� �acember 7, 1972 � _ ; . . � Page 3 with stucco dividing-walls in between, the other ends will be cedax siding. - __ _ - _ . ____._____� ��� Simoneau asked if there would be any recreational facilities in the ____._�.__�.apartment buildings. _ Mr. Schwarz__said_there would be a separate_recreation building. Mr. Simoneau asked if this building will be used by a.11 the people , living in the townhouses and,apartments. Mr. Schwarz said this was the plan. This wi12 be i� tbe commons area and yau can enter from the townhouse ar�a or P the apartment area. There wi12 be a rental office and'sales office in this building but �his wi11 become a meeting room. There will be an indoor swi�ing ' pool, a hobby room, smali and large �eeting rooms, one with kitchen facilities. Mr. Tonco asked how this area would be maintained. Mr. Schwarz said the OwnerS Association will take care of this, . Hr. Simaueau said he would 1i.ke to have it braught �o the atten�:�c�n oi the Wal.l Cor�oraCipn that during coustructian t�ey should.pz°ovide a�ood secuzity aystem. The youngsC�rs are used ta playia� in tha area and wi_11 pe drawn ta the canstructiaa site. As many property owners in t';e icme�iiate area were �aegative about this project if any child got hurt an ��e property, it could be a bad situation. ' ,� Mr. Tonco asked what the footage was along 63rd Avenue. Mr. Bo�rdman said . �t was 594.89 feet. In the upper right corner of the apartm�nts,it is felt ' tha� we should have more garage space avai.lable. Mx. Schwarz said he �ouldn't make'any agreement for additional garages. This would be a decision by the - Wal� Coxpo�ation. Mr. Toc�.co said they would like 22 mare garages in this � area of� 5th Skreet N.E. . •. •� Mr. �oardman said they would �.i.ke to have more planting on 5th Street also. _ They would like the trees replaced that had to be destroyed for Gonstruction. ��� Qn 7th Street they will have to take the driveway out to allow for the 20 foot �et}�ack requiremept and put iu two exits with a 10 foot radius. There must be a l0 �oot zadius on all entrances and exits and ppured 6"x18" concrete curb ' axpuad sii blackto� area. All parking spaces must be 10'x20'. Mr. $oazdman s�id the C3,ty had a�igned agreement with the Wa11 Corpo�atioa and a list �pu1d be seat to Mr. S�hwazz so he woulc� know the ite�s aat iacludad �n thi� - " pzeaentatian. , �ir� Tonco cal.l.ed attentio� to the following items; Soundproofing o� the party walls, the corr�dor wails, separatioq between floor$, transmitG�l of sound � �hxou�;h the stacki�ng of �lumb�ng, the ��reproofing in Ch� .ssCai,rways, and t�� elevatioa o� the g�rage roof whi�� was in error, Mr� Schwaxz mentioned , � couple o£ optipn,� ot� the parCy walis and the �e{�ar<<t�ou betzaeen floor�. ` • �#�e said they would use wrapping and in$ulation on �he stack�d plusnb�.n�. li� said the Stai,rways would be U.B.G• 2 hour rated, He said the gazage plans wer� drawn up in a k�urry and would t�ave the �,Qr�ect pitch o� 3/1.2.. . Mx, acxr4rarz said ths praject would be��.n as soan as �I2 the g1apS were final�zed �+�d th� bids lat, . . MOTION by Toa�A to jeco�nmead to the City Council approval to cQnstruct an �partmet�fi and tow�xhous� development w�th the �ollowing stipvYa�tions: , 1. Conat4uct•Z�'additi4aa� garages vf� 5th Stxeet N.�. • �. Provide m��� piantimg, p� Sth Stre�t, a ' $uildinst Standards-Design ControT Subcomm..�:t�e Neeting a� �ecember 7, 1972 ,__ ��._. , . . Page 4 v :....�::>" � r 3. Delete driveway on 7th Street and replace with two exits. 4. Poured 6x18 concrete curb around all blacktop. 5, Provide check list for the Architect on si.gned agreement between the City and the Wall Corporation. 6. Note the discussion an itecns of party wails, corridor walls, aeparati.on betwe�n floors, stacking of plumbin�, firepxoofing .of etairways, and ttie error in the eleval•ion of th� garage roofs. 7. Provide 10 �oot radius on all entrances and exits. Seconded by�Simoneau. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the mo�ion carried� t _ unanimously. 3. C�NSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A SPECUL�TIV'E I��IILDING TO B�' USED FOR A W?'REHOUSE LOCATED ON THE EAST H.4LF OF TF�E NOR�HEAST QUARTER 8g-TF1E SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 3, THE FINAL FIANS TO �� SUB?�LITTED FOR PHASE I, THE SA.