PL 11/22/1978 - 305001 ' �1 a1 PLAIVNING GOl'9NIISSION MEh,'TING, NOVEP'�ER 22, 1978 CALL TO aRDER: ' . � Chairman Harr9.e called the Nove�ber 22' 1978D Pl�nnin� Co�maission meeting to order at 7: 3o P. �t. ROLL CALL: � � `_ Members Present: LeRoy Oquist� Robert Pc�terson, Richard Harris� Vir�inia Schnai�el� Jim L�agenfeld, Ned Storla (Mr. S�orla arrived at 7;�+0 P.M.) Members Absent: None Others Present: None l. APPRO�E PLAI�TNING COA�RSSION MINUTES: OCTOBER 25' 197$: MOTION by Nir. Langenield, �r�conded by Mr. Oq,uist, to appa�ve the (3etober 25� 1978 Planning Coa�iesion Minutes as taritten. UPON A VOICE VOZ'E� ALL V�ING AYE� CHAIRMAN EARRIS DECLARED THE A�TION CARRIID UNAlYIMOU�LY . 2. RECEIVE APPEA.LB CON1I�lISSTON SPECTAL MEETING MINUTES: �T�ER 2�+, 1978: M�ION by Me. Schnabel, seconded by Mr, Peterson9 �o receiv� �th� Qctober 24s gg78 Appea�s Cc�is�ion SSp�cial Nle��in� Y�Tinutes. ^ �4s. Schn�b�l stat� that re�arding I�tem 1 on the first pa�� of' the minuteB� w1�8� t�r mean by tbat is th�,t the�, as a C�ssi�n9 pref�r the fGZ�°t us�d izi th� existiag ordinadnce, ra�her �han the formst used in the docu�e�t tl�y �rer� given to revie�r. �e rea�on they grefea�red the old f��t w�s �h�t e��ery�thing R-3. �ras im on� section �3 everyth�,ng R-2 was in one section, e�c.9 whereas in the new format� they put �l drive- W�yrs' etc' to�ether' �nd th� Ce�mmisaioners �elt it would be toa easy► �o m3ss s�thing pertairaing to a speci�Pic buildin� area. A�°. Oquist stated that the w�y the new �a�rlinance �ras sta�uctureci, i� woutd ne� ���ble of content� aad an index in order to Pind tiaia�s. A�s. SchnPabel stated that the oid fc��mat w�uld be e�,sier for the publ3c bec�ue� they eould �ive them the section pertainin� to their �re�, and everythirag woild be c�ea�ed in �that section. Mr. Oquist su�geated that the r,hanges �nd discu�sions from a].,L the cam�is8iona be co�p3.led into one document to avoid duplic�tions �nd to make it essier f�r the �laaning Ca�mnission khen they d3scu.ss the recaa�ended. chan�es �r� the Commissioazs. If' the reco�nmended changee weren't consolidated, it would me�n a lot of cros� referencin� for the Plenning Co�ission, and since most of the Coanaissions were usin� �he sam� process for reviewing the docua�nt, it would not be that diPficult to co�olidate the changes. � /"� PLANNING CO�QSSION MEETING, N(1VEI�IDER 22, 1978 - PAGE 2 N�. Peterson stated that since the Commissions vere spendin� so much time on the chenges, .he would like to see their discussions and recammendatia�ns a�cl suggested a cut and paste prxess to consolidate the recommended changes, and did not �rant � the onrer-ley editorialized becauae he did not Want tc �,ose �r part of it. Mr. Oquist stated it �rvuld be too much for each Planning Camm�issiamer to have s set oY each Co�isaion's minutes in front of them when discuseing the changea. Aqs. Schn.abel agreed, but atreased the importanee of not having the minutes editorialized. Mr. Lan�enfeld stated that his Cmmmission did not go through the document page by ps�e� but his Caaanission Was conceraed ab�t the noise ordinance� the over-lay a�1 interim items� and ended up deciding not to recoam�end approval of the neW ordinance as is� without changes. ° Ms. Schnabel stated that there Were instances �ere the Appeals Cam�i.ssia¢iers did not feel that the ne�r ordinance wa� in ce�pliance with existing ordinances' for inst�nce� the Maintenance Code has differeat def3nitions than the Zonin� Ordinance� and the Appesls Coaunisaion felt those should be consisten�. �+1r. Harris stated tha� each chairman see to it that their minutes� efter t}� cut at� pasting grocess� were un-edited when the Planatin� Cmmmission discussed. the proposed chan�es, and he Woald talk to stafP about hav3a� �he minutes consolidated �ad haw they wcyuld like to have it done. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTII� AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED . T�dANItdOUSLY. � 3. x�cE� � aPr�s co�sszoN s�cr.ai, r�rir� r�s: �vov�n� 1, 1978: � 1�IOTION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Nir. I.�nga�eld to receive the November l� 1978, Appeals Ce�omissi.on S��cia3. Meeicin� Minutes. Ms. Schnabel stated that reg�rding Item l, on pe�e 1, at the October 24, 1978 meeting of the Appeals Ca�i.ssion, they discuESed iche de�ini�ions oF 19Family" and "Occupancy Limit" and there was a motion by tbe Appeals Co�ission to brin� to th� Planning Co�mnission a definition of �Family" and �'Occuparacy Limit" for �heir considerati� and �hat a legal apinion be �iven on both definitions. Ms. Schnabel stated th�t the Misne�ota Welfare D`partment uses three difinitions of Family and read them ae iollm�s: 1 A group of people Who b�r, prepare aad ea� their fo�d in c�on. (Fo�cl Stamp Pro�ram). 2; A child living with an eligible rel�tive relat�d b].00dl3nes, msrria�e; includes perents, cousins, aunts and unclea, "grest"-relatives, etc. (AFDC). 3) Twe or ffiore iadividuals relat�cl by bloodlines, �rria�e or edoption, sharin3 a housing unit main- tained by at least one of them.(Generel Aseistance). A�s. Schnabel state�l thst those are definitions of "Fsa�ily" aad in the Zoning Ordi�ance th�y ettempt to define "Feani�y". In terms of "Occupancy Limit", Hud's definition was "Tota1. persons�bedro�/housing unit� end ia 2�bedroam. Ms. Schnabel stated the Appeals Co�anission decided �that th� definitian for "Occupancy Limit" in the Zoning Code should be "2 persons per bedroo� per d�relling unit". Tiie Appeals �a�iseion would like s�e kind of legal interpretation of the defini�ions. � PLANNIPiG COi�IISSION P�ING, NOVEMBER 22s 1978 � PAGE � Mr. Petea�son stated t�at according to th�t definition, the f�mi.ly in � thr�e bedr� house with a mo�ther and Pather a�ci five children �roulci be in viol�tic¢� of the ordin�nce. ;^� How w�ould they ha�le th�tt situation? �� Ms. Schnabel atated that the probleffi aroae through the e�'efinition of "Occupa�ncy I,imi,t". There are som� hou�ea in Fridley Whicb contain large n�bers oP p�ople who sre unrelat� to each other and at least on� o� these h�s cause3 a lot of problems for the Cfty, because of the ccmplai.nte about this house. As an att�pt to �et sa�e �ind of definition that would give the City some le�al basis wlth which to handle this kind of problem, the Appeals Co�ami.seion wan�ed a definition of "Occupancy T,{m{t" whfch would give the City le�al recourse in this type of situation. Mr. Peterson stated that Y�e did not like the 3de� of "Oacupancy Limit" because tiaere are situations where people have a three or Pour bedrornn house with enou�h children a�d the mother and father to put theffi over the le�al limit, a� did not lfke to gut somethin� in the ordinance that would cause a problem f or them. Ms. Schnabel stated that she unders�� that the situ�tion was that if there w�re no coanplaints about them, there would be no prob�.em. . Mr. (�uist stated that the situation cauld arise where a neighbor wauldn°t like tbe family and there you laave a complaint9 it could cause aTl kinds oi problem� with an �ordinance like thie. Mr. Peterson stated that he thought Niinneapc�l3s had � non-related ox�dinance that h�s been effective, bec$use basic�lly in that situa�ion, you �re run�ing a bo�rd9.n� house. A f ive be�r�m h�us� �ith 30 unrelated people is b8eical],y a b�az°ii�ng hous�. 