PL 04/03/1996 - 7076PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING WEDNESDAY, APR1L 3, i996 7:30 P.M. PUBLIG COPY (Please return to Community Development Dep�) .-� r � ,.� cinr oF �ai��r AGENDA � PLANNINC COMMISSION MEETlNG WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1996 7:� P.M. ,� � L�ATION: Fridley Municipal Cerrter, 6431 University Avenue N.Ee CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: APPROVE PLANNINC COMMISSION MEET1NC MINUTES: March 20, 19� PUBUC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT. CPA #96-01. BY THE CITY OF FRIDLEY: In accordance with State Statute 462.355, Subdivision 2, procedure for ptan adoption and amendment. The proposaf would add policy #4, to Page 6-5� Chapt� 6� Water, Sewer and Solid Waste: 4. The City witl apply National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) standards for the design of new stormwrater por�s ar� the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's (MPCA) urban best managemerrt practic� t'rtl�! Protecting Water Quality in Urban Areas to the rsview of any proposed developmerrt occurring in the �it�t of Fridley to reduce nonpoirrt sour�ce patlutant loadings in stormwater rur�ff. The City wiit incorporate th�e standards and r�uirements in its stormwater managemerrt plan and land use controls to implemerrt this policy. PUBUC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT. SP #96-03. BY WAYNE DAHL: Per �ction 2i4.07 of the Fridley City Code� to ailow an automatic changeable sign, generally located at 7699 Highway 65 N.E. PUBUC HEARING• CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT SP #96-04 BY R�ER MOODY �F FRIENDLY CHEVROLET: Per Section 205.15.01.C.(2) of the Fridley City C.ode� to allow automobile agencies selling or displaying new and/or used motor vehicles in order for a showroom/office e�ansion� generally located at 7501 Highway 65 N.E. Planning Commission Agenda April 3, 19� Page 2 PUBUC HEARING� CONSIDERATION UF° A SPECIAL USE PERMIT SP #96-05 By MENARD INC. Per Section 205.15.01,C.(3) of the Fridley Cit�r Code, to al�oH, agenci� Se���ng or displaying recreational vehicles, boats, and marine equipment� machinery, manufactur�l hom�, or other similar enterprises having mer�chandise in the open and not within an enclos� structure, generally locat�! at �5 _ 63rd Avenue N.E. (the Menards property). PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT SP #96-02 By MENARD INC.; Per Seation 205.15.01.C.(8) of the Fridley City Code, to allow unscreened exterior storage of materials and equipmerrt, generally locxited at 5207 Central Avenue N.E. (P�esently the Skywood Mall property). � PUBUC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT SP #96-07 By MENARD INC.: Per Section 205.15.01.C.(3) of the Fridley City Code, to allow ager�ies selling or displaying r�reational vehicl�, boa�, �nd marine equipmer�t, machinery, manufactured hQrr�es, or other similar errterprises having merchandise in the open � and not within an enclosed strueture, genera��y bcated at 5207 Central Avenue N.E. (preseritly the Skywood Mall propertY)• PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT SP #96-06 By MENARD INC.: Per Section 205.15.01.C.(8) of the Fridley City Code, to allow unscreened euterior storage of materia�s and equipment, generally located at 965 - 53rd Avenue N.E. (the Menards property). RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 4. 1996 RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE APPEALS COMMISSION MEETlNG OF MARCH 13 1996 OTHER BUSINESS: ADJOURNMENT n ;,:> . :: .....:.... . .... . . . . . � /�`,, CITY OB BRIDLEY PLANNINa CO1�iI88ION MEETINa, MARCS 20� 1996 CALL.TO ORDER• Chairperson Newman called the March 20, 1996, Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Presenti Dave Newman, Dave Rondrick, LeRoy Oqui�t, �an Saba, Brad Sielaff, Connie Modig Members Absent: Diane Savage Others Present: Scott Hickok, Planning Coordinator Michele McPherson, Planninq Assistant Mike B1ack, Royal Oaks Realty Rich Riemersma, Imperial Homes, Inc. Bob Horeck, 5505 W, Danube Jan & Ron Zaczkowski, 814 Huqo Street N.E. Jean & Bill Schacher, 8191 Ruth Circle N.E. Ralph Officer, 315 Hugo Street N.E. David Landrus, 5775 - 2 1/2 Street N.E. Ray & Dorothy Heqna, 5770 - 3rd Street N.E. Rathy Roesler, 5846 - 2 1/2.Street..N.E. Terry Reyes, 1479 A1. Danube Road N.E. Norm Jenkins, 5730 Duluth Street, Golden Valley, Minnesota Irving�Brody, 5031 St. Croix Avenue, Golden Valley, Minnesota APPROVAL OF AGENDA: OTION by Mr. Kondrick, seconded by Mr. Oquist, to approve the agenda. IIPON A VOIC$ VOTL, ALL YOTI�t,1 AYE, CSAIRPL1t80N NEWMAN DLCLARED THE MOTION CARRIED D�NIMOIIBLY. APPROVAL OF MARCH 6 1996 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: OTION by Mr. Oquist, seconded by Mr. Sielaff, to approve the March 6, 1996, Planning Commission minutes as written. IIPON A VOICE VOTE � ALL VOTIN�i AY� � CHAIRPERSO�T NSWMAI�T DSCLARED T�8 MOTION CARRIED O�iANIMOIIBLY. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATIOld OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT_ S' Tr�v vi. u,�. nvi�i'�irL nL�L/-�'Y.RlL\C�1'..4AV4,L�Vry�71�i.'�":.-...:.... �, Per Section 205.07.01.C.(1) of the Fridley City C�e, to allow a second acce� buildinq in excess of 240 square 8 pr.axNr�ac� eea�[�isgrnx �Ri�i.TTN[S_ MST![!A �e_ i996 PAG1L 2 �-.� feet, on Lots 29 - 32, Block A, Riverview Heights, generally located at 314 Hugo Street N.E. MOTION by Mr. Rondrick, seconded by Mr. Saba, to waive the reading of the public hearinq notice and to open the public hearing. IIPON A VOICF VOTE, ALL VOTING AYS� CHAIRPERBON NEWMA�i DECLARED THL MOTION CARRIED AND TH$ PDBLIC HEARIBa OPEN AT 7t38 P.M. Ms. McPherson stated the special use per.mit is to allow a second accessory structure over 240 square.feet. The subject property is located at 314 Hugo Street which��is just east of Ruth Street and east of East River Road. Located on the property is a single family dwelling unit of split level design with an existing tuck under garage. The Appeals Commission recently approved a variance request to allow the petitioner to construct a 22 foot x 36 foot attached garage. The variance was to reduce the setback from Ruth Street from 25 feet to 17 feet. As a stipulation of approval, the petitioner was requested either convert the existing garage �o living space or apply for a special use permit. Also located on the subject parcel in the rear yard is an 8 foot x 10 foot utility shed. �, Ms. McPherson stated the petitioner has<indicated in his letter to the Planninq staff and to the Planning Commission that he would like to use the existing tuck under garage for the fami.ly car. A second car, a boat and hobby woodworking apace would be located in the newly constructed garage. One option presented in the staff report was to have the petitioner utilize the new garage for the vehicles and boat and convert the tuck under qarage for the proposed hobby shop. This would allow the petitioner to remove the existing overhead door and possibly install double doors ar a single service door which could then allow the petitioner to remove all the asphalt in the front yard except for perhaps a sidewalk for access to the front door of the dwelling unit. The City has in�past instances allowed both garages to continue to exist.and has not required removal or strict conversion of a tuck under garage to living space. Ms. McPherson stated the petitioner has indicated he would be removinq the off street parking space located in the front yard and returning that to green space. The petitioner will also be removing the 8 foot x 10 foot utility shed. Ms. McPherson stat�d staff recommends approval of the spe�ial use permit request with one stipulation: 1. The petitioner shall`remove�the�existing_8�foot x 10 foot utility shed within one year of completion of the garage ,� addition. � JPLANNINf� COMMIBBION MESTIN�. MARCB 20, 1996 PA(�E 3 � Planning Commission members had no question� of staff. PRr. Zaczkowski stated he is opposed to havinq the wood shop in the tuck under space. Any sandinq or cuttinq of wood creates a lot of dust which drifts into the home. That is why he would like to put the wood shop in the garaqe �rhere there is no direct access into the house except by the outside door. Also, any polyseal or varnishing could drift into the house as well. Mr. Newman stated is that the 8 foot Mr. Sielaff asked parking space and a stipulation. the only requirement of the special use permit x 10 foot utility shed be removed in one year. if the petitioner was taking out the additional if he would object if the Commission made that Mr. Zaczkowski stated he plans to take out the parkinq space and the shed. He had no problem with the stipulation. Mr. Rondrick stated woodworking tools can be noisy. Would this create more noise from the new garage than from the tuck under space? ^ Mr. Zaczkowski etated there may be more noise. He has a planer and it does involve noise. He did not plan:.to work �t"all-.hours of the night. He plans to insulate the new qarage because he plans to be out there in the winter. No further comments from the public were received. OT ON by Mr. Rondxick, seconded by Ms. Modig, to close the public hearing. IIPON A VOICB VOTE, ALL VOTINt� AYl�, CSAIRPERSO�i NEWMAN DECLARED THE M�T=ON CARR=ED AliD THE pIIBL=C HEAR=Na CLOSED AT 7a43 P.M. Mr. Rondrick stated he-has no problem with #he request. He went by the property. He thought the request was reasonable and would be an asset to that area. � OTI N by Mr. Rondrick, seconded by Mr. Saba, to recommend approval of Special Use Permit, SP �96-01, by Ronald and Janet Zaczkowski, to allow a second accessory building in excess of 240 square feet, on Lots 29-32, Block A, Riverview 8eights, generally located at 314 Hugo Street N.E., with the following stipulations: 1. The petitioner shall remove the existinq 8 foot x 10 foot utiiity shed within one year of completion of the garage addition. � PLANNINQ CO1rII�I88IOH ME$TINa. MARCH 20, 199b PAGg 4 2. The petitioner shall remove the extra parking area within one year of completion of the qaraqe addition. IIPON A VOICS VGTF � N+L VOTIN�i AYB � CBAIRPSR80�T NEWffi�i DECLARED T8E MOTION CARRIBD IINANIMOIISLY. Ms. McPherson stated the City Council would consider this request at their April 8th meeting. 2. CONSIDERATION OF A LOT SPLIT REOUEST, L.S. #96-01. BY VALLEY INVESTMENT CO.: To split I�ots i, 2, and 3, Block 27, Hyde Park, together with all that part of the vacated alley lying west of said lots and lying between the Westerly extension of the North line of said Lot 1, and the Westerly extension of the South line of said Lot 3 into two parcels as described: Parcel A. The West 65 feet of Lota 1, 2, 3, Block 27, Park, Anoka County, Minnesota, as measured the North line of said Lot 1, and along th line of said Lot 3, together with all that ` the vacated alley lying West of said lots, lying between the Westerly extension of the line of said Lot 1, and the Westerly extens the South line of said Lot 3. Hyde along e South part of and North ion of Parcel B. That part of Lots 1, 2, and 3, Hyde Park, Anoka County, Minnesota, lyinq East of�the West 65 feet thereof as measured alonq the North line of said Lot 1 and along the South line of said Lot 3. This property is generally located at 276-78 - 58th Avenue N.E. Ms. McPherson stated the request is for a lot split by the Valley Investment Company. The property is located at 276-78 - 58th Avenue. This property is a corner:lot located at the intersection of 58th•Avenue and 3rd�Street in the Hyde Park neighborhood. There are three issues to be considered: 1. The Planning Commission will be required to acknowledge deficiencies in Lot B, a reduction in the required lot width from 80 feet to 65 feet, and a reduction in the required lot area from 9,000 square feet to 8,839 squar� feet. � 2. The City's action will create a pswappi.ngp of nonconforming setbacks. Currently, the property does not meet the required rear yard setback. Should the lot split be approved, the required front yard setback.will not.be met by the existing dwelling. � /"1 PLANNINa COMMI88ION MEETING. MARCH 20. 1996 PAG$ 5 3. The detached two-car garage located on the parcel will be located on a newly approved vacant lot should the request be approved. The City Code does not allow accessory structures to be located on a lot prior to the principal structure. Ms. McPherson stated the petitioners are proposing to take the parcel comprised of three lots and a vacated alley and split it into two parcels. Parcel A has an existing duplex constructed in 1959 under R-2, Two-Family Dwelling District, regulations. This parcel measures 77 feet x 135 feet and meets the minimum lot area required in the R-2 district of 10,000 square feet. The lot area is actually 10,400. The lot split �ould create Parcel B which is adjacent to 3rd Street and 58th Avenue. This lot measures 65 feet x 134 feet and has a lot area of 8,839 square feet. Lot B is deficient in two requirements. The first is the lot width which is only 65 feet. The minimum requirement for a corner lot is 80 feet. The second is lot area which is less than the 9,000 square foot minimum. If the Commission chooses to appruve the lot split, the members need to acknowledge these deficiencies. Ms. McPherson stated the second issue is the nonconforming . setbacks. In 1986, the Planninq staff was requested to analyze a similar lot split request. At that time, it was determined that � 3rd Street, because it is the shorter frontage, �ould be the front yard makinq the west portion of-the.lot the rear yard. The duplex is currently 13.5 feet at its alosest point from the rear lot line. The required rear yard setback is 35.61 feet. The lot as it is currently configured without the split ia nonconfo=ming in its rear yard setback. If the lot split ia approved, the � front yard would then be towards 58th Avenue. The duplex is also set too close to 58th Avenue for the front yard requirement of 35 feet. The duplex is 14 feet from what would then be the front property line. The City's action would create a"swapping" of a nonconforming rear yard setback for a nonconforming front yard setback. Ms. McPherson stated the third issue is the detached qarage on what would be Parcel B. If the lot split is approved, the accessory structure would be located on the parcel prior to construction of a principle building. Section 205.04.05.A of the Fridley City Code explicitly states, "No accessory building or structure shall be permitted on any lot prior to the time of the issuance of the building permit for the construction of a principal building." Staff is recommending the petitioner remove this garage. Ms. McPhersan stated staff has analyzed the petitioners' options. The petitioners could potentially move the detached garage onto Parcel A; however, that does <� increase-� the-� lot � coverage from - the � -- -^� maximum of 25� to 28� which would then require a variance. PLANNINa COMMIBBION MEETINa. MARCH 20, 1996 PAa� 6 ^ Ms. McPherson stated staff recommends approval of the request with the Planninq Commission acknowledging the deficiencies and with the following stipulations: 1. The petitioner acknowledges the City's action creates a nonconforming front yard setback. 2. The petitioner shall remove the qarage located on Lot B. 3. The petitioner acknowledges that Lot B has a long, narrow buildable area and shall design a house to fit that area. Ms. Modig stated how is this impacted by the fact that the Planning Commission is acknowledginq the deficiencies reqardinq the setbacks and the petitioner is acknowledginq that the City's actions create a nonconforming setback? Ms. McPherson stated she would respond to the first part regarding the Plan�inq Commission acknowledging the deficiencies. The subdivision ordinance allows the Planning Commission and the City Council to approve lot splits or plats with lots that do not meet the minimum requirements. The Commission is in effect granting a variance to the lot area and lot width requirements. Those are the only two areas where the Planning Commission is � allowed to grant a variance. Ms. McPherson stated the second part deals with the front yard setback. While the petitioners acknowledge that the iot line along 58th Avenue now becomes the front yard and creates a nonconformity, it does not qrant the petitioners a variance to the front yard setback. If the petitioners chose to expand the part of the dwelling in the area of the garage, they would need to request a variance. Mr. Saba asked what was planned to go on the newly created lot. Ms. McPherson stated the petitioners have been told that the only type of bu3lding permitted.in that district would be a einqle family dwelling. Ms. Modig asked if a time limit had been set for the removal of the garage. Ms. McPherson stated a time limit had not been set. This should be done. Mr. Sielaff asked if the existing attached qarage had two parking stalls. Ms. McPherson stated the existing qarage is a 1.5 car garage �"`� being 21 feet wide. � �LANNINa COMMI88ION ME$TIBO. MARCH 20. 1996 PAaS 7 Mr. Sielaff asked if the petitioner would have to have hard surface that would accommodate 2.5 cars. Ms. McPherson stated existinq duplexes constructed prior to the current code are permitted to provide three parking spaces. Potentially, if the tenants have small cars, they may be able to get two in the qaraqe and the owner would have to provide an additional hard surface stall adjacent to the qaraqe. Mr. Sielaff asked if the total lot coverage included hard surface . Ms. McPherson stated no. This pertains only to the buildinqs. Mr. Oquist asked, if the existing garaqe on the newly created lot could become part of the new structure, would it be necessary to remove it. Ms. McPherson stated no, but the Planning Commission would have to amend the second stipulation to indicate, if a dwelling were to be constructed within 12 months.or 18 months, then the garage could remain as part of that structure. ,,—� Mr. Newman asked if the lot width of Parcel A was nonconforming. Ms. McPherson stated Parcel A is an interior lot and the minimum is 75 feet. This lot is 80 feet which is conform3.nq. Mr. Newman asked, from a planning standpaint, why should the Planninq Commission recommend approval. Ms. McPherson stated that approval would provide an additional single family lot and provide an opportunity to invest in the Hyde Park neighborhood. The City and the HRA are encouraging investment in this part of the City. The request is not greatly different from what has been previously approved in other parts of the community. .The lot.area..is.not substantially below the minimum requirement. Mr. Saba stated he had the same concerns that we are perpetuating nonconformance. Is this really an investment in the Hyde Park neighborhood or is thie perpetuatinq nonconformance in that neighborhood? Without seeinq a plan or without knowinq what will be developed there, he is skeptical. Ms. Hegna stated someone had talked about putting the existing garage next to the existing duplex. Where would the driveway be? Ms. McPherson stated this - is • a< questionF.�-to .direct to the. -� ���"� petitioners. There is an option to qa through the variance process to construct an addition to the existing qaraqe. �LANNINa COI�ISBION ME$TIN6. MARCH 20. 1996 PA�B 8 � Mr. Newman asked if the petitioners could do this and meet the setback requirements. - Ms. McPherson stated they could do that in the rear yard but not in the front. Mr. Newman asked, if the petitioners merely removed the detached garage, is there a garage by the duplex now. Ms. McPherson stated yes. Mr. Brody, Valley Investment Company, stated they woulri like to leave the garage on the.new lot and-construct a single family dwelling. He hoped to have that completed in the next 16 months. I�Ir. Newman asked when the petitioners anticipated breaking ground. � Mr. Brody stated they hoped to do so this summer. Mr. Rondrick asked if the petitianers planned to build a new dwelling on the lot and leave the garage there. Mr. Brody stated yes. It seems a shame to tear down the garage � when it is already there serv.ing�a good purpose. Mr. Newman asked, without seeing plans, would that conform with setback requirements. Ms. McPherson stated, if the garage remained detached, it would meet the requirements. If the garage is attached, staff would need to further analyze the request. Mr. Saba�eupressed concern about the size of the garage. Isn't that an issue with new construction? Ms. McPherson stated the existing garage is 22 feet x 23 feet. It is small but it would meet the two-car garage requirement. Mr. Oquist asked, if a house were constructed, which street would be the address. Ms. McPherson stated the petitioner can choose whether to address the property off 3rd Street or 58th Avenue. Mr. Saba asked if staff had received any calls from the neighbors. Ms. McPherson stated staff had���not � received°°any•-calls: �� �- - � Mr. Brody stated their plan i,� #� ��� � single family home. � PLANNINQ COI�II�iI88ION MESTIN�. MARCH 20. 