*� BEING 79�1 BEECH STREET N E, FR7DLE`Y, �iiNNESOTA �REQUEST BY $FYAiVT FRANKLIN CORPORATION, 900 WEST COL�1T'Y ROAD D, NEW BRIGHTON. MINNESOTA 55112.) Mr. Richard Brama was present to present the the request: The Subcommittee had asked Mr. Brama to sutimit the mateXial for the exterio� of the building when he had presented the request for a permit to begin the construction of this building up to grade only. Mr. Brama brought in a sample of the structural panel he will use on the building. The structural panels are 8" thick. The company that installs it will grout between the panels. It will all be in one piece from the footings to the the roof line. Mr. Tonco asked how they were going to break up the monotony of having such - a large building all the same material. Mr. Brama said he had it put in the electrical bid that they would use decorative lighting. � 0 Mr. Tcnco wor.dered if it could be painted arqund Che window lines, r1r. Brama said they didn't recommend painting but it cQ.uld be stained. The Subcommittee said they would go along witit anything that •aouid keep the building from all being the same finish. MOTION by Simotleau Co recommend to the City Council approval of the request Go construct a wax�ehouse. Seconded by Tonco, Upon a voice vote, a1T vot�ng aye, the motion carr�ed unan�mously. . , e . . . �J , ^ ���Z� � . . � . . . � . . . . . - . .. M.. . . . . � . . ,. � � _ . � _ � . . . � _ . . � . . •� . . . . � _ . . .. . . , , . . ! - ..� ' � � . . .. - . .. • . . .. �. . . � . � . . � ' � . . . � , . . . . . , ' � •� .. . �•. . .. � � - . � � � .. � � . . . . ' � .. � • � � . � .�� �� � . ( 5TATE OF MINNESOTA ., �. . . . `t • ' COiINTY OF ANOKA . � . MUTUAL AGREEI".ENT � • �. - � �TAIS AGREEI�NT made and entered into this 21 day of August, 1972, by aad -� between T� WALL CORPORATION and ErIl�1Y H. RIEDEL ESTATE fee owners of _: • The East Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest �,:- � Quarter of Section 14, T-30, R-24, City of Fridiey, ��' County of Aaoka, Minaesota, except the South One Hundre3 ' � Eighty-five (185.0) feet thereof, except the following . - . parcels: . �. r•. ' � .�. - � Yarcel A; All that part af the E. 2• of the E, � �,• _. of the S.W. 4 of Section 14, Township 30, Range 24, _ � Anoka County, riinnesota, described as begir�ning at •" the N.W. Corner thereof; thence East along the :;:.. -�.-North line of said Southwest quarter a distance of ' ., �- • 214 feet, thence South and parallel with the West ` .. line of said East One-Half of the East 2 of the ;. •� Southwest quarter for a distance of 153•feeti tnence �' .� West parallel with said :Vorth line for a distance:of � ."•'- '. . ' 8I feet; thence South and parallel with said 41est "': line for a distance of 215 feet; then West and . para2le'1 with sa'd I�T 0 . _ i orth line for a distaace of 130 ^!� " feet to said West line; then North aleng jvest said - liae a distance of 368 feet to the point of begianing, _ Subject to easements for street purposes over the —. �- Nortfi 33 feet and the West 30 iee� t,iereof. � � = ^-. �, .. .-. . . ... Yarcel B; A permanent easement for street, sanitary sewer and utility purposes over a part of the :.ollowin� described parcel; That part of ttie East pne-Ha.lf oi the East One-Half of the Southwest quar�er of �ec.tior. 14 that lies becween the East 40 feet th�reof ar.d t;�e following described lir.e; be�innin� a* a point on tre South rioht of w�y line of ;ii�sissinpi Street loc:ated 88.53 feet West oi the East iine o= said parcel; c:�ence• South parallel to �he East line of said p'arcel �. distance uf S1 ieet; thence on a tan£e�tial c;:r•;e �e tl�e � left wit:� a delta angie of I5 degrees 1� f_et degree of � curve of 10.38 degrees and a radius of 551 feet =or a _ distance o± 157.d3 feet; thence southerly ir, a �traight � line tanger.t to"la�t described curve a distance of 37 � fee�� ther.ce on a�an�entiai �u�ve to tize rignt with . a delta Gn��e {'6 d s l� � 11 �- ° � e�''-'e _`eec: ce _ec cur�e .05 - d�_��e��s ,_ __ "- _�_u:: o� ` ;t,,'S - .v- _ J - , _ __ ._ � �is� .:` at - a,?=^::�c.- �: :� :�e_ �u � � :.: �i _r. .�, ,. ��rs�;_:.lo�i :;�ch a� line �ra�an� p3ra1_1�1 to ar.d 4J ieet,West of the East �= line of said :,a�t One-Ha1f oi tre Souchwest quarter of �' � Sect�on� tnence termi�2Ci:�;, aiI iyin� in the Cit�� of � F:id1eY, Cosnty of Aau(:a. � ' . �� .I t_w.l�.� a..._" : _- _.. _ _- _.._.� __.. .� - � i . . � i- .� . ' ' - • . � -' .-'----- - -' -- • ---' '- - —. - -- —• -- � ! � • • • , . . { � .' �•Parcel C: An easement for'sewer, water and pubiic utility �. �� . .. parposes in and over the following described parcel; to-wit, • . - st8rting at the centerline of Mississippi Street on the East �^ '••. line of the Southwest Quarter of Section 14, T-30, R-24; �� f t6ence South 33 feet to the South line of Mississi � - ---- --�- ppi Street � to the actual point of beginning; thence continue South on :^ - the East line of the Southwest Quar.ter of Section 14, T-30, -'�" �-`"�� R=Z4�a-distance of 1149 feet plus or minus to the North line • . of 63rd Avenue Northeast; thence West along the North line of —' -- --- - - 63rd Avenue 40 feet; thence North and parallel to the East line . of tE►e Southwest Quarter of Section 14, T-30, R-24, to the South liae of i�lississippi Street; thence East 40 feet along the SouCh •": � line of Mississippi Street to the actual point of beginning. . • - -- The'above consisting of approximately 13.8 acres located in the City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota as shown on the attached map marked as Exhibit A. �., ., ' � �-^ _ . . �. � WHEREAS, agents of the property owners