PL 05/22/1985 - 30633CITY OF FRIDLEY � - - �PLANNING��COMIMLSSION�'��1EETING3��MAY��22�,..19�5 - ,�"1 ......................, ........, .. ..........,.,...,..,............ .. CALt T0 ORDER: Chairwoman Schnabel called the May 22, 1985, Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. RU'LL�CALL: � Members Present: Ms. Schnabel, Mr. Oquist, Mr. Nielsen, Mr. Minton, Mr. Saba, Mr, Kondri ck, Mr. Barna Members Absent: None Others Present: Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator Betty Wall, 5425 Quincy St. N.W., New Brighton Jackie Judl��cfci, Fridley Convalescent Home 9QFin Hatl�es, 448 Rice Creek Bl.�d. M�chael Boo, 2810 �7�h Ave. N., Brooklyn Center C�iarley �ofianson, 424 R1ce Creek Blvd. Edna & Bruce Barsness, 7589 Lyric Lane N.E. DorotFiy Artmann, 254 Rice Creek Blvd. L1oyd & Patricia Larson, 7549 Lyric Lane N.E. Lance A. Lindman, 4565 3rd St. N.E. Janice Carroll, 7567 Lyric Lane N.E. � APPRO�AL OF'I�A1�'8;'1985;'PLANNING'CO�IMISSION�I�INUTES: '1�102'ION BY MR. KOIVDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO APPROVE THE MAY 8� 1985, P.Le�11IMT1VG COMMISSION MINUTES AS WRITTEAi. UPO1V A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN 5CHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. TABLED 5J8�'85.; .RU$G�IC��-HEARING; �CONSIDERAT�ON OF A SPECIAC USE PERNIIT, �- ;' `E 'CO A��SCEN 'HO E" B''BET �'J;" ' r' Fer Section 205.07.1,C,6, of t e Fri ey City Co e o a ow par ing ot expansion on Lot 1, Block 1, Maple Manor Addition, the same being 7590 Lyric Lane N.E. MO?'IO1V BY MR. MINTON, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO REMOVE THE ITEM FROM THE TABLE. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTIIVG AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTIOIV CARRIED UNAIVIMOUSLY. M02°ION BY MR. KONDRICK� 5ECONDED BY MR. NIELSEN� TO OPEN THE PUBZIC HEARING ON ,p :#t85�3. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLA,RED THE PUBLIC n HEARING OPEN AT 7:37 P.M. PCANNING CO��ISSION'MEETIN6;'�AY�22;'1985 ....:....... . . PAGE 2 Mr. Robinson stated t�is proposal was for the expansion of a parking lot at the ��i�le�r Convalescent �ome. T�e property fs located on the northeast corner of 1�adtso� �nd..l�t'� Lane, I6e property� is zoned R�-1 and is surrounded by office -C�R�I L, R�3, and predo�nil�ately� �ingie �aroily (R-1 j on the south. At the last �eet��, t�e �aajor� i�sae �ras tFee access, wfiether it should be aff Lyric Lane or o� �J�d �,on St. TFi:e:e pet�tioner Fias requested access off Lyri c Lane. He stated C Lty. Staf�_�ad saggested access be off-Madison 5t., that the garage be relocated, and the driveway extended 6ack to the parking lot. The petitioners felt this was not feasible because of the loading area, ambulance and emergency entrance, and the need for a great deal of fill because of the slope and that a retaining wall would be necessary. Mr. Robinson stated that as agreed at the last meeting, City Staff inet on the site with the Health Central engineer and loo[ced over the feasibility of other ideas. They did come up with a proposal which both agreed was possible. It would involve using the existing access off Madison, tapering that baek to the north of the existing garage so the garage wou]d not have to be moved, and tt�en tying back to the proposed parking lot area. This would eliminate any access off Lyric Lane. He stated there are several costs assnciated with this proposal which the engineer had outlined. Those costs are: additional fencing to protect the patio area �tidening of tfse road to accommodate both trucks, cars, as we11 as ambulances �"``� relocation of existing catch basin � - $1,500 - �-1�,.400 ' ' ' � ; 000 $�S These costs together with the increased run of drivet�ay associated with this proposal as opposed to the first proposal with access off Lyric Lane equalled a total difference of $6,132.50. Mr. Robinson stated he had not spoken with the petitioners to see if they were willing to go with this proposal, but they did comply with the Planning Commission's suggestion that they analyze the fe�sibility of a driveway in the rear along with a cost analysis. He stated the stipulations as outlined at the last meeting would �e basically unchanged. 