PL 03/28/1984 - 30616e � i� � ,� , CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSIO�� MEETINC, MARCH 28, 1984 CI4LL TQ ORDER: Chairwoman Schnabel called the March 28, 1984, Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:37 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Ms. Schnabel, Mr. Oquist, Ms. Gabe7, Mr. Svanda, Mr. Saba, Mr. Minton (for Mr. Goodspeed) Members Absent: Mr. Kondrick Others Present: Jim Robinson, Planning Specialist Tom Blomberg. 1661 Camelot Lane Herb Baco�, 159 Logan Parkway Tom Moore, 6580 Central Ave. N.E. Bob Burdick, 1316 - 66th Ave. N.E. APPROVAL OF PIARCH 14, 1984, PLANNING COMMISSIOP� MINUTES: � MOi ION BY 1�LS. GABEL, SECONDED BY 1�2. OQUIST, TO APPROVE THE MARCX 19, 1984, _ PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . 1. PURLIC HEARING: PRELIMINARY PLAT P.S. �84-02 HIDDEr� WOODS BY P1A5 E. BLOMBERG: Being a replat of the Southerly 33 feet of Lot 6, a ong wit Lot , except the South 5 feet of the West 150 feet and except the East 100 feet of the West 250 feet; along with all of Lot 13, all in Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 10, generally located in the 6500 Block of Central Avenue. l90xION BY MR. SVANDA, SECONDED BY 1�t. MINTI7N, TO OPEN TXE PUBLIC HEA.RING ON P.S. �184-02 BY THOMAS E. BIAMBERG. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAI�JOINAN SCXNABEL DECLARED TXE PUBLIC ilEARIAG OPEN AT 7:39 P.M. Mr. Robinson stated the property was located north of Mississippi St. and east of Central Ave. and involved the replatting of 3.1 acres of land into 9 lots. Mr. Robinson stated that all nine lots are up to code except for one lot, Lot 6, which is undersized and has some setback variances because of an existing house on Lot 5 which is 5 ft. from the proposed notherly property ,� line. Lot 6 is 8,890 sq. ft. and the front yard setback is proposed to be even _ with the existing house, both would then be setback 60'. He stated Staff has PLANNING COMIIISSION MEETING, MARCN 28, 1984 PAGE 2 � discussed this in-house and with Mr. Blomberq and they felt this was the solution for this particular lot because of the existinq house on Lot 5. Mr. Robinson stated Staff would recommend the following stipulations if the plat is approved: 1. Signed parks fee agree�ent of $13,500 for the 9 lots �. Pl�{iroval of plat with variances on Lots 5 and o ._ (a) Lot 6 to be 8,890 square feet (b) Front yard will to be approximately 60 ft. at proposed setback (c) Existing house on Lot 5 to be 5 ft. from new lot line to the north. 3. If garage is located on south side of Lot 6, a fire wall should be provided. 4. Agree to pay all applicable assessments; street, water, storm sewer, sanitary sewer. 5. Agree to record plat at County prior to issuance of building permits. 6. Remove the existing garage on Lot 6. Mr. Robinson stated that Mr. Blomberg basically agreed with these stipulations except for the park fee. Mr. Blomberg stated his question on the park fee was the fact that he has an � existing structure that he is subdividing 8 7ots away from. Is that treated like a subdivision from an existing dwelling? He realized he had to pay a � park fee on 8 lots. but should fie have to pay it for 9, when there is an existing dwelling on one lot? It is not a bare piece of land. Mr. Robinson stated it was his understanding that this was a 9-lot plat, and Mr. Blomberg was being charged a park fee for all 9 lots. Ms. Schnabel stated she was not sure about this. In a residential lot split, the park fee is $750 per lot. By taking one piece of land and splitting it in half, does a person pay $750 for both lots for a total of $1,500 or was it $750 for the lot split? Mr. Blomberg stated this was a cross between a couple of different types of property. Should they treat the house as a lot that he is subdividing? He did not think they should treat the house as a 9th lot. Mr. Oquist stated this was an interesting point, and it was something that should be defined by Staff. Ms. Gabel stated she felt the City has a problem with park fees. She thought the City Council had a firmly established policy that the City Council works with at their level. It was her understanding that thepark fee was on each lot, whether or not there was a dwelling on it, but she could be Nrong. Mr. Blomberg stated he has never seen a single lot split in the City where %"'�. the City charged $750 for the lot he already had and another $750 for the lot _ he was creating. It was just $750 for the lot split. �, PLANNItJG COMMISSION MEETING, MARCH 28, 1984 PAGE 3 Ms. Gabel stated she understood what Mr. Blomberg was saying, and the Planning Commission should ask for a guideline so they know how to answer this question when it comes up again in the future. Ms. Schnabel stated tF�e Planni�g Commission obviously was not in a position to answer Mr..Blomberg's question at tfiis meeting. She stated that, as had been suggested, the Planning Commission would like to get someone from Staff to get a clarification on the park fee 6efore this plat goes to the City