have petitioned the City to rezone the above property marked on Exhibit A from the present R-I zoning classification to an R-3 zoning classificatioa; � WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the rezoning of the portion of this area described as: The South 698 feet of the North 1066 feet of the West 385 feet �of the East Aalf of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 14, T-30, R-24, except the West 30 feet taken for street and utility purposes, all lying in the City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. � � . and shown on the attached map marked as Exbibit B, to an R-3 zoning use district will be in the public interest, welfare and convenience to the people of the Gity ��. of Fridley if the owners agree to lay out, develop and maintain said property � according to standards agreed to in advance by the parties hereto. � � � �� , I � . Consideration for this agreement shall be the rezoning of the property uescri�ed above and marked on Exhibit B from an R-1 zoning classification to an R-3 zoning classification; together with authoriza�ian to the owner to build a coc�plex of 108 mul[iple units on the property zoned R-3 and 63 townhouses on the remaining R-1 property shown on Exhibit B, together with the mutual benefit to'each of the parties hereto. The parties, their successors and assigns do hereby covenant and agree as follows: . That the property owners agree to; a � 1. PLAT - Plat the total land described here in this agreement and shown on Ex:�ibit "�," into the R-3 area and R-1 as shown on Exhibit "B" along with t4e R-1 area platted into individual touzhouse 1ots. .. � ��:�J -z- .... . Mailing List: ZOA ��72-03 _, � . / Mr. & Mrs.. LeRoy Tovsen Mr. & Mrs. Ranko Schuur ,_.� 6321.7th St. 401 Mississippi � Fridley Fr3dley Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Mullins Psr• & Mrs. George Meissner ^ 6331 7th St. 373 Mississippi _ _ ,--___ Fridley Fridley -' Mr. & Mrs. Roger Freitag 509 Mississippi St. Clifford Nelson Fridley 365 Mississippi St. ^ Fridley Mr. Irwin J. Christianson 503 Mississippi St. �� Mrs. Raymond Anderson Fridley 390 66th Ave '�' Frid ley Mr. & Mrs. Otto Marsolek 355 Mississippi St. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Swan ^ Fridley � 388 66th Ave. Fridley Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Habel .- 392 66th Ave. Mr. & Mrs. Ellsworth Hinz Fridley 384 66th Ave. Fridley • Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Klees ^ 502 66th Ave. Mr. & Mrs. John Halling Fridley. 380 66th Ave. Fridley ^ Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Trezona 177 N.E. Hartman. Circle Mr. & Mrs. William Klobuchar Fridley 378 66th Ave. ,� Fridley The Fridley Church of Christ c/o Kent Backstrom - 7237 Riverdale Rd. Brooklyn Center 55430 " Mr. & Mrs. Harold Ohlsson Mr. & Mrs. Leif Henriksen 376 66th Ave. N.E. 495 Mississippi " Fridley Margaret E. Johanson 374 66th Ave. Mr. & Mrs. Ray Woolery Fridley .- 465 Mississippi St. Fridley Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hinz 372 66th Ave. N.E. � Mr. Boriss A. Zile Fridley 5215 University Ave. Fridley Thomas Toussaint SI2 66th Ave. '` Anna K. Sorensen Fridley 421 MississipFi Fridley The Wa11 Corp. �- E 803C3 Cedar Ave. So. �� Mr. & Mrs. Bennett Sorum ��. Mpls. 55420 411 Mississippi St. �,,, Fridley Mr. & l+�rs. Norman Riedel , 420 Mississippi Fr�-clley -3- ��a� _/ ... ;. , s • ��� ' ..� • r•: ^ CITY �F FRIDLEY TYF� dF REQUEST MxNNESOTA . � �._.._.._._lt�; on i ng ^. TNG AND ZQ�IINC 80RM �t1��= V � 7� ��� .,.__._._.Sptcial E�1►s Pe�i�i '� V�slBnce ^ � � � �,$pL�CADi'��8 ���NATURE +I�!,-��,,� / ���-'�-- A iovsl P� Pie+ � PP lteoinetcy 81�t ^ Addt���..��2.47� :'nivPrsit�r �ve. r�j.�. -- ___-_,_--�PPrava 1 at t �.Mi � 1'f���hon� Namber �0-1240 ,.,.._ __.._, Pist . Streets os �,.j,i.:�=�..,,. tRQ�1l?Y OWNER'$ SIGNATIJRE Vllcation# '- . Addrs�• Othsr �� _T�lephoq� Nua+ber � . i�tiet� j,o�catio� oi prop�rty �nd of T:'ain rt. and Ric� Cr�ek Terracs ... �1�=�1 De�Csipt�on of Paroperty Lc�t l, Bloc�j 5�.n�� the ivorth 25 f��t of T�± �� . . � ��� �� � � i ■ r q��` .. •• . Block 5, Ric� �r��k Pl�.za �o�ath 11dc?.ii3_en. ��:,riect -to all P:.�^^men� J of r�cord. �-..,., - p��s�nt Zo�ing Claaeification �Y"1 . , ax�atin$ U��r of the Prope�ty t,� �ant -..-,,... • , . ^ � ptppa�ed Zoaic►g Glaoaificacion� Speciai Use, V�riance or othes requt�t vacatina of 30 foot road �asement ��et�,b� briefly che Typq o� U�• aod che Improvemenc Proposed Par'tin7 l�� �'�z -- ro osed school bus �ara�e. - .�. , �Cr�s�t o[ Pcopert� - ^, li�# the ��a�ot Applic�At PztviousYy Sou�ght to R��o�aq, S�la�. �0ta2a a�.at Sp�it � Obtal�a • Y�riaac4 or Sp�cl�1 Ua� PtrmiL an t�ne Subject Site or =ast ot Iti�,� � , . � � Hh�nt .i �;'� _�.__r�.._._ .�.�. CiJ Yj j _, • ifiaL M+�• Reqv���ed l...�Pe4 Enclo��d $�%' '"- �''`.v pst� Til�d ITacs oi 1ie�x1►�ti ..� .� _�.�.�. �.�. .�, .