PL 08/22/1973 - 7465.�...----- ; y''1 .;►''1 � A G E N D A PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 22, 1973 s CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: AUGUST 8, 1973 RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: AUGUST 14, 1973 RECEIVE PLATS & SUBDIVISIONS-STREETS & UTILITIES SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES: AUGUST 15, 1973 1. CONTINUED: PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A REZONING REQUEST, ZOA #73-08, BY NORTH SUBURBAN HOSPITAL DISTRICT: Rezone from R-1 (single family dwelling areas) to CR-1 (general office and limited business), the areas South of 76th Avenue N.E.; East of 5th Street N.E.; North of 75th Avenue N.E.; and West of Unity Hospital, to allow construction of a medical office building. Publi� Hearing closed. 2. PUBI�IC HEARINGz CONS�DERATION OF A PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. #73-06, HARRIS LAKE ESTATES, BY DAVID HARRIS: A replat of Lots 2& 3, and parts of Lots 4& 5, Auditor's Subdivision No. 22, being bounded on the North by Mississippi Street, on the We�st by Arthur Street, on:the East by East City Limits, and on the South ���R� pe eek Road. . � � ,,�5� - .,` � , "� �,� � F r4 _ � � � � i j'�'' � �; � � y � � . ..� + . . . � � 8:00 P.M. PAGES 1 - 16 17 - 18 19 - 24 25 - 34 a; 35 - 41 .� , /� � CITY 0.� FRIDLEY ' � � �'�A�T�dIN(� �OMMISSION MEETIN�G ApGUST 8, 1973 ��G� � �F�#I,I, TQ ORDER t Ck�airman Fitzpatri�k ca�.led �he meeting tQ r�rde� �� � � 0!R ��.M. ROL�, C:ALL : Members Prese�t: Fi,tzpatrick, Drig�ns, Blair, Li�dblad� Harris i�E�nbers Abs�nt: None Q�h��s Pres�nt: Darrel Clark, CommunitX DevelQpm�n�. Adms �err�ld Boardman, Plar�ning �,s$istant P�PPRQVE PLANNING C�MMISSION MINUTES: JULY 18, 1973 �OTION by Drigans, secprtded by ,$�a.ir, th�� th,p .�Z�,���n� +G'�►A+m�s�,zan minutes Qf ,7u2y ,18, 1973 be appraved as w.�.it��n, Upc�ta �t v'ai.ce vot�, a11 votin9 aye, ths �,otio� ca�rie� �z��n,zmQ�u�1y. REGEiVE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONT�OL SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTESt JtTi,� 2 6, 19 7 3 14QTIQN_ by Lindb�ad, seconded by Narris, tbat th� �1anz�.�rt� Cr�rr�nt.#�9.�on rece�ve the minutes of the Bu��tding Standa�ds�Des,��� Ct�T�t,��,1 Subcomm.tttee oF Ju1y 26, 1973. Upon a voic� vp��, ��„� voting ac�e, the motion carried unanimously. 1iECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: JULY 31, 1973 J�lQTION by prigar�s, secor�d�d by ,�1c�ir� tha� th� ,P.Z�r�nin$ Comm��s�iQr� rece.ive th� �Board 9� A�P��1� m.�nutes o� ,fiu1y 31 E ,��7.�. U�on a vaice vote, a11 voting aye, the mot�o,� c�,�,�,��� ut�an�mou�.Z y . �.. PUBLTC HEARING: CONSTDERATION OF A REZQNING REQUEST ZOA #73-08, BY NORTH SUBURBAIIT,HOSPITAL DISTRTCTt R�zpne • rom R-1 (singl� fa�nity dwellinc� areas) to CR-1 (g�n��&�, Qf�ice a�nd li�ited bus3�ess) �he ar�as South o� '�6th Avsnu� �T.E., Eas� Qt ��.� Stree�, N.�.f and North of 75th Avenu� N.E., an�d West o� Ur�ity Fiospital, to allow constructiQn of a�nedical of f ice bui ldinc� . Mx. Chaxies J��a�sqn, M�. Do�i ���v�r'mann, ar�d Dr. Jerome Hmr�y p+ere present to repre�ent the petitio�er. 9 a��i°ION ,by .�.���hl�td, s�,�pnded �y tT�'.��t���, t;h4�» t�a Plann��� Com�n���.�on wa�v�° t�ha readinq o?f th� �ubti�a Hear�ng not��� f�r �'��sGA�nq request. �OA #T3-0$. b� Nort�j Subnrba,� flosp,t�r�,� �,�a�,�,�Q�, PQ o�e, a.21 voting sye, the motion ca.c,r.��� �,���.��Q��,�y. v �1 A vP�ce y , �, �,,;, .. . ,. . _ _ . , ,, . . . . . � . „.�� , . ^ ���nning Commission Meeting - August 8, 1973 ' P�g� 2 T4z'. Johanson said he rep�esented Fzidley �n the Nox�h ���u�ba� ��s�i�al �istrict, and the purpos� of �he re�o�in� W�� �� �o�����ct a medical office build�ng. Th� �osp��al �ie��ic� ����� bui�d th� m�dical bu�l�ing w�thout rezoning, but �h�y h�d m�x�u� �� doctors whQ wall own this building and they cauld �Q� ��� m bui�dimg pe�mit to construct thia �uilding un�e�s �� i� x������. M�. Johanso� said he had�talked t� Mr, C�ar� and t�is wm� �o�s�de�ed to be the best clasa�fication o� rezQn�ng�t�at wa� �������1� u�d�r the present code. He said the NQ�th Su�urban ���gi�a� A�s�ric� �as no plans for the b�lance Qf the g�op�rt� �h�� ���� �skin� �� be rezoned, bu� it would be ��ed �Q� msdical p���os�� �x �ela�ed us��. The pro�oaed medica� bu��d�ng wil� �� 2��AQ0 sq�ar� feet and would be �he sam� st��e as the haspit�� i�s���w ��e�� will be an enc��sed walkwa� betwe�� the m��ical �����i�g ��d the hospital, s� ��at pa�ien�s eould �o �r�m the ���ic�l bui�di�� �o the hospital foz any test� �ha� w��e nesded. ��� �=a�� of doc��r� that �ant ta canstruct th�� �uild�n� axe e��G�alis��, Mx. ���gans asked Mr, Johanso� if'they wer� as�i�g ��r �hi� r�zQ���g on the speculation that some doctors would�cQme �n and b��ld ��uildi�g. Mro Johanson said they have been pla��ing to ^ �� ���� ��� seu�ral years, but �he� do have a�irm commi�.men� #��� �� �o������ wh� will own this building. Mra Dzi�ans sa�d �y �������� ���� �o CR�1� it wiYl allow the Hos�ital �rQUp �Q �u� �����i�g Qn the balance �f the prop�rty th�� i� �llow�� i� th�� �qnin�. � Ma�, �lark said it was po�sible t4 have a priva�e coven��t �����n� �hm� �his property �an �nly b� used for med�c�� pu�poses. H� �mid t�a� c�ve�e��s �� plat� ar� �or twe�ty years, and he �e�um�d ���s��y�� �f c�vene�� would �e th� same. He �a�d ��at �� C�-� the �aes allowed are strict�� 1im��ed to Qrofessianal ��opl�. Mr. Harris $aid �e felt �t would be b�tter to find anQ�her way �o con�rol this property, becausQ twent� years is np� yery lo��, �r. ��hanson s�1d he thQUght a'�ew zon�nq clas�i�ication �o� m�d�c�� purpose� could be one s�lution. M�. �ez� �as���� i505 �yric �a�� NoE., sa�d that Mr� JOh8A�0A o�i����ey �ad p��ns for � medical bu�ldi�g �� par� of this land ��� no plane f�r th� balance. �e ���d�red why the hoapi�al need�d all �hi� l�nd, ��. �o�ansan said there was a atudy mmde by Henn�pin Co�su�ta�ta about fou� yeara ago and t�eX �ecommended that we get a� mua� �and a� �os�ibleq We ma� a� some �ima ox anot�er yo to a te�a�ing'�QSp�ta� a�d we ��u�� �eed dorm�tories �or �tudente. We tn�X �a�� a�u�s�n� h�me a� s�me tim� �� the �utur�. The m�dic�� ����d �� ch��gi�� �� �a���1y tha� �� i� h�r� �o a��ic�pate ite ����s a�d w�a� ������ian �� will tak�o . �. �e�rge �oha�ix, 7�6� � m�dica��buiTding ���t�ey��o ��� St���� �.�,, 3u������ ���p�tal �esire, withou� w �» _ s�id it �a� hie D��tri�t aan bu�l3 rezoning. .I� �t waa /'1 � � PA�n�ing Commission Meeting - A�gust $, 1973 `�aqe 3 — . -�..�..-..., s�zon�d, �kai� lan,d wou�cl go on �k�e �ax rQi�s, Ha thaugh� �h�$ ��'og��t� �Y�ou�,�1 no� }a� rezoned beaause �koo many c�tY��r buai.r�esse� ��u�.d c�ca s��a this prc�perty. Let t�e Hospital Boaxd lauilc� �h� �t�d���3� B�u�.�.c��.a�g aracl se17, the land they hav� r�o us� for �a ���� �°ia�n ��.a�g�� Eamily hom�s could b� b�ilt on th�.� ��oper�y �s�d fii�� Ci��r would s�i11 ge� taxea from th,is property, . , Mr, Joh�nson said the Hospita]� D�.strict did not wan� �o adminis�ex �he medical building and would pre�e� ��a have �.t '��'iv�t�e�.� raw�n�c3. M�. Thoanas ��°anlu�d, 7550 �th Stre�t N.E., saic� he was one �� mar�y he�e to protest this, and wh.at were the� do�.ng her�: �f ' �he HQSp�.ta7. could �uild this medical building a�yway, Mr. F�.t�p�atx�i+�� saxd that �he rezoning request would deter�.ine whe�h�r the bui.ldin� would be gubl,icly or privatel�r owned. :�a��_.�arcuGCi,7441 Lyric Lane� s�aicl the�� Was such a traffic �rablez� �.a� ,t�� �r�� r��w �hat sh� was o�posed t�o any mcare land b�f.�g �c�r�ec� �o��rcial , • �° � l�it�patriek said vae d�on't hav� �nyth�.ne� more r�s�rict�.v� ��an wlha��. �fihey were asking to have i� rezoned �o. Mr, Rober� �Ioseman, '7533 4�h Stree� N.E,, sa�d they didn°t n�:ec� al� the land th�y were proposing to rezone, �or �h� mediaal bui].d�.ng, Ma�, k'itzpa�ri,ck said the� �oul.d hav� asked �o� �ess ��� th�:� have no�, �Ir. Moseman �skec� �,� the Gommission had loal�ec� �,r�t�ca the �raf�ie problem either can 5th Street, off from Q�kaox�as R.��s�, rar the University Av�nus Servic� Dra.v�; to 7��.h P�vent�� �nd o�'er �0 4�h Stree�. N. E. He said he �hought �hey shou�ld ��o a tx�f E�.� �t��z�y �h���Pas th�; sinc�l� fami�.y �omes were cpmpletel� sur�ou��ed by commercia�. development. Mr. F�.�zpatrick said that arie qf the prob7.ems we a�e �lwaye fac�s�l with is that the different zoning districts were e�.ther too X��tri,c�ive or toca broad, Mr. Harris said �k�ere �night be a way to amend �he R-�. zoning ordi�a�n�� �c� al].ow m�dicai uses �ad�r a Specia�. Use P�;rmi�� and �h�� �ra� w� �ou�.d rest�ict tk�at o�ly building� fo� med3.ca7, purposaa �s�uYd! be cons�tructedq If we rez�ne, then other professiona�„ peOp�� could construct_some differen� type Qf business, ' b�r. Fitzpatrick asl�ed Mr. C].ark what the zo�ning ordinancs aaid aa faac as hospitala i,n a� R-1 district. Mr. Cl,ark said thia land �a pub].icly awaied and �� tax exempt. 8�cause it i.s publi� land, ���y �an use it for any needs that they have the same way the C�.ty �an, Mr. Arigans �said the reasQn th�� ��re reque���.ng rexoning . i� eo th�y �ar� sell pa�rt of �heir p�oQerty and �.t wou�d go back on the t+�x xo�ls. Mr. JohansQn said he felt �t was in the best, infi�ex��t� �` o� t.ha ��.�y th�it �h��� ?�1�c��Ca�. bui�.�inc� be pn th� fiax xO�.�.s. /''1 Plann�ng Commissio� Meeting - August $, 1973 • paq� � Mr. Drigans said he thought another alterna��.ve was to 1c?Qk �`� a m�c�ical zoning code. He said he was concer�ned th��, Qn�e ���$ prop�rt� i.s ��zoned that the North Sukaua�ban Hosp.�ta�. p�.�tra,ct G,pu�d ��:1]. °�i�e �.and �o the highest bidder and other things cather th�r� th�.ngr� tk�a� are medically oriented cauld go in tan tha,s �and, Gh�ixman Fitzpatrick said that a�'ter everyon+� has b�en h,sars� �onigh�, this�item should probably be continued �o exp].Q�e thQ �A��ibil�.ty of another zoning di.vision. Mr, Harris asked about r�zona,ng it to �D, Mr, �1�rk said �h� ez��i�� �rc�perty would have to be planned and appz�,ved, b�fore �.�� k�t�i7,di.ng would be allaw�d and this wasn't the Hos���,a7� I��,����,G��� el��i�e a . Mr. �oberfi. Burrell, 7510 5th S�r�et N,E. , saic� k�e �'s1t th� ��af��,c would at �.east be tripled by this proposal, l�r. Jerome �fardy said he has som� atrtterest in se�:irt� th�.