1. No access by provided off Lyric Lane. 2. Screen parking lot from right-of-way and residential properties. 3. Appropriate signage be placed in parking lot 4. Par[�ing lot lighting to be diffused. 5. Work with City Engineer on drainage requirements. Mr. Robinson stated that a variance would be needed on the north by the lot line. T6e code requires a 5 ft. setback, and what is shown is basica�ly a zero lot line. l�r. Micfiael Boo stated he was representing the Fridley Convalescent Home. Their architect met with represent�tives from the City on the site,and �hey also further d'[s�ussed these plans with Su6urb�n Engineers. They remain concerned about the _ . .. .. . _ _. PLANNING ' COMI�ISSION' Ni�E7"I�IG; ' f�A�f ' 22; ' 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . PAGE 3 access across the back for many of the reas�ns discussed at the last meeting. I6.el^ arcfu�'tect and engine�^ have e�pressed thei r thoughts on the feasi bi 1 i ty and �orkability and concerns of this alternative plan. This alternative is dtfficult for a�sumber of r.easons: 1. T�e cost factor--roughly a$6,100 difference between the two plans. �TFie total par[cing lot co�t with access off Lyric Lane, not including fencing and landscaping, was est�mated at $18,000.) 2. Traffic flow--resulting in one entrance betng used for both parking lot access and, at certain times during the day, would create traffic flow pro6lems. This will continue to make it difficult for trucks and ambulances, at least during that period of time. Those problems exist now and would remain with tfiis alternative. 3. The problems �vill only be increased during the winter time. Snow removal wi]1 be very difficult with this locatior. of the driveway. 4. TEie safety issue i.s a very important and critical problem for them. TFiis alternative does pervn%t them to retain most of the patio area fiut will require fencing for safety. There will be a significant �Plow of traffic during certain periods of tfie day through a very narro�r are.a and seasonal impacts wi17 only make that situation worse. �, Mr..Boo stated they believe this alternative plan was a very difficult plan for them to accept, and, therefore, would urge that the Lyric Lane alternative be recommended. T�e Lyric Lane access w1i1 permit traffic to be mor�e orderly or more spread out, it will permit traffic to be more control�ed, and that is important to them. Mr. Boo stated he had some petitions that were signed by both res.idents of the Fridley Convalescent Home as well as employees who live in Fridley. These petitions again stated the�r concern about the need for the parking lot with access off Lyric Lane. I�r, Bno stated there was also a third alternative that was possible, and that �as access accross the front of the building. He did not know the ram�fications of that alternative, 6ut even in contrast to the alternative of tlie driveway across the back, it would 6e something they would want to take a look at. Nls. �chnabel stated the statement has been made about the problems with the amount of traffic generated going behind the building, the nearness to the patio area and garage, and tF�e del�very trucks, ambulances, etc, Yet, if this new lot is to 6e used strictly 6y employees, there would really only be traffic mQV�hg 6�sically three times in a 24 hr, period. One would be at 6:00 a.m. �n'ihere would not likely be people on the patio area. The afternoon shift �tould probably experience the most traffic, but then not again at night. She v�ondered about the deliveries being made. Mention was made about the deliveries 6eing at t�e same time as the shifts were changing, but maybe there was the ,r-� possibility that the providers could be scheduled to come at hours around shfft changes. She knew it was not an uncommon practice for companies to �� PCANNING'COM�ISSION'�EETi�G;'I�AY'22;'1985.'.'