PL 04/04/1979 - 6651City of Fridley A G E N D A PLANNTNG COMMISSION MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1979 CALL T0 -0RDER: ROLL CALL: APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: MARCH 21, 1979 1. LOT SPLIT REQUEST, L.S. #79-01, BY ALLAN FEHN: Split off the Southerly 222 feet of Lot 23, Auditor's Subdivision No. 92, except the West 30 feet of Lot 23, and except the South 30 Feet of said Lot 23, into two building sites, as follows: Parcel A. The South 110 feet of Lot 23, A.S. #92, with the exceptions, and Parcel B. The South 222 feet of Lot 23, A.S. #92, except the South 110 feet and except the west 30 feet of said Lot 23, located at the intersection of Gardena Avenue and Benjamin Street N.E. 2 3 4 5 6 DISCUSSION ON THE DRAFT COPY OF THE COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN CONTINUED: PROPOSED CHAN6ES IN CHAPTER 205. ZONING RECEIVE ENERGY PROJECT COMMITTEE MINUTES: MARCH 14, 1979 : ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MIN 7. RECEIVE APPEALS COMMISSI�N MINUTES: MARCH 27, 1979 8. OTHER BUSINESS: ADJOURNMENT: 7:30 P.M. PAGES 1 - 18 19 - 22 SEPARATE SEPARATE WHITE GREEN BLUE YELLOW «� crrY oF �xnr�x PLAD1PITiv`G CONR�tCSSION MELmxr�c - raaxcx 2�, i479_ CALL TO ORDII?: Chairmen HxrY'Ss eclled the N,arch 21� 1979, +nectiag of the Planning Commiasion to order at 7:30 P.ht. ROLL CALL• Membera Present: Mr. Storla, Mr. Oquiat, Mr. Harris, Ms. Suhrbier (for Mr. Peterson) Ms. Gabel (ior Ms. 5chnabel)� hir. Langexiield Members Absent: Me. Schnabel� Mr. Peterson 4thera Present2 Ray Leek, Associate Planaer i. arPxov� �,axrrzrrc co�r�sszoN r�,�rrvrES: r�a�vaar 28, i979: MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld� secondea by A'r. Oqu3st� to approve the Februar,� 28r 1979, minutes of the Planning Cemmisaion. UPON A VOIC� VO'FE� AIS. VOTING AYE� CAAIRhiAN HAP.RIS D&CLARED THE MOTTOIv CAR.R�IED UNAI7IMOUSLY. 2. A°PROVE PLANNING COD4�ffS5I0N NIII1[iFES: MARCH 7a �-979� ItKYlIOY by Mr. C�,uist� seconded by h"s. Gubel� to spprove the Mar.ch 7� 1979� minutes oY the Planning Co:nmission. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTIIQG AYE� CFIA�iMAN iiARRIS D�CLAP�ED THE A'A�TTON CARR'LID UNANINAUSLY. 3. PUSLIC F�AIiTt�G: CONSIA�RATIO:i OF A PR�T��L PRRLII�"IP7ARY PLAT� P.S. ;�79-��.� JAY PARK E;I`DImTU;d BY ALVIid A. I�I'I'��H?C�: Baits� a repls�t ef' Outlo� 1, lixce reek Yl�za South Hddition; tiat part of lot 32� Slock 4� Lowell Additior. to Fridley Park, lyin� North of the Sonth 2.7 8eet thereoi, including thst part of St. Croix Street adjoining� lying South of Outlot 1� R1ce Creek Plsaa Sou�h Addition, to slloy a three onit tokmhouse development to be sold separe:ely, generally located on the East side of Main Strect in t�e 6600 block. I+�YPION by Mr. Oquist� seconded by Mr. Storla� to open the public hearing. [JPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAii ItARFiIS DECI,AItED THE PLBLIC HEe1RING OPEN AT 7:35 P.M. Mr. Leek stated that after 5taff Revieu! City StafP had no problem with the request for a plat. The purpose oi the request is to change existing units into essentially ownership unita. Staff determined that ii the plat is approved� there Would lsave to be a reque6t for variance for the townhouse sizc requirements and that the townhouse erdinance requirea a minimum area Yor development of ten (10) acres. The area oi th� lot in question ia rougb],y 1�3 of an acre. But City Staff would heve no problem with tLat. pyAI1NING COt�iZSSION N�:TING, MARCH 7, 1979 PAGE 2 Mr. Nitschke atsted it was e nice etructure and s�oul.d make a nice aingle family dWe2ling. One has 1120 square Yect with two bedrooms up and a Pull basement. Anothcr one hae about L..�00 equsre fect� and the otte he ie living in is a little larger than the other two. A member ot the audience aeked if they were talking �bout exietin� structures or if they were plannin� to add one. Mr. Aarrie stated they were tal3cing about existing structurea. There were no further ca�ents irom the audieuce eithex Por or againat the request. Mr. Oquist asked iY he uaderatood it proper],y that these were existing units� pre- sently rental units� snd the petitioner vrattted io se11 them. ASr. Nitschke stated that was correct and he lived in one of the unita. He wonld like to sell the other two rental units singly. Mr. Oqnist asked iY they nteded a replat for that. Mr. Langenfeld stated they would have to make them separate parcels in rnder to be sold separate]y. Mr. Oquist aeked if the lot would be sold witla the house� snd if garages wcre there. Mr. Harris atated that wae correct. Ms. Gabel asked if tha petitioner would need variances ior zero lot lines. Mr. Aarrie atated that waa correct� they would need varisnces. Mr. Izek statec3 that in light of the fact that they were townhouses, they might not require variances for the setbacks for zero lot linea� but would Por the eize, Nfr. Haraie stated that it appeared there were two garages Por the three units. He nsked iP that wes carrect. Mr. Nitschke etated there were four garages, 'tc+u doublea aad two singles. Mr, Harris atated that the two single gar�ges would slso be split. Mr. 1Pitschke stated that was correct. l�TIDN by Ms, Gabel, seconded by Ms. Suhrbier, to close the public hearing. UPdN A VOICE VOTE� AZS, VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN fiARRI5 DECLARID TAE P[IDLIC HEARII� CIASSb AT 7:40 P.M. Mr. Fiarrie Rsked Mr. J,eek if they would need any additional easemeats for the replat. Mr. Leek stated there vere none he wae aware of. `�"?� pLANNING COMMI5SION MGSTING, MARCH 7, 1979 PAGE 3 N3r. Aarris aeked how the utillties fed into the unita, if thcre were three separate drape into the units. Mr. Nitschke etsted there wae one line for Wster and one Zine for sewer. The water could be metered separately� and he suggested there be an asaociation agreement for the sewer. Mr. Harris agreed there ahould be en s�reemeat and ssked about the power. tfir. Nitschke stated the gawer was sepnrate and al�o the gae was separate. Mr. Harris asked if there were three separate �aeters. Mr. 1Pitochke stated there were two eZeetric meters on the middle house. Mr. Aarris stated there should be an sgreement regaxding the meters being on that building. Mr. Nitsehke a�reed. Mr. Harris etated that he had noticed there wae a drainege and utility easement across the front oP the proposed Lot 1 and the proposed I�ot 3. He asked if thot was an old easement. Mr. Leek atated he was not sure and would have to check. Mr. Fiarrie statecl it looked like part of a vscated alley� and s+ondered if they Were retaining any of that alley Yor drainsge a�d utiliiy. Nm. N:itschke stated i�e lisd purchrssed part of th�i; p2operty fron 'che City. k'hcn he first purchased tbe lot, there was a vacated street on the north side pf the lot� so he purchased part oi that i'ro� the C3ty and moved hic lot up a little further so an additional 26 feet could be added to the park. He was not aware of a drainage essement. Mr. Fiarris stated that since they were replating�,they should make sure the drainage and utility easements show on the replat. MC/PION by Mr. Langenfeld� seconded by bSr. Oquist� to recommend to Council approval of the proposed preliminary plat, P.S. �'j9-01, Jx�y Park Addition, by Alvin A. Nitschke: Being a replat of Outlot 1� Rice Creek Plaza South Addition; that pArt oP Lot 32, Block 4+ Lowell Addition to Fridley Park, ]ying North of the South 2.7 feet thereof� including the West half of vacated alley adjoining and including that part of St. Croix Street adjoining� �ying South oY Outlot 1, Rice Creek P1aza South Addition, to a11ox a three unit townhouse development to be sold separate]y, general�y located on the East side of Main Street in the 6600 block, w3th the stipulations that StafY look into the utilit.y factors in regards to aeparate meters for water, �;as and power an .. s are snown on tine new plaL. ? UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CIiAIi�fAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANII�BJUSLY. 8--a PLANPiTNG COt�AlISSION MEETING� MARCH 21, 19�9 PAGE 4 4, PUBLIC HEARI2IG: CONSIDEkiATION OF A REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT� SB 79-02 BY IiiVIid K RS'P: Per Sectlon 205.051� 2� A� oP the Fri ley City odei to a ov the construction oY a seeond accesaory building for storage . of an antique automobile, on Lot 11, Block 2, Rice Creek Terrace Plot 4� the eame beiqg C�71 7th Street N,E. MYSION by Mr. Oquiat� seconded by Ms. Suhrbier� to apen the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE� AIS. VOTING AYE� CAAIRMAN FiARRIS DECLAEiED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:50 P.M. Ms. Gabel ststed the correct ad@ress was 6$41 7th Street NE� not 6871. Ah�. I,eek stated that after BtaiP Revfew� StafY had one concern. He referred to page 39 of the sgernla book and atated there was no planned entrance to the pro- posed garage for the storage of that automobile. Staff was concerned that if at sometime an entrsnce was plannedr the side yard which exista for that purpose a�l the rear yard which exists Por that purpose was rether sma21. Ti�ey t+ere also concerned regarding a change oY ownership in the Yuture� so they would like to see the petitioner attempt to get easement Prom hia nei�hbor in the event an entrance to the garage was proposed in the future. The other comment from StaYf was that the propoaed accessory structure is somewhat larger than they would reco�nend. t�. Korst asked what the StsfP would recommend in regards to size, Mr. Leek stated he believed StafY wanted appr�timate]y 300 square feet. Mr. Iiarris ststed 300 square Peet would be about 15 x 20. Mr. Kor�t stated he had origina2ly planned to make it 20 x 22� but found it wae just as economical to go 22 x 22. Mr. Leek ststed tHat in the proposed changes to the zon3ng code� they uould be looking at 240 square Yeet as a maximum without s 8pecial Use Permit. A�ything over thst w4uld require a Special Use Permlt to a maxYmtun size of 1�00 square Yeet. Mr. Aarris atated that woul@ be 20 x 20. Dir. Korst etated ffi x 20 would not be a problem. ftis intention tras not to have e drivew�y because the emrs don't go in or out that often. He would not use them ii it wae snowing or raining. He uses them m�ybe three times e year. Ms. Gabel stated it didn't look like there was enough room between the existing garsge and,the £ence to get the cars through� egpecially in the rrinter. Mr. Korst st�ted there xas, Rud he would not take the care out in the winter. Ms. Gabel asked about the treee in the baclq�ard. Mr. Korst eteted they would not remove sny of the trees. : � PLAI3NING CO2�ffSSION MEE'PINC, NiARCFi 21� 19�9 - PAGE 5 Mr. Langenfeld asked wk�y he would need a Special Use Permit� if the exieiug garage was attached to i:he residence. Mr. fiarrie stated the attached garaKe was considered cin accessory building� so this propoaed garage would be a second accessozy building. Ms. Suhrbler asked ii he would be atoring two antique care there. Mr. Korst stated he would, Presently� the ce�rs were being stored at different places, one in an apartment garage he ranted for that purpose. Iie was worried it wouZd be stolen from there. Dir. Oquiet asked if he would add a service areu to the gaz'ege. Mr. Korst atated he would not. Mr. Oquist aaked if he �d 9 Peet hetween the lot line and the exi�tin� garage. Mr. Korat stated thrst wae correct� end he ha3 10 Yeet oa the other side of the house. Mr. Oquist stated that 9 feet would be adequste to get the caT throu�h. Ms. Gabel stated tl,at with a lot of snox it would be di£ficult. Mr. Korst stated he Yaad thought abaut putti� in a pole on the fence so he coul.d move the gate if need be� buv be does not plan to take the cars out in the winter. Mr. David Cook, 68Zt0 Washin�ton St. Pt.E., stated his property was east oi Mr. Korsts' property� axacl his back yarci was edj4eent to prcr�o3ed c'tructure. Mr. Cook st�ted he tu;d � patio axid garch in his baek. y�rd. CurrAat],y� Nm. Korats' property 1s landscaped with shrubs t�nd treesy rsnd f-ir. Cook's cuncern r�as that r� structure like this would detr.act fro:u not anlSr the aPSthetic beauty of ti:e property, but wovld alco have a n°gs.tive impact on the real estate velue of tlie sdjacent property. Mr. Cook etated h� had & real estate agent give him an opinion, and his opinion xos that it wpu3.ct detract f'rom the real estate v�lue. If that i:, true� be would not be in PAVOr of a structura of this size beir,? adjacent to his property. Air. Cook asked that when the Ca-r¢nission makes their cieci:.ion� he vould like them to consider what their recommendstion would be if that structure was in their back yard. Ms. Suhrbier asked what the exterior of the proposed structure would be. Mr. Korat staied he would use masonite siding and match it to the trim color on his house. Mr. I,angenYeld asked what the height of the garage woul.d be. Mr. Korst atated it would have 8 foot studs und standard 22 degree truse. He did aot want �to make it ax�y bigger thau necessary. _ , pI,pNNII�R; COMMT3SION MEETING, MARCH 2l, 1979 - _ PAGE 6 Mr. Storla ssked Mr. Leek 1Y thz petitioner got the svEgested easement Prom hia neighbor� could he or a future owner psve that area Yor a drlveway. Ma. Gabel aeked iF he could take it up to the property line. Nfr. Harrix ststed they required trie drive�rray to be 18 inches fran the property liru. Also� they require it to be 2 Peet from tha house. Mr. Storla stated that woul.d then leave less tk+an 6 Peets approximately 5°'8". Could he pava that. Mr. Leek stated thet looking at it naw� he could pave it. Mr. Korst stated there vas a concrete sidewsllc up to