01/17/1961 - 00024015�� ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business� the Mayor declared the meeting adjourn- ed. Respectfully submitted: � ��� � arvin C. Brunsell� Secretary to the Council � � COUNCIL MINUZE5 - JAI3UARY 1'7� 19b1. ������� Thomas E. Greig� ayor A re�ular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Acting Mayor Wolke at &':00 P.N. Members Present: Greig� Johanson� Wolke, Nee� Sheridan (arrived at 8:10), Members Absent: none APPROVt�L 0�' I��INUTE5: Motion by Johanson to approve the minutes ofthe January 3� 1961 meeting. 5econded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: SF,COND READ NG OF' ORDINANCE ESTABLISHIYG A Ri�GULAR bIRS DEFARZA�ENT: Motion by IJee a regular fire there being no APFOINTi�4ENTS : to tak�le the second reading of the ordinance establ3shing department. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� nays� the �rotion carried unanin_ously. The City Manager stated that he recommended the appointment of Calvin George Brown as the City Engineer� and Director of Public Works. Motion by Nee to confirm the recommendation of the City P�Ianager to appoint Ca3vin Brown as the City Engineer-Director of Public Works. Seconded by Johanson, Upon a voice v�te� there being no nays� the sotion carried unari�ously. Motion by Nee to appoint Glenn Thompson as Chairman of the Parks and Play�rounds Co�mittee. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no na,ys� the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Nee to appoint Robert J. Hu�hes� 548 Rice Creek Terrace, to the City-5chool Recreation Commission. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being ao nays� the motion carried unanimously, The Mayor opened the hearing on the above. No one anpeared for or against the proposed change in the ordinance. Mr. Sheridan arrived at 8:10 P.M. 4'he City Manager explained the purpose of the ordinance. Motion by Johanson to close this hearing� and to acce�t this as a second reading of the ordinance amending Ordinance No. 70, Sections 8 and 8.5� and to �R have the ordinance published, Seconded t�y Greig. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the �otion carried unanimously. Gavel to Mayor Greig. DIEW LUSINESS: PUBLIC HEARING - VACATIiVC A FGRTION OF 63RD AVENUE NORTHliAST: No one appeared for or against the proposed vacation of 63rd. Motion � by `lolke to close thE �ublic hearing on the vacation of 63rd Avenue� Northeast. Seconded by i+Tee. IIpon a voice vote� there being no nays� the rotion carried unanimousl,y. OI�DINANCE VACATING 63RD bET6�dEEN d�.CKSOiV STr'�EET AND �AI+� BD13EN STREET: The City Manager read the above accept t'�is as the first reading Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there unanimously. OLD BUSINESS• ordinance. Motion by Johanson to of the above ordinance. Seconded by being no nays� Ghe motion carried Motion by Nee to confirm the appointment of Robert Hughes as Fire Chief, Ed Ellis as Chief of the Fire Preventir�n Bureau� and Lester Chesney as Assistance Chief of the Fire Department. Motion seconded b,y Wolke. Upan a voice vote� there being no nays, the mot9on carried unaninously. VLW BIISIIQLSS: No one arpeared far or against the proposed rezoning. City Manager presented the petiti�n wr.ich had been presented to the Planning Con�nission favoring the rezoning. Mction by Johanson io close the hearing on the rezoning of Lets q and 10� B1ock 2� Riveraiew Heights Addition. SecondEd ly Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nayss the r,otion carried unanisously. The City P�Ianager read the above ordinance. Motion by Johanson to accept this as the first reading of the abovs ordinance. