PL 06/19/1974 - 30402.� CITY OF FRIDLEY � � PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 19, 1974 PAGE 1 CALL TO ORDERe Chairman Fitzpatrick called the meeting to order at 8:30 P.M. ROLL CAL�, o Members Present: Fitzpatrick, Harriso Drigans blembers I�bsent: Blair, Lindblad Others r�resen�: Jerrold Boardm�.n, Planning Assistant Janies Langen.feld, Chairma.n: Environmental Quality Commission APPROVE PLANNING COM�M"�TSSIOIV 1�1�NUTES: JUNE 5, 1974 MOTIO_N br.� Dxigans, seconded by H�rris, that the minutes of the June 5, I97� rneeting of i-he Planning Commission be approved as writ�en. Upon a voice vote, a1Z voting aye, the motion carried unanimousZy. 3ZECF'IVr ENVIRONt�FEiV�"AL �iUT�LITY COMI�7ISSIUN MTT�TUTES : 1�.AY 14 ,.l 374 � MOT.TON b� Harzis, seconded by Drigans, that the PZanning �� Comm.zssion rece�ve �che �nviron�nental Qualit�y Comrrtission minutes _ of their meeting vf I�2'a� 14, 1_974, Upon a voice vote, a1I voting -� aye, the motivn carried unanimously. RECEIVE °°CRITICAL ARE.�S �.LAI�7NSI�TG Fl?OCESS 00 FROM JA1�'!ES T�INGENFET L7 MOTIOIV by Urigans, secondEd by Flarris, �hat �he Planning Commission receive "Critical Areas Plar.ning Process" f�em James I.•angenfeld. Upan � voice vote, a11 voting a�e, the mo�ion carried unan.imously. i2ECEIVE BUI�,DiNG STANDARDS-llESi-GN CONTF.OL SU]3CON1MITT�E ��INU�ItES o JUNE 6, 197� A?OZ'ION 1�� Driyans, secortded by Harris, for discussion, that ihe Plann.ir�� Commissi�n receive the rninutes of the June 6, J.974 meeting of ihe Building Si-andards-Design Control Subcornmittee. Mr. Harris said that he noted the building that A�. Pascke wanted to build woulci be on two lots> Mr. Boardman said he wanted -to build a 55 ft. x 75 ft. btiilc�zng whi.ch requir_ed many vari�nces. FTe said the variance request to reduce che sicie yard setbacY abu-ttizt� a side street of a corner lot from 35 feet to 25 feet had be�n denied so �.his would have ta be a�5 f�t. buildinc�. The other vari�nces w�re approved. Mra Harris asked how many parking si�alls they would have. �~� Mr. Boardman said there would be six. � �� , UPO1V A VOICE VOTE, aZ1 voting aye, the motion carried unanimovsly. � { I � . � i � Planning Commission Mee�ing - June 19, 1974 Paqe 2 RECETVE BOARD OF APPEALS SUBCOMMITT�E MINUTES: JUNE 11, 1974 MOTION by Drigans, seconded b� Harris, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Board of App.eals Subcommit�ee meeting of June 11, 1974. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: R.EQIJEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERPZIT, SP �74-11, �Y CU.RTTS �3ARSN�SSa Per Fridley City Code, Section 205°051, l, A, to allow construction of a second accessory building to be loca�.ed- on the tiJesterly 168.5 fee-c of Lot E, Revised Aud- itor°s Subdivision No. 10, the same being 6581 Central Avenue N.E. Mr. Curtis Barsness was present. . MOTION b� Drigans, seconded by Harris, that the Planning Com.mzssion waive the reading oF �he Public Hearing notice on the zequest for a Special Use Permit, SP #74-1I, by Curtis Barsnes,s. Upon a voice vate, aI1 voting aye, the mo�ion carried unanimously. Mr. Barsness said he uaanted this 24 it. x 26 f'ca second. garage becav.se he has a 1967 Corvet=ce and a 1940 �uick tha�c were getting to be col lectar ° s itenls anc� he wantec3 them unde_r cover m Mre Harris asked the petitoner what he used his first garage n fore Mr_. �arsness sai�. he can ge�c one car into �his garage and he used the rest of the gar�::re for his riobby � Mr. Fit�patrick asked if he �vas go�.ng ta have two driveways a�1 his pro1�es:ty o T�ra I3arsi�ess said he thought rie would be com�bining �?:e driveways to g� o�.?t to CEs�-tral Avenue o Fie said he had no access to 66�h Av�nue because oi a 2 root outlot. i-ie sa.id th�re was a 33 foot easement for a rodd Sou-th �f his property, and th�re was a possibilit�% tr�a'c Baeon Electric, who owz� this propertyo mightc put this road in. He said he would prefer to have access to this roada Mr. Drigar�s asked tlze logic behind the placement of this garaqeo Mr. Barsness s�.id he had a garden behind the garage and he has to stay behind his lzouse which has a 47 foo� front setback. He said if he ever sold pa.r-t ai his lot, all his bu.ilding vaould be on the one lo�e Mr. Drigans said the prc�blem with the placement of this garage is th�.