1+�. Iierris sugges�ed that they get a copy of Minneapoli�°s ordinaiace and r�v�tew it. 1'�r. 8az'x'is �lso stated that there �as $ Nu��ance (h�ciinance which sh�uld cover 8 situa�ion li.ke ta�t, that �he Zoni,n� p�d,in�nce $hould not be c�nsides�ed a cu,r��a�.].. Ms. Schnabel stated th�t th� first inclinatioa of �he A�peels C�esion w�s to �hro�w-out the dif�nition of "Famil,y" and not even �et iato "Qccupancy Limit�� but the I�intenance Code has a defini�ion o�C "Family`Pin it �ahich readst A group o�F not mo�� t�an 5 Persons, who need not be relsted by b1�d, marriage or adog�ion livin� togeth�r as a sing],e hous�keeping unit." A�r. Peterson stated tl�t since it wa� already i.n the R�ai�,tenanee Cole, ichey sh�u].ci not have to have e definition in th� Zonin� Code. Aqs. Schnabel stated that ms�rbe when ��e Planning Co�ission discuesedl this, they would decide to throw it out, �ahich was the Appeals Commissione' first inclin�tion, but as they talked about it, they �reren't sure if there were other resso�ns the d�finition wae needed. Mr. Aarris �t$t� that he had talked with the City Attorn�r, and th� City Attorney Would receive capi�s of their di�cussiona re�arding the propos�d chan�es� an�i he could interject, during their deliberaicions� his legal opinions regarding the changes. Mr'• Harris stated he would like to think about it and discuss it at a later time� unlesa they hed a �pecific proposal. h1s. Schnabel stated that the proposal was to have � le��l opinion oa the definitiona n_of "Fami�j►" and "Occupency Limi,t", and wouid like to know if it wovld be enforceable. Nls. Scr.nabel stated she would get the Nlinneapolis ordinance re�arding Boarrlfn,ghota�ee and they could discus� it at the Planning Congaission meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE, qLL VpTING AyE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE I�i0TI0N CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PLANNIN(3 CON�+RSSION MEET�NG, NOVEr+IDER 22, 1978 - PAGE 4 � 4. RECEIVE APPEALS COi�A4IS3I0N MINUI'ES: NOVEN�ER 14, 19'j8: MOTION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Mr. Oquist� to receive the Appeals Co�ission � Minutes of November 14, 1978. Mr. Peterson 40 foot lot, lot of other Pr�pertY and they allowed stated tY�at regarding Mr. Bruce Ned.e�asrd's request to build on 8 he felt that by granting it they would be opening themselvea up to a situatione such as if a person h�d a noa-conforming use on s pieee of it burae3 dovn� he could cc�ne back and sey that the precedent vas tha�t it t� be built back to its origin�al status. A�s. Schnabel stated that she had questioned the s�me thing and also had mentioned the Hyde Park area. Ms. Schnabel ahowed the Co�iesioners a picture and aa aerial photo oP the lot in question. Ms. Schnabel explained that the house presently on the lot wae uninhabitable and if the variance request w�s not granted� the City would co�emn the house and it �ould be removed. Zqs. Schnabel pointed out that the aerial photo shaws several other �0 foot lots on the same street, so it was felt tha� building on thie lot would be campa�ible with the neighborhood. Me. Schnabel also pointed out that the house immedintely north was a very nice h� on a k0 foot lot. Ms. Schnabel atated that as tbey discussed the request, it became apperent �Chat the neighbors �ere very muc� in favor of Mr. Nedegaard building on the �0 foct lot, and since there were other homes on �+0 foot lots on the same streete iic seemed. ressonable to grant the request, rather thsn deny the request and let the City condemn �he house� have it