03/21/1961 - 00023975� � � COUNCIL MINUTES - MARCH 21, 1961 A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Greig at 8:00 P. M, Members Present: Greig, Johanson, Sheridan, [�dol]te, r7ee. Members Absent: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Johanson to approve the minutes oL- the March ;, 1961 meet�ng. seconded by Wolke. Upon a voica vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: RESOLUTION NO. 27-1961 RECEIVING SUPPI.�MCNTAL PRELIMINAP.Y REPOkT - SW# 48- The City Manager read the above resolution. Mot?on by Johanson L-o adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, che motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING - SEWER AND 69ATER PROJEC^1 NO. 48: There was a large group aF interested property owners attend_�ng this public hearing. The Consulting Engineer expiained each pro�ecc con- tained in the program, as follows: 1. Sewer and Water in the Osborne Manor Addition and surrounding area: Les Knutson explained that the pro�ects proposed were based on petitions received during the past year, and that iniormataon as oi this time is based on prelim�nary reports. Mr. Knutson said that for a typical 75 x 125 =oot lot, the sewer would cost about $540.00 per lot, the water approx�mately $420.Op per lot, and th� street surEacing approximately $270.00 per lot. Howard Ske11y asked how corner lots weie assessed, It was explained that corner lots were treated no d?fferently than any ❑ther 1ot so far as water and sewer we-re concerned, and 1/3 0� the sideyard is used in computing the assessible ieet for street surfacing. Mr. Sheridan ask�d ior a show o� hands o� those in fzvor and opposed to the pro�ect. There were seven people present who indicated that they were in ravor, and no one opposed. 2. Water and Sewer - Van Buren, Able, %5th and 76th Street �rea: Mr. ICnutson explained that storin sc.wer ts not part of this pro�ect. The question was asked when consL--ruction would scarc. The City Manager stated that May 2, 1961 �s the tentative bid- letting date, The question was aslced iL the roads woulcl be blacktopped when the water and sewer is pu� in, The City Manager stated that the roads would be blacktopped only on petition of the people in the area. The guestion was asked i� these projects are being put in by peticion, and the answer was "yes". Rodney Johnson staL-ed that by running sewer water in these areas, they will be built up Paster, and there will be mare school problems. Bailey 'Paller stated that it =s better to put the water and sewer in bePore the houses are � �� � ��� buzlt so that the people do not have to pay ror two systems. The question was as]ced whether the storm sewer was going to be running u� Van Buren. Mr. Knutson stated that there is some storm sewer going u� there, but additional storm sewer will have t� be �etitaoned for. On a show ot- hands, nine people indicated that they were in favor of the sewer and cvater in the Van �u-ren - Ab1e Street area. No one oppased. 3. 5ewer in the 6Vest Z af the Northwest n- Section 12 - Trailer , Parl: area: Mr. Ouimette, who owns thz trailer park on 73rd Avenue was present, and stated that he does not want the water and sewer ta go ln as this pro�ect proposes. Mr. Nagel aslced how the area across the highway would be served, and that it seems lilce a greaL expense to run chis line just to serve the lumlaer yard and a cauple ot other people, and asked zE the Councll could dro� this at the present time. M-r. Ouimeite stated that the line would do the trailer park no good. The Manager stated it can be deleted. Mr. Ldolke asked where the connection is going to be made for the trallzr park. Mr. ouimette stated that they had planned to connect anto the line on %3rd. Mr. Nagel asked il the line in the trailer park was large enough to connect the properties to the north. There was a auestion irom the audience as to whether or not this was a sensible way to proceed an this pro�ect, and why zt was being taken up. Mr. Wolke explained that the Counczl had received the petition for sewer service 3n this area, and does honor a11 petitions. The City Manager stated that the �roJect had been worked out on the most practxcal baszs at the �resent time. �he Mayor asked "ii th� lin� does not go up along the west side of Highway #65 � as ��ro��aseci, how wauld the three businesses south of Osborne Road be served?" Mr. F'.nutson stated that a line could be broughc over L-rom Van Buren and osborne Road, but there would be insurliclent �epth. Mr. Ouimette stated that he had dcs_.