PL 09/11/1985 - 30638�, CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSI�ON MEETING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1985 CALL TO ORDER: Chairwoman Schnabel called the September 11, 1985, Planning Commission meeting to order at 7 36 p.m. ROLL CALL: M�r��rs Present: Ms. Schnabel, Ms. Gabel, Mr. Minton, Mr. Saba, Mr. Wellan, Mr. Kondrick (arr. �:�0 p.m.) Members Absent: Mr. Oquist Others Presen�:: Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator Herbert � Judy Lennox, 1461 R�ce �reek Rd. Doug Peterson,.4900 County Rd. 18, Ne� Hope Lenard Vanasse, MarLen Development Wi]liam Pink, MarLen Development Ed Michaels, A& R Garrett _ _ ... .. . ..... ...... ...... APPROIIAL � OF �A11611ST' 21; � 1985; � PEARINIRIG'CONiNIIS5�6N'N1iI�l�TES: %� MOTION BY MR. MINTON� 5ECONDED BY R?R. SABA, TO APPROVE THE AUG. 21� I985� P7IANNIIVG COMMI5SION MINUTE5. The following change was made on page 3, paragraph .�;-first line: Change the word "value" to "cost". UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MttNUTES APPROVED AS AMENDED. . 1. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION�OF'A'SPECIAL�USE'P�RI�IIT; SP'#'85=10;�BY . BE "E ' I; er Sec�ion .1, C, 1, of the Fridley City Code, to allow the construc- tion of � second accessory building, a 24 ft. 6� 30 ft, detached garage on Lot 4, Block 2, Spring Valley, the same 6ei:ng 1461 Rice Cree(c Road N.E. MOTION BY MR. 5ABA, 5ECOlIFDED BY MS. GABEL, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING ON 5P #85-I0. UPON A VO.ZCE VOTE� ALL VOTIAIG AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLA.RED THE PUBLIC HEARIlUG OPEN AT 7:39. Mr. Robi.nson stated this property was located just north of Rice Creek Road, east of Old Central. It was zoned single family as were most of the properties in the immediate area. T�e req�est was for a second accessory struc�wre which was over 240 sq, ft. The structure would be loc�ted in the rear yard. .� _-.-� PLANNING'COMMISSION'MEETiNG;�5EP7ENIBER'�1;�1985 " '.'..'....'........ ....PAGE 2 Mr, Herbert Lennox stated he did plan to use the structure as a garage for cars, a boat, snowmobile and trailer, �tc. He did plan on putting a concrete driveway to the structure. Ms. Schnabel asked Mr. Lennox if he planned to do any type of home occupation in the proposed structure. M�. Lennox stated he did not. MOTION BY MR. SABA� SECONDED BY MS. GABEL� TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC XEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIIVG AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 'J:45 P.M. MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. WE:LLAdV � TO REC0I�IMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL-�OF SPECIAL U5E PERMIT, SP #85-10� BY.HERBERT LENNOX LI� PER 5ECTION 205.07.I � C� 1� OF 2'HE FRIDLEY CITF CODE TO �lilAfnT THE CON5TRUCTIOIV OF A SECOND ACCESSORY BUILDING� A 24 FT. EY 30 FT. DETACAED GARAGE•ON LDT �4, BLOCK 2, 5PRIAIG VALLEY, TAE SAML BEING 1461 RSCE C.REEK ROAD 1V , E. � WITH THE STIPULATION THAT A bTARD SURFACE DRIVEWAy BE INSTALLED TO THE NEW STRUCTURE. UPON A VOICE UOTE, ALL VOTINE's i�YE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL' DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOU5LY. i� . Ms. Schnabel stated tFiis �ould go to C�ty Counc�l on Oct..7. . . ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..:... ...... ...... ...... ....... .. ... 2. � ' PUBLIC' FIEARyNG:.'. '.CON�.%D�RA�I04V'OF'A'PR�L' �1Ff�AR�'PL'A'F; ' P:S; '�8��-64; ' OAI�"RI�ER � 5: S : e�ng a rep a o� o s and 41, Revised Auditor`s Subdivision No. 77, Anoka County, Minnesota, except tfiat part repla�ted as Niemann Addition, tFie same being 7560 East River Road. MOZ70N BY MS. GABEL� SECOAIDED BY MR. GVELLAN, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC FIEARING ON �.5. #85-04. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VO�'ING .AYE, CHAIRG�70MAN SCFIIITABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARZIUG OPEN AT 7:47 P.M. Mr. Robinson stated the proposed plat �as just west of East R�iver Road and north of existing 75th V�ay. It involved 8 lots and tFie land are-a was approx�.mately 3 acres, approximately 2.3 acres of that 6eing platted into new lots. The zoning was single family as were all the properties in the fmmediate neighborhood. Mr. Robtnson stated t�e proposal �as to spl�''t the parcels into 8 lots, 7 lots r��l l be used for new homes and Lot 4�itfi an e.