PL 05/23/1979 - 6654PLANNIN6 CQMMISSION MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 19]9 7:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: City of Fridley AGENDA WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1979 APPROVE PLANNIPIG COMMISSION MINUTES: MAY 9, 1979 1. PUBLIC HEARING: REZONING REQUEST, ZOA #79-02, BY WILLIAM J. HART: Rezone the South 150.0 feet, front and rear of Lot 9, Auditor's Subdivision No. 88 (except the West 30 feet) and the South 120 feet of the West 47 feet of Lot 10, Auditor's Subdivision No. $8, from R-3 (multiple dwelling units) to CR-2 (office, service and limited business), to allow�e con�ruction of a 1-story insurance office at 64&1 N.E. 7:30 P.M. PAGES 1 - 37 : �. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: REgU�ST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #79-04, 47 � 51 SY JOSEPN PERROZZI: Per Section 205.153, 5, D, of the Fridiey City Code, to allow construction of a new d�ielling on lots-28 and 29, 81ock R, Riverview Heights, in CPR-2 Zoning (flood plain), the same being 81i31 Rivervievt �errace N.E. 3. VUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #79-05, 52 - 59 BY JAMES L.ARSON: Per Section 205.052, 2, A, of the Fridley City Code, to allow the constructian of a second accessory building, a 24 ft. by 26 ft. detached garage, on Lot 4, Block 2, Rice Creek Terrace Plat 3, the same being 6740 4th Street N.E. � PUBLIC HEARING: REZONItdS REQUEST, ZOA $79-03, BY ROBERT G. 60 - fi6 HAYS: Rezone Parcel 2700 lying in the North Half of Section 11, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley (see Pu61ic Hearing notice for complete leqalj, from R-1 (single family dwelling areas) to CR-1 (general office and limited business), the same being 7599 University Avenue N.E. �PUBLIC HEARING: REZONING RE UEST, ZOA #79-04, BY THE GRAVES 67 - 72 COMPANY: Rezone Lots 1-4, Block 6, City View, from R-2 two family dwelling areas) to G 2(general business areas) to aliow a new development of small offices, the same being 570] University Avenue N.E. 6. VACATION REQUEST: SAV #79-02, CITY OF FRIDLEY; Exchange of 73 - 75 Property to realign Service Road for University Avenue. 7. ELECTION OF YICE CNAIRPERSON FOR PLANNING COMMISSION n RECEIVE HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES: MAY 3, 1979 9. RECEIUE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES: MAY 7, 1979 SALMON Gf2EEN � AGENDA Planning Commission Meeting, Wednesday, May 23, 1979 Page 2 10. RECEIVE APPEALS COMMISSIQN MINUTES: MAY 15, 1979 11. CONTINUED: COMPREHENSIVE �EVELOPMENT PLAN 12. CONTINUECI: PROP6SED CHANGES TO CNAPTER 205. [ONING 13. OTHER BUSINESS: ADJOURNMENT: YELL04! SEPARATE SEPARATE _ �. CITY OF FRIDLEY PLAM4ING COMMFSSIOtd b'!l;�TING - MAY 9� 1979 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman H�rris called the I�ay 9, Z979 �eeting pf the Planning Co�niasion to order at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL: Members Preaent: Mr. Oquist� P4s. Hughes, Mr. Harris, Mr. TreuenYeJ.�, Mr. Hoxa Ms..Schnabel arrived at 7:35 P.M. Members Absent: None Others Preaent: Mr. Baardmsn, City Planner Couacilman Schneider AeAn Doyscher, Prafessional Planning & Development Co. 1. APPROVE PLANNIiv�" CO2RS✓ISSION hffI�TUTFS: 1'iPRZL lg� 147�: M6TTON by Mr. Oquist, ssconded by N��. Hors to approve the kpril 18, i979 miuutes of the Plantting Commission. Mr. Boardnan referred to page 19 oP tha minutes mnd stated that l�ir. Leek had atated according to the consultant it would be 10 years. This was in regards to the discussion on Noore Lake. A7r. Acardnan stated ihey had checkefl into this further and this statement waU ir: error. Accordiug to Hichcock & Associates they would be looking in exccss of 50 years. UPOi� A VOTCE VtYFE, AI.L �'OTTiyG AYE� CI:AIRNuAP; HA�titIS DECLAi�EI? TFiE 2LU'PION C�.RRI� ANA TF� 29I�IVI`ES APFROVL� AS CORRI,'CTED. 2. TABLEA: REQ.[I�ST FOR A L(Yi' SPLIT, I,.S. to make two building sites for aouble bungalowa, 1295-97 Norton Avenue N.E. 2�LARVIN £G RORERT ERICKSON: tor s Sabdivis:ion iTo. 9, the same being 1285-87 and Mr. F3oardman stated this �ras located on the corner of Norton Avenue and Central. These lots are present�y zoned R-3, which is a nultiple xone and would allo*a duplex construction. `Phe lots are in excess of 10,000 snuare feet which is a requirement and in the case of the corner lot they were 2ooking at, with the lot split, 75 feet. Generally we like to see 80 feet on a corner but an 80 foot lot is not necessarily required on a corner. Since the lots are in excess of 10,000 square feet, it would allow a duplex. Mr. Oqnist aeked if both buildings would face Norton? Mr. Soardman stated that both buildinga would face Norton and both buildings would have aecess oYf Norton. Mr. Harris asked if they were in exeess of 10�000 square feet? Ms. Boardman stated that the loi to the west was 10,050 and the other lat was �lso over 10�W0 square feet. fIe flid not have the exact figure. He stated that Staff had no problem with the lot split. He elso stated that sewer and water were avaiLable in Norton Avenue. PLANNING CON➢�ffSSION MEETING, MAY 9, Z979 -- PAG� 2 Mr. Erickson, the petitioner, atated that the duple�ces woul.d be similar to others in the area. Mr. Boardman stated that within the lot split area� he would like to pick up as muah room on the corner lot a8 possible. __._ __. .. .. He did not think that would be a problem as far as setbacks and variences Por the construction. He would preFer to pick up as much buildable space on the end lot as possible because of the 17� foot setback requirement from the street corner. They might be better off with e larger lot on the corner. This was a suggestioa they made to the developer. A7.so� he felt the developer should be aware that there was only one sewar service and i£ the lot split were approved, one sewer service would have to be added and three Water ser�ices would have to be added at the owners expense. Mr. Boardman asked Mr. Erickson what the size of the structure would be? h�. Eriekson stated that pne would be �+Ox46 and the ather would be 40�c�+8. Mr, Boardman asked if tbat ineluded the tuck-uxider garage? Mr. Erickson atated it did. He also stated that with a �+8 foot unit on the east ha1Y oi the lot they would 3.nfringe on the 172 foot setback by � inches� and they would put this 46 foot unit on that lot. Mr. Boardman stated that if they could fit it on tbe 1ot anfl meet the setbacks� he voutd have no problem. Ms, Schnabel stated there was still a 50 foot easement there. Mr. Harris stated thst was part of Central Avenue. Ms. Schnabel stated that then they were not going 172 feet from Central� there was a 50 foot easement before the property line. Mr. Harris stated that was from tHe center line oi Central Rvenue. He w&s not sure how wide Central was there. Ms. Schnabel stated the map ahowed ha1P oP it was 33 feet. Mr. Erickson asked if there was s 10 foot setback on the side. Mr, Boardman stated thst was correot. Mr. Er3ekson stated he would have no problem with that. PLANidZI3G C�MMI.°,SION MP;ETITdG�M/;Y 9r 1979 PAGE 3 Mr. Baardman stated they could just lesve it that way. Mr. Harris asked what the ma�cimum lot coverage wae thereT Mr. Boardman stated that in R-2, maximum Iot coverage wao 25�• - -" Mr. Harris stated that as long as the garages were par.t of the structurea, there would be no proble�i. Mr. Boardman agreed and stated that as long as they could fit the structures on there with the 17z foot setbacks a�t the 10 foot side yard setbacks, it ti�ou7.d be no problem. Mr. Harris asked if there was plenty of depth? I�. Board�an stated there was. There were no cor�ments from the audienae regardinF3 this iiem. MOTION by D7r. Oquist, seconded Uy i�f:,. Schnabel, to reco�nand to Council approval of the request £or a loi spiit, 7,. S. {�'jy-Oi, by I+7�rvin 3; Robert �ricY,son to split off the westerSy 74.99 feet of Lat 10, Auditor's Subdivision Iro. Sg, to n,aka two building sites for double bun�,alota�, t]ie same being 1285-87 ana i2g5-97 riorton Avenue N.E. UPOTd A VOICE VOT�� A7,L VOSIIVG AYE� CF,F�IRhL4',d HARRIS DECI,.4P.ED THE MOTIO.d CA;�,RIED UNANID:OUSLY . b1r. Harris inflor�ed the pc�titior,er that this wo:z.Ld go to Council on P�1ey 21, 1979� The petitioner thanked the Commissionars. 3. PUtiLIC ;fEE1IiIid^v: REZONSNG REQi1E:'T, ZOA ��'%9-61� TT_� LIFZ'-Si;I & BIYS'y SNC., aY SCO'lT fI0L2•�; Rezor.e Lots 9�ud 10, Block 1., P,00re Lalie t:i�hlands 3rd Addi�ion fron C-1 local business offices) to C-2 (general Uusi:�ess areas), and Lot li� Block 1, bioore I,ake fiighlands 3rd Addition irom CR-1 (ger.eral of£ices and limited Uusiness} to C-2 (general business areas), to allaw a garden center aad �uture bu3lding expansion at 6319 Highw�}r {�65 N.E. h�TION by Mr. Oquist� seconded by Ms. Schnabel, to open the putlie hear3ng. UPON A VOTCE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN iiARRIS DECLARED THE PUBLIC F�ARiP� OPEN AT 7:50 P.M. Mr. Boardmatt stated that this was located on Highway 65, just north di the liquor store Last year the Lift put in a garden center. They o�m twa buildings on that location. One wc�s a fzlling station and one was a grocery store. They took these over and developed one as a cross country ski area and the other as a down hill ski and those types of things. Tbe grocery store building, based on it's location, is over the present lot line Uy 7 feet. In other words, it was built on �roperty it didn't own. This property ia presently zoned C-1 to the south which is crhere tHe £illing station was and the old grocery store was� and it ia zoned CR-1 to the north. They would PLANIdING CONIM[SSION MEETING� MAY 9, 1979 PAGE 4 like to rezone thiA to aII C-2 cormnercigl which wouJd allow them to operate in that funetion. The raason they want to go to C-2 ia based on the Special Use Permit because an open orea 11ke the garden center is only allowed in a C-2 area. They want to combine the uses into.a C-2 use and eliminate the CR-1 on the north and the C-1 on the south. He noted that there had been seaie street improve- ment oa the service road on Highway 65. With that 3mgrovement they did get some initial boulevard planting, sod and a curb on the atreet side to improve the looks of the building. They put in sarne marked parking areas in front of the brick buildin�. He referred to page 33 of the agenda snd stated that Mr. Holmer had given them a rough sketch which they put into a landscape plsn according to the planting schedule on the other side. What they would like to do on this, iS they do approve the rezone and the upecisl Use Permit, is to have this landsc8ge plan attached as part of the stipulation and e schedule developed for the completion of the landscaping and completion of the entire faci2ity. It could be a period of two or three years but they would like the developer commztted to this. Na�. Boardman stated they Were looking at getting the curbfng, blacktoping and whatever landscaping would be necessary to make the property comp2eted. Right ncsw the lots to the north where the building sit is presently graveZ and 3s presently utilized for parking. It is not necessarily establisbed as a psrking area, but people park there. They wouZd like to get it firmed up. Ms. Schnabel asked if it was the intention of the petitioner to put an addition on the gravel area to the northl Mr. Boardman stated they were looking at what the pptential would be for an addition on to the structure so within the plan they did take that into consideration for parking requirements and landscaping requirements. It was noted on the drawing wha't the msximum expansion could be. Ms. Schnabel stated that she asked that because if they vrere looking for stipulati.ons on the landscape plan for example� the petitioner might not wsnt to complete a land- scape plcw iY they intend to put an addition on the buildin�. Mr. Boardman stated that there were things they coul.d do with the landscape plan t3aat wou7,d not inter£ere with the sddition. In the areas where they mi�ht disrupt an area because of ar. addition, they would put those thin�s at the end of the schedule. He felt they should get started on the priorit3es on t`�e development of the thing. Things like the perimeter fencing and the perimeter planting and things like that could get done. They could start with the perimeter and work into the lot. Mr. Holmer stated that regarding perimeter fencing, he felt they should ask the adjacent property owners what they want. The person on the corner lot might prefer the view oP Highway 65 rather than a 6 foot fence. He stated he would comply with what is required but also with what the ad,jacent property awners would like. There is existittg fencing behind two of the lots. As far as the CR-1 lat, the reason they purchased that lot was because they were 7 feet into that Iot. Also, that made that lot e aubstandard lot for building on. He stated that present�y he could not af£ord to do anything with the CR-1 lot which is the lot to the north. One year from now he could, but not this partfcu].ar summer. The reeson for the rezonir� request was to legally operate the garden center. As far as the expansion, it is a little pre- mqture. He Wou2d like to expand the cross country shop first and then expand the PLANNING COMMTSSION M1F'ETINGL MAY 9, 1g79 - PAGE 5 nature Ehap. However, that mi.ght not come i;hrough. He might tear down the old gae station and.e�azd the other shop. He had not real7.y settled on anything. It depended on a 1ot of things like profits and how the busine�s goes. Right now� his major concern was to legally operate the garden center. Wtiile this application was in� it was easiest to get it all as one inte�r ted lot at this time. I�s far as the landscaping, he wants it to laok as nice as possible� but Yelt it would not be wise to start planting in one area aL thic point in time. Mr. Boardman stated that be would like a com:aitment tp a plan and malification of that plan could take place. But he would like at least ct co.�amitment to a landscaping plan. Mr. Richard Patterson, 6328 Dellwoal Drive� stated that he lived behind the Lift. Ae asked if the C-2 was Por a two story buildingY Mr, floardman stated �hat C-1 would allow a three story buiZding. C-2 cauld allow a six story building. He stftted that the limitations they looked at here were the -amount of parking spaces available. E�ren a three story buildino would be d3fficult to put on the site because it would require additional parkin�. If the room is not available, the 2dditioral parkin� requirements would kill the project. 13ut that also would depend on the size af the structure. 7i they tore both buildings down and built a three story office building there� �that cou2.d happen. He stated that he did not see it going to a six story building because the parkin� was not available. Mr. Patterson stated that he feli �oing to a C-2 woutd devaluate the properties be- hind the 1ots. He asked what was wronb with tHe C-1, the way it was present3y zoued? t�9r. Boardr�an stated that a garden center is not all�aed in a C-1. mhe only zonin� it would be allowed in is a C-2 llistrict.witn a b`pecial Use Permit. So they need the C-2 2one to operate 'the garcien center. They can operate the Lift and tt,e cross country ski shop in a C-1 zone. Nlr. Patterson stated that he hafl nothing against the present operatiott, but what iF Mr. Holmer sold the property? Mr. Boax•dman stated that i£ anyone wanted to build there� they would be looking at a maxi�um of three stories Hecause of the size of the site. Mr. Patterson asked if they couldn't put in a stipulation that �rould prevent ax�ything larger going in there? Mr. Harris stated that they could put in some stipulations and as long as he signs it would be binding even if he sold. Ms. Scfinabel stated that no matter who the owner Wk36� they would be hard pressed to put Anything bigger thsn a three story building because our ca]e limits 4re so strict they would not meet the code requirements. PLAPTPiING COMMISSTON MN„ETINGz MAY 9� 1979 PAGE 6 Mr, raorm Shurlheis, 4815 Second St. N.E., stated that he owned the apartment building just north of the eite. He asked if fencing was requiredl N�r. 23oardman atated that fencing was required and it must be solid screen fencing between connnercial property snd residential property. Generally they requixe a wood screening fence. - - Mr. Oquist asked Mr. Holmer if he plsnned to put in the garden center like he had it last year? Ms. Hughes staied it was there now. Ncr. Boardraan stated thAt b1r. Iiolmer had sent a letter� to the City Council and Council allowed them to continue the ogeration of the center until this process went through. Ms. Hughes asked Mr. Holmer if the ownership oF the property had been resolved? Mr. Holmer stated it had been resolved. He stated he represented Mr. Peterson and several other people. He Y�ad sold the property to them and they are in turn backing his bank loans. Ms. Hughes asked if there was essentially one owner? Mr. Holmer stated there was a partnership called 6319 Caupany. Councilman SGhneider asked ii' C-2 would a11ow for a�y semi-industrial businesses or body shops or gas stations, etc? Mr. Boardman stated they were allawed only with a 5pecial Use Permit and it would have to go through the Planning Connnission and City Council, for approval. Also� the neighbors would be notified. N,s. Schvabel stated that it seemed to her that the property in question, and the oF*ner had demonstrated� a very solid intent on improving the property and has in fact substantially improved them over the period af ti.me he has been involved with the specific business operation in there. The exteriors of the two Duildings blend to- gether and the signs have been tasteFully done. She did not see any protlem with rezoning t12e whole parcel and felt it would probably 'he to the ndvantage of the pro- perty to have consistent zones. It would be in keeping with what tne City intends to cio xith property and that is to have it sll within one specific zoning so that the property becomes mana�eable. The consequences if we denied this zoning would be that we would have a parcel of land with two separate zoning and the owner may want to e�cpand at soue point or sell at some point and it mqy become a hardship on him to se1Z because of the separate zoning. From that stand point} it makes sense to c2ean it up and zone it a11 the same. Nfr. Harris asked what the total square iooiage was on this propertyT Mr. Boardman stated it tras about �+U�500 square feet. PLANNZNC COPMfISSIQN ME:F.TING, MAY �, 1979 PAGE 7 Mr. Harria stated that was almost double what they required for a C-2 building. He asked what the lot coverage percentage was in C-2? Mr. Hoardman stated he wasn't sure, but thoUght it was �+9�0 for one story, 30� Yor two stories, etc. As it goes up, the 1ot coverage decreases. . _.. Mr. Harris stated that if they went to three stpriea� it would be 30�. So the maximum size building they could get on there would be 16�000 squ�zre feet. P�h�. Baardman stated that he doubted they r.ould even get that much because 16,000 squsre Yoot of office space would require about 80 parking spaces. There is no way they could get 80 parking apaces. hfr. Iiolmer stated that the lot that is presently zoned CR-1 is a substandard lot therefoxe it eould not be sold off. The only l.ogical spot Por that lot ic to be part of the whole parcel. Mr. Harris stated tY�at on page 29 he saw s iigure of 27t000 square.feet for acreage. He asked if that included the other lot? Mr. 13oardman stated that on the zoning he had 1+0,500 square feet. He stated that ihis was on the a`�eciel lJse Permit. The Special Use Permit woi:].d onl.y be granted to lots 9 and 10. Ncr. Haz-ris asked lur. Holmer if it wou2d be agreeabla if they reco�nended the rezoning tbat there be some sor.t oi' a developed plaa initia'ted Es fax as the �creenin�s along the property lines abutting the residential areas? bir. Holmer stated that as fer as screening goe.s by the apartment, there is some natura2 screening there presently from some trees. Iie couZd not see -tearing out those trees. Also, there �ras some screening� maybe lawer than code required� be- hind lots 9 and 10. Tlzere is Peneing there. h1r. Harris stated that in the near future they s.iouZd have a master develonraent plaxi written. Mr. Holr.,er stated that at this point in time he did xaot k�ve a�y use for Lot 11. If they need a fence on the north side� th�t could be done. Aut as fAr as a�y additional landscaping on that lot, he wAS not planning on any. Mr. Hr,rris stated that his personol feeZing wae that they needed a fence along the 2ot line on Lot 11. Alsof they should set a target date far the conapletion of the rest of the development. Mr. Boardman stated that he felt that e three year co�mtitment would be realistic. Mr. Holmer stated that should be realistic because by that time he should have his building plans implemented. He was one year away ?rom srnre addition at this point in time. PLANNING COMMISSIOP1Tw�TING, MAY 9� Z979 PAGE 8 Mr. Bosrdman stated he would like to tie it down with a three year commitment� not leas than or greater than three years, with a stage pro�ram of some work 6eing dor,e each ysar and then if for any reason that three year commitment is unrealistic they would request a letter at that time stat3�ng thc�t. Then they could look at it at that point. Dir. Harris stated he was looking for target dates• He didn't feel they were all that hard and fast but felt they chould mske a commitment. _ . Mr. Harris stated that he felt they needed the fence.down the lot line and that would help the junk situation. Mr. Treueniels asked how mar�y paxking stalls they would have ready this year? Mr. Aolmer stated they xould have'about 28 stalZs. MOTION by Ms. Hughes, seconded by Mr. Oquist� to close the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTiNG AYE� CHAIRMAN FiATtRIS DECLARED THE PUI3LIC I�I�RING CIASID AT 8:30 P.M. PLANPiING COMMISSION i�TINGy tdl�Y 9� 19"!9 PA�E 9 Mr. Oquist stated tt�at he agreed with Pds. Schnabel's comu:ents that it would be advanta�3eous to rezone th3a property and get it all in a co:mnon zone. Re felt the people had done a nice job there and mc3.de the properi:y presentuble. MCYi'ION by Ms. Sehnabel, seconded by Mr. Oquist., to reeoTmnend to Council approval of the rezoning request� ZOA rf-�9-02� The Lift-Ski P� Bike� Inc.�. by Scott Holmerr to rezone Lots 9 and 10, :slock Z� t�ioore Luke HighZands 3rd Addition, from C-1 to C-2, and Lot 11, B1ock 1, ldoore Lake Hignlands 3rd Addition from CH-1 to C-2, to allaw a garden center ar.d futura buildin� expansion at 6319 Highway �/'65 N.�., with the stipulation that a landscane plan ar,d schedule over a tl�ree ye�r time period be filed with the�Citv P1zr.nin<*_ 1)enartment follo��ina the �eneral taii.delines o1 were a s a Mr. Harris informed the petitioner that this would go to Council on May 21, 1979 and the public hearing wauld be on Ju3y 16� 1g79. �+. PiJDLIC HFARIPiG: REC�UEST F0� A SPECL'tL USE PERMITL SP y�t79-03: TBE LII"i�-SKT & BII�, i.'dC. BY� SCCYi�P t;OTt�R: Per Section 205.1C1, 3� Id. to allow A garde: center on Lots 9, 10, 13.� :51ock 1� h;oore Lake Highlands �rd Addition, tYae same bein� 6319 Highaay f�65 N.E. N,OTIOAT by Mr. Oquist� secouded by f✓r. TreuenPels� to open the public }�earin�. UPON �A VOICE VpT�� AI.L VGTITiG AYF:� C'3iA31iMAId ::A$RIS DECLt;REil Ti� PU3T�,IC ijE.9RSI3G OPEN AT 8:35 P.M. Mr. IIoardman si;ated i.hat was cn the same pi+opert� axifl lcca�ted in front on the corner of Lot 9. 4w obcervatiov �ras that the faci2ity was well kept und i:; a very clean operation. The gar3en center is ruaintained 'very well. Mr. Oquist stated he had Ueen there last year and it was a very neat area. Mr. Harris asked wMat they used that property £or when it wasu�t a garden center? Mr. Holmer stated that they use it for parkin,� in the uinter time. Winter is their busy season and he would be lining that for parkir.g spaces also. They take down two pieces of fence and use it for parkiag. Mr. Harris asked iY the3� had any night operation in the garden center? Mr. Holmer stated they were open unt31 9:00 P.M. He stated that they were basically 3n the cki business and he did not want to be a fu7.1. time nursey like Frank's. This is something to fill in the summer. Ae planned to open it wben the season starts on May 1 and close it on July 4. Mr. Harris aslzed if there rras a�y lighting out there? Mr, Holmer stated t:�ere was only the lighting that came with the Texaco Station. PLANNING CON�SSION M[�TIA*G, MAY q, Zq79 - PAGE 10 Mr. Harria asked Nh�. HoSmer if he intended to put in additional lighting? Mr. Holmer stated he did not because the months that he is open it is atill light until 9:00 P.M. Mr. Harris asked iP he intended to put any adcesaory buildings in front? Mr. Holrrer stated he did not. He had put up a wind wall for the outside counter but that has been they Por a year. He did not see the need Yor e�y additional structures. Mr. Oquist_esked when the public hearing would be? Mr. Boardman stated that if they went by the nox7nal process it would be Jul,y 15. Mr. Oquist state@ it would be closed by then. Mr. Boardman stated that was for the zoning. A Special Use Pexzait does not require a public hearing be£ore the City Council. However� there were several tHings thay should look at. A u�iecial Use Permit was not permitted 3n a C-1 zone. Therefore� they cantt grant the Sjiecial Use Permit until the zone is in. He added that although the July 15 meeting is the scheduled meeting it, if they are notiPied that they should advextise it be£ore the meeting of the 21st� then they would be at the June 11 meeting. They will send out notices to the property ot�txers before the public hearing at City Council. MOTION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Mr. Oquist� to close �the public hearing. UPON A VOICE V`ilTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRi�yiAN iL4RRS5 DECLATiED TF1E P�.iBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT S:�-t0 P.M. b:OTION by Ai�. Oquist, seconded by Nr. 7'reuenfels� to recou¢nend to Council approdal oP ttte request for a Special Use Permit, sP �79-03, The LiYt-Ski & Bike� Inc.� by Scott Iio).ner; Per Section 205.101, 3, N. to allow a garden center on Lots 9, 10, lI� Block 1� bioore Lake Highlands 3rd Addition� the same beirkq 6329 Highway mr55 N.E. UPON A VOICE VOTE, AI,L VOTSNG AXE, CHAIRi�fAN ITI�I2RIS DECLARED THE I+�OTION CARRIED UNANIA70USS.Y . Mr. Harris informed the petitioner that this would go to Co�.uicil on May 21 and wou].d probably be tabled untzl the zoning is appraved. The patitioner thanlced the Commissioners. 5. VACATTON REQUE'ST SAV a/79-01 BY KATHRYN GERARD: Vacate the Alley in Block 3� P]vmouth Addition. boun ed bv th and 9th lavenue N.E. between 2nd Street and Street. PLANNING COMMISSION MELTING� MI,Y 9� 1979 PAGE 11 ihr. Doardman referred to pages 40 and 41 oi the agenda book. He stated -Ghey had received a petition to vacate the r�lley which was signed by all the property owners alang the elley tirith the exception oP the owners of Zk372 and 1t861. Kathy Gexard, 4�315 2nd Street N.E, stated that the people at 467Z catne to her house today and signed the petition. The reason the people at �f361 had not signed was that the house is rented and they couldn't locate the owners. MOTION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by t�ir. Oquist, to receive the petition to vACate the alley. UPON A VOICE VO'I'E� ALL VOTING AYE, CH/IIRI�7AN HAItRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRSP.D UNANIMOUSLY. ` Mr. Harris stated they had also received a letter frosn NSP addressed to Mr. Darrel Clarlc� Community Development Director, Cit.y oP Fridley. The letter was signed by b5r. Warren R. Jonnson, St�ff Assistant� IJorth Divisian. The letter reads as folLows: "In regards to v�cation of the alI.ey in Block 3, Plymoutti Ad3ition, bounded by �tSth and 49th Avenue Pi.E. between 2n3 8treet and 2z Street, tre hav� an overhead sin�le phase distriUution li.ne locatcd in this alley. If this alley is vacated, we wish to retain a utility easement for aur iacilities." 7�ZpTIO?i by Mr. Oquist, seconded by I�. Hora, to receive the letter from NSP. UPOI k 110ICE VCYSE� ALL VCiiIi'3G AXE� C:?J!T�?b"�'li'v' HA.TtP.IS rECLA.T'�D Ti�; M�IOi� Ct�RtZIF•D UI3ANIMOUSLY. Mr. Harris asked why they were vacating this alley? Mr. Soardman steted they were doing it because the neighbors wanted it done. Nh�. Harris asked if it was unimprcved? Ns. Boardman stated it was unittproved. Mr. Harris asked if there were any garages facing it or any access fram it? Mr. Boardman stated it was all lawn and fences and was non-accessible. Ma. Schnabel stated that NSP had not stated how much of an easement they wanted. Mr. Boardman stated they would maintain the wliole area as s utility easement. Ms. Gererd stated that she didn't understand that. Mr. Harris stazed that because NSP has power lines in there, they must have an easement so they can service those lines and retain their poles. PT.ANNIPTu COMMISSION P�;ETING, MAY 9, 1979 PAGE 12 Ms. Hughes eaked iP there �aas the possibility that they would need a bike or hik3ng system in that area4 Mr. IIoardman stated they have a bilee system on 3rd Street. The traffic would not warrant a system there. — -- • MOTION by Ms. Schnabel, eecanded by Mr. Treuenfels, to recommend to Council approva2 of the Vacation Request, SAV #'79-01, by Kathxyn Gerard: Vacata the a11ey in Block 3� Plymouth �iddition, bounded by 48th and 49th Avenue N.E, betweett 2nd Street and 22 Street, with the stipulation that an easement be retAined down the vacate8 &I2ey for utility and rainage purposes. UPON A VOICE Vp'I'E ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HAI2RIS DECLAI�ED THE MOTIOTd CARRIED UNANiN�OUSLY. Mr. FTarris informed the petitioner tFiat this wovld go to Council on Pday 21. 6. HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY REDEVEIAPR4EPIT PL:�N APPROVAL; . Mr, Hoardman stated thet the Commissioners had received with the agenda a document entitled "Phase 1, Center City'.' That was the actual inventory and analysis of the Phase 1 por�ion oi' the Center City Project. With that ana2ysis� the City Council mali£iad our proposal on page 2, grimarily because within Phase I they looked at the feasibility of financing on it and the tax incremant financing proposal was probably more feasible than a lot of the other types of funding they had looked at. Sat in order to carry out the process they went to the City Council wi�h the recommendation that instead of going with the original Phase 2 proposal which was to study the different funding possibilities tbat they go right in and develop a tax increment Yinancing district or redevelopment district as allrn.ed under Chapter 1+62 of the Minnesota Statues. The City Council approved this, made the changes to Phase 2 and started them working on the developmeet of the tax increment plan. The document the Co:n�:issioners received tonight wus distributed quite late and Nir. Boar3man epologzzed for that. He stated that after the decision was ma8e by the City Council on April 23 to move ahead, they had several conversations with their attorneys And other people regarding tax increment Yinance legislation. They felt it was in tl�e Uest interesta of the City of Fridley to move on the tax increment plan and get the tax increment plan est�blished. R'he Housing & Redevelopment Authority (IiRA) has been involved in this cloeely. They had a neeting on May 1 with the HRA. The HRA had a lengtl�y discussion with them on the development oY the system, Mr. Boardman displeyed an aer3al photogreph for the coIInnissioners of the area in question. He stated that they were followin� through an all the legal pro- cesses necessary to set up the tax increment district. The legsl process requires 10 days notice before ihe public hearing. The public hearing notices,were in the paper oiz the 3rd. The public hearin�; wi11 i�e held on the 14th and 15th of May. Ms. Hughes asked which property the hearings would be on? Mr. Boardman stated it would be £or the whole district. Down £rom 61st and over from 5th Street to 7th Street including the Vil2age Green property. Fie referred to the other document he distributed wbich was the O1Chronologicel List3ng of Events Leading to Development oP the Cexiter City Project". He reviewed this document and PLANNING COb'�S5SIOTd MEE'PIP�G MAY 9 1979 PA�� �3 atated that the project star.ted on February 15: 1978 when they received A letter £rom the Chamber oP Commerce to the business people regarding a meeting concerning the future developmeut of the University and Missic�ippi Street erea. There was a questionaire £rom the Ch�mber of Coa�nerce at thxt tin.e indicsting interest to imprnve the University%Missiasippi Street area. On February 22� 197�r �here was a Concerned Community Business Nen's meetin�; ond on April 14 the City received c+ let�er from the Chamber of Coraaerce to the N,qyor indicating a sw�ary of the meeting of the 22nd� with interest £rom that meeting to pursue fuz•ther development. Since that time� we have had Yive Council meetin�s which dealt with the discussion o£ hirin6 a consultant to looY, at the area and what types of' things they would be looking at in the area. On :yoveniner 16, i978, the agenda and attendance lict oi meetin� to hear consul�ani;'s proposals. On December 1�3th� a consultant was decided upon. It took & year for that process to talce place. Nir. Boardman sta'ted that his point with all thia was to chow the GoIIanissioners that there had been a lot of discussior, and a lot ai discussion with the business m°n in the erea that has been going on and it is an on goin� process that they started a whole year ago� on Februe,ry. of 1978• After a consultant �aAS hired, the;,� set up the Busir.ess Task F'crce Cor�uuittee. The Businesa Task Force Com�aittee l:ad several rr,eetix�gs where they discussed tY�e issues involved, the tax increment financin�, assessment distr.icts, etc. to finance project� within the area. At those times this area was pretty nrach layed out in this manner so to date the discuesio:is have p:imaxily been concernea with this area. h;r. F,oardman indicated on the map the area he h�.d describec� above. hfr. Roardman went on to state that on February ?