PL 08/22/1979 - 30517�`1 �"� �"� CTTY GF f RIDI,EY }�`"°` PLIa!'JNTr�?G CGi,1�[�,^a �IOP�I I�1�:,ETI;1Cr - I�UGUaT 2.2, 1979 C�7LL z0 ORT):��: Vice Ch�irwonl�al Schn�bel call.ed the �u�tzst ?2, 197g� meeting of tYze Plannin� Corlrnissicn �o order at 7=3? P•I`7. ROLL CP..T.,I, a T.Zeml�Frs Presen-t: 1 �embers Absen� s Others Present: io7s. Schnal�el, TPr. Oquist, P��is. Hughes, T:r. Treuen:�el.s, I:ir. Hora l��r. FI�rris � T�,?r. La�;en�'e1d Jerry �'o�rdmai�, Gity Planner �ill Deblon, ��soci��°te 1�� anner .?FPRGSI:� FL�T�IT�III�1G CGI��iT:ISSSO'i'1 SP:�CT!�T I:�_^JsTTr�iC T:II`1UT:;5 s L�?1'Gt1ST ]_, �g79, I�'?CZ'7Gd< by i:ro Treuenx":;ls, s�cori�ed by T,�r. �iara, -to a��r�ve ,the �lu���si l, 1�79, rninu�es of �he Special Plannin� Cornmission ra�etin�. UPGId A i�Oli,�: VOTL, AZL VOTIT�IG AY�, VTCi� C�IR�°JOrzAT� SC'ri!JAB�L D:�CLAhFD T.IE t�IGTIO�� GA:Ri'�"�:�D UI�iP.T`TII'�TOU�`LY. AFP��V� PLk9.I'd�?I:'� COT:T:9ISSIaPd i�INUTES m �.T.TGUST 8, 1�79 a iTOnZC:'�, by �,Ir. �'rreuenfels, se��;lded ��tr isr. Oquist, to approve the �9ugust 8, 1g'7q, m.inu �es o.f -che Planning Conmission. P��s. SchnaUel referred to Ya ;e �3 of �lle r,!znutes and s�a �ed that in �he four-�h para�,r�ph, "Shore" should be cha.,z�ed -�o "Schroer" and �he word "pr_ operty°' shovld Y�e inserted. Tls. Schnabel also no+ed �hat on Pa��� 13 0�' the minu-�es � th�;y had divcussed -�l�e concex t o�' the �n�r�:y Commission cor:tinua.ng an� how -that q_ue�tion skia�zld be hanc�l�cla llr� H�r_ris had statea that the;�� should think al�out i�t sorne r:�ore �nc� T.�s. �chnabel v��ant�d tc b� sure the itern �vould not Ue tost. �he �u��;est�c� it be placed o�. �the ne�-t a�enc�� for discussiori. � UPGId A VU�:C� �iC!i' �, �.LL VOT1i�iG AY�, �'TC�, Ci-il�Ii�UdGT:1�1N SCHI�r�BtL DECZ�.Ri�,D Tii': i�i0TI0N Cr,R:�I �D tJPIAI�_l���CU:;LY o � C(�PdTI?�tTFl�: PtT�'i,IC: :i���'�pIT,.�.'.s CC�T����IL�',:=:ATTGi'_ OF �'_ RF7t1r�'T �L`R A . SF��?CI<<L Ua1; P'�R;:�.`I', �I' ;;��1��-10, �:�C:�.7�Ti�i? � t{GiII,S, I��C a'J CC�r Sec'Lz_c�n ��-��'�, ._-.�.�i �___•�_r ¢�� y tO ��_�01': i;11�? CO`7�;1;7^�,,�,-t.;�.O71 Q�' �1^,'O C�!4rP� T � � • Z1?1°S Oi1 .uOtS 27-3� :sloc'� �.� :.i.ve��,ri.e�.�; i,�i- .���: ; " r.,,, �. ;,- , � t = ;'' , ri C� ��-2 z.oninr. ,(1 _lood Fl�ir.) , �}1G �`'-'�3PIP }�E?12�r'; t �_;� j f7il�i �. _� � i:l\'L';i'�,T tt?1'V `�.�F.'Y'Y'�3C('_ _T�j.i'.a i — --- 3-- T�9ro �'aGrc�Tn�n s�ated th�t ��he ��Pti.tioner had reqiiested �ha.S zter� be cantinued urZ�til Se�ter�Ler 1°l,, i�79. • e PLAPdTdIr1G COrii�-7ISSI01��1 rJII,�TII'1G� AUGUST 22, 1979 - PAGE 2 - �._ There was no one in the audience regarding this request. � fe�r. Oquist asked ii LxcalaY�ur was a part of Certified Iiomes? l'�Zs. Schnabel stated that t2-ie otimershiP was the same ana it came out at the Appeals Comr.�ission meeting that they vaould like it all to be under the name of Excalibur. The letter which was included with the minutes was on the wrong letterhead. I�YZOTIOiV by T:Is. �Iu�hes, seconded by I.Zr. Treuen�'els, to continue the request f'or SP #79-10 until September 12� 197y. I�Ts. Schnabel stated that when this item was before the Appeals Commission several questions had come up and she felt the same questions would arise at the Planning Commission level and stated that vrhen they received the Appeals Commission minutes, she would point them out. UFOTy A VOICE �TOTE, ALL VOTIT��G AYE, VICE CHAIRh^dOP:1APd SCHNABEL DECL�R�D THE Iti�OTIO�' CARRIyD UPdAI�1IP:i0USLY. • �� . PUBLI � P :RirI D to sin� n r�� �tne cons-�ruc- railv d.�vellin� �. sion lI ION OF A F T yR, Ii'IC . s n o� a doL ts . on Zc o�� �tne :de --8� x�%le Stre�� �k.E. UEST FOR A ' Per Section � ock 3, S�.af�'er' eet thereo P�ZOTIOP� by %�1r. Oquist, seconded by I�1r. �i'reuen�els, to open the Public Hea�ing: UP01�? A VOTCL VOTE, ALL VOTITv'G AYE, VIC� CiiATRGaOI�,N SCHI�ABEI� DELLARED T:i� PU�3LIC IiEA�.IP1G OP:�T1 AT 7:45 P.BI. �"� I�Tr. Boardr.ian stated that Pa;e 35 of the agenda indicated the location of the lo-t. The lot is located on the corner of 76th Avenue and Able Street. The present zoning in the area is R-1 with -the exception af the lots facing Able ar_d Baker Street v�rhich are zoned R-2. The rest of the zoning across the stree� on Able is R-1 and the majority of the houses in there are sin�;le family houses. P:1re Oquist asked s"or a clearer explanation of the zoning. PQr. Boarc�man s�ated that the ].ots �rres � of Able are R-1 and -the lots across the street are R-?_ an� 2re directly east. They are developed as do�ble bun�,alo��s. The lots to the nori;h of• 76t11 Avenue are R-1 lots � and are develaped as sin�le �amily homes. I.Ir. Boardman stated although the lots �;enerally run east and �vest, there is a loi: split -�here that has Ucen granted -�hat makes �l�ose lots� Lots 1 and 2, go north and �outhe So� there is a portion o�' Lots 1 and 2 i,i one of the lots,.on the corner and a portion in arzother lo�. So, actually, the structure would be �^, 0 �0.s�=s T'L1�tJi1Ti�1G COPlf.'�1ISSTOI'1 P��:]:IJTIPIG, AUGUST 22, 1�9 - FAGE ,� facin� 76th Avenue N.E. with the �ide yard facing Able Street. � I�Zr. Boardman. showed the Cornmissioners the plans for the proposed struc�;.ure. The plan included the elevations. It wauld be split right down -h;he Middle. There are services ta the 7.ot so that v�ould not be a problema iie s'tated that StafF ���ould prefer to see sin�le family developr.lent in �:hat area rather than d.uplexes to rnaintain consistency v�ithin the nei�hborhoods I� Staff were to make a recommendation, they would recor�mend denial. P1s. Hughes asked i�' 'chey �vould be 2-bedroom units? P�Ire Bo�rdman s�ated �hey v;ould. He also sta�Ced that -�he way the lot is set up•it would meet the code reauirements if a Special Use Permit were granted. There are 10,000 square feet on th.e lo-� and that would meet the requiremen-� for R-2. Tdts. Hu�hes asked why -they were requestin.g a Special tTse Permit? T.Zr. Boardman sta�ed that a Special Use Perrni�t Vrould allow a double bungalow in an.I�-1 in cer�ain cases so they �vouldn't ha�ve to go to a rezoning. If conditions rvere right� and if, for example; there were other double bun�,alo�vs in the area, a SPecial Use Permi-t could be granted to allow this -type of thing. lhey have done this in certain • areas wher� they wanted to keep the zoning R-1 but gave special con- sidera�i;ions ior a dupl_ex because of -�he surrounding proper�ies. The surrounding �roperties tivere either industrial or commercial and it U�as collsistent zoning. So, instead of spo� rezoning, they requ�st a SpECia� r` Use Permit. T�Zs. 5chnab�l asl;ed is" the survcy on Page 3� v��as reflective of the proposed diaelling? Mr. Boardman s�ated it was. Iti75. SchnabeZ s-�ated that on the AUle 5treet side they show a 35 £oot setback, but ac-�ually they cou.ld ga to 1'�.5. . Tti�r. �oardman stated -tha� was correct and there was adequate room on the lo�t for tl�e st�.^�icture. �Zso Schnabel noted tha�; the �arage rvas to the rear of the property and asked how many parl�cinv stalls �vould be required for a double bungalo�� if this we�e a.pproved? TrTr. Boardman s�tated that they would need 11 stalls per unit on a double bun{;alow. A 3 st�ll garage �vould not be required� all they ���ould need is 1z stalls oi��str�et per unito which could be driveway. So they could have a 2 car gara�e and have �1� parking spaces. P��, Schnabel asked ii they coulc3 have a single car garage �vith a drive- way wide enou�h �'or 2 cars? �``ti I�2r. 13oardman stated the3r could do i � anyway -they �van�ed as long as they have 3 off-street stall.s. P�A�"1T1Ii�tG CGI:::I�SI:Oi`i 51�:,TIT1G� AIIGU�T 2?, 1979 ___ I'AGE � I��ir. Oquisl: asked �vhy T�[r. l3oardr�an had recor�men.cled. denial? P�:r. Loardman stated 'chat in his opinion the au�lexes along ]3ak�r and �' . Able streets d.o provide some bu�'fer be-t,vaeen the industrial �Lhat is across the stree� from L'aker� and didn°t uee an� reason for extend.in� . the duplexes into 'che single dwelling area. All the units on that block are single iarnily. He c�id not see any special conditions that would make a dupl.ex necessary. i+Zr. Treuenfels asked ho�rr his recomr�endation tied in with the overall goal of the Ci�y to provicie �n aadi�;ional 230�� housing uni�s? PdTr. Boar�man stated that iie felt there were o�ther areas where it would be More suitable to �o for }ziJher density. lIe did not think they should. jeopardi�e single f�mil;� areas v�hich are lotver density areas just to achieve 2300 units. �ie felt the ?