house.; ' Ms. Suhrbier asked if he would be doing car repair or rebuilding. Mr. Rorst ststed there Would be some� but it Woutd not be a 3unk Yard With fenders and junk lying around. He keeps his yard up end wou].d continue to do �o. Mr. Harris �cpla�ned to the petitioner that a Special Use Perm3t is issued to �the pr�perty� not to the person requesting it� and it stays with the property. Na�. T�venfeld read the following in regards to Special Use Permits: "IF evidence is presented at the hearing that the requested use is compatible with the basic use authorized within the particular zone and does not endanger the publie heraltk� safety or general welYare of the area effected or the co�uui�y ss a whole� and complies with such other standards as specified in Seetion 205•Ol� the Special Use Permit should be granted and a denial would be deemed arbitrary� unlawPul� and i.n vi.olation of the app2icants cottstitutional rights." Mr. Langenfeld stated he brought this up to point vut the fact that it wovld be very difficvlt in this esse den,y a S7iecial Use Permi.t. Mr. Xorst stated that he intends to make the building attractive to his home. Ms. Gabe1 asked i� he had ctated he would go with a 20 x 20 rather than a 22 x 22. Mr. Korst stated he would be rery �rilling to go with s 20 x 20. Mr. Aarris asked if there would be any paving. Mr. Korst stated he would have a 3 foot apron. Ms. Suhrbier asked if that wouldn't ruin the grass� hot having a paved drivew�V. Psven taking the car out anly occasional�y. Mr. Korst stated he would not take the car out when it was wet. Mr. Oquist asked if Nfr. Korst had considered landscaping around the bu31d3ng. Mr. Koret ststed he would landscape if necesesry. pLpNNING COMMISSION MEETING� MARCH 21, 1,979 � PACE 7 Mr. Oquiet etated he rtas thlnking oY so� large shrub across the back that Would help to hide the building� and make it more attresetive. Mr. Koret etated he could put it on the other side oP the fence� on the eeaement. Mr, Oquist asked 1f he would have 2 feet betvreen tne garage and the Yence. Mr. Korat atated there would be 3 Peet counting the other stde of the Yeace, He etated he wsa not trying to antegonize ar�y neishbors. Mr. Lan�enfeld noted that 5pecial Use Permits were subject to annual review� and he xould like to emphasize the control on S�iecial Use Permits involved here. Mr. Storla stated he felt resale value could be a reason to dez�y, 33 it effects aesthetics to the point of diminishing the neighbors property value. Mr. Korst steted there were otSer hauses in the block that had garsges set back from the houses. Mr. Storla asked how ma�y buildings� in the immediate area� were set on the back of the lota. Mr, Yorsn; stated he was not sure. Ms, Joen Klockus� 6830 h'ashin�ton St. Nr'.� stated she felt the same as the Cooks� and they do use their back yard eud would not like to see a detached garage. There are �ome across the street. She stated she di& not want to spend the �ummer looking at this big buflding. She did aot want to cause any problems� but would like to have a real estate $gent come out and te11 her iP this �rould detract �rom the sale of her house. Ms. Suhrbier asked if there were detached garages across the street from heY. Ms. Klockus stated there were soaa on the other side of Washington, but not an their side of t.he street. Mr. Harria stated he was coacerned about the Puture� when aixi if Mr. Korst decided to sell his cars or dwellin�, they wovld be left with a second accessory building on the back of a lot with a 9 foot access� which is pretty tight. Mr. Aarris stated he cras not sure how that would �affect tt�e aeighbor to the nort&. He asked Mr. Korst if he had approached his neighbor for an easement. Mr. Rorat stated he had not. Mr. Harris stated his concern was that the next owner would want to use it as a garage, and with on� 9 feet of access, it would be a problem. Mr. Langenfeld stated iHat the petition read "secoad accessory building for storage oP an antique automobile" and if that intended use then used� it xoul.d have to come before Council. _, _ . . _ ` pLANNING COMMISSION N�ETING, MARCH 21, 1979 PAGE 8 Mr. Harria stated it wou7.dn't really� becau�e the building Wou].d be existing and uaed fvr storing automobiles, so ho*a could they de�y an existing uee. Ms. Suhrbier asked iY they wanted to turn it into a regular garage� couldn�t they put in e 5 foot driveway. Mr. Harrie stated that was the problem. In pr.acticality� they would need all oP the nine Peet they could get. He asked Mr. Korst if the fence there was his. Mr. Koret stated it was. Ms. Gabe1 stated it would seem to her that that's where they would draW the line� because they couldn't have a driveway wide enou�h to permit using it as a garage. Na�. Harris stated he was concerned about alZowing a building that was in faet a garage �rithout access to get into it. Ms. Gabel stated tflat Putvxe bc�yers would have to understand that the building was for storage, not for a garage. Mr. Harris stated they would use it as a garage ax�yway. Mr. LAngenfeld stated at that point they could have a problem with the health� safety and weliare of the surrounding area. Mr. Storla asked iP there was a minimum width for driveways. I�r. Aarxis s$a'ced it would have to be at least 8 feet because that's how wide cars axe� but our code would not sllow it in this case beeAUSe tlxere must be 18 inchas between the property line and the driv�way attd 2 Peet between the house and the driveway. Mr. Leek stated there was no stipulation in the code for the Fridth of the driv�ws�y. Mr. Storla stated it would be allowed then Yor them to put in a smaller driveway. Mr. FIarris noted that the house was set 57 feet back from 7th Street. Mr. Korst stated there was no way he could put it in front of the house. Ms. Suhrbier asked wh8t the style of the house xas. Mr. Korst stated it wss a two story with a roof slanting down in front. Ms. Gabel noted that all the houses on that block were aetback the same� so then there rrould be s variance problem� and she felt it vrould look bad to build in front of thnt house. Mr. Koret showed the Co�issioners a picture of his house. � PLANNI2dG COMMISSION ME�.TIF�L MAIZCH 21, 19f9 — ---_ PAGE 9 Mr. Storla seked ii he couldn't have the proposed gurage closer to his home. Mr. Korst stuted that 5 feet either wcyy would not make aryy differeace� aleo� it wpuld be very ti�ht. Mr. Langenfeld seked what kind of hsrdship the petitioner would face if the request vas denied. Ntr. Korat stated he wac preaentIy peying $40.Q0 a month to rent a garage to store the car and rxlso had the worry thAt it might be stolen. Also, he is storing one car in his present gart�ge� so his otH.er car sits out everydt�y. ' „y . , ' Mr. Y.orst stated �ct�t when he purch�sed the house� there xas talk� not from City Fiall� but he heard sonewhere, that he cov.ld �et an easement to put a garage there. he could put a drivewa�y on the other side of the house' but then his back yard woultl looh like a�arking lot. Mr. Harris stated that was not a good idea, Mr. Ian�enYeld stated that 25 property crwners were notified and only two were at the meeting. Ha asked if there were corr�entc fro:a other nei�hbors. Ah�. Korst stated he hqd heard no complaints from his next door neighb�ry or any oP the other neighbors. Ms. Iaockus stated tt�t the building would oz�y effect the people behind him� not tha people in front, and there t?ere only six bouse behind him. M(7PION by Nir. iangenfeld� �econded by Ms. Gabel to close t�e public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE� 11LL VOTITYG AYE� CHl1IPSiAN HAFiRIS DECLAR�^D Tfi� PUBLIC IiEAi2ING CLO�D AT 8:25 P.M. Ms. Suhrbier stated it was a very nice area, and would not like to s�e �n extrA buildis� in back. Ms. Gabel stated she could not imagine anyone trying to put a driveway in there. Dir, Langenfeld stated there were ma�y thin,s to con3ider/ the right of the property owner and the rights oY the people in the surrounding area� the future� sesthetics� and also the rules regarding Special Use Permits, Ms. Suhrbier stated that if the house were sold, a real estate agent could list it as a three-car garage. Ms. Gab�l stated that would depend on iY there was a driveway there. Nfr. Langenfeld stated he d3d not feel there were si:fficient grounds for deniel of a Specisl Use Permity and emphazied that the building was for storage oi an antique outomobile. pLANNlNG COlMSISSTON MEETING, MARCH 21, i979 PAGE 10 MOTION by Mr. Langeaield� seconded by Ms. Gabel� to recommend to Couneil approval of the request Por a Specisl Use Permit� SP �`(9-02� By Irvin Korst: Per Section 205.051., 2� A� of the I'ridley City Code� ta s2].ow the construction oP e secoud accessoxy building for stcragm of an antique automobile� on Lot 11� Block 2, Rice Creek Terraae Plot 4, the same bei.ng 6841 7th Street N.E.� with the followin� stipulstians: no drivrwqy will be pernitted now or in the iuture� the Uuilding size will be 20 x 20, wnd �ntiscapin(; with shrubs be done behind the bui ing tc eliminatr visunl uo u•�ion. TYteee stip ations rrere incorporated nto�the motio Ms. Gahel stated she would like the stipulation in the motion that no driveway would be added to �o into the bsck yard. Mr. Aarris stated they would probably not put a drivewqy in� but would just drive on the grass. Ms. Gabel stated it would be extreme],y difPicult for someone to �et back there in the winter without a paved surface� because of the ineline. Mr. Storla stated the building would then be impractical unleas a person had antique cara to store there. Mr. Harris stated it would unless they had a stipulation that the bui.lding could not be used for anything other than storage. Mr. I,ar.�enfeld stated that was wkry he had stressed accesso� storage building. A7s. Gabel stated she wou2d like to amend the motion to include the stipulation that there be no driveway. Mr. Oquist asked if then� teehnical�y� would he be able to use that area to get into hia garage. Ms. Gabel stated she meant a paved driveway. Mr, Langenfeld stated that in regards to the driveWay� when they place stipul.ations as a maans of control they s,re placing a dictstorisl type of hardship on the petitioner. Ms. Gabel noted that Mr. Kroat did not want to put in a pa�ed drivewt�y. Me. Suhrbier asked how mueh the gsrage would cost. Mr. Krost stated 1t would cost about $3�5� to $4�000. Mr. Leek stated that the code requires a driveway be either hard eurfaced or gravel� so if they stipulate drivewqy� that would be enough. Mr. Lan�enfeld stated he would allow the incorporation of that amendment. Nir, Stor2a stated thet wa� saying they could uae it as a driveway� as long as they don't improve it. _ _ '�,'� PLANNING COMMISSIOId I�"rIATGZ MARCH 21� i979 PAGE 11 Ms. Gabel ststed she agreed With Mr. Langenfeld� that they did not have euiPicient grounds to deny this request. Ms. Suhrbier stated she did not like to see extra garagea �oing up around Fridley Yor storage gurpoaes. Mr. Oquiat asked if they wou].d etipulate thr�i; the garage be 20 x 20. Ms. Gabel stated that Mr. Korst had agreed to that, but K011ld agree to make it a stipulation if it was agreeaUle to b�r. LangenPeld. Mr. Lai�enfeld ugreed. Mr. Cook asked if the Co�mnissioners would consider requiring some type of shrubbery to beautify the baek of the building. Mr. Oquist stated that if the garage was 20 x 20� he would have k feet behind the garage to plattt shrubbery. Mr. Cook asked they be more specific as to whet percent of the back would be coverad. Mr. I.angenfeld ststed he would amend tl�e motion to include shrubbery but on7y to the point where it would eliminate visual pollution. He did not feel they could stipizl.ate a eertain percen�tage. Mr. Oquist sgreed� and sur�gested that pine trees would make goo3 coverage. UPON A VOICE VOTE, 2a�t. LARrGiNFELD� ��'`,�, GABEL ATdD k�t, CX�UIST VdSSI1G AYE, AIID Ndt. I�AFiRIS, MS. Sul�ti3Il32, AtdD M,R. STORLA VOTIn�G P1AY, CiU�Ii2MAN HARRIS DECiv'�2�D Tf� R;�TION FA27�ED WITIIOiii A CLF� hSAJORITY. Mr. Harris a�ked if there was another motion. There were no furtYaer motions. Mr. iit:rr3s state3 the request would be sent to Council without a recommendation. He informed the sudience and petitioner trat this item would appear at the April 9th Council meeting and suggested that all interested parties be there. 5. TABIS9: REQUEST FOR A LC%P SPLZ`P L.S. yj lit ofi the Wester)y 7.99 0£ iot 10� two bullding Nites for double ow�galows, Norton Avenue N.E. ERICKSON; uaitior�s �ueaivisioa iuo. oyp �,o wa the same beir.g 1385-gT a� k'95-97 Mr. I.eek stated that the petitioner had requested the item remain tsbled at this meeting. C. CONPINUED; PROPOSED CFiANGES IN CfiAI'TER 205. ZONII�: MOTIaN by Mr. Langenfeld� seconded by Ms. Suhrbier, to continue this item until the � o� the meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTIi� AYE, CAAIRMMAN IiARRIS DECLARED THE M(7TTOft CARRIID UNANIMOU5LY. -�r",-=�� - .. � . � � -�.we�r�e'"': PL/1NNtNG COMMISSION MEE'rII�C� MARCH 21� 1979 PAGE 12 , 7. RECEIVE ENVIRON:�NTAL RUALI'I"f COt+A7ISSI0N MINifPE5: FFIIRUARY 20� i979: N�TION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Ma. Suiirbier� to receive the February 20„ 1979� minutas of the Environmental Quslity Commission. UPON A VOI� VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIliMAN IiARRIS DECLARFD THE M01'ION CARRIED UNAIdIM(?USLY. 8. RECEIVE HFIMAN FiESOURCE CC3N�IISSION NfaIUIBS: t�axcx x, 1979: MOTION by f•4r. Storla� seconded by Mr. Oquiet� to receive the March 1� i979, minutes of the Fi�an Resource Coauniscian. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN iiARRIS DECLARED THE N,dPSON CARR� UNANIb'lOUSLY. 