05/02/1961 - 00023932in i�ridley. 1'he L'ity .� �nager was asked to Fresent son;e �ror�osed regula'i,icns to t.he �ouncil as soon as possible, ALJOU�?11i;�tiT : There leing no i'urther business� the f`�Jor declared the meetiZg ad- iourned. iespectfully submitted: � ` -" Marvin C, Erunsell� ;iecretary te the Council � � CCUidCIL T_IidUl'E,S - b1�Y 2� 1561 � �� � _. i % _/- /. `r'i� - _ /` - ,_ % 2'homas E, Grei� � 1`7� yor A regular meetin� of the City Council w��s called to �rder Uy T�Tayor Greig at �'>:00 F.A1, i•lembers Fresent: PiemYer Sbsent: AFPP�GVAL, OF I� ILIUlES : Greig� Johanson� Nee, Wo11ce (arrived at 8:5� F,1�.) S�eridan ilotion by Johanson t� approve the ri�irnzl,e:> to approve the m�riutes of' the Apri_I 1�� 1961 meeting. SecondEd by tiee, tinr�n a vo�ce votey the,e- ueing no n�ys� tihe mot-!on ezrried unan;mousl,y. OLD BUSIPTESS : P�E�L��i�' FOE3 A i1�ZVEWAL 0�' Z'FtAIL��t iLi'tiC_IT - LEROY OLSO;�: S�Ir, Johanson stated that if people taere £ns�g to continue to l�ve in a trailen c��use� they shculd move the tra�ler house to a tr�iler �ark. There t+�as more discussion on this matter, P4otion by Nee to�pprot�e a temporary trai_ler parking pern_;t until July 7_�� 1�`61� at wl.ich time the persnn �equesting the permit wi11 a�pear bECore the Ccuncil if they deslre a iurther extension. Seconded ky Johanson, Upon a voicF zTOtea there Y�eing no nays y the rnotion car�1ec� unaxiimously. _VE�r� I�US I�VESS : The City �flanager rea� the notice of nearing� and exrlained the rack- ground on it, Mr, Ed Berg� 5353 i'illnore l�as resenta 2nd stated tnati he zvovld like a fu11 explanaticn o1' tl:1s ordin2nce. lhe Clty P-�ane�er a�zin explained Lhe bac�.gronnd� steted that radio station 1rakYL had requested perrission last September to erect an e�zlennz on the w2ter reservoir site� and the Cquncil had gr�n�ed tn�s request, and this ordina��ce t��Gs lor tne nurpose of alloti�in� perrn�nent build�ngs �nci otner �ubllc iacilities tio �e located on Czty property, Mr, berg stated thaL he wished to �-o on record as ot�ectirig strenuously to t1�9_s ordinar.ce. He statEd thc�t he was ��ot contacted v;�leii t12e original antenna t�,as �ut in. Zne T�:a;r�or suggested t)?at the L�dard Gouncllmun clleck wi�h t�e pe�ple in the 2rea to see hott n.an5> wFre in favor, anc� _"_ow many �aere or�p���ed to thls amendsent. Mr. Pdee explained th�t this er�'inance o-ould cover all ruklic Freperty throu�hcut the C3ty� ai.cl w�s nct desi�ned specifl- ca11y f'or the wal.er reservoir site. On a si:ow oi hands of those people present, live t�,ere onposed to the ord�riance� no c�e �� iavor, Tl�e City i�ianager re�d the erdinance. Tiot�on by Nee io close 1,he publ�c hearing and to accent thls as 2 first re2c�inF of th� ordinance au.endi��g Ord�nance No. �0 ior Public Facilities D�s+ricts, ��econded �?y Johan- son. upon a voice vote� trere being no ��aysa the mot9oz� cerried u_r.animousl,y. � The City P4anager read t�ze above res��lution. P�Iotion by i�Tee to edopt the above resolut5or., Sec��nded by Johanson. Upon a vozce vote� �.here leing no nays� tl�e rnotion carriFC' un�nimonsly. The �%ity Pi�na�er• re�d the aLoae resoliztion. P�iotion l�y idee to adopt thc �bcve i°ESC?utlon. �econded kJ Toiianson. L'pon a voice vote� trere being no nays� the notion c�rricd unanimouslST, lhe Cit� �:anager read the resolution. The City i�fana�er staLed that people ln the are� hac� retitioned lor a change in the street nan�e. There was no one in �he audience who k�iskied to spe2k on thas subject. 1'!otion by Johanson to adopt the above resolution. Secanded b,y-1Vee, Upnn a voice v�tie� there being no nags� t,he motion carried unanirnously, NO_ C�0-1961 IiS RPr'��;E;IVCE TO CH�iNGSNG 7H�'. Il?e �ity 1Yanag�r re�cl the resolution. He stated tYiat he had received a petiti�n ti,rith i5 nanes o�� it asking th�t the street nane be changed. N�oi�iarl by Joh�nson �,0 2dopt the aho�;e resolution. Secoride�l ry IVee. upoi� a voice v�te, there bein� no na,ys� the moti_on carried u�animou_sl�=. �:�e Cizy i�:anager read the above resolution. Motian by Nee to adopt tl_e above resolution. Sec�nded by Johansor�. Upon a voice vote� tllere beiz��° no naysy tt7e rotion carried unanimously. llr, ' o7,ke arrived at 8.55 P,N1, 'l.�e City NIana�er re�d a lettEr from Otto bonestroo and kssaciates� Inc.� t;�e Consultin� Li,gineer for Spri��g Lake °ark, �rhich wes acidressed to Constock and llavis� Tnc., Fridley's Consulting £ngineErs. There was sar�e discussio�� on t11is mattEr, ilotzon by Johansan to authori�e the Citiy 1�,anagEr, �ne Consultzng isngineer and CitSr Enginesr� and the City �ttorney to t�rorl� out the details af this letter� and proeeed with it. Seca�nded by :dee, Uron a voice vote� there being no naSTs� the r�otion carried unanirrnusly. il2e City Dlanager explained thati although the description of Mr, fi oot's rroperty reads the north 1b.6 acres, he has only 15.