02/07/1961 - 00024005�� �y Johanson to raise the pa,y cf the Police Chief to �600,00 starting Janu�ry 1� 1q61 sub��ect to revie�� durirg tne year. Seconded by Nee. U,r,orx a voice votc, therc being no nays, the motion c�sried unanimousl,y. a�JOUhNt!�VT : lhere reing no further business� Mayor Greig declared the r�eeting ad�ourned. �iespectfully subrt itted : �����. �iarvtin C, Brunsell Thomas E. Greig� i�i[ayor �5ecretar,y to the Council COIINCIL 1�iINU'1'LS - I'�YRU6?t,Y %� 1961 A re�u_ar meeting of the City C�uncil was called to order by r�I��,yor Greig zt E3:�S0 P,1-�, Dlembers PresEnt: Nlembers �bsent: Greig� Johanseny SYieridan� PdEe� h�olke (arrived at i3:10 P,i��_,) None FiP�itOTTAl, Ob 1� Il1TU'lES : N:ction by Johanson meeting. SecondFd the moticn carried ULD BUSITd�SS : to apnrove the minutes cf the Tanuary 17� 1°61 by Nee, Upon a va9_ce vate� there beir.g no nays� unanimously, SEGOND READIl�G OF OhUINANCI; NU. 166 VACkTTTdG A PORTIGN OF 63HD AVLNiI� N OR'IIiL L�S`!' : N1r. Harris was present and asked what the meanin� of vacnting the street was� and why this taas being dcne. It U��s ex_plained that the street in question w�s between Van Buren and Jackson Street, and nct the 63rd U,ay ofi the East River Hoad. The ord?nance utas read. Motion by Sherid�n to accept this as a second reeding of the ordin�nce ar_d to have it publ�shed. Seccr.ded b,y Johanson, Upon a voice vetea there beirg r!o nays, ihE motinn carried utiani�ously. Nir, G�rol,ke arried at �:10 P.I�1, LOTS 9 AND 10 �BLOCK I� � ' The C�ty Attcrney sug�-ested that Section 2 of the ordinance should be che�nged to read - C.l (loc�l business) instead �f R-1 (residential). � The City Man��er read the ordinance rezor.ing Lots 9 and 10, Block Iy hiverview Heights. Motion by Joh�nson to accept this a,s a secend readin� oi' tre ordinance, and to have it published with the chGZnge as reconnendcd by the Cit,y kttorney. �eco�!ded by Sheridan. Upon a volce vetey there xeing no naysy the motion carried unanimously. SECOIID ItEADING OI�' OhDIPiAldCE 11T0. 16� ANBPdDI?VrC OftI7I1VANCE N0. 75: Tne City Manager read the above ordinance. ;�Icticn ty Johenson to aceeFt this �s a second readi_ng of the above orclinar�ce� and to have F�'{ � it published. Seconded by Vdolk.e, II��en a vo�ce vete� there being no nays, the motion carried unaniniously. NEb; BUSINE5S • LLTTi,k F'RONi T�I� Slk7� �3IGHWAY DETAHT�NT: Mr. 2�4cCubrey� Mr. Zhorstenson� and R?r. ,Settevold from thE �tate High- way Iiepartnent *aere present. i�4r. Settevc7_d explair.ed the purpase of � the letter wh4ch iras to familiarize the Counc�l with Lhe past h;story of the storm sewer constructzon on F3ight�ay d1100 from University to the T:ississlppi River. Mr. Settevold explained the zgreernEnt tia}zich had been entered into �wt the tine tnis constrncti�n w�s made bet��een the City of Frid]ey and the State of Minnesota. He stated that tne nresent l;��F stcrm sewer main w�s i�rac'equate� and�an additional %2 inch line wuuld hatre to be i��stalled. Z'he State vaould construct this j2 inch line a1�ng wirh rebu9_lding Hi_ghu;ay �100� �nd the City u�ou�d reirburse the ,��'tate for the City's sherE� and the Cit,y of Fridley Urould cons�ruct the line running north from T. H. �`�100 along Uni_versity� and the S Late G�euld reimburse the City for the State's share oi this li_ne. The P�lavcr a�k�d if this line would be adequate. The `rIi�hti1a�T Lepartirent ans�,°ered "Ye� ., in their opinion it was", Mr, Johanson ra:��'ed a qucstian of whethEr anether assessment could be spread on the people in tre areay inasmuch as the,y had been assessed ier storm sewer rrevi�usl,y. i��r. Kohlas asked who vaould deteriLine th;s additiena] line was necessary. Mr. Settevold said it was a rnattEr whicn had be�n agreed upon between the Staze of A4inr;esota �nd Comstock and Aavis� Inc.