03/01/1960 - 00024246� 1 � � �� MEETING OF THE Y 0 r t r�,__,��jaCH �_�g60 r re�u�ar meeting of the Oity Council, NIarch 1„ 1960 was calla3 to order Uj� F.ctin� P�'aj•or Raymond �heridan at 7z30 P.M. :t4�mbers Preser._t: Johansan, Nagel, Sheridan and '�9olke. f�9embers ��osent: Nayor T.. �. Urezm APPROVhL OF MIPdUTES Counc�lruan Johanson mov�-�d tlze approva3 of the minat�s oi thL Februer,s,% I�, 19E0 meetins. Notipn se^orided by iva�el. Upon -. voice vote, there �eing no nays, ihe motio�i �as ��arried unanj.iiot�s2yr. OLD BUS1i�rE�S :.zr.uot� s�ropL sz��v Th2 Ci+y ManG�;r�r pre�enLed som<; drawln;s prepar,d U� t���c s_�a companies, and price quota+ions for the s��� '�,V the crossover on Highway 65. Mr�. N1cCline, General 0utdoor Advertising, was present and explained the proposal that General Outdoor ha3 presented. The City PAanager �va� instruct�d to secu;e quotes from t�rvo or three more sign companies on the crossover si�n of t�e same approximate size as the one presented by General C�atdoor Advertising cvith the price to hold under ;1,OGO.�JO. h9otion by rJolke to instruct tne C�ty Nlana�er to have t�e uror3 "Liquor" installed on the present "Shorewoo3 Si�n", zn accordanca �vith proposal No. 2 of General Outdoor Advertising. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, t,here bein� no nays, the mo- tion �ras carried unanimously. VISITORS Mr. Pete Brooks vJas present and presented a letter requesting re- zoning on some of his property. The letter �.vas accepted and is to be turned over to tne Flanning Cpmmi,sion so they may hold a public hearin� on this matter at their PJfarch �4th meeting. TdEdV BUSINESS PUBLIC HE?RING ON RE7.ONING LOTS 6;_7� 8c 8L BLOCK 3spREriRR1,NG�'M�NT OF I°L°D'IOUTH ADDITION There was no one present to speak eiti�er for or a„uinsi Lhis r2-� zoning, Acting Mayor She:i3an called the hearing tn a close at g:00 P.iN. PUiiLIC HEARING ON REZONING �LL OF BLOCY 9, riAI47ILTC�N'S r".DDI'I'T0��1 TC MECHANICSVILL� � '�� n�o one ��ioke either for or again�* this razoning. The h��.ring was call ed to a close at 8:05 P.;tr. Ur. Tlordstrom„ representing Acrea, Inc., was present ar.d exnlained his plans for de-reloping the area. Tn� lzngt.i of time }ne assessments �vou?d be spread v�as also discussed. T?ie I=earirig was called to a cl�se at 8;15 P.M, Mr. lvordstrom aslce3 if final plsn� �nd specifications cou13 be pr�pared f�r the above project, 1�� F] 7 Or�inance No. 141 was read. Jahansar. mave� that thi� be accenLed as � f�rst reading of Ordinance No, 141. Seconded by �Tlolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, ihe mo- tion �vas declzred k,o have pass�d unanimously. The abovc resoluti�r was rea3. Wolke moved the adoption of the �bove r�solu±ion. UFan a voice vote, there being no nays, Lhe motion was declared to have passe3 unanimously. RLi.f;1VED PRELIN,Sh'A�Y REPORT FOR VVAT �R AND SENER ON 6GTH AV�;, ARE?, -_ � � � � Mr. Ies Knutson, from Comstock �➢avis,,�vas present, and ex- plazned the oreliminary report and the thr•ee alternatives pre- sented in this report, Nlotion b;� Johanson to receive the prelimiasry report on �rea Nortn of 1�?ississippi Street and Ea.st of Highway 65. Upon a voice vote, there being no nuys, the motion wa4 declared to have passed unar.imousl,y, L.J Aesolu�ion ido. 17 calling a publtc hearing on water and sewer in th� area North of Mise,issippi and�ast of Highway 65 was read. JJO2kP moved tl�at Resolvtinn No. 17 be adopted„ Seconded by � Nagel. Upon a vc�ice rote, thAre bein6 no nays, the motion wss declared to have pzas�d unanimously. RECEIVE pRFLIMIRTARY REPORT F�R PrRKVIFVV OAKS ADDITIQN R9r. Les Knntsona from Comsiock and Davis, �xas present, and ex- plained thc nreliminary report and three poss:bilit3es presented in thi� report. Motion by Johanson to accept the preliminary rePOrt ior Parkview Oaks Addition. Seconde3 by Na�3e1. Upon a voice vct�, there bein� no naysy the mot3on w�as declared to ��ve passedunanin�ously. F? C HEARING Re�olution No, 18 was read. Councilman Wolke moved the adoption of resolution No. 13. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there �ae�nQ no nays, �he motion wa� declared to have passed u�animously. SU�3IIRH.