PL 06/08/1977 - 6611� � City of Fridley A G E N D A PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA JDNE 8, 1977 CALL TO ORDER: ROI,L CALL: AFPROVfi PLANNING COMMISSSION M2NLiTES: MAY;18, 1977 lo 7:30 P.M. PAGES 1 - 19 CONTINUED: REZONING REQUEST, ZOA #7'7-03, BY C. D. 20-:27 CHA3�DLER: To rezone Lot , Bloc ,. o son s River Latne d tion, from R-1 (Single family dwelling areas) ' to R-3 (multiple family dwelling areas), and rezone Lots 2 and 3, Block 2, Johnson's River Lane Addition. from C-15 (local shopping areas) to R-3 (multiple family dwelling areas), so these three lots can be used for the construction of a row house development and/or townhouses, generally located between 64 1/2. and Mississippi Place, on the West side of East River Road. PubTic Hearing open, 2. LOT SPLIT REOUEST: L.S. #77-05. SY MORRIS J. LONGER- 28 - 31 $ONE: Split Lot 28, Auditor's Subdivision No. 92, into three parcels as follows: Parcel i: The 5outh 72 feet of Lot 28(5895 Arthur Street N.E.), Parcel II: T.he North 72 feet of the South 144 feet (5875 Arthur Street N.E.) both as,measured at right angles to the South line thereof, subject to the rights of the City of Fridley in Arthur Streeti N•.�E., and Parcel III: That part of Lot 28, lying North of the South 144 feet as measured at riqht angles to the South line thereof, together with that part of Gardena Avenue vacated, also sub}ect to the rights of the City of Fridley in Arthur Street N.E. and in Gardena Avenue, (1494 Gardena Avenue N.E.) 3. VACATION REQUEST, SAV �77-05, CITY OF FRIDLEY: 32 - 35 Vacate the 25 foot riqht of way or Lakeside Road for 276 feet on Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision No.108, because of a change in street pattern. (The City now has a 50 foot right of way for 73 1J2 Avenue that cul-de-sac`s on the Replat of Marxen Terrace.) '� 4. RECEIVE ENVIRONMENTAL �UALITY CON�IISSION MINUTES: 36- 42 _.. MAY 17, 1977 � � � Planning Commission Agenda June 8, 1977 Page 2 5. RECEIVE PARRS & RECREATION COMMISSIO� M&Y 23, 1977 6. RECEIVE CONAfIIi1ITSC DEVELOPMENT COMNSISf MAY 25, 1 7. CONTINUBD: PROPOSED ASAINTENAI3CE CODE 8. OTHER HUSINESS: �^ � ADJOURNMENT: MINUTES: ON MINUTES: PAGES 43 - 51 52 - 57 Separate CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING May 18, 1977 ' � CALL TO ORDER� Chairperson Harris called the meeting to order at 7:4� P•M• � ROLL CALL: Members Present: Storla, Bergman, Harris, Schnabel, Langenfeld Members Absent: Peterson Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, City Planner APPROVE PIANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: May 4, 1977 Mrs• Schnabel clarified the ninth paragraph on Page 8, the second sentence• She said it should read, ^She said that each of the four lots individually••••^ Mrs• Schnabel corrected a typographical error on Page 21� fifth paragraph• It should read ^Mr• Frank wanted to know if the entire area on the drawing was zoned as R-1"• Mrs- Schnabel wanted the eighth paragraph on Page 22 to indicate that Mr• Wyman Smith was representing Dr• Sakamoto, the owner of the property- MOTION by Mr• Langenfeld, seconded by Mr• Bergman, that the Planning Commission minutes of May 4, 1977, be approved as amended• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously• 1• PUBLIC HEARING: REZONING REQUEST ZOA �77-02, BY ROBERT FLATEN� Rezone Lot 41� Block 1, Spring Brook Park A ition, from M-1 {light industrial areas} to R-1 {single family dwelling areas}, so it can be combined with Lot 42, Block 12, Spring Brook Park Addition, {already zoned R-1}, to make a residential building site, the same being 176 Ely Street N•E� MOTION by Mrs• Schna6el, seconded by Mr- Langenfeld, to open the public Hearing Rezoning Request ZOA � 77-02, by Robert Flaten• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, thairperson Harris declared the Public Hearing open at 7:48 P•M• �r• Robert Flaten of 7424 West Circle was present- � PLANNING COMMISSION ME[TING — MAY 18, 1977 Page 2 Mr• Boardman explained that the petitioner planned to combine Lots 41 and 42 so that he could construct a one-family residence• Lot 42 is zoned R-1, however, Lot 4L was zoned M-1• The request � is to rezone Lot 41 to an R-1 Lot• Mr� Flaten sai� that he wanted to build a house on the Lots• He said that when he applied for a Building Permit he had been inFormed that he would have to apply for a Rezoning of Lot 41• Mrs• Schnabel wanted Co know if he planned to live in the house or if he planned to build it for re-sale• Mr• Flaten indicated that he intended to live in the house• Chairperson Harris wanted to know the frontage on the two lots• Mr• Boardman explained that both lots were 3D-foot Lots• He said that the two lots combined would make a 6�-foot Lot upon Which Mr• Flaten could construct a single-family dwelling• Chairperson Harris wanted to know if there were any adjacent M-1 properties� Mr• Boardman explained where the industrial sites were located in regards to the lots in question� MOTION by Mr• Langenfeld, seconded by Mr• Bergman, to close the public Hearing Rezoning Request ZOA #77-02 by Robert Flaten• �pon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Harris declared the PuBlic Hearing closed at 7:55 P.M- MOTION by �r• Langenfeld, seconded by Mr• Bergman, that the planning Commission recommend.to the City Ceuncil approva� of the Rezoning Request ZOA �77-�2, by Rabert Flaten, to rezQne Lot 41� Block 12, Spring Brook Park Addition, from M-1 {light industrial areas} to R-1 {single family dwelZing areas}, so it can be combined with Lot 42, 81ock 12, Spring Brook Park Addition, {already zoned R-1}� to make a residential huilding site, the same being 176 E1y Street N•E• Chairperson Harris asked Mr• Boardman if there would be any easement problems- Mr• Boardman indicated that there would not be any easement problems� UFON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously• � � • PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING — MAY 18, 1977 - page 3 � 2• PUBLIC HEARING� REZONING REQUEST, ZOA �77-03, BY C• D� CHANDLER= ftezone Lot 1� B oc , Jo nson s River Lane Ad ition, from R-1 {single family dwelling areas} � to R-3 {multiple femily dwelling areas}, and, rezone Lots 2 and 3, Block 2, Johnson's River Lane Addition, from C-1S {local shopping areas} to R-3 {multiple family dwelling areas} so these three lots can be used for the construction of a 7 unit row house development and/or townhouses, generally located between 64 1/2 Way and Mississippi P1ace on the West side of East River Road N•E• MOTION by Mr• Langenfeld, seconded by Mrs• Schnabel, to open the Public Hearing on the Rezoning Request, ZOA �77-03, by C• D• Chandler. Upon a voice vote. aI1 voting aye, Chairperson Harris declared the public hearing open at 7:58 P.M. Mr• Boardman explained that there were three lots involved in the request• He said that Lots 2 and 3 were zoned C-1S and Lot 1 was zoned R-1� He said that the request was to rezone all three lots to R-3 so that the lots can be used for the construction of a row-house development and/or townhouses• Mr• Boardman continued to explain that Mr• Chandler had proposed building a certain type of dwellings, however, with that particular design he could only fit six units on the property while the square footage of the property would allow the � construction of eight units• Therefore, he said that Mr• Chandler decided to first get a rezoning of the property and then he would proceed with the planning of exactly what would be built on the property� Mr. Chandler of 11320 Mississippi Drive and Mr• Talbot of Calhoun Realty were present• Mr• Chandler explained to the Commission that he had owned the property for about 15 years and was now trying to build something on the property in order to get back his investment• He had pictures of the property, surrounding areas and buildings, and the types of units he was contemplating• He indicated that he felt that what he planned for the property would be a good use for the particular lots and location- Mrs• Luckow of 161 - 64 1/2 Way N•E• wanted tn know if Mr• Chandler had any definite plans of what he was going to build on the Lats and if they would be for rental or re-sale� She also wanted to know what size the units would be• Mr- Chandler indicated that at that point he had no definite pians• He pointed out that whatever he would do would meet all the existing codes- He wasn�t sure if the property would be for rental purposes or sold• He also said that he wasn't sure � of the size uf the units• I'LANN�NG CUI'!!'11S�1VN PlttlllV[a — I'IHT Ln, L�rr rtlye Y hlr• Talbat of Calhoun Real.ty explained that everything they had proposed to that point in time had not met various codes and would have needed numerous variances• He indicated that the owner had decided to first get the rezoning and then get togeth� with the City and decide exactly what could be built on the property that would meet all existing codes• Mr• Fred Poster of 6441 Riverview Terrace expressed disappointment that he had not been notified of the Public Hearing especially since they would be greatly effected by the proposed plan since they lived'on the corner of 64 1/2 Way and Riverview Terrace• He also indicated that he was greatly disappointed in the present multiple dwellings in the area• He said that the people living in the apartments in the area didn�t pay attention to posted speed signs; he said that there wasn't adequate off-street parking so that cars were always parked up and down the streets• He continued by saying that the nearby apartments were not neat and were not kept up• He said there was a7.ways garbage around the yard and most were detrimental to the area• Mr• Foster felt that with the taxes he had to pay he didn*t want to see any more apartment buildings in the area• Chairperson Harris tried to explain to Mr• Foster why he hadn`t been notified of the public Hearing• He said that City Hall couid have slipped up and not sent him a notice• However, he continued by saying that there had been a sign posted on the property indicating that there was to be a Public Hearirg on the property• He said that City Hall most � definitely tried to be sure that everyone that would be concerned or effected by the rezoning was notified• He apologized for the oversight• Mr• Dennis Phitzner of 6430 Riverview Terrace agreed with what Mr• Foster had said regarding the present apartment buildings and the people living therein• He felt that more apartment buildings would only give more headaches to the home oidners in the area• Mr• Luckow of 161 - 64 1/2 Way N•E• questioned the construction of a seven-unit row house on the three lots- He wanted to know how many square feet would be for off-street parking• Chairperson Harris said that an off-street parking stall was 10 x 20 feet or 200 square feet• Mrs• Schnabel indicated that the current ordinance required off-street parking• She said that 1-1/2 stalls had to be allowed for each one-bedroom unit and two stalls for each two-bedroom unit and 2-1/2 stalls for each three bedroom unit � PLANNING CO�MISSION MEETING — MAY 18, 1977 - Page 5 � Mr• Chandler indicated to the audience that he was requesting a higher and better use for the property• Mrs• Foster indicated that all•the children played in a park located near the lots in question• She said that the park was the only play area for the children and she couldn't see bringing in seven more families, with children• She said what the area really needed was more recreation area and not more apartments• Mrs� Luckow wanted clarificetion as to exactly what could be constructed on a C-1S Lot• Chairperson Harris read to the audience exactly what would be allowed on a C-1S Lot• pt that point Mr• Boardman said that on C-1S properties, 160 foot frontage was required• He said that the Commercial property did not meet that requirement• He said that the Commercial only had about y/2 of the required square footage• Mr• Chandler indicated that what he had been told by the guilding Inspector did not agree with what Mr� Boardman had said• He said that he would take it back to Court• He said that he had an investment of over $40,��0 and he wasn't • going to put up with the City condemning his property from any use• Mr• Bergman wanted to know if Lats 2 and 3 were ever large enough to build as C-1S- Mr• Boardman indicated that Lots 2 and 3 were never large enough to meet the square footage requirements to build as C-1S• He said that they could be buildable with a variance- Mr• Boardman went on to exp�ain that there was an exclusion in the R-1 District code that would allow an R-1 lot to be used as a parking lot by getting a Special Use Permit� He said that together with Lots 2 and 3, Lot 1 could be used as parkin9 area, therefore, making lots 2 and 3 buildable C-1S Lots• Mr• Chandler indicated that his request was a very natural request and it would be an upgrade for the property• He asked them to realize that the entire street had apartment buildings• � Mr• & Mrs� Foster indicated that they would like to see some plans• PLANNING CO�MISSION MEETING — MAY 18, 1977 Page 6 Mr• Chandler said that he didn�t have any definite style plans f at that time• He indicated that whatever was planned for those lots, that all City Codes would be met• He said that the first thing he wanted to do was to get a rezoning of the property and that he would proceed from that point• Mr• Foster asked Mr• Chandler that if.he got the lots rezoned to R-3, would he try to get eight units on the property• Mr� Boardman indicated that if Mr• Chandler had the right design, that eight units could be constructed on that property• �rs• Foster asked if Mr• Chandler planned for a yard area• Mr• Chandler said that he would have alI the required setbacks� Mrs� Lukow wanted to know if provisions would be mada for chiidren• Mr• Boardman indicated that there were no requirements to provide play areas for the children• Cl�airperson Harris made reference to the Plat as to the 20•1� foot ailcy that was iocated next to 64 1/2 Way- Mr• Foster indicated that when they moved into the area, they � had a private drive-way onto E�st River Road- He said that now the street had taken up the alley• Chairperson Harris wanted to I<now how much of the property in question had been taken for the East River Road and Mississippi Street intersection improvement� Mr• Chandler indicated that approximately 30 feet had been taken from both ends of the Lot• Chairperson Harris asked if the property would have been a legal C-1S lot before the condemnation• Mr• Boardman said that even before the condemnation, the lots were not buildable C-15 lots� He said that very probably the City would have NAD to grant a variance since Mr• Chandler would have had just cause for a hardship• Mr• Langenfeld asked Mr• Chandler if his plans were speculative at that time• ' Mr• Chandler said that he had a contract for the purchase of the land if and when the property.was rezoned• � � � � PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING — MAY 18, 1977 Page 7 Chairperson Harris asked Mr• Chandler if his contractor would draw a site plan• Mr• Chandler indicated that he had already drawn up three site plans and had gotten no resul•ts• He said that they really needed the rezoning first� Mr• Boardman explained the other requests that Mr• Chandler had made and whaC had happened on each of them• He said that the last plan he saw was for five two-bedroom units and three three-bedroom units• Mr• Boardman indicated that the plan would be for a two-story unit in answer to a question by Mr• Foster• Mr• Phitzner didn't like the idea that the City put in a park that was not and would not be large enough to handle the children in the area• Also he said that the Park was located on a street that was basically dangerous due to the abundance of traffic contributed to by the apartment complexes in the area• pt that point, Chairperson Harris said that he considered this request a major rezoning and that i.t was not unusual to require a site plan• He indicated that he would not be able io vote on the request until he saw a site plan• Mr• Langenfeld wanted to know, if the rezoning was granted, when Mr� Chandler would plan ta start constructinn• �r• Chandler responded that actually he had no idea but figured probably sometime in the Fall• Mr• Langenfeld explained to the audience and Mr• Chandler that the Commission had to make their dec�sions based on the City Codes and Ordinances• Ne said that in this case it should be noted that the members of the Commission were very concerned about the safety of the children in the area as well as the general safety of the public• He continued to say that they had to keep in mind that the request was to rezone two lots presently zoned C-1S and one lot zoned R-1 to three lots zoned R-3- He said that it should 6e kept in mind that any of the previously stated commercial enterprises could be constructed on the lots in question• He said that he only made the statement for informative purposes� Mrs• Schnabel wanted to know Mr• Chandler's explanation of Row Houses and Townhouses� PLANMING CO�MISSION MEETING — MAY 18, 1977 ' Page 8 �r• Chandler first wanted to explain that what was stated on � the Public Hearing notice was not actually what was being planned• Ne said that the notices had been sent out before he had withdrawn his initial plan• Mr• Chandler then explained that he felt the definition of the two housing types were interchangeable� Mrs• Schnabel indicated that she did not feel comfortable giving approvals for rezoning without seeing a site plan• �r• Talbot asked for verification as to exactly what the Commission wanted in regards to a site plan• Chairperson Narris showed Mr• Talbot an example of what he wanted• At that point, Mr� Talbot showed the Commission the site plan ° that had originally been drawn up before they decided to first rezQne the property and then draw up plans that would meet all City Codes• Mrs• Foster asked Mr• Chandler if he could try to plan the units so that the traffic from the units did not go to Riverview Terrace• Mr• Chandler felt that it would be impossible co say what the • traffic would decide to do• Mrs• Foster indicated that she felt the City should buy these lots• Mr• Chandler said that he didn't care who bought the lots• Mr• Langenfeld asked Mr• Chandler if he had considered putting up single family dwellings on the lots• Mr• Chandler indicated that the lots were too expensive to try to sell single family dwellings• Mr• Boardman explained that when they were going through the- layout of the property with a particular