� the Ccnsulting �iigineers. ThE P��ayor said 'ne wcnted to be sure that this line was adequatea znasmuch zs tkp City taas told that the previous line n2� been adeqti�te� �nd now it arPe�rs that it is no�„ Nir, Thorstenson� fron tihe liighti.ay DenartrnerLt ac]mitted there had been son_e shortsightedness in instal'ling the previous 1inE� and that the State d�d :iot kno�,� at that ti�e Lhis k�o�_ld be an interstate highway� and tne Engineers had not anticipa�ed the tre�endous gro���th wn9ch the area hzs experienced. Y�4r. Johansen staied that 1,he possibil.ity , of running the line to i,he north shculd be investigated. Mr. Dlee suggest- ed �hat a special n,eeting be held on this� sc that the Council c�n oe- ccme r:ore fariliar with it, It was dec9_ded that a s�ecial meetir.g be held �n February l�t � 1;61 at �:30 P. P1, a tiaith Comstock �and �avis � Ir.c, � trie �ity's Consu�ting Engineers� and the �State H;ghw�,y ��e�,artment. FUBLTC �3EARIIVG - FIIJ�L PL�'�`l' OF ERC;U'S F1�.ST L�LDITICiV: l�Ir. Wolke su�gested that on future plans which ca e un f�r a�t"rcval, th�t the City Fngineer have overlay drai�ings showing the surrounding area� as well �s tYie pl�t under consider�tion, P�iotion by Johanson that the hEaririg be elosEd on the iinal plat of Frco's Pirst l�.dditiona and that t�5s be accexted as tlze iinal r•lat, and the 1Kayor and Clerk be autr�ori�ed to sign same. Seccnded by _�heridan. Upon a�oi_ce �;ote, there bei.�g �o na3js, the not�_on carried unanimcusly. 'IYrere taas con�i�lerable discu5sion on the Park der�os�fit whicr. shonld be required oxi this �lat. Mr, Jonai�son brou€ht up the ��oint tnat Bronson- Erickson h�s �err,�itted use of Part of this Iand For a skating rink ar_d ba11 f�.e1d, and if the City required a depos�i for a rark, the City r_i�;ht not l:e able to use tk�is plzying fielc� again. 2'hers was t_ore discussion or. this� tne feelir�g of t�he Council heirg that there si:ould k�e a deposit� but the matter U,i11 be taken u�, along � �,rith Fark Peposits on the other �lats later ln thE meeting. PIIFLIC ?�AY?I�VG - FIRST P��ADI�SG ON ChL'IN��i�1C� VACAZI�vG STREF�TS APdB lITTLVC TDTS'�TT�V Tni�v. � P�Ir, H, Harris and Mr, R. Harris o�ere both r�resent, ar_d as�ced why the streets atid al].eys o�ere being vacated. ThFy asked ii Lhe land � s alsc �eing rezoned. ^lhe Counc�_1 stated there is ��o rezonin� reqaESt being �ads at t'ri�_s tire � and the vacation of t1�e street and alley oaas a sep�rate natter ircm t}?e rezonin�. 7'he Ci�y 141an2ger explained thaL the Cii;y is �ettir_g cther r�ro��erty from� the l��ilroad CnrrF�ny �n exchange for the vacated portions of the streets. `PYie ordinance vacat�rg tYie �art of the streets 2r_d alleys ir: l�ridley Fark t�ddition tl�es read. T'_lere were _�c other pers�ns a�-pearing for or ugainst the �� nroFosed vacazion oi �he street. Motian by Jahanson to close the r�e�r5ng cn t1_�e abo�e vacation, and to �ccei,t this as the first re��ing o£ tLe orc�inai�ee vacatir.g the above streets and �1].eys. Seconded by Wol�e. Uron a voice cote� tY,ere beir_g c_o nays� lhe irotion c�rried unanimeusly, C�iVSTi,Fh�i3I0Td OF bIDS FC�R �E�ti'LR hCDDI�JG B'�ICFIINE: Trie City Mana;f-er ar_nounced th�,t the bids i'or �.he sewer Todding machine Yiad k�een opened a � 11:00 1� .A�, on Febru�ry 6� 1G51. Coizncilman 5her�dan, � the Ci Ly I���nagsr� a��d P r. C1 �rk frc,� the E,ngineering DepFrtr,ent �rere pre�ent ai, �,t-!e tin e the bicis a�ere og�ensd � and had s=i�ned tlie bid tabulation si�eet. The Cit� I�^ar�ager read the bids u•tiich h�d been received as folZows: 0'Brien Nlanufacturing Ccrp. 5632 Idorthwest Hig_hway Cricago L'�6� Illinois Ba�k Mon�y Order �57�.