PL 04/19/1978 - 6631PLANNING COMMISSION I+tEETING CALI TO ORDER: ROL4 CALL: City of Fridley AGENDA 41EDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1978 APPROV� FLANVING COM�4iSSI0N MINUTES: APRit 5, 1978 1. AIRPORT PROPOSAL: Lee Ann 5porre 2. CONTINUED: PUBLIG HEARIMG: REQt1ES1' FOR SPECIAL USE PERI9IT, SP #78-05 BY BENPIIE RQZh1AN: Per Fr�diey City Code, Section 2� .i31, 3, ,3, to alloti�t the construction of a recreatipnal use building on the North 300 feet of the South 1105 feet of the East half of the North2ast Quarter oi' the Southeast Quarter of Section 3, the same being 8031 Beech 5treet �d.E. Public Hearing open 3. PUBLIC HF.ARIh6: REZONIW6 RE UEST, ZOA. �78-44, CITY J�' FR?DLEY: 7o establish a new Zoning District, S-1 5pecial Zoning District}; and to rezone the following property to this district: 8locks i 5, 6, 7 end 8, t(yde Park Addition from R-2(tw� family ds�relling areas} to S-t, and Blocks 9, 10, 24 and 23, Hyde Park, from � R-3(general multiple family dwelling areas) to S-1, and Btocks : 1'!, 12, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27 and 28, Hyde Park, from C-2 (general � business areas} to S-1, and Elocks 1 and 2, City Viear Addition, ; from C-2 {general business areas) to S-1, generally located ; from 57th Place N.E. to 61st Rvenue N.E., and University Ave. to Nlain Street. j 4. PUBIIC HEARI4:G: C6NSIDFRATTON OF A PROP�SFD PRFI TMT�lARY DI AT 5. 0 except those pieces platted as Johnson's P,iver Lane Addtion and 8atterson Addition, subject to road easements, Tocated in the 6400 [�lock on the 'rJest side of Rivervie�� Terrace N.E. IC t1EARING: CO„SI T. P. M^����• HCF/Ip4 u� cnC ltiU�"l.tR•JCbI ljUaOPdRL OT ildlfl SLreet a bsborne Road. (See Public Hearing nofiice for conplete leqat description). . IN6: ZOA �I -•- -•••••�• •• - ��, �.v�n �� �+ ���e rruyu�eU rldL� �.5.�/78-03, East Ranch Estates Third Addition, frar� M-2 (heavy indistriat areas) to G2 (general business areas) to allo�v the development of the property for a commercial bank, located at 225 Osborne Road N.E. tI f F i � 7:30 P.t4. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: City of Frid?ey AGENDA WEO�ESDAY, APRIL 19, 1978 APPROVE PLANNING CONMISSION MINUTES: APRIL 5, i978 1. AIRPORT PROPUSAL: tee Ann Sporre 2. CONTINUED: PUBLfC H"ckRING: P,EQUES7 FOR S°ECIAL US[ PER��9iT, SP #78-05, BY 6ENNIE ROZMAN: Per Fridley City Code, Section 205.131, 3, A,3, to allow the construction of a recreational use building on ihe North 300 feei of the Suuth 1105 fzet of the East half of the Northeast Qw�arter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 3, the same being 8031 Beech Street N.E. Pub7ic Hearing open 3. PUBLIC HEARING: REZONING REC��JEST, ZGA ;17f3-Od, CITY OF FR.DL�Y: To establish a new Loni�g District, S-1 �pec;al Zoninq D�cirict and to rezone the following property to this district: 6locks 5, 6, 7 and 8, Hyde Park Addition from R-2(t�ao family dwelling areas) to S-1, and Blocks 9, 10, 24 and 23, Nyde Park, from R-3{general multiple family dweliing areasj to S-1, and Slocks 71, 12, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27 and 2i3, Hyde 2ark, from C-2 (aeneral business areas) to S-1, and Blocks 1 and 2, Gity View Addition, from C-2 (general business areas; to S-1, generally located from 57th Place N.E. to 61st Avenue N.E., and University Ave. to Main Street. 4. PUBLIC HEARTNG: CONSIDERATION OF A PROPOSE�7 PRELIMINAR`[ PLA7, P.S. #78-02, HA(2RIER'S FIRST ADDITIOFl, BY !�f. J, ktARRIER, JR.: being a replat of Lot 25, Revised uditor s Subdivision No. 23, except those pieces platted as Jehnson's River Lane Addtion and Batterson Additior, subject to road easements, located in the 6G00 Block on the West side of River�iew Terrace N.E. � b. BHIVK: Keplat of the Northw Osboi�ne Road. (See Public iegal description). IC NEFIRIPdG: REZONING R ' st [�uadrant of 44ain Street an Hearinq notice for complete ZOA #78-02. BY STATE BANK: IZezone the Lot 2, Block 1, of the Proposed Piat, P.S.�7II-03, East Rarich Estates Third Addition, from M-2 (heavy indistrial areas} to C-7. (9eneral business ar•eas) to allow the development of the property for a con�nercial bank, loeated at 225 Osborne Road N.E. 7:30 P.M. PAGES 1 - 16 17 - 20 21 - ?4 35 - 38 39 - 42 43-44(41-42J Planning Commission Meeting Wednesday, April 19, 1978 7:30 P.M. Agenda, Paqe 2 PAGES � 7. PUBLIC HEARING: REZONING REQUEST, ZQA #7�-�"s, BY THEODORE 45- 48 ^ BURANQT: Rezone from R-3 general multiple family d�wel�ings) �., �.�� to CR-1 (general office and limited business). Lot l, Block 1, Hillwind Addition, to a71ow a model home to be used as a . sales office, the same bein9 941 Hillwind Road N.E. -'' 8. RECEIVE PARKS & RECREATION GOMMISSION P1INUTES: MARCN 27, GREEN 9. RECEIVE HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES: APRIL 6, 1978 SALMON a. Congret�ate Dining (see Motion page 5) 16. RECEIVE APPEALS COMMISSION MINt1TES: APRIL 11, 1978 YELLOW 11. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN 12. CONTINUED: DISCUSSION ON ENERGY COMMISSION 13. OTHER BUSINESS: ADJOURNMENT: . .�,R,,.., CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 5, 1978 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Harris called the April 5, 1978 Planning Con¢nission Meeting to order at 7;37 P. M. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Storla� gergman, Harris, PeCerson, Gabel and Langenfeld Members Absent: Schnabel, Gabe1 representing Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, CiCy Planner APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSI0.I MINUTES: 4fARCH 22 1978; MOTIdCI by Mr, Langenfeld, seconded by Mr. Bergman, to approve the March 12, 1978 Plannin g Com�nission minutes. On Page 11, second paragraph from the bottom of the page, Ms. GabeZ requested the word "plan" be changed to "concept". UP(1N A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously and the minutes were approved with the above amendment, 1. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR SPEGTAL USE PERMIT SP ib78-04 BY JONN R, DOYLE: PER FRIDLEY CITY CODE, SECTION 2Q5,051, 3, E, TO Pc,RPIIT R-1 Z�IED PROPERTY (SINGLE FAMILY DWELLII3G5) TO BE �SED POR AN OFF-STK�:E: PARKING LOT FOR A PROPOSED APARTI�fE[3T BUILDING (R�1 ADJ9CINT LANU. T_0 �tE LOCATED CN LOTS 78 AND 79, BLOCK A, RIVEkVIEW HEI(,'HTS, THE SAN� &EING PART OF 441 HUGO STREET N. E. MOTICN by Ms. Gable, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld, to open the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing was opened at 7;40 P. M. Mr. Bottrdman stated the propezty on which the bui?ding will be located is zoned R-3, however, this reyuest is to use two adjacent single family loCS for parking. He indicated Che staff did not see any pro6lems with this request for a specia� use permit, however, one of the stipuLations for the parking lot would be solid acreening along the East and North sides of the property. Mr. Boardman stated all other reyuirements have been met, wit.h the excep[ion of a variance on the frant yard set6ack. He atated the Appeals Gommission has recoimnended approval of the variance. Mr. DoyLe stated, at the reyuest of City staff, they have revised the plans to include the apartment bui133ng on tne R-3 property, move the 6uil�ing back Lrom East River Road and incorporate Lots 78 and 79 for parking. PLANNING COi�AtISSION MEETATG - APRIL 5 1978 pAGE 2 Mr. Doyle explained the apartmene building itself will be in the semi-deluxe category with each unit fiaving their individual underground parkittg stall. ile stated Lots 78 and 79 will be used for suxiliary parking. Mr. Harris asked how many units would be included in the apartment building. Mr. Doyle stated there wou2d be a total of 10 units for this parcet, each having a tuck-under garage. Mr. Harris asked Mr. Doyle if he had any objections to the screening fence recommended by staff. Mr. Doyle questioned what type of fence the stafE had in mind. Mr. Boardman atated it has to be a soli.d separation of either vegetaCion or solid board fence. He stated, from past experiences, a solid wood fence would probably be the best. Mr, Doyle indicated there would be no problems with the fencing. lyr, peterson questioned why it was suggested the residential lots be used for parkin g. Mr. Boar&uan stated the parking lot could have been�located on the unimproved lot area, however, if East River Road is ever widened, they might los2 some of tlie parking area. Mr. Doy1e stated if the parking were �n the unimproved area, you would almost have to have access onto East 12iver Road which is less desirable. No persons in the audience spoke for or against this request for a special use permit, MOTION by Mr, Bergman, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to close the Pubiic Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing was closed at 7:50 P, M. MOTION by Mr. Peterson, aeconded by Mr. Langenfeld, Chat the Plannin � Co�ission recommend approval of the Request for Special Use Permit, SP �k78-04 by .Iohn R. Doyle: Per Fridley City Code, Section 205.051, 3, E, to permit R-1 2oned pro- perty (single family dwellings) to be used for an off-street parking lot for a proposed apartment building on adjacent 1and, to be located on Lots 78 and 79, Block A, Riverview Heights, the same being part of 441 Hugo Street N. E. Mr. Harris questioned Mr. Peterson if he wished to inclUde the recommendation for solid screen fencing in his motion. Mr. Yeterson felt this was covered in the code and, therefore, wouldn't be necessary to include it in the motion. UP(N A VOICE VOTE� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � PLANN L�IG COMMFSSION MEETING - APRIL 5 1978 PAGE 3 2. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR 5PGC7AL USE PERMIT SP dk78-OS BY BEN[VIE ROZMAN: PER FRIDLEY CITY CODE, SECTION ?.05.131� 3, A�3, TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A RECREATIONAL USE BUILDING, ON THE NORTR 300 FEET OF THE SOUTH 1105 FEET OF Ti(E EAST HALF OP THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF TAE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 3, Tf� SAME BEING 8031 BEECH STREET N. E. MOTIQ� by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Mr. Bergman, to open the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing was opened at 7;55 P. M. Mr. Boardman stated a co�mnerical recreational use is allowed in an M-2 zone with a special use permit. This request is for the operation of a discotheque in an M-2 zone between Main and Beech Streets. Mr. Rozman sCaCed this would 6e a discotheque for teenagers from the ages of 13 to 19. He stated it would be a disco atmosphere, without the liquor. He indicated they plan to have a concession stand which would serve pop, popcorn, etc. Mr. Rozman stated they now have a similar operation in the Cedarville Shopping Center in Eagan at Highway 13 and Cedar Avenue, He explained their hours of operation would be on Friday and Saturday nignts from 8 to midnight and on Sunday night from 8 to 10 Y. M., during the school year, However, they may be open Wednesdays through Sunday during the suimner months. Mr. Rozman expLained they have had no problems with their operation in Eagan and parents have nothing but praise for the recreation center. He felt ther.e was a need for this type of entertainment thro�ighout the metro ared• Ms. Gabe1 yuestion�d the costs for admittance to the discotheque. Mr. Rozman sCated it would $2.50 and once a person entered, they could not leave the premises. Ae explained there would be coat checking available which the persons must use. Mr. Peterson questioned if Eagan was contacted regarding their comments on the discotheque. Mr. Boardman stated they had not been contacted. Ms. Gabel yuestioned how many persons the building would acco�odate. Mr. Rozman felt anywhere from 1,200 to I,400. Mr. Boardman stated what is allowed in this type of situation is one person per 15 square feet of floor area. Although the building'is 15,Q00 syuare feet� all is not open area. He felt the useable dance area is about 12�000 sq�are feet. Mr. Rozman stated the reason he picked this area is that the industries wo�ld be closed at night and there wouldn't be eny objections from person;, in residences that it was too loud or too many cars. PLANN IN G COMMI.SSIdN MEET1N G- APRTL 5 1978 pAGE 4 Mr. Dick Brama explained the building wonld be designed as a�Lti-purpose building that could be converted to a warehouse at a Later date. He stated the construction would probably be pre-cast material. Mr. Storla yuestioned hqw soon the building would be completed. Mr. Brama indicated it would probably take a minimum of six roonths to have the plans finalized� obtain financing, etc. Mr. Langenfeld asked Mr. Rozman if he was planning to lease the building: Mr. Rozman stated he would own the building and he and his nephews would run the discotheyue. He indicated he planned to hire persons from the area to se�1 concessions� tickets, etc. ' Mr. Langenfeld questioned if there would be pinball machines and poo1. Mr. Rozman stated they plan to have pinball machines, but no pool tables. Mr. Otto Tauer, 5866 2nd Street, indicated he had no special interest in this request, but felt the Coffinnission should keep the curfew laws in mind as this may conflict. Ms. Gabel questioned hnw roany persons would be supervising this operation. Mr. Rozman stated there would probably be 8 to 10 people involved. Mr. Boardman stated some of the staff's concerns would be with the layout and drainage. He fe2t there should be some additional screening and land- �aped areas and was concerned about drainage with such a large area black- topped. Mr. Boardman stated the drainage was discussed wfth the Public Works Director and in order not to increase the run-off, some ponding would be required, Mr. Boardman also pointed aut [here may.be same problems with teenagers in an industrial area that is not well traveled, Mr. Rozman stated most of the persona coming to their center in Eagan are dropped off and picked up by their parents. Mr. Boardman questioned about how many cars they tiave when they are open. Mr. Rozman felt there were about 200 cars. Mr, Peterson questioned if there was enough property for a holding pond. DSr. Boardman stated this has been discussed with Mr. Brama, who owns property both to the North and South of Slst, and he wishes to create a large pond at the southeast corner of Slst and Main Street to serve as a holding pond for the entire 40 acre development, At this time, however, only six acres are under construction. Mr. Harris felt he had too many questions in his mind to take action on this request this evening. He indicated he would like to talk with the property owuers in the area, Mr. Brama stated the tenants in his buil,ding were very open to Ehe idea. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APRIL 5 1478 PAGE 5 MOTIQN by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld, to continue the public hearing to the next regulaY meeting on April 19, 1978 in order to check with the Vi3:lage of Eagan regarding Chis operation; to check with property owners in the area regarding their feelings on the proposed use; and a report from the Public Safety DepartmenC as to the traffic. Upon a voice vote, ali vot- ing aye, the motion carried unanimously. 3. PUBLIC IIEARING: CONSIDERATIO�T OF A PROPOSED PRELIMTNARY PLAT P. S, �k78-Ol TRI-CO ADDITION, BY TRI-CO BlIILDERS, INC.: BEING A REPLAT OF L�TS 2 AND 3, AUDITOR'S SL'BDIVISION N0. 89, EXCEPT THE EASTERLY 82 FEET OF THE WESTERLY 810 FEET OF THE NORTH 65 FEET OF THE SOUTH 157 FEET OF LOT 3, AND EXGEPT THE WEST 90 FGET OF THE EAST 290 FEET OF LOT 3, SAID EASTERLY 29Q FEET BE]NG MEASIIRED FROM THE NORTH TO SOUTtI QUARTER LINE OF SECTION 12, SUBSECT TO AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD PL'RPOSES OVER THE NORTH 30 FEET OF LOT 2, AND OVER THE EAST 50 FEET OF LOTS 2 AIVD 3, GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF 7�ID AVFNIIE N. E. AND EAST OF CINTRAL AVINUE N. E, MOTICN by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Ms. Gabel to open the Public Hearing. Upon a voice voCe, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing was opened at 8;25 P. M. Mr. Boardman stated this is a plat involving six lots generally located South o£ 72nd Avenue and East of Central Avenue. FIe indicated there would be four- pler. units on five of the lots with a multi-unit complex on the other lat. Mr. BoaYdman stated access would be Chrough an easement shown through Lot 5. He explained it is intended to have that area for parking and garages pro- vided on either side of that access. Mr. Boardmaa stated on Lots l, 2, 3 and 4 they would like to minimize access to Old Central as much as possible and have maximum access through one access onto 72nd Avenue. He fe1C, in order to accomplish this, they wbuld have to look at the design of Che structures. Mr. Boardman felt this could be done on Lots 2, 3 and 4� buC would possi6ly have to have access from Lot 1 on to Old Central. Mr. James George, representing Txi-Go Builders, stated Chere is, at the present time, a driveway entering onto OLd Central and they are changing this to go into the multiple siee. Mr. George stated the fact of not havin g access onto Old Central comes as a a�rprise. He stated it was their intention to have a common driveway be[ween Lots 1 and 2 and Lot 3 would access to 72nd Avenue. Mr. Boardman asked if any attempts were made to purchase the existing hoiise. Mr. George stated the property ecmer was contacted, but did not wish to sell her proper[y. Mr. Harris asked if the City could live aith one access onto Old Central. Mr. Boardman indicated he couldrr't see a problem with one access, but would question any other access when talking about four-plexes. Mr. Peterson questioned 3f the petitioner obtained a permit from the County to access onto Old Central which is a County road. ,�� � PLANNING COMMZSSION MEETING - APRTL 5, 1978 PAGE 6 Mr. Boardman stated this would be necessary, however, the County generally accepts the recommendations of the City. Mr. Harris questioned why so much of Lot 5 is cut off. Mr. George explained there is a 30 foot sewer easement that cannot be built on. lie stated they moved the access over where the paved surface would be installed so that garages could be put in the wider area which would also serve as a screening area for the four-plexes. Mr, Jim Determan, 1241 72nd Avenue, stated he owna Che welding shop across the street from where these apartments aould be constructed and was opposed to them. He stated he has dogs on his premises to protect his property and felt, with the apartments, complaints would be received an the dogs barking. Mr. Determan also stated the parking problem is so bad on the street that he cannot get into his busincss. He felt, if the apartments are constructed, he would Like to see a fence between 77.nd and the baildings to keep people from parking on the streets. Mr. Harris explained that the parcel is zoned R-3 which allows for apartments to be constructed� and the Zoning Code providea for off-street parking. Mr. Determan indicated he wanted to make the Commission aware of the problems they have had with the parking. Mr. Boardman Eelt if they had many problems with the street parking, the area would have to he signed. No other persons in the audience spoke for or against this proposed preliminary plar. MOTILN by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Ms, Gabel to close the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing was closed at 8;47 P. M. Mr. Langenfeld requested clarification on how the road would be constructed. Mr. Boardman stated it is his understanding that when the ingress/egress is put in, garages would be constructed along this as this would be part of the access in the parking lot. He stated the parking should be arranged to eliminate as manY accesses as possible on to OId Central. MOTION by Mr. Petersan, seconded by Mr, Bergman, that the Planning Co�ission recommend approval of the Proposed Preliminary PLat, P. S. 4k78-02, Tri-Co Addition,'by Tri-Co Bu�.lders, Inc. with no more than one access onto Old Centra7, and that staff work with the existing property owners to alleviate the parking problems on Central by proper signing, fencing, etc. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 4. YUBLIC HEARING: PARICS AND OPE[4 SPACE PLAN Mr, Harris explained the public hearing this evening is for the Parks and Open Space Plan, He stated, however, pe.rsons are present from the Hyde Park area and didn't know if they wished to discuss the Hyde Park Plan regarding the zoning and street issue which is scheduled fer a public hearing before.the Commission on April 19, I978. �� PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APRIL 5 1978 pp� 7 , Mr. Harris felt, therefore, if the Commission wished Co hear general discussion from the reaidents regarding the Hyde Park area., the rules of order could be aispended and they could proceed wiCh an informal he.�ring. Ms. Gabe1 felt it would be appropriate Co address the Parks and Open Space Plan since the public hearing is scheduled for this evening. MOTICN by Mr, peterson, seconded by Mr, Langenfeld, to suspend the rules of order, lipon a voice vote� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mx'. Boardman gave a short preser.tation of the background of the Hyde Park area. He explained the zoning was the primary issue and several meetings were held by staff with the residents of the area regarding the future potential of Hyde Park. From theae meetings, it was brought out the resid- ents generally wanKed the area to remain as singLe family with no expansion of multiple and coBnnerical uses. Mr. Boardman explained the plan for the Hyde Park area is a tentative plan and the reason the public hearings are held is to find out what the people want. Mr. Otto Tauer, 5H66 2nd Street, indicated his concern about Skyline Park. He sEated he was told by former.Mayor Liebl that the park was put in because 54 people had signed a petition. He stated he was never contacted to sign the petitian. He stated he has been involved in;thQ neighborhood meetings and was nat aware of any plans to expand the park. He staCed he does not want to see anyone ir. the neighborhood hurt or property taken away from them and noted the park plan involves sevezal homes. I�3x'. Clyde DeBolt, 5861 Main Street, indicated his home is one they are thrcwing out. He stated he looked for a long time to find an area he wanted when he hought the home and was not in favor af being thrown off his land. Mr. DeBolt stated on the West side of Main Street there is a large open field that the present owner wants to sell. He felt if the City wished a Xarge pliyground, they should.contact the owner and put it in and let the Qeople keep their homes. He stated i£ there is the question about children crossing the street and getting to that area, he would personally buy and erect a stop sign. Mr. �d Pries, 5905 Main Street, stated he has canvassed the neighborhood and has seen np interest in the park. He, for one, doesn't ca3nt the park and doesn't want to sell his land or have it condemned. Mrs. Theresa Abitz, 216 57th Place, etated a home just a block away f.rom hers sold for $29,000 and when she offered to sell for $22,SOQ she was told she was asking too much. She said Mr. Boardman told her the reason the other home sold for $29,000 was that it was residential and worth more. She sCated she didn't want the conanerical zoning so make her property residential so � she can get more for it. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APRIL 5 1478 PACE 8 Mr, Boardman stated Mrs. Abitz's properCy is next to the Holiday Village Garage and this whole strip of property was not included in the Hyde Park apecial zoning because of the potential for commerical development. He explained she owns two 40 foot lots and even combinang these properties, it would not meet requirements for a coimnerc3al zone. He stated the residential dwelling is valuable to the person living there, but to e commerical b�yer, it is probably a detriment because the struc�ure would haye to be taken down to build a building. He felt one oE the reasons the Hyde Park area didn't develop commercially was because of the cost. Mr. Harris told Mrs. Abitz that no one is going to put her out of her home and explained they are talking about two different things. One is the re- zoning, which is a special zoning district and the other matter of parks ahich is a completely different item. Ms. Gabel stated the idea of the committee was to solve the zoning problem. so that people could live in their homes and if something happened to the home, they could rebuild. She stated, during this process, the ataff b-rought up the park plan. She stated, at that time, there was no one who objected to it� however, if it upsets anyone she Eelt the thing to do was to scrap the whole thing. Mr. Frank Schoenberger, 5857 Nain Street, stated he agreed with Mr, DeBoZt's comments. He asked that their homes be left alone and stated he was strictly against the park. Mr. Langenfeld stated from listening to the conversationa, he was deeply up- set with the idea that the residents feel they are going to be "kicked-out" of their homes. Mrs. Katherine Crooks, 5910 2nd Street, stated they are in the process of sellfng their home and if they don't inform the prospective buyer of this proposed park, they could be liable, She felt if they are going to put in a park it should be adequate to serve the people. She stated, by acquiring the additional properties� it still wouldn't be a large enough area to make it a sensible size. She felt a park would be better used if it was large enough for children to play ball and do other things they wanted to do. Mrs. Debra Se2edec, 5835 Main Street, stated because of the park, they have had damage to their property. She stated older children aren't interested in Skyline Park and if any type of a park were to be considered, it should be with the idea of a par[c and playgroucid. Mrs. Dorothy Gargaro, 6615 Fridley Street, stated she wanted a park and would take the one they don't want. Mr, Boardman pointed out to P1rs. Gargaro that the comprehensive plan indicates her area is inadequately served with psrk facilities. He stated it has been suggested to possibly otilize the area of Rice Creek School for these facili- ties. PLPNNING COMMISSION MEETING - APRIL S 1978 PAGE 9 Mr. Ben Rankin, 5923 Main Street, stated he has lived at this address since 1947 and raised seven children without any parks and doesn't see the reason for the park. Mr. Rueben PauLson, 5875 2nd Street, stated last year he received a permit to build on his house. Since then, he received a notice on the streat improvement, a noCice he could borrow money to fix up his house and now they say they are going to tear it down, His question was why should he fix the house or pay for the road. Mr. Harris stated he could see the point Mr. Paulson was making. Mr, Boardman asked the residents if they felt they needed a better park facility than Skyline and if so, do they feel the Burlington/Northern property would be the place for such a facility. The residents responded they didn't need a park, no one wants it. Mr. Bergman stated, personally, he was not in favor of the plan that would expand the present park, as shown in Che preliminary plan. He fele it wagn't right to discuss the need with the question of expanding the present gark hanging over their heads. Mr. Peterson stated he is upset because as Chairman of the Parks and Recrea- tion Commission, he comes to the Planning Co�mnission and finds this plan has never come before the Parks and Recreation Commission. He stated he is upset that Co�issions are set up and something lit;e this happens. FIe felt this hadn't gone through Che proper channels. MOTIOId by Ms, Gabel, seeonded by Mr. Storla to open the Public Hearing on the Parks and Open Space Plan. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the nwtion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing was opened at 9:40 P. M. - MOTIQd by Mr, Peterson, seconded by Mr. Sergman, that the first item Co be considered of the Parks and Open Space Plan is Page 11 dealing specifically with Skyline and Sylvan Hi11s and Page 41 regarding land acquisition. Upon a voice vote, all voeing aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr, Peterson it shows the people. stated on Page 11 regarding the ratio of parks to population, parks are adequate based on the standard of 1 acre for each 800 Mr. Boardman stated this is both for the Hyde Park and Sylvan areas.and these were looked at as one neighborhood component, It stated it may be more realisCic to look on Hyde Park as a neighborhood and Sylv:�n Hills as a neigh- borhood and separate the two. He stated, if this is done, the Hyde Park area may then fa11 short. Mr. Iiarris noted that Skyline and Sylvan were not on the inventory on Page 6. Mr. Leek of the Planning Staff stated the ct:art cn Page 6 was based on inform- ation received from the various co�iitCees and some of Chese did not report. PLANNING COMMISSIGN MEET7NG - APRIL 5 1978 PAGE 10 Mr. Harris also noted, from the chart on Page 6, several o[hers were in the same situation. Mr. Boardman reviewed Page 41 covering Acquisitions. Mr. Harris questioned which parcels now had existing str.uctures, Mr. Boardman stated there are 20 in Riverview Heights, 1 in the Flannery area and 7 in the Hyde Park area. MOTION by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Bergman to re-wzite Page LI of the parks and Open Space Plan so that in the Hyde Park area, Skyline Park would not be expanded by any acquisition of surrounding properties tn increase its present size. Ms. Gabel indica[ed she would not vote on the motion because she felt she has a direct conflict of interest, Living in the area and serving on the co�ittee. She stated she per�onally feels, if this is how the residents feel, this is how it should be. Pgr, Langenfeld stated he gets the impression that some of this is being shoved at the people and doesn't like it one bit, Mr. Harris stated he would concur, Mz. Storla stated some people talk about houses so often they £orget they are homes. Mayor Nee stated he didn't see where there is a proposal to acquire land, Ms. Gabel stated on Page 41 there is a map showing Ac�uisitions. Mayor Nee stated, speaking for the Council members, he resents the implication that this was in some way, a Council decision. He stated the yuestion of Skyline Park came from the neighborhood council to do this. He st:�ted the first time fie received this was Saturday and when it is suggested the Council engineered this project, this is not true. He stated the reason he is sitting here this evening is to hear what the peop2e have to say. Mayor Nee stated the Council will not vote to spend money on parks where people don`t want it. UPON A VOICE VOTE, Mr. Peterson, Mr. BerQman, Mr. Storla, Mr: Harris and Mr: Langenfeld voted in favor of.the..motion. Ms.-Gabel.aba¢a'sxa�d from voting. Motion�carried by a vote of 5-1. Mrs. Abitz again bro�ght up the question of the zoning of her property. Mr. Harris advised here that the matter of the rezoning would be before the C�is'sion at their next meeting. RECESS: Recess called by Mr. Harris at 10:07 Y. M. RECON VIN ED : Mr. Harris reconvened the meeting at 10:30 P. M. PI,ANNAdG COMMISSION MEETING - APRIL 5 197$ PA�E 11 Referring to the chart on Page 6, Mr. Peterson stated no inventories were taken in some areas, He stated this information was compiled from the neighborhood project conaaittee reports, and if no report was submitted, there was no way to get them to do this. Mr. Boardman stated in the "Inventory and Analysis" section, Pages 4 through 19, will be placed at the end, right before the "Summary of Findings". He stated this whole area was Che total package of neighborhood impact ftom the 13 neigh- borhoods when they did the work through the Parks and Recreation Commission. Mr. Boardman stated Che heading would be changed from "Recommendations" to "Considerations". Mr. Boardman stated the actual inventory of the park facilities begins on Page 20, showing classifications and types of existing facilities. Mr. Boardman stated there will be some changes made on the maps. He stated in Neighborhood 3, 64-1i2 Way is not a park facility and other areas where they should have listed parks,�they are not.shown. He stated there has been discussion at the Park and Recreation and Council level on Hillcrest in Neighborhood 2 and the need for that facility. Councilman Schneider stated on Page 6 residents have trouble idenCifying wiYh North Innsbruck, Innsbruck and Farr Lake. Mr. Langenfeld felt the overall document was very good, but questioned the Commission's input. Mr. Boaxdman sCated the Commission went through this page bp page and Mr. Langenfeld brought up all recommendations from his Cor�mission and it was then submitted to the Planning Co�issiom. Mr. Boardman stated the Planning Cor.miission then reviewed the material and from their reco�nendations, the plan was compiled. Mr. Peterson felt on Page 27, 3rd line, "girl watching" could 6e eliminated as he didn't think it was a viable part of the plan. Councilman Schneider indicated he had a wncern on the neighborhood breakdowns in terms of park land in ratio to the population. For example, Councilman Schneider cited Neighborhood 13 where Moore Lake is considered in allocation of the acreage to the neighborhood. He stated the. striking thing is when you Look on Page 42� you find, basically� they have no park facilities, Mr. Boardman stated he would agree with Councilman Schneider's comment. He felt when they look at neighborhoods they sheuld take into consideration design- ated parks and mini-parks. As far as the natural history areas, they are community-wide parks and should be considered on the basis of the whole City. . Mr. Peterson stated Neighborhood 13 does have the Land which has to be taken into consideration and doesn't lm ow of a better system to use. PLANNING COMMISSIG[Q MEETING - APRIL 5 1978 PAGF; 12 - Mr, Boardman stated in Iooking at the neighborhoods, this ia information that was gathered in the neighborhood groups. Mr, Peterson thought perhaps they could take all ca�nunity parks ont and list them separately. Mr. Boardman felt there could be another aection that shows City-wide facili- ties. Mr. Bergman stated he agrees with what is being discussed, however, he felt it would be hard to accomplish this. Ye stated, for example, Moore Lake contains both, a tot-lot and'community facilities... . Mr. Peterson stated he felt the tot-lot was used primarily by people using the beach facilitiea. Mr. Harris questioned the progress as far as turning over the maintenance of regional park facilities to the County. Mr. Boardman stated he would recommend that those facilities that are regional in use should be turned over to the County and the City direct their primary efforts in providing neighborhood and City-wide facilities. Mr. Peterson questioned if any information was received from the Citq Attorney regarding this matter. Mayor Nee stated the Attorney indicated he would research this item as he believed there were conditions on it, but an opinion hasn't been received as yet. Mr. Boardman stated Locke Park,North Park and Islands of Peace are the three main areas that are actually classified as regional park areas. Mr. Harris wondered if it wouldn't be a good idea to have a policy for land acquisition. He felt this would take care of some of the anxieties of the ne3ghborhoods. Maj.or Nee felt the Co�ission shouldn't be too concerned about the details of execution since i.mplementation of the plan would take a great deal of money and a lot of time, probably over a 20 year period. Mr. Peterson stated, after hearing the residents this evening, one thing dis- turbs him and felt that land acquisition for parks shouldn't be through con- demnation. Mr. Bergman fe1t, just as a policy, it would be wise not to show on any plans, for public or governmental use, any acquisition of anyone's property without previously discussing this with the property owner. I4r, $arris felt any reference to Iand acquisition in the plan should probably be eliminated. PT,ANNING COMMISSI(lN MEETING - APZtIL 5 1978 PAGE 13 Mr, Boardman stated they could eliminate Page b1 and make a general statement to the effect that the City may acyuire a3ditivnal property as needed. Mr. Bergtnan stated iC was interesting using the data to determine how much park land is needed for a neighborhood. 1'he Hyde Park area showed.a need for additional park facilities, however, the people say ihey don't need any more park land. Mr. PeCerson stated while today'y populatinn and age is such that there is no need for a park� this could recycle in the years to come and the residents may want a park. Mr. Boardman stated he felt there is always a need for neighborhood park space. He thought perhaps the people were reacting Co the acquisition, as the paxk facilities they have are not adequate to serve that neigh6orhood. Councilman Schneider stated one of the discussions of the Benjamin-Briardale group was concern if they (the adults) were going to be able to use the park facilities since it would be a multi-use and' used by children as we11 as adults, He felt� once a park is developed in this area, it will be greatly used. Mr, Boardman staeed most the neighborhood facilities`are not the proper size to provide the activities people 1ike, but that some of the larger parks were just as sterile and unuseable as the sma].le.r parks. Mr. I.angenfeld felt it should be stressed that this Ylan is not a fixed docu- ment or law. Ms. Ga6e1 stated there were several references to using school facilities and asked if this has been checked into. Mr. Peterson stated they have made unbelievable strides, noC only with School District �14 but the other school districts. � Councilman Schneider stated in some cases, where use of school facilities arE mentioned, this will not be the case because of the school closings. Mayor Nee stated he was impressed with the Parks and Open Space Plan. He felt it wouldn't 6e realized for a number of years, but that you have to have a p1an. He stated he didn't think the parks were ever developed in terms of need. Mayor Nee stated, regarding the land acquisition, he didn't think the Council could coimnit itseLf to ❑ot using a11 its powers. He stated an individual can vote not to conde�, but that is very definitely a part' of the Council's powers. Mayor Nee stated he really didn't disagree with Che judgment on Skyline, alth- ough at a previous meeting there were quite a few people that were en[husiastic. Mayor Nee.stated, as far as Riverview Heights, he feels the City shouLd acyuire that property, Mr. PeCerson felt it should be noted in the plan that, after adoption, iC should be reviewed every few years. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APRIL 5, 1978 PAGE 14 Mr, Boardman stated implementation would be set up based on the plan and felt it should be reviewed evary five years. Councilman Hamernik stated he agrees a lot of effort went into this plan. He thought, however, [here would be moze emphasis on the discussions by the neighborhood groups from the different areas. He felt, if he took this plan to the groups and indicated this was the results of their work, he didn't think they would be too happy. Councilman Hamernik stated the "Summary of Findings" are very negative. He felt they had some work to do, but that there has been some good work done in the past. Mr. Boardman felt the "Suumiary of Findings" is a step in getting into the recommendations. He felt it is negative because these are the things needed, He didn't think there was a need to go into the positive aspects. He stated, if you put in the positive things, it would increase the size of the document and "muddle" it up. He felt the "Summary of Findings" was to get to the base of the issues. Mr, Bergman stated the "Su�ary of Findings" isn't an objective one as it doesn't show the positive aspects. He stated if a11 they are going to do is define "inadequacies" maybe they should call it as such. t9r, Langenfeld stated the preliminary plan was fu11 of negatives, but didn't think it was bad now. Councilman Hamernik stated the plan addresses where you are and where the City h8s to go, but felt the approach could have been different as he felt all the statements in the "Summary of Findin gs" had a negaYive aspect. Councilman Schneider stated he also felt iC wa$ negative and,perhaps.some changes could be made. ' Mr. $oardman stated theq could include an introductory statement to the ef.fect that although the summary o£ findings seem negative, tfiere are plenty of_poai-� tive aspects; however, for purposes of the plan, the following are considered to be the needs. Councilman Schneider stated he was not sure all of the citizen input found its.way into the plan, but felt this was to be expected as it goes through the process. Mr. Harris felt possibly too much emphasis is being placed on the neighborhood groups. He felt they would play a part in implementation of the p1an. Mr. Boardman stated, when they envisioned neighborhood park groups, it was'�felt they would give them the wanted•answers. However, the response didn't work that way and was coming in at the wrong time.. He felt;in'implementing the.plan, it will lead back into these neighborhood areas� and possibly there should be a general statement to this effect. PLA2INING COMMISSION MEETING - APRIL 5 1978 PAGE 15 Mr. Peterson stated a11 information from the neighborhood groups was good information and although they didn't accomplish everything they hoped, he felt it wa$ a success and helpful. Mr. Bergman stated people can become upset if they feel the time they spent on it was in vain and they don't see their input in the resulta. Mr. Harris asked if the Cotmnission wished to bri:ng the plan back foz additi,ons and corrections. Mr. Peterson stated he would prefer to see it rewritten and'sent to the Council. MOTICN by Mr. Bergman, seconded by Mr, Langenfeld to close the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing was closed at 11:SS P. M. MOTTO;I by Mr. Bergman, seconded by Mr, Peterson� that the Parks and Open Space Plan, as reviewed during this public hearing, be submitted to the Coun- cil� with changes as discussed. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motior. carried unanimously. 5. CONTINUED: DISCUSSION QV INERGY COMMISSION MOTIQ3 by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Ms. Gabel to continue to April 19, 1975 in vi,ew of t:�e hour. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Che mntion c:arried unanimousLy. 6. RECEIVE COMMt1NITY DEVELOPMII3T COMMi5SI0N MINUTES: MARCH 14 1978 MOTIIX� by Mr. Bergman, seconded by ttr. Peterson to xeceive the Community Devel- opment Commission Minutes of March 14, 1978, Ms. Gabel referred to Page 9, the first paragraph, regarding the comment that the staff inember be an input on information that wag gathered, rather than a workhorse for the coimnissioa. She stated this statement confuses her .s she felt the staff caas hited personnel and the coimnission the input people. St�e stated the members of the commission are volunteers and in no way have access to the informatioa. Mr. Boardman stated the commissions were set up as implementation bodies and those recommendations to the Council were to be reviewed by the Flanning Com- mission for their input on policy icsues. He stated they start having �roblems when the Ylanning Corrmiission is Looking at a policy issue and a11 of a sudden it is sent to cou¢nissions and the same input goes through another process and there is a Iot ot repetition in connnission activities. Mr. Boardman felt they are not utilizing their memher co�issions in the way they should. He indicated� because member commi.ssions are getting tied up with policy matters, he felt they are wasting a lot of their time. Ms. Gabel cited all the time and research that was necessary when she chaired the Sign Committee. She. stated you cannot expect volunteers to do this. Mr. Boardman f.elt the staff'should be providin; Che inpuC and information to the member commissions so they can make approp:iate recommendations. Ne dida't feel it was the staff's responsi'oility to puC together the programs. ��., �: PL.ANNING COMMISSIOCI MEETING - APRIL 5 I978 PAGE 16 Ms. Gabel fel[ it was necessary for staff to gather certain information which the coimnission doesn't have easy access to. She stated,when you come to the point where the information is not available, you have to fa].1 back on the professionals. She stated, according ta [he minutes, everything is backwards. Mr. Bergman stated there was quite a discussion at the Commnnity Development meeting on these kinds of things as noted in the minutes of March 14, 1978. Mr. Boardman felt there is confusion on what the co�nission's zesponsibilities are and up to this time, it has been Lhe staff's responsibility to come up with an aganda. He stated, actually the agenda should be the crnmnission's responsibility. . Mr. Harris requested that this matter be put on the Planning Comtaission's agenda. UPON A VOICE VOTE IN THE MOTION, a11 voting aye, the motion carrzed unanimously. 7. RECEIVE INVIRQVMIIQTAL QUALITY COMMISSTON PIINUTES: MARCH 21, 19J8 MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Mr. Bergman to receive the Environmental Quality Commission Minutes of March 21, 1978. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 8. RECEIVE APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: MARCH 28 1978 MOTI�I by Ms. Gabel� sioci Minutes of March carried unanimously. NILLCREST PARK secended by Mr. Langenfeld to receive the-Appeals Couanis- 28� 1978. Upon a voice vote, a11 votin g aye, Lhe motion Mayor Nee stated he would like to get a recommendation on Hillcrest Park on whether or not the City should keep the park. Mr, Boardman stated he was a Iittle skeptical about giving it up because of the closing of Riverwood School which leaves only Logan Park. tdr. Hazris asked Mr. Boardman to check on the status of Hillcrest park and felt it should go to the Parks and Recreation Commission before coming to the Planning Commission. RE2CN lI1 G- HYDE PAftK Ms. Gabel stated� in aI1 fairness to Jerry Boardman, the staff has had uery good repport with the residents ot Hyde Park regarding the rezoning issue and they are doing a good job, ADJOURNMENT MOTI0�1 by Mr, Peterson, seconded by Mr. Storla to adjourn the April 5, 1978 Planning Commission meeting. tlpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Harris declared the Planning Commission meeting adjourned at 12:22 P. M. Respectfully submitted, �!�- .��',�.,.t?-C��i Carole �taddad, Acting Recording Secre[ary �^!t"� I �✓'" I NUMfSGR . - ,'/ � ���� � APPLICANI''S SIGNA Adciress 0 � 7'elephonc PROPERTY ON'NGR'S SI Address RIDLtiY b7INNG5U"1n , • AND Z NC POftM ' �' ` � l�o:2M,gl✓ , TYPE Or REQUL•ST � . �`)' Rezoning S' / r5 �'1�,� Sr�/1-L x' �8pecial Use Permit , = o��� Telephone Number 3 � — 1 `�"/ � � Street Location of Property �C/ �^ 'j- /g��%��+ !�� � Approval of Premin- inary $ Final Plat Streets or Alley Vacations Other Fee �� �lReceipt i xo. OS�d' Legal Description of Property ' Present Zoning Classification�Existing Use of Property V%�GA✓�T' Acrcage o£ Property ��a. � Descri6e briefly the proposed zoning classificati-0n or type of use and impxovement proposed �il �f USP A Fo �c rl � �� P -` A�C1���itLl�h Nv�Ldl��oy ' — ! Has the present applicant previously souglft to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or variance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? yes L/fo. What was xequested and wiien? The undersigned understands that: (a) a list of all residents and otianers of property within 300 feet (350 feet for rezoning) must be attached to this app7.ication. (b) This application must Ue signed by all owners of the property, or an eaplanation given i,�liy this is not the case. (c) Responsibility for sny defect in the proceedings Tesulting from the failurc to list the namcs and addresses of a11 residents and p>operyo urm e=s of property in questinai, belnngs r.o tlie undcrsigned. . A sketch of proposed Property and structure must be dZault and attached, shoiJing the follofaing: 1. North Direction. 2. Lccation of propased structure on the lot. 3, Uimensions of property, proposed structure, and front mtd side setUacks. 4. Street Names, S. Location and use of adjacent existing buildings (within >OC fect). The undersigned hercby declares t application are true and corrcct. �ATG 3 1 C1 �J Y SIGNATU Date Fiicd � Date o Plaoning Conunission ApprovcJ (dates) AcnicJ „� ;d in this City Council Apprn�ed (datcs; Dcnicd�_�,_,__ ' . .: ���,,.m,�.. �:.r.k�,� �� � �ear Businessmen: �� CIT`Y S'�� �R�DLEY 6431 UNIVEPSITY AYEHUE N.E., FpIDLEY, MiNNES07A 55032. TELEPHONE (812)571-3450 April 12, 1978 Re: Proposal for a Teen Disco Recreational Building Located at 8031 Beech Street N.E. There has been a request by Mr. Bennie Rozman for a Special Use Permit to allow the tonstruction of a teen dtsco recreation building to be located at 803i Beech Street N.E. 7his item was presented at a Public Nearing before the Planning . Commission on April 5, 1978, at which time the Commission tabled the item to solicit more response from the business concerns in the ger,eral area of the request. I am attaching the discussion that toak place at the meeting on April 5, 1978, as well as a general location map, so that you will know the discussion on this item to date. This item will be neard again by the Planning Commission on April 19, 1978 at 7:30 P.M, at the Fridley Civic Center. Any and ali persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place, or you can submit written comment to the P7annin9 Commission at 6431 University Avenue NoE., Fridley, Mn 55432, on or before the above date. If you have any questions regarding this item, please feel free to cantact rne at 571-3450. JLBIde C-78- 30 Sincerely, -�'d" � ;�-�f�"'� � ERROLD L. BO RDMAN .r�i. ity Planner _ . ^�,„ v �......�... ..�............,r.... .�a. ncau.ng ...� �... ...0 . 7877 13ecc1� $Lreci Nli 78C�0 hfuin Strcct N8 7714 f3cech Strceti Nfi Fridlcy, h1N 55�32 Pridlcy, hW 55�132 I�xidley, TW 55432 � �.� hJvanced ficatingJAir Cond. 7805 13ccch Strcct NG Fridley, MN 55432 Assurance Manufacturing ?753 Beech Street NE Pridley, DW 55432 Ballantinc ffachine 7800 Elm Street NG Pridley, hfN 55A32 I�oulder Pabrications 7865 Beech Street NS Fridley, MN 55432 Capp Iiomes 7710 Univezsiiy Avenue NE Fridley, h➢V 55432 Golf Driving Range SA00 University t:venue NE Fridley, hIN 55432 Houser Corporation SS NE 77th Way Pridley, MN 55432 Pappy`s Foods 7579 Beecli Street NE Fridley, I�1N 55432 Rycolinc btidwest 51 NE 77th Way Fridley, hQJ 55432 Toxm Cricr 7730 Un.i�rcrsity Avenuc Nt Pridlcy, h1N 55432 A.E. Moldenhauer Machine Co. 7&80 acecit Street NE Fridlcy, D1N 55432 Automatic Design Company 7786 Beech Strect tiE Fridley, bLV 55432 Bio-Data 7830 Iieech Street NE Fridley, ML� 55432 Brooklyn Tool Company 7779 Beech Street NE Fridley, MN 55432 Chamfer Engineering 7891 Elm Street NE Fxidley, [�L�l 55432 Harris Building 771Q-23 77th IVay NL Fridley, D9N SSA32 Kennedy Transmission 7700 University Avenue NE Fridley, h(N 55432 Park Construction 7900 Beech Street NE Fridley, h1N 55432 San�lwich Saloon Caballero 7G10 Universi.ty Avenue Nii Fridlcy, MN 55432 Win Stcphens Datsun 7510 tSnivcrs9ty Avcnuc NE rridlcy, DW 5543� A.S.11. Corporation 7845 Becch Strcet NG Fridley, DiN 55432 B Fr 2 hlanufacturing 7880 Ranchcrs Road NE Fridley, hSN 55432 Bob's Produce Ranch 7620 University Avenue �v'E Fridley, D1N 55432 Bryant Franklin 1240 - 73rd Avenue NE Fridley, MN 55�32 Godfather Fizza 7910 University ArenUe �. Fridley, 6GV s5432 House of Lords 8290 Universit;r Avenue NE Fridley, Al.'v` 55132 Paco hlasonry, Inc. 7893 Elm Street NE Fridley, h1N 554's2 Population Research 7875 Beech Street NE Fridley, T�I 55432 Signcrafters 13 NE 77th Way Fridlcy, hW 55432 �I � � �. � �r^ v, � O V j� N ' ` � ` � U� r '` rt� �v fi �: �4 ��]L��=1 e�; 1 �S� �����&� O - Yo�'�} M ���Ff�� h 20 .. 1. , " �(.'C. ' _ �.� ': l [I1 i '3'H I 133U16 N19� �: '��` 7: i��,� [,a� � • - • •.-, �; ' � �yay a� y; - \ 4 � ]i . . �.�e I .�` Q . �.�l� y; • w(� . ` �' • t`' . i :a Y a t . u . � a ,r a'' t ♦ ♦ ; ' � � � L�� . , ,, � �. � 3'N . 133tl1S Nlt• '� � �—o_ 1 ' „ •^a r' � � � � � d � ��i a � ��� a .�:' '�� a:.� � � � . �._ !,I i z a �t/.. ,. V. r„{4n . ��_ � .. e f� 4:� � . 'a . .� e ♦R. 'i ' ' f l m � - o ,r : � � � -- � { �y � � !� � � g' i • a :, !�F r � � � � , i i t..� .I'.".;: ..ac,�� * `�: �e1. . - ,. , � ..�t' . 3AItl0 � . ..., � � � • 3]IAtl35.. .' . : �� � 1 . �f..� ��.._ tb -- JN�'s�. . `•= AVMH'JIN.,.. . 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M PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE TNE PLANNING COhiMISSION TO 41HOM IT MAY CONCERN: . . 2� Notice is hereby given that tF�ere r�iTl be a Public Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Nortfieast on Wednesday, April 19, 1978 at 7:30 P.M, in the Council Chamber for the purpose of: �Consideration of a rezoning request, ZOA n78-04, by the Eity of Fridiey, to esta6lish a new Zoning Dfstrict, 5-1 (Special Zoning Districtj and to rezone tfie foilowing property to this district: Blocks 5, 6, 7 and 8, Hyde Park Addition, from R-2 (tvro family dwelling areas) to S-1 (special zoning districi), and Block 9. 10, 24 and 23, Hyde Park, from R-3 (gerreral multiple family d�velling areas) to S-1 (special zoning district), and •Blocks il, 12, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27 and 28, Hyde Park from C-2 (general 6usiness areas) to S-1 {special zoning district, and Blocks i and 2, City View Addition, from C-2, (general 6usiness areas},to S-1 (special zoning district, all located in the North Half of Section 23, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. 7he purpose in creating a new zoning district is ta make the zoning consistent with neighborhood development. Generally located from 57th P1ace N.E. to 61st Avenue N.E., and University to �tain Street. Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter may be heard at the a6ove time and place. Publish: April 5, 1978 Aprit 12, 1973 RICHARD H. HARRIS CHlII Ri•tAN PLAtJNIMG COMMISSTON � e _ _r , i A � , e t� � \ ` . ORllINANCE N0. AN ORI]INANCE AMENDI.NC C11AP'fCH 2p5 OF THF. FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY ADDINC SGCTION 205.2Z 5-I SPECIAL DISTRICT 22 The City Council of [he City of Fridley does ordain as follovs: Chapter 205; 'J.onSnL,is hereby amen�led by adLing the following Sec[Son 205.22 en[Stled�5-1 Special llistric[: 205.22 S-1 SPECIAL DISTRICT � � 205.221 Title � Thls ordinance shall be refc�rred�to as the "Hyde Park Neighborhood Ordin�nce" in short torm. . 205.222 Purpose The purpose of this special zoning d1s[ritt is to: � 1. Change the presen[ "legal, non-eon[orming use" s[atus of the residential dwellings in the �eiglibo[hood io a"conforming- use" s[aCUS; � 2. Re-establisli residentifll character in [he neighborhood; � 3. Protec[ the property rights of all present landowners as much as possihle, while promoting [he general developmen[ of the neighborhood; 4. Establish a zoning system for the ne.ighborhood tha[ y+ill encourage residentral lnves[ment and�devclopmen[�in Hyde Park. 205.223 IIistrict Boundariee . . - The l3yde Park Neighborhoud sha11 comprise Lo:s 16-30, Block 5; end all of Rlocks 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and I1; Lots 16-30, Block 12; lats 16-30, Block 21; and all of Blocks 22, 23, 24, 25� 26 and 27; and Lots 6-10, Hlock 28 of klyde Park Addition; Lots I-13, Block 2; and all oF Block 1, of City View Addition, in [he City of Fridley. 205.224 llses Permitted 1. Principal Uses . One family dwellings 2. Accessory Uses � A. Priva[e garages or other accessory buildings. �Only one accessoxy buildi.ng in excess of 240 syuare feet is allowed per sitn. One additional accessoiy building is alloved . provided it does noc exceed 240 square feet. Any accessory building in excess of [he above requirements . (square footage or numbers of building�) requices a sFecial use permiC. � Al] accessory build3ngs mus[ be permanently a[tached [o a foundation anu may not be used to[ home occupation. All gacages, vheChec attached Co, iucked unde[, or decached � frum [he main dvellfng, are considered Co Le an necessory building. � $. Priva:ely Qwned recreational fucili[ies, such as svimming pools� [ennis courts�, which ate tor [he enjoymen[ and con- SPECIAI: DISTRIC7' TITLE PUI2POSC BOUtiPARi'�.. USES PERMIT71:�,, :- ' � � h � Ordlnuncc No. -2- , �, �t"� • Chn��tet 205, Sec[ion 205.22 � . � venicnce of [he rceidenCS oC the princlpal uee and their _ , " guests. . � -� ` C. Cus[omary home occupntions SncluAing rental uf xooms Eoe �� occupancy to�not morc than [wo persons per dwelling uniC. I i i � . i , � � _, 3. Exis[Sng URes A. f,ll existing uses wili be clas�ified ae permitted uses vithin the zoning deis[ric[ on [he present p[oper[y vhich they occupy.� B. 6xis[ing uses o[her Clma one family dwellings: In [he event t6at [Le main sCruc[ure is ei[her dnmaged or destroyed, [he existing usc will be allowed to tebuild boC shall not exceed Che size or 'se[backs oF 2he exio[ing s[ructuzes. Alterations m�y be.made when they improve [he livability, pTOVided [hey will noc increase the�number of dwelling unita or the bulk of the building. C. Ezisting one family dwellings: Exis[ing one family dwellings that dn not conforci [o the condi[ions�of [his ordinance will be allowed m continue as a permi[ted use. In [he event [4a: the main structure is ei[her damaged or destroyed, [he existing use will be allowed to rebuild Co [he setbacks of the exisCing building ot to [he allowed setbacks of tie zone. � Altera[ions and addi[ions will be allowed when they irprove tfie livability, provid2d they meet the xequired setSaeks as stated in [his Chap[er. � 4. Uses Ezcluded A. Radio or television antennas exceeding a he3ght of 20 feet above dvelling roof. . B. �Anp use rto[ &pecifically permitted i.n CYe preceeding para- giaph� of this Section. 205.225 Lot Requi.rements and Se.6acks YaTds, 10[ sizes aad open spaces shall be as zequired in thiE se:tios for one-fa�ily dwelling in [he Hyde Park Special 'Loning Uis[tir,t. 1. Lot Arex A. A lot area of no[ less than 7,SD0 square feet is requiYed. 