� �n��l��al k�uilc�ing is eonstruct�d. He s�a.d there wQU�d be � pha�ac� (no� � e3xug s�ore) and there has laeen interes� b�r an Qpt,i�a1 cQmpany �.r� c�et�ka.ng space in �his building, He f�1t i.� wou�.d b� the� r���u�cal thing �� �ome into the Hospital parking lot as access �ca thi� ^ buti�ding, M�°. �'i�z�aatrick said he �elt t}�at most qf the c�ues��QZ�s ra�.se�d akaou� traffic by the audience were mor� cc�ncern�;d abou� wi��� +��,s� wou].d bs coming into th� area besides the. med��al o���a� bs��. �.c� �, nc� , Mra. Kenneth Little, 7558 5th Street N.E., asked ,�� �hie bu�.�ci�.ng wer�e really neeessary. She felt �tha� most o� ���: c�a�ta�� a�t� th� iJnity Hospital staff alr�:ady had off�.cea and didn't n�ed t�ai� £a�a,li�y. �i�. Lievermann said ther� wer� many c�oc�ors on �h� ����� v�tao �ae�e undex a hardsh�ip because they wexe ao �ar f'�Qm �B��o kac�ap�.tal and this would be convenie�t for th�m and for �heir g��ier�ts whQ needed the hospital faeilities for x-rays and �e�t� on a� o�zt-�patien� basis, I�r. Johanix pr�sented a petition which he saa.d waa s�.gned by �.OA� of �he peogle receiving notice of the Pub�,a.c H��r�.ng who we�e opposed against rezonirtg for an unknown busin�sa. M4TION by Xarr�s, �secondeci b� 191a.�r, that the P1a�n.�ng Com�����c�ra raceive pet.i�ion No. 11-�9�3, op,�osing the a�zQn�ng� t`�°o�a �-�.I tr� ���1 (ZOA #7,�-48) Q�he areas SoutF� of a6th Av�nu�' ���� a�� 5��a ��ree� �oz'tp��ast, �nd NO�th of 7S�h Ave�nue N,�;., tA m���� c��a�t.�uc�.t�� q�t� a�eda[c�1 oFt'i�� bui.ida(ng. Plpon Et vo��� � �r�a�e, a11 v�t�ng �eye, the motion c�rxied unanimousl�. , � Mr. �ohan�ix a��c� �t�ae peog�e w�r� no� opgQ�eB to the� t�ospita�, b4ti�ding �; medi�a� �f �#.��, build�mg, they w�re �us�, Qp�peed to ��� �. Qr�eOn�YiC� s . . . � /'\ Pla�n�ng Commission Meeting - August 8, 1973 ' Pa�e � I�r. DQn Li.evermann asked for a clarifi�ation of the �eti�.io�i. �, px'igan� read the petition. Mr. Fitzpatrick saic� th�y w�x'� O��e�ti�g �q the rezoning of the whole area for the pur�ps� �� 1au 1�aln� a medi.cal building or� part o� it. �lx. Mos�mar� said he wanted it brougk�� to th� a�tention p� ��� ��.�k� Council and the City P1ann�� where they waui� a1.1�w er���an�es and exits pn this property rec�ardless o� the 2c�n�ng. 'The�'s should be somethinc� worked out ta relieve �he tr���a.� �XO�►�.�m. . Mx. Johanix asked how mucl� of w�at thex were askiflc� tQ b�: a�ezraned would be used for a medical office building. Mx. Joh�neQr� �a:id it would be ab�ut thr�e acres. Mr. Jc?han�,x sa�.c� th�.s property was about li� acres sa we have ? plus acr�s to.b� +�ol��erned about, Once this is rezoned, na one can +giVe u� a�y �e�u�ar�ce of what this proper�y will be used for.' Ma�. I�eona�d Samuelson said that i� the grcawth of k'�idle�r t1t���� Hos�ital has been a tremendou� asset, He said k�e �ould xe�o�n�.z�: the eor�cern of the homeown�rs in ths area, But i.� , i�h+�y �ou1d look at it on the basis that this medical buil.dinc� ��au�.e� comp�iment the present hospital faciliti�s and wou�.d be ^ �n ��s�t to the homeowners, the co�nmunity and the hospital. � He sa�.�l if �his rezoning was to go through, the second and thixd reading of the ordinance c4uld be held up �ntil fi.h� ��.A�1 �1a��s w�re presented for this propex'ty and �� t,ha� t,im� ths hom�Qwnexs would have a chance ta see the p�.ans and �pea]t �,�n�.r� , � Mr. Lieverman said there has been diseussion of �h� amQUr�� �►i� la�nd the�Hospital District owns, It has been the �x�a�rier�c� o� many hospitals that wk�en they want to expand their �`aci.l��i��, �.hQy have to buy up existing proper�ies for this expan��.�n at�c� the Cost is quite prohibitive. He said he thought it wa� gru��t�t Of th� North Suburban Hos�ital District to �obtain as mu�h land �s �hey have, so the land is there for expansian, suc� as th�.� m,ec��.�al office building. We can't look that far ah�ad and ki�4w �.h� �hanqing needs We wiJ.l have for this property, becaus� med�.��nA fe �hang.�ng so fast. , Mr. Howard Puffer, 753� 5th Street N.E. , said the no�.�.c� �� c�'Qt Q�1 °�h;� r�zc,ning reguest did n,ot state that this was fox� a med�ca,1. o��'iCe building. Mr. C�.ark sa�.d this was according to t�he oxd�nan+�e. "The Publie Hearing r�otice states what the petitioner wan�s �Q r��o�e �h� prop�ert� to, but the use he will put the land to i� pres����d �at th� Publi.c �iearing. ' � �tx � Puf�er $aid the� didn' t kr�ow u�til th�y i�nqui�ed a� +�ity �3a11 what, �.he rezor�i�.g request� was fQr and it �urprised a l�a� of �eo�le, . � P�anning Commission Meeting - August 8, 1973 � p�g� 6 ��TIQN b� Ax�qans, secQnded by L�ndblad, that th� �l��n��g CO�m��si�n close t�e Public Hearing on xezAning reque��, ZpA �i3-p8� by NQxth Subuxban Nospital Aistrict, to ��zone f�om R�� ls�ng�� Pamily dwelling area) to CR-Z (ge�er�1 ��f�ce and ��m���d �usine�e), t�� �r�as South of 76th Avenu'a No�th�ast, Eas� of Sth 5����t N��t��aa�, aAd No�th of ?St� Avenue Northeast, to $11ow Gonst�uct�on Qf a m���Ca� Q�fice build�ng. U�an a voiee va�e, a11 vatin� aye, ��� ma���n carr�ed unanimously. �r. Dri�ans said it was his feeling that we shQU�d expl�re ��e pQ�siblity of a medical rezoning code, and alsa �h� poss�b��ity o� ��g�nial �se in an R-1 �rea. My concer.n is abou� �ez�n�nq auah a�ar�e area. If the land was sold, there would b� no �o�tro� �Ve� what wen� into this area, and I can't see i� b�in� r��on�d back t4 R-1 again, I think administration and the 1ega1 d�par�m�nt ah�u�d check �nto these two possiblities. Mr, Harris said he preferred amending the R-1 Qrdi�afl�e s� ���� �QUId bs under Sgecial Use. He said if we should r��omme�d j�s� ��zoning the part for the medical�office bui�ding we waul� �� �Q�ng s�ot rezqning which we do not like either, �zp ��ark said if eith�r of, t�ese two thing� wer� pp�$ibls� �� �� w��l� tak� same time to make cha�ges in the�aoning Q���nanc�a, � �nd h� w�nder�d about the t�me schedule of the Hospi�a� p�str�ct� ' �ro �o�ansQn said 90 days wou�dn't �old t�em u� �oQ m�ch, M�. L�ndb�a� a�ked �f it were possible to ge� this under a Sp���ai u�e �ertnit in an R-1 area, could the interest�d �arties �tar� dxawi�� up theix plans while the legal asgeata were b�ing wark�� ou�. ��. Clark said they could if the Pl�nnin� �ommi�s�on we�e �av���b�s to t�e medical office buildi�g. Mr. F�t��a�r��� s��d �� ���n°� t�in� they c�uld make any positive statemen�� �� thi� t�m�. Mr. JohansQn said as the Hospital Dis�rict favar�d sell�n� th�a property for the medical office bui�ding, t�ex•wQ�ld�"� want �o go tQ the expense of drawi�g up the pla�e. �OTION b� Harris, secPnded by Arigans, tha� th� P1��n�n� � �O���B��D� continu� the rez����� r�ques�. 2Q� #73,�8, b� N�rth 8ub�rban Hc�pxta� Distr�ct, to rezvne from R-1 (s�n�1e fam��y dw��1�n� areas) to CR-1 (genera� a�fice and limited bus�n�ss) " th� �r�a Sputh of 76th Avenue N,E,, East of Sth 5����t N.�., �nd No�th vf 75th Ave�ue N.E., �o ��1Qw can�truct�on aP a m�d�a�1 OP��G��bu��din�, unti� Auqus� 22, 1973, Upon a va�c� vote� �11 �� �Gt��� ��e, the motion carrted unan�mously. �. FUBLTC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A REZONING REQUEST ZOA �7��09 BY CENTRAL AUTO PARTS: Rezone Lot 10, B�ock 1, C��txa eW anor, f�om C2-S (qeneral sh�pping areas) to M-� fl�ght �. industrial areas) to make xoning consistant wit� p�op�r�y l�.�e�. (�2Q1 i3� Avenue N.E. ) . , � P1anAi� Commission Meetin - Au us� 8 i973 p� � 7 , �. PUBLIC HEARING: SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #�73--07, BX CENTRAT., AU�GI PARTS : To al�ow a unk yards a� the ba�.i.ng ca� � unk or �ac�s, in � building enclosed on all sides Qr when ccazn�7���ely en��.osed in a solid fence, per Fridley City Cc►d� 45.131, A, �� locat�d on i,ats 1Q thrpuc�h 15, Block l, Central Va,�w P�i�no� .(12 Q 1 7�'� Avenue N. E.). Mr, John Buzick was,present. ' MQTION by pxigans, secpnded by Lir�dblad, tha� th� .P�ann.�ta� C+��tm�sstQn wa�ve the read.�ra� of th� pub.�tc Hea�z.ng no�.��+� fo,c S��on.�ng raquest, ZOA �i73-0�, by Cen��a2 Auta Part�. ilppn a VO.�ca vote, a,iZ voting ay�, the mQtior� cr�xried unana.mous,Zy, ��TION by �r��am�, s�e9,nded by Liaad.blad. �l�at t�e P�anr�.�n� Cama��s��lc��a waiu� th� ��adin� of �he Fub1�a Reaxin� nra�s�e for 8pe�v,�a1 U�s Pe.rm�t, S� r�73-07, ,by Centrel Auta ,Paz�ts. tlpc+n a 9P�tGO Y�at�� a11 vot.fa�g aye, the �no�,�on Carr.��d unan.t�n�u�1y. i�x', Bu�ick said we grppose �o co�struct a buildi�r� and di8m�nt�le �he �ars inside the buildi�c�• instead ca� Qut in �.he �►a��d� T�e ��nncr� ge� a bu�.i.dinc� peran�.� unti], T,c�t �.0 �� r�aQned. °�h�ie 1��, �aas a�wa�a been� u�e� �or ciisma�tiinq �aarts , A3.�hcaugh �l�i� �.� �he sam� �oarpor�tiQn, w� purchased th� progert�r the � ,����� �� �h�s y�ar. We c�rai� ha;�dle �ars th$t are 19��' � and ��w��' o Ms, Blaix asked if they would still be stockpilinc� ��ar� � outa�.de, �ir. Buzick said that when cars were dismantl�d� some of �k�e �ar�s would be �aulky tc� store iriside and they gc�� aome Q�,rs► �ha� were repairable and they would be �torec� outaid�. M�, L�.�pdblad asked Mr. Buzic�C wher� th��► c�ot �he �ar�. �Ir. 8uzick said �hey �urchased them from insurar�ce ccam�,�nie�. �Ix'. Harris asked the zoning �on Lots 1 through 9, �].�ak �,, Cer�tr�l View �iancar, Mr. Boardman said it was C2-S. Ni�. Haa�zi� askec� �h� aoninc� on Lot 11 through 15, and Lo�� �.6 through �8, �Ere �c��rdmar� sai.d this was all M-1. Mr, Harris wor�dered why the�+� was C2-S zoninc� in this area. Mr. Boardman said it has b�er� �2�� s�nce the zoning orda.nance came fnto being. � Mr. Bu�ick aaid he thl3�ks Lot 10 was purchased la�er �han the orig�.nal pxoperty and that's why its zoned �2-S. Mr. B].air asked about ths parking facilitie&. Mx', Suz�.ak �xgla�ned tk�e parking an the p�operty. Mr. Li.ndblad said t�hey mst �1�. the cade re+quirements fqr parkinq. ^ Mz, Blair askecl vaha� typ� of b�ildir�9 they were proposa.ng. Mr. Huzick, �aid it wil�. be a metal building, P�ann�n� Commission M�eting - August 8, 1973 Fag� 8 ^ � Mr. Boardman said this property has been undex� the �art�e u�� befo�e the zoning ordinance of 1969. Mr. Buzicl� said he l���W it k��d been under this use for 15 years before they bough� �Y�� p�Qp�r�y. Mr. Clark said the use is grandfather�d in, but �.hey havs to bring the entire property into prageK �Qn�.ng so a �p��ial use permit can be issued. . Mr. Harris said he fe�,� �.h�.