^-,N Sr",NITA'PION-INCIIVEF�ITOR M�-. Neyers �nd I'�1:. Hedlund were present and axplained the reasan Suburban Sanitation Cor�oration would like to build an incinera+or in the City af Frzdlsy. This incinerator wou'd be located Tdorth of the City Liquor Store and West of the �ast R�ver Road. The,y stated 3t, would be a three quarter million 3ollar plant and the operation would be clean. There was considerable discussion on the matter as to the desirability of such an operation in the City of Fridley. Actin� P,9nyor Sheridan listed the seven requirem�nts that the Board of Appe�+ls had considered necessary, if such a plant were e�- tabliahe3 in Fridley. Mr, Hedlund said they would comply � �'� u �,: �� with the seven provisions. The City P.7anager ivas instructed to arran�e a conve�ient date £or the C�uncil tn inspec� other incine:-ator plan�s in operotion. P10 further action was taken at this time and the matter was tabled., LFT'CER FROM CITY ISdUU]iANCE AGENT - INSURANCE FORGERY FOLICY Notion by Nagel that the �y10,000.00 (Ten Thousand Dollars) � coverage for depositors forgery insurance be approved, dnd the insurance agent be instt-�.;cted to pui such a policy in force. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was declared to have passed unanimo�zsly. LET`I'�R FRCM CITI�S SERVIC� OIL COMPP:�Y - GAS�LIN� B�DS Cities Servic� Oil Company ptesen+ed a letter correatin6 their bids on gasoline. Motion by Tdagzl Lhat Ghe letter oi Cities Service Uil Company be accepted, and ihat their bid be amended as indicated in the letter, and when so amended being that they are not the low bidder, th�t the bid of the Deep Rock Oi] Company be accepted for a price of ,18313 for re�ular gas, and .21313 for ethyl gas. Seconded by VJolke. Jpon a voice vote, there beinb no nays, the motion was declared to have passed unanimously. BUILDING PFRMIT FCR 5300 CEPdTRAL AVrNU� NORTHEAST Motion by Nagel that a permit be issued for a temporary building at 5300 Central Avenue with a provision the Council uuill re- view possible nusiance coaditions surraundinQ the premi�es � ond the appearance of the buildina once a y�ar„ at which ti.ne the Council will either extend the permit for one year or g�ve notice to rerrore the building within 90 days and if a per- raneat structure is located on the premise� a temporary cess- pool Gnd well will not be used. Seconded by Vdolke, Upan a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was declared to have pas5ed unanimously. SUILDIfVG PFRMIT FGR 7325 CENTRAL AVENUE Tl.�;:�viter of issuing a permit for a ballroom at 7325 Cen+�ral Avenue was discussec�. Robert Haskowitz �vas instructed to have liis plan� drawn up �nd bring them back to the Council. BUILDING PEP.I�4IT FCR 5170 M1�IP1 STR�ET Motion b,y Nagel that a building permit for a buildin� of F�.tllerton Netals Companj� be approved. Seconded by �Nolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion �nras derlared to have passed unanimousiy. FISCr.L AGBNT �\ The matter of fiscal agent was tabled un+il the first meeting in April. APPOINTMENTS Councilman Johar.sor. moved the foilowin�3 appointments be approved: � ::�2 Verna It4ae Haney - Clerk-Sieno (Finance) Carmel Gelhar - Special A.ssessment Clerk Erma Srayson - Cashier at Outlet ��2, package store Carol Lentz - Clerk at Shorewood packa�3e store Seconded by Na�el. L'pon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was c�eclared to have passed unanimously. CLAIMS Notion by Nagel that Public Utility claims 8c^1 through 830 be approved. Seconded by VVolke. T1�nn a vcice vote, there be no nays, the motien was declared to have passed unanimously. Motion by V"Jolke to a;�prove Licuor Store Claims 1640 through 1044. Secan3ed by Johanson. 'Jpon a voice ��ote, there being no nays, the mation was declared to have passed unanimously. Motion by Johansan to approve General Claima 2669 through 2700. il4ction seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was deolared to h�.