1996 PA�B 9 They would consider sellinq the lot if they had an offer from a contractor. Either way, there �ould be new construction in that area. Mr. Newman suqgested stating as a condition that the time frame be 12 months for a building permit to be issued with a certificate of occupancy beinq issued within 18 months and, if this is not done, the petitioner then must take down the garage. Mr. Oquist stated he can understand the concern about nonconforming use but, on the other hand, it is a large empty area. The points staff has made are valid. He has no problem with the stipulations. Mr. Newman asked if the petitioners had seen the recommendations that staff had recommehded and if they was comfortable with those. Mr. Brody stated they had seen them and had no problems. No further comments from the public were received. OTION by Mr. Oquist, seconcied by Mr. Kondrick, to recommend � approval of Lot Split Request, L.S. �96-01, by Valley Investment Company, to split Lots i, 2, and 3, Block 27, Hyde Park, together with all that part of the vacated alley lyinq west of said lots and lying betwe�� the Westerly extension of the North line of said Lot 1, and the Westerly extension of the South line of said Lot 3 into two parcels as described: Parcel A. The West 65 feet of Lots 1,.2, 3, Block 27, Hyde Park, Anoka County, Minnesota, as measured along the North line of said Lot 1, and along the South line of said Lot 3, together with all that part of . the vacated alley lying West of said lots, and lying between the Westerly extension of the North line of said Lot 1, and the Westerly extension of the South line of said Lot 3. Parcel B. That part of Lots 1, �2, and 3, Hyde Park, Anoka County, Minnesota, iying East of the West 65 feet thereof as measured along the North line of said Lot 1 and along the South iine of said Lot 3. This property is generally.located at 276-78 - 58th Avenue N.E., with the following stipulations: 1. The petitioner acknowledges the City's action creates a nonconforming front yard�setback.° i"ti pT•�*TMTTNa CO�MI88ION ME�TINa. MARCS 20. 1996 PAG$ 10 /"`� 2. If the petitioner fails to obtain a building.permit for a single family residence within 12 months of-the approval of the Lot Split and fails to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy for said structure w3�hin 18 months of the approval of the Lot Split, then the garaqe located•on-Parcel B shall be removed. 3. The petitioner acknowledges that Lot B has a lonq, narrow buildable area and shall design a house to fit that area. IIPON A VOICI� VOT$, ALL VOTINa AYE, CHAIRPER80N �iEWMA�T DSCLARLD TH8 MOTION CARRIBD �OIISI+Y. Ms. McPherson stated the City Council would consider this request on April 8th. � 3. CONSIDERATION OF A VACATION REOTTEST SAV #96-01 �Y IMPERIAL HOMES . INC. : - To vacate that part of the drainage and utility easement as dedicated on Lot 7, Block 1, Totino Graae Addition, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north line of said Lot 7 distant 65.10 feet east from the northwest corner of said Lot 7; thence on an assumed.bearing of South 28 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East along the � west line of said drainage_and utility-easement 64.13 feet; thence South 38 degrees OO minutes East 32.00 feet; thence North 24 degrees 16 minutes 58 seconds West.92.63 feet to a point on said north line distant 12 feet east of said point� of beqinninq; thence South 77 degrees 31 minutes 44 seconds West 12.00.feet to the point of beginning. Except the north 5 feet thereof, generally located at 1435 Royal 0ak Court Id.E. Ms. McPherson stated the request is for a recently subdivided lot in the Totino-Grace addition located near Arthur Street, southeast of the school and �.ocated adjacent to a wetland next to Arthur Street. The petitioner is requesting that a portion of a drainage and utility easement�located on the property be vacated. The petit�toner is requesting the vacation in order to construct a single family dwellinq with an attached garage. The northeast corner of the garage encroaches into the easement area. The petitioner is currently constructing a house and at this point is avoiding the area of the garage to avoid encroachment into the easement area. Ms. McPherson stated the purpose of the drainage and utility easement is to provide additional buffer space for the wetland area beyond the line delineated by the wetland specialist. The petitioners have designed a house -for.• their.��client.: � . Unfortunately, the design of the house does not fit within the ^ buildable area when taking into account the easemer�t and setback ,,,\ PLANNINQ COMMISSi08 MEETI�Q. MARCS 20, 1996 PAaB 11 requirements. Wetland delineations are not an exact science. The additional buffer provided by the drainage and utility easement is an advantage. The vacation of the easement would reduce th� buffer from 7 feet to approximately 1.5 feet at its closest point. Ms. McPhereon stated staff is recommendinq the request be denied. The petitioner has designed the garaqe so that it could be cantilevered over the easement area which would not require footings or foundations in the easement; ho�ever, the garaqe would still hang over and into the air rights of the easement. There are no utilities that the City would require access to in this area. The purpose of the drainaqe and utility easement is only to protect the-wetland located north and east of the site. Mr. Oquist asked if the petitioner could still cantilever the garage over the easement even if the request.was denied. Ms. McPherson stated yes. The oriqix�al desiqn of the garage had space below the garage which was intended to allow the petitioner workshop space. That would need to be omitted if the vacation request is denied. ,� Mr. Rondrick asked how much the setback would be reduced. , , Ms. McPherson stated the setback would be from 7 feet.to 1.5 feet at the closest point based on the new line of the easement. Mr. Newman asked if the City had an ordinance that requires a specific setback from a wetland. Ms. McPherson stated no, the City does not have such an ordinance. Mr. Rondrick asked if it was correct that this is meant to keep buildings as far.away as possible from the pond. Mr. Oquist stated this is meant to keep the footings away from the pond. Mr. Newman stated the drainage and uti�ity easement is meant tc protect the wetland soils and vegetation. Whether there is a pond or not is immaterial. The area is deaignated a wetland and the easement is to keep that from beinq disturbed. Mr. Black stated Bob and Cheryl Horeck currently live at 4555 Danview, have lived there for 20 years and are building their � dream home. Mr. Riemersma, Imperial Homes, spent much time with the applicants looking at their>home, looking at what they-would-< ,� like to build, and designinq a home for the lot. There have been many adjustments made to the plan and they thought they had it ��ANNINa COMMI88I0� MSETIN�. MARCH �0. 199b PA�$ 12 /`� until it was staked out on the property, and they were told they were not allowed to go onto this drainage easement on the northeast portion of the lot. Mr. Black stated they are asking consideration to vacate only a portion of the easement. They are not talking about any setback variances. The house meets all the setback requirements. It is the encroachment over the drainage easement that is the problem. The drainage easement line was not something required by the City. It is not a requiremer�t that they have this in a certain spot. It is.really the surveyor who dre�a the easement line up and above the 100-year_flood plane of that pond. If we had known this, they.would have moved•the easement over because it is not goinq to make a difference. Stringent requirements were placed on them as they came through the process to get this plat approved. On this particular lot, there were a number of stipulations they had to abide by in order to build a home on this lot. Mr. Black stated the pond has a 100-year flocd plane elevation of 951 feet. The easement line as they wish to amend it will still be above 951 feet. The easement line as currently shown was delineated by Mr. Harley, a respected person when it comes to wetland delineation. However, the wetland soils meander up and down the hill. The easement line.would..still be..above the. , ^ wetland line. The change as proposed would not allow any� encroachment into the wetland. It is not their intention to encroach into the wetland. Mr. Black stated another stipulation was that there shall be no construction helow the 953 contour. That is a stipulation we are abiding by. Regarding flood protection, there is a requirement that the lowest opening on the lower level cannot be below the 955 elevation. The lower level elevation is at 959. Mr. Black stated the request is to vacate a portion of this easement. It will not encroach upon any of the stipuiations placed upon us when the plat was approved. i�lr. Black reviewed th� building plan. Mr. Oquist asked what portion of the easement the petitioner was requesting to.vacate. Mr. Black stated the area is shown on the Certificate of Survey as a somewhat triangular shaped shaded area. It could be made somewhat smaller. Only a small corner of the garage would encroach totalling approximately 35 square feet. The buffer area is an area that staff would like to have, but there is nothing in the code that requires a setback from a- wetland.-� -In. many>.•-lots,-- -- it is common to have drainage e�sements along property lines and � the homeowner maintains the easement. in this area, there will 0 � PLANNINa__COlrIIKIBBION MEETINa. MARCS 20. 1996 PAaS 13 be some maintenance within the easement area. The easement line is the setback line. The house is a walkout rambler with a three-car garage. It is the back co=ner of the garage where the problem occurs. The area below the qaraqe would be a storaqe area with an outside access. Nir. Newman asked if the area of issue is under the third stall of the garage. Mr. Black stated yes. To avoid encroachment, they have design�d the wall at an anqle with the upper level cantilevered two feet over the footings in order to provide room for another vehicle. This creates some other structural problems including an unusual roof line and an odd exterior elevation. Mr. Black stated the Horecks are excited about building the house. They have the permits and are under construction. The house sits well on the lot and there have been adjustments made to fit the lot. It is now the issue of the easement. There is no reason to have the easement this wide because they can still meet all the environmental protection requirements with a shallower easement area. � Mr. Newman asked how the easement was set as it is. Mr. Black stated the easements are drawn on the final plat which does not reflect the final contours of the property. The easement line was drawn on the plat close to the wetland at a point the surveyor thought was above the 100-year flood plain elevation. It was accepted, and they thought they had enough room to build. It was not a mistake on the part of the surveyor. Knowing that these lots had restrictions and that the.homes would be custom homes, in retrospect they perhaps should have paid more attention. Mr. Newman asked, when the City approved the plat, did we require the easement be a certain�distance away from the delineation. Ms. McPherson stated no. Mr. Newman asked if they had assumed the su.rveyor was drawing the line to be consistent with the delineation of a wetland. Ms. McPherson stated this was correct. Mr. Newman asked if the original delineation had changed. Ms. McPherson stated no. r� Mr. Newman stated the�e was then no reason for additional area to be dedicated. The surveXor dr�TUt �,� and we accepted that. PLANNINa CO�II88ION MEETINa. MARCH 20. 1996 PAGS 14 Ms. McPherson stated this was correct. IInless it is for a specific engineering request, we do not atipulate the width of easemente. Mr. Newman stated, since.there is no such.thing as a wetland easement, you use a drainage easement. Ms. McPherson stated this was correct. Mr. Newman stated, whether or not a hardship is caused, the problem is that from a structural standpoint cantilevering the qaraqe is going to be difficult. Mr. Rie�nersma stated, from a standpoint of doing custom-design homes and fittinq them onto the lots, we run into problems quite often with setbacks and certain requirements. On this particular lot, the reason we are where we are in the construction is that when we designed the home we did take into consideration all the setbacks. When he wrote a summary of the requirements for this- lot, the requirement was to not build below 953 feet. So, he designed the home under that assumption not realizing there was a drainage and utility easement at that corner of the garage. His impression was that they could build within the 953 line which is what they are proposing. The reason we are constructing at this � point in the way we are is that we could get�-a building permit without having a foundation shown on that easement. The City would allow them to build the garage r�ith an angle and cantilevered. Upon putting together the purchase aqreement requirements, etc., they then found this was within the easenbent. Mr. Horeck is the future owner of the home. He distributed copies of his memo to the Fridley Planning Commission dated March 20, 1996, regarding the vacation of the easement. Mr. Horeck stated they have a stairway from the garage goinq to the lower level. They ha�e elderly parents who are not in good health and they e�ect their parents to come and live with them. He eacpects to install a lift.aystem which requires adequate clearance by the corner of the stairway. The cantilever leaves marginal room and could cause problems. Beyond that, they feel the angled wall detracts fram the house and the beauty of the neighborhood. They have had a number of concerns expressed by staff. The first was that they did not meet the setbacks. Mr. Black has discussed this in detail. The second was that the neiqhbors have serious objections. T�ey.have lived in the . �neighborhood for 22 years. iie went to each peraon iistea on the notice. With the exception of one person, they have all aigned. The one person objecting is at the meeting. They have spoken about the obj ections and -it � comes -down>�� to •� destroying the beauty of the wetlands and not wanting the development in their backyard �-�, in the first place. The development is he�e. The house will be 0 PLANNINt3 C�MMI88ION i�BTINa, MARCS 20. 1996 PA�313 15 built. They want to preserve and enjoy the wetland. They have been avid about preserving the wetland. Their plan is to leave the wetland and easement as it is but they want to get the footinqs in for the garaqe. They have an elevation of 955 feet at the back of the house at the door on the lower level. The corner of the garaqe is an area of 35 square feet that would encroach. If the wall is angled, the eqreas is tiqht if they have a wheelchair situation. Mr. Horeck stated he has no objection to the buffer area. They plan to leave the area wild, clean up as much as. they can and keep it as natural as they can. They have two places that are a problem. The first is the 35 square feet at the angled wall and the other is one footing for a deck in the very back corner. He does not see how they are going to upset anyone's view by makinq the garage the right shape. They have no neighbors that will be affected. This is. a reasonable request and he hopes to get approval. � Mr. Reyes stated he is speaking in support of staff's reco�o�nendation that the wetland and drainage easement be retained. He was aware of the restrictions and covenants. These were done for many qood reasons, including the preservation of ,..� the wetlands and retaining the natural beauty. �He is concerned about this request. In his experience, the developer has already encroached on property. His next door neighbor had his land encroached upon by a bulldozer which leveled everyth3nq there. That neiqhbor.has resolved the matter but the developer did not have permission to do thata 8e is concerned that this request, though for a mini.mum amount of space, can end up being different than what is expected. He is concerned that what is being asked for may not be the final product. This area has had a lot of water runoff in the last few years. He is concerned that the home was started before this request was made. It is close to the wetland as it is. He is surprised that a home of that size is goinq in that close to a body of water. He would support that the land and easement be retained as.they are. Mr. Saba asked if there was any other way to do this without givinq up the entire easement, such as by a variance. Ms. McPherson stated the issue is not a setback requirement. Mr. Newman stated he does not like the fact that, if the Planning Commission approves the vacation, it allows a home to be within 1.5 feed of a dedicated wetland but the City has no ordinance requiring a setback. The surveyor may have made an error. If so, we have to correct that mistake. This request is to correct the delineation. � �, Mr. Oquist stated the rec�uest is not to build into the wetland. PLANNINa CO�II88ION MEBTINa. MARCH 20, 1996 PAaB_16 It is still 1.5 feet away. He thought they could assure Mr. Reyes in making sure this is constructed properly. Mr. Newman stated he would assume, if they added a stipulation, that we want the edge of that wetland clearly marked and staked during the construction period, that would be acceptable so it is clear to the builders, neiqhbor� and City inspectors where the line is. Mr. Sielaff stated he is concerned about a broader i�sue. One can argue that the easement is accurate or not accurate. 8e is concerned about other drainage.easements that�are done and what this does when they review other requests that come up. The lines are put on paper for a reason and now we are starting to move those lines a little more and then someone requests a little more. Where to you then draw the line? He is concerned from a broader perspective. He has no qualms that the owner will take care of his property and take care of the wetlands, but he sees a broader issue. Mr. Oquist stated this easement was arbitrarily placed there where in other situations they are well defined easements along lot lines. Mr. Newmara recommended, when they are done, that staff look at an ordinance specifying setbacks from a wetland. Since we do not now have such an ordinance in place, he did not think they could impose it in this case. Nlr. Saba stated he could go along with that recommendation. He would also like to see a setback ordinance for wetlands. OTION by Mr. Oquist, seconded by Mr. Rondrick, to recommend approval of Vacation Request, SAV #96-01, by Imperial Homes, Inc., to vacate that part of the drainage and utility easement as dedicated on Lot 7, Block 1, Totino Grace Addition, described as follows: Beginninq at a point on the north line of said Lot 7 distant 65.10 feet east from the northwest corner of said Lot 7; thence on an assumed bearing of South 28 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East alonq the west line of said drainage and utility easement 64.13 feet; thence South 38 degrees 00 minutes East 32.00 feet; thence North 24 degrees 16 minutes 58 seconds West 92.63 feet to a point on said north line distant 12 feet east of said point of beginning; thence South 77 degrees 31 minutes 44 seconds West 12.00 feet to the point of beginninq. Except the north 5 feet thereof, generally located at 1435 Royal Oak Court N.E., with the following stipulation: 1. The edge of the wetland be�clearly marked at not greater than 10-foot in�ervals so all concerned persons can monitor. ^ � PLANNINa COI►�ISSIO� MEETINd, MARCH �0. 