PL 06/06/1973 - 31153� CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSI�N MEETING JUNE 6, 1973 PAGE 1 CALT. TO ORDER s Chairm�n Fitz�atxick called the �aeeting to order at 8:20 P.M. � ROLL CALL: Metabers Present; Fitzpatrick, Harris, Blair, Drigans, Lindblad Members Absent: None Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, Planning Assistant AP$ROV� PLANNING CONINIISSION MINUTES: MAY 23, 1973 MOTION by Drigans, secqnded by B�air, that the Planning Commission appxove the mznutes of the May 23, 1973 meeting as written. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. n RECEIVE PLATS & SUBDIVISIONS-STREETS & UTILITIES SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES: ^ MAY 23, 1973 �-�° MOTION by Harris, seconded by Lindblad, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of P1ats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee meeting of May 23, 1973. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion • carried unani�usly. ' RECEIVE BUILDTNG STANDARDS—DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMIT�E MINUTESs MAY 23, 1973 MOTTON by B1air, seconded by Lindblad, that the Planning Commi.ssion reaeive the minutes of Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee a�' the May 2�, 1973 meet.ing. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the mot�on carri��d unanimousl y. RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: MAY 29, 1973 , MOTZON by Drigans, seconded by Harris, that the P1ann3ng Con¢nission receive the minutes o� the Board o� Appeals far the Mac� 29, 1973 �eting. Upo� a va.ic� vote, aIl voting aye, the motian carried unanimous.ly. l. CONTINUED: REQUEST FOR A LOT SPLIT, L,3. #73^0�, BERNARD JULKOWSKis Split aff part af Lot 6 and 7. Audri.tor's Subdivision No. 153, to , develop land either multiple or commercial. Chairmari Fitzpatt'ick ssid this item was continued at thv last mesting � to have the petitionex continue to negotiate with the apartment owne� faa� the ,� � pu��hase af this property, for their needed paxking. �JOT,iON by Drigans, seconded by 81s�r, that the Planning Commis�ion re�e.iv� �.�����r P�om �g,�nard Julkowski, dated June 6, 197,�. Upon a vc��ce {to�a, �,�1� vo� ,�g a�es �l�v motfon carried unanimously. ad. �.�..,.�.,�. . .., t��� �. ,� � a Planning Commission Meeting - June 6, 1973 Page 2 Mr. Drigans said the letter states that there has been some furt}ier negotiations on this property, but nothing definite has been accomplished. Mr. Fitzpatrick said he was still asking for the lot split. Mr. Boardman said the apartment complex does need additional area for parking, Mr, Julkowski and one of the apartment owners did come in to the City offices and discuss this, and the aparment owner was quite vehement about purchasing land for parking only. Mr. Drigans said that in previous discussions, it has been stated that if Mr. Julkowski got the lot split, and rezoned the property, he could build eight or ten apartment units on this parcel, but if the apartment complex purchased the property, al� they could use it for was parking, because it would be considered as one parcel, and they would need this additional space to meet the present..parking requirements for ��e existing units. f, Mr. Fitzpatrick asked if administration has a recommendation. Mr. Boardman said as this property is zoned commercial, if the lot split was � granted, as commercial �roperty, it would be too expensive for the apartment ^ owner to purchase. For this reason, a lot split at this time would not be favoxable for any negotiations for purchase of this paxcel by the apartment n owner. � Mr. I.indblad said the apartment owners have had several years to decide • if they wa.nt to purchase this parcel or not. If there are serious negotiations � going on, the apaxtment owner should be here to ask for a conti.nuation fox the time he needs. There is no way we can force him to purchase this property.• • � Mr. Arigans said that when the apartment.complex was constructed, it did meet the existing standards. If the owner of this property we are . considerin$, wants �o use this parcel for something else, � think he has the ri$ht to use it. The problem is that if it is developed for a dif£o�rant use, it could well compound the parking problem. Mr. Harris said he didn't think we could force the�•apartment compl�x � to use this for a parking �ot only, For all practical purposes, this lot is split. It is split at the County and only needs Ci.ty approval. If this parcel is developed commercially, maybe there can be an arrangement h•orked • out so the apartment complex can use some of it for their additional parking. MOTION by Blair, seconded by L�ndblad, that the Planning Co�rmiissiora recorranend to Council, approval of 1ot split request, L.S. #i3-O5, by Beznard Julkowski, �o split off part of Lot 6 and 7, Auditor's Subdivisior� No. 153, ta develop land either multiple or commercial. Upon a voice vate, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimouslg. n Z. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. �73-07, DAVID S. MYCKA: Split off ths �� � Westerly 10 feet of Lot 32, Revi.sed Auditor's Subdivision No. 77, to be purchased by the owner of Lot 31. �t D�.x�� My�ka �r}�i jyr. Donald Nielsen, owner of I.ot 31, wex� praset�t. ,� Planning Commission Meeting - June 6, 1973 Page 3 �� Mr. Nielsen said he wanted to purchase this property so he could teax down an old single garage, and construct a new two-car garage. Th�re w�s about 10 feet of Lot 32 that was at the same grade as his lot, and then there is about a three foot drop, which has a retaining wall. �e said h�s pxesent garage was right on the property line, and because of this thexe was no way to get financing on this property. Mr. Mycka said his house, with an attached garage, was about 110 feet from the present pxoperty line so he didn't need this 10 feet. Mr. Boardman said the administration has no objection to the lot• split. There is a proposal to have an entrance from Riveruiew Terrace that would turn North at Lot 31 and end with a cul-de-sac. Both these lots will not have access to East River Road and will be sexviced by priva�e drives. MOT�ON by Harris, seconded by B1air, that the Planning Commission reCOmmend to Council approval of 1ot split request, LoS. �73-p7, by David C. MyCka, to split off the Westerly 10 feet of Lot 32, Revised Auditor`s Subdi�ision No. 7.7, to be purchased by the owner of Lot 31. Upan a voic� Vote, a11 Voting aye, the motjon carried unanimously. ' n 3. PUBLIC HEARING: REZONING REQUEST, ZOA #73-06, MICHAEL W. SBL�DIC, JR. Rezone from R-1 (single family dwelling area) to R-3 (general multiple � family dwellings) Lots 3-10, 14-20, Block 20, and Lots 3-7, 19-24, _-� Block �9. All in Fridley Park Addition, to allow construction of a 69 unit apaxtment building. Mx, Michael Seledic was present. MOTION by Drigans, seconded by Lindblad, that the P1aru�ing Corranissipn Waive the reading of the Pub1i� Hearing notice for the rezoning request, ZOA �73�06, MichaeZ W. Seledic, Jr. to sezone from R-1 to R-3. Upon 3 VpSQE vote, a�� voting aye, the �tion carried unanimously. Mr. Boardman said the property the petitioner wants to re�one is betwe�n 61st and 62nd Way, and between �ast River Raad and the railroad tracks. Mr. �eAedic s�id that after they surveyed the area, they had to redu�� th� units to 6S, Ch�irraan F�tzpatrick asked how many buildings there would be. Mr. Baaxdma� said it wouid be all one building. � Mr. �ichard Brown, 6103 �ast River Road, said he otaned Lots 14, 15� 16 and the West 10 feet o£ Lot 17, Block 19, Fridley Park Addition. He said � they have been beseiged by plans for th3s area. He said ho hQasd l�st fall that thero would ba a comprehensiva plan for this are�. � f, Mr. F1tzp�ttrick said the Planning Commission had held Public H�axi�g� ' on the p�opoaed Compr�hens%vs Plan eariier this yeaa�. 'i'he �ity Cauncil w�s preser►tly havin� Public Hearings and is cansidering the pxopos�d plan now. Mr. ��� ��kpd what �ad �eq� recommended fo� this ar�a. ., A .�.��. �.a�.. R'� �� Planning Commission Meeting - June 6, 1973 Page a �; . Mr. Boardman said it was recommended that this area be �tudied and that any development of the area should have limited access to East Riyer Road. It was felt that multiple dwellings or a townhouse development would�be the best use of the area, and the entire area should be developed at one time. Our major recommendation was that the traffic that would be genexated be the main consideration Richard Soj, 65 61st Way N.E., said his home is located on part.of Lot 17 and Lot 18, Block 18, Fridley Park Addition, and his home would b� right next door to this proposed apartment building. He was opposed to the proposal. � Mr. Brown asked if this would be approved tonight. Chairman Fitzpatrick said this wouldn't be approved or denied until it has been seriously studied. Mr. Brown said he thought more people should be notified of this