PL 03/11/1987 - 30659,� GITY OF FRIDLEY PLAN�JI�G CO�MISSION MEETING, P�ARCH 11, 19�7 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Qillings called the March 11, 1987, Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:34 p.m. ROLL CALL: Mernbers Present: Steve Billings, Dave Kondrick, Dean Saba, Sue Sherek, Donald Betzold, Richard Svanda Me�bers Absent : Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator Jock Robertson, Community Development Director Charles & Mirth Langer, 6530 Hic�ory St. N.E. Edward Brooks, 6506 Hickory St. N.E. Car1 Christensen, 6501 East River Road Kenneth Vos-, 990 - 68th Ave. N.E. Dan Vos, 990 - 68th Ave. N.E. Tom Vos, 990 - 68th Ave. N.E. APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 25, 1987, PLAPdNING COMP1ISSI�N P�INUTES • MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK� SECONDED BY MS. SHEREK, TO APPROVE THE FEB. 25, 1987, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNAIVIMOUSLY. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A REZONING, ZOA #87-01, BY CF}R�ISTEi�ISE� AUTO BODY: To rezone from R-3, General Mu tiple Dwelling, to C-2, Gene•ral Business, on Lots 23 and 24 together with 1/2 vacated alley, Block 6, Fridley Park, according to �bhe plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder in and for Anoka County, Minnesota, the same being 6501 East River Road N.E. MOTION BY MR. KAZtiDRICK� SECONDED BY M5. SHEREK, TO WAIVE THE FORMAL READING OF THE PUBLIC HEARING 1VOTICE AND TO OPEN THE PtTBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UIVANIMOUSLY AND TNE PIIBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:35 P.M. Mr. Robinson stated this petition fa� rezoning was in conjunction with the expansion of the existing Christensen Auto�6ody facility. The property was located on the northeast corner of Mississippi St. and East River Road. The entire property Mr. Christensen now owned included the existing Lots 21-24 plus an additianal five lots that extended all the way to the southern� end of n the existing apartment complex. The property was presently zoned R-3, and � Mr. Christensen was asking for the rezoning of only Lots 23 and 24 to C-�, PLANNING CO�PAISSION MEETING, MARCH 11, 1987 PAGE 2 � Mr. Robinson stated the rezoning history dated back to 1980 where there was a p�tition by P�Ir. Christensen to rezone the entire fi�s� �Foi�r�� T`i�s-. At that time, it was determined that only the first two lots sh�uld be rezoned. The first lot, Lot 21,-was rezoned from CR-1 to C-2, and the second lot, Lot 22, was rezoned from R-3 to C-2. The remaining two lots were utilized by way of a special use permit for outdoor storage. P1r. Robinson stated Mr. Christensen was planning to add on to his existing structure which was 4,800 sq. ft. The new structure would co�s�ist of shop space and a two-story office building that would be in the north corner. The new structure was 7,343 sq. ft. There would also be a new storage yard and 27 parking stall�. Mr. Robinson stated Staff was recommending the following stipulations: 1. Petitioner to submit for staff approval a storm drainage plan by March 31, 1987. City Council approval contingent upon Staff and R.C.W.D, approval of plan. 2. Petitioner to submit a landscape plan which is consistent with existing landscape elements. All landscaping to have automatic sprinkling. �``� 3. Building facade to be consistent with design and materials of existing structure. East side of existing and proposed building to be painted to match stucco. 4. Lots 21 through 29 to be combined into one tax parcel prior to building permit. 5. Provide fow County purposes a street easement alonq the west 7 ft. of Lo�s 21-29. 6. New fencing on easterly lot line to have finished side toward residences; existing fence to have new boards added to residence side. Mr. Betzold asked why the northern-most lots would remain R-3. Mr. Robinson stated that because the lots were zoned residential now, they felt it was in the best interest of the surroundinq neighborhood to retain the residential zoning and utilize a special use permit to use the lots for storage of vehicles and parking area. This would allow the City and the neighborhood to retain some control over the use of that property should the property ever be sold to someone else. Mr. Svanda asked what the petitioner was