�2 acres� because the Hight��a,y DF� artnent has teken z�art Cf his nroperty. This w2s done sometime a���, l�iotion by 4do7_ke to grant the abatement request in t�e ar,•ount of �1LF6.18. Seconded by ?Vee. Unon a voice �rote� there being no nays� the i,otion carried unaninously. The City P4anager propert,y had t�:o on i�s �roperty� [�� l explained the hackground on this� triat Lraziel's se���er ser�iics locatic�nsy and Northern Pump had none ti,�hieh U�as next to the �raziel property. hiotion by � � f� .J ,� (�J 4� �T� LJo1ke to abai.e t,he one sswer assessr�enL chargea ihe West hali oi' Lot 8� an�J Lots 9 ar.d 10� bloek 1�� Ir;dley Park _,clditlon �n tne amount of $!`3o�.lj� �nd the City ..�nager is to check to see �iY.o is resnonsi�le for placing this seufer service in the �,reng locatiio�z, and to also check to see ii t1�is char�e can be �ut against, the Idorthern PLUnp Coi7rany property, Secended by :Vee. Urnn a voice vote� there being no nays, Lhe :rotion carri.ed unanin��usly. C�1ISIDEFik1T0�d OF f�hLTldAPdCE 2x'] i�YIL'E�LI�ICL 10 byhLLD 6Il=�1, �I, �CIl1G: � Nr, k�olke stated t'nat he would li�ae to see the or�inance inclttide ��'ore thar� just barbed tiw�ire t ence, riotion bt 6 0� 1ce that t,he City httci ney be c�irected to rave a€eneral i'ence ordin�nce �iral,�n up for �resenta- tion to the Council at the i�eFt meeting. Secoi�dec Yy PSee. Uio�� a voice vote� there heing no nays� the �notion carriedtimarlimously. �I I CCivSIDLI�1�'I30N CS' 1'�ULIZING FIfiP�1: 7r!s City T�ianager read the letter from th� Cecrge iiansen Company in reFerence ta the andit for the ye�r o� 1�60. P�Iotion �y Johai�son that the Geox•ge i�i, Hansen Comp2ny be engzged zs the auditors f'or the City o° i r� ci1� y i or tP7e year 1�61 . �ecos,ded by Nee . U�,on a vo� ce vote, there leing no n�ys� the notion carried unaninously. LF'1'1'P,R hL�.LLS�l'I1�IG_3'itiA1•nOLIiVL CEITTEF� PEItI S7: h1r. lilvin Young� U�ho h7d renuested th�s �errit ti��as present, �nn out- lined nis nlans. Mr. Idagel stal.ed that in �rar�ting the pernit �,he ecuncil shculd snecify that the aper<tor c�,rr,y �dequate ?nsurance. i�r . Ycun� sta i.ed tl at he does have insvrarice ��nc r�il1 Y��ve c�ual � fi �-d nersonne� on hanc� 2t all times. Y�Soti�n hv ��o.11 E tYiat the City not object to 1.h�s operation so lcn� Gs ii, con;,I�FS wiLh a11 l,he orrlinances oi the City of t�'ridley. Seconded by Pdee, Upon a vozce votea there hein� no n2ys� the not�on carried unanimously. COi�]SIL�EFtF�TIO\� OF i�E1�7T1aL SPk10E I�d ZHL L�SIbTE�S 1�idD FLtOT�LSSIG.dkI,_iUILI]I�VC4: 3'he C__ty i��ana�er read a letter fre� Suc i���iskot,i�c stazinn that she � ould rer_t 2 double ofi'ice to the City� witn ]ie-at anc� �is-hts furn�stied� for 5��5,�Q per rronth, i�lc tion Uv Nee that the P;anager be autihorized to rent tr_is space Sor the sum oi $85.�0 per r,onth, Seconded by Joh�nson. Uron a voice ioi.e� t'_iere ie�ng no nays� the motlon c�rried una��in°ousl�r. 7 'InE City i� anager read the le �ter from cuburh��n 1',ng inee7°in� in wY.ich the;� outline s plans to establ� sh bencl� rrar�is tl�rovghnut the Cz ty of �ridley. Mr. 1'+agel asked ii' ihe City coi�7_d not usE t]�e aerial surve�rs lpr t'nis. I�lr, t,,ol'_.�e stal,ed th�t the surveys �rJere nct detalled En�ugh, I�9r, Wo1ke st2tecl that lze t�hou€h ihere tiaas a need for s�netYzzng such as this. 1�lotion by 1�olke to have the C3Ly EnginEer stvdy th�s tu-rt]_�r, and report baek to �,he Council, ,�econ��d ly 1Vee. Upors a ve!ce vote, t_7ere be���� no naps� the rrotion carr�Fd unanimously. yPT'iIC:.��I011 F'OF� `1_kk1L1`,1� P1.IiliI��iG TLIt,_I1 IY hO�I�}�� U�13�IL�liRC�D�V LOZ' �y ELCGI� 7� HY�L F11:�I�: — — - - 37r. G,ahlberg t��as nresent� artid also Mr. Ln�esetllEr on wr�ose ;�roperty ' t!�e tra�ler ��ould be p�rked. D%ir. EngesethEr st�te� �hGL he nas one �0 i'oot lot and thay are tr��ing to �E1; t_ze t�zle cle�red up on �he adjolning �,0 f'oot lot� �,nd as soon as this is done� fir. ��ahlber� plans t� h���1d on the pr�perty. ATotion by i�Fe to ���prove thE tr��ler parkir.g pernit, aecondEd by T�olke, IIron a voice votea there being no ���rs� tl2e r�otion carried unanimousl�T. CL�!II15: AZot� on xy L��oli�e by NE�e, tiron un2�inousl,y. to 2Pprove General Claims �4c�,7 tihrou 4532. ��concled voice vo�e� there beir,g no n�ys� the mr_tion cGrried � I��otion by Johanson tc anproue i,iquor Clalms 2895 throttgh 2939, Seconded �y Nee. Upon a v�ice votey tnere being ro na�TS� the :notion carried unanimously. Motion bJ Nee to arnrove Public Utilities Cla9ms 1297 through 131�'. �econdEd by .Joh�nsor, LTpon a vo�ce voter tnere ieing no nays� the motion ca,rried unanimonsly. E�S�' IP.r"iTliS : i�.otion by �- olke te apnrove estimate ;' 2 far Corr stock and Davis y Inc. � � for SWf38 in the an_ount of 2512.38� and estirr_ate #'8 for Constock and Davis� Tnc.y ior S4d�'38 in the amount of �u219.�5. SecondEd by Nee. Upon a vo�ce votiez there being no nays� the motion carried unani- T110L1��_�J. LT�'i'�l�lah��' : Nlotzon bj IVee to �pprove the list of licenses on Fa�es �+�+ through 52� IJ�L15 the fallot�rin� five pages of licenses: ELEC'1'F�1C�,L A & A Electric Cnnpany 5025 ��'rance �?