>300 t�nits �,voul.d stanc� regardles: o�° �;oin� into single f�mily area� znd incre��ing the density. I-ie did not see any reason for it. P�so Schnabel stated that one thing �hat migl�t be d�ceptive was �hat an 76•th .�v�nue �^ahich j>>>ould be across the street to the �'ront of this p�rticular structure, thEre is only one house there and that ��ro�.ild �e 895 7dth Avenue. The other properties, g5S throu�h. 8�35 are a�tually sc�lool property noti�� and are vacant. So there would be only one hame facing this structure on 76 �,h. The p?^operty to -the v;�est is school property. P�Ir. I3oardman showed the CQrnr�a.ssioners an aerial photograph of the ^ arAa. � Tlr. Ted �:olster., the pe-�i�tioner, came for���ard and stated �hat the reason he mad.e the request vras that it tivas a lar�e 1ot, over 15,000 square feet, and h� did not think that it would be ou� o�' character to have a double bungalovd here �vhen tlz.ere �aere doubles across the s �reet �'rom it, on the side of the lo-t. In addition to beinj lar�,�, the diificulty with the lot is tha't the grade is aoout 2 �o �a �ee � belo�v street grade and ir1 ad.dition there is abou� 3 to � iee�: of peat-li'_�;e material on the surface, In order to build there they lvould have to reMOVe that material in order to get do��m to a fiir� Material and more tnan likely some corapac�tion or ex-tra courses o�' block. The cost o:F cioing t�zis woul� make building a single far,zilV home prohibii,ivel�T expensive. Tne homes in �che area are nice Uu� they aren' i, i�igh braclLet hor:les such as a lot with these expenses would dic �ate buildirl�. Tt tivould have to be a relatively expensive hor.le ��ahich he did not tl�.in1L ��:�eula be s::lable. Luildinn a double buiz�alo�v �vould increase tihe lanc� value and they could afiord i�o put rnore rnoney into �he land ir nec�ssary. ,-Ie �thou�ht �ha� ��he reason i� v�ent �t�x- �'orfeit ;^r�s �;hat it ��ras ��ot economic�lly feasiule to build a single family house on it. lie tall~ed 'to the nei�hbors and they didn't expr�ss any par�zcular 'objections to a doub.le 1�un�ala��a i.� he vuil.t a nice one. He sha�red them tlle pl�ns and pictures �-�nd they discussed that if he vJOUId sell i-t, :it �ti�ould increare the prob�bili�y oi it being owner accupied. fTe wot?ld a�ree to this. �, PLAT!PdITd� COP:iI'�•ITSSIOni T:;�ETIPIG, AUGUST 2?, 1979 - PAGE 0 P�Is. Schnabel s�a�ed that then he v��a� not making a guarantee that he � vaould sell it as ar� own�r occupied unit but was building it �'or re- saZe purpnses, - 1�1ir. Holsten stated �hai: was correc�. T,2s. Hughes stated that she had noted a conflict as �to the size of the lot and asked :far �he correct square footage. Plfr. 3oardman stated that the lot was 15,0�0 square feet. � PeZr. Treuenfels stated that he noted on the plans that th� main traffic pa-t�ern passes throu�;n the kitchen on �the first iloor and asked if that was standard? 1�Tr. Holsten statec� that for a double bungalow of this -�ype, tha't was �---�_ standard. He sta-ted -that a large numb�r of this type had be�n built and ���cre salable. Having a long common wall cioes dictate some con- strain�:s . T�is. Schnabel asked what size of garage he was planning to build? T�r7r. Holsten stated that he had proposed a 20x22 which would be a 2 car garage but had forgot-�en about the 12 stall requirement per unit and �vould be �'lexible v�ith regards �o that. ,� . Mr. Boardman stated that the d-rivev�ray would qualify. PfTr. Holsten stat�d tha� the driveway was about 50 feet long. He �'elt that a 3 car garage would look big on -the loto P,Ir. Oquast s�a�ed that 20x22 was a small 2 car garage. 1�Zr. Holsten sta�ed tha-� there would be a full basement far storageo r�r. Boardman asked I'�1r. Holsten why he chose the desa.gn he did and �vhy he didn° ��;o with a design �vith an attached garage? This desi� seemed old-z"ashioned and sirnilar to the ones built in the 1950's and 1g60's. It seems quite small. Sonie o�' the more recent double bungalo�vs or . duplexes have attached garages on the lo��er floor and it gives a separa �ion o�' living units. P,Zr. Holsten stated that the problem of putting a�arage in the middle o� this one is that it adds to -�he eleva�ion of the building and also adds to the expense of putting in �the foundation. The proposed design �vould have a z"ull basemcnt and he �vould have to go several courses be- low �h�t in order �o �et do�vn to firr� �'ootin�;s. I�' he went to �the split- en-try-type or the �1.ab-type wi-th -�he second s�tory on it� it would take a dozen was�ed caurses of block and tvould b� economically unr"easible to buil.d. He �elt this �vas more attractive �Ehan hav�ng the garages right in fraM�. ,'�1 PLAr1NIT1G COl'.iP�ISSION T.iEETIT3G� AUGUST ?..2, 1979 - PaGr•. 6 P.1s.Schn�bel s�tated th.at she agreed wi-th I�Zr. I3oarciman only because she felt that v�ith �;his size of a lot, it could take a lar�er ,�.� structure �vith perhans 3 bedx•oom� or �omethin�; r;iore snacious rathEr than the rninimal size oi this p1an. That tivas why she had brought up the setbacks. 1•Ie could pu� a larger structure on this 10�:. %".r. Hols��n �`tated -tha� he did not thinit that 3 bedroom double hungalows returned as ��rell as 2 bedroom ones. He could have made it larger, but the ones across �he street are considerably smaller than this and if you build a large building among srnal.l ones, the return is not too good. P,Zs. Sennabel sta�ed that those doubles lookecl fairly big �'rom the �'ront because they are longo P,�r. Boarc?man stated -chat he was disapnointed �vith the design of the structure. H� felt tha.t i� 'che Sp�cial Use Permit �vere to be approved, they should get something tha� ���ould add a little bit more �o t�.e nei�hborhood rather than just building ano-ther �tructure that is sir�ilar to the one across on Able Street. • 1�7s. Hughes asked v,Thy he didn't iace it towards the other c�ouble bungalo��vs on l�ble rather than to�vards 7E��h? PrZr. Holsten s�ated tha-t he had �though�t o� that but �his plan didn° t lend itself -to that and with -che lot beina 95 ?eet deep, it �vouldn° t leave much oi a bacl: yard.� v�Tith the 35 �'oo�t setbacY and the builc�a.ng bein� 32 f�et d.eep, it �r�ould only leave � 28 foot Y�ack yard. He stat��' that he vaas not locked in on tlzis particular double bungalowJ and il�it �uould please the Cornrnissior_, he could come in vaith arlother plan. the request for a Special Use Permit were granteci, he wouldn't be opposed to that. T'�s. iiughes stated tha'c the one house next door 1"aces 76�� and asked wha� ti�as on the other two lots? T�Is. Schnabel stated �ha1: the other houses �'aced Van Buren Stre�t. There are really only two houses that face 7hth and they are 876 and �395• Pdro Bill Jordan, 895 76th Avenue T3E, carne �or�raard and stated that he had a Petition signed by 20 people. Ou-t of 22 homes �h.at he went to, ?_0 vaere definitel�T aY�air�st it. He st�ted tha�c they were sick and t�red of double bur_balo��rs . lhe person who owns the double builgaloyv on Able Stree� does not taltie care o� it. Ii this is buil-�, he would sell his house. He has liv�c� �;here seven yea.rs and l�no�^,�s that the other neighbors ieel the same v�ray. ' P•Zs. Schnabe]- �sk�dtlo�herev'�iouayo 1o�led�10 did�nothUuildyoa��it?�S lo � from the stand�oin p c= T�Ir. Jordan s�Gted that he �•ras tolc� th�t a creElz runs throu�li -there and that is why �he ;rass anc� trees ���y �r��?�• �1�-� f� ��1er has lived i.n ^ T'ric�ley his w}ZOle 1ife and Yi� told lZim �here �ti�as a creek t�Zere once. � Iie reiter. a�Led that i,he nei�hbors were very ��ainst it. ���T � PL�iITtIT;� COT��i���I^CIOi�3 T`;?? �'TII�1G, �,1T xtr�T �2 � zg7� - PAc'� T•�am�c7�' by l:^. Ii�z�hes, �econdec� by tTrs Treuen�els� to receivP the p�� t�� on a�azns� the rec�ues L. I:Ts. Schnabel read �the pe�Li�:ion as �'ol.