2. Lot Nidth. � A. The wid[h of a lot shall not be lesa than 60 feet at the required setback. B, Where a parcel of land is less than 60 feeC in width, but no[ less Chan 5� feci in width, and conprises one or more full sized lots or parts Lhereof, on a subdivision or plat recorded before Ilecembex 29, 1955, and the minimu:n width of a loe as oiiSinally �aade is less [han 60 fee[, artd it is . no longer practical [o rcquix'e a greaier w3d[h, the minimum • required�lo[ width can be lowered to allow a building on this parcel wi.th [he side yald requiremen[s reduced to fl.ve � (5) tee[ minimum on each side subject Co [he Foiloaing conditions: LOT aEJi�-� L�13?'S : _ .. SETEa.�;:: ! _ ._ ._ _ . ^ -,� _ �,. � � _ � � i I � i � t ,� I '�. I .. .. � Ordinancc No. _3- • , l� � � Chnptcr 205� Scciion 205..2 • � � 1) Thc dlstance be[wcen nny nttached garnges oT other � � acccesory bufldings is aC lcasc 10 fcet. � 2) T6c discance between any 6u11ding and [he living � area in an adjacen[ buLldSng is a[ leasT 15 feet. � 3) Thc distance Fetwecn. [he living areas in nny two . ndjacen[ 6uildings ls.u[ least 20 feet. 3. Lot Coverage � � Not morn than 25 percent�of [he area of a]ot shall be covered by Che main building and all accessory�buildings. 4. Setbacks � A. FronC Yard: A fr�nt yazd with a dep[h of not less than 35 � feet is required. � � � B. Side Yard: Two side yards are requlred, each viCh a width of not 1e5s [han 30 fee[ except as follovs: � 1) k'hcre a house is built wi[hout an a[tached garage, a minimum side yard requizemen[ �ia11 be 1G feeL on one side, and 13 feet on the other side, so that [here is aceess [o the rear yard for a de[ached garage and uFf- efreet pazking azea. 2) Nhere a house is built wi:h an attached garage, the side � yard adjoining the a[Cached garage or accessory huil.ding mAy be reduced to not less Chan S feet, pxovi.ded [he height of [he garage or accessory buildi.ng on that side is not more [han 15 fee[. � C. Cornex I.ots � � - � � � 1) The side yard width on a stree[ side of a corner lo[ � � - shall be not less than 17.5 Feet. When [he lot to [ne renr has frontaye along a side streeC, no accessory Luiiding on �hc coTnel lo[ wi[hin 25 feet oF che common ptoperty line stiall be closer to said side stree[ than � 30 feet; provided howevec, that [his tegOlat?or. snall nvt be interpreted as [o reduce the buildable wid[h of . a cornex lot to less [han 25 feet. 2) Any a[tached or una[tached accessory building whith � opens�on [he side street, shall be at least 25 feet � from [he proparty line on a side street. D. Rear Yard � A rear yard vith a depth of not less [han 25 percenC oi [he . lot dept4 is cequired, wi[h not less than 25 feet Permiued,� oY mort lhan 40 feet required, from Che main 6uildfng. �. � 205.226 BuildinK Requiremen[s BUILDING � . � � � REQUIRE- 1. Height � MENTS No building shall l�ereaf[er be erected, cons[ruc[ed, recon- etructed, ul[ered, enlar6ed, or moved, so as to exceed the � . DulldinE height limit of 30 feet. 2. Hinimum Floor Area � � A. A one-£nmily dwelling uni[ sha.l have a. minimum first Floor area of 768 square tee[ of livin6 area. � ,� , � � 0 � �� �� . . ,,; Ordlnnncc No. _y_ Clmpter 205, Sec[ion 205.22 � 205.�27 Narking Requirements � I. Farking Ratio � A[ leas[ one off-streeC parking e[all shall be ptovided for each dvclling uniC. � 2. Ceneral Provlsions A. A properly main[ained hard surfaced drlveway is required Eor each dvelling unit. B. The required parkinS stalls� shalY not occupy any por[ion of the iront yard. � 205.225 Landscaning �1. Crade Requiremen[s � A finished gzound grade shall be established such tha[ natural drainage away from all buildings is pzovided. The follovinS Pinimum cri[eria shall apply: � A. The miaimum elevatiom of finished ground grade is to be � no[ less than �t inch rise per horizontal toot of setback � measured £rom curb g-ade. � B. The maximum elevation of [he Fi.nished ground vrade to 6e not moce thaa 48 inches above [he estaUlislied curb grade. . ..C. A differen[ finished ground grade may be establi.hsed uocn application therefoY.for approval 6y the Ci[y Engi.neer's OfEice-of [he City if such differen[ elevation is fot�nd not . to adversely a£fect sucface drainage to or fiom�adjoining proper[y. D. The Ci[y Engineer may specify a minimum finished ground grade for any structure in order to allow proper connection [o City utili[ies. 2. Site ImpYOVemen[s A. Sodding and landscaping. to ex[end across the entire front yard and side yards. . � 8. The boulevard, and rear yard are to be properly maintained. C. All structures, walls, fences, walks, eteps and o[her ex[erior developments shall be mainCained in a g�od state of�Tepair, and kept free from dilapi.datl.on by cracks, � tears or hreaks, or from the deCeriuration of ma[erlals and their pxo[ecYive cove[ings which.give evideace oF long neglect. � . . . ADOPTCD BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF Tf:E CITY OF FRIDI.EY TIIIS DAY OP , 1978. � MAYOR - William J. Yee ATTEST: C1TY CLERY. - Matvin C, Brunselt � Public flearing: First Rending: � Second Rcading: Publish.......: � PARF;I4C RIQUIKI'.- MENTS LAND- SCAPR:G -t': �.. � 0 ✓ r �^ �'' '. ;�; � ;I10 I .ti � bd 35 i � boii i bo�4 � � bd17 I � i 6oti i3 i,007 I i I W � N � . ��IZ Q � :� G (;�3D 6b�2 '" - not8 6o�z 0008 l ,'�'�`:�_- -` . .J j.� � bobl 6060 ^ [So 2uC 270 �`29p� ���• I w 2 � , 607a � b41v •• .. go6'i a yC 3b 6655 bo6a 5 I� +�ny� bo5i : E. � L 603,� ��� 66q� bd50 � ,F� �. - `v015 604Q� - � . 603i yo2A `� bo 5 3. ,� , �0�5__ boao - , bon �° , �'��i bol5� � b0'�� � ',i' : b0"20 ` ,. ,. �z. � bop9 - (,ob4 6ot�,; - bOri - -' 60t0 .� _i: : 6oqy yoo'o 251 bao� - � b4�7 - ". ., . b . E � i i� . _� ....�.'[„� ,:�. -' - . .` �_ .��- ` Sv57. 5`!SO ` ° , g s��p 'SSf,' • . _. .5955_ y � � ^ z ; - 594,5 5998 � � , � 5974 - 5v73�— � �; � �. �, 4 -59AF7 t -' , Sa�S � 5942 � �5945 5��0 ��5965•SS 7. T _. �592`�i , �� " �s - 5424 - - � 54L6 Sg��� � � ��ro>s / •. - . _ . ,r'S� ' . � � �1 � � �9�� o �- W �gQzS -� � � u1 `'� = y�'� SyE3 ? � ' ' ' ' - „ ;. Z. -c, .. � . Lo �� �Z 3'),y / , � 594T -� �-, ,_.. �9 - � - 59�0 -� , ,i. �� . 5908 __ __. � 4 � ,_ �, 5Q;i9 . P i1 l�. _ � v. uri : s��, s400 ; v�i s 59oi s�oo ;��jq ; , 59TH AVEPtUE N.E. p � �, ;SRf1' 5852 ;58'.S � Se,�.O : e.>: , 0 SaTr �,A5Fi50`. . w5&dA._ _ ,4�;6 - %�. �. z ' N 'S843 _ _ , O � N � ,z � 5A45 Sna6 - a SA'0- S''- M � �' 58ab N �58ai - 5�40 � , `B�i 63.34 .. „ � 583� 3 "'z � �. .�> saaz � 53s:;,�,� � s8za SB,9 � ,.,'y, �{Z�� c�26 �wF �' j-; 5821 5;.24 `i sa,�s 5920 ._, 4 . �. �b19 �8c? ' � �?.t`s � 5'310-- 5RtS � . d ..: � . . �=��g . ,; 5810 - . .,, �; ,-, $807 SE1�5 � . "L S'?.^1 — se�o - saoo , , ; 580�. ., ,. �, . 58TH AVENUE --� N.E.< ' - �31, sa� s�tao ' 57vt ,2Z8 , 57go �_ 4- . -, ( � �.-.. '� ? = i. j �j 5,832 , �B 5761 5T7A g7-71�'� � �� , �. . i �• : � i' +_ f. .M1r-,-�� , �. . . � , r 'tnp tl� 5790 � 575: � � � ,� ; �5765 9710 � � t:J ..tRl� }31 '�`� �� '.33 Zrll� ��� s��Si 2�! I �.,� 2r',;, , . . . � � .,, .. , ��� .�. � I . . '�..�-..r, . 005 University �venae NE 59A1 4th Streee rvt lo�� «��_ �%�°^ ^ Frid2ey, MN 55432 FridZey, MN 55932 Minneapolis MN 5543? •� i Mei's Van-O-Lite 6031 University Avenue NE Fridley, MN 55432, Essence Investment Company 1403 West County Road C St. Pau1, MN 55223 � _ Mr. 6 Mrs. Eugene Bonnett 792 Mississippi Street Friiiley, MN 55432 Haxvey EiZers 3316 42nd Avenue Soath MinnaapoZis, MN 55406 State Bank {Zantigo Foods, Inc.) P.D. Box 231 Woithington, MN 56187 Orbit, Inc. 2408 Central Avenue NE Minneapolis, MN 55428 Mr. Steak, inc. . 5895 University Avenue NS Pridley, MN 55432 Zantigo Food, Inc. 5905 University Avenue NE Fridley, MN 55432 Franchise Realty Interstate 221 North LaSaZXe Street Chicago, IL 60601 McDOnald's 5831 University Avenve NE Fridley, MN 55432 I � DX Service Station 5701 University Avenue N� Fridley, 7�N 55432 Metro SOQ� Inc. Mp1s-St, Pau1 Aizport St. Pau1, MN 55111 Holiday Vi2lage North 4567 West SOth Street Bloomington, P!N 55437 Burlington Northern 176 East Sth Street St. PaaZ, MN 55102 Mr. & Mrs. Ira Nollingswor�n 5943 University Avenue NE Fridley, �1N 55432 Char.2es & Irene Song Mr. & Mrs, Michae2 PeYreten Edina Oil Company 5865 University Avenue NE 5980 Sth Street NE 6101 University Avetive tJE Fridley, P1N 55432 Fridleg, MN 55432 Frid2ey, MN 55932 — - -- ---� _ _ . _ . — Mr. s Mrs. Ly1e Linnell Superamerica, Inc. � hlr. & Mrs. GeraZd Gorecki 5976 Sth Street NE P.O. Box 248 5977 4th Street NE Fridley, MN 55432 • St. Pau2 Park, MN 550'71 Fridley, MN 55432 Shorty's Towing 5755 University Avenue NE Fridley, MN 55432 Douglas Jone Properties 2505 Silver Lane btinneapo2is, A1N 55422 Rayn.ond Messiei 5800 2nd Street NE Fridley, Otnt 55432 Pau1 LaPointe 2528 P1cAfee St. Paul, MN 55106 Mr. & Mrs. Albin Johnson 14ox 59, Route 1 Cushing, WI 54006 Benjamin Broder 278 58th Avenite NE Fridlay, PtN 55432 Mr. 6 Mrs. Raymond Hegr.a 5770 3rd Street NB Fridleg,'MN 55432 Berton Cross c/o Douglas Peterson 556 40th Avenve NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Ra1ph W. Hyne 5214 East BaIdeagle Blvd. Wnite Bear Lake, MN 55110 e . . - 4aDI wc�� v�� �^ ke Pu2asKi IIloominqton, MN 55937 ` Huffalo; 1�1N 55313 � ,:. __ . . � �» �_.. _ . _. . . __._ _ . - - ... ..___ -- .._ ', John A. Bwenson I Mr. 6 Mrs. Jahn Kepplet ' 5835 Centra2 Avenue NE ,'104 58th Avenue NE Fridley, MN 55432 � Fridley, MN 55932 i _..�._.__ _._�__. _ °- --- --._._._..__.__._..._._i ... -----. . � .__...__._..�._---:_-`- � Mz. & Mrs. Bertrwd Booth � Mr. & Mrs. Car1 R2ed 6000 2# Street NE � 6017 3rd Street NE Frtd2ey, MN 55932 � Frzdley, MN 55432 __ _ _. __.. _ __ ___: . ; Mz.'& Mrs. Theodoze Lgke { 60�1 2nd Street NE � Fridleg, MN 55432 ! Donald D. Fortnne � 60Q9 2nd Street NE . f Pridleg, MN 55432 i � _ -- __ _� Mr. & Mzs. Michael Skrypec 6017 2nd Street NE + Fridley, MN 55432 i � --. _ _ _._. _._ _ _ _ _. __ ___ _--{ Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Nelson 6031 2nd StrPet NS j Fridley, MN 55432 � _ :. __.--..._ _,. _. ._.._ �--- � - - . . I Mr. 6 Dtrs. Rodney Trocke 6035 2nd Street NE Fridley, MN 55432 — _.. . . __ .. _. ' _ . ... . ---- ., , 1 Mr. 6 Mrs. James Zimmer ' Fridtey. i j_,._____ ._...., _i . __ ___------__' � Mr. & Mrs. Duane Henry i 6045 2'� Street NE � Fridley, MN 55932 __ _____i � Mr. & Mrs. Michael Parlin 6025 3rd 5treet NE Frid2ey, MN 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Leo Hynes 2727 Trving Avenue N MinneaFolis, MN 55412 Mr. & Mrs. Eagene�Bayard � 260 61st Avenue NE Frid2ey, MN 55432 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._ __ -1 - _ _- -- -- ----- Sandra M. Stepaniak f Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Nelson 5828 2� Street NE � 250 6lst Avenue N5 PridZey, MN 55432 j FridZey, MN 55432 . � _--- ----.__.. - __ __.._ -- --� ---�_ .-------________ ___. -___- i Mr. & Mrs. E11iot Benincasa Charle.s D. Sneller 720b Cazey Lane NE 320-322 Jeff Building Map1e Grove, MN 55369 � Peoria, IL fiZ692 � ---- _ _ ' __ _ _..__.i __ __ __--- ---------- G. Dale Egland � Fran ' t 5108 Brighton Tane ! New Brighton, MN 55112 Herbert E. Moare 2453 138th Avenue NW. Anoka, MN 55303 GD07 3rd Street NE ' Fridley, MN 5593<' Mr. & Mzs. Michae2 Pestello 6012 3rd Street NE Fsidley, INN 55432 � Mi.� 6 Mrs. Leo Kukkonen . 5852 2�F Street NE FridZey, MN 55432 �`�6055 2� StreeC NE I Fridley, MN 55432 6009 2� Stteet NE Fridley, MN 55432 � � �j _. . _ _ _ - --- --- Country Kitchen j Mr. 6 Mrs. Leo Kukkonen 280 57th Avenue NE i Fridley, MN 55432 ; i � _.-��-=- ----- .... ,,� . .. ---_._.__ _ _ _-- --- --- —'------ Mr. 6 Mzs. SarZ VanHOrn i Mr. David M. Seledic 5835 2nd Street NE � 5835 Main Street NE Fridley, MN 5593� � Fridley, I'4N 55432 __,------ _�_ _ --- 1 � :., .: 4 Terzy G. Barrett 1 Roger's Properties � Mr: & Mrs. Joseph Steindel 5850 2'� 5treet NE I 6512 SOth Avenue N 206I Main Street NE F'ridley, MN 55432 � MinneapoIis, MN 55428 � Coon Rapids, MN 55434 �M.PC & Mrs. Charles Beliveau 120 61st Avenue NE Fridley, MN 55432 • � Mr. & Mrs. Byron Hi22 5834 2� Street NE ' FridZeg, MN 55432 � i '- ----. _._ _ ..- -- -�--_.._ _------� � --- Mr. & Mrs. Rueben Paalson 5875 - Znd Street NE Fridleg, MN 55432 � Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Hagberq ` 5882 2nd Stseet NE � Fridley, MN 55432 .___. _... '. _�__._.__ _______�_____._f_._.'.. "` .. ' __—. .._._..._ .___..___. ! ' Otto Westenfield � Otto Tauer 82 Rice Creek Way � SB66 2nd Street NE Fridley, MN 55432 � Fridley, MN 55432 `---- — � - - ----- -- - - ---- - � _ --- -- --. _._ _ .. Mr, & Mrs. Benjamin Carman ; Roger Blesi 5955 2# Street NE � 2812 64th Avenue N Frid2ey, MN 55432 Minneapolis, MN 55430 .----- _ " ---- - .__._ _. .-'.- . .__..._. . . __.._ .. _._.__.. I Constance Guiu�afson & Theresa Mr. & Mrs. GZenn Barrott Hanus - � 530 - 120th Lane NW 5917 3rd Street NE i Coon Rapids, MN 55433 ` FridZey, MN 55432 . ! • Hr. Joseph Lsaurent 5640 NE Matterhorn Drive Fridley, MN 55432 � � i ---_ I Mr. JoFm Ouellette � &48 82nd Avenue NE i Spring Lake Park, MN 55932 � t Mt. 6 htrs. LeRoy Xolmen 5826 2nd Street NE FridZey, t�N 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Tohn Gossen 6050 3rd Street NE Fridley, MN 55432 f I __..._r___ ,— ---__- - -- - i Mr. & Mrs. Frank SchoenBeryer � SS57 Main Street NE � FTidley, MN 55432 � I .. _. _ ..._._ . ____.._ __. __. _.. _ . __.___.__ ._ . _ i Mr. & Mzs. CZyde Debolt �i� 586I Main Streeb NE � � Ftidley, MN SSA32 __. � -- ------- -_� I � ' --- --_�_ I � � � Wi2Ziam ZawisIak i i c/o Verner Johnson 1 � 2434 Lincoln j � St. Pau2, Mlv 55105 ; � , , � .._._ ,-. _ ... ._.. .._,._. .. . __.. 1 i. . .. .. _. .. - - .. tlichael Hlavinka & BeverSy ' Gerten i 5932 2nd Street NE � � FridZey, MN 55437. ! f _ _; _ ___ _ _ - - -- I Mr 6 Mrs Raymond Narris Route 1. . Webb Lake Hackensack, FIN 56452 �___ . _ . ... _. . ... . . . .__ i _. . _ ._ _ ...._ . -----_ _ . i----- - Mr. &.Mrs. Jerry McNurlin Mr. & Mrs. Narry Holmberg 250 Sylvan Lane NE 5765 Main Stieet NE Fridley, MN SSA32 Fridley, MN 55432 i ' � 58I5 2nd Street NE ; 5923 3rd 5treet NE ; 110-58th Avenue N� n ! Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 i Fridley, MN 5$q37 �I �3ek.� _ .. _._... _. _ _ ..._.__. ------ Mr. 6 Mrs. Raymond Salmonson. ;� Mr,. & Mrs. Kenneth Fissell �� I Mr. & Mrs. Da1e Knatt . 5825 2nd Street NE 5825 htain Street NE � 3944 Reservoir H2vd. Fridley, MN 55432 ; Fridley, MN 55432 Minneapolis, MN 55928 i _ _ _ __ _ _ . __ . _ _ ___ __. _ ; _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .__ : ____.._ _ . - .--- -- _ ---------- Mr. & f9rs: Orvi1 Bakke � Mr. & Mrs. Vm. Foster � Mr. & Mrs. Victor Leader� � 5849 2� Street NE � 5807 2'� Street NE + 21324 NW Lake George Drive I'r.idSe9, f4N 55432 . Frid2ey, MN 55432 I Cedar, MN 55021 , � ! � i 5_ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ._- -- _ _ --�_ -----------= —__ --- I ,- Mn� & Mrs..Wallace GregeYSOn Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Dobie � Mr. Vince Stengar 6040 3rd Street NE 1 5823 2'� Street NE j Ortonville, MN 56278 Fridley, MN 55432 , Fridley, MN 55432 � � _..._ ._ . _._---.._ . ..r .�.... __... _. .. . � ' . �4argaret Skomra Mr. � Mrs. Henry Pfieffer ! Xerbert Moore 6030 3rd 5treet NE 5817 2�F Street NE 2A53 138th Avenue NW Frid�ey, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Anoka, MN 55303 : _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - _ _. __ __.__ -- -_ __�. _. _ _ ____ __ _ _ Mr. & Mrs. Harrg Theroux Ms. Sandra L. Oven • � Mz, & Mr5. David Nelsor� 6020 3rd Street NE 5822 2'� Street NE � 20186 Connie Drive Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 i Anoka, MN 55303 ; j Mr. & l?is. Kearneg Frank � Mr. & Mrs. Charles L?ndberg ; Joseph P. Zizak 6010 3rd Street NE 5825 2� Street NE j 5791 2�, Street NE Fridley, MN 55432 � FridZey, MN 55421 j Fsidley, MN 55432 , , -- -- _ _ _ _ _ . __ _ _ . ' _ --- . _ _ . . ._ _ _ .---- --- -- ,. _ _. _ .----�-- � Fran;clin Hart, Jr. Harold S. CaZ1 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Hronski 6000 3rd Street NE 1532 Descondso Drive 251 60tB Aven��e NE Frid2ey, F1N 55432 , Lacanada, CA 910Z1 � Fridley, hIN 55432 __.. . . _ , Mr. �& hlrs. Thomas Johnson 5833 2� Street NE Fridley, MN 55432 Mr.�6 MYS_� Ronald Newland 5841 2�, Street LJE Fridley, MN 55432 Mr. & hSrs. EZmer Gabrelcik 5845 2� Street NE Fridley, MN 55432 Northwestern Be12 224 South Sth Street Minneapolis, MN 554p2 Frank M. Gabrelcik 5740 U�iversity Avenue NE Fridley, htN 5542I Marilyn C. Heinkamp 6025 2'f Street NE F'ridlcy, MN 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Wael:Ier i 601I 2'� Street NE FridLey, MN 55432 Richard C. We1fi � 4090 DecatuY Avenue N New lfope, MN 55427 t:r. � Mrs. Irvin Guisbord 5847 2� Street MS Fridley, h1N 55932 `�''• � CP Hair� Johnson '° � 574U University Rvenue NE 6035 2'� Street NE Fridley, h1N 55432 , Fr�d1e�, ��IN 55932 f � s f; _ . . . _ _. _. _.. s .�Dir, 6�Mrs. John Graham - Mr. & 19rs. Robert J.-Ecker 5925 3rd Street NE 5990-3rd Street NE � Fridley, MN 55432 SridIey, MN 55432 . i . _. _ .__ __. __--- � Mr. & Mrs. DanieS £rickson Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Sorum 5860 3rd 5treet NE 5900 3rd Street NE Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 • Mr. & Mrs. Ro.Land Waller Mr. 6 Mss. Thomas Thompsori 20020 North ZSth Avenue 5846 3zd�Street NE Phoenix, RZ 85022 FridZey, MN 55432 .. ,..�. ..av.� ..�.csc..r� 5980 3rd Street NE Fridley, rliV 5�432 . �� MT. & M..rS. John Pdwluk 5931 3rd Street lJE Fridley, MN 55932 Mi. Mervin L. Byrne �� 5955 3Yd Street NE Fridley, htN 55432 MY. & .Mrs.� Robert Williams 5945 2� Street NE Ftidley, MN 55933 _ __ . _ - - __..__ . _.._ _ _ _ - --__ _ ..-- --� -- - _ ^---_._ _ _ __-.--- -_ _ - - { Stegner Co1f Carts. Mr. & Mrs. AZbert Camgbell Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Gabel Dennis Munson 5840 3rd Street NE ' S947 2'�, 5treet NE 5800 University Avenue NE Fridleg, MN 55432 � Fridley, MN 55932 FridZey, MN 55432 � _ . __ _ __ _ . _ _ __ - - -_l ____ Mr. nale R. Bakke Mz. 6 Mrs. F.2don Schmedeke Mr. & Mrs. Arthar 'towig 5805 3rd Street NE Box 56A f 5807 3rd SCreet NE FzidZey, a:N 55432 .MarY.ville, MN 55048 � Fr.idley, MN 55432 � .. j_ _ ..... _ . :_.. _---� -_ . _...__ _ ..__ --_... _ . . __._.. . .__..._---.—..I ..�.__.___- --_----___. .__.-_._._. � Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A1m1ie ` Mr. Lawrence A. Magglz Mr• & Mrs. Richard Budin 5826 3rd Street NE Roate 2 I 5824 3rd Street NE Frxdley, MN 55432 North Branch, MN 55056 j Fridleg, MN 554.32 I _ _, _ __ `_ _ _—__ _ _— ----- - -- �_ �- -- -----_--- __ ------ � Mr. Verner E. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Martin Dgkhoff Mrs. Mildred Barker 5832 UniversiCy Avenae NE 5810 3rd Street NE � 5800 3rd Street NE Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 ( _. _ ` _ _ _ y t3r. & Mrs. Theodore Marchiniafi Mr. 6 Mrs. Donald Crooks ' r 6055 2'� Stseet NE 5910 2nd 5tzeet NE � Fsidley, h1N 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 ' CheryZ A. McC.tuskey 7957 McKinley Street NE � Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 Fir. & P1rs.� Robert Lyke G03�3 2nd Strcet NE Fridley, hl;� 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Pries � 5905 Ffain Street � Fridley, MN 55432 � � _ _.; Mr. & Mrs. Ervin Bjornqjeld 5909 riain Street NE F.cidley, T.+r7 55432 Mr. 6 Mrs. Martin Dziuk 5957 Znd.Stre°t NE Fridley, MN 55432 RoberC J. Bauman 6096 2k Street NE Fridley, MN 55432 Thomas 1•Senth & Susan Bor.a 6014 2h 5treet NE Frid.ley, NIN 55432 � ��32 56th Avenue NE Fridley, MN 55932 �-_ _ _� _ _ _.. .... FMr. 6 Mrs. Robert Fischer �248 58th Avenue NE Pridley, MN 55932 � Syes Main streec �va � Ftidley, MN 55432 i i i_ _ _ ._._._ � i ' Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Skillings i 5925 Main Street NE j Fridley, MN 55432 ovev �� street NE Fiidley, MN .559�2 �� '�'� ' _° Mr. 6 Mrs. Richard Snyder 5901 2nd Street NE Fridley, MN 55932 - , --....-- ------- -------I .__ _. _.._ _.__ .. __ --- -------------- Mr. 6 Mrs. Dane Xe12y ��lr. & Mrs, Robert Xroone Mr. & Mrs: L1oyd LaPointe 6022 2nd Street NE ' S933 Main Street NE � 5909 2nd Street NE Fridley, MN 55432 i Frid2ey, MN 55432 i Fridley, MN 55432 ��Ms. Diane Olson 5965 Main Street NE � Fridley, MN 55432 ' :... . ___ _-- - -- _ __ _ _.----------`- ----- -- - i . • _. j Mr. 6 Mrs. Dovglas.Jarosh � Mr. & Mrs. Myron Helget 5917 2nd Street NE � 6030 2nd Street NE � FYidley, MN 55432 ! Fridley, MN 55432 � i; _ . �---- -. . _ . _ ___..._ , - - __ _. __ __ _ _- -- _ _ - --------- � ---___ Mr. & Mrs. John Chura � Mr. & Mrs. W. Stiegfried Mr. & Mrs. John Guzik 5973 Main Street NE 923 2nd Street NE � 6061 2nd Street NE Fridley, MN 55432 � Fridleg, MN 55432 ; Fiidley, MN 55432 i : --_ _---.�__ .. .__ _ — �-- -- -- -- - ---- __ ; -- ----- - - ---_ - - ---- � i �i � Mr. 6 Mrs. Leonard Smith , Mrs. Xenry Malikowski Mr. Rodger E. Geyer 3820 Main Street NE 5929 2nd StreeC NE � 5924 2nd Stieet NE Fridiey, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 --- ----- i._ ._ I Mr. � Mrs. Bernard Dombeck Mr. & Mrs. Xenneth Glynn � 14r. & Mrs. Conrad Garness 603b 2'� Street NE 5935 2nd Street NE 59I6 2nd Street NE Fridley, MN 55432 ', Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 � � - -_ _- -- - � - - -. . .___ _ : _.._ . _ .. - - _ __ __ _... — - --- ------------ i Mr. & Mrs. WilTiam Perleberg ; Mr. & Mrs. �ohn Bachand 5948 2�F Street NE 5945 2nd Street NE Fridley, MN 55432 .. Fridley, MN 55432 Morris S. Ed2vRd 6Z51 Sunrise Drive NE Fridley, MN 55432 Mr..& Mrs.. John Holt �Mr. ��hirs. Leonard Steinerb � Mr. & Mrs. RoberC Robertson 6.I20 T'rinity Drive NE 6272 Starlite NE 613I Sunrise Drive NE Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 FTidley, MN 55932 i Mr.�& Mrs.�Clarence Otten Mr. & Mz's. Archie Lindgren � M�c-B-Hrs--aaea�-Rrnar 6I10 Trinity Drive NE� 6.t82 StarZite NE 6#2}-SaAr3se-Br3re Frid3eg, MN 55432 Fridlay, MN 55932 Mrs. Jacob Amar Mr. & Mzs. Robert Traczyk � Mr. 6 Atrs. F. C. Jo}urson 6221 Sunrise Drive NE 61D0 Trini*y Drive NE 6541 Starlite Drive NE FridSey, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 .� 6121aSUnriseyDrive~NE V � � 6101�Star2ite Arive NE. 6190 5tarlite B1vd. NE Fridley, MN 55432 � Fsidley, MN 55432 � FridZey, MN ; 55432'�3 i � • � Mt. & Mrs. Anthony Lorbeski �' Mr. & Mra. Robert Martin .� ! James LaV}ctoire 6101 Sunrise Drive NE ', 6111 Stariite Blvd. NE I 6280 Star2ite H2vd. NS Fsidley, MN 55432 � Fsidley, MN 55432 i Fridleg, MN 55932 i . . _ . .. .'_ ___. _'._: _. . .. _ _ _.. _ . _ _ _ _. ___ __ . -.�._ �__ F __._.___,_.'___.�'__'_��.._` '_ ___'___..._. _. - _ _ . . . . . i . . � . . Mr. 6 Mrs. Ray Burchett �� Mr. G Mrs. Randa22 She�stad ' Mr. & Mis. Walter Iskierka 6I00 Star Lane NE 6121 Starlite NE j 6170 Star2ite BZvd. NE Fridleq, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 i Fridley, MN 55932 I _. _. . _ _... .. -- - ----- - ,_ __ _ __ _� - . - -- __---- - -�- __-� ----------- Sorraine E. Forsberg � MT. & Mrs. Paul Hamnick � M_r. & Mrs. Richard,Rohack � 6124 SCar Lane NE 6131 Starlite NE � 6160 StarliLe B1vd. NE Fridley, M�Y 55432 ; Fridley, MN 55432 j Fridley, MN 55432 � ( t4r. & t4rs. Shirley Lindberg: Mr. & Mzs. Pau1 Meyer � Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Aspenson 6144 Star Lane NE 6241 Stariite NE � 6150 Star.lite Blvd. NE Fridle�, M.N 5543s Frid2eg, MN 55432 ' Frid2ey, MN 55432 � --.... . _.-_ ____ ._ _ — -- ---- _;__ _-----_._.._..--- __ _ f Mr. & Mrs. Deanis Coverston Mr. & Mrs. Hume Minard � C•azlson-Lavine, Zac. 611Z Star Lane NE 6151 Starlite NE � 2831 �iZdrich Avenue South Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, x:N 55432 ; Minneapoizs, MN 55408 + . � .. _ --- _ _ . _ -_—. _ _ . _ _ _ _ __ -- - -- ; -- _—._ _---__- _ - - -.. . _ _._.. I LeROg Ha2verson b230 Trinit� Drive NE Fsidley, MN 55432 I i Jane Van Bergen 6I00 StarLite Blvd. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Piz2a Xut of Northwest 4620 West 77th Street Edina, MN 55435 Mr. & Mrs. George Sl.iva 6000 - 2nd 5treet NE Fridley, F1N 55421 I Mr. & Ptrs:. RonaId McClain ` 6007 P1ain Street NE { Fridiey, H!N 55432 Mr. 6 Mrs. Xerman Reitmeier � Mr. & Mrs. Da1e Owens 6161 Starlite NE 2130 5tarlite Blvd. NE Fridley, MN 55432 i Fridleg, 1�N 55432 . __ _ __ _ :_ _l ' : _----- -- - ___ ___�._.. . .__ _ i Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Erickspn � Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bisto3eau 6110 Starlite Blvd. NE � 101 57th P1ucE h'E Fridley, MN 55432 � Fridiey, Mi0 55432 Mr. & Mrs. John CaZqvire 5780-5790 2� Street NE Fzidiey, M,v 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Danie2 Ash2in 225 57th Place Fridley, MN 55432 AruciIla Sando 229 57t@ PIace Frzdley, h1N 55432 i _ . __ ._ __. _ i_ � Mr, 6 t1rs. Leonard Mostrom S31 - 57th. PZace � Fridley, MN 55432 _ ; _.. _ _ _ � David id. Rvst 5735 Quincy Street NE j Fridley, !1N 55432 i_ . _ _ . _ _ _ __ _.__ . _ _ ! Ms. The.re.sa M. Abitz j 21G 57th P.iace 6'E t Fridley, ;�tN 55432 ..;�,_.< Ken�:e n recersvn ... . ..��". ... .,dyi,��...,.. .......,... .�,... . 2443 Lyndale Avenue S ' 233 57th Place NE � 4116 Westmoreland Iane Minneapo3is, MN 55405 �. Fridley, MtJ 55432 : 1 St..Loais Park, MN ,�5g 26 i I v`� Edward Jonak 133 Craigway NE FridIey, 6IN 35432 MT. 6 MTS. Rodney WdaSd 6021 Main Street N6 Fzidley, MN 55432 � _ _ _ _ _.� _ - ._ . _._.. -- -------__.__.._ � � Mr. & Mrs. RusseZ2 Riddel ' Mr. 6 Mrs. Flarvey Olson ; 297 - 57th P1ace NE ' � 606� 2nd 5treet NE 4 Fzidley, MN 55432 � Fridley, MN 55432 i_ _ _ _ _ .- -. .. . -- - I -- ---- -__ ' Mr. 6 Mrs. Everett Frederzck i Richard W. Xart 6040 2nd Stzeet NP � 6035 Main Street � Fridley, MN 55432 � FridZey, MN 55432 _ - -- _ _ _ . _ .. _ _ _ .. -- - - ( _ _ _ _ _ ...__. -- - - —I - � --- ---_—___ --__ - ---- , � Mark J. Seccombe CharZes HaussZer j Locille Skovran 605I 3rd Street NE Sb84 Jackson Street NE 6033 Gardena Circle Fiid2ey, MN 55432 � FridZeg, MN 55432 Frid2ey, MN 55432 � ; -� C1yde tJ. Xansen � Mr. Joe F. Hanson � Mr. 6 Mrs. Gary Harvet F 9726 Rich Road � 270 61st Avenue NE � 271 - 57th PZaae NE 8loomi.ngton, MN 55437 � Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 1 � � ; � � � _ __ :_ __..j.--_ _ _ _, __. __ _ _ _ -- -- _ __.. _ _ __ ___ . _----- � - Mr. & Nrs. Ferris Pa1meT , Mr. & Mrs. F.rnest Erovick � Mr. � Mrs. William Talley 6028 2nd Street NE 60�0 3rd Street NE ' 281_ 57th klace NE Fridley, MN 55432 Fr.zdley, MN 55432 j Fridley, MN 55432 ;I ; --_- ______ ;.__. . _ --- — - - _._ _ __ - . __.. __ _ Mr. & Mrs. Lee Barott Ju1ie Ann westphal � 6012 2nd Street NE 6060 3rd Street NE Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 I i I { � _ _ _. _ __ _ f I . _ ._ _., _ _ _ . .. -- - _.._ _ _. . . _ _ . -- --._. � � I i PUBLIC N�l1RING BEFORE THE , PLANNING COMMI55I01� TO WHOM IT P1AY CONCERN: '. ,. �_. �� Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Comnission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, Apr51 19, 1978 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.t�l. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Proposed Preliminary Plat, P.S. �78-42, Harrier's First Addition, by W. J. Harrier, Jr., being a replat of Lot 25, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 23, except those pieces platted as Johnson's River 4ane Addition and Batterson Addition, su6ject to road easements, located 5n ihe South Half of Section l�, T-3�, R-24, Gity of Fridley, County of Anaka, Minnesota. Generally l�cated in the 6400 Block on the West side of Riverview Terrace N.E. Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter may be heard at this time. RICHARD H. HARRIS CHATRMAN PLANNING CUMMISSION Pubiish: April 5, 1978 April 12, 1378 � � . CITY OC d�RIDLi:Y MiNNf;SUTA . ¢�J/ • PLANNING AND NUM6ER ,S 7�S` ��-' . 1'CRM APPLICAMI''S SIGNAIUR� _ 5 , � � aear�s5 / 7/ �'R��z� ���f ` %. ; 1�� 'felephone Numbe �7� 3 �% � � 9 � 1 PROPERTY OR'NGR'S SIGNATUR�C�i� �:i� ''�1 Address Telephone Numbcr Street Location of Property Legal Description of Propex ' �� TYP� OF RL•QUEST Rezoning Special Use Pcrmit _ ,� Approval of Premin- inary Fr Final Plat Strcets or Allcy ! — Yacations � Other Fee.�id°�Reccipt No. ClObF�3 � �Existing Use of 4roperLy fresent Zoning Classification Acreage of Propesty Describe briefly the proposed zoning classification ��type of use and improvement proposed . :; I . >_ ,_ r� � e � . -- .� � ti---°�-•_- - p licant reviously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or Has the present a p P � variancc or special use penni.t on the subject si2e or�part o£ it? yes no. What was requested and ialien? The undersigned understands that: (a) a list of all residents and o�aners of property within 300 feet (350 feez for rezoning) �llt��nerstof,�thetproperty�,porcanlenplanation (y) This application must Ue signed 'oy given xhy this is not the case. (c) P.esponsibility for any defect in the proccedin�s resulting front thc fa.ilure to list the names and addres�cs of a11 residents and ��v���t;' �;,m�rs fl£ proPerty in question, belongs to thc undcrsigned. A sketch of proposed property and structure must bc dra�.�i and attached, showing tnc following: i. North DirectiTC•p�ed structurc,��ndrfrontdandrside1setUacks,lot. 3, llimcnsions of property, p P within 300 fect). ,' ;. 5treet Names. 5. Location'and use af adjaccirt existing buiidinSs C �e unc�ersigned hereUy declares that all the t 1 d r y�resentations stated in this � ' applic�tion are trnc and corrcct. • � ,�� DATG � � SIGNATURE .