type of construction, they could only get six units on the property without a variance• The owners of the property felt that six units would not pay for the property• � PLANNING COMMI3SION MEETING — MAY 18,'1977 Page 9 Mr• Bergman explained that he thought Mr• Chandler would like to do something with his property after many years of tax 1� paying and ownership• However, he felt that the neighbors also had justifiable fears of more children in the area , inadequate playgrounds and more traffic problems• He said that it did bother him to have a plan su6mitted that would require variances• He felt that if the best use of that property was for townhouses, then the problem that should be dealt with would be one of density• Mr• Chandler pointed out that the site plan before the Commission was not the plan that they were going with• He said that the new plan that would be drawn up would meet all requirements that the City needed• Mr• Bergman said that a request for a plan did not imply approval even if the plan did meet codes• He said that basically the request at hand was for rezoning and the site plan would not commit the owner to do exactly as the site plan stated• Mr• 8oardman indicated that it also would not bind him to that site plan• �rs• Schnabel pninted out Co the audience that if the rezoning was granted, that any requests for variances would have to go before the Appeals Commission• She said that � at that time the neighbors would again be able to express their feelings in regard to the number of units and the layout of the units• Also she said that the requester would have to have concrete plans before he could appear before the Appeals Commission• Mr• 6ergman indicated that the Commission was dealing with Mr• Chandler regarding a request for a rezoning- However, he said that once the rezoning was granted, they would have Co deai with the developer and he could come up with anything within the ordinance for that zone and the Rlanning Commission would have no control• He said that the developer could have a whole different picture as to what he wanted to do with the lots- Mr• Langenfeld said that he understood Mr• Chandler's position as far as he had property that he was paying taxes on- However, he said that he could not vote for a rezoning until he knew exactly what was going to be done with the Lots in question• . At that point there was much discussion amongst the Planning Commission as far as putting stipulations on the rezoning and whether the stipulations could be enforced• � pLANNING COM�ISSION_MEETING — MAY 10, 1977 Page 10 Chairperson Harris said that stipulations could be enforced as far as the location of the unit> on the property, the num�er of units, and the access.to the units� Mr• Chandler felt that putting stipulations on a rezoning was not part of the Planning Commission*s jurisdiction• He felt that since the rezoning would be an improvement to the property and that as long as they met all the City Codes and requirements, the Commission should not 6e able to put any stipulations on the rezoning request• He continued to say that the Planning Commisssian was not putting enough confidence in the City Planning Department• He felt that most of the issues that were being 6rought into the rezoning request were already contro2led by the City Codes• Mrs. Schnabel indicated that she was aware of both sides of the issue• She sai.d that the residents in the area definitely had to be concerned about the safety of the children and that they also had a definte traffic problem� However she said that if the property were to remain commercial, it mould result in a hardship for Mr• Chandler in ter•ms o.f access to and from the property� Mrs• Foster said that she felt adequate off-street parking HAD to be required- Mrs- Schnabel said that the current ordinance required orf- street parking� In response to Mr• Bergman's question regarding the zoning of the neighboring areas, Mr• Boardman explained all �he zonings in the area• „ Mr• Beryman indicated that he personally felt there was no problem with an R-3 zoning for the lots; however, he felt the problem was the density• He said that he would be far the rezoning if a limitation could be set on the density but he was not sure how that could legally be handled• Mr• Chandlar felt that that was covered in the Building Code• Chairperson Harris with his contractor property and have a said that he wanted Mr and decide what wuuld site plan drawn up• Chandler to get be done on the Mr• Chandler agreed that he would try to get in touch with the contractqr and have a site plan drawn up• Mr• Foster wanted to know exactly how many units were being considered• Mr• Chandler indicated that seven units was the tentative plan• ! � u PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING — MAY 18, 1977 Page 11 �. Mr� Phitzner said that no plan, he didn't feel the or any more people• � � matter how many units were in the neighborhood needed any more traffic Chairperson Harris told the audience that the Planning Gommission had to respond to Mr• Chandler's request• Mr• Bergman indicated that just because'the Ordinance would allow seven or eight units, it didn't mean that the de�eloper would HAVE to put the maximum number of units on the property• He said that perhaps the developer could consider a little more green area and a few less units• MOTION by Mr- Bergman, seconded by Mr• �angenfeld, that the planning Commission continue the Public Hearing on the Rezoning Request, ZOA � 77-�3, BY C• D• CHANDLER, to rezone Lot 1� Block 2, Johnson's River Lane Addition, From R-1 {single family dwelling areas} to R-3 {multiple family dwelling areas}, and, rezone Lots 2 and 3, Block 2, Johnson's River Lane Addition, from C-1S {local shopping areas} to R-3 {multiple family dwelling areas} so these three lots can be used for the construction of a 7 unit row house development and/or townhouses, generally located between 64 1/2 Way and Mississippi Place on the West side of East River Road N.E• until the next Planning Commission meeting {�une 8, 1977} at which time Mr• thandler and the developer would come before the Commission with a definite site plaii• Chairperson Harris indicated that the planning Commission wasn't allowed to tell Mr• Chandler how to draw his site plan, he said that the Commission could only respond to a site plan and his request• He said that Mr• Chandler was to have a plan drawn up and the Planning Commission would respond to the request• UPON A VOICE V4TE� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously• MOTION 6y �r- Storla, seconded by Mr• Bergman, that the Planning Commission suspend the rules and handle Item 76 of the agenda RECOMMENDATION FOR $2�0 FOR TEEN CENTER- Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously• PLANNING COMMISSION MEETTNG — MAY Z8, 1977 page Z2 76 RECOMMENDATION FOR $2DO FOR TEEN CENTER Ms• Mary Anderson, the Coordinator for the Fridley Teen Center was present� Ms• Anderson indicated that it had been brought up at the Human Resources Commission that a fund be established to help start up the Frid7.ey Teen Center• She then presented a report listing the items that were needed to help the Teen Center get started• The Planning Commission took a few minutes to study the report• MOTION by Mr• Langenfald, seconded by Mrs� Schnabel, that the Planning Commission receive the report from Ms• Anderson� Upon a voice vo�te, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously• Ms• Anderson briefly explained the items listed on the report� She a2so answered a few questions that the Commission had on several of the items• � Mr• Storla explained that the Teen Center personnel had been economical with the money it had previously received from the Fridle� State Bank to help them put on a dance• Ne said that � the dance went fairly we11 considering it had been held on the same night as a student–faculty basketball game- He said that the Committee ended up with about $2� down• Mr• Storla said that at thattime they needed money to help to notify people that the Teen Center was open and to help the Teen Center get off the ground• Mrs• Schnabel asked if the report indicated the dollars that were needed• Ms• Anderson said that they were only requesting $2Q0• MOTION by �r• Bergman, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld, that the Planning Commission recommends to City Council approval of the request for 5200 for the Fridley Teen Center• Mr• Langenfeld made a suggestion that the Teen Center try to sell Stock in the Teen Center• He felt that possib2y the suggestion would get more people interested in the Teen Center• Chairperson Harris and Mr• Storla expressed that they felt it was a good idea worth looking into• UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously• � � � u � PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING — MAY 18, 1977 Page 13 3• CHURCH: Vacate the utility easement over the South 5 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3, and the North 5 feet of Lots 22, 23, 24 and 25, all in Block Z, Christie Addition, to allow an addition to an existing church, the same being 666 Mississippi Street N•E• Mr� Boardman said that this request was a requirement of the Building Permit- He said that they had applied for a Building Permit which the City was qoing to hold up unless they had approval from the City Council for encroachment on the easements• The Council approved their request for easement ancroachment with the stipulation that they appiy for a vacation of the easements• The Vacation Request, SAV � 7?-04 is for that vacation� Chairperson Harris said that the drawing looked as though the Church was already over the easements• Mr• Boardman responded that they were• Chairperson Harris asked if the easements were still there• Mr• Boardman didn;t know• Mr• Berqman asked Mr• Boardman if Fridley Methodist Church also owned lots 22, 23, 24 and 25• Mr• Boardman said that those lots were the Church parking lot• MOTION by Mr• Langenfeld, seconded by Mr• Storla, that the Planning Commission receive the two letters from Northern States Power Company and the one letter from Minnegasco regarding Fridley United Methodist Ghurch vacation request• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously• Mrs• Schnabel wanted to know if the Planning Commission was being requested to obtain easements• Mr• Boardman said that the church is requesting the vacation and the Staff is asking that the Planning Commission, as part of the Vacation, stipulate the rededication of easements• PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING — MAY 18, 1977 Page 14 MOTION by Mrs- Schnabel, secohded by Mr- Bergman, that the ` Planning Commission recommends to City Council agproval of tfie Vacation Request, SAV �77-�4; Fridley United Methodist �hurch to vacate the utility easement over the South five feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3, and the North five feet of Lots 22, 23, Z4 and 25, all in Blod< 2, Christie Addition, to allow an addition to an existiny church, the same being 666 Mississippi Street N-E• and that they stipulate the rededication of easements of ten feet along the west property line of Lot 3; 15 feet along the west property line of Lot 22; and five feet along the north property line of Lot 22• UPON A VOICE VOTE� all voting aye, the motion carried• Cahirperson Harris declared a short break at 9:50 P.M. Chairperson Harris called the meeting back to order at m 10:OQ P•M- MOTION by Mrs• Schnabel, seconded 6y �r� Langenfeld, that the Planning Commission suspend the rules and handle Items 5, 6, 7, and 7a and hold Item 4 until after adjournment• Upon a voice vote, aIl voting aye, the moticn carried unanimously• Chairperson Harris ind'zcated that item 4 CONTINUED. PROPOSED MAINTENANCE CO�E be handled as Workshop after adjournment * of the Planning Commission �eeting• 5• , TION COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION by Mrs• Schnabel, seconded by Mr� Bergman, that the Planning Commission receive the parks & Recreation Commission �inutes of April 25, 1977• Mrs• Schnabel indicated that on Page 64, the second paragraph, second to last sentence should read -•• ^The real solution would be to outlaw utilization of motorized RECREATIONAL vehicles in Fridley, •••^- Mrs• Schnabel indicated on Page 64, the last paragraph, had what she believed to be typographical errors� Reference was made all through the paragraph to St• Louis Park and she felt that they should have been Spring Lake Park• UPON A VOICE UDTEa all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously• • PLANNING COMMISSION �EETING — MAY 18, �977 Page 15 , 6• RECEIVE APPEALS COMMISSION MSPJUTES� MAY 1D, 1977 MO�ION by Mrs• Schnabel, seconded by Mr• Langenfeld, that the Planning Commission receive the Appeals Commission Minutes of May 10, 1977• Mrs• Schnabel indicated that on Page 79 at the end of the fourth paragraph, a sentence should be added —^Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously^• Mr• Langenfeld wanted to know if a motion was necessary to take an item from the Table• Chairperson Harris indicated that it was necessary• There was some discussion regarding Mr• Peterson's variance requests• Mrs• Schnabel said that at the Appeals Commission meeting, �r• Peterson, had withdrawn his request to build multiple dwellings on Meadowmoor Drive• She said that after that statement, the neighbors in the audience were not very vocal• Mr• Boardman indicated that it had gone to �ity Council and that Mr• Peterson had decided to build single family dwellings on � Meadowmoor Drive• UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously• 7• RECEIVE HUMAN RESOURCES CO�MISSION MINUTtS= MOTION by Mr• Storla, seconded by Mr• Bergman, that the Planning Commission receive the Human Resources Commission minutes of May 5, 1977• Mrs• Schnabel asked Mr- Storla if there had been any problem regarding the Tenant/Landlord Project Committee with two people on the Committee from the same Complex• Mr• SCorla responded that they preferred that the Committee had only one tenant from each complex• However he said that that was a large complex and there did appear to be more interest in that complex than in most of the other places• Therefore, he said that they decided to allow it• Mr• Storla continued to briefly explain the actual function of the Committee• Chairperson Harris wanted to know what the Tenant/Landlord � Project Committee's objective was• PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING — MAY 18, 1977 ' Page 16 Mr• Storla indicated that the Fridley Tenant/Landlord project Committee shall act as an advisory committee to the Fridley Human Resources Commission for the purpose of maintaining a quality of life in residential rental stock consistent with the standards of aII residents in the community; and developing methods, policies, and means of ensuring that the rights af Cenants and landlords are protected and harmonious relationships facilitated• He said that basically the objective was to maintain the quality of life and to increase communication between both the tenants and landlords to try to work out any problems before they become so accute that the tenants are evicted or a tenant ^skips^ out on his rent• Mrs• Schnabel wanted to kno�� if the members af the Committee would be serving as a screering board for future rental applications• Mr• Storla said that they would have some set committee to do the screening• �r• Bergman wanted t.o know if this Committee was connected with the Tenants Uriian• Mr- Storla said that 'there was no connectian� The Tenants Union was.for the peaple in the City of Minneapolis� He went on to say tha* the Tenants Union was more of a"2ast resort^ type thing• He said that the Tenant/Landlord Project Committee was formed to qet the communications established betw�en the tenants and landlords before the problems resulted in an eviction or someone ^skipping out^ on his rent• Mr• Langenfe7.d wanted to make a point regarding a statement made by �ir• LIilliam Scott on Page'95, seventh paragraph, in which he stated ^•••under the influence of alcohol to use the restroom facilities; and, whereas, the Commission did not consider that kind of influence conducive to the well-being of Fridley's young people; •••"• I1r• Langenfeld felt that Mr• Scott was labeling people without ha�ing all the pertinent facts• Mr• Storla indicated that Mr• Scott only made the statement after several paople had made the staLement to him•. He was taking someone else's word� Mr• Boardman said that the Rest Rooms were open to the public and asked Mr• Storla what the Commission intended to recommend• Mr� Storla said that they made a motion to have satellites set up• UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously• There was a shart discussion vn the elections of officers at the various Commission meetings• � 0 L C� .PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING — MAY 18, 1977 Page 17 � 7a• RECOMMENDATION fOR �1,�Od FOft SENIOR CITIZEN WELL CLINI {CAP} , �Mr, Storla apologized that he couldn't give much 6ackground on the item• He indicated that Mr• Kline was going to be present at the Planning Commission meeting to give a formai presentation• However, since Mr• Kline did not show up, Mr• Storla said he would try to answer any questions as best he could• Mr• Stnrla circulated copies of a booklet he had regarding the Seniar Citizen Well Clinic Program- Mr• Boardman asked where the Clinic was located- Mr• Storla said that it was in the North Suburban Family Clinic in Goon Rapids- Chairperson Harris wanted to know if the Program was just for the Senior Citizens in Fridley and Columbia Heights• Mr• Storla said it was For all Anoka .County Senior Citizens• Chairperson Harris wanted to know how long the Rrogram had been in operatian- � Mr- Soardman said that it was in its third year of operation• He said that the Program needed local funds to keep going� Chairperson Harris wanted to knaw how much money the County was contributing- Mr• Storla didn't know� Mrs- Schnabel referred to the booklet and that that Anoka County was contributing $56,000• She said that according to the booklet the Program couldn't get United Way funds until June 1979• There was much discussion as to where the funds were going to come from and how much they would be receiving from the different sources• Mr• Storla read a list of the a9encies that had already been approached• He said that the Program was trying ta get $9,500 from businesses and organizations- Chairperson Harris felt that this particular program was a County function and should be funded by the County• � Mr• Bergman indicated that $1,OQ0 was a lot of tax-payer's money• PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING — MAY 1b, 1977 Page 19 � The Planning Commission discussed at length the Hyde Park rezoning issue• They arrived at several different thoughts and ideas of what they would like to see and not see done• They indicated many questions that they felt had to be answered regarding the subject• Chairperson Harris suggested that the Planning Commission attend the City Council conference meeting on May 23, 1977. Mr• Boardman made reference to several points he had made in the memo and reiterated his reasoning for making several of the comments he had made. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously• The memo was received- ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Mr• Bergman, seconded by Mrs• Schnabel, that the Planning Commission meeting of May 18, 1977, be adjourned- Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously• Chairperson Harris declared the Planning Commission Meeting of May 18, 1977, adjourned at 11:15 P•M- � The Planning Commission held a workshop on the PROPOSED MAINTENANCE CODE after the formal adjournment of the May 18, 1977, Planning Commission Meeting• Respectfully Subm� Mary Lee Carhill � � PUI3LIC HEARING BEFORE TNE DLANNING COh1MISSION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, May 18, 1977 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of: Consideration of a rezoning request, ZOA #77-03, by C. D. Chandler, to rezone Lot 1, Block 2, Johnson's River Lane Addition, from R-1 (singTe family d�aelling areasa, to R-3 (multiple family dwelling areas� and, rezone Lots 2 and 3, Block 2, Johnson's River Lane Addition, from C-1S (local shopping areas) to R-3 (multiple family dwelling areasj, so these three lots can be used for the construction of a 7-unit ro�•r house development and/or townhouses, all located in the South Nalf of Section 15, T-3�, R-24, City of Fridley, Co�!nty of Anoka, Minnesota. Generally located betvreen 64 1/2 lday and Mississippi � Place on the 47est side of East River Road N.E. Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter may be heard at this time. Publish: May 4, 1977 May 11, 1977 I�_ J RICHARD H. HARRIS CHAIRMAN PLANNING COMMISSION �.�iSi �T CIT'Y OP PRIULGY MINNIiSOTA • ,/ PI.�NNING nhfD ZONING FO12M , NUMIiGR ��7+ �� �3 � � ��' ^ f'�GX!' ��� APPEi 7''S SIGNATURL• .�/b� ��� � �1 _ Address %( 3,� � ��'l f S S/ S S/�'�'1 ��'. �f%�%i(�C, ll�% � � Te2ephonc �Number �� � ' .� �'% S' `% � , , PROPE2T'Y OI4NGR'S SIGI�ATURE�,�� ��,���!;'-�' C�,:� , Address /,� � --°��� Telephone Number StreeY Location of Property Legal Description of Proper Present Zoning Classifica .�i ' TYPE OF REQUGST � Rezoning Specia2 U5e Permit Approvai of Premin- inary $ Final Plat Strcets or Alley Vacations Other t�__ '�/'.�.TT...�..:.�4 Al.. V/ ��/ .�� Acreage of Property ,�O,�il1� r Describe briefly the proposed zoning classification s / / / or type of use and improvement proposed� � i�.� %2 c� 7: �?�.� .�- -; ?d.%� C;:r G��� yzz/� ..u'_." /l.(,'�(_!^t-/"�!�2�:2 ` �`ZC*�-:E_ ;�� ��� - . �/ Has the present applicant previously souglit to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or variance or special use permit on tlie subject site or part of it? yes�_no. iVhat was requested and when? � The undersigned understands that: (a) a list of all residents and owners of property within 300 feet (350 feet for rezoning) must be attached to this application. (b) This application must be signed by all oivners of the property, or an e�planation given why this is not the case. (c) Responsi.bility for any defect in the proceedings resulting from the failure to list the namcs and addresscs of all residents and property owners of property in question, belongs to tlie undersigned. A sketch of proposed property and structure must be drati.�� and attached, showin� the follo�aing: 1. North Direction. 2. Location of proposed structure on ths lot. 3. Dimensions of property, proposed structure, and front and side setbacks. ' 4. Street Names. 5. Location and use of adjacent existing builJings (within 300 feet) 7'he undcrsigned hercUy declares that all thc facts and representations stated in this application are truc and corrcct. ., ' �( � DATB � ��'�+�� ��11Q7� SIGNAI'URE ��� J�,(!�/��'�'���'l-� (APPLICe\N't) . Datc Filecl Datc of ltearing Planning Coennission Approved (dates) Uenied City Council Approved (datc5) Denicd �• ZOA �77-03, Rezone � Lots 1,2„3 Block 2 . Johnson's River Lane MAILING LIST n l� �� r1 u River Road East Corporati.on 6540 East River Road Fridley, Mn 55432 Robert & Gerald Schroer & Peter J. Lindberg 6330 East River Road Fridley, Mn 55432 D. C. Chandler 11320 Mississippi Drive Champlin Mn � Si ��W Robert H. Schlecter 6520 East River Road Fridley, Mn 55�32 Mr. & Mrs. Carl Moen 6502 Nickory Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mary Dolin 95 Mississippi Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr: & Mrs. Michael Zgodova 6501 East River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Duane Oftelie 4511 Gettsburg Avenue Minneapolis, Mn 55428 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Nash 6509 East River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Allen Ericks�n 6551 East River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Schneck 6601 East River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55�32 Charles E. Johanson 580 69th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55A32 �fr. & Mrs. Eugene Andersori 6661 East River Road N.E. fridley, Mn 55G32 Planning Gomnission 5-2-77 " Cauncil --� Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sutter 98 Rice Creek Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Kulenkamp 58 Mississippi Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Darryl Ericson 6468 Ashton Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr, & Mrs. Harlin Cook 6446 Ashton Fridley, Mn 55432 Ms. Annella Lee 6434 Ashton Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hughes 6424 Ashton Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Arne Lundgren 6412 Ashton Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Emerson 99 64th Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Kenneth Gillette 6409 East River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Warren Palm 6421 East River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Felt Rt. 2, Box 727 Wyoming, Mn 55092 Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Erlandson 60 Mississippi Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. Donald Wescom 117 Mississippi Place N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 � �� �� \ 1R„! _' ZOA �77-3 Page 2 Mailing List Mr. & Mrs. Albert Johnson � 137 Mi§sissippi Place N.E. Fridley, Mn 55.432 `J � � Mr. & Mrs. Allen Mattson ;� 157 Mississippi Place N.E. - Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Aspenson 6489 Riverview ierrace N.E. Frid1ey, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. John Mattie 140 Mississippi Place N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. Chris Jelavarou 160 Mississippi Place N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432!� Mr. & Mrs. John Koprowski 6470 Rivervi.ew Terrace N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Murco Stations, Inc, 6485 East River Road Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Leif Henriksen 6434 Riverview Terrace N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Zera, Inc. 6500 East River Road Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sakry 121 64 1/2 Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Luckow 161 64 1/2 Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs, Larry Gilmer 141 64 1/2 Way N.E, Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Harold Beckman 6430 East River Road N.E. Fridley,Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Raymond 6420 East River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Ms. Leora Smuder 6414 East River Road N.E. Fridley Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Sibell 6408 East River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. John Kimbler 80 Mississippi Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Leo Carda 6443 East River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. 4arre Pa1m� �4�, E t R er R ad ,�d� e , 5 32 �j`y ,� �'�, �� %""^� // ��Z� � � b�i �.�-�� �., YG! �� � .�"� . . � , i��i�'� • . � �'°��_, � � � E � '� � • •� I ` N T 3� 427 51 �' � 3� ` � g4.55 3 , � . . 1 � � � •. ; j� ZI � � � d ' W , J� . 5� o � w m l i 3 ,%� �'& ��� `i 6 : �, � i -.' . N d u"o�` � ,> . . �1 � � ` � � p� � � d . ; � � � N �� --�L'� "` � � �� c� w � � � �i;-• � rQ s� 1 � . ' -�. W m�� � � r � " 127 q� � � \� ` �� � y325 � . � N a,\ o � 1 N� o � � � 9 '� ;p '�l ` u� � . . � �' �' � � d � Z N� � , �y � •� � �`�N> SCALE—i"= 30� z \ , - � d N N`n /� ��:,i`c ., � i j����; Y � pC T. 1973 o p\ li � ` �, � Q � - N�is p" `' ,Z� 2 3`� J uN ` N"' �`4 WZ � , . ,� \-1 9 , , N V \ � L � � '�: \ ` Y SITj, '� y � � � � � � � � r" N� - � � �Q � � ..a '� �,, °'� a i°m� v� ` � '�, N.�-�, \ � � � =_1 � ` Y �` ` ,�� � - ' - � o �, ; ./ --' . Sjr _\� a� \ ' . `� � � '� � \ 7 _ � 01 Sz7'4 \ o �_. E 5(r 90'S6 � � � � � � , �.� �� ` � _ . � 1� \O �. � A�'�' � � ,73o5g1Q� Y� �� 2 $ ��.�� / i,r >:, r �-�, ny�r t'�p��s� r�-�p ;� . e* :i� �� ��f \' +r.. G' p�f' i� a � SURVEY OF LOT 1, 2, Q 3 BLOC K 2 � JOHNSON�S RtVER LANE ADDiT10N ...... .. �•..�••�"""" • MTV nC cn�n� r� �. ��,� i .� � ;t r. ' 4; �� � G r� � i,' o �' ,, � (r � o f._;�;» ,.� � �"l�i�°� i�- � �r-°, � ' °" .�.< ...,, ,�.;. '�.� .�P • ,,.; (� _r�. . ,�._ �^��, .,, � sei,�� �'�. ` r /. � i °. .. . . . , •. .:JYn",\�Y� ..r .'Ct ,J .2:� .: / � . \\ ' ' .' . . ..s 1! . m , ' ' _.. '�^ � � set��fs ,,: °1 � � - -� `�� .:e. t �Fi.fi �� •. '..��Ir � � � t � _ . ... v.�� F -. r r-' � r- � � � � �� - 9{� -� , � .�,� ,c ,P�..r- � : . ` ., ..-,.-�.-_----- y'. � � � ��`�� � �'1 :'k� .^r'.., \��i � '' �`y.'Orsl ; r'�$�:� _ 1 S r ~ - y� � , __ � ,, , � ,, , F � a � 1` .� . L r�l � f ..'vi� �i/ F.��:�. 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Fee:$�Ll'�Receipt ��(ny4 Council Action:Date RII�iARKS : 7 Street CitS Zip Code xome .5,� _09b'(o Property Location o.n Streei or Facact Street Address (Ir^ o£ i Business �y�_`��� � � Reason for Lo� Split: , , „ t �- �i � .1,�y The undersigned hereby declares that all the £acts and � Ctl�t" representatio.n� stated in this application are true and correct. � / /% 11ATF.: � � SIGNATURE �s� �s� BELOW FOR CiTY I1SP ONLY (Se2 7ceverse side or a.ddi BY STAFF � ca instructions Hemarks: Sewer & Water services available to Par Parcel I sewer serv3ces would come out of Manhole in Arthur Street just south �Of Parcg+�ING CONIMISSI(�Tateratis 5� Wes of1West n er ine. Remarks• � CITY COUNCIL: Date o£ Considexation - Remsa: ks : .2� � � crrY nF �au�s.�Y.� SUBJECT; _ rtimrunre�ara I COMMISSION APPLICATION REVI�W � Uepar�mrntNivizi�lanning � � � �, .. „ �Number � �ev a99 AOyrwed by - � .Dafe GCMPLETE qEV1EW CHECKLIST FlL6 NO/ AOOqE38 L.S #77-05 RETUani TO Pt�anintnu� � 1494 G.ardena Avenue N.F. � ���� C�MMEN 5-12-77 ' c onTa . . . , 5-19-77 5 i tv �Ao a-v�w-Qu.Pr�° �i �o�.fa, ,T�'f.pl' I � . ���'�'i . ` . P�..�.� _ .�.�.�.. .�.w„�:� �.�-�a� �-�...�. 4•� �� ���r� o-.�"v� in �f H- i4 nti�ww S-E � �...�' Ss ��a^^�.� �: . wa�"an, ,..0 5' w� w-�'�' �. a/�/�� � ���'�''�' V��2. � � �� � �� �; � .; � � / �w ���i � .� i ecSi: V �, N u C p N -_ T �� . • • � �C . u N q � N ' � ' .o . O M 9 4 f A� Ci N NN N1 ''ci . u� � � C l V N y✓ o n u�LL y C oa y.. a� �.' [ o ° t ' . o c u ' •`c c`v � �o°' - -ia'i pVN N'y QpAY. 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' 4 l 0 � CITY OF PRIDLCY MINNCSO'I'A � PLANNING AND ZONING FORM NUDtne�"�s . � nrrLicnr�r�s sicNn�vae�o9 .�i�,�, hddress �!,/.�/ ��..�..,r,0.,,?`.v !�li�-� 7i � ---� Telephone Number �}`'%/- ��J � PROPERTY 014NL'F'S SIGNATURE��2� �ay V.Q�rv-�-- � -�'- Address Telephone Number Street Location of Property � � ' �� r�r�e or aequesT Rezoning Spccial Use Pcrmit APproval of Premin- inary f, final Plat _�_ Streets or Allcy Vacat-ions Other Fe v� Receipt No. Legal Uescription of Property�Q�,Q��Lc /id! ,�i:,�-�"-!� q 6Llt.v r�—�—� Present Zoning Classification��Existing Use o£ Property Acreage of Property Describe Uriefly the proposed zoning classification or type of use and improvement proposed ! Has the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or variance or special use permit on the subject site or Part of it? yes�_no. it'hat was requested and when? ' � The undersigned understands that: (a) a list of all residents and otianers of property teithin 300 feet (350 feet for rezo»ing) must be attached to this application. (b) Tftis application must be signed by all oivners of tlic property, ar an e�plaiiation given �,�hy this is not the case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the proceedings resulting from thc £ailure to list the names and addresscs of all reside�rts and property o�anexs of property in question, belongs to thc imdersigned. A sketch of proposed property and structure must be dras,�i and attached, showing the follo�aing: 1. North �irection. 2. Location of proposed structure on tlie lot. 3. llimensions of property, propo�ed structurc, and front and side setbacks. ' 4. Street Names. 5. LoCation and use of adjacent existing buildings (within S00 feet). 17ie unclersigned'hercUy declares that all the facts and representations stated in this upplication arc truc nnd corrcct. . pATG� ��,/ J%% SIGNATURE "' ;;v :,.2�����^�! �� �d � „ � �- (AYI'LTCAN7') �,r'' �� Datc Filed Datc of Ilcaring /�C.. �.v O���j � � � Plunning Commission A��proved City Council Approved (dates) Denicd (dates) Dcnicd , .e••4._ ^ � /6 ��'+''i � ` u y � � I�.! �' .' �! r \ .. 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Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. REVIE�d PROPOSED PARKS AND OPEN SPe�CE PLAN: MOTION by Bruce Peterson, seconded by Mike Paripovich, to receive the "Parks and OPen gpace Plan". Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Leek stated that this was a draft copy which he, along with a couple of other people, had been working on for about a year. He said the format was fairly self-e�planatory. He wanted to mention that there caere components missing and these were so noted on the blank pages, and some mapping could not be reduced down. i�en all the Commissions got down to fosmally reviecaing the plan, Staff would be there with the laxge scale maps for further information. He advised that the Commission table this until the next meeting or a special meeting so the Coamiission members could go over it in more detail. Ia addition, there would be other material in the mail that week. He said they caere probably looking at a deadline to City Council of late June or July. Ms. Sporre asked what the purpose of this plan was and how would it be used2 Mr. Leek seated that it would be used essentially as a policy guideline for the city in developing its park system and, secondarily, its recreation system. In other words, it would provide direction by which to decide what lands to acquire, what lands are not useful £or the City's Parks and Open Space System, and provide guidelines as to how those spaces should be developed on the basis of the classifications Chat have been developed for them. �� . I'RIDLL'Y L'NVIRONMEN'fA7. COMMTSSION MEETING MAY 17, 1977 PAGE 2 Ms. SPorre asked how this implemented the policy guidelines of the referendum in Fridley, referrin� Co North Park. Mr. Leek stated L'hat a policy guideline was not an implementaL'ion. The plan was essentially a statement of what the communit'y's goals were with regard to a particular area and a set of oUjectives and policies directed towards those aims, but was not, in itself, an implementation program. Ms. Sporre stated she liked plans that were implementa6le so that everyone got [he same meaning as to what was going to be done. She said she did noe find that in this plan. She understood what they were going to do with the neighborhood parks, but there was a category Y.hat was North Park and any dialogue discussing the City's responsibilities and their commitments to this park were void. Mr. Leek stated the plan did not talk about North Park. It talked about a general policy issue of natural open space, not of developing specific parks by name. In other words, they had held of£ making decisions in some cases about whether or not a specific component that was existing now was a valuable component for the total system as it could be envisioned 10, 15, 20 years in the f uture. Instead, they had attempted to set up some criteria by which to judge those areas as they arose in the implementation program. Ms. Sporre referred to the "Parks and Open Space Plan" under "Policy & Reco�endation", Objective 4, Item 5, under "$ecoaunendations" (page 23): "Develop a natural history study program for use by schools and civic groups describing the ecology of natural history areas in the City of' Fridley." She said th±s s�atement was very evasive. Zt � did not in any way tell the policy guidelines in developing the parks. If that related to the area called North Park, then that should be put in the definition of the regional parks, but it was not. Nis. Sporre referred to the chart in the "Parks and Open Space Plan" which listed the categories of parks for the City of Fridley (page 26). She advised the Commission members, as they go through the plan, to notice the total omission of that kiiid of statement as referred to on page 23 regarding -<egional parks. She telt this would help the members review the plan. Ske said it was the biggest void she had found in the "Parks and Open Space Plan". Mr. Paripovich stated that one of the Co�iission's big objectives should really be looking for the omissions. They could hardly deal in planning for the neighborhood parks; but he felt it was the responsibiliCy of the Commission to ensure some environ- mental protection, at least in the North Park area, Mr, Langenfeld stated that, in reviewing the plan, i£ the members felt there was any- thing of environmental concern, they should bring iC up. He also suggested that the members review the Commission`s goals azzd objectives in addition to the plan. Ms. Sporre stated she felt it would be important for the Commission members to also review the Parks & Recreation Commission's Goals & Objectives. MOTION by Lee Ann Sporre, seconded by Bruce Peterson, to acquire the Goals and Objectives as approved by L-he Parlcs & Recreation Commission. Upon a voice vote, all votiizg aye, the motion carried unanimously. 