proposal. Chairman Fitzpatrick said the mailing list of the people notified was a long one, and Mr. Brown was welcome to look at it if he wished. It is just that only two property owners ca.me to the Public Heari.ng. Mr. Brown said he bought his home in an R-1 district, and he has to � live there. Could the Planning Commission tell him of any advantages he would have from this pxoposal. Chairman Fitzpatrick said that until the development was completely presented, the Planning Commission Gouldn�t �� answer that question. —, Mx. Seledic said this would be one building with underground parking. There would be one under�round stall fox each unit, and one parking sta1.1 for each unit on the back of the property. The twelve stalls shown on the fTQnt of the building would be for visitor parking. He said he would need no variances and will have no parking problems. � Mr. Seledic said ther•e would be 36 one-bedroom units and 33 2-bedrogm units. Mr, Lindblad asked the price range of the rentals, Mr. Sel�di� said he couldn't say for sure, because it depended upon constructio� costs, but he thought it would be in the $175 to $200 range. Mr. Boardman said they would have to work with the Engineering Department on the traff�.e •l�ws , Mr. Harris asked how the noise from the railxoad would af£ect tha p�@pi� who lived in these apartments. Mr. Seledic said he didn�� think it wau�d have too much effect. M�r, Selodic said that at the pxesent time, Anoka Caunty has thre� different proposals for East Rivex Road. The plan he was pgesenti,ng was predicat�d on tha plan tha� seemed the County most favored at the pres�nt timo. Right now I ean go almost anyway with my pian, ^ Mr. Seledic said they have no problems with the proper�y as far a� � the utilixies axa concerried. They would have to be altexeds but h� f�lt that was no problem. , Mr, liarris said h� had a couPle o£ questions concexning the �esid�ntial propex�� �hat wo�}�d be ��fectsd by �hi� pro��sal. There wor�'t be any buff�x . ._..� .__ �,a. ,. .,.. ..... ;� � Planning Commission Meeting - June 6, 1973 Pa�e S 1�1 betwe�n the two zoni.ngs. The property the residential homes are located on w�li be.quite small in its entirety, so if they did decide to se11 their property, o�° develop it, what could it be rezoned to or used for, that would be compatible with this proposal. Mr. Lindblad asked Mr. Boardman if in any of the proposals hy the County for East River Road thare were any plans for widening it, so that some of the �esidential area would be taken by the road. Mr. Boardman said that the right af way has already been acquired far East River Road in this axea, Mr. Bxown sa�.d he would like ta urge the Planning Commission to dsny this request right now. I think we'd be misleading the petitioner to let him think this proposal might go through. There is no buffex between the groposed R-3 rezoning and the present R-1 zoning. This proposal would make my house unlivable and unsaleable. Mr. Fitzpatrick said this area has remained undeveloped, He asked Mr. 8�'own i£ he could give and reason why thi� area hadn't been developed R-1. Mr. Brown said it wasn't a very gaod reason but he thought that one of the reasons.was because the road was unimproved. Mr. F�.tzpatxick said /"1' he thought there eould be a numbex of xeasons, one being that it was c�ase to the railroad tracks, but on the othex hand, some of the finest homes n in Fridley were closer to the tracks. Mr.Axigans;asked Mr. Seledic if he had considered a townhouse develop- ment for this axea. Mr. Seledic said he hadn't. He has always £elt that an apartment complex was the best use fox this property. Mx. Drigans asked if he had considered, in this type of complex, any type of apartments for th� elderly. Mr. Seledic said, not specifically, but there would be elevators in the bui.lding, so it would be convenient for elderly people. We are not building it with elderly people in mind, at least at the present time. Mr. James Langen£eld, Chairman of the Environmental Quality Commission, askod if there was a need £ar this apartment complex. Chairman Fitzpatrick said that would be taken into consideration before the final decision is made. In my opinion, protecting the property owners who are af£ected by a xequest is our first.consideration, along with the considexation o£ the justiiicatior� of the property owner who is making the request. Mr. Fitzpatr�.ck said he was surprised that more of the affected prope�ty owners were not present