........ . . PAGE 4 request that deliveries be made only at certain hou�s. But, she really wondered how great an �mpact that traffic situation is really going to be if the new lot is only used �r employees. Ms, �udlicki stated many of their deliveries are in the morning. Paper products and nu�sing suppli�s come �n the afternoon. The afternoon was the time when '�ie-ra�uld 6�ve the con�ern. When a semi was backed in there, she did not know �' ��iere would 6e enough room for a car to get around it. M�. �udlicK� stated her greater concern was w�th the snowplowing in the winter time, and someon� coming around the back side of the garage might not be able to see someone.coming from the ether direction. She did not know how they would be able to push the snow because the line on the north is a 6 ft, high fence belonging to the property adjacent to them. If they are going to be ����t11g .tbe �no� througFi t�^e, she did not thinK that fence would remain tact very long. ��'. Joh�nson stated he wanted to point out that there was a 3-4 ft. drop from �fie corner dQ�tn to the.parking lot of the Fridley Medical Center. A�y car cor�i,hg and sltding on a piece of ice could end up in that parking loto He stated the engineer from Suburban Engineers said that no engineer would recommend this a'@ternative and said that if this access was put in, the Fridley Conva- lescent Home better increase its insurance because there will be accidents. �� Ms. Betty Wall stated she was Chairman of �he N�rth Suburban Hospital District Board. The District owns Unity Hospital and the property where the Fridley Convalesc�t�t Home is located. She stated they have requested t��s permit to make it a little bit easier for them to keep up with the changing health care. They have made a simple request for a parking lot. In making this request, they are going with what they think is the �heapest way. They did not want to raise any more issues on cost than they have to. Fridley is part o� �e Nort�i Su6ur6an Hospital District, and Fridley is also contributing to �6e cos�ts t6e District in�urs and the expenses the District has. So this is part of Fridley`s program. Mrs. Johanson is Fridley's District representative. �PCause of illness, she could not be at the meeting. She sta�ed all District -�ard memfiers are requesting t�at the City of Fridley give them permiss�on to do tfe�r parking lot. They do not want to make an issu� or trouble for anyone and will abide by whatever recommendation the City makes. Ms. Edna Barsness, 7589 Lyric Lane, stated she had a petition which contained 69 signatures repres��ating 41 of the 51 homes on Lyric Lane. In her opinion, i.t showed that the neighborhood was really against a parking lot with access anto Lyric Lane. She did not think they would be opposed to the access being on Mad�son. NJs. Barsn�ss stated she had some concerns about safety. The nursing home �eople are concerned about t�e safety of the residents and the additional cost or �encing. She looked at it from a different point of view. The residen are adult-size people and only the employees would be driving behind the ts ^ building and only at the time of shift changes. The nursing home could fence the patio area and impose a reduced speed limit. Yet, they don't see that same PLANNICJG�CO�MISS�ON'MEET�NG;��AY'i2;'1985 " � " " '� � ' ���'��'�'�� ��'� �PAGE 5 traffic as posing a risk to t�e neig�borhood by putting access onto Lyric Lane. ��ldren are compul�ive by nature; �h�y do run out into th� street, and young r.�ldr�n are not as vis�l.e as adu1ts. The speed 1�mit on .L�ric Lane is 3Q.�n.p.h., and any �cess traffic on that street is really a safety hazard. There �s a lot o�P traffic on Lyric Lane now. t�s. Barsness stated Health Central has made it known that they want to please t�.e area residents and keep a happy neigf�borhood, and the residents do, too. She thought access onto Madison would be a much bett�r compromise and it would give the nursing �ome the parking 1ot they need. Therefore, she hoped the Planning Commission would maintafn no access onto Lyric Lane. ' MO'?'ION.BY MR. KONDRICK� 5ECONDED BY MR. BARNA� TO RECEIVE PETITIONS 9& 10 ,.1985 ,FROl�I THE FR2DLEY CQNVALESCEN2" HOME, EMPLOYEES OF THE FR.iDLEY CONVALESCENT HOME, AND RE5IDENT5 ON .