Council. Mr. Oquist stated the clarification should also be brought back to the Planning Commission to clear up their understanding, Ms. Schnabel asked if tf�ere were any comments from people in the audience. Mr. Bob Burdick, 1316 - 66th Ave. N.E., stated he was concerned with the size of Lot 6. It was not in character in the Fridley suburban area to put a house on tF�at smal l a 1 ot. Ms. Schnabel stated the Zoning Code allows for a minimum lot size of 9,000 sq, ft. What Mr. Blomberg is proposing is a lot of 8,890 sq. ft. which is 110 sq, ft, short of the Zoning Code which is not very much. There are many n ]ots in Fridley that are much smaller tFian that. This will require a variance on the lot size whicf� wi17 be granted with the plat. �4r. Blomberg will have to meet tF�e setback requirements. If F�e cannot meet those setback requirements, he will have to go tf�rough the appeals process for a variance. Ms. Gabel stated she was the chairperson of the Appeals Commission. She stated one of the things that is necessary to grant a variance was a hardship. Mr. Blomberg does have a hardship here in that the house on Lot 5 is an existing house. The variance wasn't very large. Even if he were to go through the appeals process, it was very likely the variance would be granted 6ecause it is not a very big variance and he does have a�hardahip. MOTION BY MR. SABA� SECONDED BY MS. GABEL� TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEAP.ING ON PS �I84-02 BY THOMAS BLOMBERG. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPIOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:15 P.M. Ms. Gabel stated she thought this plat was certainly consistent with what they are looking at doing for this whole area. She was not rea7 happy with the size of the one lot, but she did not know of any alternatives. Mr. Blomberg said he could build a house on that lot; and, having seen some of �is work, she be7ieved he would put a house on that lot that was appropriate. She would be in favor of recorr�nending approval of the plat. � e PLANNING COM�IISSIO�� MEETING, MARCH 28, 1984 PAGE 4 � MO'1'ION BY MS. GABEL, SECONDED BY 1�II2. 1NINTON, TO RECOMI►�ND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. �J84-02, XIDDEN WOODS, BY TXOMAS E. BLOMBERG, BEING A REPLAT OF TIiE SOUTXERLY 33 FEET OF LOT 6� ALONG WITX LOT 7, EXCEPT THE SOUTN 5 FEET OF TGtE WEST 150 FEET AND EXCEPT THE EAST 100 FEET OF TNE WEST 250 FEETj AIANG WITH ALL OF LOT 13�ALL ZN REVISED AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 10, GENERALLY LOCATED IN T7iE 6500 BLOCIC OF CENTRAL AVEI7UE� WITH THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIQNS: 1. SIGNED PARKS FEE AGREEMENT OF 513,500 2. Approval of plat with variances on Lot 5 and 6 (a) Lot 6 to be 8,890 sq. ft. (2) Front yard wi11 be approximately 60 feet at proposed setback (3) Existing house on Lot 5 to be 5 ft. from new lot line to the north. 3. IF GARAGE IS LOCATED ON SOUTX SIDE OF LOT 6, A FIRE WALL SXOULD BE PROVIDED. 9. AGREE TO PAY ALL APPLICABLE ASSESSl�NTS--STREET, �IATER, STORM SEWER, SANITARY SEWER 5. AGREE TO RECORD PLAT AT COUNTY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT 6. REMOVE THE EXISTING GARAGE ON LOT 6 7. THE PARK FEE BE CLARIFIED WITX RESPECT TO THE EXISTING XDUSE AND TXE LOT, AND THAT THIS CLARIFICATION ALSD BE GIYEN TO TXE PLANNING COMMISSION. �, UPON A VOICE VOTE�ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWC�lAN SCXNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION �-- CARRIED UNANII�lOUSLY. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: REZONING RE UEST ZOA #84-01, BY THONAS E. BLOMBERG: Rezone the Easter y 200 feet of t e Westerly 250 feet of ��,�evised Auditor's Subdivision No. 10, from C-2 (general business) and R-2 (two family dwellings), to R-1 (one family dwellings), and rezone from R-2 (two family dwellings) to R-1 (one family dwellings) the South 33 feet of the East 168 1/2 feet of the westerly 218 1/2 feet of Lot 6, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 10. MOTION BY MR. OQUIS^', SECONDED BY l�II4. SABA, TO OPEN TXE PUBLIC HEARIPIG ON ZOA �i84-Ol BY THOMAS E. BLOl�lBERG. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CNAIRHOMAN SCHNABEL DECLAP.ED THE PUBLIC ilEARING OPEN AT 8:21 P.1H. Mr. Robinson stated the proposed rezoning to R-1 was in keeping with the proposed plat. AlOTICaN BY MR. SABA, SEODNDED BY MR. OQUIST, T'O CLOSE TNE PUBLIG HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CNAIRWO�MAN SCHNABEL DECL�IRED Z'FIE PUBLIC BEARING CIASED AT 8:24 P.!!. Mr. Oquist stated this just makes the zoning consistent with the whole ^ plat, and be would be in favor of recorr�nending approval. � �� r� �"\ PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, MARCH 28, 1984 PAGE 5 MOTION BY MR. OpUIST, SECONDED BY l�2. SVANDA, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF REZONING REpUEST� ZOA #84-OI� BY THOMAS E. BIAMBERG� TO REZONE THE EASTERLY 200 FEET OF Tf1E WESTEP.LY 250 FEET OF LOT 7� REVISED AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 10� FROM C-2 (GENERAL BUSINESS) A1�1D R-2 (TWO FAMILY DWELLINGSJ TO R-1 (ONE FAMILY DWELLINGS), AND TO REZONE FI�M R-2 (TWO FAMILY DY7ELLINGSj TO R-1 (DNE FAMILY DWELLINGSJ TXE SOUTA 33 FEE2 OF TXE EAST I68 I/2 Fh'ET OF THE WESTERLY 2I8 1/2 FEET OF LOT 6� REVISED AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. I0. UPON A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHAABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ms. Schnabe] stated both the plat and rezoning request would go to City Council on May 7, 1984. 