�t p�'�posal is upgrading the property, Mr. Clark agr�ed. Mr. �oardman said when Mr, Buzick came in with h�� orig�.n�� ��r�pQ�al, they asked him to move the proposed locatiafl of �h� buil�ding so it was not on Lo� 10 at a].1, They do wan� �Q �pmp�.�te '�hi� bui�ding by December 31st and would like to hav�: a fc�und�ti[tn pt��'mm�.�, by the lst of September. W� would like to hau� in�7.uds$ �.ri y��a�' re�ommentiQn to Council tha�k he be allowed tca bu.�l� �is bu��.�l�ng �nd parking be allowed on Lot 10 unde� the Sp�c�.al LIs� k`��m�,t wha.le Lot 10 is b�ing rezoned. This way the b��.lr�inc� � g�xtt'4i,� w��l no�. be held up du�ing the rezoning proces�, M0�'TON by Harrzs, seconded by a.tair, tha� �he P1�nn.tng �'Q,Rt�a,��a.1on �.tose the Public Hearin� on�rezoning �equ���, �OA iYi3�Q9, Qn Lat 1Q, B1ock 1, Central View Manor, and Q�t th� ' ,�,p��,��,� �7se Perm.�t request, SP #73-07, on Lots 10 thrauql� 15, 8.�tt�k �, Centxal View Manor, by Central Auto Parts, 12QI 73�F ^ �i��7�u� Nc�rth�ast. Ugon a voice vote, a11 voti�g aye, t1�� � A1���An ���'r��d unanim�usl�. ,Mr' Lindbl�d said h� feit tl�� petitioner was upc�radir�g �h� pra�c�rty a�d l�e alre�dy h�s tk�e land. Thi� pxpp�,sa�, ha� b8et� �Qmpletely'reviewed by Building Standards--De��.gn �e�ntral $qk��ommi.�tee and he f�vc�red a�?proval of the requests. P�l�. 1��'�gan� asked Mr. Clark .if there had b��n compl��.n�a a�iGt�� th1� business. Mr� Clark said thexe had been �a�m� and �hey t�1���+ a€sw montha agca, He didn't know where the compJ.�ir��s �ame �xot11 bu� the� could k�av� been made by Caty staff. Mz. Fitzpatri�ok ��t�d the a�l�acent property owners had been r�otified �f �.h��e x�ueste and there wa� no one here objectir�g to the ��oposa].. M�C, C�.arl� said this pro�osal wi11 make it �asie� �or tY�� �et�,ti.�ner to comply with the zQning ordinances, ' Mr. H�.a�.r asked how higY� the fe�,�e would be. Mr� Clark ��tid it wou�.d be a 7 foa� screening �ence , Mx. Harris said D�e was in favor ot the request, ,KOT�ON by �indblad, s�conded J�y ��a�2r, that the ,�1da�n.tr�g � Ga�Am#�r��on xecomm�nd ta Council ap�r�va1 of th� rezan.�n� xequea�p ��� M],��09, by Cer�t�a1 Ayto ,�arts,, t� rezo�e .Got ,�0, 8,tppk .�, C�1#��'a.� ��tew M�r�o,�, fra� C2-S (y���ra1 s�opp.��� �ress� �o M-1 (�,���� .��dustxial areas) to makQ zon�n9 co�tsis���� w.i�h p�ope��� ��,�ps, �#te sa�ne b�ing ;�201 73� Avenue Nq�theas�, Upot� a� yp,�Qp YQ��i �1,� y,¢���1?� ���� �,�� mQtiar� carrjed �r�an�mo�s�y. . � _. n � gl�nn�ng Commission Meeting - August 8, 1973 pag� g ��� 1�CJT.�O�V by Harris, seaonded by B1air, that t11e P1aan�n� Gommis�.�on .�ecammend to Caunci.l appzova.� af the regu�s� .�car at �p�c�a1 tlse Permit, SP 1173-07, by C�t��ra1 Auto Faxts, tp ��IQw junk yazds or th� ba�ing of junk ox rags, .�n a bq.ild.�nc� �x�o�+a�ed vn a.�1 s�des or wh�n completely ��clas�d in a solid PenC�F p�r Fridley C�ty Coda 45.131. A. 8, ,Ioca��d can �,Grt� 1Q th��►ugh 15, 81ock 1, Central V�ew blanor, the same bein� 1,�01 73�t �9v�nue Northeast, with the recommendatio,n �,hat �h� �t.ipU��at�on� of the 8ui,ld�ng Standards-Design Cor�tro� Subcom�tt�ttee ba part t�f th� mo�,�or� which are: 1. Bus�Tding m�terial be an ap�.tvn oi the builder subjeet to City aPPraval ��OZ.IDW{IICj des.�g.n �x�s�nted tp the Su,bco�nmfttee. 2, WQrk out ��ime table w�tb �he Cit� S�a�'.� �c��° �h� ex�ex°�o,� developrrrent of tbe pdrvpert�. 3, �►Qxl� �ut any drainage problem with the En�,in��x�n� D�,partmen�, • �t�Q �`urther r�commerad that pa;kir�� be �1lowed' on Lo� ,�Q, �tnd tha 7�u�.�d�ng permit be issu�d on th� ,p,r�p�rty .�lready a�p�ed M�1. i►�p� � vca.�c� vots, a11 voting sye, the,matics� �a�x��d utaaza�t�c�u��y. �. �YIVAY, PLAN APPROVAL FOR W�1LL CORPQlR1�TION TC �r�m g�n�r� ly saca�ed on 5�h Stre�t and # i�rc��t Missi.ssippi Street to 63rd Avenue N.E, SESs The e�� N.E. l�Z. �'rank Reese, Mrp Rudolph Dant,A and M�. Mar1� �ab��ee w�Dse ��c��en� to mak� the preseratation, Mr. Fteese said �� thouc�ht they wcauld start �khe,�� �r�sentatior�,� with t�s outsi�e appearance caf the project whi�h ine�.udes ].�nd� �B�caping and the appearance of th,e exteris�rs of �he toW�hc�u'sc�s. � Mr, Laberee presented the landscape plan. He said t�he p�.an woulc� g�.v� c�ach unit same amQUnt of screening from tlh�a �treet, They would be using evergr�ens such a� dougl'aa ��r � a�x�t�ae a�nd ju�iper. Tk�ey would be us�.ng some decozative �rees a}�d, m�king uas� o� �ome �f the large trees on the site, The healthy �ull qzown trsea would be moved around the sit� to �he b�s� adva�nt�ge. �hairmaz� F�.tzpatrick asked if - there would ���.�.1 b� berm�.ng. Mx. Rseee said there would be berming on Mississip�i S�reet 8nd 7tn strest.� Mr. Drigans �sked the total cost ok the landscap�nq. Mr. R���e said it would be about $SO,Q�Q inc�uding the s�ddi�g. Mr. �Uant� eaid he had ta ��ave shortYy and would like to � 4�aWer any quest�.o�ns the Commiss�on had, a� �hi� time. Mr. Cla�k �aked him if he had a copy o� the as�ocia�ion by-law�. �r. qat�tQ �la�d �hese would �o� ba �n exis�kenc� wk�i�e the townhou�qs wex� �antqd. Th� Wa1J, Gox�oratiar� wi11 be respo�sible ior a�.l ma�,�ten� �z�ae, etc. , unti� all tY�e tow�hous�s are sol,d. Mr, C�.ark aai�d � model Q� �,���c�.a��Q� ��-�,�w� sl�ould Soe pre�ared and p�seen�ed to t�he ��.ty CoLtn�3.�," ` n Q�ni� Commission Meeting - Auqust �� 1973 P�ge �� Mr. Drigans said that in a letter of JuiX 11, 199�, they wez� ���u���ed to cons�der an underground sprinkler system. Mr, R�es� ��id �h�t Toro was working on a plan bu� it wouldn't be rea�y un�il �h��sda� morning. Mr. L�ndblad said at the Build�ng S�andaxd�- A�e�gn Control Subcommittee meeting t�ere was discuss��n abo�t ua��g �h� water from the ponds for sprinkling, or in�ta�l�ng � �r�v��e well. Mr, Dante said they•were pretty def�n��e abau� ha���g a sg�ink��ng system. M�R Drigans said he had some questions about the t�ird s��pul�tion which sta�ess "Those units i� the R-1 are� be ownex o��upied wi���� � p�riad oi three yearg aftex �he compl�t�on of the ��nstru�t�on �n� �� that tirne a two year exte�sion of the time be ��an�ed ��. ne���d"e ��EBE will be rental uni�s �nd what wi�� happen i� �� �he �nd ��.the specified time, they cannot sell the un�ts tha� a�e in an R-� area. Mr. Dante sa�d that i� a�uest�qn tha� ��n�� �s an�we�ed because no one knQws what lies in th���u�ure. Mr. ���xpatrick said that was one of the Commission's con��rns �ha� yQU w�ll have mu�tiple dwellings in an �-1 ai�tr��t� . �r. Harris said �he Commissio� had considered t.he ��bra�g progoa�l �� thei� last meeting and would l�ke tQ see a�omm�� ^ ���Y�W�� �n 5th Street worked out between the ��b�arx BQa�d ��d �h� Wa11 GorporatiQn. Mr. Dant� said they were ve�y re�eg�ive ` �Q hav��g a library located on the adjacent property ��d the� w�r� aure something cou�d be worked out with th� C�u�t�. Mx, Clark said t��s should be worked out before the ��na� ��ade �ar ��� S�ree� �s completed. , Mr. Laber�e said there would be gas light� placed around �h� �ev��opmen� and also alo�g the pathways of �rushed rock, Th�re wi�� be bark mulch wit� flowers in the �ntrance ar�as, Th�y w�11 keeg some of t�e na�ural vegetation. Mr, prigana �a�� w� have been given the complete cost of the lands�ap�ng, �u� haw muah w�ll be spe�� on just pla�tings. Mr. Laber�s aa�d i� wQU�d be abQUt $25�Q00. �r, Reese said we are using a�i�� �Y�rgxeen that w�11 be effective right from the star�. ,, � . Mr. �ri�ans aske� if the shrubbery �aci�g �he str��ta w4uld b� �a� �nough �a�k ao they wou�dn!t be a�t�ct�d by snQw �nd aa�t �� ��e winte�. Mr. C�ark sa�d on� o� the s�i�ulations waa for a����wa�k on 7th Strse� and 63rd Avenue which will be 1Q ��st ��om �h� curb so the sh�uba would be �a� ���ugh back so aa no� �Q b� af�ec�ed bX snow plowi�g, �r. Clark said stipula�ion No. �4 e�out pa�ing the cost o� putting an additional lane on ?th 9tr�e� st���ing 204 fe�� South of Miasissippi Stre�t to th� �ississippi ��sea� r�qht of way ahould, b� taken �nto accou�� in plac�ng ��� ��x��bery and sidewalk in the area. Mr, Boardman said w� h�v� A eigned agreeme�t for this stipula�iQn, • M�. R���e �a�d � st�dx h�� been �h� �raperty �ix month� apaz�. The inc �a �� Q�� �QQ�, Hs �a�� ��� o� mad� a� thQ wat�r ��b�e on w�ter tabl� varied only 6 t�e com�ni���es �ad requeatad n �, /'\ Pla���n Gommission Meet�n - Au ust 8 1973 ' Fa ��1 ��at ��� �aois b� lined with a vinyl material of �Qm� �ype, but �h��� t�s�s show �hat this is not n�c�ssary and �hey w�ll na� �� ��n�d. The pond will be about three fee� deep and �he wa�er w�l� b� rec��culated by a pump and a fQUnta�n, Thes� wa��rwa�s w��l b� ei��� feet wids and can be used for �anpein� and �ce skat��g. �h�� w��� not be used for swimmi�g, Mr. Laberee �ai� �here w��l b� ��m� �h�ubbery around,the ponds'and benGhes in the Q�en ax��a, N�'. Clark said there would hav� �Q be verificat�Q� af �h� ���va�i�ns as shown on the plan. A walk-out type ham� woul� h�ve t� hav� the lowest floor el�vation o£ th� structure 3�Q�t ab�ve a�� ac�e reservoir; a mor� conventional typ� s�ructur�, th� ��we�t grads at the foundation will �ave to be three fs�t above ��e l� �cr� reservoir, and the basement elevatiQ� ean bs �8 in�he� 1��� �he 1� acre r�servoiz, with waterproofing, Mr. Re�se sa�d ���t i� addition t� waterproofing, they will be stablXZ�ng �he ���1 wher� they think water may be a problem. �Mr. ��.a�� sai� t��re were some soil p�oblems as to bearing eapacity ��r t�e �Qw�- ��uses and that would have to be taken car� o� also. � �hairman Fitzpatrick asked i� they had ag�e�d to �.�.n� up the m�Ce�a tca 7th Street with Bennett Drive. Mr. Re�se �a.�d th��r ��,�� �nd a�.sa t4 the limited access �rpv�.ded o� Miss�.ss�.Qgi ����;�t. lyd�. Drigans said he felt the third stipulation w�,� super�lous �� w� have no way o� enforcing it. Mr. Clark said M�. d�xiganS h+�� ca�l.�ed him on th�,s stipulation a few day:� agq and �,� had ��eck��. with Mr. Her�ick, the Citx At�oxney. Th� Wa�l. �Q�pr�r��io� ��,� l�av� the best intentions of selli�g these townY�QUae� w,��hir� �kte �i.ve year period, but what can we do ii ev�ry ef�caxt �.s rna�e '�c� s��.