-. --. . .. - _ 10�� ' lLANNIN�; 1�1D ZONINC FOAM ,', PIICE 2 � Nu�b�s Y �%3 -'�d ' � . . � . � � v�o¢tsaissted undesstanda th�tt (a� A list of alI sea.idents aad wners oi pro- pesty Within 300 feet must b� atteehed to tbi� application. ? (b) thie application must be •ignad by eil '!� Owners o! thz property. os an explanatioa ' �iven why this ie not the ca�e. � (e� Responslbility for aay defect in the pro- � . eeediags sesulctng from thc failure to list � • the ��mea a'nd addreasea of all reeidents �tad propert1 owr�er� of property Within 300 �' feet of che property in queation, belon�s ' to the undersi�ned. �s•ia�aca aad 0�►aers of �reperty vi�hia 300 feet:' ?" PL'RSOtiS ADORESS . � . �., . . ... � . ..• /' , � . ' A•keCcb oi proposed property aad atructuse mu�t be dre�9n on the back of this tqts or attached, shawiag the following: 1. �totth Ditection : ^.. , 2. Locatian of Proposed Stsuctute oa lot. 'r,' 3. Dfinensions of property, proposed -�"' - stsucturr., and iro�t snd cide aet•becka. 4. Street Names � � � S. Location +cnd u�r of adjaeent existing ' �, � buildi�gs (within 300 teet). ? '�hi vpd�r�ig�ed her�by declases �hat ell the facts end re�Yeie�titioeta stnted �a �� 'j� Rbi� �pplication •se trua �ad correct. ��\ J. .� 1� .. . - . . .� . . � , . . . . ��.�r � /� /� ., ��.�_ .. � =g '�" — / / •- `7 � 8IGNATURE � / � _ - t � �!' , � _...._..i..... � � �� , (AYPLICANT) . � , ' . . .., . , .... . � .. �� ' •�1et�t*Mr�* � - �pprovsa D.ot.a a�r �h• �o.ia o� Rppe�t: � ��b��ct,t4 tbt Pollovin� Coaditioos: aat4 ; k. �lPpcoved Denied by the Ylapniag Coanni�sion o� '"� iabjec� e� Ghe E�ollowing, Condit�oa�s. ��t� � ' _ �'►pproved D�aled by the Coupcil cn - -- �ub j�ct t9 the Foll,owing Can�i�t�,uc�a� - dats � � �' `�. i`0� �'s �� ... • +� , � �� O ! f; "',� � SAV #'73-10 ROGER CHRISTENSON - Vacate 30 foot road easement on � _ � Lot l�and the North 25 feet of Lot 2, Blo¢k 6, Rice Creek Plaza South Addn. to use for a park'ing lot for proposed _ school bus garage. , � � _ � ... ( , � _ . , . , , +`� ... � � ��� � 4 . . . � � . . . . . . . . � � � . . .... 7 � . . . � � . . . . � � . . . . � - � .. ' . . � �� . � . � . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ._ ' . � .. /" . . . � . � . .. � . . . . . � . . I �' , , - \ � L oc�rE- LQkE � , T � ' �' � ^ `� � `� G� ` � � � ti �� � �`'`� �� . � Q � 1 \ .; �• � ; � �.,� \ � . � i � r'� ,�� � ' `� �-1--� ^ . � � S�q.,�F :;� --�`-=--------- ._ � , J (�; � ��� �. i- � . � cr. 1 � ` 7l �=��"� `" L,i,,, ) � t,; ' j = 8 _.'-a ` _ J � ; ' i — �'� , , - '� j , � � "j ; ti � 'y 's� , � ' \�' LOt 1 � � � � ; _� ' Block ` ' ir �;,fi {' ,�,"i•G� // _ .Sii�l#6C�+ � (`. !�// / /./ /.� f�� � C 4. ; , ; , . :� 1 -- i � : i -� � ` � ��-- �.- ``� ti s ti , i � �^ .- , , % ?_ � � ti r,; � � , �.; _ j / / � . � ' ' / �.� ; , � i � �. ;� � �. / / 'E`C;, - f �/� % �' ; .--, � + // / ; ' � , � . � � �, /%/ /y / � . � � � •� //� ��/ ��/! ��Q ' ^ � � . � ' - ' /,; J�f, j : �� ,,/j' ,,, :•�/ ,, j � ; � y^ / / % % i � , \ � , ' // i�� /� '� // r ' �' / ` �' _ _ _ - ----7_' ._-.�------ � i Y� i '2 s ,' �.� - ' `� ;, � � _- f 1 • . :. �, , :'✓YJ/` /i/'r ' ; � � .- `' ! Rl � { L" '!'ep � � � ",� -- ,N t N ,,,rc"[!f!? !/.a3B JJ� fhe fi�cr!ti: J✓ r' i � j .; . - ��. �+ -- � n . �:;.. � _ ___ . . . . . . . . . � . , . . . . . . . . . � .. . . � . '�. . � s . .. .. . � �� .:,..>� �. �.,...,�...._.' ".: �_ ... .._ ._.. _ .' --. . . . . ' ,�.:►� . � . . . � . ..... .._ --. . .. . . . . . . . � . � � . . . . . . � � . ���. ; , � • 45.05 . . � _.. �� :+. � . , . • : 45.05. R-1 DISTRICT REGULATIONS R-1 DISTRICT � _ _ _ REGULATIONS . 45.051. Uses Pe=mitted Uses Permitted 1. Principal Uses • � A. One-family dwellings ^� g. Agriculture, including farm, truck gardens and orchards, but excluding animal and poultry raising. � F C. Churches, parish houses and convents. � ��i D. Townhouses; under the conditions stat�d in the Townhouse Development Section 45.14. 4 —' 2, Accessory Uses � � A. Erivate_garages or oth�a-s�e-s-s.nr_ uildings. ,, ..� '• Only one accessory buildiug per_lot, with each �. ~ a tioaal access� ory building requiring a special � �2�permit . , �,._� . �� B. Privately owned recreational facilities, such as . swimming pools, tennis courts, which are far the ' enjoyment and convenience of the residents of the ^� principal use and their guests. C. Customary home occupations including rental of .- rooms for occupancy to not more than two persons � per dwelling unit. - J ....� , 3. Uses Permitted With Special Use Permit A. Nurseries and greenhouses for the propagation, ...� • cultivation and growing of plants only. . �i B. Galf course, country club, yacht clubs, tennis' .' � courts, swimming pools and additional recreational •-� uses ALL NONCO:VL*SERCIAL and not an accessory use to the principal uses ia the R-1 District. ` ' C. Utility companies having t�ansformers, pu..^:ping ^� stations and substations are subject to the following minimum requirements: ""� 1) Must confprm with surrou�ding neighbonc�sod with respect to �er.backs, open spaces, architectural . design a�d also must be screened.' ._� � . ,� __ � , � : � 45.16 ` �.