PL 10/19/1977 - 6620� L, �J � City of Fridley AGENDA PLANNIN6 COMMISSION MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1977 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: APPROVE PLANNING COh4�1ISSI0N MINUTES: OCTOBER 5, 1977 RECEIVE APPEALS CON]FIISSION �IINUTES: OCTOBER 11, 1977 1. PU6LIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP 77-13, INTER CITY BUILDERS: Per ridley City Code, Sectian 205.157, 5, , to al ow the construction of a detached 24 ft. by 22 ft. garage in CRP-2 Zoning (flood plain), on Lots 1- 4, Block W, Riverview Heights, the same v being 609 Cheryl Street N.E. _�,�,.�.�.,.. �. ...�l�o•�.�.�°�� 2. PUBLIC HEARING: 7:30 P.M. PAGES � 1 - 11 21 - 40 41 - 45 RMIT, SP 46 -49 �77-14; THOMAS BRICKNER: Per Fridley City Gode, Section 205.051, 3, D, to a ow the construction of a double 6ungalow in R-1 zoning (single family dwelling areas), on Lot 1, Block 1, HeatFier Hi71s, the same being 1430- � �.,,�LJJ 1432 Rice Creek Road N.E. ,�;�,/�e.,,.�o�G ��`-L`�� �-r.u.osl . 3. LOT SPIIT REQUEST, L.S. �177-12,THU�E H. ERICKSON: Split 50 - 55 off approximately 11 feet fran Lot 6, and add it to Lot 7, Block 2, Elwell's Riverside Heights Plat 2, per verified survey and copy of deed, the same being 7515 and 7501 Alden Way N.E. 4. LOT SPLIT REQUEST, L.S. #77-13, DA VERNE CORPORATION: 56 - 59 Split off an 8.5 ft. wedge from Northerly property line of Lot 10 and add it to Lot 9, Block 3, Innsbruck North 2nd Addition, per verified survey of record, so bouse on Lot 9 can meet all the setback requirements, the same being 5468 and 5498 West Danube Road N.E. 5. CONTINUED: PROPOSED MAINTENANCE CODE• 6. CONTINUED: PARKS AND OPEN SPACE PLAN• ADJOURNMENT: � � � CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING CaMI�IISSI0T1 MEETING OCTOBER 5� �977 CALL TO ORD�R: Chairperson Harris called the regular October 5r �977, Planning Commission meetin� to order at 7:y0 P.M, ROLL CALL: Members Present: Members Absent; Others Present; Shea, Bergman, Harris, Bob Peterson, Schnabel, Bruce Peterson Langenfeld (Bruce Peterson was his representative) Jerrold Boardman, City Planner APPROVE PLANNInTG COMS�IISSI0P1 MINUTyS: SEPT��[BER ?_8 1977 MOTION by Mr, Bergman, seconded by i4s. Schnabel, to approve the September 28, 1977, Planning Comnission minutes. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RBCETVE PARKS & RECREATION COMNISSION MINUTES• S�TE�•�BER 26 19%7 MOTIOPd by Ms. Shea, seconded by Mr, Bruce Peterson, to receive the Parks & Recreation Commission minutes of September 26, 197�, Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. MOTZON by Mr. Bruce Peterson, seconded by Mr, Bergman, to receive the Environmental Quality Commission minutes of September 20� 1977� Mr. Bergman asked Mr. Bruce Peterson to explain v�hat 4Jas meant in the last paragraph on page t of the minutes. Mr. Bruce Peterson said that the Commission wasn't comfortable as to the �vay the parks were being catagorized, T4r. Bergsnan questioned the recycling project. Mr. Bruce Peterson said that it would probably be a recycling center. He explained that the Commission hadn't actually discussed the item as much as they had lvanted to, He said that P4s. Metcalf ivould be giving a report at the next meeting. PLANNING COMMISSION MEFTING - OCTOBER 5, 1977 Pa�e 2 UPON A VOIC� VOT�, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Environmental Quality Commission minutes of September 20, 197?, were received at 7:50 P.M, 1. CONTINUED: PROPOSED MAINTEPdANCE CODE Mr, Boardman explained that Staff ���as in the process ofrewriting the Code.and:making all the changes and corrections, He said that it tivas the intent to send it to the City Attorney for his concerns and remarks and then bringing it back to the Planning Commission at the October 19, 1977, meeting, MOTION by Mr. Bergman, seconded by P�Ir. Bruce Peterson, to continue the Proposed.hlaintenance Code until the October 19, 1977, Planning Commission meeting. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,the motion carried unanimously. ' 2. CONTIPNED: PARKS & OPL'Td SPACE PL1�N: Mr. Boardman explained that a slide presentation had been given on this subject. He said that t�rhat should be done is to go throu�h the P1an Booklet and describe t�rhat ivas being done �nd tvhat erould be done. He said that it rtas the overall intent at that time to try to get items straightened out in the booklet and then have a Public Hearing on the document and then send it to City Council, Mr. Bergman commented that htr. Ray Leek had given a presentation � and that he had done a very good job. Mr. Boardman said that it vrould be given again at the Public Hearing meeting. Mr. Boardman said that the exact layout of the Plan iras basic. Ae said that the main part of the document r�as in section 4 SU1+1ti�4Y OF FINDINGS and section 5 PQLICY & RECOt1pZ�,P�DATIONS, He explained hoe� many of the statements vrere arrived at and v�here the information came from. Mr. Boardman said that to come up �vith the Plan that Staff had gone thrQUgh the areas and the parks. He said that they had hired a part-tirue landscape architect r�ho had been working with the City as to eihat could be done �R�ith the Park Systems. Mr. Boardman said what i�ras trying to be done �vas to put together rrhat the City tvould classify as a Park System and hoe� it ��rould relate together �rith the utilization of park facilitiss. r �; PLANIdING COMMISSION MEPTING - OCTOBrR , 19 7 Pa�e 'L Mr. Boardman said that the SIJt4M1iRy OP FINDINGS (section 4) was based on the goals established by the Planning Commission for Parks and Recreation. He indicated that �. basically the City lacked a standard criteria for stategic distribution of funds that r�ere ava.ilable for the Parks and Recreation Systems development. Mr. Bob Peterson pointed out that the City belonged to the citizens and they ��iere the ones that r�ould use the Parks and Recreation systems and they snould be the most important concern. Mr. Boarc�man said that rrhat rras planned vras to develon a long-range blan for the Park System. He said that the City needed something to move to�:rards for tne future. Mr. Boardman said tha.t there r�ere several items brought out under the "Objective" oortion of the Plan that relate to Citizen participation and the need for citizen participation, Ms. Schnabel asked ho,°r auch of the Plan tr�as influencec? by the factors of the economics of the population, the aoe population, and rrhat the trends titere. t4r. Boardman said that vrhat hzd to be looked at in the development of a Park System sras the flexibility of the park. He said that they ti•�ould develop a systera flexible enougn � to make cnanges t;�ithout a great coste He said that the � parks should be able to be utilized by all age levels. Pir. Bob Peterson said that in a oractical sense it rras not that great of a proble�a because so many of the parcels of land e�ere of such a size that there trtouldn�t be that much that could be done vrith ther�. He said that there �vere relatively fet� areas that r�ould fit into a total City picture as far as being used as a Park System. Mr. Boardman said that the Planning Cor�mission should discuss the Parks and Open Space Plan. He said that the first three sections i•�ere basically clear and not much that could be challenged, He felt that the discussion should begin at Section y, Swnmary of Findings. Mr. Bergman i��anted to kno�� if the Parks Departraent eras promoting this Plan or �ras the City promoting it. rtr. Bob Peterson said that it c�as basically put to�ether for funding purposes. He said that the Parks & Recreation Commission helped in laying doevn a planning tool. He said that rauch of their time had been spent on the Plan, Iie said that the Commission bembers had not gone throu�h all 13 of the neighborhoods to decide step-by-steg exactly � i�rhat should happen in each neighborhood as to the Park t System. PLANNING COMMISSION MP�TfNG - OCTO��R 5 1977 Pa�e 4 P4r. Ber�man asked if the Parks & Recreation Commission had reviecred the plan in detail� Mr. Bob peterson said that three meetings had been spent discussing the PIan, He said that the Commission had not � entirely decided on every issue in the Plan. Mr. Bergman �vanted to knoi�� if the Plan was a Specific Plan or just a General Plan. ' Mr. Boardman said that rrhen Staff �vent through the Plan, they difl go thxough aZl the parks and facilities and did do a lot of concents plans. He said that riith the development oP a Parks and Recreation Plan� there s•rould be actual detail dravJings of each of the roark areas. He said that r�kat vras intended iras to go to each of the nei�hborhoods and hold neighborhood meetings and have discussions ���ith the neighborhoods and develop a pla.n for a neighborhood park facility and set up a booklet on each of the neighborhood park faciliiies. He said that a Public Hearing t�rould be planned for each neighborhood park facility, Mr. Bob peterson felt that the Plan tivas actually a Staff recommendation, He didn�t feel that the Parks & Recreation Commission or Parks Director had been that Much involved in terms of the rahole program. Mr, Boardman said that the Parks & Recreation Director had been invo].ved in the development of the Summary of Findings and in the implementation phases of the Park Plan. �c Mr. Bergman said that he had had the general impression that the Parks & 8ecre�.tion Commission tvould spend a considerable amount of time on the Park Plan. He said that he had recently gotten the impression tliat the Parks & Recreation Commission had not spent the time that would have been needed for the Plan. t4r. Boardman said that the Plan was a general guideline for the development of a parks and recreation system. ?ie said that the specific details of design v�ould be presented at a Iater date. He sald it tivouZd be an implementation phase of the Program. t4r, Bergman said that there was a plan for every park in the Plan. He was concerned about those plans. Mr. Boardman explained that they raere concept plans. He said they indicated vrork that Staff had done rrhen they tvent out to the parks. He said that the plans tvere meaningful to Staff as far as giving them an idea of vrhat was in the park and what concept could be developed for that park. He said that the actual plans lvould only come about after considering citizenry input. � �-v-a PLRNNiNG CO1�R�IISSION t4r�TING - OCTOBER�, 1977 Pa�e 5 Mr. Bob Peterson e�cplained that at a Parks & Recreation Commission meeting it had been decided that there would be no detailed plans for any park until the Commission had � its input and that the citizenry innut eras in the plan. He said that the Plan v�as presently an overall olanning tool but that specifics had not been added to it. 2here was a brief disucssion regarding several grants, Mr. Bergman indicated that the Communi�y Development Commission had discussed the Parks and Open Space Plan at their July 26� 197'], meeting, He r�anted to kno�v lvhat happened to the reconmendations made by that Commission regarding the Parks Plan. Ghairperson Harris said that as the discussion car.ie to the items that the Commissions had discussion, it ti�tould be up to the representative of thzt Commission to input their ideas, I�ir. Bergman tivanted to knoer if the recommendat? or_s made by the Planning Commission rrould be included into the Plan. Mr. Boardman said that if they got the innut before the minutes rrould have to go to City Council, then usually the reconmendations would be included. I�Ir. F3ergman expressed much concern that had been indicated at the Community Development Cor�mission that � it disagreed ti�rith the sizing of the neighborhoods, He said that one of their recommendations had been that neighborhood areas be revie1�ed for uniformity in size, population, and natura]. barriers. He used the example that five separate neighborhoods Aut together took uro less area than neighborhood 13, His concern was that to some extent the identification of an area as a neighborhood i=tould have some effect on the attention it got on the amount of park area or the funding or the grouping of a neighborhood representation. He felt that the delineation of neighborhoods ���as most unequitable. hiuch discussion resulted from Mr, Bergman's statement. Pir. Bob Peterson pointed out that the Project Committees that had been set uro had not have that comnlaint. He said that the Committee had not been concerned about the problem that 44r. Bergman and Community Development felt existed. � PLATTNING CONIMISSIOid 1�(F.ETING - OCTOBER 5, 1977 Pa�e 6 MOTION by Mr. Bergman, seconded by P4s. Schnabel, that Staff revievr the delineation of neighborhood area� in order to � make them more equitable as to size, population, anc� natural barriers. Ms. Schnabel noted that there �ras also a disparity in the ratios of parks to people in the Plan also. Rir. Ber�man said. that there was bound to be disaarities vJhen existing areas �vere inventoried. He said that one of the purposes of'inventory vras to adjust disparities. Ms. Schnabel sa_id that possibly the rolan �•ras to increase the acreage for parks c�here possible to make it more equitable in the neighborhoods. Mr. Bergman said that since it cras a long-range Plan he felt thzt if there erere errors in the Plan, the time to correct those errors r�ere in the beginning. iie also said that the ourpose for revieriing the Plan v�us to try to ir�nrove the Plan. He felt that there ��ta.s a gross inequit� in the size and population represented in the F2an. UPOPI P. VOICi, VOT3, Bergman voting aye, Shea, Harris� Bob Peterson, Schna.bel, and Bruce Peterson voting nay. The motion failed. A4r. Bob Peterson said that he did not necessarily aJree � c�ith all the findi_ngs and points in the Plan, but he said that after the three meetin�s there had been a consensus that all the Commission members did feel comfortable r�ith t•rhat had been revieLred and sent to the Planning Commission ���ith the understanding that there crould be later changes to the Plan beczuse it l�ras not that inflexible. Chairperson Harris read the Objective 1 in Section t�, Summary of Findings: Develop an order of quality park facilities that vrill be flexible to the chan�ing needs of the community. Mr. Bergman said that the Finding ��Most of Fridley�s parks are lacking in those elements of landscape architecture (ie, trees, shrubs� shade� interesting use of ;rading) that enhance a park's recreational value" could result in too much landscaping to the extent that it might not be functional . for active sports such as playing ball. PLAtdNING COMk�ISSION MEETING - OCTOB�R 5. 1977 Pa�e 7 Mr. Bob Peterson said that ,� that wanted the narks only others t��ho only cranted many He eaid that the compromise looked at as to ti�hat it i�ras of Fridley. � � there ��rere some Commission members to be trees, shrubs, etc.