PL 01/07/1987 - 30655CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANPJING COPIMISSION MEETING, JANUARY 7, 1987 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Billings called the January 7, 1987, Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: M�mbers Present: Steve Billings, Dave Kondrick, Dean Saba, Sue Sherek, Donald Betzold, Ricfiard Svanda Mer�bers A6aent: None Others Present: Jim Robinson, �lanning Coordinator �ock Ro�ertson, Community� Development Director APPROVAL OF DECEf�BER 10, 1986, PLANNING COMIMISSION F1INUTES: MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. SVANDA, TO APPROVE THE DEC. 10, 1986, PLANIVING COMMIS520N MIIVUTES AS WRITTEN. � UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. C0�•JSIDERATTOPJ 0� 1987 COP�f`9UNTTY DEVEI.OPMEIVT BtOCK GRANT ALLOCATIONS: Mr. Robinson stated Fridley's 1987 CDBG allocation was $109,848--a little less than last year. In addition, there was still $71,500 from 1985 which was allocated for burying the NSP power lines on "1ississippi St. west of llniversity Ave. That money was supposed to be spent by Dec. 31, 1986, but has 6een delayed because of the County's need to hold off construction on the intersection until 1988. At this time, it appears the City will be rolling this fund into the 19�7 funding cycle o�hich will raise the total available monies for 1987 to$181,348. P7r. Robinson stated that Staff was proposing the following projects for the 1937 CDB� funds plus tfie 1985 surplus totalling $181,348: 1. $20,000 - Springbrook Nature Center Restoration. This would be used to continue to clean up the tornado damage and for the replacement of the handicapped trail. This would be added to the 1985 allocation of $18,544 for a total of �38,544. 2. $10,000 - Locke House Restoration. Historic renovation by North Suburban Center for the Arts; added to 19�6 allocation of �8,000. � P1r. Robinson stated at the time Staff proposed the CD�G funding, they were not sure hoa� much was really needed. In the lease agreement with the County, North Suburban Center for the Arts � PLANNING CO�P�9ISSIO� MEETING, JANUARY 7; 1987 PAGE 2 �-�. , must come up with $50,000 worth of fundinq. They have approximately �35,000 which included the �8,000 CDBG funds from last year. They still need �15,000, so the Commission mig�t atant to consider increasing the amount recommended by Staff from $10,000 to $15,000. 3. $74,483 - Mississippi St. powerline burying. For 1988 construction; previously funded with 1985 CDBG funds. 4. $ 5,000 - Senlors Program Staff person. This funding came through the E�uman Resources Commission last year as a human service project. This position is now a contracted city employee. 5. $30,000 - Commercial rehab loans; redevelopment. Upgrading existing businesses, primarily in redevelopment districts or on an individual 6asis if it is proven to be in a blighted area. �Ir. Ro6lnson stated t�ey are in t�e process of trying to get the HRA`s approval to expand tFie..tax increment distri.ct to most of the fiusinesses soutFi of 61st Ave. at� _University Ave. down to 53rd Ave, It would include 1�1innesota Petroleum,,Motor Valet, Rapid Oil CFiange, Shorties Towing (old site on Univ.) 6. $32,954 - Human Services �- 30l of $109,8�8 7. $ 8,911 �- Anoka County Business Assistance Net�orfc. County�-�ride small business resource center. I�r, Ro�inson stated tFw t in the agenda, the Commisslon members had received a copy of a letter explaining this request. The program would provide a central clear�ng house to provide assist- ance or referral to businesses in the County. The program is being°pro os�d by Roger Jenson, Director of the Anoka County Economic �evelopment Partnership. �i'he idea is to hire a bus�ness expert who would be very famillar with state, federal, and local programs already in existence for small 6usinesses which �ensen eays ar.e noorly marketed now. l�r. Rofiinson stated tFie program r�as budgeted at $75,OOQ o�er a two year period. The City of Fridley's share over that two- year period was �8,911 each year. There would be some type of "user fees" for businesses using the program, so they hope this program will be self-supporting in a few years. n1r. Ro�lnson stated another component of tFie Anoka County Business�Assistance Program ivas tFie Coon Rapids Development Corporation �uhich was a 501C3 organization set up to process n S,B,A, loans. The red tape for S•B•A. loans was sign�ficant tC�is agency can help 6usinesses get through that hurdle and help !