PL 01/07/1976 - 30434� ..-�' ., \ _����. ,, � � � '"`�_ :�� f4 r ,� ,� 4l° > CITY Qf FRIDLEY PLANNNING COiNMISSION hqEETINu CALL TO ORDER: JANUARY 7, 1975 Chairman Harris called the meeting to order at 7:45 P.M. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Others Present: PAGE 1 Langenfeld, Drigans, Peterson, Scott, Harris, Bergman Jerrold Boardman, City Planner Lillian t�leyer, 7868 Alden Way N.E. representing League of Women Voters APPROVE PLANNING COM�IISSION MINUTES: DECEMBER 17, '1975 MOTIOIV by Drigans, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Commission approve the minutes of the Decemb�r 17, I975 meeting as amended. Mr. Scott said he would like to cla�°ify some things about S.A.C.A. that were brought out at �his mee-ting. He said the're was a recommendation that this be a County project, bu� the County didn't want t4 get involved in an area-wide information and referral service. The information ar�d r�ferral service proposed b,y S.R.C.A. v�ould be more local than area-1Nide, and w�uld pro��ide the service for local residents. i-!e said the City Council did allocate the $5�C1 io S.A.C.A. and th�y have s�nce be�r� to �he Columbia Heights Fluman Rights Commission, whe're_they were well ►°eceiv�d, with no finaT decision on the allocation of funds. He said that the �E�TA employee that was working for tbe N�man Resour�es Co�runission said that her first finding was that an information and referral service was needed in Fridley. . t�1r. Drigans said thafi %e felt this service was going to be utilized by the citizens of Anoka County. Mr. Scott said this service would only be made known in the cities in Southern Anoka County, Spring Lake Park, Calumbia Heiyhts and Fridley. t�1r. Drigans said he felt that �Ehis was oper�ing Pandora's ��x because this organization had additional ideas, and so far, we were the only City who was participating in this fu�ding, and he though'c they would be back for additional i'unding. He felt that all �he non-profit organizations in Fri7dley would feel that they had the same �iqh�c to get funding from the City.for their pet project and he thcught there sh�u'� be a line drawn someplace. He said he thought it was a good idea and it was needed, but was this what aur tax dollar was supposed ta be goir�g �ur? He thouyht thz►��z could have been som� other type of fund raising tried before they came �o the City. Mr. Harris said he ��?�, that how the City sp�nt their money was a mai:ter of priorities. � Mr. Bergman said that on page 11 un�er new a�pointments to member corrr�nnissions, i�e said he want�d tiie fiirs�� spntence amended to say that one member had only atten�ed a fe� mee�in7s. UPON A vu;.ce vo�e,. aII voting ays, the motion carried trnanimously. - ..���"�; Planning Cor�nission Meetinq - January 7, 1976 Page 2 RECEIVE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MINUTES: DECEMBER 18, 1975 , MOTION by Langenfeld, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Commission ��'�'`' receive the Environmental Quality Corr¢nission rreinutes of the December 18, 1975 �-- meeting. Mr. Boardman said the recorrunendations of the Environ�ental Quality Commission on the 3.2 beer ordinance should be referred to at the time the Planning Commission reviews this ordinance. This would be after they got input from some of the other Commissions. UPON a voice vote, a11 voting'aye, the mo�ion carried unanimously. RECEIVE APPEALS COMMISSION (�INUTES: DECEMBER 30, 1975 MOTION by Drigans, seconded by LangenfeZd, that the Planning Comm�ssion recieve the Appeals Commission minutes of the meeting of December 30, 1975. Mr. Drigans said the Appeals Commission had received the authority to act on variances on residential property (R-1) and would have such an item on their agenda for thei�° first meeting in January. UPON a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT: 7840 ELM STREET N.E., B� PACO MASONRY DESCRIPTION �, �� � This permitis for the construction of a warehouse building at 7840 Elm � Street N.E. The building is to be constructed of masonry and brick and wi11 have a total floor area of 8,400 square feet (70 feet by 120 feet). The buildin� design is similar to other Paco buildings in the area. There is ample parking space with 8 stalls needed and 10 stalls provided. Additional parking space can be obtained on the property to the south through a joint agreement when needed. The landscaping is similar to other buildings in the area, however, additional landscaping in the front of the building would accent the properiy. ENGINEERING: Poured cancrete curbing should be pi°ovided in the parking lot area. - ENVIRONMENT: The proposed project will fit in well with the other buildings in this area. STIPULATIONS: None C �OTION by Langenfeld, seconded by Drigans, that the Planning Commission receive the administrative staff report on 7840. E1m Street N.E., by Paco Masonry. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried Tananimously. �"°�_ Mr. Boardman said there would be no vari�nces necessary for this building. . i . �� t '�''V. ti,�,, .� ,�..