04/04/1961 - 00023964� � ' ��� LETTL+Ft s'k01�i COI�ISTOCIi l�1vD DAVIS, ISdC. Wilh �,FER�NCE TO SOU`I'H UIaIVLltS1'P1 A��1aUE TRliNK �LvJER OUTFALL STU➢Y - FRIDLEY, UOLUi lgI.1 IIEIGHTSi�'i1TVi,P�SOT� HIGIPn�.;Y DEi'flRT1�1dT: 'I7e City N4nager read a le�ter from the firm oi Comstocx and Davis, lnc., stating the report on this storm eewer would cost approxiinai.elt� $6,G00.(i0 ancl I�'r�dleti's share would be $2�000,00. Nlotion bJ Wolke to allotir the expenditure of up Lo .p2,000,00 for the study o£ the stos•m sewer ou1,Pa11 Por ti�e soui.h Universit,y ivenue trunk storm se*aer. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voics vote, there bein� no n?ys, tne motion c•rried unaaamouslz�. lhe Czty Nian�ger asked if the Council would be interested in havin� the Citv Attorney dr:sw up legislation whe:eby the City could borrow money co bulid � Citv H«11 �nd pay for it out of Liquor Store proPits. 1'he �ouncil indicaLed that the�r would be 1n favor of having the City Pttorney draw up th�s legisl�+lon f'or presentation to tYie State Legisl.�ture, A D JC�IIRIQ�u�NT : 1ti�otion G�r ',�(olke to advourn. Lhe N1.;*or decl3red the rneeting ad�ouri_ed, Respectfull;,r submitted: � ���vi� ru�b nsell`�� __ F --� __� SecreLar� to the Council �°Ly�.or -' T, E, Greig f COUNCIL MINUTES - APRIL 4 A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Greig at 8•00 P.M. Members Present Members Absent APPROVAL OF hffNUTES Greig, ,Tohanson, Wo1ke, Nee Sheridan Motion by ,Tohanson to approve the minutes of the March 21, 1961 meeting. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimous3y Motion Sy Wo1ke to approve the minutes of the March 28, 1961 meeting Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays,_the motion carried unanimously NEW BUSINESS: RECEIVE PESITION AND RESOLUTION N0. 38-1961 ORDERING PRELIMINARY REPORT 6TH STREET (62ND TO 63RD) - 63RD -(6TH TO 7TH): Motion by Johanson to receive the petition and place it on file, and to adopt the resolution ordering preliminary report of plans and specifications and estimaL-es of costs thereof: 6th Street (62nd to 63rd) and 63rd (6th to 7th), Seconded by Wolke, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ON FOR SEWER, WATER AND STREET SURFACING - VAN BUREN (73RD TO OSBORNE) ABLE TO OSBORNE) 75TH AND 76TH STREET (ABLE TO VAN BUREN): Motion Uy Wolke to receive the above petition and place it on fi1e. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. BUILDING PERMIT REQUEST FOR THREE APARTMENTS TO BE ADDED AT 6881 HIGHWAY ik65: A request was made hy the owner, Gil6ert Pa11um, to build onto the present motel at 6881 Highway 4�65. Motion by Johanson to grant the permit. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there laeing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 39-1961 RECEIVING PRELIMINARY REPORT AND ORDERING PUBLIC HEARING - 6TH STREET (63RD AVENUE - ST. 1-1961): The engineer explained the preliminary report, and the City Manager read the �� � ��� resolution. Motion hy Wolke to receive the preliminary report, and to adopt the resolution calling a public hearing on the matter• the hearing date to be set for April 18, 1961 Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLiTTION N0, 40-1961 RECEIVING FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING urnc _ cw dbG.Ft• The City Manager explained the area covered by the plans and specifications. Mr. Johanson stated that he had a petition with 27 signatures on it, stating that the signers were opposed to the water and sewer installations in the Gardena area. ' Mr. Wolke asked how the pro�ect got this far along if there were that many opposed to it, Mr. Kohlan stated that consideration should be given to the petition at this time, and plans could be modified at this time. The City Manager explained that at the public hearing, thirteen of those present were in favor, and ten of those present were opposed. Mr. Wolke asked what would happen if the whole Gardena Avenue section of the pro�ect were deleted. Mr. Knutson stated that it may prevent the original eight petitioners from getting water and sewer. Mr. Bailey Tiller was present, and presented a petition of people who were in favor of this pro�ect. The Mayor stated that there