PL 09/10/1980 - 30544CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETTNG, SEPTEMBER 1�, 1980 CALL TO ORDERs Chairman Harris called the September 10, 1980, P.lanning Commission meeting to ord�;r at 7 s40 p.m. ROLI, CALI, : Members Presenta Mr. Harris, Mr. Treuenfels, Ms. Schnabel, Mr. Oquist� Ms. Hughes, Mr. Wharton, Mr. Peterson, (for Ms. Sporre) M embers Absent s None Others Present: Jex�rold Boardman, City Planner Lucille A. Skovran, 6003 Gardena Circle Ed Jonak, �.33 N.E. Craig Way Duane Pra.irie, �89 Rice Creek Terrace Garry Rohling, 817 Gates Ave., Elk River, Minn. ; APPROVAL OF AUGUST 20, 1980, PLANNING CJMMISSION MINUTESs Ms. Schnabel stated that on page 3, +� e second paxagraph, the last word ':.�sue', should be changed t� 'interest'. MOTION by Mr. Oquist, secanded by Mr. Wharton, to approve the corrected August 20, 1980 Planning Commission minutes. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. VAGATION REQUEST, SAV #80-�, PETITION #7-1,980: Vacate alley easement i�ck-T, �lymout A dition, located�in the 4800 Block between M ain Street and 2nd Avenue N.E. (100�) M r. Boaxdma_� stated that the,City has no problem with the vacation, axid that they would like to re�tair_ 3rainage �n� uti�ity ease?tients. MOTION b M s. Schnabel seconded b M r. Treuenfels to recommend to Cit Council a roval of Vacation Re uest, b Peiition 7-1980, SAV ___0-_07, to .vacate a__ e.y easement in Block_ ___, Pl.ymouth Addition, located in_ the .�800 Block_ between Ma,in Street and__2nd _Avenue_N.E„, with the stipulation that the CitV retain utility axld drainage easements. � 4 UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DEC7�ARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � PLANNING CONIlvIISSION MEETING� SEPTEIVIBER 10, 1980__ _�^� _pAGE_2 2. VACATION RE UEST, SAV 80-08 BY EDWARD JONAK: Vacate the � utility and dra.i.nage easement in vacated 7 1/2 Avenue lying North of Lo-ts 4, 5 and 6, Block 5, City View� -that was vacated � in Ordinance 3?1, to be part of a new building site at 575� 3rd S-treet N. E. (Must retain N. 10' for utility & drainage easement) Mr. Boardman stated that about three o?• four meetings a.go, the Commission had a lot split request on tliis item� in which the petitioner split off 37 feet of the Northerly City View Addition Lots 4, �, & 6, of Block 2. He stated that at that time the Planning Commission requested that they get a Vacation, in order to make that a usable lot, axid that the lo-� split not be granted by the City Council until such vacatior� be applied for. At this time� he stated, Mr. Jonak is applying for that vacation to make that a buildable lot. He stated that at this time there is one change that they are recommending from the previous lot split, axid that is, that th-ey feel that the 16 foot utility easement is not necessary, and that it would probably be easier -to bring in the utilities from 57 1/2, along the existing easement, and therefore they would want to retain a portion of that utility & draina.ge easemeni . Mr. Haxris stated that he noted that they had received a letter from Mr. L�.rry Benson of NSP. M r. Boaxdman stated that yes they have, and that NSP would want to reta.in 10 feet for u�ili��y easement. Ms. Schnabel questioned �ahere t_Ze easer.ient ran? Mr. Boardman stated that the easement runs �-along��t:�e� nort�z si�e of the lot, so that they would want to reta,in 10 foot along the northerly section. Chairman Harris questioned if anyone in the audience wishBd to speak on this item? Mr. Ed Jonak, 133 Cra.igv✓ay N.E. , came forward to address t:�e Commission. He stated that he had originally applied for a lot split and at that time, there was no mention of this utility easement, in the situation at that time, but that when it was brought up, they did apply for a vacation of -the easement, and that now they find out that they still have to have an easemen-t on the property. Mr. Jonak questioned what he was getting for his $125.00? Mr. Boardman stated that what he was getting was a portion of that easement vacated� but th� City is retaining 10 fee-t of it. � .r—.—� PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 10� 1,�80 PAGE,� �"'� Mr. Sonak questioned, as to where exactly would this easement run? Mr. Boaxdman �tated that it would run east to west, along the northerly ,.i 0 feet of Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6. Mr. Jonak questzoned if he was correct in assuming the easement was to provide for drainage, utilities� sewer, and water? Mr. Boardman stated that based on the le-tter they have from NSP, they had stated that they have an overhead single phase distribu-tion line within the easement. Much discussion ensued about the location of the power line, an�3 pole. Chairman Harris suggested that this item could be tabled until the time when Mr. Jonak could con�tact M r. Benson with NSP, to find out where the utility pole was located. Mr. Jonak stated that he feels that this has been tabled too many times already. He further sta�ed that it didn't seem to him that he was getting any service here. He then stated that everytime he comes in to do something, -that there is a new obstacle. He stated tha � he started by paying $�00. 00 for a survey for trie. �. �-.� lot, then �7�.00 for a lot split fee, and now $125.00 for a vacation fee, and now he doesn' -t know what it will cost for a relocation of a telephone/utili-ty pole. He s�ated, that if he had known all this a� �he onset, he may have not gone this route, because of the expense. He stated that he is going through all this expense to add to the City's tax rolls, and now he is being penalized for it by having to pay all these fee's. He stated that he has asked for the fee°s to be waived. Ms. Schnabel stated, that because not every-thing was finalized at this point, she felt that maybe this item should be tabled, until NSP had been contac �ed. MOTION bv Mr. Oqui�t,_�econded b�r Ms._Hu�hes to recommend to City Council a roval of Vacation Rec�ues-t, SAV �`80-08, by��Edward Jonaks vac� the utili-ty and drainage�easement in vacated S7 1/2._ avenue �ing�lVorth of Lots 4,5, �and 6, Block �, City_View,_that was __.- - ------- ----�7_� _ - - _�P�_� .� __ ..__ __. _ ._g site at vacated in Ordinance 1 to be art of a new buildin �O�.�d Street N.E.of the Southerly �feet of the existing -- -- - — - _ _ -- - - utility_.easement�retainin� the Northerly .10 feet for a utili� _'e__a,sement.�delete the__ requirement for��the 1b foot easement on ---- . .- - -- - - - - - _.. lot �with the stipulation that M r. Jonak reach_an.a�reement with_NSP for._relocation of the power Aole. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE ^ MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. �LA�NI�COMMIS��,ON MEETING 1 �E_P�nViBER 10,�,�$.0_ 3. PUBLIC HEARING: AMENDMENT TO .CHAPTER 205 OF CODE� GENERALLY KNOWIV AS THE FRIDLEY_ZONING ., THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE. MOTION by Mr. Oquist, seconded by Mr. Peterson, to open the public hearing on the Amendment to Chapter 205 of the Fridley City Code. U pon a voice vote� all voting aye, Chairman H arris declared the public hearing open at 8:15 P.M. M r. Boardman stated th at they h ave sent this document to the Chamber of Commerce, and also to Virg Herrick. Mr. Boardman stated that for this reason he would like to suggest that the public hearing be kept open� , so that if there are any comments from the Chamber of Commerce� or M r. Herrick, the Commission would then be able to react to them. M r. Boardman stated that the Commission should be aware that he had compiled a°Fridley Code Summary', that was a summary of the changes that have been made, so that the Council would be able to quickly see the changes. M s. Schnabel stated �that it had occurred to her that in light of the po'ssibiiity of more single family home. may consider a conversion of their homes into a two family dwelling, that she wondered if they should consider a definition for 'double bungalow°, and 'duplex', even though they do have a definition for one and two family's. M r. Boaxdman stated that because no where in the code does it refer to doubl� bungalow, or duplex, tY�at therefore there is not a need for a definiti�n. Mr. Harris stated that these would be called two family dwellings. M r. Bo ardman stated that he noticed that the wording for allowing special use permit in a single family dwelling had been eliminated. He questioned the Commiss�.on if there had been an error, or if they had deleted the wording. After discussion the Commission determined that there was an error. M r. Boardman stated that it had been suggested that under Non- Conforming Uses and Structures 205.0�3 pa�e 8, #1.