�ned his tra�ler parl; sewer system with the Ldea o� connect�nJ cnco the line at 73rd Avenue. 4. East side o� T. H. +I-65, Vvest Side oi Ccn'cral Avenue - Sewer Service: The estlmat�d cost for this pro�ect was given by NIr. Sheridan. Upon a show of hands as to those opposed, or in iavor oi the project, no one was opposed, one in favor. 5. East Side of Easi River Road - 64th to Mississippi - Sewer Service: Warren Pa1m, 6421 East River Road asked what was proposed. NLr. I:nutson explained the proposed lrne and the lots it would serve. Mr. Palm stated that the cost oP this pro�ect was high, and aslced if the sewer could be put in �=r�nt. Mr. Knutson stated that th�s was the most £easible way o� doing it - putt�ng it in bac}; os the lots. nuestions were asked if thls concerned the people on 64th Avenue, and the answer was "no". Mrs. Jim Brazil, who lioes on 64th Avenue, said she had two sewer services �ut in by a previous � �ro�ect, and n2eds only one. Mr. Sheridan asked af the line would be deep enough to take care of all the homes, and the answer was "yes". The quest�on was asked how soon the line wYll ]�e put in. The answer was that lt could be put in by June lst, and wall cost about $1,100.00 per lot. Mr. Sheridan aslced ior a show oP hands o� those in iavor and against, and chere were three people indicating they were in favor, no one oppased. 6. .7ackson Street - Vlater and Sewer: It was explained that these 13nes mainly serve the Irene Henry plat. NIr. Knutson explained �� � ��. the location oF the lines and the cost. D10 one appeared far or against this particular improvement. 7. 64th Avenue-Rice Creek Road-Arthur Street- Sewer and water: Mr. Knutson explained the location oi the lines iar th!s project. The person living on the corner oL 64th and [�:thur asked why the outlet would be for h�rn. He said that he had � no property on Arthur Street to be served. The quest,on �aas asked about runn�ng the line i-rom 64th L-o Rice Creek. Mr. Knutson exl�lained that the're will be lots ironi.�_ng on th� s proposed line. 'I`he questzon was as7ced, "on those people who own large acreage, what would he done with the land beh�nd or in the back part oE the lot on these deep lots?" It was explained that the depth of the lot �s not taken into consldera- c_�on ?n computing the assessments on laterals. Mr. Sherldan asked ior a sliow o�: hands of those Lor and opposed to the pro,7ect. There were seven that �nd�caced that they were in £avor, three peopie opposed. 8. Sewer Service - Between Lot 5D-[�.uditor's Subdivzslon No, 21 and Lot 31, Braokview Addltion: There was no one present at the hearing who wished to speak lo�- or agalnst this im��rovement. 9, ��Taier on 4uincystreet for the high school: No one appeared ior or against this proposed improvement. 10. Water and Sewer - East Side oz H�.ghw�y ;#5�i L-rorn 59th io 60th and 572 and 60th Avenues: No one appeared ior or zgainst th�_s proposed improoement. � 11. Water and Sewer - Washington & JePferson S�reets (57th-�9th). 59th Avenue and 57th Avenue: The quest�on was asked why this sewer line is being proposed, It was explalned that the-re was a petition for ii. People living on Madison asked ir L-hey would be assessed lor this improvement. The answer was "no". The question was asked ii the sLieets were going ta be replattecl in this area. The City Mattager explained ihat there was a plac ior the area north oL 58th, but the stree� location wouid not change. Jerry Burke, 57th and Washingl-.on, said he could see no reason tor running the sewer 1�ne on Jeiierson, souL-h oi 58th. Mr. Sheridan stated that he had a taet�tion Prom �he property owners on the East side oi JeFierson, in Donnay's Addition, who were opposed to ��utting th_s water and sewer line on �7efferson, south of 5$th, and recaizunended i.hat this �ortion be deleted. The peoYle stated Lhac they would not ob,7ect to the water and sewer as lang a5 they were not =lssessed but would ob�ect to the street be�ng put through, and ielL- that il: the water and sewer were put in, there would be a tendancy to put the street through. Mr. Forsiana wanted �t to be rnade a record that he was opposed to �.his on wacer and sewe-r unc�_1 satisiactory guaranL-ee �s gaven L-hat L-he screet will not be � put through, or that the area w�_11 be replatied. M-r. Sher€_dan asked £or a show oi hands of those ln ravor and opposed. There was 1 in L-avor, and one o�posed. 