_9, 197g t2iere was a joint meeting oP the City Cotmcil, Planning Coa,:�ission axd �he I;t�A to discuss tne Center City Project. So they have involved thc City Co:�nc3Z� the P1ar�ni.� Ce::�iseivi� ar.d the iiRA in the pracess Uo ihis is r.ot necessarily the Pirst ticue the Co:nmissioner� were looking at it. Uufor�tLmately, tiecause of the t9.rne isbZe the�> hc;:e had to foliow durins the past �aeek and a ra1f, the plai;iiir� process nas speeded ug cn�siderabl��. He stated there wex•e several thin�s he wanted to point out at this point in time. T�Iot or.l.y was the Business Task r'orce Co��itcee establisned but there was also a Nanagement Task Force Co�nittee estahliehed which ineluded primarily all �£ the interested partie, on the City Staff. The members of the T�?aa.��ement Task rorce Co�:ittee iiicluded h':r. �ureshi as the Citg Is�uager, b;r. �runsell ,. as far ae the finance �oes, h;r.'Sobiech as far as the Public Works goes� Nix�. iiu nbull From the Police Departnent and himself, Air. Boardica.r., the City Planner. Sa all of the areas o£ the City ilall r.*ere involved in the Task Force. `i'hey held a series of Management Task Force neetin�,s aZl through the process sl:arting with oriien the consult�nt was hlred for the project. ^ihey have a2so had within the process and within the Fiusiness Taslc Force several of the property owners involved. Those property o�:ners not involved in the 'i'a�k Force �ere met with and the concepts nnd ideas were discussed. Mr, Boardman stAted tht�t he and D�. Doyscher had also met with rir. Levi who owns a major portion in the area and also taith Plorma Swanson. Ns. Bosrdman stated that Gus Doty was on the Task I'orce alcng with Mark Ha��r�rty. He stated that the City holds a contrACt for deed on a major portion of the Christenson Center. <. They hati�e also discussed and had meetings with St. Williav�s Church reg�rding the Project. Aa far as the County involvement goes, the City hlanager, Dick Sobiech and Mr. �oardmr�n sst down with Ralph bjeGinley on bl�y 2, 197g and dlscus,ed the potential on this. They went to the County Aoard nnd had a County Soaxd meeting on Tuesday, blay 8, 1979 and the County Iloard passed a resolution supporting City Council action in the development of the tax inerement district. PLAPINING COP+4�ITSSIO?J 2�ETItdG� MAY 9� 1979 " _-- —_--PAGE l4 Ms. Hughes asked wY1Y the County was involved at all? Mr. Boardmsn stated they were ixivolved through the notificAt3on process primarily. They did not require the supporting resolution fronc the County or the School Dietrict. They do feel however,: that it is very important to discuas it with the Co�nty and the School Lsoard to try to answer any questions and soften aryy feelings that might be developing because of this. Ae Pelt they had covered it very thoroughly. They also met with John Hanson o£ the School District. Mr. �oardman: felt that the people involved;had been notified and were aware of the process and the progress that had been going on, He stated that he had called each of the people on the Bus_zness 'Pask' P'orce personally and let them know the pro�ess they were goinp through, where tbey were with it and when the public hearings were being held and also inviting them to the public hearings, 'Also, his office is open and he has had several discussions with members of the Business Task'Force. - "' Na�. Boardman stated that he just wanted the Co�a3ssioxiers to know where they were on the chronological process they have been going through and the notiYications and the type o£ Uackground they have been trying to develop. He stated that they were no� trying to hide the project.•_.and they very carefully worked out the �egal arrangements. � He and Air. Doyscher met with Mr. Herrick late this afternoon to go over some of the rssolutions that wil7. have to be passed and to go over the tax increment plan itself and the whole process they are going through. They were very carefu].ly moldin� this into a very le�al type oP document. Another thing he wanted to meation xas the tax increment dfstrict. As he had discussed before, tax increment is a tool that can be used by a developer, to develop properLy or to parcel property to make it Iarge enough For development. What they have to do with the plan is to look at the goals and objectives snd how they intend to carry throvgh that process. Tt has 3een their intent all alon�t and it has Ueen the City Council's intenz a11 along ta look at individual pr�vate development. The City would not take action until they have commitment for develop- ment. This is a very key issue and he felt it was bro'a�ht out in the document very we12. They would look onl.y at acquisition in those eqses where they have commitment fox development. He stated that at tnis time he wauld turn the c3iscussion over to Mr. Dean Doyscher and he could explain the legal document, what they are lookingfor tonit� from the Planning Co�+ission and what is required under Chapter �+62 of the Minnesota Statue. They were looking Por a comment from the Planning Commission that the plan is consistent with the Comprehensive Plannin� oi the City of Fridley. FIe stated that in regards to the resolution in the document� they had discussed this with Ns. I,errick and they would be adding on to this last thing "and recomanend approval to the City Council". He stated it wss not necessary to have tha'i in there but they feel that the total process the Planning Gommission was set up 1'or was a recommending body to the City Council and therefore they would be asking the Planning Commission to recouauend this to the City Council for approvaL Ms. Hughes asked what kind of a vote would be required on this? Mr. Boardman stated it was strictly a majority rule.� pzarrrrrrrc cot�sszor� r�r7r;c r�s�aY 9 1979 PAGE 15 Ms. 5chnabel referred to a separate piece of paper that wac distributed to the Coumiissioners attd asked what it WASY Mr. Bosrdm:�n stated that was the modification of.one section within the plan and that was on pa�3e 1 after the reso2ution. It referred to e statement regarding a HEtA development for low income families and elderly. They eliminated that etate- ment from this section but it is in the document. The reason they removed it at , thic point was priin�rily 2er�a1. 7'hey were looking at including Villa�e Green. However, when they talk about freezing the taxes at the level� they were talkiug about freezing taxes at the level o+_' 19�£3 and payable in 1979. Because of that situation� the ig78 assessed valuation on the property wac the assessed valuation without development and by leaving that statement in there at this point in time and sayiz�; that it ir.cludes thi� in tnis, project� they �rar-ted to malce sure that they had time to che�:c with the legal. staff on this to see what kind of problems they might get into. So at this point in time they took it out and before the public heari.ngs if they need to replace that ' they wi12 put it back in. But they want io check with the legal sta£f on that. Flith the inclusion of the Villa�e Green they have a very viable px•oject. �'he:e was no question in their minds that it was a viable project because what it does is it substantial�y creates the first stage co;rroletion which gives them a tax increment to go into the ether ghase� they r.eed to go into. F'1-,at it does is secures the prcject as far as financial security goes and also gives them a buf�er £or �ny proolems they may run into. Another t'r.ing he wanted to �:ention was that tax incr.ement was a iool the City uses. Tae Cit;r deea ht�ve an option. After setting up th� district� they do have the op�ion oi re�ovin�; psrcels from that d:istrict. .'_e bro��Yit up that po5.nt becausa within a tax incremenc district 'th�y cpuld remove parcels without going thro,�h the process but in order to increase the size of the district tliey wouid have to go through the sa�e process ihey went throi�gh in seti�in� up th� district. Another thing the City :�as an ogtion to do in financing a tax increrent district is tbat if nothing happens and they don't get any development� they can turn the money back witn interest to tY,e County and the School District and the City as far ss the tsxes that have been collected over ar.d above that frozen level. fie �oula like to stress again thet tsx increment is mere2y a tool that is available snd can be used hy the City. Ms. Schnabel asked what would heppen if the Schoo2 came down ar.d said no. Mr. Boardr�an stated that they did not require School District aprrwal,or County approval. They only approval necessary is approval bg the HRA, and ehe City Coun�il. They would pass a resolution and Chat resolution must be passed by our City Council and at that point in time the tax increment district would he set. IdhaC they would then need is something from the CounEy Auditor to"cert3fy those values. They don't need : apptoval from Che County Auditor, just the certifying of the values. What that means is they give the County Auditor a Iist of the area with the assessed valuation on it and they send it to the County and the County looks at it and says those values are certified as the values that are going to be frozen at that leve2. Ms. Schnabel asked how 2ong they would be frozen? a PLnrrt�NG Cor�izsszoia t.�t�'IrtG, trv�Y 9, i979 PAGE 16 Mr. Boardman stated they would remain frozen ae long a� the period oP time that the tax increment district is in exi:,tence. He did not believe thcre was a max- imum time Zimit. What happene is thst they would be frosen unti2 the City pays off ita bonds or bonded indebtedness and completes 3ts project. Mr. Dean Doyscher came forsaard and stated that he was the president of the Pro- Yesaional Planning and Development Company and was under contract with the City oi Fridley regarding the Center City Redevelopment and Revitalization Project. He stated that he would like to make sure everyone understood what tax increment finar,cing was, but before he went into that he wanted to make some statemenis regardin; same taords that hsve been used here toni�ht so.ch as freez�ng valuations qnd free�ing taxes. �rihen we say we have to certify a value with Anoka County and Anoka County freezes s value �nd you are a taxpayer in that district or a propexty owner in that district, it does not freeze your value or youx taxes. Your vG].ues will increase based on improvements, inflation and other decisions made by the City, CountyJ School District and State Le�islature. Therefore it also does not freeze your taxes. AII it does is establish a mechani.sm for recor8 keepin� for Anoka County 1;o say that the City of Frzdley frooze or established this as the base year. Or. the base year there was so mueh va].uation. One year 2ater there was this �uch valuation. People are paying tlzose �dditional taxes besed on those additional valuati.ons. The diiference ihen is what they call the the capture zncrement. Tf� for example� they freeze this and it all has an assessed valuation of �100,0�0 and tased on a 10�p inflation of property assessed values in 1g79 or 1980 it would have an assessed value oP $110,000� those peogle would pay taxes based on assessed values of �110,000. The County would collect taxes based on $�I.10,000 but they would only distribute monies to the taxing jurisdictions based on $100�000. The other monies or the mill levy times $I0,000 would be distributed to the City of Fr3dley and the City of Fridley�s F3RA. So, people who do business here� own property or pay taxes do not see aqy changes 3n the nor�al course of whsts been happening over the past years and what will happen to all other property in the City of Frzdley. Ms, Schnabei stated that was assuming that the mill levy would remain the sar�e. Mr. Doyseher stated that the mi.11 levy would have no basis here. The mill levy on the increased vnluations, if the mi11 levy is increased, it wiLl also be Applied PI,ANt7I1QG COMMIu5T0Yd 1+L�'^TIt3G, MAY 9� 1979 __ __ _ pAG� 17 againct the increased value and those taxing jurisdictions will get the dif£erence in the increASe in the mill levy. So we don�t freeze a mill levy on aa�yUOdy. Mr. Dquist stated that they were not £reezing anything then. Nir. Doyscher stated they were not i'reezinr� anythin� for the i�payer. Just in the matter of how the money is dictributed frtrm the County. The County callects a11 taxes and the County distributes taxes based on the City budget� the School Di�trict budget and the County budget ard the other speciaJ. taxir� district'� budget. They distribute only to that fro2en 1ec�e1 �ased on 197� Values. Tize difference tietween the 197f3 value of $100,000 and the 1979 value o£ :�110,000, that w10,000 will be distributed to the :4�A to acco:�plich ihe goals and objectives of the Center Ci.ty Redevelopment Praject, They are also asking that the I-�2A Si.gn contractual agreements with the City of k'ridley so that the City of Fridley is the financial agent and responsible for the adminiNtration. The reason they feel th;at way is because ihe I�tA stafl' is the same as the City siaff and the Ci�Gy has the Sinancial where kith a12 mechaniems presentiy s't it's dispo�al to nand].e this type of accounting £or type of decisions. 'Phe FtRA will al.l:uys play it's role in deciding on redevelopn�nt objectives, goal policiec, evaluating p.rivate developers proposuls, amending the plan iP necessazy and all of those activi�ties. All finzncial obligations including the actual determinations o� acquisition of pro�erty, the selling oi genexai obli�a- tion bonds and the like, ui11 rest c-�ith the City Council. �r. On,uist asked if the h'_R/a �rould then r.ecom.mend the disbursement of Funds but Council sti11 r�akes the �'inal �?ecisiors? Nir. Aoyscher stai.ed in tex-ms of the arrangement in the City of Fridleyt the City Council wiil be prime factor in the decisicn making. 2ds. Hughes stated they would not be le�a2ly established. Ns. Doyscher stated tUat legally they would be becau�e they are signing s contractw.31 arrangement between the iIILA and the City. A1r. Boardman stated that crhat that does is put the City Council in the situation *ahere thexe is c� Hou�ing Authority hut it is contracting with the Citv Council to carry out the Housin� Authorities functions. Mr. boyscher stated that additionally there were btinnesota Ststues xegulatiug the issuflnce oY general obli�a'�ion bonds� and it always rests with the City Council; no matter what City you are talking about, to issue any bonded ir.debtedness against it's residents and it's property. When they talk about risk on this project� the real risk is the financial risk and that rzsk is evident in the isstiance of bondc and repaying the bonds. That will always rest with the City Council re�ardless of wl�at they say in this document or re,�ardless of what kind of contractual arrange- ment provided in Minnesota law. City Councils are the only ones tbat issue general obligetion bonds. Ms. Hughes stated that she was surprised that the IfftA could sign away 3t's respon- sibilities. She stated sbe didn't understand that tut it wasn't important right now. PLANPIING CdMidI5SI0NNB�IFETING MAY 9, 1979 PAGE 18 Mr. Doyscher stated he felt it was importanl; to underetand what the role of everybody itt so we don't get those confused. Tax increment legislation appears in two di3'ferent areas of Itinnesota Law. One is the IiRA and one under a special piece of legislation called tax increment financing Zaws. There are a whole bost of reasons wY�y we choose to operate in Fridley under the fiousing & Redevelopment Authority. Primarily, the tax inerement law as a separate piece of le�islation� limits nroject areas to six acresJ no more tnan six acres, no more than one percexit of the City's asses�ed valuation� no more �:han three percent of the City's planned area. It has special requirements and does not need a HRlt at all. It only needs a City Council Co do that kind of legislation. The HRA law on the other hand also allaus the establiahment of a redevelopment district financed by tax increment thro�z�h the sale of �eneral obligation bonds or tY:rough the sale of revenue bonds. Tt is legal to sell revenue bonds but historically no one has agreed to sell them. It allo*as larger areas. Tt e17.ows more flexibility in the redeveZopment process. Those were the two key areas to establish this distriet. The six acre thing wouZd slmost tnake us get into the same difFicui,ties that� in his opinzon, the Center City hes been in anyway which is small land parceling in one of the prime co�ercial areas of the City. Nr. Doyscher stated that tax increment is allcwed under those two areas. The basic purpoee of t�x inerement financing is to redevelop. It was originally designed for two purposes. To caizse a redevelopment for housing and safe, sanitary and healthful conditionu for law and moderate income families, and also to redevelop areas that aze deteriorated or blighted. Some of the wordAge includes faulty plannin;, small land parcels� safety hazards and the like. Tax increment financing is th�n t:nder the Redevelopment Authority a fi»ancing vehicle. It does nat require u st2temen+ at the f'ront end th<zt each piece o£ property o�i11 be developed in a vesy specific manner. But it allrnas us a financing tool in the manner he described previous:[,y� hvusing re-evaluations where we get the gains. A very speciiic exara�le rex•e i� the Village Green area. It will �enexate substar.tia2 eash flows to the City and Housing Authority in the very near future. Td�xt year. in fact. It 4riI1 give the City the i'inancial feasibility ard t;here �rith all to �rshe deoisions on other property acquisitions or street tra?Pic improvemer.ts or utility improvementu and things of that natuxe in this wHo1e area. Mr. Oquist asked how VilZage Green would give us trat money7 Mr. Doyscher stated that was because we are freezin� those values at the last certified d�te. `Phe laUt certified date is 1978 valnes. The reason 1979 �alues� althou�h they �xe preZimi.narily calcul.ated� are not certifiable values because all tax equalization hearings have not been held and adju:�tments mnde� time spans are still in effect for people to ask that adjustments be made on their a�sessed va7,ues for 1979, �tc. 5o that is not certi£iable value and wouZd not be a certifiable value until October at the earliest. You always pay taxes on last ye¢r's values. What do we have then for 1978 values? In 2978 Vi11a�e Green was vacant property. On January 2, 1979 tHat project was probably �+D� complete. On January 1, 1980 it will be 100�o complete. There is a substantial difierence between that Prozen value of vacant property in 1978 and the £ully developed property in 1979• Mr, Oquist stated that then it would be taxed according],y and we get the difference which would be the capture. PLANNING COMI✓ISSION t'fEETIPdG, MAY 9� 1979 PAGE 19 Mr. Uoyscher stated that was correct, He stated triat basically they thought the followin,3 was accurate: As vACant property he throught it had an assessed value of around $25,000. On Janur�ry 1� 1.979, or the aasessed values in front of the tax equalization board now, has an assessed value of arour.d $2,0OO,OQO. In 1930 it will have an assessed valued of around $k�000,000. It is also a project of a special nature in thai it is financed by the t4innesota FIousing Finunce Agency and the Department. o; Iiousing rznd Urban Development, and referred to as a Section B Project. Sn a Seetion 8 Yroject, ha1P of i;he value is forgiven for tax compu- tation purposes. So � project like that� inste�d of an assessed value at bASically $0� of tnarket valuea thie pro�ect is 20p of Che rnarket value. So our assessed values are somewhat ].ess than� when he sa;;s .�;�%+,000�000 that'e a market value, and the assessed value is around y1,000,000, . So minus the �"1j,C00 �ae would have a captLre of $9£35,Q00. �S'hi� will generrxte substantial munies. He tkioti�;ht they were in the nei{;hhorhoal of w75�000 t;o �120�000 annually for the Fridley HR.A. Courcilman Schaeider asked if t,hat ;�oney, the �75�000, rrou2d go si.rictly to th3s tar. increment district? Tt does not get mir.ed in with the general fund or be used for other �llings, b7r. Doy�cher stated that tir�s cor.rect. The Money would �o directly into a special account i'or the Center. City Project and it �=auld be accounted for ur.der special funds and the City w11?. report 2o the County and to the School District anmaall.y the ctatuJ oi that account. Mr. Iisrris asked if, as far a: this account, goes� could tha't mr,_aey '�e invesi,ed or is it like �n G'SCL'OF? uccaunt? 4dr. Dm�scY:ex stated the money could. be ir.vested. Dir. Boardman stated that if foi� sc�ce reason that distriet is not operab�_e or some- thin; lilce that, tl�e noney esrned on the investment must be returned to the Coun+y and the School Aistrict. Mr. Oquist asked what the School District would do with the �cney if it were retu:ned? Mr. Doyscher stated thet a:f it iaere retvrned to the County they would have s grea't deal of latitude as far as what they could do with it. But the Se:�ool Disi:rict would Ue restricted under� he assumed, the present restrictions oi property tsxes wl�ich would �enerallg mean it could not be used for operation, sslaries or �dmin- istration, Uut �enerally far retirement of capital debt ar.d land or buiZdin� im- provements. Mr. Bosrdtnan stated it could also �o for those things not covered by State revenues. i+Ir, Doyscher stated that Anoka County and School Di�trict 14 did not have any reason to get excited for the following reasons: First, they continue to receive the taxes on the valuation at the 197�3 values. So in essence they are not losing anything. Historically, this area has not� in ihe past ten years� made any substantial im. provements. So historically the County And School have not ceen ar�y great valarations anyway. Any redevelopment that oecurs at the end of this increment period will be captured by the City, County snd School Diatrict. I3p until that point there hasn't �� PI,ANNTNG COMAII5SION MF�,�ING, MAY 9� 1979 PAGE 20 historically been any changes ao that Ar�ything that over the long run vill improve this area snd eause valuations to increase and therefore tax revenues are a positive influence, The School District especia2ly is not harmed because oi the constraints o£ the State law. He thought the County l�ad concerns and investments in Mississippi and University Avenue with the State HighwAy Department improvements there and the County also has general land use considerationa they are p2anning so they would 2ike to see irrrprovements. Neither of ti�em are ia effect ].osing revenue from wh�t their present history has been. Over a11, to Anoka County, this is a minute �mount of frozen valuritions. The reason Fiennepin County has concern is bec�use tl�e City of Minneapolis has sold bonds snd made invesiments and the redevelopment hss not occured. Also the City has acquired property and cleared it and redevelopment has not cccurred. �Phat's where you �et negative flows which requires Hennepin County to work out with the City of Niinneapo2is hrna they are �oing to pay. And Minneapolis has a problem because tlzey are not making ettoi�gh money to pay off their general obligation bonds so they are starting to have to look at their own general revenues to pay the bond holders. This happened because Minneapolis took risks in terms of bu��ing land, clearing it and makir� it available for development or redevelopment and those things didn't occur in a timely fashion. The consternation between fIennepin County and i+linneapolis has been because of �4he money fl.ow� not the concept. That is part of the reasori for the changes in the law. The ehanges in the law give the County more auLhorii;y in determining which values are frozen and for how long they are frozen snd which ones you shoald cap't,ure and which ones you cannot eapture. It severely limits collecting revenues from areas s>here you really didn't cAUSe ar�ythin� to happen. It happened because their own private market places were responding to the supply and de�.and and the L'ity really didsi't cauae at�ythin� to happen therefore t�e County zs not going to a11ow theu: tc capttue. The Gouttty y�ill also set requi.rements in 1;erms of when thin�s have to be bonded for and when they have to be repayed. So there are some changes in the law in that re�ard. He statect that he hati been on l.e�islative stivisory com�nittees for tax incremettt financin�, They have been befoxe the 5tate Ler�islatuse for at leact four years that he is aware of on changin� and they have yet to change. There are lots of reasons they haven't chan�;ed. They met with League of Minnesota Municipalities or League of Minnesota Cities and it is that organization tbat has taeen prinaril,y responsible i'or carrying the comprowises between the counties and cities and advising the State Le�islattzre. In fact in this legisletive session they are doing the same thin�. He went over this pxroject with the League staff for trro ressons: First, how would it fall into any new la��s or chan�es that they see and two, is this t@e type of project that the State sees as s reasonabie pro- ject as opposed to some oY the people who recently crita.zed Bloomington for their tax zncrement project. Ti:e League of Minne;ota Cities says that this is a project of the natu're and type that the State Legislature concuxs with and the League concurs with and that it Is a viable project. Mr. Doyscher stated that the role of the Planning Commissian was to advise the fffL4 that the proposed Iand uses are in conforimnce with overall City goa].s and land use policies. That is what we are asking far. . . . .�.'tP^F. PI,At1NING COMMiSSION MEEPIIIG� MAY g 1979 - PAGE 21 Cauncilman Schneider stated that ten years our property tnr.ing structure will be different from wlv�t it i., today after a few years o£ legislative chan�es And he aciced how thrzt would efi'ect vr�lue o£ the capture? P+I�. Doyscher stated he would �ive him a ne�ative. Tn California tar. Proposition 13. What Proposition 13 and t.he heighth that it g�t in other state legiElatures con-. siderin6 other states adopt th4t 7.e�islation. Tn essence what Proposii;ion 13 was to ro11 back property values. The Cities and Couaties of Caliiornia did not increase mill levys but they had very fast increasing values �o they had Uig value ad,just�nt;s on i;hose sarae �:ills. In ihinnesota that is a li�;�le different. But if such a state legislative action were taken where property values were rolled back or how you jud�;e }�roperty val�.tes were to su�?stantially r�c�uce, you would start to ger.ers�te ne�;ative flows. iro question that this is a concexn. At the ti�e the Caliiornia le�i�iution was beit� lr;Yed around the news medis� chere was a cancerte3 efSort at t`.�t tir.,e to form a Local Uz�can Af'Sairs Committee in tae Sen�te and Iiouse. FJhat would 'nappen to tax iracrement projects? If they were goin� to make a rcll back an values in response to ta� structuresi these districts mGy be censidered a� special district� or fror,en. That is a possioility. It wa5 Nis feelir,g t;at ri;ht now there were a good numLer of districts for worthy public �urppses and tlie�� hz3ve some merit. t�ut he cou7.d:i't gue�s, nor wotil.d. he intend to! gue>s i;hat the �tate Le�islature night do. 2'hcy could m;i.e adjustc�ents so this is sau�thing they have to be careful o£. You can s�ill ra�e mi.stakee, The other tliir.g you h4ve tc be careful of is p2u�;ain� in inflatiaa na:nbers. Some tax incre�°nt distx•icts a,re ereatad strictl.y oa in£lation. Inf].acio:� is an un �zid daw:� thinn arrl �naybe prv- perty won't inllate sa tc base ii; on i;.�at kind of judnem�n� ynu. r.ould ir�Ye an error. The State L�gislatiires really control the rnethodolo� �i:ut we use. Cow:cilrn�n Seh.ieider asked if' it was fair then to say that any chan�e they would make in the method of calculatina t�alues or taxes could efSect it7 What if �hey don't change the mectianism for calculaiing veltzes but change the iormula for cal- culating taxes. P4r. Doyscher stated that almost a12 of this was tiase@ on value, property values. So he would see that as beiry; the critical i'actor. As far as the metha3 of collectin�; ttixes, you can ssy all i;hat you want about it} but it really is based on what values you set and then you just put mar.;bers io it. If you are g�ing to allow or say City Council.s wi11 no longer collect property tExes at all and we will distribute on a State aid formula. Councilman Schneider ctated that brou�ht to nind the MeHutchin's Bill. idr. Harris asked Mr. Doyscher if he saw that kind of a move on in the Legislature7 Mr. Doyscher stated that things have shifted. Tf you were to ask him a ye�r ago� with more Democrats in the House, there wAS a strong force to say that property taxes are an unfair taxation mei;hod and that income tax is a more fair taxation methal. The less you depend on property tax and the more you collect on income and distrihute back to your political. subdivisions� the more fair you are being. But that phi2osopt�y didn't go anywhere even with the splits that were in session s year or two ago. But there Was conversation about it, ite did not see thttt being PLANNIPdG COMMISSION MEI7PING� tdAY 9� �979 PAGE 22 the enme. He saw more today that we would Iike our local or political aubdiv3§ions be more financielly responcible and pro�ramaticAlly responcible unto themselves� �rith leas state mnndates. I[e saw a shiYt to that kind of philosophy. So far no- one hAS been aPraic3. to establish tax inerement projects because of t�ll the state le�;:islative conversations. The League has so much interest in thi� because theze are at least 80 to 120 cities that have some sort of tqx increment projects at some level oP indebi;edness. Ms. t�ughes asked why they had the tail on the district. She referred to the aerial photograph. Mr. Doyscher ststed that he saw the area as bein� e nei�hborhood convenience area. That included the whole thing. The area to the West ic a single family residentia2 neighborhood oi' superior quali�y and not in need oP any special attention. The area deflned is all similar in term, of being a r.ei�hbor}iood retail and con- venience service area. A1.¢:o�t all of 1t ineluding the tail has cuostantial areas o£ vacant property and prime cormercial area. Some of the businesses, even in the tail.� have high turnover and less decireble uses tiian could be eacpected in such a prime comnercial area. Some are in need of genera]. xepairs and ir�provenents and certainly a need for overall parkin� and tra�'fic inprovements. It allows us the possibility to interact neta development in a broader area. AI1 the centers are neighborhood related. This is a good location and has the possi.bzlity of servicinc� offzce and expanded retail uses and special housirg functions. Tt could become an attractive area �rith improved pedestrian walkir� and comnunicatioas especially fur tie elderly and high density :amily projects LuiZt near l�ere that are poor now. The vacai�t land areas have little vieibz2ity and poor Rcce�s ar.d therefore are not flsveloped to the economic advantage of eit.LPr the land o;me'r or the Czty. There are a lot of con£lictin� land uses. Tsey have singZe famiJ_y structures aUutting commerical use axeas, w�rehouses with outsidE storage. They have vacant land tnat has been pronosed fox development but never developed because of conflict5.ng land uses. Ms. Schnabel stated that in regards to financzn�, what if there is a recession? This is a real po,sibility in the minds of some ecoromists and wnat if we are into this. What wou2d happen Lo the City's Obligilf.]oi:s? A"s. Dovscher stated that once the City makes financial o�iligations it is financially oUligated. hThen people bt�y bonds, tY:ey expect to be repayed. Cities don't like to go into default. Once the City rcakes a 8ecision to �o into £inar.cial indebtedness it has the 1ega1 ob2igetion to follow through. If it is zn that situation of �inapcial, inaebtedness and a recession happens to such an extent tha�, all property values are dropped substantielly, it would be very diffieult. Ms, Schna�el stated tkiat then if the City were to proceed with this and do it in various phases that would be better. Mr. Doyscher stated it would limit it's financia2 obligation to that phase. He referred to page 9 of the document with the Table of Contents on the front, He quoted the follaair� from the second paragraph: "Each phase of redevelopment shall require financie2 findings of feasibllity� separate contractus3 agreements Uetween the City and a developer� Ci,ty approval of land use, zoning and such other requirements that may be established, and compliance with the goals and oUjectives of this plan." What they are s�ying here is that the City is not going to enter 4,—..