�ov�;>> Tlie follovrin�; list represents tho�e people �vho are a{�T�3121:i�t -�he erection of a douY�le b�un�alova a� 7��32-7�8� �ble St� ee� :�1�. Ii is signed by 20 people. UPOI�I A'�OIC ; VO'1_'Ia', ALL VUTIPdG P,YE, VZIiE CI-I1�IFi;^10iiAN SC.iP;ABEL DECLAi�ED Tii� I:'iGTIOI`? C�:;RI�D UId�a:lIir;QUSLY. T.Ir. Jolzn C, �ernarcJson, 8'�6 - 76th Ave. Itk�, came forward and stated tha� ne lzves riLht next �oor to the lot i_n question. i-ie stated t��at when I�r. s�ols�;en iiz �t ca�ne to his hotase and told him about �he double bunLalo���, he told liim at �chat �;ime th�t he didn° t care ei'cher vaay. Lu-t� aft�r thinking about it, he decideci he didn° t v��an�� it, bec�,use all the double bun�:alo�,vs on !�ble lool� terri::le. iie stated tnat he also S^rould move if it✓is buil�t. IIe has lived -there 3 yea}�s. i:Tra Richarc? Zein, 7550 �bble Street� canle iorv,ard and stated that he vras no-t hotne v�hen I,�r. ��olsten came aro�znd ��vith -che pictures of ,the struc-ture so he �za� no idea of ti^rh�t type of structure he h�d plannecl. iie did tall�� to hir� on '�he pho�ze and he a�r�ed �rith the fi7�ar1cial �roblerls of the lot, l�ut could no� a� ree because a.t �^r�s on his s�.de of the stree-� oroposite a dauble bun�alo�v and they liave had a. lot of proUl�r�s vrith -tl�e double ?�un�alo�^r,. ^lhey are no� kept up. �"`�, T+"�r. �eri�arca.son s ���c�;c� i;l�a�; peo�te re�,�in�; u c�ouble �aung�lo�v do�1't car� tti�hat it loo.is likQ azld t�i�� o<<mer � don't care. They might be nice wllen tihey are -�'irst built� but after a fedv ye�rs �Chey becoMe run do��,�. He thot��ht the lot should be cl.eaned up but didn' � tia�ink a double bun�alal� �vas i;ize anst�er. T.is. 'riu�lles as�c�d if the lots tha � the school o��rns v�ere platted and if �they could be sald i�r residences. T,Ir. .�oa�^�.nan stated there �vere pl.atted and ii the school decided �o se_ll they coulcl be cleveloped as R-la It is zoned �-l. I41s. Iiu�hes as?�.ed i:� .'�ooc?cres-t had any plans to closc: that s�llool �nd if the lot Met the mi�zimurn rec�uirer�ents oz° the state as far as area �^rithout these lots? l�r. Board.:�an sta.ted th� t as far as h.e knecr the School District plai�necl to keep ;�!oodcrest o��n � � tlzi.� time. Tn their Comnrehensive Plan it �ooked. 1ikE th�y �r:iould cont?rzue thc� ok�eration oi the school and �here- �oze ��rould not sell ti�ese lots. r;r. Hol�;�ceYz stated tdlat h.e was disar7�ointed at i:he res�onse o:� the nei`hbars �,TZ�. dras not ��v�are of tl�e objection� they h�d expxe�sed here. He v�ished they ha� exP?°essed -them ��ih�n h� had t�lked to +li�m because he has Put r,iore r�o:ney into the pra ject since th�n. It seemed th�t �;he � PLAT�INI�1G COT�P�qISSI0r1 i�7T;�:TTNG, AUGUST 2?, 1�79 - PAGE � major problem was that the nei�;hbors were relating him to the o�wners of the property across 'the str�et. }-ie c?oesn't Ynow i;hose people and didn't feel he should be judged because of �vhat they did. He stated r he had built several double bungalow, and none of them look like the ones across the �treet. They are well maintained. He no�ed that a �ingle faMily hor�e could deteriorate also. That is a function of the owner. Iie would be �villing to gu.arantee tha� he would sell the double bungalow after it is built and therefore, there would be a high pro- bability �hat�it would be owner occupied. T�s. Hughes asked T.ir. liolsten if he hac� other property in F'ridley? P�r. Holsten stated he did not. He has haa property in Colunbia Heights at 39th and Ulysis. He built �'our double bungalows there and would be vril].ing to show them to any interested parties. PZOTIOTI by PlSs. Hughes, seconded. by P,Tr. Treuen�'els, to cl.ose the Public iiearing. . UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTII�IG AYF, VIC� C�iAI�'^10T..AId SCHNABEL DECLARLD T�IE PUBT.�IC I- i+ RIIdG CLOSuD AT 8 a 15 P.tY7. ' P�Zs. Hughes asked about the advasability oi us3ng Special Use Permits rather than rezoning. Philosophically it seems to be a cap-out to her and yet it also pravic�es some �rotection to the area because if that use ever chan�es it reverts to the zonino. She would like some dis- cussion regardin�; the question of SpECial Use Permits rather than re- �„� zoning, � Pp�s. Schnabel stated that she v�Tas svrprised tha-� it came as a Special Use Permit also. The feeling in the past has been, in. dealing witr� Special Use Permits (SUP), the Planning Comm?ssion has generally been a little leary of tl�em because the burden of proof is more on the City than on the petitioner in terrns of ap�roval or deniale Part of the agend.a is to receive a neva memorandum on this question o�' SUP from the City A�t�ornery. She did kno���• that philosophically in thepast, the Planning Commission has preferred to see them handled straight ou-t. Ta�r. Boardrlan stated �hat at one time the Courlcil had �sked the Planning Commission to look at the question of �vhether it would be betzer to have a SUP or rezonin; and not allow a duplex izz an P�-1. :Ie believed that at 'cha-t time the Planning Commission did send a recor.irnendation tts keep the double bungalotv �vi-ch � SUP, because t�-�ere wEre c�rtain conditions they might v�rant to look at as far as a SUF' for a douUle bungalova if there were speci�l conditions. He was not sure what the Council's attitude v;as at -that time, but it �r�as his unders�anding that they wanted to eliminate that because i'c does create a}.iroblern in certain aspects. It is an easier ��vay i'or sor�ebody to get a double bungal.o. Although� ei�her �one requires a public heaxing. , �:� � � PLAI�;i��ITIG CGi'`P'I�SaION il!��TIT�1G, AUGUaT ??, 19%9 - PAG� 9 � Tis. Sclznabel sta�ted -�ha� in tYizs si���aation it is al.most like rezoning because -they are tal:in� an i�olated lot anc3 �ivin� it a new tw�is�. They would be ��ermittin� sornethin{; to be built on other than v��hat it tva� zoned for, and she thou�;ht that vrhether they call it re2oning or call it a��ecial U�e Permit� the ul-tima-te re�ul� ��:ould be uame. So they have to lool� «-L wYiether tha ��vas �lie intent of' the original zoning ?an. In terms of rnzonzn�, several people on the Board have been con- sis�e�.t in opposing spo�t rezoninG. � � T.7r. Oquis� stated that rezoning was permanent where a SUP is temporary. I�Zr. Boa.rdman stated 1�ha�c ��ras not reaZly the case bec�use a Special Use Permit is granted to tile la:�d not t?�e structure or o�v�ler. Orice a SUP is granted that auto��atically allo��s another use that would be sima.lar to tlz�t. I_f �he buildin�, �ti�as des�troyed the buildin� coul� be replaced vrithout another �ublic heari.n�;. :-ie noted that a SUP gives the City a certain ar,�ount of control L�cause -they can �lace certain conditions on it such. as allDrrin� i-� �'or one year tivith an.nual revie�v and also the Council can revol•�e a SUF. �iowever, with a rezonin�, a special process -�;���lc� be recryuired. In sorne c2ses they allo�ved a SUP for the construction of doubl.e bungalows in an R-1 vahere there wa� industrial across irom it vah.ich made the properi:y undesirable �or R-1 if they were good looYing units. I��7so Schnabel stated that she disagreed tha-� the SUP �vere usually granted to tltie Iand a It seemed -to ner �that thEy �vere gz anted to 'che owner. T��r. Eoardman stated that was the case in some instances, bu-t in rnost cases, it w�s granted to the land. T��s. Schnabel stated tha� in this case it would have to go �o the lot because Iylr. iiols-ten planned to sell. T��s. I-Iughes asked ho�v �the decision was made to ask for a SUP or rezonin�? I�Zr. Boardman stated th�t �vhen � petitioner comes in, Staf�' loolfs at it and advises them �s to �vh�t route �Llzey tvould have the best chances witho In this case, he felt �;h� rezoning v��otald never be approvedo I-ie stated that he cou].d never approve a rezonin�, here. The only way he would approv e a SUP v��as �>>ith a lot of sp�cia]. conditions #'or the protection oi the nei�hbors. rven tllen, he ����s very cau'cious becuase he didn° �t feel �ither rezonin� or G S�ecial Use Permit tvas in the best interest o� the nei;;nborhooc�. or the City. `lhey try to gi�ve the petitioner �the bes�t direc��ion they can as to which �vay to �o and which way �vould be his i�est cnance, i:C they feel there i� ar�y hope at all. In some cases, they try to discoura�e the d�veloner from �oin� at all. T47re Treueniels asked P�ir. �3oardman to el.aborate on the case of Iiolasek v the Villa3�� of I:edina whicl�. was mentione� izl t.