1996 PAaB 1? Mr. Saba stated he was concerned about the lack of consideration by the conatruction company going into the neighbor's property and being careless. Ms. McPheraon updated the commission on this issue. An error was made by the subcontractor on one of the lots. Staff immediately worked with the petitioner and the neighboring property owner to bring resolution and correct the error. _.They.have re-vegetated and re-planted what was destroyed. As a result, in order to enforce the 15-foot no cut zone, staff has required the petitioner to install orange snow fencinq to prevent sub- contractors from misunderstanding where the construction area is. Staff is holding a performance bond of the petitioner as well. Staff have put mechanics in place to prevent further inadvertent encroachment. This will apply to this lot as well. IIPON A VOICS VOTL, WITH M8. MODIa, M�. �iEWMA�T, �. HONDRICH, MIt. �IIIBT� AND MR. BABA VOTINt� AYE, AND MR. BIELAFF VOTINa �Y, CHAIRPER80N NEWMAN DECLARLD TH$ MOTIO�T BY A MAJORITY VOTE. Ms. McPherson stated vacation requests require a public hearing. The City Council on April 8th will establish the public hearinq for April 22. The City Council will consider this request on ^ April 22. i '�, MOTION by Mr. Saba, seconded by Mr. Rondrick, to recommend that staff review and evaluate the possibility of adopting a wetland setback ordinance. � Ms. McPherson stated this may be included in the shoreline ordinance. Mr. Newman thought this would get buried there. He felt this should be part of the zoning requirements. IIPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTI�Q� AYB, CHAIRPER80N �1EWMA�T DSCLARED THE MOTION CARRILD DN�iIMOQBLY. 4. RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF FEBRUARY 8. 1996 OTION by Mr. Rondrick, seconded by Mr. Saba, to receive the minutes of the Housing & Redevelopment Authority meeting of February 8, 1996. IIPON A VOICF VO'1'E, ALL VOTINa AYE, CHAIRPERSON NEWMlI�T DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED IINANIMOIISLY. 5. �ECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE�APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 14. 1996 PLANNINa CO1�IIrtI88ION ME$T3Na, MARCS 20. 1996 PAa$ 18 � MOTION by Mr. Oquist, seconded by Ms. Modiq, to receive the minutes of the Appeals Commission meeting of February 14, 1996. IIPON A VOIC$ VOT�, AtaL VOTING AYI� � CHAIRPERSON �iLWMAN DECLARLD TH8 MOTION CARRIED IINANIMOIISLY. 6. RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL OOALITY AND ENERGY COMMISSION MEETING OF FEBRIIARY 20. 1996 OTION by Mr. S_ielaff, seconded by Mr. Saba, to receive the minutes of the Environmental Quality and Energy Commission meeting of February 20, 1996. IIPON A VOICB VOTB, ALL VOTINt3 AYE� CHAIRPSRSON 1�18WMAN DECLARED TSL MOTION CARRIED DbII�NIMOIIBLY. OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Hickok stated the first neighborhood meeting in Hyde Park regarding the Frank's IIsed Car site had been conducted. Many residents would prefer to see a single-family development. Others had some interestinq connnents regarding a townhouse development. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Mr. Kondrick, seconded by Mr. Sielaff, to adjourn the meeting. IIPON A VOICE VOTB � AI�L VOTINa AYE � CHAIRPLR80�T NSWMAI�T DECLARED THF MOTION CARRIED AND TH�E MARCH 20, 1996, PI,l�iNNINa COMMIBSION MEETING ADJOIIRNED AT 9s05 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ` / � Lavonn Cooper Recording Secretary n n �`\ �� � S I G N— IN S H E E T PLANNING COMMIBSION.MEETING, March 20, 1996 , 7 MEMO UM PLA1v1vING DIVISION DATE: March 28, 1996 TO: Members of the Fridley Planning Commission FROM: Scott J. Hickok, Planning Coordinator SU&TECT: Information Memo - Revision to the City's Comprehensive Plan regarding non-point source pollution. INTRODQCTION This Comprehensive.Plan amendment coincides with the storm water run-off protection elements that are aurrently contained within the City's Zoning Ordinances and enforced by City-Staff. ` I88IIE � In August 1995, the Metropolitan Council approved an amendment to the City's Comprehensive plan. This amendment did allow the City to change their land use designation from Industrial to Commercial on a 14.5 acre site. The impetus of the City's request was their desire to accommodate Home Depot IISA. At that time, the Metropolitan Council stipulated that their approval was tied to a requirement that the City amend their Comprehensive Plan to coincide with.the City�s existing ordinance language. The City's non-point ordinance was adopted to protect the environment and was an attempt to comply with the Metropolitan Cauncil's earlier mandate regarding non-point source pollution. The Met Council recognized the City's effort as having the impact they had hoped for, but asked that we now do the Comprehensive Plan housekeeping to complete the process. �� The purpose of the Metropolitan Council's Interim Non-Point Source Pollution Standards and the National Urban Run-off Program (NURP) Standards is to protect the surface water quality in our region and the nation. Without these standards the region would experience a degradation of surface water quality and pre-mature aging of ponds, lakes, rivers, etc. IMPLEMENTATION IMPACTS Staff is careful to observe the NURP/Non-Point Source Standards � that exist as elements of the City's zoning text. BII�EBTLD COMPRSHENBIVE PLAN AMENDMFI+1'1' (ATTACHED) RSCOMMRNDATION Take public comment and approve the attached Comprehensive Plan language if deemed appropriate. SH/sh M-96-152 �� �, Revision to the City's Comprehensive Plan ( -� March 1, 1996 . , Page 2 � SUGGESTED COMPREHENSNE PLAN AMENDMENT- MODEL LANGUAGE FOR ITEMS TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL FOR RE1fIEW 1. PROPOSEO COMPREHENSNE PLAN AMENDMENT The CitY of Fridley will appfy Nationa0 Urban Runoff Program (NURP) standards for the design of new. stormwater ponds and the MPCA's urban best managemerrt prac�ices titled Protectinq Water (�uali#v in Urban Areas* to the review of any proposed development occurring i� the City of Fridley to reduce nonpoint source poUutant loadings in stormwater runoff. The City of Fridley wip inoorporate these standards and requirements in.its stormwater managemen# plan and land use controls to impleme�# this policy. 2. PROPOSED SCHEDULE FOR PREPARING AND ADOPTING AMENDMENTS TO LOCAL STORMWATER PLAN AND LAND USE CONTROLS � ;_ The City of Fridtey will prepare and adopt specific amendments to its.stormwater pian and land use controls by May 6, 1996. The Metropolitan Counci! will be not�ed after the amendments have been adop#ed. 3. STATEMENT OF COOPERATION WlTH DNR FOR THE REVISION OF SHORELAND REGULATIONS The City of Fridley will work with the Department of Natural Resources to adopt the revised shoreland r�ulations consistent with the DNR's schedule of priorities. The Metropolitan Council will be notified following the date of their adoption. (This statement may be an administrative action and induded in the letter submitti�g the plan amendmerrt to the Council for review . It does not �equire officia! action by the local govemment) �'kThe local govemmen# may adopt standards and other requirements that are equivalent to NURP and the MPCA's urban best management � Practices if it chooses. This is explained in the Counci!'s lnterim S#rateav . to Reduce Nonnoint Source Pollution to the Minnesota River or Interim Strateav to Reduce Nonaoint Source Pollution to A!1 Metroclolitan Water Bod�es. If�the local govemment chooses the altemative of adopting equiv�lent requirements, it should provide a copy of these for the �...� Council's files. ' ,` � PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION ------------------------------------------------------------------- Notice is hereby qiven that there will be a public hearing of the Fridley Planning Commission at the Fridley Municipal Center, 6431 University Avenue N.E. on Wednesday, April 3, 1996 at 7:30 p.m. for the purposes of: Consideration of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, CPA �96-01, by the City of Fridley, in accordance with State Statute 462.355, Subdivision 2, procedure for plan adoption and amendment. The proposal would add policy #4, to Paqe 6-5, Chapter 6, Water, Sewer and Solid Waste: 4. The City will applv National Urban Runoff Program �NURPI standards for the desiqn of new stormwater ponds and the 14f-0 r,.,e��.�� D�7 7��4� i �r. �+�r,�Fr.�l ar►one.�sl Q /MD(�S 1 »rl�an ho�f occurring in the City of Fridley to reduce nonpoint source pollutant loadings in stormwater runoff. The Citv will incornorate these standards and requirements in its stormwater manaqement plan and land use controls to implement this policy. � Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. Any questions related to this item may be referred to the Fridley Community Development Department at 572-3599. Hearing impaired persons planning to attend or other persons with disabilities who should contact Roberta Collins at 572-3500 1996. Publish: March 21, 1996 March 28, 1996 i � who need an interpreter require auxiliary aids no later than March 27, David Newman Chair Planning Commission /'� DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: The petitioner requests that a special �ue perrnit be �ssued to allow the ir�tallation of an automatic changeeble time and temperature sign in conjunction with a new permanerrt sign. SUMMARY OF ISSUES• Section 214.07 of the Fridley sign c�ode require.s that a special use permit be issued prior to the instaAation of automatic changeable signs. The props�sed request meets the requir�nerrt.s of the sign code. The primary sign measures � 72 square fe� in area� and reads °North Metre Neck and Back Specialists°. The time and temper^ature sign is 4.8 square feet. The total sign area is less than the maximum 80 square fegt permitted by c�ode (76.8 square feet). The City t�s iv� time and temperature signs; one �t Home Valu and the other at TCF Bank on Central Avenue. Menards also I�as an automatic changeable sign as part of its freo-sCanding sign. Menards' sign is perrnitted to change only once ev�y 15 minutes. Time and temperature signs may change more frequer��y. RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: Staf� recomm�ds that the Planning Commission recomm�xi approval of the special use perrnit request, to allow an automatic changeable time and temperature sign, with the following stipulation: 1. If the use of this sign becomes more than time and temperature, the messag� shall change no more tt�an or�ce every 15 minutes. s�taff aeport SP #96-03, Wayne �hl Page 2 PetiUon For. Locatton ot Property: Legal Descrtption ot Pro�rty: Size: Topography: Existtng Vegetatlon: Extsting Zontng/Plattlr�: Availability of Municipal Utilities: Vehtcular Access: Pedestrian Access: Engineering Issues: Site Planning Issues: DEVELOPMENT SITE ADJACENT SITES WEST: SOl1TH: PROJ:,ECT DETAILS A speciai u.se permit to allow an automatic changeable time/temp�ature sign. 7699 Highway 65 N.E. � West 230 feet and the North 2�3 fee� of the Northwest. Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 12. 53�590 square fee� 1.23 acres Flat Typical shrubs ar�d sod C,3, General Shopping Center Distric� unplatted � i.i� _� =�t Osbome Road, High�nray 65 n =. . • .. �... Norre Zoning: G2, C,eneral Business � Land Use: Gas station Zoning: G3, Gerteral Sttopping Cr�tr Land Use: Restaurartt ,,. ., ,. . � .. .. .. .,, � _ n � � � � ,� sm� R�ort SP #96-03, Wayne Dahl Page 3 EAST: NORTH: Comprehenstve Pl�nning Issues: Pubtic HeaMng Commer�ts: REGIUEST Zonir�: G2� C-�eral Bu�iness Zoning: Unlmown, Spring Lk Pk Land Use: Prof. offiCes Land Use: Gas station The p�itior� requests that a specia! use p�mit be issued to apow the installation of an automatic time and t�nperature sign in conjunction with a nernr pe�nanent sign. Seccti�on 214.07 of the Fridley sign c�ode require,s that a special u.se permit be issued prior to the irutallation of automatic change�able signs. PARCEL DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY The subject parcel is located in the southeast camer of the interseation of Highway 65 arxi Osbome Road. The property was originally a driv�in restaurartt Icnovm as the °Frost Top°. In 1964, a buildir� permit was issued to construct a 26' x�' r�taurant and c�nopy on the site. Add�tional building permit activiiy includes: 1969 - Construction of a 38' x 38' storage building 1976 - Addition of a miniature goff oourse 1981 - Pebtioner acquired the property and remode{ed it from the driv�in restaurant use to the chiropractic clinic 1987 - The p�titioner added a 1,656 square foot acidition ►_�, r�a Section 214.07 of the City's sign code requir�es approval of a special use pe�m�t prior to the installation of eny automatic changeable sign. The secEion limits the change of m�sage for automatic changeable sigr�s �o once every 15 minutes with the exc�ption of time and temperature signs� vvhich may change more frequ�Uy. There are tw�a time and tempe�ture signs located in Fridley; one at Home Value ar� the other at TCF Bank on Central Av�ue. The IVlenards sign is also an automatic changeable sign; how�ver, its m�sage changes once e�very 15 minutes as perrnitted by oode. staff Report SP �#96-03, Wayne Dahl Page 4 n The tota� square footage of the signage is proposed tQ � be 76.8 square f�et. This is broken down as to 72 square feet fior the primary sign which reads �North Me� Neck and Back Specialisis", and 4.8 square fee� for tt� time and t�nperature sign which is proposed to be located on �p of the sign. The total of the proposed square footage of the sigrmge is less than the � square feet rr�cimum perrr�itted by code. RECOMMENDATION The proposed sign mee�s tt�e standards se� fiorth in the sign code; therefore, staff recommends that the Planning Commission reoommend approval of the request, with the foilowir�g stiputation: 1. lf the use of this sign becomes more than time ar�d temperature, the message shall change no rrwre than once ev�y 15 minutes. � n N SP #96-03 7699 Highway 65 LO�ATION MAP ;'. -� .. :?; . : �. . . .... + • . . . o . .. • . .. . . . .. .... ... • , :;�a,;. � � . . . . . � • .... ��� • .. , .�v.�.���1�����i����ls�����������■ ■�����������0�����i���������� O_�������0�����I�1S�A���������■ ■����������OO��a������������� ■����l���������oi����s�����s�■ � i� "' : , � :5 '` �. _ _ _ . _ ---._ __ _ ..__ . . _ _ _ .� __ . x.;, " 4_ � ` - �. �° � . rT� �� , ,. ��, �_ � , - � �- _ � 0 � � a �r_.�/�ii `' j. _ � - X�; f , ���, : . �1� ; �.�.� ` ��. E . �R_ �e� ° . .;. , ' ' ' � ;��,������ �x �"; r _'��. � �� �■ �' k_ '4 v . . ..,� ..' ' . iy H3i q � ��_ � �', 3 �� ����-J�_���������� ,.�. j'• .� �n�sn�a����ww����—a��s�i�a�w�i�i�i��is�■i■ ■�■oe����������si��w�ra_��■���is�� �����a���n�����ssa�a��s��a������s—■ ■�s�ss��s���uss�e■��a��a����c����o�ame��� �s�a—�������_r■�a��o�e��■■�■�i���s��r�� ■�1�l�r�s� �r��s��ra���sr��wa��ra���i��7�s �a�n ■�r° ��■ s�—o ■�� ■�e�■ ��■ �er�_ ■_� ■��■ ��s ��_ ��� ;�ni�� ��r■ '�a�u ■��s �s��■ ��� �e�� ■s� �O�■ i�� a�i ■Ael ■��■ ��� �� ■��1 "� _ C,(�)L(�)[�S �� t�: � i"1 �"� PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING COI�IliISSION Notice is hereby given that there will be a public hearing of the Fridl�y Planning Commission at the Fridley Municipal Center, 6431 University Avenue N.E. on Wednesday, April 3, 1996 at 7s30 p.m. for the purpose of: Consideration of a sgecial use permit, SP �96-03, by Wayne Dahl, per Section 214.07 of the Fridley City C�le, to allow an automatic changeable sign on the North 233 feet of the West 230 feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and that part of the North 233 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter lying� easterly af said Highway No. 65 as the same is now laid out and constructed, all in Section 12-30-24 subject to the rights of the public over the North 33 feet and over the West 30 feet thereof for highway and driveway purposes, subject to easements over the East 5 feet to NSP 4/24/64 subject to road easements to Viron Realty. This property is generally Zocated at 7699 Highway 65 N.E. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be qiven an opportunity at the above stated time and place. Any questions related to this item may be referred to the Community Development Department at 572-3599. Hearing impaired persons planninq to attend w interpreter or other persons with disabilities auxiliary aids should contact Roberta Collins later than March 27, i996. Publish: March 21, 1996 March 28, 1996 ho need an who require at 572-3500 no DAVID NEWMAN CHAIR PLANNING COMMISSION �.__._,� k s :, r . .- y . . � . ....r .. �`:�( ... C1TY OF FRIDLEY : � 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E. '. f ; � ; . .: ' ': ; . . : .. , FRIDLEY - .�,� , .r. ,_ . _ , IVIN 55432 - � .., , - . �..., _ (612) 571-3450 � Y , COMMUNITY �EVELOPMENT -DEPARTMENT - - SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION FORM PROPERTY INFORMATION - site-plan'required for submittal; see attached �IdE�SPSS: " . . - /, . r'�".r . _ C.� Pro�rty Identifica.ti Number � � Legal description: � 2� C� ��y a�. % Lot Block T ct%Add' ' ra. iaon Current zoning: _ �i�-- Square footagelacreage Reason for special use permi� ��.,� � y-�yy,�_ Section of City Cade: Z( �-f , C�7 Have you operated a business in a city which required a business license? .. Yes No _ X If yes, which city.? If yes, what type of business? � Was that license ever denied or revoked? Yes No �EE OWNER INFORMATI4N (as it appears on the property title) � _(Contract Purchasers: Fee Owners must sign this form prior to processing) .--� d ,. - - - - —�..�.��:�•����i������t%��%r°�� . ��. ,' � � . � � ��- � � I I ' • � _�/ .1'f,r � � �/� � % �: " i - - PETITIONER INFORMATI N N� ���i�--� ADDRESS � � J � YTIME PHONE SIGNATURE���-.- � ���//j,�!,. DA.I.E F�� $�•� v $100•(m for residential 2nd accessory buiidings Pemnit SP #_ q(s� - ��� Receipt # � 2 Z Application received by: Scheduled Pianning Commission date: ► ; �/�` �j ( p Scheduled City Council date: n /"1 r " SP.�96-03 Mailing List Mailed: March 21, 1996 Wayne Dahl �"'1 ayne Dahl 7699 Highway 65 NE Fridley, NIIJ 55432 The Moseman LLP or Current Resident 7585 Highway 65 NE Fridley, MN 55432 Current Resident 7601 Highway 65 NE Fridley, 1�T 55432 Gerald/Gretchen Jackson 1295 Silverthorn Drive Shoreview, 1�? 55126 Fridley VFW ^c Current Resident _052 Osborne Road NE Fridley, NIl�T 55432 City Council Members � City of Spring Lake Park Anoka County Planning Department 325 E Main Street 1301 - 81st Avenue NE Anoka, 1�T 55303 Spring Lake Park, I�IIJ 55432 Current Resident 7597 Highway 65 NE Fridley, I�IId 55432 Public Storage znc. Dept. PT MN 35410 PO Box 25025 Glendale, CA 91201 Maui Inc. or Current Resident 1200 Osborne Road NE Fridley, I�T 55432 Current Resident 7680 Highway 65 NE Fridley, MN 55432 David Newman Planninq Comm. Chair 7635 Alden Way NE Fridley, NIIJ 55432 Wayne/Arlys Panning 119 Circle Drive Marshall, 1�T 56258 Current Resident 1150 Oaborne Road NE Fridley, NII�T 55432 Division 7 Corp. or Current Resident 7600 Highway 65 NE Fridley, MN 55432 Lloyd Ring 2721 Coon Rapids Blvd Coon Rapids, NII�T 55433 DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: The ' petitioner requests that a speaal use pennit be appnoved to allow e�ansion of an automobi{e agency seliing or disptaying r�w and/or used vehicles. If approv�, the request wuuld allaw oonstnx�ion ofi a 3,904 square foot, finro story addition to the e�dsting showroom. The addition will ailow tf� petfioner to �nove a temporary trailer currently being used as office spaoe. SUMMARY OF ISSUES: Sec�i� 205.15.01.C.(2) of the Fridley City Code requires a special use permit for agencies selling or displaying new andlor used automobiles. The subjed properly has had a long history of the property rnnme�rs failing to comply with stiputatiais �duding lar�scaping, installation of curb and gutter, setbacks, etc. The special use permit is an oppartunity for the City to vvork with the c�merrt property oHmer to redify outstanding complianoe/mitigati� issues and to allaw the owner to make the improvemerrts necessary for his bu.siness operation. Staff recommends tF�t the Planning Commissi� recommend approval of the sp�ial use permit, with the following stipulations: 1. The boulevard area along the frorrt of the property (facing Higt�nray 65) shall be expanded to meet the 20 foot hardsurface setbadc area. 2. The pe#itiaier shall �ovide cxarb and gutter alorxx� the entire perimeter of the paricing area. 3. The petitioner shall install �diti�al street trees al�g the center part of the boulevard area. 4. The petitioner shall expar�d tt� boulevard area along Fireside Drive to meet the 20 foot hardsurf�e setbadc and provide tlie r�uired I�dscapir�, a ttuee foot berm or hedge� to provide scxeening for the �ac�ent residerrtial property. 