�a PLIaNNIPdG COIFMCS5ION ML'ETTNC, MAY 9� 197� - __ __ P��E ?3 into that pha3e of redevelopment until there is a contractual e�reement with a develapex. In the second half of that statement ia where we �et into bonded indebtedness. Phase l, we decide to acquire And clear land. We only do thctt with a contra�tual agreement with a developer that he will develop it. That contractual agreement is spoken aLOUt in tlie Land and Real Yroperty Acquisitiom P1an and ihe Land Di�position for Redeve.Lopment Department in the P1e.n� whi.ch siAtes that they cannot do it for speculetion and they must meet certain require- ments. Ms. Hu;hes ststed that Ms. Schnabel's question really� gets down to if something drastic happened after the contract �;as a>i�ned and the land was cleared� if they went Uankrupt or there was a recession or sonethin� like ihat� that would be the real problem. Nir. Doyscher staied t,hst there was no question tha� cities have tYse opportuiuty to make mistakes. What they try to do is make decisions in a reasonable r�.nner and Lnake iindin�s of 1'easiUiiity and make jud�;ements. i�tistakes are made. We hope that z:�e have enough protectien in this docu�-nent and tha1� City Council acts in a most reasonable m�nner in the future so those are eliminated the i�est they can. 2+3s. Hughes asked if he had any more negativesZ Mr. Dcyscher stated that one �f the 3oa1s of this plan is tc create density in this area, to cau.se redetielop:�aer.t of structures anii people using tk�ose s'tru.ctures, The argument o° s�re of those people is that there are alreadv trarf��c fiot�: pro- blen[s and trs£fic hazard prcble.as and szfety problems to property and iife. Fiy incz•easing Plows we L�ay in fact; te increasii;g thvse kind� of proUl.ems� unless z�e are very careful about trying to i��oirove in�erna]. movements on property whicn are now exiting and left har.d turn r�ovements espeaial].y at the intersectians. That is an issue all of us must Le aware of. i�. Boaxdnar. stated l�e would liY.e to add that if any developer went in. there no4r, even in the li�ht of the develapementthat is existing we zaoul.d still h�,ve an increase in traffic flows. There are issc�es involved in this that we cannot do anything about and that is the ±raffic flow that �oveU througb this area. It creates a problem and if nothing is co�nleted or nothit� is done then the traffi.c patterns on the property like iiolly Center, then even �znor developnent may cause the same types of proUlems that we have with major development with nodifications. Mr. Oquist asked if the City cou�d terminate ihis pl.an at a�y time. Mr. Doyscher stated it could unless it has legal and financial obligations. Mr. Oquist sta�ed that barring tbat� if we cannot Pind developers who Fr�nt to came in here for various rea3ons, assuming we have no other obli�ations we can terminate the tax increment district? Mr. Doyscher stated they could do one other thing whieh would probably be considered at that point. They could rilake a decision not to collect the revenues and to readjust the frozen base until you were more sure ahout development and to turn that money bacic with interest and allow them to Ntart collecting whatever 3ncreases there are. PLANi'ITTdG CO'�MLLSSION M�ETING� MAY 9r 1979 - PAGE 24 PQr. Oquist r�tated he meant sort of like table it. Mr. DoyUcher stated they would set the certiffcation of values aside until some- thing else wou].d hel� to s�an the leEa7. establishment under the distrint. The certiYications oP valuations is the real auestion. N:s. Hughes asked why the dentist'c ofYice included *ahich is right across Prarn qnother major par.t of the district2 Its right next to iiolly Center. F�lr. Doyscher stated he did not think there was s�y overall by-process there. PAs. Hughes asked if it was beeause that praperty rnmer wou].d be opposed? Ns. Doyscher stated that i£ 'they look historically as to how the City has viewed this area the way they had deFined it vras alrrays the area. Ms. Schnabel asked what he saw es i;he goals oi' a Cen-ter City ?'roject being done in Fridley? What do you hope to accompli�h out of it7 She stated that she was having �roblems because repeatly throughout the document it says it is prinarily a neighborhoal center. , Nir. Doyscher stated that she was readin� the Phase 1 documeat and in the other dacument we have goals and objectives. A".�, Schnabel st�ted there were two w�zas sne could say i;his. If you want to speak specifically to yoizr goals an8 objectives sne wculd have some coaliments about that. She felt ihey were in the wro.i� order a:d she would rz�::J.e scme cl7an�es on thst. In a long term �oa]. and 6ojactzve for tne Center City Project fox• the whole project� basicall�� they stzid it �as a nieghborhood ceiater and this is repeated time and �;;ain that it is a neigYiborhoo3 evnvenience service center. As. Saard;ran stated that was as it is existin�. Ms. Schnabel stated also as it will Ue in the future. She t�ss read in he.re that it is not likel.y to change. 2'hst it �vil]. alwnys be a nei.ghborhood conver.ience service center. Her que�tion is if that is true are there other goals she is ItRSS1llg th.at they think will �e accomplished as a result of this project2 Mr. Doyscher stated he believed that the area was a neighborhood convenience service center. `Phe reason they sa5� that is Uecause when they first started working on this it became apparent tl�at it was a servi.ce center. Some people refer to it as a retail center but it is a personal service area not a retail area. At one point i.t was a retail area. }3y personal services he means dry cleaning� laundry, barUars� etc. as opposed to a�rocery store. Aolly Center is a retail center. 2;oon PZaza is a service centex. It was importqnt in the inventory to let everyb aly know that we believe it is a service center. i7nless something h�ppens it will continue to be thst an@ it will decrease in its importanae. The reason for that is because it now draws fro� not only this neighborhood Uut from some neighbarhoods on the near north� Coon Rapids and those areas where there are more developments occurring. Ms. Schnabel sta�Ced that was to a diminishing de�ree. � PLANNINC COMMISSION ME�°�TING Ml+Y 9 1979 PAGE 25 Mr. Doyscher agreed and stated it would become less important. Even though it h�ze more traffic� that traffic :[s on its way out. The �;oa7: then is not to make a regional center. iie did not Uelieve it could compete v�ith a xegional center �uch as Erookdale or idorthtown. It does have the poss�bility of Ue- coming a cammuni.ty center but it wi11 only do that i.f there are planned parcels lar�e enough Yor people to develrn�. They don't have that cize parcel available ri�ht now. He believes �ts nature i� to be a neighborhood cor.venience center and the way to keep its vi.ability up and to improve it is to brin� more people into the im�pediate proximity of the neighaorhood and we can da t:ia't in severai manners. We could bring in office develoi�ents. Offioe developraents zai3,1 have people there at least fran fi:00 to G:00 ai:d those people may choose i:o walk to restaurants, drug stores, etc. It would be an i_mprovement of' the good deal of vacant land they preser.t�y ?�ave. '3y bringin� in additian�l housi:nb like Vills�e Green. In that regard �ney zaould be talkir._; exbout some speciali2ed housir� for elderly, disabled or ha::dicapped. It •.�ou].d be u very su=tiable location for t2.at sox•t of tt:ing because of its near�aess to and ad jacent to x•e �i:leritial areas and yet within cloee pro�aiMity to cor.•renience areas. 4lhat �i;;ht be feasible is to allow ofS'ice develop;nent in two parcels ar,d a hoasin� develop�:ient in another parcel and to cause enoagh pedestxian traffic f2ow and sit� 'ir:,provements. 'vie may be able to rehab:ilitate and enclos2 I-ioon P1aza so it beco�es a more v:.able center than it is noW. ide coul�i also r��ke some iir�r.ovements in tY_e Fio].ly Ceal;er. Those wovld conti.nue to be neigh'oorl:oc.d ccnvenience centers but t�;ey woul� a ereater drawin� pooulation base and they would 'nave an overall. improvad area to draw on and thef �.�ov1d have 3 more suit?"ly dev°loped area rather t:"�an vacuncy ar.d the �wr- l;empt, kir.d of th�re is ri�;ht no�.a. It „ou7.d also lieep somn strerigtli iu tkin exi�t.ing centers.��f som� size. So�e of thc�e ner_-d etructu2al improvements. Ms. Schna.bel stated tha� th�n basicall;> �rhat he i:, sayin� aas t,l;ey were hopix�;; that throu�h `.,he Center City Project the,y �aoiild bring more people into a closex^ n.�ox�mity to the existit� corrcnercial estab7.isl�Ants. Ns. Doyscher added it would also improve the general conditions and better utilize the 1ar.d resources. Ms. Schnabel stated that another probleu she had was that it *.aould not necessari].y attract more people to the area fror� those areas that are no�a dir�inishin� or not bein;; attracted. A3r. Doyscher a„reed ur.less they �ot some specialized restaurants or sor.ietl�in� that responds during the day to offices and are attractive enoagh. Mr. Board2nan ctated that another thing we have to look at is the traffic flow problem. We have so�e problems right now because some people who are really in close proximity to the area do not use the area because they have no access. We have access problems to look at i;oo. If we can solve scm�e of those problems and provide an easier flow within the area as far es traffic goes, we may be drawir�; more of those people that live in the area in close proximity for utilization oY tha't area primarily because it malces it easier for them to use that arec� than to go to Northtown. It uuay not have the sa�e attraction as far as Northtown but there are services there that the people would use i£ they caere easi]y availa�le, PLANNITdG COMMISSION D4LTTING, Max 9,t �9'79 PACE 26 h1s. Iiu�hes asked how the four quadrants of Mississip�i and Univsrsity tie together or wi22 they ever2 Will they alwrays be qulte separate? h1r. Doyscher stated that he did not think they would tie to�ether. They cou].d tie to�ether north�south. Aside Prom adding :�ome turning improvements and some signalization improvements which the City intends on doing it wi11 be an improve- ments. This is a �taLe hi�Yiway ahd they are r.ot going to fund depressing the h3ghway. Their �oal is to make traffic mwe faster �nd i�he goal of the peop].e in the aret� is to slow it down. 'Phe state will. win because there is a lot of demand to �et the tra£fic going. To brid¢e it with a pedestriAn wallc�aay� the proof of those things is tnat unless they chain linY, fence it and �ive people no alternative tut to use it� they are likely not to use it. The idea is to t�ke this elderly buildin� and townhouse and tlzzs park and another area where +hey woul.d create an of£ice and create pedesirian movemnnts and hopeful],y make it move back and forth. This whole area is criented to the automot,ile, not to people and unless they make sotne chan�es people walk a lot @ifferently acxoss a parkir.g lot than they a�alk along a �ideealk. So he didn't think they would get pe�.estrian movement in the whole area. It is very 1i.kely that it will re;nain auto- mabile orien'Eed. `r'hat is the nature of strip commerci�I areas. Ee f21t they could create so�e pedestrian movement from the townY:ouses along I4ississippi to Universiiy. N¢�. Ha^ri.s stated tliey �ould have to build in sarne specifie ways of noving people who are h;indicapaed or di.sabled so triey can move easily from the elderly area dorr.i to the shoppin� area and that is not possibl.e now. tfs. �ioyscher stated if they set redevelopraent �oa2s for the devaloper as to �-rhat tY:ey want they could start to interconnect some of it. t✓a-. %isrris stated they have *_o tie so�e o£ it toeether. They t2ave six phases ar.d tl�e Pirst uhase is the Cizr3stenson area. We have alrea�i;� got the elderly residence and somehow as start each one of the ph.ases they have to build into each pi:ase somet�ay of �etting people down to that a.rea. fie agreed that every- one of those faci].ities was automobile ori.ented. iti'e don't even have a sidecralk. `i'hey may even hr�ve to jump the gtm in Phase 6� which is the lower area. Chairman Harris declared a recess at 10:15 P.h:, and reconver.ed the meeting at 10:25 P.N. Mr. Oquist asked if he wAS a developer or businessman what would entica him to come into this area. A4r. Doyccher stated he iaould e�caggerate it and ans�rer his question. Whst if he said he weuld give you four acres of land for �'�'1.00 and pay for aI1 his parkingT Would you now came in? They would give you four acreas of the best 2and located one mile from the intersection of 694, underground parking and pay for your utilities for �1.00. Mr. Oquist stated he was exaggerating. ,�z- c, � � � � T'r. a)o, ;,r � ,. � _. , � . .:•k , �_�r•r- : ,' � ' j: � .. .,�; .. � � , �. i.. . .. . C. P..C,. i.Vi. .�-; ti ?0. r;�.l -.J i.;� . � : O�? . ..� , {�( tl. .'iL , ,. _�� �,�.�iSi�17 �) '.. EtCl .._C/ 'I_1 �n;.'� . , �,..c;_ , an�' _�n y�.3; ...-, ,.__ ,,,, i i�at � rn :".i�.k � — . �' .L •.e 1" u„r:E. 1 [ _ nr. ... � _ ,.:'-'.'I:. �. � .._ , `.:. :t' . . . ... , t, � ;. �i, .. . . .. � - C:' - ,� �::.i � S'; ..ili:.. S�'. ,�'� ltt �' _ . .... .. i � � ,... �..11-'t G' (� . .� , r. . . ._. �.,; _.- � � q?2c� . � _:a�• .,. t<s ..i t . , ,. �� ,_ . ;:'en. , . . .,. .. �.L A ,�'...a 3.i' � . ,.;4 . P �. . �.'��j .. . ���..� c. �� �. �•j�_ c .... . ". w�i]. ..'�,,� i, __' ,... � �. i:' , . . �� , . . � il.l ' , _ .,., ,� if' _,�.. ��t;� —. ''`ti 1 � to �. � ,? � E � . ... '; ,, *.._:c} i;.t �:• _ � _ r.a � �,�un �ur ����:. � __. _ _O'i? iliC (.'1 Ct.I�. _... r: . <. �. __ ,: ' p ... � . 7_�:i� . �J c . , _ .,P, 'F._�: 1.'.1�? r G , _ e }'.�_, .... S'(':;"��BG ?�� ,t '� ' _ . GE'. :.,.i'. Ji:�i . :�S::E] l: ��li , 7`i;9�CC'C�. 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J 3 i �,� _. -, ;.n .�_�k�... �'i�,�.:� t:�. � . c:: .,... : d ��: ,�., � �_.1 '�._ 3 . . � f .. .. ... . .. . . . � �... . ti* �h��._ i- � _ . . �. �, , � ��r; .. ,.`�: .. _ . . . _ Z'f �,. ��c _,,., � � � . � < . _ . ,. t:, , � - t �__ . i c.� _ , .!i _. r, :ir ,� ..7e1t , .`: L ':c :.I".{f- .'�1� ? �' G �.t.� 1 � :' r_: .. .., 't1:. tUG� c. :li, ,.. �. �Yls`_ �E_. �;:� 1 �.:�� ��� ,�i;c �;' �� �rot:n�;.e } � ,_,. �+ tt� �1kiC � ..:q7C:'!.i? +• `'�p�+ .. t1-G`•.Ein' ±ttii .,r�'..i C41'.t',' � ��r����t iC s, �__�.•f .. .. :.�:.YOiB i_`' � 'd:i :. ,..^.-; . � ! S� ;: C: �yrr:�r��.., ��-�t fin:t h:lP} 7 „re, � .. ;i. w,.-.{ �vh�; (': ti-�. _ .._. ... � C' B L.-_:". L[7"�,,., ... s PLANNTNG COMA7ISSION ME�TING MF�Y 9, 1979 - PAGE 28 Mr. Oquist stated that sietement wae in the document but what makes that binding? He asked iP this wns a binding document for the City Council? Ptr. Boardman statefl it was a le�al document and the only way they could change that is by chan�rin(r, the actc�Z tax ircrement pinn. Mr. Oquist asY.ed if' the documents in the front were for that docu�nent and stated that the City was obli.gated to do tnat? Mr. Doyscher stated those documents continually refer to the Center City Project. Ms. Hu�hes asiced if the Plan mould be �ublished? 3;tr. }3uaxdma❑ stated it did not need to Y,e published. The on7,y thing that needs to be pu�lished is the distr.ict. A4r. Iiarris stated t'r.at it may be necessar,/ to put in some facilitzes in other districts while we are i.n Phase 1 if we are going to tie the north and south di�tricts to�ether. It may be necessary io put in some sidewalks ar some sort of interior street or rralY.way or bikeway betore.en other p�ases. b1r. DovscYaer �tated that legally� asstaw^ing that there is fir,ancial f°asibili�y, we can �ake general irm�rovements of a nublic nrture in any �eoF;raphic portion cf th±s district. Assu�e tL�t a develaper had commi.t;ted And we wani; right then to tie into some kincl of walk pa't'terr_ or we �aant. t;a crea'i,e si�ne kind of landscape standzrds or Iighting standardc throu�hout the whox� distriet. It is possible at that point to set t,:iese stwrAdards and put all that in. It woald be part oP the increment. The follv:ri.r.� are eligible increment pa�nent cost:,: liand acquisiiion, lan3 pre- paratioa, relocation ecsts, provisioa of p:iblic facilitie� and public imp.rovenmrts suc:i as streetsJ acce�ses� water, sewer and those 'c,ypes of thir.gs, on-site in:prove- ments incl.u3in� parking if that is a deterioratiz�� condition and genera2 public b?autification staudards. What would not be 2e�a1 would be �uilding the buildin; for tb.e person, fin�ncin� the person, :emrxleling or physical improvenents, lauyir.g a structure and making it av�,ilable for resale is not le�;al. ihe kind o£ thing t::at Sir. Fiarris was ta2kin� about sucii as looking at a broader range and maybe doing more thaii just that phase is permiss3ble. Mr. Harris stated they may have to do i.t. Mr. Doyscher stated they may have to in some cases like the service road. It is not servicing as we1Z as it Was intended and we may want to divert some of the movemeat. So they mi�ht be talkin� about public in.�provements that require improved accessec. The increment should pay for that. hir. Hsrris sta'ted that one of the problems with the whole areasis traffic and aceess and that may be the primary problem and the reason it has developed the �oay it has. It msy be necessary tihat we go in and solve the traffic and assess problems before it wi1.1 work. pLANT3ING COP+Q9ISSIO�i t�TING� NilaY 9� 1979 -------- PAGE 29 Mr. Doyscher stated that the other thin6 1;hey want to be careful of is sometimes we anticigate uses and i:hen a 1.And developer comes in �nd we have to go back and mnlie chrin�es. He wauld prefer in thic instance to set some overall �oals and standards but to permit tttat cleveloper or redeveloper t.o plug in and make sure that our coiicerns are known and work iaith that land without some givens already taking place. ` N,s. Schnabel stated thi, brin�;c up the 6oals on pa�e 8. She felt tha't sorse of those should be rearr�:nged and she felt that C and D should co�e before B. Mr. lloyscher stated these goals were not in o'rder of inportance. b;�. SchnaUel stated tbat if that was true and the first phase wac tY:e Christensen Center property. S"e kiad a pxroblcm becavse wh<^,t if the stated objective in here is to generate people and one of tne met?zods cf' doing that i� through an office buildi.n�. It sounds �ocr3 but then they talk at�out needing four acres of lancl, and when she read this she wanted i:o kno�� why when they had four acres of vacant Iand on the southsrest corner are thcy not talkir� �bout puttin� that sar.;e office building tnere. If this is a valid arg�urent for t'.:is property, why Y,asn't that aZread;� happened? Where haU the need been dcnonstrated that there should be an office building of that size and ihat nature and if thare was q need why hasn't anyb aiy built it there? NIr. Doysct:er stated that so^:etimc-s o*aners do not develop property for a wliole host of reasons. T1:ey could be financial reasons or their own goals ar,d objectives. Tne ot.ner may i?ot Ue c�ila.ing +o ri�:� 'che �xev�i,opment af oifice space. Also} ti�e rnaner may h�ve values s2t on it which otl�er people believe to be unrealistic. A third reason is that he may not go out and actively promote cosistruction on it. What we can do is :nake th� Iard very ett.'sc*ive in terrns of price� t�e could supply a lot of otlier imi�rovements tra� are frequently needed in an office space :�uch as parlcin� ar.d we car. �o out and promote that plan with tre developraent of p.ro- spectus' and i�rovements to �ake it avuilable. i�7e can do �ar{y of those things that a private person could not do. Nis. Schnabel asked if it woulcl not be cheaper in the long run for the City to condemn that vacant land under tnis 1;ype oP plan than to go 'throuoh tlae acquisition and condemnation of ell this other property where they have to pay relocaticn costs. D4r. Doyscher stated they have to consider other soals• it is not a�ood existing use, not in good condition� inadequate parking, general unl;empt appearance� con- flecting land uses. It would be a reasonable goal. i'or the City to try to make some improve�aents in this area. 2✓�s. Schnabel stated that her point was that they have a piece of property already suited for what they are saying should go on there and they choose to ignore that. Mr. Doyscher stated tnat he did not choose to ignore that. There is another given. The City was concerned about this property too and in £act exercised a contract for deed to biry i.t. That contract for deed has tirae limits and expiration dates which means the City either iollows through or legal]y �ives up the contract for deed. There are decisions that took place in the paet that need to be thought aba.it. PLANNING COPM�TSSIOPa ;�ETING MAY 9� 1979 - PAGE 30 Mr, Doyceher went on to say tk�at he thought ofPice space cras a via7�le option because we have £ive nei�hborhoai convenfence centera and we don�t need any more, To bring in another retailer we have to make an assumption tk�t thi3 retailer will do sonething different from Holly Center or Moon Plaza.otherwise what they might be doing is hurting Fiolly Center. He didn't think that would be in the best interest of i�he project. N,s. Schnabel stated that she still fel't it would be better to put the oiPice building on the other property. Mr. Doyscher stated he was npt arguir.g that there shouldn't be an office there. Tn fact he feels it should be an office or housing unless they cle�zr so� of this out liY.e the Rice Center and put in a better kind of center. But when some o£ that land was sold, it eliminated access. In his ogir.ion the elimination of two or three of these centers �aould not be all that nearxtive. We could do something about office or x•etail if we do sometkin� about site design. Another thing is that he felt this had a market area ?or housing� density type housing. idr. Oquist stated that what he was hearin� was they want to clear th;,t area out because it is blighted And there is no blight on the vacant land. He also under- stood that they were tryi.ng to develop the east side of University rather than the west side. 1^o st&rt with they want to concentrate on the east side. bSr. Dayscher stated tl�at if they could cause development oP a suitable nature that meets the gosls of this plan they wou.Id not be looking to spena publie mor.ey. Tt can happen by and of iteeli if it is owned by one owner anfl is vacant it is litely to hr�ppen. bls. Hughes asked what the possibi3ities of the City imposing a deadli.ne on this for itselP. rir. 7JOyscher state@ he would not recon�mend that. Mr. �o�xdman stated he did not think that was a gool idea. Based on development and the market place they could be restriciing themselves more than t12ey xeally should because of market place attitudes. I�is. Hu�hes asked if' they couldn't say 15 years or 10 yeRrs and the reason she asked that vns she wondered if that would really be significant? Mr, Doyscher stated that the real deadline was the district. They operate the district for the term of its inciebtedness. When that indebtedness has been payed off and the goa2s have been achieved� this district�.is no lor�er in existence. The problem with a lot of deadlines is that a lot of distr.icts were on2y districts for one parcel. Our district is set in phases so that we can go out of debt snd into debt intthe same yesr. How long that will go on is a response to the initia- tive of the City and the general economic condition of Minnesota and things we have no control over such as narket places. We are not legally required to place s limitation. We are legally required to pay off the indebtedness. YLANNTPIG COMMISSIOPd i�TTNG� t�Y 4� 7-974 PAGE 31 Ms. iiughes stated she was thinkin� as a ta�,ayer. Mr. Doyscher stated that a� a tar.payer they we*e really gaining. Mr. Hora asked about the human elementT What sbout the peoplc who are.already there? Mr. Doyscher stated that the plan includes e, glan for relocation. The �usinesa operators and owners �.�i].1 be p�;;ed relocation benefzts even if they don't own the property. `£he City will pay to relocate them in an area of their choice. Mr. Oquist asked what would happen if they didn't want to move? Mr. Doyscher stated they would have no choice. They wi11 try to make it as fair as pos�ible. bir. Soardman stated if they wznted to stay in the area� they could possibly move into a new building tl�ere. Ns. Harris stated tbat 'they would have to look at the storm setaer service iu this area and would have to have a comprehensive plan Yor the iahole thing. It is all tie3 together. Ds. Doyscher stated it rrould be a mistake to use all the fir.ancin� to �olve the se4rer problem. There was the option that i;he developer pay assessn.ents also. Ms. Schnabel asked if people in the otiher,areas oF the City woixld 'oe payin� in so�e way for the Center City Pro�ect? h1r. Doyscher stai,ed 'L'nat ihe on�y way ihey ti�o•,ild pay is if the Ci1;y sells general obligatioa bon3s and thc redevelop�:ent doesn't pay �eneral obligation bonds, then the City will either have to �enerate neW taxes or take out general revenue:s 'co pay bond holders. The only otY�er way �hey would pay is if Villa�e Green was not included in the increment district, those taxes iaoald then be distributed probably 20f> to the City, 60o to the Schcol District t�nd 25r� to �he Couuty. That's 20;b of the revenue bonds that goes to the City that is not no�, goin; to the Cit3�. The question is most of the area wit:� the exception of Villa�e Green there would not be ar�y increase. It's not a loss of income they have already been getting, it's just not an increase. Mr. Boardman stated that they were talking in tbe Center City area of an assessed valuation of $2,666,000 or in that area. For District 1�+, the assessed valuation is around �;78,000,000 to $80�000�000. So� they are talking about �2,000�000 as compAred to �80�000,000 total. It e£fects the School District by about .3 r�il. It effects the County Uy about 7�lOth of 1�'. Those are generally the figures that ' we look at. . -- - - . �.__ - i PLANNTNG COhII�7IuSI0PI P�'ETItiG� rsnx 9, i979 — PACE 32 _ Ms. iItk;hee a�ked if this would effect any other ares of the City? She was concerned about the area north on University where there is �ome commercial development and vhat the impact would be on that area. Mr. FsoardNSn stated they were looking at two different types of cou�rercial. This comnerc�al is more eervice oriented. Those cornmercials will survive no matter wYu�t they do because they are the auto dealerships, and the types of thinbs that thrive along the high traitic volume type area. They are txying to limit tYiose types of strip aomm�rcials as much as possible within the City ,3urisaiction. ag far as the other areas go� the area to south is Holiday Village and that is an established u�e and wi11 remain no matter what hap�ens. The Mac- Donald�s ar.d restaurant chains are alvo going to re,main Uecause they are establ:ished ucas and thri.ve on stri_p type traffic. The other corrunercial areas are in the City are tre Skywood b'zn11 and Tsr�et district. That area will remain becau,e ii is a hi�;h tr�zffic movem.ent area and pulls i:� a lot of different areas. The Sk,ywood h'.all is service orientefl but to the extent that it services a different populatioa. The only otl�er service area that may be effected is the Shorewood Y1aza. [Phat is also a very limited usa�e area as far as its orientation and it probably needs some improvement and r�t some poir�t in time the City will hAVe to look st that center as a viaUle center area and see 4*hat type oP improvement is needed. It's a very turr�- over t;�e aree and we will have to looi•; at it and see what �+�e can do to ma1-e it tt more viable area. :fe did not cee where by not developin; tk�is area they wovld help the Shorewood area. h;s. Huo:�es asked i�s. Harris� opinion 4;as oi the project? N,r. iIarri.s ststed he would like to know first if anyone else he.d sny quest�ons. bir. Treueni'els rafexred to pa�e 6, Redevelopment Goals �;nd Ob jectives, ��D, and stated tha+ nothing was said with respect to minorities or handicapped people. FIe asked if that was implicit in the plan"or did they want to exclude those people? Tir. Doyscher stated that he felt it was implicit and he felt that when the City of Fridley created the i�RA had to certiPy and ha�, ix: the Section 8 Project� tY:at it was an equal opportunitaes plan� a fair housing plan and the like. Dec�use the City has adopted the Equal Opportunities Plan any action they take are under tbose auspices. Mr. Harris stated that he had read the document but wish they had more time to think about it. They have been talking aUout doing something with this particular intersection area for some ti�e. The problem has been that of access and trs?fic. Another problem was that of the many ownerships of parcels. Plobody could get the thing to�ether. It would take something like this to move ahead with thic and put the project together. There �aere some things that bothered him but it was diffi.cult to put his Yi-n,er an them. He called them loose ends and felt tEat loose ends a2ways come back to haunt them. D4&,ybe they had those loose ends because they were pushing so fast but he understood wl�y they were pushing so fast. On the other hand� if ac�ything is ever going to happen to this area� we have to do something and someone has to take the initiative and there is no one else around to do it but the City. He stated they had a large investment ri,ght here in the City Hall and they hsd a long discussion with the City Council regarding this. The Christencon property to the north of the City Hell is I,egally and litera27y blighted. So to protect �Lar3NZNC cor�ctsszoia �;TZr;G, �.r 9, 1979 rnc� 33 the City's interests we recommended at that time tl�at the City make a move to tie up the o*,mership on the Cl�ristenson property because it was �oing to be parceled off in small increments. With �ll of the mis�{ivin�,s we have about the project� he 3ti11 felt that if we are ever going to make this area into anythin� we are going to have to do it. �lnd the wray thin�;s are �;oing in the state legis- lature, it appears that this is kind of oizr last chanee. This is tfle situation we are faced with. Sf we are �oing to make anything of th.i:, area and protect the City's investment ri�,ht here, he felt it would be a worthwhile pro�ect. Mr. Oquist stated that the thing that made the project attractive rras that we would not be �bligated to ar��b aly but the City� ourselves. Tne concern we had 15 ye�ars egc was that 1�re wou�.d be o'c•ligated to HUD� the F'ederal Government� and they would t�ave control. In this case, we� the Ciiy, wauld have control. b�. Hc�rris stated. that ir. lookin� at Pnase 3� if we can get that off the grovsid� the rest will kind of i:ake care of iisclf. tds. Schnabel stated that� she Y:qs watched this area develon and felt it had d2veloped very poorl}•. She had probleras because� fi.rst of a11, she a�;reed that so�ethir� had to be done with the area, but �:hen all is said and dene they o:ould end up with essentiall.y the sar..e use they have now. i�he use would not e�-iange. S:ie saw them spinning a lot of rrheels an3 doing a lot oY things. She had a specific problem with the St. Willizu:'� Chureh aroperty. SY:e stated that Lsd been tax. exempt property fo: all these ye2rs and l�as a pronlem with the City going in and buying it. She was concerneu uU�ut se�aratian.ef Chure.h t�rid Statc-. P✓ir. Oqu:st ststed that he didu't see anq problem �rith the City bi�yir.& th4t property ac lon� es tLey had. su::�eone wi;o a�reed to develo�� it. If the CLu'rch is not �oin� to use Ghat property tncy mi�ht as well gat it iato the tax rulls ar.d gei: seme use out of it . Mr. Boardman stated that property was oiigir.ally purchased for the er.par_sivn of the Ciiurch. They have gotten indications from the pastor that it prob?bly won't happen. They would just Le lco'_ting at tne iuideveloped portion of the Ch•arch property. N�r. L'aardu�an and t•'s. Doyscher have sat do�m tiri.th tLe Church and have �ad some di.scussions with the potential of a handicapped housing wi�ich requires a non-profit sponsor. In that way ii, would be an ideal situation if the Churcn would provide the sponsorship for that type of development. The Church at this time is not tliai� interested in becomnin� a sponsor, but that may change. It is still a potential. Nir. Harris asked why they didn't chai�ge the �ize of the district and why they included the Q Station. Mr. 13oardman stated that by includin� the Church to the disl�rict they were not pickin� up any taxes And Uy nct incliidina t1�e Church they were not losing ar�y taxes. They may have to lose that Q Station as iax as access or something like that goes. He wasn't saying that would happen� he was just saying they might have to have thaL for access. They felt they chould include some of these areas for the purpose of maiificati,;n or change if necessary. PLANIVING COI�P+IISSION I�ETINGL MAY 9� z979 PAGE 3�� Ms. Schnabel stated she atill had a problem with why some of the vacant land hadn�t developed on it's own and iY it is viable land why hasn't it developed. Mr. Boardman stated the answer to that wa� pri�rily cost and poor planning. Ms. Schnabel stated tk:at she wasn�t sure that doing this would change that. Mr. Loardman stated there wexe tools available that would spur that chani,e. With the 1;Ax ;.ncrement an$ other financing tools� they could give the srea a shot in the arm. PF,r. Harris stated that if we don�t do something with thir, area now� the alterna.tive is that i;his aree wi11 continue to declir.e and keep �oing downhill. He referred to 1:he Christenson Center in particular. 2+'�r. lloyscher referred to the buciness survey taken with the people who operate 6usinesses in the area. `Phe majority of the peopiu felt it was a good plece to do Uusiness. TLe people in fiolly Center ;eel they have good to excellent profi';s. The people in Ntoon Plaz� try to move to Ao11y. 1^he peopZe ir. Christenson and Pridley Centers feel business is poor, and when asked if the� felt they could �ake more roney in a different location� the answer wzs yes. Re�arding the turn over rate; 25'!, of t?