� and different b all playing fields. vras that each park had to be intended to do for the citizenry Mr. Boardman said that elements of landscape did not alv�ays mezn only trees, shrubs� florrers� etc. He said that it vrould also include buffering that may be needed in park facilities and the total lzyout of the park facility. Mr. 3ob Peterson said that the intent had been to perserve the integrity of each individual park to best perforn all the functions that it could perform in a neighborhood. Mr. Boardman said that the concept plans that srere in the Plan were solely for the Staff, He said that they ��ere Staff ideas that carae about only to help estiMate costs of developing different nark systems, MOTION by ASr. Bruce Peterson, seconded by NIr. Bergman, to change the �vording of the second Finding to read, "Cooperation and coordination zmong State, i�;etro�olitan, County and t4unicipal levels of government and school districts need to be improved in order to ensure against duplication of facilities and rraste of resources available for recreational developr�ent". UPOAT A VOICE VOTE, Harris, Schnabel, Shea and Bruce Peterson votin� aye; Bergman and Bob Peterson voting nay; the motion carried. Pir. Bruce Peterson said that The Fridley Fnvironraental Commission hac�. wantecl to have �}functional classification" in the first findin� under Objective 7 defined better. He s�anted to knoi�r vahat type of things ivould be used as a basis to the classificztions. Mr. Boardman explained that the basis �vould be given in the definition of each vark classification, He said that a Regional Park�s basis for determining rrould be based on certain items and that ��rould be listed under the classificaiion of ��Regional Park��. He said that tvhat rras. being sti.d by that particular "Finding�� i�aas that the City lacks a classification system for its parks, rir. Bergman didn�t like the idea that the entire section of Summary of Findings c�as negative. He said that Fridley did have many positive points, such as it has five natural park systems. FIe felt that the positive points could be listed and indicate that the Pridley Park System r�as good but that it could be better by,��,.etc. PLANNING COMMISSIOId M�L:TING - OCT0�3PR 5, 1977 Pa�e II Mr. Boardman said that the Summary of Findings vras meant to reflect eahat Staff found as items to be imnroved in the System. He said that the Plan didn't say that the System v�as good or bad, it merely states t�rhat ��rould be needed to improve the Parks System. He said that the Summary of Findings v�as the initial stage in order to set up an implementation process in order to develop something that cras rranted in the City. Chairperson Harris declared a ten minute recess at 9:29 P.M. Chairperson Harris read the Objective 2 in Section 1�, Summary of Findings: Provide innovative park design with a balance of functional and a.esthetic consideration creating substantial recreational, educational, and psychological experiences. I�Ir. Boardman said that it i�ras nost deceivin�; tivhen one talked about the amount of space of park land because the actual park facilities that are serving the neighborhoods and neople, the City of Fridley vras actually very short on park facilities. Chairberson Hzrris said that Finding �,'�it� couldn�t be implemented in a11 the parks, since some of the parks ti�rouldn't be large enough io handle all the items mentioned. hir. Boardman said that most of the neighborhood parks should have the items that �^rare listed. Chairperson Iiarris said that vlhen you mentioned having "tldequate and convenient toilet facilities, parking areas, seating accomodations and drinking fountains�', a great deal of expenditures as to the buildings, etc, rrould have to be considered. He said that even 4Jlt'R "grant�� money the costs for heat� lights� etc. ivould need a substar!tial amount of City money. MOTIOAT by P1r. Bob Peterson, seconded hy Mr, Bruce Peterson, that objective Z be left open until the item could be discussed at the other Comr�ission levels. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously, Chairperson Harris said that the entire Parlcs and Open Space Plan tivould be left open for discussion. � � �- PLAI�IN7NG COMIRISSION MPPTIPIG - OCTOBPR 5� 1977 Par�e 9 Chairperson Harris read Objective 3 in Section 4, Su�mary of Findings: Promote people-oriented narks through active citizen participztion. Mr. Bob Peterson said that if the Planning Commission in its collective �raisdom c�oula be able to devise a plan that ti�rould ensure representative citizen participation� he said that the Parks & Recreation Conmission r�ould appreciate the benefit of their combined rrisdon. Chairperson Harris said that he agreed t�ith the first finding under Objective 3. Mr. Bob Peterson said thut trro mailings every year are mailed out to every resident in the City of Fridley listin,; the entire Park and Recreation Pro�rams for z six-month period of time. He said that the efforts hzd been mad.e to inform the public of v�hat ivas available. Chairperson Harris said that perhaps the inform�.tion contained in those mailin�s could have been better assembled. Mr. Bob Peterson pointed out that at the active part of the Parks & Recreation �roorars that the City of Fridley gets a lot of citizen p�rticiPation a.t the organized ]_evel, He said that nuch citizen innut is received from the organized level because the City has rridley citizens running the active activities (ie soccer, football, hoc�zey, etc.) rie said that the P�rks and Recr�ation Commission meets crit'r. the people running tne activities on 1 scheduled 'oasis to �et the citizenry input on the active nart of the nrograms, He sai.d that they haven�t been very successful getting input from the passive part of the program. There iras some discussion �egarding the Method of signing up for the different tynes of programs being offered. Mr, Boardman commented that the sign-up part of the progra�ns could be done at the neighborhood pzrks� if the Parls System v�as improved. rlr. Bob Peterson commented th�t r�hen Friciley rfas a younger community, the nressure had been to develop the active type activities rather than the uassive types, He said that it had been only recently that the passive-type things ��rere being reaue�ted (ie fishing docks, etc.) Mr. Bergman said that Fridley had much area devoted to the passive activity� Ms. Schnabel said that emphasis has not been made to the � fact that those passive areas exist. MOTION by Mr. Bob Peterson, seconded by his. 5hea, that the Planning Commission continue the Parks and 0Pen Space Plan. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. .-- o , PLANNITIG COMMTSSIOP? ME?�,TIT?G - OCTO?3^R 5z�7? Pa�e 10 j. t°JORK SCH�:DUL� Mr. Boardman said that at the October 19, �977, Planning Commission meeting he would have a NJork Schedule for the members of the Plannin� Commission. He explained a few of the items that he ti�ras aiarzre of that the Planning Commission r�ould have to consider and revieer. 4. ADVISORY STAdD1�RDS FOR LAND USE REGULIITION Mr. Bob Peterson l�ias concerned about the last t��ro paragraphs on Page 8 of the booklet. "The various organizations ��rhich have recommended standards for 1ot size and house size do not recommend standards for garages. These organizations have �ecommended standards for d.ensity or lot size and house� size because they have z clear relationship to the protection of health and safety. Garages do not have as c].ear a relationship to the rorotection of health and safety. Although �ar�ges are a desirable amenity, particularly in the I�finnesota cliMate, they are not a necessity. Garages are an accessory structure £or the purpose of convenience. The elimination of a garage reaui�er�ent is one o£ the Most obvious taays to provicle for reducing the initial cost of a house.�� Chair�erson FIarris felt that the Planning Cor�mzssion did consider Gara�es having a clear relationship to the protection of health and safety. The-members of the Planning Comrsission agreed �aith Mr. Harris. Chairperson Harris said that the City of Pridley did require garages on most properties. Chairperson Harris said that the City of Fridley tivas being accused of adding to the price of the houses by requiring a garage. Chairperson Harris saanted to knolv ho�r much of the items in the boolclet �rould have to be adopted by the City of Fridley. Mr. Boardman said that at tha.t time, none of the items i�JOUld have to be udonted. He said that it c�ould be a large debatable issue similiar to the Mandatory Planning. He said that there taas presently not enough backin� to push the issue through ihe proper channels� � � PLANNING CQMMI5SION M�PTING - OCTOBrR 5, 1977 Pa�e 11 Mr. Bob Peterson asked if the Metropolitan Council had voted or adopted this item. �Mr. Boardman said that he wasn't sure. He said that the � Metropolitan Council vfas supporting the item, Mr. Bergman said that he could understand how the Metropolitan Council had arrived at some of their conclusions. He said that it had. been stated in the booklet that the purpose of this item was to make recommendations on vaays to supply modest cost housing. He said that they vrere Iooking at ways to simply cut the costs of housing, Mr. Bob Peterson said that he felt the report had addressed the same issues that Fridley cuas c�ncerned �vith only they had reached different conclusions than the City of Fridley. Mr. Boardman pointed out that some of the recommendations were to a.11ow smaller lot sizes, smaller house sizes, and dropping the garage requirements, Chairperson Harris said that the Advisory a"tandards for Land Use Regulation tivould be closely considered rrhen the Planning Commission <<rent over the Zoning Codes in November, Ae said that cities should carefully study their land usages to enhance modest cost housing. Mr. Boardman said that the housing issue was a major concern, �He said that cities rrere creating the problems of less � home sites available. Chairperson Harris askea that each of the Commission members give careful considerations to the "Advisory Standards for Land "Jse Regulation" booklet, ADJOURN?�1LNT MOTION by Mr. Bob Peterson, seconded by Ms. Shea, to adjourn the October 5� 1977, Planning Commission meeting. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Chairperson Harris declared the meeting adjourned at 10:40 P,M, Respectfully submitted, �Q/L ,ro _ liQit�tc � MaryLee Carhill Recording Secretary �"1 � CITY OF FRIDiEY APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING - OCTOBER 11, 1977 CALL TO ORDER• Chairperson Schnabel called the October 11, 19'7?, Appeals Commission meeting to order at 7:40 P,M, ROLL CALL Members Present: Plemel, Kemper, Schnabel, Gabel, Barna Members Absent: Mr. Kemper left the meeting for approximately one hour Others Present: Ron Holden, Building Inspector APPROVE APPEALS COMMISSION MINIITES: SEPTENiBER 20, 1977 MOTION by Ms. Gabel� seconded by Mr. Barna� to approve the Appeals Commission minutes of September 20, 1977. Mr. Barna changed the last sentence of the last paragraph on Page 10 �o read, "He pointed out to the people that East River Road was a very traveled road and that there were many traffic problems on the Road��. IIPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � 1• � ION OF VARIANCES GRANTED C w.,� ..�., � eques y upp y ompany, ty Avenue N,E.� Fridley, Minnesota 5543z). MOTION by Mr. Plemel� seconded by Mr. Barna� to open the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing was opened at 7:i�3 P.M. �� APPEALS COMMISSTON MEETTN - 0 OB R 11 1977 Pa�e 2 ����, ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY RECJUIREMENTS: � Section 205.103, y. (C,1), to maintain a rear yard setback of 25 feet in C-2 zoning area. Public purpose served by this requirement is to provide adequate open space around commercial structures for aesthetic and fire fighting purposes. Section 205.103, 4, (B,2), to maintain a side yard of 35 feet adjacent to a side street. Public purpose served by this requirement is to maintain adequate side yard setback and aesthetic open areas around commercial structures. B. STATED HARDSHIP A hardship exists to applicant since applicant cannot expand their business without adding onto the existing building, and inability to add on to the business and expand would create an economic hardship. This request for extension is made because Dennis L, Barker, Robert D. Byrne and Aelen C. Byrne commenced an action in the Anoka District Court requesting that Court to declare the action of the City Council of Fridley null and void in granting said variance to the applicant herein. Applicant has at all times since the granting of said variance been ready, willing and able to proceed � to complete the work in question, but has not been able to proceed because of said lawsuit. C. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEtiV: The enclosed survey of 6005 University Avenue 1V,E. shows both the existing and proposed structure locations, The alley to the East is 12 foot in tividth and has been vacated, so that 6 feet of the alley is considered to belong to M& I Supply Company. The proposed structure will increase the lot coverage to 30%. It will be used exclusively for cold storage. Other possible directions of expansion are impossible due to existing required parking on the North side and front side of the building. Staff would like to request that a pleasing landscape design be incorporated into this improvement of the property. Also� the East (rear) property line abuts on residential property and should be separated from it by an appropriate privacy fence. This request vras granted by the City Council on September 20, 1976, but subsequent court action has lead to this request for extension. Staff recommends that the Commission review the minutes of the original public hearing before the Appeals Commission and take � ttote of added stipulations imposed by the City Council. It is understood that no changes have been made in the original proposal. APPEALS COMMISSION MEE"fING - OCTOBER 1t, 1477 Pa�e 3 Each Commission member received a copy of the August 10� t976 Appeals Commission Meeting minutes along with the ';a3 September 20, 1976 City Council Public Hearing minutes which � pertained to the item at hand. Mr. Irwin Ketroser explained to the Commission that due to the law suit the one year had lapsed and it was necessary to extend the variances that had been granted. He indicated that a hearing on the law suit had been held during the first week of September and that they were waiting for the court's decision. Mr. Plemel asked if it would still be necessary to require a privacy fence at the East property line since the property owner to the East had already done so. Mr. Ketroser said that the Company was willing to cooperate and do whatever would be xiecessary in the area of fencing or screenittg. Chairperson Schnabel read a letter that Mr. Ketroser wrote to Mr. Nasim Qureshi Mr. Ketroser indicated that he had been in contact with Mr. Herrick during the year and he had authorized Mr. Ketroser to make the statement in the letter regarding the last paragraph of the letter he �arote to Mr. Qureshi, "Mr. Herrick has indicated to me that he would recommend � to the Appeals Board and the Council that the variance extension be granted because their failure to comply with °� the work during the one year period was wholly out of our control." MOTION by Mr. Plemel, seconded by Ms. Gabel, that the Appeals Commission receive the letter from Mr. Ketroser to Mr. Nasim Qureshi. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Barna questioned the fifth stipulation that the City Council had placed on the property that read, '�That the outside development and landscaping be completed by July 1� 1977. He asked that if the Appeals Commission granted the extension would the Commission change that date. Chairperson Schnabel said that City Council would have to change that date since it was a stipulation that they placed on the property. � �*f APPEALS CONQ�4ISSION MEETING - OCTOBER i1 1977 Page 4 F��` MOTION by Mr. Barna� seconded by Mr� Plemel, to close ' the Public Hearing. Bpon a voice vote, all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing was closed at 7:56 P.M, MOTION by Mr. Plemel, seconded by Mr. Barna� that the Appeals Commission recommend the approval of the request for a one year extension of variances granted by Appeals Commission on August 10, 1g�6, as follows; Section 205.103, �, (C,t), to reduce the rear yard setback from 25 feet to 10 feet, and Section 205.103� 4� �8�2) to reduce the side yard setback from 35 feet to 17 feet �here the side yard abuts a street of a corner lot, to allotiv an addition to an existing building, located on Lots 16 through 19, Block 4, Hyde Park Addition, aIl zoned C-2 (General Business Areas}, the same being 6005 University Avenue N.E., Fridley, Minnesota, with the following stipulations: 1) The block plan for improvement of the landscape (greenery and shrubbery planted on the East, i`Jest and South) be implemented, and 2) The roof design be no higher than the original building and the parapet no higher. Chairperson Schnabel said that in vie�v of the recommendation by the City Attorney� the Commission should give this item consideration� iJPON A VOICE VOTE, Mr. Plemel, Ms. Schnabel, Mr. Barna voting aye� Ms. Gabel abstaining, the motion carried� Ms. Gabel abstained her vote because she does some business tivith M& I and she felt it v�ould have been a conflict of interest to vote on the motion. Chairperson Schnabel said that the item would be heard by the City Council on November 7, 197?� 2. REQUEST FOR VARIANCE OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, SECTTON ATED 1'S\1LL61� r�1rIlYP.,JV'1'4. �xequest ny Nietropo i an nves ment un � nc,� elby Avenue, St. Paul� Minxiesota 551pt�) MOTION by Mr. Barna, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to open the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing was opened at 8:03 P�M. `J APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING - OCTOBER 11. 197� Pa�e 5 AO�iINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT � 7300 University Ave. N.F. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIRE�4ENT: Section 205.103, 1(F,3), requiring that curb opening in C-2 zoning (general business areas) be no closer to the intersecting street right of way than 75 feet. Public purpose served fiy this requirement is to provide adequate clearance from intersections for safe ingress and egress to and from business properties, and to allow for proper traffic flow in the vicinity of intersections in these areas. 6. STATED HARDSHIP: Existing car wash business is obsolete and out of business (boarded up). former car wash building is no lonter an exit route. Site cannot be used for gasoline sale without requested variance for double access from 73rd. C. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: The proposed driveway opens are shown on the accompanying survey in red ink, The opening closest to University Avenue is approximately 100 feet from the westerly edge of the existing pavement on University � Avenue. It is just under 26 feet from the intersection of the side street right of way. Tha easterly opening is 26 feet from the intersection of �' the right of way on the service road. The City Engineering Department points out that future deve7opment South of 73rd at this point, and possible extension of 73rd Avenue to East River Road would necessitate a median on 73rd near this intersection. This would create a potential traffic hazard problem for egress from the easterly most opening as requested, aad may even affect traffic flow at the western opening. The City Alanning Department and Public Works Director point out that the original intent of the University Avenue "loop backs" was to eliminate openi�gs close to signaled intersections in order to save lives and reduce accidents. They also point out that the traffic situation and loop back access have been discussed in dQtail �aith the petitioner in the past. It is suggested that an entrance off the service drive and exit agreement with the l�lhite Knight Carwash can be worked out. � �� APPEALS COMMISSIOPI MEETING - OCTOBER t1, 1977 page 6 Mr. Steven Coddon of 1595 Selby Avenue, 5t. Paul� the property owner explained to the Commission exactly wwhat the plans were for the property at 7300 University Avenue N�. ��� He said that the former business sold out. He said that a self-service gas station was being planned for the property. He said that the proposed business would not wash cars and that there would be tto changes to the building. He said that the curb cuts were necessary to get the business into the gas station where they can purchase the gas and then be able to exit back onto 73rd Avenue. He felt that the curb cuts were necessary for the property to function in selling gasoZine. Chairperson Schnabel asked about the existing signs on the property. Mr. Coddon said that the signs would be moved and replaced by the Gas Company's own identification sign. Ms. Gabel inquired about the existing Real Estate sign. Mr. Coddon said that as soon as the curb cuts were approved� the signs would be removed. He said that the sale of the property was contingent on the curb cuts. Mr. Barna asked when the proposed street changes tivould possibly come about. Mr. Aolden said that there was no definite date. � Mr. Barna asked if the buyers of the property intended to also utilize the drivetivays that were located on the North side of the property. Mr. Cresswell of 16245 Glengary Court� Rosemont� said that they planneci to keep all the existing driveways. Mr� Barna asked if any of the existing bays would be opened for any type of service areas. Mr. Cresswell said that the existing bays would not be used for any type of service area. He said that if the bays vrould be used for anything, they would convert them to office area £or use solely by the Gas Company. Mr. Barna asked if the station would be entirely self- service. Mr. Cresswell said that it vroul.d be entirely self- service, He said that it would be a 2t�-hour operation. � APPEALS COMMISSION MEETiNG - OCTOBER 11, 1977 Page 7 Mr. Coddon explained to the Commission exactly what +�� the proposed traffic flow would be. Mr. Cressvrell showed the Commission pictures of gas � etations that the Gas Company presently owned and operated. He said that the decor Would be basically the same as the one on the pictures. Mr. Cresswell discussed several o£ the different options that had been suggested to him. He said that the requested way vras the only option that they wattted to consider since he felt that they tivould enable the best� safest� and most desirable way for the Gas Company. He said that the trucks coming into the Station needed enough space to maneuver rrithout any hazardous situations. Chairperson Schnabel asked if they would consider only one opening on 73rd Avenue for entry and then have the customer egit onto Commerce Lane. Mr. Coddon said that it would be entirely unsatisfactory. He said that it vrould be too much of an inconvenience to the customers. Chairperson Schnabel questioned the potential traffic problem that �ould result from traffic turning from Commerce Lane and traffic exiting and entering the � proposed Gas Station. — Mr. Cresswell said that potential traffic problems were al�ays encountered Mhenever one street ti^rould enter another street. He said that people would be, and alvrays are� expected to be cautious when eniering into an intersection. He said that the main reason for the request was to make entrance and exit easier for the big trucks that would be using and servicing the gas station. Chairperson Schnabel said that by measuring 75 feet from the lot line to the West, that the beginning of the opening for a driveway �ould come almost directly across from the gas pumps and as discussed previously that would not have been desirable or safe entrance Mr. Barna said that if they widened and made more attractive the northern-most drive�ay on the property thai many people �vould choose to use that driveway. He suggested that the buyers make the two existing driveways into one extra-wide driveway. MOTION by Mr. Barna� seconded by Mr. Plemel to close the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all � voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing was closed at 8:37 P,M. �� APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING - OCTOB�R 11, 1977 Pa�e 8 s, _. �� Mr. Plemel said that the request defeated the purpose of loop backs. He said that it vaould be easier to deny the request if it had not been violated so many places in � the City. Mr. Barna couldn�t foresee 73rd Avenue getting the same usage as Mississippi or Osborne Road. Mr. Holden said that there was a lot of contingencies 3nvo2ved in the development of �3rd Avenue, but there was the possibility. Mr. Barna said that he would have no objections to the request with the projected traffic patterns as could be seen in the area usage. Ms. Gabel said that there was a potexitial for traffic so there �vould be a potetttial for danger. She said that she would like to see the drive�rays onto the Commerce Lane widened and improved, �vhich would probably encourage people to use it. Mr. Plemel said that there �ras presently already greenery on the North boundary of the property. He ivould also like to see the driveway onto Commerce Lane widened and improved. Mr. Cress�vell said that any suggestion would be considered. He said that the 13gkt post that tivas � presently situated between the trro drive�vays onto - Commerce Lane could be moved, He said that it would be possible to consider making the two existing driveways into one large driveway. He said that v�hatever was done would have to be done with the Yact that it tivould have to be easily usable by trucks. Mr. Holden asked cvhat type of sign was being planned for the property. Mr. Cress�vell said that they would use the Company provided sign and it Nould be the biggest allowable sign. $e said that he rvanted the sign to be readable by the passing traffic. He said that as few signs as possible would be used. � � � � LJ APPEALS COMMISSION MEETiNG - OCTOBER 11,•1977 Page 9 MOTION by Mr. Barna, seconded by Mr. Plemel, that the Appeals Commission recommend the approval of the request for variance of the Fridley City Code� Section 205.104, 1 (F�3)� C-2 Zoning (General Business Areas), to reduce the edge of a curb opening to the nearest portion of street Tight of tivay from the required '75 feet to 25 feet 10 1/2 inches� so there can be two driveway openings on 73rd Avenue Northeast, located on the south half of Lot 1, Block 3, Commerce Park Addition, the same being 7300 University Anenue Pi.E.� Fridley� Minnesota, �vith the stipulation that the driver�ay openings at the northwest corner of the property be a��to code" opening to make entry a.nd egress to that property more desirable. Ms. Gabel said that the property oamer would close the one drivevray and make the remaining driveway wider and more aesthetically pleasing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, Mr. Plemel, Ms. Schnabel, Ms. Gabel, and Mr. Barna voting aye� Mr. Kemper abstaining� the motion carried. Mr. Kemper abstained because he returned to the meeting too late to have heard all the issue. Chairperson Schnabel said that the item would go to City Council on I3ovember 7, 197'7, 3. REQUEST FaR VARIANCE QF FRIDLEY CITY CODE, SECTION 1'lyl�l\J.:1UV121� \11GliLLriOY V,' L1Q1LLG yQYIlG11liG' ron on Street N,E., Fridley, Minnesota 55432). MOTION by Mr. Kemper, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to open the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing was opened at 8;48 P.M. � � � ��� A. 0 APPEALS COMMISSTON MEETING — OCTOBFR 11, 1977 Pa�e 10 ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 595 Ironton Street N,E. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMENT: Section 205.053, 4,6 (5,b} requiring a 25 foot side setback for a corner lot. Public purpose served by th�s section of the code is to reduce the traffic hazards presented 6y an entrance too close to an intersection. STATED HARDSHIP: This is a small lot, and two trees would have to be removed if I had to meet the required set6ack. No hovses face Sroad Avenue so it would not inconvenience the neigh6ors. If I had to meet the required setback, the cost and maintenance of the additional driveway would make an economic hardshiip. C. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIE!•!: Field measurements show a 10 foot 6oulevard on the west side of the property in question. 7he distance from curb to garage door at the requested setback would be 25 feet. It should be noted that the standard car length is approximately 20 feet, which wouid mean that a car parked in driveway v�ould encroach 5 feet into the public right of way. Also, the owner is cautioned that this proposed contruction will encroach on a private easement for well access. The City doesn't involve itself in private easements, and recommerids that the petitio»er possible rece9ve iegal counsel and attemot to have the easement vacated. It is our understanding that the "well" is not longer in use. a � � ApPEALS COMMISSION MEETING - OCTOBER 11, 19?7 Pa�e 11 Ms. Lawrence of 595 Ironton Street NE explained to the members of the Commission what she proposed to do. S}le explained that if she had to meet all the codes, she would �have to remove a tree that she would prefer to keep. She _ also indicated that she would like to be able to have as much green area as possible on her lot. � � Chairperson Schnabel clarified what Ms. I,awrence was saying. She said that Ms. Lawrence had a 60 foot lot and if she met the 25 foot setback and built a 24 foot wide garage, she would then be i�9 feet back on the lot which vrould bring her 11 feet from the neighbor's lot line. Ms. Lawrence agreed with what Ms. Schnabel said. Mr. Barna said that with what Ms. Schnabel had said, Ms, La�arence vaould have to build the garage �vithin the drip line of the tree, which vrould then damage the roots. Ms. Lawrence said that next summer she planned to remove the existing driveway and put a nerr driveway to the garage. She showed the Commission, on the piciure they had, exactly where she proposed to put the new driveway. Ms. Gabel wanted to know what a private well easement was. Mr. Barna easement was. since the well cited an example as He said that in his was no longer used. to what a private well case it vras immaterial 33 Chairperson Schnabel read a note dated September 24, �977 from Mr. Virg Herrick. ��;'�ell and well access easement is private in nature, City did not request and was not 3eeded easement. Easement was from one private party to another. Vacation proceeding would not be in order since ihe City has nothing to vacate. City can issue building permit as per normal City Codes. Property oMner should be cautioned that even though the City issues a permit, it is up to the property owner to satisfy in their own mind as to building on easement being OK or go through some other legal procedure to dispose of easement.