5. I�o c�rs shall be display�l on tl� boulevard. Staff RepOrt SP #96-04, Roger Moody afi Friendly Chevrolet Page 2 Petition For: Location of Property: Legal Descripfior� of Property: Size: Topography: Existing Vegetation: Existing Zoning/Plattiing: Availability of Municipal Utilities: Vehicular Access: Pedestrian Access: Engineering Issues: Site Planning Issues: PROJECT DETAILS A speciai use permit to allow the e�ansion of a car dealership. 7501 Highvv�ay 65 N.E. West 600 feet af the North 300 feet .of the Southeast Quarter of the Narthwest Quarter of Section 12. 287,496 square feet; 6.6 aaes Flat Typical suburban C�, Ceneral Shopping Center District; unplatted Connected Highway 65 Service Road wA N/A R � ,� I 0 � Staff Report SP #96-04, Roger Moody of Friendly Chevrolet Page 3 � � ADJACENT SITES WEST: SOUTH: EAST: NORTH: Comprehensive Planning Issues: Public Hearing Commertts: 7�ing: R�, Mobile Hane Park Land Use: Mobile homes Zoning: R-4, Mobile H�ne Park Land Use: Mobile homes Zoning: M-1, Light Industrial Z�ir�: M-1, LigM Industrial Land Use: Vacant Land Use: Mfg. faality Cwrer�t zoning is consisterrt with the Comprehensive Land Use designations. To be take.n DEVELOPMENT SITE R� UEST The petitiorr�- requests that a special use permit be approved to aUaw e�ansion of an automobile agency selling � displaying new and/or used v�ides. ff approv�� the request v�uld allrnnr c�a�ruc�on of a 3,904 square foot two-story addiEion to the e�asting showroorn. PARCEL DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY The subjed parcel is located in the northeast comer of the intersection of Highway 65 and Fireside Drive. The property was first usec! in 1960 as a mobile home sales and display lo� In 1960, the Cit�r issued a building perm� f� the construction of a 49' x 72' workshop and office spaoe. Subseq�nt building permit �ctivity are as follaws: . ;,� .,. r •. Consbvdion of a 24' x 24' detat:hed garage Cons�uc�ion of a 120' x 140' mobile home sales and service building Construdion of a 100' x 150' storage and sales addition Sta�f Report �, SP #96-04, Roger Moody of Fri�dly Chevrolet Page 4 1971 - Eonstruc�ion af a 920' x 232' addrtion, and issuance of special use penmit, SP #71-10, for new artd used car sales 1978 - Construdion of a 48' x 150' addition 198'1 - Ap�oval of special use permit to park n�w vehides on the Kurt ManuFaduring property located to the north In 1971, when the �ilding permit was issued for the car dealership, there were several stipulations on the �ilding permit Those indude: 1. Curbing to be installed around bladctop �rking and driveway areas ioca#ed in front of the twilding. 2. Parking spaces � parkirx� areas to be marked for cars. 3. Curbing to be provided along bladctop area along Fireside Drnre sometime in tt� future. (A date was never established for instaAation of curbing � along Fireside Drive based ai the 1971 permit) ANAL1fSIS Staff has reviewed the petitioners proposal for the proposed e�ansi�. The analysis follows: Setbacks The proposed addition meets all of the building setbadc requirements set forth in the C- 3� General Shopping Center disst�rrict c�de. In t�ms � the parking setbacks, the parking area does not meet the following setbadc requirements: 1. The hards�uface setbadc along the Higfiway 65 frorrtage road and . Fireside Drive � not meet the 20 foot requirement (13 and 7 feet). The center portion of the boulevard directly in fror�t of the building along Highway 65 does meet the 20 foot setbadc requiremerrt. 2. The five faot t�ardsurFace setback requiremerrt from the rear property line is no# met {0 feetj. The petitioner ir�icated in a letter to the City dated March 29� 1994 that they irrtend to repave � the errtire parking lot �'1 ,—� Staff Report SP #9G-04, Roger Moody of Friendly Chevrolet Page 5 The petiti�r has ir�dicated in his proposed plans that he wiil insisll new cxxb along the Highway 65 frontage road. The petitioner at this tirrre should ir�all the cx�rti so that it meets tt� 20 feet hardsurf'ace setbadc requirement � prooess a variarroe to mairrtain the historically .established setbadc line. The petitioner shall also meet the setbac�cc requiremerrts along Fireside Drive and along U�e rear property lir�. Parking Loca#ed on the property are 586 parki� spac�es. For tl� use, the code r�uires 76 spac�s. If the use were to change, the speculative perlcir� ratio of a� space per 200 square feet af building would require 496 spaoes. With � proposed changes . ir�icat�l by staff to rr�et Uie setbadc requirements f� hard surfaoe, the properly will � able to provide 578 spaces� a net loss of eigh# spaces. The property would stiA meet the c�de requiremerrts. Building Code Requiremer� ^ A new handic�pp� c�de has been �ted by the State of Minnesota which requires that acoess to tt� sec�or� story of tF� additian be provid�. This vwll r�quire an elevator or some type of lift to be insialled far t�icapped acx�ess to the second story addition. The zoning c�de .also rsquires that all strudures in excess of 10,000 square feet be sprinklered. The new �ddition will incxease the existing showroom and offoe space over the 10,000 square foot r�uir8merrt. The petitioner will be required to install sprinklers in the new addition as well as ir� the fom�er sh+�rtoom and office areas. Grading and Drainage The petitioner will be r�laang existing green area arour� the buil�r� vvith a concrete display area for c�rs. If #he green spac� is expanded along t� Highwey 65 . and Fireside Drive fra�tage, the Engine�ing Departmer�t wil! rat require a gradin8 and drainage plan. Landscaping The petitioner has submitted a landscape plan. The plan provides nelnr hedging/sc;reenir� in the ba�levard area direcUy in fra�t of the �ildir� along HigMnray 65. Additional scxeening sf�uld be included in the boulevard areas � edhec side of �"` the oenter: There is no screening along �reside Drive. There are five street trees Staff Report SP #96-04, Roger' MoodY of Friertdly Chevralet Page 6 randomly scattered al�g Fireside Drive. The petitiaier sF�uld provide additional landscapi�g in c�onjunc�ion with tl�e expansion of the boulev� d area al� Fireside Drive. V1fith the ooncrete dis�ay area, rw c�rs should be parlced in the boulevard. RECOMMENDATION Staff reoommer�ds that the Planning Commission reoommend appraval o# the s�pecial use permit, with the following s�tipulations: 1. The boulevard area al�g the fr�t of the property (faar� Highway 65) shall be expanded to meet the ZO foot hardsurtaoe setbadc area. . 2. The petitioner shall provide cxub and gutter along the er�tire perimetec of the Parkin9 ar'ea- 3. TMe petiticjr�er shall irtstall �itia�al street trees along the cerrter part of the boulevard area. 4. The petitioner shall expand ttre boulevard area along Fireside Drive to meet the 20 foo# hardsurface se�c ar�d provide the required IandscaPir�B� a 8vee foot berm or t�edge, to provide scx�ing f� the adjac�nt residerrtial property. 5. No cars shall be displayed in tMe boulevard. n � n ,'"`�� CH�'VltOl�'T GEO, I1VC. I March 29, 1994 7501 N.E. Hwy. 65 • Fridley, MN 55432 �(612) 786-6100 Ms. Barbara Dacy, AICP Community Developement Director City of Fridley � 6431 University Avenue NE Fridley, MN 55432 RE: Trailer Permit Application Dear Ms. Dacy: We are requesting Council approval for the renewal of our trailer license that we use for a training center. We are a recent new company in Fridley beimg established in September of 1991, and since our opening, have made the following improvements to the property: ** Installed a sprinkler system to bring the building into compliance with the Fire Marshals recommendations. ** Spent $90,000.00 in interior improvements in remodeling the showfloor and offices. ** Spent $71,000.00 for a new paint booth to meet the new requirements for air quality standards. ** Spent $120,000.00 for a new computer system. ** Spent $6,000.00 for painting the exterior of building. ** Spent $9,000.00 for seal coating t�he parking lot. During the next five years we have the following planned improvements with an estimated cash outlay noted for each: ** Reroof the entire building - $125,000.00 ** Install new exterior lighting - $90,000.00 ** Repave entire lot - $150,000.00 ** Enlarge the showfioor -$200,000.00 Friendly Chevrolet Geo has continued its growth since September /"� of 1991 and listed below are some of our accomplishments: ** We were in the top 3 for sales volume for all Chevrolet Geo dealers in the metro area. ** We now employ 77 full time employees and 10 part time employees with an annual payroll of $2,592,543.00. ** Real Estate Taxes paid in 1993 were $59,661.32 ** We have made $8,000.00 in contributions in computer eqiupment to local schools as a part of the Driving for Ed�cation program. ** We have made a$2,000.00 contribution to the Anoka Animal Humane Society. We feel that we have been a good corporate citizen and would appreciate your recommendation to the Council for approval of our trailer license. Sincerely, ��C� �"_�t --- - Roger J. Moo President �� � � Date: City of Fridley, Minn. 6431 University Ave. I�i. E., Minneapolis, Minn. 55432 � � � i�► , November 11, 1971 � .��� ��� -'12 .� I III � -; - �u � ; Owaer; —__Yikin� Chevrolet g�� _ Biagini Bros . Inc . Adc3ress _.,7s_o7 ui gh��65 Addr�s 1064 Payn,e Avenue St . Paul 7501 �� Highway �OCATION OF BUILDING � x� ��� ����°� • ' � ec ion � I'°t ---- Bl� Addibion or 5ub-Divisi� Corner Lot. Inside Lot Setback gideyard Sewer Elevation Fwmdation IIevation DESCRIPTION OF BUlLDING To be Used as: Car Dealership ��,t 120' �p� ge,q�t sq. �_27.800 �� . Front Depth Height Sq. F't. Ca. Fk Type of Construction Concrete Block �� $18��•00 To be Completed - 3/1/72 � Frame �tipulations: �+�1. Curbin$ to be installed�arouad blacktop parldng � driveway areas located in front of buildiug. - 2. Parking spaces on parkiag area to be mai�ted for cars. � ��'': 3. Curbing to be provided along blacktop area aloag Fireside Drive sometime in the fufure. 8. Provide 30' planting strip � "�� 4. Landscape & planting to be approved by the�City, directly in front of bldg. ��,, 5. Slats in existing bullpen area. 8. Provide 15' plantiag strip b. Provide � security lightin,g, along west side of 2 parking lots 7. 10 radii on allblacktop corners. located to the N. & S. of Bldg. Ia c�nsiderai3on of the issuance to me oi a permit to �cE the l�ulding daa�ibed abov I ag�+ee t4' do ' tHe P�P� wor�C in accordance with the descriPl3oa above: set forth an�0ia cq�►plfaneeod ����3 Ordinaaces of the dty of �idiey. , 1 All rem e to e su �t to • Fire C es , � �. . 9.0 e u c In c�osideration of the PaYment of a fee of � t is herebY Sranted t� Viking Chevrolet o � � � to construct the buil � as desc�i6ed abov� Tbis perautt is granted uppn �express condition that the person to whom it fs granted and his agents, employe�a and worl�nen, itt aII WC�k in, around and upon said building, or attY P� ��� shall conform ia sII respects-to the ordinaaCes oF b~ntdleY, Minnesota regaraing 1«�tion, construction, aiteration, maiatenance, repa�lr ana mov3ng of t�tdiags o�i�di'�naace,�s. dtY limits and this permit may be revoked at any tiaie u�n violatioa of any of the�rovlsions of ssaid '�/74��'�jC /�1� ' H Muhic �� � � qnlc h , . - . NOTICE: fTl�is psrmit does not cover the conshuction, inatallaHon fo� rrfr�g, plumbiag, gas beatin9i sewar or rrater. 8s son to ss� � tLe Building laspeetoe for saparate permits for t6ese hems, ��. ;F; � �`� ,� ::� ' �;;i; ,,f: �� ;%"r:< .r: � �. SP ��96-04 Roger Moody S P #96-04 75� 1 H ighway 65 Friendly Cheverolet LOCA�'I�O-N n/IAP /'� /`� PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSIOAT Notice is hereby given that there will be a public hearing of the Fridley Planning Commission at the Fridley Municipal Center, 6431 University Avenue N.E. on WednesQap, April 3, 1996 at 7s30 p.m. for the purpose of: Consideration of a special use permit, SP �96-04, by Roger Moody of Friendly Chevrolet, per Section 205.15.O1.C.(2) of the Fridley City Code, to allow automobile agencies sellinq or displayinq new and/or used motor v�hicles in order for a showroom/office expansion on the West 60D feet of the North 330 feet of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 30, Range 24, as measured along the north and west line thereof, and that part of the North 330 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 30, Range 24, (as measured alonq the east line thereof) lying East of State Trunk Highway No. 65, and the West 600 feet of the South 200 feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and that part of the South 200 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter lying easterly of the State Trunk Highway No. 65 as the same is now laid out and constructed, all in Section 12, Township 30, Range 24, all being in Anoka Couaity, Minnesota. This property is generally located at 7501 Highway 65 N.E. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. Any questions related to this item may be referred to the Community Development Department at 572-3599. Hearing impaired persons planning to attend who need an interpreter or other persons with disabilities who require auxiliary aids should contact Roberta Collins at 572-3500 no later than March 27, 1996. Publish: March 21, 1996 March 28, 1996 DAVID NEWMAN CHAIR PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF FRIDLEY � `� , � � �� 6431 UNIVERSITY,AVENUE N.E. . _ � <_ f ;. . >p s � �. k ' �j Y:, �; FRIDLEY, MN 55432 . � - � � �� : � � � � #' (612) 571-3450 , J, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT_� p< J,.;�' r4' ;�" 3`'. � � > ��� � :,� �, � < <:�, � � r � ' `" x �S .. � ' �__ . .. .. .s.. � }r 1 SPECIAL USE �PERMIT° APFLICATION FORM �� �,��: - � � � `�� �isr�. .��� f � , . ;a PROPERTY INFORMATION - site� �� lan re uired for submittal; see atta.ched �'��� P 9 �; Address: 1 So t i�w y�S N�' � �Fr: c�.�e� M,ni SS�-i� r2 ���' ry , Property Identification Numher (PIl�_ ��'d 3 d ��E ot � o o�} b i j:. Legal description: r►�t P�'t oE- w boe �t eF a E yy, oE� N w�/�+ �•YG SeFN ��a:o �t l�,eMen� ' Lvt Block . _ Tract/Addition .. . �� _ ;;� Current zoning: co M K = � � � Square �ootagelacreage � •6 0 , z � _ R �ti ° Reason for special use permi� , ,; �' " ^`�� ;'� ;` � $. _ - • - : f . `': � t �>;�,�� Section of City Code: _ Have you operated a business in a city wluch required a business "license? =� �-� '� ;�' `� �� � Yes ✓ No If yes, -which city? F� : a� �.,,� � ' . : ._ �, N;; r ._, If yes, what type of business? I�,,�� -, D�..Le� s�.: ,p . -.r - �-1 ,, rx . - Was that license ever demed or revoked? ; Yes� .No _� - � �.i � y.,_ - ._ - . � ;�ar: .:" ,� 2,y:, f..y '.. . ' . . � p �, t . . FEE OWNER�INFORMATION as �t �a ears on the ro�� ert title �" k�'�� � ,f ��T � PP P P Y ) (Contract Purchasers: Fee Owners must sign this form prior to processing) �``' �''` � NAME i, u.�J Ko ec�.+. , �e.. t°- �i: . _ ;, ,� rS a n:� . ADDRESS—�S_ot '�wv..� (sS::; N �, . .,� .:. ,, _; ' _ '_. �:_ �:_:� . �j�,q` Fr = �� SS �3'a . : = DAYTIlVIE PHONE :?. 8 � - (oVt o o . �, F, r < ;: � � , : t� ;:. SIGNATURE °,.,` " DATE �.-- �9= QEo _�-�� , , . a � - z>{t , n y - �9-.' l � � � , d I ' ' G �. t .. y� d .e..--$. ,.,:.-'. .. > ,. , ,aJ :. .-. .^I i �» ,� i PETITIONER� INFORIVIATION--� ,,��'� 3M;{ � �, ,�� �,�r��;�� E - _�� :- �� <<. _� ri,. ,� „ :� t , ' , Nl"llVlI.+ �-QY '� ��',' � i ;,� `' t^ i; e ?f t3y, �v p �a� ^,t�k ?. '�' �q� T �` 1 r�" xt t+ ' xy,�r �i . ia y�h �.� a�� _ 4 � � � i : � � ' � ,�y, �, r � y�w�+ ��1\I3�J�7 :�'� �10 � n''.YTKi Y' �-X. 'Fi�� � �4�.,� c4`'e !rJ � r � �{, -�1 :- eF 4( i •�� �'�i . ,''? �a�} C-'. 4 t .� P�� ��,� ���.. it �1 . . F� :� ` k�l S S 3�'� DA � HONE ��7 8 6- !o� t o o Y,� L��"� SIGNATURE 7� ..!� �,: � � : .. . - � �. . . , �� ; ;s r,� x DATE 2``-�t- q-= �i (o� ''` ;, ��- ' � .,�.. ,_ �;,, ,i �F. , - � , y � "FZ�FI yh�,; . Fee: .. $400.00 t� � ., ' fi ° $100 00, " "{for residerihal2nd acc�sory liuildings `�{�� � $ r�F -� 1 ` � � .. f-� �� ��ta+ 1PE tl ��- +'�� o C�� 1 Ji Y ��,��._ 't'z �� s xRt�lkx� �i'1�.�.M 7 Permit SP #; �� -�� � ,..Er. �, . �, �. �: ��, APPlication received by � � '��: ; Scheduled Planning Commissi Scheduled Ciry Counc�l date ' ` ;� '+! �'. i� vlyl tt � a , � c�l E � a �� �e � x � £, u : � +;', ���?�r�klr�,E�'�i ,,t'�l�t�'r,� ".� �'' �''� 3 t �µ us`����; ' a:. - E��` � 9[� �;,��; + � �D�! � � � cj�' f` +�:, ,�' i�r , ,,� '�; '{ , � � � ; � , � � �. �+ t -., ��� � � + r ��, �� �_� , �� �.f� t�� . '� �rt �� a � ; - ,�.�r� , _;��� � (s ) 41`iJ � - ° "-° 's .,, � Y ''i:,:• �� - � b f .. � � ;J, ,�� � �i .`r � .< �� �r, � t;Y} r t :.�o� .r r ;, k a f � �; �r r',s , + ""�f �,�'�r � � �,_.it f' � , lr SP #96-04 Mailing List ` Roqer Moody for Friendly Chevrolet-Geo,Inc. � . :endly Chevrolet-Geo Roqer Moody 7501 Highway 65 NE Fridley, MN 55432 Charlea Bitzan or Current Resident 1360 Fireside Drive Fridley, 1�IId 55432 Donavan olson or Current Resider�t 7401 Central Avenue Fridley, IYIId 55432 Mailed: 3/21/96 Huynh/Nguyen or Current Resident NE 1365 Onondaga.Street NE Fridley, MN 55432 Jam�s & Patsy Paulson or Current Resident NE 1310 - 75th Avenue NE Fridley, 1�IId 55432 Gus & Laverne Carlson or Current Resident 1370 Fireside Drive NE Fridley, I�T 55432 Current Resident 7355 Highway 65 NE Fridley, AIId 55432 Estate Plaza Mobile 1"�Sident Manager __30 Fireside Drive Fridley, 1�Il�T 55432 Current Resident 7490 Central Avenue Fridley, P�T 55432 Court NE Midway xational Hank Trust Department 1578 IIniversity Avenue St. Paul, I�T 55104 Central Auto Parts 329 Bunker Lk. Blvd. Ham Lake, I�T 55304 Current Resident 7450 Central Avenue NE Fridley, IrIId 55432 American Leqion $303 NE or Current Resident 7365 Central Avenue NE Fridley, 1�T 55432 John & Rachel Bening or Current Resident 1390 - 75th Avenue NE Fridley, 1�T 55432 Peter & Ana Marcy or Current Resident 1350 - 75th Avenue NE Fridley, P�T 55432 Michael & Kathryn Jalma or Current Resident 1380 - ?5th Avenue NE Fridley, MN 55432 William Ekstrom or Current Resident 1330 - 75th Avenue NE Fridley, l�T 55432 Kenneth & Pamela Toven or Current Resident 1348 - 76th Avenue NE Fridley, l�T 55432 Alvan Schrader 2715 Medicine Ridge Rd. Plymouth, I�T 55441 Walter & Floyd Gustav$o � or Current Resident 7410 Central Avenue NE Fridley, AIl�T 55432 Fireside Rice Bowl or Current Resident 1160 Fireside Drive NE Fridley, 1rIIJ 55432 Current Resident 7361 Central Avenue NE Fridley, I�II�T 55432 Francis Bennett or Current Resident 1370 - 75th Avenue NE Fridley, l�IId 55432 Todd & Linda Rennedy or Current Resident 7481 Central Avenue NE Fridley, I�i 55432 Thomas iiavlish Brian & Lynn Stromquist Lawrence & Mary Mastel or Current Resident or Current.Resident or Current Resident 7�58 Hayes Street NE 7478 Hayes Street NE 7498 Hayes Street NE � idley, MN 55432 Fridley, 1�T 55432 Fridley, I�T 55432 Jenny Berq Thomas Sontaq Scott Randolph or Current Resident or Current Resident or Current Resident 1335 Onondaga Street NE 137? Fireside Drive NE 1367 Fireside Drive NE Fridley, IrII�T 55432 Fridley, I�T 55432 Fridley, l�T 55432 Larry Vogt or Current Resident 1357 Fireside Drive Fridley, l�i 55432 Deborah Watzl-Vargo or Current Resident NE 1341 Fireside Drive NE Fridley, MN 55432 Gary & Jacqueline Muske 2321 Stinson Parkway �tinneapolis, NIIJ 55418 Brian & Cynthia Loso or Current Resident 1334 - 76th Avenue NE Fridley, I�i 55432 Charles & Sally Fay or Current Resident 1390 - 76th Avenue NE Fridley, l�i 55432 David Jensen or Current Resident 1359 - 76th Avenue NE Fridley, MN 55432 David & Dorothy Todd or Current Resident. 