01/11/1960 - 00024270� � � 1 �� � MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL J�.NUHRY 11. 1960 A regular meeting of the City Council, Januarv 11, 1960, t,he first regular meeting of the council of the City of Fridley, for the year 1960 was called to order by Nayor LaGrange at 7:30 c'clock P.M. blembers Present: Ccaunallman Joh�n�cr,, Na�el, Sheridan and WolY.E. Mayor LaGrange, and the nevrley elected Pr7ayor Greig, Members Absent: None AP?ROVAL OF MIATL'iE5 Councilman Johanson moved the approval of the minutes of December 21„ 1959 meeting. P��tion secondad by V7olke. Jpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion vaas declared to have been passed unanirr.ously. Councilman Y�'olke moved the approval of the minutea of the December 29, 1959 meeting, Motion seconded by Johanson< Upon a vaice vote, there being no na�rs, Lhe moticn uvas declare@ to have been passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS SECOND READING OF ORDINzitdCE REI�JNING 3. SN, CRtaIG I�'C.RM The follo�roing Ordinance was read: ORDINANCE N0. 139 Aid ORDTidANCE TO AMFND TH�' %,'OSUIfJG ORDI[4l1NC� OF THL'��ITY OF FRIALEY, MIt�NESOTA BY MAKING A CHAA�GE IId TH� ZONSNG DT:�'PRICTS - REZ6AFIIVG J. 'JV. CRP.IG FAr`iM. Councilman Johanson moved t�at ti-�e Ord�r�ance :Vo. 13'? be accepted Gs second and final r�ading and moved i�s adoption. ;�7otion seconded by P�u�el. IIpon a voice vote, th�re being no nayex tne Mayor 3eclared tne Nfation carrie3 unarimously. S"�VEARITJG IN OF NE1V OFF'I�I.;LS Jud�e Johnson swore zn T. E. �r2ig as !Vlayor of the City of Fridley, and Glen 'N. Johanson as Counczlman at large. Ulayor Grei� then assumed the duties as l�iayor 2rid conducted ±h� balance of t�e me�ting. t;n inscribed gavel was nr2sented t� out-going Mayor LaGrsn�e bp the City Council. NI�:W I3USiNEua F'UBLIC HEARII�IG REZOtdTfdG LOTS 6, - ilr. BT.00K iG� FRIDL�'i� PARIS., RF TIF,ST �3Y DONAiD PI�sL019 � __�� _�_�_� Mayor Greig epened the Hearing on Lize rezoning of Lot 5- 11, Block 16„ Fridley Park, �r; Pielotiv appeare3 befure the Cauncil and presented his reasons for requesting the rezonin�. T�e plar,ning Commission had reconamended approwaZ ai. L_leir November 24T 1959 meetin�. Councilman Joh�inson move3 that the public Hearin� Ge closed at � 8:05 P.IV1. N;otian seconaed 'oy Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nay�, t�e motion was declared passed unanitnously. RJBi.IC cIE1iRING LYNDl+LE BUI�DERS STAEET„ Th� ���F�71c �ie�irin,� �� t,he Stree� Improvement Pro,7eci in Lyndale � Buzl�.��r�p ���.h .,dc��ti:,ni bv�s apened. There w,ere n�o ob�ections to this �mprovement, Councilman Johan,on moved that the hearing be closed at B,I� F.�1. N�otSar� seoon3=d by WoSke. Thera being no nays, �he motion was de�?ared to have been passed unanimousTy. UTTON ORD�RIATG TPie follo�ving resolutian was read: RESOLUTION N�^, 1 - 1-9&0 A RES6LUTION CRDERIIQG TMPROVEMENT�, AND PREPAI�A- TION (7F' PZAIdS AIQD SPECIFICATIONS. Coun�il:nan �Nolke moved t'riat the fore�;oing resolution be adopted as read. Motion seconded by Nagel. Upob a voice vote, there oeing cso nays, the Mayor declared tne notion carrie3 ur.animousl;�. RESOI,UTICN CLG`SIIV"G 5TH STREPT TO T�tAFFIC BET�NEiN 57TH AND 58TH bVE. The�follo�ving'resol�ation�w,as remd. � � �A���� RESOLUTION N0.- 2 - 1360 F RE,30LUTION RF.LATING TO CLOSIAIG STREET TO TRAFFIC, ?