PL 09/08/1976 - 6593� PLAN1dING GONA4ISSION MEETING CAtL TO ORDER: CITY OF FRIDI,�Y AUGUST 18, 1976 Chairperson Harris called the meeiing to order at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL: PAGE 1 Members Present: Harris� Bergman, Langenfeld� Peterson, Gabel {attending for Schnabel), S�,ea Mefibers Absent: Others Present: None Jerrold Boardman� City Planner APPROVE PLP.PINIidG COAIIsISSICN h;IP;UT�: AUGllST �, 1976 Mr, Bergman stated that on page 16� midway through the bottom paragraph, ne would like the word "implemented° changed to °included°, � t:r, Langenield said that on pu�e 5, second paz•agraph, he asked if the ga;uge would be compatible with the rest of the house and the neighborhood, tie also noted on pa�e 19, second parag:aph, ht: r:cu13 like "pretty much set" bA ch2�.�ed to "established". Chairperson Harris stated that on page 1, third paragraph, he believed it was Mr. Boardman who made the statement that money had been appropriated. Mrs. Gabel said that regarding paoe 13� she had £ound out that the 1�0' lots were not taxed as buildable sites. She also noted that on page 1 Mrs, Schnabel had raised a question concerning t?�e soccer field at Locke Park� and. was wondering i£ that could now be answered, h,r. Peterson stated that it wouldn't be found as a specific item because it would be cnarged under general maintenance. Mrs. Gabel state3 she had a question concerning the first paragraph on page 7 regarding the surveys. She said she had been at the Council meetinp, and ,Sr. Sinigaglio didn't have a survey, hut Council told him tnat because he kas far enough from the lot lines that he didn't have to have a survey. She asked i� this was a general procedure. i�ir, Boardman said it xas a general policy. ?ie explained that a�°ter the Planning Corunissior, meeting Mr. Sinigaglio checked to see the price of a survey and £ound it to be around $200. He further exnlained that Mr. Sinigaglio then moved the second accessory building closer to tile }:ouse so it was about 15� from the Iot line� and the City Council then said he did noi have to have a survey. � Mr, Harris asked hoar he would know it was 15' from the lct line without a surve,y, and Mr. Boardman replied they had general plat maps that showed general distances from street curves� right oF ways, etc. He said it could basically be determined by measuring off those distances where the lot line xas. Chairperson Harris Planning Commission Meeting - August 18, 1976 commented that that was a very dangerous game to play. Page 2 Mr. Boardman said that with a survey a person was allowed to build within 3� � of the property line� and without a survey he could build within 4� i'eet o£ the property line with a disclaimer from the next door properisy owner. Chair- person Hars�is asked how he would know where the propert,y line was. He said that in this particular case the house was built about 20 years ago� and the owner couldn't £ind the stakes. He asked where Mr. Sir.iga�lio would be building 1t�' £rom, and Mr. Boardman answered from where the estimated property line was. Mr. Bergman commented that Mr. Sinigaglio had allowed about a�£oot sa£ety factor� and he hoped the estimated property line wasn't 8� o£f. Mr. Boardman stated that the Appeals Commission had suggested that �50 for a request for variance was excessive and wanted it dropped to .ca25, and nota this Commission was requesting a person to spend $200 on a pronerty survey. Wi�h the policy they had been £oll�wing� Mr. Boardman continued, if a petitioner wanted to spend the money that was Sine, it was for his protection� but it wasn't reo,uired, Mr. Bergman asked if the City had a dimensional record o£ this lot, and h1r. Boardman answered that they ha.d a plat m�hich showed dimensions from the street right of way. Chairperson Harris stated that it iaas not necessary that the street run do*.m the center of the right of taay� and that was where the problems arose. rSr. Boardman said that the,y were relatively close to the center' giving or t�k'ng a little. Chairperson Harris said that a£ew years oack he had an opportunity to go to Arlington, Virginia to do some work and talk to a tew people. He said that George bdashington was tiie iirst president o£ the coun+:,y � and was also a surveyor, and they have a terrible mess out there. Mr. Harris explained that they have peop'le whose houses were built right on top o f lot lines; the lot line runs right through their living room, He stated that George Ydashington rnight have been a good president, but he was a lousy surveyor. He stated he got very nervous about playing fast and loose with lot lir.es. Mr, Boardr,ian said that was one of the reasons they got a disclaimer from the neighbor. Mrs. Gabel stated that when she was First on the Board of Appeals, everybody requesting a variance had a survey, and if they didn�t have one their request was tabled. She said that lately people have been coming in with little drawings, and she was wondering how that came about because it used to be very cut and dried. D1r. Boardman said that surveys were required on all variances, and Mrs. Gabel said that riasn't necessarily true and could think o£ one that had gone through the Appeals Commission just recently without,a su^vey. Mr. Bergman said he recalled back when he was Chairperson of Plats and Subs� and a survey was a requ'irement before dealing dimensionally on anything having to do with a lot. He stated 'ne agreed with Mrs. Gabel that there has �een a lot oS slacking o£f, and added that he wr�s a little surprised at $200 to surve,y a lot. Mr. Langenf'eld stated he £elt a survey was very important� otherwise he could foresee a Planning Commission meeting Full o£ people with problems concerning � lot lines :3nd it would be impossible to iron them all out. He added the City should be consistent in its policy. Planning Commission Meeting - August 18, 1976 Page 3 Mr. Boardman said that basically if a person was asking for a variance to a � lot line or a variance to anything that required an exact dimensional statement for a Public Hearing� then a survey was required. Mrs. Gabel noted that a couple of weeks ago the Board of kppeals had a request for variance £or a garage and there was a problem of r�here the lot lzrie was and the petitioner did not have a survey. Mr. Boardman conJnented that he thought that was unusual. Mr. Langenfeld asked if a surve,y .rould be reouired if a resident of the City �aanted to put a fence around his ;;ard. 1-ir, Boardman stated that the City did not get involved in that and did not issue fence pen�nits. He added that they suggest that nroperty owner get a survey, but don't demand it. Air. Ee2reman said when a property oi,mer outs �}iat fence in on the property line, he is doing it at his own risk; the City can't get involved every time that somebody wanted to put a fence on the property line, and there has to be a lit�le responsibility on the p2rt of the property owner� too. MP. Bergrnan asked i£ in any case where a building permit *.aas required� if a certificate of survey was reouired prior to granting the buildino permit, t�r. Boardman reolied it was� and said the5� also reau_red a veri£icaiion survey when the structure was done. }•;r. Bergmari then asked iS a building permit wasn't required for this second accesso^3� building. P`s. Harris said absolutely, and Mr, Boardman said he couldn�i; ansxer that as he didn�t knoti z+hat D�rrel Clark required. Mr. Bergman stated he ��ras told thai for improvemenis� renovations� consi:ruction, ete.� a building pernit was required when anyt:�ing was in excess o£ $150 cost. He stated that the second a.ccessory build_ng wonld certainly qualify� and asked i£ it wouldn�t have to have a building perr:i� and thereiore � a certificate of survey. �;r. Board�an said he didn't kncw :•;ne;:her• a ces•iiiicute of survey was required, i4r. Peterson connented tnat he tnouont a second accessory building under a certain size d�ri noL r.eed a bnilding perr:t. ',^. liarris s�_i3 it would need a buildin� pe�it� bu' did not need a special use aerr..i� i° z� has under 21�0 sq. £t. He stated that any second accessor.y buiiding in excess of 2lt0 sq, ft, required a special use permit and also a building pe�it. He added that any improvement� tuilding, or remodeiing in excess of $150, ii ne remembered correctly, needed a perr.iit. � Mr. Boardman suggested that he ceuld get more informatior. or. this v-�d it could be discussed again at the next meeting. rir. uergm�n said he wondered ii they .weren�t talking policy on tnis, ar.d if policy on tnis subject isn�t someihing that this bo�y ought to aHress it,elf to and recormnend to Council. Cnairperson Harris stated this should be put on the next agenda for discussion. Pir. Langenfeld said that regarding page 7 end the comsnent he :nade on that survey, he did say °if possible", and it was not his intention io ir,^ly that thev didn�t need one. He pointed out that he had stated later on that tney should have one, but he thought that per:iaps only a week's time to get a survey was short notice. Chairperson Harris expl3ined thev could cio it in a couple of days i£ they had to and could find the stakes. MOTION by Langen£eld, seconded by Bergman� t.hat the Planning Commission minutes of August 1�, 1976 be apnroved as corrected. Upon a voic� vote, all voting aye� the motion carried �.inanimously. � �� Planning Commission 1%eeting - August 18y 1976 Page !y RECEIVE H[Jt�`AN RESOURCES COMMISSION hiINUTES: AUGUFiT $ 1976 MOTION by Shea� seconded by Bergman� that the Planning Commission receive the � minutes of the Human Resources Commission meeting o£ Au�ust 5, 1976. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. A1rs. Shea stated that the discussion they had the last time she was present at the Planning Commis�ion meeting was on the alleged $10,000. She said that since Parks and Recreation had the Youth Center and Senior Citizens, they deducted arbitrarily $1�,000 £rom that amount. Mrs. Shea stated that the Human Resources Commission felt they r:ould like $6,000 dedicated by the City to Human Hesources. Mr. Langenfeld asked iP when they spoke in terms of dedicating� i£ they we^e asking it be set aside. Mrs. Shea said that as far as she could see, according to the motion and in talking to Air. Scott on it, the sarie system will be used. The various groups would stil2 have to come to Human Resources, to the Planning Commission and to Council £ar this money. She stated there was no di££erence �rom the way it was done last year. Mr. Boardman co:nmented that Human Resources xas requesting that a fund be put aside for this money. Mrs. Shea stated that Yier Commission wished an action on this by the Planning Commission, that they either pass it on with approval or disapproval. She said it was really di£ficult for her to speak for the proposal, because if she had been there she xould have voted against it, She stated that she would really like a more open-end policy� where ar�ybody could come in, rlr. Harris said he concurred. � pir. Langenfeld said he was not tr,ying to change the motion itself� but suggested a reserve for contingencybe considered. He said that would be a form of setting aside speciiic funds for unusual occasions or happenings. In other words, he continued� if the Planning Commission voted for it, it would be just under that particular name; if it wzs then needed for some other happening or contingency, that could come out of that $6�000 in the event it was not consumed by the Human Resources Commission. He added ii would be almost like a contingency fund, Chairperson Harris said he thought what they were asking £or was $b,00p to be set aside in a line item budget, hfr. Bergman stated he didn�t really see iahat di££erence it made� then, and suggested they concur with selected wordage. r4r. Iiarris said he coulcin't in good conscience vote for that� and added that he was afraid that then there would be $6�000 to spend on Human Resources and that would be it. Mr. Ltingenfeld said he felt that even if this was dedicated, it would be misinter- preted that Human Resources did have $b,000. Mrs. Shea said ihey did have requests right now for fluids; one was coming through tonight and another would be coming through in about a month. Mr. Boardmrin said that he tried to loolc at these things as to what was set up under the ordinance for the Planning Commission� and the Planning Commission � Planning Commission Meeting - August 18, 1976 Page 5 has a duty to recommend to the Ci�y Council on the Human Resources Commission minutes on policy recommendations only. He said that i£ a motion was made� it � should be directed toWard tne teeling that it would be against some overall policy or general policy of the City. Chairperson Harris stated that $E�000 made this a po2icy decision, and since what was started this year would undoubtedly be continued� they would be setting a precedent. Mr. Langenfeld stated that tirs. Shea had �iven him the impression that the Hurian Resources Commission didn't, mind t;�e eray it c�ras done previously; the way the monies c2me and ro:here ther came from. He said he tnought it was the generel feelin� of this Commission that it just remain that way. Nss. �hea sa=d tnat sras her oVm oersonal feeling, and Human Resources had discussed it when she wasn't there. NOTION by Bergman, seconded by izngenfeld f'or discussion� that the Planning Comriissi.on� in recognition of tne imporiance oi human developraent within the City of P'ridley, recoms:end such recognition to City Counc�;l considering tl:e Human Resources Commission e�cpec+ations that during the coming period mon�es will be required to pursue Hum2n Resources nrograms and the anticipation that expenditures could approximate $6,000� and tl-.at this expectation be considered in ihe Council's bu3getary process. D2:s.� E'�ea stated that tne $6,000 conceraed her, and she felt it might not be enough, *;i•. Lsr;genfeld said that all the,y- xere deing �aas 1c�:erir.g the a10,0�0 £igure i'rom the ls,st meeting� ard Nirs. Shea explained that had incluned the � Senior Citiz^ns ana t�e ;outn Center. Nr. Langenfe3d said ihat b�, the sa7re token, it could he $10,000. .M.^s. Shea said i.+ ceuld be, bnt it ccuid be $3�000, too. I•;r. Langenfe2d ssid 'ne hould 1_ke to stress his concurrence with the idea that the Fianning Ccmmission arid the City of Fricley s'r.ould be concerned about Human Resource " Re said, hom�ever, that there �as something missing, and 'ne couldn�t come bo a conclusion. }•frs. Gabel stated she agreed witn what had been said, but didn't think it was a good idea te lock them into a figure. Mr. Bergman said that he was back to budgetary process here, but r;ondered hew the City Council could budget iL' n000dy talleed figures. He said the motien was made to avoid tellir.g the City how to do it or which fund it shoulri go to. He said that was tYie�r prerogative. Mr. Langen£eld said that since Au�an Resources was a relatively new Car��nission, he would like to see an actua� er.penditure tyne thing for one year, or so�e real figure guideline in order to make a decision. Mrs. Shea stated ihat she would like to see one, too, if the City had such a thin�. She said that la�t Deoember or January she had G�at on this Co;nmission and heard tt� Cnairman talk about nickel and diming. She further stated that she thought some of tne people who came t•hrou�h here last year �zre a little put out �y the grilling the5r had to go through to get ti�eir mone,y. Chairperson Barris commented that he tneught a little more grilling should go or, because they were spending the taxpayei's mone,y. Mrs.�Shea said that was perhaps the idea behind this--that way they � could get it all on one sheet, �� Planning Commission Meeting - August 18, 1976 Page 6 Mr. Peterson stated that if they were following a true budgeting process� ffuman i�esources would say that each one o£ these functions was worth so much money� and that was a budgeting process. He said they were putting a dollar fi�ure in � end then carving up the turkey afterwards, Mr, Bergman stated he didn't feel that is what was happening, He explained that they had looked at a line by line list of what somebody called priorities and then put a dollar figure on them� and what somebody else called a budget, He said that one of the confu^,i.ons in that review was tha.t £or lack of a£irm statement of title being present on that list�tt� didn't know what they were dealing with. He said the requeyt was for priorities; Htunan Resources had been asked if they had �10,000 how tne;; would spend it. He stated the Commission then did put some dollar fiE;ures doom and came up with $10,000� so there vras a list. Mr. Bergman continued that they looked at the bottom item which was miscellaneous or contingency of �3,000� and he had felt a litt].e objectionable to that� but there were line ite.,is and he feZt tliere still were. He stated he thought that $6,000 could be reSerred back to line items� so in that context it was a budgetary-t�rpe submittal. Mr. Peterson said that the suggestion came from Staff to the Corrunission rather than the Commission going through and determining needs and putting them into the budget, He stated it was there£ore not a budgetary process because Sta££ was not supposed to ask questions of how they would spend money if they had it in the budget. Mr. Bergman said he agreed, but he thought that at this point in time he would like to consider this budgetary process and nake one out of it, He said he thought that was what should have been done� and ma��be it zaas iime someone considexed that the proper thing to do. He continued that the°e were line items that could be totaled to $5�000� and he would like tc tulk budgetary process. He agreed that that was not what had been talked� and he cbjected to that. � Chairperson Harris said they were looking at a very small po;tion of the budgetary process� and the total budgetary process bothered him a little bit. He stated he wished the City would have corae along ��rith a dollar ariount of what tney sre allowed to spend, say a million dollars. Qut of that million, he continued, they orould have to provide fire and police protection, plovr the snow and provi_de all the city services. He stated that also in there would be a'contingenc�� fund of X number of dollars� say $50�000. Then� he coniitrued, when tney were all done doin� that and �f nothing went haywire, they taould have the $50,000 le£t and could afiord to do these other things. He suggested that perhaps they could af£ord more than $6,000 �o do these other things and said he felt the City, if it really tried, could afford to do more things. Mr. Boardman asked what services he was going to cut out. Mr, Harris replied that what he was saying was, instead of saying $6,000 to begin with, why not wait before they do any i�nding to anpbody until they could really see where they were at. He suggested theV see how much was going to be left in the contingency fund as maybe they couldn't afford to fund 'r'ine Arts and all o£ those tnings t.his yesr. Mr. Boardr�an commented that 23ew Xork did thatJ and DSr. Harris said that wasn't all bad, l.e added that when you got down to the end and only }iad $5 left in your pocket, ,you'couldn't go out and spend $50. He said he didn't think the3� were talking about dropping any services, but i:he,y might Ue cutting out sometkiing like a new dump truck or air compressor. Personal]y speaking� he said, he would rather see that tax mone,y go back in services than sitting in • a dump truck, and he thought it was time the,y started thinking that way. \, Planning Commission Meeting - August 18, i976 Page 7 Mr. Langenfeld said he would lixe to emnl.asize that he felt an investment in tl;e Human Rasources development xithzn this City was a werthwhile investment, He � stated that it was his intention that by setting up that reserve they would not have only $5 left� but would be able to get that $6�000. He said in other words� excess of something else would then go into this reserve and then these other things could be taken out. Mr, Langenfeld said it arould be a bookkeeping procedure to establish that within the budget� but he definitely would liYe to see the main items such as services.talcen care o£ first, with other items coming out oi the excess. UPON,A VOICE VOTE, Bergman votin� aye� Ga_bel, Harris and Peterson voting nay� Shea and Langenfeld abstaining� the rnotion failed, MOTION by Langen£eld, seconded 'oy Shea, that y6,000 be labeled in the budget for the Human Resources developnent. Mr, Langenfeld explained that this way the Council would see this before them and would have to make a decision. Mr. Hasris asked if he didn't think that would be limiting the Human Resources development, and I•Ir, Langenfeld answered that the way it was now it was terribly iimited. Mrs. Gabel said she was concerned about referring to the $6,000 to spend and Nas wondering if' that r::e2nt when the $6�000 was gone Hw^�an Resources develooment kould be cor�pletely cut of£. SMe said tnere could be something extremely worthwhzle that might come up� and this seemed like it would reall�� be locking them in, ixs. Shea said when she asked tne members of thc Commission th2t question� they said that is what +he�' HSSlL^!P,Cl. She added that tnep couldn�t foresee something that vital coming up. T-;r. :,angenfeld said it was h�.