12. Water and Sewer - Fernwood, 60th, Ben��min, Gardena, Oal�wood Manor, Stinson B1vd: 77he quest�on was aslced why the name Fernwood has nol: been changed in the pos-�oiL-ice as the ��ost- oiiice carries this as Ferndale, Bailey T�ller stated L-hat 1 �0 when Gardena �lvenue cyas put in, th�y were told that there woulct be no addiL-_onal assessment �or street surfacing. Les F:nutson explained that the water and sewer contract would call Far putting this su•riace bacic gn its original condltion. The quesL-3on was as7ced which way the sewer line runs. Nir. I�nuL-son ex1�lained the two alternatives. The line couid either yo down Gardena Avenue, or _�t could go north to 12ice Creek Road. M-rs. Moen, 1583 Gardena, asked who got up che petition, and how many signatures were on lt. Mr. ' sheridan sL-ated chat -chere were 8 signatures on Ben,7amin and Oal^wood. M-rs. Moen asked several other questions. She stated thac she was opposed to the pro�ect. She also inr�uired alaout gas ana storm sewer. She asked what the standard lot slze was. Z`he question was asked when St�nson Bouievarc? was petii.ioned L-or. Les Knutson stated that there was not a petliaon speclPically clrculated Por Stihson Boulevard. The cuestzon vras islced if the iarge land owner only had one voc.e. Mr. Kohlan stated that the Engineer has to cons�_der the best engineering method for the overall plan. �1*he question was asked what -recourse the citlzen has iL- they do not wish this project. 1*he answer is that they should voice their objections at this ttme. 1he people asked if there was a p�tition £or the ;tinson Boulevard area, and stated that they c��d not want water and sewe-r there. The questi.on was asked .Li ,_L- would be cheaper to put it in now, and NLr. Knutson stated that ?t should be cheaper to do it naw as costs keep rising. P,4r. P.odney ,7ohnson stated �hat the people who live on Fernwaa� and Ben�aman want it, but he is against thas, and wondered iL he could circulate a petitlon against it. The Mayor stated that he could. NL•c, 5heridan asked L-or a � show ot hands cL chose people who favor and are opposed to this pro�ect. There were thirteen zn favor, and ten opposed. 13. 1�7ater and Sewer - 7th Street - 56th co 57th: There w�s no one present who wlshed to speak for or agzinst this pro�osed improvement. 14. Ti7acer and Sewer - E:�a Eric]cson R�.ver Manor Proposed Plat: Thc�re was no one present who wished to speak for or agazn�t l-.his praposed zmprovement. 15. �,+;acer and Sewer - Area East oi Central Avenue, North ot 73rd South of osborne Road, and West of Stinson Boulevard: �here were several quest�ons on the locations o.� the l�.nes �n this area. Mr. Sher?_dan asked ia-r a show oE hands of those in Pavor and opposed. Eight people indlcated that they were in iavor, no one opposed. 16. �rda�er and Sewer - Fast 12iver Road rrom 61Z Way South to Service Lot 2, Block 2, fIayes River Lots Zldditlon: There was no one present who wished to speak for or against this groposed iinprovement . � Mocion by Sheridan L-o close the hearing on Sewer and TJater Project No. 48. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. PUBLIC HEAI:INGS - STORM SEVdER PROJECT NO, 49: Mr. I:nucson expiained the location oi the proposed storm sewer �49. �r7ze question was asr>ed cahere the catch basins will be on Mississippi �t rw'� W 4� .�•� Street, and Jac]tson. Mr. Knutson stated rizat Lhere w�i1 be caL-ch bas.�ns on both sides oY Mississippi Street. 