�YRIC LANE. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING A�E, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEZ DECLARED THE MOTION CARRZ'ED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Bruce Barsness stated the point the homeow�ers wanted to make was said at the last.meeting. As far as t�e ner� prnposal wtth access at the back of the --�ildtng, he �rould 6e willing to accept that plan if a couple of things were added; ,� .1. landscaping--that there be some way that the City reviews the plans or work afterwards to make sure adequate landscaping and screening is put in. 2. a fence that goes on the south side of the lot to the building 3, that a"right turn only" sign be posted at the driveway onto Madison so traffic leaving both of the lots has to turn north on Madison rather than south. If the traffic turns soutl�,it will go on Lyric Lane. Mr, Barsn�ss stated he was not against Health Central, Unity Hospital, or the Fridley Convalescent Home. He wanted them to be able to expand and maintain their businesses as best they can but not at the expense of the neighborhood streets and aot at the expense of the property values of their homes. Mr. Lloyd Larson, 7549 Lyric Lane, stated there are no sidewalks in the area, and tFie children have to waik in the street. By having access onto Madison, tf�is situation could be corrected. He agreed with a"right turn only" sign coming out onto Madison. He��stat�d that at the last meeting, Mr. Haines had ��ought up his concern about no stop signs Qn Os6orr�e at l�adison�. That would also help the situation. He s�ated the way things are now, their homes �ave 6een devaluated by the construction and the traffic. � _ _ PLANNING'COf��lIS5I0N�I�EET3NG;'I�IAK'22;'1985 .............. .. ..... . PAGE 6 Ms. Dorothy Artmann, 254 Rice Creek Blvd., stated she could not see where ifere rarould 6e t6at much traffic coming out onto Lyric Lane when the lot �ctll only fie used 6y employees and only at-three times during the day. She �a� also speaking as a taxpayer of Fridley, and that w�s her tax dollar, too, �6at �uas going to �elp pay for t6e increased cost of the driveway if it has to go around tfie 6ack of the 6uilding. Ms. Judlicki stated that regarding snow removal, they are a 24 hr, business, and it is not a matter of having tfie snow cleared by morning; it is a matter o� �eepfng th.e par[cing lots open at all tfines of the day. If people compare �� rates of the Fridley Convalesc��t Home to other nursing homes in the area, ��y�� r�fl l find t�.ey are very cost-conscious people. She stated they try to f�eep--t�eir rates reasona6le and fee7 they offer the best long term care in the area. TFiey are concerned about t�eir rates and do not want to have to increase �� rates so t�.at it is a 6igger burden on the residents. Mr. Haines stated he would be concerned about the suggestion of a"right turn only" sign coming out of the parking lot onto Madison. If they were to do that, they could say tfiat all tEie traffic coming ou� of the parking lot in front of ���aspttal �ould aiso h.av� to go le�t instead of right. They have a lot of efiploj�ees and patien�� wFw live in the Melody I�anor area. Are they going to �na�.e �hese people go al� the way around or are they going to let them go right -F�rnne? He also hoped they could get the County to help them with some of the �� traf� � 6y� getting stop signs on Osborne at Madison. 