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the mo�inn carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEAEiING ON FINAL PLAT - ROBERT WILSOiU ADDITION: No one appeared f or or against the acceptance of the final plat of the Robert Wilson �ddition. Motion by Wolke to close the hearing on the final plat of Robert Wilson Addition� and to accept this as a final plat and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to szgn the same. Seconded by Nee. Upoz� a voice vote� there being r_o nays� the motion carried unanimously. PUfiLIC H�AHIf�G ON FINAL PLAT - LFS CIi�ESNEY PROFERTY �CHLSNEY ACRE5): Mr. Cnesney taas present and explained some of the dimensions on the plat. No other persons aFFFared for or against the proposed accept- ance o£ the final plat of Chesney Acres. Motion by 5heridan to close the hearing on the acceptance of the final plat of Chesney Acres� and to accept tiis as the final plat and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the saxae, ueconded by Wolke, Upo:n a voice vote� there being no nays� the a�otion carried unanis�ously. � 1 � � � CCi4SIDEiiA''iION OF S'IHEET LIGF3TING PC�c N1AIN STRE'�ET: The City Manager asked what side stated the east street lighting Sheridan. IIpon unanimously. MAIN SZREET: �E { s �p� explained the street lighting program. Mr, l�olke of Lhe street these li�hts wovld be on. 1he City Manager side. Motion by Wolke to �ccept the additions to �.he program as proposed by the City �•ianager. Seconded by a voice vote� there reing no nays� the mcri,ion carried Mr, Wolke stated that Main Street u�as to be an industrial route� with a serv3ce road on it� and a buffer strip, and th�� the County had agreed to this proposal at their meeting with the Council. I+�otion by �n'olke ta instruct the City �anager and City �ttorney to proceed with obtain- ing the recessary right-of-k7ay� either by negotiation or condemnation for the widening of Main Street. Motion seconded ��y Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Johanson asked if the City Manager would send a letter to the County regarding this. The City rlanager stated that he would� if the Council so desired. The Mayor s�ated the Council should review the propcsal and plans for Main Street� so that Councilman lvee could be informed about them. The City Nianager outlined the �rorosed road on the blackboard, Mr, Wolke si.ated that all of this discussion on Main Street should be in the minutes. Everything that was discussed relative to ;9ain Street should be in the minutes� and what the City Council agreed io so far as Main Street is concerne� should be in the �:inutes. Council�an �heridan stated that if the City has a 6ci foot right-of-way� where do the hi�h line poles sit, Are they on the edge of the right-of-way, or are they in the street dedication� or where? Mr. Sheridan also stated that he under- stands the County Fngineer would be agreeable to 7_ess than a 50 foot street for the industrial part of the street� and an 1� faot sertrice drive could be put in leavirig a balance of 46 feet on the industrial route� and considerable expense could k�e sati�ed if the high line pcles would nnt ha��e to be mcved, Mr. G,'olke siated the exact width of the industrial route does not sake a great deal of difference so long as the rcad is aderuate for traffic� and has a divicle�' strip. Mr. 5neridan stated that parking wo„1d probably have to be prohibited on the indtzstr�.hl route. The City Manager stated that he had discussed the width with the County Engineer� and the N�anager felt that 50 foot right-of-way specifi- cations for a County road vaere primarily for out cf toh�n County roads where higher speed are m�intainecly rather than in City-County roads� and he feels that a�-�+ to �+6 foot industrial street would be adequate. The Mayor stated that he could not see moving the high line poles� and feels that the service road c�uld be �ut in without condemming more land. Mr. Wolke stated that the County can come in and condemn the land� and taY.e it over if they* want