� ' � �. _� � �� Planninq Commission Meeting - January 7, 1976 � Page 3 DEVELOPMENT OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Mr. Boardman said he would like to explain the direction he wou�d like to see the goals and objectives take so they would fit in with program budgeting. Minneapolis has a policy guide type program that he would like to use as a format in helping to set up the Planning Commission goals and objective$. It has set up a certain goal with the objectives, and from that they have set up their principle policies on it, and with these principle policies, they set up their program policies and also illustrative targets and performance criteria. They then show how they wil? fit into program budgeting. He said that in this way we can be sure that the goals and objectives that are set up are related to the budget as they should be. . Mr. Boardman said �hat when the Planning Commission goals and objectives have been determined they would fit �ery nicely into this type of system, because by setting up these goal.s �nd objectives, and then breaking them down into policy and impiementation programs, you would already have programs that they were working on. It will give a good aid in esiablishing our priorities. We-know . how much money we will have in the coming years, and we can break it down into priori'cies that we have listed under our goals and objectives�. He thought this was a good direction to think about. Mr. Peterson asked if the proposed housing plan would be part of the Planning Commission's goals and objectives? Mr. Boardman said this was the next thing he wanted to discuss. He said the Planning Commission should take some kind of a stand on the goals and objectives in the housing plan before this plan goes to the City Council. MOTION by Driqans, seconded by Scott, that the Planning Commission rec�ive the rought draft of the Comprehensive Housing Plan. Upon a voice vote, aIl voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Boardman said the Planning Commission would not be discussing this plan until they had input �from the member Commissions. Mr. Langenfeld askEd if the way the goals and objectives were incorporated into �he housing �lan was the way other goals and objectives would be worked in�to other plans. Mr. Boardman said that when the goals and objectives were established by the Planning Commission and the City Council, then these goals and objectives would be the goals and objectives of the City. With comprehensive planning, we would plug those goals and objectives into that plan. Mr. Drigans asked Mr. Qoardman to explain to Lillian Meyer, representative of the League of Women Voters, what h�d been done on the goals and �bjectives by'�he member Gommissions and where they were in this whole program. Mr. Peterson said that Ms. Meyer had been present at the Parks & Recreation Commission meetinc� when they had worked on their goals and objectives. Mr. Qoardman said that up to this point, the City had never estab1ished viable goals and objectives to detev�nine what direction they should take in the future. He said the thought behind the reorganization of the Planning Commission was that they become more involved in the policy decisions ancl recommendations to the City Council. As �chey are the main pianr�ing body, they should be involved in future �lanning. It ti�as determined -�hat the f�rst thing they would need would be goals �nd objectives. �'hese goals and objectives would set the pace and policies to be estat�lisMed for the next �0 to 15 years. Ne said that each member Commission made their -�'-�� Planning Commission Meeting - January 7,�1976 Page 4 recommendations to the Planning Commission on the goals and objectiVes for their particular area of interest, which were reviewed by the Planning Corroniss'�a,n,.,�., Now it was up to the Planning Commission to start putting these things together.- to determine some viable goals and objectives. These will then go to the City Council. Mr. Peterson asked what format they were going to use to establish their goals and objectives? Mr. Boardman said they would follow the format that he had mentioned before as a pol�cy guide he had received from Minneapolis. He said he had copies of this guide for each member of the Commission which they could study to see how this applied to what they were trying to do. He said the goal areas could be environment, parks & recreation, human resources, health, housing, etc. The first thing they would have to establish were the goal areas. He said these could cover broad areas or specific areas. Mr: Scott said he liked this format. � There was discussion by the members of the Planning Commission that the goals and objeci:��es that had been establishEd by member Commissions be combined and used as'a beginning by the Planning Commission in establishing their goals and objectives. Mr. Bergman said he would like to take all the comments made and combine them in a motion. He said he didn't see why they should try to do something as a graup that administration could do in one tenth of the time and in very good fashion. MOTION by Bergman, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Commission reques,,t� of the administration that tne goals and objectives as developed by member Cormni ; sions be grouped or suhjectized as identified by these goa.Zs and objectives, and bring them back to the Planning Commission in an organized, consolidated fashion, e.Ziminating duplications, for Planning Commission review. Mr. Peterson said that the Planning Commission would still have the individual packets of the original goals and objectives of each Commission so that if they felt that some�hing their �articular Commission felt strongly abou� wasn't included in this consolidation, that Commission member