�t the driveway will be 85 feet long, which will make the reguired hard sur�ace driveway very exp�nsive, Mr. Barsne�s said there would be 26 feet more because o� the boulevard. He said he knew this would �,e r.ostly. Mr. Drigans asked what �ype of construction this garage would be and what utilities would be in i-t. Mr. Sarsness said the garage would be wood frame and he didn't intend to have any utilities, not even electricity, because it was too far from the house. He said he thought he would install some kind of alarm sys-tem. n Planning Commission Meeting - June l9, 1974 Page 3 � MOTION b� Harris, seconded by Drigans, that the Planning Commission close the Public Hearing on the request for a Special Use Permit, • SP #74-11, by Curtis Barsness. Upon a.v.oice vote, a1I voting aye, the mofion carried unanimouslye Mro Boardman said �he biggest concern of the CityP although they are in favor of the granting of a Special Use Permit for this second accessory building, is that �he peri�ioner will accumulate more cars after he stores the cars he has now in this second garage� He said there is a need for a place to store things on this property and this second garage will help clean up the areae MOTION b� Harris, second�d by Drigans, thai the Planning Commission recommend to Council approval of the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #74-11, by Crzrtis E�rsness, per Tridley Cit� Code, Section 2050051, 1, A, to allow const�uction of a second accessory building on the Westerly 16�.5 feet of Lot 6, Revised Auditor's 5ubdivision No. 10, the same being 6581 Cen�ral Avenue Northeast, with the following stipu° Zations: 1, Provide a hard surface drive�,ay to both garagese 2. The second garage be used for storag� only and not be used fo.r a car repair busir�ess or other home occupation and it can not be used for human habitation. n UPON a cToice voce, all voting a�e, ih� rao�io.1 carried un�nimously. 2 e PUnLIC HEA�Ti�TG e COI�TSIDERATIOI�T OF A PR�LTMII`1�Ri' i�- LAT a P o S a #�74-04� 1"IVNS�:�:UCK NUI:���I1 TOti-e'ivii0Ll�T;a Fe�P:G�.'.�' Si�'CO?•�fl; aDrITIOtI, BY DARI'tEj A�� F�Ph DEVELC��P���L,ia`l' COFcFUI:ATIOrd � A repla�� of Lo�cs 5, 6, 7 and 7, B1ock 4, I_r�nsi���_�.zck Nor�th Townhou�es Third. Addition, loca�ed a� 5533 'ca 5539 Eas� �avarian Pass Nm�m Mr> Rol.and Kruc�er was presen�o N10TION b� Drigans, seconded by Harris, that tlae Planning Comrrrissior� waive the read.ing of the Public Hearing notice on P.S. #74-04, b� Darre.Z A. Farr Developme.nt Corporai;ior. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the mvt�on carried unanirriously. Mr. Harris said this request was originally a lot spli� to change the property lines for four garages. Because one d�scriptiari was quite lengthy we asked tY�at this be handled as a plat.insteade Chairman I'itzpatrick said the Planning Commission has already approved the land cli.vision. This request is the result of our recommendation �o the peti�ioner. MOTIDN by Dric�ans, secanded by Harris, th�t the Planning Commis�ion n close the Public Hearing on P.S. #74-04, by Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation. Upon a voice vot�, a11 voting aye, the motion carried - unanimously. � Flanming Commission Meeting - June 19, 1974 �� Page 4 MOTION by Harris, seconded b� Drigans, that the PZanning Commission recommend to Council approval of the preliminary pZat, P.S. #74-04, Innsbruck North Townhouses Replat Second Addition, by Darrel A. Farr n Development Corporation, a replat of Lot 5, 6, 7 and S, Block 4, Innsbruck North Townhouses Third Addition, Iocated at 5533.to 5539 East Bavarian Pass N.E. Upon a voice vote, a1Z voting aye, the motion carried unanimousl�. �1 �1 3. VACATION REQUEST: SAV #74-02, ROBERT STIXRUDo Vacate the Easterl� and Westerly 10 iee�t of an exisring 30 foo� drainage and utility easement on Blocks 1 and 2o Lyndale Builders 7�h Addition, located between 58th and 59th Avenue N.E. and betweeiz 7th Street and Jefferson Street NoE. Nlro Ro�er'c Stixrud and Mr. Russel Evenson were presen�o Mr, Ba�ra�an sai� �he utili-cy companies have no objection �o �this easement being 10 feet ?ns-cead of ��he 30 feet and he had talkeci ico th� Engineering Depar�men-c an� they said 10 �eet was enough alsao Chai�-m�n Fitzpatrick asked N�.ro Boardman if he knew why t�ere. was a 30 �oot e�.sement pu�t on this property i1i the firs� place. Mra Bozrd°- man said he didn'to Mro Stixrvd said he was requesting t�ie vacation because he need�d the _10 f_ee� to coristruc�� a garageo He has a larg� i.ree in h.is yard e�Thich m�.ke� it inpossible to loca-�e 'che garage any where elsem Mr. Fi�czpatrick said tl�e�ce were quite a few garages alrPady built o�z 10 feet o� tile easement. Nlro Russel Evenson, 5801 r1.Ee tivashington S�tree�.