�� Chairperson Schnabel indicated that if Ms. Lawrence felt it �vas necessary to satisfy herself if that was legal, she should go through some type of legal procedure to dispose of the easement. Ms. Lawrence said that she had done much checking on ihe issue before shs made the request. She said that she had been told that the permit could be issued with the stipulation that the City would not be responsible for any ramification because of the easement and she in,dicated that she would accept that responsibility. - APPEALS COMMISSION ML'E.TING - OCTOBER 11, 1977 Pa�e 12 Chairperson Schnabel asked if it would infringe on the _ �2 tree if the request vras made from the required 25 feet from � `the property Iine on the side street to 20 feet instead of �5 feet. Ms. Lawrence indicated that when she submitted the proposal, she wanted the garage as close as possible and she understood that she could make the request to 15 and the Commission could move it to 20; but i£ she made the request for 20� they could not move it to 15. She had no problem vrith either 15 or 20 feet. Chairperson Schnabel explained that the average car length rras 20 feet tivhich tivould mean that a car parked in the drivelva}* tivould encroach five feet into the public right of iva}* if she had the 15 foot setback. Thereby, she said that if Ms. Lavrrence had a 20 foot setback that problem rrouZd not occur. Mr. Barna said that the 15 foot variance would not upset the look af Broad Street or the traffic situation as it stood. Chairperson Schnabel asked how heavily traveled the intersection of Ironton & Broad Streets was, Ms. Lavrrence said that it wasn�t very heavily traveled. She said Lhat it was a school bus stop. Chairperson Schnabel said that actually in relation to the intersection? Ms. Lavrrence's home v�as to the rear of the lot� Mr. Barna said that the home �vas actually almost 100 feet from the intersection, counting the front yard. Chairperson Schnabel asked �hen Ms. Lawrence �vould plan construction of the garage. Ms. Lawrence said she would begin as soon as possible. Mr. Holden asked exactly how close the construction would be to the tree. Mr. Barna said that if Ms. Laivrence went back 20 feet, she Nould be in the drip line of the tree; he said at )5 feet she would still be cutting some of the minor roots of the tree. � � � APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING - OCTOBER 11, 1977 Page 13 - �3 Chairperson Schnabel said that the Public Purpose served by requiring a 2y foot side yard setback didn't � really seem like a valid line of reasoning on this request because it was not a question of being too close to an intersection. Mr. Holden said that it should have included the provision of the encroachment into the neighbor�s front yard� which also didn�t apply since this Mas regarding back-to-back properties. Chairperson Schnabel said that in this instance, it really was not applicable. She said that she could understand the 25 foot setback in terms of parking hazards or something of that nature; she said that she really couldn�t see it as a possible intersection hazard. Ms. Gabel said that she was glad to see her build a garage. She said that it had to be kept in mind that the home was small and people do need extra storage room. MOTION by Mr. Kemper� seconded by Ms. Gabel, to close the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously, The Public Aearing was closed at g:09 P�M� MOTION by Ms. Gabel, seconded by Mr. Plemel, that the � Appeals Commission approve the reauest for variance of Fridley City Code, Section 205.053, 4�b (5,b) to reduce the setback for any attached or unattached accessory building tivhich opens on the side street, from the required 25 feet from the property line on the side street to 15 feet, to allorr the construction of a 24 foot x 24 foot detached garage on Lots 33 and 34, Block F, Rivervie�r Heights Addition, the same being 595 Ironton Street N.E.� Fridley, Minnesota� �vith the understanding that any problems resulting from building on the tvell easement belonged to the petitioner and the City ��ould assume no responsibility. IIPON A VOICE VOTE� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Chairperson Schnabel explained that Ms� Lawrence could apply for her building permit. � APP�ALS COMMISSIOPI MP�TING - OCTOEER 11 1977 Pa�e 14 �r� 4. r TxE eque � � Minnesota 5533�). MOTION by t4r� Barna� seconded by Mr. Kemper, to Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote� all voting motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing at 9:tt P.M. A. � G� ADMIP,ISTRATIVE STAFF REVIE�,U PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY RE�UI�4�TIT: open the aye� the v�as opened Section 21y.o55, 4 requirin a maximum height for a free standing sign in CR-1 �general office and limited business) of 6 feet. Public purpose served is to provide for control of small szgns in the limited zone of CR-7. STATED HARDSHIP: Variance requested to permit sign from I�694, tiVhich is some 12 feet site location of sign; and so that 8 feet deep cJill not be buried tvro ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIy�"l: rrE to have visibility higher grade than sign ivhich is feet into the ground. The sign as proposed has not been located on the site plan at this vrriting. It is possible that such a high sign may be a detraction for the adjacent residential areas. Mr. Dick 1Valsh of 561 3rd Street� representing Equity Construction Company �vas present at the meeting. Air. Holden requested Mr, l"Jalsh to indicate on the drawing the exact location of the requested sign. Mr. 49alsh indicated vrhere the proposed sign would be placed. He said that the main reason for the request was to enable them to have a sign that would have exposure to Interstate 694. He said that the sign tvould have the Real Estate 10 Logo. He said that there would be �vood encasing around the poles o£ the sign and that the sign �vould be internall.y lighted. He said that the light would be on a time-clock that �vould turn the lights on at dusk and then Real Estate 10 �vould decide at Nhat time the lights tivould be turned off. �� � � � APPEALS COMMISSION M�ETING - OCTOBER 11, 1977 Pa�e 15 ' � _. � Chairperson Schnabel asked if there arould also be signs located on the Real Estate office building in add3tion to the requested sign. Mr. LYalsh said that in all probability there would be the Rea1 Estate 10 logo signs located on the building itself. Ghairperson Schnabel read from the existing Code Book regarding the r�all signs. She said that the drawing they had before them was sho�ring tvro signs to be located on the building� she asked for explanation. Mr. Holden said that he tivasn't sure how the wall sign subject rras being handled. Mr. Walsh said that vrhatever was done on the building would be done according to the City Codes. He saa.d that the main thing vfas to get a free standing sign to advertise that the building tivas in existence and also to advertise the name of Real Estate 10. Chairperson Schnabel vranted to know the height of the building. Mr. Holden said that the highest point of the building was approximately 20 feet. Ghairperson Schnabel asked i£ the sign v�ould be above the 20 foot portion of the building. Mr. PJalsh said that possibly it erould be about 1- 1� feet above that highest point. He said that it wouldn't be extremely high into the air. He indicated that very possibly the sign itself �+ouldn�t be much above the 20 foot point. Ae said that the additional distance �vould probably be necessary because of the wood casing that they �vould put around the sign. Mr. Kemper �vanted to kno�v exactly what the code said regarding the request. Chairperson Schnabel said that the Code read, "Maximum Height of Free Standing Sign: Six feet above lot grade". Mr. Walsh showed the Commission different pictures of signs that had been constructed by the Company he represented. �� APPEALS COMN[ISSIOPI MEETIPIG - OCTOBi�R 1 1, 1977 Pa�e 16 . Chairperson Schnabel indicated that a CR-1 and CR-2 zone basically coverecl Medical and Office Buildings. She � said that for some reason that particular piece of property had been zoned CR-1. She said that Real Estate 10 had to obtain a Special Use Permit to construct their building on that Iot. She said that because of the CR-1 zoning, the City still had to folloti� the Sign Code that had been established for that zoning.� She said that i£ Rea7. Estate 10 had built in a regular Commercial District� a 25 foot sign vrould have been permitted. Mr. t9alsh said that that �ras the main reason that a variance was being requested, Chairperson Schnabel said that the real problem ivas thai basically the area tivas zoned residential. Mr. 19alsh said that they i�reren't planning to put up any sign that would any way be offensive to any residential property. Chairperson Schnabel said that her biggest concern tivas the visibility of the sign over the top of the building to the residential area that is directly behind. She didn't tivant a sign that rrould be sticking above the roof. She said that the area �vas very open land with fetv trees and the sign vrould be most visible to the surrounding homes. ' � There was some discussion by the Conmission members regarding the lots and the zoning of the lots in the nearby areas. Mr. Walsh said that they ti�ranted to construct the sign to be as close to 20 feet high as possible. Mr. Kemper asked if the building ��ould have that type of sign at all� if the request were denied. Mr. @lalsh said that they �vould be advised not to spend a lot of money for a sign that wouldn�t be seen by the public, He said that they rrould have to do something to be able to inform people who they were and exactly v�hat the building vras. Mr. Kemper said that the sign would be out of p2ace for the neighborhood. � APP�ALS COMMISSION ME�TING - OCTOB�R 11, 197� Pa�e 1� �- �7 Ms. Gabel pointed � used for identification advertising. � � out that actually the sign cras to be purposes rather than actually Mr. PJalsh said that any outdoor sign was designed to accomplish tvro purposes. He said that the main purpose was to advertise the business and the other �vas a form of sub-conscience advertising, as �vas the case of The Real Estate Company; a purpose of keeping their name in front of the Public. Mr. �Yalsh said that he felt the sign should be up high enough to be visible from Interstate 694 rrhich was approximately 12 feet above the top of the building. Ae said that they tvould like to have as much flexibility as possible in placing the sign keeping in mind any guidelines that the Commission would set. Mr. V�alsh pointed out that the Real Estate �gency Nanted the maximum amount of signage that they could obtain. There �ras a brief discussion by the Commission regarding the Sign Code that ivas in the process of being re-rrritten. This discussion took place only for the purpose of possibly seeing in what direction the nevr Code rrould be going. It eras not actually a conclusive discussion� Mr. l'Jalsh said that Real Estate 10 did spend a lot of money to have signs and advertising that appealed to the public. Mr. Pleme7. said that the point of the Freelvay 694 where the sign ti�rould be visible rvas actually such a beautiful vietiv of the city� especially at night� that he really didn't want that view to be ruined by a sign. Chairperson Schnabel explained that the problem the Commission Nas having with the request ��ras that after agonizing over a lot of signs, a project comm�ttee made up of citizens that revierred the entire Sign Ordinance was organized, She said that a proposal from the project committee vras in the process of being revierred by most of the Commissions and vras ready to be reviewed by the City Council. She said that most of the citizen Commissions of the City of Fridley had been made very conscience and anrare of signs because of the many discussions that had taken place during the past year. She said that it was that a�vareness that ivas causing the Commission to take such. a hard look at the request. APP�ALS COt'Q�tISSIOId M�ETING - OCTOBER i 1, i 977 PaF,e 18 �� Chairperson Schnabel said that the public opinions had been expressed to decrease the amount of signs and to create a lower profile of signs in the City. Mr. IValsh said that he was in favor of tasteful signs. Chairperson Schnabel said that she didn't feel there rvas any disagreements to the type of sign being proposed. She said that it ��ras mainly the height of the sign that vras being questioned� Ms. Gabel said that the Commission �vas really concerned abbut businesses. She said that the problem was holv they could be fair to both business and to the residents. Mr. VJalsh �ras in agreement to the suggestion that the signclouldn�t exceed the highest point of the building. Mr. Plemel asked if he meant the message part of the sign� and that the border of the sign �*�ould be above ihe building. Mr. Walsh said that is v�hat he meant. He spent some time trying to convince the Commission ihat the sign vaould be nice� tastefully done, and �vould enhance the building. Mr. Barna said that the Commission was discussing the entire sign; the message part and the border. There �vas much discussion by the members of the Commission regarding the interpretation of the Sign Code and hora and tirhere the top of the sign �vould be measured from the ground. This discussion also touched on the subject of exactly hotv much exposure ��ould be received from Interstate 694 in regards to the amount of traffic and the concentration that is necessary to drive on that free�vay. Mr. Kemper asked why the 6 ft x 8 ft sign was necessary. Mr. Walsh sai.d that the sign i•rould be made by a vacuum press that makes a standard six foot sign. He said that eight foot high rras decided on to make a large sign that e+ould give the appearance of being almost square. MOTION by Mr. Barna� seconded by Ms. Gabel� to close the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye� the Public Hearing i7as closed at 10:13 P.M. Si i � � ! � � APPEALS COMMISSION M�PTIP]G - OCTOBER t1 1977 Pa�e 19 The Commission discussed exactly what height they would stipulate the sign to be. � t3r. Barna vras more concerned about being sure the Sign � would not block the intersection visibiZity even mae than blocking the view from the top� The other Commission members were expressing more concern about the sign obstructing the vietiv into and out from the residential area that completely �rould surround the Real Estate 10 building. MOTION by Mr. Plemel, seconded by Mr. Barna, that the Appea].s Gommission recommend the approval of the request for variance of the Fridley City Code, Section 211�.055, y, to increase the maximum height for a free standing sign in Cl2-1 Zoning (General Offices and Limited Businesses), from six feet to the maximum height of 1� feet from the closest curb line at Hill�rind Road NE to the top of the finished structural member of the sign measured perpendicular to the right-of-�vay line, to allow the construction of a 6 foot by $ foot sign, to be located on Lot 1, Block 1, Real Estate 10 Addition, the same being 95� Hillrrind Road NE, Fridley� t�finnesota. UPON A VOICE VOTE, Mr. Plemel, Ms. Schnabel, Ms. Gabel and Mr. Barna voting aye; Mr. Kemper voting nay, the motion carried, Chairperson Schnabel sai.d that the item vrould go before the City Council on November 7, 1977� 5. Chairperson Schnabel explained that at the September 20, 197� Appeals Commission meeting a stipulation had been put on the item indicating that the petitioner could notify the listed persons that r�ere required to be notified of an additional variance from Section 2Q5.o53, 4b; 5a, to reduce the required 17�5 foot side yard setback to 16 feet� in ��rhich case� then the item tivould not have to go to City Council. She said that it had been discovered in ihe process of revierring the request that the petitioner had not been advised that they tivould need a variance for a side yard set back because there was an unvacated street at the side oi' the lot� � APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING - OCTOBER 11. 