PL 05/18/1988 - 30683� C�LL '�'O ORDER: ^ � crr� oF �r� P.F.,Al�lIlVG Q�N�SSION MEETIlQG. NI�Y 18, 1988 , _ Chairperson Betzold called. the Ma.y 18, 1988, Plann; rg C�¢nission meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. ROLL C'Ai�I.� : . ��� M�xs Present: Donald Betzold, Deave Kondrick, Dean Saba, A1ex Barna, Sue Sherek. Paul Dahlberg M�nbers Absent : Nc�ne Others Present: Kathl.yn C�.st.1e, Plarmin.g Assistan.t JOCk RObertSOA. ('.rcnrcnmi �, DeVelOpmetlt DiSeCtOZ' J]Iri RObiI1SOri. Planni ng Cpprdi natpr Roy Petersen, 250 - 57th Avmue N.E., Holiolay Plus Rabert Balda.uff, 6045 Gardena L,�ne, N.E. John Schreckengost, 6045 Gardena Lane, N.E. APPROVAL OF N.�,Y 4, 1988. PLA1�IlV.�TG QON�SSION N1IlVU2'ES: NlOTI�N bY Mr. Saba, seconded by Ms. Sherek, to approve the N1ay 4, 1988, Planning C.�rnussion mu�utes as written. �• • � r • �� � � �-��• • • � � � > � i � • v •• ��� r i �� � rursLic: r�;�c.i.ivc;: CpNSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERM:CT, SP #88-07 , BY ERICKSON P�.�I'RfJI�[7M Q�RPDRATION (HOLIDAY PLUS) : Per Section 205.15.1.C.11 of the Fridley City Code to relocate and expand 9arden center on Lot 13, Auditor's Subdivision No. 155, the sanne being 250 - 57th Avenue N.E. NlOTION by Mr. Kandrick, seconded by Mr. Saba, to waive the fo�mal reading of t1�e public h�aring �tice and open the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VpT2NG AyE, Q�pERSpN gE"IZpJ,D DECLARED THE MQTION c�,RRTF'n �ANII�USLy AND 'I�IE PUBLIC i�'ARZNG OPEN AT 7:37 P.M. Ms. Castle stated this special use penmit would a11aw for the expansion and relocation of Holiday Plus' outdoor garden center. Holiday Plus was locatec7. between I-694 � the south, 57th Avenue on the �rth, University Avenue on the ea.st and Main Street on the west. Holiday Plus was located in C-3, J�ra]- s1zoPPing, zon�ng district whiGh allows for an outdoor garden center with a special use permit. Ms. Castle sta.ted the existing garden center is appro�,nuately 2,300 sq. ft. and is located on the northeast side of the store. The proposed ga.rden. center will be approxi.mately 3,000 sq. ft. and will be relocated to the southeast side. � -1- PLA� �SSION ��, N�Y 18, 1988 Ms. C�stle sta.ted staff was r2C[�nr7in� approval of the special use permit with the follaving stipulations: � 1. Re[nove exi.sting outdoor storage for tlze garden center upon opening of the relocated centex. 2. Petitioner to work with the city staff on upgrading the site's landsca.ping to �et the City Code. Landscape plan to follav. 3. Petitioner to resurface entire parking lot. The lot will then be restriped for 10' x 20' parking sp,aces not abutti n� a curb or sidewalk and 10' x 18' for those tY�a.t do abut a curb and side�nralk. 4. There will be no ParkinJ a]-ong the g�'d�n. center's fence. 5• There s1�a]-1 be no entrance%xit from the garden center to the parking lot. 6. Petitioner niust maintain a11 landsca.pe planters and lax�dscaping. 7. Petitioner must pick up litter and debris and.maintain a reg�u7.ar pick-up - sc.hedule. 8. Petitioner to designa.te the southwest area of the property for semi- -- trailer Parking. Semi-trailers are to park only in this designated area.. 9. If a walkway is needed along 57th Avenue, the petitioner agrees to ^ eitlzer installation or assess�nt of �this sidcnratk. 10. No outside storage within the garden center to exceed height of screening fence. 11. Six foot hi.gh rxiain link fence to be slatted with tubular vi.nyl. Ms. Sherek asked what the City's experience has been with Holida.y Plus c�rplying with �,st stipulations. Ms. C�stle sta.ted tY�at in the past, the City has had problems with Holiday Plus maintain.ing landscaping, picking up litter and debris, and maintaining the parking lot. Ms. Sherek stated she would like to see tlze Commission add a stipulation requiring a p�rfoxm�nce bond. Mr. Saba questioned why there needed to be a stipulation regaxding no ent�xance/exit f�n the garden center to the parking lot (stipulation #5) . Ms. C�st1e sta.ted this was a previous stipulation to the special use permi.t in 1976 for a garden center. She tllought it would help in terms of shaplifting prablens. ^ -2- 4 P.