PL 07/14/1982 - 30579_. .,q �"'� CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 14, ]982 CALL TO ORDER: Vice-Chairperson Oquist called the July 14, 1982, Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:31 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mr. Oquist, Mr. Saba, Ms. Gabel, Mr. Svanda, Mr. Kondrick, Ms, van Dan Members Absent: Ms. Schnabe] Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, City Planner James Cross, 6271 Jackson St. N.E. Jim Benson A. Oscar Carlson S & R Investment Co. APPROVAL OF JUNE 23, 1982, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: .��"� MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TD APPROVE TXE JUNE 23, 1982, PLANAIIIVG COMMISSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, VICE—CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UIVANIMOUSLY. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, S P# L-08, BY JA E� S�F . CROSS : Per Secti on 20 .05 ,,, o� tF�ie �ri d� ey ity o e, to a ow e cons ruction of a second accessory building, a 22' x 24' attached garage on Lot 4, Block 1, Irene Henry Addition, the same being 6271 Jackson Street N.E. (Variance granted 6/15/82, subject to approval of special use permit) MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. SVANDA, TO OPEN TAE PUBL.IC HEARING ON SP #82-08 BY JAMES A. CROSS. UPON A VOICE VOTE, A,LL VOTING AYE, YICE—CbiAIRPERSON OpUIST DECLARED THE PUBLIC EEARIAIG OPEN AT 7:33 P.M. Mr. 8oardman stated this ]ot is the last iot on Jackson St�eet. It is a dead-end street with a cul-de-sac. He stated the request is for the addition of a second garage. The request to the Appeals Commission on June 15 was to construct the new garage and turn the existing garage into a living area which would require a variance from 10 feet to 5 feet from the north property 'line, because the existing garage as it is now is 5 feet off the property line. At that time, the neighbors �, were not opposed to the construction of the new garage, but were opposed to the � PLANNING COINMISSION �EETING, JULY 14, 1982 PAGE 2 existing garage being converted into living space and requested t�at both garages-be used as garage space. The petitioner had stated he had no problem with allowing the existing garage to remain a garage. This then required his coming in for a specia] use permit, because the code doesn't allow second accessory structures of 200 sq. ft, without a special use permit. Mr. Boardman stated the petitioner is requesting a specia7 use permit for the construction of a new garage and to allow the existing garage to remain a garage. He stated Staff has no problems with this request. He felt it was appropriate since this house is at the end of the street and the setback variance in front was granted by the Appeals Commission. The petitioner, Mr. James Cross, stated this was the only location they had on the lot to build an additional garage, and they really need the storage space. The only alternative would be to store their vehicles in the yard or on the street. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO CLOSE THE PUBL.IC HEARING ON SP �82-08 BY JAMES H. CROSS. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE PUB,LIC HEARING CLOSED AT 7:41 P.�d. MOTION BY 1�Z. SABA� SECONDED BY MS. VAN DAN, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #82-08, BY JAMES H. CROSS, -�ti, PER SECTION 205.05I, 2, A, OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO ALLUW THE CONSTRUCTION - OF A SECOND ACCESSORY BUILDING, A 22' X 24� ATTACXED GARAGE ON IAT 4, BLOCK 1, IRENE HENRY ADDITIDN, TXE SAME bEIIUG 6271 JACKSON STREET N.E. (VARIANCE GRANTED 6/l5/82, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF SPECIAL U5E PERMIT). UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED TXE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Boardman stated this request would go to City Counci] on July 26. 2. VACATION REQUEST: SAV #82-.02, BY S& R INVESTMENT COMPANY: Vacate that portion of unuse ri'g�it-of-way adjacent to t e west si e of Lots 13, 14, and 15, Block 4, Hami]ton's Addition to Mechanicsville, (highway turn-back), to allow the construction of a 4-plex, the same being 5600 - 4th Street N.E. (Appeals Commission recommended approval of variance on June 29, 1982) Mr. Boardman stated this property is located on 4th Street where the service drive connects into 57th Ave. It is a corner property. He stated the State originally had control of the right-of-way all along the service drive, but the State recently turned ati that property over to the City of Frid]ey. The City of Fridley does not need the property so at the request of the petitioner, Staff is recomanending this property be turned over to the property owner, but that the City maintain a 10 ft, boulevard easement. �, _'� ' ,; � � PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JULY 14 1982 PAGE 3 Mr. Boar-dman stated the proposal is for a 2-level, 4-plex with tuck-under garages. This proposa] went to the Appeals Comnission on June 29 for approval of two variances--a front yard setback from 35 ft. -0 30 ft, and a sideyard setback from 35 ft, to 25 ft. Both variances were approved by the Appeals Comnission and are bing submitted to City Counci7. Mr. Boardman stated it was Staff's recommendation to approve the vacation and turn the property back to the property owner to make a more usable ]ot. Ms. Gabel