�ist-�'l�g house on �t wi 11 remai n. All tk�e lots exceed t�.e required 1ot area of 9,000.s�q; ft. The smallest lot r�as 9,525 sq, ft, and the lots ranged from that up to over 16,000 sq, ft. A11 tFie lots were 75 ft, or more at the set6ack which was req�ired 6� code. The ^ road right-of-way was 50 ft. wide and tFiis would provide a 36 ft, wide street, .. . __.. .._ .. �.r.1 PL�4NN�NG' COIN�IISSIORI- �IEETiN6; ' SEP�'�I�ER' 11; ' 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PAGE � 3 with a 7 ft. wide green boulevard on each side of the street. The street was approximately 510 ft, longo This was less than the maximum allowable street length on a dead-end street which is 600 ft.; however, th� cul-de-sac was less than full widtFi and it did have a 75 ft. dtameter. TF�� full width requirement �r�s l0U f�.; hor�ever this requirement could 6e waived if conditions made it difficult to make it 100 ft. Mr. Robinson stated all tfie util%ties are avai.la6.le to the lots off Alden �ay. The petitioner has shnwn on his plat the easement so the water line can be looped off Alden Way to the existing lot on East River Road. Mr. Robinson stated the park.fee-agreement for these 8 lots �as been signed-- $1,500/lot or a total of $12,000. Most of the mature trees on the �ite will remain. Sa7es of the homes are slated for around $125,Q�D.,.with tFie except�on of the home on Lot 4, wfiich �tas per�aps in the $7Q,Od0 range. Mr. Robinson stated Staff �as recommendti'rg t�ie 1�ollowing stipulati�ons: 1. Road easement over tF�e soutFieast � corner of � 7�a1 A1 den Way to 6E granted to tFie C1ty prior to fi''nal plat approva7. 2. Petitioner agree to as�essments for all street and utilities. 3. Boulevard on the sout� of new 76th Avenue to be maintained by residents of Oafc River Estates Plat. '~1 4. All structures except tfie existing house on Lot 4 to be removed r�'°th t[�e devel opment. 5. Peti:tioner to provi.de 20Q �Ft. scale plat drar�ing for recording purposes. 6. Rear yard variance on Lot 4 froro 40 ft,. to approxi.mately 23 ft. contingent upon approval with final p1at. 7. Petitioner to provi.de a dou6le garage �'th �ard surface driver�ay to existing hbuse on Lot 4 prtor to sale of sald real estate. 8. Petitioner to work out �n approved drainage plan with Engineering staff. Mr. Minton stated that regarding sti,pulation #3, he questioned h.ot� that v�as going to be enforced. Mr. Robinson stated Fie d�d not �nor�, but there r�ould pro6ably have to be some wording in the purc(�ase agreement at tFie time o� the sale. Staffi could consult with the City Attorney on how tF�is could be worded. Ms. Gabel stated she felt i.t was more logical io deed that property to the present tiomeowners sout� of 76tFi and 6ave them maintain it. Mr. Wellan agreed. It seemed more appropriate �.'� the people to t�e south of the proposed 76th Ave, were agreea6le to doi.ng i.t. Mr. Doug Peterson stated tFiey had t�e same pro61 em r,vt''tfi what to do witfi the ,,--� eas.ement to the south. , PLANNING CO�MISSION�MEETING;'SEPTEN1BER'll;'1985'�'���� " � " " " �'��� � PAG��4 Mr. Doug Peterson stated he had considered putting a street through the middle of the project which would have provided more lots, but the lots would have been quite ugly. He stated he was open to suggesttons from the Planning Commission and the people in t�e audienee. He.stated fie dfid pTan to save as many trees as possible for s�ade and screening. Ms. Schnabel stated t�at regardi.ng the-road easement and the property at 7501 Alden Way, was Mr. Peterson purchast''ng tFie corner of t�.at property� from the owners? Mr. Peterson stated he has t�lked to Mr. & Mrs.Lind� and they are trying to put something together as an easement. Mr. Doug Peter�on stated [1e, intends� to i^emo�e. a� l tfag 6u�1 dings Ur1�i;ck� are mostly sheds on the property, except the hou�e on Lot 4. Mr. Wellan stated fae r�as con�erned as to [wv� tL�at older existing house would fit into a new neighborfwod wit� new fwuses. Mr. Doug Peterson stated the house does not fit in not�, but it was in pretty sound shape. It was not economi.cally feasible to either move it or tear it down. The house is a 2 6edroom expansi.on 6ui.lt fin the 195Q�s witFi a finisf�ed basement. Mr. Phil Lind, 7501 Alden Way, stated that Mr. Robinson had stated the road ""'� right-of-way was 50 ft. wide to provfde for a 36 ft, wide street. He questioned the need for a 36 ft, wide street c�fie.n Alden Wa� is only a 30 ft. wide street. He stated Alden Way has la-2� times tfie amount of traffic on it t�an the proposed 76th Ave, ever will. By getting a variance and ma[cing 76th Ave, a 30 ft, street, he might have to lose that frontage on his proper�y whfch was very important to him. He felt a proposal for a 30 ft.-�treet was we71 worth consider��g for two reasons: (1� t�.e saf�ty standpoint. It is a busy corner and it is -a 61ind corner tin on� directi�n; (2j Tf tFiej� toak the w�ole ea�ement away and made that a�treet, he would �ave mounds of snow in [�i� driveway. As it is, he and his neigh6or have two driveways bac[c to bac�, and it wou]d be a real hardship with the additional snow. Mr, Lind s�at�d he realized that A1den Way, �t the point where the proposed 76th Ave, would enter, was wider, but other than that. Alden Way was a 30 ft. wide street, and parkjng was al]owed right now on both stdes. Mr. Robinson stated the standard residential street is 36 ft. Ms. Schnabel stated that on a 36 ft. street, normally there is parking on both sides, but in this instance chances are there wouldn`t be and the cars wou7d probably be only on the north side of the street w�.ere the houses would be, so it was possible a narrower street would work. Mr. Robinson stated the Engineering Dept, was in the process of designing the street, and the possibility of a 30 ft. street could be brought to their � attention. � PLANNING COINNIISSION��EETING, .SEPTE�BER'll;'1985 .................. .. ..'