06/20/1961 - 00023899� f. HE�ODiITJCr ON PETER bR00k 'IF�AILL'R PROPERZY: i4r, Joh�nson stated that there has Ueen seme sart of a mixup in the rezoning of the tra�ler property of Fete Brook� as he had been over to the State tc obtain a per�r�it from then� and they would not give it to him� as trere was sone technicality which h�d riot been taken care of insofar as the zoning was concerned. The City bianager stated that the Fr3dley ordinance wou7_d have to be an�ended� and a s�ecial use permit has to be approved bEfore P3r. Brook �,rill �e able to operate his trailer park. N.c tion by Johanson trat Lhe C9_ty P�ana�er is authorizec� to infor�m� the State of Ninnrsota that the follaU�ing described Zanc�� Parcel #'1� sane beir.g the north 196' cf the west 350' of the south 3�6' of the north 'J26' (except � the north 33' for street easement) of the SE 4 of the NGT 4 of Section 12, T-30� R-24� Anoka Countp, binnesota. Described Farcel being 360� by 163' ly�ng north and �d�acEnt to the 200 �' 360' parcel rezar_ed to M-1� Sep'�emher 11� 1955�� Ordinance IVo. 120� has been rezc�ned to use as a trailer park, and that by inadvertence� the description used was r.et fully correct� and that Lhe Council ls proceeding to correct such errors and orrissicns. Seconded by Nee. Upori a voice vote� tYiere bein� no r.a,ys, LhE �ction carried unanircously. i�P1�f�UFS^1 FOIi I3tiTLLI1�G PLRP�_I'1 BY wALTER EK: The cumer ef the shopp-ng center at 6339 to 63�� University Avenue requested a pernit to build onto his bu�lding. He presented the Council with a set oi nl�ns, Motion b,y Johanson to �pprove this pernit sub�ect to meeting the buildin� code. Seconded by lZee. Upon a voice vote� there beir.g nc r_�2vs� the rr_otion carried unanimously. The City P-1ana�er to]_d P'ir. Ek that he would check out the zoning with the City Attorney. ADJC�URN1��iVT : There heir.� no further business, the Acting Mayer declarec� the meeting ad�ourned. Respectfull,y subr itted : ;' ' -�'2'd�c�k�/�/,o� A4arv n C, brurisell Act�_n� Mayor l�iolke 3ecret�ry to the Council COUidCIL b',INUTES - NNE 20� 1961 A regular meetin� of the City Council was called to order by �layor Greig at 8s0� P.N:. RQLL CALL: A4emkers I=resent: Members l�bsent� Creig� Sheridan� l�olke� Nee Johanson APPrtOVAL OP' b ITuU2E5 : DTOtinn by Wolke to ap�rove the minutes oF the June 6� 1�61 meeting. Seconded b,y Nee. Upon a voice vote� thsre being no na,ys� the motion carried unanimously. COF�REC2IOlV OF Ni1�Y 16�1�61 NiINU2'ES: Motion by Sheridan to co��rect the May 16� 1g61 minutes to read:- Lots 1 to 1I� Block 2� Marian Hills Second Add�tion� ins,ead of Lots 1 to %� Block 2, i�iarian Hills Addstion in ecnnection with the withdrawal ot the certiiication of special assessments on these lots for W-23. OI�D ILSI1dLSS: SEC�iVL kEADI1VG OI' ORD7tidPTCE NC, 1%5-1961 RL+IZOIVING l�r LOiS 1-l�� BLOCK � � l�y HYDE PARK �DDITION: The City M nager read the above ordinance, Motion this as the second reading of the above ordinance� lished. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� the Rot3on cerried unan3mousl,y. ���.��' by Wolke to accept and to have it pub- there being no nays� SECOND RLAPINU OF ORDINANCE N0, 176-1961 REGULATING FIREARM5: The City Manager read the above ordinance. Motion by Nee to accept th�s a� the second reading of the above crdinance� and to have it pub- lished. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. SECOND F,EADING OF ORPINANCE EEGULATING F'ENCES: The City Manager read the above ordinance. Mr, h'olke stated that he objects to parts of Section 6 of this ordinance, requiring the party who owns the f'ence to get a survey if the neighbor requests it. Mr. Kohlan stated that it was not the intent of the ordinance that this survey would bF used n•ainly hetween private parties� but rather where a fence may le on public proPerty or public roadway. Mr. Wolke stated that he u�ould like more clarification on this. He feels the person who would request the survey should pay for the survey if the fence is found to be where it shou]_d be� but if it is not� then the owner of the fence could pay �or the survey. Mr. Kohlan suggested that the ordinance be passed over until later in the meeting� and he can write a chenge for Section 6 of this ordinance. The Council passed over this n�atter until ]ater in the meeting. SECOND HFADING OI' OHDINFiNCE N0, 177-1�61 ADOPTING MINNEAPOI,IS F'EE CODE: 1he City Manager read the above ordinance. Motion by Wolke to accept this as the second rear�in� of the above ordinance� and to have it pub- lished. Seconded b,y Sheridan. Uxon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. SP;COIdP bFADING OF ORDIP�ANCE N0. 