� them and they aren't so1d. M.r. Reese �a�.d i�, �.s ea��,�� �t� a�Ai �own�houses on a cr�nv�a�sion basis than when �.h�y were n��+a Mx. G].ark said we aren't questiQning th� ir�tentions o� ths Wa?�1 ��s�ozat�on, we are just saying that this stipulation is c�Qinq �� be �ard to enforce, �Mr. Dr�gah:� said this is why he is �o +�oncezned about the density in an R-1 area. Mr. Clark sa��.d th�xe �.t� � g�cea� dif$erence in constructir�g rental �roperty �and ow�nqx� o��t��i.�d property, These townhouses &hould be �rch�.te��u�'al�y design�d to meet �he owner-occupied standards and party �tall�. Gha�Xman Fi�zpatrick said these two points� should be barQUqht to th� akten�is�n of th�e City Counc�,l. ��aa�.�n�tan Fitzpatrici� said we hav� b�en going throuqh �he ��igul.�at�iona point by point and the �e�t on� i� the drainage �x'oblem, Mr. Reese said t�ey were agre�able to the walk-outa eing �three ieet above the 12 acre foot reservoir; the aonve��ional typa struc�ure, at grade lin� being three feet above the 1.2 acre �oofi reservQir� and the base�ent elevations b�ing 18 inches intp the 12 ac�re foot reservoir, with waterproafir�g. b�°. C],ark &aid the Wall, Cctrpar�tio� �has �n�t all th� xequixement� tox �he r�creatio� rsaom. Tk�e optioz� waa left qpen fqr tYae tenn�,� ��ur�, a�� i� �is not .�r���µ�ed or� ti��,s plana �x. F�.�tzpa�r�.ck e��,d �hie °��tin�.� court� was r�commended by us and �he Cous�c�.l� a Plarinin Commiss�on Meetin - Au ust 8, 1973 ' pa ��2 � � ��airman F�tzQatrick said they accepted th� �ands�a�e p�a�, w�t� �dd��iQnal berming along 7th Street, and Mr. Ra��e has ag�e�� �Q pz��i�e a modei of ass4ciation by-laws. �r� Re�se said he would discuss later the brick ���nq brau�ht �nto th� �xterior af the buil�ings., ��. ���zpatrick said the 9th stipulation was about ��� s�d�wa�k. AcGQ�din� to the plan presented this has been p�ovided, A sid�walk is shown �fl fee� �rom the curb line on 7th St�eet and 63rd Avenu� s�d als� on 5�h Street. Mr. Reese said they had dec���d tQ put the �i�ewalk in on 5th Street also. The sidewalk is �lready in. on �is�i�sipp�. Mr. �it�gatriGk said that the �Qth stipulat�on wa� �� agrs�m��t tQ ��y �he cost of putting a� add�tion�l lan� on •7th Stres�, etC. Thia �a� b��n agreed to. Mr. Clark said it has been agr��d �Q bu� ��� exaGt �ocatian has not been de�ermined, ,Mr. Clark said there is a hearing coming up fo� t�e assea�� m���� for th� �mprovement o£ 5th Street and �her� has be�n d�dica���n. Mr, Fitzpatrick said we would con�inus th�s s�ipul�ti�n� � Mx. �����atsick said it looked like the ligh��ng h�s b��n pr�vi��d, M�. Blair said he thou�ht we had stipulated elec�ric li hting a�d it laok� lxke they have switched to gas. Mr. Re��s ���� �hsse would be ��ectrica� ligh��ng in the cQUZ�ya�d, Mr. Re��e said we have had plans drawn �or a s�ri��l�z sys�em but th� Wa�� ��rpora�ion have�'t said yes ox no. Mr. Harsis s�id h� thaugh� they should have a sprin�ler system but �e thoug�t th� wm��� ��oulc�`co�e �r�� a private we�i rat�er th�� �he muni�i�a� wa��� ����e�� �� didn"� think it w�� at all neceasar� to s�rinkl� ���h �h���i�ated, flour��a�e� water when suxfac� water would do �he job. Mr. Cl�rk said this wQUld have ta be agp�ov�d b� the �����a ��, Harris said he did�'� t�in� we had �� unlimited �upply �f w����P �o h� thoug�� t�is �h�u�d b� �hecked ��to. Mr. L�ndblad •�id �h�t economicall�, i� wauld b� c�ea�er ovez a pe�io� o� t�me, �o put in a private we�l. � Mr. ���z�atrick said the last ati�u�ak��� was �or recrea�iona� �ac�k��ie�, �. �aber�e s��d the �Qfi lo�s were providsd an the �1a� wi�h �Q�ernist�c pla� e�uip�en�. He said h� hadn't been aware th�� �here should be a picnic area but th�re wa� space where one ,� ����� be provided. Mx. Reese said it wau�d �� nice ta have �plo�ed ske�ches an� ^ a c�rdboard model to �reSent, but unfo�tunately they wouldn't be mv�ilable un�il the next d�y so h� would maks the p��sent�tion R� ��a extex�or �� ��� bu��d���� �ram th� wA�k�ng drawi�qe. �he q�*e��a� �ateria� wi1� be rough sawn �aei� boa�d with vextical Y� ��Q�VO material� a�d the windows would �ave raug� sawn tri�. ����e � � � �l�nnin Comm�ssion Meetin - Au ust 8 1�73 Pa � 1� ��1� be br�ck on the ends of ths units �acing the s��e��. Thi� brick w��l extend about khree feet a�d vary from 4�e�t o� Misa�ssippi and �a three �o five feet on the wa�k-Quts. M.�. F���p���ick said he s�il1 saw a pretty blank wa11, M�. �eese s��d �h�y could use vertical panels from the founda�iQn �o �h� �po� in line with the kitchen wi�dow to break up the �lank loQk. ,�lr. �itz�atxick thought it would he�p �ui�e � bi�. Mr, Boardman said expased block did not laok we1� an� aak�d �b�� a�urr�ng cover be put on the blocks and �h� �id�n� be bxQu�h� down �o �over these exposed blocks. Mr, Hoardman sa�d hs wauld �ik� �� see either this or some brick �n �he sidea fa���g the � �����Q� �f the project, . M�. Re�se sa�d the recreation rpom would hav� � swimm�ng pQQ�. ThQ x�of of the pool wi11 have a redwood deck. Mr. Haz��� �a��d h�w far apart the boards wer� on the deck an� how h��h i� wpuld be, Mr. Reese said it wauld be 7.in�hes �n �en��r and �� ���t high. MrR Harris said as this wa5 c�ose �o a��ay ��e� �Q� c���dzen, he would likethe �Qard to be 5�nche� o� ��nt�� �n� ��� �eigh� 4 feet. Mr. Clark said't�at 7�nches was �od� ��� �s �e1� � inches would b� more of a safetX factor. ���e ��o�e���on building will have a suana, firep���e, �toraq� r�Qm, �e���ooms, a back bar and a part� room. Mr. Rees� s��d ths ����r�ox would be rough sawn plywood with �/8 V-grov� � p1yw�Qd �anels. Mr. Bl�ir asked the capacity �� ��e party:rao�. Mr, R��s� said �t would b� 28' � 28". Mr. Clark �sked M�. �e��e �� �� k�ew i� psovisians ha8 to be �ade �oz �hs handi�a�psd. Mr. A���� ��id �he ha�dicapped couldn't us� any of the recre��iQn a�ea ��x���� �he awimming pool and he would �ssume they wo��d�'� u�� it Without h���, He said he would eheck t�e State requ���iQ�s. �Q��ON�by Dri�ans, seconded b� B1Ai�, tha� the P�an��ng CO�m�a��on ��commend to �h� ��ty C�uncil �pproval of t�� ��na� p�¢�a f�x the w��� Carpprat�Qn TQwnhou�e� lacat$d �� th� ar�a Qanara�I� located an Stfi Street a�d 7th Stre�t Nort��a�� and ltom ��ssissippi Str�et to 6�rd Avenue North�ast, w��� th� to23o��ng st�pulationsr Z. � ?. Tbat t�� ?th Stre�� ac�ess be real�gn�d as c�p�� to �e�nett Drive as poss�ble. rAgreed u�o�) Tbat only 1�m3�ed �cc�ss be provided pn Misstssipp� S�xee�. (Agreed u�on) �. Those un�ts in tbs R-� a�ea tv be owner occup�ed w����n a p�x�od of th�ea ye�rs after �he cp���st�o� vP t�� construct�an �nd �t t�at time � two y�a� extens�on on �h� tima b� qranfied as naeded. (Counai� �hoald 1aAk �nto ���s s�3pul�tian a�d �ee �f it can bs Feword�d t� mak� �t mora en�aro��b�� Qr reea�a��� �nd th� unit� b� aa co�struet�d aa th�u m��t th$ owner-occup�ed code fn an R-� area). P�annin Commission Meetin - Au ust 8, 1973 • �� ��g n , 4. Ara.i.naqe pxoblem be salved wsth the Etag.{neex,�ng A�p�, (A walk-out tgpe hame would �hav� to have �h� .i�aw,�st f.Ioo�r elevation of t1�e struc�uxe �hre�e f�e��k �.bc�ve th� 12 ac're iopt reserva�x, a mox� canve.ntiQnaZ typ� �tru�iure, the .�owest grad� at the tounda�iQr� w.�11 bave to be three fee�, above �he Z2 acr� f�ca� ��sexrrca�x, and t�he basement elevatian can be .�8 .inch�s �.nt�a �1�� 12 acz�� foot reservoir, with waterproaf�ng. (.Agreed up�an� 5� Tbat �he recreatiaz� bui.Zd�ng .inc,Iud� an �ndca�+z� �w,�mm�tag �oa1, party xp�m, warmir�9 roQm, sauna, �nd �h�� ��pn,��s court b� pxavided, (�very�hi,�g agreed tc� e�cap� tlae �eanni.s ccau,rt, P.Zanning Go�nm�.ssion s�i11 mal��s t�nn.i,� ' �c�v�t a stipulat,ivn� , �, That a cpmp.i�t� Zandacape plan be subm���ed .�sax. a�,j�r�►V�.�. (Agre�d uporz,? 7. T.�a� �a �o�e� of the model a�rsoc.tat�on bc��aws ,�� �av�.i,�,�b1e to �h�e Gaunci.Z . (Agreed u�on� 8� B�i�Jk �r�I�1, be hxou9�t .zn�a t�e exte�ioar d��.�gn s►�' �ha buildir�g (at 1ea,st on the stree� side�J . �'h,i� mus� b� � �ubmit��d for f.ina.Z apprc��raZ , (Freak up �h� ,b.�r�nk ex�e��tar �f the�e bea,i.�d3ng� witb v�sr�,��a1 pan�,t� �in �,�n� w.��h th� w�ndowF u� tQ �he raot' .�atne� a.nd c�r�a�g the cedar �own tp within 6 ����es �o �2 in�,�es o� th'e g�aand .ieve3 to eover the cement blv�ks) . (�Ac��+�ed uF��i 9. That a P�ve �oc►� �.id�walk be �rro�.�ded �1ong 7th ����at r��d 63�d AYanu�a N,E. at iQ ���t �'rvm �ha �u�b �I�n�, �'A�reed upon, also 5th S�xe�t) .t0. 8a� �kbe �a�rt +�P putt.�ng �n r�ddit�onee.i lsne on 7tla Stroa�k i�3,�'�.�A9' ?OQ �l�R� SOlat.FJ 'G►$' M��►S�39.�p�.� a�,X'QA� tG ��3� M1a�.t�aipp� rjgh� vf way. ('�,gs'eed �p�nj ' , �t�t. Aed,iaata the �a�t�rly half a�' tl�c� Sth Stre�� x�tg�� af wa�;� alang the We�rt bQUr�dary ,���� and a���►�pt tla� e�ase�sment for t�i,� �imp�oy�ment of Stla Str�e� aIn Racar�ance a►� th normal C,i ty pali cy . (A9xegc� u�o�t1 .ta. L�ght.t�g on peet,hways d�rected down swa� fron� �he home�, lAyreed upon) ,i3� Underqround ��r�nkler sys��m �a ,ba cona.�der+�d b� dev�lOper. (1Npt agreed t�,ppr�, but .if �px-�nk.���c �ystem �ts put �n, every affQrt be made ta hqve a /-� pr�yat� �u�p1y ot` water rather t,�an muni�.ipa.t watet) �,�. Provide m�tr��imum r�v�'��t�on�tA �ac.�l�ti�s tn �,h�� ar��e o�' t�o to� ,iotsr P�aygrau�d �cu.ipture�, and � b«��$��y� ,pi�n.�c area, (Ag�reed u�pon, r�o ,p.f���c xre� �hAK� o� P�an, but s�p�ce a1��������•,� n /"1 /'1 Fla�ning Commission Meeting - August 8, 1973 pag� �� M�. Lindblad as�ed about the treatment o� the f�repla�s�, Mr. R���� said �hey would have w4ad extexiors but th� atacks Woul� b� �overed with a metal material that would 1Qqk l�k� ��i��. UFON A V��CE VOTE� a11 voting aye, the motion ca��i�d u���im�u�ly. �. R�G�IVE JULY 18, 1973 LETTER �OMMTS�iON; ��ns�der possib� ��n make of cable televisio�. FROM CABLE TEL�V�SI�� � uses Planning Comm��sipn Chairma� �itzpatrick said all t�e Commissioners ha� �e���v�d copies of this letter but he didn't thin� th�y Were �x�pared at this time ta discuss how �he �lannin� Comim�ss�Qn ��uld make use of Gable �elevision. We do want �o ���� �n ��mmu���a�ion with them. M�, pr�gans said he would like someone ��om the �able ���QV�s�on �cimmission ta come be�ore use �nd in£��� u� �� tA wha� their responsibilities ar� and what th�y ar� �oi�g. � wQ��d �ike to inv�te a11 the members of the Cable T��evisi�� G�mm���i�n �o a?oint meeting with the'Planning Comm�����n �� ���� �an te�l u� their role in assis�ing.th� C�ty and th�� �a� �e�� us �o� we can assist the Cit� as pert��ns �� t�1ev���Q�, �� �Qn��nued t�aa� h� would be in��r�s�ed �n a semi�ax c��du�t�� k�y �i�� ��b�.