`� PLANNIfdG COP�1�IISSION (�EETING, JA�JUARY 7, 1987 PAGF 3 �hem become eligible for these loans. The Business Assistance Program would 6e providing a service that theCity of Fridle�� cannot provide, and it seemed the City would potentially be getting a lot for its money. Mr. Robertson stated fie felt the �8,911 over a two-year period �tas a very good investment. Mr. Kondrick stated he was in favor of the CDaG �und5ncr ��locations as presente�l by Staff. P�r. Billings suggested that the �74,483 be reduced back to �71,500, and the rer�ainder allocated to the Locke House restoration. P1r. Betzold stated fie would agree with that�-the remaining $2,983 could k�e reallocated eitFi.er to tFie Locke House restoration or to some other area they agreed upon. Mr. Billings stated �ie e�s in favor o� tfi.e reh�b loan monies, He stated he had a business in St. Paul and had utilized reFia6 mon3es. It was a very good progra►�. It encouraged small 6usinesspeople to do extra things around their esta�lisFiment tFiey would not necessarily do, and it also provided a pool of ^ monies for situations,put on 6usinesspeople; for example, stipulations required for special use permits. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO ADOPT THE 1987 CDBG FUNDING ALLOCATION5 A5 PRESENTED BY STAFF, WITH TNE EXCEPTION 2'HAT THE MIS5I5SIPPI ST. POWERLINE BURYING BE REDUCED FROM $74�483 TO $71,500� AND 2'HAT THF, BALAIVCE OF $2,983 BE REALLOCATED TO COMMERCIAL REHAB LOANS; REDEVELOPMF,NT, BRINGIPIG THAT TOTAL FROM ,530,000 TO ,532,983. UPON A VOICE TIOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIlYiOUSLY. �1r. Robinson sta�e�� Staff u�aS qroposing the following projects �'or the projected 1988 CDBG funds totalling $109,848: 1. $61,000 �- Riverview Reigfits acquisition. PurcFiase and relocation expenses for parcels 4, 5, and 6. 2. $23,460 - Commercial reFw6 loans; redeve7opment. Upgrade existing businesses. 3. $16,477 � Human Services. 15l of $1Q9,848. 4. $ 8,911 - Anoka Co�nty Assistance Network, County-wide small business resource center. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO ADOPT �'HE PROJECTED Z988 CDBG FUNDIIVG ALLOCATIONS AS PRESENTED BY STAFF. UPOIV A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLING5 DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. r�"'� PLANNIfdG COMP1ISSION P9EETING� JANUARY 7� 1987 PAGE 4 �"'� P�r. Robinson stated Staff was proposing the foliot�►ing projects for the projected 1989 CDBG funds totalling $109,848c� 1. $67,000 - Riverview Heights acquisition. Purchase and relocation expenses for parcel 8. 2. $16,371 � Riverview Heights park development. Construction of park amenities; parking, trails, pic�aic area, boat launch. 3, $10,000 �- Comrrrierclal rehab loans; redevelopment. Upgrading existir�g 6usinesses. 4. $16,477 � Human Services. 15� of $109,848 MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. KOIVDRICK, TO ADOP?' THE PROPOSED I989 CDBG FUNDING ALLOCATIONS AS PRE5ENTED BY STAFF. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPER50N B,LLLING5 DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. COfJSIDERATION OF A�J ORD�NANCE RECODIFYING CHARTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE�AS�IT�RELATES'TO�I�EDICA'�A1VD'DE AL'C�II�JIC�PA KING: N9r. Ro6inson stated Staff was recoTrmiending that tFie follov�ing wording be added to the ordinance in C-1, C-2, C-3, and CR-1 zonings relating to parking require- ments for medical and dental c7inic parkina: "At least one (1) off-street parking space shall be provided for each 150 sq. ft, of bui7ding floor area for all medical and dental clinics." Mr. Billings asked a6out chiropractic clinics? Should it 6e included along with the medical and dental clinics? was their a definition for a medical or dental cltnic? Mr. Rofiinson stated Staff had discussed this. Rather than make a list of all the clinics that should be included with medical and denial clinics, they purposely had not included a definition so t�ey would not exclude anything. ��r. Robinson stated right now the code says that if a developer feels the City's parking code is too restrictive, the develo�er does not have to put all the parking stalls in, but the developer does have to leave enough green space so that the option is always there to add more parking if it is needed. P�r. Betzold suggested �hey use the term "health care clinics". This would encompass all medical, dental, chiropractic, chemical depende�cy, patients' services clinics, counse7ing services clinics, etc. Mr. Robertson stated he thought IMr.Betzold's suggestion was a good one. n It t�as the concensus of the Planning Commission mem6ers to approve the recommended changes made 6y Staff, 6ut that City Staff and the City Attorney review the ordinance with the suggestion tfiat 'health care c7inics" or some other generic term be inserted in place of"medical and dental clinics". ,�"°� PLANNIfJG COP1N1ISSION h1EETING, JANf1ARY 7, 1987 PAGE 5 3. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY S I R A ES 0� CFIES : Mr. Robinson stated S�aff was recommending that the following wording be added to the ordinance in R-1, R�2, and R�3 zoning relating to parking requirements for churches and private schools: (a� Bullding and site requirements and performance standards shall be equal to or greater tFian tClose outlined in the CR 1 section of t�ie code �2Q5.16.3, 205.16.4, 205,16.G, and 205,16.7�. �6�� A parking requirement of at least one (1) off street parking space shall be provided for ;every three (3) fixed seats or for every five (5� feet of pew length in �the main assembly hall. Additional parking may be required� for additional church activities,such as day care, classroom and recreational activities. MOTION BY M5. SHEREK, SE�OIl1DED BY.MR. BETZOLD, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL �PPROVAL OF THE ORDINANCE CHANGES RELATING TO CHURCHES A5 PROPO5ED BY 5TAFF. UpON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPER50N BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � 4. UPDATE OPJ THE U�IIVERSITY AVENUE CORRIDOR PROJECT: Mr. Robinson stated that at the Dec. 11, 1986, HRA meeting, the HRA agreed to go along with funding for the University Avenue Corridor project in the amount of $1.4 million, ThTS included three camponents: 1. The complete reforestation as outllned 6y the consultants. 2. A lighting scfieme which included the University Ave. intersection lighting and coordinated corrmiercial frontage road lighting - approx. $400,000, 3. Intersection improvements for the 11 intersections from 58th Ave. to 85th Ave. - approx. $500,000. Mr. Ro6inson explained tF�e lig�.ting and intersection improvments cor�ponents in more detail, Mr. Robinson stated this was a start and more could always be done at a later time. Some of the things not included in the $1.4 million was the wrought iron fencing, monumentation, black vinyl fencing, etc. Mr. Robinson stated this proposal would be going to the City Council at their next conference meeting. 4-dith the City Council's approval, the next steps would be to prepare detail 6ase maps, do a little more desiqn development on the intersections, and then do the actual working drawings to implemer�t phase � ���� the Spring. �"'� PLANNING COI�P�ISSION ��1EETING; JANUARY 7; 1987 PAGE 6 Mr. Kondrick expressed his displeasure with the appearance of the chain link fencing along University Avenue. He stated the fencinc� looks terrible. Other communities do not have �Fencing like this, and he thought the fencing should be removed. Mr. Robinson stated it was t(Ze consultan�tss, and the TAC's recommend�tion to take the fencing out from T�ississippi to 57th Ave. on the east side, 6ut to leave it up along tFie residential areas. Tt has Ceen pointed out that the City would 6e incurring lia6ility for any [cind of accident that might occur if the fencing was removed. Mr.Sa6a stated he would be in favor of berming or shrubbery in place of the fencing. Mr. Robertson sated that in some places there would not be enough room for berming and shru66ery. Mr. Robinson stated part of the Staff's recommendation was to take the fencing down in phases on the east side between 57th Avenue and Mississippi Street. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK� 5ECONDED BY MR..BE2'ZOLD, TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THE FENCING BE REMOVED ON BOTH SIDES OF UNIVER52TP AVENUE OVER ^ A THREE YEAR PHASING PROGRAM AS RECOMI�7ENDED BY STAFF AND THAT BERMING AND LANDSCAPING BE PUT IN WNEREVER PO5SIBLE. UPON A I70ICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED 2'HE MOTION CAFdRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO APPROVE OF THE AMENDMENTS MADE BY STAFF AND THE HRA IN TERMS OF FUNDING FOR TIiE UNIVE.i�5ITY AVENUE CORRIDOR PROJECT. UpON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOU5LY. Mr. Robertson stated that Staff has been consodering codifying a lot of the desi n standards (such as brick, street lighting, appropr.i=a�e ]andscaping, etc.� and putting togetFier a 600�C of design standards they would update and add to periodically that could be given to developers who come in asking for information on landscaping or to the County or to P1nDOT. He stated when the draft of these design standards was completed, he would 6ring it to the Planning Commission for their review. Mr. Saba suggested that instead of ca7ling these "design standards" that Staff come up with a little more catchy name or title. 5. RECEI�IE DECEMBER 2, 1986, ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES: n ,�� MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. 5VANDA, TO RECEI]'TE THE DEC. 2, 1986, ENERGY COMMIS�SION MINUTES. n PLANNING COhM1ISSI0N MEETING, JANUARY 7; 1987 PAGE 7 UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIN� AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UIVANIMOUSLY. 