.PAGE 5 Mr. Lind stated he would like to see the proposed 76th Ave, come out and turn to the south so it meets the curve at a 90° angle. Ms. Schnabel thanked Mr. Lind for his concerns and comments and stated these would be passed on to the Engineering Dept. Mr. Ralph Petersen,116 Rickard Rd., stated he lived on the north side of the prpposed replat. He stated he would like to raise �n issue concerning the situation with the street and that was that from the existing Alden Way to the existing ground level, there was probably a�ifference in elevation of 10 ft. in a relatively short distance. In order to regrade the property for a new street at this point, that was going to cut into the corner of Mr, Lind's property substantially. Mr. Robinson stated that what Mr. Petersen said was true, there would be some regrading of Mr. Peterse�'s yard to build the street, Mr. Lind stated this was another concern of his. Mr. Ralph Petersen stated there were some fair sized trees that would have to be taken out in order to do the regrading. Probably a tree in Mr. Lind's front yard would have to be taken down also, His primary concern was that he has lived there for a number of years next to this 6�autifu7 property with only one house on it. There are some 6eautiful trees, and fae feared that even though �` the developer has good intenti�ons, from seeing tfie plat design, .he felt they were going to lose more trees than was desired in tFifs lo�ati,on. The trees range in age from 10-15 years to 60-80 years. so it was indeed a well matured lot. There was a grove of pine trees, 20-25 years old. in ��e proposed cul-de- sac that would have to be removed, Mr. Ralph Petersen stated that being a resident of the area, if this property is developed, he would like to see it de.veloped with an investment tbat would maintain the integrity of the lot itse]f and the..surrounding neighborhood. One suggestion might be a rep7at with fewer lots. There are 7 lots proposed along the north side of the plat, and there are only 6 lots on the property adjoining the back of the property, so the lots proposed are somewhat narrower than the ones that exist in the neighborhood. - Mr. Ralph Petersen stated he was not sure of.the setbacks in the rest of the neighborhood, but his setback from the curb appeared to be about 50 ft, Regarding the proposal to leave tne exlsting house on Lot 4, he would recommend against it. He had some experience in carpentry, and he felt the house was not in very good condition. It was relatively sma71 and the style of the house did not fit in with the neighborhood. The house is not hooked up to city water and sewer, and the septic system was just redone last year. This raised the question: Who will take out the existing well and sept�:c tank? Mr. Ralph Petersen stated he would li.ke to..see a concerted effort made in maintaining the aesthetics of the property. Aesthetics frequerr�ly conflict �� with economics, but he thought the value of tFiat property was very important. PLANNING COM�ISSION��EETIN�; SEPTEMBER�11, 1985' � � '�� PAGE 6 Mr. Robert Duebek, 108 Rickard Rd., stated he was in concurrence with what Mr. Petersen had said about the trees. He stated there are many birds and �ildlife in the area which they love very muc�. Losing a lot of trees would really ruin their enjo��nent of nature. He st�ted the trees were his main concern,and be would suggest that a stipulati�n �e that the only trees removed in the development be t�ose trees that are in t�e line of construction. Ms. Schnabel stated that if the property was developed and the street w�s constructed as proposed, regarding the maintenance of the i ft, green area which would be on the south side of 76th, would the p�operty owners of the property adjoining that 7 ft, boulevard be willing to maintain the property? Mr. Creamer, 55 - 75th Way, stated he would be willi.ng to maintain it. He stated that currently �e has to mai.ntaln it most of the time anyway. He stated he has no back fence so there would be no problem, but it would be more of a problem for the property owners whose back yards are fenced. Mr. Bill Witkowski, 100 Rickard Rd., stated that the_homes in the area are predominately single story ramblers. He asked if Mr. Doug Peterson was con- sidering building homes with multiple levels.