were some signatures that were on the petition for those in favor of the pro�ect, and were also on the petition for those who were opposed to the pro�ect. Mr. Bailey Ti11er stated that Father Lapinski had said that there would be a Catholic School built on the 43 acres on Gardena Avenue in the next couple of years, and they wanted water and sewer. Mr. Wolke called Father Lapinski on the phone and confirmed this fact, that they did want water and sewer, now. Mr. Kohlan suggested date and time be put on petition. The Mayor asked if this part of the pro�ect could be deleted without hurting the rest of the project. Les Knutson explained that if service were desired in the Gardena area this was the most economical way of doing it, as had been presented. Robert Van Cleave, 5950 Ben�amin stated that he was against the water and sewer. Mrs. Lillemoen, who lives at 1583 Gardena Avenue, stated that she was against the project. Mr. Quarn� 6051 Ben�amin, stated that he was representing his father-in-law who has over 5 acres in the corner of Ben�amin and Ferndale, and he is against the water and sewer. Rodney Johnson stated that he felt that the total number of people for or against the pro�ect should be the deciding factor. The City Manager stated that the Engineer � could put this part of the project in as an alternate. The Mayor stated that in order to resolve this matter, the people shculd circulate new petitions, and give everyone in the area an opportunity to sign a petition, either for or against, and that these petitions must be processed, and in the hands of the Council no later than April 18, and the petition must be in the City Hall, so that it can he checked, no later than April 11. Motion 6y Johanson that the Gardena Area installation be approved for construction, only as an alternate, so that, if upon further consideration of the petitions received the Council determines not to construct this portion, it can be deleted Seconded by Wo1ke. Upon a voice vote, there Ueing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. The City Manager stated that there is one other area included in SW�k48 in which there is a question of whether it should 6e run, namely the line running north from Mississippi Street between Channel Road and Lucia Lane. Dr. Gordon, who owns most of the property involved in this part of the project stated that nothing is going to be built on the property, and he does not want it. Motion by Sohanson to delete the sewer line running north from 1225 Mississippi Street from SW project ��48, and to approve the above resolution which approves the final plans and specifications and orders bids for Sewer and Water Pio�ect No. 48. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION RECEIVING FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING BIDS - STORM SEWER PROJECT N0. 49: The City Manager stated that the Engineer would like this laid over to the 18th � of April, so the Council took no action. RESOLUTION N0, 41-1961 RECEIVING FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING SIDS - ST. 1-1961; The City Manager stated that 57th Street does not have full right-of-way, but suggested that the Council could proceed sub�ect to the acquisition of the right- of-way. The City Manager explained the rest of what is involved in the pro�ect. He stated that the Engineer had suggested that there be some storm sewer pipe laid in the street in the vicinity of Cheri Circle and 53' Avenue before the street surfacing is put in Mr. Wolke stated that he would like to have a map of � � � �� �, �,a the areas involved in something such as this Motion by Sohanson to adopt the resolution ordering impxovement, approval of final plans and ordering adverL-ise- ment for bids for ST. 1-1961, and to include the storm sewer in the street surfac�ng for Madison Avenue from 532 Avenue to Cheri Lane. Seconded by Nee Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously PLANNING COMMTSSION MINUTES: REZONING REQUEST BY GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY - LOTS 7, 8, 9, 10, & : 78 and 1ST READING AND PART OF fG SAME The Gity Manager explained the proposed rezoning, Everything north of 60th should be Light Industrial and a11 that south of 60th between East Aiver Road and the tracks would be heavy industrial. Mr. Nagel stated that he had contacted the school officials, and they had no opposition to this rezoning. The City Manager read the ordinance rezoning the areas south of 61st and east of the East River Aoad, Motion by Wolke to accept this as the first reading of the above ordinance, and also to set the public hearing on the above rezoning. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously BiTTLDING PERMIT FOR DOWNING BOX COMYANY AT 60TH AND EAST RIVER ROAD: Mr. Kunz and Mr. Haglin were present, representing the Downing Box Company, and explained the plans for the building. Motion by Johanson to grant the building permit. Seconded by Wo1ke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Nee to move that the Planning Co�ission adopt a plan for all that area north of 61st between East River Road and the railroad tracks. There was no second to Chis motion. H. C. NORMAN REQUEST TO SPLIT ALL OF LOT 10, PART OF LOT 11, BLOCK 2, MOORE LAKE HILLS ADDITION: Mr. Norman was present, and stated that he wished to postpone the final decision on this until the next meeting so that he could have his lawyer present There was no action taken on this. PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBDIVIDING LOT 2, BLOCK 2, HAYES RIVER LOTS� Motion by Wo1ke to accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and approve the preliminary plat, subject to the necessary easements and other restrictions set forth by the Planning Coumtission. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the moCion carried unanimously. POST OFFICE REQUEST TO CHANGE EVA WAY TO 63� AVENiTE Motion by Nee that the street in the Eva Erickson plat be named 63� Way, rather Chan Eva Way. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Che motion carried unanimously. BIIILDING PROBLEM ON 57� AVENUE, NORTHEAST FROM MAIN STREET TO HIGHWAY �f56: The City Manager explained that there was only a thirty foot right-of-way on 5�; Avenue from Main Street to Highway �k56, and the Planning Commission had recommended no lauilding permits be issued for lots on either side of 57� Avenue between Highway �k56 and Main Street Motion by Wolke to follow the reco�nendation of the Planning Cau�ission, and prohibit the issuance of building permits on 57� Avenue. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there 6eing no nays, the motion carried unanimously ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 70 - PUBLIC DISTRICTS: The Planning Commission had recovmiended that this amendment to the Zoning Ordinance be adopted. Motion hy Wolke to set the puUlic hearing on the above sub�ect for May 2, 1961. Seconded by Sohanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR T]TILITIES ON TRTINK HIGHWAYS: The City Manager stated that the purpose of this change 1n the rules was to permit ��� the Highway Coumiissioner to allow open trench excavat�on across Highways, if the Co�issioner so desired Motion by Johanson to approve this proposed change. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. BOAR➢ OF APPEALS MINUTES� REQUEST FOR LOT VARIANCE - LOT 12, BLOCK 2, ADAMS STREET ADDITION: This was a request to build a house on a 40 foot lot. Motion by Wolke to deny the request by King Realty. Seconded by Nee, Upon a voice vote, there being na nays, the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS Motion by Johanson to approve General Claims 4347 through 4424. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by idolke to approve Liquor Claims 2790 through 2828. Seconded by Nee, IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion tay Wo1ke to approve Public Utility Claims 1266 through 1288. Seconded by Johanson. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion c�rried unanimously. LICENSES: The City Manager stated that the Board of Health feels that the cafe licenses can be lssued subject to approval of the cafes by the goard of Health Motion by Nee to approve the following licenses with the provision that the cafes conform to the standards of the Board of Health, MASONRY Theodore C. K�eseth 1001 - 36th Avenue N. E. Minneapolis 18, Minnesota CAFE LICENSE Name Raymond L Anderson 6428 Dellwood Drive N. E. Minneapolis 21, Minnesota L1oyd Berkus $60 Vandalia North St. Paul, Minnesota Sherman Hanson 841 Kennaston Drive N. E. Minneapolis 21, Minnesota Henry S, Kristal 1148 Randolph Avenue St Paul, Minnesota Sulius Manosevitz 1107 Russell Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota CIGARETTE LICENSE Raymond L. Anderson 6428 Dellwood Drive N E. Minneapolis 21, Minnesota L1oyd Berkus 860 North Vandalia St. Paul, Minnesota by• T. C. K�eseth Doing Business As: Maple Lanes Cafe 6304 Highway �k65 Minneapolis 21, Minn. Snyder's Drug Stores, Inc. 6582 University Ave. N. E Minneapolis 21, Minn Central Erostop Drive-In 5440 Central Ave. N E. Minneapolis Z1, Minn. Central Embers, Inc. 5400 Central Ave, N. E. Minneapolis 21, Minn. Fridley Drug Store 6475 University Ave. N. E. Minneapolis 21, Minn. Maple Lanes Cafe 6304 Highway �k65 Minneapolis 21, Minn Snyder's Drug Store 6582 University Ave. N E. Minneapolis 21, Minn. Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal � � 1 ' , � Henry S. Kristal 1148 Randolph Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota Marion Levine 2624 Lynn Avenue St, Louis Park, Minnesota ,7ulius Manosevitz 11D7 Russell Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota Sohn L. Theisen, Sr. 1834 Fremont Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota DELIVERY TRUCK: Earl F. Witzig 47 S. 9th Street Minneapolis 2, Minnesota D. N. Holcombe 4511 Drew Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota E. E. Brueger 500 North Grotto Street St. Paul, Minnesota Raymond C. Ewald Route 9�2 Cherry Lane, Hopkins, Minn Conrad Knudson 2108 Washington Avenue N. Minneapolis, Minnesota John B. Hansen 1491 E. County Road E St. Pau1 10, Minnesota Thomas Campbell 2112 Broadway St. N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota GUN CLUB LICENSE W. H. Paulsen LIVESTOCK LICENSE Clarence R. Olson 1668 Mississippi St N. E. Minneapolis 21, Minnesota MINING LICENSE B K. Borden RUBSISH & GARBAGE PICK-UP Clover M. Boyer Hame1, Minnesota Central Embers, Inc 5400 Central Ave. N E. Minneapolis 21, Minn. Penny's Super Market 6540 University Ave N, E, Minneapolis 21, Minnesota Fridley Drug Store 6475 University Ave N E. Minneapolis 21, Minnesota Theisen & Sons, Inc. 64&3 University Ave N. E. Minneapolis 21, Minnesota American Linen Supply Co, 47 S 9th Street Minneapolis 2, Minnesota Clover Leaf Creamery Co. 420 West Broadway Minneapolis, Minnesota Consumers Milk Company 500 North Grotto Street S�. Paul, MinnesoC� Ewald Brothers Sanitary Dairy 2919 Golden Va11ey Road Minneapolis 11, Minnesota Franklin Creamery, Inc 2108 Washington Avenue N. Minneapolis, Minnesota Su�ut Farm, Inc 1491 E. County Road E, St. Pau1 10, Minnesota Superior Dairies, Inc. 2112 N. E. Broadway Minneapolis, Minnesota Northern Ordinance, Inc. Columbia Heights Branch P. 0. Minneapolis 21, Minnesota for 1 Horse Minnesota Silica Sand Co. 43rd Ave. N. E. & N P, Tracks Minneapolis, Minnesote Boyer Garbage Service Hamel, Minnesota Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Li�q� � � d�f � W ��6 Lucille Marsolek 355 Mississippi St. N. E. Minneapolis 21, Minnesota Raleigh H. Meyer 8909 E. River Blvd. N. W, Minneapolis 21, Minnesota SERVICE STATION Jacob D. Steiger 6519 Central Avenue N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Tri-County Sanitation 355 Mississippi St. N E. Minneapolis 21, Minnesota Twin City Disposal Serv. Co 1023 Mars:�all St, N. E. Minneapolis 13, Minnesota Steiger & Gertzen Garage, Inc. 81D0 E. River Road Minneapolis 21, Minnesota Renewal Renewal Philip E. Strout Phil's Standard Service 633 Ironton St. N. E. 8100 E. River Road Minneapolis 21, Minnesota Minneapolis 21� Minnesota Renewal Seconded by Wo1ke. I7pon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. BY JENSEN'S MOTEL TO PLACE A SIGN ON PARK PROPERTY: Mr. Jensen was present, and explained that the Highway Department had ordered him to move his sign off their property, and he had no place to put it, and would like to move it onto the Park property. Mr. Wolke suggested that this matter be looked into further before action is taken. The City Manager stated that he had received several complaints relative to the number of signs at the intersection of Highway �k65 