�� Delivery - 1�+ days. Lump Sum Bid 3/i3�' continu�us rcd �i507�,�5 L`ecluct i'or:- 5/16" continuous rod 20.00 o� .7 0'Brien i�IanuPactur�ng Corp: Indi� i�ual Conponeuts i . y�+�9�5 .ia 2, 4,�0 3, 2g.00 �; , 2�_.00 5. 21.75 t�, 22,j0 �, 24.00 8. �� o00 �. 7.00 �s S`o7� .75 r4unicipal EGuipmer_t Corpany �O1 East L'xcelsior Avenue Hopk9nsy P�inrresotz Certif3ed C' eck �L!Q5.70 No neli_very �ate Speciiied Lump ��um Eid 3/8" Continuous rod ��+419.00 Municipal E�quipment Co�pany: Individual_Com�onents 1. �-F312.5ro 2. 2.00 3. 13.50 '+. 15.50 5. �c.2o 6. 21.�;0 �. 2�.000 �. .5 9. 6.80 �� 1E+Fi�9.00 rllternate Bids by P�iunicipal '3quipi!ent Company for 39° length rods: Flexicror.e Rods Lump Sum ��+957.00 ly ���g55.00 2, 2.b0 3. i3.5o �-. 15.5a 5. i5�.2o 6, 21,�-0 �. 23.��0 8. - �. 6.80 � ��7.00 American P3pe C7_eaning C�, - No Bid Flexicore Rods Lump Sum ��3�46,10 i. 2. 3. �. 5. 6. 7. 8, 9. �3357.60 2.�0 13.5� i�.5o i�.zo 21. �r0 23.60 6.80 $93 r� (Stewart� Inc.) The City ��ianager annotinced that A�erlcan Pipe Cleaning did not bidy an� also that the b4unicipal Equipment Comx�any had not specified a delivery date on tne�_r bid. The llttorney stated the Council may �.taive tre c3eiivery datie. 1'he City Mana�er stated th2,t thE City had tr;ed out the 0'Brien roacnine� but h�=d not tried out the machine bid by the Munieipal Equlpment Gonpanya and would like to do so. SYieridan stated the delivery date sl�ould be the sar�e as on the 0'Brien �,quip- ment, A reprssentative from the Municipal Equipment �onp�ny was nre sent and staied the Municipal Equipment �ompany would Purnisa a machine until t}�e regular one is delivered� and the City wculd have the normal 1 1 � � � � t�s. �" �� �,� try-eut timei as called for �n the s�ec�iicatlons ef'ter the regular machine u�as delivered, ihe Citg Attorney stated that the 0'Brien Counany woul� not be ok�]igatec� to hold open the-�r bid f�r more than 30 ciaps. Nlotion by 1�Ir, 'r;oll�e to receive the bids �n�a to accept the offer of I�iunicipal Equipment Cc;npan,y for their �ac«�_ne v.ith i,he pro- vision the City have use oi a nachine unt�l the tin_e tLat their r,achine is delivered� the City wou_7d then have a thirt,y c�ay trial period on the new Pluricipal Tcr,u,pment m2chine. Thexe was no secon�l to this moticn. lhe natter was table�� until Iater in the r,�eetinga so the Attorney cauld draw un a suitable r,otlon, The City Dianager read the above ordinance, Diotion by Johanson to accept this as the iirst reading of the ordinance rezoning Lots 1� 2� Q� 10 & 11� Block l� Lrco's rirst rddit;on. Seconded b,y Nee, IInon a vozce vote� there bein� no na,ys� the motion cGrried unanimously. it�;SOLU2I0�d N0. 5-1961 kU`SHORI�ING FOR LIAS F'OR Tl'0 POLICE CARS: The City P2anager read the abcve resolution, Motion by iVee to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Johanson, U�on a voice voi:e, there being na na��s, the motion carrZed w�anirnousl3�. CCTdSI�ER�!1^ION OF DEPOSI25 ��OP FARR °kOFIRTY: The Nana�er exPlained that owners of seueral of the plats that had been accepted 1^�ad not as �ret made r,rouisions for donatin� land or money for Park purposes� and the purpcse of brin�ing this to th� Council was to establish a policy which cculd be used on