02/14/1961 - 00024001� � �_r�'�_ not agree w5_t1� the n�anner of t��l�ic� bhe zssessmenr t�as s�r��zd,, as he hnr? Leen assesse� for 1]/3 s�rvicF cc.�n�ct5ens, ai�d rie onl�= had ot�i an h�s rrcr�eri�y. It t�.�cs e�plainEC thaL criglrla_lly Lnere ��,ere ni�ie lots t�-hich h�;d been assessed for tl�ree sert�icesy and i,hrEe lcts �.,�re i,o go witl� eacn �ervice� htit �� the m��n tztie tbe prev�cus oUnze� had sold oif �art of the property? and h�cl s�1d fou?° of the lot,s �.o l;r. Si,oneberg, 2'he Council sutr,e,ted tLr.t i4r. S�or_ek�e�g, a�rtd 1_1is nei�h��ox try to reconc�le tk�is matter betwe�=. L'n�mselz�es� and �f the �erson he bougr�t the nrcpert,y iram hes any oucstinns� � e shouid co� e�nto the City h�11� and have thE Ciky Eng�n�P�� or somec��2e7 po ovEr ;his matter i�,ith hirri. 1�'ISCL!L AGE'VT : rs, �,her�dan szai;ed that there are sevcral i�ound i;sues co�rlr_t ux? in thE near ruture� and he ha� not been e�_i,irel,y- satisfied �,;ith the preser?t concern. i9otion �y �5hsric�n th��ttYie Cou�cil ar���it�t ti�e firm of T!,h�ers and ?�ann �s Eond Constzlt�nts for the bond issuss com_�ng up for• 196_l� and Ehlers 2�d Tv:ann be Lhe new Fiscal a�ent. �Sec�nc�ed by idee , ilpon a vo? ce vote � tliere k��e5 ���- ��o n2T, s� che zro i,, or� c�rried unsnimously, � PFL'-�It PFOt%LRTY: Dir, ccb Kelley, Pir� fierri�� Ing S9_verLs, frnrr i,he £ric'ley Jaycees vaere p're�er�t� ai�d inc,lzired as to v.rat nac� harpe ,e� to trte bend issue u�h�ch had been vcted on for the purch�sE of �ark X�ro��eriSr. �!'he "s•Ia,yor explained tih�t the (:ounc�l 'n«d tried to r�cet v,�ith i-.r, Crabi,ree sevEral tiines� anc7 tl�at NIr, �1.eridan� iar, iSeE� an� he had tried �n tr.eet U�itih i`�r. Crabtres indi_vidually on t'_r,is t, �tte= � crd L��d L,eers ur.able to come to 2n 2�reen_ent tiaith i�%r. Grabtree on tl-ils 7-urchase of the par�: property Gahi_ch the City desirec� . Zhe Ci1:v 1 anaEzer ex- nlaineC that a Coi,i i_ttee �C the F�rk_ Tzrector, tne IIead of the Park Comr��ission� and othex�s had r�et U�itYi lir. Crautree7 and a?so hed beEn una�7_e to cone to an agreemFnl with h�tri on th;s ,ratter. �PhP Counril �as passed a resolution of ini;ei�t to �urcnase, vrnich i•,r. CraNtree had said w��s necE�sarz�� �nd s�il1 no �'ro�ress riad been 7.ade orii.h i�'r. Crabtree, Tri�re ki�s considerable d�scaassion on the g�ar}� prope_tJ. Nr, �1�erid�n and r�r, lVee szated t�het thej� wc�ulcT try to rneet t��ltn Nir, Crabtreey anc� see if sor�e agrEen;erit could Y�e reachcd on 7_urch�se oC this lar^_�. Tne T�La,yor suFpestec7 that the Jaycees �r7�ht ,neet s��ii�h Mr. Crabtree� and they ri�ht be �ble to ha�ie soi�e sucr_ess. ZT�rg Herrlg statecl that they h�d trled to uFeL ti�,�th hir�� and s��lve this problen�� kut no nro�ress nad been made. r�DJODI,IZ2�PIT : `lhere bein^ no further busi�3ess� :�ayor rrei� dsclared the mee.ing adjourned. FiesTectfully suY�mittec� : �Z,w,._ C�=�l-,,�.."`�.Q Alarvin C , Lrunsell Secretar�= to the Council / , G' �f� Tho�nas E. Grei� i"�ay or SF�CIAL COUIVCIL A1L�TIDTG �iIlvU'ILS - E�E:�hIIA1sY 1�F� 1�(�l � , ,«�� t�oll Ca11s P4embers �resent: ivle�bers Absent: Sohanson� Ureig � id�e . 6� ��l kP SY!eridan P'i�ZIYG i,��ITH li3"e� S1 ��� 1'=r. �ihorstenson, Nir, i"IcCu�rey� i�.r, uettevcic� and Nr. In�berg from the ,'r,�te H��ht��aq 17Era,rtr�ent �sere �resent, iLr. �onanson asked lf the Hi�ht�y �e��rtmer�t na� �,nropose� outlet ior the are2 belou Fanor-an�a. Mr. Thorsi,erison si,ated "i'es� that the,y- were �n�crkirtg on i�y �nd Gclutntia iiei�hts l�ill bear tlie major share ef the line whlch �aill scrve the arr a.south of z�gth." i��r. Joh2nson asked when thls oi,her storn seo�er t�ill be coning L��, i•9r, lhor�tenson said "A1r!ost ir.ne�liately'". Pdr, .Tohans�n stated that the City of Trzdley did not makn rcad���a�� t��ith ne�otletir,�s �A;tikh Columbia iiei�lits on the storm seti�ier ��revi�usl,y, and he thou�ht Colurnbi2 Hei�hts snould take some of the ir�itiatiz�e ^n the new storrr �ewer. t'.r. ZE�!orstenson said th� ' t12e Sr�i,e must uriou; beiore i4ay I� 19�1� whal: t11e Council's plans are >>� -rF;�zr!