- Mr. Doug P�terson stated that most of the homes would probably be 12 story ,°� with split foyers. Mr. Witkowski stated he fe]t a little uneasy with single family housing all around and then have a bunch of two story houses in their back yards. He just did not think it would look good with the houses in the area. Ms. Schnabel stated that was a good p�int, but the Zoning Code does permit two story homes to be built. Mr. Ralph Petersen stated that ab�ut the mlddle of proposed Lot 5 and Lot 6, there was an existing driveway that comes in from East River Road. That had an elevation of almost 3�4 ft, at the boundary of Lots 5 and 6. There was a cluster of trees on the north side. He stated that was probably the low spo� in the area and in:the spring when it thaws, there was a fa��rly large pool of water that couid extend all the way from the driveway to the north lot line. In the process of digging and distributing dirt and regrading, that will, of course,affect the trees, but what would happen to the low spot? He stated he was concerned because his back yard was an extension of that low spot and he did not want the water to go into his basement. Mr. Robinson stated that one of the stipulations on th.e replat was that the petitioner must work out an approved drainage plan with Engineering staff. Mr. Jeffrey Bolz, 124 Rickard Rd., stated he lived 6ehind Lot 4. He stated he felt that the lots were too long and not very wide for the value of homes being proposed. He also felt the existing house on Lot 4 presented some problems as far as setbacks. Mr. Robinson stated the existing house on Lot 4 could present some problems as far as front yard setbacks for the new homes. PtANNING CO��ISSION��E�TING;_ SEPTENIBER 11; 1985. .... . PA�E 7 ���, Mr. Dennis Ot�em, 140 Ric�ard Rd., stated he agreed with everything that has been said. He also felt that $125,000 �omes were not going to fi� into a development with one old house. Mr, Minton stated he thought the major concern expressed was the saving of trees. Could Mr. Doug Peterson comment on that? Mr. Doug Peterson stated it was a beautiful lot, and he would attempt to save trees where�er passible. He stated they dig with a back hoe, as opposed to a caterpillar, in order to save trees. Ms. Schnabel asked Mr. Peterson`s feelings about reducing the number of lots f rom 8 to 7. Mr. Doug Peterson stated he did not see where t�at would be possible. Origi- nally, they started out with 11 lots. He stated these 8 lots all meet the ci.ty's requirements, in fact, exceed all the city`s requirements. With special assessments and land cost, the lots are getting close to $25T30,000. He stated it was cost prohibitive to move the existing house.� His intention was to upgrade the house. Granted, it would not be a$�=25,000 house, but they do feel these new homes will raise the value in the area. Mr. Peterson � as presented. plan. �� stated he would like the Planning Commission to approve the replat They have worked with City Staff to come up with the most feasible MOTION BY MS. GABEL� SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAI,RWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC NEARING CIASED AT 9:18 P.P?. Ms. Gabel stated she r�a17y felt the existing house on Lot 4 should be removed. With the exception of that house and h�ving looked at a lot of plats over the years, she felt this was a reasonable plat. She sympathized with the concerns about keeping the trees and she would like to see the developer work at that. As far as the design of the houses, that was something the Commission had no control over. She felt the plat was reasonable, and she did think these new homes would enhance the neigh6orhood. Ms. Schnabel stated she felt leaving the house on Lot 4 wduld have a negative imp�ct on the development. She also felt they should address Mr. Lind's concerns. Mr. Robinson stated that since Mr. Lind has a direct concer�n it might be advisable for Mr. Lind to meet with Mark Bu�ch, Asst. Public Works Director, and work these things out. Ms. Schnabel stated she was stiil not comfortable with stipulation #3 that the boulevard on the south side of the new 76th Ave. 6e maintained by the residents of Oak River Estates Plat. � PLANNING COf�fWI5Si0N'�EETIti6;'SEPTENIBER�11;�1985 " " '�� ��'����' �� �� "PAGE 8 Mr. Robinson stated that if the property owners on the south were willing to maintain the boulevard, perhaps the developer �ould be willing to install gates for those property o�ners who have back yard fences. Another property owner on 75th Way with property abutting the boulevard stated he would be willing to maintain the boulevard. He stated he does have a fence in his back yard. Ms. Schnabel stated they realize it is difficult for people who have lived in a neighborhood for a long ti.me to see a piece of property that is vacant go, but they also know that land is very valua6le; t�at they �ave decreased amounts of land �vailable in Fridley for development. It certainly appe��Aed that in terms of a p7at, it was a reasnnable plat and that the developer has made every effort to meet all code requirements. From that standpoint, t�e Planning Commission could not reject the plat. She thought it could be a nice area for the neighborhood. She felt confident that the homes would be of substantial quality, and she could not find any real negatives, other than the existing house on Lot 4. She felt strongly t�at the hous� skwuld be removed. MOTION BY MR. MINTON, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF PRELIMIIVARY PLAT, P.S. #85-04, O.z1K RIVER E5TATE5, BY D�UG PETERSON, BEING A REPIIAT OF LOTS .