tonight. Nlx. Boardman asked Mx. Seledic if he had approached any of the owners o£ the five private homes in this area about purchasing their property. Mr. Seledic said he had not. Chairman Fitzpatrick said he was concerned about how this proposal would affect these five property owners, '� Mr. Fitzpatrick said he didn't think the Planning Commis�ion was �� roa+dy to taake a decision on this proposal tonight. Planning Commission Meetin� - June 6, 1973 Page 6 �"� j� MOTION by Harris, seconded by Lindblad, that the Planning Commission continue the Public Hearing on rezoning request, ZOA �f73-06, by Michael W. Seledic, Jr., to rezone from R-1 (single family dwE�lling areas) to R-3 (general multiple famil�� dwellings) Lots 3-10, 14-20, Block 20; and Lots 3-7, I9-24, Block i9; a11 in Fridley Park A�ldition, to a11ow con- struction of a 69 unit apartment building, until June 20, 1973. Upon a voice vote, aI1 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 4. VACATION REQUEST: SAV #73-09, MICIiAEL SELEDIC. JR.: Vacate 61st Way between Last River Roaci and Burlington ,tiorthern Railroad, Vacate alley between Lots 4-10, 14-20, Block 20; Vacate 61z Way N.E, be�Cween Lots 4-7, 19-23, Block 20; Vacate alley between Lots 3-7, 20-23, Block 19. All in Fridley Park Addition, to allow construction of a 69 unit apartment building. MOTION by Harris, seconded by Blair, that the Planning Commission continue the vacation request, SAV #73-09, by Michael Seledic, Jr., to vacate 6Zst Way between East River Road and Burlington Northern Railroad; vacate a11ey between Lots 4-10, 14-20, Block 20; vacate 61� Way N.E. between I•ots 4-7, 19-23, BZock 20; vacate aZ1ey between Lc7ts 3-7, 20-23, B1ock 19. A11 in Fridley Park Addition, to allow construct.�on of a 69 unit apartment building, until June 20, 1973. � ' Mr, Drigans questions the lots mentioned in the vacation request. n �Some of the lots mentioned would in fact vacate alleys of private property. Mr. Harris said that if the rezoning request was approved, the intent wvuld be to vacate the entire alley, after the aff�cted property owners had been notified of the request. UPON A VOICE VOTE, aI1 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. S. FINAL PLAN APPROVAL: WALL CORPORATION: The area generally located on Sth Street and 7th Street from Mississippi Street to 63rd t\venue. Mr. Boardman said the Wall Corporation has not brought in the final plans, As there is no one from the Wall Corporation here tonight, the fina� plans axe not available. Chai�nan Fi,tzpatrick said he thought it should be discussed so the Planning Commission has some idea of what the pxoposal is going to be. Mr. Boardman said that what Council told the Wall Corporation is that they could build 155 units on this property, with the following stipulations; That they provide the same recreational facilities as shown on the oxiginal plan; that they solve the drainage problems the s8mo as on the origi.nal plan; that one driveway on 7th Street be eliminated, and ana driv� on 7th Street be lined up with Bennett Drive, and there b� limited access to Mississippi Street. Mr. Boardman believed the plan ^ eailed £ox one ent�rance on Mississippi, � � Mx. Fitzpat�rick asked if the zoning wa's still R-1 along 7th Str�et. Mr. Boardman said it was. - � � �. � r� �� Planning Commission Meeting - June 6, 1973 Page 7 Mr. Urigans said the Board of A��peals approved a densite of 42.46 for the entire area of both R-1 and R-3, which would allow them approximately 140 townhouse units. The Council granted the variance requested which was for 83.units in the R-1 area, an increase of 20 units, or a total of 155 in the entire area. This gives a density in the R-1 area of 4,246 square feet per unit and for the entire area, both in R-] and R-3, of 3,872 square feet per unit, which is getting pretty close to R-3 density. Mr. Boardman had the Planning Commission look at the original plan that had 171 units and the new plan for 155 units. Mr. Fitzpatrick said it is mostly a shift in density. Mr. Boardman explained the ponding on the property, and answered questions from the Planning Commission on how this will operate. � Chairman Fitzpatrick said as the plans were not available this could just be added to the next agenda without a motion. 