� said Y�e was representing t��e p��c�p1e in Bloc}c 1 in requ�s-cing �his �racationo MY'e Stixrud said the fee far a vacaticn reques�t was $40 but he had �o pay only $� of �.his because al1 the o-ther neighbors joined. in i�his reques-c. Mro Drig�ns asked if -�his would. give the property a higher tax base. Mr. �oardman saic3 i�� wouldn'� becaus� the people were already pa_ying taxes on th� entire �asement. This would ju.s�t make i� legal for them to use another 10 feet of thei�^ progertye MOTION by Drigans, secon�ied by Harris, that the Planning Coramission recoinmend to Council appxaval of the vacation request, SAV #74-02, by Robert Stixrud, to vacate tl�e Easterly anc� Westerly 10 feet of an exist- ing 30 foot drainage and utility easemeli� on Blocks 1�and 2, Lyndale Bui'3ders 7th Addition, located between 58th and 59th Avenue N.E. and betw�en 7th Street and Jefferson Street N.E. Upon a voice vote, a.Z1 voting ay��, the motion carried unanimously. 4. GENE'; ' �, DISCUSSION Mr. _,� 5enfeld saia he had a brochure entitled °Governme�t, Environme;, �,�nd YOU" that he would like the Planning Commis�.ion to havee He said he ��ould give it to the secretary so copies could be made for th�n . � �-��; � � Plann�ing Commission Meetinq - June 19, 1974 �� Page 5 Chairman Fitzpatrick said the Planning Commission doesn't meet for four weeks now. One of the things that are pending is the Hyde Park Study. l�Ir. Harris said he �chought the Planning Commission should plan on handling ichis same way. H� thought a Public Hearing should be set because he thought that �vas vahat the City Council wantede Nlr. �oardman said that at staff I.evel they weren`-ic sure how Council want�d to han�le this. If any further studies are made, he thought it would have to go the consultant routee Mr. Fitzpatrick said the last time we went �he consultan-t route, we end�d u� adoptinc� a plan made by Mro An.krum. I�ro Harris said tha�� mos-c o� tl�e -�hings the consult�an'� said have proved to be truee Mra Harris said maybe we should re-examine the ac�cion �taken bef oreo He said lze �hough� he heard the CounciZ say it should be de�ermined it the zoning is correcto Mr. 3oardnlan exp�_ained how Hyde Park is zoned no�a o Mr. Harris said he thouc�ht the Planning Com��.ission should revieva all the ma-�erial they have received and decide on a course o� ac•L-�.on so they cou3c� give �the City s-caff som� direc-tiono Mre Drigans said it has beer� a considerable time since the �lanning Cc��nri�issir�ri n.aS r�aa a joint meeiing wi�ch the Councilo He thought -cr�ere were quite a fe��� decisions on dif ie� en-t itezns that would have to be made and a join•t mee��ing woulc3 3�e �rery helpful o The oth�r memkazrs agreed a�d said i.hey ;��aulr� iikc to �zave this meeting before the 17th oi July if possiblem MOTT0117 b�l Drigans, seconded by fiarris, that the Planning Coinmissiorl request that the City Council consider having a joing meeting with the Planning Cor,7mission i:o discuss any code c�ianges in �he zoning ordinance, the Nyde Park Stud�, the arror� request �nd the sign ordinancee Upon a voice vot�, a11 voting aye, the morion carried unan.ianouslye Mra Drigans sai_d �he Council receiv�d a resolution from the DeF.L� Chairman in apposition to �he locatiora o� an armory in Fridleyo He as}:ed i� the other mambers of �.he Commission w�re aware of this resolu� tion. They said they werea Mra Drigan� said he �aould like the Planning Commission to g�t a copy of this resolution. Chairrnan Fitzpatricic adjourned the meeting at 9:30 P.M. Respectfully su�:�r�i_tt�d, 1•� % ,► �.J��if�a.�''?;r�� , .,.:r,°.l-e'?�./ �"'� Dorot.hy Ev��o:i, ,���cretary