�enue South 1lznneepoils 10, i�iinnesota Ce�tral Eleej,rie Comnany ��5 Central rivenue N. E. Niinnearolis 13, Mlnnesota John AR. Christianson Llcc. Co, 1315 F�st Lal2e Street P4�nnE�rolis� P"innesota Glintcn Llcctric Gon�any� Irc. 3�25 East L�k� Street �rinneapolis� Ni�nneseta Gollins 3�lectric Comapny 1li23 : outh I��asn�ngton Avenue i�itntleapolis� yiinnesota �ntErprise Electr�c Con,pany 512 �ast 2�+ti: S1.reet 141nneapolis� i��iii�nesota f3oliman Llectric Compar�y 1;1% - 2nd �venve S�uth l;noka � NI� r ne sota Joslyn Electric Servzce 8Li06 CFnter Lrlve N. E. Spring Lake r'arl , Minnesota f�Iert ens Electric� Inc. 214 Soutih Pi1nnetor�ka Xvenue t,�ayza La � Min�esota Reliable Electrlc Co., Ine. 316 Bryant Ntienue North I�li_nneapolis � i;znnesota Robbinsdale L�lectric Co�pany 3�J56 b�;est bro�dway �ob�insrlale� Minnesota Russ John�ori Llectric 3ervice 6li�7� Washh�zrn A�renue South riini�eapolis 23� ivinnesota by: t�lvin C, k�zderson by: i�falter Leavey by: Donald P. LVEisser by: Clinton VJilson by: Osca,r I-I. LEppa by: P�aurice Ostman by: FIarrSr 6,�. Ijcffman by: Isaac Joslpn by: Lee E. Williams by: �. Larson by: W. Crawford Icenewal F�ene�ial r�enewal � F�enewal IJew Ezenewal Renewal Renewal New iienewal Fene��al b5r: �, ttussell Johnson i3enswal � ELrCTRICAL (Continued) Samsel Llectric Service 505'] - 2nd Avenue South Minneapo_l_is 1�� Minnesota Spencer Electric Conpany 301'] Lyndale hvenue Souih � �2inneapolis 8� Ti;nnesota Tieso L'lectric Con�pan,y-� Inc. 125� Uv'est Larpenteru Avenue St. Fauly D4innesota � � by: H, ll. Sarnsel by: Lr��est �r,encer by: hal?�h lieso E� CHJ11mSitG Bibeau �rotihers Consi.ruction Co. Centuria� 4discor.sin by: l�oy r, L�_beau ��rl Do�y 373z - 2z st. N. �. l�i�rineapolis 21� Minnesota Ryti & Jarson �8L�� Shadywood t�oad N. E. Minneapolis 21� �i�iinnesota P�aple Grove Construction Co, Rt. �`2 Osseo, 2iinnesota UkS SLRVICES knderson & Dahlen� Inc, 1314 V,est 3road��ay iRinneapolis 11� Nlinnesota Anoka P1.urnbin� & Heating Co, 2209 E, Niain Street Anoka� i�-[innesota by: Lar1 Doty bV: Lloyd P-t. Sarso�z by: Gene Seh��lenslsi b5r: l� . S. Dahlen by: byron �ror.ley Cronstrom's iieating & ,�ir Cond. �+�+10 �xcelsior Blvd. D:inneapolis 16� I�linnesota by: L. C. A��derson H�rry S, Hor���itz & Co .� Inc . 1y11 hleventh Nvenue South Minneapol� s �f � A4lnnesota King Gas Cor�,pany Osseo PTinne sota P!inneapolis Gas Company 739 14arquette avenue Li�eapo]_is 2? T�innesota by: S. E, CrucnbEr� by: I-tomzn Sc}icnmer by: 1'irtliur �lhlc,uist Geo. Sedgwick Heating & Air Cond. 1001 Xenia kvenue South P�inneapoiis 16� Nlinnesota by: Car1 1ni, lTcrman Pdeur RPneo�al iceaeti,�al nenewal r�eneU�a1 Renewa3 Itier.e•U�al �,ene�ral tienek=a1 i�e�e>>aal tie�:� I1er!e�rral kencwal hencwel UE.�VERAL Car1 B, Fennett Construction Co, 61+20 - 5th �treet :V. E, D�Iinneapolis 21� ;�innesota by: itoUert B. Zuehll�e Ftenetiial � �„ ,� � �►� Kenneth L. Ber�st.ron? Cor�str. Co� 6332 Lakelanc� Avenue ldnrth :'�ii�-uieapolis, PF�_nnesota by: Isenneth t�er�strom l.odney L'ilLran� Inc, 3000 - 36th Avenue 1V. E. l�inneapolis 1P� Mirl2FSOta G2rden City Cnnstructlon Co, 2202 Bx�Ja�i, r7venue Sottth P�i�neapolis� i�linr�esota Gier tsen Cc�n pany 3501 XEnwood l�venue i�linneapolis� Linnesota Gorco Construct�on �or�any 338�+ �z'o���nlot�� hvenue St. I,ouls Farl�� P.innesota Iiarris Consti�uction Can ran;T 2940 .�TicollEt l�venue liinneapol.is �7 Mianesol:a Chr_is Jensen Cor_npany 138� Selly rivenue SL. Faul �-F� Minnesot� Joe A4iller Constructi�n Co. LF130 Lyndale �venue sVorth P�inrleapolis � 2y 1�linncsotd ��l�rren Osborne 7565 University l�venue 1V, E. i��inn�apolis 21� P1lnnesota Jolin lj. Palr,er �]ll'] t� es t �1-ore Drive Ldina� i.�nnes�ta 7,alter lrittm�n 403g tIu�bard Auenue LVorth P�inneapolis 22 y P'.;_ranesota Edw�zrd P.. Udoody 2g56 Plorlda Ave�ue Nortri i%'inneapalis 2']y P�'innesota r�EA7' I�1G Abel �Iea �i_ng G��r�pany 266 1-ater Street Lycelsicry I��innesota Anderson & Dahleny Inc. 1 �12i I�1est brocdway P�iinneapolis 11 y I�i� nnesota Anoka I'lumbing Yr. Fleating Co. 220 j E . Main ,�treet Anoka� i�Yinnesnta Cronstrom's Heaiin� c� Air Con. �410 Excelsior Blvd. Plinneapolis 10� Minnesota Lonestic Heating Corrpany 19�0 C est ��'th �treet ftict�field y T15_nnesota by*: I�c�dney k,, Bill_man by by S. Cr. Fearson h, C, Johns by: S. G. Coplin by: C, �, Harris by: Chris Jensen by: Joe i�?iller bY: 1a�arren Osborne by: Jarn Palmer by s `vv'alter ��'ittman by: fsdw�rd l�oody by: V . l:r. Label by: tiu , S . D�hlen by: Byren Bromley by: S, C. Anderson by: fiartley F. Bruder Renewal Renewal !