��r. Paulson �vho live, in the vicinity of 5th street and 57th Avenue was present and stated the people in the area were in favor of closing this street, Councilman Nagel inoved the adoption of the above resolution. I�o- tion seconded by VVolxe, lipor. a voice vote, there being nu nays, the moLion carried unanimously. CC�NSI�Er�ATION OF PI�PNS AND SPECIFICP.TIONS FOR T4N0-SYAY RtiDIO After consider�ble discussion, Cauncilman Johanson moved that the Plarrs and Specifications as presented be approved and the City B�9ana,�er be authorized and directed to complete preparation of the final plans and specifications and advertise for bids. Notion seconded by Woll:e. Upon a voice vote, �Johanson, Greig, Sheridan and Wolke voted in favor, Nagel abstuined. Motion declared c�rried. CONSIDERP,TTON OF A OFF - SALE LIp.UOR OUTLET_SI_TE The City Manager explained the leage agreement which the City could obtain from the owners of tne Holly Shopping Center. Mr. Kphlan„ City Attorney„ indicated that terms of such a lease �were le�al. Follocving discussion on the matter,, Councilman Wolke L J �i;1�i� moved that the matter be tabled, and requested f,.�rther informa- tion from the City Manager regarding the cosL of setting up such an outlet and other pertinent infornation. VISITORS Lucille Mickman who ��vas representing the Frid:ey Women's Club �rvas present. She indicated tY:at the 69omen's Club would like � to present the City of Fridley witn a warmin$ house to be placed on the east side of i�oore Lake. The building would be a 12' x T8' 13atler - type tauildin�°which wouId cost approximately �535.00. The Loring Skating Club was contributing �¢200.00 tow�rds the cost of this. 5he indicated the 'Nomen's Club would not have sufficient funds to put heating in the building or put the foundation in. There was considerable diacussivn on havin� a building for the warming house and bath house �vhich was not properly supervfsed. There was also discussion on the matter of whether or not the City was properl,y covered by insurance for suah a hazard. Mr, Bob Pearson,, the city's general agent, stated thAt he felt the City was properly covere3 for li��bilit•,y and vandalism insurance, Motion by Mr. Sheridan to accept the lauilding as a gift for recreational purposes, the building to '�e uUed as a warming house at Moore Lake for the present time. Motion soconded by uVolke. Upon a voice vote, there bein�; no nays, the moiion carried unanimously. REPORT OF VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT Mr. Robert Hughes„ Fire Chiaf, presented the Annual Report of � the Volunt�er Fire Department, Motion by Glen Johanson to receive and accept the rzport and commend Mr. Hughes on a good report. Motion seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote, there being ❑o nays, the motion was declared to have been passed unanimou�ly. NEJV BUSINESS -- CONTINUED PARKS PND PLAYGROUNDS COMMI`f`PEr MEETING - DPC�MBER 28, 1959 Motion by Wolke to receive Parks and Playgrounds report and place it on file. Motion seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays,, the motion was 3eciared passed unanimously. PLANNING COMMISSTON NIINUTES - DECEMBER 22, 1959 Nlotion b� Sheridan to receive F2anning Commission minutes and the same to be placed on file. Uiotion seconded by YVolke, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion vvas declared to have been passefl unanimously. � BQARD QF APPEAI.S MEETING - JAl`IUARY 5, 1960 LOT 3L BLOCK 6, INNSBRUCK 1ST ADDTTTON There was consl3erable discussion on the application of Rodney Bi]lman to build a two story houUe �vith 1417 square feet on Lot 3, Block 6,, Innsbruck First Addition. Councilman Wolke moved that the Building Permit be granted and the problem of building a building with 697 square feet on the first floor, but having a � total living area square footage of 1417 feet be referred to the Buildit�g St�ndards Committee. Motion seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was declared to have passed unanimously. APPLICATION OF DICK GREGOR - TO BUILD TWD FOUR PLfiXyS ON LOTS 1, 2., AND 3- HAMILTDN'S ADDITION TO MECHANICSVILLE Councilman Johanson moved that the Council accept the recommen- dation of the Board of Appeals and deny the issuance of this per- mit. Motion seconded by Nagel. Upon a voiee note, there being rio nays, the motion was decl�red to have bzen passed ixnanimously. DESIGNATION OF LEGP.L NEWSPAPER The Mayor read a letter