narY do��ations, P4r, Sheridan staied that sorre of the small plats, w ich u�ere in the nature os lot splits, which the Council had required be platted rather th�n split shol�ld l:e exempt from making a park de�osit. There was considerable discussion on the smaller plats� aiid whether or nr�t they should be required to rnake a�ark deposit if they could have been split. AIotion by tvolke to table this until the m<eting of riarch %� 1�61y so that mc�re infor�aation on these plats �z� quFstion can be obtained, Seconded by Jahanson. Unon a voice vote, there teing no nays� the motion carried unanimously. CLAIPi6 : Motion by Johanson to approve General Clalrns 4123 throu�h L192. Seconded by Nee, Ugon a voice vote, there bein� no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion bti ldolke to aoprove Liqucr C1_aims 25�9 throu�h 26ZF2. Seco�dc-d by Tdee. Upon a voice vote� there bein� no na}�s, the motion carried unanimousl,y-. Motion bY �heridan 121'7, aFCOnded by the motion carried L ICElV SES : to approve the i�olke . Upon a unanimcusly. Fublic Utility Claims 11°2 through vosce vote, there be�ng no naysj i�hot�_on by �1'o1�e to aAProve the followi�g licenses: E.LECTHICkL Gustafson Flectric Connany Box 21�+ Champlin� ia�innesota E� CAVATOkS : Bibeau �3rothers Construction Centuria� Wisconsin GAS FITTERS Ideal Plumbing & Heating Co. 8t%q - �+ta Street S. E. P�innez.rolis 1L � Alinnesota by: h. G. Gustafson by: Joseph Bi';eau by: Charles li. 6��atson i1eu� 1�TP W I3enet��al � GLNL�tAL Thomas E , Har.sen 2�7C� H��h+a�,y �i 3�OG Vew bripnton, N.ir.nesota iiarol� li , 1Tu7_ien 39"]p Bronson Driv� 1�T, E, Spring, T,�ake ��rky Ni�nnesota f�,A'T IiVG Anoka ?�"ltai�bin�; �nd He�ting 220� E, l�iain Street C'oon a�aX�ids� i?innesota :Ldeal ]-�umbin� 8 �:Fa�in€ Co. �s�� _ 1-ith ;�treet 1�i. �. P�i�nne�polis 14� ��9ir�ssota b�: 'Iti-�omas � . Ha�sen by: ?=aro]_d �. Julien by: BST_ron Brcmley by: Charles �'. ia'ats�n ke�ent ii<<ting anc'� «ir. Con. C�. ycOC? Lteg�nt �ivenue i_Vcrth Fioitte 1, Osseo, 11;nnesota t�y: RobErt 0. Langer_ i�-AS��MjY r�obex�t Coi� pton �'�37 - 7i'?d !�v�nuE Sol�th bloon i�gt�n, 1`�`innesot2 � LUi�1BIP?Ct Sde�1 Plumhing �nc� IiEating Goo £0�' - 4t,h �Lreet ti.L. Mznneapolis 1�� Di�nnesota by: Robert Cr�:���ton by: Charles ''�. �r�atson Zah3_er i�lu�l�inh and Fieating (�o. 31Li0 bransuie� kvrenue North Crysta? i ivfinn�scta k�Zr: LeF�oy P�, Zahler AFFL�IC�!7ION POi. LICLt�GS� - I�U�sF1I,313 I'ICK-IIF benedict I�. Shutr�p 6'J05 CI 1n �;,,� Avenue South I°Iinne�X�o�is� ➢'�i�nesot� - dba: Fs•ic�ley aan�tation aer�ice 5�33 2z Street N, b;, F'ridleyTs M?nnesota A1�kL]�Cu'ySOiJ 1Ch L1C:lijd��E - rL'NE-IIS i,�ST�UHli1Vi � CIGl��itET`iE lt , h , Deni�in� BouLe �, F��x 15'� ��layrat� j M�rraesct� - dba: Eob's C.olden Nugget b476 E. .iiver Ro�d I'ridleyy Di3nnesota NeUt New 1 Y,en etiial l�ene��al tiew New �er�wal � P_eneUral aecor�cled '��y Jol�anson. Uxon a voice vote� there k�eing na navs� the r�oti�-n carrzed unani_n �uslv. hT'PLSCt�'I7OiQ ZO PAS�1� 7'R1iIL1�.R t;Y T��iF,,,�lf ZI1�I.PSON: `I12e Ma?I��r re�d � lett��° S'ron3 Fraz7Y, Thernpsan� 623% Central Avertne N, i�, rea,uesi9_n� �eri�iss�ora t,o par� a tra�ler at 6?2� Central r���enue� on the ��!•oncrty oi Clyde Sc�aex•er. Di�ticn by l-`r,l�e t�� turn this matter over to the City T'iara^er, so the r;atter can be checked out rnd �reu�ht u7� to ihe Cat�ncil at the next n,eetin�. �econ�ec2 by T3ee. U�on 2 vo�ce vote? there beinp no nays� tkle nAotion carried unanimously. I'P_'i' 7�l ± GNS � Niotion xy voh�nson to recFive the Follewin� petitians: �, Stre�� surf�cing -�+th and �th S�reet frnm oth to 5�t?