09/21/1960 - 00024090� ST RE;ADIIJG OF ORDINANCE TO VACATE PARTS OF A PiJBLIC UTILITi' AND L:H N:H:n •rr�xxecr� � YLK'1' Y : � � ; , ' , . The above ordinance was read. Motion by Sheridan�'seconded'by Nagel, to accept this as the�first read'3ngiof the above`or$iriance: �'2�ion carried unanimousl,y. , '; � " °� Motion by Nagel to adopt the above resolutioni Seaonded by Wolke, � Upon a va�e vote� there being no nays� the motion'carried�unanimously. The motion by Nagel to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Sheridan. TJpon a voice vote� there being no nays� the, motion carried unanimously. ADJ QUitiNMENT : The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted: Marvin C, Brunse'1 � � � homas E. Gre3g� M or I SPECIAL MEETIN43' OF T$E CITY COUNCIL - SEPTNM BEA 21�,1960 A Special Afe�ting of the City Council� September 21� 1960 was called to order by Mayor Greig at �:35 P.M. Members Present: Johanson��Greig� Nagel} Sherldan Members Absent: �Wolke �" The City Manager explained items which had been,added to the�,proposed budget since the last meeting, which,were for Civil,Defens,e� the Rescue Truck, Public Works Wages� and to the Emergency Appropriation. Mr. Johanson,asked if the rescue truck could be inciuded in the Civil Defense budget� and the Federal Governmera,t re,�imburse the City for part of the cost. Councilman Sheridan endplai�ed�,',,that if ,the Civil Defense purchased the truck� it would be riecessary'to get the approval of the �ivil IDefense Director each time time the''truck was used. ' IMr. McLellen representing the Public Works EmployeeS was present�,and � stated that wage rates were generally f'avorable� but still not up to some of the other communities. He felt that'the Puplic Works Employees should receive a�25.00 raise instead,of;a'$15.0� reaise, Councilman Sheridan explained that with the $5,00 contribution towards the hospitalization insurance, plus the $15.00 raise�'�the ,total raise would be approximately $20.00. Mr. Sheridan expl.si.Yied the operation of the budget� and how the actual m311'rate is achieved.' Mr':'McLellen stated he felt the Pub13c Employees should be put;�on a par with all other City En,ployees. There were no other persons,�'or or�'against the proposed budget. Motion by Sheridan to close`the�hearing on the budget. Seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote� there being'no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ��� The ab'ode'resolls'tion'was read. Motion by Johanson to adopt the '&b'ove', �esol'�.���,�on:, ; Sec'onded by Na'gel. Upon `a'voice vote, there being na nays��`the motion carried unanimously. � Motion by Nage7.,to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by sHerid'an,. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimoixsly. FIRST�&E9DING��O�'��BUDGET ORDINAMCE:� The City Mana�,er�read the budget ordinance. Motion by Johanson to accept this as'the first reading of the above ordinanee. Seconded by Sheridan. IIpon a voice vote, there being na nays, the motion carried unanim,ously. Mr. Johanson stated that in his � years on the �ity Council'�-this was the most thorough and best prepared budget that has ever�la'een presented. The rest of the City Council concurred in his statemeht. suxrac:lrvc;: i� ,, The City�Manager„'r�ead the above l.etter. Mr, Johanson asked who would'pay the extr'a,$390.00 for repair which was'mentioned in the lette'r,''N1r. Kriutson'stated this was a matter which had to be decided up'om. Mr. Sheri'dan asked if there were any way to deteruine who was responsible'for-this. Mr. Sheridan stated it was essential for the City to eomplete,Tennison at the same time as Hackmann Avenue is completed,. ,MQtion by Sheridan to instruct the City Manager to pro- ceed with having Tennison Avenue comple ted, and to use his discretion on the payment''of the additional $390.00, Seconded by Johanson. � Upon a voice'vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimous- ly. I � CatdSIDERATION AF' LETTER CONCERNTNG JACICSOIY STRF,ET STORM SEWER: ���� , � The City Mansger and.Mr. ICnutson outlined the proposed storm sewer and the system',�tb,ich was a�.ready in. Mr. Nagel asked