1 Mr. Haines stated that last year the hospital had 52,000 patients (11,000 in-patlents, 42,000 out-patients�, usually coming with other people or emer- gency vehicles. The in-patients have a minimum of five visitors while they are in the hospital. That results in a lot of traffic. He stated they do ►�ant to he sensitive to the neighbors and have tried to demonstrate. But, on the other fiand, he lost a lot of sympathy when people have moved in knowing tfie hospital is there. He has also had people tell him that the reason their houses sold so quickly was because the hospital was there, and he knew of two families who bought homes in the neighborhood because the hospital was there. Mr. Barna stated mention was made of the possibility of access across the front of the building. H� stated what is considered the front of the building is actually the side yard since the front is the narrow part on a side street lot So, the southern end of the lot was the actual side yard, and they could have a drtlreway tFirough a side yard 17 ft, from right-of-way setback. Roughly guesstimat�ng, the.Frid�ey Convalesce�t Hame would have room for a nice wide driveway, s�.rub6eru,plantings, and rmom for snow remdval. He asked if the nurs�ng �ome �ad loo[ced at the cost nf this alternative. Mr. Boo stated it was just simply an option they would like to look at if access to Lyric Lane is denied. They do feel it would be a_cheaper option than the access around the back and, more importantly, they would not have the �ame sa�ety or snow removal issues. �"1 �� _ ..... �PLANNiNG'CONiMISSIORI��lEET3NG;�MAY'22;'1985 " ...'...'.....' ............ . . .PAGE 7 "M02'IOA1 BY-MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. 5ABA, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON �5�(L.3 � FRlDLEY CONVALE5CENT HOME, BY BETTY J. WALL. UP0111 A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE � CNAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DEC�U�JRED TAE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:32 P.M. Mr. Oquis� stated-the issue 6efore the Planning Commiss�on was to allow the �arkll�g expans�ion�. Ne def�:nit�iy saw tFie need for that parking expansion or �e.employees, �e di'�l hav� a concern a6out the driveway access onto Lyric Lane, alt�.oug[� t�at was tFie most logical p1ac� to have it. If they allowed access onto Lpric Lane for the nursing home, they would have to allow the same acces� to tFie apartment complex. From his experience on the Planning Commission, that would happen. He would be in favor of approving �he special use permit �rith access onto Madison, either in front of the building or behind the building with proper landscaping. Of those two alternatives, the front was probably the most logical. It migk�t cost more because of the extra length of driveway, _6nt yet it might not 6e 6ecause of tfie fill that would be required for the drt�e�ay in the rear. Mr. Oquist stated �e did agree with the snowplowing concerns and the safety concerns in coming around tFie garage in the rear. He cou�d not agree to.a "`right turn only" sign onto Madison because there are people who live in the area, and it is not fair to make them go all the way around. He did not think it was necessary to put up a fence around the parking lot. He felt that -�'"� proper landscaping and berming by the parking lot `,. would be more than adequate, . MOTION BY 1�. OQUIST� SECOIVDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL AP ORP Va9L OF SPECIAL USE PE.RMIT, SP #85-03� FRIDLEY CONVALESCENT HOME� BY BETTY J. WALL; PER SECTION 205.Oi.1� C� 6, OF THE FRIDLEY CSTY CODE TO ALLOW PARKING LOT EXPANSION ON IAT 1� BLOCK Z� MAPLE MA1110R ADDZTSON� THE 5AME BEING 7590 LYRIC LANE N.E.� WITH THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS: Z. NO ACCESS BE PRQVIDED OFF LYRIC LANE. Z. SCREEN PARKING LUT FROM RIGHT—OF—WAY AND RESIDENT�A.L PROPERTI� 3. APPROPRIATE SIGNAGE BE PTIACED I1V PARKING LOT �'O INDICA�'E' EMPLOYEE P.}1RKING. 4. PARKING LOT LIGBTING TO BE DIFFUSED. 5. WORK WITH CITY ENGINEER ON DRAINAGE REpUI.REMEN2'5. 