9. REG'�IVE APPEALS COMNfISSION MINUPFS: t�taxcx 13, 1979: M�PION by i�. Gabel� seconded by Mr. Langenfeld� to receive the March 13, 1979� minutea of the Appeals Cormnission. UPON A VOICE VQT'E� ALi, VOTIDTG AYE� CHRIRI✓AN HARRIS DECL11Ft�D THE MOTION CARRIED UNAN�iOUSLY. 10. OTE�R EtiSIP1E8S: T�. Lau�enfeld stated that in order to purchase a tape recorders a mation mu�t be made direct3,,y to Council� because that is consi.dered a capital expenditure. Chair�n Iiarri.s declared a recess at 8:50 P.M. and reconvened the meeting at 9:10 P.M. 11. CO:rPINUS'D: PROPOSID GF�AI�Y',ES IN CIiAP7'ER 205• ZONIDAu: 205.04�+ IR7' PROVSSICfiS Page 13� ��b; Appeels Commiscion had recommendecl this be chnnged to read: "Where the front yard setUsek of existing buildings within a distance of 100 ieet on both sides of a atructure to be erected is more than the mini�um fron yani setback re- quired� then the setback for the said buil3ing cou7.d be 6 feet less of the mean depth. (dele�te words "more or") In no case shal.]. it be less than the required minimum setback for that zone." (add the word "minimum") The Commissioners cancurred. 205.045 acc�sso� su�.olhcs arm sz�xucr�s Mr. Aarris noted there were a lot of additions to thie section. Mr, Leek stated that in general� the s�nse of the changes was to increase the accept- ability of necessory buildings to the neighbora by inereasing the distances from lot lines aud things like that. c pLqNN1I�; COf�II✓TSSION h'�LTTPJG, MAPCH 21, 197Q -__ PAGE 13 Ps�e 13� #l: Mr, Hmrris stated he had a problem with this. It might be an advantage to put up fencing on certain propeTtiea for geiieral safety r�asons. tfir, Oquiat saked if the word "fencing" should be in there. Fencing 3s not an accessory bui],ding or structure. Mr, Ii�rris stated there were tiaes they Would require iencing. Nm. Leek stated the key there was they not be required before issuance of a building permit . Ms. Gabe1 stated there could be instances where they would need them and suggested they delete the word "iencing". The Commissioners concurred. Page 13� �2C: Mr, fiarris stated a building had to be either attached or 15 feet aw�y� because that would be a fire hazard and saiety problem. He sug�esteci they re-write �}2C� that 3 feet was not right. He thought that the Fire Depart��ent would require 15 Peet. I�. Leek stated he wouI.d check into this and report back. Page 13� �2D: Mr. Harr3s stated he hod a probiem with a heiga�t iimit of 24 feet. Ha felt 24 Eset was pretty tall. Mr, Oquist noted that �f2E stated that no accessory building, could exceed the height or size of the principal buildir.g, Ae also noted that they could reach that heigh�t with a two story house. Mr, T,an�enfeld asked 1Y �Chis section referred to residential on],y. i�. Aarris ststed it referred to a11 zones. Mr. Oquist noted that 24 feet was almost 3 stori�s. Mr, I,engenfeld stated they should designste height accordin� to residential and so forth. Mr. Harris ststed that an accessory building was used for etorage and should not be as big as the principal building. Ms. Gabel noted that at Medtronics� the accessory buildings were quite large. Mr. Oquist suggeoted they delete the words "to s height limit of 24 �eet� and let #2E take care oi it. .�.,,.,. PI.AlQNI�G COMMISSION MF.�TING� MARCH 21� 1979 - PAGE 14 Mr. Hrirrfa atated that he was concerned that accessory buildings intended £or storage would be u�ed Por home oecupations or ehogs if there were allowed to be that big. Nu�. Harris suggested they look at 27? again end diacuss it ].nter a2ong with 2C. The Coamiissioners concurred. Page 23a �2E: Mr. Harrls noted that the maximimi eize allawed was 768 squsre feet according to this, Ms. Gabel stated that wae the mittimum size allvwed on a house. Mr. Flarris au�;gested they write a separate section for Ft-1 for accessory buildiugs. Mr. Leek suggested thnt 2F which si:ate� that accessory building;s in aggregate not occupy more than 35 percent of the area of a required rear yard� would take oare of 2E for residentlal areas. Mr. N.c�rris'statcd that would rilllcsw s big buildis�� depending on the lot size. Ms, G�be1 asked iP the current code dida't require a me�cintun eize oi 400 Fquare feet and why were they upgradin� it. She stated that she did not like 2F. Mr. Iiarris stated thai� on a 50 x 75 faot area, that would allow an accessory buildin� af Ab01Y, Zj�` sq,uare feet. t�ir. Harris st��ested they rettaiuk the wuo],e accessory buildinp� sectioa frc� #1 to � an3 consider writing a ce�arate section on accesaory buildings fox residential zones. The Corrc�is�ioners concurred. Ms. Gabel stated she was totally apposed to 2F. Pa�e 23� �{3: Appeals Co�nission had recormnended a deEinition for "roof houses" be developed. Mr. Harris stated the word "nor" should be "or". Mr. Oquist questioned whether this item related to aecessory buildings. Ae ttoted that someone could put a done on an accessory buildi.ng with no height limit according to thic. Mr. Leek stated he understood this xeferred to things attached ta the main building� and felt that should be clarified. Mr. Harris suggested thst be re-written also. The Commissianers concurred. -'�� PLttiVNING COi+MISSION R7PE'I'IP]G MARCA 21, 1979 _ PAGE 1S Page 14� Aet peregraph: Mr. Oquist stated that thia paragraph� which waa not numbered by the way, and �3 on page 13 deul with the height of the princinal building and should not,be included in this bection on acceasory buildings. Mr, Harris suggested this para�raph be looked at olong vrlth '�3. The Commiasioners concurred. Page 14� �h: Mr. Izek stated that in his book #4 was deleteci. It was not deleted in the books of the Commissionera. The Cammissioners &;reed that Mr. Leek should look into �4. 205.046 RLQUlREU YARA AND OPEN SPACE Page 14� #1: Mr. HFZrris stated he could not Understand what they were trying to say• Mr. Leek stated they were saying th�t in cs�es where the co3e allows less stringent space requirements� ths present owrer of that lot and buildin� cannot reduce the open area existing. Mr, F3arris asked if they could make t2�at stick. Mr. Leek stated they probab�y could. hLv. Gabel stated that all that means is that if you wan�t to char.�e something� you have to get a variance. She felt the wordin� rras geculiar and thet it was too wordy. bir, Leek etated he would see 3f it covldn't be sirnplified. Page 14, �2: Ms. Gabel euggested they delete the wox+ds "other open spaces? ar". Mr. Leek agreed. Tha Co�aissioners concurred. Page 11Ls �3A: Me. Gabel saked what a"lintel" was. N�r. I,eek atated it wae s beam usually over a doonray. The Cammiesioners reco�sended there be a cwama after the word "yard". PLANNING COMMI5SION MEEPING, MARCH 21, 1979 - PAGE 1.6 h1r. Harris asked if canopies were hsndled in another section ot the code. tdr. Leek stated it was hia understandiug they would be handled here. Ae sUg�ested it be included in ��3C. The Commiasionere aonciirred. Mr. Izek stated he would be willing to edit the document to delete such things as double negatives. He Yelt that aomeone who wse not involved in writing it shonld do this. The Commi.aeioners eoncur.red. Page 14, ��3s: N�. T,eek stated the point of this was that they did no� r�rant lights �lering in people's Nindaws. Pfis. Gabel suggested they de7,ete the worda "Prom the publir right-of-waV. The Co�mnissioner& cQncurred. Page 14, �3C: The Comm3sszoners agreed tc insert the word "canopies" after the ward "entrances". Nx, Oquist s'cated that not allowing steps to extend nearer than 2 feet f'rem a drive- w�y wns ir,rpractical. Anyone with a side door could not do it. Any three-tier stegs will extend 4 feet. Yau cannot live with �chat 2 Peet, Mr. Storla questioned the word "required" and suggested they delete it. Ms. Gabe1 su�gested they add the woxd setback there to elari3p it. She stated that "required ya�t" and "setback" were two different things. They should define whet they are talking about there. Mr. Leek stated they meant "setback" herep and stzggested they ebange it to "setback" ix ell casea. The Comnissionere carcurred. Me. Gabel stated they would heve a problem with the 2 Yoot requirement and it wou}.d mean more var3ance requests. f+fr. J,eek suggested they drop the words "and more than 3 feet into au,y required side yard setback" attd also delete �he words "parking and driving"� in those instances where they open directl,y onto the driveway. The Co�issioners concurred. ..,}�,qNMNG COr44ISSI0N ME'�TING, MARCH 27 1979 PAGE ].7 Page 11ta �3D= Mr. Harrie queetioned whether the 1� feet there would meet With the State Fire Code. Mr. Leek stated he would check the State Fire Cc3de. Page 15� �3E: Nir, Leek stat;ed this was taken fro� the existing cale. He understood this item addressed the placement of a�}r obstruction on a lot line. Mr, Harris suggested this be re-written, it wes too wordy. The Commissioners concurred. Page 15, #3F: Ms. Gabel stated ahe was appoaed to this because there was an apartment behind her and in order to cover the'bad looks oY the apArtment� her shrubs were higiler tha� that and would get hi�3her sti.11. Ns, I,angenfeld asked what the intent was here. b�. Leek stated the intent was to h�ndle un.kempt appearances in heflges higher tkk:n 7£eet. It �aas difficult to trim hedges higher than that. Ms. Gabel stated she had no problem with not allowing 8 faot fences or 8 foot hedges on corners r�here �they wou].d p�esent a visursl problem for safetyr but Ye1t they wexe over stepping bounds by regulati.ng how high hedges baarding lot lines could be. If people want hedges 10 feet tall for privacy� thAt was their a�fair� not the City's. Mr. Leek stated he would not have a probl.ea either wsy with it. Mr. Harris Etated they should define "close7,y grrnan hedge". Mr. Leek stated he did not feel it was equitable to limit fences and not hedges. Mr. L�enfeld asked if it was a part of a�y State Code. Mr. I.eek stated that to the best of his knowledge� it was not. i+h�. Langenfeld asked what Mr. Leek felt sbout it. Mr. Leek atated his only concern would be where it related to safety for Pront visual access and rear access to utility. He stated another concern would be where power linea were along lot lines cind the hedges interfered. Mr, Harris auggested they deiine hedge. PLANNSNC CONMiISSION MEETING, MARCH 21� 197� PAGE lII 1�ZO;I by hfr. Sturlaj eeconded by Ms. Gabel� to adjourn the March 21� 1979 rr�eiing of the Planning Commission. UPON A VOICE VQT'E� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN iIARRIS DECLARED THE N�TING ADJQURP�D AT 10:20 P.M. Reapectful7,y Subm3tted: Kat�M�l?/ /� . �-. / ,. �•-`s�!��'-�_, � lton� Y,ccon3ing Secrei:ary �� CITY OF FRIDLEY APPLICAI�`P: R �_L./-i �I f" L�ff �V � � � /.�,i' / d L C ��. ADDI��SS• I��I C/a/�(�Ci•irt irL�c - s,�z/;..L Street City Zip Code TELEPHONE �� s ^</-/ "l -� [-> `' '7'/- / � % `= Home Busittess PROPE[t`i'Y 017Nrft(S� /�.C�fl /'f � �� Pfl �n r`� h i� . G �-N r,/ / / 's IJume Lot Split -C%� Date �� Fee:��eceipt / ��G Council Action:Date REMI�R.KS: ADDRESS(ES� .� it m G H�S /-1 Fi o.• G Street City Zip Caie TELEPHONE �(S Street City Zip Code Home Business Property Location on Street or �xact Street Address (IF ANY� /� C� % �i��'�J�"✓m f�✓= �'✓c` - �=f/�.�Lr=�-. Description of Property: 50 �.�.� F�l. r. !_O i o.` ci l�� � cr z m� �__ t!.�-7'T i/Y!-" ��i. '>n F,', � � �r. o.n for Lot Area <�.a ,n . .>-- sq. St. � Present Zoning L'lassiiication The undersigned hereby declares that all the racts anci representations stated in this application are true and correct. DATE:�- �,�-' 7 �/ BELOW FOR CITY IISP ONLY CHECKSll B1 STAFF DATE (Seo xeverse side £or additio.nal instructicne: Hemarks: PLANNING COMMISSION: Date of Consideratio.n --T� �i �/ Remarks; CITY COUNCIL: Date of Co.neideratio.n -�- /� '' �J_ I Remarks: •€ i ♦ '^ ° N y 1� J N 4 4 �. u �• in ? u t i C M �� � V' W t i.'i L >.w 4 .. j C .. u � 6 u�� L�� a y' '� � J J C C I.OG� �yJ�.'.O KuO.�M �.. ^ •l m Y'� . r�l ✓ . :f. �^ C? C • n C>^ r C � L N r1...YNL M H.�_Lmb N.-�Yud 4 C�. L� CI V'J L y' ] y O C 2 3 �' E- � p C j u u 4 C C � U 1-� V O �: V � G C�( N y .� U t ^. � L,�'� J [i -'ti V .Uu ..L:J'�' w W�.. �... m�i..L c '�c..c.. . ^ .. . ^4 Y.M ... , .ULiCen C .OU{-. 'C. UP VdiN , uCIM.I.�..♦ uf14f+W C 4 LWru dP b0�40.• {� O 'o sf-^., u� .cmx L CIIUWT v WO :J��. ~CUY.�� • �J'!.u' c NLU.�;�pN K CiC.-. �N '/_ �% .� ry .� U C L • - Q ^��+:�.- NC-- r.Y N L N . G G av : ,. 4. O w .. yy..v.c _ ¢ .L..x�u m t �n��rvy a �.-. m c cw - :.: o.., � o cw �... u c �c: :c� v, _ „>an..:c : o>-.�H,.t •� 1. 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ENERGY PROJF.CT COMMITTEE MEETING MARCH 14, 1979 MLMBERS PRESENT: Jim Langenfeld, Dean Saba, Bi11 Wharton, Giles McConville, Betty Enkhaus, Donald WaLl, Dennis Anderson MEMBERS ABSENT: None CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Langenfeld called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.�. APPROVAL OE FEBRUARY 14, 1979, fiNERGY PROJECT COMMITTEE MINUTES: MOTION by Donald Wall, seconded by Giles McConville, to approve the February 14, 1979, Energy Project �ommittee minutes as written. Mr. Saba indicated that on the "Fridley Energy Policy Considerations" chart, under the heading, "Transportation", fifth item, t4inimum m.p.h. ratin s should be changed to Minimum m.p.g. ratings. " UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON LANGENFELD DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF AGENAA: MOTION by Donald Wall, seconded by Dean Saba, to approve the agenda as written. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, �hairperson Langenfeld declared the motion carried unanimously. T. POLICY STATEMENT: MOTION by Betty Enkhaus, seconded by Donald Wall, to receive Proposal A, "A Draft Proposal, City of Fridley, Energy Policy" (submitted by Bill Wharton),and Proposal S, "Statement of Purpose and Introduction" (submitted by Jim Langenfeld). Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, CUairperson Langenfeld declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Wall stated he liked the "Purpose" in ProPosal A. It was brief and talked about the conservation of energp and an emergency situation. He felt generation of energy (co-generation) was the only thing that needed Lo be added if the Co�nittee was going to be looking al' that. ENERGY PR0.7ECT COMMITTEE MEETING MARCH 24 1979 - PAG� 2 Mr. Langenfeld stated he was in favor of the "Purpose" in Proposal A only he would like L-o see it changed to "Statement of Purpose". Mr. Wa11 sl-ated his only concern was that they not be "Iocked in" to what was written in this "Statement of Purpose" if the Committee got into the area of altexnate energy to any degree and into things like lobbying or legislative lobbying. Mr. Langenfeld stated that if the Co�ittee agreed on the "Sratement of Purpose", i[ would only be tentative and later on the Conanittee could delete or add to it as they deemed appropriate. The Covm�ittee concurred with the"Statement of Purpose" in Proposal A. Mr. McConville suggested that Proposal B be used as a cover sheet for the po2icy statemeczt to be snbmitted to Planning Commicsion only. He felt the two "Purposes" were very different. The °Statement of Purpose" in Proposal B was in the form of making a recouLmendation and the "Purpose" in Proposal A was an actual statement of energy policy. The Committee concurred with this suggestion to use Proposal B, with some changes, as an introductory document for the time being to he submitted to Planning Conunission only. Mr. Langenfeld asked if the Committee members wanted to incorporate the energy policy into a goals and objective type of policy. Was it the Committee's idea to r,ontinue with Proposal A as it was written with no goals and oUjectives at this time7 Mr. Wall stated he did not feel a policy could have goals ar.d objectives per se. He felt the policy had to deal with the overall situation and then within it prescribe the means for implementation. He suggested that the Conmmittee go through Proposal A to find areas of agreement and items they particularly felt important or unimportant and use it for a"shopping list" . Mr. Wharton stated that the Committee �aould find thaC in Proposal A he included a lot of the things listed in Mr. Saba's "Fridley Energy PoLicy Considerations" chart. The Committee agreed they would go through Proposal A, making any changes or recommendations they felt necessary at this time. Mr. Langenfeld declared a 10-minute break at 9:30 p.m. 2. POSSIBILITY OF FILtLS: Mr. Langenfeld Urought up the possibility of using films as part of the Committee's public information effort. Mr. Wharton stated that films were available from the L�nergy Agency on a rotational basis. He suggested another possibility was video taping energy classes and showing them on the 1oca1 cable TV, .�f,= ENLRGY PRQTL�CT COMMITT�F. MGETING MARCH 14 1979 PAGE 3 3. RECEIVE EXCERPTS FROM "HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMGNT REPORTER" "HOME L'T14D!`V AITTT !�l1T1CCDVATTI�U /R1TilC l ll ATTT� I�TTTlO Dll9 9T1L'Dl�V CAl1DnC�� MOTION Uy Dean Saba, seconded by Betty Enkhaus, to receive the excerpts from the "Housing and Redevelopment Reporter'', "Home Energy Audit, Conservation Guide 1", and "Tips Eor Energy Savers". Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Langenfeld declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Langenfeld stated these were educational items for the Cou�ittee`s information. 4. OTHER BUSINESS: A. Report on Minnesota Ener�y Conference, Feb. 22-23 - Mr. Bi11 Wharton: Mr. Wharton stated this was the fifth annual Minnesota Energy Conference. The Conference had been increasing in size every year, both in the numUer of exhibits and attendees,until this year. This year the attendees continued to increase, but the number of exhibitors went down. They felt this was reflecting the fact that there was quite a lot of "join the bandwagon" type manuiacturers and contractors (insulation and solar areas in particular) that had gone by the wayside. Mr. Wharton stated it was a two-day conference. On the first day, Mr. A1 Jol�nson, the new Director of the Minnesota Energy Agency, was introduced. Mr. Peter Towe, Canadian Ambassador to the U.3., spoke at the morning session explaining the predicament (as Canada sees the situation) they are placing Che United States in, particularly Minnesota, regarding the flow of oil £rom Canada. As expected, they are protecting their own nest first. Mr.A1 Worden, one of the former Astronauts, spoke at the luncheon meeting on the Apollo flight. The second day's luncheon speaker was Jack Perkins and his topic was not directly energy related. Mr. Wharton stated that the conference consisted of various seminars and he attended a few of them. One seminar was on Energy Audits and the speaker was disappointing. Frank Mah of the Minnesota Energy Agency taiked on Industrial Heat Recovery Applications. Most of his conversation was on his experience before joining the Minnesota Energy Agency. Mr. Wharton stated he had a meeting after the conference to get the reactions of people, and they felt quite a few of the seminars ehis year were a disappointment to the Conference Committee, in general, because of the reaction to the speakers. The exhibits caere very interesting, because they were heginning to see the sol.idarity of some of the azeas that were being integrated--power demand monitoring and limiting aspect and the computer management of buildings and facilities. ENERGY PR0.7ECT COMMITTEE NLETING MARCH 14 1979 - PAGE 4 B. Change in Meetzng Date: � Mr. Langenfeld stated that due to a new class schedule on Wednesday evenings, he would not be able to attend the Energy Project Committee meetinp,s. He asked the Conunittee members if they would consider changing che meeting to a different evening. MOTION by Bill 4Iliarton, seconded by Donald Wall, that the Energy Project Committee change their meeting date to the fourth Tuesday of each month. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Langenfeld declared the motion carried unanimously. The next Energy Project Cownittee meeting wi11 be Tuesday, April 24, 1979, at 7:30 p,m. C. Ap,enda Items for Next Meeting: 1. Discuss Draft Policy 2. Report on District Heating/Co-Generation Symposium, Apri1 2-3 at Radisson South - Mr. Bill Wharton Mr. Sdall suggested that each of the Committee members study it-ems on the "Fridley Ener�y Policy Considerations° chart and come up with scatements regarding each one. MOTION by Dennis Anderson, seconded by Giles McConville, to adjourn the m�etzng. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Langer.feld declared the March 14, 1979, Energy Project Committee meeting adjourned aL- 10:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, �_. � �.,u e �.��-�..- Lynd Saba Recording Secretary � ,� «.--- �. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSiflN - MEETING MARCH 14, 1479 CALI TQ ORDER: Chairperson Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Robert Peterson, Robin Suhrbier, Betty Mech, Jan Seeger Mem6ers Absent: Leonard Moore Others 'Present: Barbara Hughes (Term beginning 4-1-79) David Kondrick (Term betinning 4-1-79) Charles Boudreau, Park & Recreation Director ,lack Kirk, RecreatiQn Supervisor Connie McMillion - Program Supervisor APPROVAL OF PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES: NOVEMBER 27, 1978 MOTION by Suhrbier, seconded by Mech, to approve the Parks & Reccreation ' Commission minutes of November 1979 as written. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Peterson declared the motion carried unanimously. APPROUAL OF AGENDA: The following items were added to the agenda: 7. Topic of "Sister City." � 2. Status of Sear's Property 3. Harris Lake Park status. M�TbON by Seeger, seconded by Suhrbier, to approve the agenda as amended Upon a vofce vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Peterson declared the motion carried unanimously. 1. INTROQUCTTON OF NEW COMMISSION MEMBERS Mr. Peterson welcomed the new Commission mebers, Barbara Huges and David Kondrick. He stated that according to the Charter, these new members term would begin on Apri1 J, 1979, therefore, they could join in any discussion, but would be una6le to be boting members at this meeting: 2. DIRECTOR`S R�PORT A. Concerned Citizen Mr. Boudreau stated that he had one call fram a concerned parent who requested that the Gs�mm9ssion mandate a rule that atl people using the fridley hockey rinks be required to wear a helmet. He stated that he told this person that the City's Hockey lea,9ue'requires the use of a helmet. Mr. Boudreau said that this person was nnt referring to just league hockey, but to anyone who uses the hockey rink on his own, .He said he then told this person that he thought it would be very >,� .�.. Parks 6 Recreation Commission Meeting March 14, 1979 Pa e 2 difficult to mandate what a person would have to wear to use the City's facilities. Mr. Boudreau stated that this person wanted this issue brought to to Commission's attention. Chairperson Peterson asked that Mr. Boudreau place this item under "Old Business" so that the Cor�snission could act upon it. B. Staff Introduction Mr. Boudreau introduced Connie McMillion, the top candidate out of 78 applications for the position of program director. Mr. Boudreau explained that the City had advertised for the position in the seven state area. He then explained the qualifications and experience Ms. McMillion had for this position. He further stated that she will be in charge of the summer program and the senior citizen's program. Mr.Boudreau informed the Commission that they would be losing three other CETA staff inembers at the end of April when funding ran out. This would leave Mr. Kirk, Ms. McMillion, and himself on staff. He stated that their concern would be in providing the services not available with the reduction in staff. C. LAWCON Funding Mr. Boudreau stated that he was at a State Legislature meeting Monday night on funding for a facility at North Park. He said that the legislature was having problems with the funding, because they have never funded nature center buildings per se, under LAWCON monies. He further state that the legislature had accepted applications from the City of Fridley and St. Louis Park, and that both cities ranked in the top three for funding pusposes. Yet, he stated, the legislature wanted to wait, because they didn'tknow if they wanted to open the door on fund- ing buildings. If they do fund a building, they are looking at a possible upper limit of $35,000. He stated that the legislature reverted the funding back to the LCMR staff for further recommendations and guidelines. The LCMR staff said they had to have a decision before April 4th on whether they would fund the Fridley or 5t. Louis Park projects. Mr. Boudreau stated that they just had to wait and see what the legislature decides to do. D. Sear's Property Mr. Boudreau said they were still working on getting LAWCON money for the purchase of twenty-two acres of the Sears's property. He felt that there may be no problem in obtain the money for the Sear's property, but t6at the building at North Park could go either way. He then presented the Commission members with the department's ideas of what they would like to see happen on the Sear's property. He stated that the total cost to the City for the acquisition of the property could be somewhere around sixty to sixty-three thousand dollars. He further stated that if this area were to be completed as proposed, it would eliminate some of the high activity use in Common's Park, so that this park could become a neighborhood park area. E. Harris Lake Park Mr. Boudreau said that last fall a Fridley youth had taken a four-wheel drive vehicle and ctamaged the Harris Lake Park area by tearing up the turf, damaging trees. etc. The damage amounted to about $3,000. This incident took place as the first snow was falting, so that there was no way of determining the exact extent of the damage done. The court left restitution measures up to the -. _ , ;. Panks & RecrPation,�o�nission Meeting, March 14i 1979 ' Paqe 3 � Y prObatipn offieer. The officer had been in contae# with Mr.Boudreau,,and had sugggsted that the yoGth be employed by the Park Department so tnat'he could mak� �estitutian. He said that they had discussed,this proposal and determined that,tl�re may be prablems with some of the Park �mployees feelings of working witti'this youth, and maybe it would be better if � sought employment elsewhere, whereby he could roake restitution. The probaiion f icer explained that this was a problem in that problem youths are usual}y difficult to empboy, and if they were employed it was generally a short term employment. The officer also stated that sometimes it was difficult to get restitution. Chairman Peterson and the other Commission members discussed the possibility of insurance coverage through the juvenile's parent's insurance. Mr. Boudreau told the Commission that he had already discussed this with the probation officer who said he would check on this and get back to Mr. Boudreau. He said that was over a month agv, and up to this time, he had had no response from the officer. Mr. Beaudreau said they would be replacing the trees from the nursery and be reseeding the damaged area this spring. F. Gongregate Dining Connie McMillion gave a report on congregate dining. She stated that there had been a lot of growth of this program. When it began there were between 17 to 40 people participating. The latest reports are that there are about 75 people participating. The program is stabilizing so that there about 40 or more people, on the average, who were participating in the program. She mentioned changes in the program that have encouraged attendance. One change was changing the time of the Senior meeting from noon to one o'clock. Another change was to schedule activities for senior either before of after congregate dining. She said that beginrring April 1, 1979, the City was putting together a transportation system, for the seniors, to an from congregate dining. Mr. $oudreau interjected that they are startim,� with a house to house transport system, with tlie seniors calling in two days in advance for a reservation. If this failed, central pick-uQ sites would be arranged.