if the area had already bee,tt asse9sed for storm sewer. The answer was that they have been assessed for the part of the storm sewer put 3ny but that was all. The Mayor asked who owned the low area from which contract- ors have been haul.ing dirt in the area� and if this area had not been yet turned over ta the City for park pnrposes� that it would have to be put;back into shape before it is givett to the City. There was considerable discussion on the drainage ditch and the removal of dirt from tH+�;area, and questions as to just what was proposed by the devel�oper.when the Council accepted the first plat oi' Meadowlands'Addition. Motion by Johanson to table this matter until the ne'xt meetixig� so more information can be ob�eined. Seconded by Sheridan; IIpan a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carr'ied unanimously. � (�ON5IDERATTON 0� SECOND POI,LING PLACE: Motion by,Nagel to designate Woodcrest School as the second poIling � plac'e;for�Waxd'#�l: Seconded by 5heridan. Upon a'voiee vote� th�re � being � zio; nay's ;;'the motion carried unani,mously'. The Council in- struic�`e'd the, �ity Manager to have all the 3.2 places notiiied, in Ward �l�'that they must be closed for the pr3mary election. � � ,,� , , � � � � � r� .. �� Motion by,Sheridan to authorize the refund of the above escrow money. Seconded'by`Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the moti'on car'ried unanimously. , L_. ��; Mr. Nagel suggested that the appointment of Deputy,CommiSsi'oners of Registratian be used sparingly� and conscientin�slp:',,Mr.'Johanson ststed he wauld have to have a couple of changes made"i� the'reso- lution before he would be in favor of it. These changes would- limit the registration to the City Hall. There was'considerable dis- cussion as to whether or not it was legal to regis�er outside of the City Building. Motion by Johanson �o defer until'October �th, this rr�atter so that more information concerning its legal'ity q�n`be determined, Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote7,there being no nays, the mbtion carried unanimously. Mr. Wagner� the City Manager� explained the letter from the fiscal agent. Motion by Johanson to authorize the City Manager to proceed with the plans� and to take the necessary legal steps��to offer the bonds for sale as presented in Item No. 1 of the letter. Seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� t�e motion carried unan�mously. � � � � �s �° � CONSIDERAZION OF LOT SPI�IT FOR LOT 2� AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISIQN N0. 39: 7'he City Manager explained the proposed lot split. ,Motion by Johanson to approve the lot split subject to the approval of the Planning Commission. Seconded by Sheridan. IIpori a voice votey there be3ng no nays� the motion carried unanimously. � CASH kEGI5TEHS FOR LIWUOR 5TORE N0. 2: Representatives from the 5weda Cash Register Company� represented by cash registers sales in Minneapolis, were p�esent� snd explained the Sweda Cash Repister. They state'd that these machines are presently used in the Liquor 3tore No. 3. National Cash Register representatives were also present� and explained their machines. The Mayor said he has used them for 14 years� and has had no trouble with his. Motion by Nagel to direct the City Manager t'o obtain a'iirm,�proposal by the next Council Meeting. Seconded by'Johanson. Upon,a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously.' CHANGE ORDER rOR SEWER AND WATER - PROJ�CT N0. 3�+: Motion by Johanson to autho�ize Comstock and Davis "�o make,a change order to serve Lot 2, Auditor's Subdivision No. 9�.'� Seconded by IJagel. Upon a voice vote� there being no naysT the motion carried unanimously. � NOkW00D ADDITION AND MISSISSIPPI VIEW ASSESSMENTS: The Finance Director asked the City Council-whetYier ar not Norwood Additi n and Miss ssippi Vi w sh ld b* n o twent ye r sis for speciai assessmen�s. The �ounci� sta�e� �ha� Norwo�d s�iou�� be on a one year basis� and Mississippi View on twenty. (* on a), ADJOURNN,`ENT • Motion by Johanson to adjourn the meeting. Respectfull,y submitted: arv n , runse � � , � �t,� � � homas E. Greig� ayor