'I`he quast�on was asked why these catch basins were being put on the south side oL- Mississippi„ Mr. Johanson stated that the water at 4he present time �s Llow�ng �_nto the storm sewer ln the Christie Addition, which uras not designed to handie the runofi from this area. Mr. Petrangelo cjuestioned the crord�ng oi 1.he public hearing notace. The quest�_on was aslced li Bronson-�r�ckson were nat supposed to take care of this starm sewer when they bu�lt on �the north side of M�ssissippi Street. Mx. Johanson explained thaL- Bronstin-Erickson had constructed the open trench across their property, and had paid 75/ of the cost of running the tiie along H!ghw�y �tG5 from the irench south to Rice Creek. '1'he orig�nal plans called ior the proposed storm sewer as is being presented 'con�ght, but it was deJ_eted rrom the original plans because the people at that tame did not want it. Motion by Johanson to close the public hea-ring on Storm 5ewer Pro,7ect No. 49. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a vo�cc vote, chere being no nays, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. PUBLIC HEt"�RING - STREET SURFACING 1-1961: l. Rlckard Road: No one appeared for or against this part oS the improvement. 2. 72z Vday - Riverview Terrace: Mrs. Benson asked who was be:ng assessed for Glen Creek Road. It was explained that the assessment would be put against the benei_�ted property. The Crty Manager explained that thls plat was approved in 1955, and the Platting Orda.nance passed in July, 1956, so that the Council could not force the developer to pay ior these �mprove- ments. The question was asked �.i those people wlio front on � the part property would pay more. The answei vaas "no". The City Council will determine whether or not the City wa.11 con- tribu�e to the assessrnent. Mr. Johanson stated that the street surfacing on the par]c frontage could be e.bsorbad by the whoie project. The question was asked iP everyone going into the area along the river is goiny to continue to use Logan Parkway ior a street, Mr. Nee explained that there ls a plat in the process for the area south ot oak Creek Addition. Mr. Knutson stated that the street wi11 be 31 feet in width, ancl will co5t £rom $3.50 to $4.00 a front foot, plus an adc�itional $.90 if the parl: ls no�c �ncluded. The Mayoi asked it the City could pay L-or the park property. Nlr. Y.ohlan stated that the Charter does noL- b�nd the Council in thls matter, it is up to them. The Mayor stated that the City should pay ior ihe park �rope�ty, The ciuestlon was aslced what th�.s street would have cost in 1955. Mr. shcridan explained that it would be hard to cornpare, as the speciiicat�ons have changed slnce that time. 3. Misslssippi Place: No one appeared sor or agalnst this part oi the �_inprovement project. � 4. Jackson Street to 415 feet south: No one appeaxed for or against this part oi the proposed iznprovement. 5. 5th Street (S8th-59th, & 61st-63rd), 63rd (5th-6th), 4th (58L-h- 59th, & 60th-61st): Mr, Gallop, who l�ves on �th St-reet, sa�.cl that he circulated a petataon, and that 59th Avenue irom 4L-h Street to 7th Street is in bad shape, and he would lzke to see this improved as soon as the storm sewe-r is puc in. Nu:. Knutson stated that the earlier it ls known that thzs street suriacing �s ��w deslred, tne better, as spec!al trench compac�ion would be lt the street were Lo be put Ln immedlately follow.�ng the 6. 2nd Street - 572 to 58th: No ane appeared �or or against o£ the proposed imp�ovements. necessary storm sewer. this part /. Washington and Jeiferson (57th to 59th), 57th Avenue, 58th Avenue & 59th Avenuem one of L-he residents living on Madison Street stated that �� a road is made out o€ Jefferson Street, lots between Jefierson and Madlson will have a street on both sides, which would be very undessrable. The City Manager stated the notzce For surfacing should read Jeiierson £rom 58th to 59th, rather than from 57th to 59th. The �uestion was aske� what the chances of getting this area repldtted were, and iL- the Counc�l would give an indication oi whether or not l-liey are zn favor oi sur£acing Jeiferson from 57th to 58th. Mr. Johanson stated that i� is logical that this would not be surfaced, but the matter could come up later, There were three people present who stated that they would like to have 7th Street included in this pro�ect as there is just one block on 7th Street which was not sur- _aced, and was not bein� �ncluded in L-his project. 8. Lynde Drive �nd a11 streets ln Parkview Oaks Addition: No one ap�eared L-or oi against this �art o� the proposed improvement. 9. Cheri-Lane - 54th and Madison: No one appeared for or against this part oF the pro�osed improvement. 