6. IF THE CHOICE IS THE DRIVEWAY ACCESS ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE BUILDING� VARSANCES ON THE NORTH LOT LINE TO BE AUTOMATICALLY APPROVED WITH THE 5PECIAL USE PERMIT. Mr. Saba stated the "right turn only" sign sounded like a good idea and �hould pro6a61y 6e investigated. The nursing home might just want to make that request to tFie visitors and employees who do not want to add to the pro�lems of the neighborhood, He stated this is a beautiful neighborhood, and if he lived in the neighborhood, he would be opposed to the access on t o Lyric Lane. He did feel that putting access in front of the building would spo11 the visual image of the building. He knew there were problems, but he felt the only fitting p)ace for it was in the rear of the building. � PC�NNING'CO��ISSION'MEETING;'�A�'22;�1985'. " ...��....��� .......... ... . PAGE 8 �r. Barna stated 6e �ould concur w-ith the moti0n as stated. He stated that regar.d�g tFie "ri�ght turn only" sign, if the nursing home did put up that s�n, it r�as not a s�tgn tfie police would enforee. It would just be a d�^ectional information sign for visitors and employees of the facility. The cost of the sign and the cost in good will might help the situation. The sign would not restrict anyone from turning left on Madison. Ms. Sch�abel stated she could appreciate the concern about keeping the traffic off Lyri.c Lane. What she was really interested in pursuing was that if the Planning Commission or the City of Fridley could be of any assistance to Mr. Haines in his effort to get the stop signs on the corner of Osborne and Madison, sh� was sure they would be more than willing to help in any way possible. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRTED UNANIMOUSLY. Ms. Schnabel stated this item would go to City Council on June 3. If the �rt'ble� Convalescent Home representatives came up with another proposal with the driveway in front of the building, she would urge that they have that plan prepared for the June 3 meeting. 3, TRBLED 5 8 85� PUBLIC�HEARING:� CO�ISIDERATION'OF A SPECIAC USE PERMIT �, �r'-r-�,a�� � �—.r,�. . ��''���, D T LHIVI.t H. �.liuu�lAlGl-' er ec ion �'6�T. T�,°� of ���"ri dl ey �� ity Co e to a ow t e cons ruction of a second accessory building, a 20 by 16 foot garage, to be used for storage of a classic car on Lot 26 and the North 25 feet of Lot 25, Block 16, Plymouth including the vacated alley, the same 6eing 4565 - 3rd Street N.E. PU�Tic �earing open. MO'TION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. MINTON, TO REMOVE 2'HE ITEM FROM THE TABLE. UP0111 A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Robinson stated this was a sl�gle family lot located just east of 3rd St. and�south of 46th. The proposal was for� a second accessory building/garage to store a classic car. The garage would not have a driveway. The petitioner will d��ve the car only at the most once a week during the summer and not at all during the winter. TFie on7y stipulation recommended by staff was that this special use permit be reviewed in a year to make sure the driveway is not worn. Mr. Kondrick asked if there had been any comments or cor�cerns from the neighbors. Mr. Robinson stated they have not received any telephone calls or letters from any of the neighbors. �� �� �, � PCANNING�COI�MIISSIO�'MEETING; MAY'22;�1985.......'............ ... ....PAGE 9 Mr. Minton asked if there was room for a dri�eway if it was warranted. Mr. Robinson stated that a 10 foot driveway was possible, They could . pave up to the house and up to the property line if the owner had an agree- ment with the neighbor. Otherwise, he needed a 3 ft, setback. Mr. �indman stated he now �as a metal shed in the back yard. According to the Ci�y, he could have a 12 ft, x 20 ft, building without a special use permit, �fii�Fi wauld 6e fine if he was only going to store his car. But, if he takes do�n t�ie metal shed, he will need the extra 4 ft, to store la�mmower, tools, etc.