� T'�levision Commission for the Flanning +�ommis�i.on. �Q�'.�ON by D�ig�ns,, se�o.�ded by B1�3r,, �.hat t?�e F.�ar�xa,#n� Com�t.��a,�s�n secretaz�� wratte a�[et�e.� to the Cab1e T�Z�zv,����rs Camm�a�atc�n s�at�ng th8� th� P1ann.�n� �ommis�i.on wish�� �r� • stay �n cotnman��ca��ion w.ith them and axe inte��stea .�;� ���,�.� �+�l��a�,�Qn ,�n a joint meet.ing Qf �he twQ Comm.ts��tQns a� th� Go�b�� xelev�s�Q.n Comm�ssion'sr earl�es� conu�nie.nc�. �,pcan a Vr���e va�e,�aZl ypting aye� the motion earried unan�mou�sly. , �• RECEIVE PAUL BROWN'S MEMORANDUM ON ARMORY REVTEW M�ETING WITH GENLRA,L CHEESEMAN, SET FOR AUGUST 9, 1973. Mr. C1ark said �his meeting wi�.l be attended by other �.nter�ated m�mbers �f t�e City staf�. This memQrandum waa �uat to keep th� Planning Commission informed on the meet:lnc� 7�eGo�nmended by them. i• PARKS & RECREATION C4MNIISSIQN REFERRAL Mr. Blair said t�ere was a re�err�1 from �he Pa�ka & ReCxea�iQn Commission to do a study for recommenda�ion and looatt�on of a tree nur�ery, �. AUXILLIARY BUILDINGS t��C, Clark said �hey wer� �st�,�.�, �p�,�g ��urvey o�' 4the� ,�anmu��,�ies on ti�eix handling of �uxi111ary bu#,�.dinga�. I�e eal,d /'� Fl�nnin Commission Meetin - Au ust 8 1973 Pa e 16 , xttos� camtnunities requ�.re tha�. any metal shed be o� a�c�unda�ion, We have already had some discussian on this here and alao di:�au�s��.oa Q# �limi�,a��nc� a special use p�rmi,t £or up to a cezt�a�.n �quaxe i�QOtag�, Mr. Harris said he has been studying som� a� th�3 �p�ci�i.�ations on metal. sheds and ques�.ioned the snaw �.oad on �his �yg� o� cvnstruGtion. Mr. Lindblad said along this �ame ve�.n, th�:xe was a c�arag� mov�d in on the 5900 biock on Main Street that has be�r► �her� 4�er a�ear and hasn't been painted. Thi� contri.butes �.c� the �rob��ms we have in, the Hyde Park area. Mr. �l�xk sa�,d he i�ad �,nspe��ed this garage last fall but the year l�e waa ga,ven �Ga �omp��t� this constuGtion wasn't up yet then. He said he would c�he�k �.nto this mat�ker. 9, JULY 30TH MEETING WITH CITY COUNCIL MOT�'ON b� 81air, seconded by Harr�s, that th� P,�ann�ix��/ �ot�m��rs,�on �hank the �ity �ounciZ for ��e�r profitab.Ia dinner �4et�ng w�fth the Counail pn �7u1� 30, 1973 and�h4ga �Me �vurea�il M.��.i sar.iousl� cpns�de�e the items disevssed at this me�t;ingr. Vpon a voicQ vote, a11 voting aye, the motio� csx�'�ed unanirnon�Iy. � Chairman Fitzpatrick adjourned the meeting at 12s55 A.M. l�e��a�t�u].1� submitted, , � c! rc�t y enson, Seoretary � i''1 1. � .� �h� maot�.ng waa called ta ordsr by Chairman Ar�.gans at 7:33 P�M. 1� M$1��AS P1t$S�NTt Dxigane, Growder, Gabel, Harju 1�I�A8 ABS�N�: Wahlb�rg O�H�Rf� P1tES�?T: Howard Matt�on -�ngineering Aide Mr, ii�rju nQted a carrectior► Go be made on page 4 of the July 31, 1,473 minut�e. Tha Motican �or Ttem #2 ehauld read: '2�IpTION by Walberg� seconded by Gab�l. R- Upan a volce vpte, Harju voting nay, th� motior� c$rried," MQTION by Haxju, seconded by Gabel, t4 appxo�e che minute+e af the July 3�, 1973 maeting ae aarom�nd�d. iJpon a vaice vote, there bein� no nays, tha ma�i�n carriad, �OTIQN by Gabe�, secanded by i�arju, to wai�ve r�padin� th� public heaxing pot�a+�� Upan a voia� vote, thexe being no nays, Ghe motion carried una�imou�ly. Mr R�ymand Carlean and his attoxney, Mr, Wyman Smit�h, were pzessr�t t� preaen� Che request, Mr, Cariean eald that ha had moved h1e bueir►ee� tp Fzidley �t hi� pr�aAnt 1oa�tti,o� iri 1965, He than went oa to expi�i�n the �omewhat un�qu� na�urm af hi• bu�inme,. He eaid that he makea containex• fo� bull. escaan and ie rhe� or�ly oae that malcee� thsse particulax contain�re . He �aa#.d h� hae oae otk�er pxodua� - a Amali �taam hum�difier. H�a fihea e�cplained the addition ta hia building an baing 20 �oet by 63 feet with a two faot hi�har ceil�ng haight� H� ehowed th� parkin� arxangameat and e�cpiai.ned th�tt he was awsr� a# �aedi.ng to clean up hiq prap�r�y and wa�i quite wil�ling ta do eo but wanted t� ese haw hia r�queat woulc� aoma ou� fii.s�t. Mr Caxleon's lawyer, Wyawtn Smith� caa►e fox�yraxd to te�.l $baut the "Onaway" axam �tad the� buildinge ia the blacks where Bxaokly� Toal is ��tustted� He �ttid thst thw buildi.n�s �rom 77th to �$th 6treeta on tha �a4t sida of Besch Streot wera bui�.t by a�rnie ,Tulkowski a r�umbex of yeare agv ae m1r►imal buildinge fio� epe�ul�ttlon. He •a�d they are all cancreta bloak a�nd axa mostly a11 �h� pea� �iza ar�4 thay wexe built before the pxeseat Code etatidaxds wexe adop�ed. Mr. 8mi�h than went on to explain xhat Mr. C�rleoa ptarted hie busi.nasa 1n 8raaklyn Park, heaas the►r�ame Brooklyn Tool� that he hsd S employeee and that tha plan�ed oxpan�ton waa not Por addirg aeW employ�ea bvt wa� �uot �or moze room� M�, Bmith a1�a raid that Mr� Cazisoa wao a�+ara oi the �a�ded clesnup oa tho pxopazty aad th� P+�xkin� p�oblem. Mr. S�ni�th showad the Board a ltettar oi agxeesaent bat�vsen � $sopklyn xool and �aeurance Maaufacturiag to uas a coeunwn driv�iay to the paskit� ar�t� b�rtwean the Ct+o building�. �, Sqtith ��id th�,� �he le�xes �hould b• �pt�Mathtng taora �or legal purposa�. Mx� Cro�dar �oked abqut th� variancca. � uCes of th� Board of A eale etin of u uat 14 19 3 P Mr, Matt�on showed �he Board a layout of the buildinga and th� Zots in ths ^ 770A b1QCk pn �eech and �xplained the parking pxoblems. Mz, Ro� Smith of 77$6 Beeah Street came forward to say that he had no abjsot�oa to Mx. Carlson p«C�ing on th� additi�n to his building. Mx. Sm�th aaid that even though thexe were five varian�e� invaived in this xegu�st H�oaklyn ��o� was a businesa woxth keeping. Mx. CarlBOn had impl��d that he might h+�ts to �eave �ridley i� h� cou�dn't build thia addition to �is bu��ding, Cha�rman Arlgans said thaC it just saemed like tr�ing to pu� an elepha�t �nCo a phon� boath, �ipTION by Har�u, seconded by Crowde� to close the public haaring. IIpo� a v�1c� v4ts, thsra being na nays, the maCion caxried. �'tz� park�ng problem was diecussed, particularly what would happen i� � new t�nant caa� in with 4�imes ths em�loyee,s. � �'h� reax yaxd setback was discussed, Mx� Ma��sQn eacplained that if tk�e 8raoklyn Tool building wexe in facE 7Q �eet dasp, �h�+ 1at suxv�ys indicated the rear yard eetback would be $ f��s� �.ne�kead o� a].evs�n �e�t as shown on Mr, Carlsot�'s drawing. 1�OTIQN by Czawd�r, aeconded by Harju, to xeceiv�: thet letter abc�ut th� parking ^ lo� a�z��n�r�t. Upan a voice vote, t�here b�ing no naye, the motinn �asried. MO�IQN by Crowdex, sacvnded by Harju, to recommend to Council, de�nial of 4 of th� S Yazianc�s; 1, To approva the setback paxking variance alon� the buildi.ng �ropa S iest Co zex4 fest so that even if the addition is not permitted, aroaklya Toa]. and A�euxances Manufaaturing wauld etill be able to get theix paxkin� pff the �tree� and out a� their front yarda. Mx�, Hxrju addsd ths atipulation that a pxopex legal agr�ement ba drawn up be�twee� Chs two campanias. A VOTE UPON TH� MOTIONa there bein$ no nays, Ghe motion c axriad, Gh$ix'aaan Dz'i.gan� wanted to �nter into the cninutee the 8qard' e gratitude a�nd appreci�a�ion to Mr. Har�u fox hie valuable sexvice to the City. Mx. Harju is le�tving �ha City and can no longer aesya on t�e Baard of Appeals, .�.QU��,i. The meetis�g wae ad journed by Ghairn►an Arigans at 8:45 P.M. Reepoc��ully eubmittad, , ^ /1AA MAZTSC)N Actir►g �ecxeta�r � _ 19 CITY OF FRIDLEY PLATS & SUBDIVISIONS- STREETS & UTILITIES SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING AUGUST 15, 1973 PAGE 1 � CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Harris called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Members Absent: , Others Present: Harris, Christensen, Meissr�er, French, Forster None Darrel Clark,. Community Development Adm. APPROVE PLAT5 & SUBDIVISIONS-STREETS & UTILITIES SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES: JUNE 6, 1973 � ^ MOTION by French, seconded by Meissner, that the P1ats & Subdivisions-Streets & i�tilitj.es Subcommittee minutes of June_6, 1973 be approved as written. IIpon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimous].y. ^ 1. CONSIDERATION OF A FROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. #73-06, HARRIS LAKE ESTATES, BY DAVID HARRIS: A replat of Lots 2, 3, and parts of Lots 4 and 5, Auditor's Subdivision No. 22, being bounded on the North by Mississippi Street, and on the West by Arthur Street; on the East by the East City Limits, and on the South by Rice Creek Road. Mr. Bill Meyer, from Suburban Engineering, was present to represent the petitioner. Mr. Clark said this area was up for rezoning about two years ago by developer Dick Ernst.• That plat was similar to this except he wanted to intermix double bungalows with single famiTy homes and this plat is all single family homes. There was a discussion at that time about the drainage. This plat does have a ponding area but the question of ultimate outfall is a question that will have to be answered by the City Council. There are two possible methods of taking care of this. One is an open ditch to Moore Lake or conduit to Rice Creek. There is going to be a Public Hearing by Council on the storm sewer in this area. . Mr. Harris said there is a solution to this problem then. Mr. Clark said if the open ditch method were used, there would always be standing water, because it is a�low area. The Engineering staff worked with the petitioner and Suburban Engineering r�--= /`\ /'1 �� Plats & Subs.