PL 07/09/1980 - 30540� � . �� Eity ofi Fridley PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JUI.Y 9' 1y80 ..�.���. - a• CAL�, TO ORDER : PAGE 1. Chairinan Harxie callec� the July 9, 1980, Planning Commission meeting �o order at 7:30 pem. . � ROLL CALL: �� Memliers Presen't: Mr. Har�is, Mr. Langenfeld, Mrs. Gabe1 (for Schnabel) Mr. Wh�rton, Mrs. Hughes Members Absent: Mr. 'Treuenfels, Mx. Oquist Others Present: Jerrold'Boardman, City PZanner � APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: JUN�E�,].8, IgRO. Motion by Mr. Langen�eld, seconded by I�Ira. Hughes to approve the June 18, 1980 Planning Co�ission minute� as written (o� sanended). Upon � voice vote, a11 voting aye, Ch�.irman Hayxis declr�ged th�s motion c�,Yried unanimouslyo 1. PCTBLIC HEA,�RING;� I�tEZONING REQiJ��T, ZOA �� 8000�� BY TED SURNAIdDT, Il�/ B/A ' SWING RE��.TY; :��z��e p�.rt o� Lo� 3 Aa5. �25 P�.rael 11D0, fgom R-3 (general: multiple f.amily dwellings to �Rml (general off�ce �d limi�ed business), the saffie being 921 Hillwi�.d Road No E. • Mx. Ted Burnandt, the pe�itioner wa� pxesent, Motion by 1�1rsm Hughes, �econded by Mr. Langenfeld, th�.t the Planning Commission open the public he�.�ing on rezoning r�quest �OA �i�80�02, by Ted Suxnand�. Upo�. a voice vote, all votiaig aye; Chairman H�-ricis dec3.axed the public l�earing open at 7:37 pom. Mx. Boardman stated that Msce Burnandtwa� requesti.ng x�zoning on the house south of t'he =ieighboxing pxoperty. H.e wa.nts CR�1 resoning. 'T.he�e i.s �. parking �ea. 1.ocated in fxont of the prope�ty. T"ne lot area witn �hi� 1ot is+ 25,065 �q. ft. �ud the:. requi�ed 1o�t� a�ea is 15,000 sqo ft. Air. Harris asked if. the p�ritioner had anykhing to add to the discussion. Mr. Burnant stated that his intent was to either use the existing structure or tear it down and build a new structure. He had not determined which would be the best for him as yet. Air. Boardman stated that Darrel ��ark,guilding Inspector, had reco�nended that the ex3st3ng structure be taken doc,�n. as it is i.n poor condition. If'he uses the existang house, he will have to bring t�he structure up to code. Mr. Burnant said that he �aould like to keep that option open as it �.s presen�ly be3ng rented as r� residential unit. Ais. Hu�hes stated that she had some real cancern about removing potential residential land. She asked iir. Boardinan how man units could be placed on the property. Mr. 13oardman� ansc•�ered that by �1and area, they would be able to bui.ld approximately 10 units, however, this would probably be xeduced due to low width and parking requirements. �--� Plannin Com�tission Meet in� _ __ Wednesda�, July 9, 1980 Page 2 Mr. i.angenfeld stated that he didn't have any problem with rezonin.g the property since the property just to the south was also CR-1 zoning. This would not constitute spot rezoning. • Mr. Boardman stated that iF the Planning Commission approved this request, Mr. ____ _ Burnandt ehould be_aware_of the �equi-rements of CR-1 zong adjacent to asr�sideri�ial district. ' � Mr. Burnandt stated that he had a copy of the zoning reg�ulations. Mr. Boardman sa�d that a screening fence would be required when the property is converted. Mr. Burnandt stated that this was not a requirement when he rezoned the property' to the South. He said that the Council allowed hi.m to build without the fen�ce because the property owners to the North said he �lidn't want