07/05/1961 - 00023888:�'��y CASH REGISTER9 AT MUNICIPAL LI�+UOR STORE AND AUDIT UF ON-SALE �I2: Motion by 5hexidan to accept the audit of On-Sale �2, Seconded by Nee. Upon nays� the motion carried unanimously. DISMIS5AI, OF EMPLQYEE: by George Hansen and Associates a voice vote� tkiere beinp, no Motion by Sheridan to concur in the dismissal of John Prondzinski from the Municipal Liquor Store. Seconded by [�olke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RL+'LCCATION OF HIGHWAY �`100: Mr. McFadden from the Highway Departn�ent was present� and exp]ained the proposed relocation of Highway �}100 between Highway �165 and High- way �56. He explsined that because of the excessive cost of obtain- ing a part of the drive-in theater property� the Highway Department would like to delete the two outer drives from this fIighway ,�'100 plan� and would like'the �ouncil's thinking on this matter. Mr. Shericlan stated that he would like to look this matter over further before he would say whether or not he would be in favor of it. There was no further action taken on this, Ei�UIPMENT FURCHASE : Mr. Wagner� the City Manager, read a letter from the En�ineer re- questing permission to purchase a usfd steam cleaner� and a used dis- tributor in the amount of �b2'7j.00 and $���+)5.00� res�+ectively. Motion by Nee to approve the purchases. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNP�NT • There being no further business� the Mayor declared the meeting ad- journed. Respectfully suhmitted: �.�. Marvi C. Brunsell Secretary to the Council COUNCIL MINUTES - NLY 5� 1961. J��/'` ; � ,( ,��-�, Thomas E. Grie , Mayor A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by M�yor Greig at 8:00 P,M. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Members Absent: Johanson, Greig� Nee� Sheridan� Wolke (arrived at 8:12 P.M.) None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Johanson meeting. Beconded the motion carried �LD BUSINESS: to approve the by Nee. Upon unanimously. minutes of the June 20� 1961 a voice vote� there being no nays� SECOND READING OF PERSONNEL ORDINANCE: The City Manager read the proposed ordinance, Mr, Johanson ques- tioned whether a person would receive jury pay and hts re�ular salary 6b'l� :i� �' �as well. The Mayor also brought up the matter oP whether a person should be paid his regular salary� plus the salary #'x�om the Federal government� in the case of a person going on a two-week tour of duty wii.h the National Guard. Mr. Kohlan stai,ed that he would cheek on this matter� and it was passed over until lal,er in the meeting. Mr, Kohlan stated that it was mandatory to pa,y the full pay while on military leave� according to Section 8,01 of the Statutes. Mr, l+olke arrived at 8:12 P.P�I. Mr. Sheridan stated that he thought a closing time for doing business shnuld be the san,e in residential and commercial areas. He thought that it should be 9:00 P.N,� in all cases. There was further dis- cussi�n on the time limit. Motion by Sheridan to accept this as the first readin� of the ordinance� with the 9:00 P.M, closing in all areas. Seconded by Johanson, Upon a voice votey there being no nays� the tr�otion carried unanimously. Greig turned the gavel over to Mr. Wolke. CONSIDERATION OP' LIGHTING FOR SHOREWOOD PARKING LOT: The City t�ianager stated that it would cost approximstely �$50,00 for installation of 14 lights, and 3 torches by the Minneapolis Gas Campany. Mr. Sleridan outlined the proposed location of the gaslights. Mr. Wolke si,ated that he thought gaslights would enhance the whole area. Mr. Wolke returned the gavel to Greig. Notion by Sheridan to adopt the proposed package with 1�+ regular lights, and 3 torches for place- ment at the Liquor Store No. 3. Seconded by Wolke. Those voting in favor: Johanson� Greig� Sheridan� Wolke. Opposed: Nee. The motion carried. Mr. Clark was present� and stated that he wished to withdraw his re- quest for vacation of the alley and of McKinley Street� and withdraw his request for approval of his final plat. No further action was taken on the above. This ended the hearings. . N�W bUSINESS• The City P4anager read the notice