� � A1 4ICA� I') . � Dato of 1[caring �� ��� �+� • Datc Filed •• Plastz�inr Conunission Al�proved ��, ;_;�datos} Dcnicd � ...... City Co�ncil Approvcd (daics) De�Sicd�_ -...� �_ k Planning Cos�anissian 4-1q-78 City Council MAILING LIST P.S. #78-2 Harrier's First Addition W. J. Harrier, Jr. Donald Wescom 171bH Eveleth Street N.E. 117 Mississippi Place N.E. Anoka, Mn 55305 Fridley, Mn 55432 Elmer & Alene Johnson 6490 Riverview Terrace N.E Fridley, Mn 55432 Suzanne L. Korprowsi<i 60.72 Riverview Terrace N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 John Koprowski 731 Westwood Drive Clayton, Mo 63105 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Markrid 6461 Riverview Terrace N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Gearge Bydlon 0454 Riverview Terrace N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Nels Johnson 6�56 Riverview Terrace N.E Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs, John Fullmer 6480 Riverview Terrace N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr, & Mrs. Albert Johnson 6276 East River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs, Allen Mattson i625 3rd�Avenu� 5outh � �4noka, Mn 553Q3 Gordon Aspenson 17 Rice Creek Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 William Corcoran 3040 Sumpter Avenue Crystal, Mn 55427 Mr. & Mrs. James Cross 6271 Jackson Street h.:E. fridley, Mn 55432 Chris Jelevarov Apt. 1 1b0 Mississippi Place Fridley, Mn 55432 River Road East Corp. P.O. Box 270 Minneapolis, i�n 55440 Riverside Car Wash 6520 East River Road Fridley, Mn 55A32 �`% � � .� �� ��'�4 P.S,�78-02 Narrier's � ^�: ,rk•�r � F.JJ%st�,dldd,it�ictrr�.�,^ ,.... �.%• ,/.� 6/3f.Jlrv�n��7i'in/1::0.•d�• � ,{ ,-�, ���,3P.. � . 1: .-t� \.i"k-" . p�T'0� ��� �; � � � l : lv O ,,. ,M q. 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PUB!IC HEARING QEFORE TNE PLANNTNG COMMISSION TO WHOt�I I7 MAY CONCERt�: Notice is hereby given that there will be Cortmission of the City of Fridley in the City Northeast on lJednesday, April 19, 197II in the the purpose of: ., . �� a Public Hearing of the Planning Hall at E431 University Avenue Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M, for Consideration of a Proposed Preliminary P1at, P.S.#78-03, East Ranch Estates Third Addition, 6y Marquette State Sank, being a replat of that part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 11, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, t4innesota described as follows: Coimnencing at the intersectior of the northwesterly right of way line of Osborne Road, as the same is now 7aid out an traveled, and the west 7ina of said Section 11; thence N 51°03'20" E, along said right of way 1ine, said bearing is assumed, 364.27 feet; thence on a tangential curve to the left, having a radius of 20 feet, central angle of 81°23'54", a distance of 28.41 feet; thence N 30°20'34" W, tangent to last described curve, 37.66 feet, thence on a tanqentialcurve to the left, having a radius of 661.50 feet, central angle of l6°Ol'O1", a distance of 184.92 feet; thence N 46°21'35" W, tangent to last described curve, 168.36 feet; thence on a tangential curve to the right, having a radius of 2b4.52 feet, central angle of 45°19'S5", a distance of 201.37 feet, thence N 1°Ol'40" W, tangent to last described curve, to the north line of Lot 5, Auditor's Su6division No. 77; theace easterly, along said north 1ine, 33 feet to tfie northwest corner of said Section ll.and the actual point of beginning; thence S.1°O1'40" E a distance of 53.14 feet; thence on a tangential curve to the left, having � radius of 221.52 feet, a distance of 175.26 feet; thence S 46°21'35" E, tangent to the last described curve, 168.36 feet; thence on a tangential curve to the right; having a radius of fi94.50 feet, a distance of 194.15 feet; thence S 30°20'34" E, tangent to last described curve, 83.24 feet to the centerline of said Osborne Road; thence Pi 51°03'20" E, along said centerline, 62.45 feet, thence N 75°22'00" E, continuing along said centerline, 312.10 feet to the Southwest corner of the plat of East Ranch Estates First Addition; thence N 0'47'30" W, along the west line of said p1at, 431.18 feet to the north line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; then N 89°54'30" W, alonq said North line, a distance of 698.12 feet to the actual point of beginning. Subject to Osborne Road, St. Paul Water Warks easement, road easement along north line and the westerly line and other easements of record, if any, all located in the North Nalf of Section il, T-34; R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Generally located in the Northwest Quadrant of Main Street and Osborne Road. Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter may he heard at this time. RICHARD H CHAIRMAN PLANNING Publish: Anril 5. 1978 APril 12, 1978 HARRTS COMMI55ION � � CITY OI' fRIDLGY P1INN45U'PA , •--""�+ • • PLANNING AND Z4NING C•OItM NUM4GR � � . !1 ? �•i� 3 t7 . APPLICAN'f'S SIGNA'NRG � ��� p -1'� i Address 5250 Central Avenue N.E.' o um ia eig s, .innesota 55421 _ Telephonc Number 574-9400 , ;7 � . ! PR�PERTY 01�'NGR'S SIGNA7'URE L;'`�`^ � "��_ . �Address 7620 University Avenue N.E. ri ey, .innesota 55432 Teleghone Number 571-6620 � � Street Location of Propexty N.E. Corner--Main Street & Osborne Lega2 Description of Property See attached Exhibit . .. �''�� TYPG OF RCQUCS'C Razonin� Special Use Pcrmit X Approval of Premin- inary F, Final Plat Streets or Alley Vacations Other Fee �p`= Reccipt No. p?•3 Present Zoning Classification Z1 Existing Use of Property Unimproved Acrcage of Propexty 1.5 acres . Describe briefly the proposed zoning classification or,type of use and improvement proposed C-2 Commercial Bank _ .; •- Detached facility of Marquette State Bank of Columbia Heights Has the gresen� applicant previously soaght to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or variance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? yes X no. i�ihat taas requested and ivhen? The undersigned understands that: (a) a list o£ all residents and oi+ners of progerty within 300 feet (350 feet for rezoning) must be attaclied to this application. (b) This application must Ue signed by all o�vners of tiie property, or an explanation given iehy this is not tlie case. (c) Responsibility for any Jefect in the proccedin�s resulting from thc fa.ilure to list thc names :,nd addresses of all residents and property owncrs of property in question, belongs to thc undcrsigned. . A sketcli of proposed property and struct:u•e must be da•ai.n and attached, sheiain� the fo2lowing: 1. North �irection. 2. Locntion of proposed structure on ti,e lot, 3. Uimeiisions of property, proPosed structiu•c, and front and side setbacks. ' 4. Street Names. 5. Location and use of adjacent eaisting 6uildings (tiaithin 300 fect). The undcrsigned hcreby deciares that all thc faets and represent�tions stated in this . applicatiwi are true and correct. � DATC "� a2- �Y� SIGNATURE �( �I - (APPLiC \'�1') . . Da#c Filcd Date of Ncaring Flanning Connnission Approvcd City Council Approvcd (datcc) Dcnica� (datcs) DcnicdT ��� �4 i _ Planning Comnission �-4-78 ; Ci ty Counci 1 ' ' ' ' ! . . �� — ..•--. _ _.._ _. ...__ _.. _..._. _ _. -- --. __ _.___ . ._ _ MAILING LI�T .� , � � P,S. �78-03 PRELIt4TNARY PLAT, EAST RAt3CH ESTATES 3rd Addition ZOA #78-�2, MARQUETTE 57ATE SAi�K, REZONE FROPM1 P1-2 to C-2 __:._ : ..__. --.t_.____ --- � --- ._. _ _._, _ .._. .-� _.- •--_... Narquette State Bank Evans Products Company ' Wm. A. L�ing, Aresident 7710 University Avenue N.E. ' • 5250 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 j � Fridley, Mn 55421 - _-- -- -- --....._-____._, _. .__ _._ ___�_.__ .._._--- ---- ---=-�-- - - •• ___...._ _ __ - .__- ------- Consot�dated Container Corp�. 1 763 North 3rd Street Kennedy Transmission �, Minneapolis, Mn 55401 � ��00 University Avenue N.E. � Fri dl ey, tin 55432 �- _ : -. . . _ . _ .. __ _.__ . _.__ _ . --- . _ _. _ _ - - - f - ' �Robert Schroer Elko-Kennedy Properties 7620 University Avenue N.E. 10246 Berkshire Drive Fridley, Mn 55432 Btoomington, Mn 55437 ; Earl R. Parcfi 3201 Rankin Road Minneapolis, Mn 55418 Paul Emerson R.R. 1 Lake Elmo, Minnesote � _ .. ; ; _. � --- _._ Y_._. _. _._.- ---:- ' ' - -- ------- -_.._.._ . ..__. _._ i.._ Charles Smith Haro1d & Richard Harr,is �250 Osborne Road N,E. � 6200 Riverview Terrace N.E. ' Fridley, Mn 55432 f Frid7ey, t4n 55432 ' �. � � �. � -- -...._._, _ . ... _._- - - � _. �. - - ---- - --. . � _ Cub, Inc. iAmer9can Oil Company � Drawer A ;4940 Viking Drive Stitlwater, Mn 55082 �M;nneapolis, Mn 55435 Perkins Cake & Steak, Inc. •Os6orne Properties 7520 University Avenue N.E. ;5Z5 South 8th Street fridley, Mn 55432 Ftinneapolis, P1n 55404 � . Gazda Investment Company City of Spring Lake Park 7580 Commerce Lane tJ.E. ' g429 Center Drive Fridley, P1n 55432 � Spring Lake Park, t�{n 55A32 1 .� e � .. , . . .; . . `�2 : , . ' . "yi�'�>�„ .a „�� , ,> _�- i� ,,,, �.,y � , � ,� .� `//.. / 7',' J � — �I -----. _ 6r iCh -- _ , � � _a..,E ca. � < < �',` Oi 61ZG6' . 1f F •` . �� 1-+1 0 . F_�� V � � � � N a? °� 7^� � ^ N �. � \, . ' � ' 1 � ;� .cT" � L3'GLV � � � 1';; ~ � 41'LSL 89'4L;1 .�. � , �He ,� . 3? w � 1 � m N . � o , � L1 � e°, N � �-`^'•�� � r, 1 - � . : m O . � �,,,y,� �\ OD'6E � . . . . .� O 1i . . .�.� ._,. � . .-.. . ,..- , . � N 1. +-Y' - . .. �� . . 1.. 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' ' i Nit�+�:�n%�I / 1 r .>� � . i '�i.4 '„'�9M1aY. � r�a�+ �. .,.:•'," � ,.i= �.: -1, , ,t; � " ;;: �+' Y' � � � � ,, �`r � . . 9�r, -�-�" i � +' �^ ' � f + ( ____ ___ ----- . � ,, ----.._.� . _ . - - ---- _ . , _. —_..�-��.• ` � I, A ; / . .. I � � , f.:f � . - . 1 n' � � . 1 , ' , � '� t � � . ��. �� f, r�. r. r�. i-� i�{ %��.t.. �..q' t: � � ! � �,����%. ' Pr� 'y' . . . . �� � R �' ' ' t, t�` . . ' r) I♦ ' � � t � v : �� ' . .. . . . . . , �.. �. �� ` PUBLIC HEARING " • BEFORE TNE PLANNIfdG COM�IISSION • . TO WHOM IT MAY COPaCER[!: Notice is hereby given that there viill be a Pu61ic Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Na11 at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on 1Jednesday, Arpii 19, 1978 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M, for the purpose of: Consideration of a rezoning request, ZOA �78-OZ, by Marquette State Bank, to rezone the proposed Lot 2, Block 1, East Ranch Estates Third Addition, from M-2 (heavy industriai area) to C-2 {general business area), to allow the development of the property for a commercia] 6ank, located in the Nortfi Half of Section 11, T-3a, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Generally located at 225 Osborne Road N.E. Anyone desiring to 6e heard with reference to the above matter may be heard at the above time and place. RICHARD H. HARRIS CHAIRMAN PLANNING COfdMISSION Pubiish: April 5, 1978 April 12, 1978 r� . __ _ _ __ _ _ 4.x� •�j • PI.ltNNING AND ZONING PORhi ° NUMDER /�i'� �f��� <J�1 pp . TYPE OP RGQUEST � APPLICANI''�N�711RG!? L i . �_ Rezoning .� � r Address 5250 Central Avenue N E Columbia Heights, hiinnesota 55421 Telcphone P7umber 574-9400 PROPER'CY OS4NCR' S SICNATURG r/l.+ft; ' . �Address 7620 Universit Avenue`N.E:" � l�`''� ridley, H4inneso'ta 55432 ' �,�,�^�' ,z,� Telephone NumUcr 571-6620 � '/ � Street Location of Property N.E. Corner--A4ain Street & Osborne Legal Description of Property See a.t Special Use Pcrmit Approval of Rremin- inary $ Fin.il Plat Strcets or Allcy Vacations Other Fee {5$.'OSteccipt No.���Xl_ `'I'J" Present Zoning Classification Il Existing Use o£ Property Unimproved C/;,i.,.y�i?�J�. ��"� Acreage of Property 1.5 aeres Describe briefly the proposed zoning classification � ��/'✓ �'.«.✓ �y..,x-r-� Gti".-.. or type of use and impravement proposed C-2 . Commercial B� nk --DetaChed facility of Marquette State Barik of Columbia Heights Has the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or variance or special use permit on the suUject site or part of it? yes X no. What was requested and wiien? - The undersigned understaiids that: (a) a list of all residents and owners of property within 300 feet (350 fcet for rezonino) must Ue attachcd to this application. (b} This application must be signed by all owncrs of t�ie property, or an explar,ation given i,hy tl�is is not Ylie case. (c) Responsibility for sny defect in the proceedin�� resulting from the failurc to list the n�mes and aduresses of all residents and property oiyncrs of property in question, belongs to the undersigned. . A sketch of proposed prope:ty and structure must be dra�.�z and attached, shotiain� thc following: 1. North Direction. Z. Location of proposed structure on the lot. 3. Uimcnsions of property, proposcd structurc, and front and sidc setvacks. 4. Strect Names, 5, Location and use of adjacent existing buildings (within 300 feer;. The undcrsi�ned hereby declares that all the facts astd representations stated in this spplication are truc and corrcct. / � ppT� ,� ,�1 SIGNATURE i���yl L t,��__}�,�. � . (AYI'I.ICAN'1') Dstc Filed • Buto of :[caxing � Plpnning Connnission ApprovcJ City Council Approved __ (datcs) Dcnicd (daCcs) Denicd _�,. ,. . PU6LIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING C01•41�1ISSION TO WHOM IT l�F1Y CONCERN:. .. �5 Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Correnission of the City of Fridley in the City Nall at fi431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, April 19, 1978 in the Gouncil Chamber at 7:34 P.M. for the purpose of: Consideration of a rezoning request, ZOA #7B-03, by Theodore Burandt, to rezone from R-3 (general rnultiple family dwellings), to CR-1 (general office and timited business), Lot 1, 31ock 1, Hill wind. P,ddition, to allow a model home to be used as a sales office, located in the South Half of Section 24, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Generally located at 941 Hillwind Road N.E. Anyone desiring to be heard witf� reference ta the above matter may be heard at this time. Pubtish: April 5, 1978 April 12, 1978 RICHARD H. HARRIS CHAI RN4'�N PLANNING COP�IISSION CI7'Y Of PRIDLGY MINNi:SU'PA • pLANNING AND ZONING TOItM NUMRER !�E1%,YU3 APPLICMl7'' S SIGNA1i1RG^ ��/� i __.. /��. � � . �.�-� �7 Ad�3ress C� L/ 1 ��,��� �J �� Telephonc Number y 7! r� (% 5 � PROPERTY OH'NCR'S SIGNATURL ��.,1'�,� �-��a�-,� � 'Address �- .,-� �� 'EYPC Of P.GQUL•ST 'x_ _ Rexoning Specxa2 Use Pcrmit Approval of Premin- inary F, Final Plat Strcets or Allcy Vacations Other Telephone NumUer � � �'% q ? / Fee /5 � Recexpt No. /0�0 Street Location of Property ���� /�-��--��--°-� - ' Legal Description of Property �G � %� � � 7"'`-�'�c= �y� `�'�'E°_" PTesent Zoning Classification 11 -�' Existing Use o£ Property Aereage of Property Describe briefly the proposed zoning classification �f , � or �type of use and improvement proposed %� � ��-��% -- ��'. ' !D � �J C� / Has the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, oUtain a lot si�lit or variance or special use pcnnit on the subject site or port of it?�Y"yyes no. r What tiaas requested and rahen? �.;,%`i� The undersigned understands that: (a) a list of all residents and o�aners of property k•ithin 300 feet (350 feet for rczoning) must be attached to tliis application. �(b) This applicatioiz must Ue signcd by all owncrs of t!te property, or an explanation given ���hy this is not Ylie case. {c) P.esponsibility for any defcct in the proceedings iesulting from the fa.i2ure to list Yhc names and addresses of all residents and property o�+mers o£ property in RuesLion, belongs to thc imdcrsigned. A sketch of proposel property and structure must bc drai+li and attached� S�OWllla the following: 1. horth Dixection. 2. Location of praposed structure on tize lot. 3. llimensions of prorcrty, proposeJ structurc, and front and side setbacks. .' 4. Street Names. 5. Location and use of adjacent existing buildings (wiUlin 300 fect). The undcrsigned hcreby dec]ares that all thc facts and represcntations stated in this application arc truc and corrcct. DATE�Zt�2r� '�, �Q7`�SIGNATURE � /r .-.!r /a`1u�,�.-1..�_-.j%¢ � "'� 7 . (AI'!'LICAN7') . . Date Filcd Datc of !lcaring Planning Commission A{�provcJ (dates) Denicd City Couiticil Arrravcil (d�tcs} Denicd . --��-� �.� s Planning Commission 4-4-•78 City Council � MAILING LIST ZOA �78-03, THEODORE BURANDT 941 Hillwind Road N.E. Theodore Burandt Swing Realty, Inc. 941 Nillwind Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Real Estate 10, Inc. 951 Hillwind Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Sundial Realty Company 2817 Antfiony Lane N.E. t+linneapolis, Mn 55418 Arvin Gearman 1001 Hillwind Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 A. T. Gearman 6225 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Sullivan 5525 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Lynde Investment Company 950 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 �� I . r,_.�...�.� �w ._..r _ � � t{. �il----�5.�---7cr_.___- yl' ------�! I si___ ————� f � , � ' �t � �� � F . � � ` � � � � � � • 1 ; � { � � � • � ', 1 � _� , ; - - - - - - - 1�. �' �, � • ' �. �� ; �, � � Ff '"!.�':_ : , � ;� : � I � � _ �. � �_ _ .,. _ .-_ __ _ __ ___. j. � ± :' ; 1 � � ' � � ; , i � i � i . � .� � t� � J�i.l.].�.lt� . 1 1 1. ! � ,, � , � 3 � S � � � � � ''�IF----7� --� , � /'j S;GN Pos' �/ f d3 � � �••- � � �� ��� l�M s�p.____...._..___ __y� �� � PARKS 6� RECREATION CQPPIZSSION MEBTING MARCH 27, 1978 MBMBERS PRSSENT: Robin Suhrbier, Leonard Moore, 3an Seeger M2!ffiSRS ABSENT: Bob Peteraon, Betty Mech OTHERS PRESENT: Charles Boudreau, Parks & Recreation Director Jack Kirk, Program Director Siah St. Clair, City Naturalist � Ron Bowen, Prairie Restorations, Inc. Darwin Klockers, PresidenC, Fridley Little League, Inc. CALL TO ORAER• Vice-Chairperson Suhrbier called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m, APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 27, 1978, PARKS & RECREATION COAPffSSION MINUTES: MOTION by Jan Seeger, seconded by Leonard Moore, to approve the February 27, 1978, Parks & Recreation Co�ission minutes as written Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carr3ed unanimously. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: "Hillcrest Plat" was added as Item A under "Other Susiness." MOTION by Jan Seeger, aeconded by Leonard Moore, to approve the agenda with the above addition. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. I. AIRECTOR'S REPORT: 1. Introduction - Mr. Siah St. Clair Mr. Boudreau stated that at the last co¢mission meeting, he had reported that the ciCy had reCained the services of Mr..Siah St. Clair for the naturalist position. Mr. Boudreau introduced Mr. St, Clair Co the Commission. He stated Mr. St. Clair had put in a hard first week trying to get to know the city and the areas for which he was responsible,and he was presently housed at the A-frame. Mr. Boudresu stated Mr. St. Clair was a fine addition to the staff. He stated that if the Coa�ission members had any questions to ask Mr. St. Clair, they were free to do so. , '�-'r � PARKS & RSCREATION COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 27 1978 - PAGE 2 Ms. Suhrbier asked Mr. St. Clair what types of involvement he would be having for the younger children at the naiure center. Mr. St. Clair staEed they had jast readjusted the summer program somewhat, so that instead of having playgrounds going out to North Park, they were going to have a day nature camp with specific regis- trations for two-week seasions. This day camp would involve the elementary-age children. At the present time, they were trying [o figure out the best place to have it, either aC Innsbruck or at North Park. He said it was possible they mlght have it going on simultaneously at both places; or, they might just try one location this year, find out what the response was like, and if it went we11, have it at both locations the next year. The camp would be a nature ].earning-type process with interpretive activities in a fun'type of way. There would be some camp cratts, some cooking, some recreational outdoor activities--specific learning experiences. The last night would be a parents' night experience with the children preparing the meal. For the fifth and sixth graders, there would be one ovemight stay and one early morning experience. He stated this day camp had been very popular in Connecticut. 2. Spring Activities Mr. Kirk stated that registration had begun the previous Monday for the gpriag activities. The horseback riding program went over very well. They had set a limit of 30 children and now they had 45 registered, so they had made arrangements to take Che 45 children. The lawn & garden consulting service was getting quite a few calls and looked good. There were a lot of registrants for power swimming and diving. There were more people on the waiting lists for tennis and golf than they had ever had before, so they were working on getting these people into different clasaes. SofCball registration looked about the same as last year with an increase ot a couple of children in each league. The after-school program continued to grow all the tfine. 3. Heport on North Park School Mr. Boudreau stated that at the last co�mission meeting, Ms, Suhrbier had expressed the conczrn of the residents in the South Innsbruck and Gardena area that there were no after-school programs at North Park School and why didn't Fridley use North Park School to offer programs. Mr. Kirk had agreed to check vfth Co2umbia Heights and would repart back to ttie commission. Mr. Kirk atated he had again checked with the Columbia Heights Recreation Coumission. He stated he had checked with both Woodcrest Elementary out of Spring Lake Park School District and North Park Slementary out of Columbia Heights School District when they were setting up their fall after-school programs. Both had stated they had after-achool programs in the schools, some of them run by the _. PARKS & RECREATION CONR�IISSION MEETING MARCH 27 1978 - PAGS 3 schools themselves and some by the recreation commissions. Mr. Kirk stated he was again told by Columbia Heights that they did have an after-school program at North Park School called the "Peanut Gallery." Mr. Kirk stated it sounded like an aftex-schooi club. They also had a youCh wrestling program. They stated that in the spring, they tapered down on their activities, but did have activities during the rest of the school year. Mr. Kirk stated that as summer approached, Fridley would be contacting Columbia Heights that Fridley would be using the playground at North Park again for their su�er activities, but Fridley did try to stay away from the Colwnbia Heights' programming as Chey had done in the past, 4. Schedule of Neighborhood Meetings - APril 5',id 6 Mr. Boudreau stated that Planning Co¢mission ha� set two public meetings on the Senjamin/Briardale area for April 5 and 6 at Gardena School at 7:00 p.m. They were hoping to discuss the plan for the BenjamfnjBriardale area. They would be discussing the results of the neighborhood survey and would be discussing what logically could be put in that area fran those survey results. Mr. Boudreau urged the Commissions members to attend these meetings it they could. Mr. Boudreau stated that the top three things Che people wanted were playground equipment, tennis, and ice skating. Softball was No. 4. They were interested in landscaping. Basketball tated low. Picnic areas was 9.7� of the total as opposed to playground equip- ment which was 60%. Ninety-two percent conaidered landscaping important to very important and seventy-sevea percent considered lighting for nighttime acCivities importanC Co very important. II. NEW BUSINESS; 1. Request for Field Use - Tiger Hockey Booster Club Hr. Boudreau stated that the Tiger Hockey Booster Club was requesting the Coamons softball fields for a tournament on August 25, 26, & 27, 1978. This taurnament was needed again this year to raise money for ice time for the high school hockey program. Mr. Boudreau stated he needed some direction from the Commission ae to whether the Conmission wished to allow them to hold their toumament as they had last year. This was the tournament that was added last year, The City Couacil had only allowed three tournaments per yesr, but last year this one was added as the fourth. 1�TION by Jan Seeger, seconded by Leonard Moore, to allow the Tiger Hockey Booster Club to hold their cournament on Aug. 25, 26, & 27, 1978. _ ,�.� PARKS & RECREATTON COMMZSSION MEETING MARCH 27 1978 PAGE 4 Mr: Boudreau asked the Comm�ission if they wished to set a fee of any type, They had not done so last year, because it was the Booster Club's first tournament. Mr. Boudreau stated the city did incur added expensea because of the additional dumpsters and additional Satellites. He stated'there would be the $190 deposit to guarantee clean-up. Mr, Boudreau asked the Coumdssion if they wished him to provide these servicea at no charge or if the Coamiission wished him to work out an equitable fee that would cover this added expense? MOTION TO AMEND by Jan Seeger, seconded by Leonard Moore, to approve the request by the Tiger Hockey Booster Club to hold their softball tournament on Aug. 25, 26, & 27, 1978, but that Mr. Boudreau come back to the Co�nission with a faix and equitable fee schedule regarding the added expense of services provided by the city. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 2. Request for Field Use - Fireman's Relief Association Mr. Boudreau atated that the Fridley Fire Department was requesting pexmission to use Commons Park for their 3rd Annual Softball Tournament to be held June 9, 10, & 11, 1978. MOTION by Leonard Moore, seconded by Jan Seeger, to approve the request from the Fireman's Relief Association, but that Mr. Boudreau also work out a Fair and equitable fee regarding Che added expense of services plrovided by the city. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 3. Little League Baseball - Mr. Darwin Klockers Mr,.Boudreau bxought the Com�ission's attention to a letter from - Mr. Klockers dated March 6, 1978. He stated that the Little League was requesting use of the fields as they had done in the past. Mr. Boudreau stated he had no problem with this and would be scheduling these fields with Mr. Klockers. Mr. Klockers' letter also stated that the Little League had a five-year leasa on the Chree Little League fields which was due to expire 7une 30, 1978. The Little League had the option to renew this 2ease for aa additional five years which they planned to exercise. Mr. Boadreau stated this information would be passed on to City Council and City Counci2 could either renew or not renew the lease Eor the LittZe League fields. Mr. Boudreau stated that Mr. Klockers would be contacCing him to eee if there was any equipmeat or field maintenance that could be provided by the city on an annaal basis, As part oE their lease agreement, there was a statement that the fields would be leased and the Little League would be responsible for all field maintenance aad Yepairs. Mr, Boudreau stated that was the point the Co�ission needed to consider tonight. �7 PARKS & RECREATION COt�ffSSION MEETING MARCH 27 1978 PAGE 5 Mr. Boudreau stated that he and Mr. Klockers had also talked about another related item and that was the duplication of services of the Pee Wee (9 and LO year alds) baseball program that the city offered. The city had decided program-wise not to offer the Pee Wee program because it was already offered by the Little League. Mr. Klockers stated he would like to expand on his letter a little bit. He atated it was becoming more and more difficult foa the Little ieague to meet its costs of field maintenance. They had raised the equ3pment fee from $6 per player to $12.50 per player. Part of the reason for that was to cover increased expenses and part of it was because they were having difficulty with fundraisers. Mx. Klockers stated that what he was proposing was that when the Parks & Recreation Department or the city was in the area of the Little League fields, they would mow the grass, water the fields, fertilize, etc.--any general maintenance or repair--at the same time they were daing city property. They were also looking for extra help because they needed new concrete slabs put on the old tin metal dugout roofs. Several needed to be replaced right away. He said they were looking at a substantial cost for that. They were looking for help in any area the city could provide, aad they thought the request was appro- priate because they did run a program that inuolved 300 youngsters fran the first part of May until the end of 1uly. They were also going to be taking full responsibility for the Pee Wee program which had been duplicated by the city. He stated if the city could provide any assistance in manpower or cash contribution because of the heavy dugout expense, it would be greatly appreciated. Ms. Seeger sCated that the city had service groups that should be able to help out with their bingo profits for such things as Che dugout expense. She encouraged Mr, Klockers to look into these service groups. Mr. Boudreau stated thaC it was city ordinance that 8'% o£ the gross earnings from bingo receipts must go to creditable organizations. Mr. Boudreau stated he had told Mr. Klockers that it was a little late in the year to schedule anything for the Little League budgeC- wise. In planning ahead for 1979, additional part-time help could be budgeted, but they were spread very thin on maintenance For this year. Mr. Boudreau suggested that maybe a contribution of $500 to help assist the Little League's part-time maintenance person's salary would be an easier waq and the most efficient way to help. Mr. Bandreau also stated that the Little League, in name only, was paying quite a few dollars a year into the National Little League AssociaCion. Yet, because of the individualism in Fridley, they really did not adhere to the National LiCtle League Association's _ _ _ .