��enewal � Itenewal :�enewal fie 2ewa1 �?enswal Henewal kenewal � f�enewal Renewal �tenewal 1deW Fcenewal Y".enewal � Renewal Reneu�al HliATT1VC �Con�;inued) Northeast P1u�bing Co. 3�Li0 N�aryl�nd �venue iVorth �linneapol;s 2�� btinnesota Re�ent Heating & Azr Conc1. Co. 9�00 i�egent 1lvenue IJorth :tt. 1, Osse� i�iinnesota by: UJi113am Gadt'<ce by: 11o�ert C. Lcuzger � Geo. Se�go�ick Heating & Air Cond. Co. 1001 �enia hvenue South 2�tinneapolis lba i�linnesc�ta by: C�r� �+ . I�forman i�iASONhY � Edvrard Eismanis 1623 tislest 32nd Street Minneapolis L�� Minnesota r2z1,`_'red Iohnson �l� East 3bth Stx^est l�iinneapolis� Nli_�nesota John F. Lange �037 Nortn I�airvie�t NFUr t�righton ]2� P19nnesota SmL d er & P4ax �250 �yler St.� fd.E. C.olumbia iiEights� i,inn. OLL HLATTIVG by: tidU�ard F ismanis by: ililtres Johnson by: Jo'nn F. Lan�e by: �larence Smuder Cr�onstrom's i3eatiin� & A�_r Cond. �+�+10 Excelsior Blvd. l�iinneapolis 1S� Minnesota by: L�. C, landerson Geo. ��edgwick ileating Co. 1101 XEnia Aven;ze S�uth T�iinneap�lis 16� D2innesota FLUl"I�IAlC Anoka P1�mbing & Heating Co, 220;' E. I�Iain Street Anoka� binnesota Gonher S�ate Plumbing Co, 2606 - l0�th Avenus N,Za`. Coon Rapids, Pji���zesota Harry S. Hor�aitz & Co.� Inc, 1�+11 E,leventh �venue South :�Iinneapolis �r � Yainnesota � Nirzneapolis Gas Comnany �3g P�larq_ue�,te Avenue Niinneapolis 2, 1��I�nnescta Northeast Plumbin� Company 3']�+0 P4aryland laveizue North tninnEapclis 2']� D,innesota SIGIQ LF�ECTTCN Vern Donnay Construct�on Co. 8336 Portland zivenue South Minneanolis� Minnesota by: Carl h�, Norraan by: Byr�n F3ronley by: J�ck Pedersen by: S. 73. C�ruenberg by: Eenaie Johnsen by: ti�`iI_licm Gadt�e by: L. l�, Don�iay iJeti,� Re�ewal Renewal Renewal Rer.��,, al kenewal l�eneu�al Henewal henewal Renetaal_ iVeW Renetiaal Renewa2 New itenewal � N j9w ��� D. C. Savelkoul 916 W. Moore Lake Dr. Ninneapolis 2I Mike T. Basavage 4456 - 2� st. N.E. Minneapolis 21 Richard Mueller 153o H i]lside No. Minneapolis dba: Fridley Recreation & Service Co, Renewal 6310 Highway 65 Minneapolis 21 dba: Golden Chicken Restaurant Renewal 6349 University Ave, N.E. Mi nneapolis 21 dba: Rich�s Cafe 6476 East River Road Minneapolis 21 Fridley lunerican Legion Post 303 dba: Same Bldg. Corp. 7325 Central Ave. N.E. N inneapolis 21 Theressa N. Mangels 3919 - 52nd Ave. No. Minneapolis CIGARETTE D. C. Savelkoul 916 W. Moore I.ake Dr. Mpls. 21 Mike T. Basavage 4k56 - 2� st, N,E. Mpls, 21 Eleanor Tarnowski 6269 Highway 65 MPis. zi Gordan G. Swenson b800 Channel koad Mpls. 21 Edmund J. Tacheny 91�2 - 19th Ave. N.E. Mpls. 21 Edmund J, Tacheny 942 - 19th Ave. N.E. Mp1s. 21 Fridley American Legion Post 3�3 Bldg. Car�. 73z5 Central Ave. N.E. Mpls. 21 Acme Metal Spinning� Inc. 9� - 43rd Ave. N.E� Mpls. 21 Norman H. Alberico 4k32 - 2� St. N.E. Mpls. ?_1 Theressa N. Mangels 3919 - 52nd Ave. No, Mpls. DELIVERY TRUCA F�celsior Haking Company 912 E. 24th St, Mpls. 4 dba: Terry's Club 6061 University Ave,N.E. Minneapolis 21 New Renewal � Renewal dba: Fridley Hecreation & Service Co. Renewal 6310 Highway 65 Minneapolis 21 dba: Golden Chicken Restaurant Renewal 6349 University Ave. N.E. Minneapolis 21 dba: Vince's Bait Shop 6z89 xignway 65 Mpls, 21 Renewal dba: Fridley Food Market Renewal � 8154 East River Road Mpls. 21 dba: (only owns cigarette machine) Renewal . 6389 University Ave, n,E. Mpls. 21 (Karg's Conoco Service dba: (only owns cigarette machine) Renewal 5960 Main St. N.E. Mpls. 21 (Summit Gear Co., Ine.) dba: Same dba: Same dba: dba: Fridley Nite Club 7365 Central Ave. N.E. Minneapolis 2I Terx^,�'s Club 6061 University Ave. N.E. Nipls. 21 dba: Same Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal � Renewal � OFF SALE Eleanor Tarnowski 6289 Highway 65 Mpls. 21 Gordon G. Swenson 6800 Channel Fioad Npls. 21 ON SALE Severin G. Kraimer 1432 v�. 32nd St. h2pls. Z4illiam H. Gottwaldt 6300 Baker Ave. blpls. Fridley American Legion Post 303 7325 Central Ave. N.E. Mpls. 21 Normaii H. Alberico 4432 - 7� st. N.E. hlpls. 21 Theressa N. Mange],s 3919 - 52nd Ave. No. Mpls, TAV�FiN � Severin Kraemer 1k32 w• - 32nd St. Mpls. � Fridley Amexican Legion Post 303 73z5 Central Ave, N.E. Mpls. 21 Norman H. Alberico 443z - 2� st. N.E. Mp1s . 21 Theressa N. Mangels 3919 - 52nd Ave. No. Mpls. TAX1C AB Frank Gabrelcik 5740 University Ave. N,E. Mpls. 21 USED CAR LOT Frank Gabrelcik 59z3 - 3rd St. N.E. rfpls. 21 dbat Vince's Dait Shop 6�89 Highway 65 Mpls. 21 dba: Fridley Eood Narket $154 �ast River Road Mpls. 21 dba: Fireside Night Club 7440 Central Ave. N.E. iIpls. 21 � � �� Renewal Renewal kenewal dba: F'ridley Recreation a Service Co. Renewal dba: Same dba: Fridley Nite C1uh dba: Terry's Club 6061 University Ave. N.E. 2�1p1s, 21 dba: Fireside Night Club 7440 Central Ave. n.E. Mpls. 21 dba: Same dba: Frid_ley Nite Club 7365 Central Ave. N.E. Mp1s. 21 dba: Terr,v's Club 6061 University Ave, N.E, Mpls. 21 dba: Fridley Cab Co, 57k0 University Ave. N.E, Mpls. 21 dba: Frank's Used Cars 5740 University Ave. N.E. Ripls. 21 Gerald E. Netland & Raymond A. Hoff dba: N& H Motor Co. 2933 - 2nd St. No. - 30D7 Johnson St. NE 5b55 Llniversity Ave. N.E. Mpls. Mpls. 21 Dsvid Schmedeke 6901 East River Road Mpls. 21 ELEC7RICAL William Dymanyk & Sons Elec, Co. 1500 Monroe St. N.E. Minneapolis 13, Minnesota dba: �nitty's Motor Co. 5649 University Ave. n.E. Mpl�. 