� i.mpression that ii they =x.ceeded � $5,000, there would be a flat denial for further funds for that budget within that year. Mr. Bergman said he felt they were getting all tied up in details and semantics irrelevant to the question. He stated a budget was a budget a,d there is flexibility in budgets. P7rs. Gabel said that is what she was asking: Is there flexibility behind this figure? Tir. Bergrnan said there always i:ad to be judge- ment� and a budget figure was a guideline figure in his understanding of the budgeting process. Mr. Langenfeld as?ced if they Kould still have to go through these prQCedu.^es £or each particular item if this was established� and M:. Harris replied that was correct. UPON A VOICE VOTE, Aarris voting nay, Bergman� Langenfeld, Gabel and Shea voting aye and Mr. Peterson abstaining, the motion carried. Mrs. Shea said the next item.she would like to discuss was a request that some o£ the wording be changed in the City's Affirmative Action policy. Sne said they would like to rnciuire the city to do business with Pirms that do not discriminate, raiher than encouraee. rirs. Shea stated this was simply the semi-annual check-un on the City�s Afiirmative Action policy, and they were granted this right by the State Department. She said they were asking that the City change a little bit of its policy. � • Mr. Langenfeld said he didn't care for that "require"� and Felt it was getting too dictatorial, Mrs. Shea stated that the Federal law said it was required. Planning Cotmnis�ion Meeting - Au�ust 18, 1976 P�ge 8 Chairperson Harris said he ]rnew what the law was� but the only problem was that it was very, very diPficult in dealing with the spectrum of all the businesses that do business �rith the City of Fri.dley to require them ta do that, He stated that if there was a one or two man operation, or a very small contractural i operation, it would be extremely difficult to do. Mrs. Shea said that she realized this wasn�t an easy thing to do, but it was the goal of Human �tesources to keep looking at the City� and she didn�t tnink anyone was going to bring suit a�ainst the City. She said it was their hope that this would be looked at a little closer, because as it is now it wasn�t being looked aL at all. Mr. Bergman said that according to his interpretation o£ the motion made in the Human i��sources minutes� it does not require that the company with r:hom the City would do business have mixed racial employment; it merely requires that that company does not discriminate and has agreed to take af£irmative action to recruit them. �Ir. Bergman said that whether they have them o: not was not his interpretation o£ the reauirement, i•ir. Aarris commented that it was sometimes even difficult to try to recruit people. ihr. Bergman said that it was not di£ficult to mal;e an e£fort� which is what the statement asked. Whether you succeed or not� he said� is something else. Chairperson Harris said they should take in point the tree removal business. Using this only as an example� he said� he would like to lrnow horr many lady tree cutters N:r. Bergman had seen lately. P-ir. Bergm2n said ver�,� £ew� but they may hatie made efiorts to rec^uit one znd failed. He said the motion� as he understood it� apolied to intent� not success; the requirement was that the,y make an ef£ort. Mrs. Gabel commanted that it was totally unenforceaUle. Mr. Bergman said it was his impression that the Human Resources ^ecommendatian � weni flzrther and used stronger language than is common acceoted practice in other businesses who also comoly with Federz2 and other guidelines on �f°irmative action. He said he was speaking specifically about just leaving out the last sentence of the motion. PSrs. Shea stated that the state guidelines on affirmative action use the word "require". I�Ir. Bergman said yes, but they apply that requirement to employers and do not require o£ the covnty or municipal that they secondhandedl,y �lace a reauirement on the people with whom they do business. Mrs. Shea said it was not a law, but it rras in the state guidelines. Mr. Langenfeld said that he� personally� was all £or the affirmative action as £ar as heloing another individual or minority groups� and so on� but he got the £eeling that sometimes when t?iey got carried away with these things the,y were actually starting to tie a rope around the good� old-fashioned competition. Mrs. Shea said the second item under Affirmative Action was aimed at women. She stated the Cit,y had payment programs for going on to school, but they £elt a little more P.R. work sr,ould be done on this. Mrs. Shea said it was simply counseling £or some women who were professional� career-minded women� but xho sat behind a desk pounding a t,ypewriter. She staied a lot of them were aiaare that the progr�un existed, but they didn't quite Imow what they wanted to do so they sat and d'zd nothin�. � � Planning Commission Meeting - August 18� 1976 Page 9 Mrs. Gabel asked if the phrase "protected g-rcups" referred specifically to women� and Mrs. Shea said ye�� in the City of Fridley. Mr. Bergrnan asred what was . meant by �'develop a career develop:nent program". Mrs, Shea answered it would be more or less a counseling program £or women� and it would help them decide what courses to take to become a technician or go into City Afanager�ent, etc, Afr. Bergman said he was still a bit confused as to what was meant by item 2. He stated that the motion "that the City develop a caree^ development program to qualify protected groups for advancement" didn't mean telling tao::,en what courses to take� it meant educating tnem, tlrs. Shea said that the City does educate� and it did have a tuition progr2m. tfir. Langen£eld said that his per,onal opinion was that he didr:'t li�e the term "protected groups" and would rather see "protected oersons��, He stated he thought this should be available no� only to women out to am�one who was pigeonholed and had talents. Mrs. Shea explained the sc'r.00ling was available� but not the counseling. t�ir. Boardnan asked if the schooling was available. He stated he was under the impression that the school programs were available if the City hianager felt it .rould be of benefit to the position that person was in. He explained he could ta;ce courses, but the only time tne Sity wou2d pay was when the courses related to the position he was in. hlr. Peterson said that was basically the Internal Revenue's �^uling, and that is what the City was following. Ne explained that the enly way a person could quali£y For taac deduction ircm th� Internal Revenue was iF the sc'r.00lir.g improved his skills in his present job, fle added that he tnought the City was gettin� on �sther shak�� ei•ocnd getting into somethi.ng that c,as cc�:nter- current to the tax laws, N,rs. Gabel state3 it ��as hard to defir.e :anat courses � would help someone in the job he was in. She said a pretty broa� spectrum of things could be advantageous to tne job as a w'r,ole, i;r. isoa. m, ai, said ti.at with regard to the secretaries� a shorthand course �,oulri zdvance i:�eir skills in their present job� but taking :na�agement courses would r.o�. Mrs. Shea suggested that she finish going t:irough the Afiir:�iative �ction itens, and rather than the Com�ission taicing anv action on this it cculd be i3bled until ihe nexi meeting when Ffr. Boardman coulri come back witn an ans:Yer £rom the City. 'Mrs. Shea stated that the third item concei-�led the Human Resources Cnmanission asking for a semi-annual report of the progress of the Af£irmative Action policy. She said that they would like a breakdown svery si3c months. The fourth item� she continued� concerned the City making a. eom.mitment to seek placinb of' persons in non-traditional job.classes. Mrs. Shea stated that tney kne,� eventually there would be a£emale police officer� and there was one £emale licuor store m2nager at this time. She said they were asking that the City continue its efforts. Mr. Peterson asked why the Auman Resources Commission elected two nembers to the Youth Board� and Afrs. Shea said she didn�t lmow� but ��ould have to £ind out. MOTION by Shea, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Commission tsble tt�e Affirmative Action Program until the next rreeting, Upon a voice vote, all votii�g • aye� the motion carried unanimously. � Planning Commission Meeting - August 18, 1976 Page 10 Mrs. Shea said she would like to discuss the motion by the Human Resources Commission that $1,000 be designated, for the next six months, to the Fridley Fine Arts Committee. She stated that the Fine Arts Committee could not support itselS� azd they felt it was a worthw}iile venture in the City. She explained � that this year they were asking £or $1,000� and last year the,y had requested a little bit more, She further explained that the six months was a comnromise simply because most of the Commission £elt they should get more than th� $1,000. Chairperson Harris asked what their program was� and Mrs, Shea replied that they had another play coming up and over the winter they hoped to sponsor concerts. She explai.ned that the play was the big expenditure last year, which carne to $2��00; and they used the City's money and Community School's money. Mrs. Shea said that the,y had made $7$0 on the play total receipt, and as far as they could see there was no way they would ever break even. A4r. Peterson asked if they made any kind of an effort to broaden their basc as far as participation went� and Mrs. Shea replied that they made great e£Fort through the paper. Mr. Bergman said that he had seen the play "You Can't Take It With You"� which had run three nights� and there kiad been an awSully small percentage o£ the population in attendance. He stated he was bothered a little bit by the £igures, and £elt that possibly they mi.ght be trying to force culture down people's throats who weren�t that interested in buying culture. He added that if the play receipts were $750 and the costs were $2,800, that said something. He £urther added that the $2�100 deficit was being paid £or by the other citizenr,y, whether they Imew it or not; and i£ they weren't that interested� should the money be spent that way? Mrs. Gabel stated that on the other hand� she thought the community should be given some time £or the axposure to culture� and she would like to give it a chance, Air. Peterson com�nented tnat the Footlighters � went out of existence for the same reason. Mrs. Shea said that the idea behin3 the Fine Arts iaas to introduce local artists, and she felt it was a new concept and should be given some time. P;r. Langenfeld said he agreed witn Nirs. Shea� and added that the Fine Arts Committee saas just getting their feet wet. He stated that they might make money on a rock 'n :oll type musical, or something else to compensate £or the loss of the plays. He further stated that according to the Housinp Plan, in which there was an ir.tensive study, they f'ound the residents o£ Fridley were becoming more mature, and perhaps they would become more culture-minded if an effort was continued. hirs. Gabel commenLed that she didn't think the exposure was as great as it could be. Chairperson Harris stated that before he could vote for this in good conscience he would like to see their program for the r.ext six months to see how the money would be spent. MOTION by Shea, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Commission table the discussion on the $1,000 to be designated to the Fridley Fine Arts Corvnittee until the next meeting. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. HECEIVE APPEASS COMMISSION MINUTES: AUGUST 10, 1976 MOTION by $ergman, seconded by Shea, that the Planning Commission receive the � minutes o£ the Appeals Commission meeting of August 10, 1976. Upon a voice �,'^�-- : s Planning Cormnission Meeti.ng - August 18� 1976 vote� all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously. Page 12 � Mrs. Gabel said she wanted to coRUnent that the other night at the Councii meeting, they talked about having a meeting wit.h reference to tne 110' 1ots� and they said they would wait until i5rs. Schna�el was out of the hospital. Chairperson Harris stated that 1^.rs. Schnabel� the ldayor and he had discussed this and decided to get all o£ tneir fi.gures to�etner and hold a meeting in the latter part of September when she was aol.e to attend. He said he wonclered if Staff� from a pl�ing standpoir.t, could corne up with some recommendatior.s by that time. bfr. Boardrian said t'r.e;; would do inat, and added that the meeting would probably be the £ourtn meeting of the month, Mrs, Gabel said she didn't want to �et into a 3iscussion on tnis, but wouid like to ask a auestion, She stated she had seen a book of homes that would £it on 1�0' lots, but some were very peculiar in shape. She wondered if this xouldn't involve a tremendous amouni o£ cost to build these w�usual designs. Mr. Harris replied not in all cases as it depended on c.hat form they �rere trying to put i� inLo, RECEIVE CON_MUNITY DEVEI,O°;-:E;dT CCAT;ISSIO.Td uIP?UTF.S: AUGUST 10, 1976 MOTIOA' by Bergman� seconded by Gabel, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Cor,ununity Developrnent �u:r�mission meeting of :;ugasf, i0, 1976. Jpon a voice vote, 211 voting aye, the motion cas�ried unanimousiy. � Pir. Bergman stated he would like to discuss It�m A, the recor�::endation on. g�rages in R-1 zoning, and res;.ate briefly the Corraminit� Develcp^er.t C:,m:«ss�en's reaction to ctirrent status regarding �;0' lot controls as raee:-,mended prev�ous�y by this body. He said that concerning Item AS it was questior.ing tne reqnire- ment £or garages in R-1 zoning, and had sta.ted out as a questior. brought up b,y the Board of Appeals regarding the requirement for garages on substandard lots or anything less than 75'. Mr. Bergman said they some�ahat grouped those two ouestions in coming up with their reconu7endation, and in doing so reviewed some inpuL fro, Stafi. He exglained they had a code item from Coon kapids and one fron Roseville and a general comment with regard to tne cuestion of garages being required on substandard lots. He stated that other com�anities r:ere chec4ed with and tnere was no response because they rrere doing as rridley had p^evioe:sly done� and Neren't secognizing l�0' lots as being buildable. He said they did recognize £rom the Coon Rapids ordinance sometning that they would like tn recommend Fridley adopt, and that is the recosnition that a garage is pertinent to a house� not to a lot._ He added that Fridley's ordinance should read thusly, and that would simplify the situation. Fir. Boardman then read the £ollowing from the Co;nmunity Development ninutes of August 10� 1976: ;•Sotion by Forster� seconded t�y Schneider, that the Commiuiity Pevelopment Commission recommends to the Planning Commission that one enclosed garage space b e provided per dwelling unit. Mr. Boardman asked if that wasn't strictly for in a R-I zone� as they did have • different garage requirements for multiple units. hfr. Bergman replied yes, that did get left off, He explained the motion xas either in consideration o£ Planning Commission Meeting - August 18, 1976 Page 12 R-1 zoning or in consideration of one enclosed earage space per dwelling unit in single or double dwelling uniis. t4r. Boardman said tbey were talking strictly about single units as the double requirement £or a garage was l� . stalls per unit. Mr. Bergman said then this was speci£ically to a single famil,y dwelling unity but he was not going to concur that they talk R-1 zoning. He ,uggested they talk about a house� as that was why a gara_ge was needed� not because of zoning. He brou�ht to the attention of the Cor,smissioners the £ive reasons given £or the rnotion. P4r. Boardm:m said that before they got into a lot of discussion on this� he would like to recommend that this item be tabled until Staff could gather in£ormation together and ecme up h2th a recorunendation on this as to how tnis relates to the Comprehensive Housing Plan. He suggested it also be sent to the Human Resources Commission to get their Teeling on it. Mr. Boardman said that maybe a garage unit should not be required for any single family dwelling� and explained that they were looking at a possibility of people buying houses that they could afford and at a later date be able to build a garage themselves. He said th�t people usually couldn't build a house themselves� however, a garage was a little easier type oF thing that they could be-able to handle. He continued that if a garage unit wasn't required at this time, they mi�ht see even doLble units developed when the family could afford to build ther, tirs. Shea asked if they were talking about new ouildings� and Chairperson Harris replied ihey were� as there was nothing they could do about existing Q'�4P.111I1�5, ASrs..Gabel asked i£ when Mr. Boardman chec�ed with Roseville and Coon Rapids and they said they didn't deal with substandard lots� if this meant they had not come tc the point wh�re people ti,�ere req�:esting to build on these or th2t their codes stated that they could not build on them. hir. Boardman rerlied � that their codes stated that a garage unit was required on all single 1ami1;� units. In other words� he explained, to build on supstandard lots they had to have a garage unit. He said that they don't consider the size of' the lot where the dwelling is to be built; they consider the garage as correlating to the unit. He added that Brooklyn Center had no requirements on their single Paznily houses� but did reo,uire two o££-street stalls. Mr. I,angen£e1d commented that there was no question tnat a garage was petinent to the existing structure and not to the lot� and he was glad to see that come out, A�Ir. Boardman wondered i£ an undue hardship wouldn�t be placed on somebody who might be able to afford a house in the City if a garage wasn�t constructed along with it� and at a later date when they got better off financiali,y they could a£ford to build a garage. Chairperson Harris sai.d he thought the percentage cost of the, garage compared to the house was rather small, and thought that if a family could swing the financing on the house they could make it on the garage also. Mr. Bergman said he would have to ask if they wouldn't be causing an undue hardship on the neighbors on either side of this lot i£ the new builder wasn't required to build a garege to enclose all the items which might otherwise be oui in the yard� and that might cause a possible safety hazard to the children of the adjacent property owners. He said there were ttiao sides to the coin. Mrs, Shea stated that she would like to take this item br�ck to the Human Resources Commission, and Cnairperson Harris said ihat Staf£ had requested that this be tabled� i � Planning Cammzssion P;eeting - August 18, 1976 Page 13 • MOTION by Peterson� seconded by 5hea, that the Planning Commission table the discussion on garages until the next meeting. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously. � Mrs. Gabel said she would like to reouest t'riat these different discussions� such as that of the Comrnunity Develooment meeting� ba forwarded to the Appeals Commission. She explairied that then everyone on the Board of Appeals would have this iniormation available. rs. Harris asked when they could expect this item back on the agenda� and i�ir. Boardm2n replied probably on September 22nd. Mr, Bergman said he would like to recognize what apparently was happening here and register a mild complair.t. He stated that this item had been before Community Developm,ent Sor four meetings, and it was tablen three times; eac}i titne reouesting input from adninisiration. Having tabled it three times� he continued� and with some pushing by the Commission Chai:^man taking action on it £or the fourth time� it appe�red that Sta£f was still researching the data. He said he would have preferred that the researching would have �neen done sometime during the past four months and provided ta the Commissions to consider. As. Boardman stated tnat the taUling in the first place was probably his fault. He explained that Com:nunity Develooment nad requested input £rom outside sources, sur^ounding commwiiiies� acid this tyoe of ining; and at the last meeting Staff had just nulled'that in°o.^mation together for them. He further explained that Community llecelop:^�ent had made their reco:nmendation at t'r:eir last meatin�, ar.d Styf'£ was!te.a. tine to diPest �an2t the resu? is of that reco.mmendation vrould be. He added tnat they aiso prar.te3 some :espor.se from Human Resources as to how that would relate to the housing progra^�. Mr. Bergman said he would like the record to show the review by the Com.^iw�ity Development Comm�ssion of the minutes� the Ietters and the develoament seen subsequent to Con�minity Development's recommendations toward the Eoard o£ Appeal's concern about approval oi development of 1t0� lots. ke conLinued that reading fro:� their past minutes, it was CDC's impression that some clarification of their initial motion was in order on ttiao particular ooint r. 2) Tnat it was the intent of Community Development that "the petitioner�;3ke ecer,y- ef£ori to conform to city ordinarice" and that a person coming in witn seven v�riance requests was not making that e£fort; and £:om CDC's view, that was groLnds,°or denial. 2) That "If there is an available lot� even if it cannot be purchased, then the request For building on a l�0� lot should be denied". 1^his, he said, referred to adjacent undeveloped property, h1r. Bergman said those were the recommendations of Community Decelopment, and uhat ca-ne out of rlayor Nee's letter and so Sorth was quite di££erent. Mrs. Gabel stated that there has been a lot of confusion regarding 1�0' lots, which was why they asked for that meeting. Chairperson liarris conmented that hopefully it would all be ironed out in September. Firs. Gabel said so^�ething else she thought was important was that the City of Fridley snould have some responsibility to the people who alreac�,y lived there to see to it tl�at the homes that were oeing built were compatible with the rest o£ the neighborhood, She said the peeple living in the existing hones had a qua2ity of living that • was do§irable to the:n, and she didn't thiak tne City had the right to 1et someone put a house in without a gar«ge ar.d let their jnnk sit out if the rest of the houses in the neighborhood had garages. She cras concerned about what this would do to the quality of the nei�hborhood. Planning Commission Meeting - August 18, 1976 Page 1!t Mr. Bergman stated they had di5cussed in Community Development a trap or an assumed misconcegtion: someone ties substandard lots to people of low income, and they agreed that was an assumption that may have no validity. He said � that people o£ lov� income have many other oppo'rtunil,ies for housing, and it doesn't have to be that if the City doesn�t allow people to build on �t0' lots they were discriminating against people of low income. l, TA�3LED: PUBLIC }IEARING: CONSID�ATIOP. OF A PREL]T9IPIARY PLAT P S �f7�-05 I'idNSfiRUCK I;OkTH kGPLkT THIRD ADDITIOi1, HY UARREI. A. I'AkR Dls'VELOPP-iE?dT CORPORATIOfI: Being a replat oi' Lots 1 to inclusive, �loc;ts 21 through �� and also past o£ Lot 1, Block 28� Innsbruck Pdorth Townhouses Third Addition, to allow changes in the size of garages� generally located on the H7est side of East Bavarian Pass and South of Meister Road II.E, Pu.blic Hearing Open, Mr. Boardman stated he had done research on this and talked to Jim London on it. He said that i•'r. London zaas trying to convince Darrel Farr to submit a request for withdrawing this requesi. I�Sr. Boardman said that at this time he would like the Planning Corunission to recommend that by the next meeting tne,y expect a req_uest for withdrawal on this item or they will take action on i;:. Chairperson Harris suggested it be rephrased that the Planning Commi^,sion wculd table this item until the next meeting and expect to take action on it then. Mr. Boardman said then if the Planning Commission took action and denied tne request and if it was also denied by the Cit.y Council, then Darrel Farr could not reapply £or a sie-month period of time, i-ir. Boardman stated he �aas sn:e they would withdraw on this because Darrel �'arr and the To�mhouse Association • held completely different views. P4r. Bergman recalled that at the last meeting the statement was made that the longevity of a request was sixty days. P•Ir. Boardman said he had done research on that also� and found there was no limit that V�as set on ihe subdivider to table, but there was a limit set on the Planning Commzssion to act. Ns. Peterson pointed out that then they couldn�t act on this next time i£ the getitioner asked £or it to be tabled� as he had the prerogative to keep delaying. Mr. Boardman said that v:as a good point� and suggested t,he motion should read tiiat it would be tabled indefinitely so that the Commission wouldn't have to resacnd to it any more. MOTION by Peterson, seccnded by Langenfeld� that the Public Hearing on consideration o£ a preliminar,y plat, P.S. //76-Oj, InnsUruck North Replat Third Addition, by Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation, be tabled inde£initely until the peti.tioner. asks it to be �aithdrawn or put back on the agenda. Upon a voice vote� all voti:.g aye� the motion carried unanimously. 2. PUAI7C HF.lLR?v('• RF(IIiFST F�R A S?F.CTAT. ii,�'. pERMTT� S_p i{%(-12} BY PIiC� P1i�TQ� IP:CORF'9RA'PED_ To permit a£ilm processing drop-of£ booth� per Fridley City Code, Section 205.101, 3, (I), to be located on Lot l� Block 1, Sylvaii ifills Plat 7� the same being 2l�H Niississippi Street N.E. • E�� Planning Commission Meeting - August 18� 1976 Page 15 Messrs. Randolph Toth, Jack Helmen and Mario Fernandez were present, all representing Pako Photo. � MOTION by Peterson� seconded by Bergman, that the Planning Commission open the Public Hearing on a request for a specual use permit� S.P. #76-12� by Pako Photo� Incorporated, Uoon a voice vote� all voting aye, Chairperson Harris. declared the Public Hearing open at 9:35 P.�4. Mr. Boardman explained that this was a request for a special use permit For a film processing drop-off similar to i:otofoto, an3 would be in the sar!e place that I�fotofoto was located in the small shopping center across from Hoily. He stated that since Lhis �rould be basically the same type of cpe^ation that Motofoto was, Staf£ would go aiong with a snecial use permit on this but would require that they be restricte3 under the sa�e stipulations that :rere placed on the Motofoto operation, listed on page 55. Mr, Bergman asked if he could assame that the only requirements in order to meet all apalieable codes and ordinances were 1) special use perr� t within the ordinance, and 2) washroom facilities, Mr. 3oardman said tnat was correct. Mr. Fernandez stated the building thev were proposing to install was state- approved constructicn� so part o£ the building would be guaranieed by a seal of approval by the state. He explained that it rrould be manuractured in ioVm and transported to the site and installed, anci all necessary per::iis had been filed. Mr. Fernandez sho*.ved to ihe Co*�.�issior, a model of tne bwiidir.g they urere proposing. Ne continued that :n some c�casions some com�;i:.ities a.eser.ted � objections to small structures unatt4ched to other buildings, a^.d he �elt part. of' their oojections were that the ooerai,lons such as rotoF.at or iSoioioto were buildings made mostly ont of inetal� light in weight, a7d susce�t��Uie to be blo�,m by wind� etc. I.e stated the;� nad zaken into consideraticn ail of ` those situations and had provided a building that was built exactl✓ as a nome would be. He continued that it would be p'_easing in appearar�ce and V�ould not detract from the City but add to i+,. rir. Fernandez stated tha� Pakc ?ncto �aas a very we11-respected neighbor in the com-�nuiity� and the City wonldn't be dealing with a small operation tnat �.ouldn'L ta'.Fe care of its i�cilities, rie said it would be maintained a17. the time and comply with all the regulations �he City had at present. He stated tnat basically those :aere their points, and he would be happy to ansiaer sny ouestions. Chairperson Harris asked if he had read the stipulations on page 55 and if he had any objections. .:�'s. Fernandez replied they had taken steps to com.ply with a11 0£ the stipulations listed. Mr. Langenfeld stated that the first stipulation should be c}i^�:ged as far as • the latter part of the sentence was concerned. Chairperson i�arris agreed, and said that "and approved by the Building Staiidards-Design Control Sub- committee° should be stricken. Mr. Boardman said he beli.eved i.hose tra£fic patterns had been worked out for Motofoto before and xould be utilized a�ain for this operation. . Chairperson Harris asked if there tiaas heat in thuse buildings, and Ttr. r^ernandez. replied it had electrical heating that was designed to meet the new ener�y �2"`.w, Planning Co�mnission Meeting - August 18, 1976 requirements, and it would be insulated exactly like a home. Page 16 1dOTI0N by Bergman, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Commissiom close the Public Y,earing on the request for a Special Use Permit, S.P. #76-12, by . Pako Photo, Incorporated. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, Chairperson Harris declared the Public Hearing closed at 9:�3 P.hf. MOTION by Peterson� seconded by Bergman� that the Planning Commission recorimend to Council approval of the request £or a special use permit, S.P. #76-12, by Pako Photo� Incorporated, to permit a£ilm processing drop-of£ booth, per Fridley City Code, Seetion 205.101� 3, �I), to be located on Lot 1, Block l, Sylvan Hills Plat 7, the same being 21tII biississippi Street N.E.� with the stipulations agreed to by the City and Pako Photo listed on page 55 of the agenda, which are as follows: (1) The traffic patterns be the same as worked out by administration for the previous request (SP 1173-12, Motofoto) (2) The parking lanes be striped and directional arrows be provided for traffic direction. (3) All utility lines be underground. (4) A letter be obtained from an adjacent tenant stateing the employees can use the public facilities, within 200 feet of this film booth. (Already provided) (5) In the event the building has te be removed for any reason, the parking lot will be returned to its original condiditon. • Mr. Langenfeld stated he would like to see it put in the record that this particular building wouZd definitely £ollow the same design as the mode.l. Ns. Fernandez stated they had already submitted a set of p12ns identical in all details to �hat they were seeing. UPON A VOICE VOi�� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 3, VACATION RECJEST. SkV �6-05, ASSURAtdCE MANUFACTliRING COMPANY: To vacate the 16 foot drainage and utllity easer�ent bounde on e ror�h by the Westerly extension of the North line of Lot 5� Block 7, Ona�aay Addition, and bounded on tne South by the Westerly extension of the South line o£ Lot 7� Block 7� Onaway Addition� to allow the connection of the buildings on both sides of the easement with a structure, the same being 7753 Beech Street t�,E. Mr. Boardman explained that there was an alley there before which had been vacated� and now Assurance N,anufacturing wanted to vacate the drainage and utiliCy easements that were being held in that alley so they can build across the alley and join up with a bUilding they ti,*ant to buy across tize street. He stated the City had contact with the utility companies and had received letters back from them sa,ying there was no problem as £ar as they were concerned, Mr. Boardman said the only concern the City would have would be for drainage, and r�ne of the stipulations for this approval would be the dedication of nex • drainage easement to the South of their building to handle the draina�e that is coming down along the alleyway. He explained they would take i.t out to Beech Street, and the II�gineering Department had looked at it and said there were no problems. � MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Shea, that the Plannin� Commission recommend to Council. approval of vacation request, 5,1J //7b-O5� Assurarce Mznufacturing Company� to vacate the 16 foot drainage and utility easement bounded on the North by the Westerly extension of the P7orth line oY Lot 5, Bloc'r. 7� Onaway Addition� and bounded on the Soutn by the �desterly extension of the Soutn line � of Lot 7� Block 7� Onaway Addition� to allo.•r the connection of the buildings on both sides of the easement with a siructure, the same being 7753 Beech Street N.E., with the dedication of a ner+ drainage easement. Mr. Bergman asked what was considered a standard drainage easement width� and i£ there was such a thing. Mr. boardman said that usually they were talking about ten £eet. tir. Ber�man said he wondered i£ that should be specified i.n the motion. Mr. Peterson Ai��NDr^,D the MOTION to include the specification o£ a 10' drair.age easement. Seconded by Shea. UPON A VOICE VOTE, five voting aye and Mr. Harris abstaining, the rotion carried. Chairperson Harris explained his reason for abstaining was at one time he owned a portion of abutting property to that vacation and still 'neld so:��e paper on it� and therefore to avoid any confiicts he abstained. Chairperson Harris declared a recess at 9:50 P.ri, and reconvened the meeting at 10:20 P.i�f. 4, CCIi :INUED: IiUMAId Di,VaLOPi•�T.?T G0.'�LS AIv� OjJECTIlTES: � Nir, Boardman stated that at one oi the previous meetings they had gone through a.11 oi' the goal stat�ment� under t�,e gcal area o� Rum2n Deczlop^;ent a::d approvec trording on that, ar.d nov: he would ' ike te go intc D2G0 ahich ^elateci to learning and cultural developmeni: o£ residen�s. He said that under t':�is he felt that there would be three pregram objectives: 1. Pro^�ote an awareness and aopreciation of the Humanities. 