06/07/1960 - 00024170Y�� MEETING OF THE CITY COUPdCIL - NNF 7� 1960 A regular meeting of the City Council� June 7� 1y60 was called to order by Nayor Greig at '7:36 P.M. Members Present Members Absent Nagel� Gx•eig� Sheridan Wolke� Johnson Wolke arrived at 'J:39 p,M, APPROVAL OF' MINUTES Councilman Sheridan moved the approval of the hlinutes of the regular meeting of May 17� 1960. Seconded by Nagel. IIpon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion was carried unanimously. Councilman Nagel moved the approval of the minutes of the special meeting of May 23� 1960. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion was carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS SECOND READING Or' ORDINA1dCP REZONING AREA NORTH OI� OSF3G}2N� ROAD TO M-2 The above Ordinance was read. Councilman Sheridan moved that the above ordinance be adopted� and published. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there betng no nays, the mo- tion was carried unanimously. The City Manager recommended ttiat the reading of tliis ordinance be tabled. Motion by Sheridan that this mat,ter be tabled. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice votF3� there being no nays� the motion was carried unanimously. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCI: AMENDING ZONING ORDI]QAIdCP - V NAG�L PETITION The reading of the above ordinance was tabled. NEW BUSINESS RECEIVE BIDS FOR SW-S5 ��36 Mr. Les Knutson of Comstock and Davis, stated that Construction Company was low bidder� with a bid of and also that Arvid Carlson had requestec3� in his that he would like tYie privilege of rejecting tkir he considered them too high f'or his Parkview Oaks Motion by Nagel to award the bid for SW-SS �36 to Construction Compan,y� in the amount of r99,352.00. by Wolke. Upon a votce vote� there being no naysy tion was carried unanimousl,y. TIi�' V Nortkxern �°G99,35z.00, l�etttion� bid iF Additton. 1Vort,l2ern Seconded tkic� rno- G ��� The t�earing on the above matter was opened. I�ir. Johnson� who owns Lot '7� Rlock 2� Parkview Heights Addition inquired as to how this vacation wauld affect 11im� and he was told i� was to be south of his property. Motion Uy Sheridan to call the lte�ring to a close. Seconded by PTa�ol. Upon a voice vote, there be1nP no nays, Lhe motiori e�a�� carri.ed unanitnously. The Ordinance vacatinc tlle easement in Parkview Oaks Addition was read. Motion by Nagel that t,his b� accepted as the first rear]ing of the ahove ordinance. Sc�conded by Sheri_dan. Upon a voice vote� there bei_nt; no nays� the motion was carried �anan imous] y. PIIFiT,7C HEARTNG ON STORI� SEWER - NORTH UPdNERSITY WATERSHED AREA '['he hiayor opened th� ]�eartng on the above project. Mr. George Meiszner of 373 Mississippi Street asked how it would affect h�i.,sissippi StreeL. �.es ICmztson� of Comstock and Davis� ex- pl�ined i;he drainage area� and other particulars of the pro- ject, He stated tYiat the north side of I�iississippi would not he affected at a7.] � and onl,y tlie area west of University oihtch bordered on the south side of D4ississippi would be afiected k�y this improvement project. The cost would be a,�nrc�ximatel,y �1�1�3`�.00 per acre� or about �G370.OL� per lot. 'i'h��r� were no other ��eople appearin�; for or against the pro- posed improvement, i4oti_on h,y Wollse I$at the hearing be clos<�d. Seconded b,y Nagel. IIpon a voi_ce vote� there Ueing no na,ys, the motion iaas carried unanimously. OPT'sNiNG OP° RIDS POR P�iUPdICIPF�L ON-SALC OIITLET The Cit,y Manager opened the l�ids for the On-Sale Outlet on �ast River Road. The bids are as follows: BIU TAT)ULATION �FiP�T i,CR I�iUIdIC f,^11I� �N-SAL�E OLTTLtPT IlID BASE AS1T . 