�e people who do business here have done it for 18 months or lcss. Those are aIl located in Rice, Fridley and CLristenson Centers. The people �aho f�Zt business taas pretty �;ood, felt that if it was cleaned up and tne trai'fir_ eitua+ion improved� they �+�ould m,�ke more maney. bir. Oquist asked if F*e went through with this plan and in three to f�ve years found it wouZd not worl:� haw mueh would Fxidley Ue out? Mr. Doyscher stated they would out about $3,400.00. Mr. Oquist felt it ivas worth trying then iY all we would be out i� $3�000.00. Mr. Iiarris etated he cauld not uee a viab�e al.ternative. Ms. fiughes s-tated that the critical thing was the money that could be captured from the Villa�e Green and that wouldn't 1ast. The opportunity was now. Ms. Schnabel asked who the members oP 'Che Fridley Housing and Redeve2opment Authority were? Mr. BoarBman stated the members were Elmer Priedites, the chairman is I,arr,� Commers� the vice chairman is- Russel Houck, 6e�:olyn Svensen, and �ashor A�'nold Stone. Mr. Harris �tated that in the "Table of Contents" document on page 1� #4, that sentence should be changed to read as follo�.s: "That the xedevelopment plan conforms to a general plan for the development of the Citq of I�'ridley." (change redevelopment to development). pI,ANNING Cb2+�tISSION f�TINGLtMY 9� 1979 - P�GE �5 NOTTOIZ by Mr. 'Preuenfels, seconded by Mr. Oquist� that the Planning Commission adopt� a resolulion that the Planning Commission o£ the City of Fridley finds the Pridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority's Center City Redevelopment Plan consistent with the Comprehansive Development Plan of the Citq of Fridley and remmmends aoproval of the Plan to the City Council. UPOPd A VOICS VQTE, ALL VOTTNC AYG� CHAIRb;AN'HARRIS DECLARLD THE MOTION CARRIED UNAIdIP90U5LY. 7. RECI;IVE Ei�'1R0?�II�1SN'PAL Q,UP.LITl' CObII'�SSION P�IS1VifI'ES: APRIL 17� 1i79� MOTIOP7 by N,�. Schnabel, seconded by N(r. Oquiet, to receive the Environmental Quality Corunission �inutes of April 17, 1979• Mr. Harris asked hs. Eoardm�n if they had received in�ut from the �nvironmental Commission on the Comprehensive Development Plan? Mr. Doardman stated they would be having another meetit� on that. UPOr7 A VOICE V01'", ALL VOTITJG AYE, Cf'.AIRMAN :i1�RR2S DECLARED Ti� NGTIOY CARR�D Uf3ATd2N�0USLY . 8. RECEIV�,' APPEIILS COi��fISS30,3 2,;I;�UTF.S: APRIL 2�+, 1979: i%i0TI0:1 by rds. Schnabel� eecondea by Ns. lreuenfels, to receive the April 2�+� 1979 �ir,uies of the Appeals Comwiesion. b's. Harris aske3 ;�hat had Y;apneued with the tc�rniiouse business. Ms. Schnabel state3 they had sent it to Cour.cil �rith a reconunendation for a�iproval with the idea t?�at the platting be chan„ed as d;.scussed at the Plauning Cot�iesion. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING aYEJ CIiAIRMla:d HARRIS DECT�R::D TiIE N;OTION C�S',R'�D [Jil'ANIidOUSLY . 9. RECETVE COt�?Ui�ITY DEVL'LOPh�l'T C0,4dISSION SPECSAL MCETIP:G P411�UTES: APRIL 24, 1�'79: b:OTIOPd by Pdr. Oquist, seconded by hir. Treuenfels� to receive the April 24� 1979 minutes of the Con�unity Development Co;a�nission special meeting. Mr. Oquist stated he wAS not a�le.to attend i;hat meeting. Ns. Eoardman stated that because of a con£lict, a secretary was not available so staff provided the minu{:es. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRIyL4iQ IiARR25 DECLARED THE A".OTION CARRIliU UNANIb10USLY. 10. RECEIVE PARi:S & RT:CPEATiON COi�AfISSION bffT7UPr^,S: APRIL 23, 1979: hi0TI0N by Ns. Hughes� seconded by bis. Schnabel� to receive the April 23� 1979, minutes of the Parks and Recretaiion Cp�mnission. PLANNING C0�7ISuI0id I�TING, t+1AY 9� i979 PAGE 36 PQs. Au�hes etated they had gotten through the Comprehensive Development Plan and there would be some written pagea forthcor�ing on that. Ns. Hr�rris stated that he underetood they had gotten the person involved in the Harris Lake Park bueiness and thxt person was doing some c].ean up work. Ms. Hughes stated taere wasn't as much dan�ge ras they originally thought. She also stated they had received the 5prin� Brook Sdature Center �rant oP around �v300,000. The Park Committee, Spring 3;roolc and the City Council would be interviewing arcliitects on the 16th and they er.peci one will be hired within the week. Idr. a}oardnan stated the;� had goi.e through a review process and narrowed it do+m �o three. UPDiV A VOICE VOTE� ALL VCTIidv AYE� CiiAIIiMAid FU�I�ZS UECLPSt�D T:�P MO'1'SON CARRIED U;df;�JINOUSLY . 11!. RSCEIVE EI?PRGY PROJL'CT C0;�1+fI2`I`EE i�ilitiL*i�S: APkIL 2�+r 1979: P�;OTZ0.3 by Idr. Treuenfels� seconded by Mr. Oquist to reeeive 1;he April 24, i979, minutes of the Enera✓ Praject Committee: I�fr. Treuenfels re£erred �co page 3 of' the mimates as asked if the puLlications "Energy Opi�ions" and "Bnexgy Dilen¢nas" would be availabl.e to other commissious? I+Ir. fiarris �uggested he ask Nir. Langenfeld� the chairmar. of tl�e cormission. UPOi7 A VOICE VOTE� l�,LL VO`I'ITiG AYE} CHAIl?Nr.�1N IiAEtFiIS DECLARED TF� NiOTTOTI C/�FtRIID UiVAIdIS,CUSLY. 12. REC�TVE E:dVS'ttOIv��,�NifiL C�'CiAZITY C0:�4+fISSIOiJ SPI:CIAL I'Ll'STIA'G 2fI1tIF:'�S: APP,IL 26, 7.979: Ni0TI0N by Pis. Schnabel, seconded by NAr. Treuenfels� to receive the April 26, 1979, minutes oP the Environu!ental Quality Comnission special meeting. Mr. Harri.s noted they wanted to make sure they had the input of the Environmental �'uaZity Cotnmissian when they discuss the Compr.ehensive Plan. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAIV HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIID UNANIMOCISLY. ],3. CON'PIN[JED: DISCUSSIOiJ ON DftAFT OF CONiPRFI�.'1d5IVE DF`�IELOPb1ENT PLAN: MOTIO�r by Mr. Treuenfels, seconded by A�Is. Schnabal� to continue the discussion of the Comprehensive Development Plan. UPON A VOICE VOT�, ALL VOTING AYE, CAASRMAN iIARRIS DECLARED TflE MOTION CARRIID UNANIMOUSLY. PLANnIIdC CONA7ISSIOId MEI:TING� MAY 9� 1979 PAGE 37 14. CONTIY3tJED: PROPOSF'D CIf�,irG7s'S TO CI�l�P'I'�t 205. 70NING: MOTIOP7 by Mr. Oquist� seconded hy I��r. Treuenfels� to continue the propoced chtxnges to Chapter 205 Zonin�. UPON A VOICE Vdt`E� ALL VOTIidG Al'S� C?iI�I°,NIAN IfARIiIS DECLAf�D TiIE MO'i'ION CARRIED UIVANIMOUSLY . 15. OTfi� BUSIDIESS: Mr. Treuenfeis statecl that 2�s. Ray Leek woul.d soon be leav�.rg the City of Fridley and suggested the Plannin� Co,�unis�ion e�cpress their appreciation Yor the goal service Mr. Leek has provided. 2dOTI01d by Mr. Treuenfels� seconded by A1r. Oquist, that the Planning Cor.�iiss3on e�cpre3ses their appreci.ation fcr the work Nir. Leek has done and wi�hes him rrell. UPOP� A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTIIV'G AY�', CFiAIRt�iAN F,ARRIS D�CLARED TF(E MOTIOTd CAF.RIED UNATdI2•;OUSLY. bis. Schna�el stated that she would like to sug�est that when a pubZic nearin� is bein� held, tha� the members of the cc:ncniesian wake an effort. to go out and personally look at the property in question because it would save tine duri.ng the ia°etings ar.d ba n�ipful ir. �akin� a d�cision. A4n1I0T1 by Pds. ucl�nabel, seconded Ly h'r. `I'reuenPels, to adjourn the ri�y 9� 1979 meel;iry; of t.ie Planz:arg Coa�:ission. UPOPJ A VOICE S'OT�� ALL VOTIPi^v AYE� CHAIRMATv' HAFtEtIS DECL.�RED TI� i-'.EE'I'I.TV'G ADTOLRi'dLD AT 12:10 A.M. Respectfully su6mitted: ��,—r�i %j' �f�.� _ Kathy Shelton� Recording Secretary �� � ;, ' . PUBLIC HLARIPIG , " ��, _ 13EFORL T!I( . PLANP�Ih1� COhit�IISSION Notice is hereby given that there ti�+i17 be a Public Hearing of the Planning Comm�ss9on cf the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on 4Jednesday, Iday 23, 1979 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.i�. for tne purpose of: Consideration of a rezoning i�equest, ZOA �i79-02, by 4dilliam A. liart, to rezone the South 150.0 feet, front and rear of Lot 9, Auditor's Subdivision No.. $8, (except the West 30 feet), and the South 120 feet cf the West 47 feet of Lot 10, Auditor's � � Subdivision No. 88, from R-3 (muitiple dwelling units) to CR-2 (office, service and limited ausiness), all lying in the South fialf of Section 13, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of An�ka, Minnesota. Generally located at 6431 Highway #f65 N.E. Any and a1l persons desii°ing to be heard shall_ be g�+ven an opportunity at the above stated time and place. Pub7isli: May 9, 1979 May 16, 1979 RICNARD N. HARRIS CHAI Rh1AN PLANNTNG COPI�IISSION � GI7'Y OP PRTDLGY M7NNGSOTA �^ PLANNING AND ZONING FORM NUMBBR �,�I/��� APPLI NVT'S SIGNATl1RE/'.c��a,,,_' �/�� Address % � �`� G���-�-rti�� ,�� Telephone Number � �� �-/ �� �� PROPERTX OWNGR' S SIGNA'FUR����,« 'J�y��,� C�l��,�,-�,� y Address Telephone Number 7 �% s�s � Street Location of Property�j,,.� � v/�.�� �r-�� Legal Description of Property _ _��J_ �j`� Present Zoning Classification Acreage of Property or type of use and impxovement .: 77PE 0� REQl1BST ° Rczoning n,� ..�...: Special Use Pennit Approval of Premin- inary $ Final Plat Streets or Alley Vacations Other N Fee�� Receipt No. „�%� y� v � Exis*ing Use o£ Property Describe brie£ly the proposed zoning classification propased �C��� C'�fr�� ���-c.� -� ? ✓� ,� fi /�� �-' Has the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or variance or special use permit on tlie subject site or part of it? yes no. {Nliat was requested and ivhen? � The undersigned understands that: {a) a list of all residents and owners of property within 300 £eet (35D feet for rezoning) must be attached to this application. (b) This application must be signed by all owners of the properYy, or an explanation given mhy this is not the case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the proceedinos resulting from the failure to list tlte names and addresses of all residents and property owners of property in question, belongs to tlie undersigned. A sketch of proposed property and structure must be drawn and attaclied, sho�aing the folloti�ing: 1. North Direction. 2. Location of proposed structure on the lot. 3. Dimensions of property, proposed strucYUrc, and front and side setbacks. 4. Street Names. S. Locati.on and usc of adjacent existing Uuildings (tiaithin 300 fectJ. The undcrsigned hereUy declares that all tlie facts and representations stated in this application are true and correct. DATE SIGNATURE���rL,�.,; ��� (AS'PLICAN'T) Date Filed Date of }icaring Planning Commissioii Aj�proved (dates) Denicd City Council Apprnved (daCes) Uan.icd � , n.., , ' �'�'� , 1 / � ; P' � ,r ror.icx sra�i7iJ9IiN�r ota rnrw r•r•.�s f�oR J.nrav suni�zvrsior�s ' The parY, fee £or resi.dr.ntiial subdi.visions is $3DD.00 per. lot to be paid aL tl�e Lime L-he City appr.vvc:, the iit�al plat (raw laiid value of $]0,500.00/acrc). The parY, Eee on commercial and industrial subdivisions platted after Febs�ary ^.4, 1977 (Ordinance 130. G33) is at the rate of 1.38 cents ($0.013Bj per sguare foot to be collected on each lot seParaLely when buildiny permits are issued (raw land value o£ $20,000/acre). Typica]. Agreement to be Execuced at Time of Plat Approval for Commercial or IndusCrial Zoned YroPerty: PARK Fh'E P.GREEPIBNT The undersigned understands that according to the City Platting Ordinance the following land dcdication or cash payment equiva- leni, is requiled to plat commercial or industrial zoned property: 3% of the gross area of the property to be sublivided. It zs further understood that the land dedication or cash payment equivalent is at the discsetion of the City. It is agreed thzt. a cash n�v*�±e�±+_ at the ratc o° per square foot will be paid separately for each lot khen the building permits are issued for the folloi:+ing described p1at: The undersignefl further agrees to notsfy all £uture property owness or assigns of the cash pa}�ent requir�nent. 2/77 Revis.cd: G/2/77 Signature (Ps�operty Owner) CC w.^.o . lKSy+�ifT51 � �" ' P"_� .. - ... r . . . . �y • 1 4` » �, � �i..�� 6 . . . �rY'i�y�i i.� . . } �..�_� _ ..... ... . . � . . .. . _ . P . _...,. 4 \.. _ _ __ , . %/� �� ,so. o�, �2e� �,.�.�4..ah., v�.�° 9, �.�' �_ . .+c2�u�c�.�,.� �u. �T OGi,,...e� �, i�%��, .yle,� ._.._. .__ � LlJi.�' 3a ��L�te� ��+-�h /ao � " � t�� y7 ., _ _ �"� � �a, �' �,.o ,����.� �� �� D�- � 0 MATLING LIST Rezoriing Request, ZOA #79-02 by William A. Nart William Hart 6141 Rainbow Drive N Fridley, Mn 55432 Planning Commission May II, 1979 City Council Mr. & Mrs. Judith Tourville E,� 6379 Dellwood Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr, & Mrs. Richard Toliefson 6473 Taylor Street N.E. , Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Lane 1132 Mississippi Street N.E. fridley, Mn 55432 * Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kandel 6435 Nighway #65 N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 ** Mr. & Mrs. Louis Momchilovich 2705 37st Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, Mn 55418 * Ludwig & Myrtle Ash 6440 Dellwood Drive N Fridley, 61n 55432 * Mr. & Mrs. Neil Stuber 6452 Dellwood Drive N. Frid7ey, Mn 55432 t�r, & Mrs. doseph:Bre.uaau 6391.Del;lwood Driye,Nt�� ' ��ri�tey� Mn 55432_: Mr. & Mrs: TReoaore SmetaR: 6401 Del,lwood QrtYe.N,�� ' FridleyY Mrt" 55432 Mr, & Mrs, Lawrence"Viwden 6413 Del;lwoo8 Driye N,,E. Pri:dley; Mn 55432 Mr, & Mrs. Pan1 01son, 6425 Del;lwoad D1^ive�N,�; Fridley= Mn 55432 Mr, & Mrs. Yernon Sm'rt,Fi , E. 6437 De1}wood DrTve N,�, Fri'dley, Mn 55R32. Mr, & Mrs. Ernest Vandugh E. 6449 Dellwood DrZve`N.�, Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Russell Burris 1150 Mississippi Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Phyllis M. Kachina 6476 Dellwood Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. John Skoog b451 Taylor 5treet N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Narvard Oberg 6447 Taylor Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gro��nus 6431 Taylor Street N.E. f'ridley, Mn 55432 Nelen M. Vagovich 1200 Mississippi Street N.F. Fridley, Mn 55432 Nfr, & Mrs, Warren HesselrotFt 6421 Taylor Street N,E, Frid1ey, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Pe�er Kavchar 6411 7ayloe Street N,E, frtdley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. W�`lii'am Miskowic 6401 Taylor Street N.E, Fridley, Mn 55432 Arnodd�C, Elmquist 8140 Long Lake Road Minneapolis, Mn 55432 *Mr. & Mrs, John Garland 6416 Dellwood Driye N,E, FrTdtey, Mn 55432 * Mr. & Mrs. Georgg Comiskey 6390 Dellwood Drive N.E. fridley, Mn 55432 9E:i. r�:,� Mailing List Continued for ZOA H79-02, by Wil1iam Hart * Dorothy Mafiurin 637H Dellwood Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Long 636b Dellwood Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 *Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Anderson 6428 Dellwood Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 IVorman Schuldheisz 1256 Sth Lane Anoka, Mn 55303 Kenneth Littler 1462 98th Lane N.W. Coon Rapids, Mn 55433 Mr. & Mrs. Loren Johnson 6489 7ay1or Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 * Signed the petition in favor of rezoning ** Property owner ( assumed tgey are in favor of rezoning) � i, _ �^� CITY OF FRIQLEY PETITION COVER SHEET Petition No. 6"1979 �� Date Received April 17, 1979 In favor of rezoning R-3 to CR-2 (ZOA #7902�.{William L. Nart), at object the South 150.0 feet, front and rear, of Lot 9. Auditors' Sub- ivision um er , no a oun y, inneso a, excep� e�es'r�tY feet and the South 12� feet of the West 47 feet of Lot 10, Auditors' Subdivision Number 88. Petition Checked By Percent Signing Referred to City Council Diaposicion Date 0 .. . ♦ � R.:,t' . , 4� r We, the underaigned, have no object{on to the consttvction of a 2,500 square foot, one story� office building on the pr.oparty according to the legal description attached: SIGNATIJRE 11ATF. J��C-� -}9LE•L-tK"( . �%�L�i.fi-ctr., �-`.7/-i'%` C l�/�" � ��.� � � � � � � �� - /�`','�,��T��- � _ � - 3! ` '" ' '� °� � � l r ,�.% ;r�v_i�F.i`�c��7-n-z{'�L, �".3 L%,ja - jj' �� ,,� , )''� � 'f-� �" ".4� ,.J� A� �- � ( I - �% U"'� ''' ' ` r`D C Y��� � ��� � , � �.�Q � � 3 .� � `� �� ��� � L ����� _ � � _ 79 . � ����3��� ��� . l- �"� �y, ��/��`�' �� � . � ���-�- � y�-� - �D °� ✓� �l� � .� . ��2t�w ��� ��� ��'wo�"� ��� � f� ��y,�� G Y�4 ���-� ��-JJ �c-cc� �n�t.._f'e, d� 6 y � � �.�'-L'cy<t_o q� �iJ ��-��`� ��� ������ '��1�r �i�%y1Q1� ����� ���� � 63yo ��� �� �--�- �q ��p�� % y/517� r'/� /�J G 3 7� ������Q �� r ��y � ?�_.e�lu�oa� ctl� �s�Y� ����_�. � y�� ���� �� ���� �� � fr�1 �-CI �`'�� 7� %� �� € __ . .__ . , � �� � �� I ZOA #79-OZ WILLIAM HART 6431 Nighway #65 0 �:,,.� �"' � r� ^� M a I ____� � , I I L—____1 � � � : ..� _�, �e��,�E .. ,°<, - �-- - --�=-CG,Uf�-T'l-�-S�T�T�-Lti -t�4Gf �V�I�Y �f1: Cy „ . — - ----+— ; -- — -3ao -- i.�� Y �� 99a. 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T j:i.; i . . w � t. - ��� i � i � ' jj '� \\\;S�`���CC������\ �::� �A��`:•���t_�Li�J.._,�'Q�7Dtt�� rJ . ,..�� ~ . ��..�� ��E��� �W�. _ ��'�4 ...�.�^ �:; � �.:�: _� �. 1 �,... �K <� , PU[3LIC H[ARING REFORF THE � PLAhNINr, COi4MISSION . m Notice is hereby given thaC there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Nall at 6431. University Ilvenue Northeast on 4fednesday., May 23, 1979 in the Council Chamber at 7_30 P.M. for the purpose of: Cvnsideration of a request for a Special Use Permit, SP �79-04, by Joseph Perrozzi, per Section 205.157> 5, D, of the Fridley City Code, to a71ow construction of a new dwelling on Lots 28 and 29, Block R, Riverview Neights, in ` CPR-2 Zoning (Flood Plain), the same being 8181 Riverview Terrace N.E., fridley, Minnesota. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be gi��en.an opportunity at the above stated time and place. Publish: May 9, 1979 . • May 16, 1979 RICHARD H, HARR?S CHRI R1�1AN PLANNING GOP•1MI5SION . —� - L__ CI9'Y QP PRIDLEY MTNNESOTA c P1. NNING ANU ZONINC I�ORM NUMBER ` / ��/'Q . � APPLICMI7''S SIGNATUILB Address ,--�/ � ,�`7� Telephone Number �" � _'�`j -� q�S � YROPERTY OW:1�2'S Address Telephone Number "�. � TYPI: OF 12�QllGST Rezoning r� 7Yt,c!^� Special Use Permit 5�3� y Approval of Premi.n- inary $ Pinal Plat Street Location of Property �-��'��" `-� �-ti.� Lega.l Description of Property j2;.,`cu,-�.�t ^c� -�-5 Streets or Alley Vacations Other p � Fee O ��Receipt No.9�Y`�oZ. �—�-1` /L� ���,�-A-' �' Present Zoning Classification Existing tise of Property Acreage of Property Describe briefly the proposed zoning classificatior , or type of use and improvement proposed �ru"�c7'��-� C�: �� �,�c*+n,.-�. �i -i.� �o--cs c, r: �-��� .�� rM %-�^ti'`�<t.,— C..,"`'"�^.—��.� ,��4-e.z= J�� �. Has the present applic2nC previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a. lot split o��`�`�'^'�"=`' vari:�nce or special use permit on the suoject site or part of it? yes� no. iV7iat was requested and ichen? The undersigned understands that: (a) a list o£ all residents and owr.ers of property within 300 feet (350 feet for rezoning) must be attaciied to this alplicztion. (b) T!iis application must be signe� by alt olaners of tlie property, or an explanation given why this is not the case. (c) Respc�nsibility £or any defect in the proceedings resulting from tlie failure to list the �iames and addresses of all residentis and pxoperty ocvners•of property in question, belongs t.o the undersigned. A sketch of proposed property and structure must ue. dras�n and att-ached, slio�aing the followiag: 1. n'orth Direction. 2. I.ocation of proposed structure on the lot. 3. Dimensions of propexty, proposeJ structure, an<i front and sidc sc;tUacks. 4. Street Names, 5. Loc.ati.un and use of adjacent existing buildi�igs (raithin .300 feet; 17�e imdersigncd hereby declares that zll tlie facts and represent,ytions st-ated in this applicatio�i are true anca correct. �' ��J � �E�2 O _D nnT� src�nTUr.r: • — �n,��, � •� Dste Piled Date of Ilcari Planning Commission Appravcd CiY.y Council Approved (dates) Dcni.ed — (d�tes) Den.icd MAILING LIST SP #79-04 Joseph Perrozzi to building in CPR-2 Zoning and variance Joseph Perrozzi 218 5th Avenue North Sauk Rapids, Mn 56379 Mr. & Mrs. Michael McCoy 671 Ironton Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Hansegaard 677 Ironton Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Roelke 8215 Riverview Terrace N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. George McCrary fi33 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Casper V. Dosch 677 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Geprge- Eliiot 695 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. �onald Schneppmueller 8151 Riverview Terrace N.E. Fridley, P4n 55432 Ro6ert �4. lindbloom 6633 Cherokee Lane Srooklyn Park, Mn 55428 Mr. & Mrs. Roy Klingveil 8199 Riverview Terrace N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Weitbrecht 690 Ironton Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Donald La�gford, ,lr. 680 Ironton Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Planning Commission �4179 City Gouncil _.:.r.� ��ir. & Mrs. John Henrich 670 Ironton Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Thomas 6randl 664 Ironton Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Qaniel St. Clair 8141 Riverview Terrace N.E. Frid7ey, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. John Rice 696 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Blilie 684 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Surgess 670 Nugo Street N.E. 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'.� ��.� c"� � 9 1 �i4, R! �� � ,��,�bj � �\ p 1 �\ �,: �..-�� � . �� •� ��_��„ ,,: ��,�.� ,��,-,,,..-° ��t 3 � `�';j��st ' .�., >�.. 1 e �" � , � . �� . 1�i�,• � . . . . . , . {, .,. .. �' r,. � t,r,d,e PU[�LIC H[ARItd6 ' . L"�PORE Tfi� • ., _.. _PLAI�NINr COta1•1ISSIUta Notice is heref�y given ihat there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Rvenue fdortheast on l•lednesday, P1ay 23, 1974 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M, for the purpose of: Consideration of a request for a Special Use Permit, SP ;,79-05, by James Larson, per Section 205,051, 2, A, of the Fridley CitY Code, to allow the construction of � second accessory' " building, a 24 ft, by 26 ft. detached garage, . on Lot 4, Block 2, Rice Creek Terrace P1at 3, the same being 674� 4th Street N.E. . Any and all persons desii�ing to be heard shall be gnven an opportun5ty at the above stated time and place, _- • Publish: May 9, 1979 May 16, 1979 RICNAR� H, HA2RIS . CH(1I RP1A� PLAtJNING COPIMISSION � CITY 01� PRiDLBY MINNESOTA � "i / �.+-"'-� /f f'LANNING AND ZONING CORM NUA1QCIi ' -,tY � '�� APPLTCIW'C'S SIGNAT 2'U�L^,_, ,>+ C Address lp � — r Telephone Number ��'%% — 7�� P120PERTY 0{VNHR'S SIGNAT �tU G „ Address Telephone Number Street Location of Property Legal Description of Propexty Present Zoning Classification f ;" +'! ♦,a ;,+ TYPB Or RGQUGST Rezoning � Special Use Permit Approval of Premin- inary $ Final Plat Streets or Alley Vacations Other Fee�o� Q ' Receipt no. �� T � %_; �I�VUr v Existing Use of Property -p5 �--Y �_ Acreage of Property Describe briefly the proposed zoning classificatio� or type of use and improvement praposed Has Yhe present applican* previons�y sought. to rezone, plat; obtain a lot split or vaxiance or special use permit on the suUject site ox part of it? yes__� no. Wliat was requested and �vhen? The undersigned understands that: (a) a list of all residents and oivners of proyerty within 306 feet (350 feet for reaoning) must be attached to this application. (b) '17iis application must be signed by a11 owners of the property, or an expianati.on given why this is not the case. (c} Responsibility for any defect in the proceedings resulting from the failure to list the names anci addresses of all residents and property oc.mers of property in question, bclongs Y.o the undersigned. A sketcli of proposed property and structure must bc drat.n and attached, sltowiiig tlie folloi.�ing: 1. North Direction. 2. Location of proposed structure on the lot. 3. Dimensions of property, proposed structLire, and front and side setUacks. 4. Street Names. S. Location and usc of adjaceut existing Uuildings (within 300 feeC? Tlie undersigned hercUy dcclares that all thc facts and represeirt ations stated in this application are true and correct. DATE Datc riled SIGnATllRli - (AI'CL1Gi\N'1') IIate of llrar Planning Commission Approved� Citp Cauncil Approved (datcs} Dcnicd (datcs) Dcn.icd` SR H79-05 by James Larson Mr. & Mrs. Chester E. Lindsey 347 Rice Creek Terrace Fridley, Minn. 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Clair 361 Rice Greek Terrace Fridley, Mn. 55432 Fern A. 5wanson 312 Rice Creek Terrace Fridley, Mn. 55432 Mr. & Mrs. John E. b760 - 4th St. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 MAILING LIS7 r. •� ..r's Planning Comrnission Ma.v 8, 1979 City Council Mr. & Mrs. Willis Redepenning 360 Rice Creek Terrace Fridley, Mn. 55432 Rosemarie 0'Neill 6731 - 4th St. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Johnson 6721 - 4th St. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Baune Carl J. Nelson 6711 - 4th St. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Hora 6750 - 4th St. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 M11r. & Mrs. James Larson 6740 - 4th St. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Dean Olson 6730 - 4th St. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Edith E. Martin 6720 - 4th St. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Orion Marks 671� - 4th St. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Marcellus Mrozla 351 - 67th Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gallarane 380 Rice Creek Terrace Fridiey, Mn. 55432 � ' � .......+:.::e:'.;�= 1'1�/�.. .... � r, �•�. ,:' ry-x;� ° 69TH . M.E. _.,�. t-----�„_... `z6r �` .,..�:. . ; .>- • : J w . `' ' ,y;; �,.�'c� � i {400 > aot � �, - � , n- =. ��� �� '� \�0�4� ,. ~ . , , .��..�1 . Q � /'..Ji_' ._._..1 � � �--h.. . �' " �.. �C� 6E90 'l'."` , �: ' 'A >1 4�3/] 5F •_:�.:.; � • � � I f..4M �OP�i � �� l (4 �_IO�. J G ; . ` b�u . ;�-�Q � r _1 o i� "f 'v Cp , .t�>� '• • ry J!. `4 � e ' �`,.,��5 �',7�� ; '�, o " 9�t_� ; � � .:. 551 3 , � ^Y.,� S�. ; \`l `'• � � � . 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I I '. �I � ��.. � . .� i � . � � � � � - I -j i -: i -i---�: i ! � � { ii _ ,� � � ;J �- � i:_i � � ! �. `1 i � ' �- I � .t � �! i i '1i i "} i' _ �j,, : ; - ; PUaLIC NEARING �.TM . �EPORE THE _ • ' PLANNING COM�4ISSION ' . .. .. � _........ . Notice is hereby given that there will be a Pubaic Nearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on 4dednesday, May 23, 1979 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.t�f. for the purpose of: ' Consideration of a rezoning request, ZOA �79-03, by Robert G. Nays, to rezone from R-1 (single family dwelling areas) to CR-1 (general office and limited business), that part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest Corner of the Northeast Quarter of the tvorth4rest Quarter; thence Southerly along the 4iest line thereof 448.35 feet; thence Easteriy at right angles 99.86 feet to the point of beginning of the tract here6y to be described � which point is the easterly_line of University Avenue as proposed; thence continuirig East in a straight line 17D.36 feet; thence Nortii at right angles para11e1 with the 4lest line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarier,a distance of 240.4 feet more or less, to the center line of the Osborne Road as now laid out and constructed; thence 5outh�aesterly along the center line of said road 169.83 feet more or less, to the Fast line of University Avenue as pr,oposed; thence South along the said Easterly line thereof 208.7 feet more or less to the point of beginning, subject to road easement aver 14orthH�esterly 33 feet - subject t� easement to State of htinnesota for highway purposes filed 4/15/69, all lying in the North Half of Section il, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, Couniy of Anoka, t4innesota. , Generally located at 7599 Universiiy Avenue Northeast Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and piace. RICFlARO H. HARRIS C.HAIRMAN PLANNING C01�1MISSION Publish: Pfay 9, 1979 May 16, 1979 , CJ1'Y 0[� l�RIRLIiY MINN[iSOTA �NUMBIiR �' % �0�% nr�ri.z ni�r�s srestn�vRr. _ � la DSBOrzNe Address ;s �:�n--r„-rr-rr Telephone Number ��¢�`�zL 7$�-�S �L � __ PROPERTY OWN�R'S SIGNATUR4?�� � , �_ Address -j,5 �j �} V N i� n s�r �/ � N C; �.,r. TYPE Of REQULST 1% Rezoning Special Use Permit nPProval of Premin- inary $ I�inal Plat Streets or Alley Vacations Other Telephone Number '� ky -�jo�-L> Fee Rece:i,;t No, 55�5� Street Location of Property %S�t � vN�J<-2 S i Y Y /�-J�� N6 Le al Descri timt of Pro ert Le N� 7�� S� '� � S P" p Y Y- �/�rrA� t�ME�'I Present Zoning Classification �t -�� Existing Use o£ Property �S�Qtn�t_c Acreage of Property [�. f c�,r 2�5 Describe briefly the proposed zoning �lassjificaticr. � � r/� 1 ,i'" ��"-,� �"' or type o£ use and improvement proposed rr(�.� pd�i . ��„�a C>�sT r�JG `TR-�{� %�"n �/ I LPrNQ I-02 QR-0�[-SSOa�A� OF��ccS�mD rNS�C-rc.�—NO (LAf��cp�crinnlC� �N ����p�'�G- Has tlie preser,t applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or variance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? yes x no. iVhat was requested and wlien? The undersigned understands that: (a) a list of all residents and owners of property within 300 feet (350 £eet for rezoning) must be attached to this application. (U) This application n;ust 6e signed by all owners of the property, or an explanati_on given why this is not the case. (c) 2espousibility for 'any defect in the proceedir.gs resulting from the failui•e to list the names and addresses of all residents and property owners of property in question, belongs to the undersigned. A sketch o£ proposed property and structure must be drawn and attache.d, slrowing the follotioing: 1. Nortli Direction. 2. Location of proposed structure on tlie lot. 3. Dimensions of property, proposed structure, and front and side setbacks. 4. Street nan�es. 5. Location and use of adjacent eaisting Uuildings (within 300 feet). T7ie undersigned hereby declares tltat all the facts and representations stated in tliis application are true and correct, DATE STGNATllRE X \I( � � � /n-�.�—` f� �/� (APPLICr�, 1') Date Piled Datc of Hcaring Piamiin� Commission Approved City Council Alipi•oved {dates) Denicd (dates) Denicd , ...:�:" � ' %.S r`l `7 ' U f� � J t !2 S' r T�/ � ./�i� � � � ZoN� n1w A-�GL. ,� .__._.._._... _ _......_.. .., � UNPLATTGD CITY OF FRIDLEY � • �1LPH [3 AND; ELSIE 'd LYPJN � ' ' ' � H Pi OF NE 1/�f OF NlJ 1/k DES FOL 6EG AT THE Nw COR OF NE 1/4 OF r! 114 TH 5 ALO�1G 49 LIP�E TNEREOF 448.35 FT TH E A7 Ri ANGLcS 9eDb FT TO THE f�T OP QEG OF THE TR HEREBY T0 EiE DES WHICH PT IS NE ELY LENE QF UPdIV AVE AS PROPOSED TH CONT E IN A STRAIGHT INE 170a36 �T TH N AT RT qN�il.ES PRIG 1•IIi4i THE W LINE OF SD NE /A OF fdPl 1!`a A� DIST OF 2�O0a4'F7 MURF OR LESS TO TMt CEN LINE OF H� O5&QRNE ftD !�5 fd�!�t �AI4 OUT & COiVST TH SWLY ALONG TNc CEN INE OF 50 2J 169,ti3 F7 M9i2c OR 1E55 70 THE E LjtvE OF UNIV AVF S PF20POSt.� TH S At_ONG THE SD E�Y LItiE THEREOF 208a7 FT I�iORE OR FSS TO PT OF {iE�rSUSJ T0 RU EASE OVER NWtY 33 fT—SUBJ TO EASE 0 5T (GF h1lfdN FOR H'cIY PEr� �3-5—Pti-dV9ch5 FiLED -8-f-�stfi4—SEC 11-30-24 final Cert. � la0o 20 16— 6 9i15/69 �cv.e..P o� 70 0 /v z ,�(�w !/ > � �}�)�✓[-i'^r+�/ .�✓%, RESIDENiIAI I�, $EASONALRiS.REC �_._�OiHtR LAN� 51RUCIURES ____� ��G�a4 �.'._D .�L2 �7 �� �J � r_ —, .., �. . _ _ _ ASS�SSf:1ENe $UI,10.1q1 " r .���:3_'?-�`1N �h!L�.:: ��'� _.....�w_� ��'-�% HOMESiErtD REIAAINDER �HO1.IESTEAD REMAiN�ER �SEAS RES. iOlAl 25% I 4D76 Z0;6 f 33ii9 � 33Sa`+6 � iOTAL . a • ' � • � � � .' i i � ! c {, � i I' : �. 1 � , �, � �, •�,J `, .� MAILING LIST ZOA�79-03, Robert G. Hays 7599 University Avenue N.E. Robert G. Hays 310 Osborne Road N.E. Fr9dley, Mn5 5432 Ralph B. Lynn 7599 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 American Oil Company 4940 Viking Drive Minneapolis, Mn 55435 Osborne Properties 525 South 8th Street Minneapolis, Mn 55404 Jay Benoy 7574 5th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. George Johnani'x 7566 5th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Jerry D. Larson 7557 4th Street N.E. Fridley> Mn 55A32 Mr_ & Mrs. Harold Sorenson 7565 4th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Davis 7573 4th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. James Nalezny 350 Osborne Road N.E. �ridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. �ernon Godeen 375 76th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 George E. Wilder 371 76th Avenue N.E Fridley, Mn 55432 Carl Wahlstrom 347 76th Avenue N.E Fridley, Mn 55432 Planning Commission 5/8/79 Gity Counci Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Baukol 315 76th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 l-�w Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Bloom 330 Osborne Raad N.E. Fridley> Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Robert 6losky Mr. & Mrs. Ezekiel Moreno,Jr. 305 76th Avenue N.E. 320 Osborne Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. 6radford Gullickson 7573 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Warren Osborne 7565 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Bohdan Jankowski 7553 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. Duane Olson 7549 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Lanners 7550 Ath Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Roland Evans 7558 4th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wilson 7566 4th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Waks 7574 4th Street N.E. Fridley> Mn 55432 Robert Schroer 490 Rice Creek Blvd. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Zoning Administrator City of Spring Lake Park 1301 81st Avenue N.E. Spring Lake Park, Mn 55432 Third Stokely Corporation United Virginia Bank Building Richmond, Uirginia Dorothy Johnson 340 Osborne Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 S�� V (JN��Ettsi-ry rrv� ��c JNOR-i F-F ,- .,. , , ,, _ r:'' , -..r � _ � � -: , P .. ,� �� �' N.�� a .-. } .�, .;t ,..��':. ,' s ,. :, j t r :T, � .; - , , � , , . - t�.< A - T —,f. H e,. y '. +_ F`� -. ` i w �� S � — � .,° , ,;- p, , .. g-. 4 , � � . .� 1 .`-` , �.. Q � ` e K r - .,.� �,�' _-_ .� � . �-r_ r :�. '� .� � - .. ..A � - �1 z .3 .. . � � t � x � �s-: • � � "._�. ; �. .p,. a p' �. :t - ' 7 ' j ` h � r - A.. ,,,,. «''k t . .a.a. , '•3 .'i'� �`�. �i <. 1 \ Z S � 1 1 ', w �. �rf �� � l ��'' �'� f � .