and Central Avenue. Mr. Wo1ke suggested that a temporary permit might be granted Motion by Wolke: Be it moved that Mr. Jensen be granted permission to remove his present sign from the highway right-of-way, at the intersection of Flighway ,��65, and Central Avenue, and make use of City property adjacent, sub�ect to the provision that he will remove the sign within five days upon notice from the City It is understood that no rights are accrued in his favor. Seconded Uy Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Jensen asked about putting the sign up on City property at 68th and Highway ��65 The City Manager stated that Mr. Jensen wil.l receive a letter relative to this matter. LENGTH OF ASSESSMENTS SPREAD FOR SW1F29 and SW�k38. Motion by Wo1ke that the assessment spread for SW ��29 be one year. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimou5ly. There was no action taken on SW �k38. RESOLUTION N0. 42-1961 AUTHORIZING BID FOR DUMP TRUCK AND PICKUP TRUCK. The City Manager read the resolution. Motion by Johanson to adopt the resolution to advertzse for bids for one pickup truck, and one dump truck. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. VISITORS: EXTENSION OF TIME LIMIT ON MOBILE VEN➢OR'S LICENSES• Mr. Kohlan stated that he has a copy of the Brooklyn Center ordinance with reference to the Softee Ice Cream trucks, and similar type operations, and the Council of Fridley mzght want to adopt samething similar. The Mayor suggested an ordinance be brought up at the next Council meeting. The City Manager asked about withholding licenses on the existing licensees for ice cream trucks. Motion by Nee that the license period be extended on the holders of present licenses for ice cream trucks until the matter of whether the ordinance will be changed has been settled. Seconded by Johanson. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. The Mayor asked about slow signs on East River Road from the Vicinity of 71st down to Mississippi Street He suggested that the Manager write a letter to the County, � � � I I . _,I � � and ask for "slow" or "slow school" signs check with the school and the Caunty. AD,70URNMENT The City Manager stated that he will There being no further business, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted; 'hh2 V �i1i-L .__��'iitis�ii—�� Secretary to the Council COUNCIL MINUTES - APRIL 18, 1961 r" � (' �i i` - _ - - Mayor - T. E. Greig ?� �� �..-_ < A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Greig at 8,00 P,M, Members Present: Members Absent APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Greig� Johanson, Sheridan, Wolke, Nee. None Motion by Johanson to approve the minutes of the April 4, 1961 meeting. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously OLD SUSINESS: PUBLIC HEARING OF REZONING AREA SOUTH OF 615T AVENUE AND EAST OF THE EAST RIVER ROAD Mr. H. W. Harris, 6210 Aiverview Terrace was present, and stated that he is in agreement with this rezoning, and as far as he knew, the rest of the people in the area were. Mr, H. D. Hannan from the Great Northern Rallway was gresent, and stated that the Great Northern Railway was in favor of this rezoning. There were no other persons who appeared for or against this rezoning The Mayor declared the hearing closed. 1 The City Manager read Che above oYdinance. Motion by Sohanson to accept this as the second reading of the above ordinance, and to have it published, Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there beLng no nays, the motion carried unanimously. LOT SPLIT REQUEST - LOT 10 AND PART OF LOT 11, BLOCK 2, MOORE LAKE HILLS - H, C. NORMAN: Mr. Norman was present, and explained his proposed lot split. He stated that his attorney was not yet present, and would like to postpone this until later in the meeting. NEW BUSINESS• PUBLIC HEARTNG ON A PORTION OF 1961 STREET SURFACING - 6TH STREET FROM 6200 to 63RD - 63RD FROM 6TH TO 7TH. The City Manager explained the area that would be included Ln the proposed �mptovement. Len L1oyd, 6250 - 6th Street was present, and asked when the surfacing would be started. The City Manager stated that bids would be opened on May lst, and awarded on May 2nd. Jerome Pazzell, 6161 - 6th Street stated