PL 09/13/1978 - 30497�� —. CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - s�r+�gt 13, �978 CALL TO ORDER . . Vice Chairman Langenfeld called th� September 13� 1978, Planning Coa�is�ion meetiag to order at 7:�+0 p.m. ROLL CALL `� M�mbera Preeeat: Jan�s I,an�enfeld, Ned Storla, Virginia Schnabel, Robert Peteraon, LeRoy (�uiet Members Absen�: Richard Earria Others Pres�nt: Jerrold Bo�rdman, City Planner � APPR4VE PLANNING CONIMLSSION MINUTEg: ATIGUST 23 1978 M_OTION by Virginie� Schnabel, s�eonzled by F.ob�rt Pet�rson, to appr�de the August 23, 1g78, Pl,annizig Ca�fss3on ffiinutea as written. , Mr. Lan�enf�Zd stated thr3t an p�ge 5 0� the �in�utes, second p�r�g�$ph, r��r���ng Mr. Gordon ��dluad's suit �aith th� City, Mr. I,��nfe],d indicat�d th�t A�. H.�c3lunci fs trying to sue th� Coun�y �1so, ,�1 _ 1+�. L�n��nf�].d stat�;d �hmt on page 6 0� the minu�te8, r��ar�ing Innsbriack N�a°th, M�. Langeni�ld indicat�d th�i; the Lnvironmen�ial C��.ssioms "d3.sp].�,y of conc�r�� s��� �o h�v� fizzl�l. � t�iss. Schnab�, stc�4c�d that last week she no�iceai that the ta°ucks v��sr� haul3ng the muck out an8 �hat th�y dumg�ed it on the N�� Brightmn side, then th�y F�,17.ed in with s�nd. Ms. Sch�b�l also st�ted that ths�re ��e se�c�ral foundc�f;�ons in no�, �nd th�t there r�re two °°NO DUA�ING ALL�'r7ED" signs on two oP the lo�s that were plmced on e moratori� two we�ks 8g�. A1so there is � founda�tion on a lot right aext to one of �hose sites� in �tn �r�a where �hey fill�d ia. Ms. Scbnabel sicated th�$ on� Weet D�nube it appe�ra th�t th�y 8re fil].in� in� end thcr� is � lot oS wst�r there. UPON A VOICE VOTE� pLI, VOTIPiG AYE, VICE CHAIRMAN I,qNGEHI�EI,D DECLARI�D THE MflTION TO APPROVE T� AUGUST 23� 1978, PLANNING COI�+lISSION A�NUTES CARRIED UNANTMOtJSLY. MOTION by Virginia Sc.bnBbel, seconded by Robert Peteraon� to suspead the rulee ar�d discuss it�ms 3, �, � 5�mtil IWc. Boardmmn arriveg. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIlITG AYEs VICE C&4IltMAN LARGENFELD DECLARID TBE I�TIOft �'0 SUSPEND T� RULE3 AAID DISCUSS ITF�i+ZS 3� �; +� 5 cAt�tiID invq�tptrs�. � ...�.._ P�NNING COI�QSSION A+�ETING, SF:PTEt+�IIt 13� 1978 _ - PAGE 2 � e 1. �c�tvE �NVrROrr[�r�r�. @vaLl�r cora�ssio� rariu�s: aucusT �.5, 1978: N�OTIOPI by Ned Storla, seconded by LeRay Oquist to receive th� August 15, 1978, Environ�ntal Quality Com:ais�ion Minutee. � Mr. L�ingentelS eteted tha� in regar�s to their conaersation �ri.th,Mr. Jack Ditmore, the guest speaker for the W�ter Pl�nning Board -- Water l�nagemment Checklist, concerning our prob].em wi'�h Innsbruck, it doeen't look like we will get �uch help because it is a state and fed�rml type of �ituation, and they cennot help us on a ca�w�ity b�sis. Mr. L.aaagenfeld �t�%ed that on page 6 oi the minutes� second to the la�t para- gre�ph �here Mr. Ditmore indicate3 that they hmd not identified ell the w�tl�nds of the state �nd inveratoried them, indicates that they ar� not up-�io-date o� the vetlrand� throughout the ��ate, let alone the co�munities. Mr. L�g�nf�ld �tated that on page 9, the first psra�aph indicmte� tha� there will be eoffie direction regarding we�clends in Decr.mber ae far �s the W�t�r Commiss3on is concerned. I�r. Lesgenfel.d stated that p�ge 12, second par�graph, con�tained interesting 3n�orm��ion, for exsmple the per c�pita waiter consu�p�ion in tNinnesota. Mr. Lan��affeld� st�ted thsat on pmg�* 13, sec�nd p�r��rnph fr� th�a �nd, h� �ade � c�ent to the e�iect th�t his i�pr�asioa is thmt the D.N.R. ni�ht b� morea ia�t�r�s��d in �rhether a'bia�J.lh��d �urvivei3 in a� �u3 guddle �ihmn they �re about �rv�t ]x�,ppen2d to eame �S the �tl�aad.a. Mr. L�ng�nf�ld gt�t�d that he �e�nt �h+�t h� s�fa, bu� did i�dicated '�ha� P�r th� r�c¢�rd� h� felt the D. N.R. was doing a�e��. �ob in �].