te� and that the County had co�e to an agreement with the City on this road after much discussion previously� and Mr. Wolke stated he wants the divider strip� and a street of sufficient width. N�otion by T�lolke to instruct the City Manager and the City Engin- eer to obtain additienal right-of-way width ior N_�ain Street� by either negotiation or condeffnation of a r�ridth wYiicri the County Z,ngineer feels is necessary� and not necessarily a_total cf %b feEt in all. �here o;as no secon8 to this nrotion. Mr. Wlolke also instructed the City T•ianager te be sure that the County lccated the in�ustrial portion of N.ain Street so tr.at it ti�ould connect with the proposed bridge over Hi�ho�ay �'100 at Main Street. Mr, Nee stated that since this item was not on the agenda� he orould like to know what w�s the opinion of the Planning Cemr,issien relative to this. Mr. Segner� Chairman of the rlanning Commi- sicn stated that the Flanning Comtt�ission hGs reconn�ended basical]_y the same thin� as Mr. 5heridan� although the Plar.ning Comniss9on h�as ob- jections to the kind of surfacing the County intends te put on the industrial sireet� and the Planning Commission does not feel it is ade- quate. Mr, Segner stated that he felt it would cost about �1�500,00 per pele to nove the high line. Mr, Nee stated he felt the City P"anager should defiritely tie dor+n this deal and wh�t it will cost be£ore action is taken on it. The Mayor asked for a roll call_ vote on the orig�inal motion. Tnose voting in fav�r were rheridan� Wolke; Opposad� Greig� Johanson and Nee. Mr, P.�olke stated that he contested the roll call vote. The A4ayor had Freviously indicated the vote was cast and the mot3on carried. The N�ayor stated that Councilman lf,olke was right� and that r �. the original motion did carry. The Mayor stated that the moticn '�hat was put on the floor was sou�eU�hat hazy as far as he 47c25 concerned. Mr. Sheridan stated he understcoc� the motion that was passefl V�as authorizing the City Nar.a�er and City Attornev to get a 66 foot right-c�f-way. The Nlanager stated that bir, Wolke's original �cotion would have to stand� ar.d the motion w�s based on the �0 foot width. The City 1�4anager stated the poles are ?�ot supFosed to be in the right-of-way� but that the poles might h�ve to be moved even if the street right-of-way �,�ere limited to d6 feet. Mr. Wolke state8 that he wanted was the Council to live up to the inter�t wliich they had expressed earlier with regard to Main � Street, and tnis intent was Lo have a divider strip and serv3ce road, and that th9s street plan preceed the uray it was originally proposed. Mr, Nee stated that it is being proposed th�,t the Council sper.d a lot of money� but the�e is nothin� to support on paper just what the cost m�y be. Motion by lolke to amend his ori�inal motic�n to read that the City Manager anci City Attorney be instructed to acqL�ire such land as the Countp Engin�er rec�uires, by either eonden.nation or negotiation. Motion seconded by Johanson. Upon a roll call vote, voting "yes", Johanson� Y.olke; noting ""nti"� Greig, 5heridan and Nee. The motion dici not carry. RESOLUZION No_ 2-1961 AUZH(7RIZING SALE OF TIRES: 1he resolutien a�as read authorizing the sale of Fire De�artment tires. Niction by Nee to adopt the resnlution. Seconded k,y Sheridan, Upon a voice vote� there beirg ro n�ps� the mot_on carried unanimously. CONSIDER1�lI0i� �F CRDIi4ANCE AH� �]1WDIIdC QRDIId�IdCE N0. 75 - PIATTING ORDINAI�TCE: The City Manager read the abave ordinance� and expla9_ned its purpose, NIr. Nee �ked what the Planning Conr,ission reconmendation was. Mr. Segner stated that the Planning Coanission h_d recos:mended aFFroval of this ordinance, l�iction by Sheridan to aeeept this as the first reading of the above ordinance. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the notion carried unanimously. �I Motion ky Jah�nson that this building perr,it be approved. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� ihere being no r.ays� the motion carried unan- i�iously. CLI! IN, 5 • Motion by Nee to Johansor., U�on unanimously. approve General Claiu�s 3;�82 through 4122, Seconded by a voice vate� there being no nays� the motion carried Motion �y Johanson i�o approve Liquor Clai�s 2532 through 2598, 3econd- ed by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays? the motion carried unanimouslg. Nlotion by Wolke to approve the Fublic Utility Claims 1168 through 1191. �econded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Motion ky Nee to approve the claim of James Hensley in the amount of �V120.00, Seconded by Johanson. IIpon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Sheridan toapprove the claim of the Cas�;ell Engireering Canpany in the amount of ��13.68, Secorded by wolke. Upon a voice vate� there bein� no nays� the motion carried unanirr�ously. Motion try [�'olke to aFprove the claim of Ranclal and Ber�]_in in the amount of �3�°�+7•35. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� tihe motion carried unenimously. � � �� LICENSES: Motion by Johanson �o anpreve the following licenses: E�LECZRICAL Brite-Lite Electric Gorr�tany 10�1 Fayne Avenue St. Paul� N�innesota G6S I"IZTER5 Ethier-Sto'ne-Paar� Inc. 511 k�est �th Street St. Paul� Minnesota GENERAL Best Suilders� Inc. 5�13 Morgan hvenue North �Srooklyn Center� N�innesota Randorr, Inc. 77 kiest Road Circle Fines� Minnesota 'tIExTITdG Ethier-Stolpe-Paar� Inc. 51l west ']th Street St. Faul� Niinneseta AiA50P�RY L & L Concrete Construction �6858 �th Streei N. E. Minneapolis 21r Minnesota SIGN HANGEF,S ' Macey Signs� Inc. 451 4�ilson 5treet N. E. Minneapolis 13� Minnesota by: Williaff L, Sooth by: E. B. Stolpe by: Jeseph P, Stariton by: Fred E. Rehlaein by: E. B. Stolpe by: Roy D, Willman by: B. Shanedling New New New New New IQew New Seconded by k�olke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� i.he motion carried unanimously. hESOLUlION N0. 3-1961 P,IAECTING ISSUANCE OF iENPORARY �OPZDS - SW#'21; City Attorney Kohlan's assistant stated that SFCtion 14 of this reso- lution shou]_d be changed to read 100°d instead of 80°b. Mr, 5heridan asked to be excused irom the Council meeting as he had to catch a�lance at �:�+5 F,Ni. hiotion by Wo1ke to approve the resolution directing the issuance of temnorary ir�orovement bends fer SW#21. Secnnded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� thEre being no nays� the motion c�rried unanimously. Motion by Johanson to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Nee. Unon a voice vote� there bein@ no nays� the motion carried unaninously. CONSIDEF3ATION OF LEITERS WI1H REI�RENCE TGSPECIAL ASSESSN.�NZS: -24„bLOCK M, RIVERUIEW Motion by Wolke to receive the six letters with regards to special assessn�ents� and act on them at a later date. There was no second to this rotion. The first letter contained a request for abates,ent of assessments on Lots 16 through 24� Bloek M� Fiiverview FIeights. There was considerable discussion on this. Mr.l�iolke stated th�,t the City ' ��� would have to notify the Ccunt,y that thare had been a change in these assessments if they v�ere abate@ or deferreci� so that the Caunty would know� and there shculd be a service connection charge i�" these lots titi�ere ever split. Mr. Wolke also stated that he Ye1t that interest should be charged on the amount of the assessment! whicr was deferred. Moti�n by Ldolbe to defer the certifieation of the cne building site charge on Lots 16 thr�u�h 2�;� Block M, Hiverview Heights �lddition� and if a coLnecticn is ever requested for this service� or the lot is split off, that this assessLent be co�Iected plus interest. Motion � seccnded by Johanson. UFon a voice vote� there