�. 2, se��er on ti�es�, A�oore I�ake Lrive from bal�er to :Iighu�ay r�'6�. � � �y� i'$ � Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� i,he�re 1��_ing no nays� the motinn carried unan9tr�ously. �Tr. Johanscn asked if thESe sr��al'_ x�etitlons ti��ere �lI ' eing r�rocessed? Tho City Aiana�er st�ted tha�t they leere� �n_o Le shoti�]n hatie sor�etl�ing for t'�e Counci_7_ at the next meetinn on ��1� ret�tions. � Zlze Clty lbanager read the 7_etter tsete.,ting, �he amount o� c�rs and � rechanical �1ork x�eing done at 122K Missis�i�gi �treeti, ��n� t,hE i�rana�er also stated t�e nol�ce ���ov]_d l�ke ��e7°7_ission to use i.l�e electrical tir,3?iE device on Nlississip�i_, There z•�as conszc�sraLle d�scuss�on �n this. Severa- oi �l�e Councilr,�en sk�tcd tYiat rheJ hac� observed froni 8 to 10 cars p2rk�d at �r��_s residencc;, 'I'he i�ayor sug�estFC th�it the �eople �,ri�o are ccncez�ned s1�cn7d sign the corrplainz, 'I11e�e ur�s more ciiscussion on hc�w t1�e �oir.tlaint shc�uld l��e obl.a�ned. I-otion hy Johar.son Lo tak�le th�s for the e-�enin�� and to m�ke a noin� to brir!� Zn a si�ned cou�nlaint; and also te �ive the r-c�lice authority to use a timin� devicE on 2�Iississ9ppi Street, oeco^ded by SY�er�dan. ilpon a voice vote � i,hE�re r eing no nays � ti1�e mozion carried unan:imotits3,y. � The City I�!unager rezd a letter f'rom the L�oard of ncalth� cZirecCed to Dr. Gor�on� the ovmer of tne }�roPert,ya coi�cerning tr.is siturtion. Ths M�nager stated tne Doe�or e�lled b�cl�. and Tse h�fl turr�ed the rtatte� over to the Health Olficer, and did not noo,� knoT�� Uihat the eutccme oz it v��.s. b�ot9on b,y Johanscn to receive anc� riace on �'i1e �he 1e�ter frcm the ci_tizeris �n the �rea ta.�o are e�neeri�ed with ti�is situation. "eco�ded b,y rheridan. lioon a voiae vote� there kelr�c no ca�s� the mc�tzon c�rx�ied i�.nanianousl�, A1�,r�Y�-I�� G GI' t3ID ON SPIrR���t RO�DI�VG t 1!C�!IT�;�� : Tiotion k�y ����olke th�t the L�ids be receivec�, t��at tbe k�3d c�f 1�Iunicipal Fiqui_rment Go?rnan,y be four_d to be the kest available bid, and th��t the same re acce}�teda condii.io�ed upon the i'ollot��ing. A, ihat Nlunicipal Lqu��nent Comnany n�kE delicery of its m2eh,ne t�iithin 30 days. B, lhat pending delivery� tne P�iunic�paJ LqvipmEnt Cor.nany turnish and provide suita�le equipirent to service the nee�s ot the Cit,y without char�,e to Lhe Csty, C, 7'hGt upor� deliver�ry use aL the equipment and Exar�inat�nn} all the C�ty sh�71 l�ave the right to n��ke for a}'Er�_nr� nf 30 dasTs f�r trial use in accordance t��ith the bid sx�ecific� ti c�ns, Sec�nded by Sher�dan. Upon a t%oice vote; tnere kein� no nays� the uotlon carrie%9 unaninously, PI,A1li�IIT�TG C�b�I 7�SSIOiV i 3i�U`IBS: 1'Yie Cit,y Manaper ex?�lai�et7 that the rezo�!ir1� request o�r>>eh Car1 E, veunett Construction Conpany ti�d es�cEd fory ior l�oi.s 11i and lj� nlock �i, Hyde Park t�dditian, and the rezonir�g requesL ry �illi�m .T, � �n�lEhardt to rezone the easLerly 250 feAt of iot 2�, ReVised Aud�tor's �ubdivision No. %% had been den�ed t-,y tY� Plann�ng Comaissi,nn, Nlotion by T��'olke to ?�E�ce3ve the n inutes of the Plantiin� Cci,missioi�� and to accept the reconsuendation oi the Plannzng Comn»ssson, and vo den;� ��he rezonzng reouest of Car7_ �, lier!nett Cons ��°izctlon Con��any and ti�Jilliam J. Er.