6�: VACATION REQUEST: SAV #73-10, ROGER CHRISTENSON: Vacate 30 foot road easement on Lot 1, and the North 25 feet of Lot 2, Block 6, Rice Creek Plaza South Addition, to use for a parking lot for a proposed school bus garage. Chairman Fitzpatxick said we have a copy of a letter that was reeeived by Council. He asked Mr. Boardman if he knew Council's reaction to this lettex. � Mr. Baardman said that Council postponed any action. They are waiting for a report �rom the City Manager as far as the trade-off of some land and an appropriate valuation of this property. Mr. Fitzpatrick said then this is in the hands of the Council. Mr. Boardman said he had talked with Mr. Qureshi, and they both felt that the best thing to do was to pass this request on to Council, with no actian. MOTION by Harris, seconded by B1air, that the PZanning Commission pas� on to Conncil, without action, vacation request, SAV #73-10, by Roger Christenson, to vacate a 30 foot road easement on Lot 1, and �he No�th 25 feet of Lot 2, 91ock 6, Rice Creek PZaza South Additi�n, to uSe foz a parking 1ot for a proposed school bus garage. Upon a voic� vote, F3tzp$tr�ck, Lindblad, Harris arid B1air voting aye, Drigans nay, the motian carr�ed. Mr, Arigans said the City Attorney has said that the petitioner has � legal right to build on this property. I would like to see what the Council says about Study Area 4 before this is sent to Council. We hava a variance request the Board af Appeals has pending, waiting to See what Council has ta say about this Study Area. With all the objeetions ta th�s ��4uest, I would like to wait for their recommendatian. Mr. Ha�ris said if the City acqu�xes this property they wouldn'� want this road �asement vacated, as they will want to xetain it for a walkway, �"� Piannin$ Commission Meeting - June 6, 1973 Pa�e 8 � The �oard o� Appeal.s and the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittees hav� more to say about this, if it's going to be built, than the Planning Commission. � Mr. Drigans said we could deny the vacation, instead of passing it on to Council without action, MOTION by B1air to reconsider the mot.ion. The motion dieti for Zack of a second. . 7. REVIEW REQUIREMENT FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR SECOND AUXILLIARX BUILDING: Mr. Harris said he asked to have this put on the agenda because it seems like we have been deluged by requests for everything from second garages, who should have a Special Use Permit, to garden sheds. I would like to have some input from the Planning Commission on changing the ordinance in regard to the garden sheds. I.think that small storage sheds could be handled by administration, with a limit put on the size that doesn't need a Special Use Pexmit. I still feel th�t second garages and utility buildings over a certain size should require a Special Use Permit. �r�� Mr. Fitzpatrick asked if anyone would like to recommend the size that cpuld be allowed without a Special llse Permit. Mr. Eiarris said anything that � is small enough not to handle a car or truck. Mr. Lindblad said he thought a building permit should be required for any size utility shed. That way administration could control where it was placed on the lot. They should be on the back of the lot. It should be made a require�ent that it be pxoperly anchored and stipulate that it be maintained. tIe said a lot of utility sheds are eye sores because they have been blown around and are dented and ruste�, but still in use. Mr. Boardman said we don't require a building permit now unless the building is over 100 square feet or costs more than $150.00. We don't have the staff to inspect the small sheds. If we have a complaint, we write a l.etter to the owner and tell the owner the shed must be maintained. Mr. I.indblad said that if we had something in our ordinance, you would have something to enforce, when there were complaints. If they had to anchox them properly, it would eliminate a lot of complaints. Mr. Arigans said this goes hand in hand with some of the xequests f�ar variances received by the Board of Appeals. He felt that notices should always be sent as they are now, but if it is a minor variance, and there are no objections, he felt the variance could be granted by the Board of Agpeals and not have to go to Council. This would cut down on a lot of woxk, both by the Administration and the Council.. He said he knew we weTen't elected, only appointed, but we would still pass on to Counci.l anything that there had been any opposition to, or controversial, wi.th r"'� our recommendation. This could apply to Special Use Permits fnr auxill.ia�y �, huildings, wher� there were no objectians. The