178-1961 REGULATING USE OF HIGHWAY5: The City D4ana�er read the above ordinance. Motion by Nee to accept th�s as Lhe second reading of the above ordYnance� and to have it published. Seconded by Sheridan. UTon a voice vote� there being no nays, the notion carried unanimously. SECOND READING OF OicPINANCE P10, 179-19b1 RFLATING TO DR NERS' LICENSES: The City bianager read the above ordinance. Motion by U7olke to accept this as the second reading of the above ordinance� and to have it pub- lished, °econded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the notien carried unanimously. d. The City Manager stated that the Building Inspector had told these people sevEral times to keep their parking space free of inerchandise. Motion by Wolke to deny this permit until such time as the permit is approved by the Building Inspector� and the conditions at the drive- in market meet the zoning and bu9_lding codes. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no na,ys� the motion carried unanimcusly. The City Manager read a letter from r4rs. Manley. Mr. Sheridan stated that he h�,d talked to Mrs. Manley� and had suggested the house face south� so that it would tie in with the future platting. Motion by Wolke that the Manager be authorized to send Mrs. Manley a letter of intent that the Council would be agreeable to permitting her to move her house, if the house were to face the south� and if the construc- tion meets the approval of the Building Inspector. Seconded by Nee. Upen a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously, Y�L NEW BUSINES5: PUBLIC HEARING ON ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR SEWER AND WATER PROJECT N0. 29: The Mayor opened the hearing on the above. The City Manager read the Notice of Hearing. Thomas Hanson� 2'770 Highway #100 said that he owns I,ot 1� Block 2� Innsbruck Frist Addition. The amount of �1,�62,00 for one lot seems high. Mr, Les Knutson stated that the trench depth ran 38 feet in some places, and also compaction cost has been added as the people had wanted the street surface that year. Mr, R, J. Rabinson� who owns Lot 1, B1ock 2, Innsbruck Second Addition��asked " about the one year assessment, and why it was all in one year. Mr, i Sheridan stated that �his was a part of the platting ordinance� that the assessment on new plats are to be spread in one year. Mr. Hanson stated that he knew there would be assessments, but he didn't think that"they would be this high. There was considerable discussion on the method of payment of special assessments on new plats. The Mayor asked how this sale of lots could be stopped, Mr. Kohlan suggested that the City Manager should write a letter to the sub- divider informing him of the ordinance violation. No o�her persons appeared for br against the adoption of the assessment ro11 for SW29. Motion by Sheridan to close the hearing on the assessments for SW29. Secanded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. RES�LUTION N� 73-1961 CONFIRMING ASSESSME,NT FOR SW#29: Motion by Wolke to adopt the above resolution. Secor.ded by Sheridan. Upon a voice votea there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. The City Manager read the above resolution. Motion by 5Yieridan to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Wo1ke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unan�.mously. RESOI,UTION N0. 