�lehardt, Secanded by Sl�eric�an. U,�on a vcice votr-� there l,eing no nays, the motion carrlcd ��anin�o�asly. SALNRi' TP1Cf�L:�t15LS = �ki LIei0C7R S10r� =MFLOYt �;S : D�ir, al;eridan statied th�t he hed criecked into the �%ity D:anager's recorrn�endation quite thorou�Yily� and u�ould sr��ve ths,t the follo�,in� salary sched�aIe be adopted: r� I+1�'�P� Pterle ?ieree - �anzg�r John Frondzins'�i - Asst. lr c�rme hndersnr�y� - Glerk l�ran iverson �bba Law Car�l Lentz �I�ward S'�ant�iai Vioia raligburn �elores l,'iiite *Part t�ine Mo. Mo, I�r , FIr . fir . Hr. IIr . �ir . IIr . SAL1lI�Y ll5 OF 1G/;1/6O �t-55�.oc� �, g�� ,00 7-.�'� 1.45 105� 1.�5 l,�+a 1,�5" i.'�5 1�61 ShLARY IF�' IidCliE �SED �458v.o� yo6.00 1.50 i.5o 1.55 1.50 1.�0 z.5o i.5o TOTkL I1d CPi�ASE $�308 . 0� 2L�2 � 00 33.bo i�o.�o 12t; , f;0 1�0.&0 3�.bo io5.6o 12L ,8� w "! � 1'- 0 SecondFd by Johanson. Upon a vo�ce vote� t��ere bEin� r�o nays� the motion czrr-ic:d unani�ously. P�ir, Johanson asked for an executive meeting o? the Gotiinc�]_ �t �:he earliest r�oment concerning the LiU��r Store. �'he date oi said meetinc wi11 l�e set at t��e regular i�4arcn �� i�61 meeting. SriLlaii�' ItiE� ULSI DF C1�1 hh C�Y COUR7' : The i��Iavor read �=� 1_ei;ter i' •om the i�2unicipal Judge requestin� �"50.00 a month increase ln salary for the Clerk of (�ourt. 2!otian by Nee to crar�t the inerease in salarv of 1;5C.0'� pEr month total to the Clerk of Court. ��c-conded rf �l�eridzn. LTnon a voice vote� there bein� no nafs� tre n�iotion carried un�nimously� b 'Ihe Git,y i:an�ger reacl tne above resoiution. T�otion ry Woll>E to adopt tne ahove resolution. Seconded by �heridan. Uion a vo�ce srotea there being _�o -�ays� ths mot%on carried unanirr.ousl,y, Z�ESCLU'IIOti CfU. 2-1��1 �Ih�CZT1�G ZI3s�, S�,LI� f��l�� FU�IGti��li OF 1'P1I✓iFOhA1�Y II�1FhGVL� �EN'1 bC PILS - SW -2�� : Pletion l�z� � ol' e to ado��t tl�e abnve resolution, SecondEd by TdeE. l�r�on a zrai ce 3 i,here � ei�'�g no nays t tne motion carried unarimousl,y. APFOI�d71�� i� �S : '1}�e C�_ty Piana�er ex_pl2inec� i,hat the recorat�ended a7�pointment of Luane Lecin i'or ±o?�ce Oiiicer G�,s ��acie subject to Cour.cii �pprov�l� �nd �lso sub,7cct to the conc7ii;i�ns tY?�i; N�r. Ledit� l�se ttlirty pounds in tel�ht ,n thE tir,e s�eclfled Y:�= the Loct�r. 1`�iotion hy 1�o1�-e to con- S'irm Lhe 'recorr�enc�ed ai�rointrrents of the City Mandger as i'ollo�'s: NALI�� POGI'IIOiV Stli��?E4Y R��I�LACES C��ry Larsan Laborer ni,05.00 iVew Posii,icn 7_482 �+4i�sissippi Sr.. L.r.W. , r�dley 21� PIl.�nesota va1l� Grotrl�ou� rl� - �'2r�d .�venuc ZJ.i�. 1"inz7c2polis ?ly I�lnn, PParI Peterson. �15� 7'rinity Drive 1\T.X . � r_dley 21 a I�_� nne sota .�ecounting C1erk �lccounting G7_erk ��'�55.00 $�2��.00 Lazn�een Johnsor ,deua Fositi on Larne Led�n Police Oificer S 1fi1:�.00 V�oa Fosition 6���6 Astli,r�r, ±;ve. �T. L. Frid_ley 21, i'�°_nesota Svb�FC t to I edin coi� rluznk 1��i tY? the stipul ation set u� � �r the Cii:y I�ua,�a�ez t1i�t he lose tlie tn�rty potlt�ds t�ri�hin thE speci_lied tir�e, `;eronder3 l�y JohLnson, Upoiz � volce vo�e� there being no nays� Lhe m�tion c�Arieti unanimotxs]_��. ��S`IIi�s'1}�,�5: I�Ir�ti�n l�y � c_7ce to aprrove zh� iollowing estzs�ates: � � L�I LJ I�I � � Randall Bros, W- 3�-A � i1a163,b1 3400 Silver Lake Road �.stimate y;;3 Minnea�olis 18� Nlinnesota Randall and Berglin S& W 4� 6801 Plaza Curve Lstlr.�ate i, �? �-,'72c.y9 I�Iir_neapolis 21� t�iinnesota Layne-Plinnesota hTel1 Constx°tiietiosi 3147 Ca1 �fornia St, iV.E . �stima+e ; 5 �, �0�, 96 i�Sinneapolis l�� I�Iinnescta Pittsburgh-r�es Moines Tower and 'Panlc �teel Company E�timate �2 �,059,3� 1(?15 Tizttle 5treet Des ylolnes Sa Iowa Sandstrorn & Hafner S& SS 2�-Px �Oy�+�0,6�+ 2G5�+ ��t, hnthony blvd. Estir.