the fence built. The praperty manager o�f 910 Lynde Drive, (just north of the petitioner's property) ry stated that she was concerned aboat th� property being.rezoned to commercial She has tenants which face this property and if a screening �ence was put up it will mean that some of lier �enants will be lboking at a wall. - Mr. Soardman said that the parking wauld most lilcely b� located in the front of the building and may �ause some problems for the tenants Eo the north. Motion by Mrso Hughe�, seconded by M��, G�h��, that the Pl�nning Co�ission close the public hea�ing on rezor�ing rEquev� 20A �� 8�0�-02, by Tecl Buxnand�o Upon e voice rrote, all voting aye, Cha�.�:c�.an Hasa:i� decl��ed �i:he public hear�ng ci.osed at 7s50 p,m, MOT'ION BY P1S. HUGNES,� SECOND�.D BY MR. LANG�I�'E�Lb, THAT THE PLANNING CO�SSI0:1 �� i�COMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPRO`lAL OF REZONIIVG F�QUF:ST, ZOA �u0-02, BY TED BUIi�IAP�"J'i, /'1 D/�i,sA SWING REALTY, TO REZONE PART OF LOT 3. AUDITOR'S'�UBDIVISION NG. 25, (PARCEL 11d0), FROivi R-3 (multiple family dwellin.gs) TO CR-1 (general office and limited business) THE SAP� BEING 921 HILLWIND ROAD N.E. UPON A VGtCE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CH..AIRMAN IiARRIS 1�ECLARED THE MOTION CARF.IED UNANIMOUS�Y:•„ :� � � - 2. PUBI,TC HEARING; RE�UEST FO:R A SFECTALaUSE `PEItMIT, SP �r80-06. BX JEROME CHItISTENS0I�1: Per Section 205.51 2, A, of t%e F�ci�.�.�y City Cade, to a11ow the con�truction of a seGOa�d accesso�cy building, a 30 -�t., by .��� ft, det€�ched garaga, on Lots 10 and 11, . Slocte ls•a Sylvan Iii11 Pl�,t Three, the same b�ix�g G260 S�ar7.ite Blvd. N.E. � Mro Jerome Christ�nson, the p�fc3.�ion�r w�,s psesent. MOTIOIv by rir. Lang�nfeld$ seconded �by Mx-. Wl�arton, that the Planning Commission open the publi�c hearing on the request for a Special Use Permi�, SP �SO-06, by Jerome Gh�istenson.. Upon �.voice vote, all vot3ng aye, Chairman Harris declared the public hearing open ai. 8:_02 p.m. .Mr. Boardman stated that the petitioner is interested in building a 26 ft. x 30 ft. garage on lot 11, and he wi11 use it as a storr.ge g�.rage. I�1r. Boardman stated that the staff wants to tie the two .75 .ft. lo�s .to�ether. Lots: 10 and �11 together would make a 150 ft. lot. The special-use permit is for a 2nd accessory building. `- �� The only way he can build the �arage is for the lot to be legally tied tagether. � It is the petitioner's intent to build �ile gara�e nowa. _ -`,�'"'� Planning Commission Meeting Wednesday, July 9, 1�80 page 3 Mrs. Hughee aeked the peti�ion�r how fast he wnu�d ne�d $pppov�I on the request? Mr. Christensox� answered that he wan�ed to start building the g�rage.in the -fa11. �--- Mr. WoIt. Searle, 6231 StBrlite Blvd. N. E, asked the petitioner how many cars he o�,med? He said that the garage seemed large for a re�idential area, and that he �eferred to keep it a residential area. He said that the petitionex had too ma,ny gax'age saZes, and that he stroagly opposed the petit3oner's intent to build his gaxage. Mr. H$xris asked if there was any further discu�sion. l�s. Hughes made the suggestion that the heaxing be continued at future meeting. She asked the petitioner if he had any object�on to a elight del,ay. Motion by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Mro Whar�on that�+-�,e nlanning Commission cZose th� public he�,aing on special-use per�t request, - .. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairman Iiarris declared�the p bl cefiear3ng �lo ed � at 8 :25 p. m.. :i0TI0t3 bq Ms. Hughes, seconc?ed by �irs. Gabe1, that the Ylanning Co�ission continue the request for a Special Use Perffiit, SP ��80-06, by Jerome Christen,son, per Section 205.0521, 2, A, of the Fridley City Code, to a11ow the construction of a second accessory building on Lots 10 and 11, Block 4, Sylvan Hi11s Plat Three, the same being 6260 Starlite Blvd., until July 23, 1980. Upon a voice vote, all vot3ng ape, � Chairman Harris declared the motion carried. ` 3. PUBLTC HEARII3G: :tE�UES'P FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP � 8Q-07 b T��,YNE E. EK, SR.: re� se�ction eusas� Z, �A, oi �he Fridley City Code, to allow the existing �fit�.chea single ca.r gaxage to st3I1 be used a� an accessory bulding witih �he constru!ctioa�.qf a 24 ft,, by 24 ft, detached �arage (already built) on Lot 7, Block 2, Meado��laaids Addition, the same being 810 66th �,venue N,E. . M�. Ek, Sr., the petitioner wae pYesent, o MOTION t�y Mrs. Hughes, �conded by �. I,�ngenfeld, that the Planning Commission open the public hearing on SP ��80-07, by Wayne E. Ek, Sr. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairntan Harris declared �he public hearin� open a� 8:29 p.m. � Mr, Boaxdm�n s�ated it is the.petitioner's intent to board his present ga�cage up and build anothe� 25 tt, x 24 ft, garage next �co the existing garage. ATr� Soaxdm�n s�ated tha� �he staff does not have any problem with this r�q�est. Mation by Mrs. Hughes, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld that the Planning Ca�ission close the public hearing ou Special-Use Permit, SP �'�80�07, by Wayne E. Ek., Sr, Upon a voice vote, all ;:oting �ye, Chairman Harris declared the psblic hes�ing closed at 8:35 p.m. 1`4r. Whr�rton s$id he would �.i1ce to see a reviewal on th� requesC made after a ce�:tain amount o� time� had passedo � . >' Mx�. Hughe� said she y agreed �haL- there ahould h a reviewal of �he situation after 5 years h�.ve �pa�sedo Tn� this t3sae the .family aize may have changed. Planning Commission Meeting Wednesday, Ju1y 9, 1980 Page 4 N�tion by Nir. Wharton, secc�nded by Airs. Hughes, that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the request with the stipul.ation that there wi11 be a reviewal aftex 5 /1 years. W3th further discussion, the motion was WITHDRL�1n'N, AND A NEW MOTION MADE. MOTION hy Mr. Wharton, seconded by Mrs. Hughes, that the Plann3ng Comission recommer}d to the City Council, approval of the request far a Specia.l Use Permit, SP �E80-07, by Wayne E. Ek, Sra Per Sec�.ion 205.051, 2, A, of the Fridley City Code, to a11oG� the eYisting attached single-c�r garage to still be used as an accessory building after �the construetion of a 24 £t. x 24 ft. detached garage (alr�ady built)y �n Lot 7, Bl�ck 2, MPadowlands Addition, the same being 810 66th Avenue N.E., with the stipulation that the Special Use Permit expires in 5 yea.rs. Upon a voice vote, all. voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the motion carried unanimously. 4. PUET,IC HEALtING: REZONING tZE ii�ST 7,O�i ��8QwQ3, BY CI�L E CI�RISTENSEIJ D/ B A CIi�'�STEN�EN AU�O BODY: Rezone Lot� �G9' 63y �ci 2[} from R�3 •(g�a�ex�a1 multple f�i1 dwell.;€.��:�; to C�2 (gex�ex�l bu�iness areas), and Lot 21, ficom CR�I (gere�al o£fice and li.mited bcxsine�s �o G42 (�eneral bu�ines� a�°eas), 7.ocated in B1ock 69 Fridley P�.