2. Help stimulate appreciation and participation in £ine a^ts in the commw'iity. 3. EYtcourage an interaction oi learning facilities and progra-ns necessary to allox resudents a wide choice of pursuits in e3ucation� training and cultural development. Mr. Bergman said that he would like a de£inition of the word "numanities". Mr, BoarcLman informed him that the Human Resources Commission suggested as humanities poetry� history, biography, science� fiction� music, art, painting and sculpture, He stated that as far as hv was concerned, painting and sculpture would be fine arts� but they were in the humanit}� group of aciivities. Mr. Boardman said that the areas he was thinking of covering under the Human Development section were the parks and recreation area� learning and cultural development o£ citizens� providing public in£ormation communication, promoting ef£ective methods to provide human services (3ag care centers, etc.), encouraging programs designed to promote e£fective numan understanding within the commwtiity • (elderly programs or youth programs to help get some interaction within a community). He said that hopefully with these goal statements he had covered all areas concerned with human development as Par as Human Resources c•rent. He added that there were other areas under Human Resources which would be located in other areas; for instance� humnn rights would be incorporated under a security ��. .. Ylanning Co�mnission Meeting - August 18, 1976 Page 18 section. Ae said that under security he rras talking about those things which promote human rights or social ju;tice and that type of thing. Mr. Bergman asked if it was the intent that the section on FIuman Development goals and objectives by part of the city�s comprehensive plan, and what was • the end purpose of a Human Development section, t4r. Boardman explained the,y were developing the goals and objectives of the community. He said there v:ere five major goal areas, and under those goal areas they had goal statements and plan objectives. Under those� he said� they had program plans which were actually work plans that will be devised to meet the requirements o£ the objectives. He added that under those work plans the� may be designations for a comprehensive park plan or comprehensive housing p1an. Mrs. Shea asked hir. Boardman if he V�ould go through the £ive goal areas, and he stated housing� human development, security� access and communi±y vitality. He said that at this time he didn�t have anything more to say about D200 as he felt he had covered that area which laould help £oster an attitude to stimulate li£e-long motivation £or learning and cultural development. Mrs. Shea said she would like to request that a copy o£ Goal Statement D200 be sent to Human Resources. Mr. Boardman stated that under D300 he had £our program objectives, and Goal Statement D300 was "Provide public inFormation and communication in order to £oster an awareness of the City's varied activities and availability to these activities", He then read the following program objectives to the Commission: D310 Secure and maintain a'�learing-house of information' position with respect to public and semi-public� cultural, vocational and recreational prograr;i oppo.tunities. D320 Provide for adequate and viable means of participation, red^ess • and reasonable access to the affairs of local government For all citizens. D330 Provide £o.^ efficient method o£ dissemination o£ in£ormation. D3i�0 Promote a greater cooperation and mutual understanding between the public� semi-public and private sectors o£ the population, Mr. Boardman explained that what he meant by °semi-public�� was churches, the Red Cross� all service organizations and that type o£ thing. He also explained that a"clearing-house o£ information" would be a type of posi.tion. He cited an example that if somebody wanted information regarding recreational programs, etc,� he would be able to come to the City because that is a position they would like to create. He said the City would be a clearing-house of information. Chairperson Harris asked if that wouldn't take Staff, and P;r. Boardman :eplied that it would be an operation out of the City N;anager�s ofFice. He said they were providing a certain amount of this anyway, but there should be more organization in what they were doing. Chairperson Harris said that 320 brought to nis mind the recommendation by the Charter Commission about redress and reasonable access to the a£fairs o£ 1oca1 government £or all citizens. He added that the Charter Commission wanted to change tiie Charter in the area of petitions for recall and things like that, and wondered how that would fit in with D320. D4r. Boardman said he was talking • about i£ a person felt he was cheated, how would that person come back in to discuss his problem? He stated that wllat he hoped to have come out of this was Planning Commission Meeting - August 18, 1976 Page 19 some City policy on what a citizen could do in a cixcumstance such as that; � who to talk to, and that type of thing. He added that right now they had nothing available. Mrs. Shea asked if tnis included the Police Department, and Mr, Boardman replied it did. He said that he thought there was something very lacking in the City as far as communication between its residents and local government and tnis goal statement was some�hing that, hopel'ully, a policy would come out of by the City. Cnairperson tiarris stated he �rasn't arguing with it� but was just wondering how they were going to inplement it, He said the redress of the public to the City was a very touchy subject, Mr. Boardt!�an sbated that he thought that was the reason there were walls built between the City and the co:nmunity, an3 the City should try to break those walls dowm. Mr. Harris said he agreed, but wondered how they could do that. 14r. Boardman explained that once the goals and objectives were established by the City Council, then it would be up to the City Administration to set up a work plan to achieve those objectives. Mr. Bergman said that he would like to corr¢nent on D3�0. He stated that he was a citizen oS Fridley, but his children went to Columbia Heights' schools and he felt a very definite and speci_°ic split loyalty. He said that he was involved and interested in Colunbia Heights' news as it had any affect cn the schools� which are where his children went and that was important to him; and it detracted frcm his interests and loyalty� with the City of Fridley. N,r. Bergman said he was aware that the school district's boundaries did not coincide with the City's boundaries on tl,ree, if not four sides, but if commi:nity address was wanted to F:idiey there was a sizable number o£ people with split ioyalty and split interest. He continued that he lived on tne 2Jortn side of 69u, 2nd � across the street from nim uas tne Innsoruck area, South of 69�, and tnose pecple w�re also c�r,lzens of r^_dley but uere actualiy more Colum'�ia. HeiG:�ts than he was uecause ',.hey «ere on the otner side oi a ves^,,• ob•rious boundary structure. He stated there �aere a lot o£ Fridley people arour_d uith or.ly partial recognition that they were part of Fridley, and the otner recognition that they were part of the corJnunity where the;r children went to school. He said there was a lot of split loyalty in that situation. Mrs. Shea commented that she didn�t feel that split lo��alty that much, but did feel like the City o£ r'ridley had let them down in a way as there were no Fridley parks in her area. Mr. Boardman said anather problem relating to the split-loyalty situation might be the dissemination o£ information, and asked how often they got something £ron the City oF Fridley telling them what pragrams were available and that type of thing. t•L^. Bergman stated that there was a close relationship between the schools �d the Gity, and he could care less about District 1l1. He said that� to some extent� detracted fror� his interest in what went on in rridley. Mrs. Shea noted there c,ere three persons on the Planning Commission from District 13. i�ir. Bergnan said he !cnew it was a real problem to change boundaries, but he ]cnev it ha3 been done. He said that i£ the City wanted to talk about loyalty� uniformity} etc.� he thought that was something that ought to be addressed, Chairperson Harris asked if it wasn�t true t.hat government tended to build a barrier between the semi-public and pri�*ate sectors of the population. I�;r. � Boardman said deiinitely. AIr. Harris asked how that could be overcome, and Mr. Hoardman said that first you had to find out why those barrier� were built. He said they were usually developed because somebody was protecting information Planning Commfssion Meeting - August 18� 1976 Page 20 or not wanting information out becnuse of certain things. He stated that that develops distrust� and distrust is what builds the walls. Another thing, he said, was that information was available to the public but people didn't lmow � how to get it. He commented that it was published in the Sun, but not all areas received that; so it was a matter of how they could get inforrnation to the people. He said that according to the law, it was required that information be available if somebody asked for it� but how did people know what to ask for? Mr. La.ngenfeld said that was where D320 would come in. Mrs, Gabel stated that it was a matter of conditioning. She said that people are afraid of government� and have been conditioned to expect that they are going to get nothing but a turn-off or a lot o£ red tape, Chairperson ]iarris said that people don't trust government, and the goverr.ment fosters that, He cited the example of a£riend of his who had an oak tree in his back yard that started looking strange to him. His £riend called the City Tree Inspector, ;aho said the tree had oak wilt and would have to come down in ten days. The Inspecicr then �ent around the neighborhood and tagged fi£teen more trees, and his f:iend's neighbors were out to hang him, He said there has to be a change in government so people would trust it. Mr. Bergman said that he would like to suggest that the impression he got throughout the element of Goal Statement D3�0 was there is a communication problem� and the City will send out leaflets and brochures to everybody, 95I of which will go into the garbage because if they don't have some particular iricerest they are not going to look at it or read it. He suggested tr,at something that would be a lot more e£fective and a lot less cost would be some public relations advertising. He recommended an ad be put in tne front page of the Sun saying "Hi there! We!re your friendly Fridle,y City Hall Administrators elected by you� and we encourage you to call on any questions of any nature and guarantc# you prompt, courteous response+�. Mr. Boardm�n said the}* tried to do that some- what with the design of their calendar, but he realized there i•ras a tremencious public relations problem between City Government and its citizens. MOTIO�v by Peterson� seconded by Shea, that the Planning Commission agree in principal with Goa1 Statements D200 and D300 and their Program Objectives� and table this item until the meeting of September 22nd. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 5 REVIE4^7 OF PARKS & R�CREP,TION CONAfISSION MINU^tI;S: JULY 6, 12 P.ND 26TH, 1976: Chairperson Harris stated that hss. Schnabel had several questions, and asked Mrs. Gabel if she had passed them on to her. Mrs. Gabel answei•ed that the onl,y thing Mrs. Schnabel had related to her was the question on tYie soccer field, and Mr. Peterson had already answered that. She said that anything that was not in the minutes she wasn�t aware of. Chairperson Harris said that i,n regard to the July bth Special T4eeting on the budget� there was some question on some of the items. He asked why the item Locke Park footbridge was listed� but no dollar �nount. Mr. Peterson explained that was because they hadn't felt the priority was high enough to put any dollan• figure on it for this year. He snid it had been included because Che new recording secretary had put everything in whether it had a dollar amount or not. D7r. � Rarris questioned under Account l�510 (Y,uildings & Structures) the amount of $3,500 for remedeling part of the old library, and asked if that was detracting � Planni.ng Commission Meeting - August 18, 1976 Page 21 in any way from any city recreation program. Mr. Peterson replied it was, and said they were arguing with city management and the City Council that if they � are going to charge $3�500 for remodelin� tecause they were moving the Parks and Recreation Department, then they should credit P& R yrith $3�500 because the Police Department Nas going to tal;e over Lheir present facility. He said Parks and Recreation would be paying for spaee twice when management was taking space for their convenience. Chairperson Harris said he agreed with Air. Peterson and felt this was a capital expenditure in the City Hall. He stated it should either come out of the general fund or the cit,y fund� but not out of Parks and Recreation. }�ir. Boardman stated it should really go under eapiial improvements or City Hall improvements. Nu'. Peterson stated that because oF this they wouldn't be spending money £or a tennis court or a footbridge or some other item. Ae stated that any help they could get from anyone on this would be greatly appreciated. Mr. Bergman suggested that another argunent would be that rather than take the money from the Parks and Recreation bi;dgeL to just leave them where they were oresently loca4,ed� as they didn't want to move. Mr. Boardr.ian said that it was to a certain degree o£ benefit to Parks and Recreation because the administrative office does have trouble in thet area. Mr. Peterson said it was really for the betterment of the total administration that they move� rather than their betterment singularly. �hairperson Harris said that in all of these items they were doing an improve- ment to warming houses and all of these things, and to Fim that sl-iould be set up on a capital improvement and not be detracted £rom a recreational program. Mr. Peterson said he had no argwnent witn that, but this was :he kas it had bcan set up and this was the Sdaj' it was being charged. He said that by tihe same token� all of the revenue that came in £rom tne beaches snd cor.cess�ons � went into the Gerceral Revenue Flind, nut was criarged against �i:eii :ecreaLicnal budget. He stated thet took away from tne program, too. Mr. �e.g^an said that Nir. Harris' suggestion was so�ething t;r. Peterson could i:�ule:n°^t merely in �he way he organiz .ed khat r;as suomitted. He explained that at rrork he tya�caL_y submitted a capital improve,,.ent budget and separately £rom th2i an ooerating budget, t:r. Peterson said tnis was their capital budget� and trey hari a recreational budget that they Here still z-rorking on which iaas difieren�, bu� they Pelt that their capital improvement budget should be spUnt oa tennis courts or fishing docks--but not £or office space. Mr. Langenfeld brought up Item No. 3 on the £irst page, Island of Peace, :�'_0,21�0. • Mr. Peterson explained there was an obligation that was comin� due, and if Islands of Peace did not raise the money then the City was ebl:.gatec to p��� it� and it had 'oaen determined that it should come out of ihe Parks and itecreation capital budget. He said they objected to that� but it had to oe there because it was a contmgent liability due in 1977. He explained it was the pri�icipie and interest due on the mortgage. A:r. Peterson said that furthermore, if they got further down the line� thay were told that North Park would also be charged into their budget because the City had a cor,tingenc,y liabiiity there, teo. Mr. Langenfeld said that the Hayes Lots were presently very hard on the Islands o£ Peace in terms of paying £or interest, and so on. He said it was reall,y rough on the Foundation and ttie fltnd drive so they can't devote their moni.es to improving their share of the project, khen all of their neney had to go on � interest payments and hope�ully on principle payments. He said that if enough money couldn't be generated to pay for the Hayes Lots, he didn't feel that tt;e �„•.�._. Planning Commission Meeting - August 18, 1976 Page 22 City would lose in any manner� shgpe or form as far as going back on the property because it had increased in value. He said the City could sell if i£ they � wanted to, and it would not be a losing situation. Mr. Peterson stated there were two things they had to realize; first, the ii�yes lots would not fit into the overall recreational plan o£ the Parics and Recreation Department in terms of land acquisition as they did not need more property where the Hayes Lots xere. Secondi,y� there were some other liabilities that would prohibit the City from selZing these lots off to a private developer without havine to pay off some other monies to L,AwCON and all of the other people� so there z•;ere considerable liabilities that rrere involved. He said the City would end up paying for those Hayes lots and would have to put tnem into some type of park plan even if they didn't crant to, so it was a drag on the Parks and Hecreation Departrnent, P1r. i.angenfeld said he would like to indicate that they hoped to approach t»e City or the Council in regard to this item later on, but by the same token he felt their next approach to the State Legislature was going to be mucn more beneficial than it has been in the past, Mr, bergman asked if it was Parks and Recreation's intent that the capital improvement budget be subject to modiFi:cation based on input from the neighbor- hood project committees. Mr. Peterson stated that if they got the information from the neighborhood project committees in time to put it into the 1977 budget they would modify according to that. Otherwise, he said� they would have to do it in 1Q78� and realisticr.11y speaking they were lookir.g at the '76 budget for the neighborhood project committee's input. htr. Peterson said they told the people that when they came to the meeting on the 12th. As an example, he said� one lady told them they had put in a tennis court where they had wanted a ball field. He said he explained to her that the many people who cane en mas� to Par;c, and Recreation wanted a tennis court, and they h*erer, � t told anything about z ball £ield, He stated that tnis was the type of thing they hoped to avoid a£ter they had the people study what they were doing in their own neighbor- hoods. Chairperson Harris asked if the £igures for the equipment were ball park figures or pretty close, t-ir. Peterson replied they were supposed to 'oe £igures that had been quoted to them. Dir. Harris commented that some of the items seemed a bit ni�h. He asked Mr. Peterson to explain what "Color-Rote" meant. Mr, Peterson said that this referred io thetennis courts� and that every three years tY:ey should be Color-Roted. He explained it was a continuous mainienance type thing which provided a proper playing sur£ace and increased the longevity o£ the courts. Chairperson Harris said he wondered why on one court the cost was $1,500 and on another �72$� and asked if tennis courts weren't basically the same size. I�ir. Peterson answered that there might be two tennis courts included in one £igure or there might be a tennis court and a basketball court. Mr, Langenfeld said he recalled now one oS the questions that tiaas asked concerning the budget was there was no overall total, and they had come up with $1l�8,613. Mr. Peterson said there should have been an overall total� and there had Ueen one when they left the meeting that night. He said it was a negotiated compromise between the City Manager and the Commission. hlr. Peterson explained the Parks and Recreation budget would be somethin� over $500,000, of which capital :uas $148�000 to $150�000 approximately. The other $350�000 would be £or salaries ` � � Planning Commission Meeting - August 18, 1976 Page 23 and programs, and also interest payments for land acquisitions and things like that. Chairperson Harris stated he was a bit confused. I9r. Peterson said the thing to realize was that Fridley did not have a capital inprovement prograry and this is what was handicapping the Recreation Department. He said thaL at this point in time they were seven years behind the r�aster plan that was developed in 1965. He explained they had only been able to do three years work in ten because they had to make do out oS each year's budget and it gets cut; and wit?