75-1961 P&OUIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT IN STATE AID FUND ALL OTMENT5 : The City Mana�er read the above resolution. Motion by Wolke to adopt the �bove resolut3on, Seconded by Nee. Upon a vojce vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimouslq. The City Manager read the above resolution. Motion by Nee to adopt the above resolution, Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice votea there being no nays� the motirn carried unanimously. *** CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE GN P:OBILE VENDORS: The City Manager read the above ordinance. Motion by Nee that this ordinance be referred to the �ity Attorney� and be revised before it is brought back to the Council. Mr. Nee stste@ that he hud been pre- pared to support this ordinance as originally drawn� but as it is drawn now� he believes it is designed to legislate sameone out of business� and he is not in favor of this, Mr. Wolke asked about the use of the vehicles on State Highways� and did not think we need re- gulation covering the highways. The Mayor stated that he did not think this would put mobile vendors out of husiness. Mr. Kohlan stated that the mentien of the rout� in the ordinance did not intend that the vendors would have to state the starting and ending point of their routes, but rather which streets they would use. Mr, Sheridan stated that he thinks that Mr, Nee has a point, Motion secorded by 5heridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Kohlan suggested that the Council give him the pro- posed changes that they wish� in writing� so that he could re-draft the orflinance. *** See page 193 ��� The City Manager read the above resolution, The City Manager stated that the City Engineer had stated that this is a satis£actory bid� as it would cost about $25,00 to have the pump and tank removed from the building and advertisement for sale. Motion by Wolke to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. FIHST H�ADING OF OkDINANCE ON FERSONNEL FOLICY: ; The City Mana�er read the above ordinance. Motion by Wolke to accept '�_ this as the first reading of the ordinance with the effective date of it� January 1� 1960. Seconded by Nee, Upon a voice vote� there being no na,ys� the motion carried unanimously. The City Mana�er read the this as the first reading hearing on this ma�ter, there being no nays� the IENCE ORPINANCE : above ordinance. Motion by Wolke to accept of the above ordinance� and to set a public Seconded by Sheridsn. Upon a voice vote� motion carried unanimously. Mr. Kohlan read the amendment he had drawn to Section 6� as follows: Whenever a fence is or shall be located upon premises abutting on public property whether the same be a street� alley� public wsy or otherwise� the City may require the owner of the property upon which a fence now exists� or is to �e located� to establish lot lines upon said property throu�h the placing of permanent stakes located by a licensed surveyor� or othErwise approved �y the Council, In any other case� no survey is necessary� and a pernit for the sane 4:hen required may be issued on this certiSicate or affidavit of the applicant� that he is the owner of the premises upon which such fence lies or is to be located. Howard Temrle� i536 53-� waY� asked if the barbed wire fence would have to come down under this ordinance. Mr. Kohlan stated that he thought that it would. Motion by Wolke to amend the proposed fence ordinance with the new wording drawn ur by the �ity Attorney for Section 6. 5econded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. F'�NCE OHDINANCE - No. 180-1961: Motion by Wolke to accept this as regulating fences� snd to have it a voice vote� there being no nays� *** (Insert from page 192) PLAtJNIP�G COPCNIISSION MINUTES: FAI�TIAL REFLAT - CLARK'S ADDIZION: the second reading of the ordinance published. Seconded by Nee. Upon the motion carried unanimously. The prelininary plat of Clark's Addition was discussed. Motion by Sheridan that the Council accept the preliminary plat of Clark's Addition. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the mntion carried unanimously. PUBLIG HEARING - FINAL PLAT - CLARK'S AUDITION: Mr. Clark was present� and stated that he would like to have the same treatment as the ind3vidual property owners in the area as far as Sewer �nd l�i�ter Project No. 26 is concerned, and would like to have the assessment sp��ead over a 20 yea��eriod. There was considerable dis- cussion as to whether this eould'legally done or not. Mr. Clark pointed out that part of this plat is platted no�a� and has been for a number of y'ears� and this is s re-plat for that portion of it� and a new plat on a portion. Mr. Clark requested that this plat be withdrawn from the agenda for tonight's meeting� and asked that the hearing be contin- ued. Motion by Sheridan to continue the public hearing on final plat of Clark's Addition until July 5� 1961 meeting. 