�i. P. Y .,... X 3 �� � ao' -.'a � «..r,.-8 '�: '\ � �� �.v..i � ..._.. .�... .. . 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Box 8 Burnsville, Mn. 55337 Blaine, Mn. 55434 866-3025 Navarre, Mn. 55392 890-9720 757-1940 471-8575 � .� � K � � � � W � 2 � N ,sa 0 0 ❑�' OS L' orzny E �� � � )o � � � G �� z � � �� � � fz r3 i -� c�'^ � � t N e A: ex�s � �.UG- ST2,oc,'N2c .�fo X b8� - P2es<N,�-V A 2rs.PC�.�c - �,�oNT s � Tr�n�u = �;�'p � , „ = A�� yo s�oe �^�� , S�or " �5� = f}dl' b� 5�G R7Ty?��FFt`D S�-IG-C-�]` Fc^R� ,i5i oF AD:to,�,J�+JI--- o��e 2� 0 It�;;��'' � , e:,.P- ,�., i n n; .�.� .-. . . ._"': " i�e fl�. .., � h � - /oG +. � �� !`�����E''fl • i - n - �$✓ �'�T�S `` °;;A sr ; ;.,�/:� � 3 � � ;-rb�e � �4 j�, ' ^ � •1' al� '��� :' � � � �� r 5 y � ' �Q � �1.�� � 5} � / � � � CJ v ; �� � m�� � 'u.��l zo r � . >,.e,e � ,� k; �, ia��-� � ' �; {/ , ;� T �=� ; -'-� , y T j -:' ; �'� 6� :. \ r. sr�as , ,���t,u_�, y„ xn. � � % 7 J � � '� � � i ! 'p � ,,f1, r ���.e4 •',+':L.. I, . _.:ttl.:�... �._�J..�, r. .' 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Notice is hereby given that there erill be a Public Hearing of the Planning Corrimission of the City of Fridley in the City f4a11 at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on t�lednesday, May 23> 1979 itt the Council Chamber at 7:3U P.hi, for the purpose of: Consideration of a rezoning request, ZOA #79-04, by The Graves Company, to rezone from R-2 (t�•�o family dweliing areas}, to C-2 (general business areas), to atlo�•r a new deve7opment of smal] off�ces, on Lots � 1-A> Block 6, City View, lying in the frorth Half of Section 23, T-24, R-24, City of ` fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesoia Generally located at 5701 University Avenue Northeast. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be g7�en an opportunity at the above stated time and.place. Publish: May 9, 1979 May 16, ]979 RTCH.4RD H. NARR?S CNA 1 R� 1AN � PLF^;NIlIG COFI��ISSTON . , .� ..--�' CITY OC. PRIDLGY MINNBSOTA ,/ PLANNING N(1MBCR � �'�g��r .rki nrPt�xcnNT�s sic�nTURr ��, - .... . .z�'.2.S1 Address . Telephone Numb PItOPLRTY OWNL•R' S S S�. s I Address .�=�-T" Telephone Number .i � . �'.�NiL� Street Location of Property Legai Description of Property zoNrNC roan� t=S �'o, c-�:� TYPL OF RCQUEST � Rezoning Special Use Permit Approval of Premin- inary �, rinal Plat Streets or Alley Vacations Other Fee�ooReceipt No. S5"S-� �'�.�� � j"'{ ✓a , :. 5� �..�� � , u-�� C��c3 L�cf'r-�Z`�� Present Zoning Classificatian-,rf" Existing Use of Property (�/��il�'!' Acreage of Property ��.s �� f j Uescribe briefly the proposed zorung classification or type of use and improvement pxoposed /c�cr1'-� � G�./%iC' N T" Of _S'P1J.�GG -pfiri�c S � � a— Has the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or variance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? yes ✓fno. What was requested and when? The undersigned understands that: (a) a list of all residents and owners of property within 3�0 feet {350 £eeC £or rezoning) must be attached to this application. [b} This application must be signed Uy all oivners of the property, or an explanation giv�n :ahy this is not the case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the qroceedings resulting from the failure to list the names and addresses of all residents and property owners of property in question, belongs to the undersigned. A sketch o£ proposed property and structure must be draxm and attached, sho�aing the following: 1. Nortit Direction. 2. Location of proposed structuxe on tlte lot. 3. Dimensions of property, proposed structure, and front and side setbacks. 4. Street Names. 5. Location and use of adjacent exis.ting buildings (within 300 feet)- The undersigned hereUy declares that all t acts and representations stated in this application are true and correct. DATE .s' � - � 9 SIGNATURE - 1.� PLICI�NT) Bate Filed Date of Neari Planning Commission Approved (d��tcs) llenicd_ City Council Approved (Jates) Dcnied� MAILING LIST ZOA #79-04, The Graves Company Rezone Lots l-4, Block 6, City View from R-2 to C-2 The Graves Company 5251 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55421 Mr. & Mrs. William Tolley 281 57th Place N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr.. & Mrs. Frank Gabrelcik 5740 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Ranko & Icena Schuur 5755 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Richard Miller Ent. 7900 Eden Prairie Road '`�Eden Prairie, Mn 55��3[,{� SJ J 7 "f Michael S. Darula 353 57th Place N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Otto G. Tauer 5866 2nd Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Franke 369 57th Place N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Rapid Oil Change, Inc. 1Q495 Olympic Circle Eden Prairie, Mn 55344 Grace Mathisen 348 57th Place N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Simmons 36� 57th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Glen Peterson 3800 Macalister Drive Minneapol,'s Mn 55421 Planning Commission 5L8/79 City Council__ _ Eri�ckson Petrojeum-Carps(8$8)_ 4567 West 8Qth:$tr�et '. 191'nneapo3 i� � Mn 55437. - Mr, Gordon Jo1^gensoq 2225 Glialet Ari:ve Mi;nneapoli:s, Mn 55421 Mr, & Mrs, Wa1lace ScYimeBeke 5616 4tkt StY'eet N � � ; �ridley, Mn 55432 Gregory ?Oi;deen� 5674 4th Street N,�, P1'i d1 ey' Mn 55432 Ashl�and Oi�l z I;nc, P-�. Box 3�1 Astiland, Ky, 41101. 3ofin �9, Hogenson Superameri;ca P,0.80X 24S St, Paul Park., Mn 55Q71 Mr. & Mrs, Raymond �ul1fickson 5648 5th Street N<E. Frid1ey, Mn 55432 3ocfien Woe1fle 5fi38 5tti Street N,E. Frld1ey, Mn 55432 �-� Mr. & Mrs. Ralph �Fuech�mann 5617 4th StreeC N.E, Ft't�dley, Mn 55432 Gary Hanscom 5641 4th Street N,E, FYidley, Mn 55432 Mr, & Mrs, Thomas Marchifara 730 62nd Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 �;. _ exrS�.�F li� �;_ . �� 1 �� � 1=� � �.(1`I�"(;` � `�E^.�_, ___._.. --_...'��-�.- .__ ._- -_"'"` ' il\+ — : i !i g.c�f wai�< � � 7i _ — _____,v__ ��=--- _ � �, � � - „ , , � , � - � � -� �I �- '�` �,.,\ ' :f_ �� 1% � �� �; � �fi ��'' `'�-� , s - � - _ � - � , +X �-- . _- - -- , �. � ; l'f �- G > �t �i ci _ � �' — �`\-- _..._ - � -� E— � S � � I n L � ��) ��s i ( � � . i � �Z � n � j e �. � . �� .S� � _ . q (.. 1 , ' i r -__ �• I 1 O- � . 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PAIIK_ ��;'B i- r,,,�.,� c,�� �> � .�"� '.� . - fi'��. f oreraicr uya. �, SAOUr;.�y �'.: •FflIDIEY J��A4 IyCiC,J!�r�^� `�. y: l..~ .1+0 .. corwwis Qq} �..:� c �^: � �% vS'' � . ' 1 fl� N�t '_'�—. � ..�j J� e.�. ,PAAKVIEW � } °.(�`gFtP,IOIEY ^ � '� � ..�.� � GNME SLMOV �.'� VJ �.. "�'' v(��✓ • •.•• �w£i :u1 • . �� ;'.,�� � s.i fl ° "' � � � ^ � � � . ". r]cDIST i�Y" � �iJ . ,���; J..r�:,.i�lP�.� r.° C .���� �, -�n � Jir M�QR` W �"'3`>'��� ., ��� �� � ��'� ;?��,;,:�3��;>,-� �AK� ��� a .��,��,.� �� / r �.- Zc '- � , I - ��o .� v, a� a i �M� j z��t , � . �, �;>L '�� /f;, . - .. � �d ��� , , , ,\\\� �\\` �. �� /\ � � iNTERSTqTE y69q � f \ I /�\ a����t� I��l��� t�__.J'^ t� 'A a 'I' , � ������� ��, �I' a =. ��, , � 1 � �������I �'��� • � A ;� � �,. � ��� � s �K � >; _ .__ Q °���»��� �eiseee ��5 ,)• V I �4� 1�55 � � OV M0. " �r a�o ne1r3 � < ����., �k ��. �a� � � Z�N�i M! i R-1 SINGLE F`AMILY DW�'S AREAS I� R-2 TWO fAMILY DWCa'S AREAS R-3 GEN. MU�TIPIE FAMILY OWG'S R-4 MOBILE HOME PARK , , ,,� . ��.e�. CI'I'Y OP PI2IDLGY MINNf;SUTA �1��j PL�NNING AND ZONING PORM NUMI38 Rt��������'(� y /�_ „ n . APPLICIW'P'S SIGNATURE � Telephone NumUer PROPGRTY OWNGR'S SIGNATURG Address Telephone Number Street Location of Property Legal Description of Property Present Zoning Classification Acreage of Property Hxisting Use of . r.�,.� r ,:r TYPE OF RLQUEST Rezoning Special Use Pcrmit Approval of Premin- inary $ Final Plat �� Streets or Alley ���` Vacations Other Fee GC/ ec� . ��� 5 �,�-�-- - Describe briefly the proposed zoning classificatiori or type of use and improvement proposed � n . l'�..,-�-� • Has the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or variance or special use Permit on the subject site or part of it? yes no, What ivas requested and io]ien? __ _ The undersigned understands that: (a) a list of all residents and owners of property witliin 300 feet (350 feet for rezoning) must 6e attached to this application. (b) This application must be signed by all owners of the property, or an explaaation given why this is not the case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the proceedings resulting from tlie failure to list the names and addresses of all residents and property oti�niers of property in question, belongs to the undersigned. A sketch of proposed property and structure must be drawn and attached, shoioing the following: 1. North Direction. 2. Location of proposed structure on the lot. 3. Dimensions of property, proposed structure, and front and side setbacks. 4. Street Names. 5. Location and use of adjacent existing buildings (wiYhin 300 feet). The undersigned hereby declares that all the facts and representations stated in this application are true and correct. DATE SIGNATURE (APP L ICAN'C) Date Filed �/?9 ^ Date o£ Hearing�' �C! - � y9T--f Planning Commission Approved (dates) Renied City Council Approved (dates) Denied F�.. ..i r. �� P'� Parce7 �1 That part of the southwest '; of Section 23, Township 3fl, Ranye 24, Anoka County, t4innesota described as follows: Beginniny at the northwest corner of Lot 30, Qlock 4, Namilton's Addition to Mechanicsville; thence on an assumed bearing of N 89° 35' 00" W, along the westerly extension of the north line.of said 61ock, 54.�Q feet; thence on a bearing of south, parallel with the west line of said block, 102.04 feet; thence southerly on a nontangential curve concave to the east for a distance of 55.55 feet to the westerly extension of the south line . of Lot 27, said block, said curve has a radius of 734.29 feet and chord bearing of S 2° 28' 08" E, thence S 89� 44' 00" E, along said extension, to the west line of said block; thence on a bearing of north, along said west line, to the point of begittning. Subject to easements of record, if any. Containing 8455 square feet. Parcel n2 That part of the southwest 4 of Section 23, Township 30, Range 24 and that part of Biock 4, Hamilton's Addition to Mechanicsvil7e, a71 being in Anoka County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 26, said 81ock 4; thence on an assumed bearing of N 89° 44' 00" W, a7ong the wester- ty extension of the north line of said Lot 26, a distance of 52.61 feet; thence southeasterly on a nontangential curve concave to the northeast for a distance of 121.09 feet to the westerly extension of the south line of Lot 24, said Block 4, said curve has a radius of 734.29 feet and chord bearing of 5 9° 21' 23" E; thence S 89° 44' 00" E, along said extet�sion of Lot 24, a distance of 3.07 feet; thence nortfieasterly on a nontangential curve concave to the south2ast for a distance of 97.01 feet to the easterly right of 4ray line of Sta�e Nighwa,y Noo 47, radius of said curve is 145.00 feet and chord bearing is N 18 I9' 36" E; thence northerly, along said right of way line, to the point of beginning, Subject to easements of record, if any. Containing 3,407 square feet. Parcel �3 That part of B1ocR 4 and the vacated alley in said block, Hamilton's Addition to Mechanicsvi7le, Anoka County, t+linnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of Lot 27, said Block 4; thence on an assumed bearing of south, along the avest line of said block, 26089 feet; thence S 28° 38' 30" E, along the easterly right of way line of State Highway No. 47, a distance of 66>45 feet to the actual point of beginning; thence continuing along said right of way line, 2i0.69 feet to its intersection with the easterly extension of the south line of Lot 20, said block 4; thence westerly, along said extension and south line, 48.84 feet; thence t> 28° 32' S0" ld, 14.43 feet; thence on a tangen- tial curve to the right far a distance of 132.85 feet, radius of said curve is 716,20 feet; thence on a compound curve for a distance of 59.77 feet to the actual point of beginning, said curve has a radius of 90.00 feet. 5ubject to easaments of record, if any. Containing 7,124 square feet. . . .. . ,,:�,. � '„ ,-:r ' �, • . ; : i ' �...; . !� ;i:� ,s , , , ,.. . i �,,. �; � ; i; - --- -__ . i ` " � ' ' � � ,: � : i .. ; ��� � � � �; i„ _ i� ;�:� —_._.. y......� ----� i(--- -tL-- i �� t ------ - -- --1 � �- -=-.= " ` � � '�; � -« 1 ��.� ,�! �. �� ► ____ .�+,. � __�� __'_ � , i �, ` . -a �� %b -----i�,' � � _ �� � � , � �� � ,-. 5 � r � � .:� _� � � � � � . a � � _ o- � � % � � t>y�b �. �l.. 9G j%b v�.z �� � � . a ' . \� i �. � � 1 � Nxr,air ° ^.a' -/r� / �. _— -- r " 1, . �_i �`,a \ . i � �� � j� \ � l b \\ \V� � . //\ \. I YkOCid\\ `\/' .\ ��\ \ i \ \\� � .._-_.._ _� � "'. � Nh •� j� \ � F •i . :� � '� � � ^j K \ y� �'� � qn � � \ � \ i ; ` � �- Sa 2 ` �f°` � `\�� _ .. �� � < �}� `• ,' �•.,-\�\ . �._ �. � ' JJJ�u �..;: T'\ _ . .,��, � ^�'\I \' . \ , \, . \, 1 r `, 1{ ' �' I , ` �i ! �� i _ }s_ .� .; _ i ' � ` `1 I � ' '° � , ._, , , �_ , � '. ' / 3� . / :�U,: � "'-"�-=�—^'-_� :-- �-'.�. � � "' rrr%%% \ � �M„MS �:d.Y =.G o� iZ l� 1 / �J'd.ii/L �.� ♦ ��] � ✓�/ Ji $o' k`! , s c � �, ��.t o F.; o �-_� _. n �..�. � � I� ` ^° c � F � ` �y. _,_• ' Z� _ � , -�.-_ �_ � �� , �, � -:. �:,. t. �c -� �. � `� Ff r >F' . � !J^Q.[ i \ F�1 � ,� c.� � ...,� " n �S�' q� � �r ` �Y .yi��;� a r a yi' a ' A �;�� t 1 �,��`� �. �, \I � . \t c` , � ,b A �\ `. �is � ,i1,' 11�� 1 , � ,11 tt 11' } � � It ' � }I � ' , i �,` '.`, ' i 1�`+'`1'. ` N �� `.,� 1 � ��1 i`� 1� i, �`� .� � '. f '� , '' ;' , �� ;1 l� 1 � l , 1 `' . , . �� � ,��, � ,,., � , �:, � ,, �. ,, ', l i',,`,` �,t��, 1 ` ' N � ��a � vh ` � u ' $ � ao i � . � � .k � E.�".1�\ �I �\\ . i , . . � � `� � . , .�y.. .. ', �<y._ .. '� ___._ �.'�r�:. v .6! S � . � : TPi.?✓� .1� � ��i.� ':a'. r u sI . � ,��� f L��� R Y ----__ —�------- _— _ _— M--..._ • ,_ �---�---� - ----- �'" J `�"1. a � d , P � (� . AUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MEETING 13AY 3, 1979 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Peter Treuettfels called the May 3, 1979, Human Resources Co�ission meeCing to order aC 7:45 p.m. ROLL CALL: MEMSERS PRESENT: Peter Treuenfels, Marlyis Carpenter, Wayne Saunders, Mary Martin MEMBERS AESENT: Mary van Dan OTAERS PRESENT: Peter Fleming, Adc�inzstrative Assista�t Betty Christlieb, Housing Specialist Ray Leek, ASSOC7 di.e Pl cl� YinEY' .SPPROVAL �F APRIL 5, 1979, I�UMA;v' RESOURCL�S CONAItSSI0I3 MIP70TES: MOTION by MarJ.yis Carpenter, seconded by Wayne Saur.ders, to approve the April 5, 1979, Human Resources Commi.ssion minutes as written. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Treuenfels declared the moti.on carried unanimously. 1. MOTIOi7 by Marlyis Carpenter, seconded by Wayne Saunders, to cast a white ballot for Peter Treuenfels for chairperson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Treuenfels declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTiON by Wayne Saunders, seconded 6y Mary Martin, to elect Marlyis Carpenter as vice-chairperson by acclamation. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Treueniels declared the motion carried unanimously. 2. f�s� CKER: Mr. Treuenfels stated that Ms. Becker was unable to come Co the meeting, but he would again invite her eo give her presentation at a futuxe daCe. 3. FATffLY RESOIIRCES Mr. Treuenfels stated that Lee Carlson and Dean Sahby were also unable to come to Che meeting, and he would also invite them to come to a future meeting. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MEETING MAY 3 1979 - PAGE 2 4. CONTINUED; DISCUSSION ON HANDICAPPED AWARENESS WEEK; Mr. Saunders stated that at the last meeting he had agreed to contact someone on the Governor's Councfl for the Handicapped regarding accessibility surveys. He stated th�t because of a misunderstanding, the information he received was unclear. Apparently, the Council did have accessibility staff people to go out and check public buildings, but they were very busy and had a lot of requests for accessibility studies. He stated he would soon be the new liaison person to the Counc3l and hoped to be able to get more answers to this question. If there was a need for help in the aecessibility survey, it was possible some help could be obtained from the Council. 5. R$VIEW OF DRAFT OF COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (RAY LEEK): Mr, Zeek stated he was at the meeting to see if the Human Resources Commission had any particular elements in the Plan that they wanted to give input on as a commission before the Planning Commission's review and the public hearings at Planning Cammission and City Council. He felt the areas the Co�ission might have particular cancerns with was Housing, Parks & Open Space, and Transportation areas, The":Commissioners agreed to begin by going through the Housing section; then the Transportation section, and, last, the Parks & Open Space section, Ms. Carpenter stated she did noY see anything specific . in lha Housing Goals & Objectives regarding the handicapped. It could possibly be anothez objective. Mr. Leek stated that on page 65, H140-1, there was a statement oi explana- tion which read: "Fridley faces a need for about 2300 additional housing units by 1990, however, with resideatially-owned land nearly 95% developed, it will be unable to meet that need with traditional single family housing." Mr. Leek stated that in doing the inventory of housing in Fridley and population, they attempted to update some of the population figures they had by using Metropolitan Couacil estimates. They came up trith the estimate that by 1990, Fxidley might face a demand for 2300 additional housing units. At the same time, the inventory section referred to the full-share goals as formulated by Metropolitan Council, and those were specifically intended to be a measure of housing need for 1ow and moderate income frimilies. Mr. Leek stated there had been some confusfon with other co�issions regarding the two figures and the xwo terminologies, demand and need, so a memo of explanation had been written ta all the commission members. He stated he would see that the commission members received a copy of this memo. HLidAN RESOURCES COMhfLSSION MEETIIdG MAY 3 1979 = RAG_E 3 Ms. Marein referred to H110-2, page G0, where iC stated: "The City recognizes that not a].1 vacant siCes aYe suitable for residential development." She ask.ed if "all vacanC sites" meanC all those siCes currenrly aoned residentiall Mr. Leek sCated that, ye�, it referred to the sites cuzrently zoned residential, but that this should possibly be made more clear�in Chzt SCatement. . � Mr. Treuenfels stated that one thing he would like Co recommend under Ii110-3, page 61, to aid in "siting residential developments Lor easy access and identification for emergency vehicles" would be to have house numbers painted on the curhs. Mr. Leek stated that was a good point and that the City was participating with the Minnesota Crime PrevenCion Center in reciewing site proposals in Fridley for those aspects. Ms. Martin stated another approach to prevent residential burglary in Fridley ��as the neighborhood association-kind of program. Mr. Leek sl-ated that Fridley was woricing with that right now and had jusC held a meeting in the IansbrucY. area, He thought it would probabl,y be expanding into other areas in the City. Fridley was onc. of three cities in the state of MinnesoCa t:�at has been contracting with the Minnesota Crime Pr.evention Ceneer as a model for those kir.ds c�f se-tvices to other suburban camcaunities. Ms. Maxtin stated that possibly consideration or nncouragement of that kind of thing could be incorporated into the Comprehensive Development Rlan. (Ms. Carpenter left the meeting ae 8;45 p.m.) Ms. Martin expressed an energy conservation concern in terms of heating and insulation that could be included in the Master Ylan on page 67. The Cou�issioner agreed to continue discussion on the Gomprehensive Development Plan at the next.meeting. Mr. Leek stated that if the Commissioners had any other questions or statements, they could either contact him through May 11 or Betty Christlieb. 6. OTHER BUSII�ESS: A. Cocnmission Position on Co�unity Schools Advieory Council Mr. Treuen£els stated that the Commission needed to apyoint a member to serve on the Comnunity Schools Advisory Council to replace Ms. Mary 3o Dobson. HUMAN RESOURCES COM�L[SSION MGETTNG, MAY 3, 1979 - PAGE 4 Mr. Saunders expressed an interest in serving on the Community Schools Advisory Council. Mr. Treuenfels stated he would first check with Mr. Myhra, Community Schools Director, on the dates and times of the meetings before tiie Commission appointed a member. Ms. Martin stated she would be interested in attending meetings af the Fine Arts Committee. ADJOURNh7ENT: MOTTON by Wayn.e Saunders, seconded by Mary Martin, to adjourn the meeting a[ 9:35 p,m, IIpon a voice vote, alI voting aye, Chairperson Treuenfels declared the May 3, 1974, Human Resources Couanission meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m. ' Respectfully s mitted, � ,! Ly Saba Recording Secretary SPECIAL PARKS & RECREATION COI�PIISSION MEETING MAY 7, 1979 , CALL TO ORDER: Acting Chairpexson Jan Seeger called the meeting ta order at 10:2Q p.m. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Jan Seeger, Betty Mech, Barbar� Hughes, Dave Kondrick, Dick Young NiSMBERS ABSENT; None &LECTION OF CHAIRPERSON AND VICE-CHAIRPERSON TO SERVE FROM MAY 1 1979 TQ MAY 1, 1980: MOTION by Betty Mech, seconded by Dick Young, to nominate Barbara Hughes £or chairperson. Being no other nominations, upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Barbara.Hughes was elected chairperson by white ballot. MOTION by Dave Kondrick, seconded by Betity MecA, to nominaterJan Seeger for vice-chairperson Being no other nominations, upon a voice vote, all voEing aye, Chairperson Hughes declared Jan Seeger elected vice-chairperson hy whiCe ballot. ADJOURI�44ENT • Chairperson Barbara Hughes declared the meeting adjourned at 10:26 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Barbaxa Hughes Secretary Pro Tem . CITY OF F'RIDLEY APPEALS CONAffSSION t�1EETIiQG - MAY 7-5� 1979 CALL TO ORDER: Chairwoman Schnabel called the b"ay 15, i979, meeting of the Appeals Commission to order at 7:35 P•M. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Nm. Plemel� t.3s. Schnabel� Pds. Gabel� Mr. Barna Members Absent: b1r. Kemper Others Present: Darrell Clark, Cors�nunity Deve].opment Administrator l. APPROVE APPEALS COb�2�iCS5I0N bffNiTPES; APRIL 2�F, 1979� MOTI0�3 by Ms. Gabel� seconded by i+'ir. Plemel� to approve the Api•il 2�+� i979, m'i.nutes of the Appeals Co��ission. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL V02`ING AYEJ CHASR,dOi�iAN SCHNA�EL DECLARED THE MOTIOT7 CARRIID UNANIMOUSLY. 2. REQUE5T FOR VARLANCE_S TO CI_IAPTER 20 OF TFTE FRIDLEY CITY COAE�TO REDUCE NUE NORTHEAST. �Request Dy Great Expectataonsj I�linnehaha b1aZ1� at Niinnehaba Avenue� Tfinneapolis� Minnesota 55�7�• t�04'ION by Mr. Barna� seconded by t�is. Gabe1� to open the publi.c hearing. IIPOI3 A VOICE VO`YE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIFtWOMAN SCfft3ABEL DECLA4iED TF� Pi33LIC fIEJ�RI2dG OPEN AT 7:�+0 P.P�. Mso Sck�nabel read the Administrative Staff Report as followe: ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF RtPORT 765 - 53rd Ave. N.E. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERUED BY RE UIRQ [hiENT: Section 2a5.103, 4, A, 2, requiring an 80 foot setback for the main structure to any public right of �aay in C-1S or C-2S Zoning Districi.. Public Purpose served by this requirement is to pi�ovide for adequate parking and open landscaped area as well as to avoid congestion and provide adequate site clearances in commercial areas. _ :>z�� HPPEALS COI+�+ILSSSON P�ETSNG� MAY 15, 1979 - �____, _ PA =E ?_ Section 205.104, 2, H, 2, requires three parking stalls per 250 square feet of total area in business or commercial use within buildings and outsid"e for retail estab7ishments. •The PubTic Purpose served by tliis requirement is to provide adeq�ate off-street parking for the establishment being ser.ved so that public right of tvays do not become congested with on-streeiparking v�fiich may be a hazard to both vehicles and pedestrians. B. STATFD NARDSHIP: The property is locaied in a C-25 cominercial district and the intnnded use is a small commercial building rath<�r than a lar�e shopping center. The size of the lot would make it impossible to meet the setback requirements. 7hP 17mited site access and the physical chai°acteristics of the site make it hai°d to meet parking requirements. C: ADt•1INISTRATIV[ STAFF REPORT: If plot plan could be reversed, the front yard could be increased to 76 feet; however, this would cause both a trai�fic hazard due to the inedians on 53rd and on the driveway into this area and ��,ould i�esult in a reduced arca ior landscaping along 53rd Ave. Staff has no objection to this request. The request for reduction in required parking stalis may not be necessary depending upon the use of the structure; hoo-�ever, if the required stalls are necessary, �ae would recommend they get tvritten permission fro+» the Target Store ormers to use their lot for over- flow parhing, The Target tot could then be used for employee parking. P�4so Scnnabel asked if there was a representative from Great Expectations present7 Mr. David Shea o.f Shea Architects� Mi.nneapolis, came forwa.rd and stated that he was representing bu. Gerie Brennan, the owner of Great Expeciations, Ns. Br.enrian tras present also. Mr. Clark s�ated that there has been quite a bit of reconstruction on 53rd and on tne app'roach going into Target. The way the streets are layed out they ieel it wou7.@ be a tnistake to put the parkitt� lo't in front of the building and try to get access oi;to 53rd� or on the service road. So puttin� the parking lot on ihe nort.n of the building does make sense and it would also give more green area between the buildit� and 53rd. As far as the number of etalls is concerned� it would de- pend on what type of commercial ventLLre goes into the bui.ldin�. There are comr.,ar- cial ventuxes that this number oi stalls would be adec�uate foro Ia the type o£ venture would require more stallu� Staff st�;�ested they try to lease additional stalls from the Target Store across the service roacl for employee parking. That part of the Target parking lot is very seldom occupied with the exception of Christmas or oth�r holidays. ..�x<,: ; APi'EALS CObSM2SSI0N N�TIPdG, r�iY �5, 1 pA�L 3 ._. .�.�_�.__...._..,�___.._" _ tdro Clark stated tbat as Par as the variances were concernedj Staff felt that the front ��ard variance woutd enizance �the project to some extent. As far as the parking �talls are concerned, some sexious thought should be given to thera before it is granted. i�se Plemel asked what kind of busittess Great Expectations wasY 2dr, Shea stated he would like to explain about the project and stated they would have to share a driveway with the car �rash, They wou7.c1 have no access onzo 53rd or the accesa road except fox the shared driveway. Tha't was set up with Target to avoid tra�'fic problemse The building would be 3600 �qusre feet and wou3.d have two occupancies. One would be the Great Expectations hair cuttin�; establishment and they would have appro�cimat,ely five or six employees. 'Phe other half of the building woula be for a light retailer such as a stero store or record shopo They do not have an actual tenant for the ot2ra:r side yet. T'ne bixildin� would be a brick and wood structure with glass to give it some open feel,ing. 1�c. Schnabel asked hoz�r wide the entrance would beY + Mr. 5hea stated it woulci be about 20 feet. tds. Sehnabel stated she was a little concerned about the size of the lot from a congeNtion standpoint. It wouZd be tighi if there was a high volume of traffic irying to maneuver in there. Mr. Sixea stated that under normal circumstances the £irst two stalls probably would not be there but ihey were tryin� to get the maxi:,ram numbe,� ot garking stalls. They plan to use those first two stalls for ernployees so cars would not be coming an3 going trom those stall.s dising the day. The customers would be directed to the oiher p,.rt of the lot, They anticipate a total of 9 or 10 emgloyees so that would leave 15 stalls for custo:�ers. They would try to keep the other halP ox the builfii.ng to a use wiCh no �ore than 3 employees and a low volume o£ custome_rs. They did approach Target about leasin� stall.s from them and even though they da exceed the requixed number of stalls� Target was not open to selling or leasinG a?�y stalls. Yf,s. Schnabel asked if he m�ant 9 or 10 employees for just Great �xpectations or both businesses? D�. Shea stated that would be the total for both businessesa b1s. Schnabel asked ho�a ma�y chairs Great Expectations would have2 P9r. Shea stated they planned on a receptionist and about £ive ohairs. Ms. Schnabel asked if they would anticipate moxe chairs if business warranted it? t4r. Shes stated they planned on five ciiairs and the rest of the space would be used for storage for this store and 'their other stores located in the metropolitan area� Sds. Schnabel stated that she had asked that because if every chair was f'zlled a��� �khc;y had people waitin;�, theu conceivably customers coul.d take up ten stalls and with the employees that would be 15 stalls and wou].d leave ten stalls. She stated she was tryin� to fi�ure out how many woulcl have to go to Great Expectations �zid how many would be left over for the business in the other half oF the Uuildin^. APPI�AL$ CO'.+AIISSION �?�,"PIPIG� N`�RY 15} t979 - PaGE 1+ Ns. Shea stated they had discussed that th�r:.s�lves and they would need a use that would need a limited amoiuit oi pa.rkin�. The idea of people waitin� is n�t the thewe oP ihe way the compar�y works. They would assuu;e that peaple wo,ztd be shapping at Tar�et t�hile waiting for their appointmento This is normsZly what they do at theix other ehops. Ifs. Schn��b�1 stated ttcat would worls better in a shopping cent�r than ia an isolated buildin; Mr. Shea stated they real.ized that and did not want to inconvenience eus'tom�rs or c�use traP£ic problems. They were t�ying to take that into consideraiion. Pd�. Gabel stated they would park in the Tar�et lot a�;ti�ay ii they couldnSC geL ir.t�o their lot, Ms. Schnabel asked if they had alrea�y purchased the property? DZr. She� ctated they had an optian on it. A4s. Schnabel stated that she was aware that �arget had done �o�?e upgradzng and asked if there was a mediaxi? Mr, Clark stated there was. i�s. Schnabel stated that they taould ti�en have to go throu�h the Target parkin> lot to exit on 53rd. Pdr, C1ark sta'ted that �Che txuf.fic pattern and the drive�aay were discuss�d at �reat Iengtti �rhen the plat was beina pxoeessed about two years ago. At tha� time� tbey kneLa this would happen and 3t was bui7_t with this in mind� that.there sJOUld lae a joint driveway. They crould have to share the d.riveway with the car z,zsh. Tiiey would be sharing the driveway on the south side o£ the car wash. P-fr. Glark ;,cated that� as a point of information, if the otk�er ilalt oP �the buildinb weze office space� that vrould require seveu staZls. Ms. Schn�bel asked what the zoning z-�a� there? Mr. Clark stated it was zoned C2-S. bir. Shea stated that was for a shopping centex district which gave them the 80 i'oot U�tbacic off the streat. Ms. Gabe1 �sked if ihey had a pro�pective tenant for the other half oP the Uuildin�? Mr. Shea stated they had talked to a number oP people but nothing was dePini�e. They were cognizant of the parking restrictions and they did not want to do anythin� that would de'ter from their business in regard:, to the other ten�nt. N,r. Barna aslted if they woul.d go throuGh a rental agency to ren� that space2 bx. Shea �tated that possibility was there, but more thau li;ce�y i"x, Brennan zaoulcl find a tenant on his own. APPEALS COMMISSION N�;F.'TIN_ G�N�PY 15, 1979 _—_ - PAGE 5 Mr. Darna stated he was wonderind what kind of control he wouZd have over zaho the'tenant weald be. Mr. Shea stated that Mr. Brennan was �the owner of the buildin� and restrictions would be set up in advance. iie would be very careful about the tenant. Ms. 5clu�abel sug�ested they review the types of husinesses allowed in a C?_-S Zone. The eode stated that the establishments should be retail or service e^,tat��ishmants which deal directly with the customer for whorr, the goals or aervices are furnished, such as drug stores� hardware stores� department stores� bake.rieN� bars and taverns� household equipment repair shops, florists, cormnercial recreation, restaurantss hotelsJ motels� offices, incl.uding bu,ines and professional� voca'L'ional trade schoo].s and a number of others which obviously would not fit. Wit;: a Special Use Permi�t there wou].d be some additional tbings permitted which, a�ain, would not be applicable. She stated that she was concerned �that in the i'uture� if Great F.�cpectations decided to sell the building, and son:.-:ozze who would want to use the entire buildinQ wpuld step in� there could be a problem with the parkin;; spaces. She didn't likc the situation where there could be a difficulty in the fuiure in •terms of the numY�er of stalls. She ielt th�t of the things permitted a sma].l o£fice or laborrs�ory or that type of thing Which doesn't generate a high traffic volume orould be �ood. Nfr. Shea stated that witn z5oo square feet not too mai�•/ large vo].urne uses wou.ld be interested. Ms. Gabel asked about the embankment behind the property and also behir,3 the car wash. Mr. C1ark stated that the people who own the car wash we�_ here and thay had put in a retaining walL Mr, Barna stated that� in referer.ce to the Staff Report, if peop.le come 1n and Yind the lot full� they will park in Target°s lot which wiil cause a pedsstrian traffic problem anr3 safety hazard. The possibiliiy of therz bein� inadequate parkin� would bother him. Mr, Rod Brennan� the owner of the ear wash tocated to the north� came fcr�aard and asked how high the building woul.d be7 Mr, Shea etated it would be a single story buildin;, about 15 feet high and about the same hei�ht as the car wash bui],din�. Mr. Brennan as3ced if that building would be setback further east than the car wash? Mr. Clark stated it would be setbacY. 