6. RECEIVE DECEMBER 4, 1986, HUMAN RESOURCES COP�MISSION h1INUTES: MOZ'IOIV BY MS. SHEREK, SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD� TO .RECEIVF. DEC. 4, Z986� HiTr?AN RESOURCES CQMMISSION MINUT�S. •% UPOIV A T70ICE VOTE� ALL VOTING' AXSE,, CI�AIRPERSON BILL2lVGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUS'LY. 7. RECEIVE DECEMBER 11, ]986, HOUSING & REDEVELOPNIENT Af1THORITY MINUTES: MOTIOIU BY MR. KONDRICK, 5ECONDED BY MR. SVANDA, TO RECEIVE THE DEC. 11, 1986, HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTSORITY MINU2'�'S. � �,- - UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL I10TING AYE� CHAIRPERSON B,L��INGS DECLARED THF. MOTION CARRIED Ul1TA1VIMOUSLY. 8. RECEIVE DECEMBER 16, 1986, ENIIIRONMENTAC QUALITY CONI�9ISSIOPd MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. SIIANDA� SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO RECEIVE THE DEC. 16, I986.o � ENTI2RONMENTAL QUALITY.CQMMISSION MINUTES. _y- . . UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTTN� AY`E� CFIAI.RPERSON BILLIN�S DECL7lRED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. • � ,; : - 9. RECEIVE DECEMBER 29, 1986, SPECIAL ENERGY C0�IMISSION P�1INUTES: MOTION BY MR. SABA, 5ECONDED BY M5. SHEREK, TO RECEIVE THE DEC. 29, 1986, SPECIAL ENERGY COMMIS5ION MINUTE5. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAI.RPERSON BILLIIVGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. RECEIVE DECEMBER 16, 1986, APPEACS COP�MISSION MINUTES: M02'ION BY MR. BE�'ZOLD,�CONDID ffi^.1e1S. SIiEREK� TO RECElVE THE DEC. Z6� 1986, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES. Mr. Betzold stated t6at at their Dec. 16th meeting, tC1ey fiad a request for variances for the piece of property just_south of I-694 on 7th St. Right now there is a large billboard, a brick building, and a garage on the lot. The brick building has not been used for some time, and as pointed out at the Appeals Commis�ion meeting, the lot was owned by Naegele and the lot was more valuable to Naegele because of the billboard. ^ Mr. 6etzo]d stated that historically, when I-694 was Old Highway 100, that building was apparently an old general store which was an ideal location for it. That was why this lot and the ]ot to the west were zoned C-1. In order to n PLANNING COMMISSION QIEETING, JANUARY 7, 1987 PAGE 8 grant the variances, this would mean a certain amount of improvements being made to the 7ot and would proba6ly mean the 1ot would stay zoned C-1. Whatever is done on this lot wi17 probably affect what happens on the vacant ]ot to the west, T[Ze suggestion �►as presented that m�ybe this lot could be zoned RR3, multi le dwe7ling. TFie property might also he afiected by the �dk-e Pointe Deve�opment across t6_e road on the ot�ier side of T�694. Mr. Betzold stated tFie petitioner would 11ke to get into this building as soon as poss161e and would 6�ve preferred to have tFie variances go directly to the City Council. The Appea7s Cormnission was uncomfortable with that and felt ii should go through the Planning �ommission for its ipput. Mr. Robinson stated Mr. Clark had pointed out thai the lot to the west, althouqh it had street�.access with t6e City right-of-way, there wer e no utilities to the site at thts tlme. Mlr. Nedegaard, who owned the 7ot to the west, has tried in the past to wor[� out a deal with Naegele, but as pointed out by Mr. Betzold, the sign was worth more to Naegele than the lot. P9r. Ro6inson stated that in order to put in an apartment building, the bill- board would have to be removed. The cost of removing the billboard was approximately $50,000. The cost of the property was $40,000-50,000 which would kill any kind of a deal between the two property owners for an apartment � complex. Mr. Robinson stated in a conversation r�ith Staff the day before, they felt the overflow effect of the Lake Pointe Corparate Center could very well have some very strong implications on this lot and for the four run-down apartment bu�ldings just south of this lot on 7th St. Also zncluded in this block were a cemetery and a marglnal par[cing lot. Staff felt the City might want to keep their options open at this time and allow the petitioner to fix up the building,make some improvements to the lot, and make some use of the lot right now. lie personally did not feel the site was a very good one for more residential. M1r. Robertson stated may6e the Planning Cononission s�iould start thin[�ing about this whole area around the Lake Pointe deve7opment area as fcind of a transition area and start looking at some long range, rather than piecemeal, policies as to what they would like to see done. Mr. Saba asked if this area had ever been considered by the HRA to be included in a redevelopment district. h1r. Robinson