-Str. & Util. Sub. Meeting - August 15, 1973 Page 2 and this is the only way the plat can be developed. Mr. Clark said he believed the petitioner was negotiating for part of Lot 6 also, but that wouldn't affect what we are considering tonight. It would just mean an extension of 63rd L�.ne to the East. Mr. Harris said there is an exemption in the corner of the plat. Mr. Clark said there are already two or three homes in this area. , Mr. French said a lot of the land in this plat is low. Mr. Clark said they had probably noticed that there was a stockpile of sand in this area now. Mr. Harris said he had two questions. The first was whether there were any substandard lots in this plat. Mr. Meyer said he thought there had been test holes taken but he didn't know the results. Mr. Harris said that after platting he assumed the developer would want streets and utilities. He said he wouldn't want any of these lots to go tax delinquent because they are unbuildable. M�. Clark said if there were any such lots they probably could be handled the way it was handled in Viewcon. There was a certain percentage of lots that had no assessments assessed against them. Mr. Clark said the only problem with this was, for instance,..you designate 12 such lots, and there isn't that much difference between the 12th lot and the 13th, but the buyer of the 13th lot has all the assessments. The purpose of this is so that the developer can spend more money bringing these substandard lots up to buildable sites. Council can see how this works out in Viewcon and maybe apply the same thing to this plat. This should be brought to the attention of the Council. Mr. Christensen asked if this will continue to be zoned R-l. Mr. Clark sai.d he hadn't heard any discussion of rezoning. The availability of sand will help in the development of this plat. . Mr. French said this plat has 65 homesites. about 200 children in a concentrated area. I think need for a tot lot. Mr. Meyers said he thought the around Block 1 on this plat was open for a tot lot. n This could mean there is a open space Mr. French said �hat as this•plat is developed, any of the few trees on the site will probably be removed. He thought the developer should be asked to plant trees. Mr. Clark said that some lending agencies, such as F.H.A., have asked th.e �eveloper to plant two trees per homesite. Mr. French said that Yaecause�>of Dutch Elm disease and Oak Wilt the City has lost so many trees. He said he thought the City should get a plan going for tree planting.� � Mr. Harris said the Planning Commission will be considering a City tree nursery in the near future. � 0 � .' �� Plats & Subs -Str & Util Sub Meeting - August 15, 1973 Page 3 Mr. French said you just had to go out to Locke Park and see all the trees that are gone to realize what a serious problem it is. Mr. Clark said it is the full grown trees in the older areas that have been hit hardest. Mr. Harris said getting �ack to this stockpile of sand, is the developer going to cut and fill. Mr. Clark said that is how he understands it. Mr. Harris asked who was going to keep up the pond. Mr. Clark said the City could do it and assess it. Mr. Harris asked what's going to happen to the bad soil that is removed. Mr. Clark said it would be used for street right of� ways and street improvement projects. Mr. Harris said he wouldn't want it hauled out of Fridley and then when we need it, buy more. Mr. C1ark said it depended on how much handling it took as to how it would be disposed of. We try to anticipate our needs and do it the cheapest way. , Mr. Harris asked about the water area. Mr.. Clark said the pond has been working with New Brighton. elevation in the ponding engineered and they are � ^ ,Mr. Clark said we are having a lot of water table problems • with the lots left to build on in Fridley. When we suspect a water table problem, we do require the contractor to go down � about three or four feet below the footings and check the water table. If we feel there would be a problem we ask them to put in a drain field, waterproofing and/or put in a sump. Then if the homeowner does have water problems, he just has to buy the pump, and not dig up his whole yard. Mr. Harris asked about the run-off from a heavy rain. Mr. Clark said this surface water was handled by the minimun elevation at grade level set by the Engineering Department. He said for the Wall Corporation they took the 50 year frequency flood plus 3 feet above that. Mr. Harris s�id he would like to be assured that these lots will be cut and filled and after it is platted we don't end up with unbuildable�lots. Mr. Clark said this should be brought to the Council's attention that there might be unbuildable lots. Mr. Meissner asked if there was a general rule of thumb in setting elevations. Mr. Meyers said they go by the 50 year flood and 50 year snowfall and add three feet. ^ Mr. Meissner said that homes built in this plat would be basically without basements. Mr. Meyers said, not necessarily, a basement would be possible. Mr. Clark said he would think they would mostly be split foyer's, which are quite popular right now, and they don't �c� in the ground too far. �� � �� Plats & Subs -Str & Util Sub Meeting - August 15, 1973 Page 4 � Mr. Meyers said that one of the changes on the revised plat he brought in tonight, were that the street right of ways would be 50 feet. Mr. Clark said most residential streets had 50 foot right of ways and collection streets have 60 to 66 feet. Mr. Meissner noted the cul-de-sac on Anoka Street. Mr. Clark said this has a 50 foot radius. Mr. Harris said there would have to be a.turn-around at the end of 63rd Lane and this would already cause problems with Lots 1 and 22 in Block 3. Mr. Clark said these lots could be built on last and this would be a temporary turn-around depending upon whether any of Lot 6 would be included in this plat. Then 63rd Lane would be continued on the plat or by anyone who develops that Lot. Then these lots would be full size again. Mr. Meissner asked if this 63rd Lane would ever connect to a street in New Brighton. Mr. Clark said the way �hey are platting in New Brighton, he didn't think this street would ever be connected. Mr. Meissner said that at some time, there would have to be a permanent cul-de-sac at the end of 63rd Lane then. Mr. Harris asked who would own the pond. Mr. Clark said he thought there would be a dedication to the City for drainage.<,ease- ^ ment and platted as an Outlot. You couldn't expect the homeowners to maintain it, or the developer to maintain it for years and years. Mr. Harris thought this was the only way it could be handled. _ Mr. Christensen said he would want the basements checked very closely, during construction, to make sure they are waterproofed. Mr. Clark said when we have the Public Hearing on this, we will get suggestions that the property be left the way it is, for the wild life. The City cannot afford to buy this property, and the property owner cannot be expected not to make use of it. Platting it into single family homes is the best use of this property. Mr. ChristE:nsen said he didn`t think this was an environmental problem Mr. Harris asked about the easements for�utilities. Mr. Clark said the developer and Suburban Engineering would get together with the utility companies and see where they wanted their easements. He said that one thing you might consider is underground utilities. There isn't much difference in cost on a new plat. Replacing existing above ground utilities is expensive. Mr. Meissner asked when they developed the drainage system for this area, what was going to happen. Mr. Clark said that would be determined this fall. He said there was a dead end storm sewer at Benjamin and Rice Creek Road with no outfall. I would think /, after the Public Hearing held this fall, that they would extend this outfall tc these ponds. Mr. Meissnez said that theoretically the water drains into the Anoka ditch and then into Moore Lake. 23 Plats & Subs -Str & Util Sub Meeting - August 15, 1973 Page 5 /'�, Mr. Clark said it did at one time, but now you can't find the ditch. Due to development and naturaly filling of the ditch, most of it has disappeared. Mr. Meissner said that Clarence Olson, who lives on the Northeast corner of this property, has been complaining to me about the water from the pond this year. Mr. Clark said he thought he would have had,a bigger problem last year when there was more rain. Mr. Meissner said he said it wasn't so bad last year, but he was having problems this year. Mr. Clark said that Anoka, McKinley and Stinson have been paved, so there is probably more run off. Mr. Meissner asked if there were going to be problems during development of this property by blocking off the drainage. Mr. Clark said he would assume that the developer would want the water lowered before he starts construction. , Mr. Clark said the storm sewer outfall would have to be handled by a ditch or a pipe. The ditch would come from a T on Arthur to Moore Lake, or else piped up to Rice Creek. He said this plat should not be approved by Council until the . drainage problem has a permanent solution. � � .Mr. Meissner asked Mr. Meyer if he know how many substandard \ ' lot sizes were on the plat. Mr. Meyer said this was just a boundary survey with the lots being drawn in. They wouldn't kriow this until they did the actual surveys of the lots. MOTION by French, seconded by Christensen, that the Plats & Subd.ivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee recommend to the Planning Commission approva� of the proposed preliminary p1at, P.S. #73-06, Harris Lake Estates, by David Harris,.a replat of Lots 2& 3 and parts of Lots 4& 5, Auditor's Subdivision No. 22, being bounded on the North by Mississippi Street, and on the West by Arthur Street, on the�East by the East City Limits, and on the South by Rice Creek Road, with the following stipulations: 1. Drainage and storm sewers be determined, before deve.iopment. 2. Temporary turn-around provided at the end of 63rd Lane. 3. Underground Utilities be used. 4. Include a tot lot on the p1at. 5. Developer plan a tree on each lot. � 6. Foundation elevations be established and checked for � waterproofinq of foundations. � 7. Radius be provided at a11 intersections. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ..f...