35 feet from the �aest line. -A:s. Schnabel stated that was from the line or from the.driveway. N�. Clark sta'ted tliat taas from the lot line. Nm. Brennan st�ited he was concerned about the in;ress and e�ress there, He asked how much r�ider that driveway wou2d be when they put their driveway into their .parka.ng lotY APPLALS COMt�ff5SI0N t,'�'ETTNG I�TAY 15� i979 - P�GE 6 Mr. Glark stated that about 12 or 13 feet zrould 19.e on their proper'ty and about 38 feet in total whieh is more than norrndl, Mr. Brennan stated that thexe zaould then be an i;,land i.n front of their estab- Zishr.�ent like the one in front o£ the car wash a�id the traffi.c comin� in the Target parking lot would go into their business tne san�e as :�r businesse Pfir. Clark stated there wou2d 6e no change as far as the service road was concerned. N�. Brennan asked ii they anticipated ar�y traffic problems as fur as the traffio coming out of their business criss erossing the traffic entering the car wash? t•ti;. Schnabel staied that the'potentiaZ exists fo'r that kind of problem. h�r. Clark stated he would be more concerned with a high voliur.e type af busine�s. `Phere probably would be sorre safety hazards because they would bave motions bein� tr�de by cehicles th�3t they don�t normal�y make� but the amount of traffic trould be in direct p-ropotion to the problem. Their's isn't going to i�e a high vo7.ume and the car wash isn't except for certain time, but theg wi11 have to be careful. Ms. Schnabel aslced if they had ar.�y idea how max�Y ears they had �oing into 'the car wash per hour? Ns. $rennan ctated they hrxd 30 cars per hvur on a hi�h voliune or ;,��k day. Sat- urday or Sux�d�y would be peak days and in th2 evening. N;s. Gabel bslced what the hours vrould be for the Great Expeetations? Tfs. Shea stated they would be 10:00 9.M. to 9:00 P,M, on weekdays and 10:00 A.td. to 6;00 P.M. on Saturdays. ids. Sehnabel asked if this was male or female hair cutting or both? 2✓�r. Shea stated it would be both. !✓�s. Sehnab�I stated that they had indicated i� was just hair cutting and a�ked if the customer turnovex woul.d be a:,out etrery half hour? Mr. Shea sta�ed it would be about every forty minutes but they also do pexms which �.*ould �take longer. � � Ms. Scltnabe.l stated that with five chairs running, then they zaould be iurnin� over about ten cars in an hour. -0n Saturdays they could have a problem with the criss- crassing trai£ic. bir. Brennan stated he felt the problem would be with people leaving his car wash and headin�3 south on the service road but they have survived the Tar�et trafFic so they would probably survive ihis. APPEALS COMP+IISSTON I�EiI�G M4Y 15 1979 - PAGF 7 __ �'��..,_,_1 _....._.._.__. _..�._ _ h1r. Plemel a�ked i£ they ever had a line up of cars on a Satw^day porning at the car wash? N,r. Rxemian stated they had 45 cars in there at one time. He stated he had one other concern. Ne s'tated that last winter was an unusuai winter and snow removal was a proUlem ancl he felt Great F.xpectations would hzve a greater problem with it because they only had a five foot bou].evard And he was not sure that would h.�ndle alZ the eno�r. b�. Shea stated they had some area to the west Side o£ the buildiri� to store enowa Mr. Il.'ennan sug�ested they look at their landscagin� than oo they wouldn��t be dcampin; a11 that snow on the landscaping and have to replace it each spring. Mr. Shea stated they wou].d work that out as they go alongo They would discuss that with the City people and work it out. Mr. Brennan stated it wazld be nice if they nad c+ �y faot boulevard but they had enpugti of a problem in the parking lot for people backin� in and out. b'�r, Shea stated they had the xequired depth betueen cars to allow for backin� in and out and maneuvering. They t�ad gone over that with Jerry Boardman and iigured all those things out prior to the dxawing. Mr. 8renuan asked if it would be possible to widen that boulevard? P.c, Shea stated he was talking about widening the bou�evard on the north side of the site and they zaere already a�king for a variance oi 35 feet off o£ 53rd and the build7_n� was proportionatly sized and they had some landscapino on the noitli side so they weren't parking right up ti�ht to the building and they would have to go back and ask for a furtl�er variance o? another five feet or reproportion the buildin; or tYae landscapit� acijacent to the building to provide an additional five feet bn that side. He stated they were at the required setback on the parking lot frosn the pgoperty line on that side. Mr, Brennan asked D,r. Clark uhat he �hou�ht about moving th�tt five feet to the south as opposed to a iive foot bou].evard to the north? P�. Clark stated they had eight feet hetween the parking lot and the bui.lding and code on.1y requires five so they could pick up three feet there and tha't might be worth somethin�. M.r. 5hea agreed it could help along that side� they just didn�t want the black- topping right up a�ainst the building. Mr. Ilreniian stated it would be cheaper for snow removal than having to haul it away. N�r. Shea stated it wouldn't be any problem to widen it by three feet. �a?��.nts _co�mlzsszoTa i�rrn�, r�aY,l�, _?97�_ . ._w.. �—.�_ .. '--_ __ ___.. .._.. P.asr� t3 ' -�±nMmT�..4 .. '_. D1r. Barna stated they would have to have a retainin; zaa].1 on the east side of th� parking lot and he asked how high that wa11 wrnr?-� be? b"ir. Snea stated it would De app.r�ima�tely �'ive to six, i2et hi�h. That is an estimate. A;r. Barna asked if that was why they $ad tlzeir end stalls at 12 and 13 feet? Mr. Shea stated tha�b was correct� and thos� stalls would be emplo�ree stalls. t��. C7ark stated that those s�t�11 �aere not 12 or 13 fee�. The numbers 12 and 13 on the drawin�g referred to tkze numUer oi th� stall. r�. Barna asked how wide the end stalls woald k,e2 t�fr. Shea stated they would be 9 feet by 18 Eeet 6 inches. Ds. 13arna statecl that the.first sta].l on the west side oP tize p�rking lot by the building had an i8 foot 6 xnch depth and if �omeoa�e �rith a big cur parked there it would leave a limited turning area. He was concerned about a car coraing in and missing the cAr p�rlced there, They don't have an c� ;�zal d'imensioxi from the radius point �to the end oi' that stall. Mr. Shea stated they bad an 28 Poot 6 inch s'ta11 dep�,h n*h:ich woii�.�? act as a wheeZ stop and the car �aeuld hang pver a bi•t on that ancl the;i tk,ey i�av� ,: 25 foot turning area which would follow through behizid Chat end sta11 and give a wide addition behind the end sta17. cor�in� over to north side of the properLy. So they would have 25 feet on the psrpendicular and about 27 �'eet on the o�her side, He £elt the trend to smaller cars would he1p. hlr. Barna siated if they had a long car in that stall and a long car in the oppo�ite stall it k•ould con;;iderably close dorrn the driveway area. t^x. Shea stated that even with loti; cars there they �aould have abazt 27 or 29 feet on tke diagonal. D:s. 8chnabel stated that �•ras true except for in the winter tin;e when the snow was piled up. b7r. Shea agreed but they wou].d deal with that, b;s. Gabel su�gested they sign those sialls Por employee parking only o'r compact cars only. b;r. Shea stated he would agree to tl�at. b:c. Barna stated that the arch was hi�h and made it a ticklish turning area esp�cial].y in the winter time. P.is. Schnabel asked who made these determinations? Ri.r. C1arY, stated tha'c was worlced out at the tim� of the plat. faPPEALS COD'IITLSSIQN biEL"i'IPv'G� T+L4Y 15� 7.979 �__ �.__�. __ PAGE � Ms. Schnabel stat if they could cut th� arch down a little bit they could sti11 keep the cv::.,,on ciriveway with the car wash. Mr. Shea stated that would be acceptable. Ms. Sehnabel acked if tha� could be done? Nm. Clark stated he was not sure� that would involve the City Engineering llepartment. MOTIO:d by A'h�. Barna, seconded by P/�. Gabe1 to close the public hearin�. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALI. VOTIYG AYE, CHAIRi�TOI�N SCFINA3EL DLCLFLRED TI� PU'3ZIC HLl1RIIIG CLOS�D AT 8:35 P.M. Mr. Plemel stated it was a ssaall lot and it would be nice to see it deveZoped and it seemed to be a�ood blend, A1so� one of the best uses. Ms. GaUel stated thai she was concerned about the parking and ira terms of the options they have certainl;,� made an atte�pt to do what they could about it. tChat corner would be developed at some point in time and this way we hnow that S07t1� of it won't be hi�h volume traffic business. Sn ter�s of the parkinV, the hardship is certainly there. Mr. Barna stated that in looking at the architectu�al vierr oS i;he buil.dz:,�J he couldn't picture a fast food place ihere if they ever moved out. About the anly thing he could visvalize in a Uuilding that size would be real estate or offices or a service type witl: a low volume o� traffic. FIe r�as not te-rribly concerned wit.: the number of stalls as uluch as he was with the size of the paricinU lot.and also with snow removal. There was not that much of the lot lert to du_ip snotr on and if they landscape it nice enough they could liave a high expense in repl�zntin�, He would like to see a wider width to the driveway. Ms, Schnabel stated she had forgotten to ask about xei'use removal. She asked if they would have a refuse disposal or dur,ipster e� site? 2dr. Shea stated it would all be in�ernal and they don't have a high volune of truc)c hauling. N,s. Schnabel asked Mr. Clark wt�y the City decided not the put a liquor store on that site. t/�x'. Clark stated that would be a hi�her volume of traffic and did not know cahy the City decided not to purchase. N,s. Schnabel sta'�ed that she couZd see why they put the '6uildin� on the site as �liown in the drawin� ar,d also putting the parking to the north oi the btiil,,.'�.;;;. She was concerned about the nwnber of s�talls. They would service the curr�?i; business, Great Lxpectaticns. But was concerned abouG the bu;iness tl:at would be in the other halt of the buildin�. If that turned out to be a business that wovld have a high voltu.^.e of traffic� there could be problems. They could be creating the situation that could be a problem in the futu;e. APPE�LS CObffiISSION I/t�h"S'ING, A'�gY 15� 1979 - PAG+� 10 Nis. Schnabel stated the hi.story there� wz'tr Tar�et� k�as been one o£ traffic problems. She agreed with b1r. Barna th�t if that cut could be widened it wculd be better� if the �n�ineering D�partraent would �o alon� with it. hSOTION by Ns. P1eme1� seconded by Ids. Gabet to reco:,�:nend to Council appro��al oi 'the request for variances to Chapter 2�5 €ii the Fridley City Ccdet to reduce tlie xequired 80 foot setback fror� az�y ri�l�t oP iaay line to 35 feet along 53�^�� Avenue Iv'.�.� and reduce tk�s parkir.g requi-rement zroru 30 to 25 paricin� si,alls} to allo.� the construction of a commercial builditi;; at 765 �3r@ Avetiue Sd,E. UPOPI A VOICE VO'I'Ea AI�L VOTITv'G AY�� CHAIRWOt�1A1J SCi�NLIB?'L DrCT�i4Tt7�',D TI� r+`�OTION CARRIED UNANTS•iQUSLY. I�.OTION by P4s. Gabel, seconded by Mr. Barna, to reconanend that the petitioner work with the Engineering Departmaut to chan�e the driveway to facilitate pubZic safety and consicler signix� the first two stalls Yor employees cn].y o-r compact cars only. f UPO�J A VOICE VO'i'G� AT,I� VO`i'IN'v` AYE� CTiAIRW0I9AlV SCiii7laf3EL DECLARCD Tk� Di0TI0Pd CARRI�:U UNAidIi<:JUSLY . Ms. Schnabe2 informed the petitioner that this would �o to Council and s«gested they talk to the Engineer:ing Department before it goes to Council. 3. RE��!;S'i' FOP, VFlFiIATdCBS 0:' CFitll'TER 205 OF TO THL'�COPIS�RtiC'1':COT7 OF A NLW D'rIL�'LLTNG AT �1�1 RIVf_iVIkf47 Ti.RRACr� T�?.E.� . __.,._. _ __ ___...�__.._ ,_.__._._ _._ _ _ .___ _--- — — — — _. � �fiy Joseph l'arrozzi� 218 5th Flvenue,Pdorthy Sauk liaplds� 5�3��. 5�379� • hi0TI0N by Nm. Plemel� secoiaded by Ms, Gabel� to open the public hearin�. UPON A VOSC� VdPF� FlLL VOTING AY�� CHl�Ii?WOMAId SCHNA�iEL DFCLAAED THL PUBISC iIEARIIV*G OPliI! AT 8:5o r,bi. Ais. Schnabel read. tlze Administrative Staf#' Report as Sollows: ADMTNTSTRATIVL STAFF REPpRT 8181 Riverview Terrace � A. PU¢LIC PURi'OSE S[RVED [3Y REOU1RFfiEPd"(: Section 205.053 (13) On � y�lat recorded bcfore December 7_9, 1955, the• minimum lot area is 7,50U square feet. Pubiic pui°pose served by this requirement is tc avoid the condition of overcroe�ding of a residential neighborhood and to avoid an excess burden an the er.isting taater and sewer services, and to avoid reduction of surrounding property values. Section 205.053, 4, {[3,1} requiring a 10 foot side yard setback fnr liviny areas in an R-1 zone. APPEAIS COI/n'NTSSTON i�,ETIP1Gz P1�4Y 1 j� 1979, �` - P�GE 11 Public purpose served by this section of the code is to maintain a minimum of 20 feet between living areas in adjacer,t structures and 15 feet beto-aeen garage and living areas in adjacent structures to reduce exposure to conflaqration of fire and also to alloti•r for aesthetically p7easing open areas around residential structures. B. STA7FD HARllSHIP: None given. C. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: Rivervie�•i Heights was platted many years ago in 25 foot lots. Over the the yeai°s past, rnany homes have.been built by coinbing two 25 foot lots to atcain one 50 foot.site. There are several homes in this same block that have been built on lots of this size. This lot is located in the flood plain, therefore, the si:ruct�n•e must be elevated to a certain level, and in sane Yi;stances it fias been difficuli to grade the property to meet flood plain requiremen�s. 7his proposed structure is goiny to be post and 6eam construction, therefore, the grade can be left pretty much the e:ay that it is. The staff has no i�ecommendation on the area variance request, iP the Commission approves it. ldith rcference to the side yard variance. If the Commission reco;nmends appraval of it we ti��ould not have recommended stipulation since even �vith the reduceci side yard, it would still meet the f3uilding Code of 6 feet between str�:ctures. There is however, adclitional hazard of spread of fire due to ihe reduction from 15 feet to 10 feei bett�reen living ai�ea and garage. N�. Schnabel stated that the Com+nissioners had received a survey of the property and also a picture of the lot in question. They also had a map of tre area. � Mr. Clark stated that the house plan �ras presented with a posi, and beam type fpundation allowing for wate:• to stand beneath the structure should the river come up. The top of the floor inside zaould be approximately 3 to 4 feet above tne existing ground. Mr. Plemel asked if there woul.d be a baseraant or crawl space? Nir. Clark stated that as he understands it would be open underueatn by about 12 feet. There would be 1z feet beloor the floor joists to i:he ground. Ah�. Clark stated that this item would also be heard by the Planuin;5 Co*nsnission on P7ay 23, i979, because it is in the flood plain. !�t that time they wi11 considcr the structure and elevations. 'Phe Appeals Board is only required to act on the two variances, one to reciuce the square fooi:a�e requirement from 7500 square feet 'to 5989 �quare feet an3 the other to reduce the side yard to the south of 1;he hoiise £rom the required 10 feet to 5�eet. He stated that the house could be tw�ned 90 degrees so the shorter side r�ould be towards the street and that would increase the side yard to 9 feet. APPEALS COP�Li SSION T(�ETII�, MtIY 15Z_ 7-979 --„ _______�^ ,- �� �.. �_YAGE 12 DYr. Perrozzi stated that re�ardin� the nevrer foundation� 'the City of i-.innea,�lis ha� built several of these structu:ces in the Lake Calhoan �rea where they have a problern with poor footings and poor soil and it meets a11 their en�ineerin� require- �ents as far as sbeel beam conatruc�;ioa �oc;s. The steel eye beam would be more solid than conventlonal concrete or cen�rrt £oundations. He stated there would be skirtin� around the outside so zt croul.:in't be open. t^he skir�tlr�� 4a�11 keep �ma11 animsls and child.ren fro,�i �etting uudex tiie house. Tliere will be a culvert comino up for the se�rer and water near the rear of: tha house. Ns. Plemel asked it he was planning te� own and occupy this himself? Idr. Perrozzi stated that he planned to. bfs. Gabel aslced Mr. Perrozzi to explain the type oP beatas he was talking about. NIr. Barna stated it �rould be lilce the house on 2iatterhorn Drive construction �aiee. The look oi' the hou:e was difierent fro:� this but the coi7struction was basicall�, the same. ; Nfr. Perrozzi stated it woul@ be a number of �telephone poles that would be poi;�er driven into the �round and the steel, eye beam �rould rest across those polcs, Ms. Gabel asked what the skirt would be made of? D'cr. Perrozzi siated the skirt would be woed with a screen rcesh like a la'ttice worY. would be. It would look like a conventio�xl houseo D1s. ScPmabel asked t+Cr. Perrozzi if he woutd be doing the actu�l construetion work himselfY hir. Perrozzi stated he would have it done but he crould be the �enexal contractor> Ms. Schnabel asY.ed how soon he planned to be�in constructio�i? D'k�. Perro.zi stated he planned to begin w:ithin a month and lk�ve it completed th:is summer. M>. Schnabe.l asked if he proposed to pu'b a garaoe on the xear of the pronertyY h2r, Perrozzi stated that was correc'c, b1s. Schnabel asked if the plan the Cormnissiotters had ���as done by a sur��ey�r? I�ir. Clark stated that Fras a reduction o:f a plan done by a surveypr. A7s. Scbnabel stated �he had noticed all the staales roted on the plan and asked if there w�s a specific reason ior that. btr. Clarlc staied ttk�t i�' the gradin; was dc:ie according •to thi;; p1an� th�ore'tical].y� no rr�ter wi11 run from tk�is lot on'to an adjcinin� lat. The 1ot would drain within itself out onto the street. The daxlcene;3 arrow;: are the center lines ci v;here the flows of water wi11 supposedly take place. There will be watex• flowir�• alon-� tha south side of the house and also along the dz�ivew�y on the north side oi Che house. � APPE/�LS CQ:�3I�IISSION IdEETII�'G, I�Y 1)� 1979__,_.. �_. . PAGE 13 T�§s. Schnab°1 asked how they could be suce it would be done in that raa;in°r? Nr. Clark stated tk��t th� �rading would be cheeked by the En�ineering Dep�rtrcent betore it is rapproved. 2•7r. Ylemel stated this looked like extra precautions that we don't norr,ally see and asked if there was a proble�. ifir. Clark stated they didn't �aant this property built up so the water ruus on the neighbors property and causes water proble�s for them. I�f�. Plemel askad iP there would be sore fill added to this lot? Mr. Clarls stated there would not Ue a lot of fill added becauce the house ie. bezn6 built above the grotuid. The driveway would proUabl,y need a little bit. P�ix�. Barna stated that eleva'tions shown on the plap are pretty mt}ch what they currently are. blr.-C1ark stated that the ones not circled are existing elevations and the ones circled are tlie proposed elevations. Dis. SchnaUel stated that the ones circled are proposed elevations and if they are not in Pact existing notr� that rceans they will either have •to be graded or ihere wou2d have to be fi11 brou;ht in. b7r. Clark stated that the north east corner shows an existing elevation of 823.� ar.d the proposed Zaould be 823.6 so there r:ould be basically no chanoe there. Where the house would sit the �rade of the elevation is roughly at 82�+.1 and the driveway elevation is at £i2t�, which is about the same el.evation as the house to the nortkz. To the soutb ihe existing gara�e is at abe:rt 822 and tYxe swale on the progosed drawing is at 82`� so there would not be a great claanoe. He stated that th� lot itself would not be built up taith the exception of the driveway. On the Staff Aeport for the Special Use Permit it states that the ground underneath the hou>e should be at 823 and if you look at the swale alon� the south property line it's less thaz� 823 an3 the siaale does drain towards the street so �rater will not have to stand on the lot. A1s. Schnabel stateci that then from mid��ay on the lot to the street it would go from £323 to II22� a difference of about one foot, pitched towards tbe street on the south side. On the north side it would go trarn mid4�Ay at 824 'to 822 so there would be a two foob difference to the street. Ms. Schnabel referred to the Staf� Review and stated they were speeking of the gara�e on the south side of the proposed structvre. She asked how far that �ara�e is off the property line? Nir. C1arY. stated it was appro�cir.iately 42 £eet. APPEALS COi�^✓ISuSOI' 2•�'PaTIY�TG A7AY 15� 1979 - PAGE 14 ._.__�..L�.�____..�..�__._.._��...`.._._^__., ----.__...�...� Ms. Schnabe]. stated that the proposal for the new structure on the soutti side is to put it at 5 teet so there would be gz feet between the twn. She atated that the code required 15. N�. Clark s'tated that because this is a det�tched gara;;e, it could be as close as 3 feet. i✓s. SctLnabe7, stated that was a point and if it were gara�;e to gara�e it could t�e 6 feet between the ttao. So since th:is i:, a detacried g�zraye it could be 3 feet but the house a�otiZ@ have tn be 10 feet, So the basic question they have to deal with is the request 'to have the house eloser to the 1ot line than the eode allows. Al„o� ha was sug�estir_g that if' the housc iaere ttirned so that the 30 £oot ran north�south, they could pick up an additionaJ. � feet. bir. Barna asked the petiticviex how flexible the floor plan was? Mr. Perrozzi stated that if they turn the house it zrould destroy,the arr.enities such as the view of the river� etc. They situated it this way so everythi�_g tize;y� wanted in the house could be aceoincdated. P•is. Sehnabel stated that the other questi.an Gra^, tY!e� 1ot size. They would like to reduce it from 7500 square feet to 5�59 squaxe fcet. 13asica,lly the difference cories in the Iot width rather th.an the lat len�i;h becuUSe thc lot ler�th is as long or lon�ex than most lots in the City< Sl:e aeked that the people in the �udience keep in mind that tY1ey were dealing with these two questions� the lot siz�:> a�r3 the side yard setback. Nir. R. H. K1:in�bei�� 8199 River View Terrace� came for,aard and stated he lives on �he north side of the property in question. I�ir. T{1'ingbeil was concerned about the pile drivir� and that it �rould harza h:is £otL.dation. t•;r. Perrozzi stated that when they do the pi].e dr�ving, they tiroutd set a meter in 2+Ir. IQin;;beil.'s house that taould measrse the vibrations and they would kcep them at a certain level so his foundation would not be harmed. Nir. Clark stated that the house on blatterhoiu is ou pos'ts alco and �hey were not po�rer drzven. They dug and put down concxete pads and set i;hu poles on the pads. Nix�. Klingbeil reiterated that power drivin� thoce pilin3s woulc� harm his £oundation. He stated that his other concern was that wh�n they put in tliis straet� they raised tP�e road and his front laom tapers •th;�t way ai�d he �aould have 'to i'lll there or it �,ill drain on his property. P•".r. Clark stated that in the middle of tr� ysrd it craN at &21 t;-l�ich indzcated tl�t hiu yard oras hi�her by the laouse and dips do:,�i a:id back up at �he s±:reet, B9r. Klin�beil°s wa�te.r proba1�ly drains onto tl�is vacant lot. When this vacant lot is filled it will not do 'that anymore. Ms. Schnat�el stated Ytr. FCtingbeil could be faced wi'th a 2ittle regrad:irr on his o�m lot . APPEALS_COI�IIAISSION M�'L'TING� P':l�Y 15,^1979 _ __�r-�_ �W_ _, __PAC�E 16 btr. Barna stated that i✓,r. ScYiael.°s eoncern was that he had tcro vacant lot„ behind his house and wha�t is allowed here wi11 bear on t•rhat is al7owed behind him and after the experience on Pairmont the people kere concer.ied. The house on Fairtnont is a nice hou.,e but it just doesntt fit. Ms. Scl�uabel pointed out the this discussion was more germain to 'the Special Use Permit whi�h will be handled by the Plan;.ing Coir;nis;,ion. The Board of Apper�l� sras concerned with the var:iance;. hLs. Gabel stated that if they were o0jecting to the desi�n of the house, nobaly had any control over that. P4r. Klingbeil asked i£ this Yiad •to go to the.governrcent because it is in the flood plain. b;r. Clark stated tha�t was correct and it has already been reviezr�d by the�n. Mr. Barna asked DSr. Schsxeppmueller he�-r far his gara�e tiaas Fxom tlz:, lot line? Arir. Schneppmueller stated it was $�'eet. Mrs. Schneppmueller asked if they would r.;zve to move their fence onto tneir * property if that house is built there anci how close to t':e property line does j' it have to be. D1s. Schnabel stated they ganerally reco7rend that the fence be crithin their property so they can ruain'tain botl, sides of the fence. 1✓a'. Clark stated if they put it righi; on the property line it causes problems for surveyors� bui the ccde does not der„snd that it be setbnek from the property line. . Ms. Gabel ssked about �the sewer and water. bSr. Clark stated tl�at he zras no�t sure. He �tated that durin; the floal ihere was a lot o�' problems, There used to be a lot of infiltration oP �round waLer :into the sewers, Persor.al7.y� he �ras no�t awar� of ar;y back-ups with Ch� excep•(;io�: �£ a few isolated case^, in the last ie« years. These re�orts go thxota„ii the Public Works Department an;! they had no cor:raents -re�ardirk; this �srticular i�te*,�. He stated that the sewe�� d.rops at I�ago and goes i'rom 8 to 10 inches� and be7�ow Hu�o it is probably 10 inches. Above Hu�o it is a11 8 inches. Tnere is clay tale there. I�3r. John Rice� 6g6 xu�o Street N.E.y as2�ed horr hi�h the house would be. . h;r. Perrozzi stated it would be a s°cory and a half. I bm. Clark stated that tt?e lst floor Would be higher than the houses aroand it by about one foot. Nir. Perrozzi stated that if they put drain iile alen� the sia��le lines and .run it into the riverr it i�ould talce care of the draina�e problei:,s. Ms.'Schnabel stated that she didn't thin?c they �rould be aU1e to do tl,�at. AFPi../iI,S COb�N[IS9IOId t'G'b"�'ITdG> T�7t:Y 15� 1979 ' PA^?'� 15 Yu. Schack� 685 Glencoe St. Td.E.� came for�.•ard and aslced kow i'ar the gaxage oreiil.d be from the adjacent propexty tine and the adjacent house? P;z•. C1ark stated it would be claser to his gara�e. PZr. Schack stated that when he built six ycars ago certain limi.�ations were put on him regardin� setback and concrete blocks and he z✓as upset that iir. Perrozzi trould not l�ave tha same limitations. T�is. Sehnab,:J. stated that the code raay have been different then. t�. Dcn Schnepg.:�ueiler stated that he 14ved at 8151 River View Terrace which is south of ihe pro�er�y in question. His feelin� was that the entire area was Ueirtg over-popula'ted. Iie stated that he had problems with his se�.er backing un and i£ the� put tnore homes in there it would be worse yet. Iix�. Barna asked i��. Schneppmueller if he had problems with his sewer during this last high vrater? h7r. Schneppmueller stated he didn't have ar�y problems this last time� but a yvar ago he did. He stated he does get aloxs down tnere a lot. Tf they put tRis nouse here and �they are plannin� to put two more on the other side of Hu�o, so it's ooin� to get worse. Mrs. Schneppmu°17.er sta'tcd that when they wash their car or when it rains� the water runs into that lot and she was concerned about whexe that water would go if they built a house there. Ns. Sch±iabel stated that Mr�. Sehz�eppmueller's house was at 82�.7 ar_d the hi;he�t point shown �that they are proposing is At f323.7 which is the sane as their house, but thai i� at the very rear of the lot. A1.1 along the 1ot line they are sho;ring an elevation that is lower than Mrs. SciZneppmuel.ler's house. h1r, Perrozzi stated that the runoi'£ in his lot �oes to the street. h�. Y,arna stated that the normal runo�'f in that area is not normal� it is very high and standing water in that area is very high. T4r. uchneppmueller stated that everythin� comes from the East River Road and there c�as no set�er from a block up so it cornes right uo�m to River View'Perrace� I�ir. Klin�beil stated that they took the surveys in the winter and he believed tlry mzssed a little Uit. g1r, C1a.rk stated the survey was taY.en on February 21� 7.979• bx. Perrozzi stated that this me2tin� was concerned with tYie variances and the Special Uce Perr..it should be di�cussed at a later time. Ms. Schnabel stated that siiice these people were here they should be able �o comment. APPP,4LS COP�t�ffSSION r�r�'LIT,G t4r1Y 15 �979 - PAG�, ].7 Mr. Ktingbeil stated that he was told tIiey Frouldn't put more than two houses in one block because ii; wou.ld be too cro�+ded. He stated thst by puttS.n; so �ny hpuses in it would become a slum area. Ms, Schnabel aske�3 if he had ever Ueen approached to bi�y one of these 2j foot lot�? b1r. Klinx;oeil sta�ed that he could ot bou�ht it but did not wan't to. Ms. Schnabel sta'ted tt�at her point tiras that when they have a 50 Foot lot like this it is �roing to be built on. The alteriaative is for the people adjacent to the property purchase it. N,r. Dan S�E. C1air, 811+1 River View Terrace� stated that he Yias lived here for about ane year, One of the reasons he noved into this area was becausc of the nice houses and location. Iie moved here so he wouldn"t be so close to his neighbors and have over-crowding. , D;r. Barna aslced Mr. Snepp�uueller hota he wazld feel about havin,r, a house about 9 1'eet away from his garage? Sneppmueller stated he iaouldn't lilce it. Mrs. 9neppmueller stated they have a swimmin; poo7. in their back yard and are in it quite late at night sometimes. There could be a 1ot of noise. Ais. Gabe1 stated that when so�eone ot,�ns a piece of property, they have the ri�lat to develop it. tjir. Bob Lindgren stated that he had an interest in the property, He felt it was a�ood piece of land and felt that the people here looked at it as a dump for a11 their r�ater. Mr. Perrozzi would like to build a house on it and live tliere. He has a ri�ht to deveZop his property. 't�. Schnabel stnted that another point they should make rrith this particular request is tha't the size of thc: lot ihey are f'ace3 with is a given fact ar.:: there aasn't much they cot:].d do. There s�ras no land available to er.pand the size of the lot. 'I'here is a har�ship in the �aidth of the lot but p.tana covld be devel.oped that woulcl require no vaxiances. Other houses have been built on 50 foot lots without cariances she thought. Clark sta'ted they could build a home on this size lot that would not require side yard variances. I•ir. Barna stated he could see no reason for desi�ning the house j feet £rom the lot line. P�is. Schnabel stated that their concern in setting houses c3.ose to each other was the s�read of fire and their other concern was to have enough room to get i'ire fi�htin� equipment throu�h if necessaiy. Tne Fire Chief has said tY;ey need a certain amount oP space for that. APPPALS CONL�'1�:SSIOId h�EyINGL MAY 15� 1979 ,_ �. __ ___._� . PAG� 18 Mr. Clark stated it would depe:zd on the height of the bu:ilding �nd they �ranted enough roorn to raise a ladder. S•;r. �arna stated there were 960 square £oot houses a11 over thZt area pn 50 foot lots wi'thout side yard variances. Accorlin;; to his calcu.la�Lions' �t2�ere ara onJ� 94q equare ieet on the fir�t floar of the prc;?osed house. tds. SchnaUel stated they had the option oi' the petition�r considerin; rec;o,:icing his plzin so they wouldn't need a side yar3 variance. P"s. Pexrozzi atated th�;t if he couldn't build ckxe house the way h� cranted it� he pro:�ably wauld. not live in the hpuee. f�ir. Barna stated that 2z feet o�' this 1ot is actually in the street. Tk.ere is a zero boulevaxd. That is nat really a street, it S.s a dyke. iie didn�t see a dimension from 'iiie front of tkze house tv the cusb line. Nir. Clarl.< staied there o;ouid Ue 32 feet from the froni; of tl�e }ioizse to the bituminous yurface. PdOTION by Ms. Gabe1� seconded by b'Ir. Barna to close the public hearin�. _...� i UPOId A VOICE VO'PE� {1LL VOTZT�G Al'E� CHAIR�dp2�LAi� SCHI�II�EL D�CI,:'�RED TiIG PLT3LZC T�ARTivTG CLOSED AT 10:05 P,1d. M:,. Scrs.r,7ael stated that she would to remind the Commissioners that the two questi.ons they have been a:::ced is to coxisidei• the reduction of i-he squaze :foota;;e oP the lot and the side yard sei;�ack. In terms of the side yard setback� r;e have as7ced the petitioner iY he wautd be willir_g to turn tl.e house in order to �ai.n an additional 4 feat and he has said that he Pelt that would 7i.nder his sigi.i: in terms of the lot and rrould create some di.fi'xculties in ter.