__One such pick-up would include the Senior Mid-rise (Village Green), upon completiont"of this building. He said there are looking at way to serve the handicapped, such as ramps, etc. G. North Park School (Tennis Courts) Mr. Boudreau stated that the City of Fridley had approached School District 16 in Columbia Heights. The City of Fridley wants to install two tennis courts on the Columbia Heights property adjacent to the blacktop surface. With the thought in mind that the City would then light them in the future, when funds become dvailable. Mr. Kirk has attended the meeting in Mr. Bourdeau's absence, and had gotten a very positive attitude from the School Board on the possibi7ity of allowing the C4ty of,Fridley to lease this area and develop this sport facility. Mr. Boudreau further stated that the City was now in the process of getting a written lease agreement for this area at North Park School. He'said he had some terminology he wanted included in the lease agreement so that if the City leased the outside ground area, they may also include some inside use of the building. Mr. Boudreau said that the department had contacted, and will be attending the T�esday auening school board meeting, of Schooi District #14, to request permission to light the six tennis court complex behind the Junior High 5chool, as opposed to the City's #pur courts in Common's Park. He said that it was the department's thinking that the courts at the Junior High were further away from the residential area and wou7d give the City two additional lighted courts. He said he was not Park & Recreation Commission Meeting, March 14, 1979 sure how the School Board would react to this proposal. Page 4 Mr. Boudreau said that the City was looking into a new system for lighting of the tennis courts. The new system under consideration would be a push button type, that is wired to a clock, so that a person could push the lighting on and off, and they wou7d automatica7ly go off at a specified time. Also, the type of system could be turned off by the City on rainy days when the court would not be in use. 7his would be an energy saving devise. Chairperson Peterson interjected that even if a cost benefit analysis was negative he felt that such a devise would be beneficial in that the City has an Energy Project Committee going, and he felt the City should set an example of energy conservation. Mr. Boudreau said that he and Mr. Habel were working together to see if there was a possiblility of installing a permanent hockey rink at Rice Creek School, and then a possible lighted tennis court. After discussion between Ms. Suhrbier and Mr. Bourdeau on the problems of equipment, and access, etc., in the Innsbruck area for ice, it was decided that Mr. Boudreau wouTd ask Jerrold 8oardman, City Planner, to set up a neighborhood meeting to discuss the problems and solutions for that area. Mr. Boudreau said that in April or May he would be coming back to this Commission with a list of hockey, and ice placements, in the City. Upon the Commission's approval, he would then request approval by the City Council. He would have to have written permission for access at that time. 3. UPDATE ON NEIGHBORHOOD PARK MEETINGS Mr. Boudreau said that the Pianning Department was in the process of developing a Parks and Open Space System Plan. In this process, the department identified thirteen neighborhoods. From these thirteen neighborhoods, volunteers were solicited to work with the Planning and Parks & Recreation departments. Surve,ys were done to find out what each neighborhood's activity interests were. Mike Franzen of the Planning Dept, coinpiled a11 this information dnd used it to construCt• vari;ous site Plans for ea.ch nei:gfiborhood park @nd then he constructed models of each park. A series of informal meetings were held with people from each park area, so they could see how their ideas were implemented into the design, and also to receive addttional input fort,each park. 7hese neighborhood parks service about a six block area. The attendance at these meetings averaged about 15 people. Mr. Boudreau stated some of the views that were brought out at these meetings. 7. Craig - Wanted water fountains, and rebound boards, and lights :h^ on the tennis court area. They would like the tennis court area tu be color codes witfi lines, new play equipment, and they would like to keep general ice, without a warming house, E 3. Sylvan - Wanted the City to look at the drainage, vianted water fountains, additional landscaping, and wanted to retain it as a playground location. They wanted a double tennis court with a hard surface added on to the end of it. Also wanted new play equipment, and wanted to keep it as a general ice area with no hockey rink. Ruth Circle - They would like tennis court lights, general skating area, a hard surface area for basketbal}. Someone suggested a sand area for volley- ball. Also walkway's from the west side was suggested for easy access to the park. They aiso would the hockey rink maintained. : ''�, Par.b ssion Meetin �n Zre7n f Mr. Boudreau said the park p7ans would be modi.fi'ed to include some of the sa�gestions that were made. Then the plans would be presented to the Parks . anQ �tecreation Comnission for additional input. He thought that the Planning Comtr�as5ion would everrtually be holding public hearings on the Park and Open Spa�e System Plan and'iheir recommendation would go to the City Council for their approval and acceptance. Ms. Mech asked Mr. Boudreau about the Benjamin-Briardale Park. Mf', Boudred,u ' stated that this was the newest park, and had some neat equipment, but that the � City had to set priorities. He thought it would 6e up to the Ci�ty Councl'1 to '' allocate priorities according to the 6udget, as to where the mprley �tou�d go, dnd what the City could do. I� Ms. Mech then asked for the status of Harris Lake parR, Mr, Bouedreau stated ��` that they did not have neighborhood meeti:ngs for Harri's Lake, kecduse. tit did not fall into the classificatton of a neighfiorhood park. He sai'd that from the input he had gotten from this area was that the residents wanted a �dndsc.aped facility � area with walkways, and some open areas with an open shelter 6ulldTng, wlth some picnic tables. They wanted a very low actl`vity 1eve1 Eiecause of the_ da,ngers of Mississippi Street. Mr. Boudreau, at Ms. Mech's suggestion, stated that he would te19 `Mr, Boapdman that Ms. Mech had requested a neigh6orhood meetin� to di;scuss tFte wan�s and needs of the Harris Lake area, and an update on Rice Creek Scf�ool p9ans. Mr. Boudreau said that he had 6een d�`smayed at tfie fact that tfiere vaere no Commission members present at the Benjamin�ariarda3e nei`ghborfiood meeting. Chairperson Peterson stated in defence that the Commission meinbers neuer got a notice of the meeting. Mr. Boudreau stated ttiat f9e would make sure that the Commission was informed of any furtfier neigf�tiorfiood meeting dates, 4. WINTER-SPRING PROGRAMS Mr. Kirk was asked to give the Commission an upddte on the Winter-Spring program schedule. Mr. Kirk stated that most af tfie w%nter activities were winding down now. The basketball playoff`s were to 6e held in St. C7oud tttis weekend. Also the volleyball playoff's for the State were coming up shortly. Mr. Kirk stated that tBe disco lessons tfie Ci'ty Ras fiad have 6een very popular, and they had had to add extra sessions of the 1essons to acco�ronodate the number of registrations. The "Ladies Day Out" was very successfu1, �l'th trips to tfie Guthrie Theatre, and to the Cf�anhassen Dinner Tfieatre. He further stated that the exercise programs were starting some day sessions to accommodate the Various working schedules of adults. They have 6oth a men`s and women°s exercjse group, Mr. Kirk said that this program had been a slow starter, 6ut they have about 2Q women and about 15 men in the program now. The,City tiopes to have more activites thrpugMout the day to accommodate the differnt v�orking shlfts jn the Cjty. c� Mr, t�irk stated that the "After S�hoo1 Activ7ties" are co�tinuing at Nortfi Park, Stevens, Rice Creek, Hayes and Parkview; He sajd they had contacted tf5e Spring Lake Park School District to see if they could coordinate something wi�th the Woodcre5t School. Spring Lake Park responded that they had their own after schaol programs and felt that Fridley wou}d be duplicating their own progrdms, Mr. Ki-rk stated that the °Teen Fest" Programs are continuing to draw between 300 to 35� junior high students two times a month. Some of the teen fi'eld trips we��e snow tub�ng, a sleigh ride, and seeing the Harlem Globe Trotters. Mr. Boudreau Park & Recreation Commission Meeting March 14, 1979 Pa e 6 said that Fridley was one of the few cities that had a good turn out for the Globe Trotters. Ne said that Brooklyn Center and Brooklyn Park had combined efforts, bui they did not have enough to fili a 6us. Ne said that Fridley had contacted Moundsview, for a cooperative effort, because Fridley had more people than they couid accommodate. The extra Fr9dley people were ntade aware that they could possibly be accommodated with Moundsview. Mr. Kirk stated that the Senior Program always seems to be growing. He had received numerous calls from people who want membership. There were now about 400 people on the mailing list. Mr. Kirk said that concerning the spring programs, they would be starting the middle of April. The City offers some tennis lessons, swim and stay fit programs, men and womens exercise programs. The after school program will be shorter this spring. The City will be offering some tennis lessons for the elementary age. There is also a new program going on nationally called the "New Games" program, which is designed to be low competitive games. They City will be trying to have a fourth to sixth grade disco dance lesson program, and some art programS. Mr. Kirk stated that last fa11 he had cotttacted a representative from Unity Hospital for a cooperative effort in working oui a running fitness program. He stated that every one who joins this program receives a certificate of participation. This certificate wili record their progress in the program. ThSs program will hopefully begin the first part of April. Mr. Kirk said the softball program is 6eginning with the manager's meeting next Wednesday and Thursday evening. They are anticipating around 100 teams to participate. Mr. Kirk stated that with fridley's facilities, they run about one night per week per league with this program. Mr. Broudreau said he wanted to familiarize the Commission with a couple of changes they had made to streamline the program. One change was a$50 deposit which will guarantee the eligibility of a team. If the team goes throughout the season, and successfully comp7etes the year without a protest to their eligibility, this deposit would be refunded to them. If there was a protest, and they were found in violation, the �50 would be forfeited. The first forfeiture would be warning, the second one would be an automatic elimination from the league. If a team forfeited their initial $50, they would then have to redeposit another $50. This $50 deposit was in addition to the user's fee. The second change is that the City has standardized the user's fee. It used to be that every league had a different price. Chairperson Peterson questioned why there was a difference in fee schedule prices, because he felt that the Commission had set a standard user's fee, and he questioned where and how it had been changed. Mr. Boudreau said they did increase some of the prices of last year's schedule. Mr. Peterson said they should not have increased the prices without coming back to the Commission for approval. Mr. Boudreau stated they had been increased to cover increases in expenses. Ne said that this year the City hoped to have the registration fee at about $160 per team, and $140 for women's recreatibnal teams. MOTION by Suhrbier, seconded by Seeger, to accept the Department's staff recommendation of the softbal user's fees of $160 and $140. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Peterson declared the motion carried unanimously. � _ .,_ : , �. � Park & Recreatiorr Commission Meeting March 14 .,1974` __ Page 7 �> � � � � � � � I9t^. 