� in£lation the budget has not increas¢lthat much in total. He £urther erplained that with inflation on the salaries they got less and less each vear to do the capital improvement. Chairperson Harris asked why they were paying out so much interest £or land acquisition. Nr. Boardman answered it was mainly because the City di3 not do it on a bond-issue type thing. :3e explained they budget it cver tne tkent;; or thirty year period� and take it out o£ each year's bunget. He added that they �rere probably still paying for Locke Pa: k and Corimons, and he lmela they were paying for North Park. Nr. Peterson stated that if Springbrook i�ature Foundation should happen to default� it could wipe out the Par'k and Recreation Dep2rtment for the contingent liabilities the City }ias. He exolained that the City had entered into an agreement and the City was the guarantor cf that purchase. Mr. �ergman asked how this capital ir�provement budget of �1l�b,�00 co^pared to the budget of last year� and ;�ir. PeLerson answered that it t•ras up by only 7�• He said he was going by memor✓, but he t'r.ought tne total Par'�cs a.d P.ecrea��c.n budget had only grovm by about 60,000 to 70,000 dollars in tne past fice years. Chairperson Harris asked i£ there had beer� any attemnt to set up ��rieritias in relation to capital i.mproveraents versus a recreaLion budget or a program budget, t�r. Peterson replied that it zaas prioritized becacse for a certain dollar of program there had to be a certain dollar o£ equipmer.t to run iL and maintain the parks and that type o£ thing, and that is what they tried to do. Mr. Langenfeld commented that when he talked to fellorr citizens he heard the corunent about the "sky high" budget oY Parks and Recreation. He said his personal opinion was it was terribly misleading when a given figure comes out, for instance �5eo,000, when P�sks and Recreaiion might iake in �100�000 in forms of revenue. He stated that ��rould at least reduce that overall amount and make that figure not look so excessive. Mr. Petersoa said that realistically speaking they �ere probably looY.ing at scmething bettioeen $20,000 to $25,000. Ae stated that i£ Fridley's budgei was compared with cities of comperable size� for the facilities that rridley has and the programs that it runs, Fridley is in the top three cities in the entire metropolitan area. Pir. Peterson said that Parks and Recreation would rather have a half million dollars and then have the revenue added back into the budget so they could do some other things they felt they should do. He said that in a city this size� their budget was not that large. Mrs. Gabel �tated she didn't fully understand hox North Park could affect the budget, and asked that it be explained. r1r. Boardman said that the City ,r.�•„�. .- k Planning Commission Meeting - August l6� 1976 Page 24 purchased North Park through a LAWCON application. He said that out of �200,000 � $100,000 was paid by the Federal Government� $50,000 by state and $�0,�00 by the City. I£ £or any reason that property was taken out of a designated recreation area per LAWCON �pplication, they would have to pay back that $100,000. Ne explained that North Park was designated as a recreation area at the time it rras purchased under the LAWCON application. If a city garage, for instanr,e, was to be built in that area� then there would be some moni.es that wou].d have to go back in. He stated they just got a$5�,000 grant under LAWCON £or development of Idorth Park as a Nature Center, and i£ that didn't develop as a Nature Center there was the possibility they would have to re£und the $27�000. Mrs. Gabel asked if this Frould have to come out of Parks and Recreation�s budget� and Mr. Peterson said that at this time the City had no other place to charge it. He said it was land that would come under the Parks and Recreation aspect as far as the City Charter was concerned; and it Fras a liability just as they had for Islands oi.Peace. Mr. Boardman said it was a little different situation because there was a trro-year period that all actior, had to be taken within on the Nature Center, and in 1979 they would have to match the LAWCON grant, Mr. Bergman asked if either Mr. Boardman or A4r. Peterson la�ew hew the City of Fridley's Parks and Recreation budget dollar amount comp'ared to other eity�s Parks and Recreation dollar amounts, and Mr. Peterson said Frid7.ey oras about average. I�ir. Boardman said that in some communities where they go on bonding is�ues they don�t have the obligaLion directly :elated to Par;cs and P�ecreation whereas Fridley does. He said what Fridley was trying to provide was a recreatinn prograsn for less money than they are operating i•rith as tkaeir rec:eation programs are probably better funded. P9r. Peterson said that Fridley nad a � program that was equal to or better� with less money, than others because of volunteers. He said people were willing to donate their time whereas other areas were paying £or it, and that was what was saving the programs in F'ridley. Chairperson Harris asked if they would receive a summary o£ the recreation budget, and Mr. Peterson said hopefully they rrould receive it this month� but it was still in the negotiation stage. h1rs. Shea asked i£ they could get an income along with that,� and Mr. Peterson replied he would like to get that,� also. Chairperson Harris than!*., i;r. Peterson for all his answers� and said it had been a very iniormative d;:;cussion. N:r. Langenfeld said he only wished a lot more people knew this. ADJOUR13riENT : MOTION by Langenfeld� seconded by Bergman� that the meeting be adjourned. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye� Chairperson Harris declared the Planning Commission meeting of August 18� 1976 e�djourned at 11:55 P•M, by unanimous vote. F.espectflzlly subrrutted� v,�1'/�_ ,�lt� ( `� �iiQC,7L�+r1�_ Sherri 0'Donnell, I?ecording Secretar,V � OFFICIAL P�OTICL- CITY OF FRIDL[Y PUBLIC HEARIIdG [3EFORE THE PLAfVNIIlG COt•wMI5SI0{4 TO tdHOf�! IT t�iRY COPICERN: Notice is hereby given that the;e �viil be a Public Heariny of the Planning Conrnission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on l�Jednesday, September 8, 1476, in the Council Char.iber at 7:30 P.I�i, for the purpose of: Consideration of a rezoning request, ZOA n76-03, by Evert 2. S��ianscn, to rezone Lot 19, except the East 190 feet thereof, and er.cept the West 17 feet taken for high•,�ay purposes, from C-1 (general office and limited businesses), and tl;e l��est 147J4 feet of Lot 18 fi-om R-1 (single family dvrelling areas), all in Auditor's Subdivision No. 129, to R-3 (9eneral multipie family d4��ellings) *c allca� a condominium-type d,.vetcpment, ` located in the �orih Half of Section 12, T-30; R-24, City of Fridley, County of i�i�oka, Minnesota. � Generally located at 7325 Central Avenue N.E. Anyone desiring to be heard with i-eference to the above matter may be heard at ihis time. Publish: August 25, 1976 September 1, 1976 . RICHARD H. HARRIS CHAIRMAN �� c,..,,r_ - NUMI3ER �' �7� - � APPLICAN'1''S SIGNATI Address,-�. ��1�� CI7'Y OF PRIDLEY MINNCSOTA PLANNING �1ND ZON NG FORM- � � . � ,-� __ �;' �" _-` % /,�. . � i ,fil - �, Telephone Number (C� �S .� - � �' � Z--- PROPERTY 01QNCR' S SIGNATURE �_,_ j�; 1iLC' �, � Address �,� �'/12�' Telephone Number.— Street Location of Yroperty Legal Description of Property �S , �� TYPC OF REQUF.ST i % Rezoning Special Use Permit Approval of Premin- inary F� Pinal Plat Streets or Alley Vacations Other Fee .5�i`�Receipt No ,� < � � > /¢S. / �-y Present Zoning Classification C- �-/� / Existing Use of Property ;���� � <-, T— Acreage of Property �. %`7C'/L�7 Describe briefly the proposed zoning classification or type of use and i.mprovement proposed f��'. ,(��� � Has the present applicant previously sought to rezone,.plat, obtain a lot split or variance or special use Pernit on the si�bjec: site or part o£ it?�_yes no. ' What was xequested and when? .�� � T/ -�.'`�j' �CG . Lo � 1�i71 _ ;�� i � � � � The undersigned understands that: (a) a list of all residents and owners of property witliin 300 feet (350 feet for rezoning) must Ue attached to this application. (U) Tliis application must Ue signed Uy all owners of the property, or an explanation Qiven why this is nat tlie case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the pruceedings resulting from the failure to list the names and addresses of all residents and property owners of property in question, belongs to tlie undersigned. A sketch of proposcd property and structurc must be dra�an and attaclted, showing the folloiaing: 1. North Direction. 2. Location oF proposed structure on the lot. 3. Dimensions of property, proposed structure, and front and side setbacks. 4. Street Names. 5. Location and use of adjncent existing buildings (within 300 feet) The undersigned hereby declares that�lY the facts and representations stated in this application are true and correct. " �� � l� DATE„� - (i SIGNATUf:H �'/'" �� r � �` c � ��� � PI�'J,ICANT) 1 � � Date Filed Date of ilcari Ylanttzng Commission Approvcd (dates) Denied City Council Approvc�l (dates} Dcnicd �� Mailing list ZOA #76-43 EVERT SWANSON Part of Lots 18 and 19 A.S. #129 Mr. & Mrs. John Dickensan 1360 Onondaga N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Becklin 1405 Onondaga N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Grant 7314 Hayes Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kohlrusch 1398 Fireside Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Czeck 1395 Onondaga Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 'Mr. Charles Bitzan � 1360 Fireside Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 � Mr. & Mrs. Harold Tieden 1365 Onondaga Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 A J L& S Investment Company 7500 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Carlson 5214 36th Avenue N. St. Petersburg, Florida 33710 Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Knutson 1366 Onondaga Street N.E. Frid7ey, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Chester Cole 1382 Onondaga Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Roy Fosse 1390 On6ndaga Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. David Porath 744 Polk Street N.E. Minneapolis, Mn 55413 Planning Corrmission �'.2��'� "?� Council Mr. Kevin Olson 1370 Fireside Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Micfiael W. Bayer 1381 Onondaga N.E. Fridl.ey, Mn 55432 Arline E. Saba 7345 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr.:& Mrs. Melroy Krugerud 7356 Hayes Street N.E. Fridiey, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Pomper 7370 Nayes Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. Evert Staanson 258 Windsor Lane New Brighton, Mn 55114 �4r. & Mrs. Lawrance McCabe 7328 Hayes Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Harland 7342 Hayes Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Jeanette B. Huber 7300 Hayes Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Fosse 1367 73rd Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. John Young 7343 Nayes Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Seger 1401 73rd Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs, Elmer Hallatz 7395 Hayes Street N.E. Fridiey, Mn 55432 Mailing List Page 2 ZOA �76-03 Evert Swanson Mr. Russeil Rankin 7385 Hayes Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. James Hinricks 7355 Hayes Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Fredrick 7371 Hayes Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 John D. Babinski 1290 73rd Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 John W. Haluptzok Route 2, Box 381 Forest Lake, Mn 55025 Mr LeRoy Halupzok ,.1240 73rd Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 � Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Thoe 7250 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, f4n 55432 Walter & Floyd Gustavson 7410 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Onan Corporation 1400 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. Michael Virnig 1365 - 73th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 � ,, ��.� Mailing List Page 2 ZOA N76-03 Evert Swanson Mr. Russell Rankin 7385 Hayes Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs, James Hinricks 7355 Hayes Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Roger fredrick 7371 Hayes Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 John D. Babinski 1290 73rd Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 John W. Haluptzok Route 2, Box 381 Forest Lake, Mn 55025 Mr LeRoy Halupzok 1240 73rd Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 � Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Thoe 7250 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Walter & Floyd Gustavson 7410 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Onan Corporation 1400 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. Michael Virnig 1365 - 73th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 � :�'8 � /q> 5 o • ., lz7sv' '�,�z- . f l�/�a9 Rea/.'Y,Ix. N:o� . � � . � � � M;'rf Yra � .y. - /' ancc'll \�... �J� i . },�ioo� i TI 1� � � � �;� /% _ _ .: Sk � Q _ � ?y ': �� ` �a —rt°f">� /�6re/ c;� ; fs E»- `,:.�. _ � .. '••; '_'�.r _f-"a_-- (ti�in � ZOA. # 76-03 Evert'Swanson � �� i .� ,.: =3 � y" ; i '� '^°/ f'r o+, `= ,�� (s2oo� ^L^ .i`,�--! � Mi/lonli.0aimet/e �flDGood � �� ��d:; ^� ��, z � � : Y �� .�, ,� � � � ,� . - �I ;, Gf3.2 -:� � _ ia) �'-. ' �.FIR � � ,. � _. t <��sf.,: � I ^ � i� Lt1 'rt`',�I �i � ._ i469a� � Il.d �Q ' �J!BAc. � . �t � 1'� v 4 � 4i .� � � � � .�ro:rs� � �^ > � K c � e �-�- f�,.¢s _� , ��� �, � � � h �f�eJ � , .. � � �a � /.3 -�� � . n0. q\ I I b � � o .. . � 0 � � ,' /2 � /3 /F � /3, :'6 N /7 ^ /B � ' � � � SFod. 6a 2:L ! � La�a `�� .�. Leyia. _ R �vi. �� � Ni �o. So I ��� --k=''—� NYE R SEC. /2 �� iz 13 � � •iJ KT �, /�:�_ rr fts /Sa.eJ e� � .Sf � � ���, _ _ � pa t'r.�� � t :' i �'�'�, : 9� „ ;r'' f , w ��tir-c� n.�' d. <�h J �, �: .2 ��ti Cul �^ 4 � � IN�-1� � / .�../ � � sp'_ r �L 3 �` i/� . '3 � rc,'.-x e. � i �� ��r .r� � 9D �Lc s J s t`� � er•a-� F � � `y .d �'� ....�,� °�` 5 �' � �l `.FS; '� -� J�'q\?'1 .,, ss I' » *�: ,.;�`�' r-,. e�vas _ - ' .«-... ' -�1 �-.—wFS•3ro'e :as�- �_ . ':�tr-1 u • ►•�ua = ' � • Y. l� , � U � 1 � COL. HTS. SCMOOI I w"s�.a) � ��� OISTRICT � IS � I ZOA #76-03 Evert wa� B � (� SPR�N 3 w ...�., �" �I r r ^ ° ,.. : >.M r ,_. �._..,,. �....�_.... ..� LpKE > — � � � .1 ��. �� .. � — � , s �.. {:f/`.4 l� ����� �.�,�� s ' - � � � �' ; �`/` llll7�7 � �{ . . . Y !�i�� � �OOCNCST -i ` -� 4 .�� A (.' L 1 1 i� '! f(wA�1 � Ni � �� ELEVEAT1qY � � � y I ��. �l0 4 � � � $CNOOI ' 1.�. f�i i • ( i � • n rn� � �'��:, i`s� l 1. '��� � ' ��,{��G�� � } . _, �.-t, f =,N t 1 Z� /// u-��r'�•)( f f� v i, ,_,2 wr�l� �i. ��" ..�y � :' �_ �z'• :a� / � a� _A_3� i[�ZHU.� p a I . � � �._i� � �q ; � : ~a ;�y i ' � - �/ � � b . _�z t*e -���"_' ��', �-�h=�s z s; ��' � , ..- r 1 � ��' -r=T� r�q �c—`�� b� -aZan.�m � .� � �. r- � � � � 1 .�:��tdNER7; , -.-'� I p C .,' � p� �Z?� � '�� �_ �SI �, 'Pa'ffK _ ;���� - Y'`�"� °"D� h" . i � `,1.- �s�atxws#av; r � � �.�i � ;� `'� 1 �` � - _ • i �i.ea9�t. ' ,:E. � �. r � �`" S � 4 ; .. f�_� �., — . , ' z y� '� �I • � -'_�� - .e r.�iS`NM4. NC /P.9� .Y.P� �• Z �. MAPSEN� p [H j � . ��- � � _�, �. ' f {i� —T-- � r .- t � �1 � ,. .•' PARK �: I if�.'$ . � �IULL/�,1� ,��-� I .. Va I, 2zE � I , — c:: ,J �'iv� :—� _ — �. ,:.�r � ��'' � � . .�� �, I:� �� , �a � � ����� . : � g� �_f � /y� ,T _ , ,� �� f„ e ///// I �/.l�l OAS. `.._.546 <. . �_ _ �; �-�� :.. �� !J.2 �///�/¢////J/J///�lt1 � . i 4°��t s ��r �_�. '�' " :ooc.-; w �'-�i�A1AiF�=-.'-7r« ^ . .o_ ' '/f // fJ//1 � .1 . � � LOCKE � � ^ -_MRK l .. .��¢ _ � - �� . .� � � � -� � � •r�Vi.., �� w`�'�,a. �.� ��' �_ ��__ � � � _ ��: _, ,� � .. 1 ;�j ` MCS 6 ' �. �� GL .� w__-. _ _ . 1. �� ��. c:w erz�n ceE ' pti. j.l . I I �. -� � �I � ! � p`�'��� . * ��pR .1 � � --.r' I� 1 ��` I I ��� . z �� �3 Aa . ,�, e. . ,� �, 3 i �o \ R�. /5� KS �:[i`�R�O ``d� •r �• J� � � �� ` - �` � c I � I ,�, . "i � �6 � -, �-l.._..,,�„�.—�.`� ' k � � � �m I 6a i � . ho. � o r— " �/ � c�. e,. �� - � �f b t. '— � � ,� ..,� 3(� . - � � �=--=4�-".' `���i..1 �Pqq : � I . . ._ � ,�,"I �QI doKk�x _�� s z��;�l�� ��f Lx�4�, .�,-j auoirnjas 5ue,�.:, � � y I Y { { /Q` / .. _� � ��/ � Ya iR � I"� � J ��. � t'3t u } � � t c � -- , /' s. .a � � Y , t f; i �� t. E � b' t� ��j : ..< < — i ` i'. ' � is�o' ? ar� 1 . _ -, � � a �- 1� j - . . '�y . + Q 4 �� j�� . � � ] 9 � ' 7� I ' � , 6 � _ �i'I '• w $l 't y ? N ai .AOO,i e � ` �.xi' : � v� � . ff f�9 \ �. -a� Y,3� J� i a �6i� i "c�cc • � r �� f1.�o ` . . , �i.. ' I 't ..M$9�%+1Nt4a1JF19�� L � ����_�o � _ -� �� eieM.� .�. � _ .n1� �J�*�°'� �Z�� �.. . � � � � ,t_, . scwoo �'�.. � 7 . 'J r . �- i ��--1 f -��>' .� � 4 � � � � : �;i � �.� ° <::, n r�}`!'c-. � Alc ' .' inY�N.f .. i 1. .�:_ y ,.y 1 ��„ryyi • ; � �i�i��� ,n�sr_�w ��pjY�j��. �t � Y1. i!� � n4xL5 1 G . i f tIP�. � .' �I � � � �%C�. iFIEN(MlqqY 4� ,y � J7 . v�[j{ �,���y(�Y {�' ) rf +E , I n s[wa�los`��f !tlel'(��� _i���� �.�.i � 1 �i.j.. � .�,� ,�'l•� ��?;�\\\ � �I.�S� �.I' L�� 1 rL,�il {3T-� ,r � _ � ( � �1r j _ �• �� ', —Ll.'. '��'����'\l.l �\1 �II I �� I., I._l.._.'r 'I_ ..�:.i..ne c T�� ;f�� ,�u � �� � � . d��;�. � _.I � �� ' � T� V• V` � 7 I ,';i- ..r�,y ... �I ,. � oFrir,�ni. i,o�ric�. CI'll' Of� f'kIU!_fY PU!3L1C I!fARiitG L'CE�Ok[ 11iF APPEALS CO�SI�iISSIU�! TO 'r1Hil�•t 1 i i;;tY COi;CCi�G: h;OTICE I5 fici:; �Y GI;!Ei7 Lhat tf�e P,P1i:'als Com:nission of the City of Fridle�r rrill r.:2et in �I�e Couri�il Cil.�ieh�r of tfie Cii.y ilall at 6431 Uni��ersitY ftiveriu� FduriJ,�«sC on Tuesday, Septcn�ber 14, 1976 at 7:3C P.b�. to considcr the follo.•: nn r,:atter: A��equest for a v�riance of Sec�ion 205.7�i2; 1, Friciley City Code, to reduce i:h° minimu:u aci°eage for a torrrihause d��;elopr:��nt i ru��i 5 acres to 3 acres, located an Lot 19, e>:cept i.h^ East 190 feet 1:herco; , anc; except the l�': st 17 feet ta!:en for higi�rray purposes, presently zoned C-1 (�,;2i�eral office and li��riieo busiresses) and the Wes� 1<'si 74 ' fe2t of lot 15, ;>>'esentlyzo:':�-:i R-1 (single far?il� � d„2��lIlJ <:Y'Cc5l, dll lfl F1U�7�Gi"�S Sl!��Ci1l�1S1(%�;� ���!1. 