�e memo f.rom 1"�Zr. Herrick re�arding Special Use Perrnits. PLAIdNITdC CCTy'IP:IISaIOPd P.1�rTIT`iG, AUGUST 22, ].979 - PI�GE 10 PQr. Treuen�els read the following s-�at�ment crom the ra�mo � "a denial of t]Ze permit mus� be �o.r reasons related to public health, safety, an� general welfare." This statement va�s on Fage 3 of the memo. T,�r. ?3oardman stated tkza-t when they talk about �eneral welfare they were re�erring to the �feneral welfare of thF neighborhood. Ii �he City feels that a structure would not be a.n the best interestes of the City or the developm�nt oi a n�ighborhood, those would be grour.ds for denial. The difference betv�een a rezoninm and a Special Use Permit is that the reasons �or cienial for a SU� falls upon the City and the City must �ive the reasons for the den�al. Under zoning, the petitioner has to �ive �rounds as to why i-L should be rezoned. lie stated that you can lay aut p-ret-ty stron� �x�ounds a"� in:�t a SU�' ii' you want to deny it. General v�relfare is a verJ broad categoryo I��r. Oquist stated that Page �F discussed 'che standaras. P�is. Schnabel stated there was also a sta�ement where in terms of genera2 public vrelfare� it should not irnpaii^ the use, enjoyrnen�t and value of any pror�erty. , b2r. Boardman stated that when they -tallc about a SUP in a residential area, �hey generally have a lo� of grounds. I�Ts. Schnabel stated that another thing that maltes it difficult is �Chat in working lvith SUP� th.ey have to be very care�:ul in a aeni�l �hat -c�zey cite legal :ceasons to ul�bstantiate �ne denia_l. If the peti-�ioner has ^ nres�nted th� case in such a manner �hat �'c meQ�s all the code requ?rc�- ment�s � and it cloes not inlringe upon 'che .ie�l �h, safe�tyt and ��relf�re, includinb all �ervice� such as the tti'ater De?�artmen-t, the Palice Depart- ment� and tl�e Fire Department, oi' the general public, i-t �vould arbitrary to deny the Special Use Ferr.�i-t. In order to �.eny it, v�e must present the le�al reasons �n�hy tl7ey reco:;�yend deni�l. ihat's �vhere 'che burderl o�' a.StTP becor�es very di?"ficul �. Nhe s �ated tlla ��hey n�ke a recomraendatic.. to Couizcil and Council has -the final decisiona i:ise �iu�?ze� statec� tl�iat she s�nsec� a cha�zge of attitude o�. some of these thin�s. ?��or a lonp time Cities �:�ere ruiZ�Z�YZJr scared and �the case lavrs supported it. She believes t'.zat h�.s c�.an�ed over the past fet�a years. The test o i i � is obviousl�r ���hen a deni�l �e-ts taken to cour� by the petitioner. She fel-c tlze caties ha�,*e been much to sc�red aUout deny�ng Special Use Per^�its and rezonin�s. Tn � S1tL�tJ..011 like thi s she v�ould be tcnipted to make the decision an i'.'.r. Treuenfels ba�is o�' needing more housir_� ���hich is in tlze public intere�t and would overbalance disruptin� � nei�}Z��orhooc? . She c?id nat uT� nt them to run scared �n uTJP because �enerally she tr,otagh-t the�r �vere an "easy rezon�n;�". Slze asked if they co�ald dela�,r a deci�ion on thi� u��til. they had receive� the mer�a`l T:Zs. Schna��el stated that i� they v�tar�ted to do �hat, they v��ould have to table thc request either un-til tiley had a cceived the r,lemo o� for t��o ���e ek s . �, �- .,�,�..�, PI,APdTdTT�iG COI�11r:TSSION P>7T�`rTITiG, AUC=TIST 2?., 1979 � I'AGE 11 T;ir. liQra asked �vhy they should t�ble it. They have worked ���ith �� apecial Use Permits befor. e and he ��ras sure �they had never not denieci one. I.�s. Hu�}ies s-tai:ed tha� she vrould like to l.noar if ihere was somethin� n�w in ther.e. �3ut she a�reed and ,t�ted she v�as ready to vote. T�xr_. Treueniels quoted the sta�tement on the bottora of pa;e � of the memo �re�ardin^� the case of i3eck v Ci�y of S�. Paul. • -� i.:G1I0P�1 b,,T I1r. riora, seconded by i.Is. Iiughes, to recommenc� -to Council deni.al o�' the requestffor SP ;��79-08, by :�;emplar, Inc, Per Secti on ' ?�5•�53� 3� n� to allo�� "tY18 COY1Stritction of a. double bungalow in R-1 zonin�; (sin�le ramily di�rellin� units)P on Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, Shaffer'; Subdivision ido. l, l�rin� Fast o� the ?°7est 90 reet thereof, �lie same � vein� 75�2-�� 1�1�1e Street Tv'.E. , based an S�aff's recoramenda�ions. P�Tr. i�olsten requesteci it be tablEd so he could talk to the nei�hbors a�zin and see if they coulc� arrive at a solution. �Ir. Boardman stated that he felt the Commissianers should consider tvhether -they tivan-t -to a11o�v any duplea. or whether it vaould be a matter of continuin�. P.2r. Hora stated that he f�lt it �vas placing a burden on the praperty owners Uecause they had presented a peti�ion and they have decic�ed �r� they dan° t wan't a doul�le buil��lotiv in there. If we table it a�ain, he would have to get aalother petition. Py�s. Schr_abel s �ated there t�vere several al�er�.atives. The peti�ioner cauld v��ithdr�w the request at any time and the seconcl alternative v��as tha-t ii the Po�rd �v�nted to act upon it no���, at the �time it goes before the Cii;y Cc,uncil, the peti�cioner could bring in either the sar.le �lan or a nevr one after he tulks v�rith the neighbors. She noted that Council ti�v�s the �'inal authorit,y. 1'�ir. Boardman stated tha-c the r�eetin�; a�c -�he Council would not have to be a �ublic hearin�. P�sr. Hora stated tha� the petitioner coulcl present ne�v evidence. P=Zr. Jard2n s�tated that the buildin� had r�othinu to do ���itlz i�;. Tde��Y� pl.�ns �vould i�ot chan�e the si�u�tion. ThEy don't want any double bun�alo��,�s in there . Ti�. Sc��n�l�el st� ted that if the nei�;hbars were not interested in discus �in; it a�ain wi th T.ir. i-iols �en, �hen there was no reason to continue it. T.?r. Oquist askec� z�' i� �vould mal�e a di�'fei ence if it tvere owned by th� people livin� in it? Sz^ bo-th sic?es �vere o�vner occupied? � 1',Ir. Jordan stated tha�; still �vou ' � coulc� s�Lill se.11 it and it would�becorne�lrental. p�ape� tyce because they Tylro ?3oazc�Ma�� no-�c�d t}i�t there ����s rzothinU tQ s�i.op � si�1�1.e family �iou�e :Froi7 bc�cc,::�iz1; rrn�t�l pxopertyo PLA;di1I;;r COP:;:iISSTOP�T i'�:FTII�IG, AUGUaI' 22, 19'79 • - PAGE 12 P�7�. Hu�hes stated that with the co�t of housin�, 'che man had a point in tryin; to provicle this type of housa.n� arici we also have an obligatioi� to uroviae housin� for �'u�ure �;enera+ionsa Tt isn't all a case of people who rent beinG no �ood. r[er personal philosophy was to oppose this kind of speci.al use, bu'c we also have to provide housing. � T�Zs. Iiumhes �tatec3 that �ve have sorae severe �robler�s in this State wi-th housinv. Ho�^rever, �he di�. not like R-1 neighborhoods spo-� re- zonEd. She felt there were some serious v�ie]_fare nroblems connected �with that and she c? id not f eel iic served the �ity �r�ell. The orienta- tion o�' th.is particular unit is th� ��aron ; way to �ive r�uch justice to 1�-2. It �aces ir_�o areas that could be R-1 across the street, and the nei�?�borin� houses are oriented in such a v,Pay that th.ey ought to be able to expect sor�e protec-tioi�. Tho�P are generally the reasons wlZy she �r�ould op�ose the Speci�l Use Permit. The �rimary one bein�, hovaever� i.s that the Special Use perr�i-� in this case is really in lieu of rezonin� which she fel�t t��as the proper way to handle this reque:'c. UPOi�d A VOIC?: �iOT�E, I:LR. U�UIST, TiS IffJG' �i,S, i:iS. SC:iTdAL'EZ, T�".R. HOP�.A VQTITdG 1�Y :, �? i:D r,:, . T tii:U�:�JF'�LS AEST� I��I1`iG, VICi c:,r,�TR�^'O::.A.`i SCHPIABEZ ��CLARi:D T:-IE PTOTID?'d CAR:�I�:D. i`I�. Schnabel informed the petitio�er that tl�ey Y!ad recornmended denia� and it �dvould �o to Council o�. S�ptemb�r 10, l9'�9. :.�r. i�oardr�an sta'ted i�t re�ould not be a public hearin� but the Council �aould entertain c�ues-tions ia: om �Lhe pe-�i.tioner and �1so x"rom -�rie ^ r�ei�l�bors �nd they `}�ould encourage..all 9.nterested parties to a�tend. 3. PtT�LIC }i BY J�I,I�S 9. �31ac�� ;�-� t� u: tri� C 0:`���I 0 i'� P.i'•�� ir_du�tri ldir?