[,A1�TTNG C�,SSION N�. N�,Y 18, 1988 Mr. Saba asked why that needed.to be a stipulation. Holiday plus should make the decision as to whether or not they want an entrance/exit to the � par king lot from the garden center. Many garden centers around the city have just an c�en. area where people can comne in and pick up trees witl�out having t� g� through a store. Ms. Sl�rek stated she agreed with Mr. Saba. She triought the reason the stipulation was there in the first place was because the existing gard.en center ap�n.s right onto the main parking lot, and it would have been a hazard to have peaple parking there to load trees and plants. Mr. Kondrick sta.ted he also agreed that stipulation #5 slwuld be deleted. Mr. Betzold referred to stipulation #3 regarding the resurfacing of the entire parking lot. Did that mean every square inch of the paxking lot would be resurfaced? Mr. Robinson stated,the store manager has indicated tha.t it was Holiday Plus' intension to resurface the entire parking lot. 'I'he City Engineer has suggested tlzat when the paxking lot is resurfac�d that the drainage be impx�ved at the same time. Mr• Dahl.berg' ask,�l what the effective aisle drive-out width was with the P�7:1e1 ParkinJ along the curb. Nlr. Robinson sta.ted he was not sure, but it would have to be 25 f t. for ttivo-way traffic. Staff would rd�eck that aut with the site plan. /`1 MMr". Dahlbexg stated t��a.t if Hollida.y maintains the prc},p�r aisle width, there sheuld be xw difficulty in having double poarking along tt�a.t curb. Mr. R,�y Peterson stated he was the Assistant Store Nlanager at Holiday Plus. He sta,ted. he wa.s at the meeting ma.inly to hear the stipulations so he couloi present those stipulations to the c�r. Mr. Peterson stated that Mike Trasser, the n�v Store Manager, is def ini tely interested in resurfacing the entire parking lot. Mr. Dahll�rg �]�� wrja,t M�. Peterson's reaction was to a dixect entrance to � 9�'� center from the outside in addition to the inside entrance. N.I�'• 1�binson sta.ted that they do not handle trees anymore in the ga.rden cer�.ter, except for occasional special orders. They deal mainly with vegetable and bedding plants, man.,ure and peat moss for gardens. They do have sc�e root wrap roses and scene potted roses, but that was basically the extent of what they carry in the 9a�'den cPntex. One r�a.son for th.e proposa7. to relocate the garden center was beca.use there was n� room in the present locati�. Customers have difficulty irr�neuvexing around with carts. They do n,�t plan tA add anything to their inventozy, but more to operi up the area. so people can move around more freely. Mr. �terson stated that u�. the landscaping pl an f or the f ence around the ^ -3- � i �i ' •�• i r • i� �� � r ProPosed.garden center, they should probably include some protective steel posts to be put around the corner of t�ie garclexi center to protect the fence � fram being hit by cars and trucks. Mr. Robinson stated he agreed that stipulation #5 regarding the enfiance%xi.t was probably not necessazy. � Mr. Rabertson stated that N.