5econded hy Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ��� The City Manager explained the many problems with locating streets and utilities in this addition. The Planning Commission had recouupended that water and street lnstallation be delayed for this year� so that a be�ter layout oS this area could possibly be acconplished. Motion by �'olke to follow the recormendation of the Planning Commission and delay the installation of the water and street in this area for this year. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� ihere being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. The Plann�ng Commission had recommended approval of this rezoning. Motion by krolke to follow the reconmendation of the Plai:ning Commi- ssion and set a hearing date for the public hearing on this re2on- ing for July 18� 1g6�. Seconded by Sheridsn. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Mr, Forsberg� who was x�epresenting Robert Johnson was present and explained his ressons for asking for the rezoning, The Planning Com�ission had recoffsended approval of tYtis rezoning. Motion by Wolke to accePt the recormendation of the Planning Conmission� and set the public hearing on this rezoning for July 18� 1g61. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motir�n carried unanimously. The Planning Coumission had recommended approval of this lot-split, Motion be Nee to follow the recommendation of the P7annjn� Conmiss- ion and allow the lot-split on Lot 2�a Block F� Riverview lieights Addition. 5econded by Sheridan. Upon a vo9ce vote� there bein� no nays� the uotion carried unanimously. Motion by Wolke that this perrrit be granted. �econded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the m�tion carried unaninously. 2'he City Manager explained that the Streets and Utilities Concnittee had made the following proposal: Main Street th Ave, to 58th Ave. 2nd 5treet 7 Ave. to 58th Ave. 2 Street �th Ave. to 57� Ave. 2 Street � Ave. to �Sth Ave. rd Street 7 Ave, to 58th Ave. 57� Avenue F'ROPOSAL "C" Acquire 66' R/W as soon as possible Retain 60' R/W as is. Acquire 60' from Apt. U perty line. R/W allooring 35' est of its East pro- Reta�n 60' R/W as is. Retain 60' R/W as is Close from Main to 2nd Street - Open to b0' R/W from 2nd to 3rd Universit Avenue %th Ave, to 58th Ave. ��,��. Close from 3rd to Univ. Ave. service road. Acquire R/W� including alley for service road. A11ev I�ain to 3rd� 57th to 58th Close all 3. Nlotion by Sheridan that a rublic hearing be set on this matter for July l�'� 1;61. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the notion carried unaniReusly. , FE6!UEST EY STEVE FETERSON 'IO OF'ERAZL t,ONCE5SI0N AT MOOAE LAKE BEACH: Mr. Steve Feterson was rresFnt� �nd statFd that he would be willing to accert the one-year least at $100,00 a year� althought he would have liked to t;ave had a three-year lease� and that he intended to sell popcorn and snoro� cones. Zhere was nore discussion on this matter. Moticn k,y Sheridan to accept the reconuendation of the Park Coumittee and �rant a one-year lease to Nr. Steve Peterson for operation of a concession stand at the Mcore Lake Fseach� and also to issue the cafe license to N�r, Steve Peterson. Secr�nded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the notion carried unanimously. APFI�ICAZION I�'OR PL;AN�IZS 70 P�1FiK E�ND OCCUPY TRAILERS: Josez�h Anderson - 6570 FridleY Street: Mr, Wolke stated that a record shou7d be kept on these trailer parYing requests� so that when these cor^e up for renewal� the �ouncil will know why they grsnted them in the fjrst place, The applicant requested a permit for one year� and is do�ng minor repair work en the home, Aiotion by Wolke to grant this permit up to April 30� 1962, Seconded ly 5heridan.' Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the notion carried unanj.mously. Hichard Zorgeson - 57�0 Universitv Avenue Northeast: Mr. Torgeson had rer�uested this trailer parking pernit, so that snmeone could watch hjs parked trucks. Motion by Nee to �rant the trailer permit to kichard Torgeson, Ssconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the rrotion carried unanimously. William J. Shields: Request to park a trailer at 1350 Highway �100 for a�eriod of two months. The application stated that this trailer was to be used as a sleeping quarters only, Motion by Wolke to grant this trailer parking pernit. �econded hy Sheridan, Upon a voice vote, there heing no nays, the motioncarried unanimously. PET3TIONS: Motion by Wolke to receive the follow�ng petition for improvements� (Ed@eu�ater Gardens): Street Surfacin� - Sodding of Boulevards - Street Signs - Storn 5ewer in Edgewater Gardens. Seco ded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. CON5IDliRA2I0N OF' ZIGHTING P'OH SHOREWOOD PARKING LOT: The City Mana�er presented proposals by Northern States Power Company� and the Minneapolis Gas Ccmpany for lighting of the parking lot at 5horea��od Lounge. Motion by Walke to table this matter until July 5th so the Council may laok into this matter further. Seconded 6y u�heridan. Upon a voice vote, there leing no nays� the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: Motion by Wo]_ke to approve General Claims 46�� through 4']34, Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Metion by Sheridan to ap�rove Liquor Claims 3084 through 315%. Second- � Y.I VµYi � � 1 i I ii I I r �� i e� � i � i i� ^� i ed }ay' WoJ.ke'. ;��°.U�pon a voice votey there being no naYs� the motian carrfied .un`an3znnus��`y:� � � � , �� , ; ,y �, � , �„ � � Motion by, Wol,k`e;'�,�to a�prove Public Utility Claims 13�'7 through 1392. 9econded_,bx Sheridan,,� Upon a voice vote� there��being xio nays�.the motion ca`rri�'cl"°unari'3mousYy. � �� � , , � � Moti'on by 5her,�dan to approve the claim in the amount of $120,00 for Mr. Hensley. „Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there leing no nays� the motion carried unanimously. , �,, , � E'STII+�ATES": � ��,,'�, . � r � � -, ,��,� �,, , Motion b� Walke to approve the following est3mates: ,� ' Cbarstook �e'nd `Davis � Inc , ' � i , � �Plan�ri�ing',�F'ees:`�'"� � I�,;' �� � � � '� '�Est�mate�;�'�o�. � 1��' 8 & w �48-6 $ � , �°"Estimat'e�� No'i�'1' � � S &"W �48=B ° ' � � � Est�,mat���';�r9. 1� � s�'& w #�+8=c � '' �'� Estimat"e�No. l�" St. #1961'-1 � �Fina1 � S & W 21-A' � ' Final � ' 'r°` ��� � , S & W 21-B Fina7„ �` � ��� �� � S & W & SS 22-A F 5 & W 44 inaTi # ;, � � Comstock°and'Davis�,'Inc. � � ,, � � (St'a1K�ing'and In`spection): � ���� � � m Estimate �= � Estlmate' Estimate 'Estimate' Estimate"', "Estimate' Estimate� Estimate Estimate,, Estimate �Est3�ate' Estimate Estimate � �� , �,i�k � n � 5t. Imp #60-2 S & W' #44 S & SS #24-8 St. Imp. 60-1 5 . S .' #�40 ' S&W#f�7 S &W �{41 Water 34-A ss & st. 43 s & ss 24-n Wells 2, 3� 4 and Liquor Outlet #2 S� W & SS�`�6 5 23�480.00 7,759.25 6,339.80 5�004.02 1,473.82 1,407.48 �+�8 .46 32.91 5g1.75 89 .75 1�882.10 703 .50 6i4.5o 67.50 83 .00 7�+5. 50 1,385.63 �+,353.75 232.75 �y2.5o 50.00 Seconded b'y''�Slier,ida�1. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays� the �motion°casried'`.,unanimously. , , , i� EST TNIATE5': � _'' , r �, � � Mr. Nee,asked,,about the debris lying around the well at the northwest corner�oi''�ther,�pa`rk si�e. He felt that the City had some obli�ation to s'e,e that,this'was cleaned up, so that it would not be ok;jectionable to th'e people°in the area. Motion by Wolke to approve the follo�.ig claims: „ Barbarossa and'S,ons� Inc. �+02 33rd,'6venue,'rNorth St.,.Cloud;�Mi esota o , � ��p; ,���,�yr BaTbaros'sa,�`andi�'S'qns Inc . �+02 „33rd' �Avenue Nor�h 5t. Cloud� Miri'ne'so�a � ,, C S :'^ MeCrossan��; � Inc . 4800 Osseo Roa'ti��, Mpls. 12 �t� 5andstrom''�C Ha"frier Inc. 2054 St. Anthony'B�.vd. Minneapolis 18��Minn. ,� Sarid�s�tsom'�and,�h"�Ha'fner� Inc, 20�4 6�;�;Anthony Slvd. Min��� apolt�; "a 4, M9r�n. k'ater Improvement 34-E Estimate �{1 Water Improvement 34-D Estimate �2 Storm Sewer & St. #�+3 Estimate #3 S&SS#f24-14 �'stimate �/8 S & SS #�24-B F�;fiinate #'S � 79,717.18 52,797.07 23,094.86 22,�i3.3o . 