7619 Meadowmoor Dr. NE Fridley, 1�T 55432 Donald Stearns or Current Resident 7601 Central Avenue Fridley, MN 55432 Current Resident 1301 Fireside Drive NE Fridley, 1�II�T 55432 Jeffrey & Joann Walczak or Curreht Resident 1362 - 76th Avenue NE Fridley, I�T 55432 Edward � Barbara Rush or Current Resident 1391 - 76th Avenue NE Fridley, 1�T 55432 Timothy & Aniko Bezdek or Current.Resident 1351 - 76th Avenue NE Fridley, MN 55432 Richard & Rolla Morin or Current Resident 7635 Meadowmoor Drive NE Fridley, 1�T 55432 Timothy & Robbin Dwyer or Current Resident NE 7613 Central Avenue NE Fridley, MN 55432 Able Property Mgmt. or Current Resident 7651 Central Avenue NE Fridley, NIld 55432 Current Resident 7551 Central Avenue NE Fridley, I�IIJ 55432 Anna Mae Broten Tru�''`a or Current Resident 1321 Fireside Drive NE Fridley, MN 55432 Richard & Brenda McCoy or Current Resident 1320 - 76th Avenue NE Fridley, 1�II+i 55432 Catherine McGuire or Current Resident 1376 - 76th Avenue NE Fridley, AIl�i 55432 Marlyn & Juleen Jeske or Current Resident 1367 - 76th Avenue NE Fridley, MN 55432 Thill/Eggers or Current Reaident 7603 Meadowmoor Driv� Fridley, NIIJ 55432 Mark Sadusky or Current Resident 7651 Meadowmoor Drive N Fridley, 1�+T 55432 William & JennetteCompto or Current Resident 7627 Central Avenue NE Fridley, I�T 55432 Martin Wasche 2755 Grand Street NE Minneapolis, I�T 55418 Tam/Sau Jerry & Carolyn Renne Francis & Maida Waite or Current Resident or Current Resident or Current Resident 7513 Central Avenue NE 7501 Central Avenue NE 1311 - 75th Avenue NE Fridley, 1�II�T 55432 Fridley, rIl�T 55432 Fridley, NII�i 55432 � Roland/Kathleen Bernard or Current Resident 1319 - 75th Avenue NE Fridley, MN 55432 Gillman & Helen Ulstad �or Current Resident 1343 - 75th Avenue NE Fridley, 1�I 55432 .��, Kathleen Wethe �� or Current Resident 1371 - 75th Avenue NE Fridley, NIld 55432 Donald & Jane Johnson or Current Resident 7500 Hayes Street NE Fridley, l�T 55432 Roy & Shirley Scherer or.Current Resident 7528 Hayes Street NE Fridley, MN 55432 Mike & Yvonne Mancuso or Current Resident 7561 Central Avenue NE ��Fridley, IrIl�T 55432 � ;;. ",$ �$� Current Resident 119 Circle Drive NE Fridley, NIl�T 55432 Anderson Trucking 203 Cooper North St. Cloud, 1�II+1 56301 David Newman Planning Comm. Chair 7635 Alden Way NE Fridley, NIl�T 55432 Norman & Cynthia lverson Dennis & Maureen Spano or Current Resident or Current Resident 1327 - 75th Avenue NE 1335 - 75th Avenue NE Fridley, 1�T 55432 Fridley, HIlJ 55432 Jeff & Janet.Cook or Current Resident 1351 - 75th Avenue NE Fridley, 1�T 55432 Walter Muyres or Current Resident 1381 - 75th Avenue NE Fridley, 1�T 55432 Sannes/Vanberkom or Current Resident 7508 Hayes Street NE F=idley, PII�T 55432 Terrance; & wyndella xajder or Current Resident ?567 Central Avenue NE Fridley, 1�Il+T 55432 Anoka County 325 East Main.Street Anoka, I�Il�T 55303 Current Resident 7597 Highway 65 NE Fridley, rII�1 55432 Rurt Manufacturing or Current Resident 5280 I�Iain Street NE Fridley, 1�1 55421 City �Council Me�mbers Donald & Judith Gonko or Current Resident 1361 - 75th Avenue NE Fridley, MN 55432 John & Mary Zobava or Current Resident 1391 - 75th Avenue NE Fridley, MN 55432 Cristine Haeny or Cur=ent Resident 7518 Hayes Street NE Fridley, 1�T 55432• Kenneth Shervey - or Current.Resident 7571 Central Avenue NE F=idley, l�T 55432 .- Professional Ventures 5891 Cedar Lake Road Minneapolis, 1�T 55416 Anderson � Trucking or current Resiaent 7600 Central Avenue NE FridleyF� 1�IlJ 55432 Rurt Manufacturing or Current Resident ; 7585 Highway 65 NE Fridley, I�+Ild 55432 �� \ 1 0 � ��'��.-. t �..... ��..�..a H �-�i . � 8 �-• �:�- � � , �� � �� � � _ � .. �-� �� �_��� �-, �� . r�_ ,�, � `�". � �g{ �, Ly {q p . . . . � . - . , '� ` .Oi.Y 2 �:. � �- :, .. ., . �Q�. ` � °- � u� �fl'-. � fd . � �tt � _ _ ?� ;�' � �e�� �, . , �� �� . . ..: ��- � ' . a�f r �,.�•°" � �. � �;".� �, �: �,_p . , �� 'iS''�` �, � F � . . �� t�'� � Q-._��� � � � + �'� � ' ! �..�� � � } r'����".�' � �• .. .,.�. 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STATE TRI,JNK NIGNWAY NO. 65 � � � � � I � � � �, � '( t I ( � � � � �RONtTACiE ROAD � Lix--���� '�" � �+,. ��..,. �: �--- w� n�ar F� ' � I -------- ------- +----- ' i � � � w ' � ���� �4 - � - �I - x : �v.r �rw I � � � s s � 3 b --E � � � � � ������ x � � x Sl�WROOM OFFICE ADDITION rn ��� � 3�s � � � b � o ° � .. � �� ������ �� �. ro �'QD[��IDL��I C��]�MQO�� �C0 0[�C�o � � ��n � � � v� 9 � z ������ � 7sot N.E. tiwY ss � �� �� � � � � z FI�DLEY, MN � �� � _ _ � � 'i �, • ,� � � � � r � � �x � � � l � � s R.J r � � ���� fi � � ro o � � � � ������ � � � b x sHOwROau� o�� a�rnaN �/�I �� � ��s��� ��� �. � D D (�� � � � a��o � � � � � r�i 0� 1���� ����% r�i a�� ���9 ��C u v � � ����� � 7501 N.E HWY 65 z � �� �� � � � FRiDLEY, MN � � � �� � p fA � 'i � � � � i _� � � � -� � � i�� �� P � � � Q � � � � � � p � i i � � , / i i � � I �� �� I I � IL � il n (� -� II � II II II II II I I � II �II � � L� l'� � � ♦ in X � � � � � � ���- � � � o �d m � a � ������ : � ,� � SHOWROOM OFFICE ADDI110N ��. � �,� �� � �� ������ ��� �.� o p o 0 o p� c -� o � � � �t � � � � f�QO[��IDL�� ��ll�dG�OL�� C�L�09 C � o� � ����� � z �� � �' 7501 N.E HWY 65 �' � �� �� � � � FRIDLEY� MN � z �� s , � ..y���•�•a� �� ��Y �.ue �xywaoa r�l. upon purchase, Menaras would: raze the existing 2-story office building, create an expanded unscreened stora9e area behind the remaining ma11 building, and rework the interior of the mall to acco�ooa�[odate both an expanded Menare3s retail inventory/storage area and existinq tenants. The remaining retail tenants in the mall would be relocated to the west edge of the existinq Skywood building footprint. No expansion toward Hiqhw�y 65 has been proposed. This property is located at 5207 Central Avenue NE. S�Y OB I88�S8: Two spec$al use permits are requir�l for the Skywood Mall request. A report on each permit request has been prepared. The two permit requirements are: � Code Section 205.15.O1.C.3, states, "Aqencies selling or displayinq recreational vehicles, boats and marine equipment, machinery, manufactured homes or other similar enterprises havinq merchandise in the open and not within an enclosed structure." The purpose of this special use permi.t is to allow c�nsideration of storing merchandise in the open and not within the building at this location. Consideration will include the areas in front of and behind the Skywood Mall. Code 8eotion 205.15.O1.C.8, states, "Unscreened exterior storage of materials alld equipmp.tlt,° � shall require a special use permit. This report will focus on this particular Code Section. The purpose of this special use permi.t is to allow consideration of all unscreened, visible display and storage of materials and equipment. The two special use permit requirements overlap. Both pertain to the ability to establish outdoor storage areas of nmerchandisen and "materials and equipment". The contents of the reports may seem to be repetitive, but there are some distinctions which will be made clear in the body of the report. REOO�II�IDED ACTIONSa Staff recammends denial of 8P #96-OZ, due to findings that the request will cause an increase in noise, light & glare, unsightline�s of materials from the public right-of-way and adjacent properties, conflicts with physically challenged individuals on the site, compromised safety of individuals and materials, compromised en�oyment of surrounding property, aesthetic decline associated with outdoor, unscreened storaqe/display and the decrease.d tax base as a result of removing office space and replacing it with outdoor storaqe. 8 Z Y� O O D � a L L /� E 8� B D 8 8 II P '� Petition Bor: Looation oi Propertya Leqal Desoription of Propertpa Sise: Topoqraphya EBiatiIIq Veqetationa Euistinq Zoning/Plattinq: Availability of Municipal IItilities: ��. vehisaular AcceaBs Pedestrian Acaess: 8ite Planninq Issues: �"'�� P R O J B C T D S T� I L 8 A s�cial use permit to allaw outside, unscreened display and storage of materials on the property locateci at 5207 Central Avenue NE. 5207 Central Avenue NE I,ot l, Block 1, Skywood Mall 5.85 acres Generally level, with a severe incline (approximately 1:2.2 incline) at the easternmost 110' of the property urban landscape on level portion, mix�i native vegetation with very few tree.s on the slope. C-3, General Cormnercial, Lot 1, Block 1, Skywood Mall Available via 53rd Avenue NE arid C�eri Lane From parking to mall entrance, no pedestrian links exist fram outside of the project area. e � • • i� The Special IIse Permit Section of the Fridley City Code has been included to provide the City with a reasonable degree of discretion in detp�+i *±; *+g the suitability of certain designated uses upon the general welfare, public health, and safety. In making this determination the City may consider the nature of the land upon which the uses are to be located, the nature of the adjoining land and buildings, the effect upon traffic into and from the premises or on any adjoining roads, and all such other factors as the City shall reasonably deem a requisite of consideration in determininq the effect of such use. M.S.A. 462.3595 BITS HIBTORY 1964 - A permit was issued to remove a hause from the Skywood Mall site. x , � � WEST: SOUTH: EAST: NORTH: comprehensive Planninq Isssuess Publia 8earinq Con�ents: 1964 - A permit was issued to construct a 240• x 404' (96,960 s.f.j mall 1966 - Move temporary buildinq from Silakopee for a mini-golf course (5275 1/2 Central) 1966 - City approved a car wash at this location 1971 - A Piqqly Wiqqly food store began its operations 1972 - Caanplaint reqardinq hillside maintenance 1973 - A sign varisnce was =equested 1977 - Special IIse Permit, SP �77-05, to allow outside display of mabile homes, denied. 1981 - Special Use Permit. SP#81-03, to allow b�per boats, denied 1983 - Resolution 86-1983, to undertake and finance a co�mmnercial development pro j ect 1983 - Public Hearing for the issuance of Commercial Development Revenue Bonds 1983 - Resolution 99-1983, preliminary approval of a project under the municipal development act 1984 - Building ��+it for the 187,012. s.f motel addition 1984 - Building permit for 10,000 s.f. of office addition � 1984 - �iilding permit issued for a restaurant in the motel addition 1985 - Sprinkler system and roof reinforcement of the old mall 1985 - Variances requested for signs 1988 - 1993. - Zoning: Foreclosure of property Plat approved to split mall and hotel into separate parcels. ,AD�7ACENT SITES Hwy 65, and C-3, General Shopping Center Zoning: An Amoco pipeline easement, and C-3, General Shopping Center Zoning; R-1,. Single Family Residential (raised elevation) Zoning: Hwy 694, R-3, General I�2ultiple Units Consistant To be taken 3 ACTIONBs Staff recommends denial of 8P #96-02, due to findings that the request will cause an increase in noise, light & glare, unsightliness of materials from the public right-of-way and adjacent properties, conflicts with physically challeriged individuals on the site, co�oApromised safety of individuals and materials, comprcamised enjoyment of surroundinq .property, aesthetic decline associated with outdoor, unscreened storaqe/display ar�l the decreased tax base as a result of removing office space and replacing it with outdoor storaqe. �'"� �, 4 ■ _����. ... �_ � � � A � .. r� � �: Iili�_��[�] ��►�il_�� . . _ . i � ;' i n � ~ � :W'�'B=I✓! .. J r � £ ' R � t; � `—y � Y � D b � �1 Z b 4� . y � m D m --I .ZI C z � _ � _ D � Z � � � A �� �� �� �� . x ;.:�{, ;;' i�,:• � �' iii i; , : � �ji�1 � I�ij ' °;A:^ °Ci� �a `aac�= .. ��^.yS�7'_,^a R4i�'.L'iF� 0;00 ���� ,- � ` r� � S, 3T`�� �`t:'' j % / �� 1 �� � _ ��s,-� ,�,r _ _ �l � � v�± _� g� PARKING FOR 279 CARS n� 1 �\. � ' ��� \ �`o- a F,y � •F ?.� �� --------- — ,� n��� � �� — ------ � _ _ � - s�.. o�un u4ru,r 1 ------- ---� ----- ,-3,.-----i s1 �- P m _ �. 53RD AVENUE N.E. �� ''g „�,.,,,,�„�u� • � I — — — -i'�- . -�- i � � � £ m A � D Z �i o � � A O � � z ; � � o � � Q Q � . ' rn : � - -6-_ _ B @�.�_ S80'N'ITE f8B.8T � z - z ��� � , as� '`` � ;y; � o � � 1 � ��� I �i � � �� I � la I 1 � I i '� ' D �Y � I � , I I � I @m�' I I � A ;o� I N Dw � ' V �oA n ,�s �� � � N i i � �� � � � � � � --I- �----- -----1 I � I •����u m ' � T � j ` - � I � I .s y � ' vsTi_]+Y 0�'1 '� .� i M / � r� � � ^M ��� ��� � � x --1 Z D :O �naa us�r--- p�� ��-- ---- -ZO' xA1W1.tl. CAS lRt GR�Bx _-- �. _ �—�'f . C I i w• ..emcw aa mmha. c.s�ewr l ' wm m ee � a— ' �p----_ __� __ �T � � $ 1 � � b / � � � i , i � , �.r � ' '" .$€� � � /� �8I _ � � � �m aQ� �N w�p� 0.1 ags oz °�o �c� :.� r � r �; _1_/_/__�Iw m x � M64ta'oTr �aa�a• '�-� Z � 2 O rm- — — „�,,.�_� �, � I I � �� l � i � �; � , i � �� � i I �� � I I � I � I ' Ii � � I i � I i I � � � �� � �' � �''��E � � � 4t I �1 �i �� � I a, l � � 1 I � �' ' � 8 I � j i$��a� � �� � 'a � � � I���� t � i � �" � �. , �. r� � -+ � --- � 1 i � I I ��� � -� —i i I i— i= i— �_ �- �- �_ � _ 7 — � 1 ' I 1 I '� I � � � � � i � � � I � � � �� � , � ;I� � �� 1 Y� 7 � � I �� � � � � 'g ( 1 1 � , , � � ;�,- —� — � _ � � � � � � � � I i � � . . , � i 1 � � � � i I � � I � � � ! , , I � � � ,V i � �"� r'-� aqreement to buy the Sicywood Mall. Upon purchase, Menards would: raze the existinq 2-story office i�ui.ldinq, create an expanded unscreened storage area behind the remaining mall building, and rework the interior of the mall to accammaodate both an expanded Menards retail inventory/storaqe area arxl existing tenants. The remaining retail tenants in the mall would be relocat.ed to the west edqe of the existing Skywood buildinq footprint. No expansion toward Highway 65 has been proposed. This property is located at 5207 Central Avenue NE. S�Il4IIsiRY OF =880ES:.Two special use permits are required for the Skywood Mall request. A report on each ��it request has been prepared. The two permit requirements are: Code 8eation 205.15.01.C.3, states, "Aqencies selling or displaying recreational vehicles, boats and marine equipment, n�chinery, manufactured homes or other similar enterprises having merchandise in the open and not within an enclosed structure." The purpose of this special use permit is to allow consideration of storinq merchandise in the open and not within the building at this location. Consideratiorr will include the areas in front of and behind the Skywood Mall. Code Seotion 2o5.i5.ol.c.8, states, "Unscreened exterior storage of materials and equipment", shall require a special use permit. This report will focus on this particular Code Section. The purpose of this apecial use permit is to all� consideration of all unscreened, visible display and storage of materials and equipment. The two special use permit requirements averlap. Both pertain to the ability to establish outdoor storage areas of "merchandise" and "materiale and equipmentp. T�e contents of the reportc, may aeem to be repetitive, but there are some distinctions which will be made clear in the body of the report. REOObII+�IDED ACTZONBa Staff recom�ends denial of 8P #96-07, due to fi.ndings that the request will cause an increase in noise, light & glare, unsiqhtliness of materials fraan the public r3ght-of-way and adjacent properties, conflicts with physically challenged individuals on the site, compromised safety of individuals and materials, compromised enjoyment of surroundinq property, aesthetic decline associated with outdoor, unscreened storage/display and the decreased tax base as a result of removing office space and replacinq it with outdoor storage. t 3 8 lC Y i� O O D Y A L L / 1[ E R]► 8 D 8 8 II P /'� atition Bora Looation of Propertya Legal Desoription of Bropertp: Bize: Topoqraphya Esiatinq Veqetationa Esistinq Zoninq/Plattiaqs Availability of l�unicipal Qtilitiesr � ahicaular Aaaesss Pedestrian ACaess: 8ite Planniaq Issues: ,,"�, P R O J L C T D$ T A I L 8 A special use permi.t to allow outside, unscreened display and storage of materials on the property located at 5207 Central Avenue NE. 5207 Central Averiue NE Lot 1, Block 1, Skywood Mall 5.85 acres Generally level, with a severe incl3ne (approximately 1:2.2 incline) at the easternmost 110' of the property urban landscape on level portion, mixed native vegetation with vexy few trees on the slope. C-3, General Commercial, Lot 1, Blxk 1, Skywood Mall Available via 53rd Avenue NE and Cheri Iane From parking to mall entrance, no pedestrian links exist from autside of the� project area. DEVEIAPMENT SITE The Special IIse Permit Section of the Fridley City Code has been included to provide the City with a reasonable degree of discretion. in determining the suitability of certain designated uses upon the general welfare, public health, and safety. In making this determination the City may consider the nature of the land u�n which the uses are to be located, the nature of the adjoining land and buildings, the effect upon traffic into and from the premises or on any adjoining roads, and all such other factors as the City shall reasonably deem a requisite of consideration in determining the effect of such use. M.S.A. 462.3595 BITS ffi8'1,ORY 1964 - A permit was issu� to remove a house from the Skywood Mall site. � � �. 196� - A�*�++it was issued to ConstruCt a 240' x 404' (96,960 s.f.) mall 1966 - Move temporary building fra�u Shakopee for a mini-golf course (5275 1/2 Central) 1966 - City approved a car wash at this location 197i - A Piggly Wiggly foad store beqan its operationa 1972 - Caanplaint regardinq hillside maintenance 1973 - A sign variance was requested 1977 - Special Use Permit, SP �77-05, to allaw outaide display of mobile homes, denied. 1981 - Special Use Permit. SP�81-03, to allow bumper boats, den3ed 1983 - Resolution 86-1983, to undertake and finance a comm�e�cial development pro j ect 1983 - Public Hearing for the issuance of Com�nercial Development Revenue Bonds 1983 - Resolution 99-1983, preliminary approval of a project under the municipal development act 1984 - �i.ldirig permit for the 187, 012 s. f motel addition 1984 - Building permit for 10,000 s.f. of office addition 1984 - Building permit issued for a restaurant in the motel addition 1985 - Sprinkler system and roof reinforcement of the old mall 1985 - Variances requested for signs 1988 - Foreclosure of property 1�91 - Plat approved. to split mall and hotel into separate parcels. 8@IlrIIs1RY OF I8BIIE8: CoRe 8eation 205.15.O1.C.3, states, nAgencies selling or displaying recreational vehicles, boats and marine equipment, machine,Yy, manufactured homes or other similar enterprises having merchandise in the open and not within an enalosed structure." Menards has made an offer to purchase the Skywood Mall from SDMTK Inc., Bloomington. The purchase is cor�tingent on the City�s approval of a special use permit to allow a screened storage area within the rear yard area of the Skywood Mall. The Menards plan calls for a reconstruction of the fenced area that currently exists on Menards southern property line. The reconstruction would allow a continuous storage yard that would extend from the northernmost yard enclosure, north-east of Menards to the North. Property line of the Relly Inn. ,---� Also as part of the plan, Menards intends to raze the existing office building on the Skywood Mall property. Menarc�s will also rework the interior spaces within the mall. The reworked spaces will allow the retailers who �ist in the mall to move forward (toward HWY 65j within the building. It should be noted that this moving forward should not be misc�onstrued ttlat the building will be closer to Hwy 65, Rather, it means that the space withiri the existirx� footprint will be remodeled to place all of the existing retailers in a pstrip �o�allp fashion at the front of the mall. Each retailer will then have direct access to the outdoors. WEST: SOI7'I'H: � FAST: NORTH: Comprehensive planainq iasuesa Publia Hearinq Comments: R1��ED ACTIONSs There will be no interior mall aspect to property according to Menards remodelir� plans. To replace the intexior mall space, Menards representatives have indicatecl that they w311 remove the remaining interior walls, create a stack� storaqe retail space. ADJACENT SITES Zoning: Hwy 65, and C-3, General Shopping Center Zoning: An Amoco pipeline easement, and C-3, General Shopping Center Zoning: R-1, Single Family Residential (raised elevation) Zoning: Hwy 694, R-3, General Multiple Units Consistant To be taken Staff recomanetids denial of 8P �96-07, due to findinqs that the request will cause an increase in noise, light & glare, unsightliness of materials from the public rightrof�vay and adjacent properties, conflicts with physically challenged individuals on the site, compromised safety of individuals and materials, compromised enjayment of surroundinq property, aesthetic decline associated with outdoor, unscreened storage/display and the decreas� tax base as a result of rea�oving office space and replacing it mith outdoor storage. 4 i "r /� � �l �_ -r By Menards, Inc. . 965 53rd 5207 Central 5351 Central LC�CATi O N MAP R_ ' -_..._ I � ' ' _ �'�`9l:La;.