�� Eie did not see w�ere his garage would have any impact on the neighbor- _Fiood, His next door neighbor has a 3-stall garage to the south of the building. Mr. Lindman stated he did not want to put a driveway in as he did not want to destroy the property with blacktop. If he was going to drive the car in and out of the garage often enough to leave marks in the grass, he would not do it. Ne did not want to spoil the appearance of the house. He stated he will probably drive the car in and out of the garage twice a month. In the winter time, he would not use it at all from about the end of October until the first part of.April/May. Mr. Lindman stated he has had several estimates for the construction of the garage, and he will be going with the best quality he can find. The garage will match the house. Ms. Schnabel asked if Mr.Lindman had thought about adding the garage behind the existing garage. Mr. Lindman stated he had thought about adc�ing_it on�o the back of the existing garage with a connecting door, but it would add to the cost. Having the garage back in the corner of the lot gets it out of the way and still leaves a lot of room in the yard for the children to play. Mr. Barna stated that if Mr. Lindman added the new garage to the existing garage, he might need a variance also, because the_square footage of the garage would exceed a percentage of the footprint of the house. So, he was better off Rritf� a special use permft for a second accessory building. - MOTION BY MR. SABA� SECONDED BY MR. BARNA, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON SP 85-04 BY LANCE A. LIIVDMAN. UPON A VOICE T70TE� �1LL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLO5ED AT 8:55 P.M. Mr. Barna stated he had no problem with the special use permit. The size of the garage was not excessive, It was just barely big enough for the car and lawn equipment. PtANNI�dG�CO��ISSION MEETING, MAY�2� 1985 � � PAGE 10 MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECOI�7DED BY MR. BARNA, TO RECOMMEND TO C.ITY COUNCIL APP3?OV�iL- OF� SPECiAL U5E PERM.IT� SP #85-04, BY LANCE A. LINDMAN: PER 5ECTION 20�. Q% � I� �� A� OF 2'FIE FRIDLEy CITY CODE � TO ALLOW THE CO11lS�'RUC7'ION OF A S�COND .zI�CESSORY BU2LDING� A 20 BY I6 FOOT GARAGE� TO BE USED FOR STORAGE OF A CL.9�STC CAR ON LOT 26 AND THE NORTH 25 FEET OF LOT 25� BLOCK Z6� PLY— 110�TS :iNCLUDIN� THE VACATED ALLEy� THE SAME BEING 4565 — 3RD 5'TREET N.E.� WITH THE 5TIPULATION THAT THE SPECIAL USE PERMIT BE REVIEWED BY STAFF IN OIVE YEAR � UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLA,RED THE MOTION CARRSED UNANIMOUSLY. Ms. Schnabel stated this item would go to City Council on Ju�e 3. 3. CONTINUED��/8J85.���ONSID�RATIpN'O��AN'.ORDINANCE'RECODIFYING'THE FRIULEY • , T �. ., �---se a � �,�—�� Mr. Robinson stated the Planning Commission had asked that this be reviewed by the Appeals Commission. The Planning Commission members had a copy of the Appeals Commission minutes of Jan. 29, 1985, when the possible revision to the sign ordinance was discussed. They e]iminated any talk about changing �6e ouerall square footage of t�e sign and strictly stayed with trying to clarify �rhat a legal non-conforming use was, when a legal non-conforming use �eas no longer a legal norr-conforming use, and becomes illegal. They also ,r-` de�'ined what a variance was and how long a variance remains in effect. � Mr. Robinson reviewed the changes with the Commission. Mr. Barna stated the only other area the Appeals Coriunission discussed was the pol�tical.sign section. They discussed that the 4 ft, x 8 ft, signs shouldn t be allowed in a residential area--that 4 ft, x 8 ft. signs be allowed only in areas where normally that size of sign would be legal. The Appeals Comroission recommended that 2 ft, x 4 ft, be the maximum size sign allowed in a residential neighborhood. 1�10'��'wIOn1 BY MR. BARNA, SECONDED BY MR. OQUIST, TO RECOMMEND THE FOLLOWING CHANGE TO CHAPTER 214 ENTITLED °SIGNS": PAGE 44� SECTION 2.Z4.06.3.A. BE CHANGED TO READ: "A MAXIMUM S.IZE OF THIRTY—TWD (�2) SpUARE FEET IN AREA, WITH THE EXCEPTION THAT THERE BE A MAXIMUM S.rZE OF' 2 FT. x 4 FT, (8 SQ. FT. ) IN ANy R DISTRICT. " UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL V07'ING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DEC�ARED THE MOTION CARRIED UN,z1NIMOUSLY. M�� Ai BY MR. KONDR.Z'CK, SECONDED BY MR. NIELSEN� TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A1V ORDIINAIVCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY AMENDING CHAPTER 214 ENTITLED "SIGNS" WITH THE RECOMMENDED AMENDMENT REGARDSNG POLITICAL SIGNS. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCFINABEL DECLARED THE MOTiZON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PLANNING�COI�NIISSiON'MEEiING;�MA��22; 1985.......... .' . PAGE 11 ,�", 4. RECEIVE N1AY 2, 1985, HUNIAN � RESOURCES � COMMISSION �1INl1TE�: "MOTION BY 1�IR. MINTON� 5ECQNDED BY MR. SABA, TD RECENE THE MAY 2, 1985� HUMAN RESOURCE5 COMMISSION MINUTE5. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. �REC�IV�'MA��6;'1985;'PARKS'&'RECR�ATIOIU'COMN1ISSION'MINUTES: ' MO�'ION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. NIEL5EN, TO RECEIVE THE MAY 6, 1985, �'ARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE P?OTION CARRIED UIVANIMOU5LY. 6. RECEIVE I�A�f �', 1985; EfVERGY PROJECT � COf�MITTEE I�IIVI7TES: MO'TION EY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. BARNA� TO RECEIUE �'HE MAY 7� 1985, ENERGY PROJECT COMMITTEE MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CNAIRWOMAN 5CHNABEL DEC.LARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. RECEIIIE MAY 14, 1985; � APPEALS CO�II�ISSION ��IINUTES: MO�� Ts I01�1 BY MR . BARNA � SECONDED BY MR . KONDRICK, TO RECE.IVE TFIE MAY 14 ,.19 85 � APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE T70TE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. OTIiER Bl1SINESS: a. Discussion abo.ut Skywood Mall 1�r. Nielsen stated the S[cywood Mal] merchants are very upset and are complaining that the owner has the "Skywood Inn" sign but that there is very little that identifies the tenants within the mall. Ms. Schnabel stated there are some real problems going on with the Skywood Mall. The tenants have no signed leases at this point, so they are in limbo. Their signs have all been removed from the front of the building and, as a result, they feel their businesses are suffering because no one knows they are there. They feel that the developers took the money, in terms of the bond money that"was given them, and used it to build the Sf�ywood Inn, but �iave not been applying that money to the shopping center. Some people are curious about where that extra money is at this point. � ,� PLANNING�COI�II55ION �EET��G;'MA�'22;'1985�........� ................�.. ....PAGE�12 Ms; Sc�nabel stated there is some concern about the sign that has gone up. S�e was a little surprised that there are several signs that say "S(cywood Inn" and very little signage to identify the mall. The sig�n �hat went up for the Sf�ywood Inn is in the center of the property, and she thought that it was �o go nearer to 52nd. The sign is bigger than the Menards sign, and she thought it was to be the same size as the Menards sign. E�s. Schnabel stated another thing she has heard is that the landscaping has not been completed,and the site has not been cleaned up. Ms, Schnabel stated she has received a call about the water retention on tFie motel roof. It is not holding water, and as a result, all the water is draining into the pond. The pond is not large enough to hold the water. There is a pipe coming up out of the ground onto 52nd Ave., and all the excess water that cannot be held in the pond is draining out onto 52nd causing the street to wash away. She wondered if it was illegal to pipe water out of the pond onto a public street. Ms. Schnabel stated that because she has heard a lot of questions raised a6out the whole Skywood project, she was a little nervous about it. T�e planning Commission mem�ers agreed there were many questions and concerns that should be answered. They felt the City should definitely � get tough with the owners and give them a time limit in which to g�t thin.gs done or they forfeit their performance bond money. AUJOIJRNNIENT: MO�TION BY MR. KONDRICK� SECONDED BY MR. MINTON� TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MAY 22� 1985� PLANNING COMMIS520N MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ynn a a Recording Secretary �