10. Eva Erickson Yroposed Plat: No one appeared for or against this part aL- the proposed improvement. Motion by Johanson to close the public hearing on Street Surracing 1-1961. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon � voice vote, there be�ng no nays, the Mayor declared the hearing clased. APPOI�TMENTS AND DISMISSALS: Mot�on by Johanson to appoint Evelyn Stringer to the position o£ ofF-sale clerk at the rate oi $1.45 per haur. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motlon carried unanimously. RCMOVAL OF CARL CHfiISTENS'EN AS TAE ASSFSSOR: Motion by Johanson to accept the recommendat�on of the City Manager to r��ove Carl Christensen Lrom the position of Assessor of the City oL- Fridley, eitective April 1, 1961. seconded by Wolke. Mr. Johanson state� that he had asked the C�ty Attorney whether the Council had the authority to remove the Assessor in a matter such as this, and the At�orney had advised hitn that the Council did have this authority. Mr. Chrzstensen was present, and had an attarney representing him. Mr. Christensen's atL-orney said that he felt that Mr. Christensen was entitled to a hearing. He stated that when employed, the otfice had been vacant for four nlonths, and he had re-assessed the whole city. The Mayor stated that he d.�d not question the City Manager's abillty zn �he matter oi recornmending people to be hired or removed. Mr. Wol]ce staced that any employee o= this City should try his best to create good public relatlons, and that Mr. Christensen did noL- do this. Mr. Christensen's attorney asked the basls of the charge. Mi:. I�ohlan stated, that as he understands the Charter, the Assessor may be reinoved wlth or c�ithout cause. Mr. Christensen's attorney stated that each man who is employed by anybody should be given the right L-o reiute the charges. Mr. Kohlan stated that, upon the recosmnendations or the City Manager, the Council hxres and fires people. Mr. Johanson stated that the Assessor had continually ignored the instructions of the Council. Mr. Christensen's attorney asked zi ' ' � ' � �,r, c3 �:��� the Council had complaints :crom the Count�t Assessor. Mr. sher�ctan stated i1�at this was, in fact, i;urning lnto a hearsng and th�i there is a motion on the floor and it should be voted upon. The Mayor asked �or a vote on the question, and r.he Council ielt that a T;oli call vote should be taken. Upon the ro11 call by the Secretary, those voting in favor - Greig, Johanson, Shericlan, Wolke, Nee. opposed - None. Motion carrled. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS POR WATER PROJECT 34-D: Mr. Johanson had to leave the meeting. The City Manager stated that he had o�ened the ba_ds at noon, March 20, 1961 in ihe presence of -- City Enganeer Calvin Brovan: Mr. Comstock: Counci],man Ben Wo1ke and Mayor Greig. The Eollowing b�_ds were rece�ved: NAME LUMP SUM BID ALT ik1 ALT �2 COM. ➢ATE Nodlund Const. Co. Alexandria, Minn. St. P. F S. M 5 /a $157,999.50 Barbarossa & Sons, Inc,St. P. F& M 420 33rc� Ave. LV. s°a St. Cloud, Minnesota $149,995.00 orTea & Sons, Inc. 1156 Homer St. St. Pau1 16, Minn. seaboard 5°l $175,859.50 F. Morettini Const.Co. SeaboaLLC1 $52 �nTestminzster 5% st. Paul, Minnesota $155,765.00 iierbst Const. Co. Maryland Cas. 1550 Highway ;$10 5% Mlnneapails 2I, Mznn. $181,833.D0 Northern Contracting Maryland Cas. Company S�o Hopkins, Nlinnesota $173,153.00 Lamett� & Sons 211 N. Pascal St. Pau1 4, Minn. i2andall Bios, 801 lst Street Du],uth, Minnesota Seaboard 5/ $I97,437.00 St. P, F. & M. 5% a $171,144.00 � �r7albon Excavating Anchor 3242 FIlghway #k8 5% M�_nneapolis 18, Minn. $168,533.00 Petrowske & Ross Si. P. F& M 3613 53rd Place N. 5% Minneapolls 22, Minn. $225,000.00 (2705,Od) (280D.00) (3225.Q0) (350�.00} (2624.00) (6000,00) (2U00.00) (6120.00) (3000.00) Mayor Greig le=t the Meetsng. Gavel ta TNO11ce. P,s Sgec . 100 days 220 days I50 days l20 �ays 130 c7ays As Spec. ��4 1'ir•. 'r7olke asked i� the bids checked out o.k. Les Ynutson stated that they did� and if the Council acce�ted alternate �l, the low bidder was Barbarossa and Sons� in the a�iount of $147,195.OG. Councilman Sheridan introduced tne following resolution and moved its adoption. RFSOLUTION IVO. 2t5-1961 fa £tESOLUTIC � AWA�i➢IidG CON PR€LL'T ON PROdEC7 N0. W-34➢ BE TT tZESOLV7±1� BY Trt� COUIIGIL OF THE C3TY OF FRiDLEY, MS1Vi�ESOTA as follows: l. 