torn da�Wn, �ahich would take sa�e time� and then be left with an empty 40 foot lot. Ms. S�hnabel stated that Clyde Morevetz hsd talked 6rith Mr. Iierrick, the City Attorney, and Mr. Herrick felt it �rould mot jeopardize the law suit because the l�w suit �as concerned with a per�on wh� had brought �che lots t�xx forfeit� this lot was a fuil priced piece of pro- perty, there was the question of a corner 40 fo� lot as opposed to an interior �+0 foart � lot, and the neighbors in this case were very ffiiach in favor og a new dwelling on this �0 foot lot. The neighbors approached Mr. Pledega�rd and asked him to do this. A�. Nedegaard lives down the street from the iot in question. Because of these facts, the circumstances were quite different from the law �uit case, and Mr. Herrick xould be vflling to write out a legal interpretation for the Ci�y Council. I�tr. Harris stated that he eould see thst this would be �ood for the neighborhood ead could understand why the neighbors �a��ted it, but iaae concerned about setting a pre- ceden� thaay Would be sorry for later. t�. Peterson stated that he had note3 that Pat Gabel eacpressed the same co�ncerns in terms of her vote. Ms. Schnabel st,e�ted she did too, in fact felt ti�at all the Coa�issioners did� but by the saa� token, found it diffieult to come up with reasans to deriy it �rith the neighbors there requesting it. Pds. Schnabel noted that Mr. Kemper had stated that if this had been a vacsat loi, he probab�y never would have voted for it� but because it did have a house on it thst was current�}r being used until just recently, he felt �re ca�fortnble going alc�ng �rith the request. Mr. Harris asked what the difference w�s between this lot aad another lot that•� vaca�, other th�n this lart h�s s house on it. � �� PLANPTII�GG COA�IISSION I�'!'ING, N�IIi 22, 1978 - PAGE 5 Me. Schnabel atated that 1�kfng at 2t fro�a anothea° angle, if thie house Wae for sale �nd aoQnebody bwght it an� decided to improve it� the City could do nothing �„� about that. Mr. Aarris stat�d the�t that could be done, easentia].l,y buildin� 8 house within a bouse, if the present houae w�s that bad. Mr. Harris stated that personaL�y he Yelt grantin� the variance would be a good tfiin�, but was uneasy about the consequsncest mRybe ttot �ith the present court case, but a year £rom n�r. Ms. Schnabel stated that they may be faced with these s� tyge of situations in �de Park. , A9r. Herris atated that what they Were doir� then �ras continuing tbe uae of sub-atandard lots� which they► had decideai not to do. Nls. Schnabel stated that they had said they would aot permit ne�a conetructi� on vae�nt sub-standard lots, but in Hyde Pe�rk they had said they would p�rmit �xisting use oY sub-at�adard lots to continue. Ms. Schn�bel a�CSO st�ted ichat Mr. Nedegaax°d had in- dicated that this 40 foo� lot cost over $12,Q� and because o� this she felt that be- cauee cost� are sky-r�ke�ir�g so mucln, they msy have to a3.lo� this kind of thi� in order to cou�inue to prov3de h�using. l�. �uist g�stiorned whether they shc�u].d be conc�raed about providin� additio�3. bous�tn� �heax Fridley wa� � developed. I+�. Earris su�gested thE;y table thie 3tem for thr�e �nths� until Febr�arg*� vhile $hey ��ur3y i�9 �d get s,jvdgem�nt �ir� the present cour� c�ge and 1�oEr wher� th� ar� �oing with the prc�bleffie B�c�u.se evez�rthin� is �'r�z�n �s�r�y� 1�. RTe�e�aard �rauld ^ not be able to do anything with i� unt3� Spx°in�. Ms. Schnabel state�i �hat on page 7, the �+th pare�r�ph �r�► �he top shoul.d reads '�I�r. Couture �sked that �1..f' the �ars�� on Lot 5 were moved south 10 feet' it w�uld e]1ow �or a 50 f'o�t �at ra�her than � 40 �lot, and �ou].d the Ci'�,y give a ear3.aace for a �0 Yoot lat" Ms. 8chnabel st�ted that �n P��� 7, the 5th par��aph fro� the top, tbe wor�e "�'r� A2r. Tracz�.k" should be de].eted. Ms. Sc}�nabel a�tated th�t on Page 13, �he �th par�gz°�gh from the bo�t�� it shoa�3.d be 8 �eet not � feet. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALi, VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLAR� Ti� ARa�I.'ION CARRIED UNAI�TIMOU3LY. MOTION by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mr. I�angenfeid to recon��1 �o �Council �hat Mr. Nedegaard's request to build on the �+0 foat lot et kb26 2nd Street N.E.� be t�bled Yor 90 dqys (December9 Januery and February). UPON A VOICE VOTE, A�. PETERSON� NIl�. LAN^vENFEI�D, N1Ft. S'PORLA� N�t. OQUTST V�IPtiG AYE� AI�ID MS. SCHNABEL VOTING NAY, CIiAIIZMAN HARRIS DECLARED TI� N�TION CARRIED � TO l. � ,� PLANNING CON�QSSION MEETING, NOVF•P+�IIt 22, 1978 - PAGE 6 5• i�i+'�ilYl'' L''I111i��1Y1•Ili'�HL �UriLi11 1.�1�►�'7SIOl1 �NVlr'►5'.' W°1V'D�[1 �.1J 171"• MOTION by Mr. l.�angenfeld, aecoaded by Mr. Peterson, to receive the October 17� 1978� Environ�ntsl Quali�ty Ca�ission lainutes. Nl�r. Langenfeld stated that on page 2, letters fro� M�. Johnsaal ex�d Ms• Sclzau]-s should have been included as part of the recox°� and were not.i.aicluded rrS.�h the minutes. Mr. Langenfeld stated that there was a m�eting at City Hall on Monslay night which was attended by FAA' NIACy.t�tro Council, City oF Fridley Council� and Marsha Bennett amon� others. Mr. Langenfeld stated that the question of �rhether or not there �as �oing to be airporic expansiari �as discussed, and also to incorporate u�er the MnDOT pro�ram the discrepanciee noted by their Co�i.ssion and others. 2dr. Langengeld stated that it laaked like the airport expansion idea wes in the makin�� and there was ta�lk oY a Master Plan with the appraach of expanding piece �by piece, �Por example� first put in �ome lights, then weather instrument f�yin�, with each thing being a major change. Mr. Lan�enfeld atated �ihat there were 3ndica�tions of political iz►volvement also. Hb�. ?,�ngenfeld s�tated that their Co�ission �ould be mee�ing with Idew Bri�hton EQC ��d vould be providing s�e kind of suffinary. Mr. Langenfelci stat� t}�� regard3ng Ms. Sporre�s comments vn page 7, 6th p�r�raph from� the battom, Ms. Sporre me�nt th��; if the ordinance could be enforced� she would be w�lling to spend the time. P�. Langenfeld notecl that they had a new member an his Ca�i.ssion, M�rvin Hora. UFON A VOICE VOTE� ALL V�ING AYE� CAAIRM1AnT HARRIB DECLARED T� M�I'ION � CARR� [AYANA�+IOL�LY. - 6. RE�EIVE PARI{S APID RFCREATIOIV C�SSION I�NUr''S: OCT�BER 23� Z978: �TI�N by Mr. Pete�cson, secoud�d by Ms. ScY�nabel to receive the �tobe� 23� 1978/ P�rks a�. Recre�tie�n Commission minutes. N�. Ls«g�nfeici a�ked if Mr. Petc:rsoa� thought tlaey could get conm�on �round for sno�r mob3.li�g. I�r. Peterson st�ted they had leased the S�ars Property last year and sereer� requesting ft egnin this y�ar� but hadn't heard yet. Mr. 7zau�enfeld �tated th�t he hop�d it wouldn't be I�cke Park. I�. Peterson did not thiralc that would happen, because oP the problems with the Wild life. M�c. Harris asked �hat eould be done to d�:vide the outside rinks to separate the bockey p�qyin� fra�m the ice ekaters. Ialrr. Peterson stated that most of the rinks are already separated and most of the designated hockey rinks are not used very much by the form�l h�key program, but ere used by neighborhoocl kide. � � -�--� � PLANNING CON�+RSSION I+�ETIIiTG, NOVENIDER 22, 1978 - PAGE 7 Mr. H�rris etated he �as referrin� to