6oudreau st�ted that the Park & Recreation:Qepartment is working on a 4j ct�A�rative agreement with St. William's Church tq`use.their softball field thre� t��s�hts per week. This would take some of the pres5ure off some of the City's sct€��iati fields. ?his softball field would he used ma9n7y for servicing the girl's softball team, which had used the Junior Nigh S�haol grass fields before. { St.!l�Jilliams, in turn, has requested that the City pu€,in some trash recc?ptacles ,� end sorr+e satellite facilities, and maintain the area as far as cutting the grass, etc. Mr. Kirk wanted to inform the Commission of the °Ethnic Day" that was coming up on Mdreh 31st. He handed out some posters and pamphlers on tV115 event. This event will be held at Parkview, with the evening ethnic dance at the Senior High School. He also noted that the Minnesota Twins 7'ike to come to each community � every three or four years, to put on a basebaTl cTinic. Mr. Kirk said the Twins had contacted the Parks and Recreation Department and asked to have a clinic in I Fridley this year. He said Commons Park and the High 5chool gymnasium was reserved for this clinic on April 25th. Mr.-`Kirk said there was also a new program, through the National Park and Recreation Association, in conjunction with Burger King, that has been in operation for a few years, but was now being promoted heavily, This program is called "Pitch, Hit, and Run" competition. Mr. Kirk said they'have informed Burger King that the City would like to be involved in this program, which seemed to be pretty well i organized. It is quite similar to the "Punt, Pass and Kick Pro9ram" of football. f <There will be awards, and there are local, district, regional and national competition. ' This program will begin May 19, 1979, and the Department will be working closely w,ith the 6ridley Youth Sports Association in promotinc? this program. Mr. Boudreau : said that the.Burger King program was not being underwritten by the Stdte oraanizatiqn � in the State of'Minnesota. Because of this, Mr. Boudreau didn't know how many people in the state would be participating in the program, but that the Department felt tfiis was another opportunity to work with the business community, and also provide a service. � 'Mr. Kirk stated that they would be having a meeting soon for a total summer scnedule of programs. Mr, Boudreau said that they have had many applicants for the summer positions such as lifeguards, coaches, etc., and the staff was very busy sereening these applications. He said that Fridley residents still have � a priority on job positions available through the summer programs. The application deadlin� was March 2nd. Mr. Kirk said the Depdrtment was working very closely with the '49'ers 1979 ' celebration, as they haue done in the past. 7here are a number of events that are in the complete charge of the department. There are a couple of events for the teenagers which they were adding, one of them 6eing similary to the TV show "Anything Goes", competition. Also planned is an outdoor disco dance at P1oore Lake, even if it rains: Also a tennis tournament, and the S�niorswill have a bowling t�urnameni. The City Band will be playing and pnce again they will have an all star game. � 5. SISTER GITY Ms. Suhrbier stated that Tom Myhra would like to have a Commission representative at his planning meeting for the Sister City project on Wednesday, 1�larch 21, at 7:30 P.M. Jan Seeger volunteered to attend the meeting, representing the Commission Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting March 14, T979 Pd9e ° 6. OLO BUSINESS: MOTION by Seeger, seconded by Suhrbeir, that the Commission does not want to mandate a helmet rule, except for Recreation League Hockey. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Peterson declared the motion carried unanimously. Ms. Mech wanted to know about the possibility of having an area for mini-bike use. Mr. Boudreau said he doubted that there would be any area for such a use in Fridley, but that there have been meetings with Anoka County, Blaine, Spring Lake Park, Fridley and Coon Rapids, in an attempt to develop an off-road vehicle site. They are exploring the Arsenal, Bunker Hill, and the airport site. The City was involved in finding a suitable spot for this type of vehicle. 7. REGULAR MEETINGS FOR 1979 Discussion ensued about the schedule for regular Parks & Recreation Commission meetings. After much discussion, the Commission asked Mr. Boudreau to check with City staff as to when and what time would be availab7e for a change in the meeting night. MOTION by Seeger, seconded by Mech, to reinstate once a month meetings. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Peterson declared the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Seeger, seconded by Mech to adjourn the meetin9. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Peterson declared the Parks & Recreation Commission meeting of March 14, 1979 adjourned at 9:30 P.M. The next meeting will be held on April 23, 1979. Respectfully submitted, -� �..���- CL.�-��.. Elaine �eed Recording Secretary �iS.Vi 15R � �' � z h � '� 3 � 5� �'. '�' *z�..'f � - �"�`.ea-��;''�<`��t `� � ✓ �- _ g . '� f� `� s � y � t ^ . �' .�. �..�, r ', ^ ei �°,.; �.;,x� „�`:� �- � ;< a ; �. !�L QU,AbT_iY GQ���� ' � ` � r,. +3'`����� _ _ `� 4 � fARC}I �9r 'i9i� �_�" � �' x r...:;_ �. 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Barna� to approve the March 13� 1979, minutes ef the Appeale Co�ission. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIID UNAPiIN�i�SLY . � 2 APPROVED APRIL 17, 1978 � 441 IiF�GO STRF2sT N.F. PI3RSUANT TO East River Road N.E., Fridley� t�n. 55432)• MOTION by Mr. Plemel, aeconded by Mr. Ker�per, to open the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTTNG AYE� CHAIRW02+SAN SCiINABEL D�CLARED TAE PUBLIC HEARII� OPEN AT 7:35 P.M. Ms. Schnabel read the Administrative Staff Report es Yollows: ADPIIHISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 4�41 Hugo Street N.E. A. PUIiLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIRE�IENT: Section 205.073, 4> A, requiring a minimum front yard setback of 35 feet in a multiple dwelling zoning district. Pubtic purpose served by requirement is to allow for off-street parking without encroaching on the pubtic right of way. Also for ttie aesthetic consideration to reduce the "building line of sic�ht° encroachr.ient into the neighbor's front yard. ' APPEAI,3 COMMISSiON t�.'TING MARCH 27 1979 PAGE 2 f3. STII7ED HARDSNIP: 7his setback will conform to the setback of adjoining dvrellings on same side of street. If building were mnved 3 feet to the rear, it would make access to garages more difficuit, and would put the buiiding out of alignr�ent with adjoining buildings. C, Aa"1IPlTSTRlITIVE STAFF REVTEi•1: The verifying survey for 3II9 Hugo shows a 32.5 ft. front yard setback. The verifying survey for 369 Huyo shows 30.II ft. front yard setback. Other tiouses in the area appear to have similar setbacks. The petitioner's buiidin9 wili i�e a multiple dwel7ing with tuck under parking in the rear of the unit. Vision at the intersection is not obstructed by the building or parking. Total lot coverage equals III.II%. The petitioner has applied for a Special Use Permit to allow off-street parking on t(�e tvro adjacent R-1 lots to the east of the proposed multiple dvlelling, Ms. Schnabel euggested they receive the letter Prom i+�. IIoyle. PIOTION by Ms. Gabel� seconded by Mr. Barna� to receive the letter from Mr. John �. Doyle, dated March 4, 1979• UPON A VOIG`E VOTE� ALL VO`I`ING AYE� CHAIRWOMAId SCANABEL DECLARED THE M(%PION CARRIID UNAIVIMOUSLY. Ms, Schnabel atated that according to the letter� the reason Ynr requesti�g an extension is because of financial problema in obtsining finoncing. Mr. Doyle stated that up to this point, obtaining fznancing was a problem, but it looked it would be coming in the Yuture. Ms. Schnabel �sked wl�y he felt it Would be availsble npw. Mr. Doyle stated that there were some financing programs that he had been working on for three or four weeks that make the financing look posaible. Me. Schnabel stated that while the Commission responsa.bility with reganis to thia requeet wae not necesssri]y to debate the proe and cons of the setback, they could review the origina]. p2aus iP they wsnt�d to. Th� main question cras whether or not they wantsd to grant the extension. Mr. Kemper asked iY they had the minutes for the diacussion of last year. Mr. Barna etatecl thet the main point in the previous discussion was that the adjoining houses to the east vere setbaek further� which brought hfa lineup into the rest of ihe lineup in the street. Mr. Plemel asked hov maqy units there would be. Mr. Doyle stated there would be 10 units� they vould enter otf Hvgo and go into the gnrages from the back eide. APPEAL3 COt��II8SI0N MEE'PING, MARCH 27, 1979 - PAGE 3 The Caonn+ie�ionere reviewed the plans and pictures oi the proposed structure. Mr. Kenrper aeked if there had been ar�y opposition when the variance wae Piret requested a year ago. Ma. Schnabel etated that Mr. Kemper had made the motion to approva, Mr. Barna had seconded it� snd the motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Barna stated that he thought it was a very nice looking building. Ms. Gabel eaked iY they were the same plane fran one year ago. Mr. Doyle stated they were. I�. Plemel noted that the Special Use Permit did not pertain to the Appeals Coam�ission� but esked i'f they were all.owing parking in side yards. Mr. Doyle stated that was for the extre vehicles. Mr. Doyle noted that was shown on Page 1 oP the plsns. Mr. Kemper asked if it was an appropriate action Yor the Appeals Commiseion to grant an extension. Ms. Schnabel ststed it was and read the follorring; "Whenever within one yeer after grqnting the.variance, the recipient of the variance shall not have completed the work as permitted by tne variance, then such variance shall become null and void, unless a petition for extension of time in which to coaplete the work has been granted by the Bonrd of Appeals." Mr. Piemel stated that had done it in thc past. Mr. Barna asked Mr. Doyle if the i'inanciaZ situation he *�as going through would csuse aqy major changes in the structure. Mr. Doyle stated he did not foresee any changes at the moment. Ms. Schnabel stated that if the extension was granted� the variance request previously made would still hold, in other words� he couldn't go any greater than the variance allowed. Mr. Doyle stated he underatoai that. Mr. Plemel asked what "RIO-CALLE" meant. i+h�. Doyle stated tHat meant "River Road° in Spaniah. MOTION by Mr. Plemel� seconded by Mr. Barna, to close the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VO`PE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCFINADEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CIASED AT 7:45 P.M. �ae�� APPEflLS COA4�9ISSTON Nk.'ETZNG� f9ARCH ?_%, 1979 �L `F Mr, Aarna atated he had no objection, and Yelt it w�,s a nice looking structure and would be a nice addition. Mr. Plemel atat�d he had no objection either. M(?TION by N,r. B�.rna, aeconded by Mr. Kempe;, to reco�nend to Council approval oP thc request for an ext�nsion of time on � varience appraved Aprf1 17� 1978 to reduce the front yard setbaek from the required 35 feet to 32 feet, to allow the conatruction of a multiple dwelling at 44i Hugo Street N.F.. purausnt to Chapter 205 of the Fr3dley City C3rae. If constxuction is not completed within one year of the grsnting of a variance� the petitioner must appLy for an ext�nsion 20 days before the ead uP a one year perio3. UPON A VOICE VOTE, AI.L �'OTIPIG AYE} CF.AIRWONAN SCHNABEL DEC7�Rt'+� TAE MC7TION CARHSID UNANIN�OUSLY. 3. ar� Buszra�ss: Ms. Sckmabel stated there would be a speciEl meeting on N,arch 28� 1979 �nd the Coffin.i.�stoners were ir�v2ted ta ettend. Ms. Setmabel stated that Ms. Gebel and A4r. Berna had been reappoin9;ed £cr an�th�r three year terra to the Ea�rd csf Anp��ls. t•ts. Schnabel extended hez congrqtulation� aiong with the other Co�,uissi.onzrs i:o b7s. Gabel anfl h�. Barna. 2�7S3dIti by b1� . Plemel, �econded by f✓m. B�rna� to ad journ the I4arch 27, z979, meeiing of ti;� �ppeala Gca�issian. UPOY A VOICE VOTE� ALI. V(YPTNG AY�� CFiAlr,tv�OMAN SCEINABEL DF.CLF�F'iED TFi� I�TIPR'a P.DJpURNF.D RT 8:t?;' P.M. Respectfss115• submitted, �,'� �i' i.� �i ,�/T�/,=:%i % %_.._:.,....'l i'%' I�atiiy ,�Skielton, R�cording Sec—" retary �" :, . � i CZTY OF FRIDLEY PLAPAIIQG C0�4IISSION 1�ETiNG - APRIL 4, 1979 �. '^ t CALL TO (�i —�...-�--, Cluiraw Harris callei the April 4, 1979, seeting ef the Plannia+8 Csiseios ts erfler �t 7:30 P.M. Rors e�: l�b�ra tr�seat: D1r. SterL, Mr. Oqiuiet, Mr. Harris, Ms. SR�irbier, I�tr. I�aag�feld Msr Schnabel (arr ved ar 7:35) Mesbara Absent: �4�e =: : �•,: �: _ ._,1 Oth�r� lres�st: Ah�. B�ari�am, City Planntr i. �ovs �,xMxa eo�aassioa a�mm�s: MaRCH 2i, 1979: DIDTIOA by Mr. Im�genftl8, aeca�id by t�h�. Oquiet t� apprsvt the Marah 21� 1979, a a �� of the Pl�aaiag C�isti�s. Mr. La�eaf�ld rtated �hat the last p�rragrRgh on �a�e 7 ahauld stato that if the iffitenid uae �n4 aot uae�, it vould thea }uva to aMe bafore tiu Ca.iasion and tlu Counail. UPON A VUIC& VO't'i� ALL VOTIl� AYE� CHAIRUlAli HARRIS DBCLAR� Tf� MINtfl'&S APPROV&D AS CO�YD. 2. i.t3'i' £�LIT A8QUE9T L.S. �79-01 BY ALLAH FEHN: Split off the S�utiur]y 222 eet , or s iviaian o. , exceptt the Weet 30 feet of Lct 23, Rad except the South 30 feet of said lot 23, iato tve buil�ing eit�s, as fallovs: Parcel A. The South 110 feet of L�t 23, A.S. �92, with the acceptioa�, asi Parael�e South 222 febt of Ut 23, A.3. �92� eaeept the South 110 feet tui exae�p fe nert 30 feet 0i eaid Lot 23� loeotei at the interseeticn of Gardeaa Avenue ani Benjaain 8treet N.E. Mr. Baris�n atat�i tlut p�ge 20 of tlu �enda shcnr�d the location oi th� l�rt. There xae an esisting houee lc+¢ated on wiut wuld be Pareel B if tht lot �plit iraa opproved. The eaieting let right nan► is quite a large lot and �vea with tke ep11t you wouli luve 'aa�e thot what 1� required f�r two eingle fssi]y lots ia the Area. The thimg to be aoneerned about a� ehould look at is tLat rrith the eplit sff, the existin� house ie presently fscing Gprdena, aad althaugh it auete the requireaeeate at this tise� with the aplit off it vouli m�ke the existing h�use a noa-c�nforeiag use as fAr as the aetb�ck goes. Ii eosethin` happensi ta that hsuse, it vuuld grabRb�y have to be rebuilt bared on the cede, aad cc�uldn�t be rebuil� on that ease Peund�tien. Tise nev houee would hare to t�et the coie and Sa¢e Benjoui.n with a 35 Yoot aetback inetead of the 25 feot setback. Asother thia� to cseneiier is that the hauae ta the ea�t K thia property ia aetbaek a ecneiierable diotaae�� spproxi�ati�y 70 feet. So a houss built ar� thia corner lmt wouli atick out into tbe front yard of that houae. Mr. Bearissn stated he xould i,agiae the locati�n of the prc�poesi house vouli be facing Beajasla. Aleo, the preaent sewer ant irater caee off �f Gardena, so they vould havt to have a aev vater tap off Benja�in. He believed aever ¢ouli still be aerv�i ofP Garleaa. �, . .. - ..