�y. � � � R a R ; R w s; � r � ' e r D r � � Z D � � i � ��� i � i I� � i I' � � ��i � ��:��5���' � ��ns��o �a� a��� ��Aaa ��aa � �� � N D m 2 � � � Z n c� �� ��m o�� 2 � Y R � m z D � � N �l �J � r m � � � Z / °� i �' 1 � ' _ �smz�m w.�r _ _ � � 'i 4� I PARKING FOR 279 CARS �& 1 _i��/'' I _ `� i ` � /� .i"� ' �' .. i'� _._,•A'�•1_Jt_t ."" � � �tty� ��3 ,4f" `. _ 3 � � „m; � � +ht/ r c.u�"`= �, � . d+'pO�'� [ yw�µ ��'-�� � � � � I� C z x � C�yF�/ "�. � .�.t t.9 \io,t� ' � s �F � �F � z G rn �'�� cn , _ �.� �_ � �_ __ _ ._.Y _�_�` i � 1��� �_ � ty srwww oi cma.� � varwc.�mewr . , S . �_�' . ' '6 � -filS[T k ufilT' (/15OEfiI ------=-- ----�------q.— � $� r� 's 3 _ _ .T ,� 53RD AVENUE IV.E. �� w av�,. o�u,e�,,, y� _ _ ,�. . �_ L _ � 0 a 0 � O � Z v � $ ' - �.� �----- � di�: ��� � S � � u 1 � I I I � � � � � I '� � I il� � � i � � � -v �y A I �� Z , i I � � � � o ^'u�' � ��� I N >�' J � � �opA '' A � N I � I I - � I �:°slll I I I I I i�l I I I I � I 1_� ��� I —�/ I � �-�-----------------� � � � n�? a' m i � � � 1 �� � � � � � .� , _ � � � � � � i ' ; I ' � 1 � � ' � I � ' x � � � � � N � � � � I� � �. _ �:�,,�� Z � i� � �� � ig U1 I ?� I �� �� I I '' � :� � � I � � $� ; I . I �� � I^ i ' ^ �, I r I �� � �!�a � �° � � i � I�^ �� $� ! � � � = n _. .. . : ..�� �., .�: �`^ � � �. . } • � � � � � I � � � ' � � J � Isr� m mun.e� gs � � $I ��„ vmcura e.s�m,r ` S �8 1 i�I ��--------- --------�� I � �� , � �,�.,. � �� E.�. - --a -� I I � __�--- _.�.__ soe.• , �___ __y._'=�, -� �_.�,u � �w. �,;�- ----------u- J C1i� m 6[ apYO�4o . �/� � . } �_ __If4A' \ 1_ __�_�_• -'ri, ��_ ��II . 1 � � �' � 1/ � 1 � � I .� \ �a� � $+ 1� I�I��� lo ��j '� \��� 1 � � 1 � I �� .\ � ��i � � � �II � I ♦� ~ 4� 1 I r �� ao.r I �` , I � , �i s �i � � � .r � . __ �2!- k � �� ��: s j � �� k°, ` ) � I ' ,� �^\ g€ I� ~ � � I.li . s � c1 ` °�� .,�'i ��g � . j mog � �� t �� �' �NC�'3� ,a� p� g'p� � � ��� '� '�' I; �r o �' °z °ZY � � 3 b '�` � �m~ �i �t� �$m � z^�"� i' �� '' D o I �� ' I' �� � ,� � �A � 1 � � � � �� � � , 1j ��, 1 �1 i ,n._r � � �,? i i '., ��----------- ��� _ �._ ----------- - - - '—�- - ' j .r— _ _ �m=� ��.s, �—' , / � , ,w I , / � 1 ' �. � � I. / s" � � �: I � � � � � _/ m � ,. wl910'OYw t93ts' h I I I f��. VL � I I _1 � Z � . 1 � r� I � _ �— ! � ' �-i � � I � r � i � i � 1 � I I � r DESCRIPTION OF RSQDSST: GarY Co1by, Menards, Inc. has requested consideration of a special use permit to allow outside storage of unscreened materials on the property located at 965 53rd Avenue N.E. The propoaed expansion onto the Skywood Mall property has triggered the necessity of two special use permits. This report will address the activity of having unscreened storage of materials and equipment. BONIl�RY OF I88IIE8: Code 8eation Z05.15.O1.C.8, states, piTnscreened exterior storage of materials and equipment", shall require a special use permit. The analysis in this report will focus this particular Code Section. The purpose of this special use permit is to allow consideration of the unscreeneci, visible display and storage of items on the existinc� Menards property. The two special use ��;t requirements overlap. Both pertain to the ability to establish outdoor storage areas of "merchandise" and "materials and equipment". The contents of the reports may seem to be repetitive, but there are some distinctions which will be made clear in the body of the report. RECOI�II�IENDED ACTIONS s Staff recommends denial of .8P #96-06, due to findings that the request will cause an increase in noise, light & glare, unsiqhtliness of materials from the public right-of-way, conflicts with physically challenqed individuals on the site, compromised safety of individuals and materials, compromised enjoyment of surrounding pro�rty, and the aesthetic decline associated with outdoor, unscreened storage/display. 1[ E 8 7� 8 D 8 8 II P P R O J 8 C T D E T A I L 8 !� Petition Fors Gary Colby, Menards, Inc. has requested cflnsideration of a special use permit to allow outside storage of unscreetie.cl materials/display on the property located at 965 53rd Avenue N.E. Location o! Propertya Legal Desaription of Propertys 8izea Topoqraphpa Esistinq vegetations Esistinq Zoninq/Plattinq: Availabilitp of Muniaipal ��IItilit3ea r Vehicular Accessi pedestrian Access: 8ite Planainq =ssuess 965 53rd Avenue NE Attached 9.46 acres Generally level, with an incline at the east and northeast property boundaries. urban landscape on level portion, mixed native vegetation. with very few trees on the sloped areas. C-3, Generai Commercial, Auditor's Subdivision 94 with metes and bounds exceptions. Available via 53rd Avenue NE and Cheri Lane From parking to Menards entrance, no pedestrian links euist from outside of the project area. DEVELOP�IT SITE The Special Use Permit Section of the Fridley City Code has been included to provide the City with a reasonable degree of d.iscretion in determining the suitability of certain designated uses upon the qeneral welfare, public health, and safety. In making this determination the City may consider the nature of the land upon which the uses are to be locatecl, the nature of the adjoining land and buildings, the effect u�on traffic into and from the premises or on any adjoining roads, and all such other factors as the City shall reasonably deem a requisite of consideration in determining the effect of such use. M.S.A. 462.3595 � � Menard's began their operations at this location in 19740 At that time the zoning designation was C2-S, not C-3, , General Shopping Center as it is today. The C2-S language that material and equipment storage of �, all raw materials, supPlies, finished or semi-finished products arid equipment, not including motor vehicles, shall be stor�i within an enclosed building or shall be � scresned on all sides fraan public view by a fence or other approved screen whicl� extends 2 feet above the highest 3tem to be stored." �"'� Menards has made an offer to purchase the Skywood Mall from SD�iTK Inc. , Bloamirigton. The purchase is continqent on the City�s approval of a special use permit to allow outdoor storage within a screeneci storaqe area at the rear of their building. If approved, the rear yard of the existing Menards facility will be modified. That modification will triqger the special use perrmit requirement on this property. �� � �� WEST: Zoning: Hwy 65, and C-3, General Shopping Center SOiTTH: : NORTH: compreheasive Planninq Issueas Publia He�rinq Comments: i"1 Zoning: An Amoco pipeline easement, and C-3, General Shopping Center Zoning: R-1, Single Family Residential jraised elevation) Zoning: Hwy 694, R-3, General Muitiple Units Consistant To be taken Staff's research of Menards site history revealed photos of a very clean, unclutter�l walkway in front of the store. In March of 1988, a request was made for a sPecial use permit to allow a garden center in front of the Menards store. The special use permit was denied. The storage/display in front of the Menards store appears to have evolved over time, without formal approval. The pBig Box" retail operations including Target, Walmart, Sam's, and Home Depot, have all expressed an interest in outdoor display. In these cases the City has declin�. As an alternative, the City has allowed alternatives such as garden centers which are integrated into the building�.s design and are designed to be architecturally 3 compatible. A clean front walk has been the preferred �1 alternative. RECA�II�NDED AGR'IONB: Staff reco�mmnends denial of SP �96-06 due to the potential of limiting access to physically challenged individuals, a potential for compromised safety of individuals and the materials stored/displayed, and the potential of aesthetic decline caused by the outside displays._ The petitioner does have the alternative of integrating the sales items into there operation in a manner that is consistent with the other retailers. G� �` a N �_ _' By Menards, Inc. 965 53rd 5207 Central 5351 Central � o cAT i o N n�A � N D C z � 2 2 � -C Z O � z � a� S3 � m � c�'i � Z � � �2 � � � z D �Cl 0 � � � c7 r � � � Z z X � � < -� �z ��9a�� � r �� ����� z f s p � � E D �� Z D ' D -� x i t IIi i m' � �i � , I i i �� ��������m _ ���o �������� ���� � �§ INTERSTATE HIGHWAY N0. 694 3�d1 \�i3�� � �o`'�.al s�-m's��c .�� Y � _.a / / . � ..,.m �_ � � P� _ sesze•a,t ,s�,r — — J � / $� PARKING FOR 279 CARS i – �. � �tiF � � �'� �, �,9� Qo� s ��, � .F �' — �,����—�'----- � F�,� ----�---___ _1__ sm[crruminrAai, _—__�_._.._� P ' 53RD AVENUE N.E. �� a I .. Y. w' svvti s u�Gm�ar— —�� � � 0 c z v a) � � C Z O i s ��ar[ , ,, d�s �j 1 a�� � � � � � G) 3 Z D � �j�$ r�m� usmm" g g� � _j__��--------- � . ....... 10' NAIILQAI. GaS LME FASiYfMf — — — — — — � ..L `�al I � � m � I� � � � � ,� , a � � ilu I I �� � � D �Y I � � � � � � � � � � � ,, �m� � µm� ' � nµ I I � c� y�� � � I � I � � � _ N, e' S 2 I �a���lllll�lllll� I 1 � --i_..�i I I , �t§ --�--------------� � S I 5 � � I � � � � �� ? I I � 1 JU� N�WCRt! Oy COWAl/Y LtYLEM -�'��U819 Tfl BE � _______ _— � C' ` � �" {m N"� �� wa� o.� �,g> �Z oii0 �c' ��� D �� r � m _ / x ,�a�.� LJ � z � x 0 m r ' ' N89oa']9Y 6 /�-] ° o, ° / 0 S � � � �' 'y � � i � �i �� �� ( � ai I 1 �i j � � I � � � I I � � � �i I � ; I I , I � � ;$� � �` � i� � i �� � � �� ' —i —7 1 __� � $g� � 5 1� � �� I ��I ;� I � AI I � � i� I � � � � � _ � — I _ I — I = I — I = I — I = I — I I � i � I I I Ig ig le � �� ( � I _� _ �9 ���R � �� �� �_ � ueasfs7w s0.84' _ ������-� j I 1 I i� I 1 I � � I �� i � y �I1 1 �1 1 Y� � � I ;�� � ' � '� I � � � � i � � , �--�1 I 1 �, 1 �i I II i � ' i � , I � � � i , � I � � � � � i + . , �, � March 4, 1996 Mr. Scott Hickok City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue N. E. Fridley, MN 55432 RE: Menards Store, Fridley, MN Dear 1V1r. H'ickok: Enclosed please find the Special Use Permit Application for the e�risting Menards store in Fridley, MN. I am also enclosing a check in the amount of $400.00, four full size copies of the plan and one reduced copy. The application does not ha,ve the property owners signature, but I'm in the process of obtaining it and will forward it on to you as soon as I can. If you have any questions, please give me a call at (715) 876-2391. Thank you for your consideration. S' cerely, Gary Colby Senior Project Manager Menard, Inc. GC/sw cc: Marv Prochaska Enclosures � 4m ��� �U CLA�E, WI 54703'9625 1E1-EPHONE pt� 876�5,911 FAX#: 715-876-5901 � � TI� Y.eagae of Minn�ota Cities p�ovad� this pnblic�tia�t �s � gene� �i�farmational mema. Yt is mot intended to provi�e lega� advice aud shonld nat be nsed as a sabslitute for oompetent iegal guidance. xteaders should cansalt wi�tbi an �ttorne�► for advice concerning speci8c sib�attions. O��j�j6 �ea�ue o� Minnesvta. Cxties Researci� Faumcc�.a.a.txa� A� �nig�ts reservec�. ^ Priufet�. in tiie I.T�:maitea. �fa.tes o� �me�ai.Ca � i ���'� �� ���� L,�a�u� o� Minn.e�ota Cities 145 uxx.ivexsi�r Avenue West �"t. �'au.I, �S.N' S51Q3-20�� (612j 28X-X200 (BOa}�92s-iz22 �a� (612) 281-3299 n � � � �, INT'�tCJ►��JC��C�N N'oise, defined sim�l� as uma�autetl soumd. is an unvc+anted by pradu�t af human actir►ity tlaat iunvari,ably affects t8e lives of all citixens. At the srate leve�, environmental noise (noise occurring in the outrloar atmosphere) is reguiated by ti�e Minneseta Pollation Control Agency (MPCA). The MPCA regulates entvira�e�al naise by e�'orcing a serites of �to�se staudazds that lin�it the �eve� amd amourn of rime that noise may occux on a spec�'ic laud use. Although the MPGA enforces the sl;audards statewide, noise is so pervasive that the MFCA relies on commimides ta �rovide an additional measnre of noise regulation by adoptiag and enforcing la�l� noise ordinances. In additian to benefiting noise control efforts fay rhe MPCA, local �aaiise ordinances enable community officials to regulate noise 3n a timely aad discxetiana�y manner, as weIl as praviding the o��or�unity to address nois� issues that may be nnic�ue, or of s�ial comce,rn �o ihe xe,sidenrs of a r.or�onunity. To tbds e�., tke 11�P�A, az�d the %ague of Miw�esota Ci�ties b�ave coog�rated in the prepatation of two mad�l ord'mances designed to assisL commw�ity officiaLs in the derrelopment and adaption of their o� lacal ordi�nap.ces. Both have been � after the highlY sucxess�ui maise ox�r,es used by t�e ci�ies af al000z�niu�gto�n and St. Y.ouis Pazk. Each model moise oxdivaamce is desitg�aed to ass�isi city vfficials iu� t�e x�ga�at�on of �ao�ise co�abrvl in their eommunity. There is a long form and a short form of the ordinanca. The long form is a receiver ba.sed standard that descn'bes tlne Iimit�ng Ieve�s of sound required to presdrve public he�lrh and welfare. Th� short form of tb;e ord�e�adc�resses the regu�at�o� af activit�es that �aave the potential to initiate naise complai�s. A local govez?aiu�g w�it can �t7t sex srandards describing the maximum levels of sound pressure which are more stringent than thase set by the po�ucidn control agency with respecx to emtlromaental noise monitored at the loc�aan o� tbe receiver. A iocal governing body can adopt more restrictive noise level limits than the polltrtion con�ol agenc3► to re�ulate the emission of noise from specific sourc�s. � � �z . i r r�^� -..r Motor vehicle noise lirwits aze source standards relative to each ve�iGle� defined in Minn. Rul�s 7Q30.1000 through �030.1060. �e Iocal law e�'orce�ent agency is responsble for the eu£orcexncn# o�'t�e standards aad can requ� tech�ical assista�ce �CO� the MPCA noise program for nr,ise monitori�g equipment and training. The �mesota Depa�ae�t of I�Tahual Resources is res�onsible far the emforc�memt af motorboat noi�e zegulabio�s as de�ned in NI'mu. Sta� 86B.321, as we�t as rhe smowimob�e noise regulations in Mu�, St�t, 84.87�., and Miuo�n. Rules 6100.S7a0, sulopart 5_ These regulations a�e souzce standards that limit rhe noise levels emitxed by the in�c�Zvidual matorboat or snowmobile. Car�fal inspet�om af ttc� model nois� ordinanca should be made before its adoption. Duplica�on could occur betareen an existing ordinance and one of the sub�azts ai the model noise ordina�ce. Xf a spe�xal, condivan exists wb�exe a city� abr�ady has a suitable o�tli�ace �stablished, it should b� incorporated inta the �odel moxse o�di�mamce. This ordinance can be z�umbered to faci�llrtrtate its incorporation wit� other ciityy az�dia�ainces. �e N�'CA has a limited number of sound Ievel �oo�ete�s ava�able �or �xty o�'iicia�s to borrow so that noiss levels of suspected vivlations af the noise ordinance can be monitored. MP"CA noise �Srogram staff is available to train an investigator in the propez aperation of the spund level me�er. . �or furrher assista�ce un t�e development of �ocal noise co�trol programs, the M�'GA. �ao�se zuXe, or any aspect af e,nviro�ernal nvise mozutorimg, Atease � co�ct the �gue o� Minnesota Cities or: Brian T�terson Minnesota Follution Control Agency Air Quality Divisian 520 Lafayeb�e Road Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155-3898 Teiephone (612) 296-7898 n�rrr,-, t;TAlYRb(1TTTlT ,n ���Lnn -�..�^•r rrn� •�� •��, � � MOTIEL O�,tAINANCES I. iang-Fo� Noise Cantro� Ordinance (Includes prov�isions for m�asurement of noise by aconstical iunstrumentation) AN ORD�NANGE RELA'i'iNG TO NpZSE, PROV.i�DING FpR TI� ELTMIl�TATTON AND PREVEN1iON' OF PROI��`Ep NOISE, ANb I1V�OSING PENALTYES �QR VIOLATTON The City Council of _ Urdait�s: Comrtzerat.• Tlias is the etlacting cluuse psescribed if: stQtutnry cities A home rule ciiy shauld adapt it to confor•m tv require�mee�ets of its charter. �S�CTT N 1. �e�itlitiails. S►abdivision �, General. Waxds and phrases deSned in tbis section have, w�;er� used in this ordinance; the m�gs giveiq balow. �4ny other word or phrase us� in this ordinanGe, and defined in. regulations Qf the 1Vi"wnesota, Pollu�ian Cont�o� A.gency Noise Pollution Control Rules Cbaptex 7030, has the meaning given in thvse regulations. Subd. 2. ,p1ix c�'uroql�tian device means a tnech� desigioed. aa�d used for the controlled 0 flow of a� usecl iu� ventilatian, cooling, or condii�aning, including, but not limited to, cenlra� an►d w��►dow 2�iz conditioning uaits. Subd. 3. Y.ld means tl�e sound 1e�'el, ea-pressed the time for a one-hour period, as measured by a sowad lerrel meter having chazacteristics a$ sp�cified in the latest standards, S 1.4, of ti�e A,merican National St�dards Institute and using test procedures a,�prov�d b� the (potice �lepa�'rinent, buildang inspector, or� other sp�ecifred officer or agency]. Camment:' T7zis will adopt th� latest .�N,SI �tarndtcrds in �,�'fect at the time of adopa�vn of the ordinance. If lat�r modifacatiofzs by ANSI are desired they will need to be udopted by a»tendmen.� to thi,� ordanance. Sa�d. 4. L50 means the sou�ad le�vel, express�d im decibels {di3A) which is exceeded. 50 percent of the time for a a�e-hour periad, as mteaswred by a sound level rneter having characteristics as specifieci in the latest stand�rds, � i�n decibels (dBA) wluch is exce�ded 10 percent o�' S 1.4, of the American National Standards Institute 2 r�ir, •T irrn '.'1AT . . TTTr L'illf"J1�TATT1+! �T? ?'iA:r�-r -a;r-•t �rn� �t? •;?�,; �"`� �''� and using test �rocedures a�roved by the {police depa,�tme�, buildir�g ifrspect`ar, or other specif:ed' a,,�f'icer- or agertcyj. Subd. 5. Person m�s an. individ�, �, Partrier5hip, corporation, tivst�e, assaciation, tb�e sr.�te a�d xts age�c�ies aad subd.ivisions, or any body af persons whether in.corporated ar no�. With respect to acts prohibited or required herei�p, "person" shall inelud'e employees and Iic�,sees, Comment.� �Izis section largely relies on d�firaidions fautzd in state naise control regulatio�r supplerre�ented. by ordinance de, firaitio�s of tlaree terms The terms ••.L.�O" and ".LSO" a�s u,sed an Section 4, whicla sets �eceiving land use naise standards, need de, fitaatiora if Section 4 is to be understood even in a general way by persoirs �'ected 8y the ordinance. 5ome ardinances COPTtQlii numerous other c�efinitians. TeYtreinvlogy used throughoui the ordanance slzauld canform ta definitdons included in this sectio�. De,��aitions need not be inctuded for terms given iheir dictio�y meaning orso easily r�nderstood thai ordinance de�"inition i� s�uperfluous: Section 2. Noises Prohibited. Sa�division 1. General �rohibiiian. No �erson shall make or cause to be made any distinctiy and distwrbs, injures, or endangers the comfort, repose, health, �eaee, safety, or welfa�re o� any persons or precludes their enjoyme�t of praperiy or sff�cts �' P�DP�Y's ��. �s ge�eral prohibition is not limited by the s�ific rest�icti�o�as of the following sui�divisio�ns. Subd. 2. Motor vehicle,c. Na person shall operate a motor ve�icle in the city in �io�a�ion og the motor vehiole noise limits vf the �esot� Pollutian CQ�aixol Agency. Comtnent: Even in the cYbsence of �his provisio� it is unla�wfut ro operate a mvt�r vehiele in violation of the regutation,r. 141'tnn. Stat. 189.693. .7�te provisipn �s included only to uxform the pubdic �'hat there are noi�se regulaiiar�s of thxs lyae applicarble wiihi�i the city as well as tlzose of other kindr set out in the ordinar�ce �Q city adopting thi�s pYOVisian may wisl� to provade a copy vf the regulatiorrs ir� the cit}� clerk's o�ce_fo� refere�ace, but' tliis is not legrrdl� necessar�y. Since the term "rnotar vehicle" i� defined in �� ,Rures 703Q IOpp which includes tl� substance of Subd Z, it rs not necessary to define the term in the prdinance. Snbd. 3. �orns, audibie signaling derrri,r,r.es, etc. No peison shall sound any signaling device on any vehicle except as a, warning of danger, as loudly audible noise that unreasonably annoys, � �1�� bY Nlinn- S�►t- 169.68. � 3 Comment: In order to further resirict the use of certain o�these devrces, "danger" can be � more fudly de, fine� formal permits far the use of these devices can be required, ar operational curfews can be established by the ci�y. Frirthermore, the city may x�sl� to extend thisptovision to statioruuysources which would fnclude noon whistle� church bells, etc. ,� n S�tbd. 4. Fxhaast. No person shall discb�arge #he ex�a.ust, or penmit the discharge of the exhaust Of ffil� Si@AiIl �II�IIIe, 5'��B,hO�aiji l�t�� combustion �ngine, motor boat, motar ve�icl�, or snowmabile except ti�ugh a xnufAe�r or ather device that effecti.vely prevents loud or explosive noises therefrom and complies with all appli�able state laws �d regtilations Comment: Mvtar vehicle mu�j`lers , are prescrab�d by M'mn. Stat. 169.69. Water cra}� muj�'Ier�s ar�e presc,zbed by Alr�. Stat. 868:321. Snowmobide m�i'ets are � required w:der �isn. Start. ti4.871 and Minr� Rules 61 Qp, S70Q subpart 5. I, f snawmob�le apercYtion within the city i� prohibited, the eity may wish to omit the re,f'erenc� to snowmobile.s in this subdivision. Subd. 5. Defective velucles ar Ioads. Na persan s�ail use any vehicle sa out af repair or so loaded as ta create �oud and unn�cessary grating, grindiu�g, �tt�i.ng, or o�li�r noise. � Subd. 6. Loading, unioadiung, anpacking. No person shall create loud and e�cessive naise in, loading, u�oading, or unpacking at�y vehicle. Snbd. 7. Radios, phonographs, �aging system, etc. No person shall usE or oper�tz or permit the use or operation of any radio receivi�tg set, musicai instn�men� phonograph, paging system, machine, qr ot�►er device for #� pr�ndipn:� x�eproduction of souad in. a dxs�tiunatiy and Ioudly audfble ma�er as to unreasonably disturb th� p�ce, quiet, and cobofart of aary �erson nearby. Qperdtion af any such set, ins�ument, phonograph, machine, or other devic� h�tween thc houts o� 10:00 p.m. and 7.00 am. in such a manner as to be plainly audi`ble at the p�operty Iin� af the s�ucture vr building in which it i.s lacated, in the hallway or aparir�emt adjaeent, or at a disEanee of 50 feet i� the saurce is lacated au#side a stiv�cture ar building sFiall be prima facie evidence of a violati,an af tb�is section Subd. $. Participation in naisy parties or gat�terings. No person shall participate in an�y party or other gathering of people giving rise to m � . � .