the rink on �he Stevenson Scho91 prot�erty in p�rt3.cular, �ahere �here he�� been s prob�em of hockey plqying on the �enersl rink. P�r. Peterson stated that it was ��roblem of enfox°cement. The rules eta�e that there are to be no hockey sticks or pucks on �ener�l rinks, and if there isn't a hockey rin� �here' they ehould go to another rink designated for hockey playing. PRr. Peterson atated that it Was written in their gener�l instructiona that ther@ Was to be no hockey p].a,ying on �eneral purpose skating rinks. Mr. Iiarris stated that he would like to �ee a sign posted on that rink prohibiting hockeY P�Y� � , Mr. Peterson et�ted he would make a note to �et the �eneral skatin� area� poat�d. The rinks with Wazmi.ng houses are p�steci a�i the at�endent� are suppoa� to enfo�cce 3t. UPOId A VOICE VOTE� AL,L VOTING AYE� CAAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED Ti� 1�OTION CARR� ITNAIJINIOUSLY. 7. RECEIVE THE HiT�4AN RESOL�RCES CONA9ISSION MINUl'ES; NOVEMBER 3, 1978: MOTION by Mr. Storla, seconded by Mr. Oquist� �o receive the Human Resources NLinutes o� Noveaber 3, 1978. Mr. Storla not�d they had discussed the Intern�tional Yemmr of the Child on p�e 1 0� the minutes. ,�••1 1►�.°. Storla point�d out Mr. Peter Fleming�s rem�rks regardin� the Memoranduffi of 1�re�- ment on p��e 3 of the minutes and ststed �chat th�y had spent until. 11;00 on th� I�I�mor�na.um oi l�greemenl; and realized �nat althou�h they knew all the parts and $heir inter-rel�tionships, they were not groceedin� in �ny order. Larry Dobson suggestesl �hey �tart cutting and pastirig to put i� in an order thst did make sense, and fina].].y csme to the conclusion that even if �hey did maxi�i�e its understandibility, it wouad still be vsgue and r�dundant. They then decided that the department should c� up with a new one. Mr. Qr�uis�C sta�� that he was con�us� about who wxote iche Memorandum of Agr��n$ e Mr. Aarr3s explained that the Hu�an Resources Co�issiom received the Memor�nd,ut� of A�re�ment fro� �he S�tste� aad when they came to the Plaianing Co�isaion wi�h it, the Plaani� Ca�nnissiaan asked them to set up guidelines �nd �oa1s �s �o h�w they► would . implement the I�emorax�um of A�reement. Whea they had finished writing up the guide- 13.nes� they had �in reality written up a new Memorandum of Agreement. Mr. Storla atated that the original oiae that the Plann3ng Co�issioa had revie��l.�ras the one fx°om the State� s�d �tiat was the one Mr. Peter Fleming had coaanented on. Mr. Storls pointed out the Flow Chart on the last pa�e which they nrodifierl �rom the one Coon Rapids had develop�d. Mr. Oquist �u�gested that they devise their o�n Memorandum of Agreemeat and ask the Sta'te to sign it. ^ MZ°. Storla stated that they �ould review the new one and if it �s ].ike the iast one� �bey �aould have to came up �rith one o� their oFm. PLANNII7G CONMQSSION N�.'TING, NOVEMBER 22, �978 - pA� 8 Mr, ftarris suggested they forget about sending s�}r ietters to �ihe State� as Mr. � Fleming had suggested. N[r. Storla staterl that they would not deal with the last Memorandum of Agreement� � and if they were �oing to deal with the State, it Would have to �e �tith e different one. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL �TOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS D�ECLARID T� MOTION CARRIID UNAIJIMOUSLY. $. RECEIVE THE E1�RGY PROJE�T COA9�lITTEE MINUl'ES: NOVEMBIIt l, 1978s MOTION by Mr. Petersa�, seconded by Nlr. Langenfeld to receive ithe November l, 1978, ` Energy Project Co�aittee Minu�ies. ' � I�. H�rris�stated that they have had another meeti.n� eince the November let a�eting� � and pages 5 and 6 list so�e of the things they discussed at that meeting. Mr. Harris stated that at the next meeting, they would be votin� for a chairman. Mr. Langenfeld pointed aut �hat on p��e 2� he �as re�erred to as th� cha3rman �d it shoul.d be N.