729, all ci sa;d p��oper*y is nb;•; ir� ihe proce�s of � being consieered icr rezcni;;o to R-3 (g2nri�al f�1U11:1j)ii' {dE':1�,`i' CY;2121i1r5�, 1:f1L' Sdill° �!'11IC �OC�ii,L'C� a� the intc��section nf 73rd A��e;��e h.F. aru Cer�ral Aven��n I4.E. (Request by E:�crt K: S�;�anson, 253 1�7indsor Lane, I;er; Erigh;.ctii, 1•Siizr,°suia 55114j. Anycnc a;ho desims te be heard �•1i th �-eference to the above r,�at.ter will be heai,a at this ia��ting. VIRGTIdIA SCH;�I�LtCL ain� „,o; �,�r; APPLALS COh1�tI�SIO�J 1..� 31 ���� �' � OFFICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRIULEY PU61_IC HEARING [3LFOR[ TI4E PLA;{Nii�G COii,�ISSION TO VlHO'� IT IiAY COfrCEB'r: .. .. �2 P�otice is hereby given that there taill be a Public Nearing of the Pianning Comnission of tt;e C�ty of Fridley in the City Hall at 643i Uni��ersity Avenue ��ortheast on bJedn;sday, Septe�r�be�° 22, 1976 in the CounciT Chamber •at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of: Consideration of a proposeci prelimir�ary plat, P.S. �76-08, Central Tavnhouse P,dditioi„ by [vert Svlanson, being a reolat of Lot 19, except i:he East 190 feet thereof, ani except the P;est l7 feet taf�.en fer hi;!ht•cay purposes, and the i•lest 1�i7.74 of Lot 18, all in Auditor's Subdiv;sion tdo. 129, to allow deve7opment of a 3? unit torrnhouse site, lo^ated in the North Haif of Section 12, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, Cour±y of P,noka, Mir,n2sota. � Generally located at 737_5 Central Avenue N.E. � Anyone desiring to be heard ��ri th reference to the above mat+er may be heard at this timz. Publish: Septemh�r 8, 1976 September 15, 1976 RTCHAl2D H. HARRIS CHAIR�iAfd PLAfJNING COP1'�1ISSIOIV . OFrICIAL P�OTICE CITY 4F FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING BEfORE THE PLANNIN6 COMMISSION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that ttiere will be a Public Hearing of Lhe Planning Commission of the. City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, September 8, ]976, in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose ofi: Consideration of a rezoning request, ZOR #76-04, by Gordon �. Aspenson, to re�one tots 10 and 11, Block 4, Lowell Addition to Fridley Park, from R-1 (single family dweliing areas} to R-3 (general multip7e dwelling areas) to allow the construction of a tri-plex, all in the North l�alf of Section lA, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, � Minn2sota. � Gene�ally located at 6500 2nd Streei N.E. Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter may be heard at this time. Publish: August 25, 1976 September 1, 1976 � RICHARD H. HARRIS CHAIRMAN 33 CITY OP PRIDLBY MINNGSOTA a PLANNING AND ZONINC PORh9 � NUMDGR rl %� �� - o `� APPLTCANT'S SIGNAI'l1R' � � E �,/ Address – Telephone Number _�'�/% ���SL�,3 _ _ _ � PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATUR� Address / /— r_-' Telephone t�umber ��� � �5�3 Street Location of Property���o��l� �� Legal Description of Property �.� �jj //� /ZGtr� '`� 3� TYPE OF REQUGST � Rezoning Special Use Yermit Approval of Premin- inary $ Final Plat Streets or Alley Vacations Other Pee�L/�S�eceipt No.�o1�-7� Present Zoning Classification �� � Existing Use of Property ��r,�� �� ,lj p x r 3G Describe briefly the proposed zoning classificatioL Acreage of Property or type of use and improvement proposed ���� // � � Has the present applicant previously souglit to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or variance or special use permit on the suUject site or part.of it? yes +-- no, {Yhat was requested and �ahen? /,/o .v–� The undersigned undexstands that: (a) a list of all residents and oianers of property within 300 feet {350 feet for rezoning) must be attached to this appli_cation. (b) This application must be signed Uy all owners of tlie prop�rty, or an explanation given +ehy this is not the case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the proceedings resulting from the failure to list the names and addresses of all residents and property owncrs of property in question, belongs to the undersigned. A sketch of proposed property and structure must be drawn and attached, shoiaing the iollo�ring: 1. Nortli Direction. 2. Location of proposed structure on the lo*, 3. Dimensions of property, proposed structure, and front a�id side setbacks. 4. Street Names. 5. Location and use of adjacent existing buildings (withi.n 300 feetJ -The undersigned hereby declares that all the facts and representations stated in this application are true and correct. DATE���`�s�l.�j. 7�SIGNATURE ��1�� -- !:% �f . �— (APPLICAN'i' . Date Filed Date of }lcaring Planning Commission Approved City Council Approved (dates) Denied (ctates) Denied � � MAILIN6 LIST ZOA #76-04 GORDON ASPENSON Designware Industries, Inc. 6536 Main Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Rice Plaza 7515 Wayzata Blvd. Minneapolis, Mn 55426 RAO Manufacturing Company 200 Mississippi Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Fridley Our Own Hardware 214 Mississippi Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Nick J. Dovolis 3616 Washburn Avenue South .Minneapolis, Mn 5541U Mr•v�&.Mrs. Robert Slvoboda, Jr. 6501 Main Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Gary Marlow 6525 Main Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Alvin A. Nitschke 6661 Main Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Hansen 210 67th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Roy Burke 200 67th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Oahl 6551 2nd Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Darold Johnson � 6541 2n d Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr, & Mrs. Paul �ohnson 6525 7.nd Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Planning Commissi City Gouncil Walter H. Sinner 4427 Manroe Street N.E. Minrieapolis, Mn 55421 Richard J. Trezona 177 Hartman Circle N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Joseph M. Lapinski 513 Rice Creek Terrace N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Project No. 61 Corp 7515 Wayzata Blvd. Minneapolis, Mn 55426 Mr. & Mrs, Stephen Matson 6560 2nd Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Gordon R. Aspenson 17 Rice Creek Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 8-24-76 `3 � V � .� r': �� �,� �9 } : __ �. , ;. _ t t, - —_tt_ . _. 1 --si_.. ! r . .eu...._. f Y ' __I(L 5 = � c _ Z 0 a ' � __� � 9 �� t _ �.I /� � � ..., .. � � v � j I �l3 f � � 30� ; .,�_ -- �__„___� c: , ------� { + tri � r- , fryt f(, • ^ � 1 ff1 i ;: �� _ � ' �. r�a zoa a�6-o4, co Rezone from R- . _.. � ' ..._.._.�oi .a �e,.,- c.• .. �S�REE�" � _ ^-- _ __` � ,� -_ _ . �';;*r_ . P.9iSSta�i?i'i°;..:_ — - --- - .:: . . . .. �- ;::� _ _ 2oC1 �,- � 1'i , ��y . �`876 S93a/��E� ,!;'7. . ;�` Z . 27D - ,� �p�+ ' . `� z .,! � �'.%, 1 � 1 � `aa _l/" ' _ {:;, i1 �—�i1:1, Q I ,';<'� ; '�— � - �--� � � H��-- __ 4 Y L� A � 1 : `�' _, _ i���i / C� - � ii J '�Y f� �/�Z�`� ,A i4.i { �� I 4 J y•' ��"i�-�?�. °�� - �,�� z� �� �LLS � . , .r / — � ,� -�~ s Cf ,.'s. ..�"�,a ": _r � :� � �J � � . �6 �i�� .<7 ;�, �� �,. _�� _� yY, �f � .y r` ., �_ -��T 1 : �;� ,� �tJl_ ;,.,.,: x ;,� __--�c�u ss S}'L�r�iV ��_ P , ` ,_s . — _ . y� ;�' '_.� _y __� l-�l L G�.. S '`" M' . ; _ "-� - -- " i � � �` P � ,� z �`"� z° - : z3� PLA � � ;� :'� ' � �'�,` : z% - ze �55-l75 z 195 � '':� Zo1 'i�' 221 �n `;a ;-;, QV ,. > , � � ,.,. >93 xs _ � . . : , .Jd . . ' � _ '\. . ...... _ 4.s : . � SATELtf7E� "` .';: � ,-. ;,. ' , ��• I.). , LE 1 0=�.\ 9J S,!�TELLti�;, )"J _ ;�.',. .l�A .� t• t, �. ��J . . . . n �A„ , ..;' .. _.. -`--__' '_ !t �� ��'! \ ( " .. r v „sa, . , i, � � .� 4 T' . .I-aY�' r ;`; _ ^ �'°i�`�INN� t �19� )7�i ' 190�'> v � ���� `'_'�: , , 4 { w I ! I �� � ' �a. :7 n4 . _ . ?i. s :�9 a ZOA #76-04 � Gordon Aspenson Rezone frwn R-1 to R-3, Lots 10 and 1 Block 4 Loweli Addl � iJ a �l.i > � � Y� jl �`"'� �� r `'V ,�L ({ - � t' 5(� � / 1 A. � . '..ry � !y _/ 6j-.n.;5���. MAOSEI �1 ;7 ' j PARK' �. } "I 1 ��� 3� (� v--: `" r .�, .. �J � � ��, ! 6 .. _. - .. ... .. _ .� _ .:F::r..ua.:v:lrti:F=._qr:c �-_: '� >�� (` :"'� LOCKE ' �'ILE`_! ��.�GTY �`.' _ . r� .�APENA �"'..GARA6[ � • �� '.�:� `l'�� � ���U � � - � � - �� � -�� ,`H�'----�—_�� �r)'-�CFE.E. .. :f. l ��E'{�s���'`U r -�' ovi�n� ���' 3aP��� . ;;�.°��,,,`6'�;t;; e SEa, ��C. i LR u � 4- � `�a P�_� � S .� a� ``�i . � � • • i � � �3bi i, -a ���,} � ` � ; • f' , �„i i \"F.?� �. � �: r �', ��� C�;��r `� i ` � I' I -��: � � ��'�. ��: �'�❑ , . : ���T -�� G.f I ;5� `:r:N E'� ., f � 'f2� F AYES -- 'll ' EiE4LRi4PY 'A' TERRaCl� PL� / S�AOI (J`Sil4 — 1_ � � ' �' ;_,_. r .�-� ,_< _ . t�-f-�--�� ; i +�� f; i � , � R�F � �� 1 ' � 8lCE iL—.� �i '�%/. � w: �— : � ; -� �� ;a ;�,�,� .. ��.g : � , ' t � C`��.-rCt �z'rl� t, �, � ��={+� f ei'�^i���'<�� �Ja Nav � �—.a�.0 C f ` � L ` �e? ^' C4�����'r�C`,(^(� i"'' [t� �� � I � `�-�~ ` � ,J C � C `� v:.V' .�.; IY_• � b�RRi' PIqK `i'1� C(_�!,mi f � !.V V �. ��Q�_y�y.: '. [ - �. 1 on; °9�° �� . � _ ��c' . rv�o�e+ or � t•� � \ �� � �J�'� �- �.�'�� CO4MOn5 � t �.. :� ( `� � 'r'•i� ..� _� •_ ��. �� � � � t� �IJ vAxcriEr �� ,�� , 1 �� � � �uoc uwoa �5;- � �afr uJ Ja,-Hn ��' �. -� � � ' Y �'Itl' .tT- - -�^.�� .,,�`':� ;�t: ? ��� k � r..� � r:) :D'`' '1 1 • : �. ��J ���� �' r �r• � � • � �Ano�� ���� a =. �,.�. � -'� ; , ' :� � '��� �, i:�Y i i-, # >?� .� ,,� ��\ �'' ��r`�l ' �"' F� ;i� BqNM a ,��� z� � 1 «.I�"� � ,� ht . . ��� I • Y l \ a�Cw�� �; _ �, ��, t �r`j; -; t�-�"� tj w � f M� �,`�,� �� ��i. a �� c' "� �'k'N� 1 I=sz 1 i� �3n+�';' �;�ini�;? i OFFICIAL tJOTTCG CITY OP FRIDLGY � � PUL'LIC HEARIIJG BEFORE TI;E PLANitIWG COi•iidIS5I0N TO 4lNOld IT htAY CONCERIy: tiotice is hereby given that there �•+ill be a Public liearing of the Planning Con�mission of the City of Fi�idley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue NOPtI1CcS5t on 4Jedr,esday, September 8, 1976 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P,ht. for the purpose of: A request for a Special Use Permit, SP �76-13, by Kenneth J. 6elknolm, per Fridley City Code, Section 205.051, 2, A, to allo�v i.he construction of a second accessory buildinq, a 20 ft. by 26 ft. detached garaoe, on Lct 1, Block 6, Bennett Palm?r Addition, all lying in the f�orth Half of Section 23, T-30, R-24, City of Fri�;ley, Count�� of Anoka, Plinnesota. Generally located at 5870 6th 5tree� N.E. � Any ar.d all persons desiring to be heard shall be give�i an opportunity at the above stated tirae and place. Publish: August 25, 1976 September 1, 1976 � RICHARD fi. I'J1P.RIS CHAT Rt4AM PLANNING C01•1MISSION �� �,_._, � � � CI71' Of� PRIDLEY MINNrSOTA PL�INNIN6 AND ZONING PORM NllMBER � ����� APPLICANT'S SIGNATURii Addrass n�G�d Telephone Number ��` la�t=�f�y PROPERTY OIVNER'S SIGNATURE Address .� Telephone Number� ` � •L '/ "� Street I,ocation of Property �� `(„1? Q� (O! % i4�- Legal Description of Property . � J''/ �� . 3� TYPE OP REQl1EST Rezoning ✓ Speci.al Use Permit Approval of Premin- inary � I�inal Plat Streets or Alley Vacations Other Fee �� � � Receipt No. f'a��,y � �r%L �i.oL�r.✓,./ �G�-�r-✓ Present Zoning Classification �/'Existing Use of Propexty/j��,��,�� Acreage of Property Describe briefly the proposed zoning classification or type of use and improvement proposed����n�,g��� �/% ��/�� _�� / �� / Has the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a Iot split or variance or special use permit on tlie subject site or part of it? yes,�no. {Yhat iras requested and when? The vndersigned understands that: (a) a list of all residents and o�aners of property within 300 feet (350 feet for rezening) must Ue attached to this application. (b) This application must be signed Uy all o�aners of the property, or an explanation given �ahy this is not tlie case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the proceedings resulting from the failure to list the names and addresses of all residents and property o�t�lers of property in question, belongs to the imdersigned, A sketch of proposed property and structure must Ue dra�.n and attached, sho�eing the £oilowi»g: 1. no;-th Direction. 2. Location of proposed structure on tlie lot. 3. Dimensions of property, proposed structure, and front and side setbacks. h. Street Names. S. Location and use of adjacent existing Uuildings (within 30Q feet) 1'he undersigned hereUy declares that all the facts and representations stated in this applicatiQn are true and correct. ,; DATE � ,f�� � SIGNATURF. �, �.�. � `���/Qj,-,/ APP ICM7'1') % Date Filed __ Date of Hezring ___ _ Planning Commission Approved (dates) Denicd City Cowicil Approvcd (Jates) DenicJ � MAFLING LIST ZOA #76-13, Kenneth Belkhalm Second Accessory Bui�ding Mr. Kenneth J. Belkholm 5870 6th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Roesler 5900 6th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. John Stephens 5901 5th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brenden 5909 5th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 M & Mrs: Allen Lexcen 5�08 6th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Walters � 5917 5th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. Robert A. Zarracina 5870 4th Street N.E Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. James Kordiak 5860 4th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Eggerud 587� 5th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Hartma� 5860 5th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Planning Commission 8-24-76 Thomas G. Ritoch & David L. Grinnell 5850 5th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Robert McGuire � 5860 6th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Florus Robeck 5841 5th Street N.E. Fridley, htn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Duntley 5851 5th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Larson 5861 5th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Ben 6ruba 5871 5th Street N.E. Fridley , Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. John Gritti 5916 6th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mra & Mrs. Raymond Frankenfield 5908 5th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Hoffmann 5900 5th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Finlayson 5850 6th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kluender 5840 6th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Nina J. Landt 5930 6th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Rickter 5831 5th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Virginia L. Behrend 5901 6th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Presher 5909 6th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 .��\ .-�: �1 � Page 2, Mailing List SP �76-13 Kenneth Belkholm Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Pless 5917 6th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. E. Lee Switzer 5870 7th Stree� N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. &Mrs. Lewis Buckwald 5860 7th Street N.E. Fri.dley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Hans Sondheimer 5841 6th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 GabrieTe & Margita Kirschner 5851 6th Street N.E. Fridley, tdn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. William Barber 5861 6th Street N.E Frid',ey, Mn 55432 � Mr. & Mrs. Charles Johnson 5871 6th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 �� Ga�� 1� �` 9 � OQ. � �; z � �.. I �:• V(— ;,� :i ��. • j QO ��u'< <vz�. ,••' r�2 bar�o• -o � `o� 6m«„ � �a/o 6'� d � U s�", Q �I "' ,,., .,.. � �, SP #76-03, Kenneth Belkholm ��� � �����0 TH AVENUE 2nd Accessory Bui lding j-Sg�p �' ��• •• � �� 58i0 6th Street N.E. ,�/ .; 59:: , ' b , 5!i$� � �18!, . �3' �g1 59r� `' q ., , s91 . . . �2� a , � a - ` q � 9 c `9. 9G � . �5 . _ `59�� � . . �I V ���' • ° ? ►'� � s 6N 5 �:: �i � , 5 ' �59Zy` � -✓ . �f�~ � � . 6 65 � �A�N� ` .3e,, , � � �S96s . � L �q o ��i � - � � , � .59� 59s. y ,�, , � � �.�1 �QSo � 5951 �� 595� ,�j ��?.� L�, �y� - � "7937 . > ' .:� � � �. . ;���,q �y ; ��� ss�, 3923 ;ff�.�� -! 32a:3GCV -. <" ' > '�"�yY �� 6.,_ � ,�a� '; � _ �' . 9» _ �b; 5Q�9 ,�;� Z ..SyN� ��yo_ _ , Sa�:- : . � .:. ..�`7j w 0: � ' i a ^ fj�r � + . � . � l� � 40��2' ..s � i!4.N `3 3'. Z _. ' - r . . �Q�� ;°.: qp�-_ � f.: ,�3 9s 4� S°�i � : r .� :--- 59q `'�' 933� p�2, ►_ . � ,,.,- u) 593.J� o > �-�r � s: .- � ,. � �: � � � � M; �^.,' '`-', ��,e... .. �qt'1: ?�fQ2lr ` .S4'ty Syzv r N.�. � i� `�, ,x., i` y_�& �5�Z5< > ,>, .<., .00,�5yiy�a, � ��__'���. . fi.�2�. � ' �9��i . • •j�" ` , 59ib � �^ � �� o ;��5 �. ' ;z 59f7 ? .,., ' ' S9�7, 591� = S9i�, : 78`56 ;; ;�.: �c � -- f� ;�'�R�;�o,8 = v�, os_ _ ; �yo9 ! , �, 5sos � -� e ��c�:_�;`' r 'Sg� . .� ' e~n ...�, 590Y tD `59'09. ... � aa '�' ; _`,v ,�i;.:._ . 59�'0� '�'� w s400 e � 59a0 ;�l ol ' o � � . . , 5 `f,, . .> „� 34 � . 5'a: ;5 . ;, 3� F0 .,.; � 59 TH ''" ;�;E. hi.�. , ^ .c _ �. .� . :�- 5 sa�T� _ ��' �, 'r;� ° �'S81 ° F ; �g p � ; y8t� .� �io' � � � s�r� '- � ' . � °.` - ssc; �g:o �/ � d�, �$�p�- :�a . 68b.. Sg60 ;r�gbt . � 8 - ; � ;. QnV� S � :_ - �l7S1 .�sp .. ' � o SFSi j sr:"� CJ' % n h � , � � �$,SO � : ' /%S� r� 58�SO `; . . . - ._ . c , . . , ,.. ... .-.�yo� ... � '' li1Ja . �O �9 ..BY �g ,4$'y� 5$'yo s��Y� � . .. o _ � .c, e . � �'' + n � h .¢ , y . ; , � ' �,��� �30. .�.•��J 5830 ;,�, 65f3o ' `srai sr�o _ . _h3- E, ; , �. .�� ;�'Y, . ^ .�! � _ ;� . . � 'J � ';� ` .� �.�• ' • Z� . _. . -.� _, .,•i1! _ n . ; �J ...�e ; 5��9, yl � ��, 6rso N ,'� , ' , . i`� ` n.. ; 58. : �, .5 , � � �/� e /�• � � " . V/� � .-... ._:. . ' '� . _..._ _ . . �rs,'. 7 � c� i-�� r0 `�u ss�iiJ ,qu . s8�o ,., E( , n � �� - � �- ' � }. � � h y ^ � o �� � "1 „*_4 , ..`.:. .:f.� ,.;. �+ ' . �: _, • • � >a �� 5�'� ���! s52'o� :. �58 �' � . . _ �,� ',; '., �so0 ` 5 ` �. ^ : a :8 ..:..f a .. �VE. N.E. ... � �: �� ; t,;� — �r'., ,.,tl,°�, `� . (. �,•i�' :-;',�: z. �'1�5 33� 3�j 359 369 ' ,. . }, ' e !� . ... F,:.•.r,9. PLACE .. . ��. -'/f O. ' In � ,h• y� .���,a�Y.uo r 3y0 ,3� 13p f3. �i '. �e v6 � � � � ` 4 � .: � �, 5, � � ,. a �a;. ,. o. . �., � rl />� _��_ ._ � .. .,, '.'� 'r , ,� _ , r ����� � �`J /� C � �� April 30, 1976 f i i ,,: 643,1 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MtNNESOTA 55432 ,j Mr, xen 9elkholm 5870 - 6th Street N.E. Fridley, tdn. 55432 � Re: Fire Damage to Detaclied Garage Dear Mr. Belkholm: TELEPHONE (612y571-3450A ' `�� .This is to confirm a conversation I had with Mrs. Belkholm on April 29, 197G following your unfortunate fire. As stated to Mrs. Belkho7m, i want to point out thaL- there have been some changes in the City Code since your garage was built. First, since youz qarage was damaged by more than 50 percent; you must comply with all existing Codes; Pour of which do affect your situation rather seriously. ],. You Will need a Special Use Permit £or a second garage. This process • takes about six weeks and cost� _ Q0. 