3� PRIDLF.Y ENVIRONMENTAL CO2�1MISSION MGETING MAY 17, 1977 PAGH 3 Ms. Sporre asked Mr. Leek if they focused on other �areas or facilities in Fridley whicti were not Fridley parks, but serviced a special kind of recreational use. Mr. Leek stated that the Plan made mention of the need for eying in with those kinds ot things, but it did not delve into the analysis of them. Ms. Sporre stated there was nothing that really talked about the river--a riverview marina, for instance. Mr. Leek stated that the "CriCical Areas Flan" which he had mentioned at previous meetings was something that the City would have to accomplish before the end of next year, and they would probably be working on it for the next six months. The information that was required for that with regar.d to river recreation potential was quite elaborate, specific, and detailed. He invited the Commission members to come at any time and look at the work program and the required tasks £or its completion. The fact of having to do that document was the reason why they would not see references to, particularly, river recreation or things i¢miediately adjacent to the river up to, and including � East River Road. A11 of the parks within that area were within the rivex corxidor area, but not all of them would be considered as having river recreation potential, Islands of Peace, Mahnomen Park, and probably Riverview Heights, would be. Ed Wilmes, the Cot lot facilities and/or neighborhood parks which were primarily in Neighborhood ,'kl were not dealt with in the "Critical Areas P1an;' but were addressed in the "Parks and Open Space plan". Ms. Sporre stated she felt Locke Parlc should be considered a regional park rather than a community park as i*_ serviced more than just the Fridley area. Mr. Leek referred to the description of a"Community Park" under "policies and Reccam�en- daCions", "Recommendations", Item 1-D: "C�uniCy Park; An area of natural or ornamental quality for passive outdoor recreation and some field or court games. A community park should cousist of 25 to 50 acres and Ue placed in proximity to other community facilities and be caithin easy reach of all residents of the community." ge said this did not preclude the fact that some of those areas were used by outside groups. He said there was a lot of discussion as to how Locke Park should he classified. Since the City was likely to maintain ownersizip and maintain its integrity, it had been decided that yocke Park be refetred to as a"Communitg Park". Ms. Sporre stated it was inconsistent that, because the City retained ownership of yocke park that it should Ue a c wwiunity park when North Park was a regional park and was also owned by the City. Ms. Sporre stated that if Locke Park was called something more than a community park, it might be eligible for some kind of funding. If one day there was a Metropolitan park System, if Locke Park had not even been identified as serving a regional base, . then it caould not be eligible undex a11 the metro guidelines. Mr. Leek stated he could not foresee any real problem in the fact that Locke Park was not defined as a regional facility. If at the end, City Council concurred with this classification as a municipal-caide facility, this would be fine because it provided a parCicular orientation. At the same time, it probably would not inhibit fundi�,n; because even though the plan said it was a municipal facility, Metro-Co�cil said it was a portion of the regional system; therefore it cuould be eligible for available funding, ; ?.� . PRTDLPY ENVIR0I�TMENTAL COMMISSION MEETTNG PtAY 17, 1977 PAGE 4 Ms. Sporre stat-ed she sti11 felt they would be coming out ahead for funding, etc., by recognizing Locke Park as a regional park. Ms. Sporre stated that one thing the Co�ission might want to address was: How do the use facts apply to the chart (pa�e 26). If Locke Park was truly being used as a regional park, it should be listed that way. Mr. Faripovich stated he thought if liast River Roaa was now being tied into the Mississippi Corridor, it would make common sense to put a bikecaay on East River Raad; and it should be reconsiaered. Mr. Leek stated the Critical Areas document would not address the East River Road at a12--on1y using East River Road as a demarcation paint. They were not concerned with it other than as a point of vehicular access. He was not sure what would happen with the bikeway system. 0 Mr. Paripovich stated that the children ride on East River Road anyway; a bikeway system should be established to protect them. MOT20N by Lee Ann Sporre, seconded by Bruce Peterson, to table the "Parks and Open Space Plan" item until the next meeting or a specially designated meeting. Upon a voice vote, alI voting aye,the motion carried unanimously. Mr. �;eek stated he would check to see when the City Council deadline was and let Mr. �,angenfeld know if a special meeting would need to be called to review the "Parks and OPen Space Plan". EAST RIVER ROAD PROJECT COMMITTEE RSPORT: Mr, paripovich stated tfiat on the question of the 7-11 Store which came up at the last Commission meeting, he had talked to some people on the Project Committee and discussed whether they shouZd or stzould not do a study on the signalization (as requested by the Commission) since the Project Committee had done so much along the same lines before. In the report they had submitted to the Planning Commission, they had addressed that the intersection at 79th was dangerous and needed a stoplight. The Project Committee did spend a lot of time discussing this with the County and doing safety research, etc. What they found out was that the County Commissioner, Mike 0'Bannon, said he had investigated this and he knew that the City had set aside funds to put a stoplight in, but the County could not do it because the intersection did not meet warrants. In other words, wheu the County ran a test to take a count of the amount of traffic passing through that intersection, there was not enough traffic to warrant a stoplight. �:. Paripovich stated the problem that existed was that there �vere a nuYnber of inter- sections, many little side streets, with approximately the same number of cars coming off all of those different outlets, so there was not a focusing of t6e traffic into that particular intersection. The obvious thin� was that if the stoplight was put in, all the traffic would go onto that intersection and there would be safe access on to gast River Road. The Project Committee went over this with the County, got absolutely nowhere, came back to the City Council who rehaslted it again, said they had asked for the stoplight, had set aside funds, reminded the.County, and had gotten nowhere. �� ggIDLLY L�NVIRONMENTAL C0:•4�1ISSION MGETING MAY 17, 1977 PAGE 5 �, parigovich stated that, at this poinE, the County was being very unreasonable about the lights, and iC was very dif£icult to define the lack of safety features on thaL- intersection because of the diffused traffic among the many little intersections. This was a situation where the County had intentionally ignored the City's request for approximately four years; and in view of all that, the Pro}ect Committee did not feel it was worthwhile to do the study. Mr. Paripovich stated that the Project Committee had also suggested lights at 79th and 132 as being the two primary candidates and one somewhere just north of Mississippi and one just south of Mississippi. They had specified Chese intersections, but none as critical as 79th. As far as putting in a business establishment and increasing the amount of traffic that was already dangerous, they did not feel it was necessary to dignify that subject with any more effort. Obviously, Che County did not want a stop- light because stoplights interfere with traffic f1ow--the County was automobile-oriented and did not care about the neighborhoods in Fridley or Fridley itself, although Fridley did contribute 1/3 of i•ts revenue to the County. He said it was definitely something that should he looked into; he was surprised more citizens had not been irritated about it. Mr. Langenfeld stated he wanted to poinC out that Planning Commission had quite a discussion as to �.anether Community Development Commission should get involved in this study, and they had refused to take it. He had told the Goc�unity Development Commission that they were involved with East River Road and they, too, were interest grovps. After more discussion, the Community Development Commission had decided they wanted nothing to do with the East River P.oad study as recommended to the Project Committee. Mr. Langenfeld stated he had made the statement that the Environmental Co�ission should never be called a special interest group.again, and he caould never refer to the East River Road Project Committee as a special interest group again. Mr. Langenfeld stated he felt another commission, such as Community Development Goaunission, should beccae involved because their viewpoints might be a bit different and their information would be important for the Project Committee. The Commission members agreed that they were pleased that the Community Development Commission had concurred with the Environmental Commission's position regarding the East River Road Project Committee. Mr. Paripovich stated that at the last Project Coumiittee meeting, their primary purpose was to get someone else to perform the function of chairpexson that he had per£ormed for the past year. At this point, it had not been decided. The Project Committee was concerned that it might somehow break away from the Fridley Environmental Commission, and Mr. Patipovich stated he thought it was very important to maintain this relationship. He had suggested ae that Project Committee meeting that Mr. Langenfeld take over that position, and Mr. Langenfeld had stated he did not know if that would be permissible as it might be a conflict of interests. Mr. Paripovich stated he felt it was very importanC that someone familiar with the Project Co�ittee take it.up so it did not lose steam. He said if people had any sense of civic responsibility, any feeling for the people who lived in that area, or any sense of saving something that was potentially valuable from destruction, they had to get interested in this thing. He said he did not understand the "special interest group" reference and referred to Goal 4fl.a. of the Fridley Enviroiunental Commission`s goals and objectives; _`:i ��� PRIDL�Y �NVIRONM6NTAL COMMISSION MEETING MAY 17, 1977 PAGE 6 "Assure for all people in the City of Fridley a saie, healthful, productive, aesthetically and culturally pleasing surrounding." Mr. Paripovich stated traffic could move through Fridley at 30-35 m.p.h: without placing a great inconvenience on any segmene of the County, and at the same time they could improve the aesthetics of this part of Fridley. He had talked to Mike Robinson, the State's Trafiic Engineer ior the GoZden Va11ey District, and �. Robinson was going to be meeting with the Project Committee. The purpose of this meeCing would be to get him into a confrontation with Mike 0'Bann�n, A1 Kordiak, Ed Fitzpatrick, and some others. 1'he reason for getting this group together was that Mr. Robinson was the engineer in charge of conducting the speed limit study on East River Road right now, and he was interested in finding out what the people had to say. If people spoke up now, rtr. Paripovich thought they could do some good. Mr. Langenfeld stated he would hate to see the East River Road project Committee fold. Iie stated he did feel it was a conflict of interest for him to chair the Project Committee, but he asked Mr. Leek to check into that possibility. Ms. Sporre stated she would be willing to meet with the project Committee about getting a member of that group to chair the Committee. Since it was more important to work within the system than without the system, it would be an opportunity for the Project Committee to minimize the amount of effort and m�imize the amount of work accomplished by having that chairperson aLso be a member of the Commission. MODEL ORDINe�NCES: Mr. Leek stated tha* the Coumiission had asked him at the April meeting to obtain a copy of the March 1977 Metro Council Piodel Ordinances for use by the Commission. He had obtained a copy and gave it to the Commission [o receive and do with it as they wanted. MOTION by Lee Ann Sporre, seconded by Bruce Peterson, to receive the "Environmental Protection: Mode1 Ordinances for Use by Local Governments, March I977". Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the mation carried unanimously. ELECTION OF CHAIRPERSON AND VICE-CHAIRPERSON: MOTION by Bruce Peterson, seconded by Mike Paripovich, to receive the letter from jerry Boardman dated May 5, 1477, regarding "Election o£ Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson." Upon a voice vote, all voting aqe, the motion carried unanimousiy. Mr. Langenfeld stated that if a member of the Commission coald not come to the meetings and be a participating member, then he should xiot be a member. MOTION by Mike Paripovich, seconded by'Lee Alln SPorre, to renominate James Langenfeld for Chairperson. After calling for more nominations, Mr. Langenfeld declared the nominations closed. Upon a voice vote, a11 yoting aye, the motion carried unanimously. �� PRIDLEY ENVIRONMGNTAL COMMTSSION MEETING MAY 17, 1977 PAGE 7 Mr. Langenfeld stated Lhat Ms. Metcalf had talked to him and voiced her concurrence for hi.m.as chairperson. She would, if appointecl, serve as vice-chairperson; but, because of her newness to the Commission, did not make any nominaCions. MOTION by Lee Ann Sporre, seconded by Bruce Peterson, to renominate Bruce Peterson as Vice-Chairperson. MOTION by Bruce Peterson to nominate Connie pfetcalf as Vice-Chairperson. The motion died for lack ot a second. UPON A VOICE VOTE, SPORRE, PARIPOVICH, LANGENFELD, VOTING AYE, PETERSON, ABSTAINING, THE MOTION TO NO:iII�ATE BRUCE P�TERSON FOR ViCE-CHAIRPERSON CARRIEDe Mr. Langenfeld stated he would like Mr. Peterson to sit in on more Planning Commission meetings to become more involved and to gain more experience. OTHER BUSINE5S: A• Goals & Objectives and Program gudget 1976 MOTION by gruce Peterson, seconded by Mike Paripovich, to receive the Fridley Environ- mental Commission's Goals & Objectives and the Program Budget for 1976. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. pfr. Langenfeld stated that discussion on the budget would be tabled until ar.other time as the "parks and Open Space Plan" was more important. B. Noise Pollution Mode1 Ordinance Mr. Langenfeld stated that Ms. Sporre had given him a folder of information on noise pollution, a lot of which he coould like copied for the members. Some important ones were entitled, "Sound and Noise", "U.S• Federal Noise Control Act" (Oct. 27, 1972), "Model Community Noise Control", in which the Commission would basically be involved, and the "Minnesota State Regulations for Noise Pollution and Controi 1974". Mr, �,angenfeld stated ehis material definitely had potential. He would like to see the Commission get going on a model ordinance regarding noise pollution in the City of Fridley. Ms. Sporre stated that Che Minnesota Pollution Control Noise Abatement Division had a slide show and presentation which were excellent. Mr. Langenfeld stated that the Commission should try to have this presentation and slide show at the Commission's July meeting and then go into the ordinance at that meeting. Ms. Sporre agreed to make the arrangements for the slide show and presentation and Mr. Leek agreed to publicize this in ti�e Sun Newspaper as the public and other commissions were caelcome. AATOURRTtENT: MOTION by Lee qnn Sporre, seconded by gruce Peterson, Co adjourn the meeting at 9:55 p.m. