11/01/1960 - 00024062�� , dug up and'replaced from the,existing manhole,on Able Street to th� existing marihole',approximately 180 feet west of�Able 5treet. The City Mansger stated a letter had been receired,from Sandstrom and Hafner� offering'to do this work at the,rate�of $5,00 per foot� which would,'come' to,approximately �900.00. Mr. Knutson stated that there;migkit'be;`s'ome'crushed rock that would need to be put in� in addi�ian to'ttiis: 'Motion by Nagel�to authorize the City Manager to proceed with this�'and'have the line on Carol Drive replaced. Second- ed bj�l'Joiianso�}�:''"�Upon s voice vote� � therebeing �no nays� the motion carried unanimott'sly. � �, � The Msyor 's§k�d' the Council if they would be interested in renting space�,on'University Anenue, south of Mississippi 5tfeet for an Off- Sale Liquor Store. He said he had checked with the owner of the building� and�there was space available� an@ the store could be put in'with a nominal investment� and if the store was profitable� it could be expanded and improved later. The Council,indicated they were in fanor of proceeding with this matter� and directed the City Msnager to comp�,ete arrangements for its rental and get an Off-Sale Out].et in oper'a`Cion'there. ADJOIIRNMENT : There,being no further business� Mayor Greig declared the meeting adjourned. Respectful�ly�submitted: '1� �: 'r_�%� Marvin C. Brunsell� Secretary COUNCIL MINUTES - NOVEMBER 1� 1960 � � \ homas E. Gre3 Mayor 6 re'gular�pieet�in�g'of the City Council of the Citp of �ridley� Novem- ber L� 19b0 wa's cal.led to order by Mayor Greig at �:45 P.M. Members Present: Members Absent: Greig� Nagel� Sheridan� Wolke (arrived at 8:30 P.M.) Johanson APPROVAL OF MIIVIITES: Motipn'by'Nage1^��o approve �he minutes of the October 1�, 1960 meeting. Seconded, by Sheridan. Upon'a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion,carried unani�r:ously. Motion by Sheridan to approve the minutes of the October 25� 1960 meeting. Seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice note� there being no nays� the motion carr3ed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS• �, � TheiCity�Maneg�r read�the notice of hearing., No one appeared for or agains�'ihe proposed'emendment to the ordinance, Motion by Nagel to close��he�'h�ar3ng:,°"5econded by Shesidan. Upon a voice vote� �here YJeirig' no $'ays'� ''�he mo'tion carriec3 �unanimously. � � �'� This was tabled until later in the meeting, SLCOND YI�;t�DING OF OFtDINAPdG'L LSTABi ISHING A REGULAR r IRE D1 PAFi'L'T�IENT : Mr. Hay �+ndFrsnn from i,he Volunteer I�ire Department was present� and st��ted t,he Fire Department would ljke to have the ordinance tabled until sone later date, D7r. Sheridan stated that some of the Volunteer I�ire Deparl.ments in the c�untry have a very long and good record of fix•e service� ancl tkiat in soi�e cases when the volunteer and paid de- partme*�t is conbined� the I�ire Departirent seemed to be dorrn-graded. tdr. G)er].Qan sLated he was noL against such a department� tut he Y,hou�ht it should �o to a mznin,um of three ncn wi�en the department does ha;e paid men. Ae staled the intent oi the ordinance was to stren�then the i�ire DeFartmc�nt� and i£ the Pire ➢epartment did not not teel [t w�uld do so� he woulcl lil=e to know. Mr, Anderson stated that ther� is son�e riPed for a paid maii� UuL this questton of a regular i'ire D�pari.ment h�d cone up in a hurr,y� and iie would like to have mnre tirie for ttie derartn�ent to study the ordinance further� before actic�n is taken on it. Tkie Ma,yor suFgested that the ordinance was not intended to in�ure the Volunteer I�'ire Department� and su��ested that it be tahl.ed until sorrething satjsfactor,y can be presented, Alotion by �heridan to table th�s ordinance until the second meeting in Januar,y. Secondeci b,y Na�el. Upon a voice vote� t,here being no na,ys, the moti_on carried unanimousl,y. kay �lnderson st,ated he would like t,o have the City Attorney check on what is Je�al as i'ar as �nvestment of the P'ireman's Relief Associ- ation F'�zn�s are concerned. NL,W 1sU31NESS : LF'TTI:H I�ROM GENERAL IIQSURAPdCE AGEIVT CONCE1tTdIPdG bOILER INSURANCE AT TI;L �if.OFF,1a�00L LOUNGL c � Mr, linl�ert Pearson was present� and explained what boiler insurance involved. He stated this policy also covered the cost of an annual inspection of the boiler plant. Mr, S}�eridan stated he doubted the Cit,y needed this part3cul�r tt�Fe of znsurance. Mr. Greig sug�ested thi s rnattc�r he tab7 ed uni,i ] the next nieeting � and also asked what percFnt i,he cost of this annual sFrvice fee would be oF Lhe total cost �f re�lacin� the boller Plant. Fie would 13ke this information for the next meetin�, i�4otlon by NaPel to table this matter until the next rreeti_n�. �econded b,y ,`;heridan. Upon a vozce vote� there l�e9n� no na,vs� the motion cax�ried unanimously. Mr. Wo1ke a�°rived. FUBI�IC 1�I�LiH1NG - STOHNi S�U��H - Jf�CKS01J STF�L�T ARLA: Dick O�ren� wYio �_jves on 6bth Streetwas present� and stated he is under the impression the builder was to put in the storm sewer. 'lhe Mavor exrlained some of the back�round on the previous storm sewer Sor k�hich the �eop]e in t}ie area were assessed� and read ex- cerpts fron tYie previnus Council meetin�-� w}iich covered this part of th� sub�ect. Mr. Anderson of 65q9 Clover Place� si,ated that he i_s also ra,y�n�r Cor the plat that was rut, in there� and felt that the assrssmeni: tir�s out of line, and t�ronson-Frickson shouid pay more of the cost. P�r. .�ilva� o�l« Jackson StreFt was present� and stated tYie v�atcr �loes not Slow the way that it is intended to. P�1r. Les hnutson explained i.he area involved an the �resent proposed storm sewer s,ystem. Mr. Sheridan suggestF�1 i,he hearing �e recessed until tlle rieyt, rP�ii]ar meetinp. P4r. Isarl NEUberg� �59ti Clover Place stated that before i�ronson=Frickson moved iri� tYiere was low land� and be- fore the,y mnved in there was no problem, and ihe storm sewer should be p�it in b,y tt�e c�ntractor, r4otion bv Sheridan te table this matter until i,he next regular meetin�, so mere 9nformation can be obtained. SP��nci��l h,y Na�el. U�on a voice vote, there 1�ein� no nays� ihe motion carried unanjmously. '-�C� OLD BUSINESS: Motion by Nagel to acceFt this as the second reading of' the abnve ordinance� and have it published. Secorded by :;heridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� tYie motion carried unanimcusly. SECONB HI,tiDING OF OF�INANC�,_N0. 162 ArFN iTNG OF�UINAD]CE Pd� HU�'F'EH I�NL FLANTING S'i_HIPS s The City Manager explained what was involved in tYiis ordinance. Motion by Sheridan to accept th9s as the second reading of the above ordinance� and to have it Published. Seconded by 1.�olke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: The City Nanager stated FIRM Barbarossa & Sons� Inc. 402 33rd Ave, N. St. Cloud� Minn. Nodland Const. Company Xlexandria� Minn. the following bids BID SF'CUHITY St. Paul F'&M J�% No Bid. Phelps-➢rake hellance Ins. 5440 Dotzglas Drive 5� Minneapolis 22� Minn. Peter Lametti Const, Co. Seaboard 615 Drake St. Surety St. Paul� Minnesota 5� Minnesota Sewer & Water Hartf'ord 120� Werrivale Ave. Acc. & Ind. Minneapolis 26� Minnesota 5j6 Petrourski & °oss 3613 53rd Place N. Minneapolis 18� Minnesota 4Jalter Hiller & Sons� Inc Good Thunder� Minnesota Lametti and Sons, Inc. 211 N. Pascal Ave. Si,. Paul �+� Minnesota Montgonery Const. �o. St, Croix F'alls� Wisc. 5t. Paul F&M 5% West 5urety 5% Seaboard Surety 5% Hartford 5/ had been received: LUMP SUM BID �3,3�0 �38,�i1.90 9k3�,637.10 �34��5�.80 �32,797.00 �,4i, /24 .50 9��7 � 750.00 ��36 � 503 . o0 COMP, TIME As. Spec. 240 D`uys As Spec. 200 d2ys 1�0 days 200 Days t�s Spec. 200 Days Keller Sani_tation Ohio 246'J N. "lbert F'armer 9��+4,496,50 �30 Days St. Paul 13� Minnesota 10% Motion by Nagel to accept the bid of Petrowski & Roes in the amount of �'�32,�g�.00� and to award the contract to Petrowski & Ross. Seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice v�te, there bein� no naYs, the notion carried unanimously. Motion by k'olke to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Nagel., Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unatiimously. �� �� �lhe