2. . You will need a new survey th�� ows,}�our existing structure; your nortgage company may have one. 3. IE your garage door is closer than 25 feet to the property line, or appXOximately 35 feet from the curb, you will need a variance :ahich takes about 1 month at a cost oE 15 00. (This can be processed at tlie same time as your Special Use Permit application.) �p °'°� 4. If you choose to provide heat in the garage, the structure must meet the new State £nergy Code. , The variance and Special Use Pezmit are not automatically granted; there is a public hearing process for each request and the City may ayprove, deny, or place stipulations with their approval on them. The City staff will assist you in your application process and will ansiaer any questions you may have with reference to these matters. You may reach me at City ltall or by cal.ling 571-3450. Si erely, �J• � �c`�o�unay� U1F.P1:L Ci. CLARK � Coaununity Development Adm. � w,�` 1I ^;� . a�e.m�o .� � �I1�eTD�,�. ���'�+t T���.�i T� ��.�.fi�I�..'. �4 ENG{NEERS AND StJRVEYORS LAwD avavev�r.�o , . SOi�3 TE�TtNO CNIL W MVNIWDAI lNOINEE(iINO � [.ANO PIAMNINO . � G4�(S�SGTb AVENUE N. . -� MtNNEAGOUS 2?, MI�.1M. KE '7- 3637 � - . �� �' �'� i� !� i� �tt� �� `@ t� {� �� i� !�`:'��•� �,.. - � .s. - ,�SS � � � 7` ��' � -,->� , :. -�-,F :-.� � . c, . A .� f� "G,t/� � f'�_ :.• , T� ------ --_ �--.T._____...�._-_--__ ___. _- _�-_ '� � " � . � : ti ---�-�. J!'- G� -r ti ... � fG j/,.� �;' �,i r_- , f / . � � J �, �'. � t {- � V � �. e � � v �r . � I�,� � : �•. � � � I � j! I" tif ...._./?L..: �? — � �� � � / � t � o ' ��� � ^/ `"� —:.% . f � � • �", ' 01 � ~r � /�\ — ��:. �: i �, � 4 � � ��� j —.� h� � p� �, �l� \ J \ � � �� : � � �.:1 0 � 1 J �±. J V.� 1 � � ' \. +5 � i '3 3 j� � ( : � i S'� - _�_ yy� , ;, `�i .lL a/lC !s. = y'J . � . `o r �-� , �-> .-_. , � �. .' ::�:._ r' w� ..- •--.:!ii- _FT T' -_ r-.�%�.: `, . - � �- ,=-, !�' ., . . •'t�;i.' �E HERE6Y �ERTIFY THAT 7H15 IS A TRUE ANO CORRECT REPRESGNTATIOpJ OF A SURYEY OF THE gOUNpAR,IES OF 7HE f0 ABOYE DESCRIBED AND OFTHE LOCATION OF ALL 6ULlplNGS, tF At.IY� THEREON , AN4 A1.L ViStBLE E4CROA,CHMENTS� � IF JWY� FROM OR ON SAIO LAr1D. � MIIYUL�Z Et�GINEERit�G � CO., II`rC. � 0l�TfDTn15��DnYOF �' ' ��� �-�'��5=�� ENO�1deEA5 AND SV0.v1{YORS _ � _ ( � / C `j J � `` f � .f � . . ._.. . �1 - � 405.156. Auto Parking Stalis (Varlancu� — �� t. In a case virie�e er.islin{7 oll•s��Cf;l p:irking Idrili�ing. �o thr. use ol the public Ir�e ui cha�ge oi at rcm,onnUle ralns. havr iinuSCd pnrking r,aP�city. Ihc Cfoard UT APpcal•; maq rccommend lo Ihc City Counril Ihe reduclion ul Ihe parki�g spaen tr.quiromenllor ;,ny us�: nof mure it��:m',,p0 feet disf�nt. liy nol more Ihan ihn. �iumGer c! slalls �� ol unused eap:ir,ilY. - . . . , . 2. In a case wnere any pubiic or privale ofl-5trce! parkmp Iacilily, to br open ta thc u:e nf the pubiic hee af ehdf(JC Of ai fE•dSpO:�b!b fdICS, IS UndC/ CUOSIfUt;�lOn OI planned. and vihere th�re is reasonablc assurance Ihat sucti devc{upmeM v:ilf pe carrietl to compfcllon anA vnlf whrn Compleicd re�leva. �he parkinq drmand in an aiea viilhin SGO leei therco( in some measure or in full measure. Ihe 9o2rd ot Appeals may recoinmenA to the City Gounc�l to establish a reasonable time ,period v�dhin whicl� any use or uses viithin sucA area shall p� ;vide requirr.d spaces tor parking slalls. Upon cornpletio� ot ail or a ponion of such deveiopment. She prows�ons of Ihe prececding paragrap8 k1 may br applicd. 3. In a case where ihe customary mode ol iranspurt2tion of a majorify o{ the pairons, employe2s and proprielors of any use, lo antl (rom Ihe area in which sucn �se is localed, is oiher Ihan 6y piivale automobile. tbc floartl ot Appeais may recommcnd lo the Ci1y Council a reduction, by not more ,�ihan 50 per cenl, the parkiny space requiremenl tor such use. � 4. Ina case w�ere it is clearly show.� 6y the applicant thal the provision of sDace requved t�erein lo: perk�ng slalls, due to the p;rticWar nafure ot a proposetl use or cther conditions, would be unnecessary hardsr;ip. the board may reCOmmend to Ihe Cily Council a variance ot such requirement. 5. In a case ei^ere it is clearly shce•:n by Ihe Cily Ihai lhe provisions lor perking space requ�red lor specilic d�stricl uses i; inad=_quate. adC:T,.cr,a{ o'!-slre=� par4.inq miif be reyuired by the City. � , . . . , . ' . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . � . � � , .. . 205.16. BUlLDING PERMITS ". �� � 205.761. Af� Districls ' � A build���g :=!mit shail be acquire� �a'ore ihe erec�ion, consUoct�o�, recorstruct�on, alterziion. enlar�ernent or moving ol any building except tha; ;och permit 5hall not be requiretl if the full value ot said work is less than 5750.OQ. . �='.' 4.�+..�..� .., , a<,:.:c; '"Lri;, 1. Each appl�caUon for a b�ilding ;��mit shall be accompanied by a Gertificate cf Survey. drzwing, or plat, in dup!ica(e. drawn lo scale and shov: �ng Ihe lot, the proposed buiiding antl dimensions ot the lot antl 6uilding; ihe location antl proposed use ot ,ne builAings; the localion, dimensions, present anC proposed us^ of any ezisting U�dd�ng on the same fot: ih2 setUack and dimensions ot iront, side antl rear lois and such other jn�Orma!ion a5 ihe zoning administra:nr shall require lor the enlorcement of ihis ordinance. 11 interior tinishinc o( a home o� building is to be Oone. tne materiai accompanytng the applicalinn, as noled above, tor a permit rvilt �ot bc required. 2. Once construction of the loundaUOn has Oeen r,Cmplete�, a certiticate ol survey showlny Ihe localiu� of the foundalion shall be require6, before ihe Iraming ot Ihe sliucture is Uec�un. 3. Constmct�oo�shaU com�tience witl�in ninety (90) riays 4rem 1he date of the issuance ot Ihe buildine, permit unless �+•r�u�n applicalien is made Inr the exlension of said time, in �vhich event the enlensibn o( time shall 6c at the discrchnn o1 the zoning adminislrator. �f not commenced e:ilhin ^,aid (80) day period of eatension as granted b7• Ihc admini5,rator, 5uch pmmif Shall be vOid. q. No builtling permit sha!i be iscued tor Ihc const�ucllon, �cconsiruction, allera�ion, enlar,e,ement ot moving of any buildmr unlrrs s,iid p�oPosed �cnil. i5 in con!orrnily �rilh the f�idli.ry buildinc; coJe. � 2tl5.1f2. Perniil Requi2d In addi��on to Gthcr r�•�ula�ions and �rquircmenls hcrcin, no buildinc� or usc shall he permitt�d in any pisUicl nor 2n, i52 Auto Pzrking Stalls jVariance� Buldmg PermNs Alt Dis,ricis Pannil Ra4uir�d ; US G3 ;, � � � AGREEt�NT t I, , owner of the property located at , have no objection to the City allowing the construction of a to be located at without the required certificate o£ survey that the City ordinarily requires for all new construction. tness Signature Address Date �i _. . . . . . . �.�:,•..,�., � � � OFFICIAL PUBLICATTON NOTICE OF HEFlRING CI7Y OF SPRING LAKL PARK Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held by the Planring & 7_oning Commission of the City of Spring Lake Park in the City Hall, 8424 Center Drive N.E., on Monday, August 23, 1976, at 7:30 P.M, to consider the following: Request for a special use permit to allow th operation of a neighborhood stropping center, on Lot 24 and that part of Lot 22 Auditors Subdivision 152, lying South of a line drawn para71e1 with and i81 feet North of the center line of Osborne Road and lying west of a line drawn parallel with and 411 feet East of Centra} Avenue, Anoka County The general location of said request is Central Avenue N.E. and Osborne Road. Any and all persons desiring to Ge heard in regard to this matter will be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. � , � ' � ; �� :' •�= �-=�' _�1.,_ '%%�'-'� � �Donald B. Busch, Clerk-Treasurer , ,. MAILING LIST � Rezoning in Spring Cake Park � �J M. G. Astleford Co. 1200 lJest Highway 13 Savage, Mn 55378 Anderson 7rucking Service, Inc 203 Cooper Avenue North St. Paul, Minnesota 56301 Ed Chies 7651 Central Avenue N.E. FcidTey, Mn 55432 Mr..& Mrs. Dale Th�rp 1376 Osborne Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Frankhauser 1392 Osborne Road NeE. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs, Larry Prescott 1400 Osborne Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Loyd Erion 1412 Osborne Road N,E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Maxey 1413 Meadowmaar Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. William Baerboom 1401 Meadowmoor Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Daryl Rollog 1391 Meadowmoor Drive N.E. fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. William Sharp 1377 Meadowmoor Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lindman 1378 Meadowmoor Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Castro 1362 Meadowmoor Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Notices sent 7,26-76 Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Melbie 1346 Meadowmoor Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Pavlik 7651 Meadovnnoor Drive N.E. fridley, Mn 55432 �� � �. � t�. ;;:� �. � �- r i���. �� F — ���� r A �� �t �a �$� - ; � � � �� � * � � ��� �� nx�-� � � „�� . �'� � ,� � � 3 ' , -{f ti � Ya � . s � � � x^'� � � � ��� '�Y `�' 'ax; a� �' "- - . yyi14 � �:. P x S.'- , `���°�.�R�+�� �� � `. . . �� . ,.,tll[�G[}$T 1�`>' 197tt - . - � � � E,� �SS�ea.b�enfeid; Bruce Fetes��;-.�� � Sporre, ` �,�° `ga�x��ovfcit, •Brother Thadais ;$ul ;4�an t , `�� = S�e� t?iava, - Sa�airot�entaL �f�te�r, .. 4' r � .' , ` , ag!lea£el� callsd tht m�teting to o�e�, a� i:45 p.m. � .$�t`iP.av€+2�t> , �cqad'ad by �,.,Tui6e 13, 1975, Fs�id2a �al� v�i.� aY?e,. � �►ei, �< � b� � � . ^'� f r ,r���� _•` ���� .$��;�;��eu}„to aggxove the minutes Steyir4�ta]:, 6�issi� meeting. UPon casri�cl_'r�tmc+us Lq . to the ew�ion mas�'=ia the .7 a meetiag, $�ge 5, Wtt3c� s&7 iiitat Fir . �_, ,,, z. '_.. ' .�..� _ _..�.��.� .�_ 15, 1976> Bridleg '; hat until Chapter 212r .t�s tfiat operations;;which ' �lans fo,r these operaticros I seco�eadation be >r.to issuance of a perm�C:n .�� :�ted that SCaff shonld atal Commission to_;review. sut the "Applicati�'#or and included wi[I� the agenda te`-Fridley Enviro�ental ' a: everyday ;staff-ar�iented C tras to let SCaff do the 3d,other commiasfons get- � So a�oid.is having a lot ��fiatg to the coumisaiona. k ; -� � �� � �:� > - s � ;; ; �. � � -:; ,;._.d��.__.. _ ° ___�__� � , ; � � '�S'�, irRIIILEY SNVIR{�N2A� �#�fIS�UN td6�TZBTG,. �17GU83' 17, 1976 Pa$e 2 Mr. Partpovleh stated Yhat h� feZt'this Ca�iss�.on is concerned witH environmental'� issues and certainly u�ini�g �.� the'City of �ridiey is an environmeatal issue. Re doean't €eel Sta€f ahould harnlie everpthing and L�tis Cou�ission s�tould be invoLved. Mr. OYson stated that may#�e kSx'. Soardman rauld`attend the uext Coamissio� meeting aad better e�cplain his f�et€ttgs sbout this sub3+�ct. Mr. Olson stated that Chapfe.� 212 ia the only ordinance the C�.ty;has at th3s time to enforee miu3ng operatioas-i» ff��,31�y, and the nApp2ication fott Land Alteration/ i�l3nittg Permit" form 1� the faxtn Chat is requirtd under tlie present �3[y.ordinance. A-nex.+ ordiaanee must be mad� ig oxiier to make � utore environ�enta�ly-sensitive appLicati4ct farm. i0N by Lee AYtu �pryrre,'seep�dadjby Mike Pari;FOVich, that the Fridley Environmental C�utission xequests tC#at St�tf dra�t a comprehensive ordtnanse rni Chapter 222 evaluating the_environmenLa$ impao� o€ the miII£:tg operaLi�ons, and thar process for applicatian be based pit'that v3tdinance. T�e Co�rission suggests as,sources for that infoYmaCion: the �oldert Va21;�y ardinance, the Coon Rapisls Gonsex`vancy District Qrdiaance �378, and the Hays�asth &;Anderffion repo�t fxom the State of Mtunesota. Ugcm a voice vote, aYl votisig syex;ehe motion Ca�,'ried unanimously. � , �s MQ1Iti�i by Lee Ann S}torre, s�conded,by Mike Fa�ipovich, that referri�g to the above motion, th�e: Fri'dley T3�tvfrp�io4enGa1 Cc�mmiss�Qn �`�qeiests that StafE have the @raft of the Chaptet 2l� os�iaanee Y+�arly to be preseitted aF Lhe ttext Ft'idley Esnvironmental Co�ission meeting for the t�ouunfs6ion's revlep�sEtd recoamendations. Upon a voice � vate, aIl vbting aqe, ti�e �tiQn carried u�animotisly. Refexria$ ta the June 13, 1976, Pridley 8nviro�smentai Cowniseiom mees3ng miuutes, page 6, a motioa was mad� t� have;Steve`Oison teport bac& to the:-Commission on when Land AZCerstion Chagter 53 �ea taken out-ot cvde, the date it wxs 8one, and the rcasv� it wsa taken uuc. : Mr. Olson et$tea thaC wteeg t�s� c�e was reca�if3ed in 19?3, Land Alteration Chsptez 53 was deleted. The �eas+an it wa's de�.�ted was bscanse o€ th� adoption of U.B,C. Chapcer 70 wh��h superse&�d Chapter 53: Beferring to the Jtzne 15, 2874, Fridley Environm�ntal Coumaiasion meeting minutes,page �:, a moEicm was made to �tave SCeve alson repor� becic to the Gommisaion on the namber of people whcs exe currentl}* laandL�;ng operatio�s �rhich fa12 nnder Ghapter 212,, �' whether or not those;partiea have•permit; ancii,ff not, what the;CiCy will be doing abuuC it.` Mr.'tllson stated that Yherk,�re €our mining operatitkns tirhich cu�rently exist in the'Citp o£ �'ridley:, �a ml�fng pe�mits have leeets i8sued at this time, .and the orfliaanee is not beia� en€iirced, The four mining.og�rations are; ` 1. Bon Babine:kf 2. Dan Ghie"s _ curreutly rnnaing operation on $3rd � Universfty 3. 3ulign John6bn - tunaing=a� operatio� sauth c+f 83rd & Main Street 4. Bob Wilson � tun�ug ai� aperat3on bounded b�* 79th & Main Street but � " tu C.�e east and be[weeYt 1�Saia Street & Uttivers3ty ���(i ChLea aud Bvh ��tJ�a4rt s��� '�,i�'be the vnly o�tss, etttrently removi�g' peat from the {i�,L-�e. a.' . � _. .. ..._� _�i..::�,:. .3;� ..<.."�^`.; L ,.. . � . _ ...n,>_ ,m. .. , ... .. . ... �'�w -:�:,�: t("h nx . ....�. �i..a... - Ite, tQ ha aee � �tiaps, bg C� :;;f � �,:. . _ ,� .. , : � µ� �,� , - e � ` ry� ��„�{ S� � �'�. F9 'Y` . t :��r� � • [ S.x a .Y� �p ' . . .. a4' ycv� � �..�e�g .. . _ �.i� � ;�',��' �.; � � �pa�e .1- Y ����� — � `� r 7 �'3 �� .. �� v�t� 8� ° # LIiB .+euistif.ng u�#�� y ;�"e �A�3��i�� � ��st o# the edapai►at�a„ �, ,� �a„ �',;�!$`��+�8$��ld �i�%4�R?4ieBi04��16t t� .;:� � ����I� R6k� �fliECT x , � �#� �ip`�C 'the p��,�ect caID�Ct �rt ff�a� a �t,�� €rom �i►e sf���±3�ee �+r arbs�sa�e aaycth?.ja8 ���t, ��iep dida�L ehave ths �e �-�vx�� thei w8c be� us�d, ; :� _. � . _ ---- -t a- to is ��t at a total loas wfthouE *o�a li�*. =He had hoped titat �Gbe q ��s. �t ,ia more serio� ;;than �y�`�e'e�-eeatroi. ' �- ;: � � }� �S} ty� ne�Ci:ngs. Tbey have �-�;6.-����� ��itho daea avt appeaF tb hayo ��=; ch ataCed the informatioa r ti�='�rb'lttate; haever, they caa advise - �he�e t4�.�a �ad who you �ave to se�. He said �:,�s,:"�yt �enexyo�e seeeed to .Icssow. ��'g,�ast meet£ng, the county 1��,���(sovfch stated he had a meeting �.pe�RiNU� aud.Mr: Raul Rud.::-They gave ig #a,+�r �ih part of East River RoE�d. : �r: seniat phatagiaphy; aad a ��g��srnying} East River 3toad. n of iu�ES�inB 't��;�t � it gafer £or automohile q�g a�arger �sris��# freffic, and make trafffc cars. - . the co y fe�l- st3on, .;x ; li� prp�ect emm�� . Thejl ar@ &Q� g�sve�t►or; �nd 'EFn e said: Rfiex�e is a :�etedad -one of the groject aoamelttee e _ 3"i�eie were gecple thare wha spoke > w�n[ triu ttrjngs: laa*er spee3 limfts ��z��p.tt fhe people aad ,tha countg. ' iaa�ye> t�:;accoam�sdate more treffic, �cPa'�'d3;rectlyapposed. '�ke People �ed�i,�s aad ixfcycli"sts 3s.crazy L�ng �kee. Hrfdley look bad:. :: Al�l Ehe � �f �t►E �'�, wideni.a$ of' t�e right 'x'h#e e�croaCl�AS .an �the residents a��y, It is iu�oesitsle for adults � � brcught up The 'cqunty ' �" the bikeway on the Bast : � ' „ i�. Paripovi.ch stated he ' �yer:8�ad is a terrible plac� ':a �w Ce8 f ` now is looking #or tAe � to eII� ;� Metro-�ouacil firat bef�e ¢y r,r��I, of cour�e, $o through the t�emieadaus €�king at ail levels af �%t�$e.=ts� te7:k, ttk?t tbi:s is some- �!x��x"@-��ia�€�., xe.fia�a c�y t�� 4�y �$�s;��i.th enou&h isafluei�e; t�-�a#ca C.���r feelings liawn. r' �" � - ..��=. : . . �g�.. a . _ -� �. . � ,.: .sc.: ,... . . .�, r�. . . �. ...: ' . . �x3 .: ,F�IIiq.Eif kX�iVTRONMENTAi: �bI�8iI9i�It�i M@ETINGs- 1iTGIIST I7. 197G : Page 4 Mr. Pari�sovf�h stats� ihat t�e on1}� plans that che county::has right now concerns � the area from GeozgeEO+im to �i�si'8#ippi Street. 0ace Fridley pu:t5fn th�t underpass, trsffic will be gatCi4� nEf GfiQ Erseway at East River Road rather thaa I3tzfvarsity because there is a diamcmd �C Univ@rsity and a�loverleaf at East:&iver Road, Accoxding to the courttyy's ca�cvlat�ons, wtth the underpass, Chere! a�iiJ, be a nxturai flow of�ua£fir �r4�',{„"earggtown ap: Eas�� River Road and c}ot�tt Mixsiasippj.� �� under the underpass a�uF e[iQn:eiu to:t�niversfty. It is goi;z�g to produce a tremendous volnme of traffic. Tl'te Ctiurt�y WanEs to look aC Osborne ior an intersection and then the next sCep wos�.d be=-� li�Ck the Osborne fntersection down to the Mississippi iaterBecCion. They don�t ha�re eRy current plexts for anything north of 0sborne. Mr.' Paripovieh sta�ed.tl}ep h�:d eouC�cted Michaei 0'Bannon about the Iight situation �nd had also talked Ctr. Che'e�giaee�s about-it. 'p7i�y caxducteci tesL ste�di.e's to determine Whether or't�ot �fg�ts ar� necessary at 79th, Tt�e test that deCermines wheCher or not lights are.a�sssary can`t make warrants. Miehael 0'��on is going to ta iook into getting a more:�P}rtic�ble test eondueted at -79th. Mr. Paripovich stated they atso £a�warded ta the �wo covmissioners fnvalved with this traffic light thin�', through Me. $eaB£get�aing, a request to hsve timexs put an those'lights rather than the tr�ggering ��stern they nam`have. Thia would heLp s�op-txa£fic periodicalfy. 2he county,is ttmsi#�ering it. Mr,'PaTipovi:ch stated that a$ far as they ean ses; the count�* hasn't given any evidence that they hsve cond�eted �ny teste for air quality or noise levels or anytl�ng, like that aixs�' they;�v� n�a speci£ic �ri�rts to do so. Mr. Patfpovich state�'that � next projeet aoaimittee's iiieeting'is tentatively �_ August 2b. He wi11 cc}ntact',�he Ccxmnission me�iers in the event any of them would like Co attend. :' At'th£s paigt, Mr. ParipovicA stated the count}+ and city have been really helpfui, and the prt�ject comm�ttee ha�n't £elt a need tcs go to any drastic actiona. The oniy khing is Ao one c�in help ti�em with the spee� limit thz�g and maybe they will trq.to wark:on the speed iiu}�.ts through this•Co�mission tn City Gouncil. MY, Langenfeld stated to 2irr:`Parigoyich that �p ]sis knowledge the Fridley Environ- mental Coumiission Shoctld be �bie Co help financ� such itea�s such as .printing, etc., witti the Covqtts�ion's budget, GEI�ER/1i, DTSCUSSION ; 1. Y�e�ME TAGS Mr. Petarsoa ag�ed MYy plson what 8ad happened to the name tags that were supposed to be farthcaaing to the Ca�nissi�'members. Mr,-Ulsan stated that he had put fn an order fox the t►ame tags bub since then there was some questions ra%��d abqut the design.. � .. : ' ` �. = , M, . � � ,_ , �;�„ � �� � � , � �, i� � ���� � � � � � 5 � � � �, � � � �4 � �� � � }.• �z � � � �� � �� `� �rntnr tau taTAT F:tYl�SffiION A�ETffiG AtTGtiE'P �1 t� -'k�}7b F�Se ,5 ,: _ �' ��+ gruee Peterscu�, 8�a<ied by Lee:Ann Sp�fi;3tiex thAt the Fridley Eitvironm�ntal �. ��t�, reguesCS �th�t� Staff make a decision tar°-tit�sag name tags so that. the a�me„;�a�,oaYc be avai2a#te �CO the�Commission as socait�8s�(�ssible. .Upon a voice vote, alk vw�#,ug aye, the motfQn:carried unanimausly. 