could bring it �ap at the time of the review. i�lr. Langenfeld said he wouldn't want the intent of some of the member Con�nission`s goals and objectives completely changed or lost in this consolidation, but he thought this was the best way to start. ' Mr. Scott said he would speak against this motion, because he thought that by asking staff to establish the goals we would be losing the citizen input from the planning process which he felt should be a concern of the Planning Commission. He said that if the Planning Commission would establish the goal areas, the statements that would follow those goals could be sorted out later. He said he thought they should get staff guidance on �f�e goal areas� rather than have the staff guide us. He didnoadthoal areasuldHeesa�duthengoal statementshcould bessorted�outtlatere it's br g Mr. Bergman said he was not asking administration to determine the goal areas because he thought they were already spelled out in the member Commission's goals and objectives. He was just ask�ing the staff tc organize the objectives under the.goals already established so there wouldn't be duplication. He said he�wan� the goals and �bjectiv�:s cor,;bined into a i�ormat that the Planning Commission ccu y� deal ��vith. Mr. Lar�genfeld sdid he dian't feel that in anyway this motion �tias eliminating the ci±izen input. . _.,-�-.� - Planning Commission Meetinq - January 7, 1976 Page 5 Mr. Peterson said he had seconded the motion because he felt the member Commissions had already given the directian they wanted to go, and he felt the member Corrunissions had more citizen participation in formulating their goals ��_- and objectives than the Planning Commission. . �_� Chairman Harris'asked Mr. Boardman if they were going to discuss the goals and objectives of the proposed housing plan at this meeting. Mr. Boardman said he thought they would. Mr. Petersan said he thought this question was out of order because he didn't think they should be discussing anything in the proposed comprehensive housing plan until they got input f rom the member Commissions. Mr. Boardman said that it could be possible that the Planning Commission would have . more goals than were brought out by the member Commissions because they will cover a broader area. He said.he would like to have the housing goals discussed at this meeting, because we already know that will be one of the goal areas of the . Planning Commission. The Comprehensive Housing Plan is now in the process of being reviewed, and the goals and objectives for housing have already been approved by the member Commissions. He said the Planning Commisssion already had input from the member Commissions on housing, and he thought they should get into these goals and objectives before they have the public hearing on the proposed Comprehensive . Housing Plan. � �� � �� rr Mr. Bergman said he would l;ke to clari�y his motion. It was merely to request that the City administration do some gro�ping under subjects already quite broad in scope. He said there were a lot of duplications, and he though� staff could do this much faster than we could at �this meeting, without losing the context of the total goals and objectives, and asking the staff to preser�t this back to us. This would give the Planning Commission the opportunity to check it agains� what our own Commission had r�commended. He didn't see how they could lose anytf�ing with that checking oppor�unity. He said �what Mr. Boardman had done with the goals and abjectives in the proposed housing plan was what he wanted done with all the goals and objectives. He said that at the Community Development Commission meeting, they had checked th��goa7s and objectives in the housing p1an, and felt that none of the context of their Commission had been lost. He thought this would save the Planning Commission a lot of time. Mr. Scott s�id he thought he had misunderstood the motion. Mr. Drigans said he thought one of �the things that had been overlooked was the timing. Ne said that when the member goals and objectives were reviewed by the Planning Commission, there were suggested changes and additions made, and he had never found in any of the member Commission minutes �hat these changes or additions have ever been addressed by the member Commissions, so he�didn`t see how administration could take the original goals and objectives and work from them. Re thought i� k�as important that the Planning Commission had spent many hours reviewing the goals and objectives, but h� hadn't seen any revisions as yet. Mr. Boardman said he didn't think this was supposed ta be a question and answer type thing where the Commission would send up their recommendations for goals and objectives and the Planning Commis�on would send �hem back for recommenda- tions for changes, so that each Commission would send up goals and objectives that were pleasing to the Planning Commission. This vras just meant to be input from �the member Co�nissions, and if the Planning Com�nission wants to mak� changes on that input, the Planning Commission can make the changes. Mr°. Drigans said he felt that the Planning C�rr�m�ission had not seen the fruit of their work on these goals and objectives. Mr. Boardma� said tl�is was because the Planning Commission still had a lot of work to do on these goals and objectives. Mr. Langenfeld said that all the time the goals and �bjectiues were being reviewed, it was stre�sed