1977 Pa�e 20 Chairperson Schnabel said that the Appeals Commission !^ �� had felt that since it had been a Staff oversi�ht, they did `- not rrant to put any undue financial hardship on the petitioner who had to meet a deadline for the purchase of the house in order to avoid a substantial increase in the price of the house� Chairperson Schnabel said that there were eight people that ��ere asked to sign a petition� and the petitioner received all eight of the signatures. She said that the signatures tivere received and the item did not have to go to City Council. MOTION by Ms. Gabel, seconded by Mr. Kemper, to receive the subject petition. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The petition <<tas received at 10:37 P�M. 6. ADVISORY STEINDARDS FOR LAND USE R�GULATION Chairperson Schnabel said that the booklet that each member of the Commission had received vras most interesting. She said it had recommendations from the Committee that had been apoointed. She said that the actual booklet had been a joint effort by the Metropolitan Council fo the Trrin Cities Area and the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities. She pointed out that most of the suggestions �rere ninimum suggestions. Chairperson Schnabel said that there mere many interesting items in the booklet and recommended that the membezs be sure to read the information. 7. PIIBLIC DISCLOSIIRE STATEMENT Chairperson Schnabel indicated that each member had received a Public Disclosure Statement and reminded the members that they vere due back by October 26, 1977. ADJOURNf•4�NT MOTION by Mr. Barna� seconded by Mr. Plemel, to adjourn the October tl� 1977� Appeals Commission meeting. Upon a voice vote� aIl voting aye� the motion carried unanimously. The meeting rras adjourned at 10:1�1 P.M. Respectfully submitted, �a,���� a> , �.� �.�.�� MaryLee Carhill Recording Secretary . . l J � � PUBLIC NEARING � � BEFORE 7NE . PLANNIt�G COMtfISSION •- - '�ci, TO WHON IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that there will 6e a Public Nearing of the � Planning Commission of the City of fridley in the City Hall at 6431 Univer- sity Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, October 19, 1977 at 7i30 P.M. in the � Cuuncil Chamber for the purpose oF: Consideration of a request for a Special Use Permit,.SP #77-13, b.y Inter Cit.y Builders, per Fridley City Code, Section 205.157, 5, D, to allow the construction of a detached 24 ft. x 22 ft. garage in CRP-Z zoning (flood plain) on Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block W, Riverview Heights, lying in the North Half of Section 3. T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Generally located at 609 Cheryl Street N.E. Ar�y and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity dt the above stated time and place. Pubtish: October 5, 1977 October 12> 1977 RICHARD H. HARRIS CHAIRMAN PLANNING COMMISSION � .� •�;1 r� . � �� . � CI7Y Or rRIDLBY MINNGSUTA • PUWNING AND ZONINC PORM � . �ar•.�cr„��_A3 , � ��IPPLICtiYI'`S SIGNA7UftE //If/_',C G� / �'� l�d/�-���t'1 . , Address a ri7 n Mv/P,q a✓�� t,,�` ' • Telcphonc Number '�� 'J�-% 0 D / 'PROPERTY OISNGR'S SIGNA7'URE �f'�' ' � ,1lddress 6 o y- � h .�,� � � ✓C � . Telephone Number % $ 7- " � �j � ,� Street Location of Property Legal Description of Property Present Zoning Classification . rrrc oF ecQuesr ,�-�- �-�t3c��K��i- ._ �2 Re.zoning _� Special Use Pennit Approval of Premin- inary F, Final Plat Streets or Alley Vacations Other Fee�l�� Receipt No. �/o� . ,��� �.t....�.�.. .�-� Existing Use of Property Acreage of Property Describe briefly the proposed zoning classification or ,type �of use and improvement proposed -���,Er�Lei.,�e` �f� 11 �. dt G2:��-� :: . _ . . c � p�� ����� �-�-�� � tlas he present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a 2ot split or variance or special use pennit on the subject site or part of it? yes_�no. Mhat was requested and wlten? Tlie undersigned understands that: (a) a list of all residents and rnaners o£ property �ti�thin 300 feet (350 feet for rezoning) must be attached to this appiication. (b) This application must be signed by all o�rners of the property, or an explanation given cahy this is not the case. (c) P.esponsibility for any defect in the proceedings resulting from the failure to list the names and sddresses of all residents and property owncrs of property in question, belongs to thc undcrsigned. .. � !I A skefch of proposed property and stnicture must be draa�n and attached, sho�oing the following: 1. North Direction. Z. Location of proposed structure on the lot. S. Uimensions of property, proposed strncture, and front and side setbaci:s. .' 4. Street Names, 5. Location and use of adjacent existing buildings (within 300 fect). The un�icrsigned hercby declares that.all ihc facts and represcntations,stated in this application are truc �nd eorrect. �i1TL Y- ar� � 7 STCNATURE ��- (APk'UICAN'1') ' � . Dste Filed Date of Ilcaring ' � Planning Commission Approvcd City Council Approved .�_.__. ....., _ , .. . . _ . . . . �� MAILING LIST SA #77-13 Inter City Builders construct 9arage in flood plain Commissioner - Department of Natural Centennial Office Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 Inter City Builders 2500 Murray Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, Mn Gerald Kostohryz 698 Cheryl Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. James Eastwood 591 Dover Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Donald 7981 Broad Avenue Fridley, Mn 55432 Planning Cortmission October 5, 1977 _ Resources Stewart F. Kualheim ' 4242 Reservoir Blvd. Mpls< Mn 55421 , - Mr. & Mrs. M. Dwight Just 661 Cheryl Street N.Ee Fridley, �n 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Wilmes Tiede 581 Buffalo Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Thanpson 611 Buffalo Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Copeland Wal-Don Builders, Inc. N.E. 6�25 Nicollet Avenue Minneapolis, Mn 55423 Mr. & Mrs. Ir�in Lindstrom � 540 Dover Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 � - � A'r Onerma Lakeview Drive Hancock, Michigan 49930 Mr. & M1^s. Edwin Johnson 625 Dover Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Einar Erickson 631 Dover Street N.E. Fridley, 61n 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Carlson 615 Cheryl Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Ms. Thesa Gazda fi27 Cheryl Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Ms. Marion Hudyma 641 Cheryl Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Arnold H. Block 641 Buffalo Street N.E.' Fr.idley, Mn 55432 Morris C. Parvey 7921 Riverview Terrace N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Scott Anderson 7921 Riverview Terrace N.E. Fridiey, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Mathison 7941 Riverview Terrace N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kohls 640 Cheryl Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Nivala 630 Cheryl Street N.E. Fridley 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Clark Nason 614 Cheryl Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 , �3 ��� r�. . :e.� . . . . . . .��' -; . .. :r:, . � . � . ��� 1�t�. L.Vo'sg# 8� Associafies Ir�c. � Residenee : Office : SeoeP�ra«�nrire REGlSTERED LAidD SURVEYORS 73�2"42nd Ave,No, n�apdis 22, Mi�n. - Minneapolis 27, Minn. •. ': �n�� Kt3-8246 . ,• Minnsaota Registration No. 5522 Phone� Ke.7-6047 • {p( IdR J�`,i� Ah'D R4nN G' T P. 7!� � r- r r f .. " _ � . es . • . � � . �' _ . Se� _ ,R .. . ..� � . `. . . L . h. - � �.� . �'17 � . � _ {� � � . .�� fr�i�c.?A� �� � f _ - • �:� � �� _ . /� ,f _ . l-� }3 : � . yo, .' � ' � • _ �- �_, .F_r - . 4-. , ... 1 , t�` (l� - � , �e - � S '" � vY.l.r `. _ +f' 'o �. , � '^ � . � ; ` � �1�.� �,� , t. .; z3� •�. � J \ � , i ;� _� r `' �45� \ � �'t � �[�i - $._'r'�'"'i 1 � �,., � � � �a '•- _ ,� :f : - t\ : ` �� o , -. • . .�.iy_.- _ - , ; j't f�. : ; , ,ar S�f, `°'� ;,� _ . ,s.,. . _ ,� . � . y,�� •o - � � �g.s • � � � ���' posi� �� � P,�° S�. ` o . _ o_ ;'�' a.ss� �- o '.. �°c+ ��/ . � : o .js. � f i��� ,- - ,� ` , ��` ` � � �� .. ` L ` ~��' , . \ • j"e ' N : 2J' :�; � � � \ 1 � � \ 'S._ p'� a^^ � r t � - R�t'� �.� � . � � �� �� �v .: � ��- �fl ' ���,� . 111� 1'Y( � � ' f V� t ;v ��o�o � ��5� � � I hereby certi_°y tnat this is a true,ar:d co:r?ct �la� o� Lots 1�2�i � 1+� B�.oc's ;; 3IY='z "= ct r . r."1G..iS :'tiDTT:,^,;; :iinnesota. , .lno;ca County, ��� �s surveyed bq �e this 7th, day o� Septecsber d.D.•19b1. . R+a� ' = . _ _ � - -- � '-�,}�i0� c_____ _� _ . _ . . •�zoce pasocTOZ� '(t� 30 �so� a� uF ;oasa� Lot��QZj ao i00'OOSSi ss2Tioa pa�PunH anF3 �ea sad 00'£S 3°-a�ez aq� �2 aq 'ITQ�S .____,......, ..o ,,, cr:�tzr�a�.tE so sz�edaz zo3 ' S' Z I'� � 1� � : , � . ; , < ;: +;,r ::R ° . . , C� , •. � ,` � . _. 5 " , .� � . ,SP.� y7-13 Inter City Builders Build a detached garage on Lots ' 1-4, 81ock W, Riverview Heights -. �,,,�.�,�! ' � � , (Flood Ptain) , w� � a , , - � :, . . r �' . ., . �� . . � . M��c� ��»� , ��. . . _ . - , i. � 't,-= T�"''""'s � - � :. � 'R .1� � � ; . .. � M _ � � � ' � � . �1�� 1 � ��. _ D ` � ` `: °: _ � „_, �,� . '`., s � �' �;: - . �----- ---- --- � � � IT r � � `�� .. . "" •�: � �9�r � � � ��`i'-`.,! j" S � ��rt�✓ .��� ����"�� � .�,! r � ' �f� Iv,'i : v- , ••�.� t� '�= f � . ' ". 1 ' � , ,,� � _� �: x ,. .y C�P 1— � ' � _ �r �: �' . ��''�-"_;,.�^"���� t }�/ � N i6T��f: , .r �a � S � �� .. M—�.��.,.0 .Y. !?u �, 5 .....�. .:���� �� ,� r .iz���Yz, t � s:L$ os�aay(" P . ' S .�i �k '�'� r ,,,�.ai.l'f �-a""r�'+-t r'!_ ;'>^4....1 < �. .' ' .3 p ' :�,,,; /� „" �:.�: �L �! 9 y � � ��^ � .- ��� , 1 ���r'.i�.�.�� . , � " �i�..s�l �„�' °�90 -.r�.�r.��' . _ � , �O I ~ / �a. t �.a011 j n � . . �,•��p � � �� , - Pi �. w �L.��i'-1�� I : � , �' tt. , ��i1,3�; : tS 1�- ��:i�i ! ;i:.�r—__. t e d .� r � � . ,: , r�� .5, .r ^p ., ti,} �r� f / :' � � x • J r � � Y y � f E �' ' -' I r i��.�h � � ` 1 .c_ . � .J . .. _, c��,� �� } ,a''�� r i�� �-: � x , ,. �. � , : Y�.� , � �� � , 4 - L � F R.—✓- I '>` ' . �- . _`� -.� :a .;�,:—�� i . � t..: �'�� �{{. .� . �, r ---- - ,= ,� :,-; �.: .. .. � � �ti 11 r ,�s .,_—rt ( — �.`� .r.� ; � ,� J{o1 ♦ S 1 �\ ��5� ` . � M � .. _— `— _ d 3� z�,i� � �--�—� , L� ,Ct�� �" yZ � rrh / � a .�✓ „� J�` a R 1..:.�. � � a �.i.�:i _ :�.. �:.. . E �: .�� v ':9 ` � � �. � �: O i b � ' ` „'; gE,�;. r��= i"� 1 ti'rr.2 �. � ��/ 1� �/�i`i . 'i ^/✓� i O/':e�l � Y t /� � r�� � >.� ��,'€� .�:L:;y.___..�� ::.'�t �\\\� � - '- � �\\\,� ti r U? �\\_' i � ��� t � '� � t �yv-r< ,', \\ � ��r � � : • Y �rr 1 lii � i�I i �i. 'y�/(i�y� Q ! �\,[,3���. .�/T �' � � r. i. L�'� � �Y„ � e. '1 r�."A� ^ `ii`, r:' 4 �� �� �, ;• t ,�A � . .. � .�r �`Y�'F. � � f.r� \ �� ,j'!� .c.. • � .�:' ')� ' ^� � T � � � PUBLTC HEARIPIG BEFORE THE PLANNING COiNMISSION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: , � _. .. �6 Notice is here6y given that there will be a Public Hearing of..tfie ' Planning Cortmission of tBe City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 tlniver- sity Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, October 19, 1977 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chamber for the purpose of: Consideration of a request for a Special Use Permit, SP ��7-14, by Thomas Brickner, per Fridley City Code, Section 2Q5.051, 3, D, to allow the construction of a double bungalow in R-t zoning (single family dwelling areas), on Lot 1, Block 1, Heather Hills, all located in the South Half of Section 13, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Generally located at 1430-1432 Rice Creek Road N.E. My and all persons desiring to 6e heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. PUBLISH: October 5, 1977 Octo6er 12, 1977 RICHARD H. HARRIS CHAIRMAN PLANNING COM�iISSION � �. � � �/ . �. i . CI71( Or rRIDL[iY MINNGSUTA ' PLJINNING AND ZONINC PO(tM HUMB • # %?—/�f '-�,�/n � � �APALICANI''S SIGYA'IURC b ;�2� � :�ttAfn.,,� • , , /� /k3dress %�,d / /�t�r,,,.,� / �Ijy,.l��G • • Talephone Number S�� yi � `3 � ;' / . ✓�% ' � 'PROPERTY Ol�'NER'S SIGNATURG �`Z�.,,c�.-, .rc.r,`. IWdress /���+�._,� Tcicphone Number �ifL.�, Street Location of Property /'�� ,� C .��c-,-.0 Legal Description of Property . ,i � , C � . 1Y1'G OF REQUGST Rezoning � Special Use Permit Approval of Premin- inary F, Final Plat Streets or Allcy Vacations Other Fe� U_6v_Reccipt No. �T— Present Zoning Cl ssification Existing Use of Property j,(./�,��.,,,C • �3�;," vo.� i3�— . Acreage of Property _ _� �� Describe briefly the proposed zoning classification / � y�-C� ' or �type of use and improvement proposed���.-,�„l `� ,l ��-/ yj,.�.i . _ .... . . ' �—r� � . _ �--- - Has tAe present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or variance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? yes � no. Mhat was requested and when? • • 7'he undersigned understands that: (a) a list of all residentc and o�+ners of property rtithin 300 feet (350 feet for rezoning) nust be attact�ed to this application. (b) 7'his application must be signed by all owners of the pronerty, or an explanation given iahy this is not the case. (c) Respoiisiuility for any uefect i.n the proceedings Tesulting from thc failure to list ihc names and addresses of all residents and property owncrs of property in question, belongs to thc undcrsigned. . A sketch of proposed property and structure must be drax�n and attached, showing thc following: 1. �'orth Direction, 2, Location of proposed structure on the lot. S. llimensions of property, proposed struccure, and from and side setb�cks. .' 4. Street Names. S. Location and use of adjaccnt existing buildings (Nithin 300 feet). . , The un�icrsigned'hcreby declares that all thc facts and represcntations.stated in this application are truc and corrcct. - �1, �; �1Te � - L � - � ^ siavn�vr.E . �' % r�-, ---� C /«.r r, � . (APPLICAN7'j - Date Filcd � Dato of llcaring ' ' ' Piamiing Coa�nissirni ApprovcJ City Council ApprovcJ Ia.......