� oY' e�r�as. n �. I,�ngeu�'�ld st�ted th�� on pa�e 16, eecond� ps�r�gr�ph wher� Lee Amn SpArre diae�s���l th� ��ic9.�ads, �h�y were hopiag th�� re�arding a�ach thin�s �h3ch co�ldn't be �dl� 1���liy� p�rb.�ps the Envircau�ental Qu�lity Act �83 the Envir�nffieaatml I��act Sitate�ent cau�d be u��d �� pu� � 1�1� to ��her deve�lopae�t in �h��t �sre�s �ra� that eubsections 1 and 2 w�re pre-r�quisits �to �hethe� �e co�].d. f�l�n�G th� E�vir��a��l. I�Pa�c� S�mt��nt or n�t. A4r. Lan�ent�l8 ����� �h�t m� th� ��eti� con�3.re�a�r1, it se�ed te loose moffie�tun, agd oe B�� 18 �t ffio�i�a �r�s �d� that th� Chairpers�n oi tiae E�avironffiental Qu�.litY C�iseic� noti�y the C3t� Cou�cil �t its n�x� re�ul�r raeetin� th�t the Enviro��nt�]. Qu�lit� C�i.ssion ��quests fu�ads suf�ici.ent to provide iajunctua�ry xelieP for the filling o� �etl�aads in Innsbruck N�rth, Sece� Addition; Further that �he Envir�n�nt�l �li�y C�mmi.ssion requests the City Couacil by resolutioa � support the Enaironmen$al Policy Act and the Environmen�a]. Rights Act and allorsr the Environffiental Quality Commissios to eelect the a��orney oS its choice �o represent the propoeed legal action to 1�It the �illiag oi th� wetlends utilizing �h�s� legal instruments. �� motion died for lack o� a eecond< When the motion died� eo did the real i�pact oZ Tnnsbruck North. 2Ar. Langenfeld referred to p�ge 20, pa�ragraph 3, and indicatcd that he vould be very much interested in invPlB 8in CCo�mi$sioncto t�ake vhat�tbeY c�u � . C ission and the g � Recre�tion o� envirasn�ntal tour oi Williaffiso� Iimll. The �ppropriate peaple �rill be �� notilied When a specific date is set !or the tour. � � PLANNING CONM�SSION MEETING, �ER 13, ig78 � pAG� 3 . _ - - � -� �. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE CHAIRMAN LANGENFELD DECLARID THE MOTION TO RECENE AND ENVIRONI�NTAL QUALITY CONA�I33ION MINt3TES OF AUGUST 15� i978, CARRIID tJNANIMOUSLY . �� - 2. RECEIVE PARKS AND RECREATION CON�IISSION MINUri3: AUGUST 28, 19?8 MOTION by Robert Peterson, seconded by LeRay Oqtaist �o receive thm Pttrgs and e'tl�creation Cam�issioa minutes o! August 28, 1978. A�. Langentled noted tha�t page 3 oi the minutes ststes t�t Parl�view Elementary �s been selected ae a Congre�ate Dinia� Si�e !or the s�nior citizens. He asked how tho trsnsportation Ws� �oing to work Yor th� aenic�r citizens. Mr. Storlg etated that aith thie si�e, tbey ere ob�igated �� provid� transpor- ts�%ion for u�y►one who requeats it, on � reeervation bmsie. l�r. Petersan inqnired Who the Director o� the Con�re�ate Din�ng Roo� �oul8 b�. Mr. 7�angenteld stated that hoptfully n loc�l person wo�rld be �e3ected. l�r. Storla st�ted �hat as he underats�nd� it, A9aals on Wheels will afiso be eerv�l ont at the Congregate Dining Roaan. I�r. Peterson brougk�t �attentic�n �to pmm�e �+, the letter �'rat� S�t. Sps�un��an concerning Locke P�rk. AZr. Peterson stated that Locke P�rk aould nac� b� cons3�- tent with all p�rka �n Fridl�y �acl nei�hbor citie�, in th�t liq�aour and beer wou].d be b�taned. � UPON A VOICE VO'I'E, I�LL VOTING AYE, VICE CHAIRMt�Pi LL�idGENFELD DECL�IRED THE M�TION T.0 RECEIVE THE P�S �1ND R�CREATION COI�SSIOId MINUTES OF �.UGUS'P' 28, 1978� CARRIED UNANI�IOUSLY. 