3. RECEIVE MARCH 8, 1984, HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. OQUIST, SECONDED BY MS. GABEL� TO RECEIVE THE MARCH 8, 1984, XDUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTXORITY MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. RECEIVE MARCH 13, 1984, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEPJT COMMiSSinN MINUTES• MOTION BY MR. OpUI5T, SECONDED BY 1�2. MIN2�ON, TO RECEIVE THE MARCH 13, Z984� COPIMUNITY DEVELOPI�NT COMMISSION MINUTES. Ms. Schnabel stated there was an article in the paper about Coon Rapids' new Budget Review Commission. It is a citizen review of the city budget. The commission looks at the budget from a 1-yr, standpoin�h and a 5-yr. ste�dpoint, in that they see from what areas the money comes into the city and how that money is being spent. They review the process to see if they can make any recommendations regarding either increasing or decreasing the budget or the size of a particular department, or any a7ternatives they can suggest. She stated this has apparently been very helpful to the Coon Rapids City Council. The Council members appreciate the time that is taken to review the budget from a citizen standpoint and from a non-involved standpoint. Ms. Schnabel saggested that the Community Development Commission might want to look at this in terms of either looking at i.t themselves or setting up a project committee and then discussing it with the City Council. Mr. Oquist asked Staff to include this article with the Community Development Commission's April agenda. UPON A VDICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DEC7�ARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, MARCH 28, 1984 PAGE 6 � 5. RECEIVE MARCH 15, 1984, HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. MINTON, SECONDED BY MS. GABEL, TD RECEIVE TEE MAR. 15, 1984, liUl!AN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES. lJs. Gabel stated she was very surprised when she read in the minutes that Ms. Kocher had contacted Tom Myhra, Director of Community Education, regarding any community interest in a latch key program in the City of �'ridley. Mr. Myhra fiad said fie had done some extensive searcF�ing in the community to see if there was a need for such a program and had not received any response. She stated she did not know what kind of research Mr, Myhra had done, but she knew so many parents in`the community who would jump at the chance to have a latch key program. She stated she was one of those parents. She stated sf�e has never received any literature or informa- tion asking whether or not there was a need for such a program. She felt there was a definite need. She asked Mr. Minton to take these comments back to the Commission and discuss this again. She stated she was very sure there was a need in tFe community for a latch key program. Mr. Minton stated he would take Ms. Gabel's comments back and discuss this again with the Human Resources Commission. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED TIIE MOTION �--. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION BY 1�2. MINTON� SECONDED BY 1�2. OQUIST, TO APPROVE AND SUBMIT THE XUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION�S 1984 WORK P7�AN TO THE CITY COUNCIL. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMDUSLY. 6. OTHER BUSINESS: a. APA National Planning Conference, May 5-9, 1984, St. Paul Ms. Schnabel stated this was open to the Planning Commission members if any of tF�e members were interested in attending this conference. She asked Mr. Robinson to include the conference agenda in the next Planning Commission agenda so they could discuss it again at the next meeting. The Commission members felt it would be very beneficial to have Jim Robinson of the Planning Dept, attend this conference. 1NOTION BY MR. OpUIST� SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECOMMEND THAT THE CITY SEA1D JI1N ROBINSON TO TbtE APA NATIONAL PLANNING CONFERENCE ON MAY 5-9, 1984. UPON A VDICE VOTE�ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE � MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. _ �`-�, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, MARCH 28, 1984 PAGE 7 ADJOURWMENT: MOTION BY HR. OQUIST, SECONDED BY MIZ. MINTON, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWUMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MAR. 28� I984� PLANNING COMMISSION ME'ETING ADJOURNED AT 9:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, .� y aa Recording Secretary r"� � +�E