1 ALT . 2 ALT .� AI,T . 4 C OP1'1'R ACT OR BOND $ID 73ex•�lund-Johnson ASarlt Z. Jones I�<�rl Dedolph Rosen�ren Const. Northland Const. S. S. Sweitzer & 5on A�lr,7phson ��r Peterson 5; 5i 5% 51 5°� 5� 5% Olson �'r F�nderson�Inc. 5`� ��Ja 1 co� Inc. Carlson-LaVine 5� 5% '+'+, 3 50 �+�+, 7�0 '+5,406 �+5,900 '+5,990 �+6 , 750 1+'] � 000 48,696 �+9,800 : �,z3o (i,o55) � tn � 5f30 �+5 � 525 1,857 (1,055> 1+6,63� • �+5,58z 2,000 (1,377) �+7,�+06 �+6,029 2,i5o (i,ioo) �+8,050 �+6,950 ��-8; 740 �+7; 59 � 2,816 (1,050) (600) �' 225 �+5, 807 46 029 �650) 46 300 46�965� (595) (3z5) 44,6�0 (325) 45,482 (450) �+5, 579 (300) 46,00a (3�+0) 46,625 (325) 2,155 (1,060) (600) (32,) 1,00� (1,383) 803 (435) 2,l00 (1,DOO) (600) (300) 1,87�+ 395 (5�+5) (305) ���, BID TABIILATION SHEF.T FGR MUNICIPAL ON-SALE OUTLET CON+T. ALT . 5 ALT . 6 ALT .'] DAYS C6NTRACT OR Ber�lund-Johnson Mark Z. Jones Karl Dedolph Rosengren Const. Northland Const. J. S. Sweitzer & Son Adolphson & Peterson 0_lson & Anderson� Inc. �dalco� Inc. Carlson-ZaVine 70 �+,670 lLf3 �+5,625 loo �+5, 679 60 �-6,�65 46,690 12, 70 197 100 120 320 �'660 �+6, 285 46,654 46,740 47�522 560 57d 665 700 720 . . . :. 8,884 8, 88�+ 10,139 8�884 8.884 so 9� 120 i zo 120 l00 z�o 180 180 Motion by Nagel that the bids be received and turned over to the Architect for t�=+bulation. Seconded by Wolke. tJpon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion tiaas carried unanirnoitsly. LIMIN The above resolution was read. Motion k�y Sheridan to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Wolke. Upan a votce vote� there being no nays, the motion was carried unanirnc>usly. The above resolution was read. Motion by Nagel ta �dopt the above resolut3on and to have the notice published in the paper for the opening of bids on the 5th day of .fu]y. 5econded by Wo],ke� Upon a voice vote, there being no riays, the motion was carried unanimously. FINALIZE MAIN STRErT PLANS DJITH ANORA COUNTY The County Board� the County Attorne,y� the County I�,n�ineer� and the County Assessor taere present at the Council 1�Seeting. The City Manager explained the purpose of the joint mee�tirzg which was to discYxss any differences there ma,y be betwc;�n the Count,y version of the P�ain Street Crriprovement and ttie City version. Bob Johnson, the County Attorney� brie�ly ex- plained the County's position which was that the County has agreed to put in the indlistrial road and maintain it. and to bring the service road to �rade� prep�are the subgrade and share one-half of the cost of thP hard surfacing. bJalter Miller� from Electro-cote Compan,y asked how they would �et in over Highway {�100. Mr•. I{uban, from Kurt Manufacturing� and Foster Durwoody of Thorshov and Cerny� Architects� were also present and asked abottt the access to the service or the industrial road. The Cit,y P,ngineer stated he would � �' � ]ilce to go on record as saying the 9" base and the 1-�" mat proposed by the Count,y would not be sufficient £or the road. He said i�; should l�e at le�st a l0" base and 1�" mat, Mr. Stahlberg� of 101 Crown Road� asked what the procedure would be to get a curb along the east side of the street. and he was t;o1d a regular petition wovld have to be circulated, Mavor c'rreig stated tYiat he would like to have people who had any questions regarding this road call the County �ngineer's office� and the,y could �ive them the full particulars on it. The City Attorney and the Count,y �ttorney were directed to draw up the fol]_owtng two resolutions: �. 