�k, to m�ke voning con�isten� wi�h the use �£ the p�ope�ty� a� an auto body shop, the saffie bei�g 6501 East River Ro�d N.E. Mro C�rl E, Chrietensen vsas not gresento . Motion by Mx°°s, Hughes, seaonde�l by M7cse Gahes, th�.t the Plann�.ng Commissio� ogexi �he public Ii:;^.ring on xezaning reauest �O�i ,'r'•80�039 by C��1 E.Ch�ci��ensen. Upon s� voice vote, a11 voting aye, Chais� H��s�zs dec�axed tl�.e public hearing open /"� �,t 8 :45 p. m, . . 1�. Bo�.xc�Cnan stated that fihe prope�ty in ques�ion eaas pr�sently zoned CR-2 �.nd th�t fihe operafiion o� � non�conforming �utonb�dy shop was not allowaed� It would xequire a specialmus€� permi� �nd � rezan�ng to make the shop a 1ega1 opega�ion. Mrso Hughes a�ked if the house �tt 6509 was px��ently occu�ied. She was told tha� it c,�as. � Mr. Edw�.rd Brookes, 650F HTckogy St N.E., que�tioned the xezoning �.nd speci�,l�use - pe�it being graxited due to the pollutio�n prrsblem, including no{.se pollu�ion, etc. He �x8o questioned.fih� gran�ing of the xeques� because of the �r�,inage problems i�avo�.ved ancY hv st�,ted �h�t i:here should b� som� rest�cictian of hours of operation of �he au�om:o�dg shop, Mr. Ch�.xles L� L�.ngen, 6530 Hick�rp Sto NeE, st�.ted tha� he wtzs not woxried abaut Mro Ch�a�a��ensen's operation bu� abou� some o�hex o�e��tion getting est�bliahed on the p�opertyo . M�r. Louis C.Nash, of 6509 Ed Rivex Rdo, stafied fili�t i�e h�d �melled odors comi�g from the �uto�body shape He �lso comglaine d Q� the junk vehicles ga�ked a11 �,roua�d the �.xe�. Mrs o L3.nda Na�h cnrnpl�ined oi Mr; Chris�ensen's being open on Satuxday snd th�� on 3 da�ys last ��ec1c l�e w�.s o�en un�il 10:30 at ntghCe Mxeo Hnghes said �ha� f� was no�t nec���s:y to h�re �he p��i�ioner here a� th� � zneeting,, , Mra Bo�rdman�st�ated tha� Mr, Christensen couid b� ��.gged �or illegal use of prape�tye He c�not exp8nd the use of the pxopex�,y. in the enforcement proces�� Mro Gh�istens�n eould ba t�lcen to.eoux� �nd would �� for�d to clean-up his property. -r.,_.._ _ .. _,�. � ,'"� �� �� P�anning Commission Meetin� Wednesday. July 9, 1980 Pa�e 5 Chad�rman Harris stated that .it was not proper to discuss the problems related to the rezoning request of Mr. Christensen's withnut the petitioner beirig present at the meeting. � � Y�iotion by Mr. Hughes, seconded by Mrs. Gabel, tYiat the Planning Commission continue � "�tie public hearing on the rezaning request, ZOA �80-03, by� Carl E. Christensen, D/B�A �Cliicistensen Auto Body, until July 23, 1980. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, `Ctiairman Haxris declared the motion carried unanimously. �n • "rj• PUBL�C HEARING' � 1Z.UUr:S'1' P�Vli SiL'liJliL'"'JD� r�tuu.t_,_ pr �r__:�_ uv �.ranL � vru�i�v� A B/A Cl�ris�'ensen AUTO BODi'; per Section 205.101, 3, D, to allota a g�rage for tlae etorage, repa�.rs and �ervicing of motor v�r'.c1ea of over two-ton capacii.y, loca�ed on Lots ?,1, 22, 23, and 2�, B1ock 6, F�idley P��k, th� same being 6501 East River Roacl N.E. _ P10TION by Mrs. Gabel, seconded by Mr. Wharton, that the Plattning Commission continue the public hearing on the Special Use Permit request, SP ,��0-08, by Ca,rl E. Christen�en, ,D/B/A Christensen Auto Body, Per Section 205.101,� 3, D, to allow a garage for the storage, repairs and servicing of motor vehicles not over two-ton capacity, located on.Lots 21, 22, 23 and 2G, Block 