�0 AND 41, REVI5ED AUDITOR'S 5UJ3DIV.Z5ION NO. 77� ANOKA COUNTY, MINNE50TA, EXCEPT 27iA2' PAR2' REPLA2'TED AS NIEMANN ADDITION, THE SAME � BEIIVG 7560 EAST RIVER ROAD� WITH THE FOLLOWING STIPU%A2'IONS: l. ROAD EA5EMEIVT OVER THE 50UTHEAST CORNER OF 7501 A�DEN WAY TO BE GR�JNTED TO THE CITY PRIOR TO FINAL PLAT APPROVAL. 2. PETITIOAIER AGREE TO ASSES5MEN�'5 FOR ALL STREET AND UT.ZLITIE5. 3. IN ORDER TO HELP THE HOMEO�fi1E.R5 MAINTAIN THE BOULEVARD ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE PROPOSED 76TH AVE., THE pETI2"IONER WILL �ON5�'RUCT GATES IN THE FENCE5 OF iOT5 SOUTH OF 76�'�i AVE. THAT ,A2�2E. .�LRE',�1Dy FENCEp� 4. ALL STRUCTURE5 INC,LUDING EXIS�'I1VG HOUSE OIIT L02' 4 TO BE REMOTIED WITH THE DEVELOpMENT. 5. PETITIONER TO PROVIDE 200 FT. SCALE PLAT DRAWING FOR RECORDING PURP05ES. 6. PETITIONER TO WORK OUT AN AppROVED DRAINAGE P.LAN WI�"H ENGI111EERING STAFF. 7. PETITIONER WILL AZ'2'EMPT TO SALVAGE AS MANY TREES AS P05528LE IN CONJUNCTION WI �'H OPINIODT5 'OF CITY STAFF. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOT,ZNG AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECiARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ms. Schnabel stated this would go to City Council on Oct. 21. . . . ... .. ... .. ... .. ... ..... . . . . .. .. 3. PUBLIC � bEARING� '.'.004VS�D�RAT�ON:-OF� A� PR��FMI�VARY' P�AT; ' P:S:.'#8��a5; ��IID6VE�T ��A IT�O �. . �•:' S5 : eing a rep a o e Sout eas quarter, except the North 233 feet of the Northeast quarter of Section 3, T-30, R-24. Generally-.located between Hickory Street and Main Street, North of 81st Avenue N.E., �11 of which, except the North 670.00 feet thereof, to be used as � site for a truck transfer terminal facility. . ...... .. .. ...... .. _ � PLANNING'COI�MISSiU4V'f�EETING;'SEPTEMBER'li;'�985............'........... PAGE 9 MOT,�CN BY IAR. MINTON� 5ECONDED BY MR. WELLAN� TO OP�N THE PUBLIC HEARING ON P.S. #85-05. UPON A VDICE VOTE, ALL VO�'ING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABE,T, DECLARED TSE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 9:41 P.M. Mr�. Robinson stated this property was located to the north of 81st, bounded by Main St. on the east and Hic[cory on the west. The property was zoned M-2, h eavy industrial, and it was surrounded 6y heavy industri�al-zoned land. Mr. Robinson stated the plat called for dividing tfie property�into three lots, a large lo�t an the south of approximately 16.8 acres, and two additional lots on the north of approximately 6.1 acres each. Mr. Robinson stated that along with the public hearing, the City Council has asked that the Planni.ng Commission discuss the nature of this proposal. Mr. Vanasse of Mar�Len Development Corp . Cas expressed an �.'i�terest�in fiuildi.ng a truck tr�nsfer ter.mi nal facfil�itywat tfi.is i ocation: T� truc�fing cornpany would be A:::N.R, F�eight Systems_; wFiich rras presently located at 35G� and County Road C, east of 35W. T�ey are moving due to limited space at the existing facil ��ty. Mr. Ro6f.nson stated there would b� approximately 48,000 sq, ft. of uninsulated �`� war�house space witfi�offfces in the fror�t. The warehouse would be �bout 550 ft, long and included 100 bays for trucks. There wo�ld be about 140 employees with an anticipated payroll of $5 milli�on. The project itself was estimated to have a market value of $2.6 million and would involve $117,000 in tax dollars per year. Mr. Robinson stated the general descripti.on of the facility was an over-the- road consumer drygoods truck transfer facility. Bett�een 20-30 ten-ton trucks per day would drop off goods at t�e s�te, and then there would be approximately 60-70 lesser wei ght trucks that would transfer the goods to local businesses. So, they are tal[cing a6out approximately 90 semi-tractor trailers per day in and��ut of the site. Mr. Robinson stated Staff would recommend the following stipulations: 1. Petitioners agree to drainage and road improvement assessment of $292,000 m�nimum. 2. Petitioners �agree to work �t-i th staff to accompl �s[� an accepta6l e facade plan. 3, petitioners agree to work with staff to accomplish an acceptable landscape plan. 4. A park fee for an amount equal to .023 X total square footage of plat to be paid upon approval. 5. Company agrees to not allow any truck traffic on East River Road. Appropriate �xit signs will be installed directing �ruc[cs to r-� University Avenue. _. 