-some type of wordin� be added that would say a r�+o�erty that :�resently has blacktop� and no concrete curbing, on the property, is classified as a non-conforming use. He further stated that what they wanted to cover was that when a structure was expanded or an addition was added to the non-confarming use building, -the owner would have to upgrade to concrete curbing, landscaping etc. M r. Harx�is stated that he has a problem with this because when you would say remodel, or rehab, that was pretty general, but when you say an addition, or rebuild, that was completely diff erent terms. He stated that the reason he wanted to bring this up was '� � ,�i � PI,ANNING CO �SS�ON ]v�_EETSNG . S�T�►►IBER 10 . i 9$ 0 ,�, PAGE K _. he was afraid that if there was a restriction like that placed � in the zoning code, they would be discouraging retrofitting existing structures to be more energy efficient. M r. Harris then gave an example of someone wanting to insulate there place, and then the City would have to tell them that would be fine, but that they would then have to pay for upgrading landscaping, and putting in concrete curbing. M r. Wharton st�.ted that he had a personal f eeling, that when somebody starts saying that they are requiring someone to do landscaping, that he thinks about what the purpose people have and the ob jective people have in government. He further stated that he wondered how much axe we going to allow government to tell us what to do. � Much discussion ensued on how this item could best be handled without discouraging upgrading of property. M r. Oquist questionecl whether they were referring to commercial or residential structures? M r. Harris stated that he was getting tired of everything happen�ng in the town happening to the industrial and commerci al property, and noone -touching the residential, because they might vote. He further stated that he wondered who was p aying the freight? He �'urther stated that he felt -�hat trF�y have been hounding people who have been entrepeneurs, a��d.businesspeople in the ^ community for twen-ty years, about some little curbing someplace, because i� is bl.acktopping instead of concrete, and yet the City hasn't comple-ted it's curbing pro ject. He stated that in fact, in front of the City°s M ayor`s house, he still has got blacktopped curbing. He wondered when that would be ripped out ax�.d then charged about $16.00 per foot? Mr. Harris stated that this was also true of the curbing in front of the City Ma�a.ger's Y�ouse. He further stated that not to many years ago, the City turned around and put in a parking lot, while reauiring the rest of the City to put in concrete, the City put in blacktop. M r. Peterson questioned if on page 13� section 3. A., that when the noise aba�ement ordinance is passed, if that would then be added to this section. Mr. Ha�ris stated that yes it wauld be included at the time a noise ordinaxice is adopted. M r. Wharton stated th.at the Energy Commission has looked at the Zoning Code, but -that they are not at the present time in a position to make recommendations on this amended zoning ordinance. He further stated that he would hope that the public hearing would be leit open so that the Energy Commission could m ake recommendations on the code. � PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING� SEPTEMBER_10. 1�80 .� PAGE 6 M r. H arris stated that on page �, item #30, that he was still having � a problem with -this section. M r. Boardman stated that he has a tough time with it, but that you can't stop i�. He further sta�ed that hopefully� they could eliminate some of the homE occupations that are offensive to the surrounding neighbors. M r. Haxris stated that was the point he was aiming at. That if there was indeed a way that they could control it if there was an impact on the neighbors. Discussion ensued on the various types of home occupations that may cause problems, and ways of controlling any occupations that do cause problems to the neighbors. Discussion ensued on the limiting of home occupations by m ea�s of requiring a special use permit. M