� to this storm sewer. f4r, I�roti�n� the City ,�,ngineer� askc-d l�or, the Bureau eF �'ublic Ro2ds contributed cr� thE storm seUrer. i'he St2te a�?st�eredy 50�, the sene a_ in all cc,nstruct�on for the interstaLe rith�,ay. Nir. Johrnscn �sLed if he area has a.lre�dy been assessec�, can l�,re �ut ano�her storm sewer assessment against it, Air. Kohlan st�ted that ii' the City can not s��ow they �re providin� addi- tional service� there �ic�ht be a�roble�. Mr. Joharzson stated that he wantea io na e sure Lhe City tae,s �aith�_n its �ega1 rignts. Mr, x t�11_e askecl ii there t�as nonFy in escrota for the �'uture storr� set�er� sautt c? Hight�ay ¢;���. '�he I'inance Lirector stated that there w�s not. M�. I�ohJ_rn as?ced hor,� viuch mrne,p is in4olved in this st�rm setirc�r outfall p�pe. The �rasU�er 1 as a^pro� imatel,y �1�'��OOO.001. The dra�na��e district o?�i�inallT� ti��2s fi�u2°ed nt 283 acres� it is not,� over 5�� acres. P�ir, Gonstock st�.�ed thr�t he has tried tc substant�nte t):e ��riglnal desi€ny but t1�at lt was in�dequate to serve the area, Mr. Settevold� fro� the 5tate Highway I?epartment� said it would be much cheaFer £or the City and the Highway Deoartment to cooperate and put in the storm sewer together� rather than each putting in their oG;n system independently. Mr, Kohlan stated that it would be rid culous to stall this project for two years and then have to go ahead with it, If it has to �o in� it might �s well go in now. The Maynr stated that we should get startEd at�once� if the City is going to �o aheaci on tr,is. Mr. E�ohlan should get the legsl matter ' strajghtened out� and Mr. Canstock should get the cost figures. Mr. Johanson said that we should csll a public hear3ng on it now. The Gity Manager su�gested that the Committee could meet with Comstock and TJcvis� and go over this matter� and then could meet with the Higha�ay Department before the 21st� and in the meantime� the City could advertise for a x�ublic hearing. Mr, Johanson stated that the previous hearing had nothing to do *aith this cempanion line� and there would have to re another hearing on it, P4otion by Johanson to fo]lov� the recosr�mendation of the City hianager� and to �,ttempt to advertise for a�ublic hearing on this for M arch 14� 19b1. Motien seconded by k'olke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously, LETTER FROM ZHLI FnIDLEY JAYCEES IN REF�RENCE 1'0 HOLDING A CARNNAL: Motion by Johanson to grant the requcst of the Fridley Jaycees to hold a carnival irom June 5th to June llth� 1Q61. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a vo9_ce vote� there beir�g no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Mr, North from the Holly Shopping Cex�ter stated that they were going to have Clancy, the Copy at the Holly Shopping Center on Friday and Saturdays and would like to close off the service road� south to the shopping center so that the truck on which Clancy� the Cop� would appear cculd be setting at the edge of this service road� and the � children would not have to be on the parking lot where the cars will be driving back and forth. Motion by Nee to grant permission to the Holly Sloxping Center group to close off the service rcad on Saturday. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vate� there being no nays, i.he n�otion carried unanimously. RESOLUZIUPd N0. 8-1961 PROVIDING FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION: The Gity Nanager read the above resoluticn. Mr, Johanson suggested the electi�n te helci in conjunction with the regular City election in Novembery as there might be a small turn-out if it is held now. The Mayor recommended that the election be held at the earliest possible moment, Motion by Vee to adopt the resolution providing for a special election on the 2�th of March� 1961. Seeonc�ed by Wolke. Unon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried u�animously. � �'� AP°OINTMENT T0 BUILDING bOARD:__ ,_ Mr. Wblke mac�e a motion to appoint Gordon Harstad to the Building Baard. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously, CONSIDiRATION OF COLOR OF WAZER TOh'ER: Councilman Johanson stated that the Brooklyn Center �Iater Tower has a very high �1oss paint� and wondered if there was some flat paint � which could he used on the tower. There was more duscussion on the t-pe of paint to be used. Motion by Sohanson to select Haze B1ue as the colory and to cut the gloss down as much as possible without shortening the life of the paint. 