21 byt Wm, Dymanyk Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal ��� ELEC1'RICAL COPdTINUED Electric Repair & Conetr. Co. 424 Syashington Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota Minnetonka Electric Company Hoc kl� Navarre� Wayzata, NIinnesota Rapids Electric Company 365 Highway #l0 Minneapolis, Minnesota Su6urban Electric Company 6112 Fatcelsior Blv�l. t4inneaFolis 16� Ninnesota EXCAVATIIuG Arvid �,. Carlson & Son, Inc. 3200 France AvEnue South Ma.nneapolis, Minnesota I,enn,y Cochran F�ccavating� Inc. 6537 Central Avenue N.E, Minneapolis 21, Minnesota Clayton R. Ness 1220 - 105th Ave. Iv.E. �inneapolis 21, Minnesota G�S Backdahl & Olson 3157 Chicago Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota Farr Plumbing & Heating 6822 Osaio Road Minneapolis 22, Minnesota Noglund Heating ComFany 7k20 Udest Lake Street Minneapolis 26� htinnesota Idasl Plumbing & Heating Co. 807 - 1�th St. S.E. Minneapolis 14� Minnesata SuperSor Furnace Company, Inc. 6121 - 42nd AvEnue North Minneapolis, Minnesota Ray N, Welter Heating Co. k637 Chicago Avenue South Minneapola_s 7� Minnesota GEl'JEFtAL Busse-Erickson Builders 1410 Lowry Avenue iti.E. Minneapolis 11, Ninnesota Arvid E. Carlson & San 32�0 Frar.ce Avenue South Minneapolis� Minne�ota Edward Chies 3411 University Ave. 1�.E. Mir,�zeapolis 21, Minnesota by: A].var 0. Elbing by: William McQueen by: A. G. Biegighauser by: Henry J. Master by: C. A. Carlson by: Leonard Cochran by: Clayton Nese by: Clarence Olson tay: Benjamin Farr by: J. H. McCormiok by: Charlee E. Watson by: Howard Chandler by: Ray N. Welter by: Rollie Erickson by: C. A. Carlson 6y: E. Chies Renewal Renewal � Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal ' Renewal Renewal Renewal Rer.ewal Renewal � Renewal Renewal New � � � GEPJERAI, iAN111�UED Dalberg 3uildera, Inc. 86p5 Fairview Drive N.E. Minneanolis 21, Minnesota Erco, Inc. 3231 Central Avmue N.E, NYinneapolis 1$, Minnesota D. W. Harstad Co., Inc. 71Q1 Highway #65 IDiinneapolis 21, Minnesota Ja-Ken, Inc. 705 - Sth Avenue S.E. Minneapolis� Minnesota Bernard R. Wolke 173 - 49th Avenue N.E. Minneapolis 21� Minnesota Mark Z. Jcnes Company 550b Lakeview Drive M inneapolis 21� Minnesota Markstrom & Sande Builders 409 North Rhode Island Golden Valley, Minn. Pools, Inc. 229 W. 60th Street Minneapolis� Minn. Watson Construction Co. 1409 Willow Street Minneapolis 3� Niinnesota HEATING Backdahl & Olson 3157 Chicago Avenue South Minneapolis 7� Minnesota Comfort Heating & Air Cond. 2531 Marshall Street N,E. Minneapolis� Minnesota Ferr Plumbing & Heating Co. 6822 Osaio Road ASinneapolis 22, Mi,mesota T. G. (�xstafson Company 5$2p Cedar Avenue South Minneapolis 17, Minn. Ideal Flumbing & Heating Co, $07 - 4th St. S,E. Minneapalis 14, Minn. Maue Heating Company Route 3 Oaseo, Minnesota Superior �rnace Co., Inc, 6121 - 42nd Avenue North Minneapolis� Minnesota kay N. Welter Heating Company 463'j Chicago AvEnue South Minneapolis, Minnesota by: Samuel Dalberg by: 0. R. Erickson by: A]ton E. Sohnson by: Kenneth Bryant by: Ben Z�tolke by: Mark Z. Jones by: Earl Markstrom by: James Day by: Fred Y�fatson by: Clarence Olsun by: Ra3mond A. Frei by: Benjauin Farr by: Roy T, l�stafson by: Charles E. Watson by: C. n, Maue by: Howard Chandler by: Ray N. Welter � '�� Renewal Renewal Renewal New Renewal Reneoral New Renewal New Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal kenewal 1 �2� MASONRY Carlson Concrete Construction Co. 3200 France Avenue South Minneapolis 16, Mannesota Hiawatha Cement Company 3925 Minnehaha Avenue hTinneapolia 6, Minnesota Niinnehaha Terrazzo & Cement Co. 3950 Hiawatha Avenue l�iinneapolis 6, Minnesota PI,AST�?ING W. 1�1. hlunson Plastering Co. 710 Girard Avenue North Ninneapolis, Minnesata PLUNISING Beckdahl & Olson 37-57 Chicago Avenue 8outh Minneapolis� Minnesota Robert W. Bowler 511 E. Lake Street Minneapolis, Minnesota Farr Plumbing & Heating Co. 6g22 Ossio Ro2d htinneapolis 22, Nlinnesota T, D. Gustafson Company 5g20 Cedar Avenue Minneapolis 1'%� Minnesota Hoglund Plumbing Company� Inc. 742G West Lake Street Minneapolis� Ninnesota Ideal Plumbin� & Hesi.ing Co� so7 - 4tn Street 6.E. hiinneapolzs 1J+, Minnesota London Plwnbing Company 1027 Plymouth Avenue North Minneapol�s, Minnesot2 Nels A. Nloller 7925 Spring lake Road Minneapolis 12� Minnesota Ventc�, Inc. 1403 E. 36th Street MinneapoLis, Minnesota SIGN ERECTION LeHoy Signs, Inc, 3101 North 2nd Street Minneapolis, Minne.sota Seven-Up Bottling Company 3612 E. 44th Street Minneapolis 6� Minnesota by: C. A. Carlson by: Mario Frasson by: A. Fav�ro 0 by: Yd. I4. Munaon by: Clarence Olson by: Robert Howler by: Benjamin Farr by: R. T. Guatafson by: Don C. Hoglund by: Charles 4Jatson by: Frank London by: Ydeis A. Moller by: Chester Boedeker by: LeRoy Reiter by: Frank Zondle Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unani.mously. Fienewal Renewal Henewal � Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal � Renewal Renewal Renewal i Renewai Renewal Renewal � Renewal � � � �.6�, APPOIN'IMLbTTS: Notion by Wolke to approve the appointment of H oward 0. Rick as Patrolman and Marvin Herrmann as Assessor� the stariing salary for the Assessor being $�55g.00 per month. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion narried unanimously. BOARD OF AYPEALS Ni1NUTFS: RE;�UF;ST BY 3CF;i1,NETH ANDERSON TO BUILD Ui� A 40 FOOT L4T ON LOT 16, BLOCK 11, PLYMOUTH: There was considerable discussion on this. The Board of Appeals had recommended approving the variance. The Council indicated that they did not wish to have a structure on a 40 foot lot. hlr. Anderson was present and asked what else he could do with the lot.. Motion by i^Tolke tha t this request be denied. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimausly. The Board of Appeals had denied thia because they felt no hardship was involved. Motion tiy Johanson to deny this request as recommended by the Hoard of Appeals. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. The City Manager read the above resolution, r�Sotion by Johanson to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RE:SULUTION ICO. 63-1961 DIkECTING THE PREPARATI01 CF THE ASSESSMENT ROI,L FOR SW#29c Motion by Wolke to adont the above resolution. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. LETT�i f'N.QTE;STING ICE CRi�.Ah: VANDQH THUCKS; The C�ty I�anager read a letter signed by four residents sLating that they objected to the ice cream trucks going through the residential neighborhoods. Mr. Lee asked if the application for the popcorn wagon� which would remain stationary could Y�e approved at this time. It was explained that this might be a part of the new ordinance which the City Attorney is drawing up, Mr. Nee sug�ested that the owners o£ the popcorn wagon be notified that their pexmit has been extended. BUILDING PE�iMI'PS: Motion by Wolke that the above three permits be granted. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PLAtJI3ING CGAIMISSION MINUTFS: Nlotion by Wolke to grant the four permits aub,7ect to the final plat being approved, and no building construction to start until such time as the final plat has been approved by the Council. BUILDING PF�rfMIT REQUEST BY hIR. PODVIN FOR 13$1 MISSISSIrPI STREET: Motion by Wolke that this -,ermit be denied until such tvne as a proper plat is filad. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, ti,,e motion carried unanimously. ��� Mr. Nee asked i� some kind of a census could be taken of the number of children attending the ecl�ools from these apartment buildings, and the number of nex apartment buildings going up, Mr. Wolke asked if the Telephone Comnany would move the basketball backboard and hoop presently situated on this property if it were necessary. A representative from the Telephone Company was rresent, and stated that they would be glad to move this if it � were necessar7, although he did not £eel that it was at this ti,ne, He stated that the Telephone Company would paint the hut any color, but prefer to paint it �reen. Motion by Wolke to grant this request as recommended by the Flennin� Commiss9on. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimousl,y. GF Motion by Wolke to grant this request subject to the restrictions set forth by the Plannizg Commission that 15 foot right-of-way be dedzcated for Ferndale Avenue off the East half af Lat 1. Seconded by Johanson..Upann a voice vote, there laeing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RE�UFST BY TvdIN CITY RAFID `fRANSIT COMPNAY TO CHAI�GE THE BUS FtUUTE: Mr, Wolke suggested that the bus route be increased. Mr. Nee suggested that the Council meet with the representatives from the Sus Company at the next meeting if possible. COhSIDLRATICdd OF CQNSTRUCI'ION C�F SILI�dALAS FOR SCHCOL DISTRICT N0. 1l+: There was considerable discussion on the methad of oaying £or these sidewalks. Bob Hughes sugPested that if the sidewalks are going to be put in on Missiesippi Street that ther be extended all the way to the East River Road. Motion by Johanson to receive the request by the School District to install sidewalka and place it on file. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voic� vote� there kaeing no nays� the motion carried unanunou� sly. RECONINIEI�,`DATIGIU OF STREETS AIV'D I�TILITIES SUB-COP�iMITTEE REGARDING FIkE HYDRANT: The City Manager explained th2t in the past the only kydrant which had been acceptable to the City was the Mueller hydrant, but the �treets ar,d Utilitiea Sub-Gommittee had recommended that the Mathews and the WatFroua hydrant also be acceptable to the City. Motion bv wolke to accept the recammendation of the Planning Commission, and allow any of Lhe atrove three hydrants to be used £or hydrants in Lhe City of Fridley. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimousl,y. LAW STODF,NT ATTENDING PLANNI1vG COMMTSSION MEETINGS WHEN TfiE ATTORNEY IS NGT AVAILABLE: Notlon by Wolke to instruct the C9ty Manager to employ the law student for attendance at Planning Couunisaion and Council meetingswhen Nr. Kohlan, himself cannot be there. Seconded by IVee. Upon a voace vote} ther� being no nays, the motion carried unanimqusly. 'Phe City l�ianager read the above resolution. T4otion by Wo1ke to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote} there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ASSE5SA4T:1uT FOR Yd-23 WATER ASS�SSMENT: � Sheldon Mortenson was present and stated that the assessment for W-23 had been on a one year basis, and requested that the term be extended on Lot 5, �ditor's Subdivision No. 153• Motion by Johanson that the assessment certificar.ion be changed on this lot to extend it over a ten year �eriod instead of a one year peri�d. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there beiug no nays, the mation carried unanimously. � 6�.; REQUEST FOfc L'ROSSO4ER ON HIGH'wAY #b5 NEAR ROBERT YAIS,: Sheldon Nortenson was present and stated that he would like to have a crossover on Highway %%65 in the vicinity of Robert Hall. Council inetructed him to get a formal request in writing� fr� the property owner on this matLex�. E,ASEMENT FOR UZ'II,ITIES EXTE1uPING FRON PI�tCE TO CENTRAL AV�NUE: The City Manager explained that the owners of Lots 17 and 15, Audiior�s Subdivision No. 86 will not sign the easement until the City Council enters into the Niinutes, and � presenta to them a letter� stating that the drainage ditch that runs across the ease- ment will be kent o�en, and there will be no water lateral assessments until. such time as Lhey would request a water hookup to the main. Motion by Johanson Lo agree to these stipulationc. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unenimously, � ' LOCATION OF SEb�IER Ai1D 4JAT� Si�RVICES Ul� 73g AUFdVUL+: There was considerable discussion on how cloae the services should be spaced, Mr. Knutson stated that a wye would cost about ,�p$.00. There was considerable discussion on the method of paying for this project�and the asaessments. T4�e City Engineer stated that the real problem at the moment was how close the services or wyes should be spaced. Plotion by Wolke to put in an $ A 8 wye every 120 feet. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. RESCLUZ'IGN AY�AkDING GF BID FUR 1961 STREET SUkFACI�vG PRCGRANi - RLSQLUTIUN N0. 65-1961: hir. Knutson stated that the Dunkley Surfacing Company� Inc., bid had been checked into, and they are the low responsible bidder. Their bid is 11� below the engineering estimate. The City rianager explained that I�r. Rnutson� Mr. Wap,ner, Mr. Brown� rir. Greig and Mr. Clark were present at the bid opening on May 1, 1961. The following bids were received- LUMP SUM CO]�iPLE'lION NAME DEPOSIT BID TINE _ J. W, Craig 1814 California Ninneapolisy Minn. Alexander Conat. Co., Inc. 46k1 Hiawatha Avenue Minneapolis, Minn. Barton Contracting Co. Osseo, Minnesota Dunkley Surfacing Co., Inc. 3756 Grand Street I+I.E. 1�Sinneapolis, Minn, Bury & Carlson� Inc. 119th Avenue So. Minneapolis� hiinn. Park Construction Co. 51 - 37th Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, Minn. C . 5. 1+icCross an Box 322 Oeseo, Minnesota Continental Casualty 5� Continental Casualty 5% Ins. Co. a£ Iuo. America 5% Fireman�s Ins. Co „ N,J, 5� No Bid No Bid Trinity Univ. Ins. Co., Texas 5% �155,542.00 �135,993.14 $163,37g.00 $125,100.40 �137,042.00 Councilman Johanson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption. RFSOLU'PIOn N0. 65-1961 A RFSOI,iI'PIOn AS�7ARDING GOIdTRACT ON PROJEGT N0. ST. 1-1961 BE IT ]thSDLV�.D BY THE COUf�CIL OF TI=E CITY GF FR� DLE;Y, h1INNESOTA as follows: 9D calendar days. 90 calendar days. 100 calendax days. 100 oalendar days, As Specified 1. The Council Yinds that the lowest responsible bidder for construcilan of the improvement work designated as: ��� Project No, St. 1-1961 (Street Surfacing) is Dunkleu Surfacing Co,, Inc, 3756 Grand Street N.E., Minneanolis, Minnesota: whose bid is in the �nount of �125�100.40. That said bid is hereby accepted� and the City Manager and tZa,*,,Tor in offiae on date of exerutinn of the conLr�ct are hereby authorized and directed to enter irito a contract with said bidder for and in behalf of the City of Fridley. ADOP'Pr�D HY 'P}iE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 2ND DAY OF MAY, 1961. .�� �� !