�s of entxance i;o tkie hause. The �econd point was if he would consider re�aorkin� this floor plan and he indicated that he would no�b be in favor oi that because this 4�as the hous�e t-i he wi�hed to build for. hin�selP and his Y.1ll1:11�� and ii' he had to redra+, he would proDably be faced wiih putting up a tota].:ly o.ifferent structure ixi which case h probably wouldn't live th�re. In terms oF tre lot si2e, th.ey �rere faced with a lot that was pla'tted nnd sold as a 50 foot iiiue lot and ��as subs�:andard or less than code. Tt i.s a land locked piece oP lar�d.'a.nd there is no additio�al laz�:' available to enl.ar�e it. This surrm�arizes the two points �*�: i�ave to deal wic'.:. A4s. Gabel sta'ted t;�at in terms of the two variances� th� 7�U0 foo't reduciion is not unusua7, in that area. There are a lar�e r.umber of hones buil� on 50 foo't lo'te in that area and we rather consistently �rar.t eariances in t,hat area to allow building on 50 foot lots. As far �s the side yr�rd �rcaxianee goe�j ii: would still m the intent of the Uuilding code in terms of keeping 6 fect bet.iaeeii tl�e structures. understood the obj�ctions of these people and that Chere we.re usec� to the open space and using this lot to drain their �ruter and ii it is built on they wi11 have to find a�ray to draii7 their own water� Siie i'elt that if someon° bvys a piece of pxoperty the5� have a ri�ht to develop it, She wished she l.new more about 'the sewer problem. ApPEALS CONu�'LCSSIOid MEETIP:G, 1'.AY ].5� 3-979 �_ PAGF 19 h1r. Barna stated that basically they were talkir.g about an 822 ioot level drop down to where tlie se•�aer pipe is, The river ri�ht noz:� is at about S10 teet. It �aas up about 816 feet in the last tlu'ee weeks. Normally when the river comes up the people in this area have quite a bit o� problems with grouad water backin� up into the sesaer pipes and causing back pressure up in'their basements. t,ost of them have instaLled pressure locks and this type of tl�in�;. ihere are quite a few hom.es in that area that consistent�y have sewer back up prdalems. This ground sits a�out 20 or 30 feet below Ea�t River Road which creates the additi.onal problem of punping ttk�t sewage up to that level and then out. They have quiie a bit of sewer probleras. The pu,�ing statipn is at Apex and 79th. I R9,;. Scnnabe�. stated she would be more comfortab�.e if the T�'.LL.gir.�ering Department � had given them r.i<�re input regarding this and n�aybe that shoal.d be done befo: e �. the Ylamiin� Coxrrc�7ission meets. Mr. C1ark sta'ted i:hat from their standpoznt� the addition of' one or two or even ten houses into this system is not going to m3ke any difference in thz back up problems that some of these people are experiencing. 41hat they �are experiencin,n, is hi�h grou�d water and that water infiltrating intp the seiaer wltich is z much hi;;her vo].uu�!e than the discharge from eight or ten houses. Idr. Barna stated that he has consistenly voted in favor of atlowir�� buildin� on 50 foot Iots in this a.rea. But there are no houses on 54 foot lots on River View Terrace facing the river. This �rould be the first. Also� he stated it �ias possible io put a large, nice looking home ott a 50 foot lot without side yard variances and without buildin�; within 9 feet of a neighbor's garage. He would consider that thiU house width in this area and on a 5Q foot 1ot� much too �ride in his opiniono h"s. Plemel stated that he was not sure the City Frould deny the variance to build on a 50 foot lot or if it would stand up in court because the p:ecedent has becn eet m:,ny times over in the River View fIeights area. Because of the neighb��l�ood objection and because there was no hardship given he would recommend they disallow the variance on the side yard, MCYPI6S3 by t�tr. Plemel� seconcied by Pns. Barna� to reconunend io Coancil approval oi' the request for the variance to Cl�apter 205 of the Fridley City Qode3 to reduce the square footage requirement of n lot recorded before December 29, 1955 �.rom 7j00 square feet to 5989 square feet, and fur'ther to recor,nnend to Council the z^equest to reduce the side yard setback re��i�irement on the livin� side oY t�ze house irom 10 feet to 5 ieet to a17.ow the constructlon oi a n�w dwelling at $181 RiverJiew Terrace IV.E, be denied. his. SchnaUel stated the mo'tion was to recommend approval of the lot size reduct::nn and recor,anend denial of the raquest for a side yard setbac�c. She:� called Por � £urCher discussion. P4s. Gabel stated slie was not quite clear on wny they should deiZy the variance for the side yard setbaek. ;��„� APPE.�iLS CbARAISSION h�ETZNGL MAY 1� 19,19 ��_ _._ __ �,�'__ _..�._.. PAGP 20 I✓ir..Plemel stated that i*.i order to grai�t a variance a k�ardship shoal3 be stated. b`s. Gabel stated that wno.°.ver accepzs tkiese tri� P,,r. Plemel sta't�d �tha't his second reasou was because o:P l;he n.cighborhood objecbio;� 'to the elose p:°oxinu'ty to the buildings to 'the soutiz. P�'s. SchnaUel stat�d they should ask tlze getition=:r wh ;t Y�is specitic hardship i�? 2;r. Perrozzi sta�ted tl�at it �aas to utilize t�e lot to it's best pcteniial. Putting in a sr,aaller ho:,�e would aQd t� the de;='ener�tioxi of th� r�eighborhocd, fie cov].d buS.l.d a sma:ller ho^e but l�e �aould not want to live in it � i�s. vabel stated tha't she didn�t totally u�;ree witn 2�u�a Plemel's motiou. She agrees With reducin� the squaxe £oo�age but not u:itYc de:�ying tl�e side yard setback. 41e h.ave dor.e �that consistent],y. , Idr. Pleme7. stated tt,st he :Ce1t a comprc:nise �vo•�lid be in o'rder b�ca�wse of tPie neighborl-�ood ob jectian. Y9;.�. Schnabe7, stated tha't bir. IQingbeil had ,ta'ced that, he did not see ar�y raal proL7.em uith ;z hau�e yoiai� in ar.d th.it he did aio� have axiy real pr.oble.n in t.c;rms oP the side yar@ s�tbac?is. Iiis bi��cst co�cern iras dar;ma�e to his fot�ndation .fre*c ' the poorer dri.ven p:iles. 'lhe r:ei�hbar on the sou�th side vras zr?�iai�ntLy co�:icerned witn it being 5 f'eet ofP t;2�u property line. `ihe problem ie, ta Pind a happy mec3ian. UPODI A VOICE VOTE� A'`�R. PLI�;;'E:T_., B?S. GliE3EL llTr� i,ii�. BARI.'!t VO`PIi,TT AXE� l�1V'D ia'S. SCHPdAB}.sS. L`IITZIVG IdAY� CHA:ii?EdO.�:AlV SCFiPi4}1�L llECI�iREll 1Ti? N:OTSOY CAF2t�1i!;U 3 to i. b.s. SchnaUel in�orr.ed the p�'titioner th2t t)�e m::nu�es of this r..,�ti.n; rroL:ld go , �o the Planxzin� Connnissio� and ttle Pl.unnln� Co;nn:ission ui:L1 se.�d thezr reco�n�t�dat9.on on the Sperial ITSe Pe'rm?'E along witi� �the ieconm;enda�t:ion �'ro�� ttiis ccard to �he Ci1;y Council. Cizy Council will make �he fii�al decisiciiz. i�. OTHGR BLISISV�uS: 2;r. Barna s'tated tha't wheti the meetinc�s are held in L-he Ccrr,�nxn�.i.y� Rooin the.re is di£ficulty in u�ain�ainia�, control and reco�,.men:s that �he Cou: t Rcom be u �d For iuture meetings of the Boar& of Appealv. PtOTIOPt by N.s. Gabe].� seconded by Mr. Bari:a� to adjourn the r���y i5, 1y"79 �:-�eting � oi' itie' Appeal.s Co.^�mission� \ f UYO1Q A VOIC� VpTE� ALL V(YP1IV'G AYE� Eu7J0URti&D A`1' 10:30 P.M. Respectful]y SubmiLted: > '._ Kat'rar Shelton,~ Reco:d:ir�;� Secretary CFiA:LR�dOi [!iN SCfi:iABEL DECS,:�T2�?il i':: � DLFLi'ST� � � � � �� CITY OF FRIDLEY . ( f � CAI.L TO t�D�,Rt' Cl�irm�s Earris ealled the MQy 23� 1979, meeting of the Planning Cca�miasion to order ;t 7:40 P.M. ROQ.L CALL: MemberA Preseut: Mr. Oquist� t�. Hsrris� Mr. Z'x�uenfela� Ms. Schnabel� Mr. Hora (for Mr. Langenfeld), Ms. Hughes (arrfived at 7:45} MemberA Abs�at: NONE _ _ : Othera Prtstmt: Aarrell C1ark� Community Devalopa�nt Adminietrator (left at 8:30 P.M.) Jerry Bosrdmaa, Ciiy Plannor (arrived at 8:30 P.M.) 1. APPROVE YLAt� COL�MISSTAN MIN[TPES: t�u+Y 9, �979: t+1�TI0N by Mr. Oquiet� eecondad by Mr. Treuenfela� to approve the May 9� 1979, minutee of ths Planning Covmiasion. Ms. Schnabei stated that on page 3a #3a the word "LIFE" shoula be "LIFP" and aiso on page 9, �, the word "LSFL�" ehau]d be "LIFT". D�. Oquiet stated tiiat page 35, �9 statQS that he vras absent fran the April 24, 1979 maeting of the Co�unity Develogment Co�ission. Be had stated he was late� not absQnt. 11PON A VOICTs V07�v, ALL VQTING AY&� CHAIRMAN HARRIS llECLARED TEE MiN[TFES APPROVEA AS CORRTCTED. 2. MdrION by Ma. Schaabsl� seconded by Mr. Treucnfela� to open the publie hearing. [TPON A VOICS VO'FPa� ALL VOTTI� AYT� CHAIRbfAN HARRIS DECLARED Tf� P[JBLIC FiEARII� OPFN AT 7:4$ P•M. Mr. Clark stated thst the petit3oner had eaked Yor CR-2 and should be awarQ that CR-2 includad some limited gsaoral- businecs and menufacturing. It would fit the petitioner's wishea better iY it vern CR-1 which is atrictly oiYiee complex and would be limited to dentists� rQal estate offiQes and things of that nsture. Al.so� there sre different setback r.quirements for CR-1 and CR-2 and the petitioaer's plan does not meet the CR-2 rQquiraments, k'vr example� the front yard ia 35 feet in CR-1 and 60 feet 3n CR-2 and the rear yard requirementa incresse fr� 25 f�et to 40 faet. If they agreed to a CR-1, they would have to increase the setback of the garking lat to the aexviee road fram 20 Pset to 25 Yeet. Regarding the parking �.��.. ... . � ... _.. t. ..� .. ...,-_� � _ . �... � r .. . ��. ... �i..'.:) .. ... ..._ � .. . - . _.__ -, ' ._. . , .._. . � ' . �� . � - _ . _ . _ i . . . _ _ � . _ . _ .. . . . . _ .. _ _ .. . . _ _ .. . � . . � . , _ _ . � _ . _ _ _. _ � � _ _ . , _ _ _ . _ . . _ _ _ . . , , _ - _ _ ' _ . __ . - . _- _ _ _ _ .._ - IL.. , -I - ; _ _ .. _. _. ._ . ..; _. ._ _. . __.. � _ . . . i. . . _ _ . _. _ . ..._. . _ . 1. . . _. _ . . . _ _ . . _ _ .. .� _ . . �. . _ _ L l _ . _ � - � J . . � . . . . � �___ . �. � . -�.._ _ . ". . ,.-..� _ .. . . .... . . . ._. � _ . . .. , .. .. . � . _.__.. ,__ �. � ._� _ . - ., _ ` � _ ............: .... . ... .....-..,-.. ., '� -. � . ' . . . . - .. � , . ___ _ � � . _ _ . __ . . . . _. .. . . .. j _ . ..: . �� '._' .. _ _. ..... �._ A . . l. . . ., - _ .... . .. _ .. i. . _ . J .. . .. .. . .. ... . .. . ... . _ _.. .. _.� , _ � ..... .._ _ � .. . _ . . .. ... . . �- _ . _ ._.�i�. � __ • . i. .. _ ' � .� � . .. � _ _ .. . .'... . � � .�.�. .. _,�. . _.. .�. .�� _ .... ..-. ...� �I- ... ..._.� �.. . I'.� ..�._��. •�.�..�.�_....... . _� � . __- ... . . .: . .. � � .:.�. .. ........ .1 _. ..�i� .� � _ �� :. � _ �.: _ .. � .. . . .. . . . .. . . �. .. . . . . .. � . : � . . . � _. ' _ � . . PLA41NIftG COI+MIS8I0N I�EETING, �Y 23.i 147 PAGE 2 s CR-1 requiras 12� �talls for this square footpge office building. S�me conaideratioa should be given to reducing ttu number of parking stalls psved to ten or even 20 per cent over so there xould bs more green area betwsen tbe oifias strueture asd the R-1 surrouudiag it. Ta the eouth oP this area is propsrty zaned R-2 and is presentl,y being used as R-3. The reason for that i.s the zoning chsages made between the ti� the buildinga were built as apartment housee and whezwby We couldn't build apax'tments in R-2 after a certain date. So the area to ths south is R-2 being used as R-3 aad to the north is R-1 and to the east as�ong Dalwood ie R-1. This particular property was original]y zoned R-1 anci about 10 years ago Wa� rezoned to A-3. The Coummisaioners shou].d be aware that thia would be epot zoaiag and would not increase the size of an adjacent zone. It xau].d bo an oifice structure in the middle of reaidential� R-3 to the eouth and R-1 to the north. Mr. Hax�ris noted that t�re sras a petition in ths age�la on page 44 aigned by _ 12 p�ogle stating they had no objection to this conatruction. I�$7PION by Mr. Oquist� asconded by Mr. Treuenfola� to receive the petition whi.ch reade ae Yollovs: "We� the undereigned� have no objectioa to the construction oY e 2�500 square fooi� one story� office bvilding on the progerty according to the legal dsacription attached". Mr. Harrie read the petition to the audience. He atated thst he had also received a lettsr from Mr. and Mrs. Ray and Glac�ys Anderson and also frcm Mr. and Mrs. Ludwi�,_ aad Myrtle Ask stat�ang they had no objections to the conatruction. Ms, 3chnabel aoted they had aigned the petition also. UPOH A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE} CAAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE PETITION RECEIVED. Mr. Earris stated there wa� no petition in opposition in the recoxda. Ms. 3chnebel asked 4+Ir. Clark 1Y the StaYf's teeling was that the requ�st fr� rezcuiing was in the wrong clasaificationt Mr. Clark stat�d that Staff felt it would bettsr fit the CR-1 claesifiestion. If it is going to be rezoned CR-1 would be more appropriate then C&-2. He noted that the Co�nisaioners eould r@eammend a lesser zaniag that is more restrict3ve, Ma. Schnabel aeked wt�at the purpose of the perk fee aoted on page 39 of �the agen�iaT Mr. Clark stated thi� probably didn't app�j+ to thie petition and was the second page of a petition for a lot of different things� one of which is platting. Mr. Willi.am Harta 6141 Rainborr Dr1ve� stated that he rrould be agreeable to a CR-1 zone sad appareat�y misunderatood rrhen he request�d tha CR-2. He felt that the oYYice building wwld b2end in with the residential and he Koul.d be willing to put in a Pence if they want. When hs talked to ths people around there� he felt they would like an oYPice building rather than au apertment building there, 2�. Norman Shuldhuis came iwc►�axd end atated he e9mad the apertment building on the next corner. FIe wss cottcarned a'hout the traPfia oa the setviee roe;d with an oYficm bui.lding there. PT�ANNIDTG CQI�lI38ION MBETING, MAY 23, �979 - PAGr� 3 Mr. Clark atated that the service drive would Qervs this huilding. The difference in the amount oP trqfPic Would depend on the kinds oP oYfices. There could be an incr�ase in trafPic from a eommercial office building wer an apartment houser however, an apartment house could have two car garagee and Probab],y t�ro to four trips a d�v far thoee alao. He stated that a proYessionel type office buildiag shou7.d not be a big traYYic generator. 1�. Harria stated the building rrould be 2500 square feet and asked how maztiy oYYices they were talking sboutY bh�. Aert etated thare vould be one pPfice for them of 1000 square Peet and 1500 square feet ior tho other oifiee. 7'hay did not have a tenant as yet. Iie stated that his business would generate very little traitic. They have four agents and one girl and ususl]y they are not all in at the eame time. In the iasuranee businese they do not have a lot of people caming to the office. t�bst oP the businees is over tlx phons. Mr. Clark atated tLat th� occupant load for that structure according to the building code ie 25 peopl.e, including oPfice staff and visitore. Mr. Ruesn].1 Btu�ris� 1150 Miasissippi Street N.E,� came forward and etated that he had a petition in opposition which atated that spot xoning oY this type is umdeairable because it would be placing a com�mercial prop.rty adjaeeat to a residentisl property. The secp�l point xas that ideal zoning ehould provide a proper buffer between residential and commeraial and the location is not condusive to such a plan. Access to the property is not suitable due to improper road facilitiee� heavy trafPic and the fact thet traYYic vould have to go past apartment buildings with parked cars azrl peopl� coming in and out oi their epartments and creating potential hszarda as uell ae congestion. Co�ercie7. traffic through the area would £urther compound the serious problem of fatal accidents already occuring too frequent�y in this area particularl,y at the intersectione of Highw$y �65 and 64th Avenue and Highway �65 and Mississippi Street. The fourth point was that there was already an abundance of co�ercial property undeveloped in the City of Fridley while the property Por residential use has been a]snoet all developed. This wou].d not ease the houeing ahortage. Mr. Bvrris gave the petiti� to the C�aissionera. MOTION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Mr. TreuenYel�� to receive the petition in opPOSition. Ma. Hughes noted there s�re sbout 48 signatures on the petition. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALI, VOTING AYE� CJ3AIRMAN HAiiIiIS DECLARED THE PETI`PION RECEIVED. _ Mr. C].arenco A. Timo, 6517 Lucia Lane P1E, came for�ard aad atated l�s xas concerned about these requests for rezoning bscause it wss destroying the neighborhood concept. There 3s not enough residential property left to develop. He understood tk�at about 100� oY the residential property was developed but about 2�3rds oP ihe eommercial property ia undeveloped. �s was concerned about iP the business Pailed and the p�operty was unused it would become aa eyesore. H+e would like them to stay with the planning t}�t was aet up years ago. If they allow it here� they aould be �atting a preaedent Yor other areas of the City. He atated tbat he had helped get the signatuxes on the petition and when he talked ta people he found that some of them thought that the srea wa� already co�mnercial and there was nothing they could do at�yway. He informed them 3t was not zoned commercisl, dlso� once they let this in, there rrould be no Way of coutrolling what type of business could be in that building in the future. There co e a r ve-in� a ar� a restaurant� etc. PLANNING CO29SCSS50N MEETI1�, MAY 23, 1979 PaGE 4 t8r. Burrie etated that iY they let thia in� it wnuld apread to other pax^Ce of tha neigitborhood. Ms. 8el�nsbel stated that some people signed both petitions. Mr. Burris stated they kiad passed their petiiion on May 22 so theirs was the most re¢ent. Only 3 B�oPle refused to sign. The�r�eople who signed in favor did so beYore they aigned the one in opposition. Ms. 3chnabel stated thRt as tar a� what types oP businesses that wou].d be allowed ia a CR-1 zone� a.°bar was mentioned and that would not be permitted. 5he etated that awae of the tfainge allowed in a CR-1 Would be general officea and office uses such aa real estate, lawyera, medical, deatal, ete� or automob3le parking lots praviding apaces Por other buildings. They cauldn't even do it with a 6pecial Use Psrmit so nothing like a bar could go 3n. She stated they had a request to rezone thie particular piece of property about two years ago Yor a doctor's clinic. pt that time� the coscern wea about the trafPic coming drnm Highway #65 and goin8 into this particular property. If they mis�ed the turn on 63rda they would pro- b�b]y ettimpt to use�he left-la�d on Hi,ghwyy if65 to go_there. She also-stated that she didn't think this would generate as much traffie as a aoctor's clinic. Mr. Harria stated they had 1500 square feet unaccounted for. Mr, Oquist stated that if they didn't rezone 3t and they put in a].arge apart�nt ec�mplex� they eould hane the same problem. Mr. Harris stated the maximum aumbar oP unita allo�red would be 11, and 9 in order to mset the ectbacks. Ms. Sehnabel stated that when the request came bePore them the laet time� the thiaking was that the people who lived in the apartment lmow where they live. Mr. Oquist stated th�re waxld atil.]. be a traffie problem because they might not uae the interaection With the trai'fic light to entex. Mr. Burria stated that the map shawed a future extension of the service road and stated thet vrould be imposaible. He Yelt that would never happen. Mr. Oquist agreed th�re was s problem� but stated they would hsve the sa� problem with aa apartment comiplex ae �+i.th an office building. Mr. Hart steted there would be leas trafYic with an insurance office than with an 11 ua3.t apartment building. Also, there would be more kids vith an apart�nt than sith an office. Ms. 3chnabel esked if any oi the people who signsd the original petition in favor of the construction wera prmseat, She referrod in part3cular to �the Kandel family, the Anderaon tami],y and the Ask YamiJ,y. Mr. Harrie etatad they were not here but showed the c�isaioners the letter Fromi the Andereon'a and the Ask's indicating they eould rather see the apartmeut rather than the ofYice. The letter was not dated. Air. Iiart stated they had aent their petition arouad in Msrch. �n� coa�ssiorr r�rirra� MnY 23, 1979 - PAC3E 5 Mr. Timo stated that there rrere amall children 1n the apartment there end he felt it would be aefer For those children if people vho lived in the area were driving through. They would be more aware of the childrea tban people going to an office. MOTION by Ms. Hughes� seconded by Mr. Treuenfels� io close the public heariag. LII'ON A VOICE VOTFs� AIS. VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED TI� PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:20 P.M. M�s, Hughes sgresd there �ras no real choice betweea these two uaes whether it wae CR-2 pr CR-1 or R-3 in terms of trafYic. She Wae opposed to the ki�] oY spot zoning that thia represente� garticular�y in thie area which has managed to stay residential uuder same heavy threats because they sre so close to Highway �i5 and Missisaippi. Because of the historic nature of the rezoniag requeata on the north east corner of H3ghwaY �b5 end MiBeissippi:`ar�d What has happened to them� she felt they vauJ.d be very remias in granti--ng�bis kind of zoning. Unless the discussion turas up s�ething neW, she riould be in favor of deniel. Mr. Treuentels etated he had received materiel Prara the City Attorney which stated that in order to rezone� it should axerciee reasonable furthersnce oi the gublic health� safety and welfere a�md also the Comq�rehenaive Develapment P].aa atates on page 2 tksat there is a aeed Yor 2300 new houses and not enough resid�ntial kand exiats to accomodate thet.'=0n this basis� he woul.d not be in favor oY rezoaing reeidential lsnd to co�ercial. hh�. Harris noted that the Comprehens3ve Plan had not yet been adopted by the City. A�TION by Ms. Hug,hes� aeconded by Mr. Hora� tp recommend to Council denial oY the request� ZOA �'%9-02 by William J. Hart to rezone the South 150.0 feet� front and rear of Lot 9� Auditorfs Subdivision No. 88 (except the West 30 feet) and the South 120 Yeet of the West 47 feet of Lot 10, Audit�r�s Subdivision No. 88, fromi R-3 (multiple dwelling units} to CR-2 (oYfice, service and limited business) to alloa the construction ot a 1-etory insursace oYfice at 6431 �B�+aY �5 �• Mr, Harris informed the petitioner that the motion wse to recommend denial and thst Council would hear thie and eet public hearings. He also informed the petitioner that if Council denled his request� he cou].d not re-apply for fuxther setion on this property Yor 6 months. Ae had the option to vit�xaw hts request. Ms. Schnabel asked iP he could withdrav it before it goes to Council so he would not t�ave to make a decision right now. Mr. Clark felt he could do that. Mr. Oquist asked what wpuld bappen iP we vote to de�y it and he withdraws the request before it gces to Council. Whst procese:�ould he l�axe`to follo�i? 2�r. Aarris stateci he srou7.d have to reapply iY he decidsd to do samething elee. If he dooan't withdraw his request and. it is deaied by Council� he could not teke a� action for 6 months. PLANNING COA4�lISSION MEETING, MAY 23L19� PAGE 6 The petitioner stated that he understood. UPON A VOICE VOTE� AZL VOTIIIG AYE�.CHAIItMAN HARRI3 DECLARED THE D�OTION CA.RRIED UNANII�IDUSLY. Mr. Harrie infox�med the petitioner thst thie would go to Council on June 4�x3d— the reca�endaticm was to de�*. 3. MOTION by Ms. 3chnabel, seconded by Mr. Oquiet� to ogen the gublic hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMHN HARRIS DECLAREA THE PiIDLIC HEARING OPEPI AT 8:30 P.M. Mr. Bosrdmsn stated that this property was ].oceted in the Plood plein and that wae the reason for the 3pecial Uae Permit. It is on e 50 foot lot with e houae to the north ard a house to the south. They put together a drainage plan which is shosm on pege 50 of the agenda. It is a little bit difPerent from other ho�ea in that area grimaril,y because the houee would be built on atilts. It vould be built so that the first level of the house would be above the fload plain. The drainage plan they have developed catches the water £rom the north� drains 3t back around the garage srea and drains it out torrards the street� on the south side oY the lat. From looking st the plana and the drsinage plan it appaars that it matehes well with the adjaceat property and the pilings would minimize the efPect of flooding on the floors and that tyg� oi thing.- They eliminsted a lot of the problems they Would normally Mave ii the built a normal type oY structure. : _ ' - ,. -, � _ . '�'he drainage aould be haadled within the lot itaelY. Because the�:��� level would be raised $bove the Plood plain and because oY the situation af the floor and the advarse effect a flood would have for expansion, they could eliminate the 15 foot of level fill on the sides. Therefore they wouldnTt have to worry about the overflow'onto the neighbor'e property Ms. Hughes stated ahe didn't understand the 15 foot of level fill. Mr, Boardman stated that in a flood plain they have to have the fill at 2 feet above the Ylood level and thst fill has to be at a 15 foo� distance from all sides o£ tha houee. The reaaon Yor thst is the more la�l there the less water pressure on the floor. So thia would be a diiferent vay of looking at it. He noted that the Plsnaing Co�isaion hsd requested a moratorium on building in the tlood plain area� but the Council hss not yet declared a moratorivm. They had asked that the Planning Co�oission study it Yurther. He also noted that sewer and water would be available. PLA�II+IING COMIdI5SI0N MEETING, MAY 23s 1979 PAGE 7 Mr. Harris stated that he was not sure about tt� drainage. Mr. Boardmsn etated that Diek Sobiech had reviewed it. Mr. Hsrris ata'teci thet the statement was made thst the drainage Would be handled within the conYiaee oY the lot. He questioned what would k�appen to it from thereT Mr. Boardmen stated that it would go into the atreet. The arrows on the plan indicated the �rater Ylows. Ms, 3ehnabel atated that the elevations circlsd are the proposed elevations and the ones not eireled are the existing elevations. Mr, Bosrdman stated that when he looked at it he had some problems also. Mr. $arris atated that the drop was so gredusl that he questioned it. FIe asked if Mr. Sobieeh was coavinced this would handle the drainage. IYh', Boardm8n stated that he �evieWed the_ drainage glan and if that plan was completed as designed, the drainage should work. Mr. Oquist stated that it was interesting that the existing elevation was 823•7 and the proposed el�vation vas 823.6. That's about a tenth of a foot� or a little over an inch. Ms. Schuabel atated that the atatement aas msde at the Appeals Co�.ission that the Staff Report for the Spec3al Use Permit wovld state that the ground u�er the house should be at 823. She didn't find that in the Specisl Uae application. Mr. Boardmen stated that the firat floor of the house has to be raised to 826.5. That is the first floor elevat3on of the house. Ms. Schaabel stated they would have about l� foot between the ground level and the bottom oP the hrns e. The ground level vou].d be about 823. SHe also stated that the queation Yiad ca�e up at the Appeale Commission regsrding whether or not the sewer was adequate. It was their understanding thst it was s 10 ineh pipe south of Sugo and 8 inch north of Hugo. There waa a question bec�use some ot the people in the neighborhood were experiencing a back-up problem. They felt that the Engineering Department should look and eee if there were adequate lines to l�andle additional houses in the area. Mr. Boardrmn stated that was en Engineering Departa�ent problem and also stated that it �rae probably desigged to handle full development of the area. Mr. Perrozzi stated that at the Appeals Commission there was'concern about the pile driving. Sinee then he found that would not be necessary and could be hand dug with s cement collar underneath so this wouLd alleviste that problem. Also, there wes a question about the setbacks on the side yard. FIe atated he would be willing to cut down a coupl� feet on the house if that would help. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, MAY 23, 1�9 PAGE 8 Ms. Schnabel atated tbat Mr. Klingbeil had guestioned the pile driving and noted that he wae here, Mr. Klingbeil stated that he had heard the statement by Mr. Perrozzi. Mr. Liarris asked vhat happene.to the �.*ater present�y on the lot4 Mr. Boardman atated that it looked like the lot was low. Mr. Oquiet stated thst when he looked et it it looked like it just stayed there. Mr. Boardman ststed that the Water seems to collect there. Mrs, Doris Scshneppmueller� 8151 Riverview TerraQe� stated she lived next door to the �outh. She stated that the aurvey was done in the winter and ahe felt they misjudged by a couple of Yeet. The water from her lot runs onto that lot. Mr. Boardmnn atated that he Lad to asew� that the survey is right. It looks like the house is 5 foot off the property line and that the garage ia k£oot fram the praperty line. 15 Yoot is required and that was wl�y they needed a variance. He stated that all they could do wae assume the survey was correct. Mr. Cheater Schack� 685 Glencoe Street NE� stated tk�at he was concerned about setting a precedent. There xere two lots behind him to the north. He felt the house plan was awkward for that area and was coneerned about the slcirting around tize house. Ae stated that there would be a problem with ralents. Mr. R. H. ffiingbeil, 8199 Riverview Terrace 1�, stated that he lives on the north eide of the lot in question. Iie stated that in 1965 during the flood� water came into the lrnr spot on the front of the 1ot. He agreed with Mr. Schack about the rodents and aPter the floai there was e problem with rats on that lot because oF the debris left behind. He noted that in Wiaconsin on lake homee they require a poured foundation because of rodents. Mr. John Rice� 696 Hugo St. N.E., stated thst if they gxant the variances for this lot it Would set a precedent in the area and the homes would be too close. Mr. Perrozzi stated that the grading would not be brought up to the top oP the first floor. It would be pretty much as is. As far as rodents getting into the house� a xire �sh or lattico work wi7.7. go around the house to prevent ralents Yrom gstting in. He added that the Yaundation would probab�y be stronger than a�y house in the area because oP the polee and eye beam construetion. The City oY Minueapolis hss approved this type of construction. He also felt it was a buildabla lot and felt he had �t the requirements of the flood plain. Mr. Harria asked Mr. Perrozzi if he ormed the property noF*? Mr. Perrozzi stated that he was in the proceas oY b�ing the property contingent upon the outco� of his request for varianees and 3pecial Use Permit. PLANNIPiG CC�4ffS5I0& MEETING, MAY 23� 1979 PAGE 9 Mr. Oqnist asked Mr. Perrozzi� if he intended to live in tSe houseR Mr. Perrozzi statsd he did. Atrs. Snl�nsppmueller stated that thi.s rrould be the first house built on a small lot on Riverview Yacing the river. Mr. Fiarris aeked when this rras platted? Mr. Boax'dmsn etated it was a very o3d plat. =.->4�, ,: ,� - Mr. F6].ingbeil stated that he thought 3t was platted in 1926. (Platted 8/1922) Ma. Hughes asked if the StafP was xell satisfied with this type of conatruction7 Mr. Boardmen ststed they.�rere satisfied with the coastruction. The on�y problem he had was that no decisions hsd been made by the Plann� Commission in regarda to the flood plain. Mr. Schack stated that they shrn�ld be consistent iu their r'vles regarding the Plood plein. He didn't think it was right to let Mr. Perrozzi build with poles and ao�eone elae build a diYferent way. Mr. Boardman stated that the flood plain regulations were set up by the Federal Government in 1975 �'�+e regul.ations muet be agproved by the State. All raquesta regarding thia flood plain must be sent to the 3tate. � Mre. 3chack aaked iY the garage would be built on poles and raised aleoY Mr. Boardmau etated that a structure was not required to be above the flood plain level unless it was habitable. It must be anchored however� eo it doean't float. Mr. Perrozzi stated that the garage would be out of the flood plaitt area. ife elso stated tk�at the value of the house vou].d be consistent with others i.n the area and would add to the amenities. This type of conetruction vas developed because ].and ia beco�3.ng valuable. MDTION by Mc. Oquist� secoaded by Ms. Hughes� to elose the public hearing. iTPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRI,S DECLEIRID THE PIIDLIC HEAIiING CIASED AT 9;.10 P.M. Ms. Hughee etated ehe would need more input Ys�am the other Co�iesYonera. She xas ccmpletely oppoaed to bui.lding in the Ylood plain. She would like more back- ground regarding the philosopk�y oP what is a].l.oi+ed in the flood plain. Mr. Harris atated that he would like tv appraise the Comnissioners as to the conditioas of a Special Use Permit. Under rezoniags and vaxiances it is #ncumbent upon the petitioner to show cauae wby it ahou3.d be granted. Under Special Use Permits� if it is denied� it ia #ncumbeat upon tkte Co�tseioners to liat good and qu�lified reasons ae to w}� it ahould be denied. We have a flood plain ordinance PLANATSNG CO2A�ffSSION MEEPIIiG, � 23, 1979 PAGE 10 and it must be complled with. In this erea the Corp oP Engineere has stated tho level ia 822, Our ordinaned requires that s�y livable structure be 2 foot above the 100 year flood level and thie meets that requirement. 5o he is meeting the requirementa oP the flood plain snd iP we recommsnd denial we must heve good aauss for it. Mr. Harris stated thst it wae hia general feeliag that the City and the Planning Co�iasion has been aegligent itt not adopting general policies for developmsnt ia thie area. I�r. Harris weat to the City Council about s month ago and asked h�w the Council would feel about a moratorium on building in this area. Council suggested the Plsnning Co�iasloa atw�y it a�l form reco�nendationa bePore they deelare a moratoriLmm. $ts particular feeling was that he would not like to see eonstruetian in the area uatil guidelinos are aet up. Mr. Treu�rsfel.s was concerned about what would be conaidered goal ressons. Th*o aspecta mentioned vere Pirat� the drainage might not be sufficient and second, thera could be a problem with rodents. He asked if these would be considered good reasona Por denisl? Ms. Hughes added tMet the 50 foot lot was substandard. Mr. Harria stated that in ovr ordinance� a�y plat recorded before 1955, � 8u� co�atruction on 50 foot 3ota provided they are 7500 square feet. This lot ie aot but that concerns the Board of Appeals. The drsinage situatibn is a valid point. He was not sure about the rodent eitu�tion. Mr. Boardman stated tha�t the ordinance ].