6. Exterior ligFiting will not cast light 6eyond tFie fence p�rimeter. ,^�, PLANNING'CO��ISSION'MEETING;'SEPTEMBER 11;�1985 " � " '�� �� PAGE 10 Mr. Robinson stated there were some soil correction problems on the site with an estimated cost of $150,000. Ms. Schnabel asked i.f this project had to be approved 6y the Rice Creek Water- shed District because of t�e wetlands area and North Park 6eing adjacent. Mr. Robinson stated it did not; however, the Cit�`s standards were exactly equal to the Rice Creek Waters�.ed Di:strfi.ct`s standards. Mr. Vanasse, the owner of Mar-Len Development, stated Mr. �ill Pink, the archi- tect designing the project, and Mr. Ed Michaels, Regi�nal Manager for a;�N.R. Garrett, were also at the meet?ng. He stated he would like Bill Pink to address the architectural plan, and �e would like to speafc later a6out the stipulations. Mr. Pink showed the Commiss,ion�rs the arcfiitectura7 plan. He stated he had presented the plans to the City Counci.l to get their ini�ial reaction to the project, and there was some concern on the part of the City Council about what a truck terminal operation would do to the neighborhood. He stated this property is zoned M-2 heavy industrial, and there is almost nothing happening in the neighborhood at this point, so their impact was on adjacent u�improved land. The City's concern was what would it do to future use. Again, 6eing industrial zoning, they feel tFiis operation is in compli.ance r�itf� the ru7es and regulations. The operation is a 24-hour operation, 6ut it is one of t�e cleanest truck opera- tions i:n the Twin Cities. TFie 6uildi�ng uvas only 60 ft. �+ride and functions by taking the products out of one trucC� and putt�ng t�iem �."nto anotfier truc[c �the main reason why tFie 6uilding was so long and narrow. Mr. Pink stated tt� site r�ill 6e enclosed 6y a screened fence and hermed with ad�quate l andscapi ng wFiic� �fil l ma�e. the 6uil d�.'rg operation invi�i61 e to sur�- rounding roads and properties. So, t�ere was some quest�on in tfieir mind over the requirement for the building facade. Mr. Pink stated the costs concerning improvement of 81st Ave, are a great concern. 7he City was to [�ave 6uilt a 9-ton road, and t�iey are requesting a 1Q-ton road. At this time, the 9-ton doe�n'�t even �rorfc and it would Fiave to 6e repaired, so they are wa�ting for the Cfty's rESponse a6out tFie road. Mr. Pink stated some of the stipulations �rorded to Fiim were stronger than those stated at the meeting 6y Mr. Robinson, and he would lfike to have tEwse resolved. One stipulation was the landscaping and the otfier was the lighting. The stipu- ]ation given to him was that the lights be installed on 30 ft, poles, and the stipulation stated at the meeting was "exterior ligfiting will not cast li.ght beyond the fence perimeter". If tfie requirement was to cut-�the lighting off at t�.e property line and eliminate the�30 ft, pole requirement, tFie� tfiere was no problem, but limiting tFiem to 30 ft, poles was a nigFitmare. Mr. Pink explained the drainage plan to the Commission�, st���ng that a large ponding area was proposed for tt�e east end of the site. Mr. Wellan expressed concern about the �nvironmental fmpact on the drainage system from oil spills, etc. PCANNiPJG'COMM�55ION MEET�tiG;'SEPTENIBER'll;'1985'......... . . PAGE 11 Mr. Pink stated this was addressed in their drainage pl�n. At the five control points, there will be weirs �nd separators for run-off that comes from the property. Those separators are in compliance with Rice Creek Watershed District standards and are approved by the Fire Marshall, so ihe drainage shouid be very we11 controll�d. Mr. Wellan asked Mr. Vanasse if he would be able to control al] of hi.s t�uckers to take University Ave. to 81st Ave. Mr. Vanasse stated he �ranted to poi:nt out t�.at a ma,jority� of tfie truc�s are not ten-ton trucks. The only te-n-�ton truc�s are the ones t�.at come from over-the- road. All of the city trucfcs are ni.ne-ton trucks� and those trucks are the majority. The only trucks they need to 6e coneerned a6out are the over-the- road trucks, and they will come down University to 81st. These trucks do not go anywhere but to the termfnal and tFien bac[c out on tfie road. Mr. Robinson stated he wanted to make it clear.that the intention was not to just deal with the n�ne and ten-ton difference, but that'�ll the trucks��use 81st and University unless there is a delivery to a compan� in tf�e area. The City does not want truc� traffic on an�r of t�ie otfier roads. Mr. Michaels stated that was their intent. %~� Mr. Vanasse stated he would like to address a couple of stipulations. He stated that in stipulation #1 thes^e �as a drainage and road improvement assessment of $292,000 minimum. When the seller of the property, Midwegt Federal, offered to sell the property, they stipulated t�at t�e City had a nine-ton graded road in front of the property. In meetings witf� staff, it rn[as f�is understanding that the petitioners would 6e responsi.file for tFie incremental dipference in the cost of upgrading the road from ni.ne-ton to ten-ton to accommodate the over-the-road trucks and line trucks that wil] come in from out of state. He had no idea that $292,000 resembled that incremental difference. He stated they are certainly will ing to pay their