s. Hughes stated that she felt that some home occupations should be allowed. and in some axeas. M r. Boardman suggested that the Commission might want to consider requiring aa.l home occup ations to be licensed. lt�r. Petersen stated that if his wife ca�.not have a few piano _ students come to their home for lessons, vuithout having a � license� that he felt -tha� was a real infringement upon his rights. M r. Harris stated that we talk about a11 these high and mighty things, but that when it comes right down to the practicality of it, nothing much happens in the residential axeas to clean -them up. He then stated ihat he objec-ts to it. He further stated that then they talk neighborhood preservation, and upgrading the living standaxd in Fridley, but that when i-� comas right down to the doing it, it isn't done because somebody might not vote. MOTION by M s. Hughes, seconded by Mr. Peterson to continue the public hearing on the amendment to Chapter 205 of the Fridley City Code, generally kxiown as the Fridley Zoning Code. UPON A VOICE VOTE AI�I, VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THIS ITF.�VI CONTINUID TO THE NEXT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. MOTION by Mr. Treuenfels� seconded by Ms. Schnabel� to amend the agenda, in order to hear Mr. Duane Pra.irie speak on an item. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE AGENGA AIVIEN�ID. � � PLANNING COMMI�SION MEETING � SEPTIIViBE�0�80 PAGE�� �. REQUEST FROM PARK CONSTRUCTION C0. TO PARK R.V. TRAILERS. � M r. Boardman stated that staff felt that all that was required on this item would be a trailer license. At that point in time� he stated, P ark Construction came in and applied for such a license. He further state� that they wanted to bring it to the Planning Commission for discussion. He also stated that the City Council had wanted some inpu-t from the Pl�anning Commission, to see if this would be the appropriate thing to go with an industrial area. Mr. Praire then brought forward the sketches, and plans for what Park Constructi:on was requesting. He stated that they would want to install sewer, water and electrical service lines for approximately six R. V. -tra.ilers. M r. Harris questioned if there would be a watchman on duty? Mr. Pra.irie stated that about a month ago they had vandals come in a drive trucks �hrough the chain link fence. A-t that time they had consi3ered a watchman, but that if this applica�ion was acceptable, there would be someone there periodically, there- fore there would not be a necessity for a watchman. M r. OQuist questioned if these trai.lers would be inside the fenced area? � M r. Prai rie stated that y�s they would. M r. Pet�rsen questioned if these would be personal vehicles of Paxk Construction employees? M r. Praire stated that yes they would be personal vehicles, and there would be no charge to the employees. M s. Hughes stated th�.t what it comes down to� was whether they would want people living in an area zoned M2. M s. Hughes questioned as to where else these vehicles could be paxked. M s. Hughes questioned why -the City would want to allow this? She further stated that so far she has not i�eard any real Izar�s�.iin. M r. Harris stated that many people have visitors from out of town p ark �hese R.V. vehicles in the driveway, or street and leave them there and use them while visiting. He further stated that therefore he couldn°t understand why there would be any difference. � �,LANNING COMMISSION�1!iEETING SEPTE�BER_ 1� 0� .�980 pa rF_� Discussion ensued on whether this item would require different zoning, and the precendents, if any. M s. Hughes stated that the Planning Commission does not have licensing come before them, but if the Ci-ty Council has the right to issue licenses� then they could act on this, but if they are seeking her opinion through the Commission� then she would have to say that she feels this would require rezoning. Mr. Prairie stated that he had no objections to any of the stipulation discussed concerning the number�of vehicles, the reviewal of the license annually, no charges for paxking of the vehicles etc. M r. Oquist stated that he felt tha� if the Park employees were willing to sleep there, under those conditions that he was willing to