of hearing. The Planning Commission had recommended vacation of this alley. No one r�as present at the public hearing who was in favor� or opposed to this proposed vacation. The C�ty Manager read the ordinance vacating alley from 60th to 61st between 2z Street and 3rd Street. Motion by Johanson to close the hearing and to accert this as the first reading of the above ordinance. Seconded by 4�'olke. Upon a voice vote� there being no'nays� the motion carried unanim�usly. - The City Mana�er read the above ordinance. Mr, Wolke asked where the area was that this pertained to� and the City Manager expleined that it was on the east side of Highwsy #65� and north of �3rd Avenue Northeast. No one appeard for or against the proposed ordinance change. The Mayor declared the hearing closed, Motion by Johanson to accept this as the second read3n� of the above ordinance� and to have it published. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. `��i��. � PERS�NNEL -ORDINA�VCE: Motion by Sheridan to amend 5ection 8 of the personnel ordinance� to read� such emploqee shall be entitled to receive as pay� a sum of money equal to•,the dif'ference between what he received as coir�pensation for such jury duty or witness fees� and his regular pay, and also Section 8,01� any employee absent from work in accordance with the order of a duly established military authority shall receive pay and compensation during such absence as is provided by State Law. Motion secor.ded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. SECOND FcEADING (3F PER50NNEL OHDINATdCE N0. 182-1961: Motion by Johanson to accept this as the second reading of the per- sonnel ordinance� and to have it puhlished. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. The City %Ianager read the notice of hearing. Mr. Johanson asked what the rate per foot of assessment would be. The City Clerk stated that he did not have this 3nformation, as he had not recei�•ed an oui,line of the drainage distrjct. Mr. Knutson� from Comstock and D�vis� Inc.� stated that 1,he overall area was �.10 acres� but he did not have his map with hiff�,t��hich would show 1.he outline of the distrjct. Mr, James Thayer was present� and stated that he would like to know the boundary of the area� and what plans the City has for assessing it. There was discussion as to whether the County should participate in tYie cost� since Mississippi �treet is a County Road. Mr, Johanson said the County put in Mississippi Street� and a.ere responsible for the w�y that it was put �n� and the engineering of it� and therefore� should be responsible for some of the cost of the storm sewer. Mr. Johanson stated that he thought that the City should �et in touch with the County on this matter. Mr, Thayer asked again�what area the assess- ment district covered. Mr, Kohlan staLed that the i�ighway Depart- ment has overall plans for the area� and some work might be dupli- cated. Mr. Knutsen stated that there were three alternatives: (1) Temporary early construction at '7th Street� to drain the �,�ater out� or (2) Action could be deferred until the Highway Department plans are firm� and the connection cc�uld be made at University :�venue� or (3) The Drainage could be run to the southwest to tie in with the drainage area in back of the City Hall. Mr, Wolke asked the Consult- ing Engineer if he were sure of the area to be drained. Mr, Knutson stated that he was� so Mr. ��olke stated that they could assess the area� but the assessment should not be collected until the balance of the storm sewer in the area was put in� and then the overall assessment could be made at that time. Charles Young� who lives at 56 - 6th Street asked if this would take care of storm sewer water in his area. The answer was "no". Goerge Meissner� Mississippi Street� slated that he is all for the storm sewer� but the City should get the County and the State in on the project. Mr. Greig stated that the City has had a very hard tine dealing with the County� and the State� and it has not been able to get any placewith them. He recommended that the storm sewer be put in and assessed to the property owners� and that he was resigning from the Coumittee to work with State� as it was impossible to work. with them. The Mayor declared the hearing closed. Motion by Wolke that the storm sewer be put in� and the assessments be crmruted� but that t'.