� � ..._i.. ... . Planning Co�isaion 9-5-77 1 s. ,_,,, �8 MAILING LIST SP #77-14 Thanas Brickner pouble Bungalow in R-1 Zoning � Thamas Brickner Mr. Herbert Lennox III 1401 Kerry Circle N.E. 1461 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Fridley, Mn 55432 � � Mr. & Mrs. James Skog 6274 Ben Mare �rive N.E. fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Jacobson 6266 Ben More Drive N,E. Fridley, Mn 55432 M r& Mrs. Harry Messick 6257 Ben More Drive NE Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. John Beaulieu 6244 Kerry Lane N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 R. John Whited 6291 Kerry Lane N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 i�e�s16 L. Woodal l 6283 Kerry Lane N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Logli 6275 Kerry Lane N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bauler 1420 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Ervin Kassow 1400 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Jensen 1450 Rice Creek Road N,E. fridle,�, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Hjalmer Anderson 1491 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Paulson 1425 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Sherwood Jordahl 1456 Mississippi Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 :. -' ,t, �. '� 13T3 l345 � (103 Y �..._L_i i48% � �X�—�--�� r... . . . � ie -. ./ . _ � 11 i . � . � 64TH AYE. N SP N77-14 TOt4 BRICKNfR �` � ' �'`.".'.'. � �6391 b "' s r �js �ft iss BUILD DOUBLE BUNGALOW IN R-1 �; , � 0 1312 �'��4 1400 � on Lot 1, Block i, Heather Hills �00 . — � G��o� �a4o (/�) (.3«t� <rzal �,�rol E� ••i'� -� �Z 1356 � „ � � '��,,.' "' � �� � • �.3 // % � - ,. ; Zet � Gv�r�) � (/f,ro) ^ �., , I.r � I. ... ��' o , ��s! ,.,r � � � \ ^(,�(� . 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' 6245 n� � � i � � i.� � 6z�� A.� �� ..r.e. .S'iro.Y.aE'/.venw� � c I I � y 'f - ' � . - . 3 :�. ` '_ rA.A'wywi ' � - � i` , ` �� - , 21'� : •� — 7s�ww �?lr�.'^� y�. L_,�st �v' � � r,`'S9 ..O(��V�� �, b� .6 4� f..e 6z2 9 �� e 6�5� ��i� v e�� ���2dd �•' �'� � woC � � A� �9 _ • s 'S 5_� ,� + .i�- • Fi�b.�Aq . � � � t 6240 � 6 ZSl � 3 .' 1• . '- ,..� ; fD�. � % ... . (ISlo) __.--- .-. a bt45� 'ZiI _ - M 6 � a 7' � k �i62 � �I ` � 20 $�i8. �x � t A . 6236 �C 243 62�0 �i y = . / i '� .. 23� �'• sa ° , � . � � S �e T � # �_� t .;.:. ,� �f„ s° �': �, � 1� ZB . p�`� _ r. 6 00 tl � b�75- .: �f z �a . e tR � �'°'3' � g Y, '. iQ� � [�� �A3� MAO fe L18� r� k69� �� -� �/001'�E �: �40, �� -. _ .., . 8 , , � . 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FRIDLEY 55432 Street City Zip Code TELEYHONE # 571-2134 571-6000 Home Business PR�PIItTY 041NII1(S� SAl� AS ABOVB � _..__ �� � s taame Lot Split �,- %� � E Date Filc�l: !3,� ?7 { Fee:&-��`O`Receipt jr 5 5��3 t Council Action:llate t R7SSAFtKS : I ADDRFSS(ES� Street City Zip Code �1 �1' . �7i151 Street � City Zip Code $OIIl2 B118].I18SS Property Location on Street 7515 ALDEN WAY N.E. FRIDLEY (INVOLVES ABOOT or EScact Street Address (IF ANY� ELEVEN FEST OFF � LOrf 6 TO BS ADDED TO LOT 7)��, �A ur%<� C�l�.-,� Legal Description of Properiy: Lot 6, Block 2, Elwell's Bivezaide lieig6ta Plat 2, City of Fridley, Minneaota See attached copy of Certificate of aurvey vith legal easement description) Reason for Lot Split: I, as awner of lot 6 a�l 7 built a:house on lot 7. G Largc beautiful tret vas in the way for the driveway. By using about 11 feet of lot 6 h I also owned) it was possible to aave the tree. I got approval from the Council before paving the driveway. Nw, I vis6 to legally deed those et to lot 7. sq. £t. t Zonin; si=ica The undersigned hereby declarea that all the facts and representations stated in this application are true and ` correct. � n�mE: e a9 � 7 sicxnmQxE �/ u�- �!- �.�.�,`l�°,'-''` REIAW FOR CITY USE ONLY (See revesse side for additional instructions ; ; CHECKED BY STAFF DATE � Remarks: �LANNING COMMISSION: Date of Consideration — Remarks: CITY COUNCIL: Date of Conaideration — Remaxks• �.�_'./�_trG��,�`' �fi,C �-i��r_/;�.• i�..,d v �-_. _ . � : :�1 � r+[ s. s: McooNauoN eo. •CA6f� � �NCM .�b__.FLEf �0�) V�AWERSrtY �v[ 5��4T P4ilL � •i/ NATIONwI AU�tUlrt6 MiNNEif•OLIL 7 � ���� �� ������ j' � . i� �F PRO?ERiY OF.l�I/C11.!/r.�Q/�J�'�/ ���_�� �/�,� � � ._�.��,,�.�:. � 7 acscs��en �s ro��oM�s ,w Q� ,. - —` '-� Gd��M /C�L�O���' /��rr�/ k__fflst��.�-J�r�.�t__1.�'l. �. � � .LoT 6 ,.. Tncn�oN[ai w�� e-a�ee �M1.�-l071 � _ _ _. s's i . �' % � i � i , I � �' � , ..�c7' 7 ( , � �, i. � '4`t�.. . Y�L � �a (r � ; �R���t V �,' i - .S. � N �` ' • / . .. � / �t.1 1 � i; ' 'J1 ; . • . . T1SzTT_�_' 1 �`. ' + � aII�RKtY � _`v/i � 1 /At C"I � (. / �' , . . � f%f%: _ ti� `� � ' � )% : �z9� -- -- - -- - -• - - - _ . �._ _._. _. v0___. _- A�v:,v� �Ay ,� ' 99- � N � � 1 � i� o� � w � � ` ', t 4 k � i C£P.?iFICATE OF LOCATIOX UF DUII.DINC ' � ! haa..y certify et:at o�_.__ /a • . y ��TIFJCATF. OF BURY�Y 'L_14.�C � I aw�'.� n anrcr • at th� !�e;.h�.n ot ch• I l�.nh� rrrti! tbnt nn .. I �. � Aviidin fe on the ! ___lp__ � ui!dln�ie',� �i�t pto��e� q` n:y ti�e[ U:e Mcstlen �ut n�id I lurvcyud tfie proynirt9 dustr:i�r : wture anJ CAri tAe aS.iv� ��_ ' 1f 1 i! c0,[e:C:J n. aw;� ,:� yyo „},�• � j,l�t. � p4t is a corrnct �sp�esent�tiuu Ot ��:d sun�p. �:•. / -----`- - �-:-.��.... .Ci.�.a.at-.aC. Y � i a / . • . ♦ 3. . . . � r..l � . • . , . , �4 . � i + �.�.^ . ,. •aJK,r � 'b . • ' i ,`, „ ,:•; " {.17F' SCRL'LY L itOL'S� LQChTIUti � . " Cl2Y OF PItIDLEY ". � ' ..� � �. •.=iUT i, BL�Cw '1 ' � ;'� E1S7ELL'S RTV$RSIUE UEIGHTS I'LAT 2 �?.'e' :. SURVoY FU$ �' . 11lt. T1iUkk: IS. EP.ICKSD:3 ' ' .., �' +a:'::"'. • . • 7501 AL��.:+ �«'AY :l.E. • ' ' ! � .,. I•Qh1\EAPOLIS, MINCIESOTA'S5+32�' � � • • �� � . . . ' . , . � . .. . . . � t�. .. . � '��.. _ . . � ' � . � ' '.-�. . . . - . .. � • � � . . .{.'. . . . . .. . �� . . .. . . . . . n . . � � � - . ..�Y � � .. . . . .� . , � .�' t i . . •. . � . ' ' �? . ' . . '. � . . . . - . . ��y ' i.WE . .. . . i 4o�+En . ' . �. � , ' f� •�► � .q7 . � " � . _ ' . . � ~� :9 � / . � - ' � ., � /' f. . . �' , _ ��. W�.��o ..c - i. � • - ' . if � . . i. ,. i ... . - . � . . . � // �. � � •i; . .. 5.. '�' ' . . • . � . / � � ' ' . . . 1 ` �- c , .� . . . � . _�_. : . . �. � � • , . �� ` . . . �\� q' 'l F.:. � ;� � e 's � � �i i i(:vi.*iPl:. - . . . . - f112 p,! � ' . • �. ; '>c °D rr."c_.:�:c• ' ' ' ,:` ' _ ..rytp �p � � " ' . :i : . ,. ' � � - a r i , . . . ' I.. . - , .• � : . . � � .. � � . ' .. � � .. . . . . . . � //A � - . . . . . - . � /iL��N iti�AY . _ L';' , : . ,• � _ � �, -; DkSCBIt�TIO::: S.oi 7, i1o[e: ��. f:2we:1`e Ri•rezyiue iiei�;i�ts P1aC 2� City oE Fridlay, ; -, � - - :3inneso:�. : � . . . .� .. . .� - .. . � , � , . . � � , : . . � . .: .-. . _ . . .. . . . . . . . ' a � .� . � .. - . . : ... r. . � -. � � � . . . - . . . . . . . - ..� . ' ' ' . : ', ' . ' • , • . ' ' ' �. . ' . ' , � � . . : • ' ' . • ' : � . � . ��I t.ezeby cercSiy tf:.i� [:::s ssurvey sray nade uadur cy dlrect supc:rvtsica and that I an - a duly autuorized Regi,:ercd L;;nd Surveyor under che :a,s of ciie State o£ :iinnescts.,� •. ' , � " . . , . :a,. � , � � � Q , y� ' r . , ' . • . rv:Krc-GN_�=� . . usiis:,:� S. Loy�, ,..�.;,. i ' . ' l:iaa. Reg. :.o. o7t37 � � . �`�� Uatet 'October i, ;il; . , � .., ' +y�:• . , � ' ., . _. ,. . _. • • '; . . _ . . .. EASEMEhl' UESCA[FTIO\ f NsuttLec�riONRevis£O C1TY 4F FRIDLEY � , �.. LOT 6, BLUG 'L ELAkLL'S RIVERSIDL•' HEIGHTS PLAT'2 �� EOR • !(R, nauxc i�, ERICKSO\ � ' 75U1 ALDE;i WAY� ::.E. ::li,iCEAPULiS, :fi:?iESUTp 55432 � � . : ' . As�9 �' � ; t � ., j i � � ; . � . \! . . � " Y Y- �y/ . �� . ; t5 � � ''' .r� � ' . - . . � � �'.. . q'�'' �r3 ` z Ys � I �O � sj � 0 . �� �` t �e � • i `�rs. � / i • °j�� , . . 3 . . y� . pQC ba tes /ron /vilR. . 3 v,, , �: '�+• i .Sc a /� ! ° = `�0 � . : r� �_ e \ '+ � �� 83.3 � � iI.27 _ . . .` / � � h -_�g!��oE.v w.or _ . � ' � -. CESCRIPT102�: ':nat part of Lo[ o, BlucK Z, �tvell's Riversidr �ieigUts Plat 2, �i[y of . . Fridley� .,i:,neso[a� i.i::�; eas[r�ly of u:e trlloving ouscribcd iine; beginniny, a[ a poinC na Che Svuti� ilue of :ind 1i.�7 [eLt .�st of ti�e Sectiticast curi�eY of said Lot 6; cnence rnrtncasecrly ls"s.::: iect, aore�or !ess, _o a pe;rc on tnc Nortn 1lne of anu i0.��4 teet Lrst eF tue `.u.[hvast c��r:ier o1 saiu 1ac i,, anJ tr.cre carmina[ing. I hereoy tertity tne[ ti�is aurve}• wrs ru�,ie uud.r 5y clirecc supervision nnJ t�:ac ; a• a duly autlio:ized Negistrreu Laud Surv���or uru�r tne laxs nf t:�e S;ace uf 'ltnr.�suta, ��� ti� � _ � � " �_ �! u'"si�__ �� , niJitam S. Laye, i..L.�. ---7 :d1nn. kcb. �.,. �/S] DateS: Septenuer 25� :y7: , /Yin!pLiteM,� OcY.�tta1 � � . � ..�.�'.�� . . ___ __ _ _ -- -- ._ . . . ; �J[� �TtbElttUrE, ��t� t�;a.........Four.�e.ant.h...........aQy of....._........Juae___...._._._._., is_.?.Z... a�wu� _ Th�,r..e._.�,._dc..._.....�a.�.a.r.lY_L�__..ESei�k�.on...____ ._ oj Wu County of.._.�.+AA.4�,..._.._....�...___.._..._._._._attd state yart.�..as_.of tt� �Be �c, dna..........��.i.p....�_�a.c�.�o oj tlac County of....__..9IIOka..�.___._.._._.. �••a Sta.te of.....__.M3IIn9.3.4t8._.___..._�.Y...._.........., yu,st.:._�98..nf the aecond parE, �filttlf8tflJ, That the aaid partie.9..:_.of dhe �trat po.rt, i.n eon.aideraiion. of Ehe aum of __...__.._._........(Ale...and._rm�1Q.d--==---_--- -------_--..-..t.-.--=_-z.:.�.�--.��.r-.�-DOLLr?RS, .... ....... fo�.�he'iZ'.��_ in h¢nd pnid by ihe amid part_ids_of thc aecond part, the receipt whereof is harebH acknowledged, do ..................henby (�rant, Bargain, Qui.talaim, and Convet/ un% tJu aaid part.._].F,9._ of the aecond part, _...��e.�r_._keira ¢nd asaignsa, Foreaer, atl trte tract.__..ar parcei_of iand Ly�zg o�nd bei,nd in the County of••-•—.�91Ee- ---and St.atc of Minneaota, deacribed aw foliows, fo-urit: That part oP Lot 6, Block 2, Elwell's Riverside Heights Plai 2, City oP Fridley, t4innesota, lyi.ng easterly of thePollosring described line; beginning at a point on South line of and 11.27 feet west of the Southeast corner oP said Lot 6; thence Northeasterly 1�.3.83 fest, moxe or less, to a point on the North line of and 10.09 Poet West of the Northeast corner of said Lot 6, and there terminating. g0 �Abt Afla f0 �Ol� Hjt �dtltt. Togat.heo� udth abl tlu ka�editamenta and appurtcn.ancea there- unto belon.$in� ar dn anymise apyertnining, to t7u said pa,ri�8.�of tJu second part,..._�rh.6.13'.:_..luira aad aui�na, Forevar. 31[ �tS�tlArott�' �1lcreot. The aaia pare_.1e��f tha firat pA.rt )ac,YQJureunto aet..fr.klQi.�._� ha�d8._tha day and ytar firat aboua iorEttna. �tate uf �iinne�ota, �u. County oJ.__---A.!'!-°-�5-� .__..___....._._ OAlhta..._._._.._......____„_._�.._.�._..day oJ _.._.._.._�._.._.__..._.____... 19...--•_.� b%ro me. .�..�.»...�..�....._.........._..�..........�..�...._.»........�..�.._.....-�._Y7�tiitA ORd iOf d6� QOIIriLL_ De�enanlhi nnne.....R , .. . . . � . L.S. �77-12 ERICKSON " Lot 6 a Lot 7 lock 2 � Elwells Riv�ide Heights, Plat 2 � `,�^� ,. �r f � �j� eg � � d fV.�,+ • vr�,- ', ti �'• �a \�5 � � P� ` `o:�'° W ,� i.� y, 0� ��. �;s+ . ?,•► � � Si'�a' _ z _ .►rli .. �-_ T 1. b �` �:� � � � P'� y'� •, •� ':.�'� ;s ` .� i-: 7T TH_ W A .-E. � :�-- � ^'' ; �\ � � � e.v •rir iy.`��,�� . s� _... an ` y�sr . � � io . � ' .� �. R ,\ �1� �.�� � f'T" �� a��~p� ��„ � 9AY� � ~!r^ -. "!�\9 .� d .��i�� ��,� _ � � % ,� .' � ��s: n•,�� c.- lc � . y's',� \ `.-?J'� � - . s 102 b' ���w`.. �M � ^'� , s 1 ' � ... Q ✓ ` '� �_�a o 'W.'GI - bQs o� . . ''\ o ' �;;� --: . k �,ri �' � ," - Q� `Z' � d .. l . .�a. '�r�S�, \ „l �a•, ir,,� . � s �g� r�.•. 3=y. ` {�� + S. t • 4.s � �0 ��Qi� �'�.P!'�'ty� � ' +Y � 7�73 ' .e;� � t°'9 '� •.''.q. c " �. ,�S � 'O.. ' j �ei �p � �:�Y t A�y.� e � � f _ :�;.s���Ii, I �a �. B ° � � '� . ! !°4b� � YY 6 0 � ' i..�r�` ^p : ,- �d��l�� , �. �s 9 q ° � .. ry9!ti+ � , �., �..�+i : . szZ � °� � 0 e�sp'h�d O 0 �� � P 0. 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Zoning' The undersigned hereby declares that all the facts and Tepresentations stated in this application are true and ooxxect. � DATE: D (o SIGNATURE BFLOW FOR CITY IISE ONLY (Seo reverse side for additional instructions CHECKED BY STaF'F llATE Hemarka PbANNING C�SSISSION: Date of Consideration - Remerks: CITY COUNCIL: Date of Consideration - Remarka: • •r �C��TIF�ATE 4F SURVEY FO�' DA VERNE CORP. � � i2z z� � �B3 �ASr DANUBE /��/ �. _ _ sr� � .S'cv/e:1=3D ' oDenofes Iro� � � �� NOTE: See attached sheet for descriptions of proposed division. ,Co/s 9r /4, B/oc� 3, /NN.SB.9UC/( NOf�TH 2 �'O A00/T/ON, Ano.fo l'a.rn/y, /i�iis�rsafo 7T��f�Dy Clrhf� tAOt fnii i� o irw ond Corr�tl i�D�eNnlation of a furv�y of 1�� COUndan�� ot t�� Qpov d�striE�d lond sn0 Of t�� btation of all buildinp�, if ony�, t�uaaa, an1 a11 vi�ihlt �ncwacAmsn�s, �t ony, trom or on �o�d lond. E. G. RUD 8� SONS , INC. ooi.a rm,.?�a,,r or s'EPf �eT�. er �,�.�.i'! .G�.� - M�nn. R�p No. e E. G. RUD 8� SONS, INC. LANO SURVEYORS 3847 155th Avsnue N.E. Anoko, Minnseota 55303 Tsl� 434-6b06 � � - r .. • . . . . . . . . . � . � i.__ 58 DESCRIPTION '� For: DeVerne Company . of Proposed Lot Division of Lot 10, Block 3, Innsbruck North 2nd . Addition, Anoka County, Minnesota. " � � Lot 9, Block 3, Innsbruck North 2nd Addition, Anoka County, Minnesota, and that part of Lot 10, said Block 3 lying North of a line described as beginning at the Northeast corner of said Lot 10; thence Westerly to a point on the West line of said Lot 10, distant 8.5 feet Southerly from the Northwest corner of said Lot 10 and there terminating. � Lot 10, Block 3, Innsbruck North 2nd Addition, Anoka County, Minnesota, except that part thereof lying North of a line described as beginning at the Northeast corner of said Lot 10; thence Westerly to a point on the West line of said Lot 10 distant 8.5 feet Southerly from the Northwest corner of said Lot 10 and there terminating. `�•^"i ,��5b�' � � �4�5,?^N2t � A•'� �Y,sa L.S. #77-13 DaVerne Corporation ` •° m ? : . ... .,.. � ` �„ � d* �. +W27 +,,w;.• Affecting Lots 9 and 10, Block 3, ;°�. y` �� � v� .•�� ;k s' ' Innsbruck North 2nd Addi tion o`� ,:+56j9. 5,L�0►, �y „ � r � � - . 8�-s.� _ �3, . .,a . . , ` '�5663 °-' . ,. � . �j� , e � : a i� � ? `' � 115� t45z i"': ���(�� � °r�� +�°�.:-' ' = s ' �56R r� i ,SV�Q , �,; k ��� '�" +�,�� ` ..� `i �9 .-� ! � : � � � ° i 1�2� � � � � � � 1�64 , s^y .. ;,N- � � `s,'t i _ � •A564T � 5�5� i' :..�• •r's t �� 4 � . .� . �,:n � s - - � ,;5f.t.6��a i .�' .� a d , 1 � , � t-5b5;, ~~ i • �. � � � r, : ,,,�.,,, .. 5WI + s Rs ,� . ,. 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IIpon a voice vote, all voting aqe� the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE APPEALS COMMI5SION MINUTES: OCTOBER 11, 1977 T�IOTION by Ms. 3chnabel� seconded by Ms. Shea, to receive the Appeals Commission minutes of October 11, 19'77, Ms. Schnabel pointed out to the Commission that much time had been spent at the Appeals Commission meeting in regards to the variance request to increase the maximum height of a free standing sign. She said the members of the Appeals Commission were concerned because of the proposed new sign ordinance and were concerned with such a high sign in a residential area. UP�N A VOICE VOTE, all noting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 1. sP �77-i �� TNTF.R r.Tmv Rttrr.nFRS- pER FRIDLEY CITY CODE, 5ECTION 205,157� 5� D� TO ALI,OW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DETACHED 21� FT. by 22 FT GARAGE IN CRP-2 ZONING (FLOOD PLAIN)� ON LOTS 1-4� BLOCK W� RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS� THE SAME BEING 609 Cheryl Street N.E. MOTION by Mr. Bergman� seconded by Ms. Schnabel� to open the Public Hearing. IIpon a voice vote� all noting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing was opened at 7: t�8 P.M. Mr. Boardman explained that the request was to build a garage on an existing lot where there was an existin� structure. He said that the entire area was in the flood plain and according to the restrictions for a flood plain area there would be no building or structure that could be built in the flood plain unless a Special Use Permit was secured. He said that there was eight regulations on building in the flood plain. He went on to read the regulations and gave Staff's response to many of the regulations as to how they effected the requested garage. PLANNING COMMTSSION MEETING - OCTOBER 19. 