allow it. MOTION by Mr. Whaxton, seconded by Mr. Treuenfels, to recommend to theCity Council, -the approval of thE license application �f Park Construction, for the paxking of six recreational vehicles (�.V.) on the Pa,rk Construction Company lot, with the following stipulations� that the number of vehicles be limited to six, that this license be reviewed axlr�.ually, and that the recreational vehicles not exceed 28 feet � UPON A VOICE,_W�TE, MR. OQUIST VOTING AYE, MS. HUGHES VOTING NAY, � WITH THE REASUN THAT SHE BELIEVES THIS TO BE A REZONING, THAT IS NOT BEING HANDLEP PROPERI,Y AS A REZONING, MR. UVHARTON"�� VOTING AYE, MR. HARRIS VOTING AYE, MR. TRE[TENFELS � VOTING AYE � MS. SCHNABET, � VOTING AYE, MR. PETERSEN VOTING AYE. CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION PASSED. Chai.rman Harris advised Mr. Prairie that he should be back for when this item comes to the City Council at 7s30, September 22, 1980 Chairmaxl Harris recessed the Planning Commission for a five minute recess. 5. PUBLIC HEARING: RECEIVING_INPUT IN THE IMPLEMENTATION SECTION OF THE FRIDLEY COMPREHEIVSIVE DEVELOPMEIVT � PL.AN � ~�+ � MOTION by Mr. Wharton, seconded by Ms. Hughes to open the public hearing on receiving input in the implementation section of the Fridley Comprehensive Develpment Pla�. Upon a voice vote all voting Aye� Chairman Harris declared the Public Hearing open at 10s15 p.m. M r. Bo ardman stated that the status of the complete Comprehensive Plan, is that they have requested an extension until November 1st from M etro Council. M s. Schnabel stated that she had a question under the modest cost housing opportunities� there is an item about local housing bond programs. She questioned whether this was the same type of program that was being done out in San Diego? �- yL�1VNING COMMISSION MEETING_ SEPTELVI3ER 1U, 1�80 __� PAGE 9_ Mr. Boardman expla.ined that this is the same one as what is being � operated in Coon Rapi.ds. He further explained that it is like an Industrial Revenu� Bond, but that it is when a Community sells bonds, and the,y a.11ow those bonds out at a lower interest rate. Mr. Boardman further explained how some of' these bonds wo rk . M s. Schnabel stated that she has read some ar-ticles relating paxticular problems tha� have been enc�un-tered with some af the housing bonds, in different areas of the country. Mr. Petersen stated that he found he had problems with some of the wordin� in some areas, in particular on p age 22, on Land U se, at the bottom of the page. He stated that -they are referring to State axld Federal suggested guidlines. Mr. Petersen questioned what about any local ori�etropoiitan guidelines? M r. B.o ardman stated that the Flood Plains are strictly regulated by the Federal and S'tate guidelines �rough �he �T1R, and tY�.e off�ces af the Federal EmergPncy� and there are no other guidlines for ;:his. Mr. Petersen questioned what about the Rice Creek Watershed, or som�-thing like that? Mr. }3oardman stated that- they get all their informatian directl�� from the �epaxtmen-L o� Na�tural R2sou_rces a�zd �tha� �he City ha� . to comply with Fede�:al and State Re�ul�tions for the adoptiari o� �1 the Flood Plains. � Mr. Petersen stated that on Page 23, the Noise �.batement Pro�_ram he �elt that it should be worded °the City will inplement°, not "strongly consider", because he stated, they are working on it right now. After much discussion the Commission stat�d that the words in e process s ou e pu in an strong y consider deleted. Mr. Petersen stated that he wanted to read something thai� would pertain to "the City Budget" that was passed on to him� and that this was in regards to the N ature Center a� North P ark. "The implementa�ion for the 1Vature Cen-�er at North Park, is in jeopardy now, and the Cammission must clear3y� reiterate its desire tU provide staff, and program funds to support implementation of the N ature Center. All outside efforts now in soliciting funds from Corporations, such as Medtronics, have been used a� �the N ature Center to complete the building facility." M s. Hu�hes questior�ed if this statement was a recommendation, and f rom whom? � PLANPIING COMMIS�ION_MEETING SEPTEIVlBER _10, 1980 � PAGE 10_ Mr. Petersen stated that these remarks came from Lee Anne Spore� and that it was something they�have discussed� and something she has studied. M r. Boardman stated that he did not know if they would waxlt to p�ut in those exact wor�.s. He stated that they might want to state private industry, for potential funding resources.