[r. Robinson, Nls. Castle, and he had discussed earlier the fact that starting at 57th Avenue going nort,h is the area that is being planned as the first phase denonstration project for the University Avenue Corridor upgrading which will be primarily accomplished next year. They are in agreenen.t tha.t perimeter landscaping is required. and in keeping with the fact tl�at the City is going to be investing $3/4 mi.].lion f rom that intersection to 61st Avenue, they would like the private property owners to reciprocate. Mr. Rabinson sta.ted tha.t in relation to this was stipulation #9 whic;h stated. that if a wall4aay was needed al.ong 57th Avenue, the petitioner agrees to eitiv�x the irastallation or assessnent of this sidcaa].k. Presently, the plan with tr�.e Corridor improve�n.ents was to put a sidewalk up to the Ca.ttl e Ccsnpariy restaurant, and it would probably be a good idea to ha.ve Holiday Plus put in the r�nai.nder of the sidcinial.k to Main Street. Mr. Robinson stat�l this specia]. use m�; t is too late for relocation of the 9�'� �en.tex' tlu.s Year• There se�ns to be some unanswered questions and if the petitioner is not in a hurry because of the lateness of t,he season, maybe this could be delayed until a future meeting in order to refine the plan a little n�re. Mr. Peterson stated he would agree wit,h that. It would give him the aAPortw�ity to take the stipulations back to his management. The garden center season usually r�ms frcan late April to mid-J�e so there was r� hurzy with the special use penni.t for this season. Mr. Betzold sta.ted he would like to see a11 the pa.rking stalls along the north side of the bui].ding be handi.capped stalls only. Currently. there are some regular stalls along that side, in addition to the designa.ted hanr7i �,PPed Parki n� • He would like to add a stipulation that there be no regular parking along the north side of the building--that it all be designated as han�].icapped Fa.rking. Ms• Sherek sta.ted. she would agree with that. She stated it causes a rea.l safety concern for both pedestrians and �ars, because there are always drivers naking a"mad dash" for an �pty parking stall along the curb by the ��i 1 ding. Ms. Sherek stated she would also propose that there be a stipulation about a perfozmance bond, the amount to be deten�nis�ed by staff based on the overall cost of the improvements. She stated they axe ta.lking about a lot of imProvements over a period. of time. She sta.ted she was a regular customer of Holiday Plus, and she would rea�:ly like to see same of these improvenents done like the resurfacing, striping, and curbing repaired in the parking ^ -4- PLAI�R�L41iG QON.�,SSION �, N�.Y 18, 1988 lot. � NlOTION by Mr. KondriG]c, seconded by Mr. Barna, to table Special Use Permit, aP $-07, by Erickson Petroleum Corporation until the next regulaxly s�heduled meeting in order to give city staff and the petitioner an opLoorttmity to finalize the plans. UFDN A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIlVG AyE, c�rAnz�R�pN gE�GC�,D DECLARED THE N�TION C�RRIED UNANIl�USLY. 2. CONSIDERA'�'ION OF �1 LOT SPLIT, L.S. #88-03, BY R A. BALDAUFF: To split off that part of Lot 3�, Block 3, Moore Lake Hills, described as follavs: beginning at the nortri.east corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Gardena Nte].oland c`-��Ana, thence r�orthwesterly along a li� which passes through a looint dist�it 31.00 feet northeasterly of t,he n�orthwest corner of sa.id Lot 1. as n�asured aiong the nrt,heasterly extension of the northwesterly line of said Lot 1 to the nortYbvesterly line of said Lot 36; thence southwesterly a7-on1 the northwesterly line of said Lot 36 to the southwest corner of said Lot 36; thence ea�st along the south line of said Lot 36 to the point of '�y-�-+1+1.1.113. 1ene�ally loca.ted at 6053 Woody Lane N.E. Ms. C�.stle stated the petitioraer was requesting to split the south 31 fet of �t 36, Block 3, Moore Lake Hills, in order for it to be combined with Lot 1, Blc�cic 1, Gardena Me],oland, Gard,exyS. Both lots were loca.ted in R-1, single f�1Y. zoning. She stated that if the lot split d�oes occur, it would not cause Lot 36 to becc�ne a substandard lot. If the lot split is appraved, Mr. Baldauff d�oes intend tfl construct an addition and a deck. If the lot split is not appraved, Mr. Ba].dauff would need an additional rear yard setback � variance. The petitioner has petitioned. to the Appeals Cammisson for two