doing to minimize any antifreeze leaks$ from damaged cars. „,� PLANNIfJG COP1P�ISSION MEETIPfG, MARCH 11 , 1987 PAGE 3 � Mr. Christensen stated they have never had that problem. The storage area will be all concrete and the backside of the lot will be curbed so there was no chance of anything draining onto the neighborinq property. He stated that whenever a car comes in that is leaking antifreeze or oil, they imme- diately put an oil pan underneath it. He did not foresee any problems in the future. . Mr. Christensen stated that regarding the stipulations, he had some reserva- tions about stipulation #5 which stated: "Provide for County purposes a street easement along the west 7 feet �f Lots 21-29.” He stated he had just found out about this stipulation about 3:00 that afternoon, and he wanted to get more of an answer .from the County as to why the County needed that 7 ft. when the County already has a 10 ft. easement. He stated he had also just learned that the City wanted a 25 ft. easement -- the triangular piece of property on the corner. He could understand that 25 ft. easement becuase if there was ever a sidewalk put in, the City would need that space to get around the corner. Mr. Kondrick asked why the County woul'd be requesting a 7 ft. easement. Mr. Robinson stated there was actually more County right-of-v�ay on the west side of East River Road than on the east side, and he believed the County wanted to balance that out. The County did not have any specific proposal �"'� for the 7 ft. easement at this time, but were just requesting the easement. More information could be obtained before the City Council meeting. Mr. Ed Brooks, 6506 Hic�ory St., stated he owned the two lots just east of Mr. Christensen. He stated he vras in agreement with everything being proposed by N1r. Christensen and with the stipulations proposed by City Staff. He liked the fact that the rezoning was only for l.ots 23 and 24, and would not have been in favor of rezoning the northerly lots from R-3 to C-2. MOTION BY MS. SHEREK� SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO CL05E THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CAAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:00 P.M. MOTION BY NB2. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO RECOMMEND Zt0 CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF REZONING REQUEST, ZOA #87-OZ, BY CHRISTENSEN AUTO BODY, TO REZONE FROM R-3� GRIEIVERAL MULTIPLE DWELLING, TO C-2, GENERAL BUSINESS� ON LOTS 23 AND 24, TOGETHER WITH 1/2 VACATED ALLEY� BLOCK 6, FRIDLEY PARK, ACCORD3NG TD THE PLAT THEREOF ON FILE AAID OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RF.CORDER IrT AND FOR ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA, THE SAME BEIIVG 6501 EA5T RIVER ROAD N.E. , WITH THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS: d.. PETITIONER TO 5UBMIT FOR STAFF APPROVAL A STORM DRAINAGE PT1AtU BY MARCH 31, 1987. CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL COIVTINGENT UPON SZ'AF'F AND RICE CREEK WATERSHED DI5 TRICT APPROVAL OF PLAN. 2. PETITIONER TD SUBMIT A LANDSCAPE PLAN WHICH IS CONSISTENT WITH � EXISTING LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS. ALL LANDSCAPING TO HAVE AUTOMATIC SPRINKLING. ,,"� PLANI�IPdG��C{�!����1`N"'��T�IVG�, MWRCH 11, 1987 PAGE 4 3. BUILDING FACADE 2'O BE COIVSI5TENT WITH DESIGIV AND MATERIALS OF EXISTING S2'RUC2'URE. EA5T SIDE OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDING TO BE PAIRITED TO MATCH STUCCO. 4. L02'S 21 THRDUGH 29 TO BE COMBIIVED INTO ONE TAX PARCEL P.RIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT. 5. PROVIDE FOR COUNTY PURPOSES A 5TREET EASEMEIVT ALONG THE WEST 7 FT. OF LO�'S 21-29, .AND �1 25 FOOT 2'RIANGUIrAR ;PTECE OF PROPERTY ON THE CORNER OF MISSTSSIP�T STR�E'Z' AND EAST RITTE� ROAY?. . 6. NEW FENCING ON EASTERLY LOT LINE TO I.