being no nays� the mot�on czrriec� unanimously. The Mayor and A1r, Nee explained the siutation concFrning this �roperty. Notic�n by Nee to defer the certif'icatic�n of the one building site charge on Zots 3% throu�h 42, Block �, Spring Brook Park� and if this ccnnertinn should ever be used� that the building site charge should be collected plus interest. Seconded by l��olke. U�on a voice votea there �eing no nays� the r�ation carried unanimously. Tnere was conszderable dzscussion on these atatements. Motion by l^lolke to deny the requFSt for abatement or ^eierment of assesssents� on Lots 53 and ;++� and on Lots 5'� and 5�� Block H� Riverview Heights Additior� and tr�e assessment is to ren�ain as ls. Secended �5� Johanson. Unon a ve�_ce vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unari�r�cusly, LLOCK U, F,NERVIEW HFIGA'IS ADDITSON: Motion by Nee to deny the request for abatenent or deferment of assess- ' ments on Lots 15 througn tb� Block U� niverview Heights xdditien, Seconded by Johansor�. Unon a volce vote� there being no nays� the motion carriec� unanimnusly. The Mayor exnlained the situation concerning the�e lots and the location of the service connections, Nir. Wolke s�ated that he recommends that the City tianager have the Consulting Engineer� or the City T�ngineer ga out and check Each one of these requests� and have drawings and house locations and all other information on the Iots before they are brought up to the Council for �onsideration. The P4ayor stated he agrees and Mr. Nee said he agreed also. Motion by T.olke to defer the certi- fication of one service connection char�e on Lots 44 through 4'7� Block E� Hiverview Heights Addition� and if this property is ever splity or the other service used, then the charge will be collected plus interest. ,Seconded by Johanson, IIpon a voice vote, there bei�g no nays� the motion carried unanimously. ESTIN:A'SLS : Motion by Johanson to approve the estimate from MeCrossan Inc, in � the anount oi �7�204,�-F5, Seconded ly Pdee. Upon a voice vots� there bei�ig no nays� the motion carried unanir.lously. Mr, �Vee ask_ed what the problem �aas concerning P�1cCrossan. The Nlanager explained that 1VIcCrossan had been very slow in completzng his wark, Nir. Knutson? of Comstock and Davis� In,� stated that he felt the only solution o��s tough inspection� and that an exccss of the normal 10� has been witihheld from payment. PLANIdIPdG COP1+��ISSION: � 4� � PItUPOSED �PhI�QGfiP,COK AI;DITION PLxT: A1r. Brown, the City Engineer,said he had reviewed the plai, and 'nad some sug�estions, wnich he pointed out to the Counc�l concernit_� the location of the water hqdrants and the s�rvice conneciions. l�Iotion by Johanson to approve the prelirr�inary plat of Springbrook 1�ddition suk�;,ect to the foilowing conditions: l. G, In Block one� the lot line bet��een Lots 5 and 6 sr�ou]_d be s�oved westward two feet� and the lot line betv�een Lots �+ and 5 should be noved westward one Foot, P1at shonld be sub�ect ta �n engineering review. 3. ^lne dedic�i,ic�n of Zots 28 and 2q in Riverview Heights �lddition - the northern extension of nutl� �treet to ex- tend to Hupo Street. Motioa seconded by Nee. Upen a voice vote� i,here being no nays� the motion carriEd unanimously. There was a discussion on street e]evations. Mr, ti'olke ststed that rough-�rade sr�ould be established c�n a7_1 of these plats7 and someone s�iould check the gr�c�es to see if they are right. C Mr, 4��olke made s r�otion to deny this requESt? as reccv�mended by the Flanning Cemmission, Secondsd by Nee. Upori a vr�_ce tiote� there being no na,ys� tne motzon carried unanin°ously, SCt��UI� OF SUlN1FI; N�,N.TIDTG nA7ES I�GR 1�61: � 2�loti on by 4lolke to apnrove the Planning Corri�; ssion f'or tneir Johanson. Upon a vo�ce vote, unaniN�usly. � L�UIL�IiVG ST�:�U�1�DS I�IiVUlES: meetirig dates as