�M. �: 11lCli�?i;L e;>> �':�r�or_ al ar.eas ize sari� �EZ01.IT� ' t �; � ���.� : , ;�;i�?i?GCT_ a Rezon_e_ Lotc o �lZo�v �he constructio n}T 1175 73�:� 2venue I'1�. s T:IC`?�IOs�1 by I:ir. Treuenfiels, s�conde� Uy T:ir. Oquist, to open �the Public rle-- a— nb. UPOT�1 A VOICE V�T�:, ALL VOTI.SG L�Y�� VIC:� C��I�.tl^:r01°.1�PI SCr�i�TABEL DECLARa:D T:.I� PU3LIC HiARII`aG GP�:N AT 8 � 52 P.I:". T+ir. Boardrnan sta�.ea tha � thi� pronerty rras located just �vest of Central Auto Parts on 73'� Ave. and is ki�.d oi surraunde� by the r�obile home lo-ts� or rath�r �their sellin; �ar�. i�:r. 3o�rdr:l�n shov��c�. the Commissioner.:� an aeri�!1 photo�,raph of the are�. ile ��tated th��� a Svecial Use Permit �.�s z�_�.fi�d to the mobile ,har,�e �o set u7? ,a ,displ.a� area her. e. The reqtaes�; is iro;:i a co��rnercial zar�e �o an znaustria� 7onee t.iro Boardman inciicated on the aerial va.ew �vhiciz of the �roperty in the are� was car�mercial and �vhich v�as indusirial. 2�1Py �vould li}ce ta put in a storaYe yardo a canstrtzctic�n oifice �r�z�ih Royal Elec�ric operating on one side �nd a construction operation or_ �lze other sideo `� �� :-�m PLAPYI�III`1(� COl'�iI:1IN' ��OI�I I'dT��TINCr, AIJGUST 2?., 1.979 - P.�GF. 13 Tpls. Iiu�;hes asfed tvho o�+med it? � P,Tr. Bo�rdman stated that the lots iri c�uestion were I,ots 7� 8 and 9. Lots 4, 5 and 6 are a�^med b;T the trailer operatian. Lot 1 is ov�med by the City of �idley bec�use of tlle pum� house. Lots 2 and 3 are not o�^rned by either operation. The lots in c�uestion are owned by Gus Doty. If it is rezoned it v��ill l�e sol.d to the petitioners. They may no � wra.nt to b��y it i�' it is not rezoned. I��Ir. O�uist noted tha� i.t ivas surrounded Uy light industrial all around �vi-th �he exception of that one area. P�Ir. Board.r�an stated that hiC recommendation that eventually where the trailor sales is, it �vould all be industrial. He felt �that the fuz^ther back you �o from the r.nain thorou�hf�re, the ].ess desirable the property is for coramercial. t�s. Schn�Uel stated �tha � she a�reed and. that she could no'c see a shopping cen�er o�' some k�nd �oing in here. There would be no �^ray to see it. �tiihile she menerally opposes spot rezoning, she felt this �vas sirnilar to the situation on Old Cen-�ral ��vhere it is a more com- patible use for vrhat is already existin� there. I.ir. Oquist si�ated that he did not think th,_s ivas really spot rezoning because t}ie Property -to the east and the property to the south is already T;I-1 so �vllat theST were rea.11y doin� was e�tending it. Ttlr. Boardman stated that i ��.�as really a Planzied rezonin�, and even�ually a11 of �his area vdould be indus-irial. He �vould recornm�nd it go that directiiaz . He tivoul� like to see thern elimina-�e as Much strip commerezal as possible and he felt this tivas tlze intel�t of the Citf. T�Zs. Schnabel also noted that this ���ras not a spot -that they tivould ever vrant to change to resi.denti�l zoning. P.:r. �oardm�n stated that N�hen t�1ey �^�ere discussin; the zoning codep they had c�.iscussed. eliminatin�,t�ses in this area such as the junk yards, etc. I`r:r. �7�r�es L•otzdor_ anc� l.ir. i•:?ichael_ D. Ga.nnuccz, the petitioner.s� c�Me forv�:ard a�zc� rTr, Lo��.�on sta�ed that he �va� in the horne cons �ruction b�a�'�,��s� arld l�is �;�z��.a�r� I,ir. G�nnucci, �vas an electrical contrac-tor�. !�>� stated tha.t the;,t plan to Uuild the builc�in� for their ovan use �nd woul.d Maintain tl�eir off�.ces in the bua.ld.in�. i.s. Scl1nabel re�'erred to the si-te plan they v�ere shown and noted that they hZd ox�'�street� p�r}cin� and. a stora�e yard which vrould be a11 5C1'�eneC�l... �'� PLAP�TdITdG� COI'.'�':�IIaSIOTI T,Zr ��TIIdG, AUGUST 2?� 1979n - P�GE 1�: RZr. Boardm�n stated �hat screenin�; fences were re�uired between all ^ acij�cent zones other than inc�ustrial zones �o they woul.d have to have a fence alo.i�; the north and tvest and it �vould h�ve to be a solid v�ood scr. eeninm fence. On the w�st it �voul�l definitely have to be a solid wood screenin� �'ence, �nd on the north a chain link w�ith �vood slats or somethino lilie that �vould. be a�.ri�i�'c. That would h�ve to b� worked ou-t. T�Ir. Londan stated that for their o�ti�n protection they would rvant a fence. I�is. Schnabel asltec7 i�' they had an option on the �roperty at this tirne based on the rezoni:.zU? :-�� Tir. London sta�ed that ivas corr_ecto I�Zs. Schnabel asked `��hen they ��iould proceed if the reques-t were granted? T���ir. London stated tlzey would like to start this fall. TZs. I-iu�hes stated that she had noted that the signature on the applicatiori �vas �ch� si�n�ture of th:e pe-�itioner rather than the oUmership. She felt tha-t the o�vner of iche proper-ty shoul� si�nn thate r:�Ir. Eoardman aUreed a.nd stat�d that l.Ir. Doty shc�uld have si ;ned it and tha�t he tivas a�vare o.i this. �..� 1',Zs. Hughes stated t�lat in the zuture that �hould be handled correctly. - if7s. Schnabel asked ii the size o� the �roperty met the requirements for I6�I-1 zorzin�? T•Zr. Boardman stated that it did and it was over 3/4 of an acre. T�10TI0�•� bSr I1So i1Llnhes, secondecl by P,�r. Oquist� to clase the Public HearinQe UP01�'A�, VQIC � VOT�, AZL VOTIP�G Ai' ., VTCE CH�1IF�ti°o�O��iAP1 SHC1tiTABEL D�CL�fRED T: '�' PLS�LTC ��LARII'1G CT OSLD AT 9 s 08 P.l'.i e . I:ir. Oquist sta�ed -�ha�t he felt �his ��aas a sa-tisfactory use of the land anc� there �=aas indLStrial around it. _ ---� P.ZOTZ0:1 Uy T.Tr, C�quist, seconded by I'?r, �iora, to recor.:�encl �o Counci�. approval o� �ezonin�� Request, ZOA ;�'�9-06, b�T J�Mes i. London and :�iichael. D. Gannucci, �ezon� Lc�ts 7, 8 an� 9, 13locl� l, Central Vie�v T.iannor� �'ror,► C-?S {.meneral S110j�P1T1�; areas) �o I�-1 (li�,ht industrial areas) �o a].lo�v the con�truc�tion of a ne�v industrial buildin�, the sanie bez�zg 117� 731 Av enue :�I . � s UPOT�� A VOIC� VOT�, l?LL VGTII'1G 1�.Y?.�, VIC?� Cli���3':.0:,1.P.id �aCHidAl3ia� DECL�h'�D T�-I}.� P;i0TI0Td CA12�'.�i�D t,'FdAI`iITICU�Li'. , � � ��� P�,�:TdI'IIPTG CC;1:; �Ia ;IOT�i IxE�TTP�C, AUCU�'P ?_� f 1�79 - PAGL' 15 I+is. Schnabel infarraed the Peti�i�ner i;hat �his would �,o to Council or1 aeptember 10, 1979 and a public heaz in�; tivoulcl be set �'or Oc�ober � 8, �-979• � � 4 . P�C�:IV�; t i�;i.:0i?��„''i�Ui ° .�i�C AUGU,�� ?_., 1�37) a I;�SU'.:: requzren:ent� �h�t rat�;;t uSe pe� mit = , a variance � VIRGTL i''?R:?IC1L. CIT`l ATTC '�'hat are th� procedural a 'he coc,znl_iec? ��r��ch in �°ran'�1 or a r�-zonin� Cr1�I1:'G? 2 sub;�taiztive a special I:r. Oquist stated �hat he �vould like to have time to read it. Ir7s. Schnal�el a�reed and re�uestcd it ba l�l�ced on the nex-t a�enda for discussion purposes. �he also rec�uested a copy be sent to T:Ir. �-Iarrie and T:r, Lan�;enfeld and al�o to each mernUer of the Appeals Cor.nmissicr� because it �lso deals with variances. T.10TION by i.7r. O�ui.st, seconded by ivls. IIu„hes, to receive tlie mer�oranduM fror� Vir�;il Herric�, the �i�Ly Attorney, datec� l�v�ust 2, 197g. UPOT�� A �TO�CE VGT�, l:LL VCiI�iG AY�, VTCE C�iAIRI^]Oh�iN SC�-iI'1A�EI, D�,CLAa�E17 `PHE T�IOTZOi�T CtiRRIiD Ui�A:vILiOUSLY. ' Vice Chairv��ornan Schnabel declared a recess at 9s10 P.P�T� and reconvened the rzeE �ing a� 9 a 25 P.T:i. '5 • COi�tTlidU aD a COT�.�PP,�;�i�i�TSIV� D�`V�LOP: i �11T PLAItiT a T�C,�d�P�RTI'� TIOPds II'dTRODUC � IOTd s T,Is. Schnabel stated that -the Cor�mt�ni�y Development Commission concurred with the Transporta �ior� Fl� n ard tl� Parl�:s and F,ecrea-tion did not dis- cuss it. I.Ir. TreLte�lfels s-tated -tha-t h� found the phzlosoy�hical cor:linents in �the Introduction help�'ul even �Chou�h he d? d no•t a�;ree �vi-th a1.1 of them. P�AT' DI���C�IO��� : ;�r. Treue�z:Fels s-�a�e� �hat he �'elt ;��k sriould ve ��1. ile fe�t that �;�� should be the i;.ap priority. P�Tr. �3oardr.i�n rta�Led that they �vere no�t listerl in priorityo P:�z .`I'reueniels aslzed tha�t i�' i�t t�ere re�yped, tre order Ue chan�°ed. �s hP su�L�s��d o Ii� fel-t ;,"� should be thei�^ prir,lary �;oal. �. T:;s. �iu�hes a;;re�d and z"elt tha�t ,-;'�1� �hould Ue ;tl and ;;`� shot�ld Ue ;P2. Also, she icli that main�Lnance of the existin{; syst�r� could Ue im- prover;iGnt a.f. PLA�?