'Phe Counc�l finds that the lowest respenslble bidder for construction of the impravement wor'r designated as: Pro�ect No, w-34D {idater) is Bar�arossa and Sons, 4U2 - 33rd Avenue i�orth, St_ Cloud, Mlnnesota, whose bid is the amount of �1l�%�195.00. That said bid as hereb�r accepted, 3nd the City Manager and Nlayor in office on date of execution of the contract ire hereby authorized and dlrected to enter into a contract with s�id bidder for and in behalY of the Cit� o£ Fridley. 1DOFTLD BY 'PHE COU��IL OP THE C1TY �F FRIDL�Y THIS 2151 DAY CF P�fAkCH� 19b1. _ � �a `7' �.- � } i4AY0R - T, E. Gr g ,� �-' � �, ` ;/` �,/ �� �'�L V , 2./ G�e"�t-L� C1Ti' P�IAI�AGE;R - Earl F. W�:' ner Mayor Greig returned to the meeting. `Phe motion for the �doption of the above resolution was duly seconded b,p Council- m:.n Nee, and upon a vote bein� taken thereon, the following members voted in favor thereof: Johanson, Greig, PJee, �heridan and �^Iollre. and the followin� members votecl a�ainst the �a?ne: none WHEREUP01l SRID PI,SGLtJTIClv WAS DECLAN�t� DULY Y�1SSEil AIuD ADOP'PEll. COIJSIDERAT10fu UF' BIDS PUR WAT�R P1tOJLCT 1JL`. 34-E: The City Nlanager annou���ed th�t he haa oper,ed the bids at noon, i�➢arch 2U, 1961 in the presence of City �ngineer Brown, 1�1r. Comstock, Councilman Wolke and l�ktiyor Greig. The folloti�in� bids were received: 1VAi'�lE� LUD��l� SIIM HID 1�LT 1 ALT�2 C�NL ilATE ALT#3 li�rb�ross� 7x Sons 4a2-33rd Avenue iVo. St, C1oud, Minz�esota 1VOdland Const. Co. Alex-�ridria , Nlinn, Peter Lametti Const. 615 Drak_e St, St. Paul 2, Mlnn Yhelp�-Dr�ke Co, lnc. 5440 Douglas Drive Niinnea�olls 22, l�linn. F, Morettini Canst. 852 Westmlriister St„ Faul, Minnesota herbsi Const. Go. 1550 Highway %/10 l�iinne,spolis 21, Ni7nn. St, P F & Ni 5� :h16H,7o5.oD St. P F & M 5% �G177,521.50 Seab oard 5% �1�s4,��5o4S Relia_nce Inc. 5� �lac,�4v.lo Seaboard 5� �145,694.oC N�,y-land Cas. 5� �2"i1,/95.�U ('700.00) (361b.80) �3762.30) 4i41.8o) (37o�.or�) 21,18 . GO 75oo.co �4450.00)�2 (11,445. oG )1,-'3 (3$50.00)#2 59�5.a� #3 120 days as Spec, I1s Spec. lE�il ,days 150 days 160 days � , � � � � Northern Ccntr�cting Comp� ny Hopkins� tiinnesota L�metti & Sons 211 No. Pasczl St. P�ul 4, hlinn, Walbor. Excav� tin� 3242 Hlghwry ;fb Mini�eapolis 8� l�linn. Randall Bros. 801 First Street East Duluth, Minnesot� Yetrowske & Hoss 3613 53rd P1ace No, 1'�[inneapolis, Niinn. Nar�land C,�s. 5� ��96,4S3.00 Seaboard 5k y218,243.00 Anchor 5% �1�9,716.So St . Y F & Nl 5� �,233 , 786. OG St . 1 F & !�1 5� $201, 080.00 �3600,OG) As 5pec, (2000.00) � 4��0,00#2 180 days (37�s6.G�) loo da�s 1V. B, 1�, B, as Spec. A representative from the supplier oi' steel pipe w,�s present, and stated 'nis reasor_s why he thought the Council should choose steal pipe �nste�d oi cast iron for this pro�ect, Counailm�n Sherid�n introduced the following resolut�on and moved its adoption. RESOLUTiOn� N0. 29-19b1 fl$ESOLUTI01� AWARDIlVG CUIVTRACT 01ti E'RCJECT �VO, 6J-3CHE B� IT RESULULD Bf THE COUIVCTL OF THE CITY CN FRID�Ej , 1� INIvESGTA. � s£oilows: l, 'I'he Council finds that the lowest responsiUle bldder for construction of the isaprovement work desi�nated as: Project No. W-34E (Wai,er) is Barbarossa �ncl Sons, 402 33rd Avenue P�orth, St, Glaud, I�Tinnesot�, whose lump sum bid tis ttie ,-mount of w165,7C5.G0, with tre Council's decision to chonee either ;lltern-te ,'� or Altern-te i�3 ?t a l:�ter raeeting. That said bid is hereby accepi,ed, zxid the City P�Lan�ger and M���or in of£lc,e on date of executlon o£ the contract are hereb� authorized and derected to enter inta a coiitract with s3id bidder for and in behalf of the City of F'ridley. ADOPT�D Bi ThE CGUPJCIL OF 'Pf1E CITY OF F��lll]�Y 1'H1S 21;'P DAY UF 1�uihCH, 1961. L� 7 J// V ��i� \� l��L'i--C' C1TY M?1V.lGER - Earl F'. ��ner k , . _ t_ - 1KAYuR '- '1'. i. C;reig , The motion Por the adopttioiz of the above resolul.ion w�s duly sECOnded b�, ' Counczlm�n Nee, and upor. a vote be�ng taken thereon, tlie fo1Lo�✓�n� members voted ir, favor thereof: �ohnrison, Greig, Nee, Sher�dan �nd 4dolice, and the £ollowing memuers voted �gainsL Lhe same none L:,TTi+,R FRON� P��RSOlv BROTHERS PCC�aPTIhG °,0 ��'OOP ROi1D�r1+1Y: A x•eprescntative fr�rn Pearson Brethers was preseiL and explained they wish to h�ve the Cotincil accept th�. deed �or �overnment Lot ;;2, �nd the pari, of Section 3 tor maintenance �s a roadway. l�iotion �iy �volke to accept the north 3� £eeti oF the above two p�rcel� as a roadk,:y. Seconded by Sh�ridan. UpQn a voice vote, there neing no nays, Lhe motion carried unanunously. PLANNII�G COiiMISSIOA NIINUTES• 6ESSGI�ATSO! OF ��DDII'IG„I_AL I�1.S.