-�,� PARXS & RECREATION Cdl�ffSSION MEETING MARCH 27 1978 - PAGE 6 bylaws; therefore, Fridley's teams did not q�alify for the national tournament. Mr, Boudreau stated they had explored the idea that, since this was the case, maybe the Little League could combine with • the F.Y.S.A., all under the same type of arrangement as the Little League was operating now. Then, the city could legitimately plan in the budget for the Little League the same as they did for the F.Y.S.A. and could maintain the fields the same as they did for hockey, football, etc. Mr. Klockers stated that since the Little League was going to have the Pee Wee program, maybe any money that had been a2located to that program could be diverted to the Little League. MOTION by Jan Seeger, seconded by Leonard Moore, thaC $500 be dedicated to the operation of the Little League for the 1978 season and that the Little League be encouraged to mention their needs to the City Council as service groups did have money from bingo that was to go for needs such as this. Ms. Seeger stated it might also be interesting for the City Council to know that the Little League was now taking over the Pee Wee age group that the city had offered. UFON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. Vote for Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson to serve from 4/1/78-4/1/79 MOTION by Leonard Moore, seconded by Jan Seeger, to pos,tpone the election of officers until there was a fu11 commission at the next meeting. Upon.a voice vote, alI votin,g aye, the motion carried unanimously. IIY. OQ.D BUSINESS: 1. Prairie Restoration, Inc. Mr. Ron Bowen Upon the request of the commission at the last meeting, Mr. Bowen was in attendance to show slides and talk about prairie restoration. Mr. Bowen stated that prairie was becoming more and more popular. It was most appealing on large areas and was too confined on space less than two acres. He stated that starting with bare ground entailed working with machinery. The prairie was planted in May and the area had to•be mowed at a 6-IO inch height the £irst year. This cut off the weed tops before they went co seed and also let the light and energy down to the seedlings. The second year, it had to be mowed once and that was alk. The third year, if fire was acceptable, that was the most attractive *aay to do it. Fire was a very good tool for managing prairie, If fire was not acceptable, they would have to adjus[ to the problems at hand and spray or hand cut. PARKS & RECREATION COI�AlISSION MEETING MARCH 27 1978 PAGE 8 Mr. Boudreau stated that it also stated in the Parks & Open Space Plan that the city should acquire additional park land wherever feasible to make it a useful facility. He thought Chey had the following alternatives: 1. They could take the land dedication. 2. They could take the money dedication. 3. They could take the money dedication and sell the land. 4. They could attempt to purchase six parcels of land to give them an additional 2-2� acres that then would make a workahle 3�-4 acre park. Mr. Boudreau stated his recommendation was either to sell the parcel of land because of the maintenance problem and that it would noC serve as a neighborhood park, or buy additional land to be able to develop it into a neighborhood park. MOrTION by Jan Seeger, seconded by Leonard Moore, that the possibilities ot selling the park land be explored and the money put into escrow for provid3ng access under Che railroad tracks. This would give access into the park system. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ADJWRNMENT: MOTION by Leonard Moore, seconded by Jan Seeger, to adjourn the meeting at 9:55 p.m. Upon a voice vote, a11 votiug aye, [he motion carried unanimously. Respectfully su mitted, 1 �f� Lynrte Saba Recording Secretary PARKS & RECREATION COA4ffSSI0N MEETING MARCH 27 1978 PAGE 7 Mr. Boudreau asked Mr. Bowen if he would be available on a consulCing basis as the city did have some small areas that might be workable. They had a sand dune area of 2.3 acres that was one possible ar-ea, After Mr. St. Clair became more acquainted, they would appreciate having Mr. Bowen as a possible resource for information. Mr. Bowen stated he did some consulting and would be glad to advise the city on whether an area was workable or not. The.'C�mission expressed their appreciation to Mr. Bowen for hia fine presentation on prairie restoration. IV, OTHER BUSTNESS: 1. Hillcrest Plat Mr. Boudreau stated that he was sure the Commission was familiar with a sma12 parcel of city land that was landlocked along the tracks in Hillcrest. He stated a Mr. Tim Munn had come before the City Council with a petition to improve Hill Avenue and Megers Avenue, which were not improved roadways at this time. By allowing Mr. Munn to do that, the city would then have access to their land. Mr. Munu's overriding goal was to come into that area, make a circle, and sub- divide the area that was platted as lots in order to build homes. The park land would be right behind some of those lots. Mr. Boudreau stated it had been mentioned at that City Council meeting (which he had not attended) that there might be such a.thing that the park land could be sold or auctioned off. Since that City Council meeting, Mr. Boudreau had xeceived ten phone calls from residents in that area stating they did not want the land sold and wanted a park there because of little cots in the area, Mr, Boudreau stated he had received a follow-up letter from one of the people who had called expressing objection to private and/ox public housing developments in that area and that they needed a park there. Mr, Boudreau stated the area feeling was that the park land should not be put up for sale, but should be developed. As he saw the situatfon, they were talking about ownership of a 1.5 acre piece of land bordered on one side by the railroad tracks and it was mostly low land. He thought it was preserved as park property and then designated as a natural history area. He stated he thought they would be in a bind if they developed it into a tot lot area and how could they explain iCS being preserved as a natural history area which, when developed, would no longer be a natural history area? Could they justify a 1.5 acre parcel of land being developed as atot lot when the approved Parks & Open Space Plan stated that the city had many of these parce2s of land that should be done away with in the city2 If this person went in and platted the land, there would be a lff/. . Iand dedication or 107, of the total development. The 1� land dedication would be about 42 feet and the money allocation would be around $2,70D. � AUMAN RESOURC�S COMMISSION MG�TTNG APRIl 6, 1478 MEMBEAS PRESENT: Ned Storla, Harold Belgum, David Thiele, Mary Van Dan MEMBERS ABSENT: Mary Jo Dobson OTHERS PRESEAIT: Pete Fleming, Administrative Assistant Ricicie Bergquist, Fridley Parks & Recreation Dept. Wayne 5imoneau, State Representative John Welsh, Member of Advisory Board for congregate dining in Blaine Clara Nordell, President - Eriendly Fridley Folk Matt Szczech, Friendly Fridley Fo1k He1en Szczech, " " " Theresa Benner, " " " Carl J. 23elson, " " ^ Hjalmer Anderson, " " " Ruby Andersoa, " " " CALL TO ORDER: Vice-Chairperson Storla called the meeting Co order at 7:45 p.n. APPROVAL OF MARCH 2, 1978, HUMAN RESOURCES COMrS SSIDN MINUTES: MOTION by Mary Van Dan, seconded by Harold Belgum, to approve Che March 2, 1978, Human Resources Co�ission minutes as written. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the moCion carried unanimous2y, WELCOME MARY VAN DAN AS iVETd MEMBER OF THE COMMISSION; Mr. Storla welcomed Ms. Van Dan and introduced her to the Covs�ission members. MOTION by Harold Belgum, seconded by David Thiele, Co move "Continued, Discussion of Congregate Dining" to the first item on the agenda. Upon a vaice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. CONTINUE➢: DSSCUSSION OF COATGREGATE DINING: Mr. Storla stated that he had called the congregate dinino people after the last Commission meeting inviting them to attend this meeting. Ae stated iC had been confirmed and he had understood that the director and five or �six members from different sites wonld be at the meeL-ing to discuss congregate dining. He apologized t6aC the congregate dini.ng peopls were not present at the meeting. HUMAN RES011RCE5 COMMISSION MEETING, APRIL 6, 1978 - PAGE 2 Mr. Belgum stated that many Friendly Fridley Folk had attended the meeting indicating they had an interest in congregate dining and must know some- thing about it. He stated he would be de].ighted to hear from some of these people. Mr. Nelson stated he felt there was no need to discuss it if there was not a site for the congregate dining program. Ms. Norclell asked why they couldn't have the dinnexs at Parkview School? Mr. Storla stated he had talked to the principal of Parkview School. As it stood right now through May, they co.uld have congregate dining dinners at Parkview School after 1:3.0 p.m. when classes were in session, Mr. Storla stated that there was the possibility that Community Schools might be acquiring Parkview School from the School Board. He had talked to Mr. Tom Myhra, Director of Community Schools, and Mr. Myhra :�ad indicated that if this happene3,. he would 6e in favor of having congregate dining in the school. Ms. Van Dan asked how many peeple would use the congregate dining program? Ms. Nordell stated she participated in congregate dining at the Blaine site, and there was usually an average of 45-SO people. Mr. Storla stated he had t�een to both the one in Bla:ine znd the one in Anoica and had 3een very ispressed. Mr. Belgum stated he was concerned about haw s�any people in Fridtey would come an3 use cengregate dining if there was a rridley site? Ms. Bergquist stated che could practically guarantee that it would be fille3 every day. Ms. Nordell stated that, for example, at the Blaine site the previous day, thexe had been 72 people, She was sure halE of them were from Fridley and Columbia Heights. On other�days, when there were 40+, she was sure half of those people were from Fridley and Coluu�bia Heights also. These people had indicated that if Fridley had a site, they would come to Fridley. It was quite a drive from Fridley to Blaine--about lI miles. It would be very convenient to go to Parkview as it was more centrally located. Mr. Storla stated he had talked to about half a dozen churches in Fridley and had talked to pastors or persons wno had some say about the churches' facilities. He had hoped that some of these people would have come to the meeting to discuss possible sites, other than Parkview School. Ms. Nordell stated tPiat she felt the churches had too many activities of their own to be able to schedule a congregate dining program five days a week. HUMART RESOURCPS COMh1ISSI0N MEETING �OFRIL 6, 1978 - PFGE 4 Mr. Fleming stated he thought there were ewo Chings that were of utmost importance: (1) the immediacy of some kind of contact with the 5chool Board; and (2) that those contacting the School Board have as much cloue as possiY�le behind them. Possibly, this Commission could combine with the Friendly Pridley Folk and Mz. Simoneau, and if a recommendation to the Planning Commission would aid their clout, he thought it would be to their advantage. Mr. Storla suggested that thexa should be a site committee established consisting of' interested senior citizens, legislature, the Human Resources Co�nission, and Planning Commission, if interested, Mr. Thiele stated that he agreed thaC the first priority was to check on the site location, but he felt there were some other things the senior citizens could do (and the Co�ission could help), and that was to gather facts. When presenting Chis to the School Board, ic would be very helpful to have a petition listing the number of senior cieizens who were in £avor of congregate dining in Fridley at Parkview School and who would participate in tha program. Then, he thought contacting the Salvation Army would be the next sCep, talking to them and getting information ab.out costs; then going before the School Board with this information with a real positive attitude. I3r. Sdelsh stated he thoughc one of ehe f.irst things was to �et in touch - w9.th the Sal-vatioa Arm) and have ihem look at the si.te, because they had to determine whether the site wa� acceptable. Mr. Belgum statnd that since tFe senior citizens wexe nct appcinted or elected otficials, he felt the senior citi.zens should address the School Board wiCh this as a separate entity. He did noC think it was a good idea to have a co�ittee consisting of both senior citizens and Co�mnission members. Mr. Storla disagreed sCating that he felt it was entirely appropriate for the Co�ission to work with the senior citizens and he agreed �aith Mr. FLeming thaC they should try tb get all the "clout" they could. MOTION 6y David Thiele to establish a co�ittee made up of both Co�!ission members and eenior citizens to loolc into ar.d take,definite seeps toward obtaining a location, contacting the Schooi Board, contacti�ng the Salvation army, contacting the necessary government firms for funding, and preparing a petition indicat�ng the senior citizens who would partake.in the congr2gate dining progxam, MOTIOi1 DIED FOR :.ACK OF A SECOND, MOTION by Mary Van Daa, seconded by llavid Thiele, to have the Human Resources Commission, including representatives from Che Friendly Fridley Folks and any other senior citizens, investigaCe the congregate dining sites. HUt•SAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MEETING, APRIL 6, 1978 - PAGE 3 Ms. Sergquist stated that the new senior highrise would have an excellent cocrnnunity room facility. The highrise would house 208 seniors which could bring 108 more senior citizens into Fridley, or the kitchen in the community room could be used for congregate dining. It was being done in a senior highrise in Edina. Mr. We1sh stated he would like to see a site in Fridley. When they had more than 40-50 people at Blaine, it was crowded, As long as they had 35-40 people participating, they were we11 satisfied. Mr. Szczech wanted to know where they would get the volunteer workers if there was a site in Fridley. Mr. Storla stated it was his understanding that the congregate dining people were obligated to do whatever was necessary to provide the service, All the members of the Friendly Fridley Fo1k present at the meeting state3 they were fn favor of having a congregate dining site at Parkview School. Tltey wouZd rule out the churzhes as possible sites because of the churches' many activities. Mr. Welsh stated that the government gave the Salvation Army a grant £or operating the site. They then used that for the heating, lights, telephone, etc., at Blaine. He assumed it �aould Ue the same in �'riciley, out it was something that should be investig�ted. rir, iieish stated he had been ask�d by Colonel. Martin of the Salvation .4rmy to attznd the C�mission meeting. Mr. Taelsh sYated he w�s a membcr of the.Blaine Advisory Board fcr the congreaate di.ning program. There were three members on l-his board, they met every moath to make reports and deci3e on any changes tnat should be made in the program. They were all senior citizens and participated in the congregate dining program. Mr. Fleming stated that he sensed in the group, a clear-cut indication of interest i❑'exnloring and implementing congregate dining in Fridley as soon as possi6le, He wondered if it would be appropriate to have a representative of this Coum�ission get together with come o£ the members of the Fri.endly Fridley Folk and go from there, such as contacting the School Board, Planning Commission, etc. Ms. Bergquist stated that from her experience, she thought they had to get the location set and approved. Then the Salvation Army came in and looked at the site and determined whether they could run the program at that site. If they could run the program at that site, then they moved � the program right along. She thought the major step was to go about szeing if they could get Parlcview School for the congregaCe dining site, Mr. Simoneau stated he was the State Representative for the northern half of Columbia Heights and the southern half of Fridley. He had been invited to the meeting by Mr. Storlx. He stated his parents were invol.ved in con- gregate dining in Northern Wisconsin and enjoyed it very much. He stated he was interested in promoting congregate dining if he could be oi any help. He stated he was also interested in seeing the school buildings put to the best use. He felt an early request to the Schoal tioard for the use of Yarkvicw School for congrega[e dining wa, essentiat_, He a�ain stated he would be glad to help in any way that he could. iIUMAN RESQURC�S COrASSSSION MEETING hPRIL 6 1978 - PAGE 6 REC�IVE LETTER FROM ANOKtI COUNTY BOl,RD OF RELATORS: MOTTON by David Thiele, seconded by Harold &elgum, to receive a letter dated March 23, 1978, from the Anoka Couney Board of Relators regarding materials on Fair Housing and Equa1 Opportunitq in Housing. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Che motion carried unanimously. Mr. Thiele stated he would like each of the Commission members to receive cogies of these materials. Mr. Storla stated he would contact the Anoka Gounty Board of Relators and have this information sent out. OTHER BUSINESS: Mr.. Belgum staeed that he had been agpointed Eo the Cable TV Commission which was a cou�mission separate Lrom the Planning Co�ission. He stated he did noe know if there was a conflict in being a member of both co�nissions and would remain a member of the Human Resources Commission if th�re was no conflict. He stated he felt there was a connection between Cable TV and a community newspaper. He was convinced that a coam�unity newspaper could benefit the city and that Cab1e TV could benefit the ca.ty, but not the way it wzs aow. Ms. Van Dan sea[ed that siuce she worked with the handicapped, she would be iiitereste3 in knowing if the City of Fridley had ever been evaluate3 for its accessibility to the handicapped. Would the Commission 6e able to get a grovp of citizens Cogether to do a survey of the city on the accessibility for the handicapped? She sCated it was a future thought for what the Cemmission could do at another time. She wanted to Icnow the Commission's thoughts on this. , Nr. Storla �tated he did not think the Co�ission needed to wait to start doing someChing about Chis. It couLd 6e put on the next meeting's agenda. Iie stated ehe following two items should be put on the next meeting's agenda: 1. REVIEW OP ACCESSIBILITY, Erff'LOYMENT, AND PHRSONNEL 1'OLICIES FOR THE HANDICAYPED IY FRIDLEY 2. COY+A'iUNETY NEWS/Ct�.BLE TV ------------------- D10TION by I'iavi.d Thiele, seconded by Harold Belgum, to receive a letter from Mr, Qureshi to Mr. David Manical dated March 15, 1978, stating Mr. Qureshi's appreciation to Mr. Monical's interest in working on special projects. iJpon a voice vote, aIl voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Storla suggested to Ms. Van Dan that Mr. Monical may be interested in workiag on the Congregate Dining Committee. HUM.9N RESOURC�S COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 6 1978 - PAGE 5 Mz. Belgum stated he felt the co�nittee should not be limited to just senior citizens and the Commission, but to anyone who was interested in working on the canmittee such as Ms. Bergquist and BepresenCative Simoneau. MS. VAN DAN WITHDR$W HER MOTION. MOTION by Harold Belgum, seconded 6y David Thiele, that the Human Resources Commission elect two representatives from the Commission to a Congregate Dining Committee to be composed of any persons in the City of Fridley intexested in a congregate dining site in Fridley, esp2cially inviting members of the Friendly Fridley Folk, a member from Planning Commission, a legislator from Fridley, and a representative from the Parks & Recreation Department. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Harold Beigum, seconded by David Thiele, to appoint Mary Van Dan as convener for the Congregate Dining Co�ittee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. MOTIpN by David Thiele, seconded by Mary Van Dan, to appoint Mr. Storla as the second member of the Congregate Dining Committee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the moeion carried unanimously. PIQTIOAT by David Thizle, seconded by Niary Van Dan, to call a ten-minute recess 2t 8:4Q p.m. Upon a voice vo�e, all voting aye, the mol-ion carried unanimously. ELECTZON FOR C?�IRPERSOid Al�TD VtCE-CHAIRPEFSGN (ONE YEe4R): MOTION by Mary Van Dan, secondzd by David Thi.ele, to nominate Mr. Ned Storia for Chairperscn of the Human Recources Commission for a one year term. After calling for more nominations, Mr. Storla declared the nominations closed, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Mary Van Dan, seconded by Harold $elgum, to nominate Mr. David Thiele for Vice-Chairperson of the Human Resources Commission for a one year term. After calling for more nominations, Mr. Storla declared the nominations closed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motzon carried unanimously. REPORT FROM TENANT/LARTDLORD PROJECT CONilffTTEE: Mr. Storla stated that Mr. Dobson was unable to attend the meeting; there- fore the Tenant/Landlord Project Committee report shnuld be postponed until the next meeting. MOTION by Mary Van Dan, seconded L�y David Thiele, to postpone the Tenant/ Landlord Project Coc�ittee Report until the next meeting. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. HUMlsN R�SOURCES COMMISSION MEETILiG, APRIL 6, 197II - PAGE 7 ADJ OU72NME b]T • MOTION Uy Harol� T3elgum, seconded by David Thiele, to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.cn. L'pon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, /J !' ✓>r� ii. � �� L n e Saba Recording Secretary CITY OF FRIDZEY �Ppti'2,T S COi1MTSSION ME�'TIPdG - APRIL 1 1 z 1978 — C�LL TO ORD�R: Chairperson Schnabel called the April 11, 1978, Appeals Commission meeting to order at 7:3a p.M, �OLL CALL: Members Pre�ent: hi°Mbers Absent: Others Present: Barna, Schnabel, Gabel Plemel, Kemper Ron Holden, Building Inspector APPPOV� APP�'ALS COP��fISSION MTNUTES: MARCH 28, 1978 NOTIOIv by �4r. Barna, seconded. by Ms. Gabel, to approve the �v-�eals Cor�mission minutes of March 28, 1978. Mr. Barna said that the first sentence of the eighth paragraph cn page 5 should have the t�rord "are" changed to "and". He said that the sentence s'nould reaa, "Mr, Barna. said that he ti�ras reluctant to tall �ir. Johnson to move his ience back and blacktop more area and �hus reducino the green area of the property.,.....". i3PORT A VOICE VOTy, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The minutes ti��ere approved at 7;40 P,M, 1, i:�^ION by t�Ir. Barna, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to open the Public Hearing. Ur,on a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. , ^h� Public riearing tiras opened at 7:41 P,M, '�:r. Robert :lanzong tiras at the meeting representing Reserve Supply c oc�nany. 11Di4IhJISTR.ATIVF STA�'r NEPOR7 5}10 I�ain Street f;.E. A. PU6LIC PURP05E SERVED GY R�UIP,[I•1EtlT: 205.134, 4, 6, requzring a minimum 20 foot side yard setback in an M-2 zoning district. Pubiic purpose served by this requirment is to provide adequate open space areas around industrial structures for aesthetic and fire fighting purposes. B. STATED HARDSNIP: Need to get present storage out of oper. and out of present truck d2ck spzce to a]low use of truck area. Expansion to rear hindered by existinq spur ' track. C. AD�iTNISTAATIVE STAFF REVIE41: The following comments from the Fire Department should have prioriiy cansideration in discussirg this request. "Laoking at this request in light of fire department access, it is the apinion of the departarent that the variance should not be granted for the following reasonsc 1. Access to tne rear of the building cannot be accomplished thru a 10.5' lane, particularly during veinter. 2. No water is available on the rear of this occupancy for fire fightiny purposes. 3. Access from the south of the building only, vrouid require hose lays in excess of 1200'. The department ��rould consider approval of the variance provided that an access lane of a minimum of 20 feet �•�ere maintained for this purpose, and if a standard Fridley specification fire hydrant on a six inch main t�;ere provided at a point near tf�e center of the buiidittg in the rear. It must be remem6ered that this structure is of combustible construction and that the rear yard area is being used for lumber storage. Bob Aldrich 3/17/78." Please•note the letters on file from Dealer's Manufacturing Company and Fullerton hletals Company, APPEALS COMMiSSIOT�? NiE�'TING - ApRIL 1 1, 1978 Pa�e Mr, GJanzong explained that the Company presently tivas storing supplies in the recessed truck bays because ihere wasn't room in the existing building, Ae said that the pr.oposed addition <<tould be a erhite metal-type building �vith the pitch of the roof being east and iJest to alleviate any drainage problems. He said that the proposed addition vrould enable Reserve Supply Company to get the present storage out of the open and out oi the truck deck space so that the zrsa could handle the truck traffic, R1r, l9anzong said that Mr. Aldrich, of the Fire Departnent, ivanted Reserve Supply Company to provide a hydrant located in the back of the building, He said that the Company tivould definitely provide a hydrant that c�ould be Iocated in the middle of the area in the rea� of the building, He said that the Company would prefer to ha.ve a larger than six inch v�ater main, The Commission members.said that he �vould have to provide �fat least�� a six �nch v�ater main; he could go bigger if he so desired, he just couldn t provide smaller, %ir, vJanzong e;cplained to the Cor.�mission members the various rolans Reserve Supnly Company had in upgrading their entire operation. He said that areas �JOUld be blacktopped and changes would be nade to some of the fencing located on the property. MOTION by P�r, Barna� seconded by Ms, Gabel, to receive the letters frqm Dealer�s I4anufacturino Cornpany and Fullerton tfetals Co�ipany in vrhich both Companies expressed that they had no objections to the variance. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unani�ously. The letters ��ere received at '7:53 P,T�, A4r. I3olden indicated that the Fire Department said they had no problens tivith the request as long as a fire hyclrant was previded at the middle of the rear area-of the building, MOTION by Ms, Gabel, seconded by Mr, Barna, to close the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye� the notion carried unanimously, The public hearing ti�ras closed at 7:56 P,P�, r1s, Gabel said she had no objections to the request as long as the Company agreed to meet the stipulations of th2 Fire Department, Mr. Barna said that his only concern l�as the access 1ane over the railroad tracks, P1r, ?Vanzong said that the area around the tracks ivould also be upgraded and that access over the tracks ivould be blacktopped. P�IOTION by PZr, Barna, seconded by R7s, Gabel, that the Appeals Commission recommend approval of the request for variance to the Pridley City Code� Section 205.�34,i�,B, to reduce the required side yard setback in a I4-2 zoning district, from 20 ieet to 10,5 feet, to alloir the construction of an 120 ft by 241 ft addition to an existing t�arehouse, on Lot 3, Auditor's Subdivision No, 79, the same being 5110 h4ain Street N4,, Fridley, P2Id i��ith the stipulation that the location of a iire hydrant and access to the rear yard be approved by the Fire Department, '.PPFALS CCI•li•tISST0i1 t4�hTIDTG - APRIL 1 1, 1978 Pa�e 4 Z, UPON L'� VOIC� VOT�, all votin� aye, the motion carried una.nimously, Ni0TI0N by i4r, Bzrna� seconded by Ms, Gabel� to open the Public Hearino. Upon a voice vote, a1Z voting aye� the motion carried unanimously, The Public Hearing ���as opened at 8:01 P.t4, i7r, l'layne F. Schroer rras present at the meeting. ADPtIPIIST?2ATIVE STArF REPORT !!, PUBLIC ?UR10SE Sc,P,VED BY R��UII�fi.N^l: Section 205.053,4,c, A rear yard depth of not less ihan 25 �oercent of the lot depth is required lvith not less than 25 feet permitted or more than 40 feet required. Public purpose served by this requirement.is to �rovide rear yard sbace to be usecl for gree.n areas l�rhich enhance the neighborhoocl, Section 205.o53,t}�B� Trro side yards are requi�°d v;ith not less than 10 foot i�ridth adjoining living area, Public purpose served by this requirement is to maintain a Minimum of 20 feet bet:veen living areas in adjacent structures and 15 feet bet�s�een gara�es and living areas in �djacent structures to reduce exposure to conflagration of fire. It is also to allovr for aesthetically pleasing open areas around residential structures. 