�. ,� noise, unreasona,bly disturbiuxg the peace; quiet, or repose of another person, VVhen a police officer det�nnines tb�at a gathering is ereazing suc� a noise disturbance, the officer may order all persans preseat, other t�ian the owner ar tenant of the premises where the disturbance is aCCUrring, to dispexse immediately. No person shall refuse to leave af�er being oxdered by a�olice offcer to do sa. Every owner or t�enarit of such premises who has knowletlge of the dishn�ance sktall make every reasonable effort to see tb�t the disturbance is stoppaci. Sabd. 9. ioudspeakers, amplifiers for advextaisiwtg, etc. No person shall opexate or permit the use or opexatxon af any loudspeaker, sound ampli.fier, ar othex de�ice for the pr�uction or reproductian o� sotu�d on a street or other public place for the �urpose of co�umtexci�t advertising or attra.c�ing the attention of the publi�c to 2�ny comuaercital establishment or vehicle. Comment: Some cities may wish to allaw such devices r�rnder city permmit ,�f tlnx approach is usec� provisions for a perrrtat should be substiluted and standards for use af the .- 5% ; ^ device utader permit includ,ed E� Su6d.1Q. .�q,imals. No person shall keep ar�y animal that unreasanabiy distur'bs the comfort ar re�pose of persons in th.e viciun�ity by its &�us�t ar continued noise. For putposes of tbuis s�tion, "dishyrbs th� comfort or repase of persons in the vicinity by its frequent or continued naise" means any one of the following: A. The �imal noise occurs at a. tiime betwe�n 10:00 p.m. .and 7:oa aaaa. and can be heard fraz�t a loe�on auxside the bvilding �d premises where t6te animai is being kept, and the a�nimal has made such nois�.s intermittent.11y for more than three (3) minutes with one minute or less i�pse of time bdween each animal �toise d�trin� the three �ninute period: or �. The animal noise can be �e�xd from a one black distanee from the Ioc�ian of the building and pxe�onises where the animal is bei�g kept, and thE animal. has �ade stLCh naises intermitte��y for more than thtee (3) minutes with one rnix�ute or less lapse d£ lame between each aniu�al n�ise dnring tlxe tlaree minute period; or � � n C. The animal noise can be heard i'rorn a �acation autside the buildimg and premise� where t�te amimai is being kept, a�d the animal has made such noises i�te�nittently for a period of at least five (5) minutes wItih o�e minute or less lapse of time between eacb� animal noise durin�g the five min�tte period. Sabd. �X, Schools, chnrehes, �►ospitals, etc. No person shall creafe. auy exc,essive npise on a s�eet, alley, ax public grounds sdjac�ut to an.y schaol, unstitution of learning, chutoh, ar hospital wb.en the noise unreasonably inteitferes r�vith the warking oi the i,�stitution or disturbs or u�duly an�to�s its occupants or reside�ads and wheu co�aspicuaus si�ns indicate the pxesence of such inst�tution. Gamrnent.• The list of irastitutiorrs may be czltesed to mee� local needs. Some ordi�ces, , for example, ardd ca�rts, nursfng homes, and homes for the elderrly ta the list. Seciion 2 is intended to pral�ibit Vat�tOt�S �iOisE nrdsances not cpntY011Bd Or ru>t eaa�s'iXy �oritrolled through S`ection 4, sound level stcmdards, or thrrt muy b� car�trolled easier in thi,s fashian. It includes noise nui�sances cpmmonly proscribed by ardirrances Otheps may be adc%d to tr�ke crccount of local ttuisance situations .4mong other noise nuisances sdmetimes fou�rd in noise contf-ol (�'/ in � i M1l+f. •.... 6 ordinances ca�e (1) noise ,pollution ft-om buildijzg, r-eFairiszg, or tBSlliZ� motor vehicles or other inY'ernal comliuStion engines; (2) use of 'model velziclles or model crirplanes during cettain hours or in certui�e ptaces; {3j use af explosives, firearms (see ��n. SYat_ ,�,i6.07, Subd 2a), or similarr de��ices causing a noise dis�urbance beyond ,�operty lines (sometimes permitted under certain conditions with a specicrl var�iancej; (4) rsrmuf Ted op�rcrtion of blower or power fa�s; (S) noise from idlirag diesel e�agines. Snme provrsions either included or omi�ted in the moded sedion may a�eady crppea� in city ordinances deal�ng wit�h �sunces, arrd some directed al� raoise by people (�.g., loud perriies� niay be #reated in o�dina�cces on disorderly corzduct� or breaches of the peace. ectian 3. �aurly Restr�ct�on on Certain Qpex'anol�.R. Sab�i�sron 1. Recreatiaual vehicles. No pexson shall, between the hours o�' 10:40 p.m and 7:00 a.�., drive or operate a�y minibike, snawmobi�e, or ather recreatianal �re,lu"cle aot lic,�ns�d �ox txavel on public highways. Comnient: If otl�r ordi�iartces regttlate ot prolubit the z�se of snowmobiles or arhes nonhighwc�y recreationat vehicles �withir� the ciZ�y, tlus provision should be mod�ed acenrdingly. ,tt xhauld be noted that �nn. Staf. 84.87 regulates the oper�cr�ion v,f snowrnobiles relative to the ordinances of a municipaZity. .... . . . .. ,. . � ,. -, �.. ..,. . .. _ -. ......., -,- , n ^i n r. ♦ . . . �, . _ � Sabd. 2. Domestic por�ver eqaipmeat. No persom s�all operate a power lawm mo�vver, power hedge cliPi3er, chain saw, mulcher, gazden tiller, edger, drill, or othear stiva�lar domestic powe� �� maint�nance equipme�t except between the houzs of 7:00 am. ar�d 10:Q0 p.m. an any weakday or laetv�reez� the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. an any weelcend ox holiday. Snow reu�ovai ec�uipment is exempt fi'om this provision Sabd. 3. Xtefuse hauling. No psrsom sha11 collect ar remove gazbage or re�use in any residential distx�ct except betw�n the houxs df � 7:Q0 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. a� any weekday or � betwe�n the hours of 9:00 am. and 9:OQ p.m, on � a�t� weekend or holiday. Subd. 4. Constructiun aetivi��ies. No person shal� engage iva ar pem�rt constr�ction activities involving ths use of any kind of e�ectric, diesel ar gas-poLuered machine oz other powez equipment except between the houis of 7:(10 a,m. and 10:00 P-m- Q� �Y ���Y �' ��'een the hours of 9:�0 a.m, and 9:00 p.m. on say wee�Cend or holiday, ec ' 4 Rece�iv'itig I�and Use Standard8. Subdivision 1. 1V��acimum noise leve]� by receiviwtg laztd use districts. N'o persvn shall operat� or cause ar pemut to 1� opeira�ed 2�ny so� of noitse a,n such a manner as ta create a naise level exceeding t�e limit set in Tab.le I�'or ihe recei'ving land use catcgozy specified when measured at a pouat af normal human aetivity of the receiving �at�d use. Table L�aou�utd levels 6y Rec�ivmg Laad �se �.listritts �aY - Night (7:U0 a.m. -10:Q0 p.m.) {lO:QU p.m - 'i:QQ at�,) Land Use Districts L10 L50 L'10 L50 Residential Commercial Industrial f 7./f11 '� l,G�'(1 '�1P1 GS 60 70 65 80.. 75 � 55 7U SO 50 65 7S 5�1.1T�� d.i.f���PdN1?M di� �fi=�'� i ;�;,�4%:fi fii!17 '!? '�'�d Comtnent.• Z'hese stat8 standards dealing wrth sound levels at the poirtt of rece,ption �"� establi,sh a set of critertac which cities can utilize, vr change to reflect rheir� owre community values The vrdinance section above imposes rer�uiremeszt,s at or within the pt-operty line a, f the receivircg lmTd use unit cutegor�zed by zo�ing use districis. It seems desirable to use the mcr}or d�str%ts established in the city's zoning ordin�rce a,x the drst�icts referred to in this section crlthough state Zaw ac�lually applies to rhe receiving lutrd vse unit accurding ta its current use. As ir� the starte stutzdards, the t�ble used in the ordinance prescribes a somewhat more restrictive LSO �;�Zrd thart LIO staradard In.eQCh �ategory of uses tlte L30 standard is S aI�A le,ss tha�z the LI Q ata�dr�rd �, n. If a city amits this section because it does not wi,sh to involve itsedf in sound level measurement {though thix section may be easier to er�'orce thatt orditurnGe st'andat�c�is that �eave more roorr� for lnterpreiatian in their application), it should also omii ar a�dapt ather portions of tlte o�dinance Yelcr�ed tv this section o� receiving land �se sta�adards. Such cities . mayprefer pat�erning their ordinance crf�er the short forrn o�di�ance, wlaich omits technica.l standaYds Subd. 2. Egemptions. 'The levels pzescrtrlbed in Su�idivision 1 do not apply to noise origi�q�ai�g on public slre�ts and alleys but such nrnise sba11 be subject to other applicable s�tians a�' this ordi�at�ce, /"7 iT t ♦ i Pi��i ��r ection 5. Air Circulatio�a De�'ices. No person shall permanently insta�l or place any a�ir circulation dev�ice, except a vvi�dou� air condit�o�g wut, in aay outdoor locslion unti]. ti�e (police deparhnent, building itu�ector, or other specified o,�cer or agency� determines thax the device in tJsai loc�tion will comply wi,t� the noise level staud$rds pre.scribed itn Section 4 and issues a pe;t�it far the installation '�e noise produced by any window unit aud b� any exisiing air circulation device shall be attenuaxed by mea�s deemed �ppropriate by the [police depur�tfnent, building inspeciot-, pr Ot��' Sp�Cl�f18d Of�lC2�" Ol' ctgerzcy], iacluding, but not linuited to, relocation of such device, if the noise re�uul�s 'va ax co�n'butes to . a violalion of Section 4. Section 6. Eacceptiv�u �ar Emerge�cy WoTk. Noise cre�ated exclusively in the perfoimance o£ e�ergency work to preserve tk�e public healtb�, sa,fety, or welfare, or iza the performan.ce of emexgency �uvork necessary to restore a public service or eliminate a public hazard shall $e exempt from the provisio�s o£ttus 8 .� ., . . , . . . J , ,�. h ., . . .. . �. .. . . . .. - �. . � ^ . r. .-� T �� . , -, • � , � m �, �, ardinance �ox a�eri�d not to Exceed 24 hawrs after th� work is commenced. Persa�s responsible for such work shall in.for�a, the (police de,�artment, buildi�tg inspector, or other speci,Ted o, Jicer or crgency] of the need to initiate suc� vvork or, if the work is com�aaenced du,ring nonbusiness hours of the city, at the b�gu�ning o£ business hours of the flzst business day thereafter. A.ny person responsible for sueh em�rgen.cy work shall talce all re�eSOnable actions to minimi'P (� �oUIIt of noise ection 7. Fowex a�td Duties of (police departmen� building ins,pector, or othe� spec�ed o,�cer or agency]. Subdx�ision � 1, Administering o�cer. The noise cwntrol program estabiished by this ordinance sk�ll be �+�ninistered by tb�e �pc�lice department, building iraspe�tor, or other specifted affi'ceP or cagency], who sha11 be appai�ted. b� the (council or other appoiu�l�g a�rthority). Cor�ment: In most cities the �oise cvnt�al duties are assig�zed ta un existing of�'icer ar depm�tment. In that case the language should be altered by subsfitut�ng the rzame of the a, fJicial or department and omitting � the clause ahout the appointn:ent_ Ir�xtead �' of substituting the n�me of that o, f, j�cial or deprrrtment tha�oughout the ordinance, the suhdivision may be mod�ed to re�.; "The noise control program established by this ordirrance shail be adsr�inistered by the noise corltrol o, f, j�ce�: UntiX otherwise provided by ordinance, the fpotice department, build�ng i�spector, or other spec�ed p�"rcer or agencyJ sha71 serve crs the noise cos�trpl offtcer " If the council provides for a sep�crte position of rtoise cos�ol o,�ficer, the appoi�iing cruthority referred to in this subdivision is the general arPlpoi,�ting authority established by law or chrr�ter�, such as the mmzager in a carincil - nuu�age� �ily, the mayor in a strong mayor - cot�ncil �ity, or th+e council in n�ost statutory arld some charter cities If a new position is established and rhe cit}� has a for�nal tner� systen� un addition�l provision placit2g ihe poxition in the class�ed xeruice �nay be required if new pOSlti0i4S are rzot autom¢tically in tlzat class in the abserzce pf approprirrte action fo be contraty. Sabd. 2. Testing procedureso The (police deparTm�n� building irtspector, or other spec�ed officer or agency] shall adopt guid�lines establishing the test procedures and instrumenta�ion to be used in en�orcing the pravision�s of Section 4 imposirig noise standards. A copy o� such guidelines shall be �.ept an fiIe in the office of the jpolice de�artmes�t, buzlding an,�pector, or other spec�ed v, fJicer os agency] ax c� �� 1 �1 t �cn �,�nr ��T T T� NT(1C�ATATT?C .rr 7��n?r�� �r� r 7� C F i �i7 �� �'�a.r [address] a.nd shall be avai�able to tiie public fox � reference duri.ng office haurs. Subd. 3. Studie,�, etc. The (police department, building inspector, ot� other spec�ed o�`'icer or argency] shall conduct such xesearch, monitoriz►g, and othe�r studies related to sound as aze necessazy or useful in en.foxci�ng this ordi.nance and reducing nt►ise iva� t3�e city. He or she sl�all .make such investiga�ions and inspections in accoxda�ce with la�vv $s required iu� aPPIY�g ordin�nce requuements. 5ubd. 4. �1Toi�e imapact� statements. 'Z'b�e i'"1 jpolice de,laartmen� building i�cpector, or other i `� spec�ed officer or agesacy] may xequire any person a�pplying to the city for a cha�ge in zoning classifca�ion ar a�rmit or licex�sa far any structuxe, ape�a�ian, pracess, installation, ox altEration, or project tb�at m�.�' be consider� a potential. no� sowce to submit a aoise impact statement az� a�o�,00� pr�ribed by the officer. He or she shall evaluai� each stt�ch statement and maice appropriate recommeadations to the couucil or ]0 other agezlc�r or officer authorized to take the actio� or approve the license or permit applied for. Subd. 5. Otlie�r powers and dut�es. 'The [�wl�Ge de�tment, buitding anspector, o� other specif�ed o,�'icer or aSency] shall exercise such other powe�cs and perform suc� ather duties as �re reasanable and n�s�y' to enforc� t�i,s ordinance. e' 8. Varial�ces. Snbdivisito�t 1. A,uthority. The jpolice depart�nent, buidding itxspector, or other specifced o,�cer or agency] shall h�.ve autliority, consistent with this �cta.on, to grant variances from the requirem.ezxts of any section of this ordiw.axtce, St�b►d. 2. Applicatioa A�y persan seelang a va�az�c.e shall fi�e an applic�tio� with the �police dep�tent, buiddir�g i�tspector, ar other specifr�d officer or agenCy] on a form prescribed �ry the offcer. The app�ic�tion shall state the dates during which the variauce �'ts praposed, the location o� t�te noise source at�d tiumes of o�eration, the nat�wte of the noise sowrce, reasons why tbe variaxxce is Soug�t, Step5 taken ta minimi�e t� ridlse levei, and such other 3information as is required by �kie r- � . �. ,r,^n ���, ��,>,, _ ,.,-..e,-,,, —�r,.,,-r-� -�=,n^•r rTn-, �,� •.��, (police �leluartment, bzrilding inspector, or ot.her application. It may b� approved only if the officer �'`�� s�ec�ed o,�cer or agency]. If the a�plication is finds that full compliance wit�t tbe requiremen�ts of � /"� for a variance for uiore tha�a three days, the (podice departtnent, building ixspector, or other specif ied o�cer or agency] shall �ive raailed notice of the requested vaxi�ance to all property o�rners within 540 feet of the noise sour�e, Any person claimi�z�g ` to be adv�rsely affected by the variance applied for map, within 2fl days o�mtiling of the notice, �ile a statement with the (police department, building inspector, or other specifzed o, fficer or agency] iva support af his or her claim. $ubd. �. A,Gtion on applicatioa Tf the rpolice depca�tnzent`, building inspector, or other spec�d o,�f'icer or age�cY] fmds that suffiicient contxovexs� eaists regazding the p�aposed variance, he or sb�e may hold a public hearing vz� tk�e proposal at which �lI persons affected shall be gxven an opporhmity � to be heard He ar she shall also hold such a hearinRg u�on request of the app�cant or any �rson claiming to be adv�rsely affected by the variance applied for. Witl� 30 days of receipt o� tt�e application, the officer sha� apprave ar deny the 11 the ordiup:ance would constxtute an unreasonable hazdshi� on the applicant, on other persons, or on the cammimity. Iu det�mining wb�ether to grant o�t' deny the a�plication, the offic�r shal� b�lance the hardship to the applicant aga,inst thE ad�ve�se imparx on tlxe he�lth, safet�, amd welf'are of the �ersons affected, the �dverse impact on pro�erty affe,ct�;d, and a�y other adv�rse effects of granting the variance. '�e v�riance may be g�autetl subject to conditions, including a ti,�e Iimit, wluch shail be clearly state�d. Comment_ h�ost cornprehetasive orditzatzces contain provisio�s for varying ihe sound soa�ce requarements of the ardina�zc� to preve�t tazdue hardship. T��is special r�''ispens'�rtion from the requ.�rem.�nts is granted va�iously by proceduu� es far exc�ptions, va�iancex, or te�nporary (o� soinetimes,�erma�tent) permits Sonielimes sucl� speci�tl dreatmeni is li�nated to the p�ovi,sion of special time limits for bringing exasdang naise sou�ces intu campliance wl:cn the ardinance,�st goes into effect, arzd sotn¢titrtes it as confined to s�ecified ardir�ance restrit�ions The fnadel follows a prac�ice similar to that used in zonir�g ordinances fOT VQl'iQriCES: PrOViSiOYls I72 tj28 ZaCal zoning ordinances majv provade a patte�n that the council may wish to follow instear� tying it in to the noise cvntsol ordinance ta the extent it is, fouv�d feasible. If tl�re is � some o, f�'tcer other than the f, pvlice department, building inspector, or other spec�d o,�``icer or agencyj, who might better,�erform the taskofadministeringthe varianee ,provisions, such as the city m�ncager, administr�atOr, em�ironmen#arl cotnmissior� platYning commissios�� or a speciQl ad ho� boprc� such an o, fj�'icer or boc�rd may be srsbstituted in this section � �, Snbd. 4. A,ppeals. Either the applicant or any pazty aggrieved may, wlithin 24 days of the decision on.the variance application, ap�a1 to t�e city council for a xeview of the decisi.o�. The ap�eal s�haii be filed in writing with the city clez�k. '�e appeal shall be heazd as sao� as practicable and witlai.a 20 da.ps t+f the fiiing of the appeai, and the applicant a�d an,� person who has �ed a stat�ment on the applic�tidn for a variance with �ie �police deparrmenc, buitding inspectvr, or orher spec�ed ofj`'icer or agency] sh�ll be given at least 10 days mailed notice of tlae lrme when and place r�rhere the appeal wiil be conside�red b� the council. The cauncil may affrm, n4od�£y', or overrule the action a� the (police department, building inspector, or other s�ecified a,�cer ar cagency] oz� the basis of the criteria set out in Subdivision 3. Comment_ Ordinai:ces ihat incl:rde,�rovision,.