variances: a side yard setback from 17.5 feet to 12 feet to a11aw the construction of the addition, and a side yard setback from 14 1/2 feet to +/- 10 feet to allow trie construction of a deck. Both vaxiances were aPP�� bY the Appeals Cce�¢nission vaith the stipulation that the variances be contingent upon the appraval of the lot split. Ms. C�.stle sta.ted staf'f W3S Z'eCcsnrr�ndinq �e fpllow].11g tw0 stipu].atians: 1. The division/combination fo� signed by the fee owner and returned to the City by July 6, 1988, prior to issuance of the building pe�ni.t, 2. The lot split be recorded at the Anoka County Courthouse within six - n�an,ths after City Council approval and prior to the issuance of the bw.7-d�.n.3 Pemt�-t- Mr. Baldauff stated his wife's 83 year old aunt needs a place to live, and they wauld like to add on a bedroom and bathroom for her. There would be n� cooking facilities in the addition. N�'. Rabinson asked if the siding and roofing on the addition would match the exi.sting siding and roof ing. 1�'. Baldauff stated he planned to rez�f the entire house at the time ^ -5- P.LANLVIlVG QO1�M�SSION MEEZ'ING. MAY 18, 1988 the addition was constructed and the siding would also match the e�.sti.ng siding. � Mr. Robinson asked if there would be a separate entrance to the additi�.. Mr. Baldauff stat�l there would be an entrance to the addition from the ne�v dec7t, an en.txance frc�n, the basem�nt area, and an entrance from the house proper, so there would be trir� entrances to the addition. Mr. Robinson stated staff is currently reviewing the ordinance on mothe�irrlaw apariznents, and wha.t Mr. Baldauff was proposing was fine a.s long a.s it did not include any kitchen facilities. Mr. Dahlberg asked if the existing utility/drainage ea.sement would r� in its current location. Orice the lot is increased in size, the owner has the potential of more expansion, in which case the utility/drainage e�s�nent might restrict ariy future develo�nen.t. Mr. Robinson stated that would be true at the time of any future deve7-o�an�n.t• Hdwever, the petitioner would have to petition to vacate the existing utility/drainage easement at a cost of $100, and then the vacation process is a fairly lengthy process. He did r.�t fee1. there was anY need to deal vaith it at this tinte. Mr. Barna stated he believed that the vwner would have to petitioner to vacate the easement and then the City would have to rededicate an easement. I3e, too, saw no reason to do that at this tune, si.n�e rmthi.ng �`1 Mr. Baldauff was doing would affect the existing eas�nt. Mr. Robinso�n sta.t�l staff could evaluate whether a new drairaage easement was needed and if there were any utilities in t,hat easement and then make a�nda.tion to tlze City Council. MOTI�N by Mr. Kon.drick, sec�nded by Ms. Sherek, to recommend to City Council approval of Lot Split, L.S. #88-03, by R. A. Baldauff, to split off that paxt of Lot 36, Block 3, Moore Lake Hills, described as follaws: beginni.ng at the norrtheast corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Gardena. Meloland Gardens, thence rLOrthwesterly al.ong a line which passes through a point distant 31.00 feet rwrtheasterly of the nflrthwest corner of said Lot 1, as measured along the northeasterly extension of the northwesterly line of said Lot 1 to the n,�rthwesterly line of said Lot 36; thence southwesterly along the nortY�aesterly line of said Lot 36 to the southwest corner of said Lot 36; thence easst al.ong the south li.n� of said Lot 36 to the point of beginning, generally loca.ted at 6053 Woody Lane N.E., with the follvwing stipulations: 1. The division/ccanbination fo�n sig�ed by the fee vwx�er and returned to the City by July 6, 1988, and prior to the issuance of a buildi.ng pe�nit. 2. The lot split be recorded at the Anoka County Courtlw�use within six manths after City Council approval and prior to the issuance of a bui].di.ng pen�it. ^ -6- �"� � 3. 