Special Use Permit could be grar�tc�d by the Planning Commission, without going to Council. � �� �� � �, �, Planning Commission Meeting - June G, 1�73 . Page 9 Mr. Harris said he thought some guidelines could be prepared to control these utility sheds. A mcmeographed s,hee� could be made up and given to anyone who applies for a permit for a utility shed. We should have more control over any size utility shed. Mr. Harris said he didn't expect the Planning Convnission to come up with any reconunendation tonight. fie just wanted the Commission to be thinking about this and see what recommendations they might want to make. Mr. Fitzpatrick said he didn't think we had anything for Council� to consider as yet. Mr. Boardman said they could ask for a report from administration on anything that had been discussed. . Mr. Harris said we should come up with some policy type thing on seGOnd garages, and ask Council for a recommendation. Chairman Fitzpatrick said we are asking for two things; more control on buildings less than 10 x 10, and more expeditious handling of other requests. MOTION by Harris, seconded by Lindblad, that the Planning Commission xequest the City Administration to prepare a report on whether they can pzopose some changes or defend their position. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. _ $. PLANNING COAM�IISSION TRAINING SESSION: SET DATE: Mr. Boardman said a meeting was planned with the Planning Commission and all the Subcommittee members to discuss the duties of each Subcommittee and the Planning Commission as set by ordinance. There will be a presentatipn made. We have set a tenative date of Wednesday, June 27, 1973. Mr, Fitzpatrick asked if ther.e was anyone on the P�anning Commission that couln't come on this date. Everyone said they could. Mr. Fitzpatrick said he wanted the meeting to start at 8:00 P.M. 9. AINNER MEETING WITH CITY COUNCIL: Mr. Boardman said the dinner meeting with the City Council has been set for 6:30 F.M. on July 30th, at George's in Fridley. The Planning Commission members should call Peter Herlofsky and make their reservations as soon as possible. 10. SUBCOMMITTEE MEETINGS F, THE PLANNING CONIlNISSION: Mr. Drigans said there axe some items that go to the Subcommittee's and on to the Planning Commission so soon that we don't know the recommendation pf the Subcommittee before we have to consider it at the Planning Commissiotl taeeting. Mr. Fitzpatrick said we have that problem especially with the Plats $ Subdivisions-Streets �, Utilities Subcommittee because they meet right before we do. I have �sjced that Wl�at is considered by this Subcommittee ..�. 4, �.� . , . � Planning Commission Mceting - June G, 1973 Page 10 be considered at the Planning Commi�ssion meeting two wecks later, but there is the temptation to push things throug}�. Mr. Boardman said one of the reasons for things going to theSubcommittee's and Planning Commission is because there are different requests for the sa.me property and they want all the requests to go to Council together. 11. FIRE LANES AT TARGET: Mr. Lindblad said he didn't know if the Planning Commission could 'iandle this, but he was concerned about the parking i7i the fire lanes at �he Taioet store. He said there were so many cars parked in the fire lane, �ven double parked, that you couldn't drive through. Chairman Fitzpatrick said this usually doesri't corne to the Planning Commission's attention but it can be brought to the attention of the Council in this way so a recommendation could be made to have it patroled as the police can issue tickets on private property if the fire lanes are blocked. r^,' Mr. Drigans asked if the cars were parked or if some one was in the cars. They can load and unload in fire lanes. Mr. Lindblad said even if i�'� there is someone in the car, for all practical purposes, they are parked. Chairman Fitzpatrick adjourned the meeting at 10:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ��� �r� Aorothy Even n, Secretary � � , � �� ._._ ..--._.___."Y.___.._ ___-_ _.._ �f _ ' __ -- "__ ,.., - - __ --__--__T\\r�\�C�� -- -- -------,�� �� � � ------- ----- G _�f' -- � — , -- � ; � i— -- __ i , -- , --- ----+=----- — I-- -- ----- ---- ---------- —1— — i 1--- ' s ��� � . , .,-:�.Li� i �C f--a�,�� � � ----------��, �` _��i�_�� V' S� .� ---- �� � � �� }f � 1 }cJ;�v . � C�#�/�-� � �-. //�i��� ��'�"�''�-� c � � i i� �� � � , I �./ ��, ��%s y � � �� � ���f� rI'�7�%��iZ" � � ,� 7 G ��� . ��- � �% � ��.