��ate �%i i�tinneapolis lc�� lvinnesota Sandstrom v H�fner S& W 21-E1 23,�t2?.52 2054 �9t, ��nt:�ony Blvd, tistzmate #7 i�i;nneapolis 18, Minnes�ata Final Benkoski and Ho7,mes S& 4d 21�B Gioctuet� Minnesota Lstinate {°� 29,a06,E3 F'inal San�strom & rlafner S& W& uS 22-A 205� St, Anthony Blvc�, Estimate i;% Minneapolis 1� , 1lirnesota Final 8,356.2� lzandall bros, S �C W 3400 Silver Lake koad Fstarnatie T,'2 i�i?nneapolis l�� Alinn�sota Final 3�G7'].lI Montnon�ery Construction Co. SS- ���+p St. Crc+ix Fa1l, ti�iseonsin Est�mate }�2 11�689.7�- C. S, IlcCrc�ss;;n� Inc, SS & ST. �`�3 ��16L.�i8 Li�i00 Osseo Road Lstinate � 1 NIinneapolis� ��rinnesota � _ TCTAL CGI��TFc�C20r'� L;S�'Ii�:r)�Ff�S , . . . . , . . , , . `� 223��60.82 C��VSTOCn ail� I-ALI�S, I�dC, 1��6 C:oun+zr Ftoaa r�J�r Prinneapolis 21, lJlinr.esota Stzitir.K arid Insoect5_on d0� Street Ii1r�. F�o�ect �,2 i1��60) �� rr S&SSq;2�l-A �� �� a & SS '� 24-B „ ., S 8- ud �� 26 S & UI ir 2� St. Irr��. T'1 (1Q60) ,t n Lst,Nc. z � 9 5 6 l� �� 6 �i L'�°om 11-� 5-r�o 1�-1-60 11-35-6� a2-1-�0 i1-1�,-�0 12-1-c�r� 11-:L � - �� 1�-1-<G� �.i-z5-�c� i2-1-GO � �A`lES To 11-3�-60 12-31-�� 11-30-60 �2-3�.-�0 �.1-2�-eo �2-3� -ho i_1-30-UO 1^c-31-C�C� ��_-3�-bo 12-j1��0 Ainutli7t a 350.00 3b.00 So3 , 50 2,151.75 50.00 ' , 5Q e1,50 G.00 ?�5�%5 3�0:00 �,� ��� S& W;'�41 1 Stari 11-3���d 73�.bo rr �� 2 .'�2-1-00 22-31-60 �f7%.00 s� w;'�7 i st�rt 12-3i-6o 2,�3.00 s,� W�44 1 Start 11-3o-6n 11�.00 "` '� 2 12-1-60 �.z-3l-�0 20�.75 � `'" �' �3 1 St,art I1-30-60 R04 .00 u�.) y� , " " 2 12-.1-00 12-31-60 %�6,00 w- 3�+-� '+ li-z5-6o 1 �__3a_6o 597.75 �� �i 5 1�-i-6o 12-31-bo ��0.50 SS �L,� 1 Start 11-30-60 1�153.�0 n rr 2 12-1-60 1=-31-60 1��+80. �'S s 8- tid � 38 b ]_1-� 5-�� rl-3o-60 6c�.00 If f1 rtx 7 1�-31-ho 12-31- o ��.5� s��� � ss �,'36 12 1_�-15-60 ��_-30-60 2�+.5a �k , r 13 12-1-60 12-37.-60 6�2.25 ,5 � U�� r'ag -� 1i-� 5-60 12-3�-60 3�0.75 wel�s �;?, 3, 4, � 5 1 (?-29-�07 )li-3o-60> Zsi�;S.�o T�'!kL LiIC�I1VEIPSI�'� I.ST11 A'IES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . y�1.3�8�5.7� � 1'G2nL �lLT� T S17i ls�i�;i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� 237 � 316. 57 ��conc7ecl L�� i�te�, Ul�on a vcice voLe� there �e�n� no �a,ys� the r�otion c,rriEd tzn�ni�ous_ly. LE`iltft P'ftCP1 DDTCI,i��ri 0� kiVC`f;A COTJNTY: ZhE Tda��r r�ad a L tter from trie �nnineer c�f Anol:�, C�w�ty ,�t�ting that the� n�d deternined the necessary ri�nt-o�-z,�ays on i�1�in Street. Pd��.i� n by .�ohenson to rECei_�=e thi.s le Lter� rnd p�_ace it on file. �ecnr�ded 6y r�'olke , Ui��on a vo� re votE � there heing no nays � the motlon ccrried un2nirrously. I3E,Ss1iI3 Ib��5U1sA;�iCC, 1'C�C, CLLRh dJI�' UOURT x1VD Si�CII�L JULGE: The Pisvor ex��lair.ed that the Clerk cf' Court and Sneci_al Sud€�e had rpc��iested to be �nclucl�a in l;he Fieali;h Instarance nroc�r�m, P��otion l�v Jeh��r_sen to a_nclud� tYie Clerk of Court ancl ��pscial JL�dge in the FI�aJ_Lh 1r�sus�a�sce Fs°r�gram as Iong as it i_s lega.l, r,econded by Gdolke. Upon e vo,_ce vot�, there k�e-inK na nays� the mot5on c�rried unanimons7y, �'he I��c;yc�r noteci 1,t�ai I��rs. Patricia Laugl�re-y froM th� Ieague of � Glor�en Voters U�ds rreseni;a and he tr2nked her for shewing �n interes+ ii� the Counc�]_ rrectin€. ,�f�SL�;fiP�LV'18 - ELC�tl��7E,h C-'��fi,r.EN,�, r�L'LITIQN: AZr, 4JOlfey �s�ho �urcl�ased I,ot ]�y Block �� Gdget�°ater G2rdens Adc�iti�n was �� e,sent7 and s ta l,e� 1�e h� u� lougY�t the �rrnerty op tl�e condition tl�at tYie a.sessmenis w�uld be raid �n iu1la �nd they had not heEn �aid at all on t}-iis pronerty� ar_c� lre t�:�shed to ��ave tiae c?eveloner ray tnese assessments as i.s reoi.lired l�,y thE rl�ttirig ordinance. �'he Cit,y i ar_a€er stated t,hat a letter l�ad_ heen k�rltten to 1�'�r, 1Iohny the �uilder in th�s case� requesting tr�at he �af the�e assessn,eni.s, �'hls Zette� ti,ras re�d. �ire City Pf�ne�er statec� tnt�L �?