set .Cortn by the summer meet,sr.rs in 1�j61. Seconded by there be�n� no tiays, i,he motion ca-rried i�lotion by Johanson to approve the recoru,endaticxzs of the Lui]_din� Stand- ards Cormittee as contazned in the Coinittee rrinutes of January �� l;`61. E�econded by Nee, Upon a voice vote� there being no naysa the mction carried unaninously. REPOnT OF' 'IF]E P(7I�ICE CIL'II� Sb'r`?VTCE COP�II� IS5IOIJ: i�Iotion by wolke ssion and place there beirg no to receive the repart oF the FolicE Civil E,ervice Commi- it on file. :ieconded by 1Vee, Upon a voice �otey nays� the mr,tion carried unanimcusly, LETTLP� PRCi � COL7NZY bOAF=D : The City Mana�er read a letiter frc�m the County Board with regards to the Cour_ty and CitSr �ettirig together tc outline their mutual problems. The Countyr stated they had desig�nated Lrnest I�'adsen� County Corrirr�issioner� as a ccnmittee to neet orith the Council to o�scuss coNn�on rxck�lens the City-County ni�ht rave. Motion by Johanson to recezve the letter frem the CoL,nty Cormissioners, and place �t on £i1e, Seconded 1-y Wolke. LT�on a voice `-ote} there belrg no nayss the noti_on carried unanimeusly, NO2' C. C. - itF 5`CCld1 rloticn by Johanson to receive this i_otice ar.d pluce it on file, �econded b,y Wolk_e, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� tY�e motion carrzed unanimously. CG'_uSIDERl:J IC�i7 OP FAY SCHEDULE FCn YOLICI; CrIIk�F: The Mayor• suggesi,ed that the Folice Chsef's salar,y be rc:t�ec� to y!600.00 starting January l� 1961. 'Ihe P�ianager stated he h�c� made re- commendatior.s v-itn reference to the FblicE Cliief's wa�es when the budget U,�us subn.itted� but thzt the Council h�,d chaliced it ai� trat time, I4otion �� by Johanson to raise the pay ci the Police Chief to wh6�d.00 starting Januar,y l� 1961 sub�ect to reyieui during the year. Seconded �y Nee. Upotz a �%oice vote, therc being no nays� the motlon c�rried unaz�i�,rnasly. �D� OUhVP�:V7 : lhere bEing no furthFr business� Mayor Grei� declared the rc!eEting adjourned, Respectfully subrritted: 1i 1_l. C't-�?.�.�..�.�. �����o-e-�� �1 `1,�-� � ��� � S�arv�_n C, Brursell lnomas E. Gre��� I��iayor Secretary to the Council COliNCIL I�iINU7LS - P� BRUP.FIY %� 1961 A reguiar meeting of the City Cc�uncil u�as called to order by t�i�yor Crreig at �:�0 P.I���, Members PresEnt: Members Absent: Greigy Johansen, Stieridan� NEe� LJolke (arrived at 8:10 P.i� . ) '_Qone AFFI�OUfiL OF I.INUIBS: NIotion by Johanson meeting. Seconded the motlon carr�ed OLD BUSII�SS : to rpprove the by iVee . Upon unaninously, minutFS o? the January 1%� 1961 a voice vote� there beir.g no naysa �ir. �iarris was present and asked what the meaning of vacatin� the .street �+ras� ard ti�liy thls was being d�ne. It was explazned that the street in question t,��s between Van Buren and Jackson Street� end not i.he 63rd Uiay off thE East River Road. Zhe ordinance was read. Motion by Sheridaa to accert this as a second rEading of the ordznance and to have it published. Seconded by Joh�nson. Upon a ti*oice vote� there bein� no nays� ihE inotion carried unanimously. I?r. irJolk_e arried at 8:10 F.1i, SECOtiD FL'&nIiv LOTS 9 AND 10� EI�OCK I� The City Attorne,y sug�ested that Section 2 of the ordin�nce should be changefl to rea� - C.l (local bus�ness) instead of R-1 (residential) �he City NIana�er read the ordinance rezoning Lcts 9 and 10� Block I� �`�?verview Heights. Niotion b3� Johanson to accept tnis cs a second readin� of the erdinar_cF, and to have it �ublished with the chan�e as recoir,ended by the City Attorney. �ecended by Sheridan. Upon a vo?ce vatey there �eing no nays� t1�e r.�otion carried unanimously. SECOL�D F�L�ADING OF' OP�DIPiL1lVCE N0, 168 AI��1V�1ING OHLTNAiQCE N0. 75� The c�ty I��ana�er read the above ordinance. Motion ky Joh�nsoii to accept this as a second readin� of the above ordinance� and to have ' 1 ,