above res�]ution was read. Motinn b,y Wolke to adont the above resolution. Seconded t,y ,�heridan. Upnn a voice vote� there being no nays� lhe motion carried unanimously. No action was i.aken at this time on the a�ove resolution. Zhe above resolution was read, r1r. 1�olke asked if thi_s included Fill- more Street� and the Mana�er said th�t iillmore was part of another �ro�ect� and that the storm sewer z��ould not be assessed until the whole area is Fut in. Motion by Wolke to adopt the above resolution. Sec- onded Yy uheridan. UFon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried uhanimously. Motion h,y Wolke to adopt the above resoluL�on. Seconded by Sheri_dan. Upnn a voice voLe� there being no nays, the motion earried unanimcusly. 1he C,jt,y Planager explained the need f�r portions of these lots for utilit,y rurposes. The City Attorney staLed the City was going to need these lots. Notion Yy Sheri_dan Lo grant the authority to the City Manager to proceed ti=ith the proposal as outlined in the letter dated October 21� 1p60 from thP GrPat N�rthern Railway� except the vacatiton of an,y part of 61st A�lenue N, E, Seconded by Wolke. Upon a �o9ce vote� there being no na,ys, t,he motion carried unanimously. FLAidNIrIG CCP�i�IS5I0N I��INU'lES: hioti�n Y,y Napel 1.o aprrotie the recomniendation of the Planning Commi- ssion� that i,he 5°th Avenue dedjcati�n be retained as a possible access t,o the area, 5ecor.ded by Sheridan. Upon a voi e vote� there heinp no nays, the sotion carried unanimously. The Flanning Cosmission reconnended thatthe Council deny R-2 re- zonin� and that Dr, Kelly be instructed to re-submit his request for R-� zonin� if he so wishes� either wii.h the stipulation that it be liniited to �ouble bun�alows� or that three 7-�it apartments be permitted. P4otion b,y 4�olke to deny the rezoning request as recommend�d h,y the Planning Cormission. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a vo5ce vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. CLA Ii�15 : Motion b,y Sda�el to approve General Claims 3668 through 3%3�+. Seconded b,y Sheridan, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unaninously. P4oti�n b,y GIn7�,e by Na�el. Upon unanim�usly. to aprrove Liquor Clairrs 22£35 through 2303. Seconded a v�ice vote� there bein� i�o nays� the motion carried �� Motion by Sheridan to approve Public-�Utility Claims 10�2 through 1094, Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES: The City Manager stated he had an estimate for Berglund-Johnson, which would include everything except approxinately ��800.00. Motion by Wolke to approve the following estimates: Comstock and Davis� Inc. 1446 County Road "J" Minneapolis 21� Minnesota Estimate #19 - S & W 21A Estimate #10 - S & W 26 Estimate # 2- S& 55 24B Estimate # 5- S& SS 24A Estimate # 9- 5& W 29 Estimate # 1 - Water 34A Estimate # 9- S& W& 5S 3� Estimate # 3- S& W 38 Estimate # 3 - Streets 1-1960 Estimate # 2 - Streets 2-1960 Staking and Inpsection estimates: $ 1�1.5a 1�+1. � 5 582.00 2�4 .00 2']8.25 463.50 58.50 433.25 1�041.%5 1,423,62 � 2.12 Seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried usenimousl,y. Motion by Wolke to approve the claim of Berglund-7ohnson for ko rk on On-Sale #2 in the amount of �10,566.1']. Seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. LICENSES: Motion by Na�el to approve the following licenses: GENERAL Chester L. Maciaszek 53�+7 - 4th Street N. E. Minneapolis 21� Minnesota by: Chester Maciaszek Swanson Realty & Const. Co. 3710 Zenith Avenue North Minneapolis 22� Minnesota by: Dwight T. Swanson Wayne D. Tuomie 3835 North 6th Street Minneapolis 12� Minnesota by: Wayne D. Tuomie WELL DRILLING Perron Brothers 639 - 9th Avenue N. W. New Brighton� Minnesota by: Ernest A. Perron New New kenewal Renewal E. H. Renner & Sons� Inc. 54oi county Roaa i8 Minneapolis 2']� Minnesota by: T. T. Renner� Pres. New Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PETITIONS• Motion by Sheridan to receive the following petition: 1. Street Surfacing on 54th Avenue. Motion