�� < �^' , . _ �_' . � 45.16. BUILDING PERMITS 'BUII.DING PERMITS � _ :� _ ^ 45.161. All Districts All Districts �- A building permit shall be acquired before � "' the erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, enlargement or moving of any �building except that such perQit shall not -- be required if the full value of said work is less than $150.00. �� 1. Each application for a building permit shall be accompanied by a Certificate of Survey, , drawing, or plat, in duplicate, drawn to scale ' � and showing the lot, the proposed building and �� dimensions of the lot'and building; the location � and proposed use of the buildin�s; the location, dimensions, present and proposed use of any , ;� �- existir�g buzldir_g on the same lot; the set- back and dimensions of fro�t, side and rear lots and such other information as the zoning ,� �, � administrator shall require for the enforce- ment of this ordinance. If interior finishing of a home or building is to be done, the `� material accompa�ying the application, as r noted above, for a permit wili not be required. ��^ 2. Once construction of the foundation has � been co�pleted, a certificate of survey showing the location of the foundation shall be re- r. quired, before the framing of the structure `�._ is be�un. .�.3 , 3. Construction sha11__commence within_nir.et}i' ----_,__ "�,� (90) da s from the date of the_issuance of the - - -- - .�' �ui'�Td�'ing permit unless written application is _._ - ��tade �or the extension of said tine, in w�iich a event—fhe"-extension of time �shall be at the .�,_, - � T---- --- --- ----- - -- ___ -_ ---- � d�iscreEion of the zoning ad�ninistrator. _ If . K n`�t couurienced -within_ said_ninety_(90) _day_ � � pefrod_of extension as_ granted b}�- the_ admin- -� istrator, such �ermit_shallibe void. 4. No building permit shall be issued for the . ?� construction, reconstruction, alteration, r,;y; enlargement or moving of any building unless said proposed work is in conformity with the _,� FridTey building code.' . �� � ��:,, , .��, . 108 '�t - _ ;'.•� `• ; ', :.� � _. l �.. � � . , _ - . " . • . , . . s_ , - � . , • , . . . 0 _-, ^. . � . --; � '1 .., .., � . ` .. . � . . . . �� ' . 2. DRAINAGE .. , ` � . • A. Provide a drainage pond on the said property as shown on Exhibit "A" � which would receive the drainage from the adjoining properties and , drain the said property. The surface water will be stored in the pond � � �during the rain and will be .let through with an overflow into the __�'_ existing storm sewer at Bennett and 7th Street slowly after the rain � storm subsides. The location of the percnanent portion of the pond � would not be any closer than 100 feet from any road right of way lines. � The design of the permanent portion of this pond would be based on the � S year frequency (8.2 acre feet) with the temporary expansion of the � pond to be designed for SO year freque�cy (12.0 acre feet) and the limits of the temporary ponding around t:�e time of the rain could extend beyond the 100 foot limits. The water in the percianent pond would be , pumped ap to a fountain for aeration purposes to eliminate the stagnation affect of the water in the permanent pond. The bottom and the shorel.ine..� of the pond will be such that it is as maintenance free as practical � � and the whole shoreline and the grounds around the ponding area will be landscaped. The design of the complete drainage and storm sewer system in this property shall be approvecl by the City Engineering Department and storm sewer piping constructed to the City's specifications. City agrees the watershed area for this property shall not be increased. � B. Provide a drainage easement to the City of Fridley far the ponding area � which will be �nder water considering a SO year design frequency. C. Waive any liability �gainst the City fcr ponding the water on this property�and drop any pending lawsuits against the City. D. Set the lowest floor elevation of the building^, around the ponc�ing axea at least 3 feet higher than the SO year flood line. : E. Bear fully the cost of the total drainage system within the property. • If in the future there is additional outlet constr�:ction necessary, this property will pay their share of the assess.:,ent for the i�provea:ent. 3. TRAFFZC A. Provide not more than 3 exits from this property onto 7th Street. TE:e Northerly entrance to 7th Street�will not be �ny closer tFan 100 feet ,from Mississippi Street righrot-way. No exits are all.owed on 63rd Avenue and Mississippi Street. B. Pay the cost of putting an additi�nal lane on 7th St:eet star:ing 200 feet South of Nlississippi Street to the :�Iississippi Street right of way for a cost not to exceed $3,000. •. C. Dedicate the Easterly half of the 5th Street right of way along the West boundary Iine and accept the assessmeat for the°imnrover�ent of 5th Streec in accordance w:t� nor��1 City policy. � -3- i � i . � -r-`-- _ . , Y^ ' .. . � .. ;, . . � . , ' 1.