07/05/1960 - 00024152��� 1t1?1s`L'_!_idG Gb' TTiTP �I'PY OOIINC]-1� _ JULS" �� ]_960 !l r��;;vL�n� mc�i;inp o1' Lli� CiLy Co�,nc�l� July �� ].�CO was c�72�d I,n c�'�•<7���^ h�y D1�poT G7'�9_�; at ']:30 P.i.. Lea�l�r�rs I"'tes�7�t PI��t4b���'s P}i^,nnt Gr� i_r, � "ih�ri d.u� � "c,11ce Jo)�nnson� Na��7. 1dan��1 �rrived �L ?.�i2 P.11. IIP�'"si��r �T 0}�' 11ILIil'1'T'�u PioLion l�y ;,]��ricl�n ���� �I, ��,f^. ,Sec�ncleQ rin n+�s, :� I;h� mot Lon Uldi ,�i,>Ii,�r,�G tc� :�r�7n°ov� ilie mim�t�s o� the �une 21� 1°�0 li,r ';IC,7},e, TTnart ,+ vc�ic� vote� Lhere 1�eing ��.is c�rriecl utZnl��in�ursly. COl�i�i71'�PRATTON DI�' AnnO?PP17I^I'1T '1'C� R1''CRrIATZOId CC)I�A125SZON T-ih7_���i t,r later in t��o rri�et inm, c��ii„��;r;T,����zorr c���� �tn����r,ic�� rt����r�r,.��� r�r r�t�. coovey �'nl�l�,�i to lat,er in LhF> >nec�l-ing. 1`]�;1' 'T f:� 1 I�''�'i;� �Pi.,,7��rr- c�r ��Tnu ��nr rs_ss_z�� � nli7_���1 izt�t�l �0Ol7 P.1`. lsliicl2 i� 1.1��� a�Jve1 tised onening time. w Mrs. Plinder� who ]9.vra ii� thc; area� ��as present and asked the l�r�iu��7nri�s of t,}�� arn,, f,o l�e �rezone�l. 9'he Ci_ty Planager expl�ined t11� l�c,tu��]aries. There 1rE�re no otlz�i• nersons appearing, ior or ���ainst, '�he rezc�iling. '�'}�c� Ptayor c=+l7�d ',]Ze hearin�, to a close �i. 7:��0 P.rt. p i `1'hc� 2iavor opened 1;1ic h�n�,in� on ti;1�e above �zonin�. �l'here was >>o on� �resent eittier � or or againai, the proposer� rezoning. 'i'1��� ,.a•,roti• c�lled tlte hearit�g t,o a r7_ose at 'J:1+2 F.M. C(���I�Ir�T�1l�1�TTOP1 OU I�OCI±TZOiJ OF FI,I�,V(1"'r�l� ;�OP,AGP TANK Tl�e City Tianager r���c� a��t�,er iioin the Consulting Cn�ineers suf��,�s1;i_�ia three pas�lh"Le s—�s i'or l:he t•�ater Facilities and el eva f ed storaga �ar�'c. PLl1 tYiree c�t' these sites were in the - �;�itero,l ar�a of the C �t�r 1'ar)t and iii_�h School prbperty. There �aet�� ceveral peop_le nre;;f�nl; who orere� concerned with the 10- catiai oi this stora�;e tanY in l,he S,=icin9_t,y of their homes r�n 7i}i ;�treet. They stnLed tlley lrr,u7d ].i_ke to nave Lhe tanlc 1 ocnt,ed somenlace e_lse, ''he Consulting I3ngineer explai.n�d ��h�r 1 i,F� t�nks h�d te '7e ] ocat�d in t�iis q�ner�] area. i'a�. ! ��;e]_ arrived at %:1+2 P.i�. ��� Tlie manager stated the munphouse and iron renoval st;��tic�i�rr�s taotitld have to hE a��prc•ve�i bp the :�c,io��1 13o��rd as i,o ii��ir appearance. M�yor GZ•eiq ca11er1 rltie aisctission f;o � �lor�c: at £�:�+0 P.td. OPENITTG OP' �IDS J-JJ-�'i- The City Mana�er openF�d 1,ii� bld�. 'i'1icv 1�rerF> as Pc�l lnt���;, 13ID T�LT�4P SUI�1 C OI�IP'Ll�T TOId FIRM SP:Ci7RITY I�ID 'I'TN1E Pet�r I,ameY.ti ConsL. C ornpany 61j Dralze Street St. Pattl 2� 1�linnesoto �andstrom and II�fner 20�-i- St . �nthony I31vd. 1K9.ruleapo7 is� I�Iinnnso(.0 Sch. A Alt. A ji� Sch. 1S l;ond �5 cli . C A11:. C Sch. A �i� A1t. A tsond ��ch. 13 �� ch . C ni�; , c Barbarrossa & Sons� Inc. ��02 - 33rd Avenue NorLll 5`,'� Si„ Cl�ucl� btinne�ot,a 13c�n� Sdorthern compan Dox 30� IIopkins� Consti�uction c-� � �;� Plinnesota Bond �cl� . P. r�lt. n Sch. B '3ch. C 111t. C u cl� . A nir,. n �5cki. I3 Sch. G 111L. C 925,6'7U.G6 1�02£3y£3u%.?2 42�,43t3.o� 12F3�?_`)0.O0 i,o95,955.�a 1�22�+�000,00 l,l�-5, 760.38 1� �16�9�h5.00 "'�b j days 3F,� days 3C�0 days 300 day5 �ui"`,� �ays ��UU daye �i5o days �F i0 t�ay."