�` . . . ..,. ;.. . ' r ._, � _ �-. -..._,_-.._ ._ .. �, ., . . . . . ,_ . . _. . . . _ ". .. . .. ' r .- .�._ .. �,.... „ � _ . ,- .. _.. '..r� . - ._-� ' _... . : . �:.' . - .. . f . � ' •l � _ _.�1 f : .. . _ _ �.. . ., . . .. ,� .. . .. ._ . .. . _ ._ . ...� ' .. a.,.. ,. �:��.'� _ _� " .� l _ . _ .. .. . � , - _. .'�. . . _..., . , _ -i : � .: " � l:. , -. � .. _ , - . . . J . . �..� . .. . . - _. . . .. v . . J � . . . . .. ., . . ... . . l7 .. .��. . __ _ .., c_.i �. � . .�. .�r. . _ ....)... . (��' l. . .. ��� . . � . . . . ' �� ' . .. ._ _ _. . ✓� i . . _ . . . � .� . . /'.� . .._.. _ ._ .�.. _...� .._ ..... _ .. . ..- � . . .i . . � . i. _ . . . . � . . � � .. � _...i . . � _ n� � � .. - . _ . ... .. � .. .. y .. . .i .._ . i . . , . i � . i li�. �. _ . . . _.. . _ _ _.�_ _ � . _.. .. _ . . _ . . _ . � � .� . , . , . . _ . � _ . � � , ^ 1 � . C . ., .._ ..^ ^,.- . . .� � � iJ - �l ' �.� . ` . .:. . .. '., ' . �. _ . . . . . ... _ . . _ _ . ..... > i- . _ -. - .. _ .�_ n .' _.l � . -. . . - � . � * .. ...,.. . . . _ -. _." ,. .C� ' � .. -.. � - . � .._ - : ...., . , �. ..� ._.. ' .. . ,_A... -.. . � r,: . . .-.� � ._. . �. _..._ � ' . ;, ". �... . . .._ .. _ � .. `... � „ -, �:-• . .. .. _....,. .. .. . � . . . '. �. ..� _ �� . .... _ ._ . .. . .. . _ _ _ . , ' _ v; - ii •• :.: i� . _. .. . . . ..,�.. . _ . . _ . - . _. _ . . � . -. . _ ..�- � � ._. .� _ . - `� �_��.1'._ ._ .. �' .:'... . . �:.. _. . _ , . : _ �... _. , . ,. . . ;r �.;�. . :, - . . .�.;. ^ " ., . _. _ ._ . .. . _. .., . . ' , ... . :�. C^-' r :� .- . . �� �: .. .0 J�,. �.. ".: . _ ;,. . ., . :�_�. � . � :� -.__. . � . . . . .. _ .. � . , �. � . . : � _ �� .. . , . . _ ... . : ... ^ ,i , _ :. '.� __ . . :, . �: .,�: - . ( _. , , ., . .. � _ ,.::.r� .. ; . . .. -' . _ . � .. " _ -. : _ ' . . . _ ._ _ . .' . ' . ' . . �7 .. . _ . _. '.- -.. - . : .. . " , � . ' . .. � . _ .. PLAlYNI1�G COA9lI8320N �EPING� RPRIL �, �979 PAGS 2 Mr. Aarris stat�d t�at there appesred to be a sewer elean eut in there eaaoplece. Mr. BorrB� stetei that there was a seirer elean out ia the eiidle cf the lot, a�l there vauli }uve to be ames ehangea ia that. Ae walerstaod that the eever for the existicig �ause wmuli have ta be tappii oif Ben�a�ia. The ne*r atructure would use existing ee�rer fr� Gasdena. l�r. Harris etated they tirould thes bave to cut cff the line. Mr. Hesriffin stated that v�a cerreet, the oewer wouli have to ea�e �Yf Benjamia f� the exiating etructure, and alao the vater �+suld l�ve to coee oPf Benjaesia for the exiatimg strueture. Mr. Harrie noted they could �alce both tapa at the sase tiae. He aeked w1�at the size of the new lot irould be. Mr. Barard�a atated the nev lvt veuli be 80.04 x 133.25• Mr. Harrie aakad if the petitioner would like to a�ke a�pr co�nta. Mr. Allan Feiin atatei lae had no ce�eats at this time. Mr. Boari�an stated th�t the lots te the esat �rere very ieep lote, apprmcitiate]y ^u.'S feet ieep. Mr. Harrie �sked if thers was juat oae atrueture on lot 24. Mr. Bairiaai atated tiat rne earrect, that it lookei like lot 23 had beem aplit, ani the northerly prrt had the houae os it. Mr. Feha statal that actnal�y the eouth e� hai been aplit. Mr. Oquiat aoted ti�at hia house vould thea be facirig B�njami.n aad r»uld have s Beajaain adinae. Ms. Sehmabel aaked if the petiti�ner Lai talked to the people to the faat st 1623 G�rderu, or if the City had henrS aaything fr� tffie�e peaple. Ik�. FeLa a�CataB he kud trlkei to no-oae �bout tkis. M�C. Be�riaaa stated that the City imee aet send out aetiYications on lot sglite� �m th�ee pevple probebly don�t even ]mow about it. 1�. Boardnqn atatei that there vas a cament 1a the file fram Dicic that they �voul$ seei vpriance approval ainee a lat eplit d�es nsrt require a public hearina� `°�. s�� c^ " _ n<<_� __ —�_? �s � „°„_ MC'. H�x�ri� �a?d he_t1�QUg�� �]�ey ne�ded a va����� because tl�e�,t+�9u3.d be,cha�ging.;� th�_�io.�t2$� 4€;thg;§ouse.=- _ __. � - _ Mr. H�ard�sa stated t1�ey hai acme this befare rrith lot splits, ani if they aplrere the lcrt split� they wauld be appr�ring the variamce. Mr. Herris atatei th�t varis�es need netificatiaa. Pr.axtrzxc c�ssio� �rn�c, aPxa. 4, 1979 p�a$ 3 Na. Sehnabel stated tmst wtu�t they �rere doing �+aa sraa�fatheriag is �n existf� drrelling ia a nea-e�afarriat sett+ack. iAr. Harrie ctatei they vmnld be chanQimg the frat yud setbaek irae the requiret 35 f�.t to 2b.i9 =�t• !(�. Se�abel atked if there riae a g�ra�e � tLia property. Mr. Feku st�tel it xac a tuck-under houae. The entraace to tke pr�e vaa raff Gari�na. Mo. 3e�nabel saked h�w h� v�uld enter it aiter the lat eplit. Mr. Feiia stRtd he e�uli either eater oYY Henjasia aad �ke a u-tura into 'dis exieting g�rase, or he ¢ovld buil� a gsrase is the baek of the let. Mr. Bssritiaa a�keel bh�. Fehn if he lived ia tbs heuae preaentl,y ani if he dii� xaa he pl.�aning ma atRying ther�. Mr. Fe� at4ted he tii liYe in ihe houee a� ylaanei �n stayin8 thsre. Mr. B�ard�sn asked if ho plaaned on building � the other l�t. elr. FtLs statel he dii. Mo. 3e�mab�1 asked if he rr�s planaing oa teariag dora the exietiag iuuaa at aap� polnt ami builiimg a aev hou�e there. Mr. Fahu atated he i18 not pl.am on tearina iava the esisti� hsu$e� tbat it irta srC very •ld. Mr. Hoariaus aalced i2 the garass waa tm the saat or xest g3le os the bou�e. Mr. Fein stated the gar�g� tras on the rrest aiie K tke hsuse. He stated tLat he plaasei to buili • gar�ge �s the backeiie of the .xistis� houce aai �ater af'f Benjuia. He wu2d then clsee �ff the laver ssrage c�plete],y. 19r. St�rla �skN if they ioai aettlei Lh• qeuati�x �f wiether or n�t a varianee was seedei. lh�. Sarris atated lu questiwN tiat giaaelf asi rC�tea theg sould rsasm�eai a?praval K tie 1rC split. _ Mr. B�aria�n stated ti►at a queetion on plattiag iu�i ceu up before the atterneq ai+d if they ewld a�ke a�e ieaisiea on plattin�, that veuld require a public hearlmg. Is effect, thay would tlum be iniar�sinQ t3u pecple cf tha variumce. Mr. Farri� stated he would like t� have the att�uy'a vpiaioa om tbie, bee�uae 2f Cm�aeil agprared the lcrt eplit� it vouli auta�ati�lly approve the vsri�ac�. pLA�txINC CG�lfisSlOiP l�TIaG, APRII. 4, 19T9 - �A� � Mr. Aarrie rtated that iP the Ce�deaioa vieh�, t�ey c�uld aat � the lot aplit with the stipulatima thet they 6et a reee�eenisti�a fr�► the legal staff oa rr�etlur they asei a gublic hsaring ia thia �srticulsr eaes. It vauli then be up t• Couacil ta eitlur heli a public heering •Q fsa� as the variaaee geea, or eend it baak ta th@ Boar� �t Appeals. Mr. Irngeafeld atated they shouid gct a legal opinion no aatter xhieh �qyr they ge. Mr. Oqtii.st ntated tiut a variaace gmea befere tlte Beard aP AppeRls� ao they couli ree�smd approval mf the lat eplit end fisd sut whether or not a vaManae rrould be roquixtii� aai if it ic� it rould ge baek aqywsye.te the Ba�rd of Appealc. Mr. B�az�iaRm stated the rariaace rreuli mot nead Couseil setic�n beaawe if is a resiieatial ares. Mr. Harria stated that if Couzeil wanted tc aet c�a it they ¢•uld� cr if there ,►as a iiagute � t�e variamce request iras tie Cmmmi.eaioaere, the St�ff or t�e aeiahbar�s� it aould Qo ts Council. Mr. BaarirMa statei tl�t tLe a�ao efficieat vay of hamdlia� it would be to act ca t1u lot split, eeaiing it to C�il vith an aoti•m a�d if a varieaee �+aa needei, they v�uli talk to an ;ttornty aal thea atart prooeseing it thsou�h tke Appeals Ca�iesion. 21ost vay the Ceuacil oovld act o� it ao�nd3tia�ed upoa Appesla C�iceioa, or they coul8 h�ld it itad act upon it theaaelves. MOTION by blr. Oquist� sece�id by Ms.�bier� t� re¢a_eeni ta Ceuseil �pproval of 7�it Request, L.3. �'%9-01� by Allan P'eLa: 6plit oYf tke Santhor�y 222 feet K , or a viaiea No. 9fJ, exeept th� We�t � feet �f Lmt 23, and ezaept the $outh �0 Feet of aaid Lot 23, iato tva buildi.� sitea, ae follrnrs: Paroel A. The South 110 teet oi Lot 23, A.S. �92, escept ti�e Soutla 17A feet vith t eTi ex�iose, •ni Paroel B. The 3outh 222 feet of Lot 23, A.3. �92, except the cut$ - h 13Z3 feet and exo�p�reot 30 feet of said Lst 23, lcested �t tha iaterseetiea of Gar�ena Arreaue aai Benjaaia Stnet N.E., ccntixageat upon vhetffisr a>r net a, vRrianase ia neeied. UPON A VOICS VOTE� ALL VOTIARi AYE, CRAIRMAM SARitIS D&CLARffi) THE IMaPI�N CARRISD UNANII�IOU,4LY. 3. DISCU88ION �H THE DRAFT COPY OF THS COt�RSffiiSIVS IyE�/&IAPMBNT PLAN: Mr. Bsarla�a atated that a cpecial aeeting hai be�a aaheiuled nest rreek for the P].aHning Caviseien to dis�use thi• �ni aleo the c�ther Cn�iesi0as xould be diaeuaaing it. He otatei th�t they vere lookiag at poliey tirection rather than the ra�riing of the iocuae�t. The iiacuerion shsuli be about �ether oa� not they are going in the right iireation. He irould like to aveid nit-picking om the wrding� etc. Mr. Oquist stateQ they eh�u],t have the tiae to read the doeuaant before dieau�sing 1t. PLA1�PtIIG CCiII�ff'3SIOIP t�'PING� APRIL 4, 1979 PAGE $ Mr. Boariasn etatd tiast the aeeting wLere they gave ths initial preaemt:tioa �ave aa�e ltrectia� aai aa�e i�eas as to tlu backgrsuai of the policiee. Mr. Lans�afeld stated it vas a fina pressntatioa. Mr. B�riaan at�td this ws an iap�rtaat iea�at aai aeNs caaiieratiam. They couli go through it vord fer �rord and lcse the directioa of the po3.iay. Mr. Storla a�kei wiut hai artivated thie ioeueemt. Mr. Ba�rlran stated it vas a regulaticm of tha State� aad it the City doesa`t do it� the Metrc�politan Council v►ill do it aad afiarge the City for 1t. Ms. Scha�bel atatei ohe v�uld aot be able to atttai the �pecial �eeting oa sea�t Wedneaduy and a�ked if ehe sh�uli aeni Pat Gabel. Mr. Boardasm aaid sht Qhouli do that. MOTIOPi by Mr. Laageafeld� a�cen��i by Mr. Oquist, t� eontinue the iiaeueaiem oa ��eapreheasive Dwelopaent Plaa. UP'ON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAH HARRIS DECLARED TH� MOTION CARRIED UI�TA2II�DUBLY. 3. PROrosBD CHAxG&s Ix CHAPT�R 205. zoxlxG: MOTIOft by Mr. I,�ngenfeld, eemoadd by Me. 3ahnabel to sove thia itea to the e�l o�tfi� a�eada. Ths Casiaaioaera reqwat�i t�ut this itea appear at tba end �f the age�a Prq noir on. UPON A VOICE VOT&� ALL VOTING A7[S� CHAIRMAF HARRIS D&CLARLD THE b�TION CARRITD UNAIPIt�i�LY. 4. R�CENB BI�IERGY PROJ�CT CObA�tIT`PEE MiN[A'ES; 1M�tCa 14, 1979: IYA'1'ION by Mr. I,angenPeld, ceconiei by Me. 3chnabel, to receive the Eoergy Preject .�isiaeittee einutee of March 14, 1979• Mr. Harria etated he had a e�py o4 the 11IIllt@B ML�,QYI contained aore than the minutes in the agenda bc�oh. A�r. Langenfeld stated that what Mr. Harrie hai �raa the introduction and the drnit. He stated tiut wao a reviaed introduetion and dr�ft beeauae they Were making a lot of comientc in regerde tu it ang they vould try to Yinish it up the neut tiae ereurei. Ms. Sehnabel aeked if tlut wae the "Draft Propoeal - City of Fridley Policy". Mr. LsngenPeld etstei that waa what they r�ere ta2&ing about. Mt. Sahnrbel aeked if these vere the goela and ebjectives oP the Energy F'rojeet C�msittee. pLAriNixG COI+R�SSION AIBETItQG, APRIL 4, 1979 PaGE 6 Mr, Langenfsld stated they lud a ehart listing all the items the Planning Cc�iasion lud recc�menied theq covcr. As theq srent through it� they werc relating tfie draft t0 tht ebsrt tv saYe aure thoy 1�acl everythi�a8 incosporated 18 the draft. The �raft is the goale and ob,jectives of the Citq, not juet the Energy Prmject Cc�ittee. Mr. Aarris atated he felt they vere right on echedule. Ms. Schnabel stated she wae afraid they w�re getting bogged on in gmals aad Abjectivee. Mr. Laageniela atate� they had an introduction vhich would be presented to this Co�iseioa vith the draft. UP014 A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAH HARRIS DI�CLARED THE t+ipTION CARRTED iJNANIt�i�LY . 5, gECENE Tf� pARKS A11D RECREATION COI�AfISSIOfl MIMPl'ES: MARCH 14, 1979: MOTION by Ms.S�rbier, eeco�ed by Nh�. Oquiat, to roceive the March 14� 1979s siautes of the Parke and Reereetion C�isaiomm. Ms.3ubrbier etatsd that hopeful�y� there wou18 be tenni� eourt� at North Park 3ohool. Thie waa Yram the Darrell Farr aoney. Mo. 8¢hnabel atatad they vere talking abeut eventusl�y lighting thoee a� a�ked , if the nsighbora hai aDy sgy ia that. M■ q+�rbier atated thet ahe wae not eure. but it vas such a b1g area� the liahting prebab�y rrould not efiect th� neighbora. It vmuld be on the crder of I�re Iake ani they vou7.