� , f'or takiszg care of hardship �uses usually provide for appeads fram admit�xxtrative rulings on the appdicr�tion, for an exception , from ordinance requirement's. Typically this ap,�neal is to the city council, but some Cllt$S pPOV11�2 fOP Q'�BQj.S t0 Q�tl�'�T administrc�ive o�`'icer or agency eit.h�r before or in lieu of appeal to the cpu�tcil. SECti°n 9_ Enfarcemeat. Subdaivision i. Notice of certair� v�iolations. �hen the [police depc�rtmen� building ins�aecior, o� other spec�ed a,�'icer or agency] deter�uu�es t�at a naise exc�eds the maadmum sound leti�el �ermitted undex Section 4, he or she shall give written notice o£ the violation to the o�er or occu�ant oi th� premases wl�ere the naise originates ar�d order such person fio �orrect rnr remove �ach speci�'i.eci violation withirx such reasanable time as is parescrib�. in the notice. The �a't�ure to remove or correct at�y such violation within the tixne so prescribed constiittuteG a violation of this ordinance. Camme�: Utztil the determinatian by the afficer th�t ther•e is a violatior� of tlae soirnd level requitemerc�s of Sectio� 4, tXie per�son responsible may not know that a violat8on exists, particulr�rly when the ordinr�nce frrst goes into effect This sectior� is fncluded, tla�refore, to ensure the person respo�tsible has an oppo�tunity to correct the candirion before arey prosecutiorx is 12 catierrtpted :cnder the pen�lty provision of Subdiviszon 3 vr before resor#ing ta other� � mea�s o}' abatemeru_ Some ordinunces canfine natace provisians of this kind to situartions existing wl�tz the or�dinmace goes into efj�eci, SOme also set mmri���rt tinie limits for complicrrace, in some cases ,�tg langer limfts , for nwre costly corrective installcr�io�s. Subd. �. Civ� remedies. 'T.his ordinance may be enforced by injunctio�, action for abateme�t, or other appropriate civil re;aa�ed�'. • Comment.• .4lthough it may nat be possibde to a,�`'ect the jt�isdic�uin ar�d pracedure o, f the co�'ts by ordinance provision in t�aast cities, the provision at tea�st calls crtter�ion to available civil renredies Subd. 3. CriminaY �enalti��. Any violation of this o�uance invoiving th� operaxio� of � �uotox v�hicle is a�etty misdemeanar a�ad, upon conviction, the violator sh�ll be pwnished by a fine not to sxceed. $1 Q0. Every �erson who vi�olates any other �rovision o� t�its ordina,nce is guilty of a misdemeanar and sha�i, upan cvnviction, be subject to a fine of mot more than $700 or imprisonment �ox a teren not ta exceed 90 days, ox both. In all cases the city sbai� be entitled to collect the costs of p�rosecution to thE extent �, outlined by law, Rvles o� C�rivaiaal Frocedure, and I3 the Rules of Cowt, E3ch act of �nolation and each day a violataiioz� occurs or contiu�ues canstitut� a sepa�ate offense. Comment: The penalty provided , for misdeme�ors is the ma�rimun� uttowed by Icrw ?7ze provision for udding t)ze epsts of prosecution is basgd on the stat7�ctory city code. ll�'mr� Stc�: 41'2.231. Y'r•otalions of noise limits on motor vehicle aper�ion Emd far draving with aft inadequate muff�'er, like mast violations of the h-a„�fc cod� arre pEtty misdemeanors under the state law �ta�t. S'tat. 169.89, 5ubd. 1_ The law alsa provides that local ordin�es may not, fix u di„�'erent,penalty. �mz. Stat. 169.(JZ,2. The ordinance may m�tke all or spec�d violatiorrs petty tnisdemm�a�wrs, if preferYec�' In that case the viol�o� is subject only to the maximum �100 fine on cvr�viction with no pos,sabitity of c� jail sesztetue. In prosecutiorts under a,�etly misdemeanor provisio�, there i,s no right to . a tri�l by jury ar�d appec�ls ure perr�itted only on questions of law In a city tivi�h crr� ordi�aance code casata'itzang a g�neral penalty ppovisio�x, ihe penaliy sectian of tkus o�dina�ace tpacty be abrfdged �ion . Sev�rabitity. If a�ny prorrisian of this ordin�ce or the applicat�on a� any provision to a particular situation is he�d to be invalid by a couxt of competent jurisdictio�nt, the remai�iva�g portions of the ordinance and the �"� � ; "�, applicatiau u�t}�e ordinance to any other sxbxation shail r�ot be invalidated Commerit: t�hile there is some doubt thar a severability provision alters whut a cor.an' would do vthes•wise in corrstruing ordinattces, it is cornnio� to irrclude it in o�'ditrances contari�g such varied pravisions at this one. Fpr earam�le, the PC.4 regulation establi.shing rtoise stmrdards co�'ains such a,provision Section 11. Effec�ive �ate. This ordi�ce becames effective . X9_, Comment: In statutoty cft�ies ordinances become e,tfective upo» passage m1d publicr��ion unless a later dan'e is fiaced in the ordirtance. In mat�y home rule ch�rter cities, reon-emergency ordincmces do not become e, fj`'ective until 30 days af�er passage and ,�rubltcar�ion unless the o�dinance frxes a later date. Th�s section is not legally necessmy unle,ss a later effective date is chosen t�i the date prescr�ibed by Iraw or cha�ter'. Pas$ed this day of ,19 . Attes� City Clexk Published in on , 19_. r7 il r �r ir�^n ���. M�,yor 14 ��TTrn VTl11�!TAT1TTTfT .il� �r,n:.*�r�r -+rTr�r�r Crr17 '7? 'rt�rT �, �"� II. Sho�-Foxm �loise Cantrol Clydina�nre The City Counci� of � ordains� Section 1. Nois� Prohibit�. 5ubdivisian 1. General proliibition. 1Jo person sha�ll make or cause to be made av,y distinctly and loudly aud{ble noise that unreasonably anuoys, dispubs, injures, or endangers the comfa� repa�, heatth, peace, safety, or welfar� of eny persan or pxecludes their enjoyment of propeifiy ar a�ects their properiy"s value. '�is geueral prohibition is nvt limited by the sp�i�.� zestrlcti�s of the following subdivisians. Subd 2. Harns, andible si�gt�aling devices, etc. Na person shall sound any audibie si�g device on any vebicie except as a waming of daager, as required by Nfinn. Stat. i 69.68. Commeret: 1'n order ta fi,a�ther re.s,c��at the use of these.certaan devices, danger can be more -�ullY definec�. fvrmal per�nits for the use of these devices can be reguirec� or operudiorral curfews catz be estabdished by the city. Furthermore, the ciry pr citiesmay wash to extend this provision Fo statior�ary . �� �nT •, inrn •�„ �5 sources which would irictude rtaon whistles, church bells, etc. Subd. 3. E��usk No person shali discharge the e�aust or petmit the discb�arge of the e7r,haust af any steam engine, stat:io�y int�rnal. combustion engine, motor baat, motrnr vehicle, or snowmobile e�cept t�ough a muffiex or other device that effec�ivel�� prevents loud or exp�dsive noises therefi�m and complies wsth all apQlicable state laws az►d xegulations. Comment.• M'otor vehicle mr�lers are ,�rescr�ibed by �nrt. Stat. 169.69. Water craf� mt�flers �re prescri�ied by Mirux. Stat. 86B.321. Snowmobile mu, f lers �e r��uired p�rrader 11�'inn. Stat. 8�.571 and A�im�. Rules 6100 57(JO s�sbpart S If . snowmobile o,peration within the cat�v is prohibitec� the caty may wish to omit tl:e refet�ence to snowmobiles in th�.s subdiviSiOn, $abd. 4. Defcetgve vehicles or Ioads. No pe�son shall use any velricle so out a� repair or sa loaded as to create ioud �d unnecessary grating, gtx�d�ng, rattling, or other aoise. �rtTrTr, trnn��r.TT..r .:, rtnn,rn^r �r,tT�^•� i_`T'�. •I7'rt�r � � � �'"\ � � � n Subtl. S. Loading, unloadipag, uapacking. noise, unreasonably d'asturbing t�e peace, quiet, or No person sha11 careate loud or exc�essive noise in �oading, unlo�din�, or u�acking any vehicle. Snbd. �. iladios, �honagr,�phs, paging systems, etc. No person shall use or operate or pex�t the use or operation a� any radio receivin�g set, musxcal instrument, pho�ograP�, ��� systsm, machine, or otlzex device for the production or reproduc�ian of so�md in a disiinct and �audl� audible ma�mer as to unreasonably disturb the Peace, quaet, and comfort o�aiaty person nearby. Qperataoa of an� such set, i�sbrument, �hoaograph, macbu��e, or other de�►ice between the hours af 1Q:QQ p.�, and 7:Od a.m. in su.ch a manner as to be plainiy aud��b�e at the prapem► line a£tb�e strucittre ar buildin� in whi�c�t xt is Iocat�eci, in t1�e hallwa� or apartment adjacent, ox at a distance of 50 feet if the source is �oca�ed outside a si�uctiu�e or building shall be prim� facie evidenc� of a violation a� t�us s�tian. Subd. 7. ParEicipatia� i►n noisy partie.s or gatb�e�ugs. No person shall part�ci�te in any party or other gathering of �eople givin� rise to 16 regose of auofiher persan. �em a police off cez deteruqines that a gaihe� is creating such �► noise disturbance, th� offic�r may arder all pe�sans pxesent, other tl� the owner ox tenan# of the premises vuhere the distu�rbancx is occwt�ng, to disperse imua�ediately. l�o pe�tson sl�all re�use to lea.ve after be�iu� ordered by a police o�car to do so. Eve�y orovner or t�nant of such premises r�rho has Imowledge a�the dislurbance sb,�ll make every reasonahle effort to see tb�at the disturba�,ce is stopped Snbd. 8. Loucls�eaicers, aimglifiers for advertisi�ug, etc. No �rson shall ppexate or p�rmit the use or operakion of �ny loudspeakex, sdund a�apLifier, ar other devxce for the productia� ox repxoduction of sound on a street or oth�r pub�ic pla�ce for the purpase o� cdmmercial advexti�sing or atiracting the attenfii4�► of the public tp any commerciat est�blishment or vehicle. Commef�:• Spme cxties may wish tp allow such devices t�der city pernut: If thi,s arpp�•oach is user� provisior�cs for a permit should be substituted anci standards for use of ,the device �rder permit incduded n„�r •, �rrn �... n�trr.� •,:T,-rncrntettTaT .tP. '�nP.vcr't -nrT�^•(' CT�?'J7'r^7 0 Snbd. 9. Ani�. No persan sb�ll kee� any C. The animal noiss can be heard �affi a � animal tha.t unr�aasona6ly disturbs the c,�mfort or location outside the buiidi�g and premises where � zepase of persans in tt�e vicinity by itg fiequent or continued noise. For puYposes v� tl�is section, "disturbs the camfort or repase of persons in the vicinity by its fxequent or conti�ued noise" means any one of the �ollovving: A. T,�e �tumal noise occurs at a time 1xtw� 10:00 p.m. a�d 7:00 a.m. and can be heard from a location outside t�e building and pre�ises where �e animal is l�ing kept, and the a�im�l l�as made such noises intermittently �or more than three (3} minutes with on� minute or less la.pse o� time bet,wee� each animal noise dwx�g the three minute period; or B•'Y'h� ani�a� noise can be heard :6rom a, one block distance £t'om the location o� the btrilding and premises �w$ere the animal is beivag kept, anci the animai has made such noises intex�mittently for m�ore than three (3) mi�nut:es with one mi.nutre or less �apse of time between each �nimat noisc during the three minute pez�oct, or the animal is being kept, and the animal has nxa.d.e such noises intermitte�dy far a period o� a� ieast five (5} minu�s with one minute a� Iess Ia�se a£ time between each animai naise during tk�e five minute pe�riod, Sabd.10. School8� C�11�Ch�, hOSp�l1S, etc. AIo �rson sb�.11 creat� any e�c�essive noise o� a street, alley, or public grounds adjacent to any school, instii�riion oi l�g, church, or hosgital when the noise tmr�asonably i�nterfere.s with, t�ie workxng of the institutioi� or distaubs or wadul� annoys its occtipaz�s or residents �nd when co�spicuous signs indic-ate the presence o£ suc�i i�shitui�on Comment: The list of itutitutios�.r may be altered to meet local needs Sc�me ordirtmzces, for example, add courts, nursuzg homes, and Fiomes for rhe elder-ly to the li�st. Section 1 is inteTrded �o prohibit various noise szuisances cammo�aXy proscribed by ora�'inancer Others may be added to take accou.�t of loccrl nuisance situQtions ,Amon� others sometimes found in noise cor�trol ordinances ar-e (1) naise pollui`ion from buildi�tg, repair-ing, o� testang motor velzicles or other intern�l combuslion engines; (2) use of tnodel 17 vehicle� ar model airpla�es J,a�ing cer.tain hours or in certcri� plarces; (3j t�.se of � explosives, , firec�m,c (see Minn Stat. 116 p7, Subd. Za), or simila�r devices cat�sin,g a noise d�stto'bance beyond property lines {someti»res permitted under certain conditions w�th u specia� � variance); (4) wt»ts�Yed operation af � blower or power fu�ts; {S) noiseJ'rom idling diesel engines. Sa»re provisio�s eithet included or omitted in the madel section may already appear in city ordinances decrling with nuisances, Qnd some direded at noise by �eaple {e.g., laud,�ties} mr�,y be treated Yn ordinances on d�rorderly cnnduct or breaches of the peace. ec ' Hoarly R�t�r�iction on ,,� CertAin (�p�ra�ions. Snbdivisioa X, Recr�.tional veLicles. No p�rso� shall, between the b�aurs a� 1 Q:00 p.m. and 7:00 am., d�ri�re or operate any miu�bike, snawmobile, or othe�r xec�reational vehiele not licensed for t�avel an public highways. Cotnnzent: ,�f other ordi�tartces regulc�e or prohibit tlre z�se of snowmobiles or other non-highway recreational vehicles within the city, this provisian should be� modified accordingly. li should be hoted that Minn. Stat. 84.90 regulates the operation of snawmobiles reIatfve to the dTdinances of a mutuci,�ality. 18 Sabd. Z. nomestic power eqwipment. No person shall c�era.te a pow�er lawxx mower, poeve�r hedge clipper, chain saw, m�uicher, gardm tiller, e�ger, drill, or other simalaz domestic power maintenance equipmern except bet�reen the hours af 7:00 a.m. an�d 10:00 p.m. on any weekday ox between the howrs of 9:00 a.m. a�d 9:{}0 p.m. on az►y we.ekend or}�oliday. Snow rema� equipment xs e�cempt from this prav�sion $nbd. 3. Refns� haaling No person shall collect or �emave Bazba�E ox �efvse in any residential dxstxict except betwee� tb►e hours of 7:04 a.m. and 10:04 p.m. on any w��CCi.a,y or between the hours o� 9:00 a.m. and 9:40 p.m. o� any weekend or holiday. $abd. 4. Constraction acti�it�es. No person sha11 engage in ar pe.xnctit construction activities x�awalving the use of any ki�d of electric, diesel, oz gas-powexed. �achine or other power eqtupment except between the �►ou,rs of 7:00 am. and � O;QU p.m on any weekday or betc�reen the hours o� �; QO a.m. and 4:00 pm. o� an�► weekend or holida�, ec �on 3. Enforcement. Subdxv�sfon 1. license for any shucture, aperation, process, � ��oxcement duhPS. The [police department, ��on or att�rati.on, oz praje�t that may be �''� �� building inspector, or othe� specifLed o,�`'rcer or crgency] shall �nfforce the pra'visions of this ordanance. The [substit�ute ot'her specifaed o„�f'icer or agency if listed above] may i�,spect private premises other than private resxde�ces and shall xx�ake all reasonable efforts to prevent violatiaz�s of tlus ordin.ance. COmmes�t: �ta,s subdivision must be adapted tp fit the crdrrt�ristratave structure and persorla�zel of the individual cily. In r�aa,ny small cit'ies the police department rrury be the orlly agency available for the purpose. In ihat case the subdivision is consistent with the gerteracl respa�t,sibility given ihe police depara'ment to esrforce lcrws arad ordinances S�tbd, �. Ci'v� remeciies. Tbis ardinance may be enf'orced by in.j�ction, ac�tian �or abatement, or other a��roQriate civil remedy. Gomment: Althaugh it may not be possible to a, f�ect the jurisdictiott and procedure of the C07L1'�S � Ol'l�lY1GYiICQ jlTOVtSlOi1 �ri l)I037 cities, the provision at least cctlls attentton to avttilable civil remediex Subd. 3. Naxse ivao�p�ct statements. The cauncil may require any person applying for a change. in zoning classification or a pea�t or 19 considered a potential noise sowrce to submit a nois� unpa�t statement on a form p�+escribed by the co2mcil. Xt shall ev�luate each such statemen.t and take its evalua�ion into account in appra^ving or disa.pproving t�e license or permit applied for or the zoning change requ�ted. Gomment: If there is same �tl�er o,,�Fcer who may appropriately require noise impact statements, that of, jrcer� m�y be substit�#ed for the council in the fzYSt sentence und the seca�rd then may be altered to provide for evcrluation of the statenzent by that vfj�cer and the rnaking oj`' appr�opriate recommendatior�s ro the council or atl�er of j`'icer authnrized to talr� action. Snme eities, par7�ea�ltr�ly smcttler c�ties, may prefer to ofnit this subdivision altogether. Snlbd. 4. Griminal penalties. ,A,n�► �violation of this ardinance in��olvi�g the operation af a motor vehicle is a pet�.y �stlemeanor and, upon con^c�ction�, the violatar shall be punis�ed by a iine not to eJCC�d $100. Every person who vio�axes au�► oth�r provision of this orditiance is guilty a�' a mi.sdemeanox and shall, upon canvictaon, be subject to a�xue of not more than �700 or imprisonment for a term nat to exceed 90 days, or � � � both. In all cases the city shall 1� elxtitled ta c�llect the costs of prosecutaon to the extent audined i�y law, Re�les of Cri.minal Pracedwre, and the Rules of Court. Ba�ch act of violatiom a�td each day �t violRtidn oc�ctus or continues cons�iit�rtes a separate offense. Comment: The penal� pravided fOr misdememwrs is tJze maximum allpwed by law. The provision for aclding t�he cos�s of prosecution is based on ihe stal�tory city code. 1lQ'ima. Stat. 412.231. �atations of naise lxmxts on nu�tor vehicle o,��eralion and for drivin� with an inad.equate mu�ler, like most viala7iar�s af the tra,,8% code; are,petly misdemeanors under the stcrte law. Minn Stat. 169. S9, Subd 1. The law also prmrides that local ordinances may not�''uc a different penalty. M'rnn. Stat. 169.022. 7�ie ordincrnce mary make all or specified violat`iorrs petty misdemec�wrs, if ,preferred In that case the violmtdr is subject only to tiu mmrimaun ��QD fine oh comaction with no possibility of a jail sentence. .In prosecutions �errder a petty misdemeanor pravisipr� there is no right to a trcril bY.l�'Y ��i'��' are permitted anly on questions af law. 1'n a ciiy with �e ordi�ar�ce code carrtaining a general penalty,provisios� the penalty section of this ordinance may he abridgec�' ectian 4. Effechve �ate. This ord�nance becomes sff�ctive . 19 . r� ;r� •T i crn �.�4T z0 r�T r rn ��irr�eTerTT+r ,r,�+. �r�r.v'T'7 'aTJ('�' • i G T r�7 '� 7'�77.T MEMO�:ANDUM DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DATE: March 29, 19� TO: Planning Commission FROM: Barbara Dacy, Commun'ity Development Director SUBJECT: Lake Pointe OfFce Park Master Ptan Process Consideration of the Lake Poirrte Office Park Master Plan wili be on the Pianning Commission agenda on May 1� 19�. The s�e is already zoned S-2, Redevelopment District, but because � new devetopment proposal is being consider�, the S-2 Dis�ict requires Planning Commission� City Council, and HRA approval. By the time of the Planning Commission meeting, finro neighborhood meetings wiil have been he{d. On March 7, 19�, Dave Jellison from MEPC Americ�n Properties Inc. review� an initial concept of the Master Plan with the neighborhood. The HRA's legal consultant, Linda Fisher from Larfcin Hoffman, review�i the status of the HRA's work on the Indi'rect Source Permit from MPCA and the status of environmental review requiremerrts. Jim Benshoof, the HRA's traffic consultant, preser�t� the results of the updated traffic study and the proposed corffiguration of the Highway 65 and West M�re Lake Drive/Central Avenue intersection. A second meeting will be held on either April 18 or April 25 to present the proposed master pian and to answer additional questions about the development. The HRA has entered into a Contract for Exclusive Negotiations with MEPC American Properties. MEPC is r�ponsible for marketing the property and attracting a°phase 1° office proposal by August 1, i997. The proposed master plan is similar to the original Woodbridge plan in that corporate office with supporting commercial is proposed. The amount of office and commercial pro�sed however is less than originally contemplated. MEPC is proposing 582,000 square feet of office in 4 buildings (tallest one is 8 stori�) and about 89,000 sq�re feet of commercial. Woodbridge proposed slightly less than 749,� totai square fee� , I� Lake Poirrte Office Park Mast� Plan Process Mlar�ch 29, i 9� Page 2 MEPC is we11 respected in the development cammunity. They t�ve already had several corrtacts wi� irrte��� office and hotel users. They hope to initiate some tYPe of construction this fall. _ . The HRA will be filing for the Indirect Source Permit this mor�th. The permit r�uires an air qual�Y analYsis from the proposed developmerrt. The air quality analysis tras been complet� and reviewed on a preliminary basis with MPCA. Approval is anticipat� since the r�ults are far below MPCA thresholds. The traffic analysis supports the need for the irrtersection improvement at Highway 65 as was originaliy contemplated in 1987. The City app�ied for and has r�eived federal funding to construct the intersection (savings of $1 �500,0�), �� Because MEPC's proposa! is less intensive than the original request and because there have been no significant changes to the s�e which r�uire environmer�tal review, a new Environmental q,ssessme�t Worksheet is rrot required. The Council, �t its Apri{ 8� 1996 meeting, wilt � adopting a resolution establishing findings of fiact regarding this determir�ation. Linda Fisher is preparing this documerrt. �, If you have any questions, please feet free to call me at 572-3590: See you on May 1 st! :� M-96-153 �'