3. DISCUSSIOIQ AND COIKMENTS O1V VILLAGE GREEIV PROFOSAL LeRoy Oquist s�at�d �that �his �s discussed at the Com�tanity D�velopment Co�iseios meetin� on Septen�ber 12� 1978, �nd thrst the Property Mmnager, Bob and Patty Walstead were preeent. Mr. Oquist �nd the oth�r m�abers felt �h�t 9.t �r�s a w�ll �tten document and covered most �sp�cts of propertq mane�e�nenic. A mo�ion xas m��e at the Ca�munity Developmen� Cou�is8ion meeting that the City Couacil review �nc� �i.g�a $he cantr�ct. . Mr. Peters�a �elt that ordinences might protect the city in regards to th� development and the people who �rill be living th�re, but wuld like to se� the City Couacil have our Legal Council look at it and i� there �re ch�ngee, �lce the changee� but it shotild ba signed. 1�lrr. �o�r8men stated that Al Gabel trom the Com�unity Developmen� Commission �n8 Mary Van Dan irom the Human Resourres Cam�issian have.been selected by those t�ro member c�nmiseioas to serve t� the Selection Committee. Mro Oquist stated that the Selectioa Committee xill h�ve tvo to four meetiags ta select the initia�l, people and atter that' it will be up to the I�gement of tbe Developmeat to accept new leases. Mr. Oquist ststed that theq nav have over 600 ^, applic�ts for 195 wiits. Mr. Oquist stated th�t they i�ve a tentative ag�ceement � tiitb tbe 14II'C to pro�ride a bws stop right in ir�nt ot the Senior Citizens building. .� PLANNING COI�ISSI01� ME�TING, SEPTENIDER l�, 1978 - _ PA(iE 4 �*,. _ t�ir. Boa�rdman stated thnt it looks li.ke the City Council will go with a para- transit system similiar to the prograffi in Columbia Heights. The Federal Government �ill subsidize 90� of the tirst yeer on �n experimenical b�sia and ,.� after that other subeidies fri.11 take over although �hey haven'� yet beeg � det�rnined. It looks like it will be a 2�3 subsidy. Mr. Peteraon stated that he is o�ppos�d to e transit systeffi in the City o! Fridley because of the co�t snd hopea that thc City Council �ill loo� �►t these Fe3eral subsidies because he feels tha$ theq are about ready to dry up. Mr. Boardman ststed that he felt a decision would be m�de by tbe City Council et their next mee�ing regardin� this. � I�. 3torla stated his Ca�i.ssion was conerned regar�ing the initial rent-up group. Th�y would be h�ndling the �pplications th�� first paesed througb a leasin� tea� tha� the management h�s, and that they would be screening out applic�nts that had been poor renters in th� past, and eli�ible applicants woul�l be passed to the Coa�wnity Development and Resources groups. Re�ardin� the li�mmits such as one child per b�droom unless under tbe age of 5 or of the seme sex, A�ary Van Dan explained tha�t if the Esmi],y groWS� they would be p].aced on a priority list for a larger unit, not kicked out. He fel% it w�s an exc�:llent d�cument . Mr. Lan�enfeld ��aics:d th�t h� likes the id.ea of preventat�ve m�n�gement because it eoncerna itse� w�tlx �he peopl� involved. T!i0T�I0I� by Rober� Pete��on9 seconded by Ned S�orlay to recommend the man�ement pl�n ��d �1� the �'�t�c�a�nts t}ser�ir� in re�;ards to th+� �li].ls�e Green Proposal ,-� to the Ci�y Coun3.cl for approv�l aiter proper l.eg�l council. UPOId A VOICE V6�'E, ,t�IaL V01^II�G AY�, VICE CHAIBA'�4� LP,I�TGE1dF'E�aU DECI�RID TAAT .TAE N�TION TO RECONIl��ID THE MANAGEN� �'N'I' PLAIV AND ALL T'HE ATZ'ACHI�2E1�S TH�RE2N IN RE�GA�S �0 TAE VILLAGE GREF�T PROPOSAL TO THE CITY COUPTCTL FOR .41PPROVAL AFTER pjZ�pg� ��qy COUN5EL Ct�RRSED UN�IJIMOUSLY. � 4o r�cc�v� a� niscvss cxA.