�diPrTG CO',:�P:iISSI0:1 T.� :�TIT�1G➢ AUGUST �2. 1.9'�9 - PACrE 16 0 P:Tr. Deblon stated. tha� ;�2 �ool� care oi irr���rovemer�ts. lie stated that in the real �Arorld they Yiad -to rn�intain ��r11��; they have ancl wlien -they get the chance o�nd. the rnoney, r�ake channes and imnrovernents o l�Ie fe].t � that the order the�� ��rere listed in llad a certain flow �a a.t. b�r. Oquist no-ted that ���hen �or:iethin� is nurnberedy it S.s al�vays read in order. r�Tr. �oardM�n �u�;;ested they rePlace th.e numbers with do�s. I.7r. Oqu? st at�;r_ eed.. i�is. Hughes sta'ted �thaic maintenance did not have to be a priority. T�tTra Boardma.n stated tha'c i-� �ti�as a�riority because that's what the people in -the City vaant. Sa�'ety is primary anc� maintenance is for safety. I�.Tr. Treuenfels stated tlla-t he felt that maintenance �vas a small par-� of servin� transit needs. GOALSa T.Ts. Huohes recomr�en�ed the inser� "conservation o�' ener�y" after the---__ word "e�fic�ency". The Comr�iissioners concurred, 1�Ts. Hu;hes �ta�ed tha� i't �p�eared �o deal prinarily tivith roads and she �'elt this �ti•as the ti�rrong en��ia �is. Ob�ect�ive l, �'olicZ- 1-L: I:ir. Treuen�'els asked ho�v -�he City v�oulc� do that? I•Tr. Board.man �tated the,T �,�rot�ld make sa�'ety iMPi^otrements su.^.h as signalization, speed lir,iit con��rols � etc. Ql�jec�ive 29 Policsj J-�z Tis. Schnabel questione� the �vord "prorlo-te" . She �elt they really had to develop park and ride siteso �"� I,Zr. Poardr�an s�tated �heSr �vould �try tc proniote cooperative efforts �tiri�h businessr�er� to a11o�+r join�; uses of p�z?�in;� 10 �� arzcl �h�t �y�-�_ of thin`. Iie sta�ed that the�T had one site no�v at the Arenae A plan �va��e . ' ancl sen�t to the I�i�C l�ut tliey don't �iave the r�oney :for i�t now and it �^�as put on iceo '-Ie fel� �t s�iould Ue encour�r ed� ho��revero f-Ie �vent on to men�`ion several possi'ule 1oca�ions sucl� as I�Ienards and Tdor�htaanm. Ob�FCtiv� ?., Policy ^-A £�• ?-?�s �" i:Ir. Treltenfels aslced �;�llat the di�'yerer.ce ���r�s bet��reezi �thes� -t�vo policie.� � TIr. Dtblon �ta�ced that it appeared -to he a typin ;� er�^or and he tvould looJc into i�t. , �� ; ���rTrizr:,c cc..-���;zor1 r:z��:�Tx;�1G, 1�Urtr�T ��, t�7� PA�r �7 Ol�;ject3_ve 2, Polic�T ( s �`1 T-Ir. Tret?enfel� aC,�ed if ive really had tliat ma�1y options as to where �they v�ould develop housir_�? T,ir. Boardm�n �tated that i�' they �v�re goiyzg ta be lookin� at housin� �or the disadvarZ�ta�ed, tl:ey should be lookin� at loca �a.ng �tha'c housing in areas where they can provide -L-�iat �ranvit. I'�Ir. Oc�ui�t asYed if it woulcln't l�e easier to brin� the transit to the �re�, e^p�cia� 1.f if -�here �vas a hish vollame o� need in the area? P�1r. Eoardrlalz sta-�ed tha ��tiie probler.i ���as ��}iey needed a turn-arouncl area and a.lso there �re ��ro��lems tirrith talting the buses �hrough residential areas to turn thera �roiz��.d. T�is. Hu�hes stated they r,�oulc� have to star� loolcing at jitneys and multi��)� use caps and 'Gi11Y1�S 1 ike �Lhat. Tt1ro Treuenfels sta-ted t�iey hao. to tllii�� �f al��er.�atives and- make their de�ires l;no �r,�1. ::;�. Hugh.es e��lained that a ji�ney was a vehicle that ran on a scheduled �,oL�te co���inuously Uut not on a time �cn.edule, Tt is a�huttle service. It couln be a�1y �k�in� irom vans -co station:�va�ons or -�axicabs tha�L can accep-t mor� than one f�re az a time. � : �'`� � Objec�ive 2 P�licV � I�Zs. Iiughes �skec� tilrhy this r�2sn't a separate objective. She ielt this �v�s cri-tical and very important. T.:r. �3oardman stated that th.ey fe1.t it �v�s a part of Objective 2. T:Zr. Treuen.f�ls ask;ed if it wouldn'�t be better to dele-te ths word °'necessii,y"? The Corlmissioners concurred. Objective 3a 1`.ir, Ti eu�nfels T70"t('�i tha�t "'con�estion" �vas s�elled �vrong in the stater.ient under t��e ob j ec�.ive e C�l��i ec�t� ve 3�ali.cti� 1- � o I:Is. JIu�;hes as��ed i�' thi s 4�rou.ld bc re�+,z�it�en? ;'ir. Debl or�. st?te� it ��,�;�s ancl TA10ll_L.(�. re�d as a ollov�s � "The Ci�y shoul.d a.zalyze t.h�,c i�al�rov�mentU to de��er.�iine i�.° theys 1) improve localized movet:�ent� ti;�a.thiiZ the cor��:unity. ?) adver; �Iy effect �he na�ural and /"'1 uocial eiivi.r�ri:,�cnt, 31 �(i�T(ty�n�Z�, ,, f��c� trie ove;r�.11 eco:iomic v�e1l�b�in� - of the ci�ty, �� �I'lle �1��rds "c�o no�t" �lr�re deletec�r PLI�T�d���T?•?r COI,TI�ZINSIOId ?,"F��iIT�t� , AUGUST 2.? . 1979 - p� u� l� G�a;iect� ve �, � olic.y ].: i:Ir. TreuF��y�1� as�sed for an e�:�nple o.� re�;ion�l transportation . � facili.tie� , i•Zr. Deblon ci�ed the interstate anc� the ra5.lroad. as exarnples. I-ir. �oar.drnan explainect that they ��rere sa�in� they should continue to analyze impraverlexZts on it -to see if -tho �e iraproveMents improve the iteMS listed o - - -�_ Oblective 'i: T�.T�. Schnahel referred �o the sta-�erz�z-.t i:nc7er Objective 3 wi�h regards to the fourt?Z �entence `�rlZich s'cates "Thzs north-sou'�h mavement lzaU r.la�e loczl east-ti^rest r�overien� increasir_�r1y c�ifficult. .. the CitSj should work 4�rith the a;�propriaf�e 2�fencies to reduce the negative eifectso" She aske� w�lat t�e �trii:�kin� behind that vr��: and wha� they could do? t.2r. Boardman stated that one of the r�ain c�luestions was hot�r 'the;� would ge-t pedestri�n moves�ent �cross t.here. Cne oi the �hin;;s �heJT may h�ve to do is worlt tti�i�th those a�encies -to get ove�-passes or under-passes a�.d/ or a chan�;e in the si�nali��tion system �vhich wi11 al.lor�r that pedestrian move�ent to cro �s. Anotner �vay �vauJ_c� he to �NOrk �vith the l�ice Creel: bike/�raay system. T;s. Schnabel asked about the �edestriar_ moverlen�t �rom the Vi11aGe Cree:� I�Zr. �3aardman s tat�c3 ti�ey really haveiz't c�one any rnonitorin� o? that and thou�h� -they should . �7s. Schnabel stated that in re�erence to tr2�fic in nei�,hborhoods,and comrnercial strirs in. nei�;hborhoads, she fe_lt that as i�ae are bein� en- coura�ed more and more ta conserve €as a�c3. �;r�l�� or bike o those ne� �hbor- hood ceni:er. s become more irn��er�t;�n'to In fact, many peo�le are tall:ing about the nei�hborhood �rocery store ret��rnin�. �.ze ielt that should �o part �nd p�rcel witl� sor�ie of these thou�h �s . i�:Ira Bo�rd:��� st�ted_ that �his �vas discusCed in Policy 3�A, B, Fc C. � Those ;�olicies discu�sed tra�'fic control arld noise in resid.ential areas. T.!s, Schnabel stated that in reUards �Lo this, tiley should be careful not to cut of.f all the access so the fire trucics cann'�c get in, Iira �o�.rc�r^an stated ttizGti t�7ere �vere con�lici,U because ��rhen they try to provide 'che mo�'c efx"ic� en.t s�*stem �'or pnlice or emer�ency vEhicle:., they �re �1so providi_n;; the most e�'�icien�t t��pe of �ysterri for automobile use also. So you rvn into -the caMe �;yPe of sy�tern becau�e theST are one �.:. and the sar:te. � PLI�;dPdST�iG CC:'•.TiISaTOT•1 I�::��TIiIG� l�UGUSi 22, 1979 - PAGE lg 0 � Gb�ec�ive t•�� � t.is. Hu�hes a:�ked ii this v�auldn't be a�ooc3 spo-c for I�cs. SchnaUel`s . � coraMen�s about lookiri� at zonin�; codes �'or a�propriate nei�;hvorhoc�d service�? l' r. � eblon st��ed th.at he -�hought tha� �the Land Use Section dealt �vith tha � o '�� P�r. Boarclr�an stated �l,ha� he d.idn't think the City was big enough tha� they �vould. develo� r�e3.ghborhood �r_ oc�ry stor. es. The loca-tions are close enou�l�. �o th? Center City are�s and the Shorewood area, etc. You rni�ht have to ��ra1]; 5 or 6 blocks vahich is not exc�ssive. T��ir. Treuenfels stated th�t with �he oil shor-tage he felt they should re�h.inl� -the rlandatory requirement of havin� so r�any parl�in� stalls for a ho�e. i�e felt �.t s�lould be left up to the homeownere T:ir. OGuis�t stated that the parkin� requireme�Zt was just to make su�.