� , ,' l_- =^��= � MAYOR - T. E.,Grei� , !vLi'� �,i'� I �% -� CITY MAIVAGE£t - Earl P' Wagner z� The motion for the adoption of the above resolution was duly aeconded by Councilman Wolke, and upon a vote being taken thereon� the followin� members voted in i'avor thereof: Greig} Johanson, Nee and Wolke. and the following members voted against the same: none WHERE;UPON SAID itESOLUTION WAS ➢ECLARLD DULY PASSED AND AfiOPTED. SIAS FOR SW PROJECT N0. k8: The City hfax�ager explained that Mr. lfnutson, Mr. Wagner, Mr. Br+own, Mr. Greig and Mr. Clark were xresent at the bid opening on May 1, 1961� for Sewer and 4Jater Project No, q8, and the fo2lowing bids have been received: LiIMP SUM ALTFRNATE COMP. NAME DEPOSIT BID � TIME Add As Nodland Const. Co. 5� Bond $468,237•50 �7,733•50 SpeciFied Alexandria, hiinn. Johnson Bros. 6480 Wayzata Blvd. Minneapolis, NIinn. Lamatti & Sons 211 No. Pascal St. Paul, Minn. Orfei & Sons 1156 Homer St. Paul, 1finn, 5� Bond 5� Bond 5� Bond 9�993,101.00 �1,147,129.bo �Sg59, 771.4z � 12k � Calendar 000 days As OQO Specified. Add As i�5�000.00 Specified. Mr, Knutson stated that the original estimate including Z5� for this projact was $757,000.00„ but that some changes in the plans had heen made� and after changes, the en�bneer's revised estimate was �87k�000.OQ. Mr. Ifnutson stated that iF the ]_or�; Construction bid were accepted� the total cost would be �9g$,737.42, which would be approximstely 13.1� over the estimate. He stated that this increase is mostly in the sanitary sewer work, where the engineers had es�.i�nated 35� �et, the contractors had bid on the basis of 50� wet. Mr. Knutson gave examples of what the assessment wauld bey and stated that the assessment for this project would run from �1�100.00 ta �v1,200.00 per lot. Mr. Knutson said that he conld get more accurate figurea on what the amount of the assessment i�rould be, if the Council would like, and they could call a special meeting to go over them. The Mayor stated that he eould like to see this pro,7ect spread into schedules, and re-advertise, A representative fs•om School District #16 was present, and stated that they would like to get the water and sewer service intc,�r�oodcrest School by September. It was explained that this was a part of the project� and undoubtely would be in by then even if it were not ordered at this time. Motion by Johanson to reject all bida, and re-advertise in schedules as soon as possible. Seconded by Wolke, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carr7ed unsnamously. f4r. Hughes was present and stated that sewer and water contractors had blocked reads, and in the future if this was done, he would like to have this marked on the board in Lhe Fi_re Department� so that the Fire Department would lmow that diffFrent roads wex�e blocked. l�lr. Hu�hes, also stated that he would ]ike to �o to Chicago to inspect their new Fire Station and get ideas as to how the one in Fridley should be built. Motznn by Wolke to authorize the Fire Chief to go to Chicago. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no ��ys, the motion carried unanimously. � ;,� LOCATION OP' CI'1'Y HALL: Mr. Hughes stated that he had talked to the Fir•e Underwriters, and they had stated that the site at 7th Street and Mississippi Street would be an ideal locat9_on for a F'ire Station. ADJOUf�NMY�IT: Motion by Johaneon to adjourn. Seconded by Wolke. The Mayor declared the meFting �ad�ourned. fieapectfully submitted: �/j� i %' ��_ I % f" l��,�% i l 1 r` i,_„ �= _ i �, �-� °-�-r r , � � � Marvin C. Brunsell, Thomas �. Greig Secreiary to the Council Mayor �_'r!_s�,�;g, /�, CGUNCII MINUTES - J�(, 19b1 A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Acting Mayor Sheridan at S:OQ P,M. Members Present: Johanson, Sheridan Nee Greig arrived at 8:30 P.A4, Wolke arrived at 9:OC� F.M. �Members Absent: None APiROVAI. OF I✓1NUTES: Motion by Johanson to approve the minutes of the May 2, 19b1 meeting. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Nrin' BUSINESS: FUBLIC HLAHI1tiG ON A FORTION OF ST. 1-lybl - MAIid STREE:T - MISSISSIPPI TG RIC� CREEK_: The City Manager read the Norice of Hearing. There was no one present who wished to speak for or against thie proposed improvement, Mction by Johanson to close the hearing. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanvnously. PUBLIC HEAHIT�G ON REZONING - I.CTS 1-14, BIACFI 13, HYDE PARK: The City Manager read the Notice of Hearing, Lynn Ga11op, 5g51 - 4th Street was present, and stated that he did not wish to object, but would like to observe Lhe progress of this rezoning. There were no other persons nresent who wished to speak for or against the proposed rezoning. Actin� Mayor Sheridan declared the hearing closed. PliBLiC HEAftING - EAST RIVER ESTATES - FINAL YLAT: � The City Engineer, Calvin Brown� explained details of the plat. No one was present apgearing for or against accept�nce oY the plat. Acting Niayor Sherldan declared the hearing closed. Notion by Nee to accept this as a final plat of East River Estates, and authorize the Mayor And Clerk to sign the same� Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. HESOLUTICN ORDERING PSEI.IMINARY H.E,FOR'P UN SIDhWALKS: There was considerable discussion on the method of payment for the sidewalks. Councilman Johanson asked what would be involved in getting the report together, The City Ehgineer stated that it is a matter of manpower, in getting all the cost fi�+ures together. He atated thst there is a lot of preliminary work that would have to be done to �et an accurate coat figures. The Citv M�nages� stated that Mississippi is dangerous to