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, �' l'tE, F- Lynne� Saba ' Recording Secretary \ J � � 43 YARKS & RECREATIQN COiR+iIS5I0N MEETING MAY 23, 1977 N�SBBRS PRESENT: Bob Peterson, Robin Suhrbier, Jan Seeger, Leonard Moore, getty Ann Mech I9�]BERS ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: Charles Boudreau, parks � Recreation Director Jack Kirk, Program Director Jerr7c Boardman, City Planner Lee Ann Sporre, Fridley Environmental Co�ission member $ay Leek, Planning qide Marilyn Illitschko, 580 Ironton St. N.E. - Neighborhood 1 Karen gudnick, 601 Ironton S[. N.E. - Ne3ghborhood 1 Chairperson Ronald E. Steckman, 78 Rice Creek Way - Neighborhood 3 Larry Hamer, 41 Rice Creek Way - Neighborhood 3 Rathy Divine - Neighborhood 13 C1�airperson CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Peterson called the meeting �to order at 7:32 p.m. APPROVAL OF APRIL 25, 1977, PARKS S� RECBEATION COMMI$SION MINVtES: MOTION by Leonard Moore, seconded by Robin Suhrbier, to approve the minutes of the ppril 25, 1977, Parks & Recreation Commission meeting as written. Up� a voice vote, all voting aye, Che motion carried unanimously. SLECTTON OF OFFICERS: MOTION by Jan Seeger, seconded by Leonard.Moore, to receive Mr. Boardman's leCter dated ptay 5, 1977, regarding the "Election of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson". Upan a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. _ MOTION by Leonard Moore to nominate Tan Seeger for Chairperson. Ms. Seeger declined the nomfnation and Che motion died for lack of a second. p1pTIpN by Jan Seeger, seconded by Leonard Tloore, to renominate Bob Peterson for Chair- person. After a call for more nominations, Chairperson Peterson declared the nominations closed, �� 1 0 � Ms, illitschko asked if there would be any area for the children to play ba11Y �'' arcels of land for those activities in that neighborhood. They could only � Mr, Leek stated that there was no recoirmendation in that genexal direction. There were no p arks. In at least three of the Neighborhood try to improve the access to the existing p Project C�ittee reports, the access problems were addressed. Mr. Boudreau stated that the City had a lot of little parcels of l8nd.that should be disposed of and the Question was: Did they want to put more money and things into these little parcels of land that really didn't belong therel plr. Moore stated that they might have to consider condemnation to get park area, but that got to be expensive. MS, geeger stated she felt they were overlooking the parksbandtthey weretbiki gson of bikeway. Her children wanted to go to the larger p gast River Road. She felt getting rid of the little parks and condemnation was not a positive action. There should be a safer way for children and adults to go to the other larger park areas and that kind of thing would be a much more desireable invest- ment of money. Mr. Bourdeau stated tfiat anothei question should fioin ntod�ke out�of the total prime objective and what kind of sense were they g S development as opposed to a plan that matched one area versus another area? They � needed to addresa the park plan so that constructive improvements could be started. Nis. Suhrbier stated she would like to see a bikeway system link up the neighborhoods-- hike trails oft the roadways separated by a curb. �, goardman stated that had not been recommended by lhe Bikeway/Walkway Project �ommittee mainly because of the cost of the system and also that acquisition of the reason theabike trail was pulledwoff East1River Roadsand puttinethelneighborhoodse Hy�or stated that the City was attempting at this time to get some kind of designation of a regional trail system within Fridley--a North-South route and an East-West route. This might make it possible for additionat funding where they might be able to accomplish more with the bikeway system, but it was impractical at this time. Going on with the format of tt�e "Parks and Open Space Plan", Mr. B�rdman stated that what they were attempting to do with the "Summary of Fenednbetween thec� �ej$a&ions" was try to point out their conclusions as to what happ Objectives" and the "Inventory & Analysis". They had found quite a few things that ,� ectives". One overall finding that did needed to be corrected and done and what they were lacking as far as facilities. eY tried to base their findings on the Goals & Obj not have anything to do with the "Goals & Objectives" was that the City of Fridley was currently tackiagk�g stem developmenta for the strategic distri6ution of the funds available for p Y • �� PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSiON MEETING,MAY 23, 1977 PAGE 3 tir. Soardman stated that, in.reviewing the needs of the community, it was very important to get an inventory of what was existing in the com�unity. The Co�ission had set up the 13 Neighborhood project Co�nittees to see what the needs were in their areas and make recarm�endations back to the Ylanning Department. He said Staff had analyzed these tecou�endations and had done an analyzation of each neighborhood from the Staff's stand- point and the neighborhood's standpoint. In the neighborhood analysis, they were missing a major portfon of mapping and several items. �►ny comprehensive plan should be based on the goals and objectives with an analysis of where the City was.at the present time and in looking at the goals and objectives in concurrence with looking at [he analysis. This was where they came up with the "Summary of Findings" and ttie basis for the "Recommendations". With the "Inventory & Analysis", they would also have existing maps per an existing Parks & Recreation Map, a gacilities Chart, a National Barriers Map, a Neighborhood Breakdown Map, and a Natural Features Map. There would be some writings placed before the Natnral Barriers Map and the Natural Features Map that would discuss the e£fect of natuxal barriers and natuYal features on the recteational potential. Mt. Steckman wanted to know the staYus of the property in Edgewater Gardens. �, goardman stated that City gall still had the property red tagged and would continue to do so. To clarify for the new Cw�mission members, Mr. Boardman explained that this was property in Neighborhood 3 on both sides of East River Road south of Rice Creek between the railroad tracks and the river. Neighborhood 3 felt that additional property was needed and that was shown in the recommendations. Mr. Boardman stated that what the City may recommend, if they did get that property, was have that area be more of a �passive recreation area and have open space area for play and have Stevenson School for more high activity use. They felt they might have trouble justifying two sets of high activity recreation areas so close together. Mr. Boardman stated Chey would red tag this propexty indefinitely. Mr. goudreau stated this was a working document looking at the sysYem of parks for the whole city. Before anything was done or before anything was concrete, they would go hack to the neighborhoods, especially Neighborhood 3. This was a"thought piece", to get wheels turning and he encouraged the neighborhood project people to read through the "Findings"and'Recommendations". Mr. Hamer congratulated the Conemission members, Mr. Boudreau, and Mr. Boardman for the fine job they were doing. Ms. illitschko wanted to lmow what was happening in Neighborhood 1, especially Spring- brook Park. rir. Leek referred to the map in the plan which showed a tot lot apparatus area, a free play area, and a landscape buffer. Ms. Illitschko stated that she took exception to the free play area for softball as the houses were too close for any kind of ball playing. Ifir. Leek stated that the park could be so designed that the landscape buffer, etc., would make it difficult for ball playing. It uould primarily be a play area for very � young children. �� 23 ris. Illitschko asked if there would be.any area for the children to play ball? ` Mr, Leek stated that there was no recomnendation in that general direction. There were no parcels of land for those activitiearks.thln atlleasththree ofethe Neighborhood � try to improve the access to the existing p pr�ject Coumiittee reports, the access problems were addressed. Mr. Boudreau stated that the City had a lot of little parcels of land that should be theseslittleap rcelsqofsland that reailyhdidnattbelongtthere�moneq and things into �, Moore stated that they might have to consider condemnation to get park area, but that got to be expensiVe. of bikeway.stHerdchildrentwantedWtoegoVtolthellarger parksbandtthey weretbikingson y o to the East River Road. She felt getting rid of the little patks and condemnation was not a positive action. There should be a safer wa for children and adults to g other larger park areas and that kind of thing would be a much more desireable invest- ment of money. Mr. Bourdeau stated tfiat anotfiei''question should Tie consislered. What as their pxime objective anosedato anplan thatematchedhonega ea versuseanother area?otThey development ae oPP � needed to address the park plan so that constructive improvements could be starte . rys. Suhrbier stated she would like to see.a bikeway system link up the neighborhoods-- bike trails off the roadways separated by a curb. �, goardman stated that had not been recommended by the Bikeway/Walkway Project �cmmittee mainly because of the cost of the system and also that acquisition of the reasonotheabike trail was pulled off East1River Roadsand puttinethelneighborhoodse He�or ' stated that the City was attempting at this time to get some kind of designation of a regional trail system within Fridley--a North-South route and ahtEbetabletto�accomplish This might make it possistemfobutdd�tWasaimpracticalhatethisytime. more with the bikeway sy whatgtheyWwetetattempting to do with then'�'S��arypofeFPndingsMrand�'a'Recommenda[ionsat was try to point out their conclusions as1to what hadpfound quitenatfewtt[iings&that pbjectives" and the "Inventory & AnalYsis They �� ectives". One overatl finding that did needed to be corrected and done and what they weze lacking as far as facilities. T eY tried to base their findings on the Goals & ObJ currentlyalacking in standardtcriteriasforOthecstrategicsdistributinntof therfunds Was available for park system development. � ai �rri . � �i PARRS � REC1tEATION COI�AIISSION MEETING, MAY 23, 1977 PAGE 5 � Mr. Boardman stated that all "Recovmendations" were based on [he "S�ary of Findings". At the end of the "Policy 6 Recoumiendations�' were further recommendations as far as the system went, This was a proposed classification. They also had a Proposed System Map. in that they would be showing the total overall system. Mr. Peterson sCated that Ms. Seeger's point was well taken regarding a safe bikeway system to the larger parks, rather than spending money on the smaller parks; but, he felt at Chis point in time, speaking ot the Riverview Heights area specifically, either they had to (1) condemn and acquire propertp; or, (2) develop an alternative to provide some access activity sanewhere else with the absence of land. Ms. Seeger stated that C�+issioner Dave Harris had reccmmended that the City purchase the land above Fridley in Coon Rapids owned by the Burlington Northern. Mr. Peterson stated that a letter should be sent to Burlington Northern to see what they had available. He suggested that Mr. Boudreau check with Coon Rapids to see what their feelings would be as far as a recreational use for that area, as this was an alternative suggested at a previous C�ission meeting. Mr. Boudreau stated there were at least four or five major barrfers that divided the City of Fridley. It would be wise to centrally locate land as much as possible. Then, they could try to open up the avenues to utilize the facilities, whether it be bikeways, com�ercial transporation, etc. Ms. Sporre stated that the answer was the bus rwte. They could simply lay out the bus schedules to see which areas of open space would maximize use by transporation facilities. That should be a key consideration in siting public facilities. Mr. BoaYdman stated that after the concept of classification, they went into each of the neighborhood areas, then into each individual park. On the working document only, they would have a cos[ bxeakdown on each of the individual parks. The Coumission members set a special meeting at City Hall on gridley, June 3, 1977, fran 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. to further discuss the "Parks and Open Space Plan". Mr. Boudreau stated he would reserve a room and send out notices, Mr. Peterson stated that he appreciated having some of the neighborhood project committee members attend the meeting. This was a working plan and it was the key thing in trying to put together a system that would give everyone in the City an opportunity to enjoy recreation, no matter what it might be. g, park Ranger Program Mr, Boudreau stated that the City did not have a park xanger. The Police Department was trying to patrol the parks and was doing a good job to its capabilities. Mr. Boudreau said they were still working on a program to free up some of the Police Department's technicians to be out on the street in the form of a park ranger program There was much vandalism going on in the parks. . � ?� �$ PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MAY 23, 197� PAGB 8 g, guum�er Program Registration Mr. Kirk�gave a brief rundown of the summer program registration. He said the programs were quickly filling up with a week of registration left. There was a total of 800 people registered for the different programs. C. Meeting with Community Education Mr, goudresu stated he had a request to have the Community Education Executive $oard meet with their Board to discuss possible cooperative facility use efforts. He stated he would be contactiag Tom Myhra to schedule this meeting. D. Spring Lake Park Facility Use Request With zegard to the Spring Lake park's facility use request for Madsen and Flanery Parks,. Mr. Boudreau stated he had contacted the Parks & Recreation Director in SPring Lake Park and found that they were serving over 100 Fridley residents. Mr. Boudreau said he had told the Spring Lake Park Director that they would grant the facility use request this year, but he felt the Coa�ission should take a strong look at it for the next year as to, (1) why the City was not servicing Fridley's people in that area; and, (2) would there be a legitimate Eee to outside organizations for the use of pridley Eacilities? Mr. Peterson stated Mr. Boudreau had handled it right as there was no alternative for this year, E. I8lands of Peace Foundation Mr. Boudreaa stated that a bill had been passed in the Senate and the House and had gone to the Governor to sign for the Islands of Peace Foundation to receive a$150,OQ0 grant through State Planning on a$50,000 match. He felt it was a great tribute to the contributions of the Islands of Peace Foimdation and to Mr. Ed Wilmes. He felt it was also a great tribute in terms of a handicapped facility regional-wise to supplement what was in the City of Fridley itself. F. Tour of Facilities & Programs - June 23, 1977 Mr. $oudreau wanted to invite and encourage each member of the Cnmmission on June 23rd from approximately 5:30-9:30 p.m. to join himself, City Council, and Staff on a tour of all the park facilities to see what was being done and what they had. He was also going to invite the Communication Education people to view these facilities. G. School District �14 Advisory Committee Mr. Boudreau stated that with the Commissian's interest in park recreation and development, they might want to touch base with some of the Coumittee's members as to the City's needs for parks and recreation indoor recreational facilities. He stated he did plan on calling some of the Committee members to discuss this need for indoor recreational facility usage, � • C_� �iwi 4� PARKS & RECREATI�I C�SISSION MEETING MAY 23, 1477 PAGE 7 � . . to be made with reimbursement for only the two Satellite facilities. He said he thought it was a good tournament and the Commission should try and camply with it. He felt tlte Jaycees had helped in the past by donation of facilities and equipment, not only for Commons, but also for other areas. He.said he would like to negotiate with the ,7aycees to have them at least pay the salary (around $50-60) of the Parks & Recreation Department man who would be working overtime on the weekend. MOTION by Jan Seeger, seconded by Robin Suhrbier, that the Co�ission grant the Fridley Jaycees' facility use request.for C�ons, Locke, and Madsen Parks for Cheir annual men's softball tournaments on Aug. 13-14, 197J, but that the laycees consider paying $50 for supplementary weekend help. The Jaycees were a fine asset to the c w�munity and the community had benefitted fram them. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Peterson stated that it was only fair that the Jaycees be recognized for their valuable contributions, but also that they should be asked to help. • C. Facility Use Request - glue Line Club Mr. gaidreau stated he had received a letter from Don Howard dated April 29, 1977, in which Mr. Howard was requesting the use of Conmons' softball fields for a tournament on Aug. 25, 26, 27, 1977. The tournament was needed to raise money for ice time. Their organization, the Blue Line Club, was buying ice to support the added needs for the JV program at the High School. Mr. Boudreau said he did know that Fridley policy in the past was a limit of three tournaments per year foY facility usage at Co�ons. He stated it would benefit the Parks � Recreation hockey program as it would free up their ice rinks. He would recommend that the Blue Line Club be allowed to use the facility and the Gity would assist Chem in any manner possible. They would be required to pay the $l00 fee for clean-up. MOTION by San Seeger, seconded by getty Ann Mech, that the C�+ission grant the Blue Line Club`s facility use request for Commons Park on Aug. 25, 26, 27, 1977, with $100 fee for clean-up. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. DII2ECTOR'S REPORT: A. Rice Creek Watezshed District Mr. Boudreau stated he had contacted Mz. Tony Petrangelo about the possibility of him appearing before the June 27, 1977, Parks 6� Recreation Co�ission meeting to talk abwt the Rice Creek Watershed District and Mr. Petrangelo had agreed to do so. Ms. Sporre staCed that there would also be a meeting of the Rice Creek Watershed District at Fridley City Hall on June 13, 1977. � '��.a PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING,MAY Z3, 1977 • PAGE 8 B. S�++er Program Registration " � Mr. ICirk gave a brief rundown of the summer program registration. He said the programs were quickly filling up with a week of registration left. There was a total of 800 people registered for the different prngrams, C. Meeting with Community Education Mr. Boudreau stated he had a request to have the Community Education Executive Board meet with their Board to discusa possible cooperative facility use efforts. He stated he would be contacting Tom Myhra to schedule this meeting. D. Spring Lake Park Facility Use Request With regard to the Spring Lake Park's facility use request for Madsen and Flanery Parks, Tir. $oudreau stated he had contacted [he Parks & Recreation Director in Spring Lake Park and found that they were serving over 100 Fridley residents, Mr. Boudreau said he had e told the Spring Lake Park Director that they would granC the facility use request this year, but he felt the �ou¢nission should take a strong look at it for the next year as to, (1) why the City was not servicing Fridley's peop2e in that area; and, (2) would there be a legitimate fee to outside organizations for the use of Ftidley facilities? Mr. Peterson stated Mr. Boudreau had handled it right as there was no alternative for this year. E. Islands of Peace Foundation Mr. Boudreau stated that a bill had been passed in the Senate and the House and had gone to the Goveruor to sign for the islands of Peace Foundation to receive a$150,000 grant through State planning on a$50,000 match. He felt it was a great tribute to the contributions of the Islands of Peace Foimdation and to Mr. Ed Wilmes. He feLt it was also a great tribute in terms of a handicapped faci2ity regianal-wise to supplement what was in the City of Fridley itself. F. Tour of Facilities & Programs - June 23, 1977 Mr..Boudreau wanted to invite and encourage each member.of the Commission on June 23rd from approximately 5:30-9:30 p.m. to join himself, City Council, and Staff on a toUr of a21 the park facilities to see what was being done and what they had. He was also going to invite the Co�unication Education people to view these facilities. G• School Distrfct #14 Advisory Committee I•fr, goudreau stated that with the Commission's interesC in park recreation and development, they might want to touch base wikh some of the Co�ittee's members as to the City's needs for parks and recreation indoor recreational facilities. He stated he did plan on calling s�e of the Committee members to discuss this need for indoor recreational facility usage. • � '!