3, STAT�D HARDSHIP: The placement oi the original structure makes this the only rray to expand, l'!e need the additional bedrooms for the fariily. C, 1DP4ITIIaTY.�'�TIVE. S^1%�FF REVIr,i'1: On Ja.nuary 15� 1968, the City Council granted a variancs to allo:; building on the �asterly oortion of these lots provided the existing house be dettolished by June 1971. The house ��as not destroyecl and due to divorce proceedings, the building permit rras revolied, The revocation included returning the lots to tneir ori�inal state before 1900. (The City had approved a lot split in June of 1966.) It should be understood a.t this time that any future approval oi a similar lot split request :vould nost likely be predicated on the demoliiion of this house t�rY:ich Mr. Schroer ti•tants to i�nrorove. A lot split rrould necessitate a variance �o a11o�v for over 25°,� lot coverage on the Vlest one-half, The pr000sed addition �arill be i3.5 feet from the garage to the north, The rear yard is the i9est side of the house. Please note that plans are not available at this rrriting. T1 s� MT. $C f hi i� , ;. r ot" t:fi ;i?ater,heater :aiid the- 1 m .: .. r r ,�,i; eL ;indicated that the '� grandfathering in" the: �, : � � .t< at irould. be done about act se. .1r, �cnraer saia triat'ihe present°roof `di,d'not have -the rp � ;su�port�and-that 'at_the-time he P p'"r put on the addition,:he plannad to . put arc.entirely nevr roof on the drrelling tying in the _existing,.house ,,_y �;r�th the nei:c addition.. ;!; - . , < _ ,. _ � �_, _ ,;. _ � � - ; : �� , � :: Cnazrperson Sciiiiabel asked ii he had taZked to the ad�acent. � =% °neighbors.. .,,. E �p , C $ x fl " _ i'�" �X .Sw :'. � � �:Ni: '.... -... .` . . . ; i. !.� ,,, . 4� i. , ' ' Pir;.�`Schroer said that"he had taZked to several ofpthe`-neighbors� `� and they had no objeciions to his plans, ���. .. r � , .: .� �' ,� �u; ��-�wn . � ,. , . ._ . . �. aJ. . . . ., 5 4 F f -� b Y} i�^V � iis, GaUeI. asked�if �ir, Schroer rrould do the vrork himself, ., .; "� �� F4r. Schroer said that he rrould contract out �_the brick.-�17ork �and -`.,+ •�,that he- Would have reliable hela �vith the rest of..the,construc.�ion. ' -' -,. . ;. - � � .. ' . : .'�. ... �.. $_�, . ':; : . .: _ . _ . ... , F . Chairperson Schriabel asked ho�•f many i�lindor:s Nir,_Schroer planned "" ` to have on the North side oi his.house, - -�: ���� -. .:..:. � .: ,�-� .. -,� .,: .�' +.''' ';T ; �. ?'^.- � r�. D.r. Schroer sa? d'that .thpre trou? d be at leasi- trro inndotivs on the . A;orth side.of ihe house. ' , � --:;: . `_ : � � ~ . : .,; i,;: ,: �11 the Co�amission member� expressed concern reoardingrythe rrindo<<�s ..' or_ the P?orth side of the houss, They sazd that it y�as "desirable that '. ^_o ��rindorrs be zlloired on that side of the house, excebt `for the fact : that the rtinao�rs t�ould be bedroom ti�rindows and ��rinda�trs vaere required - in bedroo�*,s for �eans- of escape in case :of fire, ;Since 'there «ould �: Y;' ba no oth,er nossib3a riay ,or- place to-provide for the i7indorrs, °they •had to be locai�d on the Dlorth side of,.,the house; �- f "x �: � '� . ,- . _ , -. , >s . '. <. -.;. . � . ,,<>, . - ,,: � - iy- . - , _ , , .t _. . . . APPEAI,S C0P4i1ISSI0TT P�SEETING -�iPRII, 1 1, 19'7g pare 6 ^the Comr�ission members took sor�e �ime to discuss �rith t�ir. Schroer the fire hazard that i�rould exiUt �nd suogested several alternatives to P1r, Schxoer's plans that i•rould alleviate the necessity for openings on the T��orth side of the house. IQone of the alternate plans ti�rere economically feasible for Mr, Schroer. Chairperson Schnabel explained to 't�ir, Schroer that the reason for the above discuUsion r:as to raake i4r. Schroer ai��are of the potential fire hazard that rrould exist, It ivas also discussed. and decided. by the Appeals Commission and i4r, Schroer that the overhang on the ivorth side oi the house rrould have to be very minir�al for the same reasons; that being the possibility of fire spreading fxom the adjacent garage to the living area. of i4r. Schroer�s home. MOTIOIY by t�Is. Gabel� seconded by t4r. Barna, to close the Public Hearing, U�pon a voice vote, a11 votino aye, the motion carried unanir�ouslq. The Public Hearino 4aas closed at 8; 2b P,.•1, Chairperson Schnabel asked if the alley located to the rear of his house was vacated. P4r. Schroer said that he vras infor�ced tao years ago that the alley ti,�as considered vacated, Chairper�on Schnabel said that the one variance of Section 205.o53,y,c could be changed to be 13 feet rather than 7 feet, P4r. Barna said that there e�ould still be adequate open space and adequate access for fire-fighting equipr�ent, and the petitioner 1aas at•�are of the potential situation and he eaas sure that ior the safety of the family that Mr. Schroer �vould construct in such a �ray so as to maintain the most safe circumstances. He felt that the addition sra.s an improvement to the dti�rellin� and to the neigkborhood, Ms, Gabel said that she eras concerned about the proximity but she said that the petitioner i�ras ai•rare of the probler�s, She said that as long as there wrould be enough room for fire safety she rrould have no objections, NIOTION by P�Ss. Gabel, seconded by P4r. Barna, to approve the request for variances to the Fridley City Code as follo�+rs: Section 205,053,4�C to reduce the minimum rear yard setba.ck oi 256 of the lot depth (bet;�een 25 and 1�0 ieet) from the recuired 32,5 feet to 13 f2et; and Section 205.053,4,8, to reduce the r�inimun side yard setback adjoining living area frorn the required ten feet to tl•ro feet, to alloi�! construction of a 24� x 24' addition to an eyisting house, located on the z�rest half oi Lots 13, 11� & 15, Block 16, Hamilton's Addition to Niechanicsville, the sane being 5310 7th Street 3�Tr, Fridley? PRTI and allo�aing bedroom vrindo��s on the Plorth side of the house. UPOPI A VOICE VOT�'� all voting aye, the notion carried unanimously, APP�ALS COPT�IISSIOid t,EETING - APRIL 1 1, 1�78 pa�e 7 3. t4QTI0N by Mr. Barna? seconded by �•1s, Gabel, to Upon a voice vote, a11 votin� aye, the motion Tfie Public Hezring rras opened at 8:32 P,M� open the Public Hearing. carried unaninously. Nir. Samuel C. Dahlberg tiras present at the meeting. ADASIPIISTR�iTIVE STAL'F RPPORT A, PUBLIG PURPOSE SERV�1� BR REOUIR�4ENT: Section 205.�53,4,='�� requiring a minimum front yard setY�acic in residential areas o� 35 feet. Public purpose served is to allovr for off-street parking encroaching on the public right of vray and also for the aesthetic consideration to reduce the �ibuilding line oi encroachment into the neighbor's front yard, without sight�� B, STATED iiARDSHIP: Setting this home on a diagonal is a��natural" to take advanta�e of the present contours of the loi overlooking the creek, as it is about a 27 ft, dro� from the top of the hill to the creek bottom. In order to do this and save hauling yards of fill to change the contour oi the hill, one end of the hone rrill be. approximately 18 feet from the front lot line, ancl the garage end of the home i�ii11 be 35 feet or more back from the line. This is the last home that can ever be built on this street, as the street ends right here, C. ADi%tI?dISTP,ATIV� ST9FF REVIr?!,': The petitioner �vould like to alleviate z great deal of expense and save r�any trees by shifting one end of the house closer to the streei, Tne broposed site plan neets other requirements for setba.cl:s and lot coverage, This is a dead-end street, �rithout additional building siies to the 6'lest. The petitioner also plans a house irar.�ediately to the East of this site, There t��ill be 15 feet bet�°reen the tlao attached garages, The boulevard is ap�ro.:irlately 15 feet, (See attached maps.) , � �� .�- S �_ n % (o .._ ,.., i ...,.�--o- ^-- � o � � � . . � % %.�..._� � � P�ge �,� , � I ( / , . I . . � . .. l � , Lots 5, 6, 7; �, 9, �0., and tlie ;�7esi: 8 fe�t of lot 'i 1, Block t3 � Spring � 3rook Park Add, er.cent that part lying Piorth and YJest oi the center . , line of Spring Brook Crenk. ` ' • � ` - — _ __ _..� _�,..� — - --_. . _ . _,__. _ . - - -- - _ :.. _.- - '+ � � �.• � - i SAHUEL C. DALOF0.GL �� � � � I - •� I121 BOTH AV. Hf. q �� , � y.� S�.FT � ( � 55432APOLIS. N7NN 6 ��P/�pY 5. �. � . . y � . OP �07.. � �. .. . ' � . ! 1 �; � � ��`�R !�'"_ �,' ,{Op � r/ ; -' G R i 5P�`� s ; �; � � i �� • , /� -�� ? � 1__-__--•; � �•--`- -';--.. 6�— y------ �s—. �r6��c�� _���=t^�.._� , , pErc' ' f�/D cf , yTf f:r �. . 'i i ; � , ; �_, ,. � � 1� Pae B°"^ �� �. � ' � I� . P,�`av/ / " rl t:'ez l: , � �a. ��a:'-: FH ��u. , i ' r ?x � Cree: 0 � �['. / c gf��O i �wnuE4 G.DALBER4 '.. 1121 80TH AV, NE.-': KFNHEAPQLIS. MIHN..� 55432"'. .. . , � � �?{�y�.x � � � ,'.'+ t`�,x " � -�u r 7 � � s �� k ,. c s -f'F '^�^'°�� ''`AF� `k:_ 3tR7 t : /�� } � '� i._ � �'�l -w+ ;+•^ fT i �4'o^�S�'� �� k v Mr` � �+Y " � ��, �-r: f' r�_ ' '_ . ' � � x .. . � "c � ti�,.1:'c� 't�4'shr. < ;,� .,r 4 : r �� � � �.." : y . . _ . J _ wrr:,rsoUrb y. _° ' �°`�\ ��1 � � r ,. .:. -.-._. '��'—�—„ ' ., ' " ��'f' ` . . ° ^ � �� �Z k� ,�JY I/�,/�_��\.L/�� LnV.I / 7~� 4;., r �\ ,, I � �� �5 r I�` ._ " � �\'� � f \ � ' , � N F .,�1�� �G�R� - —^--�--�" \. � �. � � _ S! 2 .�� � L . ' F�- 3 j " ' x `�;`x E / t ' % - . . �: :. � . . .. ' � ; %O , , S . ; .' , � '� � " r . "� * . �. , � � �t ' �s .. . �. . ,_ . ,. . .. . . : 1SL' . .. s: .. . � , _,,. : + - ;, , ' ,« C �,, ; . ,� _ a - - � �� � � :: , . � x ' - �, -_� � � � , � , � PR;�� . � , ; �-' �� �,R" E Sg^!'�'� ```� ^ , � � P� s4 .. i a, o ;y°�� •; ,��' i - "` — ii . . � t i� . i� . �oo ,`; �— �: :'. S . i { �.as �',°�`� a ( � � �' �%iOYI� a + 9 00 i `' � -'`-�= . . i "" // — -- r� ... .. i � / � � � � � �/_"--_�` �� ., �' . . ��E`q+'_�_..51'� 'T . . .,, ..�. ,�_ _.t _.. -- --� t APPE 1LS COPjI�IISSIOI; MruTIPtG - APRIL 1 1 t 978 Pa�e 8 I-1r. Dahlberg thereby usinS 16 S feet, I-Ie said through and that t�rould still need hill that ivas to said tha.t he planned to move the house eight feet ieet of Lot 11 insteac? of the originally Alanned that the reason vras that ihe original "deal'1 fell the proposed house �z:ould be smaller but that he the variance because he sti11 had to cope tivith the the rear of tne lot. Neighbors that t•rere present at the meeting regarding this item tvere; P�Ir. Randy Lee Hofia Y:r, Doug Linauist P9r. Terr� $offa Ms. Patty Chavez Mr, Larry riesho��er Mr. Frank Taylor Ms, Shore I�4r, Randy Lee Hoffa was spokesman for the neighborhood, Chairperson Schnabel explained to Mr. Hoffa irhat P�Ir, Dahlberg rras proposing for the lots in puestion. NIr. Hoffa didn�t believe that the sketch that the Commission was looking at eras an accurate picture of the actual contour of the land, I;r. Hoifa said that there vrere several questions in the minds the neighbors, He said that the first question �ias exactly erhat effect t�rould the removal of the trees and the building of a. house have on the hill? He said that the hill consisted Mostly of loose the hill �ras very steep, �nd the trees ��=ere desperateiy needed to that hill to�ether. He said that -t?�e drainage ;or ihe entire area right through the Iots in auestion. of sand:, hold vras I�ir. Aoffa said that the residents in the area were concerned about t??e lack of r.�uch graen area in the zront yard of the proposed house, He said that the drivei�ray �vould tat�e up a considerable araount of front yard as ue?1 as the house 8eing moved for;:�ards on the 1ot, i:e sazd that the neiphbors a�ou�cl rather see raore green area maintained on the front yard area of the lot. rSr, Hof£a said that there :��as already a situation in the area rrhere a house had been alloti•red four different variances and no�°r that house l•ras no longer occupied by the ori�inal neople and the house had been turned into rental prpperty, He said that the residents oz the a.rea did not erant another situation simila.r to ihat one, He said that the nei�hbors d.id not want �ny r�ore croi�rding in the area. He said they ��rere totally z.gainst the jranting of any variances, I�ir, Zinquist ���anted io knoti✓ more about the future plans of A1r, Dahlberg and his building of another house to the East oi the proposed nronerty, Chairperson Schnabel explained rrhere the future house t��ould be located. Chairperson Schnabel pointed out the the variance request ;•fas only ior Lots 5,6,7:8,9,10 and the 1'lesterly 16 feet of Lot 11, She said that it did not concern any other lots at this tirae, I�fr. Hoffa felt that the ti�o houses in conjunction Made up a. situation as a whole, He said that it was the effect of the tisro houses together that �ras a concern of the neighborhood, Chairperson Schnabel said that the Appeals Commission only had the authority to act on the one piece o� property, 2�Ir, Holden said that Iylr, Dahlberg �aas totally in his rights to nropose a house £or the piece of property in question ��ithout any variances and xrithout any public hearings, iir. Hoffa ti�anted to knor� if he could build on that property ',:ithout takin� into account vrhat effect it i�ould have on the reighborhood, Chairperson Schnabel said that as long as.he stayed t✓ithin the Codes, Mr, Holden said that if PRr, Hoffa felt that the build.ing on that ?ot i•rould have a neoative effect on his property, he rrould have the ri�ht to sue I4r, Hoffa in Civil Court, Mr. Holden ex�lained that hir, Dahlberg could build on the lat in question iiithout any variances by positioning the house differently� using fill, or by using pier £ootings and moving the house back on Lhe lot, Ha said that ii P�Ir, Dahlberg decided to do any of those items, he could obtain a building permit the next day, t�ir. Hofia asked if he rrould have to meet any requirements at al.l. P�ir, Basna said that as lono as he as long as he didntt change the tvater ouild as he :vanted io on his property, didn�t change the creek bed or course of the creek, he could Cha.irperson Schnabel said that the area ��ia.s platted for.houses io be built, She said that as long as a person buys the property and can build somethin� that meets the codes, there is no cuay they can be precente1 `rom building, Mr, Hofia said that the neighbors agreed that anything constructed on that proaerty should r�meet the codes'�, FiPP:�ALS COP�lPRISSIGAI t'IPsTsTITdG - APP,IL 11 t978 Pa�e i0 P4r. A�f£a said that the main objection rtas i�1r, Dahlber�'s plans to place t�ro houses into the a.r�a, one right on top of the o�her. He said that the main reason most people moved to Fridley t•�as to be able to no� be so crov�ded, 24s, Chavez d�dn�t like the idea of P�1r. Dahlbero taking any trees o£f the hill on his property. Mr, Holden said that it had to ne rer�embered that it l�ras Mr, Dahlberg's property, He said that he didn't like to consider having trees re�ovedy and the less removed the bet�er; hoi�ever, he said it was his property and he could do as he pleased iaith his property, Mr, Meshovrer said. he didn�t thin'� it r�as rigiit for t%ir, Dahlberg to be able to reouest a variance for a house that he didn�t have any plans for, Chairperson Schnabel said that he could reque�t the variance if he desired, She said that he didn�t change his varia.nce request so the. Commission ti�JOU1c� be acting on �he szrae request, P�fr, Hoffa said that the property o��mers present at the meeting did nat t=rani asty variances allo�aed ai a11, Iie said that Mr, Dahiber� should build 1,ithin the codes or no� at a11, �%is, Chavez said that it didn't r.zaie sense just to builcl a house to take up tlie property, She saic� that r;ith the hill and contour oi �he property, there taas very little y�rd a1lo�red for. She said that the llouse erould not be a. desirable nouse for anyone to buy because it trouldn�t have zny yard. She said that it irould probably end up as rental property and. the neighborhood wefinitely did not �:iant any more rental property in the area. P4r, Mesho���er said that he enjoyed the open area and. the privacy, He rnoved to Pridley to get alvay frorn the cro;�rdedness of Minneapolis 2nd he did not like the idea of cro�rd?ng houses inio the neighborhooci, hir, Barna said that most of the peo�Ie present l;ere in the position rahere ��tith the additional t��;o houses, they ti�rould no longer be able to see the creek f'ron their hor�es, He said that as far as the aesthetic value and nattzre, it �,fould block off the entire open suaces zn the area. Chairperson Schnabel asked ii hlr, Dahlberg had z buyer.for the property, t�ir. Dahlberg sui_d tha.t he no longer had a buyer for the property� Fie said that his plans vrere speculative, aPP•�ALS COi�P'IISSIOi� PS='E^1IPTG - APRIL 11 19'78 Pa�e il Chairperson Schnabel asked if iZr. Dahlberg had specific plans ;.or �+hat he eras proposing for the property. Mr, Dahlberg said thai t•ihatever he rrould build i�tould fit the nroperty, He said that he ��ranted to use the hi11 and the vieEr to the aavantaoe oi the house, Chair�aerson Schnabel said that she 1+ranted to be able to see zctual plans of rr'nat irould he put on that property. She said it E•ras difficult °or �he CoLn:�ission to approve variance requesLS on plans they could not see. She saia that she crould like to see the ite�n continued until. such time that a more definite and exact plan eould be presented. tir. Iiolden said that if the item rras continued until Apri2 25th, it t�rould only delay P-Zr, Dahlberg by one lteek, Y40'1'IOA; by Mr. Barila, seconded by ris, Gabel, to continue the reqnest for variance to the Fridley City Code, S°ction 205,053,1�,�'�, to reduce the minimur� requirement for a front yard setback fram 35 feet to 18 feet to a11o��r the construction o� a d;�relling and. garaoe Lots 5,6,6,8,9,10 and the Vlest 1$ feet of Lot 11, Block 8, S�ring Brook Park Addition� except that part lyin� North and ?test of the center 7.ine of Spring BrooY Creek, the same being tE65 Liberty Street IJE, Fridley, MN, until April 25, tg'78� at lvhich ?-lr, ➢ahlbero rrould have plans in deta.il of the proposed house for the property in question, P1r, Holden explained ihat he ��rould need house plans, surveys� :azd. other pertinent 2nforna.tion at that tiv�e, L�, on time UPOPd A VOIC�� VO^1E� all voiing aye, the motion c�rried unanimously. I`CTIOi? by Ms, Gabe1, second.ed by I�Ir, Barna, to open the Public Hearing, LT;�on a voice vote, all votino aye, the motion carried unanimously, The Public :earing r�as opened at 9:39 P,t4, i�Ir. Purmont r:as present at �he taeeting. A4r. Charles Peugh from Si,�,ncrafters of 7775 i��ain S�reet �sras at the meeting also regardinb this iter�, �PP-�ALS C,OI^u-tT,SSIOI? 2�1ryTIPfiG. - APRII, 1 1 ] 3 Pa e 12 ADMTNISTRATIVE STAFF RE?O�T 8290 Universtty Ave. N.E. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SER�lED BY REQUIREMcNT: Section 214.045, C, 4, iimiting roof signs i.n C-1 and C-2 (commercial) districts to SO square foot maximum. Aubiic purpose served is to control visua7 pallution and excessive use of signs in commerciai areas. B. STATED HARDSHIP: Because of the setback from the road> I would like to have at least a 4° high sign. To stay within the ordinance we viould be force@ to use "Food- Liquor" on our sign. 41e would much rather use the wording "Food-Cocktaiis" but the extra letters runs us over the 80 square foot limit. In the future when money is available, we wish to do away with a roof sign in favor of a free standing sign. C. ADMINISTRA7IVE STAFF REVIEWr In as r�uch as plans or dra�xings have not been supplied at this time (4/S/78), an accurate evaluation cannot be made. n?r. Pur�nont had plans of t•;hat he �ias ��ro�osing for ihe building. i•ir, HoTden said tha� the HouUe of Loras didn't ieel they �:�ere ?etting enough. e�;posure and they i��ere nro�osin; a sign to be on the Ll;t7U2T'-1'�OS't part of t?zeir roof an the �ast part of the building that � faced University AvenUe, PSr. Purr�ont said that he reall_y clidn' � 1i'r,e the idea of having a sign ].ocated on his buildzng, but clue to lac': of e:�posure he did need the si�n, He said that in the future, he hoped to be able to remove the sign because his clientele 1=.ou1� bz built up enou�h. 'rIe explained �hai he could sta.� �•rithin the codes by Autting the ivordi Food and Liquor" on the sign; out he preferred to be able to put �he eiords "Food and Cocl;tails" on the sion, He feZt that the proposed sign �.rou1d give the esta.blish�!en� the best exposure until enough people.,realize tha.t it is a good p3ace to dine, Iir. Purmont said that he tiaantec? ihe sign to be a ter�por.ary thino, I�e said lie r�antec to be able to keep '�dignitq�� in the bui? ding. ?ie saic� that the sign t�rould only be needed until the House of Lorcis had adequate eyposure to the people in thp area, � APP�t1LS CON�:ISSIOI�I t�';FTTPdC - A.pRIL 11 1978 Pa�e 13 2•is, Gabel comraented that there a�opeared io be a drop-off on his property in the parking lot, %�ir, Puri:�ont said that the area she ivas tal'_.ing about did have a barrier there nocu,, He said that the House of Lords i•ras just starting to landscape,and that an attractive fence rras planned for that area, Chairperson Schnabel asked ho��r the sign v�ould be illuminated, P•1r. Purmont said tha.t it �vould be lit from vrithin, He said it �rould be illuninated as much as l�ras needed, Ee said that it i��ould also be visible during daylight hours. P�Is, Gabel asked rahat T,r, Purmont mea_nt by ��temporary!� sign, P4r, Purnont hoped that ivithin tt�:o years he �::ould be abl e to have a ?�ore desirable-tyne sign, t•4r. Barna asked ;��hat he planned to do r:*ith the additional tti�ro acres that he otianed, Mr. Purmont said that he =,•rould eventuall� like to construct racketball courts, He reaLy ti��asn�t sure at that time lvhat he t�rould actually do ��tith that additional area, MOTIOPI by 24s, Gabel, seconded by t.r� Barna, to close the Public Hearing, Upon a voice vote, al.l votino aye9 the motion carried unanimously. The Public :Iearing tivas closed at 10:00 P,M, PIU, Gabe1 said that she d.idn't like roof Uigns, but she felt l�r. Purmont did have a clefinite hard�hip and he clid need exposure. P�r. Barna agreed �rith the fact ihat ihe House oi Lords needed e-r,posure. He said that the building r!as far enough off the road rrhere it erouldn't cause any visual pollution or saiety problems in tha.t loc�tion. He said that he r�ould have no objections to the sign on a temporary ba.sis, Ciiairperson Schnabel said that she preferred usino ihe rrords coc'.�tails rather than liquor because it ��ould delineate betrreen serving cocl�tails on the premise and the off-sale of 2iouor, ifOTIOiJ by P�r. Barna, seconded by t�s, Gabel, to recomc�end approval of the reauest for variance of the Fridley City Code, Section 215.o45,c,4, to increase the maacimum sauare footage for a i�rall sign in a conr�ercia.l area, from 80 square feet to 96 square ieet, to be located on the Ilorth 25g,7 ieet as r,ieasured at right angles of the �lest 3'75 feet oi the East 615 ieet, as measured along the norih line of the SLJ ,'-, of the 2�?l7 ,'-, of Section 2, the same being 8290 University Avenue IT�, Fridley, t•1N l�rith a tirne limit of trro yezrs for point of revieiv and immediate revierr at any time at vhich the property irould be re-sold prior to the tivo year time, UFON �1 VOICE VOT�, all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously, _ri�'n �'I'iL5 COI4i�4ISST0?? I'.�"TITdG - P.PRIL 1 1, 197'U P^ge 1 tF 5. b. meetin� in y i�.OlI0T1 by his, Gabel, seconded by PRr, Barna, to table this item until such time �here t^ra,� a full me�bership .present, iTpon a voice voie, a11 votino aye� the motion carried unanimously, This i'ter.� i:�as tabled at 70:�L� P,P�i, 7. OTHy�Z BUSIT�SS P•5r, IIolden said that at the March 28, 1978, Appeals Corar,tission :�eeting, I4r, Glenn `da.n Hulzen of 901 Overton 'Jrive P?�, had requeste� vari �nces to enable him to convert an existing garaoe into a family room and an area for storage. He had also i�ranted to retain a drive;>iay leading to that storage area, iJIr, Aol�en said that ?�ir. Van FIulzen had been i:nformed that the r�ouestU i;ould have to be republished and handled at the r_ext r�eeting, Pir, i:olden said that after checking further into the ma.tter� it cras determined that �1r, Van Hulzen dzd not need a variance to have -� second ariveisay, It ti�as also determined that it erould n��t have to oe readvertisecl to obtain a Special Use Perr�zt for �� second zcces�ory bui2ding because the code stated that a a"necial L'se Permit �r;Gs noi; needeci if the s�cond accessory buildin� cras under 21;0 square feet, He s�,id tha� P�Zr, Van Hulzen�s existing garage stora.�e z-rea r:ou�ci be 1g6 squ�re ieet, ther2by not requiring a Specia.l IIse Permit. I.tr. �iold2n said that neither of ihe iteMS had to be readvertiseo :,'�erefore, I�ir, Van Hulzen ��ras able to obtain his building �oert�it. _DJOU?L��.�Pi 1^ t-f0'PIOTd by i�ir. �3arna, �econded =-nri' 11, 197�� gppeals Co�nission a:ll vo�ing aye, the Motion carried ?djourned at 1�0:10 P,,.4, :2spectfully �ubr.iitted, .�-�'., t���� i_arS�Lee Carhill ��coid.in� Secretar5 by Pfs, Gabel, to adjourn tne meetzng, Upon a vaice vote, unanimously, The meetin� 4.�as yfl� CiTY OF FRIDbEY ; PLANNING COMMISSTON MEETING APRIL 19. 1978 CAI,L TO (?RDER: � Chairpersor► Harris called the April 19, 1978, Flanning Commission meeting to order at ']:�"] P,M, ROLL CALL• IKembers Present: Storla, Oquist, Harris, Snhrbier, Schnabel, Langenfeld Members Absent: Bergman - Oquist representing; Peterson - Snhrbier representing �thers Present: Jerrold Boardman, City Planner APPROVE PLdNNING COI�MISSI�N MINIITES: APRIL 5. 1978 MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Mr. Storla, to approve the April 5, 1978, Planning Commission minutes, Ms. Sehnabel asked that treo typographical errors be corrected: Page 9, 11 paragraph' second sentence, Phe first word ^Ita should be changed to the word ��He�', Page 1�, 13th paragraph, second senteaee. The word ��here�� should actually be ��hern. i1P�1� A VOICE VoTE, all voting aye, the motioa earried unanimously. 1, AIRPORT PROP�5AI,: Lee Ana Sporre Chairperson Harris said that this item would be handled under Item 13, 110ther Business��. 2. CON�INUED: PIIBI,IC_xE9RI�G: RE9UFFST FDR SPF.CTAT. TTSF. rFUarTm_ cv�.���,�,x,�, •rv nLLOw THE CONSTRUCTION OF A RECREATIONAL USE BUILDING OI� THE NORTH 300 FEET OF `fHE SOIITH 11�5 FEET �F THE EAST HAI,F �F THE NORTHEAST QUARTEE OF THE SOIITHEAST QIIARTER OF SECTION 3, THE SA24E BEING 8031 BEECH STREE2' PTE, Public Heariag open. Pir. Boardmatt ezplained that the City of Fridley Police Department cheeked xith the Eagan police Departmettt regarding the Disco in Eagan. Each of the memmbers of the Commissioxt received a copy of the �orrespondemce from the Fridley Police Depar�ment and the Eagan Police Department. �.