�yed out the types of things they wuuld not ellrnr a S`pecial Use Permit for, The me�ix� thing they look at is if it will cauae econoQnic e p e sewhere by cauaing flooding on the naighboring lots. If they can sha+ uee through engineering data that they are not going to do tk�at or if f,hey could ealve an existing drainage problem, then we Yeel they have met th�t requirement. Ms, Schnabel stated they should review the Coamiiae3onere obligations regarding Special Use Permits. We muat grant Special Uee Permita iY it is found that the propoeed use is co atible srith the existing use atud^ doe� ttot en�]a �eY the public alth� ssYety and welYare oY the area. To de� e' be deemed arbitrary� un- lar+ful oad ia vio]ation oY the applicant's righta. The burden is on us in that senae. There have been other cases that Lave eatablished certain facts in con- nection with this. For inatance, a claim that the adj$cent praperty owners pro- perty would be devalued Yras been found by th� courte to be not a reaeon for denia7.. IY the use complies with Planning� City, polic� and fire departments recoam�endations it must be given weight with the Council in apprwiag a Special Use Permit. The burdsn is really on ovr ahoulders. She stated that she got this information from a tt�morandimm seat out by the City Attorney some time ago. Mr. Harris asked if this property sras real�y in essence acting as a holding pondY Mr, Boardman stated that was the way it looked. PLANNING CO1�IIdISSION MEEPING MAY 23� 197� PAGE 11 Mr. Harris atated that it might be� because of the drainage situstioa� that this structure should not be built there and mqybe the City should look ittto the posaibillty of aequiring that lot for storm watsr storage. This gces back to their original diseussion of setting up guidelines and criteria for building in this area. Ifl we }�ad that� we would have certa3n areas ginpointed as drainage storsge areas. Iie was not certain tk�at an 8 inch pipe could haadle the situation- of all the atorm water in the area. Mr. Boardman stated that the 8 inch pipe rras fox aewer. b�. Harris asked what �they had for storm waterY Mr. Oguiat aeked how much drainage there eas there? Mr. Barris etated that it looked like the houaes on both sides drained into tbis lot. Ms, Schnabel stated that the house to the south draina there but the house to the north does not. Mr, Boardman stated thera Was a series of storm sewers there. Most of them are a catch basin type system at the end of emch of the streets and it drains from there through a pipe into the river. Mr. Harrls stated that according to thi.s draWiag� the center of the street elevation is at 822.6. That is the existing elevation. In the lot, midpoint where the house would ait, ia 822. 90 this lot is acting as a etorm �ater retention area. The garage elevation is at 822.6. The house to the south is 822.7 an�1 the house to the sorth is 822.8. So they have to drain there. Mr. Boardmsu atated that by filling and gTading this lot� the water draining Prom the adjacent houses will drain into this lot and out to the street. That wou].d solve the drainage problem. Mr. Aarris vas aot sure it would solve the problem. Iie did not feel the elevation diiYarentiala were enough. There ware t�lking about pretty long distances and about t�nths of feet. Ms, Schnabel stated that they were limited because of the elevation of the street and if they:-were going to change it� it might require the whole lot be filled in. Mr. Boardmen atated that by Pilling in the lot� they would be creaiing a dra3nage problem Por the neigbbors. Nm. Harrls atated that there was a house oFF to the northeast and there is an elevation oP 822.1 in the corner of that house. The swale is 823.6 so the swale is higher than the eoraer oY that house. 24r. Boardman stated there probably vasn't water in thst area anyway. Nh�. Harris stated that the drop fra� the back was 823.�+ and to the front of the lot ia 822.3 so they have a foot aad a tenth of an inch over 117g feet. It was not much of a Pall. PLANNING COkAfLSSIOIZ i�1EET7NG MAY 23, 197� - PAGE 12 � Mr. Boardmea atated that he looked at it based on engineering and what can be done with thc lot, aixi they probably did the moat they could do with the lot. Iie etill had-reservations as far as what the P1nn,� Coffiuission's reco�endations will be regarding the lots in the Ylood plain. Ms. Schnabal aaked bSr..Harria iY he would feel more comfortable iY thi.s item were tabled until he had an opportunity to go to Council and discuss the questions that had been raised ar until. furttier stuc�y Waa done on the dreinage on this lot. Mr. Harr3s atated he wwil.d feel more co�fortable, yes, but Felt the petitioner vould like to get on vith the construction. Mr, Robert Lindbloam stated he was the owner of the property and when he acquired the property the City told him he covld build on the property if he mat the floal plain requirements. Mr. Boardmen stated tha't iY they tabled it for the purpose of further discussioa with Council� he would suggest they not table it. He Pelt if they wanted to table it in order to put together a policy that vould be a good reason. Mr. Harris agreeci. I+�. Hughes asked when they cou7.d get to that kind of a study. Mr. Boardmsn stated he would request a time period on the stvdy. He atated he wae not quite eure whet they s+ere looking for. Right now they have regulations and if they meet thoee regulationa they can build. If they don't meet them, they eaanot build. The regulatione require a look at the drainage and we have denied several based on the drainage. This one doea not seem to Rollovr that criteris. Mr. Iiarris stated he couldn't agree xith that. It was diYficult to grade within an inch, Ms. Hughes stated that it looked like there would be about � to 5� �� $�'faee on the lot aYter the house is built. She aaked hm+ many other lots would present this eame problem? Mr. Boardman stated there were only a few buildable lota in the area. The other lots would be hard to build on because they vould require k to 5 feet oP fill. Mr. Oquiet stated thst he did not see a reason to de�y the Special Use Permit. h�lTION by Mr. Oquist� seconded by Mr. Treuenfels� to reco�unend to Council approval oP Special Use Permit� SP �79-Ob� by Joseph Perrozzi: Per Section 205•�53, 5a Da of the Fridley City Code, to allrnr construction of a new dwelling on Lots 28 �nd 29� Block R� Riverview Heights� in CPR-2 Zoning (flood plain) the same being 8181 Riverview Terrace N.E. Ms. Schnabel stated that ahe i�ad a problem with the elevation situation. She was not convinced that the Pigurea were acurate and it would not cause a drainage problem. This survey was done in the wiater and there was a question by the neighbors regarding the accuracy. PLANI�ING C�4ffSSI0N MEETING, MAY 23i 1979 PAGE 13 Mr. Hsrris agreed and atated they would hsve no problem establishing lines in the winter, but it would be d3fficult to establiah elevatians in the frinter. Ma. 3ebasbel stated they could take the elevation st the four poittts and they muet have taken it at the center� but the rest vas all conjecture. She was cozic�raed about getting donm to less than an iach �ade d33ference and she wae not conninced they could clear any vrater problem when they were working with lesa than 12 inches. She felt that the intent of the petitioner was correct aud felt he had a valid plan with the post and beam construction. Mr. Hors atated that he agreed that grading that close was diPficult. Mr. Harris stated the problem xould be in the spring when the ground was frozen. UPON A VOICE VOTE� MH. OQUIST� MR. TREUENF�IS� MS. SCHNABEL VOTING AYE� MR. fIARRIS AND I�i. HORA VOfiING NAY� AI6D NS. HUGHES ABSTAININ(3� Tf� M(YPION WAS CARRIED 3 to 2. Mr. Harris informed the petitioner it would go to Council on June 4, 1979. MOTION by Ms. Hughes, seconded by Mr. TreuenYels� to open the public hearing. UPON A VQICE YOTE� AIS, VOTING AYE� CHA]RMAN AARRIS DECLARED THE Pi7BLIC HEARING OPEN AT 10:00 P.M. 2qr. Boardman stated this was located at 6740 4th Street NE and the petitioner p�opoaes to build a 62� square foot garage. It rrould be an accessory or second garage. The existing gaYage ia attached to the house. This uould be located to tbe rear oY the house with access off the service drive in the back area, This is similar to other proposals that have been coming i.n and StaYY hse no cotmment. Mr. Oquist aaked iY that waa a serv3ce drive behind there? Mr. Boardman stated it wae an acceas. Ms. Scht�abel asked if it was a dedicated access and aaked wtLy there was a sigu at the end atating it wsa a private dr3ve�+qyY 5he stated there were alao barriers aeross there. Mr. Hora atated that he lived on the service drive and the barriers were placed there at the request of the neighbors. Nk�. Aarris suggested they look into hav3ng a barricade � a public right oP w�y. PI�AI�]ING CONAlIS5ION MEE"PING, MAY 23L1� PAGE l�+ Mr. Oquist etated tMat if it's barricaded it aad the possibility was there oY making an easemettt there, could a garage go thereY There are other garages there. Mr. Hora stated they couldn't drive around thc barricade. Mr. Boardman stated this garage would have accese off that right oP way. Mr. Harrie stated that then the barricades would have to be moved. Mr. Hora stated that it should be the choice ot' the person owning the garage as to vhich way he entered the alley. Ias yesr y requested the C1ty to move the barricade to allow access to Mr. Larson's yard. Ms. 3chnabel stated that the sign saying it rras a private drive should not be there. Mr. Iiora stated that he didn't see aqy problem rri.th the access. It was their choice ss to which Way the� entered. Be etated that the petltioner would not be attending because he vas in the hospital. MB. Schna a what the petitioner F*ould do with the existing garage. Ah�. Boardman stated that the petitioner had diacusaed conuerting the garage but didn't want to convert it i�ediately. He would wait on that. Mr, Fiarria atated there would be a problem with that beeause it is 7 feet Prom the lot line. Mr. Boardmsn stated that wasn�t his intention at thie point in time. Iie felt the main thing was that the existing garage vas a single car garage and wanted more garsge space. Mr. Harris stated that vhea discuseing the zoning codee� they were consideri.ng a 400 fodt maxim� oa second accessory buildinga a�l tksey enPorced that on someone else. Mr. Oquiat stated that was a difYerent situation because there were houses behind it and it rras going to be used for storage. Mr. Harris pointed out that it was similar because it ewered a large portion oR the Width oY the lot also. Mr. Harris asked Yor comments Yrom the audience, There were no e�ments. Ms. Schnabel aeked iY there were sryy co�mments frn� any of the neighbors regarding this in the files. Mr. Boaxdman stated there were no calls or co�cents. PLAitNING COlY4ffSSI0N MEETING, MAY 23, 1979 PA(3E 1� Mr. Bora stated that he was the neighbor thst would probab],y be most $f£ected by the increased trsfPia. He was in Pavor of the barricades remaining for that reason. He stated he Hed no objection and understauds the problem oY s single car garage. He atatetl that the petitioner would use it as a garage because he has a pickup, a car aad a ca�uper, Mr. Oquist stated that if the petitioner took tha door off the existing garage� he could get a building permit. Mr, Boerdman ste'ted he wovld have to get a variance. Ms. Hughes noted that the neighbors in the audience had made no co�ents. On� aeighbor stated that they xould have no objection to the garage iY it vas the proper distance f�om the lot line but would be very discouraged if the barricades were removed. She atated they lived next door. A�TION by Ms. Hughes� seco�ed by Ms. 5chnebel� to close the public hearing. UPOI6 A VO�E VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHA7RMAN HARRIS DECLARLD TEE PLIDLIC HEARING CIASED AT 10:16 P.M. MO'PION by Ms. Hughes� seconded by Mr. Treuenfels� to rec�end to Council approval o�t�ie regueat Yor a Speclal Use Permit� SP #'(9-05� by James Larson: Per 3ection 205.052� 2� A, of the Fridley City Code� to allow construction of a seco� accesaory building� a 24 ft. by 26 Poot detsched garage� on Lot 4� Block 2� Rice Creek Terrace Plat 3� the same being 7 th Street N.E. Ms. Schnabel stated tk�t she had a question regarding the size. This propossl is Yor 62$ sqvare feet a� if we are going to be conaistent, we should consider the aize of the building. Mr. Boardman stated that 1�00 equare feet would be pretty tight for a double garage. They should consider the use oP the building. Mr. Oquist stated that he only had tsro cars but wished he had that large of a garage. It was a large lot� it would sit in the back� and there was no one behind him. Hs felt this was difYerent iYom the previoias request. Ma. Schnabel stated that the proposed garage is larger than hatP the size of the origiaal houae. The house is 25 by 44 which works out to 1]AO square feet. Mr. Oquist stated he didn't think that was uaususl. 24 by 26 is s nice size garage. Ms. Hughea stated that ehe felt this would enhance this particular giece of property without going overboard. �e would agree if there were diPPerent circumstances behind there. There waul.d be no chance of a�yth3ag diYferent behind it. Mr. Harris stated that in the past, soa�e of theae large accessory buildings end up as a ca�ereial enterprise and that would be his ob,�ection to a large accesaory bui].ding. PLANNING CO2+�ffSSION MEETING, MAY 23s 1979 PAGE 16 Mr. Oquist stated that could happen in a 20 by 22 garage too. Mr. Barris stated that was more unlikely. Ma. Schaabel stated tbat the Fire Department and Polic� Department ahould be awsre of the berricade should the� need to get an emergeney vehicle back there. Nk. Hora stated that was a good reason £or keepi.ng it as a service road rather than-vacating it. Me. Schnabel stated she wtauld be more comfortable iP the petitioner were here. Ms. Hughes asked if this could be delqyedl Mr. Hora stated he would be in the hospital Por about 3 or 4 weeks. He planned an hiring a contractor. Ms. 3chnabel stated it was diYficult to de�y a 3peeial Use Permit. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MO'PION CARRIED UNANIMOtJSLY. 5. PLIDLIC sa� I+�TION by Mr. Oqufst, : �1: �I:Y seconded by Mr. TreuenPals� to open the public hearin�. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTTNG AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS AECLAitED TF� i'UBLIC HEARII� OPE`N AT 10:30 P.M. Mr. Boerdman stated this was located on the southeast corner oP Osborne Road and Univeraity Avenue, off the service drive. There is presently a single family structure there with rosideatial around it. At this time there is no co�ercial. zoning. The lot ftself is 23i450 s4usre foot. Paee 63 oP the agenda shows they would be using the single fsmi]y home as the off3ce with parking behind it. At this point in time� Staff would rec�nd sgainst this request hecause it is spot rezc�naing which is s�ething the Planning Co�atsaion a�nd the City are trying to avoid. He vould recomouend they maintain the residential character of that aTea. Ms. Schnabel asked what page 63 showed? Mr. Boardmsn stated that page 63 showed how the parking wou].d be behind the houae and page 64 shaired hoir the house is situated on the lot. There would be a 20 foot drivetirqy. There would be access to the service drive snd to Osborne Road. Fie was not sure there was enough room behind �the house considering the building is 23�000 square feet. There is about 60 feet behind it. It'a a large lot, but he felt it would be spot rezoning and detaemental to the neighborhoal. PLANNING CON4ffSSI0N MEEPIt+�, �� 23, 1979 PAGE 17 Ms. Sehnabel asked what the width of the house was? Mr. Boardman atated it was about 26 Yeet• - Mr. Oquist asked iY they had the required number of parking stalls? Mr. Boardman etated they did� for that square Yootage. Mr. Ed Babcoek eame forward and stated that he Was the petitioner's attorney. He stated thst he represented Mr. Ralph Lind, Nfr. Lind was unable to attend because of receut surgery. Mr. Lind is retired and would like to sell. Fie Pourni that the best use was no longer residential. Mr. Babcock noted that there was strip zoning along t)niversity Avenue and that it had an effect on tl�e other three cornera of this intersection. He felt thia property would not have it's Yull vslue as s resideace because oP what exists on the other tk�ree corners. He noted that in the ordinance the word "transition" is used for CR-1 zoning. In other worda� CR-1 zoaing should provide a transition between cor�rcial and residential zoning. He suggested they look at this ss a unique site and not ae usual spot zoning. If it were an interior lot� it would be diflPerent. With respect to barriera� on the south eide there ie a board fence and on the eaat side there is a green hedge. Mr. Bob Hays owns the house to the east and he is in the real estate business� with News Reality. News Reality has the listing on Nh�. Lind's home. They have not entered iato a purchase agreement and do not have a pvrchaser. They have had intereat in the property and it would appear that this would�esl estate ofPice. It would not be purchased by News Reality. They would be irilling to compl,y with ar{y conditione imgoaed by the Co�ission. Mr. Oquiat asked how they could be sure it wou2d be a real estate oYfice if they didn't 2�ave a b�erZ Mr. Babcock stated that a real eatate business is very interested. Afr. Oquist stated that he understood his point regarding spot zoning and even though it is not in the middle oF residential� it is at the start of it. Mr. Babcock atated that he Pelt the corner lot was aPt'ected by the co�aercial more than ax�V other lot and. it would serve as a transition. Mr. Boardman stated that he felt the cornex lot wae more aifected by traffic than cammercial and the same point could be used Por all the lots along the service drive. All the lots to the south are �,Yfected by traffic� access� lights� etc, If they put that house on the market as a single famlly residence� it would be aold that waty. There are housea being built a1on8 694 and also along the Burling- ton lines that are affected by traffic noise and those homes are being so1d. By starting coe�ercial slong that service road they would have major problems as far as access on to Osborne. Ax�y corner development wou].d spread along University and they would kiave snother strip co�ercial dev�lopment. Also� this zoning is not coneistent with the Comprehensive Developmeat Plan the City adppted in 197�+. PI�ANNING CObAIIS8I0N MEETINGS MAY 23, 1979 PAGE 18 Mr. Babaock stated that he felt there was more exposure on the corner and did not feel it would neecssarily put them in the position oY rezoning the lots to the south. Mr. Oquiat stated it would make it more diSficult and it is the etart of it. Mr. Boardmsn stated that iY the Planning Co�ission aBproved this� they Would have to look at the road syetem.- TYiey wpuld nemd more of s loop access for the intersection oP Osborne aad Univeraity. There are going to be changes on that interseation that wi11 require some medians� r3ght and left turn ].anes and those types oi things. If rezoning is approved in thie area� and he would reeoum�enfl against it� thea he vould reco�eral a portion be dedicat�d Yor a loop-baek system and that the present structur�� the Way it is preaently set ug� not be alloWed to be utilized. He felt they would have to look at aelling that structure and removing it and developing soaaething along that site that wou].d meet a road pattern system. If ve atart developing con�ercial� this street pa'ttern Will not service it. It will ]�ave to be changed. He wou].d like a cc+�ai.tment on the service drive and the setbacka-for the loop=back system. Mr. Babcock atated they woul.d try to meet the conditions. Iie wou],d have to consult with h3a client. The lot dimensions are 185 feet on the west, 215 along the east by about 136 Yeet. Mr, Frank Waks� 7574 kth Street NE� stated that the people in that two blpck area wePe reaponsible for the rezaning from Rice Creek to 73�• �'. Lind was in on that petitioa. At one time, a trailor court was proposed for acrosa the atreet. Mr. L1�1 was in on tt�e petiti� to stop that. He Yelt the raadW�y they were considering along the back wou7.d be a fin� tranaition for Mr. Lind, but not Por the other 9 property owners along there. Mr. Waks stated his property was 200 Peet fro� Mr. Linds. They had a gentlemen's sgreement that 5th Street would not be used to get to t3nity Hospital. He steted he couldn't see taking that home, Khieh is a beautiYul brick home� and meking it co�ercial. The other 5 property owners wauld sufYer more than Mr. Lind. Ms, I,orraine Blosky� 305 76th 5t. NE, stated that she lives behind the fence. She atated they have been there for 24 years aud had watched all the ckianges. She did not s�ant the parking and traYfic noise. There Would be an increase in tref�ic oa the service road. Mr. Robert Bloeky� 305 76th Ave. NE� stated he had a petition with 32 signatures agaiast �the rezoning. Th�y live to the south. He agreed saith his wiYe and didn�t believe there should be a eo�ercial property on that corner. Mary Treanor� 7542 4th St. NE� stated that 4th Street was one blo¢k ].ong and was a nice residential street. She would like to keep it that way. i�TIOPJ by Mr. Treuenfels� seconded by Mr. Oquist� to receive the petition. UPO1Q A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN FIARItIS AECLARED THE PETITION RECEIVED. 'YI'd SZ�iT Sd DI�dO :kII�ltl� �IZ6(ld �S Q�'I��Q SI2RR+H tTd6liIIdHO `�]LV Jt�IIS,OA 'I'Id °�,LOA 30IOA tl NOdfl '�T�B� ��T4nd aq�. uado o�. °saR��FI '$t+i �0. PaPIIOaas °�.s�nb0 '�I �4 NOI�S,OI^I '9 '�t'd Sz:r� �.a 8a��.eaaa 2c{� i�auanaooa.x PAg '�I'd Oi�TL �s ssa�as a passtoap sF.zzeg u�Fsxi� •6L6i `9T �rnr �a aaFssau o�tqna e �.as pTnor. T'F��O PAg 6L6i °+� �T�t � Z'���0 0�, 08 pYnon sFq� pa�ea.s ag •�sanbax sg{ MBaF4�I� o� �'F�do aq4 P�i �i ��I� �u PaPA�aa pae aoF�zad sFU�. AY�aP T�aanop �BR� �TPaa�auooax ssn uoiss}va¢o0 �i� ��i� saIIO��.F�.ad a?i� P�odA'� 9��gH '�NI • x7s��xsrrrn a.Rx� uoi� � a�o�a si�xdx riv�vxa '�xv �=,wn �r ��LOA �OTOA d NOd[1 �Ze;�,xam�oa o�. ZsF�.uaptsax aaozaa o� ,���� aq� ao s�saxa�.u� �.saq au� III aQ PTnaM �T taad �A PFP �{ saoseaa aaaq�. ao3 •aaFn.ms �ou 3R8z¢[ �.eg�. 4aT acj� uo eaaa�. �o aaqmna s axa asaq� °osty •padotaaap aaaq seq pual Te��.uap�saa au3 do 4S� i� �iPTs3 ¢F L�Paau sF Ba�FsnoTi aat{�ia �.azi�. Pa�.e�.s sTaauanasy •z� •�a�.aZdntoo paaa8e ags �.eq� pa�.e�.s saq� •spi 'ao��;soddo Pooq.zoQqPFau ao Teap �.ea.x8 (£ pas 'aasoqsp o� ssaaae pua .zsax aq�. uF 8a��asd q�.Fn uo��en�Fs sttoaa8uap a BaF�ea.x� (z �-�aF�.aap�saa �Cq papnnoa.ms - 8a�uozas �ods (� :suosaa.z 8a�nottod aq�. .xoa :•�•� •any �S��ssanFuA 665L 8a�aq aa¢es a��. °(ssaaF�Q Pa�F�IT PAB aoF33o TgsaIIaB) T-� o�. (sgaas BaTii�P +�`C'F�Bd ai�'FS) T-2I �� `('CeBat a�.atdmo� .zo,� a���.ou ��gaH �'Ft0.T1d aas� �SaTP'F�3 30 �4'F� �+�Z�2i `0£-Z �TL Ao'F��aS do 3isfi �i7�soN a�i� u� 9a'�� ppj,2 '[a�asd aaozag :sfieg �� �zaqog Bq `£0�61� �OZ �g�baa 8u�uozaa o Ts'FIIaP t�ounop o� pIIammoaas o�. `�.s'FnbO '�Vi �4 Papaooas °Za0.�i�S 'SNI �Q ISOIS�^I •pasoddo a�zs s.xoqq8�au aq�. ;o teap �.sa.z8 a'osZy •uo��sn�.Fs snosa8aep .Czan e aq pZnoM �._ • pgo x au.zoqsp o�. ssaa�e u� R�.rri .zea.x aq�. uT Eu�s�.zed aq� 8a���nd aapFsuoo uaea o�. a�e�.s� e aq ptnon �.F �.Taa pue �.ssd Te�i�.�ao s s� usa��ed a�d�es�. auy •�.aas�S c{�.� ao �.� o�. dn s�oeq �eq�. sasnoq aq�. se t�ar� se �Sa.Tssan�un rxo pue auxoqap ao '�sZ�.uapFsaz �q papunoa.ms ssri pus 8a�uoz �.ods ser� �� �.taa ar�S •8atuozaa zoa �.sanBa� �4� 30 ��TP4Zen aq�. aas �.�uP�P �i8 ��i� Pa��a TaQ�{�S 'sYi 'W'd S0�'CC Zd Q�SO'i� fXSI2IF�H DI'IffRd �L Q�2Id'I�Q 3IiRi6�H �1dWHIdHO `�]CY :�IISAA TId ��,TAA �OIOA t� NOd11 •8a�,zea� �Ftqnd a�. asot� o�. �sTaaczana.;y •.g,i dq papuooas 'ZaqaaR�S 'aNI �0. NOISAI^I T��vrd - 6L t£z x� �x2�t uolssu�u^ioo �urut�a PT.AI�HING C�SSION MEETING, MAY 23Z 19T9 PA(}E 20 Mr. Boardasn gave the Co�isaioners some aerial photographs of the site. He stated the site waa loeated in the loop-back ax'ea tiut the City has at 57th aad Univoroity Avenue. The existing etructure vill bo taken down. There are Pour lata with one ovmer and the ��r&t 3 lots are zonsd C-2 and the Pourth lot is zon.d R-2. They would like the R-2 lot zoaed C-2 so it would be consietent with the other three lots and tkey would be abls to conetruct a smsll oii3ee with a Wimahell D�ut on thQ corner. This is located aeross the etreet from whera the new approved Super A�rriea Station wiLl �o. He felt thia plan with the ].wadeeapl8g would be an improve�nt over the existing station �rill all the blacktog on this corner. Mr. Tr•uenfels aeked if there wssn't a second posAibility concerning the roadt Mr. Boax�dmsn stated they had looked at it in the reaidential context because tbare is a residential structure there. There vere two altarnat3vea, One vas to leave the service road ti+here it is. They Pe1t that if the existing houae wsa esrer deatroyed� that property would probably beca�s co�ercial. He £elt that irlth that road pattern it was not a good location Por residentiel. If they develop�ci the road pattsrn in a msnnar to ieolate that hou�e fr� thie co�eercial area, aad eliminate thia rosd syetem, it would be tied more into a residential area. They felt this plan Wae t}se best. Mr. Sugene Graves etated they would like to get the four lote together so they could put up s better building. Ms. Schnabel s�ked if they had Winchell�s lined up as a tenantY Mr. Gravss stated they did, but as oY todqy they didn't. But they still want to get ti�e four lota together. Ma. Sahnabel stated that the plana indicated they xanted to put olFice and retail in and asked what type oi fecilitles they were thinking upY Mr. Gravee atated tLat he hsd ao tenaata lined up. Ma. Schnabel aeked wLat the squaro footage oP the building vould beY Mr. Gravee stated � was aot sure and only had ekatchea. They planned to preeeat th� plana when they applied for the building permlt aPter the rezoning was taken care of. Mr. Boardm�n etated thst the plan the Conrmi.saion�re had indicated the maximiam amount of epace and parkiag that would be allowed on thet site. Ma. 3chnabel atated that the follo�+ing vrere the typQS of businessee allowed in a C-2c Drug atore� hardware stare� bakery� department store, bara and taverne� ho�aehold equipmeat repair shops, co�ercial recreation� restaurant� excluding drive-ina� and several others that would not bo applicable. Also� additioaal thinge would be allowed with a Special Use Permit. PLANNING COD4�SSION MEETING, tAAY 23, 1979 - PAGE 21 Mr, Boardmui noted that three oP the lots Were alreedy zoned G2 and alao the etrip eo�ereial to the north and south ere C�2. Ms. Graee Msthisen� 348 57th Place NE� stated thet ahe owned the othsr three lots and aaked kow this would affeet her? Shs aoked if the Super America was goiag to ecame inT Mr, Boardman stated it was. Ms. Msthis�n stated thst the etation that `ras there didn't bother her and it was a poacefv7. corner. There was a traffic problem. 6�, Bnardman shrnred N1s. Mathiaen the proposed plan. Ms. I�thisen stated ahe would hsve no objection if they follow thie plan �rith the buil.dittg in the back and the parking on the south and west. Ms, Hughes stated that if that whole strip including Ms. Mathisen's property were rezoned C-2� it Would tend to encroach imto the residential. Mr, Bosrdman stated that in this situation he vould not have that much oY a problem with that because of the service road. The service road that is presently exiating there is a traYYic generator because of 1✓�seDonald's� ete. MOTION by Ms. Hughea, secossded by Mr. Hora� to close the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VO'!'E� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN AARRIS DECLAItED Tf� PUBLIC HEARING CIA6ED AT ll:47 P.M. Mr. Oquiat stated that he did not see ar� pTObleme with this requeat. MOTION by b1r. Oquist� seconded by Mr. Hora� to reaa�nmend to Council approval of rezoning request zop #79-04, by the Gravea Compa»y: Rezone I,ots 1-�+� Block 6� City View, from R-2 (two fsmi�y dwelling sreas) to C-2 (general bu�iness areas) to sllaw a new development of small oYfices� the same being 5701 University Ave. NE Mr. Treuenfels stated that he regreted seeing at�y residential zone rezoned to commeraial. bh�, Boardman atated there is a dedicated easemsat set up by the Iiighway Department for a right turn ].ane and on the Yourth lot there ia an 8 foot dedicated easement. UPON A VOICE VOTts� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECiARfiD THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIl�f0U5LY. Mr. Hsrrie inYar�ned the petitioner that this would go to Council on June 4 and Council vill set a public hearing Yor Ju7,y 16� 1979. PLAHI+i?t1G CCUAffSSION MF�EPING, MAY 2J 1979 PA� � 7• Mr. Boaxdman stated this xas located in the eame area as �the previous request. It ie the Super America property. The existiag serviee drive is too close to the corner and they want to pull the service drive in bahind to get around the meciian lines. Most of this property was Stat@ groperty and was turned back to the City of Fridley this year. They negotiated an exchange of pr!+perty with S�per America to allow them the additional room they need and still provide a serviae se�ess. In order to do that they bad to go aeross the car dealerahip's prope�ty and in thoae negotistions they turned back so� oY the groperty to the ear deslerahip. S�er America woul.d get Parcel 1 aad Parcel 2� and the dealerahip woul8 get Parcel 3. This plan wi.11 elso aalve the problem xith the treffic Prom the drive-in. Ma. Schaabel stated there was an apartment buildixig behind and asked if they were notiYied of this? Mr, Boardmsn stated they wauld not get notlPied, They kuow abput the service drive. Ms, Scxhnabel stated that she would be eonceraed ii ahe lived in that apartment and the drive-in vas letting care go through thsre. Mr. Oquiet aeked if there jrasn't a parking lot thereY Me. SeYiaabel atated it was not thst big. Mr. Harrie stated they had to clean up that intersection. Ma. Schasbel asked about the accesses Yor Super America. Mr. Boerdmatt stated thexe would be an entrsace on Parcel l,-and Parcel 2 and an accese off the service drive to the east. Thsre would be one sccess o�Y 57th and two off the service drive. Mr. Treuonfels asked if there would be any direet access to UniversityR Mr. Hoardman st�ted there would not be any acceas to Univeraity. MCYt'ION by Mr. Treueafels, eeeonded by Mr. Oquist� to recommex� to Council approval of Vacation Request� SAV �'j9-02� City of Fridley: Sxchange of property to realign service road for University Avetrue. UPON A VOICF VOTE, AI,L VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARItIS DECI.P.REA Ti� l�TION CARRIF:D UNANIId0U3LY, PLANNIi� COI�t:CSSION MEETING�MAY 23� �979 - P�GE 23 8. ELECTION OF VICE C�ON FOR PLANi�TSl� C�S3ION: Ms. Hughee nom9.nated Ms. 9chnabel for Vice Chairpereon. Mr. Hora nominated Mr. Langenfeld Por Yice Chai.rperaon. MOTION by Mr. TreuRSnfels� secarided by Mr. Oqnist� to close the nominations. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HAREtIS DECLARED Ti� NOMINATIONS CIA6ID. The Cu�ie�ionere voted by aecret ballot aad Ms. Schnabel was elected to the positlon oP Vice Chairperaon of the Planning Co�3ssion. 9. x�c�ivE xrmsax xESO�cES cot�ssloN t�ux[�:s: t�aY 3, 1979: M�TION by Mr. Treuenfels� seconded by Ms. Sahnabel� to receive the May 3� 1979, minutes of the Human Resources Co�ission. UPOIQ A VOICE VOTE' ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN AARR25 DECLARED THE MOTTON CpRRIED UNANIl�PDU.SLY. lo. RECPIVLti PARKS & RECREATION COA4ffSSI0N MLN[TP1�S: Mnx 7, 1979: N�TION by Ms. Hughes� seconded by Mr. Treuenfela� to receive the Mqy 7� 1979� mia �es oP the Parks and Recreation Co�i.esion. tJPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VO`i'ING AYE, CHAIRMAPI HARRIS DECLARED TIiE M�ION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. RECEIVL APrEais coi+Ahl3sloN rlCxtIPES: MAY 15, 1979: MOTION by Ms. Schnabel� eeconded by Mr. Treuenfele� to receive the May 15� 1979, Appeals Commission minutes. Mr. Harria etated he �*as surprised on the determination on the lot size regarding the request involving the Plood plain. Ms. Schnabel stated they had approved other 50 Yoot lots of that size in that area. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL UOTING AYE� CAAIRMAN HARitIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED [JNAN'�USLY . 12. CfJNTTNUED: COMP'REI�tISIVE DEVEfAPMEN'P PLAN: t�TION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Mr, Oquist, to eontinue the discussion on the�aa�prehensive Development Plan. Mr. Boaraman atatea they should plan to aiscuss it dwring the June 6� i979 meeting and he would like to set up a special meeting on June 14, 1979• UPON A VOTCE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN AARRIS DECLARED THE I�TION CARRIED PLANNTNG COMMiSSION MEETIIQG, MAY 23, 1979 PAGE 2�+ 13. Co�r�n: PxoPOSrn Caa�ES To o�TII� 205. zo�xxc: N�`rION by A7r. Oqui.et� seconded by Ms. Hughes� to continue the discuseian on the propoaed chaages to Chapter 205. zoning. iA'ON A VOICE VOIE� ALL FOTII�TG AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED Ti� N%YPION CARRIED UNARiIt90[fiiLY. 14. RECPsIVE HOUSIYdG & REDEVIIAPMENT AUTHORITY ML+ETiY�G: MAY 14, 197Q: h17�IO2i by Ma. Schaabel� aeconded by Ms. Hughes to receive the M�,y l�j� 1979 minutes of the Housing & Redevelopraent Authority. jA'ON A VOICE VOTE� ALL YOTIBTG AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECI�ARED THE 2hDTI0N CARR� [7NANIt�BJUSLY . MOTION by 2�r. Oquist� seconded by Mr. TreuanY'els� to adjourn the Msy 23� 1979, meeting of the Planning Co�isaion. iIPON A YOYCE VOTE� ALL VOTIIQG AYE� CHAIRMAti HARI3IS DECLARED Ti� I�E`CING ADJOLIRI�D AT 12:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted: / . . �,� �� �_'...� .� .. . . . •