of Tri-Gounty Publications indioating their desire to continue bein� the le�al newspaper for tr,e City of Fridley. Councilman Johanson moved that the Fridley News be appointed as the official neavspaper for the City of Fridley �for the year 1960. Motion seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was declared to have been passed unanimously. idAMI;VG OF DEPOSITORIES FOR CITY FUND� Councilman Nagel moae3 that the Fidelit� State Bank be named official depository for Public Utility Funds; that the Cam- den Northwestern State Bank of Minneapolis be named the offi- cial depository ior Liquor Store Funds; and that the Columbia Heights State Bank be ap�ointed the official depository for all other City Funds. Motion seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice voLe, there being no nays, the motion was declared to have been paseed unanir�ously. ACCEPTANCE OF SEVYER l,ND WATER CONSTRUCTION ON HICKORY DRIVE Mr. Cor�stock was present and st,ated the work was accaptable, and that the City was actin� and was not finar.cially involved. on Hickory Drive only as agent, Councilman 9Volke move3 that the City accept the sewer and water construction work on Hickory Drive. Motion seconded by Johanson. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was declared to have been passed unanimously. CONSIDER:�TION OF ORGt1NI7ATION CF3ART After c�iscussion on the Organization Chart„ Councilman Johanson moved the chart be accepted as presented. The motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Wolke moved that the matter be tabled. Motion seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote, Nagel and Wolke voted in favor, Johanson and Greig opposed. Motion did not carry. The Council then moved into executive session at 9;40 P.M. L�' ' ' � I� � ��� Council reconvened at 9;45 P.M. Motion by Johanson to �caept the chart as presented by the City Manager. Motion seconded by JVolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was declared to have been passed unanimously. CLAIMS Councilman Wolke move3 trie approval of Liquor Store Claims 1491 through 1551. Motion seconde3 by P7a;e1. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was declared to have been passed unanimously, Councilman Nagel, moved the approval of General Glaims 2435 through 2563. 1NOtion seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was declared to have been p�ssed unanimously. Councilman Johanson moved the approval of �ublic Utility Claims 768 through 795. Motion seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there beir.g no nays, the motion was declared to have beeq pa,ssed unanimously. Councllman Wol%e moved the a�proval of the follouving Improvement Project Claims: Camstocic 8d Davis, Inc. I'mprovement Project #22 — C December 1 — 15„ 1959 Improvement Project j�22 — A December 1 — 15, i959 Improvement Praject #21 = B December � - 15, 1959 � 786.85 � 175,80 r �'�',�.°p Improvement Pro�ject #21 - A December 1- 15, 1959 $ 761.85 Benkoski & Holmes Cloquet, Minnesota, for work completed and mat,erials on hand, this date, January 11,, 1960, for the con- struction of Sewer BclWater Improvement Projeci 21-3 $ 13,fi 55.99 Peter Lametti Construction Company 615 Drake Street, St. PauI 2, Minnesota, for work completed and materials on hand„ this date, January 11, 1960, for the construction of Sewer �c Water and Storm Sewer Improvement Pro�ect 22-C. � 15,412.83 � Motion aeconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there bein� no nays, the motion carried unanimously, Councilman Johanson moved that the Final Claim in the amount of �1„907.95 ior Sandstrom & Hafner, for Sewer & JVater Froject #23 be approved and the pro,7ect accepted. Motion seconded by Wolke. ITpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was declared to have been passed unanimously. � ���. APPROVAL OF LIC�NSES Councilman Wolke moved the approval of the following licenses: Gas Burton R. Hovde H,S. Horwitz Ec Co. Minneapolis Gas Co. Fc Arthur G. Ahlquist GENERAL Isidor Goldestsky Sc Son Edward E. Woody 8d Donald R. Pielow H�ATING Burton R. Hovde MASQNRY Burton L. Anderson PLhSTERING Ni. iV!. Munson PLUMBING Burton Ra Hovde Johnson Bros. PTbg, Minneapolis Gas Co. 8c Bennie C. Johnson SIGN Scenic Sign Company JVELL DAILLING Perran 8c Engler 17T3 UGest Lake St. T411 llth P.ve« S`. 