� be timed. Mr. fiarrie n�ted tiv�t his xife aad aother-in-].aw haai attended the Ladies D�/ Out and hai enjoysS it very much. i�011 A VOIC& V07'&, ALL VOTIAG AYT� CAAIRMAPi fiARRI3 DBCLARPsD TF� MOTION CARRIED UMANII�l�U3LY. 6. x�xvE s�nv�or�rr� qu�u.zTr Cors�ussiox �rnngs: a�xca 20, 1979: DATIOH bq Mr. 7+ax�genfeld� seem�ed by Mr. Oquiet� t� re¢eive the Msrch 20� 1q79� a�a`u�s oi the Enviroaeental Quality Cao�iedom. Mr. Langenfeld atated that moat crt the iiscueaian eoneerned itees they �rere asraiting iaformatia�n am. He diraetel the attentios of the C�issiam to the bottc� of p�ge 4 aai aeked Mr. Harrie to read the tvo lettere � had given him. Mr. Aarrie read the lettera ae follovs: The Yirat letter wae isted Mnreh 22, 1979 and reade ae iollrnrs: PLAlINII� eO�Il+IISSiOx t�ETIPGS APRIL 4, 1979 - PAGS 7 Dear Jist I hereby subait � nsi�natiem to tke �nvlroaeent+al Qwtlity Ca.aisai�a. Becauae of ap� rtffier intereete ami obligqtiwe� I do aot have �ia� ta s�rve on ths caoii.eai0a. I u plea�ed te kaorr that MRrvin Horn wislua to eontinue aa8 therefora tlure rill be ae pr�ble� in filli� the vaearas� I leave. Siaaere],y yours, i�h s. R. &. Metcal! Tke saeoai letter vas iatN A�ril l, 1979 aai r�i aa follssre: Dear Jia: I reaeatly seat you a letter reai�nin� �qr p�aiti•a e�a the Esviro�ent�l Quality Ca�iacioa. Bub�equeatly ap Qousaila�n, Dennis So�ider� pairated out tiat � resiputioa ani tkt filling cf eqr poeition by Marvia Sa� �reuld create an i�balance oa tku ee�isai�a ae far ae reprereatation o! the three varda 1a c�acerned - i.a., there wauld be three repreasatatires fraa iiard 1, 2 fraa Wsrd 3s tai aeat frca iiud 2. He �slca� ae to reaunaiier � reai�nati�a. I ha�e a�reai tu atay un tke Coii.�teiea ia order te coatinw the repre'sat�ti� of Ward 2. As you knsv� I have not besa entire�y eatiafied with tke acc�plishaeata of the c�ie�ioa nor 0f the va�y uur aeeting tiaee hsve beea s�eat. Lot'e w�rk tog�tker to epe�d up the tise for pro¢ciursl mattera - aseniiHg aigutes •ad reo�iving e�uuicatisns - aud apeni aore tiae a>a the aatters tlut sre of rKl c�acera to the ce�ission a� to tha City. Our aext seeting is April 17. Thia is al�o t3ae tiae ferr the I.eague at tiaren Vvtsra' anaurl aoetia�. Sinee I ahouli like t0 attesd Rt least part of tlu League�s aeetiag, Wculd you caasiier de].�ying tke &QC etarting tiae timtil 8:15Y Sin¢ere],y yaura, �smnie 1+ktaalf Both letters vere addreaaai to Mr. Langenfeli srith e�pies to Mqyor Nsa. The a�a�nt letter �ti a oo�py to Councilaan Denais Sahaeilsr. Mr. Harris atatai tiat he nao aat aware that ea�a�i.ssieai �sbers were beia� appointed aaeording ta Waris. Mr. Las�tsieli ttatad � xaa quite upaet roritk the aitvatioa. He f�lt Mr. H�ra ras wll qualifiei. Mr. Lageai�li qu�atiqsi haviag aix ao�ala�isa �eabere. If Mr. Hora a�i Mr. Wila� stay on, titt vould be eix p•ople. t4. Harris aakd if tkere waa a prwieien in tke ordiaanme far eix s�bera. ioh�. B�arirax� ttatsd he wouli liwk Rt t§e uriinaace ami let thea ]mow at the aai �Y the aseting. PLA�IPIAG Cai�4I83I0N b�CTING, A�RIL 4� 1979 - _ P/iGE 8 Mr. Harris st�tad he rac sore conceraed about this businesa of apportionsent. kr. Boari�aa etat�i he weuli check the ordinaace aai they emuld diecuae it at tho end of ths seeting. UPON A VOICE VOTS, ALL Va'PING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRI3 I1�CI,ARYD TF� MOTD�N CARRI�[) [TPAAIFAU3I.Y. 7. RECiIV� APPEALS COI+AdI33I0N MIN[liBS: MARCH 27, 19T9% ADTIOB by Ma. Seloaabel aecoaiei by Mr. Oquist� to rsaeive the Msrch 27� 1979, a�au�es of the Ap�eeala Cc�iesi�n. UPOH A VOIG'� V(7P�� ALL VOTII� A](Sy CHAIRI�AN HARBIS DZCLARSD T� MaTI01f CARRI�D Clu�ir�n Harris tec7.ar�i a receae at 8:45 P.M. Rni recoYVeaed the aeetiag at 9:0o r.M. 8. cc>Mri�: �orvs�n Ca��s ix canri� 2�5. zoxi�c: Mr. Harris atatea they kad aade aevsral ree�esdatiens at tke last aeeting and ttouli like te reviev t� ir�th Mr. Bwrd'as. 2o5.04g accESSOxx Bcranz�rss a� srxur.-ru�s �e 13, �� Alr. (�uist atated thwt Mr. Harris had questi�ssd tk�e 3 feet aad veaderei if it ahonldn�t be 15 feet. R7aey felt the Fire Depsrtae�st would require 15 feet. Mr. Bwiriisre etate� that the Fire Departaent did aot PEQtiITC 15 feet� ao lo�sg aa theq have aceess slc�g the cutaide of the builaling. Mr. Ea,rrie st�tsdl he rea�e'bered they had diacusset thie ee■e tise �ga, affi he thought ths buildings hud te be 15 feet apart �r have s ea�oa naal7.. Mr. Boardaan stated he vevll eheck with the Fire Msrs�ll ani if tlut xac the case, tbey wuld eli�inate thi� atate�eat sltagether. He atatad tLat the onl,y other thin� tY+at aould �ppen there would be tLat the Fire Motralull waruld nquire a Yire vall. Pags 13a �% Mr. Harris statd he vas c�neerned about allo�rin� e 24 foct aecessury bui.ldi�ag in a resiisatial area. He suggsetal tkey put • lisitatiarta in R Distrieto. Mr. B�aria�n et�ted tiwt under R-1, there iras a ffieight lisit of 30 feet, irhich wvuld inelu8e aeceseory buildinga. Mr. 8arris stated they eh�uli saybe leave tke 2� fest slone and make a atigc�lstYea in R-1 to restriat it eves farther. lLAHlflAG CWi�IIS8I0� 1�E'PING, APRIL 4, 1979 PAGTs 9 Mr. Beariau+ su�estsd thoy ciut�e 2D t� reai as fel].os►s: "In all diatricte ex�es t,�_ �R-_2 ani R-2 rhta an scaea�ory builiinQ �xeNia 15 iset is Le ght, ome (1) �"o�'�a��eLbask ia r�quired for saeh tHre� (3� feet of additi�l hei6ht ts • liei�ht11is1t of 24 feat. In all R.l am1 R-2 Distriats am a¢oeseo buildi.a� sloall be liaited te a hei�ht o Tk� Cqeiseionerr concurred. �ge 13, �3: tAr. Harria statei they wcruld like te adi canmpy and ielete ro�f housee because thay i�n't hav� a definitlon Yor roof houees. Mr. Oquiat statati that �3 � P�Be 13, ��� P+�e 14 dida�t fit in with thie secstiaai. This aeetion desle xith accessory etructurea, aai �3 and �+ deala with asin stnzcture.. AI�. 9a?�bel statad that ;�3 on page 13 rrere al1 aeceseory struaturea, for exa�[pla, wi�isills� fl�g pilee� ttc. IM. 3t�rla stqtsd tLat sae of thea dii reYer to snin builiinge� sueh •s d�ea whieh v�li be en top af the s�is atructure. Mr. Board�an atated they felt they were aceeeoery etxvaturee. Mr. Hrrris atated they �ii vant to �i canopiec. t�. Ia�sgenYeld atated his netes iaiicatd they vanted ta aii canopie� to �3C on !�� lA. Mr. Harria agreei. Ma. Ssisabel atated tLat ia regards ta �3 � P+�Be 13� there �rere na heisht liffitatieaa snt ah� felt thexw ehould be hei�ht lisitatioas is�r cueh thinga aa windnilla � Ha� RaBio Tuwrc iea reaiieatial arpa. Mr. $arria atatei tkey hai • n�te to rerrita thie ons. Mr. 8uhrbier atated thay �houli elarify whethar th�ee ars fer aeeessory buildings or prin¢igal builiings. Mr. BeRrd�aa atatsd they iui height liaits liet.d ia the re�ular aections. Mr. Oquiat at�t�i thst a lot ef thoee referrei to tke aein Duiliin�a. Mr. Boaris�n st't� that ia the o�d cois theoe vtre uader "�cceptiass to Lot Require�eats°. Ma. 3aYnabel ark� if there was a height liaitation to that. Mr. Buard�n stated there vae nat, but they set s limit whsre iP the atru¢ture ialla, it mmuet fall eithim the prerperty line, so it vould not fall and daaege a neighbcu�s property. PIJ►NHIPIG CU2+fliITSSION MS�TIAG, pPRIL 4, 1979 PAGE 10 idr. Hsrrir cuageatei Mr. Boardaai loak �t this �estiw aael ase what he acauld do. Mr. BMrlaan a�'eN. P�ge 14� �4: I�. Aarris et�ted thie ref�rred ts baoe�ent dvellisga a� �idntt btlang in thie aecti�a. Mr. Bsard�rtn at�td he vas lt�oking �t deleting this. Ms. 3ahn+�bm1 etated tlut Agpeals Co�iesion iud alao �uggested this be deleted. The Ca�iesienere ca�curred. 205.046 R�QL3IRED YARD ATID OP&li SPACS Page 14s i�3C: Mr. Eiarrio stated they rranted to inoert canopiet in here. Mr. Borri�n au�geeted thsy ineert "eanapies" aPter the wor� "porchee". The Csisaioeers ecaeurrN . Mr. St�rla s'6atai that they hd also requested that "requir�d front yard" and r�q,uired rear yard" aad "requirad side yard" be cshsnged to "requirei froat setbaek", "required rear setback" a,nd °required side setbaak". Mr. Boariaan statad he had n� problam �rith t�pt. The C�iasi�aers agreea to maks the elunge. Mr. Oquiet stated that they had also rece�snd� t�eyr delate the words "parking or drirewa�ys". Mr. Boardaan atateH he htd no grebl� Mth ttu�t. The C�isei�trs concurred. Page 14, #3D: Mr. Harris stated he waa conaerned that thia etll�reS on a 1� fomt balcon3i�or fire emcape. Mr. Beardsan stated this ueant "-�'_ ` .:rm-�* that e firs eseape or baleo=qr ec+uld not exteni more then l� feet into the required yard. It d1d not liatt the eize of the balconqr, as long as the building wae s.tback far enough. PLwxrtiNG Col�ssiox A�eTII�, AP�tIL 4, 1979 - PAGE li Pnge 15, �3E: Mr. Harrie stated t�ey �ranted this rewrittea becauae it vae too xc�rdy. Mr. B�risan atated this meeat that if so�ething `ras higher thst 2 feet it ku►d t� be 1� feet froms the lot line. If it vas less than 2 f�et high� it Qould be en the groperty 1#ne, rrhich meane e drivevqy cuuld be on the propsrty line. Mr. Harria atateal it k+as hie understat�ding that a driYeway had to be 18 inchea iros the property line. Mr. Baard'an atated tMat a policy like that would elisinate co�on driverrays. He etoted that he had no problem vith deletiag thie itea. The Cc�Aesioaere agreed to delete #3E. Page 15, #3F': Mr. Harri� atated that they diin't have a defisition ed' "hedge". Mr. Boardaan suggested they 8elete "or cloaely groxc� heclge". The Ca_iedonera eoncurred. Page 15, �SA: Mr. Baardaan suggested they delete this. Tht Ca_issi�ers eamcurred. Page 15, #5B: Mr. Harrie etatad he had a problea rrlth cosbiniag �idsvali�e and bik�+e�Ys. Mr. Boarda�w statad tkut if they waated to eeparats bik�aye � rrolks►ays� they W011LE1 IDNd 15 YNt. Mr. Harris ststed he was eoneeraed because a lady had beea killnd by a bieyele. Mr. Beariaan stated that in s�e casea� ia erder to hsee both bikevays aad aalkve�ys� they hat to carbiae thea. Mr. Lwugenfeld atated that vhere the hazard ie iacreosed, they sheuld eliminote that. L�. Boardmaa otated ttwt tluy YOLL14� LHYQ a prablen on Mi.seisaippi Etreet. Iia auggeated they eLange it to resi "Siiexalt sasesasats ehall bs persitted at a width n0 greater than five (5) feet unlesa inaluie� with e bikevay trail� at vhich tiss ve wouli ne�d �a eight (8) foot ea�eemnt " Ms. Sahnabel stnted that he h�d eaid they wou].d ne�i 15 feet far both. PLANAIAG C�A�IISSION MJEETIPiG, APRIL 4� 1979 PAGE � Mr. Ba�rdaaa etated that what they m4y l�w to 3.00Y at at that p�int im tiae vould be a sabinatisn bike�valk vithis a boulevar8 arsa as vell as ss 8 foot eaasseat. If they did that, they vould have about l�:feet frae the eurb to the eni od' the ess�=ent. Mr. t�quiet stated they aeeded 15 Yeet in order to aeparate the tva. Mr. Be�rd�aa etatad it va� a aatter c�f xhRt they vaated to 80, beaauae they were lmoki�g at eastaents frca private grogerty. Mr. Hitrrir stnted that vehicular trafYic aad peieetrinn trafFic does nat mix. Mr. Boaria�n euggeated they say aiievalk easemeata should be no grcater tlaat 5 iwt a� vhere a sidevalk hae a bikewa4y next to it, they r»uld put in an 8 foot easea�ent. They th�y eould uae the boulevard area for a bikeway and the eaae�mt ares for a sidewalk. The Co�isei�nera concurr�d. 205.047 AUTOhl�BILE PARKING Page 15� �'l: Mr. Harris felt it wao t�o wordy. Mr. Bu�x+�a�n stated that what they vere s�ying wae tLat parkia� sne auch a vague thing� ti�st they were letting the developer aose ia aa� tell thes wlut tkey need for parking as long es they proviie space available fer parkin� that vill seet the eode r�quireseat. I+�e. Irn�ent�ld stated tlaat he felt it vas atill tos war�dy. Aia. S¢haabel wQgested theq delete thf first aix voris "In a cace vhere it ie" and isaert the Srord "When�. The C�isaioasrs eonaurrei. Pa�e 16, �3D: Mr. Batrlman etateai tiut tge Csaumity Develop�eat Cc�ission and the App�ale Caaia�i�n had recassuged thit be aeletei. The Caaisoianers cenaurred. �e 16, �3F: Mr. Harrie aakei vi� "carpeater shopo" vere iacludei in thia sectien. t4. Baardsan statt8 hs iasd taken this fro� Brook74yn Comtsr. PLAM1fING C01@�3SION MF.�TiIiG, APRIL 4, 1979 PAGE 13 Mr. B�asiaan atat�ad tiat in¢lviei eisilar wes. IIe �uggsstai tlney iaaert the wrle afar etah" bsf�4 the �s�ds "tive humdrad". The Ce�i.aeiauere csemourred. Mr, Barrie aeksd What the �iffexvmae wae between 3F, 3K atii 3S. Mr, BoaxiaRn at�ted tiiat a�ae retail etores geaerated sore traPfic t�aa 7rtkers. Mr. Harria reeaseaied they e1u�e the vori "Undert+iki� i�atabliei�eate" to "Mox�tvary" 1h 31i. The Cc�ieaienere eoneurred. The Cas.tasiauere requested tiost Mr. BwrBnaa revork thie whale asetion bec�use tkere vere sa*reral ineonsiatea�ies, for exaaple betveen 3K and 32. Me. Scbnabel evggested t}sey lo�k at establishad elieatele figures tu set parking. Mr, B�azdaan o�ated that ia eo�e ¢asea the use cl�anges it the buei�ess ie sold• Ha st�tad tk�st p�rking wsa difficult to put a i�sndle ars ani atste� he weuld rewerk tffiis �eetio¢i. 9. crr[�t BvSU�sss: Atr. St•rla ekatad tLst his tsra had expini the l�at day of letat aoath Imd vae •aked to atay oa because hia Ccoisaioe hai aot yet hela eleeticns. He atatei tk+at ht kud snjayed eerving en the Co�aisaion and getting tc �w sveryoae. The Cadissioaers thankei 1+h'. StoTl� and saii they wuld mies him. Mr. Harrio etate� biut Mr. Hoard�an 1�ad cheaked the oxiinaaae regarding meabere mf ae�issi�na, � ttu oriinanee statas that the mmiber sf ¢mmisei� �nasbers •lla� ia fire. He statei tkiat as Chair�em he would like the sinutes tu shev t3ut the Plaoni.aa Caosiaai� hsa read the �rdimace ani disewered that the s�rdinaace require� five se�bara per ce�isei•n and perhapa if th� Council wishes to aieviate iras tlut they ahould aonsiier areding the cudinance. MDTION by Mr. La�6enfeld, se¢ondei by Uls. Salufabel, to aijwrn tka Atrti 4, 1979, ae—��i� oY the ?lanning Cwdiesioa. UPOA A VOICE V4S8, ALL VOTIItG AYS� CSAIRMAN HARRTS ]�CLAR� TAS 1+�fING ADJOI&ti� AT 10:30 P.M. Res�eetfully eubaitted: :,!/, <..� ��... ,�:��r�tia�:r-�s:,�r+aF, .-t*s��