��t[7`E FIN�'BiiED SIDE TOWARD RESIDENCES; EIfISTING FENCING TO HAVE NEW BOARDS ADDED TO RESIDENCE SIDE. Mr. Svanda stated he would recommend that the Commission delete stipulation #5. regarding the 7 ft. easement being requested by the County. It was not part of the property Mr. Christensen was going to be building on; and from looking at the drawing, it did not look like a significant amount of landscaping would be on the 7 ft. Between now and the City Council meeting, the County should come up with a reason to justify the 7 ft. easement. He stated he shared Mr. Christensen's concern. It seemed �that the County wanted something for nothing, and if tl�e County reall�y needed the property, the County should go through the proper procedures and purchase the property from P�Ir. Christensen. He stated the stipulation coGld always be added in at the City Counc�il meeting if there was reasonable justification for it. �, Mr. Kondrick stated he agreed with Mr. Svanda. There were other property owners north of Mr. Christensen's property, and if the County needed a 7 ft. easement, the County would have to purchase the property from those property ovaners. By granting this easement, they were �iving the County the right to take the property ra�her than purchase it. Mr. Betzold stated he was willing to go along with the County's request. He did not think it was an unreasonable request, but for reasons being discussed by Mr. Christensen and Planning Commission members, he would like the City Council to give this some further consideration. Mr. Billings stated he personally did not have a problem with leaving the stipulation in the motion or deleting it. On one hand, he did agree that just because Mr. Christensen was coming in for a special use permit and a rezoning, they were asking him to give up the use of 7 ft. of his property. On the other hand, whenever people come in with different requests, the City does ask them to dedicate easments, put in certain improvements, etc., so he did not think it was unreasonable to request the triangular piece of property on the corner or the 7 ft. for the County. Mr. Kondrick stated he agreed with Mr. Betzold that �tfie,�l�is=i'�n shbuld be left up to the City Council-. Ife �o.uld �ik� to leav� his motion as stated. MOTION BY 1� . SVANDA � SECO2VDED BY NIl� . SABA , TO AMEND THE ABOVE MOTION Z'O �, DELETE Sa'IPULATION ,#5 IN ITS ENTIRETY. (STIPULATION #5 TO BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THEIR CONSIDERATION.) ,,., PLANNIrJG COMP�I�SION MEETIPtG, PIARCH T1, 1987 PAGF 5 UPON A VOICE VOTE, SVANDA, SABA, BILLING5, AND SHEREK VOTIIUG AYE, BETZOZD AND KONDRICK VOTING NAY� CHAIRPERSON BILLIAIGS DECLAREI? THE AMEND�1�'NT TO THE MOTION CARRIED BY A VOTE OF 4-2. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE ORIGINAL MOTION WITH THE DELETIDN OF STIPULATION #5 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. PUQLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERPIIT, SP #87-03, BY CH ISTENSEN AUTO BODY: Per Section 2 5. 4. , C, 4, of t e Fri ley City Co e to allow a repair garage on Lots 23 and 24 together with 1/2 vacated alley, Block 6, Fridley Park; per Section 205,09.1, C, 10, of the Fridley City Code to allow exterior storage of materials and equipment on Lots 25 �h.r�ugh 28 together with 1/2 vacated alley, Block 6, Fridley Park; per Section 2�.09.1, C,4, of the Fridley City Code, to allow an automobile parking lot on Lots 25 through 28 together with 1/2 vacated alley, Block 6, Fridley Park, except that part of said Lot 28, Block 6, Fridley Park described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Lot 29, thence South- westerly along the Northwesterly line of said Lot 29 to a point on said PJorth- westerly line distant i78.� feet Southat��terly of the I�ortheast corner of Lot 12, Block b, Fridley Park, as measured along the Northwesterly line of said Lot 12 and the same as extended Southwesterly to the Northeast corner of said Lot 29, and the Northwesterly line of s•a°id Lot 29; thence South easterly parallel to the Northeasterly lines of Lots 12 and 13, alock 6, � Fridley Park for a distance of 53 feet; thence Northeasterly parallel to the Northwesterly line of said Lot 29 to the Northeasterly line of said Lot 28, Block 6, Fridley Park; thence Northwesterly along the Northeasterly lines of said Lots 28 and 29 to the point of beginning, according to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Anoka County, Minnesota, the same being 6501 and 6509 East River Road N.E. MOTION BY MR. KOIVDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. SVAN.il'�l, 2'O WAIVE 2"HE FORMAL READING OF THE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE AND TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARIIITG. UPOIN A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AND THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 8:19 P.M. Mr. Robinson stated this special use permit had three-fold uses: (1) for a repair garage; (2) for outside storage; and (3) for parkinq on residential land adjacent to the principle use. The special use permit was for Lots 23-28 and did not include Lot 29 which was a cemetery lot and did not need to be included. Mr. Robinson stated Staff was recommendin� the followang stipulations: 1. Special use �COr repair garage is issued for repair and refurbishing of automobiles within the existing and proposed structure only. No outside work, other than moving of vehicles, is allowed outside the building on Lots 21-29. �``� 2. Petitioner to install two new down draft filter systems to minimize odors from painting operations. �.,� PLANNIPJG COP�'�IISSION MEETING, MARCH 11, 1987 PAGE 6 3. Hours of operation for repair garage activities limited to 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.9 P4onday through Friday, and 9 a.m. to 5 p,m. Saturdays. 4. Special use permit for repair garage is subject to approval of rezoning to C-2, general business, on Lots 23 and 24. 5. Special use for outside storage is issued for storage associated with the principle use.on Lots 21 �hrough 24 only for present and subsequent owners. 6. Storage yard shall be fully screened with a solid 8 ft. high cedar screening fence with opaque gates. Northerly-most gate to be closed when not moving vehicles. 7. Cars which are leaking fluids will 6e drained prior to storage. 8. Special use for vehicle parking is for customer and employee parking associated with principle use on Lots 21-24 only for present and subsequent owners. No storage of damaged cars or parts allowed outside of building or storage yard. 9. Parking and storage area will be constructed in a manner which respects the existing cemetery, and saves all existing trees not ^ located in future paved areas. 10. 11. Lot 29 to remain as green area to provide buffering and an access easement to the cemetery. Two driveway� allowed onto East River Road only, others to be closed. Mr. Christensen stated he questioned stipulation #3 regarding the hours of operation. He asked P�r. Robinson what the hours were that were stipulated in 1981 when he expanded his facility the first time. Mr. Robinson stated that in 1981, the hours were specified as 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. ~ P�a� d-ays were-s�ec� fi ed-.- �'��. Ro�°r�son stated he fel t wi th the expansion of the facility and the fact that these were the existing hours of operation that it seemed reasonable and good rationale to have these hours applied to the special use permit. Mr. Christensen stated he did not want to be locked into those hours. Ne stated many times in the winter, they get so busy they have to work later hours and sometimes have to come in a little earlier in the morning. In order to �tay on a schedule for prepping, drying time, and painting cars, they sometimes have to stay an hour or so later at night to get the car to the point where it can dry overnight. He could not think of any time when he has stayed open until 10 p.m.; however, he has been apen until 9 p.m. He would like to have the flexibility to be able to stay until 10 p.m, if he would need to in order to stay on production schedule. Ne didn't want to be put into the position where he would have to stop work when he only had 1/2-1 hr. of work left. He would like the stipulation to be amended to stay at the hours specified in 1981. � PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, 1�fARCH T1, 1987 PAGE 7 �, , Mr. Christensen stated he felt he has run a good business and has been a good neighbor. He has had no problem with the neighbors in the past, and he saw no reason to change the hours when there have been no complaints. He stated the two neighbors most affected w�re the Langer's and the Brooks' and they were both at the meeting to represent themselves. Both Mr. Langer and P�r. Brooks indicated they have never had a problem with Mr. Christensen's hours of operation. P�r. Langer stated Mr. Christer�sen had never abused the hours of operation, Mr. Betzold stated he would recommend they leave the hours as specified in 19�1, but stipulate that the Staff review the hours of operation to see if there was a problem in one year. P�r. Robinson stated he would be in favor of Mr. Betzo]d's suggestion. MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MS. SHEREK, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPE.RSON BILLINGS DECLARED Z'HE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:32 P.M. MOTION BY NIR. ICONDRICK, SECOIVDED BY MR. SVANDA, TO RECOMMEND TO CI�'Y COUNCIL APPROVAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #87-03, BY CHRI5TENSEN AUTO BODY, WITH �..� THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS: Z. SPECIAL USE FOR .REPAIR GARAGE I5 ISSUED FOR REPAIR AND REFURBISHING OF AUTOMOBILE5 WITHIN THE EXISTING AND PROPOSED STRUCTURE ONLY. NO OUTSIDE WORK� OTHER THAN MOVING OF VEHICLES, IS ALLOWED OUTSIDE OF BUILDING DN LOTS 21-29. 2. PETITIONER TO IN5TALL 2'WO NEW DOWN DRAFT FILTER SYSTEM5 TO MINIMIZE ODO.RS FROM PAINTING OPERATIONS. 3. HOURS OF OPERATION FOR REPAIR 6�lGE ACT.iVITIES LIM�TED TO 7 A.M. TO 10 P.M. MONDAY TNZ20UGH SATURDAY, SUBJECT TO FURTHER REVIEW BY CITY -- �l'.�'F' ZF' THERE' -- -- — - - - 4. SPECIAL USE PERMI�' FORF_BEPA�R: F,ARAGE IS_ �UBJE�T Td APPROVAL OF REZQNING TD C-2, GENERAL BUSINESS, ON LOTS 23 AND 24. 5. SPECIAL USE FOR OUTSIDE 5TORAGE IS ISSUED FOR Si'ORAGE ASSOCIATED WITH THE PRINCIPLE USE ON LOTS 21 THROUGH 24 ONLY FOR PRESENT AND SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. 6. STORAGE YARD SHALL BE FULLY 5C.REENED WITN A SOLID 8 FOOT HIGH CEDAR SCREENING FENCE WITX OPAQUE GATES. NORTHERLY-M05T GATE Tn BE CLOSED WHEN NOT MOVING VEHICLES. 7. CARS WHICH ARE LEAKING FLUIDS WILL BE DRAINED PRIOR TO STORAGE. 8. SPECIAL USE FOR VEHICLE PARKING IS FOR CU5TOMER AND EMPLOYEE PARKING ASSOCIATED WITH PRINCIPLE USE ON LOTS 21-24 ONLY FOR PRE5ENT AND SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. NO SZ'ORAGE OF DAMAGED CARS OR PARTS ALLOWED OUT- 5IDE Q�' BUILDING OR STORAGE YARD. 9. PARKI11lG AND STORAGE AREA WILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN A MANNER WHICH RESPECTS THE EXISTING CEMETERY AND SAVES ALL EXIS2'ING TREES 1VOT LOCATED I111 FUTURE PAVED AREAS, ^ 10, LOT 29 TO REMAIN AS GREEN AREA TO PROVIDE BUFFERIIVG AND AIV ACCESS ` EASEMENT TO THE CEMETERY. 11. TWO DRIVEWAY5 ALLOWED ONTO EAST RIVER ROAD ONLY, OTNERS TO BE CLOSED. PLI�NNI�JG COPITIISSION �1EETING, MARCH 11, 1987 PAGE 8 �� UPON A VOZCE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECTIARED THE MOTION CAR.RIED UNANIMOU5LY. Mlr. Robinson stated the rezoning, special use permit, and variances would all to to City Council on April 6. 3. COPJSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE HUMAN P,ESQURCES COf��1ISSI0N 4JORKPLAN FOP, 1986-19�7: MOTION BY MS. SHEREK, SECOAIDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO APPROT7E THE HUMAN RESOURCES COA9MI5SION WORKPLAN FOR I986-1987 AND FORWARD IT ON TO THE CITY COUNCIL. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOU5LY. 4. RECEIVE FEBRUARY 2, 1987, PARKS � RECREATION C�PM1ISSION PIINUTES: MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. SVANDA, TO RECEIVE THE FEB. 2� Z987, PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MIIVUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPER50N BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ^ 5. RECEIVE FEBRUARY 5, 1987, HUMAN RESOURCES COMP1ISSIOPJ MINUTES: MOTION BY MS. SHE�2EIC, 5ECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO RECEIVE THE FEB. 5, .Z987, HUM..�JNN RESOURCE5 COMMI5SION MIINUTES . UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIIVG AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED I�NANIMOUSLY. 6. RECEIVE FEBRUARY 12, 19�7, HOUSING �► REDEVELOPP�ENT AUTHORITY h1INUTES: MOTION BY MR. SABA� SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO RECEIVE THE FEB. 12, Z987, HOU5ING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPE.RSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UIVANIMOUSLY. 