stated the Appeals Commission has approved variances before for the development of this piece of property; but because of financing falling through and other things happening, no deve]opment has taken place. She fe]t that if there is now someone who can do something with that lot, it would be a good thing for the City. MOTION BY1NR. SVANDA, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECOM1yEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF VACATION REpUEST, SAV �182-Da, BY S& R INVESTMENT COMPANY TD VACATE THAT PORTIDN OF UNUSED RIGHT-OF-WAY AD+7ACENT TD THE WEST SIDE OF LOTS Z3, l4, AND 15, BLOCK 4, XAMILTON'S ADDITION TO MTCHANICSVILLE, (HIGAWAY TURN-BACK), TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 4-PLEX� THE SAME BEING 5600 - 4TH STREET N.E. (APPEALS COMMISSIDN RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF VARIANCE ON JUNE 29, 1982)iW�� THE STIPULATION THAT THE CITY RETAIN A.ZO FOOT SOULEVARD EASEMENT. � UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Boardman stated this request will go to City Council on August 16. 3. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. #82-04, BY A. OSCAR CARLSON• Split off the ��lesterly 8 feet of the vacate a ey ad�'acent to Lots 20, 21, and 22, Block 7,Onaway, and add it to the Easterly 8 feet of vacated a]ley adjacent to Lots 5, 6, and 7, Biock 7, Onaway, the same being 7753 Beech Street and 7752-56 Elm Street N.E. Mr. boardman stated there was quite a history as to how these two bui]dings were connected. He stated the proposal is to purchase the building that has been spread out across an alley and covers two 7ot areas, one off Beech Street and one off Elm Street, and then split the building, turning over a portion of the building on Lots 21 and 22 to the building on Lots 6 and 7. Mr. Boardman stated where the problem comes in is that because they are putting a new lot ]ine in and there was never a zero lot line variance for a building setback to a property ]ine (which was not necessary at that time, because the property in betweer� was o�ned by the building owner), the petitioner is also going to have to request a variance. Because of scheduling, there is samewhat of a problem with the variance procedure and it would be mid-September by the time it gets to City Council. The reason for this is the meetings of the Appea7s Commission and Planning Comnission do not jive in order to get it to the City �--, Council by the end of August. If the Planning Commission approves this lot split, he would suggest they recommend the lot split request be conditioned upon the variance approval by the Appeals Commission. PLANNING CONpNISSION MEETING, JULY 14, 1982 PAGE 4 Mr. Oquist asked why the two walls couldn't be knocked out and th� area turned back into an alley. Mr. Jim Benson stated he has been involved back to the time these buildings were connected and is noa representing Keith Boulais and A. Oscar Carlson, who are the new owners. He stated that when the two buildings were connected together, the walls were constructed of concrete masonry, the floors are poured concrete floors, so it is ful]y improved real estate. He stated that when you are inside the building and passing from one building to another, you hardly realize the buildings were ever separated. He stated it would be too expensive to tear up the concrete floor, concrete walls, and roof, so the 7ogic is just to detach the building and bring it back and concrete the wall up, making virtua]ly two separate buildings again. This would create a zero lot 7ine situation, which is common in the Onaway District. He stated the two buildings were originally bui]t separately, so everything is separate--parking lots, uti7ities, water mains, etc. MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO REC0INMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT RE�jUEST� L.S. �82-04� BY A. OSCAR CARLSON� TO SPLIT OFF TXE WESTERLY 8 FEET OF THE VACATED ALLEY ADJACENT TO LOTS 20, 2Z, and 22, BLOCK 7, ONAWAY, AND ADD IT TO THE EASTERLY 8 FEET OF VACATED ALLEY ADJACENT TO LOTS 5, 6, AND 7� BLOCK 7� ONAWAY� THE SAME BEING 7753 BEECX STREET AND 7752-56 ELM STREET N.E., BASED UPON THE APPROVAL OF THE ZERO LOT I,INE VARIANCE BY 7'IiE APPEALS COMMISSION. IJPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OpUIST DECLARED THE MOTION � CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Boardman stated the zero ]ot line variance request wi]1 go to the Appeals Commission on Aug. 10, and then both the variance and the lot split request will go to City Counci7 on Aug. 16. 