6, Fridley Park, the same being 6501�East River Road N.E., until-July 23, 1980. L'Pon a voice vote, all �rotin� aye, Chairnan �Harris- declared the motion carried unanimously. . �� • 6o L� �LIT REQUEST; LoA � 80�03o bv Nede�2a�d Co�n�sttuction Company.; Split off i�he Noxth 2 feet o£ Lo� 10, Slock 13� �'lymouth Acidi�ion �nd a.dd t-o T�ot 9, • B`lack 13, Plyanouth Additi;�an, to aiake a 42 feo� buildixag sitie, the same being 4526 2nd St�ee� N.E. . No.one was present to represent the petitioner. rir. Boardman stated that Mr. Nedegaard wants to tear down an existing dilapitated house and �onstruct a new one. He had been to the Appeals Commission quite a while ago for the necessary varia.nces. They recommended he try i:o get additional prcoperty which he was now doing with this lot split request. MOTION by Mrs. Gabel, seconded by Mr. Langenf eld, that the Planning Comm�ission recommend to City Council �pproval of the request for a lot split, L.S. i�80-03, by Nedegaard Construction Company, to Split o£f the North 2 feet of Lot 10, Block 13, Plymouth Addition, and add it to Lot 9, Block 13, PlymoutYi Addition, to make a�2 foot building._site, the same being 4526 2nd Street N.E. UppN A E�OIC� 40T� ALL VOTIPdG AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS. DEGLARED THE MOTION CARR.IED t7PdANIMOUSLY. 7. RECEIVE MEMO ��80-02, TO JERROLD BOARDMAN FROM WILLIAI�I DEBLON RE: METROPOLITON COUNCIL'S COA�ifENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE FRIDLEY CRITICAL AREA PLAN. Motion.by Mrs. Hughes, seconded by Mrs. Gabel to approve recommended changes on the plan and submit it to City Council so the EQC can adopt the changes. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion was passed unanimously. 8. RECEIVE HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES: JL'N� 12, 1980. MOTYON by Mr. Langenf�ld, seconded by Mrs. Hughes, to receive the June 12, 1980 Housing & Redevelopment.Authority minutes. . Mr. Boardman stated that the City would be.purchasing the Standard Oil property. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AY�, CHAIRMAN HAP.RIS DFCLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . .. .... .... . .. .... . . Planning Cotmnission Meeting Wedne�day, Ju1y 9, 1980 Pa�e 6 � 9e RECEIVE ENVIROIVMENTAL UALITX COMMISSION MINUTES. JUNE 17 1980. __�.,_ __ _ MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld,, �econded by Mrso Hughes, to receive the June 17,_ 1980 '�nvironment��. Quality Commission minutes. .. � The PCA, which is r�sponsible fb� the d�velopanetat in �. ce�tain area is also responsible fox xemoving all the con�amin�ted Cx�osote $oila UPON A VOICE VOTE, AI.L VOTTNG Ai'E, �iiATRMAN ii�RRIS DECLI�RED Ti� �IOTION CARRIED ' UNANIMOiiSLY . MOTION by Mrc Langen£eld, seconded by 2rlrs. Yughes, that the Planning Canm�ission --�- � request the City Cc�uncil to s.�pply the Environmental Quality Commission with copies of Department of Health Studies, Communications�with the Comprehensive Health Department of Anoka. County, MPCA Studies and Communications, memos and communications between the City Council or City Ma.nager ancl Onan Corporation.and Metronic Corp�ra�ion for rev-iew to �ry and determine what, if anythin.g, can be done about the creosote problem.. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALZ VO'TING AYE, CH��J HAItItIS DFCLE�i.tED TFIE MOTION CARRIED U�IANIMOUSLYo I�tion by 7�angenfeld, seconded by Mrs. Gabel, that. the Planning CoIIanission request the City Council for the latest 3nformation regarding the Joint Powers Agreement. � with Anoka Counfiy. • UPO1V A VOIC�. VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE9 CHI�IRM�N HARRIS I�EGZARED THE MOTION PASSED � UNA�1INi0USLY . MOTION bg� M�:. L�ngeafeld, secon��d by Mro Whaxton, to recommend to City Council, through P1�aning Co�¢nis�ion, schat Eax�I� Week, Apxil 1981, be declared "clea��up week in the C3t-�r o£ Fr�.�ley;' The Envirozim.eni�.1 Qu�.lity Co�nnission w�u1d ask the P1�nni.4ig Con�m3ssion �nd Ci�ty �ouncil to give an indication of what type o� �appoxt the City would prot ide, Im E,, trucks, garb�.ge bags,.etc. The Envixonmental Qual�ty CoIIani�sion feels the c��� �ept of planni�xg eht week could be lielged by cox�tac�ing 1oca1 ci�ize� agen�ies such as the �oy Scou�s, Jmycees, etc.-, io assist in carryix�.g out the cle�n4upo UPON A VOICE VOiE, ALI� VOTING A""�; CIi�ICMAN �TARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION PASSED iJNANIMOUSLY. �.Oo REGEiVE THE E�NERGY COMMISSION MINUTES: JUNF 24,_ 1980e M0� ON by M�e Wh�rtox�, seconded bg A�s. Hughes, �o tecgl.ve the June 24, 1980 Energy Commis�ion minutes, • The �:nergy F�air is to take pla.ce in Septembex o�c �he lst p�rt of Octobere Pi�o Boa�drmsn s�icl that th� City is presently woxking on a computer prog��n to �noizi�or atreet �.ighta i:o provide ior is -��ter ene�gy consump�ion. He s�q d�hat theu a�ce p�romoting the i��ge tk►at the City �.s doitig some.ching about energy eonsex�ration. The City is also reducing the s�tze of it'e vehfcles. �JPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CI3AIP.MAN iiARRTS D�CLARED 'THE MOTTON PASSED UAIANIAqOUSLY. i"� �,.-:.-- �lanning Commission Meeting Wednesday, July 9, 1980 Pa e 7 1Ze R�CENE THE At'PT�,ALS COMMISSION MIIWTES : JTl11TE 24 1980a � ,� . MOm,TION by Mrs. Hughea, seconded by Mr. La,ngen��ld, to receive the June 24, I980 - --��- - - Appeals Comm3saion minutea. a�� UPON A VOICE VQTE, AX,L VOTING AYE, CHA7R'•�AN HAl2ItIS DECLARED THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOLTSLY. � 12. RECEIVE THE PARKS & R�CRE1,TIpN CO?�SSION MINtJ�'ES : JUNE__ 24. 1980,, � . MOTTON by Mra. Hughe�, s�conded by M�s. Gabel, to recPive the June 24, 1980 Paxks & Recreation Coummission minutes.. � UPON A"VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CH�iIRMAN HARR.IS DEC�,AI.t,�-� THE MOTION PASSED UAN�MOUSLY. � . 13. RECEIVE H[TMAN RESOUfi,CES CONQ�IISSION MIT�iIJTES : JUN.E• 26 1.980. MOTION by I`Zr. Langenfeld seconded by Mx'• �ar.ton �o �eceive the June 26, 1980 Hum�u Resources Coimuiss�.on minutes. ' � UPQN A VOI�E VOZ`E, ALL VOTING AYF, CHH� IRM�T HARRIg �E+� rD THE MOTION PASSED UANAMOUSLY, 14Q G�1�ITINUED: PROPOSED Ci�,4I�TGES TO CI1.�.�TER 205s ZONINGe rY0TI0N by i1a,ngenfeld, seconded by Wharton, that the Planning Comnission con�kinue the groposed changes to.Ch�pter 205. Zonang. Upon a vaice �oie; all v�ting aty�, Chairmari Ha"rri"s �ecTare"rl flie ieo�iori _ ca`rried unariiuiou"s��; •� AnJ0UR1V�NT : . MOTION by �. Wharton, secox�ded by Ms. Iiughes th�,t �� ��'u1y 9, �1980 `. . Pl�nning Co�nission be adjou�ned. UPON A VOTCE VOTE, E1LL IZ�TIPdG AYE, CIi�iIRMAN HAPI2TS DECT.,ARED THE JULY 9, I9II0 PLANNING CONIMISSION MEETING ��„DJp�ED AT 11:07 p m� Resgec�fully submit�ed . �/? � —` G" i��i�°�✓ ,li�'z�+' � � Patx�icia ltindahl Recoxding S�c�etary � ' �;- °