appropri�ate share, fiut. Fie dfid not t�.infc tf�ey were in any position at this meeting to consider a$2�2,000 assessment against 76�17 acres. He fel t this shoul d 6e up to tfie assessor, tFie city, and tfa..e l awyers to decide. He stated he even questioned whether 81st Ave, was even a nine-ton road. Ms. Schnabel suggested that they delete the dollar amount in.stipulation #1. Mr. �anasse stated that stipulation #5 regarding the fact that the Company agrees to not allow truck traffic on East Rfver Road seemed to �mply that I�.N.R.Garrett would be responsib�e for policing that, and he did not think they could agree to that either. They w�uld certainly make their best effort to instruct their drivers not to drive in other areas,and would post appropriate signs. Ms. Schnabel stated she was still a lftt�e concerned about what happens with all the water, the underground waters, and d�^ainage off the asphalt, etc. Ms. Gabel stated she wondered if the Par[cs & Recreation Commission s.houldn�t be reviewing this proposal in terms of North Park. May6e they should h.ave an �\ PLANNING�CONI�ISSION'�EETING;'SEPTENIBER�11,'1985 RAGE 12 environmental impact study done in terms of the number of trucks, air pollution, noise pollution, traffic, and the impact on the general �nvironment. Maybe Community Development Commission should also be looking at thts prbposal. They are ]ooking at somet�ing that is totally new to this area, and they are talktng about putting a minimum of 90 trucks out on University plus many employees. In tal�ing about t�e water, her 6figgest concern was North Park and the impact this facility mig�t have on North Par�. She was not comfortable not knowing these impacts, Mr. Vanasse stated all the water from their property wfll ev�ntual7y drain into the existing drainage system and none of it will go onto par�land. A run-off engineering plan has been done, and all the water is controlled and is exiting either �hrough an existing storm se�er to t�e river or it g�es to the existing drainage easement which also goes to the river. Th��e are po]lution control basins wherever the water exits and also a volume control wei.r. None of their �ater goes anywh�re except t�rough the system of pollution control and on to the river. They do not have any impact as far as water any more than there is right now. They �re, in fact, providing a control system that says the water ��11 not drain off t�e property any faster than it doe� now and will go tbrough a catch basi� system t�at will purify it and control the rate it runs off. Mr. Vanasse stated that tr�ffic wise, he has yet to at the truc� ��rmin�l at anp�g�ven time, and he fis ��`' trucks are dfstri6uted over a 24-hour period. Most� off-peak hours. They �ri11 not see peak-fiour traffic trc�c[c termi.nals. see more than two trucks there every day. These of t�e traffic is during �oming in and out of Mr. Ed Michaels stated that most of the over-the-road units come in between 9 p.m, and 6 a.m. Mr. Kondrick stated he agreed witk� Ms. Gabel, but h1s greatest concern was about the water. If he could be assured that the water drainage would be controlled adequately, he would be comforta6le with that. But, �s he did not know enough about it, he would like to see an environmental wor[csheet done. Mr. Vanasse stated the water drainage will be controlled adequately, and they have done an engineering study and engineering drainage plan that says that. He stated the City should have a copy of the study and the plan. Mr. Pink stated that by city code or Rice Creek Watershed District code or anybody, the final requirement is that the water cannot leave the site any faster than the existing condition, so the run-off will be controlled by a control structure. Because of 6erms around tfie property, t[�ey essentially have a dike, so he did not understand the Commission`� worry a6out run-off. If they are concerned about underground flow, they would not be affecting the under- ground flow because they are working on the surface. Mr. Kondrick stated he wouid be satisfied with a stipulation that there.be an approved drainage plan by the city. Mr. Minton stated noise, air pollutton, and traffic were broader problems that went beyond this particular project. PLANNING �O�MISSION'MEETI�G;'SEPTEMBER'll;'1985.. .. ... .. . PAGE�13 Ms. Schnabel stated that because the project is in an industrial area, the impact of noise, air pollution and traffic is not as great. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK� 5ECONDED BY MR. 5ABA, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAIV SCFINABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT lI:Z2 P.M. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, 5ECONDED BY MR. SABA� TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. #85-05� MIDG�E5T ADDITION� BY LEONARD Gd. VANA5SE� BEING A PLAT OF THE SOUTHEA5T QFTAR2'ER� EXCEP2' THE NORTH 233 FEET OF THE NORTHEA5T QUARZ'ER OF 5ECTI0IV 3� T-30, R-24. GENER�LLY L'OC'AZ'ED BETWEEN HICKORY 5TREET AND MAIN 5TRE'ET� NOR2'H OF �ZST AVEIdUE N.E., AX,.L OF WHICH� EXCEPT THE NORTH 670.00 FEET �'HEREOF, TO BE US.