� PLAI�I�ING COI�ISSTON MEETING - APRIL 19� t978 Pa�e 2 Mr. Boar�lmam also pointed out that a Petition Ras received froa 12 busisesses in the area against the proposal. Chairperson Harris read the petition to the members af the Platttting Commissio� and the audience. MOTIflI4 by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Mr. I,angenfeld. to receive the petition opposing the construction of a teen disco reereation building to be located at 8031 Beech Street NE, Petition �8-1978, UP�� A�dOICE VO`PE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The petition was received at 7:43 P.M, M�TIoN by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded bq Ms. Schnabel, to receive the r�emorandum from James P. Hill of the City of Fridley Police Department and the correspondence from Sergeant Patrick J. Geagan of the Eagan Police Department. IIPOA A VOICE VOTE� all voting aye, the aotion carried unanimously. Mr. Aichard C�rlson of 79�0 Beech Street 1G�, presidettt of Park Construction Company� said that he owned 20 acres directly aeross the street from the proposed Disco. He indicated that one of his major concerns was the faet that presently Beech 5treet was a��speed way+� between 79th and $1st Avenues. He said that his property suffered enougi� damage frora those ears and that he didn't want the introduction of more cars into that area. He aiso said that he egperienced the problem of refuse on his property. He said that the Company presently had a maintenanee person that keeps the property picked up, but again he did not feel that the proposed number of individuals goixig into the area wotxld do anything but multiply an already existing problem. iie said that the Company ixivested their money in the particular property beca�se they presumed that the area was industrial. He said that it would be a great concern of any new people entering the area that wanted to �se the particnlar property for an industrial venture if the Disco were allowed to be constructed at 8031 Beech Street. Mr. Carlson said that he at�d the Company recognized the fact that such a place was needed in the City of Fridley, but he did not feel ihat the industriaJ. location was the proper place to put a Disco Center for teen-agers. Mr. Don Harstad of 7101 Highway f#65 �,,. Company said that the proposed Disco detract from what the area was meant , did not feel that the proposed teen 8f331 Beech Street. He said that the that industrial area have indicated the proposed construction. NE, president of D. W. Harstad Center for teen-agers would to be - an industrial park. He center should be located at people conducting business in that they are not in favor of PLANI�ING COMMISSION P�I�ING - APRIL 19. i 978 Pa�e 4 Ms. Schnabel was also concerned regarding the traffic flow onto East River Road. Mr. Rozman said that Easi River Road would only be a secondary traffic flox route. y.) Ms. Schnabe2 fourth area of concern was in security. She wanted to know if off-duty police officers would be employed. She also wanted to know if there would be anq security for the adjacent businesses in the area. AIr. Rozman said that Mr. Brama owned most of the land nearby, Mr. Brama pointed out that Park Construction Company had a fenced equipment yard across the street. Mr. Storla r�i through #6 of the recommendations in the memorandum from the Fridley Police Department. Fie wanted to know Mr. Rozman�s comments regarding the item. Mr. Rozman felt that it was an awfully steep fee. Mr. Boardman explaiued the item to the Commission and the audience, He said that the police department was greatly concerned about the health! safety� and welfare factors for the eitizens of the area, it►eluding the bnsiness owners ia ihe area. He said that there had been an increased rise in vandalism oner the past few years in the area, a rise in tl�eft complaints (which could be caused by the isolated situation of the area), and a rise in disorderly conduct, assults, drinkingi and drug niolations in the immediate area. fir. Boardman said that the Police Department felt that this would be the problem �a.th the proposed concept. He said that it would be hard to control what would be happening in the cars and they wouldn�t be able to control the happenings once the teens 1e£t the establishmettt� Mr. Boardman pointed out that beeanse of the above there would have to be an inerease in police protection in that area during those hours of operaiion. He said that Mr. I3i11 did indicate thai the costs metttiotted were estimates and that the� could be more and possibly less, but would cosi somewhere in that general area o£ dollars. Mr. Boardman said that there would undoubtedly be an increase of litter in the area, of mhich the esisting businesses are already plagued with. Mr. Rozman wanted to know whay all teens had to be downgraded. He feli that people today had to believe that teens are rea].ly a lot better thatt only thievesf drug addicts, and drunks. He didn�t feel that ihe establishment would draw the type of teens that cause trouble. He said that the entire establishment and parking lot would be policed, He said that the clieatele at the Ea�an Disco Center are not the type of trouble-makers that the Police Department were worried about� Mr. Rozman sa3d that a large xinmber of the teens are brought to the disco center by their parents and picked up after the dancing is over. �ie said that not all the teens mould be driving themselves, PbANNING COI�MISSION MEETING - APRIL 19 1978 Page 3 Mr. Brama said that he �as itt favor of the prop�ed discotheque. He felt it would be a development that could be integrated into Fridley�s comprehensive plan for the area. He said it would be tolerable xith the other industrial nses that �ere e$istent in the area, He said it would be a great benefit to the eommunity in terms of wholesome free-time aetivity for the teen-agers in the Gity. Mr. Brama indieated that the teen-center discotheqne would be good for the Community and he felt that the development would be compatible with the industrial aspect of the area. Ms. Suhrbier asked if it was known how mueh vandalism had taken place as a result of the discotheque in Eagan. Mr. Rozman said that there had been very little. Mr. Rozman said that he felt it was time to consider the teen-ager aad their free-time recreation. He said that the discotheque would offer entertainment for the teens in Fridley. Ae said it would be properly chaperoned. He said that not all teens were bad and some credit had to be given to the ngoodtt teens of the society, He said that not all teen-a�;ers cause trouble and var�dalize property. He felt that the proposed location was definitely good. He said that the particular area had very little traffic during the evening hours and the building wouldn't be located near residential areas, Ms. Schnabel indicated four areas that she rovas concerned with: 1) She wanted to know the square footage of the proposed building. Mr. Boardman said that the Fire Code indicated there had to be 15 squax^e feet per person. Hs. Schnabel said that the proposed building would be 15,000 square feet, with 12,0�0 square feet of useable dance floor. Mr. Rozman said that there wo�ld never be more than the alloaed �umber Qf people in the building at oae time, He said the number would be controlled by the issuanee of tickets. 2) Ms. Schnabel said that she was concerned of the £ire safety of the building. Mr. Rozman said that the building monld be constructed somewhat like a theater with aaaple exit doors. He said that the fire doors �ould only be locked from the outside, prohibiting entrance but �ould never be locked from the inside. He said that at all times, the people in the building would be able to get out. 3) Ms. Schnabel was concertted about the traffic flow. She wa�ted to know the expected flo� of traffic into and out of the area. Mr. Rozmaxi said that the main flow of traffic would be from IIttieersity Anenue along 83rd and ')gth, Mr. I2ozman said that it would be mainly an evening operation and shouldn�t groduce problems in the area as far as traffie was concerned. PLAN�iING COMMISSIO� MEETING - APRIL 19. 1978 Page 5 �r. Boardman asked how many parking spaces would be provided for. �r. Rozman said that he wasn�t sure how many �ould ke needed. He said it Aas hard to estimate because the Disco Center in Eagan shared the parking loi with the shopping center. He said that it wasn�t even possible for him to estimate the number of spaces he would need. Mr. Lattgenfeld pointed out that it sho�ld be remembered by the members of the Commission that a Special Use Permit was being requested, He also said t�at Mr. Rozman had been supportative of an� suggestions and recommendatiotts that had been made by the Police Department. Mr. Rozman sai� that it �as his intention to have a Disco Center for the teen-agers in the area and he planned to operate the Center as long as the Center held its ovm� dollar wise. Ms. S�hrbier asked if the Aisco Center in Eagan �as sti11 popular. Mr. Rozman said that it was more popular than ever. He said the problem egisted �here manq times teens were turned awaq beeause there �ere too many wanting admittance. He said that was why he wanted to establish a center in the North suburbs. Ms. Suhrbier said that it was hard for the teens in Fridley to drive all the way to Eagan to attend the Disco Center. She said that she was aware of the fact that the teens were presently driving that distance. She agreed that there was a need to have a Disco Center in the area, maialy to alleviate the problems of the area teens having to drive that great distance. Ms. Sckcnabel asked what the hours were going to be. Mr. Rozman said that it would be open unti]. midnight on Friday and ,Satt�rday and until 1p;00 P,M, on Sunday during the school year, Mr. Lan.genfeld asked Mr. Storla if he was aware of the need or desire for the proposed Disco Center. Mr. Storla said that presently he and Ms. Gabel chaperoned teen dances each week-end. He said tl�at it �as mainly for the Junior Iiigh age gro�ap� but he said that attendance was astounding. He said there was al�ays 30�+ teens at the dances. He said that they hadn't experienced any really serious problems and he felt the dances were working out great. Ms. Gabel pointed out that she felt one of the maiu reasons there v�erexi�t any serious problems was because there was one chaperone for every 30 teens. She didn't think that 8-10 chaperones for 1000+ teens was adequate, PLAN�ING COMMISSION MEE"FING - AI>RIL 19� 197$ Pa�e 6 Mr. Rozman assured everyone that there Would be adequate chaperones at the Disco Center. He said that the ieens would be at the center, dancing and having fun and he really didn't feel there would be that much trouble. Mr. Rozman said there would only be soft drinks and snacks available at the Disco Center. He said there would be absolutely no beer or alcoholic beverages sereed. Mr. Burandt said that there mas a real void in the recreation program in Fridley for that age group. He felt that the concept of the Disco Center was �ood and would be good for Fridley. Mr. �rocke of 6035 -2nd Street said that the Commission had before them a petition from the businesses in the area statittg that they did not �ant the proposed Disco in that area. He said that the area �as near �orth Park. He said that anyone walking through the woods of North Park con].d observe what a dumping place North Park had become. He said that much of that trash �as dumped there by teen-agers parking in the area and eho�ing no concern for the property. He said that some heed should be �ieen to the people that si�ned the petition because they were the ones that �ould have to eope with the problems of trash and vandalism, Mr. Bob Schroer of �g0 Rice Greek B1vd said that he was not nearly so much opposed to the type of operation but he was mostly coxicerned that it �as being proposed for an industr�al area. He felt that it would be eneoura�ing too much traffic into the area. Mr. Brasna said that the traffic problem was one of the reasons that site was proposed. He said that the ➢isco Center would be an evening b�siness and would not add to an� of the traffic that traPels through the area during the daq. �r. Schroer said that the concern was that once the customers left the building, they would be «wandering�+ through the neighborhood. He said that the businesses in the area were concerned aboat the resulting refnse and vandalism. He falt the Disco Center �ould be better if it were loeated on the main hi�hmay instead of back in the industrial area. Chairperson Harris said that in the Zoning Code uxider Section 205.101 section B, C2 General Business and C2S Genera]. Shopping Areas the particular type of commercial recreation is in the accepted nse without a Special Use Permit. He said that the Disco Center was bein� proposed for an Industrial Area. He said that it �as also a permitted use of Section 205.131 under Section 3,3 with a Special Use Permit. He indicated to the Commission that it was allomed itt tmo places, one with a Special Use Permit and one place �ithout. He said it was before the Commission because the distriet was zoned M2. PLl1NNING COMMISSION MEE`TING - APRIL 19, 19'Z,8 Pa�e 7 Chairperson Harris said that the total Section 23 Public Dances of the Code would have to be complied with. He explained that the Seetion laid out speeifications for the applicant, explans the qualifications, the fee that �ould have to be paid, and the details of the posting of the permit. He said it was also stated in the Code that the person to whom the permit was to be issued would be held respattsible for the manner and conduct of said dance. He said that a police officer/s must be present at a].1 times while public dancing was being held. Chairperson Aarris said that Section 801 of the Code dealt with the Curfew laws. He said that the curfew for people under the age 18 was 9:30 P.M, Mr. Harris indicated that he was merely pointing out the law for Mr, &ozman�s information. Ms. Suhrbier asked Mr� Storla what time the Juniox High Disco was o�rer. Mr. Storla said that it ran until 10;00 P.M, However, he said that since it was Juttior High aged teens, none of them drove and were all picked up by parents. Mr. Storla in Item #6 Department� was still concerned about the ��fee�� that was mentioned of the memorandum received from the Fridley Police Mr. Boardman said that it was felt that some compensation should be made to the City due to the increase police actinity in the area due to the operation of the Disco Center. Mr. Rozman said it:was not known that the additional police aetivity would be needed. Mr. Boardman indicated that it wasn�t sure it �rould happen but if it did require additional police activity then the City should be compensated. He said that there had to be some correlation between Mr. Rozman�s establishment and the police force. Mr. Rozman didn�t feel that the amount stated by the Police Department was a fair dollar figure� He said that no other operations were charged $125 an hour extra for possible increase in police activity. Mr. Rozman said ihat in the Eagan operation it has proven that there has�'t been that much of an increase in the police activity resulting from the teen center. Mr. Carlson wanted to know why Mr. Rozman didn�t put the establishffient in one of ihe commereial areas in Fridley. He said that the businesses meren�t opposed to the concept of the Diseo Cexiter� only to the location that Mr. Rozman wants to put it. He said that that tqpe of operation did not belong in an industrial area. PI,ANNING COMMISSION MEETING - 9PRIL 19, 1978 Pa�e 8 Mr. Rozman said that the reason he liked the particular area was because ii was by itself. He said it wasn�t around any residential areas and it wouldn't interfere with any of the businesses because it would only be in operation in the evening v�hen the other 'businesses would be closed. MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Ms. Suhrbier, to close the Public Fiearing. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, the motion carried nnanimously. The Public Aearing was closed at 8:�8 P.M. Mr. Langenfeld pointed out the the Commission was considering a Special IIse Permit and not a Rezoning, He said that in considering the Special Use Permit he sai.d that the Commission could exercise control by various stipulations. He also wanted to know where the teen-a�ers of Fridley were presently at. He said that since the area was already a designated area, perhaps it would be best to leave the area alone and keep it entirely for its designated purpose. Ms. Schnabel said that she felt there was indeed a need for that type of recreation for the teen-agers in Fridleq. She suggested that the maximum age for the Disco Center be 17 rather than 19 to help alleviate the possibility of drinking niolations, She was concerned about the hours of operation that was being proposed with relationship to the Curfew laws ia the City of Fridley. Ms. Schnabel said that her main concern was that the area was designated as an industria7. area and she felt that the Disco Center would be better for a commercial area. She said that vandalism would definitely be a problem. She said that the other property owners would have to increase their security thus adding an additional financial burden on the business ouuners. She also had a concern regarding the traffic safety. She said that there could be up to 200 cars at the establishment with the young people driving them. She said she was concerned about the railroad tracks and East River Road. She was also concerned about that number of cars bein� itt that industrial area at that time of night. Ms. Schnabel said that she felt the Disco Center was a worthwhile facility to provide for that age group, however she did not feel it would be worthwhile for that particnlar area, Chairperson Harris said that he £elt that it was a good concept and was probably needed in the Gity of Fridley, however he questioned the advisability of putting� the Disco Center in the industrail location. �OTION BY Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Mr. Oquist, that the Planning Commission recommend denial of the request for Special IIse Permit, SP #'%8-05, by Bennie Rozman: Per Fridley City Code, Section 205,131, 3���3, '�o allow the construction of a recreational use building on the North 3U0 feet of the South 1105 feet of the East half of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 3, the same being 8031 Beech 5treet NE. P�ANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APRIL 19, 1978 Pa�e 9 Ms. Schnabel said that her reason of recommending denial was based on the many stated concerns. She said that she was concerned about the health� safety� and welfare of the adjacent property owners and particularlg the safetq and welfare of the prospective customers that wo�ld be usiu� the particnlar facility in that area. She said she �as not opposed to a Disco Center, but she was opposed to it going ��e particular location. She said that it was not a compatible use With the rest o£ the surrounding properties. IIPON A VOICE VOTE� Mr. Oquist� Ms, Schnabel, Mr. Langenfeld voting aye; Mr. Storla and Ms. Suhrbier voting �ay; Mr. Harris abstaining� tMe motion carried. Chairperson Harris indicated that he abstained his note because he was an �ffected property owner. Mr. Rozman thanked the two commission members that voted in his favor. He said that he felt very sorry for the people that wattted the Disco denied. He said that they �ere denying something that was really needed. He felt it was time to quit saying that teens were all bad. He said that the teens today are the citizens of tomorrow. He felt that the problems with the society was more with ihe parents than with the teens. �r. Oquist said that the members of the Commission DID NOT deny the diseo center. They denied the request hecause of where Mr. Rozman wanted that disco located. He indicated that tfiere were problems with many of the teens tod�}r and that was apparent in any school parking 1ot a person would want to observe. He said that because the members of the Commission were concerned citizens that they would prefer to see the Disco Center located at a more accessible and better controlled Gommercial site. 3. PtTBLIG HEARING: REZONING I3E UEST ZOA 8-0 CITY 0� FRIDLEY: S'PAB ISH A NEW Z NING D STRICT� S- SPEC AI, ZONING DISPRICT) AND TO I3EZONE TAE FOLLOWING PI�OPER'FY TO THIS DISTRICT: BLOCKS 5,6,7 & 8, HYDE PARK ADDITi01V FRaM R-2 (TpVO �AMILY DWELLIP3G AREAS) TO S-1; AND BLOCKS g,io,24 & 23, HYDE PARK� FROM R-3 (GENERAL MUI,TIPLE FAMILY DWELLING AREAS) TO S-1; AND BLOCKS 11�12�21�22, 25,26,27 & 28, HYDE PARK� FROM C-2 (GENERAI, BUSINESS AREAS) TO S-1; AND BLOCKS 1& 2� CITY VIEW ADDITTON� FROM C-2 (GENE�AI, BUSINESS AREAS) TO S-1? GENERALLY LOCATED FROM 57th PLACE NE TO 61ST AVENIIE NE; AND QNIVERSITY AVE�QIIE TO MAIN STREE2. MOTION by Mr, Langenfeld, seconded by Ms. Schnabel, to open the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye� the motion carried unaxiimously. 2he Puhlic Hearing was opened at 9:Ot� P,M, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APRIL 19�1978 Pa�e 10 Mr. Boardman said that the Hyde Park area has had a number of specific problems in the past. He said that hardships were put on the residential homes in the area when 1.�3 of the area was rezoned to Commercial in �gb9. He said that the residential homes were classified as non-conforming nse. He said that a resident �roup wanted to know what could be done to correct the problem. He said that two meetings were held with the residents in the area and at those meetings the residents chose a 16 member neighborhood council. He said that six meetings were held with the neighborhood council at which they decided upon the Ordinance that the Commission had before them. Mr. Boardman said that the Hyde Park area was a unique situation. He said it was decided upon to call the area a Special Zoning district. He said that the neighborhood council wanted the zoning set up so that people would be able to utilize their existing facilities and if they were over 50� destroyed, they would be allowed to rebuild to their present code restrictions. He said that the neighborhood generally wanted to be reclassified as a single-family area. They wanted to reiain the characteristics of a singl.e-family area. He said that further multiple dwelling developments would be restricted however the present multiple and commercial property ownere would be allowed to maintain their establishmenis. He said that because of the conditions of that type of zoning they had to go to a Speeial Zoning district. Mr. Boardmatt read through the sgecial features of the Ordinance. He explained several points of the Ordinance as he read through them. Mr. Robert Young of 5807 3rd Street NE said that it was dependent on the rezoning of the area as to what type of street was put in on Third Street. He said that he was presently Commercial but if that area was rezoned to S-1 he didn't feel they should have to pay for the commercial street. Mr. Boardman said that it would be a decision that City Council would hare to handle. Chairperson Harris said that there mas definitely a difference between a residential street and a commercial street, He said that the commercial streets were nine-ton streets and the residential streets were four-ton streets. He said that it would be a determination that would hane to be made by the City Council. Mr. Boardman said that there �ould be no street improvements started before the zoning was determined. Ae said that any measuring that was taking place was determining the property lines. Mr. Boardman explained that the type of street that would go into a particular area would be determined by the City Council. He said that with the S-1 District, there would be no more expansion of businesses in the area. He said that the existing businesses would be allowed to remain. He said that it would have to be determined at that time if the existing businesses would put a load on a residential street, He said if it was determined that the businesses would put a load on a residential street, then the street would be made a commercial street. Mr. Boardman again said that it �ould be a City Council decision. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETiNG - APRIL 19, �78 Pa�e 11 Mr. Ron McClain of 600'7 Main Street NE said that he had already attended an assessment meeting at City Hall. He said that his assessment for a Commercial Street would be agproximately $28.61 and the residential streets would be approximately $8.61� Ms. Gabel saidtha.t it was the street improvement project hearing. She said that the figures that Mr. McClain had were approximate costs. Mr. Boardman said . this °, was not the assessment hearing. He said that everyone would be aware of the fact when the assessment public hearing would be held. Mr. L. A. Muggli of RR #2, North Branch, MN, wanted to know who the rezoning of the Hyde Park area was requested by. He said that no individual should have to go out of their way to find out who made a certain request. Mr. Muggli said that in most of the discussion that he had heard so far the term "resident" was freely used. He said that the term "property owner�� should be used. Any rezonin� or street improvements or anything else was the concern of the property owners and not the residents that lived in the buildings. Chairperson Harris said that a petition was submitted to City Hall requesting the rezoning of certain areas. Hr. Mug�li pointed out that at the time the area was zoned commercial, the property owaers were not informed that they would be considered non-conforming uses. Mr, Muggli vuanted to know if the Special Zoning would prevent a property owner from recoarse if he would want to build on a piece of property that was formally zoned commercial, but with the rezoning would be made residential, Chairperson Harris said that property owners would never lose that right to recourse. Mr. Mu�gli wanted to know if the city ordinance said that a person could not build on a 40 foot lot. Chairperson Harris said that it was a City policy. Mr. Mttggli indicated that the City mas then preventittg someone from doing something with a piece of property that they owned. PLANNING COMMISSION MEE`PING - APRIL 19. 1978 PaKe 12 Mr, Muggli sai.d that he owtted a 40 foot lot which mas a corner lot. He said that he isn't permitted to do anqthing with that lot, but that he would be assessed for street improvements for that lot, Ae said that he pays taxes on that lot but he still can't do anything with the lot. He didxi+t like the idea that the City officials mere telling him that he ean't build on that piece of property, but he has to pay every time the City officials decide to do something with the property or the area, He wanted to know if there was a solution. Chairperson Harris said that at any time, a citizen had the option to appeal any ruling made by the City of Fridley. Mr. Boardman said that all the notices for Public Hearings are alwa}*s sent to the property owners and not to the residents. Ms. Gabel said that in terms of the rezoning, no one was asking for anything special. She said they merely �anted to protect and preserve their property. She said that many people were living in over- cro�rded conditions:because they can't afford to move out of the area and they can't add-on because they are considered non-conforming use and it was not permitted. Ms. Gabel pointed out that everyone that served on the neighborhood committee �ere residents of the area and property owners. Ms. Gabel indicated that there were 200 dwellings in the Hyde Park area that were used as residential and there was three businesses plus Northwestern Bell. She said that she �as speaking in favor of the rezonin�. Ms. Calquire of 5780-2� Street NE said that she was in favor of the rezoning. She wanted to know about the use of the property that was owned by Burlington on the West side of Main Street. Mr. Boardman said that the City had a letter from the Superintettdent of Burlittgton on the weed problem that has existed on that properiy. The Superintendent said that anyone who had problems with that property should call him directly. He said that they were conscious of the weed problem. Ms. Calq�ire said that she malked through that area every day attd �as continually surprised by the conditions of the area. She said she couldn't understand �hy the residents allo�ed the condition to continue. She felt that there should be more pride on the part o£ the residents or there should be some motivation from City Hall to get that area cleaned up and kept cleaned up. Ghairperson Harris said that was what the whole thing was about. He said that was wh� they were at City Hall that night - to clean up the Hyde Park area. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APRII, 1q 1978 Pa�e 13 Mr. Oquist indicated that the residents should work with and ihrough the neighborhood committee. Ms. Calquire wanted to know what could be done about a parcel of land located at the intersection of 2nd Street, 2� Street and the part of 57�Z Street that joins the two. Chairperson Harris said that any improvements on that piece of land �vould have to be requested by the adjacent land owners; however, he said that Staff could contact those land owners. Mr. Boardman said that a part of that intersection was included in the street imrpovement plan for the area. He said that he would look into the possibilities of that piece of laxid. Nls. Galquire said that she wasn't interested in a vacation, but she felt that perhaps the City of Fridley could clean up that land and improve on the �ynatureo� that was already present there. Mr. Boardman said that he would look into the matter. Mr. Trocke said that he was in favor of the rezoning and the plantted improvements for the area. He said that the way the ordinance was set up, no one in the Hyde Park area would be hurt. He said that the present landl.ords would be permitted to rebuild their multiple dwellings should they be destroyed� he said that the commercial owners would be permitted to rebuild their establishments should they be destroyed. He said that the Committee was basicallq trying to make the area a residential neighborhood and since the majority of the dwellings were residential� he felt it should be rezoned. Mr. Ben F. Carman of 5955-2� Street NE said that he was in favor of rezoning the area to residential. Mr. John Bast�.and of 5945 Znd Street NE spoke in favor of the rezoning. He said that he also wanted to see Burlington clean up their part of the area. He said that the residents in the neighborhood are continually having to elean up their yards of tumble weeds and litter. Ms. Peggy Newland of 5841-22 Street NE said that she worked on the committee and was very much in favor of the rezoning. She said that everything had been discussed at length and many compromises had to be made. However� she felt it was a worthwhile project and she really wanted to see the rezoning take place, A person in the audience said that he owned a vacant lot in the Hyde Park area. He wanted to know what he could put on that lot. Mr. Boardmans said that the only allowable use would be a single family dwelling. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APRIL 19. 