� �_'�^-- ���..+�+r ' . �� . ; • # � , . . . Z " 4 TOWNHOUSES� �� , _.. .. - `. . . " g3. . � � � •: . ' .. • . ;^, " • A. Individually sell all townhouses. _ . , . .. I . . - =--- -- ---B. -Have base selling prices of from $26,000 -$32,000 at 1972 prices.. These ` prices will be adjusted upward if construction costs increase over the : � ' 1972 prices. � � . � . -- • _ ____._—. .. __-- _ _------ _ ____�.__ _.._ _�__._._ _ -- _-- y ; C. Provide minimum recreational facilities in this area of 2 tot lots, � �^___ _ ____��.pZayground sculptures, and a barbecue picnic area. . . , . � 't . � - ' . _. S._ APARTMENTS.. . - - . ; .... a � A. Have the area outlined in Exhibit "B" and zoned for R-3 contain a � :__ _ J, maximum of 108 apartments. There will be no more than 10 efficiency apartments and no 3 bedroom apartmentg. • � __B. 8ave one building constructed with facilities for the handicapped and ; ^ elderly. . , C. Reep the minimum rent range for efficiencies from $140 -$165 per month, one bedroom apartments from $170 -$200 per month, and 2 bedroom aoart- � .:- ments�from $220 -$250 per month, at 1972 prices. These rent ra�es will be adjusted upwards if construction costs increase over 1972 priees. In the event it can be demonstrated the apartments cannot be rented within '� the stated ranges, the apartment owners may request permission from th_ City Council to reduce the apartment rental rates. ^ D. Provide recreational facilities in the apartment area; such as, outsid� swi�ning pool, ten�is courts, area for lawn games (i.e, basketball, . volleyball, croquet, shuffleboard, etc.) which will also be available -. ta the townhouse owners, rldditional facilities withir..the apartment buildings will be hobby and art room, meeting room, card and party room. _., 6. PLANNED DEVELOPMENT . . . A. Follow all City setback requirements along the boundary stree�s of this _ development, but the setback requireoents within the developm�nt along the R-1 and F-3 zoning lines will be set up on the basis of a total development concept. '- B. Provide lighted walkways within t[�is area. ►. `�.. �. 7. CO:VSTRUCTI0�1 SCHEDtiLE - Have construction of tne model townhouses underwa�r before any building permits are issued for building ir, the apartment area. . 8. SCREENII�G - Screen �he parts of this development abutting the existing residential area with a high level of plznting, rollir.o earth berms, and other landscaping means. _4_ • . , a i� " , - . . . I ... . . �� �� • .. _ . . , . . . . . . . . �_ _ . , . . .. - _ . ^ � . - � . . The undersigned officers of the-corporacion'have read the agreement between ,, the property owners E1�2Y H. RIEDEL ESTATE and the City of Fridley, concerned with ��. � the rezoniltg of the property and as this corporation is the contract of deed �� , pu�chaser, we agree and accept all conditions of the said agreement. , . = IN WITNESS T��'EREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands this 21st day ' "' . of August, 1972.. ' . � ' - . , _. . __ : __�— . __ _ _ . -- -_ � .. � Partp of the First Part ^.. . , , - . .- . - S . .-. Ia Presence af Z�iE �TALL CORPORATION . � . - ; � Corporation�vame ; _ . . � _ . � . - , ` " . � ✓ l�' + ,� r � ii �j��/',�� ��� g , / :; ; - ; � �' � : ... President ` � ,..� . . � � v ✓ B ��.. ' 2�easurer � .-. � � , - _ . STATE OF MINNESOTA ) . . _ . � ' � ss. coux�r oF ���� ) ,_„ On this ' �lst day of _ August , 19 7z , before me a Notary Lee B. Hoffman and Public within and for said County, personally appeared Frederick L. Wall III � ' ' � they wer.e to me personally known, who, being each by me duly sworn did say that E��es the 1�easurer and . President of the corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affi�ced to said instrument is the corporation seal of said corp�ration, — and that`said instrument was sigaed and sealed in behalf of sai�i co:poration by authority of its Board of Directors and said President & Treasurer ' and acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporatioz. _, IN WIT:�'ESS t�THEREOF, the parties i�ereto have set their hands this _ 31st day of Au�ust , 19 72 . . � Subseribe� a.�:d sworn io r.:s inis 31s:, day of r.t,:past, ?';-?2: � , '. ,` ��C //�� ��� �/�_'%":.'. ... ' : _ S_ ;= : ;:�- � ti-n-�,,-�-- _____T!/ . � i �" � tF��i;1 i�� i' ",.:.,_�;--rn� j ' ' LlVr,�y. � 1- N..rK:iY p;�•�� �� . , ::� {t - •f ' '1:.cSCTA . � , a t�. ,i ; HiP!�'�cPtv r��r �T� _ � .i • • . ' .-. , ;. . . r,. . . - - , . , � ,� ,-� . ..: �5. .. . . 1-- , . � . . , • : • ' party of the Second Part ! � __ ` . . . . .- : , � . •, • : � . � ' • . • - � • _ ` Ia presence Of '. - . . City of Fridley .! . . . A Municipal Corporatio " . . . ' � •_ - , . � � _ _ _ , . _ : _ � •�.�i�,=� . ; BY ! ��.Ct�. • ; � Frank G. Li'b1, ayor : � � _ %� � .�� ' $ . �� �._ • Gerald R. Davis, City rianager � i � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) , ' ) ss. . COUNTY OF ANOKA ) ... � Oa this 13 �—" day of j�._�.,1. , 19 %%, before me, a Notary Public . � . . � . . �M y . . ' . ^ � �tithin and for said County, personally appeared_ ,�,_,- , „ 6,/ _. .,% - `-� ,- [_-�� and � , � " � F//" ;,�� C-�.