5econded by Pdolke. IIpon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. DISCUS5ION OF SALE �F TOPOGRAPAY N1APS: The City Manager resd a letter from the City Engineer setting forth the suggested alternative methods which could be used in selling the topography maps. The maps had not been selling at the price the City had previously been asking� and the Eng�ineer had reconmerided alternative rrices for these maps. There was considerab3e discussion on these maps. Zhe Mayor asked ��hy these maps were purchased. Mr. Comstock stated that one of the reasons was that the aerial photos were to be used to determine where streets would go in certain areas� but the program of se7_ling the maps to the developers is not working at the �resent tine� as the price is too high, He also stated that it is helpful to have the topography of an arEa larger than the actual plat when the Ccunc�l is considering a new plat. There was nore discussion on the two sethods ef ch�rging for these maps. Mr. Wolke stated that he would like to look into this a ittle bit more. Mr. Crabtree was nresent� and stated that �7,50 per acre is too hi�h� and if that is to be the cost� he rrould rather have his own surveying crew do the work. Motion by i,olke to accept the � reco�mendation as set forth in Alternate '"A" of the 7_etter from the Citq Fngineer� and use this method in comruting the cost of the topography maps to the purchasers and if the method is changed� the City will reimburse the party buying the maps if the cost should go down in the future. The charge will be �'2,50 ner acre plus $�5,00 per sheet. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. E,LECTION JUDGES: The City Manager presented the Council with a list of persons tc be used as election �udges. The Council stated that the City Manager and the Clerk should pick six from each voting precincta six judges� and to have sone new ones who were not on the last election i£ possible. RESOLUTION iV0= 9-1G61 - FAG ORING SA1�IIlARY SEWER DISTRICT ACT: The City Manager read the above resolution, Motion by Wolke to ado�t the above resolution. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURN'�i'1k�NT : � Motion by Johanson to adjourn. Seconded by k'olke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. The Mayor called the meeting back to order again. Mr. Knutson� of Comstock and Davis� Inc,} presented the preliminary plans for Project No. 3� - Schedules D and E. Motion by Johanson to �dopt the resolution ordering the isprovement, and calling for bids for Schedules D and E of Pro�ect No. 3�. The Bids will be opened on March 20� 1961. Seconded by tr'olke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion earried unaninously. ADJOURNMENT: 1Q� There being no further busi.ness� Mayor Greig �,eclared the meeting ad�aurned. hespectfully subnitted: -� -��� , ��,�,�,� , Ma in . Brunsell Secretary to the Council COLINCIL MIiVU'IES - FEBRUAEY 21� 1961 � � r Mayor - . E. Greig The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Greig at 8:2� P, M, Members Present: Member Ahsent: Greig, Johanson� G�'o1ke� Nee. uheridan APPROVAL OF D4INUTES : The City Manager stated that Page � of the Minutes to read� under petitions� Item 1� Street Surfacing� from 5i',th to 59th� instead of 50th to SSth. should be changed 4th and 5th Street� Motion by Johanson to anprove the minutes� as corrected� of the February 'Jth� 1°,61 mEeting. Secondcd by Yolke, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Tohanson to approve the ninutes of the February IL� 1961� meetin�, Seconded by Nee, Upon a voice vote� there being no na,ysa the motion carri.ed unanimously. PRESFNTATION OF GAVEL SO MR. NAGEL: The Mayor presented a gavel to P�Ir. Vilas Nagel� former Councilman� in recognition of his service on the City Council. OLL BUSIN�SS: The City Manager read the above ordinance. Motion by Vlolke to adopt the above ordinance� and to have it published. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no n�ys� the motion carried unanimcusly. The City I�Ianager re�d the a,bove orc�inance. He stated the ciescription had been changed samewhat frcm the first reading� but the area described was the same. Motion by Johanson to accept thi_s as the secord reading of the ordinance vacating certain streets and alleys in F'rzdley Far2�� and to have it published, Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice votey there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. NE4; BUSINESS: PUBLIC HEARING - FIPlAL PLAT - BOIIRDEAUX'S SPRIiVG FsRCOK ADDITI�N: The City Manager stated that the C�t,y Engineer had found scme dis- crepancies �n the plat. Mr. Brown e�plained that the nurber of lots in the plat ha� been char�ec� from 10 to �� sinee the prelin�inary plat h��d been subn�itted. This was done in order to get the necessary ' � '