1978 Pa�e 14 Mr. Langenfeld said that it was really nice to see the citizens group together, and with the City� meet and approach a common goal - to make the Hyde Park area a better place in which to live. He indicated that now they were all joined together, the citizens shouldn�t let the City forget that they exist. Ms. Schnabel sai.d that there had been a lot of gine and take done among the property owners and residents, who have been involved in the meetings of the neighborhood group, She felt that eneryone had worked hard to come up with the plan that had been presented. 5he complimented them on the struggles they have had, She said they had demonstrated a rery valuable thing for the Community Mr. Frank Gabrelcek felt that property zoned commercial were much more valuable than residential properties. He was not in favor of the rezoning. A person from the audience suggested that the people presently owning vacant lots could have the decision as to whether they kept the lots commercial or rezoned them to residential. Mr. Boardman said that the purpose of the rezoning was to stablize the area and to start getting a residential quality into the area. Ms. Theresa Abitz of 216-57th Place NE said that she wanted to be included in the area to be rezoned. Mr. Boarclman said that Ms. Abitz�s problems with her property were realized by City Hall. However he said that it was more logical to leave that particular property as commercial zoning. Chairperson Harris suggested that Staff give the request by Ms. Abitz some close consideration. Ms. Abi�z said that she wanted to sell her house, She said she would have a buyer if the land was zoned residential. 5he said that no one was interested in her house as long as it was zoned commercial. Ms. Schnabel said that the only thing that was happening on the property as commercial was that the homes on the lots were deteriorating, She said that if the lot was zoned residential, at least the existing structure could be upgraded. Mr. Joseph Zizak of 5791-2� Street NE wanted to know why curbings were being put into the area. Chairperson Harris said that it was a policq of the City of Fridley that all the streets in Fridley would be upgraded with curbs and gutters. He said that the policy was adopted fifteen years ago. PLANNING COMN[ISSION MEETING - APRIL 19� 1978 Pa�e 15 MOTION bq Mr. Langenfeld� seconded by Mr. Storla� to close the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Public Iiearing was cl osed at to:37 P,M, Chairperson Harris said that under Section 205,228 Landscaping, item 2 A should have the word ��sodd ng" cTiangeT o�'grass��. Mr. Boardmatt sai.d that he would make that change. Chairperson Harris complimented staff on their indulgence in working with the neighborhood. He said he would li.ke to see that type of cooperation spread out through the whole City of Fridley. Mr. Oquist said that the Committee did an excellent job. Iie reminded that Gommittee to keep very active and promote their neighborhood. Ms. Schnabel said that she was still concerned about Ms. Abitz�s property. She said that she had mixed feelittgs on the subject. She said that spot rezonings should not be encouraged. However, she felt that the proper�y owner was being penalized in the sale of her pro�erty. She also said that if the adjacent property was deteriorating that perhaps bq changing it to a residential zoning would enable them to update the property because they would be qualified to receive funding. Ms. Schnabel said that i£ the wanted to buy the property to be very difficult to obtain. zoning wasn't changed and someone develop as residential, financing would Mr. Boardman said that it would be very hard to promote residential development on that land because of its location. Ms. Schnabel said that Commercial developers would be very limited as to what could be put on that piece of property because of the size of the parcel of land. Mr. Boardman said that he was concerned about the property owner however the total development of the property should also be considered. He said it had to be decided whether to promote commercial development or residential. MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Ms. Buhrbier, that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the Rezoning Request, Z0A #78-01�, city of Fridley: To establish a new Zoning District, S-1 (Special Zoning District) and to rezone the following property to this district: Blocks 5,6,7 & 8 Hqde Park Addition from R-2 (two family dwelling areas) to S-1; Blocks 9,10,24 & 23, Hsde Park, from R-3 �general multiple family dwelling areas) to S-1; Blocks 11� 12� 21, 22, 25� 26, 27 & 28� Hyde Park� from C-2 (general business areas) to S-1; and Blocks 1& 2, City View Addition, from C-2 (general business areas) to S-1, generally located from 57th Place NE to 61st Avenue NE, and University Avenue to Ma:i.n Street. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETIPIG - APRIL 19. 197$ Page 16 Mr. Langenfeld said that he was fully aware of the problem regarding Ms. Abitz�s property but he felt that it could be the start of a movement to�ards spot rezoning and he wasn�t in agreement with that concept. Ms. Schnabel said that the City Council could be alerted of the problems of the lots and perhaps they may have some solution that the Planning Commission had not thought of. UPON A VOICE VOTE� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Boardman said that Mr. Ray Leek was the City Staff representative to the Hyde Park area. 4. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A PROPOSED PREI,IMINARY PIAt'. UP+11YU H tSL�CLi11 VP LVl Gf� LiGV1UP�U t1tlY11V21"O 9VDL1tl1J1V1Y lYV� �J� EXCEPT 2`fiOSE PIECES PLATTED AS JOFiNSON'S RIVER LAND ADDITION AND BATTE$SON ADDITION� SIIBJECT TO RpAD EASEMENTS� LOCATED IN THE 6400 BLOCB ON THE WEST SIDE OF RIVEBVIEW fiERRACE NE. MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Ms. Schnabel� to open the Pnblie Hearing. Upott a voice vote, all noting aye� the motion carried unani.mously. The Public Hearing was opened at 11;11 P,M, Mr. Boardman said that the proposal was for the denelopment of four residential lots. He said that three of lots �aere being proposed for duplex lots and the fourth lot was the eaiatent Judge Johnson's property along the river bank. He said that the existin� property was zoned R-3 and the lot sizes being proposed would meet the code requirements. Mr. Harrier wonld provide private easement for access ittto the area. Mr. Boardman said that he would also provide private sanitary sewer systems, Mr. Boardman said that the City of Fridley would want certain conditions on the property as laid out with the private roadway and prinate sewer systems. He said that the City in no way would take over the maintenance of the private access unless it was developed to City Code. Also he said that the cleaning of the lift stations would have to be a private operation also. Ae indicated that lift stations would have to be provided. Mr. Boardman said that the area would fall in the critical flood areas o£ the Code and all the setbacks would have to be 100 feet. Chairperson Harris wanted to know if the existing structure could remain at its present location. Mr. Harrier said that the garage would have to be moved. He said that most likely it would be taken down and a new garage would be added to the existing house. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APRIL 19 1978 Pa�e 17 Chairperson Harris asked who would maintain the access into the property. Mr. Harrier said it would be the responsibility of the residents in the development. Mr. Boardman said that it would have to be recorded as part of the deed requirements. Chairpersott Harris asked who would maintain the lift stations. Mr. Harrier said that each individual duplex would have an ejection pump. Mr. Boardman said that it would have to be written in the deed requirements that it would be the responsibility of the owners for the operation of the lift station. He said there would have to be equal responsibility of all the people living in that development. Chairperson Harris said that there would have to be some vehicle or way of binding all the properties together to make them collectively responsible for the maintenance of the lift station and the maintenance of the access roadway. Mr. Harrier said that those responsibilities would be written into the purehase agreements of all the property owners in the development. Chairperson Harris said that it would have to be in the deeds so that it would be picked up by the Title Searches. He said that no way would the City take over that maintenance. Mr. Harrier explained the complete lay-out of the area to the Planning Commission. �Ss. Schnabel asked if it was possible for all the lots to meet the critical flood p�ain 100 foot setback requirements. Mr. Boardman said that he would be able to maintain the required setbaeks. MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Mr. Oquist� to close the Public Hearing. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Public Aearing was closed at 11:30 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APRIL 1, 1978 Pa�e 18 MOTION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Mr. Storla, that the Planning Commission recommend appronal of the consideration of a proposed preliminary plat, P.S. #78-02, Harrier's First Addition, by VP. J. Harrier, Jr.: being a replat of Lot 25, Revised Auditor�s Subdivision No. 23, except those pieces platted as Johnson�s River Lane Addition and Batterson Addition, subject to road easements, located in the 6400 Block on the West side of Riverview Terrace NE with the stipulation that the covenant of deed will require reference to the maintenance of the road and the maintenance and operation of lift station be the responsibility of the property owners of Lots 2�3 & 4 and that all the necessary utility and drainage easements be included in the final plat, IIPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 5. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATI�N OF A PRELIM7NARY PT,AT P_S_ ff7R_n�_ xeplat of the Northwest Quadrant of Mai.n Street and Osborne Road, (See Public Hearing notice for complete legal description). M03'ION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld, to open the Public Hearing. IIpon a voice note, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing was opened at 11:38 P.M. Mr. Boardman explained that the property being ciiscussed was Lot 2 of BloCk 1 of the East Ranch Estates Third Addition. He said that there were some condition that City would like to have placed on the plat if approved. He said that Lot 1 should be included as a portion of Frank�s Nursery. Mr. Boardman said that there was a searer easement along %7th way. He said that it ran along the property line. Ae said that there was also easement on both sides o£ the street right-of-way. He said that the easements should be indicated on the final p3:at. Mr. Boardman said that the sewer servicittg Lot 2 had to go through Lot 3� so some easement would have to be indicated. Ghairperson Harris reminded the Commission members that there was also a rezonin$ request that was tied to the replat. Mr. Boardman pointed out on a drawing exactly �rhere the ingress and egress would be for the proposed Bank. Mr. Laing, President of Marquette State Bank� showed the Commission the proposed Bank plans. He indicated on the plan where they planned to have driveways and how the planned traffic flow would occur. Mr. Boardman said that the only zoning that would be requested to have changed would be I,ot 2. PLANrIING COMMISSION MEETING - APRIL 19, 1978 Page 19 Mr. Boardman pointed out that the plating request was being made by the Marquette State Bank for Mr. Bob Schroer. He said that it was Mr. Schroer's property and Lot 3 would remain under his ownership. Mr. Laing said that the proposed bank would be considered a detached facility. He said it would be close to a full-service bank. He said the only thing that they won't be able to do would be to close on loans. He said that the plan that he was showing indicated the maximum of their aeeds. Chairperson Harris said that at the present they were mostly concerned with the egress and entrances of the bank. MOTION by Ms Schnabel, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld, to close the Public Hearing. IIpon a voice vote� all voting aqe, the motion carried unanimously. The Pnblic Hearing was closed at 11;52 P,M, MOTION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Mr. Zangenfeld, that the Planning Gommission recommend approval on the consideration of a preliminary plat P,S, #78-03� East Ranch Estates Third Addition, by Marquette State Bank: Replat of the Northwest Quadrant of Main Street and Osborne Road with the stipulations that Lot 1 be recorded as part of the plating for Frank's Nursery; that the sanitary sewer easement be shown following the North property line; and that a sewer easement be givett across Lot 3 with acess to Lot 2. IIPON A VOICE VOTE� all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously. 6. Lsaa�as. iwuva�L iatL Lv1 �—� t�LVVLI �� Vl 1RL' CiiVYVrJGL t'LH'1'� Y�J� fJ-(O�V�� EAST RANCH ESTATES THIRD ADDITION� FROM M-2 (HEAVY INDUSTRIAL AREAS) TO C-2 (GENERAL BUSINESS AREAS) TQ AZ,LOW THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPERTY FOF? A CaMMERCIAL BANK� I,OCATED AT 225 OSBORNE ROAD NE t4oTI0N by Mr. Langettfeld� seconded by Mr. Oquist, to open the Public Hearing. Upon a voice note, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing was opened at t�:55 P.M. Mr. Laing showed the Commission the plan of the proposed bank. He said it would look like a small nersion of a full-service bank. He said that there would be three lobby tellers on the inside and at least two drive-in tellers on the outside. He said there would be approximately four desks in the lobby area for customer services. He said that with the exception of closing loans, they would fnnction the same as a full- service bank. Chairperson Harris asked iF they teould have safe-deposit boxes located on the premises. PI,ANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APRIL 19. 1 78 Pa�e 20 Mr. Laing said that they wouldn't have safe-deposit boxes. He also said they wouldn�t be able to disperse loan proceeds on the premises. Mr. Laing said that they wanted to bring the character of the bank building located at 52nd & Central out to the new location. He said that the building arould either be a wood/stone exterior or a stucco exterior. He said it would definitely be an attractive addition to the community. Chairperson Harris asked if there would be problems with the particular intersection of Commerce Lane (Main Street) and Osborne Road. Mr. Boardman said that they didn't initially foresee any major problems, Ms� Schnabel said that she was somewhat concerned about customers exiting from the bank at that point because of the speed that cars turn onto Commerce Lane. She said that because oi the way the street was set up� it was quite easy for cars to accelerate as they turn the corner. Mr� Boardman said there vuas enough setback and he didn�t feel there would be a lot of problems exiting at that point. Chairperson Harris asked if Mr. Lain$ was aware of the requiremettts of the St, Paul Water Works. Mr� Laing said that they �rere aware of the requirements. He said that theq weren�t planning on generating that much traffic. He said that the bank would have limited capabilities. MOTION by Mr. Lan�enfeld� seconded by Ms. Suhrbier, to close the Public Fiearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing was closed at 12:09 P,M. Mr. Langenfeld said that it seemed that it was the trend of the area to show growth. He said that the City should be cautioned to the fact that they did not want another 53rd & Central established at that point. MOTION by Mr. I,angenYeld� seconded by Ms. Suhrbier, that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the Rezoning Request, ZOA #78-02� by Marquette State Bank: Rezone the Lot 2� Block 1, of the Proposed Plat, P.S. #78-03, East Ranch Estates Third Addition, from M-2 (heavy industrial areas) to C-2 (general business areas) to allow the development of the property for a Commercial Banka located at 225 Osborne Road NE. IIPON A VOICE VOTE� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimonsly. 7. (GENERAL OFFICE AND LIMITED BUSINESS).YLOT 1� BLOCK 1� HILLWIND ADDITION� TO ALLOW A MODEL HOME TO BE IISED AS A SALES OFFICE� THE SAME BEING 941 HILLWIND ROAD NE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APRIL 19. 1978 Pa�e 21 MOTION by Mr. Oquist, seconded by Mr. Lan�enfeld, to open the Public Hearing. IIpon a voice vote, all noting aye' the motion carried nnanimouslq. The Public Hearing was opened at 12;13 P,M, Mr. Boardman said that the property was located north of the Real Estate 10 building on Hillwind Road. He said that the proposed operation would be similar to the operation on IIniversity Avenue for Capp Homes. Mr. Boardman said that in looking at the plan, there were things that would have to be changed. He said that Mr. Burandt planned to use the existing Wausau home. He said that the manner in which the drive way and parkin� was indicated would have to �e worked on so that it would meet all the codes. Mr. Boardman said that the property was presentlq zoned R-3 and it had to be rezoned in order to have a real estate office located at that site, Mr, Burandt said that he purchased the building for a real estate office. He said it would be used by Lampert Homes. Mr. Burandt said that he had tried to buy some adjoining land but the property owner was not interested in selling Ms. Schnabel showed concern about the elevation of the land. She felt that possibly Mr. Burandt would have to construct some type of retaining wall. Mr. Burandt said that the existing garage area of the house would be used as offices. Chairperson Harris asked if the driveway of the proposed real estate office could be located on the other side of the property than the plans indicated. Mr. Burdandt said that there was an equal amount of room on both sides. Mr. Boardman felt it would be better to have the driveway to the parking area enter into the property on the North side and have parking in the rear area. He some screening could be utilized between the driveway and the residential structure. Mr. Oquist said that he felt the driveway would be better located on the South side of the property� next to the Real Estate 10 estahlishment. Mr. Boardman said that he would want to look at the property again before deciding where exactly the driveway should be located. �r. Burandt said that he preferred to have the driveway on the South but he would agree to do whatever the Staff decided would be best. PLANNIN� COMMISSION MEETING - APRIL 19+ 1978 Pa�e 22 Chairperson Harris asked hom wide the lot was. Mr. Burandt said that the survey he had indicated that the lot was 87.90 feet. Mr. Boardman said that a sketch of the site showed that there would be approximately 25 feet an the North side of the building and 12 feet on the South side of the building. He felt that the driveway should be put in on the North side of the property. Chairperson Harris said that due to that fact� the possibility of having the driveway located to the North of the property and using proper screening should be the way to go. Mr, Boardman read the requirements for the use of screening as district separations. He said that a 100% screening fence would have to be installed that wonld be setback from the front of the house, back along the propert� line. Mr. Burant didn't feel it would look very nice, but a�reed he would do as indicated. MOTI�N by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Ms. Schttabel� to close the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing was closed at 12:39 g�M. MOTION by Mr. Oquist� seconded by Ms. Snhrbier� that the Planning Commission recommend app��val of the rezoning request, ZOA #78-03� by Theodore Burandt; Rezone from R-3 (general multiple family d�ellings) to CR-1 (�eneral office and limited business), Lot 1, Block 1� Aillwind Addition� to allow a model home to be used as a sales office, the same being 941 Hillwind Road NE with the stipulations that fencing be put on the North side starting at the front of the house attd that the drivewaq be moved to the North side of the property with rear yard parking- (providing there is more room measured on that side oi the propertyl UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously. 8. RECEIVE PARRS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINIITES: MARCH 27, 1978 MOTION by Ms. Suhrbier� seconded by Mr. Langenfeld� that the Planning Commission receive the March 27, 1978� Parks & Recreation Commission minutes. IIpon a voice vo�e� all votin� ayea the motion carried unanimausly. The minutes were recei�ed at 12:44 A.M. 9. RECEIVE HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINIITES: APRIL 6, 1978 MOTION by Mr. Storla� seconded by Mr. Oqnist� that the Planning � Commission receive_the April 6� 1978, minutes of the Human Resources Commission. PI,ANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APRIL 19. 1978 Pa�e 23 a. Congregate Dining Mr. Stor�a said that the members of the Human Reeources Commission were extendixig an invitation to the Planning Commission to appoint someone from the Planning Commission to be on the Congregate Dining Committee. He said that April 26, 1978 would be the first meeting of the Committee. Mr, Oquist suggested that Mr. Storla represent the Planning Commission. Chairperson Harris asked that Mr. Storla represent the Planning Commission on the Congregate Dining Committee. Mr. Storla said that he would. He said that he was pr�sently a representative for the Human 8esources Commission, but that he would resign because there was another member of the Human Resources Commission that wanted to serve on the Congregate Dining Committee. UPON A VOICE VOT�� a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimouslq. The minutes were received at 12:l�8 A.M� 10. RECEIVE APPEAI,S COMMISSION MTNUTES: APRIL 11, 1978 MOTION by Ms. Sehnabel� seconded by Mr. Oquist� to receive the Appeals Commission minutes of April 11, 19'78, Ms. Schnabel said that the first sentence� of the last paragraph on Page 5 should be clarified. She said that at the end of the sentence the words, "due to the proximity of the garage on the property on the North��should be added. tAs. Schnabel said that the concern was that the house was two feet from the 1Qt line and the property adjacent to it had a garage that was also close to the lot line. She said that the Commission members were eoncerned in case of fire that it could spread to the house and the new addition which were to be bedrooms and windows would be required for exits. Ms. Schnabel said that there had been no election of officers because there were not enough people present at the meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE, a11 noting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The minutes were received at 12:50 A.M. 11. EI,EC`£IOId OF VICE CHAIRPERSON M�TION by Mr. Storla� seconded by Ms. Schnabel� to nominate Mr. Langenfeld for Vice- Chairperson of the Planning Commission. After calling for more nominations� Mr, Harris- declared the nominatioxis closed. Upon a voice vote� all voting aqe� the motion carried unanimously. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APRIL 19, 1978 Page 24 12. CONTINUED: DISCIISSION ON ENERGY COMMISSION MOTION by Mr. Oquist, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld, to table the discussion on the Energy Commission, Upon a voice vote� all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously. 13. OTHER BUSINESS: Airport Proposal - Mr. Langenfeld Mr. Langenfeld said that Ms. Sporre had $iven the report and he had takea a fem notes. He read to the Commission items 1,2 & 3 of Resolution 139-1977, dated 12/19/77� He also read the general comments that had come from that presentation. Mr. Langenfeld submitted his presentatioxi to the Planning Commission to be made part of the minutes. Mr. Oquist said that he was also at the meeting. basically 't�ro topics were discussed: a) The Airport Expansion b) The National Guard Heliport He said that Mr. Oquist explained that the National Guard Heliport had to get out of Hollman Field in St. Paul because the Federal Government won�t approve Federal Dollars to do needed construction work at Hollman Fie1d because the Field is located in the Flood Plain. He said that there were some Federal Legislators that were working with the Committee and State Legislators to get some Federal dollars so that they won�t have to get out of Aollman Field. Ms. Schnabel said she had the understanding that the Metropolitan Council had decided not to expand the Anoka County Airport. Mr. Oquist said that the Metropolitan Council decided that they didn't need another major airport. He said that they were now proposing to expand the Anoka Airport to an intermediate airport. ADJOURNfKENT MOTION by Ms. Schnabel� seconded by Mr. Storla� to adjourn 1g78 Planning Commission meeting. Upon a voice vote� a11 Chairperson Harris declared the meeting adjourned at 1:06 Respectfully submitt��� �a i�a� �� c.,a� , Marylee Carhill Recording Secretary the April 1g� voting aye� A.M. i _ !I' ro i i, _ _ ___ ;. ..� � �� p�- (�/I . ,�, 1.a.v.v�..n q�m m� s s � o KJ 1 y1 e e-� • xJ G o}- 'V - I i-7 g E�i4�0/<f/G-_ /��!i_/'. o.�!- -� X R?zSi`-rr.1 ____ ;�_ �or.rc___, L4'�G 1-he�t._�y c�,�T�__�f-!�-?-$) __-- - ._:�cs�-_.__ua�a..s__�-a�. _�S3 _C.°� � .¢nsu�..-.o C4G_-S._,N. -------- -'r- ---lni���r,c�.._'�z�_ __ esc�_l..u_�'1_v:n._ �3`� -1 �-7'7___dTeL(�-(9�7� . � p ....__ .__ _.;..'r'�.ctdL ___l ...?_�_.3 --_.? `i'h.e...Oc.'�-uv...2,_`C'�_Su.�c...��»_--.. _. _ __. i • ii .__.___ ...__._ . __. _- - - ._...:r °___�_ _.__- _._ __ _ _ . . __ -._.___-�� :._.___.. .--__... . .. .. . _ __ `j:_ _ -£�n �¢1�cc.e_ l,=o m m vr�i S ,� , _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ - __ _�-r-- -- - __ _ _. -- -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .Z ' -'-� �.---i.et�cQ.-e.n S �cct_ `i'Q!_A.� 1�D / 1 v.n �,ti �� e 1 cQ _.__ _�'___T '--_ _ . ___ . _..._'_ _. .__:_.��..'S.P�LGR_.._.�LC1,�c�._i.!l, J.7.. }-S•�U�C__�_i.s.._.{�.C?%Q.�fY_ i�S.�__�,O_GS�..�_.. _.-.:_. .^:'_ . :... 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I .. _.v - � e Pulaski � Bloomingtori, �NN 5543% � Fridley, MN 55432'- Buffalo, MN 553I3 ------- - � -._ ----- -- ._. _ �_. _ . - - - _._..... _, _ _ -- ------------- � - I' John A. Swanson I Mr. 6 Mrs. John Kepp2er � Mr. & Mrs. Duane Henrg 5835 Central Avenue NE �"100 58th Avenue NE I 6045 2� Street NE Fridley, MN SS432 I FridIey, MN 55432 Fridl.ey, MN 55432 I � I I - ---- ---- - -.-.... _-- -- { -- ----_ . - - --- -- -- - I -----_—'--- i Mr. & Mrs. Bertram Booth i Mr. 6 Nrs. Car1 Reed�. - i Mr. & Mrs. Leo�Xynes 6000 2'� Street NE � 60I7 3rd Street NE i 2727 Trving Rvenue N Frid2ey, MN 55432 j FridIey, MN 55432 I Minneapolis, MN 554iI ___..._ _ __ . . _.__. ---_ __.., _ . � _ Mr.'& Mrs. Theodore Lyke ? Mr. & Mrs. Michael Parlin 6001 2nd Street NE j 6025 3rd Street iJE Fridley, MN 55432 j Fridley, MN 55432 6rC'= Mr. 6 Mrs. Eugene�Bayard - 260 6lst Avenue tJE Fridley, Mh 55432 - --_ _ _ _--- . . .._� ------ __ . _ � _ . . .. _ _ _ � Dona2d D. FortUne ' Sandra M. Stepaniak I Mr. 6 Mrs. Kenneth�N�'.3on , 6009 2nd Street NE . � 5828 2� Street NE i 250 61st Avenue NS Fridley, !�N 55432 � PzidZey, MN 55432 i Fridley, MN 55432 ` . li ---._ ------- - -- ---- ---- -- � _ __ -- -- _ _ _ — --. _ _— � - ------ ---_ __ _- - - --- -- F1r. & Mrs. MichaeS Skrypec � Mr. & Mrs_ E1Ziot Benincasa Cha*2es D. Snel?er _-- 6017 2nd Street NE ; 7200 Carey Lane NS 320-322 JeY'f Buildiny > Fridley, btN 55432 i Map1e Grove, MN 55369 ! Peoria, IL 61691 � � . i � .� � . � ,J . . —'_ _. .__ _._. _. �..._. __.�....�_.__.{ ____-_-_ ___..._ __. .. �..._...._ _____� ____.-- _,-_._'_ �__:_'__... . Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Ne2son � G. Da1e Egland � � Francie R. Aberle �� -- - 603Y 2nd StrPet NE j 5208 Brighton Lane ! 4709 103rd Lane NE Frid2ey, MN 55432 � New Brighton, MN 55112 Circ2e Piaes, l+�N 55014 �— _ _ _ _ . - --- . _ . . _ __.. _ . _ . _ I _ _ . --- 1 - _ ____- -_.___ --.� ___ ...-- Mr. 6 Mrs..ROdney Trocke Herbert E. Moore � �. Mr. & Mrs. Geozg° Bartlett 6035 2nd Street NE 2453 138th Avenae NW. ' S942 23, Street NE Fridley, MN 55432 Anoka, MN 55303 � Fridley, ,�1v 55432 � i ---. _ . _ . .._ _. . � � ____ . _ _ ._ _ _ _ _- - _ __ _ - - - -.. I Mr. & Mrs. James Ziucaer F�flyd C. 8radley ! Mr. � Mrs. Geozge White 6037 1nd Stxeet ME 5862 West Xoore La;;e Drive ! 6032 2'� St*eet NE Fridiry. l�tf 35�3���- ', Fzid2ey, NN 55432 i Fridley, MN 55932 , �� Herbert Mooze 2453 138th AvenJe NW Anok.a, PtN 55303 IJ. W. Lindholm 2529 Parkview B1vd. Minneapolis; h1N 55422 � Mr. & Mr . C1yde Hansen 97I6 R_i� Road � Bloomington, t1N 55437 Mr. Ra2ph Ward 3350 Ul�sses Street NE Minneapo2is, h:N 55418 � Mr. & Mrs. Robert Warolin i 6024 2'� Street NE i Fridley, MN 55432 ` . .. .... . __ .. . __.. � Mr. & Mrs. Dou2as Ekmark 6014 23 Street NE , Fridley, M;J 55432 ��� .