PL 08/06/1980 - 30542' � ci� or FxznLEY . �� . --- • � PLANNING COI�4ISSTON MEETING, ALTGUST 6, 1980 CALL TO.ORD�R• � � � Chai�u►an Harris called the August 6, 1980, Planning Co�nission meeting to order at 7:36 p.m. ROLL CALL: Membex:s Present: Mr. Harris, Mr. Treuenfels, Ms. Sehnabel, Ms. Hughes, Nir. Saba (for Mr. Wharton) � . Members Absent: Mr. Langenfeld, Mr.'Oquist Others Present: Jerrald Boardman, Ci�y Planner Bill Deblon, Associate Planner APPROV�L OF JULY 23, 1980, PLANNING CONIl+'LLSSION MINUTES: Mr. Boardman indicated the following changes to the minutes: ^ Page 9, firsc=paragxaph, item �k2 of motion should read: "That easemer°:s , be dedicated for a bikewa�jwalkway sy�tem on Mississippi St..and ., � East River Road." Page 9, iast paragraph, item �k2 of motion, should read; "That easemen.ts be dedicated for a bikeway/walkway system on East River Road." Page 10, paragraph 5, second line, "40-€t. lot" should be changed to "44-ft, lot". Page 11, last parag-raph, stipulation in motion should read: "Tha� easement be allowed for utilities along the westerly portion of Lot 4." MOTION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by N1r. Treuenfels, �o approve the July 23, 1980, Planning Commission minutes as amended. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, - . Chairman Harris declared the motion carried unanimously. 1. IMPZEMENTATION SECTION DRAFT OF COMPREHENSIVE PT�AN: Mr. Deblon stated this was the last part of the Comprehensive Plan. The other sections of.the Comprehensive Plan have been reviewed by Planning Commission . and City Council and have been sent to adjacent communities. He stated they had hoped �o get all comments from the adjacen� communities by the end of July, • but that c�id not happen, They have now requested an ext�nsion from Metropolitan Council and have comple�ed this Impleme�tation Section. This Implementation Section has also been sen� out to adjacent coirmiunities concurrent w3.th the Planning Commission`s review. A cover lette� accompanied the section stating that the communities would l�e notified if there were any major changes in tl�e n sec�ion. � . PL�I�TNItdG C01�SSION ME�TING, AUGUST 6� 1980 � PAG� 2 Mr. Deblon statecl" the Impleme�.tati�n Se��ior, is .quite general and meets the minimum re�uireme�.ts as set foxth..3x� the Aletropolitan Land Planning Act . They want to get this on to Metrapolitan Council by the end of October or November of this year. � . Ms. flughes sCated that on agenda page 19 of the Implemen�ati:on Section, "Point and Non-Source Point Pollution Study" should be ch�nged to "Point anc� Non-Point Source Pollution Study". P4r. Treuenfels referred to the 1°�'unk Ordin.ance" on agenda page 19 where iC stated tha�; "The City presently has an ordinaxice relating to junk, debris, and �unk cars. However, �.t will be revi�ed to better handle today's junk problems." He asked what "today's junk problems" were and how thos8 problems would be handled. Mi^. Deblon sta�ed that L-he Citg Cr,uncil, through tlie Public Works Director,• has expressed a desire to upgx�aue and toughen up the Junk Grdinance. In response to that r.equest, input and ordinances were soiicited from adjacent communities -to see how other co�unities handled their junk problems. A new draft of the • junk ordinance is being put togetl�er�at this time. He stated that, for example, with today's enexgy situa.tion, peop7.e may L-end to.hang on,to junk cars longer fox° parts, so those kinds of things could become problems. ' Mr. Saba stated that a lot more peopie are �oing to be storing materials.f�r� re�.ycling; and unless the City provides a place for that storage, people are going to storP it in their backyards. Ms. Huglzes stated tha� Mr. Saba had b�.ought up a good point. �She felt they should caution those rewriting the ordinance, that they take