2. Resolution #�`65-1960 Transferring Main Street to Anoka County. Resolution �f66-196o Approving an Agreement between the Count,y and the City for Construction of Main St. Motion by Wolke to adopt the above resolutj.ons as drawn by the two attorneys. 5econded by Nagel. iJpon a voice vote� there being no na,ys� the motion was carried unanimously. There were three representatives from the Union present� and 1-he,y explained their position. There was considerable discussion �s to whether all of Article No. 12� whtch pertains to the wage rate effective October l� 1960 and October l� 1g61, should lae adopted at thjs time. t-ioti.on b,y bJolke to adopt the resolution establlshi.ng rrorking condition, wages, and hours for emplo,yees by the IQunicipal I.iquor 5tore� with the exception of the last four para�raphs of Article No. 12. Seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vc�te� there being no nays� the motion was carried t�nan iinou sl,y. T3ID,3 ON i�IGUOR UTOR� The Architect reported Berglund and Johnson were low bidders on Lasc� bid and on a]l the alternates ior the liquor store. 'i'he Cit,y bianager suggested that he �et the rest of the cost �ogether and report to the Council at the next meeting. The ahove resolution tiaas read. Motion by Wolke to adopt the ahove rc�solution. 5PCOndea by Nagel. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays , the motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Fvenson� of T. G. Evenson Associates was present and asked if t,kiere �aere an,y possibility that the City would be buying �,�ater fr�m Minne��olis in view of their recent contracts with some of the other suburbs. Mr. Comstoc}c� of Comstock and Davis� Inc,� said that he had just received a copy of one of these contracts and was stud,ying it at the present time� but it would be ahout two weeks before they wot�ld have a decision on the matt�r. Cotmcilman Gdolke moved that the above resolution be adopt,ed� and that Comstock and Davis were to proceed on their study of the contract i�rith Minneanolis which they had started, Seconded by Sheridan. tJpon a voice vote, there being no nays� the moti_on �as carried unanimously. ��� CONSIDERATION OF 'PRAILER PBRM�P - C. T. IdILSON The City Manager announced ttiat this request had been with- drawn. Mr. Pepper� who lives at 13�+5 Hillcrest was present, and stated that there were a number of trailers parked in the front yards of houses in the area� which he felt were detrimental to the area. There was also discussion as to whether or not a camping trailer should be alloided to be parked in front yards. PETITIQNS FOR IMPROVEMENTS l. 2. PETITION'FOR CURBING ON HACKMANN DRIVE. Motion by Nagel to receive the above two petitions. 5econded by Wolke. IIpon a voice vote� there being no na,ys� the motion was carried unanimously. REQUEST FOR WATER AND SEWFR BY MR. TUFFORD Mr. Tufford was present and showed the Council preliminary drawings for a proposed plat of his� and asked if the water and sewer could be put into it at the same time it was put into I�yndale Btzilders Sixth Addition. bir. Tufford was asked to Fet his final plat in for approval. Mr. Comstock said he would prepare a change order to add this project on to the Lyndale Builders Project if it fits into the plans. FLANNING COMMIS5ION MINUTFS There was no action required on this since the Commission had not had a quorum at its last mee�ing. BOARD OF AAPEALS MINUTES The Council considered the request of Shell Oil Company to place a f illing station on the Northeast corner of University Avenue and 61st Avenue Northeast� known as Lot 5� Auditor's Subdivision No. 59. Motion b,y Sheridan to approve the snecial use permit for the above station. Seconded by Wo]ke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion was carried unanimously. Motion by Nagel to approve the permit for the Shel.l Oil St�tion at 61s�: and IIniversity Avenue Northeastr with the stipu]ation that the building be set back 65 feet. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion was carried unanimously. Motion byWoZke that this matter be tabled. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion was carried unanimously. CLAIMS ldotion by Sheridan to approve General Claims 3006 through 3078. 3econded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no na,ys� the motion was carried unanimously. Motion kry Nagel to approve Pu}alic Utility Claims 908 through 934. 5econded by Shertdan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion was carried unanimously. AZotion hy Wolke to approve Liquor Claims 1877 through 1919. �econded b,y Nagel. TTpon a voice vote, there being no navs� the motion was carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF LIC�NSLl5 Motion b,y Nagel to approve the list of licenses followings Contractor's Licenses to be aoproved bv Council .7une 7� 1960 LLCCTRICAZ AmPrican Electric Co. 51+15 Nicollet Avenue blinneapolis� Minnesota by: Leon R. Drinkall E3ill ll,ymanyk & Sons E�;lec. Co. 1500 Monroe St. N.E. D9inneap�lis� Minnesota hy; William Dymanyk F. N. Hurd F,lectric Co. 2520 Lynd2le Ave. S. Minneapolis� Minnesota � Rapids ELectric Co. 3�5 �it�nway #lo hllnneapolis 21� Minn. �xc nv n2' ING J�mes G. Chilton 3?_-105 I�ane N. W. Coon Rapids� Minn. Leonard Cochran 65�� Central Ave. N.�. Minneapolis� Minn. Gilbertson & Surface 8404 Center Drive t�finneapolis 21� Minn. Maple Grove Const. Co. Route {�2 C�sseo� Minmesota R,yti & Jarsen 9046 Shadywood Road Mjnneapolis 21� Minn GpS FITTrRS Cu>Lom Ht�. & Air Cond. 2521� - 29th Ave. N.E. Minneanolis� Minn. by; �Tirgil Hillstrom Renewal Renewal New b,y: A. G. Biebighausen Renewal bys James G, Chilton b,y: Leonard Cochran by: L. Gilgertson b,y: Fugene Schafbuch by: Carl L. Ryti bys Joseph Gazda Renewal Renewal Renewal New Renewal Renewal �d� � ��� GA5 FITTERS CON'T FIome Gas Co., Inc. 1430 Highway £i New Brighton, Minn. Royalton Htg. Co. 1529 - 37th Ave. N.E. Minneapolis, Minn. GENER AI. Bernard Wolke 173 �+9th Ave. N.E. Minneapolis� Minn. Abell-Howe Company 77�+7 Van Buren St. Forest Park� Illinois Barac Const. Co. 889 E. Maryland Ave. 5t. Paul 6y Minn. Berco Const. Co. 3524 Yukan Ave. South Minneapolis, A4inn. Har]and E. Berry 6f321 Hickory 5treet N.E. I+finneapolis 21� Minn. Rodney Ilillman� Inc. 3000 3�th Ave. N.E. Minneapolis� Mi_nn. Robert Chuckrow Const. Co. 60 East 42nd Street New York 17� Neio York Clemron, Inc. 2500 - 22nd Ave. N.;�,. Minneapolis 1B� Minri. Dalberg Buildersa Inc. 8b05 Fairview Drive N.E. Minneapolis� Minn._ Erco� Inc. 3�31 Central Ave. N.E. Minneapolis� Minn. Mill City Builders 536 Midland Bank Ihzilc]ing Minneapolis� Minnesota Modern Garage Builders 5�+4 Grand Avenue South Minneapolis� Minnesota Harvey Peterson 151 Glen Creek Road Minneapo]_is 21� Minn. 0 Royal Aluminum Products 1�+13 Plymouth Avenue North Minneapolis� Mtnnesota bv: 0. !,. Royce l�y: P�. D. Peterson by: Bernard Flolke by: M. 0. Haeger bys Alex. Iiarac by: Norman Collins by: Harland Berry by: Rodne,y Billman by: Murray Smith by: Clem Johnson by: „arnuel Johnson by; 07iver �rtcY_son by: S.M. Tremblatt by: John I'. Rowland Uy: Harvey Peterson by: Alec Ostrow New RPnewal New R�newal New Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal itnnewal 1Vew Renewal « Renew�il IQew . l'iP'�D11�,RAL CONTRAC'PORS CON'T ,Tohn I,. 31�olte y00 - 2nd Street N.t�. Minn�ar�o_lis� Minnesota YJa7.