� Phelps—Dralce Companv� Inc. 5ch. A %6��-��36.f39 �iUO days 5�40 Dc�uglas Drive Alt. A 111�]61.3i �i00 days Mtnneapolis 22� 1�1inn. 5;� z;ch. A 5'73�b2r�.9'� iiUO days 7�ond Sc1i. C F?lt. C t�lotion hy dheridan Lo receive tlie k�ids and turri t-i�em c_,ve�r ir, the Eng�neer 1'or talntl�al,-i�n. Seconri��l hy L�lolk�. lil�on �a vr �ce vote� t,here being no nay�� t�he tno�,ioii tras carriecl �uianunou�,ly. m 'Phe al�ove ordinarlce tras rea�l, lio�;iort li,y �;Yierid=,�i Lo accc�l�t this as the first rea�l9ng of the ordt;l�uice. �ecc�ncle��7 l�^ I�i�;�el. Upon a veice vote� tliere being no nny.,� th� mo{.i_on tir�s ct3r7��r:d unanimously. � C,;'idll I�V � The above ordinance �ras rr�nd. l�iotion Uy ldagel tY��it �,ii� s be tabled and brolight tin at tlie ne�_t ec,iuic �Z meet;nFA. ;�c� iiae�l by �h�riderl. L1��n a vo�_ce vcte� L1zrr�� i,e1n� no n�i��;,� ilie mc�t�oz� �aas, carried unan�nic,ii��ly. OZD l3ti;3TNPSS � ��� ORllINANCE REZONING LOTS 1 AND 2 BLOCK FOUR HYDP PARK ADDITION: The above ordinance was as the first reading of i7pon a voice vote� there unanimously. OI,D BUSINES5: read. Motion by 5heridan to accept this the above ordinance. Seconded by Nagel. being no na,ys, the motion was carried CpNSInP,RATION OF VARIANC� REQUrST BY MRS. COONFY: Mrs. Coone,y� who lives on the corner of Highway � 100 and Highway �# 65 was present� and explained the area the Highway Department was �oing to take from her for the intersection of Highway #100 and Hi�hway �{65. 5he stated that she would still have $�900 square feet of ground left after the State takes the land they need. She said th9s would be 100 square feet short of the present zoning requirement� but more than enough for that property which was platted prior to the adoption of the present zoning ordinance. Question was brought up as to whether or nat a building permit could be issued to a house located in a C-1S area which this is. Councilman S��eridan stated he thought the question should not be decided until some legal paper had been presented to the people in the area concerned by the Highway Department. Motion by Sheridan that this matter be considered upon commitment from the Highway Department as to the actual property taken and property to be teft, and that the matter be brought before the Planning Commis- sion b�fore it cemes back to the Council. Motion seconded by Wo_lke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion was carried unanimously. The Manager explained the problem hriefly. Motion by Nagel to L instruct the Censulting Engineers to make a report of the actual cc>ndition of the water line as to its depth and the Engineer is to receive help from the City Public Works �epartment in excavating -' the line at two or three points. 5econded by Wolke. Upon a votce vote� there being no nays� the motion was carried unanimously. l_. Rr;�LUTION #79-1960 - CONSIDLEtATION OF STREET SURFACING PROGRAM: Richard Mahuheup� who lives on Hackmann Circle was present and inquired as to when Hackmann Circ]e would be paved. He stated he had talked to the Cit,y Engineer a few da,ys ago� and the Engineer had told him that tlie street could he paved at this time. Sheridan stat�d he felt that there should be some sort of a compaction test if Hackmann Circle were to be surfaced this year inasmuch as the water and sewer had just been put in last fall. Motion by Nagel to adopt the resolution ordering preliminary plans and specifications and estimates of cost thereof on street surfacing� and Hackmann Drive� Hackmann Avenue� and Hackmann Circle are to be added to the list of streets to be surfaced. Motion seconded by Wolke. Upon a v�ice vote� there being no nays� the motion was carried unanimously. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUT�S: MAD3F,N' S MELODY MANOR PRELIbSINAFiY PLAT : The City Manager stated the Planning Commission had recommended approval of thi_s preliminary plat subject to the following conditions: Street access be provided through Shaffer's Addition; The F,np,ineer's approval of the water and sewer and street construc- tion and thatthe Citv Council have the power to designate 73rd Aveni,e as an industr9al road 3f necessar,y. There was considerable discussion as to whether or not '73rd would be an industrial road� and the width needed at thts time. Motion