^_e assessmerts re deferrer� until the ���hn]_e area is assessed for the storm sewer. Motion b,y Wolke� was seconded by Nee. U�on a vo3ce vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Wolke that the Consulting En�ineer calculate the Uenefit area� and determine the cost of in�rovement for assessment� 1.hat the cost 6e deferred, and considere� part of an overall cost of improve- meni, of the whole area, and assess at �hat time. �econded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there bein� rio na,ys� the motien carried unani- • mously. ��o-� _ , � „� � 1'he City Mana�er announced that the bids were opened,at 12:00 noon on July 5� 1961� in the presence of Councilman 4Jolke� Mayor Greig� Engineer Brown, City Manager Wagner, Consulting Engineer Knutson. The bids which were received were as fo7loo�s: FLANHOLDERS Minn. Sewer and Water 1204 Merrivale Ave. Diinneapclis 26� Minn. BID SECUItITY Ohio Farmers Tnsurance 5/ I3arbarossa & Sons� Inc. St. Paul Fire �+02 - 33rd Avenue North and Marine 5t, Cloud� Minnesota 5°� YJalbon Excavation Co. 3242 Hi�hway f'8 Minneapolis 18� Minn. Bart Carlone ']61 Jefferson Ave. 5t. Paul� Minnesota Lanietti & Sons 211 Pascal Avenue No. St. Paul 4� Minnesota Randall and Berglin 6F�Q1 F'laza Curve Minneapolis 21, Minnesota Fidelity & Dr�posit Co. 5� Continental Casualty 5% Seaboard Surety 5% iVG BID l�orbal Cc,nst. Co. 5341 Fenn Ave. N. Minneapolis� Minn, NO BID Avoles �ontract. �o. Inc. Great American 77; E . ']th Street St. Paul� Minn, 5� Minn. Rots Excavating� Inc. Anchor 6332 Lakeland Avenue Casualty Dlinneapolis 2�� Minnesota 5°� 2�iontgouery ��nst. Co. St, Croix I'al]s� Wis. R. J. Potter� Inc. Route 1 Osseo, Minnesota Morettini Const. Co, 852 westminster St. Paul� Minnesota Ohio F'arners 5� �t. Paul F'ire and Marine �� Seaboard 5urety 5� LUMP SUM BID $20,643.20 20,998.50 28,372.50 32,036.25 � 24,52�.00 COMPLETION TIME 30 days 30 days 60 days 90 days 40 days 4 23�821.95 25 days z2,951.00 22,332.50 33,300.00 22,8'76.00 90 days 3o aays 60 days �+5 aays Mr. Johanson asked what the en�ineering estimate had been. Les Knutson said that the overall estimate was �'�26,000.00, and that the bids were about ��3�000,00 under the estimate, and he felt that the Minnesota 3ewer and Water Company was a reliable corrpan,y. Mr. Johanson intro- ducEC� the following resolution awarding the bid for 5ewer and 1n'ater Fro�ect �Io. 4y� and moved its adoption. RESOLUTION N0. 84-1961 A RL�SOLUTION AWARDIIIG CONTRACT ON FROJECT N0. 55�t9 BE 1T kESOLVED BY THE COUYCIL OF ZHE CIZY OF FRIDLEY� MINNF:SOTA as follows: l, The Council finds that the lowest responsible bidder for cnnstruc- 2U�.. tion of the improvement work designated as: Project No. 55�+9 (Storm Sewer) is Minnesota Sewer and Water Company 1204 Merriva]e Avenue Minneapolis 26� Minnesota; whose b�d is in the amcunt ot' �20,643.20. That said bid is hereby accepted� and the City D,anager and Mayor in off'ice on date of execution of the ccntract are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for and in behalf of the City of Fridley. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL Or THE CITY OF JULY� 1961. �� � � CITY MANAGER - Ea P. G4agner FRIDLEY T�S �j�1'H DAY OI' � (�J {�r MAYO - T. E. Gr ig Zhe motion for the ado�tion of the above resolution was duly seconded by Councilman Neea and up�n a vote being taken thereon� the f'ollowing members voted in favor of triereof: Greig� Johanson� Nee� Wolke, �he�idan. and the following voted against the same: none WHEREUPON SAID RESOLUZION WA5 DECLARED DULY PASSED fiND ADOPZED. 1960 ANNUAL REPORT OP' THE NiINNEAPOLIS GAS COMPANY: Motion by Sheridan to receive the report from the Gas Comx�any� and place it on file. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. RE�ORT FROM THE SUBURBAN GAS AGENCY: Mr. Sheridan stated thnt on June 22nd� representatives of 1.he Suburban Gas Agency met� and the menbers voted to continue the association� even thou�h they did not �et the le�islation throu�h which they clesired. The assodation had �p1�+�000.00 in the bank� which they were investin�� and the members had decided that each coT�munity sh�uld think in terms of taking over the franchise within their own commun- ity. Zhe purpose of this �ould be (]) It would show the Gas Company that this a�ency means business� (2} If the proposition looked attrac- tive enough� the gas lines actually could be �aken over. Mr. Eheridan stated that if the �ouncil liked the 3dea� that additional informetion could be gotten on what would be involved in taking over the franchise, and after nore information has been received, the Council could then make a decision. Mr. Nee stated that the City should think seriously of taking over the franchise. Mr. H`olke said that he agrees with Ray �heridan on this matter. Mr. Sheridan stated that he will pass on the views of the �ity Council to the Suburban Gas Agency. CONSIDERATION OF C1VIL DEF'ENSE OFERATIONAL AND SURVIVAL PLAN: Motion by Johanson to receive and approve this plan. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon s voice vote� there being no nays� the moi:ion carried unanimously. BCIAP,D ('� �qIIALIZATI('Pd 2T�TI"'G : The City Manager stated that the County h�d set the date of July 14� 1961 for this Equalization Meetin�. Mo1,3on by Wolke to accePt this date. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there bein� no nays� the motion carried unaniR�usly. APPOINTMENT TO BOAHD OF AFT'EALS: Motion by Nee to appoint Ing 5iverts to the Board of APpeals to com- plete the term of Ro�er Griffiths which expires December 31� 1°61. 5econded by Wolke. UFon a v�ice vote� there leing no nays� the motion carried unanimously. ���F� The Mayar stated that the creek runs through these lots� and did not think part of the lot would be buildable. Mr. Wolke stated that he would like to have more information jn a case like this� so that the Council cnuld deteruine whether or not the assessment should be abated. The Mayor stated that he thought that the assessments should be abated, since the sawer connection is aln�ost in the creek. Motion by 4Jolke to defer decision on this until more information is available. Seconded by Nee. Upon a z�cice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Gavel to W'olke. The City Mana�*er read s leLter from the SLate Highway Department in regard to the school signal� in which the State Highway Department stated the two-color type of signal is no longer acceptable. Mr. Wagner stated that Mr. Madsen� the County Coirmissioner will bring this n:atter up to the County Baard at the meeting on Monday to see ifthe Caunty Board would accepi, the standard signal as used by the Highway Department. The City P1ana�er suggested that the City �o ahead on this matter in the meantime. Motion by Nee to direct the City Manager to re-apply for the perniit and to go ahead on this. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously, Gavel b2ck to Greig. CONSIDF�,RATI�N OF TFIE SALE OF COLOR T.V. 5ET AT THE SHOREWOOD LOUNGE: Mr. Sheridan stated that he did not think that the price was enough. Mr. Wolke stated that the City Mana�er should get appraisals from three television conpanies, so the Counc3l would have some idea what the set would le w�rth. C�nsiderable discussion as to whether the price of �f50.00 was a reasonable nrice or not. Mr. Johanson moved to adopt the resolutien authorizing ihe sale of the color television set at Shorewood Lounge. Seconded by Nee. Upon a vote� those voting "yes"� dohanson� Grei�� Pdee; those voting "no"� Sheridan and Wolke. Mr. Wolke su�gested that two or three persons be contacted by the City Manager to s e e 1 f th i s w a s a g � od pr i e e.,��kr�x��r�a�ec�acx�etxaa�erdcxlap�x� �k��d#acaac�x�axs�ksa�ncarsxacacgraorr���r�rer, Motion by Nee to reeon- sider the motion. Seconded by Wolke. Those voting in favor of recon- sidering the motion� Nee� Sheridan� Wolke; Opposed� Johanson and Greig. Motion carried. Motion by Wolke that the City Nanager contact a number of T. V, dealers to determ9ne the trade-in value or cash value of the set. �econded by Sheridan. Tl�ose voting in favor� Tohanson� Nee� Sher9dan�-6�olke, Opposed Greig. Mation carried. The Cit,y A4anager read the above resolution. Mr, Wolke said that Lhe charges were adequate and fair. Motion by Wolke to above reso.lution. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� no na,ys � Lhe motion carried unanim��usl y. ' CLAIh�S : that he felt adopt the there being Mot9on ty [n'olke to approve General C�.aims 4'735 through 4821. Seconded by Nee. UP�n a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanim�usly. M�tion Y_y Nee to approve Liquor Clainis 3158 through 31�6. Seconded by Sheridan. Ur�n a voice vote� there bein^ no nays� Lhe motion carried unanimously. Moti�n by Nee to approve Fublic Utility Claims 1393 through 1414. Seconded Uy �`olke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. ��� ESTIMATES: Motion by Sheridan to approve the following estimates: Comstock and Davis� Inc, 1446 Coun�y Road "J" Minneapolis 21y Minnesota Plannine and General supervision S& W& SS #3 6 Estinate No. 3 iFinal) 5& W #4'J Estimate No. 1(Final) Inspection and Resident Supervision S &,-� SS w S&SS w W ss & st. 5 & W 5S st. #24-A #34-A #,�24-B #f 3 �+-D �33-E �r ��+1 #40 #60-2 Estimate �io. 11 Estimate No. '7 Est�mate No. 8 Estimate No. 1 Estimate No. 1 Estimate No. �+ Fstimate No. 5 Estimate No. �+ Estimate No. 8 Randall and Berglin b801 Plaza Curve Minneapolis 21� Minnesota S& W #�+7 Estimate No. 2(Final) TOTAL $ 810.48 262. 1 1,072.79 $ 2�030.50 1,6S2.15 2 � 28'7 . 00 3,646.50 1,600,2� 3 , �+1 �3 . 86 75.%5 99.00 $ 1 f, ,3 $ `.i16.51 $ �6,433.�� Seconded by Wolke, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carriecl unanimously. LICEIVSE5: Motion by Johanson to approve the list of licenses as follows: �lectrical Iierb's Electric �f%1 - 8th Avenue N. W. New Brighton� Minnesota Gas F'ittin� Ei. A. Wiley Well Co. Osseo� Minnesota General Contractors B & B Investment C'o., 2807 Johneon Street N. E. Minneapolis, Mtnnesota Byrne Home Laprovement 69Q8 Lskeview Drive Circle Pines, Minnesota Andy Hohn & Son 1000 Lincoln Terrace htinneapolia 21, Minnesota O�Bennon Construction� inc. 5824 Meadow�.I.eke Road Minneapolie 27� Minneaota by: H. Bacon� Jr. by: R. A. Wiley by: D. F. Babineki by: LeRoy P. Byrne by: A, Hohn bp: M. 0'Bannon kenewal Renewal New New Renewal Renewal Harvey Peteraon 151 Glen Creek Road by: H. Peterson Renewal Minneapolis 21, NH.nneaota �1�� �� Generel Contractora �Continued) Statewide Contraatora 4950 FS�¢eleior Boulevard St. Louia Park, Minnesota Heat Anoka Heeting & Air Conditioning 327 Van Buren Street Anoka� Minnesota Stenderd Heating Company /+10 Weat Lake Street Mtnneapolie, Minnesota Maso Carl R, Haneon 3g09 Buchanan Street N. E. Minneapolie 21, Minneeota W & A Conetruction Compa�y 6349 Portland.Avenue South Minneapolis� Mtnnesota Plumbine Jaek E. Adams l�y36 - 2nd Stseet N. E. Minneapolis 21� Minnesota R. A. Wiley Well Compaz{p Osseo� Minneaota Service Station North Star S ar�vice 4040 Marahall Street N. E. t�ff.nneapolia a Minnesota Ciearette North Star Service l,oy.0 Marahall Street N. E. Minneapolis, Mianeaota hy: D. Petersoa bp: D, Henning by: T. Ferrara by: C. R. Hanaon by: A. Andresen by: J. E. Adems by: R. A. Wiley by: F4�ed Vye bp: F�ed Vye Nex Renewal Reaewal Renewal Renewal New Renewal Renewal Reaeval Seconded by Wolke. IIpoa a wice vote, thete being no naps, the motiou carried unanimouely. . PETTTION Motion by Nee to receive the petition for street and curb in S�lvan Lene. Seconded by Johanaon. IIpon a voice wte, there being no nays� the motion carried unani- mously. The City Maneger e�plained that 7th Street ia a State Atd Road� and the City Attorney and the City Manager•are working on acquiriag a right-oY-srqp�,and are vorking on the right-of vay plan to aubmit to the State HighWey Department. hh�. Brown stated that the Citq and Mr. Herringer intend to work out and placs in effect a temporary aolntioa ao thst the water will not cut acroea 7th Street xith high velocities and uaeh eand over the area to tha weat. Thia wi71 be a tempor- ary meaeure. A permanent eolution xill have to wait