2. CITi[ BEi4r7TEFICATION PRaGIt.AM �,:u�pksttd"gaye the Co�ir,�sion a short �presentaticm oa Che -City Beautification Program °� .�� ini,tiated last fall. City Staff i� in tlte psbcess'of contacting every �e�cia} aud..industrial progerty owner in tha Ci�y tn:try to make sure the property SYe in cude compliance and suggest impra�et�@sit�a to Ehe property which will ��e the property thereby improving the wQSail� ��?��s atmosphere of the coffiunity, :�,�pue tl�e'property values- of the owners, and �v�;��sstomer appreciation. He said �fighE noHr t&ey are at a voluntary compliaace st�:SAd haFe to try to motivate and g�� cc�nitments for Ymptovements over a certain t#� achedule. AtL7f%TBLBfENNf ^�---�-^.--- : t�If1TIt?1I-b}� &rother Thomas Sullivan, seconded by Mike Paripovich, to adjourn the meet��tg at 9s55 p.m. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion earried 1�ad3mously. � _ � ��tespectfully submitted, �,,,.- � � � � b� e 3aba z ' ` $eeordiag Secretary � ��� � � '� ;�, � � PARKS AND RECI2EATION C0:4SISSION MEETING AUGUST 23, 1976 MEMBERS PRESENT: Bob Peterson, Dave Harris, Leonard Moore, Jan Seeger MEPSBERS ABSENT: Harvey Wagar OTHERS PRESENT: Charles Boudreau, Parks & Recreation Director Ray Weitbrecht, 690 Ironton St. N.E, Roy H. Kiingbeil, 8199 Rivezview Terrace Nicholas Garaffa, 6750 Monroe St. N.E. Chairperson Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. APPROVAL OF JULY 26 1976 PARKS & 1tECREATION COMMISSION rffNUTES 55 � MOTION by Dave liarris, seconded by Leonard Moore, to approve the minutes as written of the July 26, 1976, Parks & Recreation Commission meeting. OPEN FORUM, VZSITORS Nicholas �araffa - 6750 Monroe St. N.E, Mr. Garaffa was at the meeting to present a letter to the Commission for thei: consideration. The letter was addressed to Mr. C. Boudreau and dated AugusC 23, 1976. Mr. Garaffa sCated that the D.F.L. District 46 is planning a day-long ce.lebration on Saturday, October 23, 1976. The planned event will include an afternoon parade fellowed hy an evening meeting. The evening meeting is groposed to be held in a large exhibition-type tent. lle felt the meeCing would draw people from the greater Fridley area. The meeting would not be a fee function, but buttons will be sold to offset Che cost of the function. They caill have speakers from state, federal, and local offices. He said they are asking the Commission if this event can be held at Conunons Park in Fridley as tt�e park is in a localized area to the people in Fridley, MOTION by Dave Harris, seconded by Jan Seeger, to receive Mr. Nicholas Garaffa's letter addressed to Mr. C. Soudreau, dated, October 23, 197ci. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � Mr. Harris stated he has no question about this event Ueiug held in Commons Park as long as it is coordinated with Che Parks & Recreation Department, but he also felt it should be presented to City Council first. The pazks really have been restricted to athletic events. �� m PRRKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 23 1976 Page 2 Mr. Peterson stated that tlxe Commission has also always requested a depasit of � $100 from other organizations which is returned after the grounds are cleaned up. He also stated that October 23 is in the middle of the football season, and if there is a conf2ict, the event could not be held in Commons Park. MOTION by Dave Harris, seconded by Jan Seeger, that the Parks & Recreation recouanends to City Council that the Council grant permission to D.F.L. District 46 to use Commons Park on October 23, 19J6, �aith a$100 deposit for clean-up to be refunded if the park is cleaned up per city standards. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Peterson told Mr. Garaffa that he woutd be notified when his request would be presented to City Council. He thanked Mr. Garaffa for attending the meeting. CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA Mr. Boudreau stated that he had two items to report that were not included on the agenda. They are from the City A[torney: 1. Does the City of Fridley have the authority to regulate swimming in Moore Lake? 1Jhat liabiliry does the City have to provide 2ifeguards to enforce restrictions against swimv�ing? 2. Dea1s with a concession-type of traveling vendor who is in competition with the Moore Lake concession stand and the fooCball concession stand. � Mr. Boudreau stated he has sample ordinances regarding these two items which should be considered, reworked if necessary, and sent to City Council. Mr. Moore presented a letter to the Commission with the following proposals': 1. Mr. Moore stated that Mr. Ray Weitbrecht and Mr, Roy Klingbeil who were in the audience were from his neighborhood. Mr. Moore stated that he had met with these gentlemen, other neighbors, and Mr. Boudreau with a proposal that Riverview Terrace be posted against parking and the use of motorized vehicles on the area from the curb to Rivers Edge, MOTION by Dave Harris, seconded by Leonard Moore, that the Parks & Recreation Commissiott requests that the dike at Rivervier, Terrace from the street to the river be posted with "Motorized Vehicles Prohibited" signs. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Boudreau stated that he would like to check the ordinances and get more information on the question of "no parking" on Riverview Terrace. He stated he would report back to the Commission on this at the September meeting. �� �a � 5� PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETILIG AUGUST 23 1976 Page 3 2. Mr. Moore stated his second p:oposal to the Commission was that temparaty facil.ities for soccer and kickball be erected at Spring- brook Park located in the Riverview Heights Addition. He also asked that the "No Ball Playing" sign in Springbrook Park be so stated to pertain to "batting ball only". He stated this request came directly from a number of boys and girls ranging from age 7 to age 15, anti this pzoposal was decided upon aftex a meeting with the boys and girls, the Neighborhood Project Committee chairperson, Karen Budnick, and himself. Mr. Boudreau stated he felt this request should be made only on a temporary basis in keeping with what the Neighborhood Project Co�nittees might decide for that area; MOTZON by Leonard Moore, seconded by Dave Harris, that the Parks & Recreation Commission requests that facilities for soccer and kickball be erected, on a temporary basis until November 15, 1976, at Springbrook Park located in the Riverview Heights Addition. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimousiy. OLD BUSINESS REPORT ON NEIGABORAOOD PARK PROJECT COMMITTEES � Mr. Boudreau stated that at the lase Commission meeting, he had been asked to contact the Neighborhood Project Committees to find out their status and how they were doing. He said he contacted each one and reported the following: � Neighborhood 1: Chairperson - Karen Budnick They have 7 members. They met on August 5 and will have no problem meeting the deadline. Neighhorhood 2: Chairperson - Bruce Holmes Neighborhood 3: Neighborhood 4 Mr. Boudreau was not able to contact Mr. Holmes. Chairperson - Sharon Bakke They have S members. They have met and will be meeting in the near iuture - will have no problem with the deadline. Chairperson - Byron Butter They have onl)� 2 members and would apprec'�ate Commission help. They are looking for more members on the norCh side of Rice Creek. They hope to meet before August 3U and caill try to makz deadline. The Commission members gave several names to Plr. Boudreau to be passed on Co Mr. Butter. 58 PARKS & RGCREATION COMNIISSION MEETING, AUGUST 23, 1976 Page 4 Neighborhood 5: Chairperson - David McNei1 They have 2 members, are having problems but thought they could handle it and make deadline. Mr. Boudreau encouraged them to increase membership, meet as soon as possible, and get as many members from around the area as possible. Neighborhood 6- Chairperson - Leonard Kos They have 3 members. Mr. Kos has been on vacation and out of town and hasn't been able to get members together. Mr. Kos said they would get information before September 28. Mr. Boudreau encouraged him to get the members together as soon as possible and increase membership. Neighborhood 7: Chairperson - Tom Nielsen They have 9 members. They met on August 10 and are working hard - no problem in meeting deadline. Neighborhood 8: Chairperson - Clay Storley i " They have 9 members and are meeting regularly. The next meeting is August 31. Neighborhood 9: Chairperson - Alice Benson � The} have 5 members and have not yet met, Neighborhood 10: Chairperson - Jim Ekma❑ They have 4 members. Chairperson had been out of town, He stated they will have information by deadline. Neighborhood ll: Cuairperson - Patrick Maxey They have 6 members. Mr. Plaxey has had extensive phone contact, pian to have a meeting around August 10, and wi11 have information by deadline. Neighborhood 12: Chairperson - Jee MaCusovic They have 7 membez-s. They met August 11 and will have no problem getting desired information. � � 59 PARKS & RECREATION COMMLSSION MEETING, AUGUST 23, 1976 Page 5 Neighborhood 13: Chairperson - Kathy Divine � They have 4 members (had 7 but found 3 were in wrong neighborhood), They have sent out Letters for resident input and hope to have all information by deadline. Mr. Boudreau stated he would be calling each neighborhood project canmil-tee again this week. Mr. Peterson suggested to Mr. Boudreau that when he calls that he inform them that if they have any proUlems to call responsible for that neighborhood. REPORT ON CITY RECREATION PR0.TECT COMMITTBE these committees again the Commission memuzr Mr. Boudreau stated thaC the Recreation Project Committee is also meeting tonight and that they are doing fine. Two members have been added: Betty Bacon and David Sabi9tina. They have been meeting regularly and are interviewing other groups in town who offer some form of recreation so they can get the Cotal picture. lie said he has met with them at the last two meetings on a volunteer Uasis to give them whatever information he could. STAT^ REPORT ON RIVERSEDGE PROPERTY Mr. Boudreau stated he did visit the two lots which were presented to the Commission � at the last meeting by Lewis and Velma Farr, who asked the Gommission to consider their request to purchase the adjacent land which abuts their lot (157 Riversedge Way} on the west side. Mr. Boudreau staCed that it would be his action be taken on these two lots until report for that area is received. recommendation to the Commission that no the Neighborhood Project Committee's Mr, Peterson stated that this item should be tabled until the Neighborhood Project Committee's report is received. REPORT ON AOCKEY AND FOOTBfaLL STORAGE BUILDING Mr. Boudreau stated that he, Mr. Lynn Fischer, and Mr. Dick Lombard had mutually agreed on a location for the storage building at the very east end of Cheri Lane Park. It is a site accessible during the winter months, it caill provide a maximum amount of security, and will not hinder or interfere with the overall complete project reports. It is also out of vieca of the neighbors, He sCated that this was passed by City Council and construction is planned to begin September t8, 1976. �� �_ > '� i � PARKS & RGCREATZON COMMISSION M�RTING, AUGUST 23, 1976 Page 6 REVIEW -0F CAPITAI, IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 1977 CJ Mr, Boudreau stated that he had included thc budget for the Commi�sion's information. He said he felt the budget was in keeping with the Commission's recomme.ndations of July 12, with only a few changes. EK FOOT BRIDGE - STINSON EOULEVARD Mr. Boudreau stated he has met with Mr. Dave Torkelson and they went out and viewed the site at Stinson where there is a water Line that runs across the creek and it has a tin covering on top of it. It has been used as a foot bridge and is dangerous. New Brighton at one time attempted to put handrails along it and, evidently, kids tore them off. Since it is going to become county property and part of their trail system, the county will look into it. Mr. Torkelson said it was•a beautiful spot and could see no reason why a footbridge could not be put in. The county has money in its budgeC for next year and construct:on cuuld even start yet this year. Mr. Boudreau stated that the bridge would have a 100 foot span with a chip trail down to it from the north and then up on the south side. Mr. Boudreau stated he has called the people who were concerned about the creek crossfng to inform them of this action. Mr. Harris stated that he felt this was a good time to clean up Rice Creek because of the low water and that it should be done. NEW BUSINESS DEVELOPME�]T OF PARK & RECREATION POLICY MAI4UAL Mr. Boudreau stated he would like to attempt, with the Commission's concern, to develop an overall policy manual that would incorpoxate some decisions similar to the one the Commission made this evening where therc is a$100 deposit on the use of Commons Park and where we are opening the park £acilities to, not only the D,F.L, party, but to other poiitial parties or religious parties. He saiid he would like to develop a policy manual that would pu11 together a lot of the ordinances that we now have involving the use o£ city parks and a 1ot of the decisions this Commission has made regarding the use of city parks. Much of the information he is looking for is people's know2edge that has never, but should be, �rritten down. He said he looks at policies not as a strict rule but as a guideline for the day-to-day husiness, Ae said he is loolcing to the Commission for guidance on what do we wish to do and cahat do we not wish to do with our parl: and recreation program. He state.d he would like to undertake this task and develop a�oticy manual, have the Comcaission review it, and submit it to City Council for their approval so it can become a matter of park ordinance somewhere around the first of the year. • � ` ,. sa PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 23 1976 Pa e 7 � Mr. Boudreau stated that [wo examples of what should become part of the policy manual are the two items he mentioned earlier in Che meeting regarding regulated swimming in Moore Lake and the traveling vendor. Mr. Peterson suggested that the best way to do this would be to break it down into sections and the Commission could look at a section aC a time. MOTION by Dave Harris, seconded by Jan Seeger, that the Parks & Recreation Commission concurs with Mr. Boudreau and that he develop a policy manual and include the two items he presented earlier: (1) regulated swi�mning at Moore Lake; and, (2) traveling vendor. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. SCHOOL/CITY MEETING, AUGUST 17 1976 Mr. Boudreau stated he had attended the August 17 meeting. He shared caith the school people his concern about working on a cooperative basis with the school to help tie the sp1iC that is apparently there between the Parks & Recreation Department and the School Board. He said he got some positive feedback. He said there are some possible projects, that he has been meeting with the school, and talking with them. He feels this is the way to go, He said he felt the school people are willing if we help also OTHER BUSINESS � Ms, Seeger stated to the Commission thae, due to a previous commitment, she is unable to fi11 the position of Ex-Officio Member of the You�_h Center Board of Directors. MOTION by Dave Harris, seconded by Jan Seeger, that Leonard Moore replace Jan Seeger as Ex-Officio Member of the Youth Center Board of Directors for a period of six months. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMEIQT MOTION by Dave Harris, seconded by Jan Seeger, that the meeting be adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, i . Lyn ' Saba Recording Secretary � 62 FOR SOCCER AND KICKD�IL ON SPRINGaR00K PARK From: COMMISSIONER MOORE FOR: UNDERSIGNED 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 .13 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 2i G2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Jeff Gerdert Jerry Lambrecht Tony Miller Mark Kalan Brian Grahovac Kraig Kalan Jeff Andrea Bob Immerman Amy Matison Randy 4ri 11 iams Dan Williams Jeff Budmick Jeff Flaata Steve Hamre Shaun Eastman Eric Eastman Norris Stenson Steve Stoeckel Karen Immerman Carla Watson Tony Watson Brenda Stoeckel Den�se Stenson Dan Olsor. Natalie Miller Mary Nasher Mike Moroz Shelly Andrea Angie Moore Barbie Hasher Cathy Stoeckel Sherry Stoeckel Jackie 6roberg Marna Bro6erg 15 14 13 8 9 9 13 72 14 9 13 i4 15 14 14 ll 14 15 13 15 8 14 13 14 15 11 14 ]2 9 10 13 10 11 10 � CJ � �,� �1=�IU�L-�� . palett� o f the aL ts --- tlieater, r�iuslc, 3..�t, da.nce- ! � � ��iic��e� ��i�ze �2�� �d��2�n���ee 1976 BUDCET REPORT A. General Administrative B. Theater Subcommittee C. Music Subcommittee D. Visual Arts Subcommittee 1976 Theater Objectives Stay Within Budget Total Attendance 1000 9 63 Current Budgeted Actual Expenditures v200 $211.78 2250 200 150 2269•31 Negative Variance 1� Actual 839 - Negative variance 16% 6-3o-7G ..�,",�., a � �B �t ��ULL� 6� � I�a�.�tt� o f tiie arts — t�tieat�i, r�lusic, a.�-t, ciaaice- � ��LGCG�B� �f.37,Q �?,�� ��Q3929YLLLLE6 s i PROrosr� 1973 BuDC�P JUNE 1976 REVISION A. Co�mnittee General Adr.�inistrative Ekpenses B. Theater Subcommittee 1. General Adrninistrative Expenses 2. Community plays February 77 production a. salaries b. production costs set constrnction properties costumes publicity tickets makeup 1200 500 200 300 250 25 _25 2500 C. Music Subcommittee 1. General Administrative �cpenses 2. Honorariums D. Visual Arts Subcommittee 1. General Administrative Ekpenses 2. Honorariums COASMITTEE TOTAL �`200.6� 50.00 September 77 Prodvcti.on 1300 2500 300 i5o 25� 200 25 ?7 2250 150 350 100 20D 800 350 550 � �� 50 50 LBoo .�• 300 5800 -�. i . . , ' �1= K-I UL--L� � � pai.ette� of the a.�-ts -- tliea�:er, 1,lu,sic, a.it, daaice- ' �2�af�e� �i�ae �2�� ��a��z��z���ee 1937 7'm�ding Source Request City oi Fridley Cmmnunity Schools February Play Production Receipts September Play Production Receipts 1976 Play receipts Carried Foi�ard v 6 � Total Funding �1000 1000 130� i5oo 1000 5800 � 6J ,� -� t ' �,� C�r.�.so.u�� '7��..,_'� j ; ��i"�-. � , / 9 7� �-� � ��- ;��� � � �. � � ,�. .� � . , i, �•� � i � , ������ 1� ���� � ��" '13 s � �;'"�.�,�' S��" tv�. � � r, .� r1370.,� ���/�-C�, �'d}?/ �'����E, � ��ib�rr y ! /�,C,� �J me c� ! 5~6 � �� /iN iv1 > (/.� � �C.T /%j /�t1,{f � �s �.� 2� �1 (1Ec rs � s'o �� �l, 2° s G�/.o,v.ro.r/ ,. �m .�1D .1/,� �� + �� � / 3� r '73 "� �� ,u� ` a�� G 7 � l� . a�p � � �� _ ��� � ���o -�,� � . z . �D��� �id� ���� �� _ � � �� _ _. _ -- ,.. _ _ _ ___ � �__- �=� _ � - _� � �