b,y Nagel to accept thi_s as the preliminary plat of Melody Manor, with the provision that a 10 foot outlot on 73rd Avernze be dedicated to the City with certain sti.pulations in the r�eed of this outlet as required by the City. Secr�nded b,y Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion was carried unanimously. Gavel to Sheridan ��� DNISIONS OF LOTS_12 AND 1�LRICF _CRFFK TFRRACE PLAT 7; Mr. Madsen was present and stated that hewished to make three lots out of I,ots 12 and 13, BloGk 2� Rice Creek Terrace Plat No. '7. He stated he had talked to the Count,y Auditor and County �ngineer and they told him that the,y would rather have these lots simply divided rather than having a plat with only three lots on it. Mation by ldolke to apnrove the dtvision of Lots 12 and 13 into three lots. Seconded b,y Greig. Upon a voice vote� there being no na�•s, the motion oras carried unanimousl,y. Gavel to Greig Motion b,y Sheridan that the Public Hearing on the rezoning be set for July 19th� and the City Manager be instructed to place such notice in the paper. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was carried unanimously. CLAIM5: Motion by Sheridan to approve Public Utility Claims 957 through 968. Seconded by Wolke. [Tpon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion was carried unanimously. Motion by Nagel to approve Liquor Claims 1g66 through 1993, Seconded by 5heridan. Upon a voice vote, there boing no nays� the motion was carried unanim�usly. Motion by Wo1ka to approve General Claims 3�33 �k�rough 31g7. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion was carried unanimously. LICFNSE5: Motion by Sheridan to approve the fo7_lowing attached ljst of licenses with the exception of the one for V. Laurie Peterson� and he is to appear before the Parks and Pla,ygrounds Cornmittee and get permission to park his popcorn truck in the City Park before he re-applies for the license. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion was carried unanimousl,y. P�TITI�N5 FOR IMPROVEMFNTS: Ludwig Bann was present and stated he would like to know what was gaing to be done about the high water table on Marigold Terrace, The Consul�;ing En�tneer satd a storm sewer was going in i.he area� but it was to provide surface drainage only. The Councilman asked the Consulting Engineer to determine whether or not the proAOSed line in the area could be used to drain the water from the basements of the houses in the area, which hnd a t�ater prohlern. Motion by Nagel to recPive ttie following petitions: 1. Water� Sewer and Street� Mississippi Place from Fast River Road to west line of Lot 12 of Revised Auditor's Subidivision No. 23. 2. Surface Drainage - Parkview Oaks First Addition. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� tkiere being no nays� the motion was carried unanimously. ��� The Council instructed the City Manager to have the Resolution on the above dravm up. CON�TDrRATION OF 5CHOOI� CR055ING SIGNAL: The City Manager explained the school c��ossing signal at 61st and University Avenue woiild have to be in by the time school started this fall. Motion b,y Wolke to authorize the Manager to call for bids for the installation of the above signal. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion was carried unanimously. APPROVAL QF FIRE D�PARTMENT nAYROLL: Motion b,y �heridan to approve the Fire Department payroll in the total amount of �5�262.00 for fire runs and 3�139,50 for burning permits. Seconded by 4lolke, Upon a voice vote� there being no na,ys, the motion was carried unanfmously. APPOINTMEN`P OP LIQUOR STDRE CLERK: Motion l�y Wolke to approve the appointment of Patricia JoAnn St. C_lai_r as a part time waitress at the Liquor Store. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voi_ce vote, there being no nays� the motion was carried unanimously. HIGHUJAY ��100 BF{IDGE OVER THE MI55ISSIPPI: I Mayor Greig stated that he wished to make certain that the pro- I posed bridge over the Mississippi River at Highway �100 would l have suffi_cient c]_earance so thTt an,y futttre river traffic would not be hampered. Mot�on b,y Sheridan to acknowledge receipt of ]etter Trom the Highway Department and to instruct the City Manager to write a letter outlining the City of F`ridley's view concernin� their desire to have sufficient clearance under the bridge at Highway �100 so that fizture river traffic would not be hamnered. Motion seconded b,y Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the moti_on o�as carried unanimouslv. TRAILI?R PERMIT RE9U�ST BY LEROY OLSON: The Council received the petition by LeRoy Olson to park a trailer at 6600 Fridley Street N. L'.� and will study the request betwePn this Council Meeting and the next one, SEldr,R ON Ct�NTRAL AVrNU� I3ETWEEN T�1Z53ISSIPPI 5TREET AND 66TH AVEPIUE; Mr. I,eonard Cochran was ��resent and stated he did not wish to have sewer for his property on Central Avenue. There was further dis- cussion on the matter. Motion by Wolke to instruct Comstock and Davis to investi,r,ate the possibi.lity of a change order to have the sewer ]ine in front of Mr. Cochran's propert,y deleted from the pr�seni; contract� '�lat +,o ccnt�ct t,h� �l,mers in the area who wotzld be affected before this chaisge order wauld be completed. Seconded bq Nagel. Upon a voice vote, there heing no nays� the motion was carried unanimously. FIRST RFADING OF ORDINANCE - REGULATIOPI OF JUNK yARllS: Councilman Wolke stated he would like to have the City adopt an Ordinance regulating the location of junk yards and auto wrecking yards. The City Attorne,y read an ordinance on the above. Motion by Wolke to accept this as the first re�ding of the above ordinance. Seconded by 5heridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion was carried unanimously. RECENE PETITIONS I'OR IMPROVEMENl'S: Motion by Wolke to receive the fol]_owing two petttions: l. Petition for Dewer on High�aay �65, north of 73rd. 2. Petition for !rlater and Sewer on the north side of Highway #er 100 from 1300 block to the 1450 block, north to the Lyndale Builders Plat. 5econded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion was carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT• Motion by Nagel to adjourn. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the mot9on was carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted: �TEST: G�'�Lc-�:�- c d��.t.Ll CITY LERK - Marvin C. Brunsell �� �-j� - MAYOR - T. E. GRT'I CONTRACTORS LICENSES APPROVED BY_COUNCII, NLY � 1960 ELECTRICAL A & A Electric Gompany 5025 France Avenue South Minneapolis� Minnesota Clinton Electric Company 3821 - Fast Lake Street Minneapolis� Minnesota Ma,yer Electric Company 2817 Hennepin Avenue Minneanolis 8, Minnesota EXCAVATING Chet M. Herringer �+121 Stinson Blvd. Columb3a Heights, Minn. L��le M. Hoffman 1921 - 3rd Avenue South Minneapolis� Minnesota by: by: by: by: Albin Anderson Clinton Wilson Richard A, Ma,yer Chet M. Herringer by: Lyle M. Hoffmari New Renewal New Renewal Pdew GENERAL Liu s s e-Er j-ck AvenueyNorth 1 l� L��y Minnesota Minneapolis, pick Gregor 4855 - 7th Street N. r• Mjnneapolis 2],� Minnesota Okerm�n � fillnstad Constr • �p • 6639 �otu�bus AVMinnesotah MinneaPolis 23� Suburban Garage Company �Zg rast 7�th 5tr��nnesota Minne�polis 23� MAS01�T1?Y �5�+ Polk StaeNsoE. Minneapolis� Minnesota Rob�rt L. Johnson 5�12 Camden AMinnesota�h Minneapoltsa I by; Roland Erickson by; Dick Gregor by; Oscar Iiunstad by; �„ Clap ReYnolds GG� Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal by; F3urton L. Anderson Renewal ftobert L. Johnson Ren�wal bY;