1977 Pa�e 2 4 BB Mr. Boardman said that basically Staff didn't feel there would be a lot of problems with the particular situation. He said that the public hearing process was being followed� notices had been sent to the Commissioner of Natural Resources ten days prior to the Public Hearing and Staff would notify them of action taken ten days after the action was taken. He said that all the proper procedures were being followed. He pointed out that Sta£f had not heard from the Commissioner and it was being assumed that there were no objections or input on the request. Mr. Joseph Shun of 2500 Murray Avenue N.E.� representing Inter City Builders was present at the meeting. He indicated that they had agreed with the Buildin� Inspectors to use the material he required and to follow all building codes. Ms. Schnabel asked the purpose of Staff requesting that Inter City Builders obtain the neighbors� signatures. Mr. Shun said that the surney they had was a proposed surney. He said that without a verified surney the City required 1} times the code requirement for setback and also the neighbors' signatures mould be required. He presenied Mr. Boardman with the required signatures. Mr. Langenfeld asked if there would be any landfill used. Mr. Shun said that they would need apprQximately ten yards of fill to bring the garage up to the street grade. Mr. Langenfeld asked what the fifty year average in terms of 100 feet� etc. regarding the flood plain effecting the property in question. Mr. Boardman explained that on a map that each member had! a dotted line had been inserted. He said that line represented the approximate 100 year flood level that was required of the City to maintain by the State of Minnesota. He said that City was in the process of monumenting that elevation out in the Field � He said that there was some building going on in that area however, in most cases no special use permits are required. Chairperson Harris asked if the area was in the "dike area��. Mr. Boardman said that it was. Chairperson Harris asked if part of the requirements of the building code was to tie the structure to the slab. 4 CC Mr. Shun said that they were putting approximately $300 above what the same garage would have cost in a different area. He said the garage would have water- proof plates, studs, sheetings, and special anchors all over the structure. He said that the driveway to the garage would be off of Broad avenue. Chairperson Harris asked if it �as in the plans to hard-surface the driveway. Mr. Shun said that it prohably wouldn't be done yet this fall, but that the approach would be blacktopped. Mr. Langenfeld asked if there was an urgency for the building at this time. He asked the question due to the fact of the oncoming winter and spring floods, Mr. Shun said that they would like the garage built now because of the winter weather that is approaching, MOTION by Ms. Shea� seconded by Mr. Langenfeld� to close the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing was closed at 8:02 P,M. Mr. Langenfeld felt that in the particular case at hand, that even though the request is for a garage in a CRP-2 zoning, it was on the upper portion of the Flood Plain area. He said that the petitioner•was taking all the necessary precautions as far as impending flooding, and they were meeting all the requirements set forth by the DNR and the stipulations sei forth by the City of Fridley. He said that the petitioner was fully aware of the area in which the structure was being erected and knew the possible hazards that could exist. He could find no problems with granting the request. MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld� seconded by Mr. Bergman, that the Planning Commission recommend the approval of the request for a Special IIse Permit, SP #77-13, Inter City Builders: Per Fridley City Code, Section 205.�57� 5� D to allow the constnzction of a detached 2� ft by 22 ft gara�e in CRP-2 (flood plain), on Lots 1-4, Block W, Riverview Heights, the same being 609 Cheryl Street N.E. Upon a voice;vote� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Chairperson Harris said that the request would go to City Council on November 7, 1977, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - OCTOBER 19 1979 Page � 4 DD 2. PUBLIC .. , ------ ..�1. �...,.L� • r 3� D TO ALLOW THE CONSTRIICTION OF A DOUBLE BUNGALOW IN R-1 ZONING (SIAIGLE FAMILY DWELLING AREAS)� ON LOT 1� BLOCK t� HEATHER HILLS� THE SAME BEING 1430-1L�32 RICE CREEK ROAD N.E� MOTION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld, to open the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously. The public hearing was opened at $:06 P.M� Mr. Boardman explained that the requested double bungalow would be located across the street from an already approved double bungalow that would be built by Mr. Sherwood Jordahl. Mr. Thomas Brickner of 11�01 Kerry Lane said that building a double bungalow would be the best use of that piece of property on that lot from the standpoini that the lot was located on Rice Creek Road. He said that he had had a lot of interest shown for the construction of a double bungalom. Mr. Brickner showed the Planning Commission the plans he had for the proposed double bungalow that he would like to build. He said that the structure would face Rice Creek Road. He said that it would be a two-story type structure with double garages on each end. Chairperson Harris asked what the estimated cost for the double bungalow would be. Mr. Brickner said that the cost would be in the $100,000 bracket. Ae said that the double bungalow would be owner occupied. He said that there were many requests for double bungalows being made available in that area. Mr. Bergman asked if he was building the double bungalow on speculation. Mr. Brickner said that it was speculatiee. He felt that the City of Fridley needed more double bungalow type dwellin$s. He said when there was a nice looking building in that price range scattered throughout the City on the more busy streets� it would be makin� the best use possible for those particular lots. He also said that that type of construction would actually increase the value of some of the homes in the area. Chairperson Harris asked if he �uould be living in the double bungalow. Mr. Brickner said that he would not. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - OCTOBER 1� 1977 Pa�e 5 Mr. Brickner said that he had had many requests from people interested in owning a double bungalow where they would live in half and rent the other half. He felt that an owner-occupied double bungalow was most probable. Chairperson Harris asked about the lot size. Mr. Boardman said that as long as the lot was at least 10,000 square feet there would be no problems. He said that no variances would be required for the planned double bungalow. Ms. Schnabel said that she was concerned by having the rental property in the middle of an R-1 neighborhood. She was also concerned of the fact that the double bungalow would be built on speculaiion but that Mr. Brickner had said that it would be owner-occupied. She wondered how that statement could be made. Mr. Brickner and not live investment. said that if someone would buy the building in it� that person would lose money on his Mr. Mike Togli of 6275 Kerry Lane NE said that it would be possible that someone could buy the double bungalow and rent out both sides and use the investment as a tax �rrite-off. Mr. Brickner said that that type of tax shelter has been "tightened upi� a lot in recent years. He said that the amount of money that would be required to pay down on his proposed double bungalow would make it almost impossible to have someone buy the property and not live in it, There was some discussion regarding the surrounding dwellings in the area. Mr. Togli asked when Mr. Bricl�er had applied for the Special Use Permit and when he had decided that a double bungalow would be the best use of the property. Mr. Brickner said that he had applied for the Special IIse Permit a few weeks ago. He said that from the time he bought the 1ot he had had the idea that a double bungalow would be good on the lot. Mr, Togli asked when Mr. Brickner would start construction. Mr, Brickner said that it probably wouldn't be this year. 4 EE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - OCTOBER 19, 1977 Page 6 4 FF Mr. Togli asked how many square feet each unit would be. � s Chairperson Harris said that each unit would have approximately 1�200 squre feet of living space. Mr. Togli asked if Mr. Brickner would change his mind on the lot behind the proposed double bungalow. He said that Mr. Brickner had indicated that he planned to build a single-family dwelling on that other lot. Mr. Brickner said that there was no chance whatsoever he would build anqthing except a single family dwelling on that lot. He said that the lot was too steep to even consider any type of double dwelling. He said that a tuck-under type of construction would have to be considered for that lot because of the steep gradin�. Mr. Langenfeld said that the double buttgalow approved for Mr. Jordahl had been given appronal based on a financial-type hardship where Mr. Jordahl would reside therein in order to help defray the cost. Mr. Dennis Schneider of 6190 Stinson Blvd (Ward II City Council) e�cplained that when the other approval came across City Council� the primary consideration was that the lot was a large lot with several different types of easements that made it impossible to make it into two lots. He indicated that the other lot had many unusual characteristics such that traffic that went down Kerry Lane� the headlights would shine directly into the house. He said that on that proposal, there was two double garages located in the center of the house that would alleniate the headlight problem. He said that the above was the reasons that the Special Use Permit had been granted by City Council. Mr. Schneider said that in the previous Special IIse Permit request the City Council had asked the Planning Commission to look at the Special Use Process as, in effect, a rezoning process. Chairperson Harris said that the Planning Commission had heard about the request but explained that the Commission had had a few other things to take care of. Mr. Schneider said that what the Special Use Permit process was actually allowing was a spot rezoning. He said that in the prenious case� he had talked to many af the neighbors and he sai.d there had been about a 50-50 split. He said that some of the people were totally set against it, some were basically middle of the road, and some had very positive reaction to it, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - OCTOBER 19, 1977 Pa�e 7 4 GG Mr, 5chneider said that with the first request he had T� originally planned to vote against the approval. He said that after being made aware of the many easemexit requirements and the traffic problem and also the split survey of the neighbors, he decided that it would be the best use of the lot to grant the Special Use Permit. He said that he was not prepared to make any type of judgment on the particular case with Mr. Brickner. Ae said that he did share in the concern that Ms. Schnabel had expressed regarding the double bungalow in the middle of an R-1 zone. Ms� Schnabel asked if Mr. Brickner had given any thought of building a single-family dwelling on that particular piece of property. Mr. Brickner said that he had only owned the lot for a short time but no one had ever approached him to wanting a single-family dwelling built on the lot. He said that he had sug�ested the lot to several people� but no one had been interested in it because of the lot being right on Rice Creek Road. He said that he felt there was much demand for nice-looking double bungalows in that area. Ms. Schnabel asked why Mr. Brickner had asked for a Special Use Permit rather than asking for a rezoning. Mr. Brickner said that it didn't really make any difference how it was done to him. He sai.d that Mr. Holden had told him that a Special IIse Permit was the best way to go. Mr. Langenfeld pointed out that this type of Special Use Permit required a 4/5 vote by City Council. MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld� seconded by Ms. Schnabel, to close the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing was closed at 8;32 p.M. Mr. Langenfeld asked if there was any problems with the easements on the lot. Mr. Boardmatt said that there would be no easement problems. PLANNING COMMISSION MEE`PING - OCTOBER 19, 197,Z Pa�e 8 It H}{ Chai.rperson Harris said that the vote on the previous request for a Special Use Permit by Mr. Jordahl had been a split vote by the Planning Commission. "Mr. Harris indicated that he had voted against it at that time and that he would also vote no on this request. He said that a double bungalow was not a proper use for that lot that was in and totally surrounded by R-1 zonings. He said that there was newly built homes in the area and that the lot in question v�ould not be an unsaleable lot� Mr. Harris said that he had taken the opportunity to visit Mr, Brickner�s neighbors and for the most part, they did not feel that a double bungalow would benefit the neighborhood. Ms. Schnabel said that she also intended to vote against the request and pointed out that had she been at the meeting for the previous request� she would have also voted against that one. She said that it was not a proper use of the lot in an R-1 zoning and she felt it was a tendancy to spot zone. She said that the Heather Hills area is all new construction and she felt that a single family d�velling consistent with the neighborhood should be placed on that lot. Chairperson Harris said that Mr. Brickner does a fine job of building, He builds a quality house and he was most impressed with his structures. He complimented Mr. Brickner on his efforts in the Heather Hills area. Mr, Brickner said that from the conversatiott that the best use of the property would be to build a minimum sized house on that property. He said that if he could build a house in the right price range� he felt he could probably sell it. He said that he couldn�t build the quality of house that he would like. He said that he would probably want to build a house in the $�0,000 price range. Chairperson Harris egplained to Mr. Brickner that he still had the right of appeal to City Council. He said that the Planning Commission only makes recommendaiions to City Council. He said that City Council did have the final note. Chairperson Harris took an informal poll of the Planning Commission. They all indicated negative. Mr� Brickner requested the withdrawal of the request. He said that from the conversation, obviously the Commission mas against the double bungalow and he did not wish to persue the issue further. PI,ANNING COMMISSION MEETING - OCTOBER 1 1977 Pa�e 9 Mr. Thomas Brickner withdrew the request for a Special Use Permit� SP #77-14: Per