4. RECEIVE JUNE 15, 1982, ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY l�2. SVANDA, SECONDED BY MFt. SABA, TO RECENE THE JUNE 15, 1982, ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL V037NG AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE INOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. RECEIVE JUNE 17, 1982, HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES: MOTIOIN �Y MS. GABEZ, SECONDED EY MR. SVANDA, TO RECEIVE THE JUNE 17� 1982, EOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OpUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRZED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. RECEIVE JUNE 22, 1982, ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICX, TO RECEIVE TXE JUNE 22, .I982, ^ ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIAIG AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OpUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. �%"`� � PLANNING COMMISSION��EETING, JUL� 14, 1982 � PAGE 5 7. RECEIVE JUNE 29, 1982, APPEALS CONll►'IISSION MINUTES: - 1�lOTION BY MS. GABEL� SECONDED BY MS. VAN DAN, TO RECEIVE TEE JUNE 29, 1982� APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-Ci�AIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MO1'ION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. RECEIVE JULY 1, 1982, HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION 8Y MS. VAN DAN, SECONDED 8Y MS. GABEL� TO RECEIVE THE JULY 1� 1982, 9UMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES. Ms, van Dan states she had gone to the July 12 City Council meeting, because the City Council had received the Planning Con�tission's June 23 minutes which included a motion and discussion regarding the funding process. She stated there were a number of very impassioned, good presentations from the public. She stated Barbara Hughes spoke representing the citizens of Fridley as well as a board member of one of the organizations. Dick Young, President of S.A.C.A., gave an exce]lent presentation, and there was a representative from The A7exandra House. She stated a number of organizations gave presentations. She stated both Peter Treuenfels and Brian Gooc�speed from the Human Resources Cortenission spoke, and she also spoke. Ms, van Dan stated they were all really emphasizing two areas: (1) The fact t6at the City Counci7's decision not to do any funding was done so suddenly after all tF�e applicants fiad gone through a very lengtfiy and expensive process of pre- senting funding requests. If the City Council fe7t they were not qoing to do any funding in 1983, they should have given prior notice; although the Mayor and the Counci] members did indicate they felt it was an understood fact that city funding was not going to be an ongoing pea�manent funding process and that it cou7d be stopped. She stated s�mewhere along the line communication has not been the best, because she felt it was understood there would be funding if funds were avai]able, but no one expected the funds to be cut short so unexpectedly. (2) They questioned priorities and respectfully requested the City Council to sincerely review some of the things being considered in the 1983 budget and to remember that people are the most valuable human resource in the community and anything the City can do to maintain the dignity and the welfare of the citizens of the community should be considered. Ms. van�Dan stated that in the July 6 Parks & Recreation Commission minutes, Dick Young had questioned the validity of the City providing funding for the city band and Northeast Chamber Ensemble. She stated she had not been aware there was that kind of funding. Ms. van Dan stated one of the important things in the funding process is that the Commission encourages the organizations to go out to every possible source of funding, and these organizations do. However, many funding grants are based on !'� community support, such as matching grants, so if the community does not give anything, the organizations lose double. PLANNING CO�MISSION MEETING,�JUL� 14, 1982 PAGE 6 � Ms. van Dan stated that at the City Council meeting, she had the��eeling that al] the.Counci7 members understood the concerns being expressed and indicated they may real7y give this serious consideration at the time of budget review. Ms, van Dan stated the Human Resources Commission members have all expressed the opinion that the funding review process is the most interesting meeting of the whole year. She felt if the Commission has been asked to take on the responsibility of reviewing funding requests, they should be involved in the whole process for any type of city funding and not just the service organizations. Ms. van Dan stated the Human Resources Co�nnission rea7ly felt very strongly that S.A.C.A, is a very worthy project and should get as much support from the City as possible because 50% of those served by this organization come from Frid7ey. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OpUIST DECLARED TXE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION BY MS. VAN DAN, SECONDED 8Y MS. GABEL, TO CONCUR WITH THE MOTION MADE BY TIiE HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION AND TO RECOMMEND TD CITY CDUNCIL THAT, DEPENDING UPON THE AVAILABILITY OF ANY FUNDING MONIE5, S.A.C.A., CENTRAL CENTER FOR FAMILY RESOURCES, AND THE ALEXANDRA HOUSE RECEIVE THE AMOUNT OF MONIE5 REQUESTED: S.A.C.A. - $2,500 CENTRAL CENTER FOR FAMILY RESOURCE5 - S5,000 THE ALEXANDRA AOUSE - $3,000 �"� UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� VICE-CFIAIRPERSON OpUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. RECEIVE JULY 6, ]982, PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY 1�2. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY 1�2. SABA, TO RECEIUE THE JULY 6, 1982, PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECT�RED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION BY �IS. VAN DAN, SECONDED 8Y MR. KONDRICK, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQU25T DECLARED THE JULY 14, 1982, PI�ANNING COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:10 P.M. Respectfully subm tted, ynn Sa a Recording Secretary �