° He further stated that he did not know if they would wax�.t to make a specific statement about one park. M r. Petersen stated that the concern was that North P ark was not left out. He stated that when they talk about the joint powers agreement for Locke P ark, he understands that there are certain things being left out of the N ature Center's building facility because of funding problems. M r. Harris stated that if things hadn't been discarded, the building might not have been built, because the bids came in $ 100�000.00 over budget. He further stated that hopefully things could be added to the facility as funds became available. Mr. Petersen stated that would be doubtful. He further stated that if everything else is getting all the money they need, he wondered why the N ature Center facility wasn°t? Ms. Hughes stated that there axe furc�.s being raised for the 5chroer Property, playfield, both fo.� the construction of ' the facilities up there, and po�tentially for a building, when you have all kinds of other needs in terms of community parks. M s. Hughes stated that the VFW was donating $�0,000 to finish one ballfield at the Schroer Property. She further stated that Medtronic was asked for a sum of money, in an informal approach, about two weeks ago, for a potenti al recreational building, on this site. She further stated that what M r. Petersen is saying is, that this kind of fund raising, and talks, and requests� with -the idea of raising money for that area is happening, when there are needs in the community parks� and when there are also needs up at North Paxk. She further stated that it is never money for a park system, but rather for a particular project. M r. Harris.stated that to back up a bit, he stated where was all this funding for North Park when that building was first p roposed then? Al1 the funding th at has been provided for North Park to his understanding, is really taxpayers dollars, whether it's local, state, or federal. He further stated that they only had so much �r.oney to work with, and in order for that building to come within that budget thEy had -to do what they could. M r. Petersen stated that was not what M s. Sporre was referring to� but rather that she was saying lets take care of what we have, before we start looking into future things� that we haven°t even started developing yet. � � -� _ P_ L�,NNIIVG�OMMIaSION_MEET�.NG �EPTF�VIBEP._.10�..�80 . PAGE_.11 Mr. Harris stated �that if that was �he case then, that was a �� determination that Planning, and the City Cauncil �hould make in a Policy Determination, and that i-t really doesn't belong in the Implementa�:ion Secti�no of the Comprehensive Plan. He sta'ted that he felt though that it should be discussed. M s. Hughes stated that she agreed. PJir. Boardma.n stated tYiat most of your r.esources for certain parks are funded because of outside fundin sources. He further stated �h at with North P ark i� was with $3�5,000.00 th at was gotten from Metro Council. He further stated that if they were ta.lking parks, it was goin� to be close to $560,000.00 that they arz getting from '�A�aC��I, that if they were to apply for the same money for North Park they wculd not get those �'�`���T�I funds. He further stated that they were talking about differen�; needs in different ar°as, and there is no way that ��ou could take your different resources, and pfut therr� into �ne bunch. MOTION by Ms. Hughes,seconded by Mr. Oquist, to close the Public Hearing on Receiving Input in -�he Implementation Section Of the Fridley Comprehensive Development P1an. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRTS DECLARED THE PU BLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 10a�5 �a.m. n MOTION by P�Ir. `��reuenfels, secvndzd by Ms. Schnabel, -to reco�menrl. the Implementation Section of -the Comprehensive Plan to Ci�y �ouncil wi-th amendmen�s:.as discv.ssed. UPON A VOICE VOTE ALL VOTING AYE� CI-�IRMAN HARR�S DECLARE� THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOU SLY. 6. RECEIVE PARKS AND RECREATTON COMNII�STOI�1 MINUTES: AUGUST 1�._1980 Ms. Hughes stated that she wanted to note that the Parks and Recreation Commission continued -their discussion on of development, ax�.d remodeling of neighborhood parks. M s. Schnabel stated that in reading the minutes, that she felt �hat M r. Robinson's abservations of the p arks were some of the best reporting that she has seen on the p arks in a long time. She further stated tha�t she felt �that it was a realistic opinion, and repo rt . M s. Hughes stated tha�: the one problem she had with it was tnat there was apparently no comparisicn donE with the cen.sus �'igures. M r. Treuenfels questioned vrhether 3.2 bee� was allowed� or not, in Locke Park? � PLANNING COMMISSION_MEETING SEPTEMBER 10._1980 �. PAGE 12 M s. Hughes stated th at when they accepted the property from the Douglas Chapel� for Locke P ark, that in that deed was the provision �1 that no intoxicating beverages would be allowed in the park. She stated that the problem gets to �e what is intoxicating. She stated that they have posted a sign that states this. M r. Harris stated that regarding the letter to the residents, he felt the sentence was not to cleax that stated; "we are interested in appointing the communi�y mainstays, and interested folk. " M s.�Hughes stated that the Commission had �hanged that, and that what she had said was "that we are interested in appointing people who were members of organizations, people who are with a building backround� axid then just p�.ain folk." but, she stated they felt that was insulting too. MOTION by Ms. Hughes., seconclEd by Mr. Treuenfels, to receive the Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes, August 13, 1980, UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS� DECI,ARED THE MINUTES RECEIVED. 7. RECEIVE HQU SING & REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTESa AUGU ST 1� Ms. SchnabE� �tated that perhaps it would b� wise for the HR�„ -co � proceed with a different phase, of development, that perhaps the condi-tions for phase 1 development are just no� good enough at this time. M r. Boaxdman stated that they are considering all phases. MOTION by Mr. Oquist, seconded by Mr. Petersen� to receive the Housing & Redevelopment Commission Minutes, of August 14, 1980. UPON A VOICE VOTE AI,I, VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS, DECLARED THE MINU TES RECEIVED. 8. RECEIVE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MINUTES: AUGUST 19, 1980 M r. Petersen stated that he would like to mention the EQC°s feelings regarding the creosote problem. He stated they feel -that the matter is not to-tally solved; and that there is still a question until they receive some fur�her information, and reports. He further stated that they feel they would not k�e able to close the issue, until they got a sign off from the PCA, and the Minnesota Department of Health, with their final findings. Discussion ensued on the issue, and various depaxtments and the lack of reports. � PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING �EPTIIVIBER 10�. �.980 � PAGE_ 1�� Mr. Petersen stated that he questioned ��;he Planning Commissions � feelings on the EQC°s feeling -that a stipulation be placed on th.e building permit, so a� to protect themselved, and provide axi'out if somthing further is found either while building, or in further tests, or repor-ts. M r. Harris stated that he felt that it would be wise to seek City Council direction on this matter. MOTION by Mr. Peterson� secor.ded b�r Ms. Schnabel� to receive the n�ronmen�tal Quali�y Commission MinutFS, dated Augus� 19, 1980. UPON A VOICE VOTE AZL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HaRRIS DECLARED THE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MINU TES RECEIVED. MOTION by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Ms. Hughes, to recommend -L-o the City Council to include appropriate special conaitions, on th� buzlding permit on the �iedtronics site, to safeg-uard. -the interests of the City, and the �eneral health, safety, and welfar�e, pertaining to the discov�ry of additional coniaminated areas, from ths creosote operati:an. UPON A VOICE VOTE ALZ VOTING AYE, CHAI��IA1�T HARRIS DE�LARED