��i� ,��.--c ; , to me known to be the persons described in, and wbo executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they executed the szae ^ 8s thei.r free � act and �deed. . . � � � �- . . . � ,���' 4 sf ��L G. %y�i ti:. G� . . . . . . . � 1 ` r . . : ' MERVIN J. HERRMANN - ^ - � .• No�ry public, An�ka Coun:y, Minr'►. My Commission �x;,:res Oci. 14, 197: F "" It is mutually agreed that the provisions of this agreement shall be bin3ir.g upon and enforceable against the parties hereto, tfieir successors 2r.d assigns a��d all subsequent owners of the p:operty here described. �,n executed copy o*" tnis agreeme�t shall be filed with the Anoka County Register of Deeds ar.d r.iade a part of and bc binding upon the above described property. ' -6- , _; � _ - • w . � --- -.-� -- . � ` ,� r . . -. � - - . ' . � . . - . E ,� � , � . - , • _�_ .� .. _. . �: � . . � 96 t..- � . ,. � . . ; ;_. - . _. . . .: . �.^, ._ _ , ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands this � 21st day of Angust, 1972. � � . - ---- �- ___. . . . . 5 � .... � �� � . : ` � In Yreseace Of . . � - - - -- - ---- -.._ --- _----- ___ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ .. . -- � � - , . . ~� � . . / � . �. ; ` / ��� • G ��, ,�� -- -- G���''t'l�C'sz �_ i��--*='�`�` wrier s igna u_re : i orman e , Riedel, Executor of Estate • of Eminy He Riedel �� � I�tiZc(: ta y . � ie e . _ . � � -' _ . . ; STATE OF MIN SOTA ) ' it/o,�,!� � SS. . � courr� oF � /� . - ' .!� � � � this-� � da of 1972 befor me, a Nota�r , _., oa y , ' G%'� . � - . � Publ�s�'? - thi and for said County�, ersonall ap ared �t,� "�' and � to me known to be the persons described in,�and who executed the foregoing instrume and acknow e�ged that they executed the same as their free act and deed. ' • ' � • , ROPIAI.D S. KALiAi/� F;ilnt�. ' . - Nota►Y Pubilc� Anoka Counry. .... ' _ M„��ott'Imisslon �x�i�es Ju:y 19t 197_$ ^ � —%- • . _ �. . _ . , � . _ .� i �., m � '�oo o° °+ a � .�+ a� u r+ cs ^ a� ,-� i� c3 � o � c� O 1� �",. V N O V r�l 4�-I a�0 � ti-1 W O cd ? � � � � ''"� � C7 . � N �D �+ tn ,G f� � N ri �i fr' . .� �' , O YI � 'L7 G� � � N O � � � rl O � Y+ � a� b0 � ,u .-+ � �.�t .� .c� O �-+ �.�+ m ,� a� v, a.,� � �n o �+ u o w .,.i o v �n •�+ x,.� o b ,�+ u m u ,-� .a u ctf ca �..� ,a w u�+ r+ w d e-1 .-+ 6 a� s+ a� r� r+ b o �v v � o v �,., r+ �o o � a �.�+ s� o — � aai .°-± a�'i ��' oo a�i .°u � °J �, p, � a► �- y u,[ ��� p d a� N a� b � d __ .�. _ r+ �+ _...,..� t� N ti ,-+ F+ �r1 . r-+ C D� ct3 .�+ r1 cn 0p �0 .� O b O.x af ' 00 O �1 �--I O O 00 � � � a � ¢� v �° � � � � w A d c�a w � ..., a, � � � A A " � � .� � oo �tf �tS o0 00 r-t H 3� � � c�+d � � c�d q � � I� � O O ti-t � N d � •-�-1 �.�1 C) O� � C7 ctf .-t �--� � �--� «S «1 � .-, .-t � cn CA PG U U U U a a U w � ..� � � . . • • . . � � H � x ti � � � w ^ O� O N� N c'7 c'�'1 N N e-t N N N � H � .H W _' � �z o � , � . � � � H O O� � �.1 � . V � r-1 ^ H w O r-1 N r�1 � r-t � H �� O�i N N N ,7 N 41 � N tA O 1J v-1 f3. �rl �rl ,7 �rl 1.� 9 � � � � (j JJ .� .'!� tn � . Q's Ci i-1 �r�l � i� �1 � b0 S+' O .-1 O� � f: O � C+ A a� A O � Rf t� � 'U N 1� W � H � �.-t U bD p �u O +� U � t� 9 r-t N � t� O �.+ � �+ i� U 'a 4-1 �r1 �+ rl r1 �l W '� RS �r1 t�+ �d d d' N i-1 O N �-i RS d N :'. Ri �'1 i� '�H U �-]� A w Gv H fs� � pq H frr H H FA W H H C� � N D+ � D, 7+ D, D, � O � � � � N� � � � � � � � P� x � �n � �n •n � •n •n �n �n 8 � E..r co .t'. � q ci G' � i: q R1 1� A H A H H H H H N A z �-- d .0 c�d � �N cd c�d c0 c0 cd � . v] N O N O O O O O O � H W W v� W m v� w v� m cn GL _ z al o s� o �+ �+ �+ �+ s+ s+ o q (-�a� a a a a a a a a� a a H U U d . . � H � � � � � � � � � � • �, . . . �s, . . . ` . . � w a� a a a d d a 0 0 o u"�'i o o rn r�i v� o H �� v1 �/1 �7 O �t O c"� � M t�1 '— t H �n .o rn r+ � �O �--� � ao �o ti _. _ .,+ .--� .-+ ..� .-� .-+ .-� .-+ n n r� � �-+ � . t� r-+ r� � ��- � � i �� � i n � � o r� �o W .-� � �t � .t � � .t cr1 r+ .a [-aI N N r1 N trti N N � 1 1 �. Q�' 1 1 � t � 1 � 1 . 1 �. 1� 1 O ' r-d N � q .a N cr1 �7' u1 a� rn .-+ r-1 .�-� ��I/ �. ,.,.......�. ��.�r - ^ , ` �S _ . • . ` • 6030 CEDAR AVENUE SQUTH - TH E WALL CO RPO RATI O N• BLOOMINGTON. MINNESOTA 55420 • / � TE�EPHONE: (612) 854-6061 1 � � • April 25. 1973 City Council � "' City of Fridley 6�+31 University Avenue, N. E. Fridley, Minnesota 55�+32 Re: Riedel Property — � . Dear Gentlemen: The proposed townhouse/apartment project for the Riedel property adjacent to the Fridley City Hall has been closely analyzed frorn the standpoint of construction costs, site preparation costs, and mortgage financing dur- ing the last ninety days. The xesults have proven most discouraging: l. Lumber costs are at an all-tir�e high result- ing in our market townhouse sales price being non-competitive. 