�. Harri�. -Mr. Harris etatefl he fel� ves�y optimietic about the Cc�mi�tee an� feels they have some very gaod people on the Commiictee. Mr, Langenfeld stated that the3r h�ed Mr. Bill. Dsvis from the St�te Energy Comm3.ssion there ancl Mr. Dav'3s talked sbout s mini-audi� the�r h�d �i��.en on a large business in St. Paial �nci wi�hout making sny major alteration� �o buildings or �h� like th�ic, they just taged things like lights on, etc., a�. sa�red $25,000• !� N1�, H2arx°is st�ted that N�g°. D�vis elso sta�ted that they were using the Fr�.dley Ener�y► Project Con�ittee form�t r�nd charter as a model �or settin� up their Co�mittee. 2�r. �arris stated �hat as they diecussed the d3fierent f�cets of ener�}r conserva�ti�, Mr. Davis had �affie interestfng c�ments such as sa econa�ic erisis was what they were really ta�king about. I+qr. Harris also st�ted thst �s th�y talkecl it seeffiec1 that the State was not Willing to lead, but willing to fol.lc�. Af�er asking A4r. DavaLs various queations, Mr. DQVis responded that they have the authority� bu� do not h$ve the en- f�rcement authority. Ntr. I,angenfeid stated that he had asked Mr. Davis wi�y they �rere bein� askeds �� iadividus2.s , to turn the thermostats d�wn, �,rhen 3.arge depar'�m�nt sicores �reren't and. Mr. Davis replied that tbey do not have the authority to make the depart�nt stores turn doWn their thermostats, all �hey can do is ask. ; Mr. Storla stated tha� there Was proposed le�isl�tion thst if you sel]. your house, you must have an ener�r inventory, and you must hire a person qualified to dm the �nergy inventory� �. the eeller can v�ive the Yee. Mr. I,sagenfelc€ etated that I�r. Wall h�d indicate�i an interest in Bl�k Parties� �rhere neighbors w�u1�l aaal,yze each other's ha�e a�d then� iY nece�sery� purchase the insulati�n ia volume to saue money. Mr. Peterson stated the problem �as not in b�ing in volwne' but that there w�s nothing �vallable to b�r that does the job, in terms o� sol�►r collector3 snd sQlas heat. � �. I�rria �tated that the insulation c�mpanies cannot bupr insu�ation. ,�� PLARTNII�G CONA�RSSIUN MEETING, NOVE�ER 22, 1978 ����` PACE 9 Mr. Oqulat e�ated that he had insulated about two ye�rs ago and aas saving about 25� on his bill, bu�t it eppe�rs that as more people insulate and use less ener�r, �� the rates keep goin� up because the utility coffipanies t�ve to meke their profit. People be�in to feel that even if they insula�te� 3t would not save them money. 1�. Peterson stated that if they h�d not insulated� the bflls would have gone up even more. Mr. Storla etated th�t la�a iuc�e people pay ten t3mes ffiore of their gross incooae on ener�r than middle income pec�ple. Mr. Harris in�dicated that on pe�e 1 of the minutes, he had stated that the tar�et date Was June 30� ig79, and that if they fel�t �hey needer3, more time� the Planning Commission would extend it. A�r. Harris asked th�t Mr. Langenfeld give them progreEs reports on the e�mani�te. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED T1� MO►rION CA.RRIED UNANIA�IOi�LY . 