that �hese were only rec�mm�ndations and wer� not binding as hard and fast rules. . ������, E� Planning Commission Meeting - Jaauary 7, 1976 ' Page 6_ �,��-. �� . � Mr. Boardman said that under the reorganiza�ion, the Planning Commission was given the sole responsibility for recammending policy decisions to the City Council. Member Commissions may be asked by the Planning Commission for their�-��,,, recommendations on policy decisions, but the primary function of the member Co�r�nissions vras the implementation of policy decisions. UPON A VOICE VOTE, a11 voting aye, the raotion carried unanimously. Ct�airman Harris said he thought they should talk about housing goals. Mr. Drigans asked if the housing goals in the comprehensive housing plan were taken from the original recommendations, or if the changes recommended by the Planning Commission had been incorporated into them. Mr. Boardman said they - had been taken from the original goals and objectives as proposed by the member Co►�nissions. Mr. Bergrnan said his Cor�mission had reviewed the housing plan at their last meeting and had paid particular attention to the housing goals and objectives. He said they had recommended that some changes be made. We also suggusted that they drop.the Commission titles. He said the Community Development Commission was satisfied with the goals and objectives in this housing code, and he thought each Commissioner could review it the same way when th° goals and objectives come back in groupings from tr�e administration. Mr. Boardman said the Commission headings would be dropped, but in the rough drait they felt they had to have something to relate to. Chairman Harris asked when they wanted to get off the subject and get on with the housing gaals and objectives. Mr. Bergman said the housing goals and objectives should be included with the other they were asking the administration to prepare. of procedure he thought groupings Mr. Langenfeld said he thought they might have to drop their other goals �- just for the present and get going on the housing goals and objectives. Mr. -- Scott said he agreed with this suggestion. Mr. Bergman said that the Community Development Commission would still be reviewing the Comprehensive Housing Plan, with these goals and objectives, at their next meeting, and it seemed out of context for the Planning Commission to be reviewing them at this meeting. Mr. Boardman said the huusing goals and objectives were recorrunended by the member Commissions to the Planning Commission, and the Planning Corrunission had reviewed those recommendations, so he didn't feel it was out of context for the Planning Commission to review the goals and objec�ives ofi the camprehensive plan at this meeting. He said the only reason these goals and objectives were used in the plan was because the Planning Corrunission hadn't set up any goals and objectives on housing. If we don't do �h�s at this meeting, we will only have the January 21st meeting to review the entire comprehensive plan before the public hearing on January 28th. Mr. Bergman asked Mr. Boardman if he felt all thE duplications had been eliminated. Mr. Boardman said he couldn't say that all the duplication had been eliminated, but pretty much so. He said there were iour goais from the Community Development Commission, and one goal from Human Resources, a�d the goals didn't have to be approved as they were laid out. He said he wanted the Planning Commission 1;0 look at the contents of each goal and see if that was the direction they wanted to go. Mr. Peterson said that goal #3 states "Develop, maintain and enforce a planned, well bala�nced land use system". He felt that with this goal you would have to.be looking at open space and�park.areas, because housing without parks� or parks without housing, was not consistent, yet in the Parks & Recreation Commission goals and objectives, we have a goal of pro�riding people oriented - - �-��� Planning Commission Meeting - January 7, 1976 Page 7 _�,�^ , parks and yet there was nothing said about that type of land use under goal #3. _ _ Ne said that he agreed with Mr. Bergman that until the grouping was done on all the goals and objectives, he thought the Planning Commission would be wasting their time. � r"'�� � MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Langenfeld, that the Planning Commission take a 15 minute brea k, and then come back and from 10:00 to 11:0� P.M. discuss the housing goals to give staff some direction. ' Mr. Boardman said the housing goals are of primary importance ir� putting the Compr.ehensive Housing Plan together. Mr. Harris said the survey t�lls us pretty much where we were. We need to ask ourselves wnat we are trying to accomplish and wher� we want to go from here. UPON � vc�c_� vote, 311 vctir� ay�e, the motaon carried .unar°imousZy. Chai�man Harris dec7are� a recess at 9:45 P.M, and reconvened the meeting at 10:00 P.M. Mr. Boardman said he would rather seQ someth.in� in the goals like.what was the Minneapolis policy guide which states "Assure individuals and families, without discrimination, a choice qi we11-designed iypes of housing in varied, distinctive and satisfying living environments at costs which d� nut compromise essen�ial needs and wants". MOTION by Scott, seconded b� Bergman, that the Planning Commission appz•ove GoaZ #2 with the addition of "withou� disc�imination". This goaZ wouZd then read "Provide for and