stated that their meeting on Thursday, Jan. 8, the HRA would be looking at a proposal to include more property along the University Avenue Corridor into a redevelopment district. Maybe this area should be included in that proposal. Mr. Saba stated he thought this whole block on 7th St. between 54th Ave. and ^ I-694 should be included in a redevelopment district. �"� PLANNING CON��1ISSION MEETIPdG; JANUARY 7; 1987 � PAGE 9 Mr. Betzold stated one thing he felt they had to consider was that if these variances were granted, was this consistent with the long range planning of the City? The Appeals Cor�nission was concerned that if they alloaied these variances to 6e granted and deve7opment to continue if it meant that tFie adjacent lot would never be used. But, if it was the long range planning of the City that 6oth of these lots might �ave some future use as commercia7 lots, then they should grant tF�e variances and allow the 6usiness to operate. Mr. Bil7ings stated he wondered if they rea?ly wanted to have a business on a small lot that c7ose to the street. Ms. Sherek stated the rest of tfiis 6locfc �tas �lighied any�ray, and lettin� someone improve the 7ot and run a business was not going to ma[ce the b7ight any worse. Mr. Bil7tngs stated Fie real7y did not �rant the structure to remain on the lot. He stated even if t�iere are some facade improvements, the building was still in pretty bad shape. If they grant the variances, that huilding could stay on the 7ot forever, assuming it doesn't get acquired through condemnation at some point in time. If tC1e City wou7d like to see that building condemned and removed in 5�-6 years, why grant the variances and allov� a property owner to collect rent on a 6uilding tFiat was an eyesore? ^ Ms. Sherek stated the City of Minneapo7is can require a property owner to tear down a building that has been sitting boarded and vacant for two years. That w�sn`t even limited to properties that were tax forfeit propertTes. Mr. Ro6inson stated that in order to condemn a bui7ding, they have to prove it is a health or safety hazard. Mr. Betzold stated what he was hearing from Staff was that they could foresee some increment districts being created on this property. If that was the situation, it did not make much sense for them to al7ow tFie petitioner to make some improvements to the property, simply to turn around and pay more for the property to 6uy it bacfc in order to Fiave the property redeveloped. Mr. Bil7ings stated (Ze fe7t the Commissioners were in agreement that approving th.e variances and allowinq the property to be improved at this time was not it� the long range p7an for th1� area. Mr. Betzold stated improving the property did cut out too many options. The City would end up.paying for the improvements to the pv�operty and the relocation expenses. UPOIU A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPER50N BILLINGS DECLARED THE MINUTES RECEIVED. � PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, JANUARY 7, 1987 PAGE 1� MO�iON BY MR. ST'ANDA� SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD, THAT SINCE THE HRA WILL BE LOOKING AT INCLUDING THE Si1BJECT PROPERTY IN A REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, THE PLANNING COMMIS5ION WOULD RECOMMEND THAT VARIANCE REQUE5T, VAR #86-35, BY SPRAYER 5UPPLY, INC., BE DELAYED UNTIL 5TAFF COMES BACK TO THE PT�ANNSNG COMMI5SION WITH MORE INFORMATION. UPON A I702�E VOTE, AZL VOTING AY`E � CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED TIiE MOTIOIV CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD� SECONDED SY MR. SABA, TO RECOMMEND TO THE HRA THAT THE NRA GIVE 5ERIOUS CONSIDERATION TO INCLUDING 2"HE WHOLE BLOCK ALONG 7TH STREET BETWEEN 54TH AVEIITUE APID I�694 IN THE REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSOIV BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTIOIV CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Robertson stated the initial idea was to include parcels that were part of the University Avenue Corridor. Then, in thinking about it further, Staff realized that if they go this far, they are not only going to impact the University Ave. Corridor, but also the Lake Pointe Corporate Center. He agreed �tit[� the Commission tha� the v��.ole area, including the apartment 6ui7dings and Eemetery, shou7d 6e included in order to 6e consistent. He stated he r--� would 6ring this up at the next HRA mee�fng. ADJOURNMENT: MQTION BY MR. SABA, 5ECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD� TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. UPON A �702CE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPER50N BILLIIVG5 DECLARED 2'HE JANUARY 7� 1987, PLANNING COMMI55ION MEETING ADJOURNED AT I0:05 p.M. Respectfully submitted, �� Lyn Saba Recording Secretary �