�„'�'� Ji pARRS & RECREATION COMNQSSION MEETZNG MAY 23, 1977 � PAGE 9 � H• F•Y.S.A. Soccer Meeting Mr. Boudreau sCated that this meeting was supposed to have been heid the previous week but had been cancelled. He was still trying to work with Mr. Salas and the F.Y.S.A. Yo find out what was going to happen with the soccer program at some later date. I. U.S. News & Warld Report Article Mr. Boudreau stated he had given the C�ission members each a copy of a 17-page article out of the May 23, 1977, U.S. News & World Report on "How Americans Pursue their Leisure Time". He thought they mighr find it interesting and might give them some insight into the dollars that are spent, the amount of people participating, and some of the renewal 3n hobbies, scme of which he and the Covmission had talked abouC. pTfiER BUSINESS: Ms. Sporre stated she wanted to inform the Co�ission that the Fridley ,Taycees had • received the highest award in the state for their project at the SPringbrook Nature �enter. She felt it was good publicity for the nature center and was a tribute to the Jaycees to be recognized by the state for this project. The Commissian members concurred. � Mr, goudreau stated he had a petition request for recreaCional facilities in Ed Wi:mes park. He said it should be part of the overall park plan so it could be considered as part of that doc�ent. MOTION by Leonaxd Moore, seconded by Jan Seeger, to receive the "Petition Request- for Recreational Facilities in Ed Wilmes Park", Petition No. 6-1977, dated May 5, 1977. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ADJOITRNMENP: MOTION by Leonard Moore, seconded by Jan Seeger, Co adjourn the meeting at 10;53 p.m. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. g8spectEully submitted, -,� C� Lyn gi Saba gecording Seczetary ��ar� J� COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENC COMMISSION MEETTNG MAY 25, 1977 MEMBERS PRESENT: Herman Bergman, LeRoy Oquist, A1 Gabel t�MBERS ABSENT; Charles Gooder, Hubert Lindblad QTHERS PRESENT; Jerry Boazdman, City Planner pat Gabel, Sign Ordinance project Conmittee Chairperson CALL TO ORAER: Chairperson Bergman called tbe meeting to order at 7;45 p.m. APPROVE APRIL 12, 1977, C�4IUNITY DEVELOPMENT COP4�ffSSION MiNUTES: �MOTION by LeRoy Oquist, seconded by A1 Gabel, to approve the Community Development Commission minutes as writCen. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mx. Bergman stated that the Canadian Financial Corporation proposal was well received, not only by this Co�ission, but by Planning Coantission and City Council. Of particular interest was that when the presentatian was made to City Council, the Co�ission's concerns which were in the form o£ a motion were taken into consideration. With regard to the Appeals Co�ission minutes of March 15, 1977, in which there was some confusion as to whaC information the Community Development Co�ission was to provide, Agr, gergman staCed that this assignment had been rescinded. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: MOTION by LeRoy Oquist, seconded by A1 Gabel, to receive Mr. Boardman's May 5, 1977, letter on "Election of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson". Upon a voice vote, all'voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by LeRoy Oquist, seconded by AL Gabel, to renominate Herman Bergman for Chair- person. After calling for more naminations, Mr. Bergman declared the nominations closed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by A1 G8be1, seconded by LeRoy Oquist, to naminate LeRoy Oquist, for Vice-Chairperson, After calliug for more naninations, Mr. Bergman declared the nominations closed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. �' ��i:� • � ` C�IITY DEVBL,OPMENL COMMISSION MEETING MAY 25, 1977 PAGE 2 • RHPORT FROM PAT GABEL CNAIRPERSON OF SIGN ORDINANCE PR0.TECT COMMTTTEE: MOTION by LeRoy Oquist, seconded by A1 Gabel, to zeceive the April 11, 1977, and May 2, 1977, Sign Ordinance Project Committee minutes. Upon a voice vote, a1Z voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by LeRoy Oquist, seconded by A1 Gabel, to receive a letter from Pat Gabel dated May 25, 1977, regarding "Maintenance and Enforcement". Upon a voice vote, all votittg aye, the motion carried unanimously. Ms. Gabel stated that the Project Committee had requested that she write this letter as the subject of "Maintenance and ynforcement" had come up at every meeting. She stated that copies had not yet been made of the "Definitions" and these woutd be mailed to the members later. Ms. Gabel suggested that the C�ission send a letter to the members of the Sign Ordinance Project Cov�ittee thanking them for their time and effort on this project. Mr. Bergman agreed and said he would do so. On Page 10, Item K> No. 7*, Ms. Gabel pointed out that the Iast sentence, "Could be used for wall signage, too" should be deleted. The C�ission members were in agreement that Mr. Boardman put together a sign ordinance to be reviewed at the next Co�ission meeting. � Mr. Oquist asked Ms. Gabel if she would point out any highlights of which the Commission ahouid be aware. Ms. Gabe1 stated that one drastic change the Com�ittee had made was with billboards. IInder "Billboards", No. 12�: "Limit number of billboards to those presently standing at the time of adoption of new ordinance." and No. 13�: "Any time a hillhoard comes down #or any reason, it will not be replaced on the s3te or anywhere else in the City of Fridley.° Mr. Boardman asked Ms. Gabel if there was any statement on existing billboards that, if the property on which an existing billboard was located was developed, that billboard must be remnved? t4s. Gabel stated there was not and that definitely should be added, Mr. Boardman stated that there should also be added that an existing billbaard wouZd have to come down when the lease ran out wi.th a property owner. Under "Billboards��*, �he first sentence was deleted; "Free standing advertising signs shaZl be permitted in only the C-2S, M-1, and M-2 Aistricts, but only after securing a Special Use Permit," * Attachment (1) to Sign Ordinance Project Committee Meeting May 2, 1977 � P�� COMMONITY D3VELOPI�SLNT COE+AfISSION MEETING MAY 25, 1977 PAGE 3 � Ms. Gabel stated another key highlight point was under, "Maintenance & Enforcement", ��Reader Boards"*: "A11 reader boards that are not free standing signs are non-conforming illegal boards. Said signs sha21 be removed within eighteen months following adoption of this ordinance." Mr. $oardman wanted to know how the Coumittee would feel about a statement which read; "Free standing signs should be limited only to 3esignation of a building or business and eliminate aiI advertising on a free standing sign." He said this would eliminate a lot of clutter on signs. There were so many cases where a business got a free standing sign to identify its business and, before long, it was advertising its products, etc. This would be a way to also limit the size of the sign. Ms. Gabel stated that the project C�i-ttee had talked about signs being for idenCifi- cation purposes and felt the Project Committee would have no problem wi.th that. She said she would be willing to check with the members. Mr. Boardman stated it would also be appropriate to state that "reader boards are allowed only for the disbursement of public infoxmation". With regard to "Roof Signs" in shopping centers, Mr. Boardman wondered if s�ething should be worded stating that "existing shopp�ng center owners must present a sign development scheme to the planning Department for approval and all new signs would have to confol7n to that approved scheme or no sign permits would be issued." � pys. Gabel stated that ff it could be done legally, she was sure the Project C�ittee would be in favor of it. Mr. OquisC stated that under "Maintenance and Enforcement", Item 3, "Abandoned Signs"�, the wording was critical. The wording was; "Except as otherwise provided in this Code, any sign which is located on property which becomes vacant and unoccupied for a period of three months or more, or any sign which pertains tu a time, evenC, or purpose which no longer applied, sha11 be deemed to have been abandoned." He cited the example of a sign of a vacated business but Che sign was located in a shopping center; therefore, the business was not vacant, and the sign would not have to come down. Mr, goardman agreed that would have to be reworded. Ms, Gabel pointed out Page 2, Item N, of "Signs Pro�ibited in All Zoning"*: "No porta- panels except by special use permit obtained through the planning co�ission and City Council limited to once a year only in c�ercial and industrial zonings." The Co�ission members were in agreement that porta-panels should be eliminated except for grand openings for a 10 day period with written approeal fram the City. Under "Signs prohibited in All Zonings'�, (page 2), Item J(a), "No traveling electronic message centers" and J(b) "Electronic message cen[ers not to change more than once every 15 minuYes (only permitted in specific aonings)", Ms. Gabel-stated the Project C�ittee had been very concerned aboUt this and had discussed it several tin�es. �> * Attachment (1) to Sign.Ordinance Project Cou�ittee Meeting May 2, 1977 J� ,' COMMlJNITY DEVELOPMENT C(R4�fISSION MEETI33G MAY 25, 19Z7 PAGE 4 _ �' ° Mx. Boardman stated that J(a) and (b) should probabZy be eliminated. Ms. Gabel stated she wduld be in favor of [hat. ' Ms. Gabel stated another concern of the Project Couanittee's was that the City look at apgrading the inspection of signs and that there should be some way to fund these inspections. They would like to see inspection take place every two years and that pezhaps this could be accomplished by putting permit and all other related fees into a tund for this p�rpose only. Ms. Gabe! and the Commission members expressed concsrn about the flashing sign on the t+�unicipal Liquor Store which was in conflict with the ordinance and was seCting a bad example for the rest of the bus$.ness cammunity. The Commission members asked Mr. Boardman to try to handle this internally before they took acty official action. Mr. Bergman thanked Ms. Gabel for all the time and effbrt she had put into thia sign ordinance project. � REVIEW YROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PARKS AND OPEN SPACE PLAN: Mr. Boardman stated that the City was presently under a PSandatory Plaaning Act sent down by the State Legislature that all counties in the seven-county area must complete a11 comprehensive planning by'I979. That comgrehensive planning must be submitted to Metro-Council for review. To accomplish this planning, the State Legislature would be making money available on a need basis for communities for campletion of this compre- � hensive planning. Fridley's achedule was somewhat ahead because they had been working on the Parks' & Recreation Plan before the Act went lnto effect. ifr, goardman stated that the plan was not complete as there were still maps and some printed material missing. The "Introduction" gave a basic rundown of why a Comprehensive Plan and.what the purposes were for things that were happening crith the recreational actfvities throughout the year and the increased demand on the parks and open space sysCems. The "Goals and Objectives'* were those established by the Planning Coumission which were presently being seat to Gity Coimcil for approval. With these "Goals and Objectives" they took a look at what was existing in the park facilities. 'fhe parks & Recreation Coamission had set up 13 Neighborhood Project Co�itteea to review recreation needs within their neighborhoods. Staff had analyzed those neighborhoods and the neighborhood comnnittees' reports. Mr. Boardman said the Commiasion would be receiving the analysis of these neighborhoods. The "Analysis" brought out the weak points and laid out what kind of input they had gotten from the Neighborhood Project Coumitteea in the report. Also, in analyzing the facilities, there Would be an Bxfseing Map and Facilities Chart; a Natural garriexs Map, Neighborhood Map, Natural geatures Map; also a dialogue to go along with the Natural Features Map and the patural Barriers Map as to what the effects are on the natural features and natural barriere. Mr. Boardman stated whaC they were looking at was proportfonate amounts of £acilitfes based on the different neighborhood population sizes. They were lacking neighborhood park facilities in key and high population areas. � . _ �6 2s s !�x'. Boardman stated that the "S�ry o£ Fix[dings�� was the"meat"of the whole plan asuk,,was based on the "Goals and Objectives". Befora Objective 1, they were adding an .Qvexall F�stding whi.ch stated; "The City of Fridley is currently lacking in standard cYiteria for the strategic distribution of the funds available for park system develop- ment.° Mr: Boardman stated that vhea the parks and ppen Space System was developed, it was kitid"'o£ a"hit and miss" operation. They got the leftovexs on park property and ended up with a scattering of undersized park facilities tk�at really could not be used in some areas. They put a lot of money in developing (sometimes overdeveloping) these small areas ending up with scattered high activity axea recreation facilities that should not have that high activity use. Mr. Bergmau stated that he found the "Summary ot Flndii►gs" misleading as they were all �gative fivdings. Ae felt the "Su�arY of Findings" should list both pros and cons. Mx. Boardman stated that a£ter the "S�ary of Findings" they got into the "Recoo�enda- tioos" which were based on the "S�ary of Findings". He stated the purpose of the ��gu�ary of Findings" was to bring out the negaCive poiats. Recommendations were made on aegative poinCS and would not be needed for good points. Here again, he stated, because there was an Overall F3nd3ng, an Overall Rec�endat3on must be added; "The City should adopt criteria for the strategic disbursement of maney for park development." To follow that, they had set up a tentative criteria to disperse money based on priorities-- acquisitions, developments, etc. Again, the "Reco�endations" were based on the �objeckiv�s,and policies from the "Goals and Objectives". This was the working portion �of the plan document in which they were making Cheir recommendations. Mr. Boardman stated a proposed System Map would be added showing the total overall system. Pages showing the park coacepts would be added�with a brief description of each park. AfCer the park concepts, they would break down into the individual neighborhoods and there would be an insert for each neighborhood listing its parks. . Mr, Oquist'stated he feLt the landscaping costs listed for the parks were much too : hAgh and questioned the need for so �ch landscaping. I�'. Bergman stated he agreed that landscaping for the neighborhood parks was not as impottant as landscaping for, for example, Locke Park. He was afsaid they would use up the neighborhood parks in landscaping. Mr, goardman stated that these costs were to give an idea of what the redevelopment of a typical neighborhood would cost. t�. Oquist stated he felt a little mote consideration should be made to the neighborhood parks and, as the Ci[y wen[ through the plan, they should have a more realistic picture of each park. I�, goardman stated these were etrictly co�ncepts that could be done and, even in the ��geco�uendations", they had suggested that the actual design of the parks should be dme in conjunctlon with the neighborhood desires. Mr. Boardman suggested that the �ommission members take a careful look at the "Suw�arY of Findings" and the "Recammenda- �tions". He said they would be receiving new copies of the Yarks and Open Space Plaa ` with the additions . MOTION �y Ai Gabe1, seconded by LeRoy Oquist, to tabie further discussion on the Parks and Open &pACe Plan untillthe docu�ent was more ccmplete. Upon a voiee vote, all voting �ye, tbe matirt� sarried unanimously. Ji COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING MAY 25, 1977 PAGE 6 REVIEW OF BIKEWAY/WALKWAY PLAN: � At the previous Commission meeting, Mr. Boardman had been iastructed to see where Staff was wirh regard to any complaints rega�ding the Bikeway/Walkway Plan. Mr. Boardman stated that the only complaints Staff had been receiving were from peop2e in the Riverview Heights area as to why the bikeway system was off East River Road. They felt the bikeway system should be more of a direct route from any point in that area to other areas by utilizing $ast River Road as a bikeway system--an o£f-trail system along East River Road, and eliminate the bikeway system as proposed that would go through the different communities. The main feedbacic was that they were not being adequately served by the bikeway system. Mr. gergman stated that the safety concern was a good reason £or not using East River Road. Mr. Oquist stated that the bikeway system was designed to be a safe system, rather than a direct route. Mr. Boardman stated that he thought-the prime considerations of the Bikeway/Walkway Project Committee, when they made their recoauneadat3ons, were that (1) they would in no way aiZow striping or bicycling along East River Road unless it was a separated trail because of the high volume, high speed traffic and (2) because a separated trail would be very expensive. Tf there was any other means of handling bike traffic in the � area, the Project Cou¢nittee would pzefer to do it that way. Mr. Boardman stated that maybe the Commission should direct the gikeway/hTalkway project Committee to set two meeting dates a year and all items would be handled at those two meetings wfth recommendations back to this Commission, pny other meeCing dates could be determined by the Committee. Every tfine Staff received complaints, they would forward them to the Chair�erson to incorporate in Che next meeting. MOTION by LeRoy Oquist, seconded by e,l Gabel, that the Community Development Co�ission instruct the Bikeway/Walkway project Committee to meet a minimum of two times a year, one meeting in the spring before the biking season and one meeting in the fall after the biking season was over, on dates selected by the Canmittee. These meetings would be for the purpose of reviewing problems and concerns and making recommendations back to this Commission. At the last meeting of the year, the Project Committee shouid plan the following year`s two meetings in advance. The Chairperson of the Bikeway/Walkway Project Coimnittee was requested to call the Co�ittee's first meeting by or before June 30, 1977. All items of concern received to date would be forwarded to the Committee for their first meeting date. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ADJQURh1MENT: MOTION by LeRoy Oquist, seconded by A1 Gabel, to adjourn the meeting at 11:12 p.m. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motian carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, � . ' . L � y e Saba Recording Secretary .� � �r _ _ -- _ _. _ _ _ �z��� _ �— - _ _ ___ _ -- _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ �?4�� _ �� _ __ _ ����,� ,� ��� _ ��/ �����-,� . - p��j-c.a./ ���-2-¢�' G�``�r /���Z7�'« /,�it�e�-L, �- e� / H4 f/ ��.N.r✓ �c,✓�-e� _ /�� � /d � �` S, G��� �? �' � , `z`�1�`l _ _-__ �'�.� � � _ �aGB �. �� �i�' J�_�'�� - _ _ a�e�. ��=P �-�-� � � �3 �_ s� ���.��,�.���� e�; � .. _ __ �r�,�,�-aM /Q ����`yr�� t�a.iN,�i. 2u�:� �w it-.i a /�' _ y K ��,�.;,, ef o 3 a T-�i���� /S /-� �.t. -c c��' - �w _ t •c..(�-� �'�u�-Q.,-...�.-.., IC �--- _12,-�...-1�, � -- _ _ �.�. 1/3ao ��-a-� � - -�-� —�_ �� -__-. - _ __ _ _ - �-. _�..-�- r,� _ � MOTION by nrs• Mr• Bergman as voting aye, the CALI TO ORDER: CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNIN6 COMMISSION nEETING JUNE 8, 1977 Schnabel, seconded by Ms• Shea to appoint acting Chairperson• Upon a voice vote, all motion carried unanimously• Acting Chairperson Bergman called the June 8, 1977, Planning Commission Meeting to order at 7:35 P•M- ROLL CALL: Members Present: Members Absent: Others Present: Shea, Bergman, Suhrbier, Schnabel, Langenfeld Peterson, Harris Jerrold Boardman, City Rlanner APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES= MAY 18, 1977 Mrs• Schnabel added to the end of the second paragraph on Page 16, ^in the new Senior Citizen Building^• Mr• Frederic Foster of 6441 RivervieW Terrace indicated that the second paragraph on Page 6 was actually said by Mr• Luckow of 161-64 1/2 tlay N•E• MOTION by Mr• Langenfeld, seconded by Ms• Shea, that the Planning Commission minutes of May 18, 1977, be approved as amended• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously- MOTION by Ms- Shea to add an agenda item 3A to be RECOMMENDATION FOR 91,000 FOR THE SENIOR CITIZEN WELL CLINIC {�pp}. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously• 1• CONTINUED= REZONING REQUEST, ZOA ;77-03, BY C• D- CHANDLER= To rezone Lot 1� Block 2, Johnson's River Lane Addition, from R-1 {Single family dwelling areas} to R-3 {multiple family dWelling areas}, and rezone Lots 2 and 3, Block 2, Johnson's River Lane Addition from C-1T {local shopping areas} to R-3 {multiple family dwelling areas}, so these three lots can be used for the construction of a row house development and/or toWnhouses, generally located between 64 1/2 and Mississippi Place, on the West side of East River Road• Public Hearing open• PLANNING COMMI3SION MEETING — J�NE 8+ 1977 PA6E 2 Mr• Chandler of 11320 Mississippi Drive, CMamplin, and Mr• Ken Talbot of Calhoun Realty of Coon Rapids were present• Mr• Chandler presented a plat to the Planning Commission• The Planning Commission reviewed the plat• Mr• Boardman explained the plat and what had been decided upon• He said that the plat showed seven units with fourteen parking spaces• He said that a rear�ard setback variance would be required• Mrs- Schnabel wanted to knom who had title ta the easement• Mr• Chandler responded that it belonged to the County• kcting�6hairperson Bergman wanted to know if the easement was in the setback requirement or was there to be 35 feet of setback plus seven feet of easement• Mr• Chandler indicated on the plat the locations of the setbacks and the easements• Mrs• Schnabel wanted to know if the seven foot easement Would revert hack to the property owner• Mr• Chandler said it would• Ms• Shea explained that if the setback mas moved to include the easement, then a variance wouldn`t be needed• There was some discussion at this point regarding the setbacks and easement requirements• Mr• Talbot pointed out to the Planning Commission that mhat had been requested was a plat describing the location of the building/s on the lot• He said that the plat they were looking at was indicating the maximum of what could be put on that property• Mrs• Schnabel said that Mr• Chandler had previously indicated that he would meet all city codes• She said that if the plat was not the final p2at and if the property was rezoned, she wanted to know if there was any way to bind the property to a structure that wouldn't contain any variances to the City Codes• Mr• Chandler said that he hadn't been aware that the plat hadn't met all the City Codes• Mr• Talbot explained that the plat was only off by six inches and that the plat was only a preliminary and once an architect drew up the final plat, the dimensions would be more exact• Mrs� Schnabel wanted to know if the contractor would be bound to the plat• She felt that there would be no guarantee that the new purchaser would construct that number of units• PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING — JUNE 8, 1977 PpGE 3 Mr• Chandler felt that the buyer wouldn`t go more than seven units because of the fact that he would have to provide facilities for the handicapped if he built more than seven units and Mr• Chandler didn't think that the person would go that additional expense• Mr• Ta�bot wanted confirmation as to exactly how much of a variance was needed• Mr• Boardman explained that if the easement was part of the property, then a very minor amount would be needed {approximately six inches}; however, he said that if the easement was not part of the property, it would be approximately seven feet six inches• Mr- Langenfeld indicated that if a rezoning was given, then the Planning Commission itself would lose control of the type of building that would be constructed on the property• Acting Chairperson Bergman said that if the rezoning was granted, that the Planning Commission could put stipulations on the recommendation for approval• Mr• Boardman stated that the maximum that could be placed on that property was eight units• He said that the Planning Commission had requested a plat and what they had to.decide Was that if they felt the area was right for an R-3 zoning, then the rezoning should be approved; if they decided that the area was not right for an R-3 zoning, then they should refuse the request• He didn't see why the Commission was concerned about tying the property to a specific design• Mrs• Schnabel said that part of the reason for requesting a site plan mas because of the traffic patterns which were a concern of the neighbors• Mr� Boardman felt that the plan was good in that it would be situated on the lot with plenty of green area and ample parking areas• Mr• Talbot explained that the parking areas could be sit�ated on eitMer side of the building• At that point, Mr• Chandler shoWed the site plan to Mr• 8 Mrs• Frederic Foster of 6441 Riverview Terrace• Mr• Foster said that he didn't want to see any apartments at all, however, if the rezoning was to be approved, then he wanted to see the parking lot on the qigaissip�i �lace side of the buiiding:� . �� " _,-� s :;� Mrs• Foster explained that there Was a park located near the iots iheqweStiofl• S6e<said tha�amany`ehifi�ren piaqed in �he;patrk-and F �Mat was the reasoning ge�reqpesting t6at_the-parking �o�anot�b�a, �odeted on�the_6q-3,f2 Way side of the building• PLANNIN6 COMMISSION MEETING — JUNE 8, 1977 PAGE 4 Mr� Langenfeld wanted to know if the Foster's were representing everyone in the ne-i.�hborhoo�lor just themselves• Mr• Foster said that they weren't representing anyone other than themselves• He said that he knew that all the other neighbors didn't want to see any more multiple dwellings in the area, but that other commitments kept them from appearing at the Public Hearing• Mrs• Foster said that she had talked to many of the people on Riverviem Terrace and that they were against any more multiple dwellings• She said that it had been decided that if multiple dwellings had to be constructed, then most of the people preferred to see duplexes rather than apartment complexes• Mrs• Foster also indicated that she didn't feel that � variances should be allowed• Mr• Langenfeld pointed out to the Planning Commission that a very baa�edous situation did exist in the area because of the abundance of children and the amount of existing traffic• Mr• Chandler pointed out that the rezoning would be an upgrading of the present zoning• MOTION by Ms• Shea, seconded by Mr• Langenfeld, to clase the public Hearing• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the Public Hearing was closed at 8:05 P.M- Mrs• Tchnabel indicated that she felt there was a definite hardship on the petitioner in retaining the piece of property with two separate zoni�gs• She said that the fact that two of the lots were zoned Commerical {C-1S} and were not large enough,.in themselves, to construct as Commercial, she felt that Mr• Chandler had a serious hardship as to how to develop his property• Mrs• Schnabel a�so felt that a commercial enterprise wouldn't be beneficial to that neigh6orhood• She said that she would rather see a multiple dwelling of some type rather than commercial• She indicated that she was concerned about the traffic patterns, the size of the units, and the setbacks• She said that the residents of the neighborhood had a very legitimate concern as to the traffic and the childre�, etc• However, after careful consideration, she felt that the following motion was in order• PLANNING COMMISSSON MEETING — JUNE 8, 1977 PAGE 5 MOTION by Mrs• Schnabel, seconded by Ms• Shea, that the Planning Commission recommends to City Council the approval of the Rezoning Request, ZOA �77-03, by C• D- Chandler: To rezone Lot 1, Block 2, Johnson's River Lane Addition, from R-1 {single family dwelling areas} to R-3 {multiple family dwelling areas}, and rezone Lots 2 and 3, Block 2, Johnson's Rive�r Lane Addition from C-1S {local shopping areas} to R-3 {multiple family dwelling areas}, so these three lots can be used for the construction of a row house development and/or townhouses, generally located between 64 1/2 and Mississippi Place, on the West side of East River Road, with the stipulation that traffic ingress and egress be onto i/ Mississippi Place ONLY� Upon a voice vote, Ms• Shea, Mr• Bergman, Ms• Suhrbier, and Mrs• Schnabel voting aye and Mr• Langenfeld voting nay, the motion carried• Acting Chairperson Bergman indicated that this would go to City Council on June 20, 1977, and at that time a Public Hearing would be set• Mrs• Schnabel initiated a brief discussion about the use of traffic bumps in the neighborhood, especially along Riverview Terrace• Mr• Boardman indicated that the City tried to avoid putting traffic bumps on streets because of the problems with street plows• 2• LOT SPLIT REQUETT: L•S• ;77-05, BY MORRIS J- LONGERBONE� Split Lot 28, Auditor's Su6division No� 92, into three parce2s as falloms: Parcel I: The South 72 feet of Lot 28 {5895 Arthur Street N•E•}� Parcel II: The North 72 feet of the South 144 feet {5875 Arthur Street N•E•} both as measured at right angles of the City of Fridley in Arthur Street N•E•4 and Parcel III= That part of Lot 2B, lying North of the South 144 feet as measured at right angles to the South line thereof, together with that part of Gardena pvenue vacated, also subject to the rights of the City of Fridley in Arthur Street N•E• and in Gardena pvenue, {1494 Gardena Avenue N-E•}• Mr• Morris J• Longerbone of 1494 Gardena Avenue was present• Mr• Boardman explained that the general location was at the corners of Gardena and Arthur Street N-E• He said that the petitioner manted to split the property into three parcels, Parcels 1 and 2 would be over 9,�OU square feet; however, the lots widths would be 72 feet instead of the required 75 feet• parcel 3 would be an extra large lot size that would be well over the 10,000 square feet which was required for a corner lot• All the parcels of land were serviceable with sewer and water already in• He said that from the City's standpoint, there weren't any problems• PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING — JUNE 8, 1977 PAGE 6 Mrs• Schnabel wanted to know if the City had any easements on Arthur or Gardena streets• Mr• Boardman indicated that all the sewer, water, utilities, telephone, etc• were already in the streets, so that no easements would be required- Mr• Longerbone said that he would be tearing down the existing houses- Ms• Suhrbier wanted to know what price range the planned house would be in• Mr• Longerbone said it would 6e approximately 460,000• Mr• Longerbone indicated that be �elt he didn't need a11 the property since his family was grown• He said that he wanted to split the lots to sell so that he could make his life a little easier• Mrs- Schnabel wanted to know mhich parcel of land Mr• Longerbone intended to build his home• Mr• Longerbone said he would build on Parcel 1• He said that the existing houses would be torn down before the sale of the remaining parcels• MOTION by Ms• Shea, seconded by Mrs• Schnabel, that the Planning Commission recommends to City Council the approval of Lot Split Request: L•S• �77-05, by Morris J• �ongerbane: Split Lot 28, Auditor's Subdivision No•92, into three parcels as follows: Parcel I� The South 72 feet of Lot 28 {5895 Arthur Street N•E•}� Parcel II: the North 72 feet of the Sauth 144 feet {5875 Arthur Street N•E•} hoth as measured at right angles to the South line thereof, subject to Lhe rights of the City of Fridley in Arthur Street N•E•; and Parcel III: That part of Lot 28, lying North of the South 144 feet as measured et right angles to the South line thereof, together with that part of Gardena Avenue vacated, also subject to the rights of the City of Fridley in Arthur Street N-E• and in Gardena Avenue {y494 Gardena Avenue N-E-} with the stipulation that the existing structures be removed from the property prior to the sale of that property• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously• PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING — JUNE 8, 1977 PAGE 7 3� VACATION REQUEST, SAV �77-05, CITY OF FRIDLEY: Vacate t e not rig t o way or Lakesi e Road for 276 feet on �ot 4, Auditor's Subdivision Na• 108, because of a change in street pattern• {The City now has a 50 foot right of way for 73 1/2 Avenue that cul-de-sac`s on the Replat of Marxen Terrace.} Mr• Boardman explained that because of the changes in the street patterns that the City no longer needed the Lakeside Road right-of-way• He said that the City would vacate Lakeside Road right of way; however that the City must retain a drainage and utility easement over the mesterly 17 feet• Acting Chairperson Bergman wanted to know why the City was asking for the Vacation• Mr• Boardman indicated that the City no longer needed the Lakeside Road right of way• MOTION 6y Mr• Langenfeld, seconded by Ms• Shea, that the Planning Commission recommend to City Council the approval of Vacation Request, SAV �77-05, City of Fridley: Vacate the 25 foot right of way for Lakeside Road for 276 feet on �ot 4, puditor's Subdivision No• 108, because of a change in street pattern• {The City naw has a 50 foot right of way for 73 1/2 Avenue that cul-de-sac's on the Replat of Marxen Terrace•} with the stipulation that the City maintain 17 feet for drainage and utility easements over the westerly 17 feet• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously• 3A• RECOMMENDATION FOR $1,000 FOR SENIOR CITIZEN WELL CLINIC {CAP} M4TI4N by Ms Shea, seconded by Mrs• Schnabel, to remove this item from the Table. Upan a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimnusly• Ms• Thea said that the donation was being asked for the Senior Citizen Well Clinic located in the North Suburban Family Services Clinic in Caon Rapids• nr• Kline of 9030 Jefferson, CAP, gave the background information on the Senior Citizen Well Clinic• He said that the clinic had been in operation for three years• He said the intention of the Clinic was to provide preventative medicine for senior citizens at a very minimal cost to them• PLANNING �OMMISSION MEETING — JUNE 8+ 1977 PAGE & �r• Kline indicated to the Planning Commission that all Federal assistance ceased at the end of June 1977 and the Clinic mas on its own for at least 18 months, at which time, possibly, United Way would give its support• He said that the total cash needs for that 18-month period would be �56,000• He said that Anoka County had pledged #22,500• He explained that the attempt was 6eing made to raise 516,600 through local foundations• He said that the Senior Citizen Well �linic was a County-Wide Program• Ms• Shea wanted to know if CAP had approached Columbia Heights• Mr• Kline said that they had a call in to Columbia Heights, but that the call had not been returned as yet• Mr• Kline indicated that Coon Rapids had given �5,000 worth of space and supplies� Acting Chairperson Bergman wanted to know Why anyone with Medicare/ Medicad� benefits would go to the Clinic• Mr- Kline explained that Medicare would not provide preventative medicine• He said that the main purpose of the Clinic was to keep all the Tenior Citizens in good health• MOTION by Mr• Langenfeld, seconded by Ms• Shea, to receive the Annual Evaluation for the Well Senior Citizen Clinic� Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously• The booklet was received- Mr• Langenfeld wanted to know where the Clinic was located• Mr- Kline responded that it was located in the North Suburban Family Practice Clinic at 1323 Coon Rapids Boulevard, Coon Rapids• He explained that it mas directly past Coon Rapids City Hall on Coon Rapids Boulevard• Mr• Langenfeld asked if there were doctors at the Clinic donating their time• lfr��Kline said that they hired the doctors because of the cost of Malpractice Insurance• He indicated that when the physician is hired, he brings his own insurance with him• Mr• Langehfeld quoted the fact that United Way would give support in 1979; he wanted to know if it was a^for sure^ thing• Mr• K2ine said that there was no way of being positive• He said that United Way had been to the Clinic and they had been impressed with what they saw• He went on to explain that United Way would have more of a supporting role IF it gives its support at all• PLANNING CdMMISSION MEETING — JUNE 8, 1977 PAGE 9 Mr• Langenfeld asked if Mr- Kline was dealing with Jerry Lewis• pr- Kline said that we was• Mr• Langenfeld wanted to know if Mr• Kline was going to handle all the paperwork and forms himself• Mr• Kline said that he would be handling