----- �� Plats & Subs -Str & Util. Meeting - August 15, 1973 Page 6 /`� � Mr. Meissner said he just noted that part of the right of way for 63rd Lane was on property owned by Newman's. Mr. Clark said this was a good point. He didn't know if this had been agreed upon by the Newmans but it would allow them to split their lot into another building site. It would also be to Mr. Harris's advantage to get an agreement with the Newmans because this street would then li'ne up with the street across Arthur. ' 2. APPOINTMENT OF VICE-CHAIRMAN Mr. Harris said he thought the Subcommittee should have a Vice Chairman in case he was unable to attend a meeting. He said if the other members concurred, he would like to have George Meissner take over the meetings, as he has done this before. MOTION by Christensen, seconded by French, that George Meissner be appointed Vice Chairman of the P.Zats & Subdivisions- Streets & Uti.Zities 5ubcommittee. Upon a voice vote, Harris, Christensen, French and Forster voting aye, Meisner abstaining, the motion carried. /'1 Chairman Harris adjourned the meeting at 9:10 P.M. � Respectfully submitted, G� ?��z4-�'N/ Dorothy E� son, Secretary 0 � � /1 OFFICIAL NOTICE , CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, August 8, 1973 in the Council Chamber at.8:00 P.M. for the purpose of: • > . Consideration of a rezoning request, ZOA #73-08, by,North Suburban Hospital District, to rezone � from R-1 (single family dwelling areas) to CR-1 (general office and limited business) that part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter ,� � of Section 11, T-30, R-24, lying Southerly of 76th Avenue Northeast as now laid out and constructed, Easterly of 5th Street Northeast as now laid out and constructed, and Northerly of 75th Avenue � Northeast as now laid out and constructed, and excepting from the above described tract all of that part thereof included within the plat of Melody Manor 2nd �:ddition, all located in the City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Generally located West of Unity Hospital. Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter may be heard at this meeting. Publish: July .�2�, 1973 August 1, 1973 � EDWARD J. FITZPATRICK CHAIRMAN PLANNING COMMISSION . � i `: � � � � � f ' - � . �'1 � , J cJ F� �J � �,/ � CITY OF FRIOLEY - MINNESOTA pLANNING AND ZONINC FORM ava�r��9' � �3 - 0 8 . ��� ���. TYYE OF R�QUEST X Rit�oning icr� �. . ____,�,;,,_,,,,_Spaciai (1�� Fe��,� North S�burban ospital� District AA���' S �IGNATCIRE ��v . L'�;�.-�-I � . �� _ � �.� �- u�u-. A�1�r4�i 550 Osborne Road, Fridley, n. 55432 1'1�l�pho�e Number 786-2200 ex 201 North,Sub rban Hos� tal 5trict i�tQS�1t?Y aGlt�'ER' S SICNATtJRE `; �'l°Z ����'�"��� -��f - , /1'.,Z�� , u(,� ,,,.� Add��s� 5'50 Osborne Road, Fridley Mn. 55432 --.�.-....,. .. _..._._.t_.._..�. Tqlept�aq� Number �786-2200 ex. 201 _____-_--v�siapce AAp=OV+�i P�` ��, l��inery ��qC �Appxoval a� ;��,�� P1atC �-�,.�.....$tzeete o� ,��?s�-*..,. V�catioae Other ....____.__.. Sautherty of 76 Ave NE, Easter of 5th Street NE, ��;�R� j.o�*tion of prop�rty_ Northeriv of 75th Ave NE. W„�sterl`L, 1 �,�,,,,p,Z�,�?.�2�,�:....,�„ tlp$�11 Qe6CSiption of . Property __ See attached leaal description - Add�ndum 1 . .,.� -..-.......�..�:- p�a��at $oaing.Claesification R-1 � . � $x�;�ing Use of the Property Undeveloped •� —�---.�..�.. • p�'Opoqed Zoning Claasificatioa, Special Use, Varinnce or other reqveat CR-1 ���cx�,be bsiefly the Type of Use and the Improvement Proposed � Construct Medical Office Building , aCSRi�e:oi Property 10.8 li�� the �rR�eat Applicant Previoualy Sought to Resone. Plat� Obtain a�,ot Spl�t! Obt�l,a a variance or SpACial Use Permit on the Subject Site nr part of xt? No . • ---........ �, � When4 � � • ifiat Mei Requeeted ' P`ee Enclooed $ ps�• Piled Dat� oi Hearin� � , , >::,.� �- , . . • . _ _ . �Z : . . : . � ' 2`i : ;` - . � � M.ANNIN� ANIS ZONING FORM . . i'ACE � 2, . � �umb�r d %� � 7.3- �c� • ... . �.,� _"_ . � . , The tw¢e=aigned understand� thats (a) A list of all residents and o�ners of prc- . periy within 300 feet muat be attached to = �� this application. � �.. (b� This �pplication metst be aigned by aI2 '� ' owners of the�property, or an explanatioa ' " � �iven why thia is not the csse. � . (C) Rcsponsibility for any defect in the pro- ' � . � eeedings rtsutting from the fallure to liat ' �- - the names end addreasea of all residenta � �nd propertf owr�er� of property within 300 � - feet of the prop�rty in question, belongs ' : to the undersi�ned. . Rea�deats and Owners of �roperty i+ithia 300 fcet:� • � PERSOtiS ADDRESS ' , • See attached I .. . . • . �G� � � �...�..�.�.....:....�.....�....� .�..�..��..�.,... �...��..-�..� r, `"' � �.._... A sketch of proposed property and stxucture muat be dre��a on the back of this lo�cm or attached, showing the following; 1. votth Direction ' 2. Locatiaa of Proposed Structure oa lat. 3. Dimensions of property, proposed , ' structurP. and front and side set-backs, . � • 4. Street Nac�es � S. Location �nd uae of adjacent ex,sting � � bufldings (withln 300 feet). The undersigned hereby declarea that all the facta and repreaeatatioas stated ta ' tbie application are true and correct. North Suburban Hospital District �►is / ` �2' 7-3 .s�G�l�iv� By � ' ' ° � � ' � �2��z� � -�r,: r u � �;�... ( �-�-r � �x. �1 �vZt;�'.C� ' Ciu-:..�--�-. � (AYPLICANT) r � . • - . . . • ' � •. , • • .M� � � � • • � * # 1� t * � * * . . • Approvtd D*aied Dy tht 3oasd o� Q�pe�1s , S�bject.to the Folloving Conditione: datt � , ^ � Apptoved Denied by the Pla�'��ia� Commission oa ��' 7.3 Subject to the b;ollowing Conditioaa; dete �pproved Denied by the Counctl on ' =ubject to the Following Con�itiona: � � ' _ d$Ce , . � • • � '• � roz�r4 PC 100 � � . I � . . i . � _ _ __ NORTH SUBURBAN HOSPITAL DISTRICT � I� C� ZOA #73-08, North Suburban Hospital District: Rezone From R-1 to CR-1 Parcel 2: and that part of the Northeast Quarter of Northwest Quarter of said Section 1 1, lying Southerly of 76th Avenue N. E. as platted in Osborne Manor 2nd addition; lying Easterly of Fifth Street N. E. as platted .in Osborne Manor; lying Northerly of 75th Avenue N. E.; and lying Northeasterly of Melody Manor 2nd Addition. , Said premised are located in Anoka County, Minnesota. �, ,+� Parcel 2 described above by a Warranty Deed containi ng the following legai description: That part of the NE % of NW % of Section 1 1, Township 30, Range 24, lying Southerly of 76th Avenue Northeast as now laid out and constructed, �( Easterly of 5th Street Northeast as now laid out and constructed, and Northerly of 75th Avenue Northeast as now laid out and �constructed, and excepting from the above described tract all that part thereof included within the plat of Melody Manor 2nd Addition. �. � �� � �� MAILING LIST � . Planning Commission I � y" �3 Council . � North Suburban Hospital District ZOA #73-08, Rezone from R-1 to CR-I, the areas South of 76th Avenue, East of Sth Street N.E., and North of 75th Avenue N.E. to allow Construction of a medical office building. � /'1 William Adams 400 Osborn Rd. Fridley 55432 Carl Gabriel 401 76th Avenue� Rridley 55432 Fridley Assembly of God 472 Osborn Rd. Fridley 55432 �Joy Benoy 7574 5th St. N.E. Fridley 55432 George Johanix 7566 5th St. N.E. Fridley 55432 Kenneth Little 7558 Sth St. N.E. Fridley 55432 Thomas Gronlund 7550 5th St. N.E. Fridley 55432 George Pitts 7542 5th St. N.E. Fridley 55432 Howard Puffer 753/+ Sth St. N.E. Fridley 55432 Michael Tranfler 7526 5th St. N.E. Fridley 55432 ^ Roger Gabrielson 7518 5th St. N.E. Fridley 55432 Robert Burrell 7510 5th St. N.E. Fridley 55432 � �elyn Dahlin 7502 5th St. N.E. Fridley 55432 James Godwin 7501 4th St. N.E. Fridley 55432 William Orr 7509 4th St. N.E. Fridley 55432 Robert Hoglund 7517 4th St. N.E. Fridley 55432 Kenneth Christiansen 7525 4th St. N.E. Fridley 55432 Robert Moseman 7533 4th St. N.E. Fridley 55432 Kenneth J. Mueller 7541 4th St. N.E. Fridley 55432 Jack Hakenstrom 7549 4th St. N.E. Fridley 55432 Jerry D. Larson 7557 4th St. N.E. Fridley 55432 Harold I. Sorenson 7565 4th St. N.E. Fridley 55432 Frank Davis 7573.4th St. N.E. Frid�ey � 55�+32 James Nalezny 350 Osb�rn Rd. Fridley 55432 .� n �; � MAILING LIST North Suburban Hospital District ZOA ��73-08 ,., Vern Godeen Eugene Dlnuck 37� �'�th Avenue N.E. 7440 Tempo Terrace Fridley 55432 Fridley 55432 George Wilder Kenneth Johnson 361 76th Avenue N.E. 7430 Tempo Terrace Fridley 55432 Fridley 55432 Car1 Wahlstrom � 347 76th Avenue N.E, Fridley 55432 Grace Lutheran Church 460 75th Avenue N.E. Fridley 55432 _ Dorothy Johnson 340 Osborn Rd. Fridley 55432 Edward Peterson 330 Osborn Rd. Fridley 55432 Robert Holmquist 450 75th Avenue N.E. Fxidley 55432 Robert Holmquist 476 75th Avenue N.E. Fridley 55432 Bill Shaw 7400 Lyric Lane Fridley 55432 Midwest Forklift Truck Co. 2711 Broadway N.E. Mpls 55413 Dennis Duka.rt 7411 Lyric Lane Fridley 55432 Linde�i Graham 7421 Lyric Lane Fridley 55432 Albert Roberge 7431 Lyric Lane Fridley 55432 Donna Lou Marcucci 7441 Lyric Lane Fridley 55432 Bertram Smith 7450 Tempo Terrace Thomas Schonebaum 7420 Tempo Terrace Fridley 55432 Harlan Mahowald 7451 Lyric Lane Fridley 55432 Dorothy Wicklund 7461 Lyric Lane � Fridley 55432 Glen Byl 7513,Lyric Lane Fridley 55432 Richard Nienaw 7509 Lyric Lane Fridley 55432 Vexn Franklin Barnes 7505 Lyric Lane Fridley 55432 Kenneth Amundson 7501 Lyric Lane Fridley 55432 Albert Jorgensen 7500 T�empo Terrace Fridl�y 55432 Clarence Olson 7502 Tempo Terrace Fridley 55432 (Page 2 ) �0 � Donald J. Leiverma.nn Associate Administrator 550 Osborn R�ad Fridley 55432 Betty Wall-Chairman North�Suburban Hospital District 550 Osborn Road Fridley 55432 0 . . �� �i � NORTH SUBURBAN HOSPITAL DISTRICT ZOA #73-08; rezone from � UNITY HOSPITAL . R-1 to CR-1. 850 OSBORNE RD. FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA 55432 Planning Commission , July 5, 1973 City of Fridley 6431 Unive rs ity Ave . N. E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 � Gentlemen: Attached is an application requesting a rezoning of North Suburban • Hospital District property. Attached also is a sketch of a"typical" medical office building . � /.:� This sketch is provided only for the purpose of displaying how a typical medical office building may appear and in no manner represents the final plans for the building to be constructed . . � The definitive characteristics of the building such as exact size, configuration, exterior construction, number of floors, and location, are in the planning and discussion stages. At this point in time, no architectural drawings have been developed. It is anticipated that the size of the building will be three to four stories high containing ' between 25, 000 to 40, 000 square feet. Its exterior construction will be aesthetically compatible with the hospital. It is anticipated that the building will be located west of the hospital. ds encis . 