2. Current mortgage financing with moderate down payments require substantial discounts. It is only appropriate that we analyze our posi- tion in the project and conclude on what basis we should proceed; or con�lude that tne pr�ject is not viable �o-r our= selves as well as any other developers in the forseeable future. The prospects of not doing the project would be very much to our detriment as we11 as to the detriment of the City of Fridley. We have analyzed the market and feel that there is a.n alterr.ative available which would reauire the follow_ng: 1� modification of our existing site plan; 2) modification of our towr�iouse plans; 3) conversion to For Sale units�after an initial rental period; and 4� possible developmeYa.t of townhouses on the multiple zoned acreage. . - - . � � . � . • �� , _ , • \.� ' Citp Council � � City of Fridley . 6�+31 University Ave. , N.E. �,' - Fridley, Minnesota 55�32 - 2- April 25, 1973 ` While time is of the essence, it appears that � we are bein.g delayed due to final plan approval which we _ felt had occurred since the buiZding permits have already been issued. We would like to proceed as quickly as possible with the modifications outlined above if you feel as we do _ in order to make the project as viable for the City of Frid- ley as possible. We would appreciate and anticipate your :� cooperation in expediting this matter. " SincerelY� THE LL CORPORATIO , . � G���/t� _ � �t -______ ^ � Frederick L. Wall III President FLW:lm City Council Distribution: Frank G. Liebl, Mayor -- Everett F, Utter, Councilman at Large Tim Breider, Councilman-Ward 1 W. R. Starwalt, Councilman-Ward 2 ,_ William J. Nee, Councilman-Ward 3. � ^ �. --- � � � 4F � �.. , MAILING LIST: THE WALL CORP. ZOA ��72-03 Rezone from R-1 to R-3 - Riedel Property 1�� Planning Commission Apri1 14, 1972 Council June 27, 1972 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Juenemann W. G. Doty 1'� 6280 7th St. _ 59 Zogan Parkway _. __ Fridley _ Fridley Herbert Hymes (Mr. & Mrs.) Sidney Messner 6270 7th St. 6262 5th St. Fridley Fridley Mr. & Mrs. Duane Grant Mr. & Mrs. Art Christenson 6260 7th St. 231 Rice Creek Terrace Fridley Fridley Gordon Von Wald J& W Building Account 6250 %th St. 8427 Center Drive Fridley ' �r���e�r Spring Lake Park 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Reginald Cobb Jamison Bros., Inc. & Wyatt Bros. Inc. 6281 6th St. 8427 Center Drive Fridley Spring Lake Park 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Coyle Mr. & Mrs. James Mensinger 6271 6th St. 37a 64th Ave. Fridley� Fridley - Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Evans Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Smith 6261 6th 5t. 362 64th Ave. Fridl�y Fridley Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schaaf Mr. & Mrs. Roy Olson 6251 6th St. 501 Bennett Drive Fridley Fridley Mr. & Mrs. Uuno Ropponen Mr. & Mrs. Roman Chock 6280 6th St. 513 Bennett Drive Fridley Fridley Mr. & Mrs. Lou Roerig Mr. & Mrs. Arvil Miller 5250 6th St. 525 Bennett Drive Fridley Fridley � Mr. & Mrs. Ezra Yarns Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Ackerman 6251 5th St. 6370 Washington St. Fridley Fridley . Mr. & Mrs. Howard Nelson Mr Mrs. �e �neth Ac rman 6261 5th St. 637��Washing�-St. � Fridley Fridley � Mr. & Mrs. William Simms Mr. & Mrs. Darwin Fitch 6281 Sth�St. 6350 Washington St. Fridley Fridley -1- Mailing List: Zoa �72-03 � Mr: & Mrs: Glenn Engstrom 6340 Washington St. - Fridley Mr. & Mrs. Earl Miller 6330 Washington St. __ Fridley Mr. & Mrs. Henry Olszanski 6320 Washington St. Fridley Mr. & Mrs. Farold Kirkeeide 6310 Washington St. Fridley Mr. & Mrs. David Fuerstenberg 525 63rd Ave. Fridley Mr. & Mrs. Archie Huss 501 63rd Ave. . Fridley Mr. & Mrs. Willard Schlenker 6311 7th St. Fridley• Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ekstrand 6341 7th St. Fridley Mr. & Mrs. Walter Peterson 6351 7th St. Fridley Mr. & Mrs. John Fletty 6361 7th St. Fridley Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Davis 6371 7th St. Fridley Mr. & Mrs. Robert McPherson 500 Bennett Drive Fridley Mr. Robley V. Stuart 536 63rd Ave. Fridley Mr. & Mrs. Marlys Arenson 524 63rd Ave. Fridley -2- 1�� Mr. & Mrs. Kent Waterman. 512 63rd Ave. Fridley Mr. &�Mrs.Wayne Saunders 500 63rd Ave. _ Fridley Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Erlandson 521 Mississippi St. Fridley � Mr. & Mrs. Wally J. Miskowic 153 Hartman Circle Fridley Rudy Riedel 420 Mississippi St. Fridley Mr. & Mrs. William Gallagher 500 Mississippi St. Fridley Mr. J. Tapsak 510 Mississippi St. Fridley Viola E. Londroche 520 Mississippi St. Fridley Indep. Sch. Dist. ��14 6000 W. Moore Lake Drive Fridley � Mr. & Mrs. William Hitchings 6270 6th St. Fridley Babbscha Co. c/o Fridley State Bank 6315 University.Ave. Fridley � Geo. Hayano, Clifford Spieker, David Harri: & Weaver, Talle & Heriick, a partnership 6279 University Ave. - Fridley Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Stefans 537 Bennett Drive Fridley Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Aune 6380 Washington St. Fridley