�cES �0 cxa� 205, zo�nv� ConE b�OTION by Virginia Schn�bel, seconded by LeRoy Oquist to receive and discuss the proposed ch�nges to Chapter 205, Zoning Code. UPON A VOICE VOTE� f�LL Vt?TING AYE, �1ICE CHAIRMAIIT LANGENFELD DECLARID THAT TI� MOTION TO REC�IVE AND DISCUSS PROPOSED CHANGES TO�CHAPTER 205� ZOIVING CODE� CARRIED UNAHIMOUSLY. Mr, Boardman stated that he would like to go through and poiat out genera� t�in�s that would be helpful to them in reading it. He stated that eveYything that is uffierlined i3 en added statement and that deletions 8re cros�ed out. 1. The purpose of the code should be laid out more clearly and define the cale better. 2. A general change in the organization o! the code, for exsmple� duplications ere removed and aections ao longer used are removed. � 3e In �he co�erci�l area, nodifications were ne�dee Everything thst deals �rith 4duinistration and generel perYormance requirements are incl�ded in the first � pagesf and changeable items will be in the back oi the doc�+ent. _ � PLANATING COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEN�ER 13, 1978 - PAGE 5 4. Specisl Distric�e will be 13eted with their regulationa. � 5. All pariing requirements are notr ple�ced under General Res�rictions w�.th a li�ting oP uses. 6. Perforro�ace Standards - auch thiugs as o!Y-street paricing, e�cterior stora�ge� draiaage an8 landecaping requirements, etc., esre now included in this document. The following itema vill also be listed �nder Perfora�n�ce Standard�: � A. The matintenance aspects at the Zoning Code h�s been expanded so that �re wlll have some type of statement tha� could be enPorced �tliro�u�h the Zoning Code as far as the m�sintenance og erterior atructures, remov�l of snow and ice, etc. • B. Essential Servicea are also inclwded under Perfornence St�ndr�rda. C. A section claseified as Environmantal Asp�cts has been added to the Perfo�nce S��andards secti.on. This section aai.11 inclwde such thin�s as explosives, igll-out shelters, noise, vibrstiaazs, etc. It raill also cover such thin�s as erosion on cons�ruc$ion sites' u�e of drein�e pond�� sud that type of thin�. 7. '2'he V�rience Procedure w�s put b�ck into �he Zonin� Code. 8. Each District �ill be listed aith specific re�u.l��ions. Mr. Boar3m�an stat�d. th�t complet� co�pie� Fr311 b� distribut�. ahoa�l�. i� �'1 Me. Schnsbel st�ted tb�,�t �he Appea�le G�ission wo�ald ].ike to review ichc do�c�n�. MOTION by Robert Peterson, seconded by LeRoy (?quis� t� 3nclua�e on �the agendr� f e neut a�eetin�, �n item to set up a tir�e'��ble Yor the rewi��� apprortral �a!d� recom�n�ndation of th� Building ana� Zoni�g Code. UPON' A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� VICE CAAIRMlA1�T LANGEI4�'�D DECLtaRID THE I�'i�'I'ION TO INCLUDE AN ITEM pN TI� AGEPIDA FOR TBE NF�T F�TING TO SET UP A TI�TI�BI� Ft� TH� REV�4d� APPROVAL APID RECONII+�IIIDATION OF TSE BUILDII6G a�iP�D ZONIldG CODE� CARRIED.UNANIMOt�SLY. ��TTON by LeRoy Oqnist, Seconded by Robert Peterson to adjourn the meetSn�. �L�ANNN �G C0� �I�N�LL VOTING AYL VICE CBAIRMAPJ JAME3 LANGEI�'END DECLI4RID �HE �a MEETING OF SF�'�MBER 13, 1978 ADJOURN�D, AT 8:40 P.M. . � � - • . .�.. �,.. ... � . , ,, _ ���