maintain, without discrimination, a diversity of suitable hoasing and living environments within the community". Mr. Langenfeld ask�d if this would be th� primary hous�ng goal. Mr. Scott said they might com� up with another goal statement later on. UPOlJ A VOICE VOTE, a11 coLing aye, the motion carried unanimously. in othe Chairman Harris asked if �hey wanted to disc�ss objectives under this gGal. Mr. Scott said he would like to see something included about the neighborhood concept idea and abou�� housing maintenance. He would also like to see something about the promo�ior� of underground utilities due to inclement weather conditions. Mra Langenfeld said that t�:s Comprehensive Housing Plan mentions what has happened in f�inredpolis and Col���bia Heighis and he would like t� see something in the goals which would prevent that�happening in Fridle�." h1r. Feterson said he tivould like to see all six goals adopted because they all relate to housing. HQ said that if they could reach all �hese goals, this would alleviate the �roblem that Mr. Langenfeld referred to. Mr. Langenfeld said he thought these problems should be men�ion�d as the reason we are having these particular goals and objectives. Mr. Bergman said ii� Lhought vJhat Mr. Langenfeld would like would be a summary of trends or problems vahich we are roncerned �bout, tNhich would be inserted just before the goals and objectives. Planning Commission Meeting - Janua� 7, 1976 Page 8 Mr. Peterson said he t�ought the goal was sti�l primary, and this statement could be put in before the objectives. Mr. Bergman felt that the objectives were not identifications of problems. , �,;�-� � Mr, Boardman saTd the goal should be the primary statement. Our objectives should state where we want to go. We have to provide housing at costs which do not compromise other essential wants or needs. We've got to take a look at low and moderate income housing. He have to look at quality living environment. How do you achieve this? The Planning Cor�nission would also have to look at preservation and the updating of existing neighborhoods. Mr. Peterson said that when you talk about low and moderate income housing, then you have to also talk a�bout distribution. Mr. Harris said he liked the first objectives under Goal #2 which says they should provide a wide range or adequate housing opportunities for people of all income levels, age groups, and ethnic backgrounds. Mr. Urigans said that ��hen you taik�about the distribu�ion o� low and moderaLe income housing, the first thing that people think about is sub-standard housing. Maybe we should add quality built low and moderate income housing. Mr. Bergman said that if the Planning Commission was goinq to address this point, it ►�o�ald be hard to state it so that no �ne would.take exception to it. Mr. Boardman said Fridley was developed so far already, we can'� talk about distribution of low and moderate income housing units, we have to be talking about the distribution . of people. Mr. Bergman said tf�ey were missing one of tr�e points in distribution and that was to avoid the occurance of a ghetto, and that is housing. Mr. Langen- feld said it could state somewhere that these goals and objectives were people --�� oriented. Mr. Scott said maybe we should come right o�at and say ghettn, i�f thfis _ was what the low and moderate income statement was about. � Mr. Peterson said that "people" could probably be worked into our goal rather than just in some of the ohjectives. Mr. Bergman said that Goal #2 could read "Provide for and maintain, without discrimination, a suitable housing and living environment for all pe�ple within the community." h1r. Boardman said that saying "within our community" seemed restricting, because these housing goals should apply to anyone wanting to move into Fridley, and did not follow the metropolitan concept idea. Amended MOTION by Scott, seconded by Ber,rman, that•Goa1 #2.read "Provide for and maintain in the corrm�unity, without discrimination, a diversit� of suitable housing and living environments for a11 persons". Upon a voice vote on the � amended motion, a1Z voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Boardman said he liked the goal as changed by Mr. Scott. He said we were talking about households, not just housing. f�lr. Drigans said there was one area in �he objectives that hasn`t been discussed, and that was to encourage the development of advanced technology in our building industry for the purpose of conserving resources and energy. He also felt that the first objective under Goal #2 was not redu�dant with the change in the goal itself. Mr. Boardman said this cou�d be replaced with the statement to provide housing at costs which do not compromise other essential �,� wants or needs. - � - �..�,� ,.: G ��. �'� ,r,��- �� � �^4-� -Y Planning Commission Meeting January 7, 1976 � Page 9__ MOTION bg Drigans to delete the first objective under GoaZ #2 because it was redundant. Chairman Harris asked if he would withdraw his motion and let the staff work on these objectives because if was no w 11:05 P.M. and they had a previous motion that the discussion only be continued until 11:00 P.M. , Mr. Drigans WITHDREW his motion. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Langenfeld, that the meeting be adjourned. � Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the Planning Commission meeting of January 7, 1976 adjourned at 1I:07 P.M. m ��s