7. RECEIVE FEBRUARY 24, 1987, ENERGY COMMISSION P�INUTES: 1KD2'TOB1 BY ,MR:_.Sg.BA, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO RECEIVE THE FEB. 24, 1987, ENERGY COMMI5SION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLING5 DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOU5LY. /� 13H � PLANNIWG COMP�ISSION h1EETING,P•9ARCH 11, 1987 PAGE 9 8. RECEIVE MARCH 3, 1987, APPEALS COP�IMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD� SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO RECEIVE THE MAR. 3, 1987, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. OTHER �USINESS: a. Merging of the Energy Commission and Environmental Quality Commission: P1r. Robertson stated the Commissioners had received a copy of a memo from Myra Gibson to himself dated Feb. 12, 1987. Mr. Robertson stated he thought the City Council was looking at the possibility of inerging the two corronissions becaase of the lack of candidates to fill vacancies on the commissions. The City Council had as ked Staff if maybe the two commissions should be combined since there was a lack of people to serve on correnissions. Mr. Robertson state�d�°��, =C=i`���n� �ha�- �t�al keci �o �t�e..: members of both cornmissions, and both commissions have expressed strong opposition to � merging based- on past workl�ads..and projec�ed �►o.��loads. Both commissions feel their agenda items greatly differ and that the topics of solid waste reduction and energy conservation have enaugh differences that separate commissions are needed. With the recently approved grants from the Department of Energy and the Metropolitan Council totalling $25,000, P�s. Gibson strongly felt that both commissions had enough business to keep them busy until at least 1989. P1r. Robertson stated Staff wanted to bring this before the Planning Commission to get the Planning Commission's position on this possible merger. Mr. Saba stated this�has been discussed by the Energy Commission almost every year, and every year th�y have taken the position that they feel the two commissions should remain separate. As Chairperson of the Energy Commissicrn, he would concur with the statements made by Ms. Gibson. He stated the Energy Commission does have a vacancy, but other commissions also have vacancies. Mr. Svanda stated he agreed with Mr. Saba. The Environmental Quality Commission has also discussed this before, and they feel there are enough different things going on--recycling and composting, and other environ- mental issues--for the Environmental Quality Commission to remain separate. He would not like to see some of these issues diluted down by the combina- tion of the two commissions or having people acting on either energy or environmental issues that they were really not interested in. He also felt the City should continue to publish notices seeking volunteers from the community on a regular basis. 131 � PLANNI(JG COP1f1ISSI0N MEETING, PIARCH 11, 1987 PAGE 10 MOTION BY NII2. SVANDA, 5EC01VDED BY MR. SABA, THAT THE FEB. 12 � 1987, MEMO FROM MYRA GIBSON ACCURATELY REFLECTED Z'HE FEELINGS OF BOTH THE ENERGY COMMISSION AND THF ENVIRONNIENTAL QUALITY COMMI5SION, AND TO RECOMMEND THAT THE ENERGY COMMISSION AND THE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION CONTINUE TO BE SEPARATE COMMISSIONS. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHASRPF.RSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOT3'ON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. b. Memos -"Cars Parked on Lawns"-Feb. 20, 1987, memo from Ric Wiersma "Unimproved Residential Driveways" - Feb. 18, 1987, memo from Daryl Morey P�r. Robinson stated these were for the Commission's information and could be taken up in their long range planning meetings. c. P1emo -"Implementation of University Avenue Corridor Plan" - P9ar. 11, 1987, memo from Jock Robertson MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MS. 5HEREK, TO RECEIVE THF. MEMO AND TO PUT THIS I2'EM ON THE NEXT MEETING AGEATDA FOR FUitZ'HER DISCUS5IOAl. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED Z'HE �� MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURPdP�1ENT : MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY 1KS. SHEREK, TO ADJOURN Z'HE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPE.RSOIV BILLINGS DECLARED THE MARCH 11, 1987, PLANNING COMMISSIOIV MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:10 P.M. Respectfully submi ted, Lyn Saba Recording Secretary �,, � ����,� ° �; ����� ��� ' // � , �,� ��°`�� -� , �� �. �..�, . £d�1 �roo �.s ��,,r � �n r � ��s�. %r� � e �. �� l� s � � �Qs T� ✓h I�GS � ���� �� � � � � ����� � �-�. , � s � � .�, �� � �5 0� � i c.1�� � �t 1�) � � �s�� � ���-�. �1�D �r � �- � e /1�� ��� � � ,�v�e �� Y90 68't� f�v� iV�. 13J