739 Marquett� Ave. 1594 HiIlcrest Ave. 2956 Flordia Ave. N, T713 West Lake St. 3354 Polk �t. N. E. 710 Girrard Ave. N. 17I3 West Lake �t. 6100 Golden Valley Rd. 739 Marquette Avenue I�.O. Box 281, Bt. Cloud 3114 Highway #8„ New Brighton Motion seconded by Na�el, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF SFLE OF F'IRE HOSE Couhcilman VVolke move3 the authorization of the sale of 50 ft. of 12" used fire hose which is no lon6er of service to the City. Motion seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. REQUEST FOR SPECIF�L PERIDfIT HY MRS. ROSELLA TH6MPSON Councilman Johanson moved that the request of Mrs. Thompson be tabled. N:otion seconded by �Volke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was deelared t.o have been passed unanimously. APPOINTMENTS Councilman JJolke moved the appoxntment of Clyde Strong, to Parks and Playgrounds Committee. The motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Nagel moved that the City Manager be instructed to ' � � �_ � � call all those members whose term� on the Boards and Commissions are expirfng and inquire as to whether or not they wish to be considered for reappointment, and that any further action be deferred un+il the next meeting. Motion seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was declared to have passed unanimously. Motion by Johanson to appoint Ray Sheridan as Mayor Pro Tem. � biotion seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote, there being no na*�s, the motion was declared to have paased unanimously. Motion by PVolke that the meetinb dates for the regular council meetings of the City Council, C3ty of Fridley, for the year 1960, be set for the first and third Tuesdays at 7:30 P.IJi. Motion seconded tay Nagel. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was declared to have been passed unanimously. ADJOURNMENT Councilman Nagel moved the ad�ournment af the meetin6 at 9:50 P.?�. Motion seconded by Wolke. N.otion carried, MS�'TING RECONVENffi The meeting was reconvened by Mayor Greig at 9:55 P.M, Councilman :�agel read a letter from Robert Pearson in regards to the insurance coverage for the City of Fridley, and ex- plained the changes the insurance committee had made. Motion by Nagel to approve changes in the insurance made by the in- � surance committee and to approve the report the insurance committee had submitted, an3 to have the committee proceed as they had recommended ir� iheir report. Motion seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there bein$ no nays, the motion was declared to have passed unanimously. Councilman �NOlke moved that the report of Police Civil Servzce Commission be accepted. Motion seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was declared to have been passed unanimously. There wAS discussion on the matter of bonding IVIr. Robert Pearsor, in�smuch as he is acting for the City of Fri3ley. Councilman �NOlke moved the approval of the following appoint- ments in the Fire Department. Roberi H. Hu�hes, Fire Chief„ Raymond Anderson, Assistant Fire Chief, and Robert Aldrich, Chief of Fire PrevenLion Bureau. Motion seconded by Johanson. Upon e voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was declared to have treen passed unanimously. � ADJOURNMENT Cou;�iciIman Nagel moved to adjourn at 10:10 P.M. N,otion seconded by uJolke. Motion carried. ��� i ( � ;�' � a��- MAYOR - T. E. Greig ATTEST: G �" !/ /�/?.�.�.� V, �� ti„ pIT TCLE - Narvin C. Brunsell