^e they had a place to park ol�' the street. , I�Zr. Bo�rdman asked what kind of statement �th�y svould want? iis. Hu�hes stated that Folicy �-]3 un.d�� OUjective �F in the I,and Use :�ection car�e close to ��hat she had in rnind. She would like sor.nething li;te that s�id here. ItTs. Schnabel stated th�t Ob��ctive 4• in -the Transporta�ion seemed to deal rnore with physic�l raovement rather th�n the location oi service centers. T.ir. Deblon statec� th.at he felt i�; ��as co�vered. in the La:�d Use Sec Vion. Tr;s. Hu�hes stated tha-t �rouTd suffice. Ii�w`T�T�T2C�Y s � T�:r. Deblon stated that they �vere retivorkin� this sectzon. They had neev data b�sed on t'.ze nev�r Fr�ojectiozzs on �che gas shortage. T:1r. Eoarc]_Man statec� tha�: t��� Co,:imissioners had all the maps on the Transporta�ion section rrith `the eYCeption oi° the �'D`I' I::ap. They had. probler,�s �vitlz �he �i��.�rn, �iven -to thcmo �ie stated they migYii, not Ue 2ble 'co 5}10��� a l;��t� l�U�.' 'i.t �ifio pi o j eC �i0ri based on those calculationr o l.ts. Schi:a���l referred to the pro jected f.i ;ure of. 75, QQQ on F94�. She st��;c;� that ��Qol.tld chan�e i�' �thez e�•��as a neva bridge by 19q0. P.1r. :�oardn�an sta �ed that �hat fi�.ir�e v��s no�� necessarily correcte There �vere: discrepanc3_es in some of these ii�;tzres. .�lso � he noted -t}iat 694 �voulcl be increased to a si�: lane hibhtivay. � - PL�1T�T��dTrtc Co�'iT;IS�TOTd T='�?�TIT�Cs� �,UGUST ?_?., 1979 - PAG� 20 ?P!a1:er�;�aVs =- � i�Ts. Schnabel asked �vhere the �;ublic l.�ndin� and acc�ss would be? t;ir. Boardr.ian statec� ihey ��rere lool;in�; at the hi�;hv,�ay salt storage location �outh of tiie hr�.d�;e. Tiia-t �voLtld be the best access and locztion �'or a boat landin� and it v�rould Ue developed as part of th� Gi eat i:iver Road Par': Plan ay^ter�. The Cou�lty woulci take o�er the salt stora�;e area ri�;ht on the river �7id utilize the �ov��er area for boat launchings. I.Zs. Schnabe]. askecl if it v�as feasible to put mo�torized and non-motorized vehicl.es on the river? I�:Zr. Boardrnal� s�tated �ha�t soutL o�' 6g�a V'l�r ilot i,00 bad, Uut beyond the Islands of Peace it could be a�robl�mo I'c ��roul.d depend on -the boat. P;Ir. Oquist stated that this st�.ter,lenl: re�a like a policy. I;Is. �iu{;hes sta'cecl thut she �'elt it sheul�. be in �he �'arks Section. I.Zr. Boardr�an a�;reed that i�: should be dele �ed an� stated he would checY i'or o�her s-ta�;enents lil:e that ir1 thc inven�;ories. Fublic Tr�nsita i.Is. Schn�.bel referre� te the -third par� ;?^�ph in this secJcio�1 �nd N ��tec,� -�hat �hei^e vaere people VJr10 r:i�ht tal�e e�cep�tior_ �to tlzat stateMent. , I•Ir. De'�lor_ stated. they v�:ould be r�U�ritin� �;izat. -,..,-, �. �:�'��."P:a m T.,r. Boardman sta�ed tha� -the ae����r Pl�an Goal v�a;� out of place and ��zoulc7 be after the Introductiono Int�.°odt�ction a r;r-. Cnuis� ref.erred to the �hird p2ragra��h in ttie Introduction arzd stal`ed 'ne �vas no�i so sure Fridley had � Uu�li �y setiver and storm se�jrer system. It see�ned to hira thaj� every �priri�, one oi tvro Uroke near his house. T=Ir. Debloi� statec�. tlza� coripy,ra.nt it to i��I�nrieapoli�__and St. Paul� it �tiTas very �;oo�. � ��� Ob j ec� i�Te l a i,:s. �iLi;�he� as�.ed if tlley ����ere �oin� to include a s�tate^�ent� to the effec� th�t �t,heJ t�roule?_ r.lonitor �the �;tiality o� vr�ter in the City ix�cludin�; buUine�s �nd i_ncll�;�rin1 af?ec�tinU Public �:��ter, eta.? p;�. 1;Q�rc?nan �tated t}Zat this r�etion x e:��rred to c?rinkin� �ti�ater. It ^ t�aas �va�cer treatme:�.� �tid sug��l�; o ihey v�ere re.ferrin�; strictly to �he �` pi�,� ,�- ,t�rl and urzderL round ;��ster� �'or drin.lc'tnv etita�er. PLANIVTP�IG CC'I�:iIS�ICid t:��TI?1!�, AUGTIST 22, 1.9'�9 -n PP,GE 21 .� . v �� Ttro DEblon su�;ested they insert the vaord "domestic". I}Ir. Board.man a�-reeda Ob'ective 2v �:so T-iugh�;c referre�. to the thirc� line in the statement under� ObjectivE 2; ahe iFlt -�his r�as a po.licy and vrould 1i�ce to see it as either an ohjective or a policye T�Tr. Iloardtnan st�ted it was an object�ve or �olicy under the Enviranrnental Resouz^ces section. .ie c�idn' � think i'c fit under the domestic v�:ater supply. - P�:re Deblon s�ated this section deals �rith pipinG the �vater. The wa �er source is de�lt ,���i �h in �;he �nvironrnen�tal :�esources section. I:is. ��iughes st�ted t:�at �vould suiz"ice. ���P.C't1VE? J, �O�1Ct1 ��.3b :i7. Hu�he� sua�ested they chan�e the �vord "encourage" ta "re�ulate" and do iti by per��it �Prh�ch ��;oulcl Y�rin.�; money into the City. She ��rould like ta re�ul�te it. There are certain size users that have to have permits to do this and the�T are controlled bSr the Follution Control A�e�zcy. The re��on it is done by pernit is they do�z° t do it ii' they �ren' � rec�uired +o do it. She t�i�s no-t so sure ttzat sha�al�n't apply to sr:ialle-r indusirial users as �atell. ��lhil� you can enooura�e i�, sl-�e doesn' -t have Mt�ch �ai�ch in tha�; lcind of process. T.�r. boar.c?r�an state� it only becoraes a P�ocess tivhcM it Uecones ecor�ornical)_y fea.sible for -tizem to do it. If it is not econor:rically feasible, the�T are not �oing -to do it and t.ze s�rne applies �o the homeovrner. t;is. ��ughes st2ted tha � i ���,Totzldn' -� be nc�norn�.c�lly feasible unti� a penalty is en�'orceci. �lha� was the process ���ith a�.r pollution. T�ir.. t�o�rdman st�-�ed. -tha ; he could. see encoura�in� it but wasn't sure about r��L?latin� it. i,�r. .ior� stated that i � hac? to be rea.sonaUl�. I,:,^,. t�u�7zes st�-ted �hat s�ze E-vou.ld �o �alon� l�rith "encourage". C?�iE�ctive '3s �:>a Sr.hna�el �slrF d tivhy the�� vrere �oin� into this since this is the �vay i-t is done any�°aay. �lie asl�ed �vhy t�1ey �tilere hi�;lzli�izting that? T,Ir. �Ocl?.^dI:9a}1 sf�t�d th�-t all they �v�re saying ti��as that it should Ue COYl'G1T1L�E:C? . It is � policy of the City. �� T�I�. Sc}i��abel s�.�-��d �}1E?�� should be con�irtent and have it throughout PL�P�ITdIT1G COi'�il� STOi1 T��:TZ'I1dG, �,tJGUST 2�'., 1�79 - PAGE 2?_ y ��;C�i'TCT�I TI . `�..CS��;:;5 a Objectivc� �:s ,� Y.�r. llor� �sked if �he id_e� �'or the F`ric�ley ?'las-i;e ?�Jater Treatment Plant �vas sti11 on thr� Uo�l�s �••rith the: i:::��CC to put in a T�lorthern Tier `.Creatrnent Plant? i:iz. �oardman sta�ed it �;as still layed out in it as a secondary cycle. IIs. Schnabel s�a�te� �tha'� in both the S`c3rL1.�Y.�ry system and the s'torm ses;er systerl, na-tllin�; �^»s st�tFd �bout evaluatinT the at:�oun�t oi service �iven to s�eci�ic az�a�: �s ar'eas incre�se in �eilsity. ��he present service r,1a�T be i�ladeo.ua�:e. S?ze ��ras re�'er� i�.� in pariicular to th� River- vie�i i:ei�;l�ts are�.. i'h�y o�'ten hear co�ZMent� about the �iz� o�' �the lines there. I:ir, LoGrvr���z st�te�. thut accordin� 'to the ]�ng�nee-rin� Department, tY�e systerns �•aere �dequ� �e �'or a ponul� �ion oi �y, 000. 'rie stated �that there ���erE no storn�. : e��,rers xn tliat pa.rticul�r area. There v��re catch basins at the end of� t.ie s �reets �.Zd tYie water �v�s tY�en directed into the river. ,:ir. Deblon sta�ted tha-� wa� coverEd under Gbjeciive 3, Policy lo S�ls. SchYzabel ^tated that vrould cover �.t. � i:?s. Sch:��'ael �sYed_ if the r haci sor�e s�a�e�uard to ensLire tha�t there is no �?o11t?tion by ei'cher e�is-tin� or future businessES? Slze �aTas reierrin� -to sanitary sel�rers in �articular. T=;r. �iora stated tha.t the T�etrapolitan !']a�te Con�rol Cot;�rr.ission had the authority to control -�he sani'car�,�T se�n;ers. The �ipes are maintaine� by the City but the Corrit�ission contrals �^�ha� �,oes into i�Co T:ro �o�rdr�an sta�ec7 -�hat Objective 3, 1'olicy � coverec. the storm system. ;re rEferred to Gbjective l� �olicy �� ar�d s ���e�� t.zat the policy �wasOn that ifi the�-� ��ras a re�^'er �vr ilnbl�, ^11 uni�:S i:11lS1�` be connected. si-te r�2�:1i��r;.r sevrer c�i�Po�al i� i7ot a1.lot�rec) e i�° �'el-� they should ma��e a�olic?� s'�ater�ent on -thato i�e ielt -Lhey shovld dclete 1 olicy � under Objective 1. :�`r. iior� st��;�e �tec� t�iey inelude a st�t�r��ent re ;�rdin� r��w a:�c� i�vzovative systems Ueir�; e�T�,lu:�ted. T�1r. Bo�rclm�n statecl tlze,y eould �o th�t. Thc�y cauJ.d m�lce tY�e stater�ent th�t they w�ou.lc�. coopera.