4. � 6. P.GArIl�iING �SSION ��. N�Y 18, 1988 UFON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIIVG AYE, C�IAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE N�Y!'ION CARR�D UNAN�lOUSLY'. Mr. Rabinson stated this iten would go to City Council on June 6. RE(�IVE APRII� 14, 1988, HOUSIlVG & RIDEVELAP�I' AUTHORITY P�ID.VUTES: �_ MO�t'?ON bY Mr. Itondrick, seconded by Mr. Barna, to receive the April 14, 1988. Housing & Red�velc�Cxnent Authority mi.nutes. UPON A VOICE VOTE, Ai,I, VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE N3J'PION CARRTF''I� U[QANIl�USZY. RECEIVE APRIL 19, 1988, ENVIROI�lENTAL UALITY COMMISSION/ENERGY �SSION JOII�!' MEE'rIl�TG N�NUTES ; � �I'ION bi' Mz'• Saba. seconded by Mr. Kondrick, to receive the April 19 , 1988, Envimi¢nental Qua].ity Cc�issicm/Energy Commisson j oint meeting mi rn�tes. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, Q�AIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE N.DTION c�FtR�D UNANIl�lOUS'L,Y. RECEIVE N�,Y 10, 1988, APPEALS (]ONNIl�SSION NID.VU'I'FS: MOTION by Mr. Barna., seconded. by Mr, Kondrick, to receive the Nlay 10, 1988. Appeals Cce�¢nission minutes. UFDN A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, N�TION C�RR�D UI�iNIl�UStiY. OTf�RR BUSIl�'�S : Q3AIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE Mr. Ra�binson stated the City has a grant froqn D. P. S. The gran.t will be sh�s'ed between envirorIInental quality and energy issues, and they were recently able to get an.extension and to rework the gran.t in order to g�� $5,000 for curricultun develognent by Springbrook Nature Center staff and program orieuta.tion for a two-prong program which ha.s to interface recycling issues with ener�r consezvation issues. The curriculum will be targeted at the fourth grade level. Mr- Dahlberg stated at the EQC/Energy Commission j oint meeting the previous even.i.n.g. �hey had discussed. i.nclt��i n� in the contract with the Nature Center that the �QC and Ener�r Ccx�missions review the f irst draf t °� ��'icu7-�un d�ve7-ol�nent so they can give the staf f some input on wYiat they feel is �st appropriate or do scar� resea.rch or provide some laackground irifoxma.ti.on the C�¢nissioners have available. Mr. Rabinson stated.it was a grant that would also ga.y for bus trips for fourth graders to get to the Nature Center for the four Fridley elenentazy schools. He sta.ted t1�at fr�n this, they hope to get a video that can then be shared.with other schools in adjacent districts. ^ -�- PLAl�Il�iIlVG (X�LSSION ��'. N�Y 18. 1988_ Mr. Robinson sta.ted the other aspect of the grant would be a workshop re3:ated to the l�iis�rieapolis Energy Office. The idea is to do energy audits for multi- fa�nily chvellings, and the M�xineapolis Energy Office, `�i f�ded through Mi.r�negasco, has agreed to c7�o that �der the tunbrella of vaorking for Fridley as a Fridley consultant. Mr. Kondrick asked that Mr. Robinson pass this information on to the Parks & Recreation C�[¢ni.ssion. Mr. Robinson stat�7. the other good. news was that curbside recycl ing has J� �Y �P• Mr. L�ahl.bPxg stated the Lions Qub con.tributed $4, 000 for recycli.ng bi nc arlci $1, 000 for education, due to the tremendous efforts of Maynard Nielsen wl� should be co�ended for his efforts. At the EQC/Energy C�¢ni.ssion meeting, they had talked about ways to capitalize an that and approach some of the other city organizations to try to get some matCrL1I1J con.tributions. Once they get a good base, they can explore the rn�rc�ha se of recycl ing bins. �UTOI,TRl�'!': N10TION by Mr. ICQnclricJc, second,cd b�, N1�. ��� � adj ourn the meeting. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, C�iairperson Betzold declared the May � 18, 1988, Plannin.g Cc�¢nission meetang adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully si�ni.tted, / � �. �J � ��, � i / .�� - _ . _ -«. . . - - n -8-