�. S'PI�EETS FY P�LSOliUTI01�� 1v0. 30-1961: �°�: � ��6 `Phe Cit,y Nar�3€er expl-lne�l h,he action of the Flanning Commissaon �*� ��e�ard to designation oi addiLional Ni.S.A. streets. Motion by SYieridan L, adept the resolution deter�nining �nd est3blishing l�lunicip�l State Aid Roads and Streets in the C�.i,�r of Fridley. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice voLe, therebeing no naysa the motion c�rried unanimouslV. LASL;I�IE,IJ� F�tt SGti00L PROFLkTY• 'Phe City Ns�nager explained the proposed 50 Poot street on the north side of the school propertp ii, Auditor's Subdivivion No. 77. The Nlanager read t�he letter " Prom Patch ar�d Ericksor.� Architects, for the school in which tl,e City would share � in ��^r' r,f the cost o£ the water and sewer llne along the north side of Audltor's Siiudivision \io. 7% serving the school in the �mount of �337.60, i�lotlon by Nee to instruct the Clty N�anager and the Ctty �lttorney to draw up the necessary legal clocuments for streets, and water llnes, in �gxeement with the school,. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a volez vote, ther•e being no r.�ys, the motlon c°rrzecl nnanunously, CL,; ll�'1S : Motion by ldolke to �pprove Gener�vl Claims 42Fi8 through 431F6. Seconded b,y- Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no rv2ys, t,he mation carried unanunously. NIotion by i�ee to approve Liquor Cl�ims 2725 through 2789. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a volce vote, there bein� no nays, the motion carried un��nunously, t�iotion bz. Sheridan to �pprove Yublic Utilitir C]t�uns 125� through 1265. Seconded by bdolke, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the i;iof,ion carried uiv�nunously. ES`I'1M�`ITES : Motion b=� Sherid n to approve the Tollo*aing estim�tes: Layne-N.innesota Comp3ny Estlmate T�7 y�1%,871.5� Sandstrom and ttafrier, Inc, �stimate f15 - s � .,s »24A i55,OC,4.o4 �ro�rt�L L��rn�lnTis Seconded by Walke. ui,a n lmou s 1y . LI Ci.N SFS : �72,$75.62 Upon a volce vote, there being no nays, the motion c�rried A yuestior about zn °dditional t.�vern in th�t �rea arose concernirig issuance of � 1�_cense to ��ohi. Hal�apt,sai�, D9r. 4dolke £e1t the Cit� could not deny a l�cense tiaithout reason The Ma�ror suggested th�t the matter be tabled� N1r Ftohl�n stated th t the license ought not be denied unless there �_s a 1eg21 re3son, ^lne :ity NL3nager sugge5ted that the City should consider how m3ny beer iicense: the City wants, Johanson m�ved that the Licenses for John H1luptsa�c be tabled until March 2Sth. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no na�rs, {.he motion c�rried unanamously. Niotion by Sheridan to approve the following licenses: ELECTRICAL Kostka Electric Company Box 26S South St, Paul, l�iinnesota E�CRVATORS Wm. J. Corah �ccav�tirig Co. 4711 Colfax Avenue Pdorth Nlinr�eapolls, Niinnesota GENERAL Tnter-Cit,y Garage BuiiderG Highway 3�1C 8� Univ. !?ve. IV.E. Coon Rapids, P9innesota by: Harold Kostka by: William Corah b,y: Jaseph Shun r New � New IV ew � � � ��� M/�SONRY C. L. Wilson 2633 — 35th '�venue South l�linneanoiis 6, Minnesota CIGARETTE LICENSE 5horewood Lounge 61b1 Ii�ghway #b5 Minneapolis 21, Ininnesota Fridley Liquor Store �`2 3%10 East River Road Nlinrieapolis 21, Nliruiesota by: G, L. �rJilson Renewal Seconded b� Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the raotion carried unanimously. BUILDING PE��I�!1T�: i, STHEET AivD RE( UEST N!oticn b,y 1^iolke that these three building permits be approved. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there beiag no nays, the motion carr�ed unanimously, t2ESOLUTION 11�0, 31-1961 MAhING TRANSFF,RS OF CERTkI1� FUivDS: Motlon bq Wo1ke to adopt the above resolutior.. Seconded by 1Vee. Upon � voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unsnimously� The Cit,p Manager asked i£ the Council wished to delete any pro�ects from this resolutlon, rhe council said th�t the City Manager �nd Consulting Engineers, Comstock and Davis, Inr,� should look at the Gardena Avenue, and Traiier park �rea, ag-in. Niotion by Wolke to adopt the resolution ordering final p]ans and speciFications Yor SW �74is. Seconded by Nee. llpon � volce vo+�, there beiri� no nays� +he motion c�rried uri.�nimously, IV 0. T Ab�ll r'1T�4L YLAIJS AND SF'�CIPIC'1 hlotion b� Wolke to adopt the �bove resolution, Seconded b�� P�le�, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanunously. I�;otion by Sherid n that this resolution 6e adopted. Seconded by �^�olke, Upon a vpice vote� there beang no nays, the motion carried unanunously, COIilSTDERATIOR OP ABA'I'EM�Ii'1 OF 4SSESSi�I�CdTS FOt?. PkOJECT LuO. SVJ��21 Al�ill 3W#1'22 • The first req_uest was for abatement o£ lateral assessments in L�ts 15 through 20, Hlock X, Riverview Heights Addit�on. Nlotion by Sheridan tYiat this abatement be � denied. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanir.tousl,y. Next request was £or ab�tements of Lots 23 through 3�, B1ock X, Riverview Heights. The cauncil tabled this m�tter for che ti,ne being. Abatement of lateral assessMeni,s of j,ots 44 throu�h k7, B1ock E, Riverview Y,el�hts Addition. h:otion by '��TOlke to defer tne certiflc tion to the County of one of the later�l assessment cha_rges against Lots 41� through 45, �1ocL L, kiverview Heights .4ddition, Seconded bv Nee. Upon a voice vote, there be�ng no nays, the motion carried un�nimousl�r. ��� RLSC;LUTIOId 1�0. 35-1961 DIRECTIivG ISSUANL'E OP TEi�iPORArY BOIUDS rOR PROJECT SW#4l+: Niotion by UTolke to adopt Lhis resolution. 5econded by luee, Upon a voice vote, tl�ere being no nacs, the motaon c•�rried un�nimously, t�0. 36-1961 DIkECTI1UG THE SALE A1VD PURL'hFl�� GF T:,MPORAkY INIFkOVliNLF.1VT Niot?on b�,- bJee to adopt this resolut�en. Seconded by vlolke. L'pon a voice vote, there beir.g i.o ri�qs, the motion c�rr•ied un�nunously, I,ETTh'H J HOh� �'I'. A]uT}1C1JY VTLLaCE lN kEF�FtE1VCE: TO IISI1vG 11 kADIO Ti/IIVD: N,otion by i��l_�e to ���ve 2Nproval to the Village of St, Anthony to use the r��dio band oper2tiug �t 153•9�� 1'�. C. Seconded by Sheridan, Upon a voice vote,l,here being no na,s, Lhe motion c�rried unanimously, I�LSOLU'P101, 1d0. 26-1�6�1 lfd N}�;F&Ic�fvCr, TG P.E.H.A. AND O.A.S.I. COV�RAQE: Motior, Uy SLerldan to adopt tne above resolution. Seconded by 1Vee. Upon voice vote, Lhere bein� no n-,y�s, the moLion c�rried unanimously. LETTEh FROPI THE GRN,�T NOh`1'HLIiI� RI!ILW/lY COlIYgiVY Il�] REPLRENCi� TO �UIT OLIlIM �I�_;D- SR �103 S I1V F11Vult pF' Ti1E CI`IY OF Ft�1DLEY: f�!oi,ion by Wolke th t this matter be tabled. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a vm ce vote, there being no n�z�s, t,re motlon carried unanimousl5r. L�TTEk FROl�l I�RIDLEY JAYCEES R�6iJESTING PF�'��ISSI0IJ FCh KIVIGFaTS �F COLUI�IBUS COUIICIL 1��81 TO SYO:'JSO !1 B11VG� GAl�IN; IN COSd�UNCTlON tidITH 'PHT� JAYCy�E CAI�NIVAL: I;'otion by Wo1k.e to grant permiss�or.. Secar:ded b5> l�'ee. Upon a voice vote, there Ueing no n�ys, t'r,e motion carried unanimously. Sherid�n �sk_ed about si,reEt surfacing on Fillmore from Aighwa� /�1C0 to 53rd. P4r. F;rnit:en stal,ed th�t this k�s presen}lsr under contr2ct. Mr. Sheridan stated thrit lie ielt that the whole Cit� should p,a5� on the pard property at Lo�an P=rk,uay. 4 DJCU�ti�T�L@:1V T : Nlotion b.; IUee to ,d�ourn. I�T��yor Greig decla�red the meeLarg adjourned. Pespecti'ul]_y Subm�tted: �, � � � � � �� �.,,..�..r'�,�.t '� ', - �� . , Marvin C, Brunsall /_ �°� ������'�' Ser,ret3ry to the L'ouncil Ivlayo� Greigl SPECI��L COUNCIL iv1E1,TI1vG N1T1�UTh5 - l�1AI�CH 2a, 1961. Z'he Speci�l L'ounc�l meeLin� was called to order by Mayor Greig at 8:02 P.1vI, Members Fresent: Greig, Johanson, Sheridan, Nee, Wolke (arrived at 8:20 P.vI.) MembErs Ab�,ent Nane OLD BUSiN�SS LICENSrS: No �ction talcen on this. 1V�'6J BUS1Nli5S OP�,1"IPiG OL I�I➢S FOR 54LL�, OP B�P�DS; i�r. N1ann explained tLe averages of the bond m�rket £or tYie past thirty da}rs, 'Phe City i��,anager opened the bids. (1) Juran ar.d Noody, St. Paul, the totai net int.erest r.ost was $Si5�352.50, nPt intereGt, rat,F of 4.30009�'; (2) John IVuveer, & Co., Chicago, ' � �