all the paperwork involved• Ms• Suhrbier wanted to know if the senior citizens went to the Clinic only for a physical examination and not for an illness- .qr• Kline said that the Clinic Was basically preventative medicine but that the Senior Citizens could go to the Clinic and have a diagnostic work-up and if something was discovered that required medical attention, the person would 6e recommended to their own physician for treatment• Mrs• Schnabel expressed surprise that �56,000 was needed to run a Clinic, four hours a day, for two days a week, far 18 months• She said that that would equal more than $3,000 per month• Mr• Kline explained that the Physicians were paid �40/hour• He said that two physicians aere -; working each of the days• He then went on to explain the other costs involved with running the clinic, over and above the wages_of_the physicians• nr• Kline also pointed aut that costs shou2� be tonsideredeon the number of physical examinations that are conducted at the clinic compared to the cost to do them at a regular doctor's office• He said that approximately 100 senior citizens per month are seen by the doctors at the Clinic• Acting Chairperson Bergman wanted to know if there were any provisions for free transportation. Mr- Kline said that none of the money beirog requested would go to provide free transpartation- Mr• Langenfeld asked if �r• Kline was aware of the fact that the Fridley's Lion Club had donated a bus to Anoka County• Mr• Kline indicated that he was aware of the bus but there was a problem in getting a driver for the bus• He said that the County was in the process of establishing a Seniar Citizen Office that would coordinate Senior Citizen Programs• He said that once that Office is implemented and staffed, many of the problems presently 6eing experienced by the Senior Citizens would be dealt with• PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING — JUNE 8� 1977 RA6E 10 Mr• Langenfeld indicated that the Fridley's Lion Club had donated a bus to Anoka County for the primary purpose of assisting the Senior Citizens and Handicapped people in Anoka County• He said that when someone wanted the use of the bus, they mere told they had to pay $6•5D per hour• He said that it had come to the point that if Anoka County could not agree about the way of handling the use of the bus, then the Lion Club was going to ask for the return of the bus• Mrs• Schnabel had conflicts because she felt the services provided for people unable to financially have health services and other services was good, but she was disturbed at the cost of some of those services• She felt that the costs were way out of line as to the original intent of the different.programs• She said that as a tax payer one gets more and more upset when they hear of the high cost of those services Mr• Kline said that the Clinic was originally formed by a Coon Rapids women'.s group that needed help in funding• He pointed out that many times pevple become medically unable to take care of themselves and require a Nursing Home of which, much of the monies needed to run the Nursing Homes are picked up by the tax payers• He felt that the Program wouldn't have to keep too many people out of Nursmogg Homes in order for the Program to break even• Mr• Langenfeld pointed out that the Planning Commission should keep in mind that at one point in time the present Senior Citizens were tax payers and he felt that the Commission was almost obligated to grant the money 6eing requested• ��n r�spopserbo�at�destion asked by Acting Chairperson Bergman, Mr• Kline indicated that if a physician at the Clinic discovered an alarming medical pro6lem, the person would be encouraged to see their own physician immediately• He said that at that point, Medicare would pick up any costs for treatment of the medical problem• Mr• Kline went on to say that approximately one of every five people seen at the Clinic are referred to their physicians for treatment• He said that the Clinic was identifying many problems at an early stage• Ms• Suhrbier asked if the Program was only for Anoka County� Mr- Kline said that they �od�dn't �arn anyone away, but that it was mainly Anoka County• He said that the plans were ta expand if, and when, United Way took over• Mr• Langenfeld pointed out that even though there was much concern about the costs, it should be kept in mind that the Commission members would all be Senior Citizens some day• He hoped that at that time that a Program such as this would be in effect• PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING — JUNE 8, 1977 PAGE 11 Mrs• Schnabel wanted to know why Mr• Kline had waited so long before asking for money from Fridley- If he knew that the money would be running out, why hadn't they started sooner• Mr• Kline said that the strategy had been ;going on since August 1976• He said that they presently had Anoka County committed and had appraached five different foundations• Mrs• Schnabel wanted to know why United Way hadn't been approached sooner so that they could have taken over immediately rather than waiting for 18 months• Mr• Kline said that United Way was obviously the major portion of funding saurce, but that United Way was not optimistic about picking up an operation immediately following Federal assistance• United Way wants the operation to be on its own for a short time• He said that the lead time needed to get United Way support was usually two to three years• Mrs- Helen Deeg of 1068 South �ircle NE :sai� that she had been on the Ad�isory Board of the Well Senior Citizens for three years• She indicated that since the Commission had already heard how the Clinic works, she thoaght it would be interesting for them to hear from a person who had been helped by the Clinic• Ms• Hazel Hartman of 193 Hartman Circle sai� that when she went to the Clinic that the doctor found a spot on her face and that she was blind in her left eye• She was told to see her own physician regarding the spot on her face• She said that her doctor found the spot to be skin cancer• He operated on the spot and, hopefully, got all the disease• She said that if the spot had not been taken care of at that early stage the outcome could have been much morse• She said that she had been one of the first patients to use the Clinic and that she had been back two or three times since• She was really satisfied with the care given her at the Clinic• She said that a person gets a thorough physical examination {the kind a person would probably pay $9U for at a regular poctor's Office}. Mr• Earl Deeg of 1068 South Circle NE indicated that he took people to the Clinic and other places• He said that he was also a Senior Citizen and many of the people he drives around could not get any place without help• Acting Chairperson Bergman wanted to know if Mr• Deeg used his own automobile along with volunteering his time• Mr• Deeg said that he did get mileage when he 4rowght peop�e to the Clinic, but that he did use his own car• PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING — JUNE 8, 1977 PAGE 12 MOTION by Ms• Shea, seconded by Mr• Langenfeld, that the Planning Commission recommends to City Council the approval of the 91,0�0 for the Senior �itizen Well Clinic {CAP}• Ms• Hartman cited another example to the Commission when a friend of hers had gone to the C2inic and the doctors told her to immediately see her physician• This person ended up being in the operating room 6-1/2 hours to try to take care of cancer that had taken over much of her stomach• �s• Hartman said that that person w,as still around today- UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously• Acting Chairperson Bergman declared a short break at 9:15 P-M- Acting Chairperson Bergman calied the meeting back to order at 9:25 P•M- � Mr• Langenfeld referenced Page 41, the eighth paragraph• He manted the sentence to read, ^Mr• Langenfeld stated that if a member of the Commission could not come ta the meeting and 6e a participating member,t+tr� that persan��1� not be a member^• MOTION by Mr• Langenfeld, seconded by Mrs- Schnabel, that the Plan�ing Cammission receives the Environmental Quality Commission minutes of May 17, 1977� Upan a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously• Mr• Langenfeld wanted to know how one could implement the policy guidelines of the Open Space and Park Plan {Page 37, secnnd paragraph}. Mr, Boardman pointed out that the guidelines in itself mas not an implementation of the guidelines under the Refersndum He said that ib�w�ald<_qomesC[o�ougt�itlhe devt3opment*-o� the policy and implementation- Mr• Langenfeld wanted to know when the City Council would hold the final disposition• Mr• 8oardman indicated that there had been some delays on the proposed Parks and Open Space Plan but that the maps and revised copies should be sent out by the end of that week• Acting Chairperson Bergman felt that they had had a meaningful discussion at the Community Development Commission Meeting. Mr• Boardman thought that the basics of the plan were very sound and the basics were what was needed to start a discussion• PLANNING COMMISSION MEETIN� — JUNE 8, 1977 PAGE 13 Mr• Langenfeld discussed the fourth paragraph on page 38, ^All of the parks within that area were within the river corridor area, but not all of them would be considered as having river recreation potential• Islands of Peace, Mahnomen Park, and probably Riverview Heights, wou2d 6e•^ Mr- Langenfeld didn't really think the City had thought of any type of Marina Plan• Mr• Boardman responded that the entire Mississippi Area was a critical area• He said that certain regulations would have to be set up as far as restrictions, setbacks, etc• for the protection of the River and the protection of recreation spaces within that area• For recreation purposes, the City required a plan to cover the critical areas• This plan was to include any proposals for City road use or access to the River, development of any recreation activities, that would relate to the River• This was the primary goal of the Critical Areas Plan• Mr• Boardman also indicated that the corridor designation in the City of Fridley was between the middle of East River Road and the Mississippi River• Mr� Langenfeld said that the East River Road Project Committee was losing its strength due to the Iack of one of the members• He wanted to stress ta the Pianning Commission that the Environmental Quality Commission did not have a specific report to meet the Planning Commission request as to the stop light problems on 79th and East River Road other than what had been indicated in the Minutes of May 17, 1977• Acting Chairperson Bergman explained that there had been an assignment from the Planning Commission to look at the problem raised by the Board of Appeals• He said that Community Development had declined to accept the assignment, therefore, the Environmental Quality Commission had taken it over and what had been written in the minutes was all that was available at that time• Mr• Bergman asked if the Commission planned to drop the assignment• Mr• Langenfeld indicated that the report would only be delayed• Mrs• Schnabel felt that the second paragraph on page 4❑ should be brought to the attention of the City Council• She felt that it was the ^heart^ of the matter• It pointed out that 79th was going to be a very critical crossing and the fact of the matter was that the County didn't want to put a stop light at that corner• She said that short of writing a formal report, that the best thing would be to have the Council's attention brought specifically to that paragraph so that they could see what the Environmental Quality Commission had come up with regarding the East River Road situation• Mr• Langenfeld said that since it was already in the minutes, it should be adequate• PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING — JUNE 8, 1977 PAGE 14 Mr• Boardman indicated that if the Planning Cammission felt that siqnalization was needed at 79th and East River Raad, then they should make a formal motion stating that after the study of the 79th and East River Road intersection they felt that it would he important to have that signal• MOTION by Mrs• Schnabel, seconded by Mr• Langenfeld, that based on the study done by the East River Road Froject Committee and their report to the Environmeqtal]Quality Commission on 05/17/77 that the Planning Commission recommends to City Council that a traffic light be placed at the intersection of 79th and East River Road as quickly as possible• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously• Mr• Langenfeld said that he had been requested to be the Chairperson of the East River Road Froject Committee but he felt it would be a conflict of interest for him to chair a Project Committee in addition to the Commission• He wanted confirmation of that statement• Mr• Boardman said that there mas nothing in the Ordinance that said a Chairperson couldn't chair a Project Committee• Mr• Langenfeld discussed the Noise Pollution Model Ordinance• He said that the Environmental Quality Commission hoped to have a special program regarding noise pollution at the July 19, 1977 meeting• He felt that the planned program would be very informative and he urged the members of the Planning Commission to plan to attend• Mr• Langenfeld went on to say that the Program would include all the present regulations on noise pallution• He also indicated that from the presentation a person would become familiar with the terminology used when noise pollution was discussed• At that point there was a disucssion on what a decibel was in regards to noise pollution• Mrs• Schnabel wanted to know if the plan was to come up with a Noise Pollution Model Ordinance for the City of Fridley and why the State and Federal Controls weren't adequate• Acting Chairperson Bergman said that if Fridley _had a noise pollution ordinance, it would probably be more strict °bF�m the State or Federal controls• There was much discussion amongst the Planning CQmmission on noise pollution as well as the manners of enforcement• That discussion also involved the present Noise Barriers located on Interstate 694• PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING — JUNE 8, 1977 PAGE 15 5• Mrs� Schnabe2 wanted to know if anyone could go on the dune 23, 1977, tour of all the park facilities to see what was being done and what the parks had {page 48 paragraph F}• Mr• Boardman commented that he was sure anyone from the Planning Commission could 90 on the tour• Mr• Langenfeld wanted to commend Mr� Peterson on his statement made on Page 47, paragraph 9, ^••that he appreciated having some oi the neighborhood project committee members attend the meeting- This was a warking plan and it was the key thing in trying to put together a system that would give e�eryone in the City an opportunity to enjoy recreation, no matter what it might be^• Mr• Langenfeld wanted to know if the Parks & Recreation Commission was planning to meet with the Rice Creek Water Shed District• Ms• Suhrbier said that there would be a meeting and the Planning Commission would be invited• Mr- Langenfeld wanted to know if the meeting would get involved with the problem regarding the dredging of Locbe Lake• Ms• Suhrbier said that she thought it would since it was planned to be a total report• MOTION by Ms� Suhrbier, seconded by Mrs• Schnabel, that the Planning Commission receive the Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes of May 23, 1977• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously• Ms• Suhrbier discussed the Land Plan and stated that she felt the City of Fridley needed to connect the present parks with a bikeway system rather than acquiring more land• There was much discussion at that point regarding the bikeways and the City�s present plans• Acting Chairperson Bergman suggested that if the Planning Commission had any definite suggestions/recommendations that they be documented in the minutes so that he would be able to take them back to the Community Development Commission so that they can tre reviewed by the Bikeway/Walkway Project Committee so they can be discussed at the next meeting• PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING — JUNE 8, 1977 PAGE 16 6• , ON MINUTES: MOTION by Mr• Langenfeld, seconded by Ms• Shea, that the Planning Commission receive the Community Development Commission minutes of May 25, 1977• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously• Mr• Bergman indicated that most of the Community Development Commission meeting dealt with the report by Pat Gabel, the Chairperson of the Sign Ordinance Project Cammittee• Mr• Langenfeld wanted to commend Ms• Gabel on her work• Mrs- Schnabel said that she knew Ms• Gabel had put a lot of personal time into the report• 7• CONTINUED, PROPOSED MAINTENANCE CODE It was decided that the Planning Commission would hold a Workshop after the formal adjournment of the June 8, 1977, Planning Commission meeting- 8• OTHER BUSINESS Mrs• Schnabel said that she had read Mr• 8oardman's report on the Hyde Park problems and thought it mas EXCELLENT- She highly commended Mr• eoardman• There was a duscussion regarding the Hyde Rark Report, the meeting that had been held, and the outcome• Mrs• goardman indicated that there Was a petition submitted to rezone the Hyde Park area back to residential• He said he thought the decision was going in that direction� MOTION by Ms- Shea, seconded by Mr• Langenfeld, to suspend the rules and elect a Vice-Chairperson before Item 7• Upon a voice vote, all vating aye, the motion carried unanimously• Mr- Boardman said that a Vice-Chairperson had to be elected annually• He indicated that Mr• Harris was the Chairperson• MOTION by Ms• Thea, seconded by Ms• Suhrbier to naminate Mr• Bergman as Vice-Chairperson of the Planning Commission• Upon a voice vote, Ms• Shea, Ms• Suhrbier, Mrs• Schnabel, and Mr• Langenfeld voting aye, Mr• Bergman sustaining, the motion carried• PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING — JUNE 8, 1977 PAGE 17 ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Ms• Shea, Planning Commission Upon a voice vote, unanimously• seconded by Mrs• Schnabel, that the meeting of June 8, 1977, be adjourned• all voting aye, the motion carried Acting Chairperson Bergman declared the Planning Commission meeting of June 8, 1977, adjourned at 10:25 P.M• The Planning Commission held a workshop on the PROPOSED MAINTENANCE CODE after the formal adjournment of the June 8, 1977, Planning Commission meetang• Respectfully submitted, � C�� Mar ee Car i Recording Secretary