�ve passed unanimously. �ulotion by Vl�olke to approve the claim of Peter Lametti Con- struction Company for estimate No. 3 on SW 22-C in the amouilt of $9,�94.58. Motlon seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there bein� no nays, the motion was dee.lared to have passed unanimously, l�PP:20Vl�L OF LICLNS�S Motion by Councilman Nagel that the following licenses be ELFGTRICAL Electrical Maintenance Corp. by: Phillip G. Northrup GAS FITT�RS Farr Plumbin,� 8c Htg. by: Duane J. Farr Nils Nygards GEld �R AL B 8c M, inc. by: Robert Bird Kruus�Anderson, Inc. by; R. Maek2,y H�ATIP7G Robert �No Dahl Farr Plumbing & Htg. By: Duane Farr PLUI�B IAIG Ventco Co., Inc. by: Chester P. Boedeker 3808 Chicago Avenue South 6822�0sseo Road 7318 Taylor Street N,E. I� approved� 322 4Dth Ave, N.E. 501 South 8th St. 1519 S. 7th St. 6822 Osseo Road 1403 E. 38th St. � � � � (��)�� Approval of Licenses con't. SIGN E?�ECTION Hiahway Display, Inc. by: H, L. Melgaard 721 Raymond A�re. St. Paul, rbIinn. Seconded by Wolke. LTpon a voice �rote, there being no nays, the motion was declarad to have passe�� nnanimously. PLAAiNING �OMMISSION P�9INU'I'ES There �vas discuesion on the replati.ing of Qutlot A, Marion Hills Addition. This item is to be put on theagenda for the i�arch 15th meetin�. PARK LAND The matter of obtaining land North of Rice Creek in Section 11 was disc�ased, Motion by Nagel i�o authorize the City N;anager and the City Attorney te contact the ovaners of the land in- volved and det2rmine the cost of the land. Secnnded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there bein� no nsys, the motion �.vas 3�clared to have p�ssed unanimously. The Council staied that they �vould wait unt�l the Planning Commiasion had made a 3etermination on this matter, before tak_in� action, REGUEST OF THE FRIDLEY JP.YCEES TO STtiGF A CHT�IVIVAL Mr. Siverts and Mr. Allenson from the Fridley Jaycees were pre- sent and requested the Council to authorize them to stage a carnival. They stated tney had talked to the Police Chief and he ;�ad no objection to this. The City iVlana�er questioned the matt�r of operating on Sunday, h4r. Siverts contactied one of the ministers in Fridley and he stated he �vould have no ob�ection to iL if the carnival did not open before 2:00 P.M, ot� Sunday, There was further diecussion on the abov� matter. Motion by nagel that the Fridley �aycees be permit.tEd to sporscr thia carnival, providin;, no lewd or indecan', �hoovv �vere ir. +tie car- nival, and no gamLling allovaed. Seconded ��r Johanson. tlpon a voice vote, there being no r,2ys, t'r�e motion was declared te have pe�ssed unanimonsly. OIITATNINC L!1�ID F�R LCICATIOPd OF WLLLS AND IROPd RENIOVAL ?LANT Moticn by Johanson thGt t,he City P4anager be autiiorized, and direcLed, to meet with theSchool D1sr,rict to discu:ss the � matter oP locating several wells znd pumphouses cn sc�ool pro�>erty, °econded by Nagel. Upon a vaice votE, there bein� no nays, the motion vvas declered tc have passed unanirr,ously. DEPOSI?' OF ENGINF,ERING FEES Td COVER i1NPLATTED LI,P:D EFST OF ��4 Nlotion ry '��olke that Acres, Inc., be required to deposit the amount of moriey as �et�rmined by the City MGnager, the Consult�n� Engineer and the Finance Director to cover the cost of adn�inistration and engineerin� to serve the unplatted land east of the Parkvie�v Oaks �dditicn. Mo�icn seconded b,y Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was declared to have passed unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 19-i960 Motion by J�hanUon to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the mo- tior. was declared to have pasved unanimously. NEETING '�JITH CpUNTY FNGINEER - MAIN STREET Mr. Lundheim, Anoka County Engineer, was present and pre- sented propoeed plar�� and specifice.tions for Main Street. Tkiere �va;; considerable diecussion on tre niatter. Motian by ��Volke that the NIanager, the En�ineer and the �ity f,ttor•ney be authorized to :iogotiate for the aquisition, by purchase or otherwiae, of a strip of .lund to the west of Main Street extending from Hi�hwa,�,� 1G0 to 44th Avenue RTOrtheast, of sufficient width to provide additional right of sray for a servsce ro��d and slope easements. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was declared to have passed unanimously. ' ls�JOLT�rMENT � Johanscn rr�oved that ti;e meeting be ad�ourned at 10:44 P.M, ATTEST: CIT:' c3.��rvin-�sell NAY��"� �'�C E« G ig '