8, CONTINUED: MEMOi3ANDUM OF AGREE:�I1��T M(�TION by Mr. Storla� seconded by Mr. L�ngenfeld to table the Agemorandvm of A�reeffiea� until the l�n�uage can be worke�d out �i�h the Sta'te Dep�rtffient oP Hum�n Righ�s. UPON A VOICE VOTE, � V�ING AYED CHAIRMAN iiARRIS DECLARID THE M�'I'ION CARRTED tJNAIJIN[OiJSLY. ^ 9. CONi'iNtIED; REVI�WW OF SIGN ORDIN.A�VCE AT DIR�CTION OF CITY C�UI�TCIL MaTION by Nr. P�t�rson� se�onded 'by P�3r. Oqu3st to �tab].v the review of tlae si�a ord nance. UPON A VOICE V�'I'E, �LI, VpTIIdG qYE� CHA�tA7AN H�iIS DECLARID Ti� M�ION QARR� U�TpNIM0U5LY. • 10. QT�t BUSIi�]ESS: A. N1r. L�enfeld asked. that th�,y use the o�her l�ind oi books ��or th� ���d�se because the pa�es s�il out of these. B• Mr. LangenY�ld distributed let�cers r��a�ding tbe openin� of the Congregate Din�ng Project, an� state� that the Com�missioners were �aelc�e to cane on the c�pening dqy. A�r. I,angen�feld stateci that the people 3naolv�d �aith the Fr3dley site are very excfted �bout it, and Mr. Lan�enfeld stated tha� the program was very beneficial because it not only provides neede3 nutrition, but allowa the people to sociali�e while they dine. A�r. Langenfeld stated they sometimes have movies, s3ng-a-long8, or nutrition education afte� the meele. ASr. Langenfeld et�ted th$t resez-vations must be made 2 daye in sdvance. Ms.• Schnabel asked�if the meals were prepared on site. �--� Mr. Langen£eld sta�ed that the meals Were prepared by the N�trition Center - in Minneapolis. PLANP1INt3 COP�M'lISSION MINVI'ES, NOVEMBER 22, 1978 - PAGE 10 C. I�. Harris stated tiiat he and I�9r. Langenfeld and th� City Council had m�t �ai.th the perspective conaulta��s on the revitalization of the dr,wntovn aree. I+�r. iierris felt there were e Wide ran�e of prices Which �re inacurately quoted in the paper. The low one �aas $15,50o a� if you added all the proposals �o- r� �ether� which the paper failed to do, they ce�me to $35�000 or �+2,00�, whiCh _ Mr. Harria felt Was rather ex�rbitsnt. I�. Langenfeld stat�l they were g�ing to do it in phasee. Mr. Harris �tsted that he was not alto�ether sure they really ne�ed a consultaat on tbe do�nntawn area� and felt the City Council should consider it furth�r. 29r. Harris stated that what they reca�menrled was that they stage the study in pYiases, such as complete phase 1 and make a report aad then the City Council could decide whether they wanted to go on to ph�se 2� etc. The Council asked ihe consultants if they would do it that way, arad the consultants agreed. I�ir. Harris stated that hopefully they would do it that w8y, becau�e he �ras not sure they would vant to do the whole area. Mr. Oquis� svgge�ted that Phase 1 should be t� decide whether they want to re- vitalize iche dawntawn or nat. I�fir. Asrris stated that Phase 1 would be an inventory of ti�e are� a�d cor�currance of the people in th` �rea, and aftex° thst �aa� c�mpleted �they could decide if �hey �ntecl to go on to Phasc 2. . Mr, i�arris sta'�ed that he did noic think the Council should c�mmi�t themselvea to the wh�le thing uniil Phase 1 was ccQnpleted. T�r. Harris suu�est�d tkiat �he Comm�.ss� o�Qrs think about it and if they wanteo� to� they could �k�e a r�solu�c3� � to Council st the next meeti�. d�ir. P�-�erson ststed the�t �he Pl�naing G�issiora shou� b� i�nvolved ��he plannin� procese �nd the r.iri� of consultan�s �ras eerts�n�y pr�rt o� the plannin� process, ena� eo they should go cn record one way or anoth�r regar3ing this, and waxul.d iike to se+e the consultaats proposa�s. Ie"�. Harz°is r�quested the copies of the consul��nts proposals be sent to the �mbers of �tiae Planning Commi�sion with th� neac� a�e�ae A°i0TI0rd by P�ir. Pet��son� sec�nded by Mx�. Storla to ac'! journ the Norrember 22s 197� pl�nni� Commission meeting. �N A VOIC� VOTE� ALL '.V�I1�G AYE� CfiAIRMAN FiARRIS DECLARED T� MEETII� ADJOL�tNED AT 9: � P. �t. RES'FrECTFULLY SUBM[TI'ED: ,.� ,. � ; /�� �'�"r' �c'i' �'C�"Cc"=� ^-- Katl�y Shel on� Recording 5ecretary ^ � � ���