into consideration. recyclable ma�erials or things that are being accumulated for �ecycli�eg. NLs. Schnabel stated that in regard to the revised junk�ordinance, she was'� conc�raa.ad that the City no� get in�o the policy of harassing the business people in the City simply because iC is easier to enforce the orciinanee on them than it is the homeowners. The businesses provide services to the residents of the City, and if they drive them out by haxassing tifiem, the City is doing its�I.f a real disservice, , Mr. Harris stated that in Mr. Deblan's memo to Mr. Boardman dated June 18, 1980, Nlr. Deb7.on ref.erred to Section �2, "Capita]. Improvemen.t Program - for transporta- fiion, setaers., parks and.open space facili�ies".. Where is .the mone3� going to corae from fo� a11 those things? ° Mr. Deblon stated the theme for transportat'ion is that Fridley is fu11y developed, and any additional resident3al st:�eets would be assessed. •The same thing applies to water and sewer. The theme far Parks and open space is grants and a local- -° bond issue. ' • . � Mr. Harris asked if it could be a�sumed that �he�funding sources from Lt�WCON, LC1�IR (Sta�e Legislative Comanissioix on Minneso�a Resources}, and CDBG ( Community Development Block Grant) funds were pretty well'dried up for parks. t �-- �: �, 1 �. � w \y,. � �: . �,. _ - - _ __ � PLAI�TNING C�SSION MEETING, AUGUST 6, 1980 PAGE 3 Mr. Boardman stated they made application this year, but they are not sure whether they will get any money. They finally got approval from the Federal Governmeni on last year's zequest for funding fo� $178,000 in park monies and that money is now available. They just went through a preliminary on this year's LAWCON funding. They are not sur� what is going to happen on that at the federal or state level, but Fridley ranks ��4. It looks like they will probably be.available to receive in the range of $200,000 for next year if the funding holds up. At this point in time, that funding has not been dried up. CDBG funds are not drled up yet; howEVer, he did not foresee a lot of funding coming to the city for parks and recreation. The more and more thPy get into CDBG's, the more and more they have to xelate it to low and moderate income housing. If they don't relate it to a 10�'/o benefit for Chose people, they don't generally get th� • funding. � Mr. Harris stated the last alternative is a�local bonding'issue: Did Mr. Boardman. have a feeling at this point in time of about how many dollars they would be talking about for a bond issue to complete the project? Mr. Boardman stated they. are looking at these as potential funding sources. At this point in time, they are not sure what they wi11 be proposing as far as capital improvements. They are submitting to the Parks & Recreation Commission their recommended changes i� L-he parks to make the parks more usable and more neighborhood-oriented. ' � • -� Ms. Hughes stated the Parks & Recreation Comm�ission is looking at some of the development proposed or sugges�ed froai neighborhood meetings, P1ann3.ng S�aff, and tlie Recreation Dept., and are trying to set some priorit3es in each �ark. When they have, reviewed all �he parks, they ��ill be able to more specifically say what should be put in each park. � Mr. Boardman stated that bonding is one potential funding source, but other thaa a bonding issue, the ultimate potential funding source is the hudget. If a banding issue fails, then the priarities may have to change and funding will be stricCly through the budget process. Ms. Hughes stated that the"annual city budget" should b� Iisted as a potential funding scaurce. , Mr. Harris stated he was trying to get a feel of whether their plans for total capital improvements was realistic or not. Mr. Boardman stated he thought they were �probably•talk3ng in the neighborhood of $7 million at today's dollars to make the logical changes and modifications in the parks, including the recreation building. � Ms. Schnabel referred to agenda page 20 on "Housing". She asked if they had identified the amount ot Zand that would be availat�le for the minimum of 480 . units for low and moderate income housing and the 480 units for new modest- n cost housing? � P'LAIV�NING CONTi�lISSION M�E�ING, AUGtTS'C 6, 1980 _ ' PAGE 4 Mr. Boardman stated they look at potential l�.nd that 3.s available for housing. What they have to show T'Ietropolitan Council is not that they are going �o be providing this housing, buti that they are providing the opportunity for that housing to happen.� M�tropolitan Council is looking at cammuniCies to not . create the housing, but to at least allow the opportunity for thase units to be built. Mr. Harris �aslced if a public hearing Eaas necessary for �he Imp7.emenCation Section. Mtr. �ioardman stated he felt the Planning Commission should have a puUlic hearing on the ImplemenCation Section at their first meeting in September. That would g3ve the Commission one more meeting for review of the Implementation Section. . NLs. Hughes sCated that on agenda page 25, under "Transpor�ation", she.thoughi:�. maybe the bikeway/walkway system should �e mentioned. Mr. Boardman stafced Ms. Hughes.had a good point and they may want_to.say t�at;� -"The Bikewa� SysCem,.al.so a transportation p1an, is addressed in the Parks & Recreation area." Ms.Hughes stated that on the same page.under "Local St�ee� Systiem", second paragraph, iC was statied: "Since 1969, the City has implemented a progr.am to� repave and install curb and gu�ter to Frid1P�'s..:ex�sting subsCandard street�., This program was inteinded �o have a11 city 5�r��ts up to standard by the y�ar• 1979." She stated that this schedule was not met, so it should either be restated or that second sentence dele�ed. MOTION bq Ms. Hughes, seconded by Mr. Treuenfels, to set a public hearing on the Implementation Sec�ion of the Comprehensive Plan for Wednesday, September 10. Upon a vaice vote, a11 voting aye, Chairman Harris dec lare d t he mo t ion c a r r i e d unani.mous �y . M03`IO2d by Ms . Hughes, seconded 1�y Mr. Treuer.tels, to �antinue discussion on the Implementation Section at Che next meeting. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Clnairman Harris declared the motion carxied unanimously. . 2. CON'�.CNUED: PROPOSEU CHANGES TO CH,APTER 205: ZONtNG N.�OTION by i�ls . Schnabel, s.econded by Mr. Treuenfels, to move Proposed Changes to Chapter 205. Zoning to agenda item ��7 follo�aing receipt of the member coumtission minutes. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the motion carxied unanimously. 3. RECEiVE JULY 15 1980 ENVIROI'dMENTAL QIIALT.7Ci' COrMTtSSTON MCI��[JTES : MOTIOi3 by Ms. Hughes, seconded by Ms. Schnabel, to receive the July 15, 1980, Environrnental Quality Commission minutes. ' • Ms. Hughes stated that on page 3 in Che m�ddle of the page slic�wing the chart on State Noise SCandards, on both "day" and "nighC", "M-1, M-2" should be interchanged with "Residential". The num�bers would remain the same. ,� � � A � PLANNING CONIMCSSION ME�TING, AUGUST 6, 1980 � - � PAGE S r n Mr. Harris stated that in. a discussion with Mr. Langenfeld, Mr. Langenfeld has expressed the desire to resign from the.Planning Commission. Mr. Langenfeld's� resignation will be forthcoming. UPON A VOICE VO:CE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MLNUTES REC�IVED; 4. �tECEIVE JULY 16, 1980, P.4F.KS & RECREATION CONAZCSSION MLNUi'ES: MOTION by Ms. Hughes, seconded by Mr. Treuenfels, to receive the Ju1y 16, 1980, Parks & Recreation Commission minutes. Ids. Hughes stated the Co�ranission is in the very preliminary stages of reviewing the park development plans and costs. • UPON A VOICE VOTE, AI,L V OTING :�YE, CHATRI�LAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED � UNAN'iMOUSLY : 5. RECEIVE JULY 22, 1980, ENERGY COINMCSSION MCNUTES: � MOTTON by Mr. Saba, seconded by Mr. Treuenfels, to receive the July 22, 1980, Energy Co�nission minutes. IIPON A VOTCE VOTE, AI,I, VOTING AYE, CNATRM.AI�T H.AKRTS DECL�tED THE MQTION CAP�.R.I�D �"°� IfiI�MOUSLY: � � .. . 