until�thelpermanent storm sewer is put in. Thera were esveral complainte Prom the andienoe,about damage to houses and xater running over the area to the west of 7th Street. The City Manager. eocplained the map Whinh showed the propoaed 1q61 etorm,',aewer construc- tion, which included a]1 of the ares,under diacusaion, plua mat�y pther areas. The City Manager atated that the City wae in the process of working this out ��� with the state. One of the residents atated that something temporary heia to be done� as he is ahoveling �and every time it raina. Another of the residenta asked if a cnlvert could be laid along 7th Street to Highwqy #100� and drain the water out that wey. 'Another of the residents saked if 7th Street couldn�t be blocked as the trucke carrying material into the bigh echool buildiag are creating a terrific dnst problem in the area. There was further discusaion on this matter. Motion by Wolke to instruct the City Manager and City Engineea� to put e barra- cade on '7th Street� to hlock it off from traffic, and to uae 61st 6venue as a construction socees for the high school. 5econded by Nee, Upon e voioe vote, there being no a�ye� the m�tion carried unanimously. Motion by Sheridan to _ receive the patitioa regarding the eump drain at 56th and 7th Street. 5econded by Nee. IIpoa a voice vote� there heing no n�ys, the motion cerried unenimously. PETTTION FOR STORM BEWFR ON RICKARD ROAD AND ALDFN WAY: Motion by Wolke to receive the above petition and place it on file. Seconded bq Tohaneon. Upon a voice vote� there being no nqys� the motion carried vnanimously. PF.TITION REGARDSNG THE PARK AREA ALONG CENTRAL At1FNUE AND HIGHWAY #65: The people in the area had complimented the Council on improving the park eres, but they asked that eomething be done about the floating bogs in the lake. Motion by Wolke to receive the petition and place it on file. Seconded by Sheridea. Upon a voice trote� there being no nays� the motion carried nnanimovsly, Ah�. Walke stated that the best time to get the bo�s out would be ln the winter. Mr. Donlin, the Park Director, was present and stated thet conaiderable time wae spent on getting theee boga out of the area. He stated that s dragline would coet about �700.00 a week to clean this up. Mr. 5heridan suggeated that thie work be done now, end added to the 1962 budget. I�. Johanson suggested that Mr. Donlin get a firm �ice oa the job. The City Manager stated that m�ybe it could be work- ed into the budget. The matter of spraging the weeds in the lake was discussed. The Mqyor thought that the City Council ehould make a decisioa ae to whether or not the weeda in the area should be e�.'qyed, M�tion by Nee to instruct the City Manager� and staff� to investigete the feasibility oP f�rther development of Moore Lake Beach� and Moore I.ake area, and bring a written report back to the Council in a month. Seconded by Sheridan. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, � LETTFR IN REFgi.ENCE TO MEEfING TO DISCIISS SANTTARY SEWER DISTRICT: Motion by Johaneon to call a apecial meeting of the City Council for Julq 11, 1961. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the mot3on carried unanimously. " -� • • •. � • a a�• + � � � Mr. Brown explained that actuel],y the designstion of the etreets csn be changed at a�+ time wntil the time money is sctuallq spent. Mr, Wolke inquired as to what the definitioa of the State Aid Roada are, 1�. Knhlan explained that these are Manioipel 5tate Aid Roads. Mr. Wolke atated that he wovld like to know, or would like the Counc3l to be informed before a� money is spent on construction of State Aid Aoade� ao that the Council coul.d reviaw axid have final say as to whether or not a etreet should be improaed ae a State Aid Road. Motion by Wolke to adopt the above resplution. Seconded by Nee. IIpon s voice vote, there being no naps� the motion css�ried unanimously. hbtion by Wolke that the Covncil be informed before ai{}* mo}�ey ia to be apent �'or construction on a State Aid Road. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no n�ve� the motion carried unaiiimously. IX7NSIDERATION �F. IIiON REND9AL PLANT DFSIGNr This matter vae paseed ovsr until later in the meeting. CONSIDERATION OF SIIRVE7[ PROBLEM - 53-k AVENUE NDRTHEAST: The City Menager read a petition in which a resident at 53� Aveaue Northeast (now Skywood Lene)� rmquested Swanstrom Builders to re-plat the lota on 3ky►rood Lane, or 53� Avenne Northeaat. Tha Citp itenager,eaplained the problem which wae that aome of thg hotteea had not been sitnated ia'�the exaot loeetion they ehovld have been� and rooY overhangs� etc.� were protruding onto the adjoining lots. The Ci�y,h�.nager atated that he did not'Pee1 that thb Citq could help the peo- „ ple in this pasticulari instance. Mr. Kohlan stated that he did not think a �� i re-plat would be feaeible. There wae coneiderable diacuseion on this� and ae to whethea� the City ehovld initiate any action, or whether it wae a p¢�ivate mattea�� The M4Yor seked that the City Attorney� and the people involved in thie matter retire to the adjoining room to diacusa thie, which they did. Motion by Nee to receive the petition requeating the re-plat oP Suanstrom�s Court Additioa. Second- ed by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried uaeni- mous�y. Motion bq Johanaon to turn the matter of thia siuwey problem on Skywood I�ne over to the City Attorney. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nt�ys� the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF REVISED STATE HIGIiWAY DEPARTMENT PLANS FOR HIGHWAY #100: Mr. McCubrey from the State Highway Department uae present� and eacglained the pra- sent plan for Highwap #100� which eliminated the outer drive on the'north and the south aide of Highway #100� between xighae�y �65 and 7th Street. Council indi- cated that they would be in favor of the plan presented� although no forma]. actioa was taken. CONSIDERATION OF FSTABLISHMENT OF FEES FOR RE7ANING AND IAT SPLIT APPLICATIONS: The City Menager read the propoaed fee schedule for razoning and lot eglita. Mr. Sheridan etated that he did not feel tk�t a property owner ahould be requirad to make a park depoait on small plats which amounted to lot aplits. In moat cases they were eaen pc�ying a park depoeit on property which they occupied as their own home. Motion by Sheridan to approve the fees as set forth by the City Manager� feea to be effective Suly 5� 1961. Seconded by Johanaon. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unenimously. RESD7LUTION N0. 87-1961 ESTABLISAING A CHECK CASHING ACCOIINT: Motion by Johanaon to adopt the above regolution. Seconded by Sheridan. Upoa I e voice vote, there being no nays, the mo�Gion carried �+nani�+�+usly. � CLAIM - FIR.E DEPARTMENT: Motion by Johanson to approve the fallowing claims of the Fire Depertmettt: Fire Department Payroll - Jenuary 1� 1961 through June 30� 1961 ia the amount of �4,33z.00 for fire funa� and �157.50 for burning permita. Seconded bp Sheridan. Upon e voice vote� there being no uc�ys� the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION ON PURCHASE OF LAND FOR A CIVIC CF�TER: There uea a diacussion on the amount oP acres to purchaae. Motioa by Nee to authorize the City Manager to get att optioa� or put earnest money down oa up to 18 acrea of land at �2�000.00 per acre. Seconded by Sheridan. IIpon a voice vote, there being no naya, the motion carried unauimously. WNSIDERATION OF IIiON RENDVAL PLANT DFSIGN: Nh�. Knutson mcplained the building outline. The size of the building xould be 72' x 98�� and xould have 15�000 square feet. The cost of the completed buildixg as presented �.vuld be approximately �105,�0.00. I£ the building xere deaigned with a door on the side and the height raiaed 2 feet� the cost would be approxi- mately $120�000.00. IY the building were built in two etepa, the coat would be approximately �110,000.00 Por the £irat �opoaal. The Council indicatad that they wiahed to have the entire building built at this time, xithout the 2 foot additional height; but the complete building for �105,000.00. ADJOURNMENP • There being no ftiu�ther buainess� the M�yor declered the meeting adjovrned. Reapectfully aubmitted: \ r� L�1 �� Mervin C. sell MAYO - T. E. Grei Secretary to the Council