�D AS A SI2'� FOR A TRUCK TRANSFER TERMINAL FACILITY� WITH THE FOLLOWING S�7PULATIONS: 1. PETITIOlVERS AGREE �'O DRAINAGE AIVD ROAD IMPROVEMENT ASSES5MENT. 2. PETITIONE.R5 AGREE TO WORK WITH 5TAFF TO ACCOMP,LS5H ,A1V ACCEPTABLE LANDSCAPE PLAN. 3. PETITIONE.RS AGREE �'O WORK WI�'H STAFF TD ACCOMPL25H AN ACCEPTAB7IE FACADE PLAPI. 4. A PARK FEE FOR AN AMOUN2" EQUAL TO .023 X TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PLAT TO BE PAID UPON APPROVAL. 5. COMPANY AGREES TO NOT ALLO[niANY TRUCK TRAFFIC� EXCEP�" 20 CLIENTS, %�� ON EAST RIVER ROAD. APPROPRIATE EXIT SIGN5 WILL BE IN5TALLED DIRECTING TRUCK5 I'O UNIVE'R5IZ'Y AVENUE. (CITY ATTORIVEY TO DRAFT A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT TO BE RECORDED AT THE' COUNTY FOR THE ENFORCE— MENT OF THIS RESTRICTION.} 6. EXTERIOR ZIGHTING WILL NOT CAST A LIGHT BEYOND THE FENCE PERIMETER. 7. THE.RE WILL BE AN APPROVED DRAINAGE PLAN BY �'HE CITY. UPON A VOICE UOTE � SCHNABEL, ICONDRICK � SABA � WELLAIV � M.FNTON VOT.ING AYE � GABEL V027NG NAY� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED BY A VOTE OF 5—.Z. Ms.. Schnabe] stated this item �uould go to City Council on Oct. 21. 4. �' RECEIIIE Al1GUST � 1; ' 1985 ' F{111�AN' RESOURCES' COINMISSION' h�INU7ES: M02'.lON BY MR. MINTON, SECONDED BY MS. GABEL� TO RECEIVE' THE AUGU5Z'1, Z985� Hi1N1AN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE TIOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOM.�11V SCHN.ABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNAIVIMOU5LY. 5. RECEIVE AUGUST 13;�1985;'APPEAL'S'CONINIISSION'MINUTES: 1�IO�IONBY MS. GABEL� 5ECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECEIVE' THE AUGUSZ' 13, Z985, APPEAL5 COMMISSIOIV MS,NUTE5. ;�� UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAIV SCHNABEL DEC.i.ARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. �, .PCANNING CON�IISSION'MEETI�6;'SEPTENIBER'll;'1985.. ... . . . PAGE 14 . .. . ...... ... .. ... . 6. �.'RECEIVE AUGUST'2�;'1985;'ENVIRONMENTAL"QIJAL'ITY'COI�I�ISSION'�IINUTES: MOTION BY MR. WELLAN� SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO .RECENE THE AUG. �'7, 1985, ENVIROAIMENTAL QUALITY COMMYSSION MIAIUTES. UpON A VOICE VOT�e ALL T70TING A�.'E� �HAIRWDMAN SCHNAI3EL DEC.LARED TFIE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. �lel l an sta�ert t6.e�^e w��. some d�scusst'bn �egarding a"fsannel �` issue. The s�tuation arose�6�ecause o�P a complaint filed from a 6it�:ng �n�ident. A resident of Frid]ey has 3 dogs and 2 cats, and city ordinance indicates resi- dents can have 2 dogs/cats. A kennel license i�s required to have more animals. Because the resident lives in a residentlally zoned �rea, he cannot be issued a kennel license. Mr. Wellan stated the Commission had made a motion recommend- ing that Ordinance 101 stay as it is and that no variance be granted for the number of anima]s allowed and that the Zoning Code not 6e amended to i.nclude �ennel licenses in areas zoned other t�.an C-2 or C=3. M01'ION BY A?R. WELLAN� S�CONDED BY. NIR. KONDR2�K� . TO. CONCUR Ir�TTIi THE EIWIRONMENTAL QU�LI�'Y COMMISSION ANb .RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL THA2' ORDIIVANCE 1l1Z STAND AS IT IS, THAT NO VARZ'AIVCE . BE GRANTL•"D FOR THE 1VUMSER OF' ANrMALS ALLOW�D, AND THAT TFiE ZONING CODE NOT BE AMENDED TO INCLUDE KENNEL LrCENSES I1�1 AR�'AS ZONED OTHER TF7AN C-2 AAiD C-3. �� UPO1V A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CI�AIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTIOIV CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. RECEIVE AUGUST 27, 1985, APPEACS COI�I�ISSION f�INUTES: �OT.LON BY MS. GABEL� SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK� TO RECEITiE THE AUG. 27, Z985, APPEALS COMM.I55ION MIAIUTE5. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VO�'ING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTlON CARRIED UNANIMOU5LY. 8. OTHER BUSINESS: a. Parks & Recreati:on Budget Mr. Kondrick stated tFiat one tFu'rg he G.ad found out w�s that tF�e money ga�ned from park fees goes, and has for quite a fe�r years, i:nto the general fund. He stated fie would fiave more information for the Commission � at their next meeting. Mr. Minton stated that l egal ly� on t�ie fiooks, ti�e money� r�ould have to he kept separate. �'`�, . . _ . _.... .. .. . PLRNNIN6 CUMMISSI01�'NiEE�I�IG; - SEPTENIBER-1 � ; ' i 985. . . . ' . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . PAG�' 15 ADJOURI�MENT: MOTION BY MR. KONDRSCK� SECONDED BY MR. SABA� TO ADJOURIV THE MEEIITNG. UPON A VOSCE VOTE � ALL VOTING AYE � CHAIRWOMAN SCFINABEL DEGLARE,D �'HE SEP�'. Z 1� 1985 � PLANNING COMMI55ION MEETING ADJDURNE'D AT 11:40 P.M. Respectfully subm'tted, e.;? .._ .... .... �� ynr�"� a a Recording Secretary � /'� ��, � 4 a _ . _ . __ ._ _ - ._ —._ __.,_ __ __ _ _ ��`�-°°'�����—���.�1'c.•l _ _ . 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