seconded by Nagel. Upon �a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. �� The City Manager stated the City would not guarantee that any petitions received after December 1� 1960, would be done in 1961, BOARD OF APPEALS: Mr, Wolfenson was present� and explained why they wsnted this variance request. He stated that these heuse would hsve walk-out basement garages� so that they would not need as large an area� and this would fit in with the area around the property. Motion by Wolke to approve the variance request as recommended by the Board of Appeals for 53�0 �h Street� as we11 as the two adjoining lots� and the Building Inspector be granted the authority to issue the permits on these, Motion seconded by Na�el. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Mr, Wolfenson stated that they would like to split all of Blocks 1� and 18 into 66,33 foot lots. The City Attorney stated that he did not reconmend approval of this plan. Mr. Wolfenson stated that building permits had bFen issued on 60 foot lots� and the code had changed only in the interpretation. The City Attorney explained that these lots are across the street from Bonny Addition� which has 75 foot lots� and Donnay's Addition on the other side� which has 75 foot or larger lots, The City Attorney stated that when such a large area as this is involved� an attempt should be made to up-grade the community� rather than down-grade it. Motion by Nagel to recommend that Blocks 1� and 18, Moore Lake Addition be re-platted, 5econded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimousl,y. ABATEMENT OF A5SESSMENTS : Motion by Sheridan to grant the abatement of the following assessments. Lot 10� Auditor's 5ubdivision No. 23 in the amount of $�220.00 and Lot 21 Block 6� Fridley Park in the amount of �264.5a, inasmuch as �hese parcels are assessed for laterals under another project. 5econded by Wolke. Upon s voice Qote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanim�usly. POLICE CAR INSURANCE SETTLEMENT: The settlement as presented would cost the City a total of $350,�0 for the trade of the 1960 Dodge Police car for a 1961 Police car. Motian Y�y Nagel to accept this settlement. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unani- mously. Mr. Moore from Radio Station WAYL was present� as well as Dave Larson� and John Howe. Mr. Moore stated they had a permit for an FM Radio Station. Their station is located at 38th and Minnehaha. The height of the antenna for FM Radio o�eration is very important. Mr. Moore stated that if the City would grant �he permission to locate this antenna at the water reservoir� Radio atation WAYL could help publi- cize Fridley� and they would be willing to fence off the area. The tower would not substantially change the appearance of the area� and they would be willing to pay a reasonable fee for the rental of the area. Mr, Na€el stated the radio station should be sure to carry the proper insurance liability coverage which probsbly should be 100-200 25�000.00 limits. Mr, Nsgel suggested a drawing of the proposed ant- enna be made and given to the newspaper, Motion by Wolke to table further action on this matter until the next regular council meeting. Seconded by 5heridan, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. �� IZRAINAGE PROBLEM AT TFIE DESIGNWARE COMPANY• Mr, Les Knutson outlined the problem involved. He stated that the water at the present time was undermining the service road on the west side of the property, and the problem was becoming quite serious. Mr. Sheridan asked what the cost would be. Mr. Comstock stated they had not determined the exact cost, but it was primsrily a maintenance problem. Motion by Nagel to authorize the City Manager to proceed with the correction of this storm sewer problem which was undermining the service road. Seconded by Sheridan, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. LI�UOR STORE APPOINTMENTS: The Mayor suggested that action on the appointments be tabled until the entire council is here. Mr, k'olke stated he felt there should be a separate mansger for each operation� w ith one overall buyer, Motion by Nagel to table this matter until the next Council meeting. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. �NFORCEMENT OF �LUMBING CODE IN EXISTING HOUSES C�iJN�CTING TO SEWER YS� TEM: There was eonsiderable discussion on this matter. Mr, Wolke stated it would be difficult to vent some of the older houses. City Maneger suggested that maybe Mr. wolke coL�ld consult with the Plumbing Insp- ector on this matter, Mr. 31�eridan stated he would also like to be consulted on it. Motion by Nagel to instruct the Plumbin� Inspector to consult with Mr. Wolke, and also f�r. Sheridan on the problem cases which come up on connecting onto municipal sewer� until such time as some other solution is found to the problem. Seconded by Sheridan, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. LETTER FOH PERNISSION ZO OFFRATE BINGO GAN�E AT THE V.F.W. CT�UB: Motion by Wolke to grant the permisslon to qoerate the Bingo games at 60th and University through the V.F.W. Seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously, LETTER FROM THE_ L,�GE OF FICTNICIPALITIES CONCEHNING ANiENDl �NT N04�+ �0 ZHE S2ATE CONSTITUTION: Motion by Nagel to recommend support of Amendment No. 4 which would allow voters� moving from one district to another� to retain their right to vote. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a vaice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. LETTER - THANK YOU FROM Mft. DURENBERGER: The City ManBger announced that he had received a thank you letter from Attorney Durenberger in connection with the re-location of Ironton Street. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER COMPANY: Two representatives from the National Cash Register Company were present. The City Manager explained that he and the F'inance Director had been over to the Robbinsdale City Offices to see how the Nati.onal Cash Register System operated there� and it did give good control. Mr. NageZ asked the Cash hegister Company if they would also survey , the situation at the bar, and also at the other liquor outlets. Mr, WoZke asked if the present cash register could be used at the off- sale outlet if this system were installed there. The representatives from the National Cash Register Company said they would let the Council know if the present registers can be used at the package store? and that they would like permission to go ahead on the two cash registers at this time. Motion by Wolke to grant permission to buy the two cash registers� and the ecmplete system for Store #2 at th3s time. Seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. FRIDLEY JAYC�ES• Mr. Kelly from the Fridley Jaycees was present� and stated that he had subn,itted the proposal to the 7aycees on the proposed rescue truck� and will bring this matter up at a later Council meeting. DAMAGE CLAIM: Mr. Kbhlan informed the Council of the progress on the liability damage suit for Sorum and Dalsbo in connection with storm water running onto their property. ADJOURNME,NT • Motion by Sheridan to adjourn, Respectfully submitted: ' C Marvin C. Brunsell Secretary � , homas E, Greig� Mayor SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING - VOVEMBER 10� 1960 A special council meeting was ca]_led to order by MayG�r Greig at 7:05 P. M.� November 10� 1960. i Memlers Present: Members Absent: Johanson� Greig� Nagel� Sheridan� Wolke None STATEN�ENT OF CANVASS: Councilm�n Johanson moved that in accordance with Section 4,08 of the Charter of the City of Fridley� the City Council declares the results of the 1960 General Election to be as follows,: A. The total number of ballots case was: 6249 B. The vote for each candidate and number of defective and not voted ballots is as follows: Ward 1-P.1 Ward 1-P.2 Ward 2 t^tard 3 Nrard 1-P.2 9z2 16 32 2 ` COUNTY CODSMISSIOPIER - 5TH DISTRICT Spoiled or e+-a.....__, n..c ti_x__ 9 (Al1en Johnson-1) '] (Peter Brook-1) S (Henry Martin-1) CITY - COUNCILMAN - 1ST WARD . � Total 1099 1� Write In) Madsen-1 Cook-2 Wills-1 �— 112 112 � e� � F. Not V OtEf 101 135 16� 399 61 10']