Fridley City Code, Section 205.051� 3lD� to allow the construction of a double bungalow in R-1 zoning (single family dwelling areas), on Lot t, B1ock 1� Heather Hills, the same being 1430-1432 Rice Creek Road NE. Mr. Bergman made the observation that aut of 11� property owners that had been innited, only one showed up at the Public Hearing. Mr. Togli said that he had never been contacted by anyone with either of the Special Use Permits as to whether he was for or agaittst it. Chairperson Harris said that he had gone to some of the neighbors, but that he did not contact all the neighbors. Mr. Bergman felt awkarard with the situation. He said that Mr. Brickner had polled the neighbors and that he had received little opposition; then he said that Mr. Harris talked to neighbors, and they were very much opposed; and he said that Mr. Schneider had talked to neighbors and there had been a 50-50 split. Mr. Bergman said that with all the differettt discussions vrith the neighbors and then none of the people talked to had shown up at the Public�iearing. Mr. Tog1i said that with that many "polls�� and he still had never been contacted by anyone! Ms. Schnabel said that people were very reluctant when they are an adjacent neighbor to come and publically say how they really feel, even when they are opposed to an idea� because that neighbor has to live in that neighborhood. She said that possibly many of the people were personal friends of the Brickner�s and they were reluctant to say something against the double bungalow because they have to live with him as a neighbor too. Mr. Togli was concerned about the term "spot rezoning", Chairperson Harris explained that it was allowed in the Code that an R-2 (double bungalow or duplex) be built in an R-1 lot with a Special Use Permit� providing that the mittimum square footage of the lot was 10,000 square feet or more and has yJ5 vote of City Council. Mr. Togli asked if many were granted. He asked if there was a lot of spot rezoning allowed in the City of Fridley. Mr. Boardman said that there have been about six requests over the past few months; but that only one had gone through and that was the one at i4.4i Rice Creek Road. �� II PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - QCTOBER 19 1977 Pa�e 10 �! �,1 3. LOT SPLIT RE UEST� L.S. �{77-12, THURE H ERICKSON: SPLIT OFF APPROXI AT Y-'ri—�'�',`�r'1R'jPf-L'6'1��II IT TO LOT 7� BLOCK 2� ELWELL's RIVERSIDE HEIGHTS PLAT 2� PER VERIFIED SURVEY AND COPY OF DEED� THE SAME BEING 7515 and 75Q1 ALDEN WAY N.E. Mr. Boardman explained that Lots 6& 7 were owned by one party. Iie said that when the house on Lot 7 was built the driveway was allowed to encroach onto Lot 6 because he did own both lots. He said that the party was planning to sell Lot 6 and Mr. Erickson did not want to have to move the driveway. He said that Mr. Erickson had arranged with the other property owner to request a lot split so that the drivew�}r would be located on Lot �. Mrs. Erickson of �515 Alden Way N.E, was present at the meeting. She indicated that they had gotten permission from City Council 15 years ago to put the drivew�y at its present location. Chairperson Harris asked if City would have to retain any easements. Mr. Boardman said that there were no easements that the City needed at that point. MOTION BY Mr. Bergman� seconded by Ms. Shea� to recommend to City Council the approval of the Lot Split Request, Z.S, #77-12? Thure H. Erickson: Split off approximately 11 feet from Lot 6, and add'it to Lot 7� Block 2, Elwell�s Riverside Heights Plat 2� per verified survey and copy of deed, the same being '7515 and 7501 Alden Way N.E. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously. �. LOT SPI,IT REQUEST� L.3, #77-13� DA VERNE CORPORATION: LINE OF LOT 10 AND ADD IT TO LOT 9� BLOCK 3� INNSBRIICK NORTH 2nd ADDITION� PER VERIFIED SURVEY OF RECORD� SO HOUSE ON LOT 9 CAN MEET ALL THE SETBACK REQUIRII�IENTS� THE SAME BEING 5468 and 5498 4VEST DANUBE ROAD N,E, Mr. Boardman said that there were no the setbacks. He said that the lots the requirements with the lot split. lots were oversized lots and the lot be effected by the split. problems as far as would meet all He said that the sizes wouldn�t PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - OCTOBER 1 1977 Pa�e 11 4�K Ms. Schnabel wanted to know how the house at 5498 West Danube Road NE got constructed when it didn�t meet the setback requirements. Mr. David E. Ficek of t393 16th Avenue NW (representing DaVerne Corporation) said that they had interpolated the 35 foot setback as to where the house would sit. He said that in order to sane a tree on the North side of the property the house was moved to the south. He indicated that they were 2.25 feet off the requirement on the south boundary� Mr. Boardman explained that that mas the reason City often requir ed a survey after the foundation was laid. He said that when the building inspector goes out to a site to ��eye�+ the construction� all they sometimes have to use are the stakes and sometimes the stakes would get moved and whatever. He said that many times there are mounds of dirt, etc. and it becomes difficult to actually "sight" where the construction would be. Mr. Ficek indicated the possibility of a financial hardship on the property at 5468 and if that does happen� then he would be applying for a variance. Ms. Schnabel asked why Mr. Ficek hadn�t applied for a variance instead of a 1ot split. Mr. Ficek said that he didn�t like variances. He said that people should stay within the codes. He agreed that it was difficult for the building inspector to be able to +teye+� if the building would be exactly within codes. He said that if the lot split could be done then both lots would be ��legal". MOTION by Ms. Shea� seconded by Mr. Bergman� that the Planning Commission recommend to City Gouncil the approval of the Lot Split Request� L�S. #77-�3, DaVerne Corporation: Split off an 8.5 ft, wedge from Northerly property line of Lot 10 and add it to Lot 9� Block 3� Innsbruck North 2nd Addition, per nerified survey of record, so house on Lot g catt meet all the setback requirements, the same being 5468 and 5498 West Danube Road NE. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously. Chairperson Harris declared a ten minute break at 9;09 P�M, 5. CONTINUED: PROPOSED MAINTENANCE CODE MOTION by Mr. Bergman, seconded by Ms. Schnabel, to continue the Proposed Maintenance Code until the next meeting. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - OCTOBER 19 1977 Pa�e 12 �� LL 6. CONTINUED: PARKS AND OPEN SPACE PLAN Mr. Bergman said that since the Parks and Open Space Plan would be s�eviewed at a Public Hearing that it should be egplained in the introduction that the purpose of the document was to identify problem areas. Mr. Langenfeld said that to him what was being done was a statement was being made and then it was ind3cating ivhat was wrong with that point� and then the recommendations as to how to change that wrong, MOTION by Mr. Bergman that in the Sntroduction section a siatement be inserted to indicate, ��The purpose of this Parks and Open Space Plan and the resulting summary of findings is to identify inadequacies in the current Fridley Parks System�'. Ms. Shea read Page 2� the last sentence� ��The plan is an inventory of existing facilities and a guide for future decisions about priorities for acquisition, park development� provision of recreation servicer'. She said that that would cover what Mr. Bergman wanted inserted. Mr. Bergman didn�t feel that it did cover what he wanted stressed� He said that an objective inventory vrould indicate both the bad and good points. He said that the present Plan only indicated the bad points. �'he motion died for lack of a second. Chairperson Harris read Objective y. in Section y.� Summary of Findings: Encourage the advancement of recreation opportunities for all residents. Ms. Schnabel felt that the first finding, ��The City�s recreation pro�;rams do not reflect a wide range of activities for xe sidents" could be stated in a different way so that it wouldn't be quite so negative sounding. Mr. Bergman said that that idea could be done throughout the Plan. Mr. Langenfeld sai d that the Environmental Quality Commission suggested changing Finding 5 by deleting the term "nature study enthusiasts�� from the finding. Mr. Bergman said that it was a shame that Parks & Recreation Commissiott was not represented at the Planning Commission meeting. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - OCTOBER 19 1977 Pa�e 13 MOTION by Mr. Bergman� seconded by Mr. Langenfeld, to chattge the first finding tot ��There is a need for a wide range of recreational activities which better reflect the needs of the City�s residents��. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously� MOTION by Ms� Shea� seconded by Mr. Bergman, that finding #{5 be changed to, "The City needs to better identify the recreational needs of special-need groups within the Community��. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously, Ms. Schnabel didn�t think that Findings 6& 7 belonged in this Objective� She said that they should be in their own special section. Ghairperson Harris said that the Findings were aiming at how Staff deals with the recreational opportunities. Mr. Langenfeld said that Staff requirements needed to be evaluated in order to enable the City to encourage the advancement of recreational opportunities. He said that these findings didn�t belong in Objective 1 because Facilities were discussed in that Objective. Ms. Schnabel asked if it could be included in Objective 2. Chairperson Harris said that Objective 2 discussed Park Design. MOTION by Mr. Bergman� seconded by Ms. Schnabel� that Objective 6 be added to the Objectives and Findings 6& 7 under Objective �. be listed under Objective 6. Objection 6 would read, +�Maintain and/or establish adequate professional and administrative park and recreational area planning and activities�t� Ugon a voice vote� all voting aye' the motion carried unanimously. Chairperson Harris read Objective 5 in Section G.� Summary of Findings: Provide for innovative space management to allow balance of use, freedom and cotttrol, with safety as a prime consideration. There was some discussion as to what was meant by ��innovative space management�'. Mr. Bergman asked what was meant in Fittding 2 as to what was a recreational trail system.... Chairperson Harris said it was walkways� bikevuays� and horse trails. 4 hF1 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - OCTOBER 19. 1977 Pa�e 14 Mr. Bergman said that the City of Fridley already had that system and that it was on paper and all that had to be done was to implement the existing plan. Chairperson Harris pointed out that it actually was not in existence� that it hadn�t been implemented. Finding 4 under Objective 5 was discussed next. Mr. Langenfeld Commission had the statement. said ihat the Environmental Quality asked that "private areas" be added to Chairperson Harris said that that would then include Metronics and Onan's areas. He suggested the word to Ue added be ��commercial��. MOTION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld� that Finding 4 under Objective 5 read� ��There is a need to coordinate regional, county, city, and commercial areas of park and open space interest to provide a ecTqu�a e active and passive recreational areas'�. Chai.rperson Harris said that "commercial"' would mean the driving ranges, miniture golf, pool halls, etc. IIPON A VOICE VOTE� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Ms. Shea felt that Finding 5 under Objective 5 should read� ��There is a need to promote a better understanding of the ecological systems and natural resources in the City of Fridley��. She deleted the word "operating". Mr. Bergman and Mr. Zangenfeld indicated their interpretations of that Finding. Chairperson Harris next discussed the section on the POI,ICY & RECOMMENDATION. Mr. I,angenfeld said that the Environmental Quality Commission had suggested the deletion of the entire first page of that section. Mr. Bergman said that the Community Development Commission indicated that the funding criteria in the Policy & Recommendations section should be rewritten for clarity. Ms. Schnabel asked if that type of information was necessary to be ineluded to get certain type of grants� Chairperson Harris felt the time to give that type of information would be at the time of application and not at the time of planning. He said that the ground rules should be set first before getting tied down to certain percentages. 4 r�� PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - OCTOBER 19� 1977 Pa�e 15 4 00 MOTION by Mr. Bergman� seconded by Ms. Shea� that Page 20 in the POZICY & RECOMMENDATION section be carried over to the next meeting for review with staff, Upon a noice vote� all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously. Chairperson Harris read Objective 1 of Section 5, Policy & Recommendation: Develop an order of quality park facilities that will be £lexible to the changing needs of the community. Policy 2 was discussed. Ms. Schnabel said that there was a need for a certain ampunt of landscaping in order to provide buffers between active and passive areas or between tuvo types of different active areas. She said that there were times where some type of landscaping would have to be done in order to delineate the different areas in order to provide a safety screen. She didn�t think that the plans were to take the money and invest it all in trees. She said that there would be an overall plan to use landscaping as an integral part of buffers. Ms. Shea said that it had been previously stated that landscaping would be used as a form of buffering and in the total layout. MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld� seconded by Mr. Bergman� to continue the PARKS AND OPIN SPACE PLAN. IIpon a voice vote� all voting a,ye� the motion carried unanimously. Ms. Shea wanted it noted in the minutes that the Parks and Recreation Commission was not represented at the October 19� 1977 Planning Commission meeting, She said that ihe Vice-Chairperson had not been notified. She said that in the future all Commission Chairpersons should notify the vice-chairpersons if they have the opportunity. Mr. Langenfeld said that he did not intend to "poke" at fellow commission members but he said that there seemed to be a continual problem in that Commission as to not being represented at the Planning Commission meetings. PLANNING COMMISSION MEE'PING - OCfiOBER 19, 197% Pa�e 16 4 PP Mr. Langenfeld pointed out that there would be a "People's Job in the Environment�� held on Saturday� November 5, 1977, from 9:00 A,M until 1�;00 P.M. at the St. Paul Vocational/Technical Institute located at 235 Marshall in St. Paul. He indicated the different topics that would be discussed and the people that would be speaking at the seminar. He also indicated the prices of the seminar. ADJOURNMENT - MOTION by Ms. Shea� seconded by Mr. Langenfeld� to adjourn the October 19, 19'77, Planning Commission meeting. Upon a voice vote� a11 voting aye� the motion carried unanimously. Chairperson Fiarris declared the meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M� Respectfully submitted, �la�o� t�� MaryLee Carhill Recording 5ecretary