3c,13i.5o _� �Randall Bros. 3�+00 Silver Lake Road Minnespolis 1l3� Minn. Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel C orr pany 1015 Tuttle Street Des P�oines 8� Iowa Layne-Mi mesota Co. 31�+% Calif�rnia 5t.� N.E, Minneapolis lE�� Minn. Water 'Imp. 34-A Estimate #4 To*nrer & Tank Estinate �f5 Well s 2� 3 �+ & 5 Estimate ��� Total � � i , ' , ����� i�� �� � ' I i, " �, � � � , � ��'� ; �20,639:86 r�l�' � 3�1>0.00 11,936.39 $249,180.16 with the sti�ulation that the check to Layne-Minnesota would not be given to them until such tin�e as the area around the well on the park site property is cleared up to the satisfaction of the City Nanager, and the Manager to make a report back i,o the Council on this matter. Sec�nded by Nee. UFon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unaninously. CLAIMS• Motion by Sheridan to a�prove the f'ollowing claims: Sandstrom and fiafner Contractors 2�54 St. Anthony Blvd. Minneapolis 1F� Minnesota Haising Manholes in Northern Pacific Railroad Easement, Contract Price Carol Drive - 180' - 8" V.C,P. at 5,00 Carol Drive - Rock for sewer reFair 101 tons at 2.40 per ton Labor and D�laterial for Horizon and Service Drive - 1 wet connection 1 12 by 6 tee 1 12" sleeve 1 6" gate valve and box 88' of 6" C.I. Pipe at 2.60 1 shovel operator - 8hrs at3.85 1 oiler - 8 hours at 3.30 1 Pipe layer - 8 hrs at 3.30 1 laborer - 8 hours at ,3 30 1 Superintendent- 8 hrs at 4.00 1 shovel - 8 hrs at 15.00 1 tractor - 3 hrs. at 10.00 `l otal . . . . . . . . . . 91.00 �+5.00 97.9a 228.80 30.80 26.40 26.40 26.40 32.00 120.00 3Q,00 �995.00 goo.00 2�+2 .40 75'+.50 ....... 2,91.90 �econded by Y'olke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. LICENSES• Motion by Wolke to approve the following licenses: ELECTRICAL Gopher �lectric Company �+105 Perry Avenue Robbinsdale� Minnesota GL'NERAL by: Carl H. Gause, Jr. Inter City Garage Builders Highway �/10 & University Ave. N.E. Minneapolis 21� Minnesota by: Joe F. Shun Renewal Renewal �i �, �. Donald H. Schwartz 8236 Glashburn Avenue South M3nneapolis� Minnesota MASONRY Burton L. Anderson 335�+ polk Street N. E. Minneapolis 18� Minnesota Leo H. Huot 7'723 Groveland Road Moundsview� Minnesota L & I, Concrete Construction 6858 - 7th 5treet N. E. Minneapolis 21� Minnesota FLIIMBING Moore Plumb3ng Company 2127 Forest Drive Minneapolis 21� Minnesota 01son's Plumbing Ca. 90b - 40th Avenue N. E. Minneapolis 21� Minnesota CIGARETTE Sheila hodin 6�58 East River Road Minneapolis 21� David R. Johnson 1063 - 109th Ave. NW Coon Rapids OFF SALE Sheila Rodin 6758 East River Road Minneapolis 21 SERVICE STATION David R, Johnson 1063 - lOgth Ave. NW Coon Rapids TAXICAB Mary GaUrel cik 5923 - 3rd St. NE Minneapolis 21 by: Donald H, Schwartz by: by: Burton L, Anderson I,eo H. Huot by: Roy D. Willman bys Marvin Moore kenewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal by: Vernon Olson henewal dba: Rice Creek Grocery Renewal 6�58 East River Rd Minneapolis 21 dba: Dave's r4obil 650d East River Road Renewal " �finPieapolis dba: Ftice Creek Grocery Renewal 6']58 East River Rd Minneapolis 21 dba: Dave's Mobil Renewal 6500 East River Road Minneapolis 21 dba: Fr�dley Cab Co. Renewal 5%40 University Ave. NE Minneapolis 21 Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motic�n carried unanimously. Mr. Les Knutson presented the plans for W-3�+F and W-3�+G� and ex- plained the location of these projects. Motion by W�lke to adopt the resolution ordering inprovement and approval of plans and specj- fications and ordering �dvertisenent for bids on Fr�ject 3�i-F. �econded by Sheridsn. Upan a voice vote� there bein� no nays� the motinn carried unanimrusly. ��� Motion by Wolke to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. RESIG�Al'ION I�'ROM EOAi�D OI' APPEALS BY ROGER GRIFFITHS: Motion by Wolke to accept the resignation� from the Board of Appeals� of Roger Griffiths. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the s�otion carried unanimously. LE'�Tik IN REIF'EHENCE TO N;AIN S7ItEET RIGHZ-OP'-WAY: The City Manager stated that he had had an appraiser sppraise Lot 1� B]ocy 1� Cit,y View Addition. Motion by Walke to accept the offer of the oti�ner of Lot 1� Block 1� City View Addition in the amount of �1 500.00� or in no case more than the appraised value; but to with- ho�d acquisition until such tin�e as Stale Aid Funds are available� but to sFCUre some sort ofan option on the property. 5econded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there heing no nays� the motion carried unanim�usly. : The City Aianager read the above resolution. Motion k�y Wolke to adopt the at�ove resolution. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Wolke to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there Leing no naSrs� the motion caTried unaniu,ousl,y, n i�lotion by Sheridan to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by �olke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� �he motion carried unanimously. VISI�l'ORS : 1i The Ccuncil looked the plans over on the aY�ove building permit request. Motion by Wo�ke to approve the permits on the above two lots. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. REc�UEST FUk TRAMPOLINE OPEHA�i'ION BY MFc. N,UELI,ER: Mr. Mueller was present� and stated that he would like to get a permit to ��ut in a trampoline operation next to the Golden Nugget� 64']6 East hiver Hoad. There was cnnsiderable discussion on this. There were three neighbors in the area who protested against this proposed tramp- oline operation. Mr. Mueller was instructed to proceed through the regular channels on this requFst as the Council had no way of knowing whe�her the arEa was zoned properly� or had no other information on this. Mr. Sheridan stated that there are people in the area who have four or fi.ve parcels of land, and would like to plat this� and would like to to have the public hearing on the final plat set for July 18th, Motion b,y Sheridan to set the public hearing on the above matter for July 18th. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no na,ys� the notion carried unanimously. �'�� CASH REGISTER5 AT b.UNICIPAZ LI�dUOR STORE AND AUDIT OP ON-SALE ¢�2: Motion by Sheridan to accept the audit by George Hansen and Associates of On-5ale #�2, Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. DISMISSAL OI' EMPLOYEE: Motion by Sheridan to concur in the disu,issal of John Prondzinski from the Municipal Liquor Store. Seconded by i�'olke. UPon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RELGCATION OF HIGHWAY #r'100: Mr. McFadden from the Highway Departn,ent was present� and exrlained the pz�oposed relocation of Highway �Z00 between H3ghway �i65 and High- way �56. He explained that because of the excessive cost of obtain- ing a part of the drive-in theater propFrty� the Highway Department would like to del.ete the two outer drives from this ilighway �'100 plan� and would like the �ouncil's thinking on this matter. Mr. Shericlan s�ated that he would like to look this matter over further before he would say whether or not he would be in favor o£ it. There was no further action taken on this. E�UIPMENT PURCHASE • Mr, Wagner� the City Manager� read a letter from the Engineer re- questing permission to purchase a usEd sieam cleaner� and a used dis- tributor in the amcunt of �2�5.00 and �,�+95.00� respectively, Motion by Nee to approve the purchases. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT• There being no further business� the Mayor declared the meeting ad- �ourned. Respectfully submitted: Marvi C. Brunsell Secretary to the Council COUNCIT, MINUTES - NLY 5� 1961. /. 7 `�'lr-�.4� ,' �1 �-,' Thomas E. Grie � Mayor A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mgyor Greig at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Members Absent: Johanson� Greig� Nee� Sheridan� Wolke (arrived at 8:12 P.M.) None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Johanson meeting. 8econde�i the motion carried OLD BUSINES5• to approve the minutes of the June 20� 1961 by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, unanimously. SECOND READING �F PERSaNNEL ORDINANCE: The City Manager�read the proposed ordinance. Mr, Johanson ques- tioned whether a person would receive jury pay and his re�ular salary