2 Sincerely, �. ��� �. Donald J . Letvermann Associate Administrator Unity Hospital -� , .� . - 1 ..... ... .. . ' � . ,� i . �i L 1 ? T � ''. �M . ~~ ` . � _ J � t ' �[a'.. �. r' J�. e •y . J S �� "�/ �t (�. .,a. - t � Y 2 't= _ J: . ° ^� �{ ��-i ' :t .ZC�A #73 0$-�, �Iort�rSuburban - ,�. .,, - F Hbspit�i Distri,,�t : Rezone _ f.rom �„� - ,' i,. `t ^" . R.-�], to�.-Cl�w];.. �'. � . , : .. - ' . � z�, t,; , �' � ", i� .. ... F u i � : } . i _ r -✓ � �} Y- � :. 1 .t�/h�X�t-i�� �s - ..' f i , � r} ^tt-r. J -' ^ . . . '� t � . r � `��I' � � W •!'+ }�< ".',}i . 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WFipM ��' MAY GONCERI�T; Noti�� is Y�er�b� gi.ven that theze will be ��uk+l.ic Heari.nq Q� �h� P�anninq Commisaio� of the Git� Qi Fridley in �he� �ity Ha�ll at 6431 Un�versity Avenue Nor�h�as�. �r� t�P�+dn��day, �lugust 22, 1973 in the Council Chambea� a� ��00 F.�,. �c�r �ha �ur�ose of t Con�i$aratiQn c�#' a P�:o�?c�sed ��eli�ni�nary Platr P�S• �73-Q�, by DavicA �iarris, b�.inc� � � rep7,at of Lote 2, 3, and �aa�ta of �ote q, � anc! 6, Aud�.�or�s Sub�d�.vis�Qn I��. 22, b�ing bou�nc�ed on the No��h b� l�i�ai.asi�Pi �t��$tt o� �he W�st b�r Arth�r S��eett on �h� Eaat by tb� �ast �ity �,imite, t�nd on th� 9ou�h b�t Ric� �cr�ek RQad,, �,Yi�g i.n �he�� �outh Ha1# o� Sea�ican �3 ��►�3� w R-24 � City o! Frldle�r, �ounty of Ano1�a�, �i�nne�ota A,nyoae d�a�.r��q �c� be heard w�.th xefere�ae to �khe sbov� matte� wi�i be heard at tY�ia ���ting. Pub��eh� A�qua� �, 1973 A�uc�ust �.5, 1973 � �DWARD J, ��T��'ATRICK �H��R�!�AN pLAN�1ING CQMMIS9IQN c� J � Nwnber CITY OF FRIDLEY MINNESOTA PLANNING AND ZONING FORM P.S. #73-06 APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE Address " � Tel.ephone Number PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGN Address � Telephone Number David Street Location of Property � TYPE OF REQUEST �6 Rezoning Special Use Permit X. Approval of M Preliminary Pla Approval of Final Plat Streets or ' Alley Vacations Other Legal Description of Property ��,.� �,,,,�T,,,��,��s A�. LAtiS—�I-fe��-�- Auditor's Subdivision No. 22. ' � , Present Zoning Classification ,�"` 1 Existing Use of Property ?i'ZL���c�r� • Proposed Zoning Classification, Spe�ial Use, or other request Describe briefly the Type of Use and Improvement Proposed /s,,,:� ��.Z� ,�.,r.c' l�� -�y,�-,�� �� Acreage of Property Has the Present Applic�ant Previously Sought to Rezone, Plat, Obtain a Lot Split, Obtai.n a Variance or Special Use Permit on the Subject Site or Part of It? ' When? D�,i What was requested Fee Enclosed$ 7� Rec. No.�G�s � �' Date Filed Date of Hearing _._ � � u . �LAHN�NG pNf} ZONiNG FORM Nt�b�r � ' , s' � 7�� u�� � '. PAC`IG ,� ; �hq �pderiigned underetands that: (a} A li�t of all res�dents and o�,rrngrs af +��p- � perty within 300 feet muat bq �Ctact�e� ��p thia epplication, . (b) This applicstion mUst be si.�n�d by ell • owners of th� property� o� tn exp�anat9.on • given why thia Le not the cwac. . (c) Responsibility for eny degect iq the p�o:- ceedtng9 resulting from the failc�re to ���� � the names and nddremses of �1�. xeaidenC� and pxopeYt� owr�erB of praperiy w�fit��,.c� ti��1 fect of the pro�+�rty in question� ke�p��a � to the undersi�ned. . �tli�d�4tp end Owaers of �roperty within 300 feet:� �RSON5 ApDRESS ' ' �' ".� �..6Cc.' �c. c.0 � 2/ e+w�r /'�� ' �w"MI�"q rw.wq�...�.� ,^ �"'�7lw �,.,.,. . � pl��ltch e# ro osed p p property and �txucture must be. dra��n on the back p� Ch�,e �RYlB Pr sttach�d� �howing the following; 2. �Iarth Direction r 2. Locatiou of Proposed Structure ot� lt��. 3, Aimer►sions of property� proposed ' �tructure, and front pnd side �et,�bn��, • . � • 4. Strett Naraes S. Locatio� snd uae of edjacent �xtsttrt� � bui �ings (within 300 feet). ih� uadeYS�gned hereby declerea that all the f c e;'and repr.esentations etated �p tb�a application are true and correct. �i$��� 1 l SIG"irATURE (AP�'LICANT) 0 t►♦**t*�atr+► Ilppzovad Denied 1sy th� ;o`sd o� BpQe/,le S�b�joct.to Che Follo�ing Canditiona; i . . . «. � �4 ,�pprovRd Denicd by the Planain� Caa�aiaeio� on �ub,���t tQ the $ollowing Conditiona; ��t� ¢��proved Denied__ by the CounciY on �iq�jlct L� the pql�n�ir.g Con�i�ion�: � d�=Q {p�a PC �00 . � 0 ► � MAILING LIST P.S.#?3-06, DAVID HARRIS REPLAT OF Lots 2, and 3 and part of Lots 4& 5, Aud. Sub. #22. Mr. Leonard Cochran 6537 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Mr. Richard Miller 1600 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Th�Qdar�:_.Gonsior 1601 Rice Creek Road N.E. Frisiley, Minnesota 55432 Mr.,& Mrs. Andrew Wargo 1621 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 � Mr. Michael E. Grassini 1627 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Mr. & Mrs..Edward Walski 1631 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 � Mr. & Mrs. L��ttoine Follingstad 1626 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 ' Mr. Arvin & Richard Carlson 2912 Crest View Drive N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55418 Chies Bros. 4020 N,E. Tyler Street N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55421 Mr. & Mrs. James Morrison 1615 Woodside Court N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 �• Planning Commission 8 Council Mr: & Mrs. Theodore Th�ilman 1540 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Herbert Lennox III 1461 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hollister 1466 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Lavern Friend 1520 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. Russell Neuman 1500 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Hjalmer Anderson � 1491 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. Bruce Olson 1442 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Nevala 1476 64th Avenue N.F. Fridley, Mn 55432 Vernon Herman Rnute #2 Box 55 Isanti, Mn 55040 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pence 1489 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 M& M Properties Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Hart /1 5298 Fillmore Street N.E. 1450 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Fridley, Mn 55432 Ms. Helen L. Woodall 6283 Kerry Lane N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Rundquist 1490 64th Avenue N.E. Fri.dley, Mn 55432 73 � � Mailing List Page 2 P.S.#73-06 � �1 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Jorgensen 1453 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Milsten 1487 64th Avenue N.E. - Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Daryl Wolf 6446 Arthur Street N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Johnson 653b Arthur Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dischinger 6529 Arthur Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Gleason �x535 Arthur Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs, Dalton Natyke 1464 Mississippi Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. Willard Gardner ; 1500 Mississippi Street N�E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Harren 1479 Mississippi Street N.E. Fridley, i�in 55432 Ms. Esther M. Curtis 1489 Mississippi Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Ray DeMars 1442 Mississippi Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 . Mr. & Mrs. Robyn Larson 1482 Mississippi Street N.E. Fridley, Nin 55432 David Harris Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Hein 1675 Mississippi Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Janiak 1655 Mississippi Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Shute 1501 Mississippi Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. E. F. Burke 1695 Mississippi Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Stidfole 1515 Mississippi Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Jekabs Perkons 1535 Mississippi Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Olson 1660 Mississippi Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Erco, Inc. 3231 Central Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55418 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Eyler 1456 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Mr. & Mrs. James Lang 6420 Arthur Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hronski 1645 Mississippi Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. John Gannon 6516 Stinson Blvd. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 , � Mr. & Mrs, Cletus Nei Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Girard 1465 Mississippi Street N.E. 6531 McKinley Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Fridley, Mn 55432 �� Mailing List Page 3 P.S. #73-06 David Harris s�'� Mr. & Mrs. Donald Friedland 6526 McKinley Street N.E. � � Fridley, Mn 55432 - �. � Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kok 6517 McKinley Street N.E. � Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Kantor 6523 Anoka Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Arlon J. Haupert 6524 Anoka Street N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Mr. Dauid.Harris • 470 Rice Creek Blvd. ." . Frid�ey, Minnesota 55432 , Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kush. . 6535 Anoka Street N.E. r1 Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Flanders 6501 Anoka Street N.E. Fridley, Minnesota Ms. Marquerite Bell 6544 Anoka Street N.E. ' Fridley, Mn 55432 Ms. Shirley Kummala 6530 Fridley Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. Roy Holman 6500 Fridley Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Harold Thielen 6514 Fridley Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 ' Tom Lewcock, City Mgr. Village of New Brighton 803 Fifth Ave. N.W. � ^ New Brighton, Mn 55112 . � � ��ss�s�� I'..' �, . f i � 1 �wfrN �/N�Z . �! ,g_ ,_s o N7 � a� 'r �a� � � t6o, - - - : = - = : = = �---� u u u�� L___.��_____1 l_ RI--��— - - - -- . - - ----- - - n��r -- ---- 7r�rrrii■�■ir � /5Gb ,, - �, � , , .,. .. 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