6, RECEIVE JULY 24, 1980, SPECTAL HOiTSTNG & fiEDEVELOPMEI�'T AUTHORITY MTNUTES; M07.'TON by Ms . Sciinabel, seconded by Ms . Hughes, to receive the Ju1y 24�, 19fS0, Special Housing & Redevelopment Authority meeting minutes. . Mr. Boaxdman sta�ed tha7: he has heard from Mr. Haggerty thafi Joint Venture Developers (JVD) cannot put the package together as stated in the counter- proposal by the City, and JVD has pulled csut of the project. He stated Staff is now talking to developers, and he has several meetings next week with developers �aho have indicated an interest in the project. UPON A VOICE VOTE, AGL VOTTNG AYE, CHAIRMAN HA�.IS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNAN'IMOUSLYo . ' Chairman Harris declared a ten-minute recess at 9:20 p.m, . 7. CONTINUED t PROPOSED CHANGES TO CIiAP'TER 205 . ZODTING Air. Harris asked if the Planning Cov�unission �vanted to re-evaluate their �►ast action in recammending to the City Council that AZ-1 Zoning Distric� and M-2 _-- - Zoning District be combined into one M-District°. . �"'� Ms. Hughes s�ated she felt 3.t mada sense to comb�ne the M-Districts and felt the changes could be explained very we11. • PLANNING C�."II�LSSION MEETI�G, AUGUST 6, 1980 PAGE 6 � . f The Planning Cammission members concurred tha� �hey would like to continue to _. reccmmend to City Council that M-1 Distri.ct and M-2 Distr3ct be combined into one M-DisCrict. • 205.20 PLANNED U111IT DEVELOPMENT I3ISTRICT Mr. Harris stated :2e though� there should be a minimum land size for a Planned IInit Development--maybe 3-S acres. Mr. Boardman stated he thought 5 acxes was a xealistic minimum land size. Mr. Harris suggested that they go with 5 acres of land an.d request Staff �o survey parcels of land in the City to see what could p�ssibly �o into a Planned iTnit Development. .This informaticn should be larought back. to the Pl.anning Co�issioll for the Planning Commission to revie�r again.. l�lr. Boardman stated he would do tha�. 205.201 Procedure for Establishing a Planned TTnit Development Page 119 - �5-A. Change"P1�:aning Cammission" to "Zoning.saminis�rator" Page 1Z0 - , Delete �11, �k12, ,�13, �14 205.30 SPECTAL DISTRICTS 2Q5.3106 BuiZding Requireme�.ts Page 125 - Delete �2. Minimum Floor Area - 205.41 0-1 DIS'ZRICT REGULATIONS - Cr.EEK AND RIVER PRESERVAaIC1N DISTRICT P4r. lioardman stated this is�the same regulation that is presently in effect. T� has not been changed and proba�ly should be adapted this way at �his point in �ime. . The Planning Commission concurred with Mr. Boardma�a's xecommendation. � 205.42 0-2 D2STRICT P.EGUL�iTTON� - CT'�TTIC.�L .AREAS DISTRTGT � Mr. Boardman st�.ted there are some modifications to this.section, but those modificatio�.s have already i�een reviewed and approved by Planning Commission � and Citg Council. Those mcdificai:ioxis wi11 be showu. in the new secti��n. ,,� ' FLANNCNG CONAZtSSION MEETING� AUGUST 6, 1980 � pAGE 7 r - Mr. Boardman stated that a pub_lic heazing should be set up for rhe Zoning Code in SepCember also. He stated the Plaruzing Ccmmiss_ion ��mbers would receive � the modified version of �he Zoni�g Code for their next,meeting. ADJOURIVMEI� : MOTION by Mx. Tre�ien.fels, seconded by Mr. Saba, to adjourn �he meeting. Upou a�vo�ce vote, a11 voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the August 6, 1980, Planning Co�nissiun meeting adjourned at 10;4•0 p.m. Respectfully s hmieted, �4-('- `�-' L n Saba Recording Secretary � �