THE MOTIOIV PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. RECE'rVE EiVERGY COMMISSION MINUTES: AUGUST 26, 1 80 � MOTTON by Mr. Oquist, seconded b Mr. Treuenfels, V.e Energy Commission Minutes, dated Atagust 26, �9gp �O receive the UPON A VOICE V'OTE ALL VOTING Ai'E� CHAIRIVI�N HARRIS DECZARED THE MOTTON CARRIED UNAPIIMOUSLYo 10. RECEIVE APPEALS CQMMTSSION MINUTES> AUGUST 26 1980 Ms. Schnabel stated that she would like the Planning Commission �to note, that the Appeals Commission recommendation, that the City of Fridley sign on Universtiy Avenue is in disrepa.ir, and that whoever is responsible, should have it updated, and repaired. Nir. Boardman stated that it was Naegeles responsibility, and that they are r�ady to fix -the sign, bu-t tha� the City has no-t as yet decided what they wax�,t �Lo have on -the sign. MOTION by i�s. Schnabel, seconded by Mr. Peterson, to receive the Appeals Commission Minutes, August 26, 9.9$0. UPON A VOICE VOTE ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARkIS DECLARED THE MOTTQN PASSED UNANIMOU SLY. � PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 10, 1�80 1�AG� 1� 11. OTHER BtJSINESSs A. City of Spring I,ake Park - Official Publication Chairman Harris questioned if this Plat approval would impact the City of Fridley? M r. Bo ardman stated that na it would not. MOTION by �ir. Treuenfels, seconded byTJ�r. Peterson, to receive the publication from ihe City of Spring Lake Park. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRTS, DECI,ARED THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. B. MSD Recycle - Mr. Dave Locey M r. Boaxdman stated that he had spoken �o M s. �iodig, on this item, and that she felt that it probably was a ploy by the can company's to get the legislature to not impose a deposit on soft drink can. Sh� also felt that this would not impact the existing City's recycling center. �Ir. Boardman further stated that what MSD was looking at was to set up a temporary recycling center, at the Pop Shoppe location with a payment to people per pound for what they bring in. He iurther stated that they would staxt with accepting st?Fl, aluminum, and plastic, and if this proved successful th�ey would then apply for �. permanent loca�ion, tha:t" would be North of the Pop Shoppe building. �' Mr. Haxris questioned if this was to be located in the parking lo�? M r. Boardman stated that the present one, would be located in the Pop Shoppe parking lot. They would have in the lot an office trailer, some holding conta.iners, and a magnetic separator. and van. M r. Harris stated that they then would require a special use permit, and that he would like to see some better plans. Because this would imp act -Ghe surrounding area, M r. Harris stated, he feels they must apply for a special use permit. Mr. Treuenfels stated that this would give people ax�. incentive, axid you would see a lot of litter disappear. M s. Schnabel stated that she concurs with M r. Harris, and would like to see a better drawing of what is plaxined. MOTION by Mr. Treuenfels, seconded by M r. Qquist, to receive the MSD Recycle letter, of September 8, 1980. UPON A VOICE VOTE ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. � � PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING_SE�'TEMBER 10, 1, 80 PAGE 15_ MOTION by Ms. Schnabel� seconded by M r. Oquist, to recommend that � MSD Recycle � apply for a Special U se Permit, and come in with drawings to scale, and definitions of the equipment required. UPON A VOICE VOTE ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION PASSED UNANIi�OUSLY. Mr. Treuenfel" questioned how much this Company would have to pay for a special permit� for something he considers highly beneficial to the City of Fridley? �1 � Mr. H arris, and M r. Oquist, stated that they did not know if it was beneficial at this point, and if it is, maybe it should not be in that location. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Mr. Treuenfels, seconded by l�s. Schnabel, to adjourn the meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECI,ARED THE SEPTIIVIBER 10 � 1980, PLANNING CO;Vll1liISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 11:4�5 p . m . Respectfully submitted, C!"��� � �=-�� Elaine R. Reed Recording Secretary