�ce ���ith atner a�;;encies in evaltxatin�; new and 1T1T10V��",1VG ��a�ste tre2tt:1cilt sy�tems, The Cot;li�issioners concurred. � pLl�TdP;IIir CCiil?IS�rC�T�; ;.1'_:�?'II;G� t�UGTJaT ?2. ZQ79 P�:GL 2.3 Gbjective 3s i•ns. :iu�hes sun�QS�;ed they add a Yolicy 5 d��hich ���ould say �;hat -the Ci-ty should nroilibit -the rillin� and c�eveloprnen-t of ��a-ter storage �reas and water rechar�s;e areas. I..r. Boarc?m4n stated that ti��ould coMe und�r L�'nvironMental Pesources. I�-iso iiu�hes s-tated tha� i�L shoti�ld be i.n here for control oi' storm run- of:C. S11e ie�i; i� s.'nould be cross-�eierence�. T��:rs Boardrz�n sta'ced �hey coti?l� czoss-reierence i-t under Objecti�te 3, Policy 2. '''r �Itzbhes sta�ed. t}1at l�rot�ld '�e fine. 1•�,� . ��:CTZO!`T Z.�I e CwC1r�� �i ��r.L' � 3 I�Ts. ?iu�hes referred �;o the last t��o lines in the second paragraph re�arding aindin� alterna�ive lan�iill sites in the northern part of the me�ro �reas. She felt they shoulari"�; be landfillin� or encouragin� th�t any rnore. She �elt they should look ior alternatives. ,:ir. Boardr�an statecl that the problern was that �he current landfill si-t� vrould be fille�. within t;�do years a�.d �n alternative �vould not be deve�onrc' � in tir.2e. So, thEy ��.�o�ald have to find ai�oth�-r I.andfill sitE. P�Is. �iu;hes stated that T;�PCA was looking a-t i�o more landfillso P•gro Hora s tated �hat he unders�cood they were `nd the�r �TS on the ��'ood Lake laridfill �vould �e corliiiv OLIt sooa� on expansions. I�e was not sure if ichey ���ere looYizz� or� ex?��nsions of �hat in pax �icular or in generul, but he stated they h�� to pu� it some�vhere. Pir. Boar.c�,man stated that the presc�n�t site �vas only tvao years to canaci���T and �}ie Com�reher.sive �'lan s°or Anoka County inclu�ed �'inc�ing a new site because a whole ne���r s3Tstern to elimina-�e ��rbage. ,°rould not be d�veloped within two years. P.Ir. Oquist noted that Objective 2 deals with al-ternai,ive �ti�ays of reducin;�, �Fras�te. i,�s. iiu�hes stated -�hat would suf�'ice. ZivVl?.;�TTO.°.Yr P,Ir. DeUI on stated this secti.on �-oulc� b� � ewritten and what is basically says is that the systeri is adequate �or the pro jected �-4� 000 People. A�IOTTGPd tiy I.�s. 11U�hes! s�c�nc�ed by T.Ir. Treuenfels, to close th� Fublic eT� rin� . �"� r - UFG�:`.? �1 VCTu:t? VCT?;, PL'L VOTII�TG �IYE, V:tCH C�II�.IR?';Oi�:,�t`,T SC1:i3l�P'�Z, D�CLAR�D T.�IL 1'LT��,iG Ii�2Z;du C�',,i 'I':�`=; CO;IPi�L?-irla�IV�,' lii�.V:�LOPI':it,IvT PL;�N CLOS�'D I�T lOsS� P.T'.1. PLAI�ItdII�G COr,7T,�IS�IOP�� I>i:r,ETITdG, AUGUST 22 0 1979 - pAGE 2I� f.iGTSOTI by :ir. �Cr�ven�el^, ;�F�cc�n���:d Y�;,r I:re Gctzis�, �;o �e�-�cJ. ��he C�r��pr=�}�en::.�.�e� Develo1?r�en� Pla7� a:� arnenaed to Councilo ,�—, UPCPd �� VGIi; � VOT;3� ALL VOTST'G hY�, VICi. C1;.AIR4i�CI:iATd' SG�iPJ��EL DLCL^�R"�� THL I�TCTTUI'd CAl�RIED U;��I�1IT�'OUSLY. b� CG'�ITI.+t1;Da Pf.OPOS??D CIin,I�rC�S ITd CII��PT'.�R ?_05 ZOn°Ir�Ga 1.1G�.'IOr' Y�y T�r. Gc�uist, seconded b�r Tiro TreuenfPls, to continue the �.ircussion on the proposed cn.an;es �'co Chan'ter 205 Zonin�. LTPO?d A VO�CE VOT�, P.I,:G VOTIidC- �Y�, VICE• GHP.IR''�ror7�ra sc.iTd.�3EL D�CLt�R"uD T;IE ,="CTIC�'� C�fR�:I :D UiIA:��ZIl�iOUSLY o 7. R �C JI`I �� :NTr"AT� P?SOIJ�G H S CC;�i;IIS�IQi� I��I��IUTES : P.UGtTST 2, _ 1979 = I:,OTIOi� b;� ��ir. Treuen.f��s, ^�conded by I::r. Oqua.s't, to receive the I�uman Pesources Cor�mission r;�inutes o�' Auaus � 2 0 1979• I}�s. Schnabel no-ted th�� t.zere was a rnotion i�1 the minutes that the Ci�y o�' 1{ridley fui�d a`�1, 00� contriUuta.on to �he �enior Cztizen Cut� Reach Pro�rani. i••Tr. Boardman recomMended that the Planxain� Cornini�sion rett?rn t'zis �o the `rluman Ftesources Commi�si�rl arzd �.t �the enc� o�' �the Srenr th� Iiuman Pesources tivould or7anize thcir �r� orita.es. i:ir. . Eoardman st�ted -thGt the �i.ty i.'zn�'er ��ad issu�d a t�ser:�o re�arainL cc:n�tributa.oris a�d reqL:estinj::� thati all rea�aests ior contr•ibi:. �.iol�s l.�e rie? c ut�til -L-he end of tne ye�.r EtiT'rlen th� f shoul3 be ran �ed for priori �y. i-Ie re�uested that tlzey table iYie i�;em un�;il he Gave thei,i a co�y oi' �he m�r.10 a I�Ts. Hujhes stated that «�iti1 that sys'cem, they would establish the bud�e� ���ithout any knov��led�e of the requests. P�ir. Ba�rdman stated �hat in oide.� to j1�d;e izo`v much �they ti�an� to give -these peo�le, they have to jud�e ho�^,i r�any reqtzests thzy get and hodd Much money Z� available a They s�t the budti�;et �nd th�n �rioriti7.e th� requests. T:�s. Hu;h�s sta.ted that she thou�ht it ��s�s a d�arnb syst�m. They shovld collect the .re�u�s+s and have -the critcra.a and priorites aild then budge� f'or ito Pdot th� athei �vay �.round. I�;r, fio�rdM�n st�ted th�t tiv�s one vray to do i.t bu�; before yo�� a��rove PxPendittitrn�, yau h2ve to see if it i_s in the bti?d�et. A.11 tizey are sayinz: is -t�.a-t b�fore yota a���zrove ` recommen��� � i.an on a 4�� p 000 ex�en- diture 9 they v�Uni sor;ie priori-�ies set. T�.r. O�ust stG ted that a certain aMOUnt should be se-t aside . each year for these ~rc�ues-ts. �. � FLI�TdTdTTvC; CG,::i%[ISSIOTi t.'�i:�:TII`;G, ��UGTJwT ?2, 7-979 �- PAGF ?� � � - - I��Is. Schnabel re�'erred to pa�e •� of the minu�tes and asked that the ��; I'lannin� Commissi bn be noti.�ied of' the o�en house a� -�he senior� -- buildin�. � � � I:ls. Schnabel referi�ed to pa�e 5 of th� rninLttes regardin� the Vi11aUe ('�reen and a lacl; �f tran�portation for ��he.handicdpped. She su��ested that �erllaps one a�' the Cornmissions �vauld like to :�tudy the situation. t�Ir. Treuenfels s�tat�d �hat i,.s. Van Dan stai�ed that rnany of the handi- ca�ped exoressed a pre�'erence for the T;inne2polis area especiatly the do�vn'covm area or near that area, so �they would be close to etTerything and busla.nes . U�Oi•? � V�SCE VCT.�', ALL VGTIT�?G PY�, VICE C'.AIR"va0l.iAt�1 SC�INABEL D�CL�RED TH� S�TGTI0:�1 CARRZ�D U'i�1Ai�;IiiOUSI,�'. Iri0TI0T�1 by 1?r. Onuist, seconded bf T,:r. Iiora, to -�able the reque�� for a contribution to the .�noka County Senior Citi.zen Outreach Pro�_ram until -���e ne:;�; meetin�. T,:u. T�ughes stated -cllat she ��v4nted to know v�ha-t the dollar Gmount in the Ci'cy "'�ucl�et is for eon'cributions. She would like that statEd in the �nemo 0 T�Zre Boardr>>an. stated that there ��aas no dollar aMOUnt alloted and that fact is st�tec? in the rneMO, UPOid A tiTGIC :�TOT�, ALI� �JC�TIi`1G A�F, VICF Ci�92R?��O�:IAT�� SCHT1�BrL D.i.CLARLD THi: TtI0TI0ilT CAP,:�I.'-,�~D Lfi;Ai?II,iGUSI,Y. 8. R�C.�{,IV� APPi+,1�LS GO:T?'.�I�SIOIe I:�T�diTT�S s AUGUST 1lN, 19,�A i PlOTIOrI b�r I:.r. �'reuen�els, seconded by I.r. Oatzist, to receive the �pPeals Gommission m� nutes of �t��,u.st 1�, 1979 e I:lr. Oc�uist asked if the nroposed homes on �iv�rview Terrace �vex e mobile iior�es. Tlso Schnabel sta�ed they �^rere not. The 1ov�er section o� the hot?ses �vo�ild be built an the site a�d t�ie top hali cons-�ructed in a iactory. She sta�ea tr:�� the A�?peals Cor�.�i: si�n 11�d several c�uestions re�ardin� this r�c�uest �that shoulc'. b�� hi_�nli�,hted. �he �va� �.�nhappy w�ith i,heir dr�ina`e nl=:n. !11so, therP �a� s a question about �he need o� fire walls and if �vindon�s ��:�ou1d be �J_lorred ��Z that side o�' the ILOUJ�J. T?le ho�usEs �re only 10 �'eet ,�;��rt �nc? t:ze QPpeal.s Lor;�mission �vas concerned �bout tlie spread oi �'i_reo :�he stated t�1a1, the pax �n�r o.f i.Ir. 1'assbor� `o-L el�cited abotit tlze �.�ossi�.,i_litf of l��i]_ZC�lY�rc a hou:�e on �il_xri�;s �nd he seemed in�F.rested a.n builc?.in;:; a,;n�1e Izotzse. 1`he x�erl 1•J�s tablec� to give them -�ime tb revie�� t}�eir si�.uation. UPQi3 A 1TOICr �JC�l'.�� .I�LL `dG'1'II;G �1�'?;' VICr; CII..ATt�t'dUI.IAI`� SCI�Ii'�r?33EL D?�CLARi::u l�i?� I�:OTTC,�T CARRI'_;D UTdA?'�I;:OUSLY. PLA,�t1�ITdG COil:P,7ISSI0I�1 I.:�ia:Tliv'G, AUGUS`_r 2?., 1�79 - �'ACi's 2E 9. ��DJOU:;i;; i �"?T � T�IO �'IG�i by T:ro Treuenfels ��econded bv P,�r. Cquist� to ad journ the � l�l��;vst ?_20 197q mectin� o� tYie Pl�nn.in� Cor�r�i:�s�_on. ` , UPOPy A VOIC� VOTLo 1?T7J V�T1T�,G AY�, VTC�: C�IAIF�b���i:TAr? SCIi1VA�LL DECLl�Ri:ll TH� P.i��TlidG PDJOU1:i��:D AT 11 a 15 P.I:. _ Respeci�'ully submittcda �. >� $��i�� �' <<� f�'� ��—� i�'°�" ,� , ��i� ,s ,r ,�"� , �,,�-..m � m e�,.n;._a'"�.1� . � �" �.; ,c�- .r� ,'r . rs"'•::, m ILatr�y� �or1, Recor•din� Secre�ary 0 � � �, �,a � ,�,