-Don Ruilders, Inc. 6339 - 2nd Avenue South hiinn�apolis� Minnesota IIr AT ING Cr,y:;tal Hi,g. & Sheet Ihetal 632�+ T�ass Lake Tioacl T•ii.nnPapolis 27, Minn. Cusl,om F31;�. & nir Cond. �o. 252�+ 291,h �lve. N. E. Minneap�lis� Minn. Rnyalt,on H{;g. Co. 1529 3%th Ave. N. L. Ninneapolis� Minnesota M A3 ONRY Russe] ��,t•ickson 271i0 York Ave. N. blinneapoli.s� Minnesota D. & II. Concrete h 'rlest g3rd Street Nlinn��apol3s� hiinn. Tndenendent Cement Con�r. 11,0�+ �horewood Drive Mit�neapolis� b43nnesota �up�rior Concrete ?i0° 3rc1 Street N.F. Minneapoli s 13 � hiinne�sota PZA8TI:RING Plas{�erinp, Service Company 46c?7 Iynclale Ave. North P4lnneapoljs� Minn. John P. ">teffens � Co. ?033 3rcl Street North Mtnneano]is� Minneseta P IdJMB ING Wallace H. Johnson °46 ?,owr,y Ave. N.E. Minneapo]is� Minn. SIGN HANGP',RS Crown Sign & Contr. Co. 717 West 26th Street Minneapolis� Minnesota Donna,y Construction Co. 8"�36 Portland Ave. South Minneapolis� Minnesota b,y: John L. Skolte by: bJalter E. Ball by: R. L. Perr,y Uy: Joseph Gazda by: Reuben PFterson by: Russel Erickson by: ➢avid Berry by: Arthur E. Ahlm U,y: Gl,ynda ]3rue b,y: Bover Palmer Uy: John P. Steffens New New Renewal Renewal Renewal E. -�1 New Renewal idew Renewal New bys Wallace H. Johnson Renewal bv: Ben H. Christopher New by: L.A. Donnay Renewal ��� l tr'�Y'�.� - SIGN HANG�RS CON'T Gold Medal Beverage Compan,y 553 North Fairview Avenue St. Paul �+� Minnesota by: Arthur J. Margot Nordquist Sign Co.� Inc. 312 West Lake St, Minneapolis� Minn. b,y: Richard Nordquist Scenic Sign Company Box 281 St. Cloud� Minnesota W�LL DRILZING Hadden 6Je11 Company �+455 Main St. N, r. Minneapolis� Minn. Taylor & Sampson Forest Lake� Minnesota CAFE Knox Diner 64�6 East River Road Minneapolis 21� Minn. CIGARETTE Knox Diner 6476 East River Road Minneapolis 21, Minn. D�LNrRY TRUCK Mell 0 Dee Ice Cream Co. 3500 L�rndale Ave. South Minneapolis� Minnesota SERV ICE ST AT I ON Johnson Brothers '�66" Inc. 6500 University Ave. N.P. Minneapolis 21� Minn. USED CAR LICENSE Gerry's ❑sed Cars by: H. R. Galarneault by; Robert B. Hadden by: Ernest Ludwig by: A. C. Reger by: A. C. Reger by: James r. Ferris by: Duane "Dewey" Albro by: Gerald E. Netland Iienewal Renewal Renewal Reneo�al Renewal 5econded by Sheridan. iTpon a voice vote� there being no navs� the motion was carrted unanimouslv. 7' After considerable discussion� motion by Sheridan to approve the moving of three houses from 51�+3� �137� and 5131 Univ. Avenue Northeast of Lots 16� 17� and ]8� Block 2� ]�ennett Palmer Addition� with the stipulation that a cash hond of �1,000.00 on each house be posted t.o insure that the people requesting the moving permtt put the houses in proper con- dition as determined bp the City, Seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote� there bein� no nays� the motion was carrted unanimously. �ONSIDERATION OF 1dATP1R 13CLL AT SCHUOL tdotton by Sheridan wi71 waive $651.15 a vo;ce vote� there unanimouslp. BUILDIldG PERMITS to approve proposal 3A in which tkie City of the bill. Seconded by Wolke. Upon betng no nays� the motion was carried ��� Request of Dr. H. D. Good to place a building on the northeast corner of Fireside Drive and Highwa,y �f65. Motion by Nagel to ar�prove the above permit. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote} there being no na,ys� the motion was carried unanimously. RequF�st for Bui.ldtn� permit by 3himek and Dahlmeir at '7906 Hi�ha�a,y �t65. There was a discussion on the set back on the �ropased building� and it was agreed the set back should be 0 fPet. P4otion by Nagel to deny the permit unless and un- til the footings ar� set back 80 feet from the front propert,y line. Seconded b,y Sheri_dan. Upon a voice vote� there being no na,ys� the motion was carried unanimously. COP157DERATION OF COURT A^PROPRIATION Mation Uy NaPel to authorize the payment of �25,00 a month more to George Norton for his scrvices as deputy clerk of court. Seconded by 5heridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion was carried unanimously. TherF� was discussion as to what the minimum area should be £or which a water and sewer stub is placed in the ground at this time. I✓�otion by Wollce i,o require a minimum of at least 60 feet lot width for each service put in at this time. 5econded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nayS� the motion was carried unanimously. hloti_on by Sheridan to adopt the above Resolution. Seconded by Wollce. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion was carried unanimousl,y. Cii(1NG� ORDPR ON WAT�R AIQD StilJFR - INN5i3RUCK 1 AND 2 btotion by Wolke to approve change order,No. 1 for SW-Project No. 29 subject to a suitable agreement being drawn up by the Cit,y Attorney and signed by Acres, Inc. Seconded by Sheridan. IIpon a voice vote� there being no naysa the motion was carried iznani_mously. Motion bv la�olke to autl�orize the Mayor and the City Manager to si�n an agrePmerlt wi_th the state for the school crossing signal at 61st and Universit,y Avenue. Seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vo1.P� there being no na,ys� the motion was carried,vnanimously. Motic>n b,y Nagel to adopt the above resolution. Seconded b,y P1age] . ITpon a voice vote� there bei.n�; no nays� the motion r�as carried unanimously. � � �- Mr. George De Marais of 6�+11 Pierce Street oras present and stated that the Council had told the people in the are�a that a fence would be erected around the area zoned inc9ustr•ial for the erection of the Lenny Cochran Auilding� and that the road bein� used between Central Avenue and Pierce Street was to be only temporary during the consl:ruction period. The Manager stated that he had talked to Mr. Cochran's att.orney regarding this matter. Motion b,y ShPridan to ins{:ruct the City Manager to contact Lenny Cochran� and inform him that the fence must be erected surrounding his industrtal pro- perty by July l� 1960. Seconded by Wolke, iJpon a vojce vote� there being no nays, the motion was carried unanimously. REQUEST FOR CHANGE IN STREET LOCA'i'ION 13Y MR. ZAWISLAC The above matter was discussed. blotion by Sheridan that no action be taken on this� inasmuch as PTr. Zawislac �vas not present at the Counci]. l�eetin�. Seconded by ��Jollce. Upon a voir.e vote� there be�np no nays� the motion was carried unanimously. PR£LIMINARY PLAT OF LARFS ADUI�l'ION Mr. Zares was present and presented a preliminary re-pla�i, of a part of the addition nc>w known as Meloland Gardens. He also wanted to lmow when ���ater and sewer would be put in the area. He was requesteti to re-submit his plat to the Planning Commission anrl the Council and get approval of his plat. R�QUEST TO CLOSE RNER�.TI�W TERRACE AND OPEN BROAD STRFT��T The Mayor stated that he had been requested to corisidex• the closing of Riverview Terrace and the opening of 13x•oad Street. He stated that Riverview �L'errace was eroding away more eac}i year and something would have to be done about it,. After much discussion� the Council asked the Manager to instruct the people in the are� to circulate two petitions: one to request the openinp of Broad 5treet� with the poople in the area paying for putting the street through, and the second petition to request the closing of Riverview Terrace. Mr. Sheridan presented drawings of the prop4sed plat of the area� and stated that he would like to have a building permit approved for one of the lots. A4otion hy Nagel to approve the building permits. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there l�eing no na,ys� the motion was carried unanimously. AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE �147 - V.M. 1VAGFL PF.TITION Motion by Wolke to adopt the above ordinancet and have it published. 5econded by Sheridan. Upan a voice vate, there being no nays� the motion was carried unanimously. CIITTIPIG THROUGIi OP' STRL+IPT SOiiTH C�F PARKVIEW OAKS ADDITION '1'he matter of cutttn�; a street through to the school pro- pert,y south of the Parkview Oaks Addition was discussed. Mo- tton b,y Sheridan to direct the City f�ttorney to obtain the necessary easements either by negotiation� or condemnation. 5econded by Nagel, iTpon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motton was carried unanimouslv, ADJ DURIdNP :NT Motion by Nagel to adjourn the meeting. ATTTs'ST: �QJ�ti"'^^. t'�l,�.O,�[( CI'i'Y CLT,RK - Marvin C. Rrunsell I I � 1 bSAYOR - "T. E. Grei ��� : ���� MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCI3, - JUN� 21, 1960 A regular meeting of the City Council, June 21, 196o was called to order by Mayor Greig at 'Js30 P.M. Members Present Members Absent Wolke� Johanson� Greig and Nagel None Sheridan arrived at '7s35 P.h�. APPROVA'L OF MINUPES Councilman Nagel stated that the Minutes should be corrected to read 6° base instead of the 9" base and 1�" mat proposed by the County. Motion by the June �� 1960 meeting Upon a voice vote, there unanimously. QLD BUSINESS Nagel to approve the minutes of as corrected. Seconded by Johanson. being no nays, the motion was carried AWARDING OF BIDS F'OR ON-SALr, LIaUOR STURE There was discussion on the deletion of the walk-in cooler, and of the deletion of the door between the off-sale and the on-sale portion of the store. Motion by Wo1ke to award the bid for the building of the liquor store to Rerglund- Johnson� in the amount of $��+�+�350.00, which is a base bid rejecting all alternates expect Alternate No. 5 and No. 6� which wil,l',be included. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion w�s carried unanimously. The architect said he tiaould prepare a change order for the deletion of the d�or hetween the off and on sale portions of the store. The above ordinance was read. Motion by Johanson to acc�;pt this as a second reading of the above ordinancey and to have it published in the official newspaper. Secanded bt� Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the mo- tion was carried unanimously. rr�w Busrrr�ss PUBLIC HEARING ON MUNICTPAL WATER SYSTEM The Mayor opened the discussion on the hearing on the pro- posed Municipal Water System. Mr. Roy Hohn asked the basis f or the decision to use the well system, rather than the Minneapolis supply. He wa> told the cost of operating the well system was still less than the new contract offered b,y the City of Minneapolis to Bloomin�ton. Mr. Fioward Crabtree, 7100 East River Road� asked several questions re- garding the financing of the project. Mr. Crabtree wished to go on record as objecting to the official publication as too indefinite� improper as far as assessment proce- dures are concerned� not complete, contrary to the pro- posed method of raisin� money for this improvement� and indefinite and insufficient notice. Mr. Gunsburger questioned the decision to use wells instead of continuing the use of Minneapolis water. There were no other questtons from the audience. Motion by Johanson to call the public hearing on the Municipal Water S,ystem to a close. Seconcled by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion was carried unanimousl,y.