� wou-Ld follow ti�rcu�l� on tY�is. i��r. �l;nneb�rg f�1_io ot�.ns Lots l_5 throu�h 18� �loc� U� itil�er5i�et,, ��eight� Adc�ition ti��s F,re:ent. He stated tha� ��ie �id � � � �'�,� not a�ree w5_th �he sar.ner of U�l�ich tre �ssessment ���as sPready as -�� haci beEn a�seSSeC� i'�r 1 1/3 sertr�ce co�tinc-ct_��ns� al�c] i�e only ha� on� on his pror�ert,y, It U�as� ex�lained thar o?�igina]_ly Lhere t�aer� nine lots which ri�:c� been assessed fox• three sertricess and i,hree lcts ��i�re to go t��itl� e�acb ;�ervice� bvt in the �nec,n t�L�e th� previous ok�ner 12a� sold oIf rart of the property� ancl �ea sold lcur uC the lote tc� SIr, Stoneberg. The Couneil au����ested t��t Mr„ S�one'aEr�a anc� '_nis nPighbor try to rsconcsle tt,�s mattier t�etween them�selvas, and iS the ;ersol� he k�ougl-it the nropert,y ircm has �ny c�uFSY;nn,, � e shovld coi�e zn�c the City Hall� a�d rave the Czty Lng n�er; or someone; �o ovFr +,Y�is n�atter with hitri. I'IaC�?L i�C�£111T: Mr, �'hErid2r. statec? that there are sev.r�l bound ;ssues coming up ,_�i the neer fui.ure� anc nF I�ad riot Leen er�;.ire�y satisfied wltl� �,'�� preaer�t concern. P4otion i,y Shsriclan Lhai,�k�e Co�_u�ci1 a��polni, thP f5rrri o�' Lhlers and Niarvn as Eon�i Consul t,�nk,s for ths bond issu�s c�ming up Fcr 1961� and Eh.lers and T+�ann be the new Fzscal a�ent, Secor�ded by iVee. Unoa a voice votey tl�ere bein� no nays, �he ,��o�.ior� carx°ier� unar_imously. P�Jt�I4 PF.OPL7�TY: �lr. E�ob �Fi7_e,y� Viro .rterra_t-� Ing S»er•tsry from i,he Pr�c�le�r da,yeees U�ere present� and inc,uire�� as to ���h��t had riar-pened to tlie bond issue ��h�ch h��d been voted op for thE rurchzse n_ parl� x�rol�erty. 7he i�fatTOr explaine� th�t t1�e L'ouz�c�l h�d triecl to ?�cet V,�ith iv�r. Cr2atire� several tznes� and that ;�ir, aLeridar_� i�r, i�Tee� anc� 1�e 1�2d tried t� meet wi l;h iir, Crak�tres i�di�ridually on ��'_��_s nal.ter, ancl had been unable to come to an �greemEnt z�itli lsr, C��aotre� on �l-�ls pu,°chase �f tYie �ark property �,�liich the City desired . The Citzr i ana�cr• cx- plainer thrt a Gc,i,,L ittee oi the P�rk_ Tirector, the �reaa oi tne Uzrk Comr�ission� nnd o1.ltiexs �iao ret v�ith L1r. Cr�bireej �nd also nee7 beer tznable to cone to an �greemer�t witr Yi�m on tY�is matLe�, The Cont2cal ���s ressed a rESOlut��n ci' i��:e:.t to »ui�chase� i�,nich i'-�r. C'rarvr�e �+ad N�id was neceUsarS� ��nd still no �ro�ress h�d beEn r. ��1e ti ith Pir . Grabtree . There was considsr�bJ e di scussi cn on tl�e ;^�rli T�ropert�j . i�Ir, ��r�eridan �nd Pir. Nee stated that tliey t��ou7d tiy to rie�t witn T�tr. Cra�t,reey and see ii sene a�reen�ent could ke reached on purchnse oC this land, �i?�e i�tayor su��ested that the Jzyae�s ni�ht meet iw_th 1�4r. Cra�tree� and they rie�ht be able to l��a�e soi�e success. ?lirg �errig sta�ed that tlaey h��d tried to nFFt t,�ith h�r� �nd so1_ve ti��s proble�� tut nc pro�ress had been mac'e. E.DJO��NDil�,!iT : 7here being no further bus�!7ees� A�ayor Gre�� �ecl_ared the m,eet,�n� ad�ourned, ResT�ectzully subm9tited: j G-- � ���'�-e'"'- CI�°���"^.�J.Q ,����, _' Marvin G, %runsell T1,omas ;S, C,rei� Secretar�r to tl�e Counc�l i"�a�%or SFkCSAL COU"1dGIL 1�u.�TIi�TG 1��T]��uIES - P'E]�hU1�hY l� � 1a61 holz c:�l�: i�er�bcrs Fresent t��embers l�bsent: L Johanson� Ureig� Neez i�olke SnErzdan iv